Overview of Higher Education in The United States Diversity Access and The Role of The Marketplace 2004 PDF

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An Overview

of Higher
in the
United States:
and the
Role of the

By Peter D. Eckel
and Jacqueline E. King

American Council on Education

The Unifying Voice for Higher Education
This publication originally appeared as a chapter in J. Forest and P. Altbach (Eds.),
The International Handbook of Higher Education (two volumes), published by Springer.
Available at http://www.springeronline.com.

No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic
or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval
system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

American Council on Education

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on Education.

American Council on Education

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Washington, DC 20036
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii

The Distinctive Characteristics of U.S. Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Size and Composition of U.S. Higher Education. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Governance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Finance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

Students. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

The Curriculum and Degrees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Faculty and Their Appointments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

University Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Student Life and Athletics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Current Challenges Confronting U.S. Higher Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

The Marketplace (Not Government) as Key External Driver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Higher Education as an Engine of Mobility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Other Current Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

US . .
higher education borrows its structure from both the British

undergraduate college and German research university, but its

character is profoundly influenced by three major philosophical

beliefs that shape American public life.1 Informed by the Jeffersonian ideals of limited

government and freedom of expression, states, religious communities, and individuals

established and maintain a range of higher education institutions and continue to protect

these institutions from the levels of government control seen in most other countries.

The second set of influences is capitalism and the belief in the rationality of markets.

American colleges and universities vie for students, faculty, and funding under the

assumption that diversity and high quality are best achieved through competition rather

than centralized planning. The final major philosophical influence on American higher

education is a widespread commitment to equal opportunity and social mobility. Higher

education was an elite activity for much of its history, excluding individuals based on

gender, religion, race/ethnicity, and social class. However, during the 20th century,

economic and social changes transformed higher education into a primary gateway to the

middle-class, and women and minorities made inroads against longstanding exclusion

from mainstream higher education. Americans came to view broad access to higher

education as a necessary component of the nations ideal as a land of opportunity.

Higher education responded by broadening access. Indeed, the one uniquely American

type of institutionthe community collegewas founded in the 20th century to ensure

open access to higher education for individuals of all ages, preparation levels, and incomes.

Guided by these beliefs, U.S. higher education reflects essential elements of the

American character: independence, suspicion of government, ambition, inclusiveness,

and competitiveness. This publication describes the major characteristics of American

higher education and important issues that challenge it, linking back as appropriate to

these essential philosophical underpinnings.

In the United States, several important terms differ in meaning from most of the rest of the world. The term college refers to an institution that typically
awards only undergraduate degrees. The term faculty can refer either to an individual professor or to all instructors (e.g., The Harvard faculty approved
a new degree program.)
American Council on Education iii
The Distinctive Characteristics of
U.S. Higher Education

ecause American higher educa- federal student aid programs and therefore
tion is so diverse and complex, are not counted by the federal government
any description of standard (U.S. Department of Education, 2003).
practice inevitably misstates Degree-granting institutions are
much about individual colleges typically divided into four major groups,
and universities. Indeed, important and a considerable amount of diversity
exceptions to most of the characteristics exists within each group:
described in this paper exist. Nonetheless, Americas 1,100 public two-year insti-
this section provides an overview of how tutions, or community colleges, enroll
most colleges and universities are governed the largest share of undergraduates
and financed, their students and faculty, (6 million students in 2001). These
and the nature of the curriculum and institutions award associate degrees in
student life. vocational fields, prepare students for
transfer to four-year institutions, and
Size and Composition of serve their communities by providing a
U.S. Higher Education wide array of educational services.
In addition to diversity, autonomy, com- These services range from specialized
petition, and accessibility, size is a distin- training for large employers, to English
guishing feature of U.S. higher education. language instruction for recent immi-
The U.S. Department of Education counts grants, to recreational courses. Almost
6,500 postsecondary institutions that 4 million students attended community
participate in its student financial aid colleges part-time in 2001. The U.S.
programs, including 4,200 colleges and government does not track enrollment
universities that award degrees and 2,300 figures for noncredit adult education or
institutions that award vocational certifi- recreational courses, but the American
cates. These 6,500 institutions enrolled Association of Community Colleges
approximately 16 million full- and part- estimates that an additional 5 million
time students, including 14 million under- students enroll in these types of courses
graduates and 2 million graduate and at community colleges every year.
professional students, in fall 2001. The There are only 630 public four-year
4,200 colleges and universities awarded colleges and universities in the United
more than 2.4 million degrees in academic States. But these institutionswhich
year 200001. In addition, an untold include regional comprehensive
number of other institutions offer universities that concentrate on under-
post-secondary instruction of some type graduate teaching and graduate
but do not choose to participate in the preparation in professional fields such

American Council on Education 1

as teaching and business, as well as For-profit institutions primarily offer
research universities that offer a vocational programs that result in
comprehensive set of undergraduate, certificates rather than degrees. Of the
graduate, and professional degree more than 2,400 for-profit institutions
programsenrolled 6.2 million counted by the U.S. Department of
students in 2001. This figure includes Education, 500 offer two-year associate
5 million undergraduates and slightly degrees and 320 offer bachelors
more than 1 million graduate students.2 and/or graduate degrees. In total,
Private not-for-profit institutions are for-profit institutions enrolled more
extremely diverse, including research than 750,000 students in 2001, all
universities, four-year liberal arts but 50,000 of whom were at the
colleges that focus on undergraduate undergraduate level.
teaching, a small number of two-year
institutions, faith-based institutions Table 1 provides an overview of enroll-
that maintain strong links with ment in each of these four sectors. This
religious denominations, womens large number and wide range of institu-
colleges, historically black colleges tions offer both access and choicetwo
and universities, and specialized hallmarks of American higher education
institutions that focus on a single field, that respond to the previously described
such as nursing or fine arts. Private value placed on opportunity and faith in
not-for-profit institutions enrolled the market.
3.2 million students in 2001, including
2.3 million undergraduates and more
than 700,000 graduate students.

Table 1. U.S. Postsecondary Institutions and Enrollments: Fall 2001

Public Private Private Total
Not-for-Profit For-Profit

Institutions 2,099 1,941 2,418 6,458

Four-Year 629 1,567 324 2,520
Two-Year 1,165 269 779 2,213
Less than Two-Year 305 105 1,315 1,725

Enrollment 12,370,079 3,198,354 765,701 16,334,134

Four-Year 6,236,486 3,120,472 321,468 9,678,426
Two-Year 6,047,445 63,207 241,617 6,352,269
Less than Two-Year 86,148 14,675 202,616 303,439

The number of graduate and undergraduate students does not add to the total number of students because some students may take courses outside a
formal degree program and, in other cases, the degree level of students was not reported.


Governance advocate to the legislature on behalf of
Another of the philosophical underpin- public colleges and universities. In some
nings of U.S. higher education is the states, more than one multi-campus
Jeffersonian notion of limited and, system exists, such as Californias distinct
whenever possible, locally controlled systems of community colleges, compre-
government. Based on this model, the hensive state colleges and universities,
U.S. Constitution reserves for the states and research universities.
all government functions not specifically Because the Constitution does not
described as federal. Among those func- mention education as a federal responsi-
tions is education. As a result, each of the bility, the federal government plays a lim-
50 states is responsible for governing ited role and the United States has never
public colleges and universities (which had an education ministry, such as those
enroll 75 percent of students), rather than found in most other countries. With the
the federal government. The degree of important exception of the Morrill Land
control by the states varies tremendously. Grant Act of 1862, which donated federal
Some institutions, such as the University territory to the states for the establish-
of California and the University of ment of public universities, the federal gov-
Michigan, enjoy constitutional autonomy ernment played almost no role in higher
as separate branches of state government. education until the middle of the 20th
At the other extreme, locally elected century, when World War II necessitated
boards of trustees govern some commu- the establishment of federal funding for
nity colleges. In some states, a governing scientific research at colleges and univer-
board appointed by the governor and/or sities to build U.S. military capacity. In
legislature oversees all institutions, setting 1944, President Franklin Roosevelt signed
funding levels, establishing accountability the G.I. Bill of Rights, which granted
measures, setting policies, and approving returning veterans funding to attend col-
new academic programs. In others, the lege as a way to integrate servicemen back
state board plays only an advisory function into the U.S. workforce. As the civil rights
and has little direct authority over institu- movement took hold in the 1960s, the fed-
tions. In many others, a state agency is eral role in supporting students expanded
poised between the institutions and state to include grant and loan programs for
government, implementing statewide low- and moderate-income students. Since
policy but also attempting to insulate that time, federal support has expanded so
institutions from ill-advised or overly that it is now the primary financier of both
intrusive state policies. scientific research and student financial
Some public universities are part aid.
of statewide multi-campus systems in While the federal government
which an additional layer of oversight generally does not provide direct
exists between the campus and state operational support to colleges and uni-
government. System administrators may versities, this special-purpose funding is
oversee campus budgets, set policies an extremely important revenue source
such as admissions standards, coordinate and, in turn, has increased the ability of
degree programs, and facilitate credit the federal government to influence
transfer and articulation between the colleges and universities in areas outside
states public colleges and universities. research and financial aid. For example, in
Additionally, and importantly, they order for institutions to participate in the

American Council on Education 3

financial aid programs, they must comply and national accreditation organizations
with a wide range of federal reporting to determine whether institutions are of
requirements on topics ranging from sufficient academic quality and manage-
teacher preparation to gender equity in rial soundness to merit inclusion in the
intercollegiate athletics. However, despite federal student financial aid programs.
the growing influence of the federal gov- When the U.S. Department of Education
ernment, its role is still limited and has officially recognizes an accrediting organi-
not yet intruded into core academic zation, it certifies that the organization
decisions, which are generally left to the adequately monitors quality in areas
institutions and, in the case of some mandated by the federal government, such
public institutions, the states. as fiscal soundness and managerial compe-
Two sets of voluntary organizations act tence, fair admissions and recruiting prac-
as bulwarks against excessive government tices, and evidence of student success.
control of higher education: accrediting Accrediting organizations establish
organizations that monitor quality assur- minimum standards that institutions must
ance, and membership associations that meet in a range of areas such as the curri-
represent institutions to the federal and cula, faculty qualifications, student learning
state governments. Accrediting organiza- outcomes, co-curricular student services,
tions are membership organizations of and financial health. Accrediting organi-
colleges and universities and rely on zations do not, however, mandate how
volunteers who work at colleges and institutions go about meeting those stan-
universities and who agree to assist other dards. Further, because accreditation
institutions by providing evaluation measures institutions against a set of
through peer review. There are three standards, it generally does not provide
types of accrediting organizations: region- a gauge of how well an institution is
al organizations, which review the quality performing relative to other institutions.
of entire institutions and focus almost Accreditation is accomplished through
exclusively on public and private not-for- institutional self-study and a peer review
profit degree-granting institutions; process to determine whether the institu-
national organizations, which monitor the tion has met the organizations standards.
quality of most for-profit and nondegree- Accreditors typically review institutions
granting institutions; and specialized on a three- to five-year basis (Eaton, 2000).
accrediting organizations, which evaluate Membership associations, which can
academic programs within a specific field have either institutions or individuals
such as medicine, law, or teacher education. (such as business officers) as members,
American accreditation differs from represent the interests of colleges and
the type of quality assurance conducted universities to the federal government
by governments in most other countries. and, in some cases, state governments.
Federal and state governments can and do Many colleges and universities also
impose their own accountability require- employ their own staff to advocate for
ments on institutions, but they generally them, but in most cases, those staff work
have left the assessment of academic only on issues of concern to the individual
quality to institutions themselves through institution, such as state appropriations or
the self-study and peer review processes of federal research contracts for the institu-
accreditation. The federal government, in tion. Membership associations champion
particular, relies on recognized regional those public policies that are in the


collective best interest of either all or some These two sources (along with local app-
major segment of higher education. In ropriations at community colleges and
Washington, DC, colleges and universities federal research grants and contracts at
are represented by hundreds of organiza- research universities) provide the bulk of
tions, which also provide networking and funds for general operating expenses. One
professional development opportunities of the perennial questions in American
for their members. higher education finance is how much of
the cost of education should be borne by
Finance government, and how much by students
Colleges and universities are financed in and families.
ways consistent with both the Jeffersonian Traditionally, state appropriations
ideal of limited government and the belief have made up the bulk of institutional
that market competition tends to improve revenue at public institutions, but they are
quality and efficiency. While government diminishing both as a share of state expen-
plays a very important role in financing, ditures and as a percentage of institutional
American colleges and universities are revenue. In response, state governments
supported further by diverse revenue and public institutions have raised tuition,
sources that reflect the market choices shifting the responsibility from taxpayers
of students and parents as well as other
consumers of the goods and services that
institutions provide. The major sources of
revenue include tuition and fee payments One of the perennial questions in American higher
from students and families (including the education finance is how much of the cost of
government-backed financial aid that education should be borne by government, and how
students use to pay tuition); appropria- much by students and families.
tions, grants, and contracts from federal,
state, and local governments; private gifts;
endowment and other investment earn- to students. In most states, higher educa-
ings; and sales from auxiliary enterprises tion is the third largest item in the budget,
and services. after health care and elementary/secondary
Some of these sources are more education. Because health care costs are
important to some types of institutions escalating rapidly and voters demand that
than to others. For example, local govern- spending on elementary/secondary
ments account for 18 percent of revenue at schools be protected, higher education
community colleges but 1 percent of falls logically into legislators sights when
revenue at private not-for-profit institu- they are forced to make budget cuts. Not
tions. Similarly, private gifts contribute only does higher education represent a
14 percent of revenue to private not-for- significant portion of state budgets, but
profit institutions, but only 1 percent (unlike other programs such as prisons)
of revenue to community colleges (U.S. it has a natural alternative source of
Department of Education, 2003). While revenuetuition payments from parents
the revenue sources of American institu- and students. Typically, in good economic
tions are diverse, two sources are of part- times, states will raise appropriations to
icular importance to most institutions: colleges and universities and demand that,
state appropriations, particularly for in return, institutions keep tuition
public institutions; and tuition and fees. increases low. When the economy is in

American Council on Education 5

trouble and state tax revenue falls, states and services to meet student demand for
cut spending on higher education and state-of-the-art technology, small class
expect institutions to make up the sizes, and world-class academic and
difference through tuition increases. recreational facilities.
Private donations from individuals and In the face of these increased costs
corporations provide another source of and reduced revenue from states and
revenue for American colleges and univer- other sources, universities and colleges
sities that is typically not found outside have three options. They can cut back,
the United States. Total voluntary support improve efficiencies, and/or generate new
for higher education, encouraged by the revenue. For the most part, institutions are
U.S. tax structure, surpassed $23 billion engaged in some combination of all three.
in fiscal year 2003, of which $11 billion They cut back by reducing travel and
was donated by individuals (Council for equipment purchases, postponing salary
Aid to Education, 2004). To this end, increases, leaving vacant faculty and
many colleges and universities construct administrative positions, reducing adminis-
sophisticated approaches to fund raising, trative and support staff, and postponing
and college and university presidents building and renovation. Rarely do
dedicate much of their time to raising institutions cut academic programs.
private gifts. Institutions also strive to become more
A significant and growing set of efficient. Much of this effort focuses on
expenditures at many private not-for-profit administrative and student service
institutions is institutional financial aid, functions, such as lowering electrical
sometimes called tuition discounting. usage, streamlining purchasing and
Private colleges have a long tradition procurement processes, and altering
of providing financial assistance to low- financial systems. Some institutions are
income students. In addition, most of pursuing efficiencies in academic areas,
these institutions (and, increasingly, many such as using technology to reach more
public institutions as well) have turned students, increasing class size, and hiring
to institutional financial aid to attract adjunct instructors. However, most
students who may be able to pay the full efficiencies are being sought outside the
price but who are unwilling to attend classroom.
without a discount. For some institutions, Finally, American colleges and univer-
tuition discounting is a way to compete sities are pursuing many efforts to diversify
with other institutions for the best and and expand their revenue streams, such as
brightest. For others, it is a necessary developing online education and niche-
practice that fills enrollment places that oriented degree and non-degree academic
otherwise would remain vacant. In either programs, expanding research capacities,
case, these discounts contribute to engaging in licensing and sponsorship
increases in the posted or sticker price. agreements, and pursuing auxiliary enter-
All institutions face real increases prises, such as managing real estate and
in the cost of providing education. running conference centers. Because a
Technology and equipment costs are primary source of additional revenue is
rising, as are the prices of journals and student tuition and fees, they have risen at
books, health care for employees, and twice the rate of inflation over the past
building maintenance. Institutions are 20 years, outstripping increases in both
working to update and expand facilities family income and financial aid resources.


The implications of increasing prices Students
for students and families are a matter of Despite increases in the price of attending
constant policy debate. Despite tuition college, the American student population
increases, demand for higher education continues to grow rapidly in both size and
continues to increase. Further, a wide diversity. As noted previously, there are
array of government and private financial more than 16 million individuals seeking
aid programs provides assistance to stu- degrees at U.S. postsecondary institutions
dents, based on both financial need and and an estimated 5 million additional
academic merit. Financial aid to students students enrolled in noncredit courses.
totaled more than $105 billion in 200203, American college students are diverse in
including $71 billion in federal grants, age, race/ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic
loans, and tax credits; $6 billion in state status, and academic interests. The majority
grants; and $20 billion in grants provided of undergraduate students are women and
by colleges and universities, as well as
private organizations (College Board,
2003). Despite these resources, access
and success in higher education continue Despite increases in the price of attending college,
to be stratified according to income, with the American student population continues to grow
students at the upper end of the income rapidly in both size and diversity.
spectrum far more likely to attend college
and earn a degree than those from disad-
vantaged backgrounds. Of course, many one-third are racial or ethnic minorities.
factors play into college access and suc- More than 40 percent are age 25 or older
cess, not the least of which is students (U.S. Department of Education, 2002b).
level of prior academic preparation. About 20 percent come from families with
Because the quality of U.S. elementary incomes at or below the federal poverty
and secondary schools varies widely level (King, 2004). Three out of four
depending on the wealth of communities, American college students are considered
tuition prices alone cannot be blamed nontraditionalthat is, they possess one
for disparities in education opportunity. or more of the following characteristics:
However, even if low-income students are They are age 25 or older, have delayed
able to overcome the academic and finan- entry into higher education after
cial barriers to enrolling in college, their completing high school, did not earn a
ability to succeed once enrolled can be traditional high school diploma, are
impeded because they must work and married, attend part time, work full time,
attend part time in order to pay their or have children (U.S. Department of
tuition, suggesting that financial matters Education, 2002a). Eighty percent of
play a crucial role. students work during the academic year.
Half attend part time (U.S. Department of
Education, 2002b).
In part because most nontraditional
students juggle college attendance with
work and family responsibilities, it is
becoming increasingly unusual for
students to enroll at one institution
and remain there for their entire

American Council on Education 7

undergraduate career. Sixty percent of two- and four-year institutions that admit
bachelors degree recipients attend more all students, to highly selective research
than one institution. In about half of these universities and liberal arts colleges that
cases, the student formally transfers from admit only a small fraction of those who
one institution to another. The most apply. Many students apply to more than
common form of transfer is from a commu- one college or university and enroll in one
nity college to a four-year institution. In from among those that offer them admis-
the remaining half of these cases, students sion. Admissions decisions at selective
may maintain their primary enrollment at institutions are based on a fixed set of
one institution but also take classes at academic criteria, including high school
other institutions, sometimes attending coursework, grade point average and class
two different institutions simultaneously. rank, and admissions test score, as well as
Students also may move among multiple a more flexible set of nonacademic charac-
institutions, often suspending enrollment teristics, such as demonstrated leadership
(or stopping out) for some period before ability, creativity, and community service.
enrolling at a new institution. Because the United States has no national
This student mobility is possible secondary school curriculum or high
because the American system of higher school exit examination, colleges rely
education uses a common currency to on two privately developed admissions
measure academic progressthe credit. examinationsthe SAT and ACT. These
Students earn credits toward their degrees tests, while important, are only one
by completing courses. These credits can criterion among many that institutions
then typically be transferred to another consider. Indeed, the admissions decisions
institution if the receiving institution at highly selective institutions are so
agrees that the academic rigor and material complex and consider so many factors that
in the courses is roughly equivalent to its wealthy families often hire private admis-
own similar courses. Many institutions sions counselors to help them anticipate
develop transfer or articulation agree- which factors a given institution is likely to
ments to help facilitate student mobility, weigh most heavily and to help their child
determining in advance which courses are craft an application that best meets those
of equivalent value. Institutions struggle criteria.
to balance the goal of expanding access by Consistent with American faith in the
allowing students to take classes where market, institutions compete heavily to
and when they want with the need to main- attract the most talented students. While
tain the academic integrity of their degree this competition spurs improvements in
programs and capture much-needed quality and keeps institutions focused on
tuition revenue. meeting student needs, it also can have
Although American college students negative effects, sometimes prompting
enjoy a level of mobility unknown to most institutions to make academic and finan-
of their peers around the world, they still cial choices that may improve student
must compete for admission to the more recruitment but that are inconsistent with
selective colleges and universities. the institutions mission, the best interests
American higher education includes of the public, or the long-term financial
institutions with a wide range of admis- health of the enterprise.
sions selectivity, from open-access


The Curriculum and Degrees No national laws govern the titles of
Five types of degrees exist in the United degrees, although each state typically
States. Two-year colleges (community regulates the level of degree that
colleges) and a small number of four-year institutions located within its borders
institutions grant associate degrees, can award. Each institution has the
typically awarded after the completion autonomy to determine its own program
of 60 credits. Associate degrees may requirements, typically following broad
represent a terminal degree in a vocational degree guidelines set by the states or by
field or may prepare students to complete specialized accrediting agencies.
a bachelors degree at a four-year institu-
tion. The bachelors degree is by far the
most common type of degree awarded,
preparing students for most jobs that The bachelors degree is by far the most common
require a college degree and for further type of degree awarded, preparing students for most
graduate study. Three degrees exist at the jobs that require a college degree and for further
graduate level: graduate study.
1. The masters degree is the most
common type of graduate degree.
About 75 percent of graduate students The undergraduate curriculum typically
are enrolled in masters degree consists of two componentsgeneral
programs, divided roughly evenly education and the major field of study
among students in education, business (the major). The purpose of general
administration, and all other fields education is to provide students with
(U.S. Department of Education, broad knowledge and prepare them to be
2002c). A masters degree may have engaged and informed citizens. General
either a professional or theoretical education is delivered predominantly
focus and usually requires a compre- through either a core curriculum, in
hensive examination and/or thesis which all undergraduate students take
or other original piece of work. The the same courses, or an elective or distri-
masters degree either prepares butive format, in which students choose
graduates for future advanced study courses from a pre-specified list repre-
at the doctoral level or is itself a senting a range of topics (such as science,
terminal degree. art and aesthetic appreciation, mathe-
2. A professional degree provides access to matics, humanities, etc.). General edu-
advanced professions in fields such as cation requirements typically constitute
law and medicine. between one-quarter and one-half of a
3. The doctoral degree is the highest students courses, depending upon the
academic award and recognizes the institution and the students major. The
graduates ability to conduct indepen- other courses include those related to the
dent research. The most common major. Students choose their major either
degree of this type is the doctor of upon enrolling or after completing their
philosophy (Ph.D.), but it also includes second year of studies, depending upon
the doctor of education (Ed.D.). institutional policy. Students may change
their majors if their interests change and
keep most of their credits earned toward
their degree.

American Council on Education 9

Although most institutions continue three roles depend upon the mission of
to rely on a traditional nine-month (two the institution at which they work, their
semesters) academic calendar, many academic discipline, and their rank and
colleges and universities are innovating career stage. For example, faculty at com-
with their academic calendars, and addi- munity colleges more often tend to teach
tionally offer short month-long courses, and be engaged in service activities, while
overlapping semesters, and courses in a many senior faculty at research universi-
condensed weekend format, as they try to ties spend more time engaged in research
create programs that meet student needs than in the other two areas.
and schedules. Thirty-eight percent of all full-time
faculty are women, but women hold only
Faculty and Their Appointments 21 percent of full professorships. At the
More than 1 million academic staff assistant professor rank, 46 percent of
(faculty) work at American colleges and full-time faculty are women. However,
universities. Faculty appointments may be womens larger presence at the junior
full time or part time and may be tenured/ ranks does not guarantee future propor-
tenure-track or nontenure-track. Tenure tionality at senior ranks. The number
is an academic employment arrangement, of full-time faculty from racial/ethnic
granted after a probationary period, that minority groups almost doubled over the
ensures holders a series of rights, includ- last 20 years, yet only 14 percent of all
ing academic freedom and participation full-time faculty are racial/ethnic minori-
in institutional governance. It often ties. The largest minority group is Asian
implies continuous employment, barring American/Pacific Islander, comprising
dismissals for cause or financial exigency. 6 percent of the total full-time faculty
Not all academic positions carry tenure. population, with African Americans at
See Table 2 for a list of faculty titles in the 5 percent, Hispanics at 3 percent, and
tenure and nontenure tracks. Native Americans at less than half of
Faculty responsibilities typically fall 1 percent (Harvey, 2003).
into three basic categories: teaching, In 1999, according to an American
research, and service to the campus Council on Education study (Anderson,
and/or community. However, faculty jobs 2002), approximately half of all faculty
are by no means uniform, and the time were employed part time and/or in
and attention that faculty devote to these nontenure-track positions. These faculty

Table 2. Faculty Rank and Titles, by Tenure/Nontenure Track

Tenured/Tenure Track Nontenure Track
Full Time Professor Lecturer
Associate Professor Instructor
Assistant Professor Professor of Practice
Research Professor Research Professor

Part Time Professor Emeritus Adjunct Professor



include those who are qualified for and independent institutions is 30. For most
seek full-time, tenure-track appointments public institutions, the state government
yet do not obtain them, as well as individ- typically appoints board members, often
uals who do not have doctorates and/or after nomination by the governor and
teach in addition to other professional approval by the legislature. However, in
responsibilities. Debate and discussion some states and at many community col-
continue to focus on the increasing use leges, board members are chosen through
of part-time and nontenure-track faculty. general elections. For private institutions,
Much of this growth accommodates boards select their own members (called
increasing student enrollments. Another self-perpetuating boards). The length of
important reason for hiring part-time and board members terms varies from four
nontenure-track faculty is to reduce years to as long as 12 years. In some cases,
personnel costs and increase institutional board members can be reappointed to
flexibility in course offerings, as these additional terms.
faculty can be hired and fired as interest Boards hire and delegate much of the
in their academic fields ebbs and flows. administrative responsibility for managing
However, critics charge that reliance on the institution to the president (sometimes
part-time and nontenure-track faculty has called a chancellor). The president is
hidden institutional and educational costs, responsible for providing overall leader-
lowering quality as these individuals do ship to the institution, managing its
little student advising and research and finances and budget, developing and
do not participate in non-instructional executing the institutions strategic plan,
activities such as faculty governance. and establishing systems of accountability
and performance. However, much of the
University Administration presidents work lies outside the institution.
Although the internal organization and The president advocates for the institutions
structure of U.S. institutions vary based needs and seeks support from legislative
upon size and mission, some common and other external audiences, meets with
elements exist. Lay boards of trustees who alumni and prospective students, develops
tend not to be academics govern most relationships with corporations and com-
college and universities. These boards are munity groups, and provides the public
the legal agents for the institution and are persona of the institution. The president
responsible for ensuring and monitoring serves either at the pleasure of the board
its financial health, setting strategy to or on a fixed-term contract, eligible for
fulfill its mission, and evaluating both renewal.
institutional and presidential perform- Beyond the president, other senior
ance. The size, structure, and appoint- administrators provide the leadership for
ment of boards vary. For example, some the institutions various divisions. The
boards of private nonprofit institutions typical structure includes academic affairs,
exceed 50 members. Public institution responsible for academic programs and
boards tend to be much smaller. According research; student affairs, overseeing stu-
to the Association of Governing Boards of dent services and student life; business
Universities and Colleges (AGB), the mean and administration, accountable for the
size of public boards is approximately 10 financial operations, auxiliary services,
people and the mean size among and campus facilities; and development,

American Council on Education 11

focusing on fund raising and alumni and universities provide housing for
relations. Within each division, a variety students during the academic year.
of deans, directors, and department chairs These residence halls, in addition to
complete the administrative structure. providing food service and sleeping
Figure 1 provides an overview of a typical rooms, provide programming to students
college or university administrative on a variety of topics, both academic and
structure (American Council on social, such as AIDS awareness, alcohol
Education, 2001). abuse, and study skills. Colleges and
Although presidents have primary universities additionally provide a range
responsibility for the institution, most of student support services, including
rely upon a system of shared governance personal counseling, career placement
between faculty and administrators for and advising, recreation and physical
key institutional decisions. The primary fitness, child care, transportation,
organizational structure for shared banking, health care, and tutoring.
governance is the faculty senate. The Beyond these services, colleges and
senate is responsible for recommending universities host various student organi-
academic decisions and policies, such as zations and clubs, including academically
those affecting new curricula and courses, focused groups (such as the National
degree requirements, and academic Society of Black Engineers or the Public
hiring and workloads. Its members Relations Student Society of America), as
typically include full-time faculty, well as athletic (such as rugby and water
although students, administrators, staff, polo clubs), cultural and religious
and part-time faculty sometimes partici- (such as the Muslim Student Society or
pate as well. At some institutions, the Association of Asian Students), and social
senate has the ability to make final organizations. A familiar type of student
decisions; at others, the senate makes social organization is the Greek-lettered
recommendations for administrative or fraternity or sorority. Another important
board action. In smaller institutions, all student organization is student govern-
faculty typically participate in the senate. ment, which is the formal, recognized
In larger institutions, senators are student advocacy body on campus.
elected, frequently representing However, for the most part, its influence
particular departments or colleges. is limited and its agenda constrained,
particularly when compared with similar
Student Life and Athletics student governments or student unions in
The U.S. collegiate experience is strongly Latin America and Europe.
shaped by a residential tradition, although Finally, any discussion of student
today more than half of undergraduate life at American colleges and universities
students are older and/or enrolled part must include athletics, which plays
time and less than 20 percent of all under- a major role on manybut not all
graduates live on campus. Building upon campuses. The influence of athletics on
the foundations of the British residential campuses tends to be disproportional to
college, U.S. institutions have developed the small number of student athletes.
an expansive infrastructure to meet the At institutions with big-time sports
needs of students. Most four-year colleges programs, the athletics budget can reach


Figure 1. The University: Administrative Organization

The Board of

Assistants to the The President of

President the University
Legal Counsel Editorial Assistant
Federal Relations Administrative Assistant

Vice President Vice President Vice President Vice President

Business Development University Relations University Administration
Building & Grounds Fund Raising Alumni Records & Administrative
Campus Security Business and Industry Mailing Control Center Computer Services
Real Estate Management Council Alumni Relations Admissions
Suburban Campus Associates Program Information Services Educational Resources
University Engineer National Council University Publications Library
University Relations Occupational Information Center
Office Services
Accounting Registrars

Budget Supervision
Bursar Vice President
Data Processing Academic Affairs Vice President Vice President
Veterans Affairs Student Affairs University Planning
Academic Computer
Services Athletics Institutional Research
Basic Colleges Chapel University Planning
Auxiliary Services Business Admin.* Counseling & Testing
Education* Deans of Men, Women,
Bookstore Engineering & Freshmen
Housing & Food Services Liberal Arts Financial Aid
Purchasing Nursing* Health Services
Pharmacy* Student Activities
Bureau of Business & Student Center
This diagram illustrates the administrative organization Economic Research
of a large university. The structure of most colleges is Center for Reading
similar, but with a less diversified administration. Improvement
Continuing Education*
Graduate Division
* Administrators usually have the title of Dean. Arts & Sciences
Administrators usually have the title of Graduate Dean. Business Admin.
Marine Science Institute
Medical School
Rehabilitation Institute
University College
Urban Affairs Office

American Council on Education 13

millions of dollars, dwarfing those of commercialized, garnering national
academic departments, and coaches of television coverage and athletic apparel
mens basketball and football teams are endorsement deals. Athletics on U.S.
frequently the universitys highest-paid campuses is a double-edged sword. In
employees. At these institutions, athletic some situations, it can provide a unifying
teams are divided into revenue sports catalyst for the institution and its commu-
(football, mens and increasingly womens nity and teach its participants valuable
basketball, and in some cases, ice hockey)3 lessons. In other situations, it has been
and nonrevenue sports (for example, described as an unstoppable arms race,
track and field, swimming, wrestling, exemplifying a winner-take-all attitude,
golf, tennis, field hockey, and soccer). spurring scandal, academic dishonesty,
The majority of student-athletes excessive commercialization, abuse of
participate in the nonrevenue sports. student-athletes, and distraction from the
The revenue sports tend to be highly institutions academic priorities.

Much debate exists as to whether or not these sports ultimately generate actual revenue, given their expenditures.


Current Challenges Confronting
U.S. Higher Education

he introduction to this publica- and building represent just some of the
tion described the fundamental additional autonomy that public institu-
belief systems that shape the tions are seeking. Many are pressing for
character of American higher new legislation to provide this freedom
education and distinguish it from through a range of innovations, including
higher education in other countries. This public corporations, charter colleges,
section expands on that discussion, state enterprise status, and performance
describing how the inherent tensions contracts.
among these central beliefs have created The result is that activities and
serious challenges for U.S. higher educa- research in certain fields and disciplines
tion. The section concludes with a short (such as engineering, applied natural
overview of additional issues on the science, and agricultural science) become
national higher education agenda. higher institutional priorities because

The Marketplace (Not Government) as

Key External Driver
Many believe that the marketplace has overtaken
Many believe that the marketplace has
overtaken state government as the dominant
government as the dominant external force shaping
external force shaping (and reshaping) (and reshaping) American higher education
American higher education, even for
public colleges and universities. As noted they have stronger market value than do
earlier, government support is not keeping other programs (such as humanities).
pace with educational expenditures. Thus Institutions create new programs, alter
in many ways, the market is having more academic calendars, and pursue different
bearing on higher education than govern- financial aid policies to capture more and
ment. To create more flexibility, many better studentsparticularly those who
public colleges and universities are asking can afford to pay high tuition prices. For
for less government regulation and over- instance, executive MBA programs are
sight. In some instances, they are even increasingly popular. Institutions seek
asking for less state money in return for contracts and partnership agreements,
more autonomy. Their argument is that and enhance research programs with
the current structures and accountability practical applications that have large
requirements impede their capacity to be financial payouts. They are changing their
effective and efficient. The ability to set institutional structuresfor example, by
tuition, seek block-grant funding, and adding new units that focus on generating
secure freedom from state policies and external grants and bringing new tech-
regulations in areas such as purchasing nology to market, by building conference

American Council on Education 15

centers, and by creating for-profit Higher Education as an Engine of
subsidiaries. The implications of the Mobility
growing privatization are that academic Since World War II, U.S. higher education
research is increasingly focused on has been engaged in a process of massifi-
marketable knowledge, entrepreneurial cation, that is, expanding to serve
priorities are taking precedence, services students from all walks of life. Motivating
are being outsourced, and students are this effort is a widespread belief in the
carrying an increasing burden to pay power of education to create social and
higher tuition and fees for their education. economic mobility and in the morality and
Administrators see little option except social value of making higher education
to respond to the marketplace, for if their accessible to everyone. Longitudinal data
institution does not react effectively, it bear out public perceptions: Young people
will not have the necessary resources to from low-income backgrounds who
offer high-quality and diverse academic complete a bachelors degree have income
programs. Institutions unable to compete and employment characteristics after
may face trying circumstances as public graduation equivalent to their peers from
support continues to fall, students become more affluent backgrounds (Choy, 2002).
better-informed consumers, and advances Education truly can be the great
in technology and new entrants into equalizer.
higher education widen the number and Despite widespread public faith in the
reach of competitors. In turn, the ability value of higher education, the process of
to competefor students, resources, massification has not been without its
faculty, and prestigebecomes a driving detractors, and progress has been slow and
strategic force. At its extreme, competi- uneven. Higher education did not admit
tion can overtake more traditional significant numbers of racial and ethnic
academic values such as unfettered minorities until after the civil rights move-
inquiry, access and choice for a diverse ment of the 1960s forced change. Further,
student population, and critical social despite significant expenditures on finan-
commentary. The downside of pursing cial aid, minority and low-income individ-
market goals without appropriately uals are still less likely to attend college
balancing them against the public good is than whites or students from middle- and
that institutions will no longer be able to upper-income familiesalthough these
uphold their part of the social compact to gaps have narrowed somewhat. Despite
produce a well-educated citizenry and face progress in narrowing the access
the threat of losing their privileged place discrepancies, large gaps remain between
in American society as they resemble more completion rates. Low-income students
closely other market-driven organizations. come to college less prepared, and must
balance academic demands with work and
family responsibilities.


Finding ways to increase the enroll- Other Current Issues
ment rates of low-income students and This section explores some of the other
encourage their success once enrolled are challenges currently facing American
two of the most important problems higher education. This list is not inclu-
facing American higher education. One sive, but rather reflects some of the key
of the challenges to meeting these goals is issues creating sleepless nights for
that they can conflict with the other academic leaders.
central tenets of American higher educa-
tion: market competition and resistance to
government control. For example, institu-
tional competition for the most academi- Public colleges and universities are in many ways
cally talented students is likely to foster becoming private, as the percentage of state funds in
increased use of tuition discounting for their budgets is droppingin some cases, to less than
students without financial need, which 20 percent.
could divert resources away from need-
based financial aid for low-income stu-
The Blurring of Institutional Types. American
dents. Similarly, institutions may seek to
higher education is known for its institu-
distinguish themselves in the academic
tional diversity. However, the characteris-
marketplace by becoming more selective
tics that make many types of institutions
in admissions decisions, thereby reducing
distinct are fading. For instance, in some
the number of low-income students
states, community colleges are seeking to
admitted. A primary role of government
offer four-year degrees to meet growing
in the United States is to mediate the
demand for higher education. Public
potentially negative effects of competition
colleges and universities are in many ways
by insisting that institutions adhere to
becoming private, as the percentage of
their missions, providing need-based
state funds in their budgets is dropping
financial assistance to students, and
in some cases, to less than 20 percent.
holding institutions accountable for their
They are soliciting gifts and working to
performance. Institutional resistance to
build endowments in ways similar to their
government control provides a useful
private counterparts, and are seeking
check on the ambitions of government,
more procedural autonomy from state
pushing policy makers to focus on ends
oversight. At the same time, for-profit
rather than means and to leave core
institutions are vying for public funds
academic decisions largely in the hands
previously reserved only for nonprofit
of institutions. Nonetheless, a constant
preoccupation of American higher educa-
Documenting Student Learning. American
tion is this tension between the competi-
colleges and universities are facing
tive, ambitious nature of institutions and
increased external scrutiny of the
the interests of government in promoting
effectiveness of undergraduate education.
important public goals, primary among
As budgets become tighter and tuition
them broad access and widespread success
continues to rise, taxpayers and policy
for all students.
makersas well as students and their
familiesare asking the extent to which
their investment is producing real
educational results. Simply put, they want

American Council on Education 17

to know what and how much students are Increasing Productivity and Efficiency.
learning. Outside pressure is mounting on Because of increasing pressure to reduce
institutions to document student learning, costs, keep tuition increases small, and
in much the same way that the elementary serve more students, institutions are
and secondary education sectors document seeking ways to improve their productivity
learning through assessments linked to and efficiency. They are creating adminis-
standards of what students should know trative efficiencies, such as by stream-
and be able to do. Of course, the challenge lining business processes. They are
of demonstrating student learning is much innovating with technology-based
more difficult in higher education because teaching to reach more students both on
of the diversity of the curricula. Nonethe- campus and in the broader community
less, higher education leaders are being through distance education. Many institu-
challenged to find some way to show tions are also beginning to view collabora-
that real learning takes place at their tion as an important strategy. Partnerships
institutions. include (among other things) joint
Internationalizing the Undergraduate research, collaborative purchasing
Experience. Many U.S. colleges and uni- arrangements, shared financial services,
versities are making a concerted effort to and interinstitutional academic programs.
make their institutions and curricula more These alliances allow partners to extend
international and to provide experiences capabilities; develop research, courses,
for students that broaden and deepen their and services more quickly; generate
understanding of other cultures. At the greater economies of scale; share costly
same time, U.S. institutions continue investments; gain access to knowledge and
their efforts to train and educate foreign skills; and reduce expenses.
students, both by bringing them to
campus but also through distance
education and satellite programs abroad
(although we do not know the extent of
U.S. involvement in such cross-border
education). However, recent U.S. visa and
homeland security policy changes, cou-
pled with an increased desire by foreign
universities to recruit abroad, mean that
the U.S. share of the international student
market is shrinking. Institutions from
England, Australia, Canada, and New
Zealand, for instance, are establishing a
presence abroad and benefiting favorably
from their governments policies. The
effect is slowed growth in the number of
international students enrolling in
American colleges and universities.



I n many ways, the American system of higher education is unique in the world. In its

size, diversity of institutions and students, freedom from government controls, and

reliance on market forces, it is without peer. However, higher education systems

around the globe are struggling with many of the same issues as the United States and are

exploring similar strategies, such as imposing tuition to create greater access while

instituting student aid programs, creating a credit system to facilitate student mobility,

and standardizing degree programs. Other nations wrestling with these challenges may

benefit by understanding the philosophical beliefs that shape U.S. higher education

distrust of government, faith in markets, and reliance on education as a gateway to social

mobilityand the ways in which the United States continually struggles to balance market

forces, government intervention, and access to high-quality education.

American Council on Education 19


American Council on Education. (2001). A brief guide to U.S. higher education.

Washington, DC: American Council on Education.

Anderson, E. (2002). The new professoriate: Characteristics, contributions, and

compensation. Washington, DC: American Council on Education.

Choy, S. (2002). Access and persistence: Findings from 10 years of longitudinal studies of
students. Washington, DC: American Council on Education.

College Board. (2003). Trends in student aid: 2003. New York: College Board.

Council for Aid to Education. (2004). Charitable giving to higher education

stabilizes in 2003; Gifts from alumni rebound after a sharp one-year decline.
Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corporation, Council for Aid to Education.
See http://www.cae.org/content/pdf/2004FullPressReleaseVSE2003.pdf.

Eaton, J. (2000). An overview of U.S. accreditation. Washington, DC: Council for Higher
Education Accreditation.

Harvey, W. B. (2003). Minorities in higher education: Annual status report.

Washington, DC: American Council on Education.

King, J. E. (2004). Choice of institution: Changing student attendance patterns in the

1990s. ACE Issue Brief. Washington, DC: American Council on Education.

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (2002a).

Findings from the condition of education 2002: Nontraditional undergraduates.
Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (2002b). Profile
of undergraduates at U.S. postsecondary institutions: 19992000. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (2002c). Student
financing of graduate and first-professional education, 19992000. Washington, DC:
Government Printing Office.

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics (2003). Digest of
education statistics: 2002. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office.


Peter D. Eckel is the Associate Director
for Institutional Initiatives in the Center
for Institutional and International
Initiatives at the American Council
on Education.

Jacqueline E. King is Director of

the Center for Policy Analysis at
the American Council on Education.

American Council on Education

One Dupont Circle NW
Washington DC 20036

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