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16 20 JUNE 2011
Hosted by:

Liberal Party of the Philippines

Co-organized by:

Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats


Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty Philippine Office

As of 09 June 2011

Hotel The Peninsula Manila

1226 Makati City, Metro Manila
Republic of the Philippines

16 June 2011, Thursday

Time Activity Venue

Variable Arrival of LI Bureau and LI Executive Committee Delegates NAIA Airport

14-00- Registration Rigodon Foyer


18:00- Seminar for LI International Officers FNF Philippines

21:00 (closed session delegates only) Office

What Kind of LI Do We Need?

Session Chair:
Mr. Emil Kirjas
Secretary General, Liberal International

Mr. Jules Maaten
Country Director
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty, Philippine Office
Former Member of European Parliament
Former Secretary General, Liberal International

Hon. Rajiva Wijesinha, MP
Chairperson, CALD
LPSL, Sri Lanka
Hon. Fredrick Malm, MP
International Affairs Spokesman, Folkpartiet, Sweden
Hon. Tim Harris, MP
Shadow Minister - Trade and Industry, DA, South Africa

21:30 Dinner following the workshop Peoples Palace,

(individual responsibility) the Green Belt Mall

17 June 2011, Friday

Time Activity Venue

Variable Arrival of LI Congress Delegates NAIA Airport

08:00-18:00 Registration Rigodon Foyer

10:00-13:00 LI Bureau Meeting The Magsaysay

(closed session members only) Room

09:00-10:30 INLW & CALD Womens Caucus Roundtable Meeting Balagtas Room

Free and Fair Trade and Womens Human Rights

Welcome Remarks/Session Chair :

Hon. Henedina Razon-Abad, MP
Former Chair, CALD Womens Caucus
Former Vice President, International Network of Liberal Women
Vice President for Policy, LP Philippines

Ms. Christine de Saint Genois
Vice President, International Network of Liberal Women

Ms. Joaquima Alemany

President, International Network of Liberal Women

Hon. Maricar Zamora-Apsay, MP

Liberal Party of the Philippines

Ms. Jayanthi Balaguru

Vice Chair, CALD Womens Caucus
Secretary General of the Womens Wing, Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia

09:00-10:30 Workshop Balagtas Room

Respecting the Will of the People

Session Chair:
Mr. Mark Pursey
Managing Director, BTP Advisors

Part 1. Dealing with dictatorial regimes

Mr. Moe Zaw Oo
Vice President, International Affairs Committee, National League for
Democracy-LA, Burma
Hon. Mozes Mzila Ndlovu MP
Minister for National Healing, Reconciliation and Integration, MDC,
Part 2. Dealing with unfree political systems
Hon. Yim Sovann, MP
Spokesperson, Sam Rainsy Party, Cambodia
Mr. Javier R. Valladares
Former Congressman, PLH Honduras
Former Secretary of State and Chief of Staff of the Presidents Office
Mr. Sin Chung-kai, J.P.
Vice Chair, Democratic Party of Hong Kong

10:30-12:00 CALD YOUTH & IFLRY workshop: Balmori Room

Leading Non-Violent Political Change in the Twitter


Mr. Ivo Thijssen

Vice President, IFLRY
Ms. Selyna Peiris
Chairperson, CALD Youth
Hon. Jose Luis Martin Chito Gascon
Undersecretary of the Presidential Office on Political Affairs, LP -
Former IFLRY Vice President
14:30 Deadline: Urgent Resolutions

15:00-18:00 LI Executive Committee Meeting Rigodon Ballroom

(closed session delegates only)

Session Chair: English / Franais
Hon. Hans van Baalen MEP (consecutive)
President, Liberal International

Address by:
Hon. Rajiva Wijesinha, MP
Member of Parliament, Sri Lanka
Chairperson, Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats

18:15-19:15 Presentation of LI Bureau Candidates Rigodon Ballroom

Session Chair:
Hon. Colin Eglin
Patron, Liberal International

20:00 LI Congress Welcome Cocktail Dinner The Conservatory,

The Peninsula
Hosted by:
Hon. Manuel Mar Roxas II
President, Liberal Party (LP) - Philippines
Former Senator, Republic of the Philippines

18 June 2011, Saturday

Time Activity Venue

07:00- Registration Hallway of Garcia
08:30 Villa-Balagtas

08:30- Assembly at the hotel lobby


08:45 Departure to Malacaang (Presidential) Palace

10:00- LI Congress Opening Session Rizal Hall,

11:30 Malacaang Palace

Session Chairs:
Hon. Henedina Dina Razon-Abad, MP
Representative, Lone District of Batanes English / Franais
Philippine House of Representatives (whispered)
Vice President for Policy,
Liberal Party of the Philippines
Dr. Juan Nereus Neric Acosta
Secretary General, Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats

Welcome Remarks:
Hon. Manuel Mar Roxas II
President, Liberal Party of the Philippines
Former Senator, Republic of the Philippines

Opening Remarks
and Introduction of the Keynote Speaker:
Hon. Hans van Baalen, MEP
President, Liberal International

Keynote Address:
His Excellency Benigno Simeon Aquino III
President, Republic of the Philippines
Chairperson, Liberal Party of the Philippines

11:30- Press Conference/Tour Press Area/

12:15 Malacaang

12:15- Malacaang Luncheon Heroes Hall,

13:45 Malacaang Palace

13:45- Assembly at the Malacaang lobby


14:00 Departure to hotel

15:30- Workshop on explaining the voting system for the Bureau election Balagtas Room
Mr. Emil Kirjas
Secretary General, Liberal International

16:00- LI Bureau Election Ballot Box Opens Rigodon Foyer


16:15- Theme Resolution Debate Rigodon Ballroom

As proposed by:
Hon. Manuel Mar Roxas II English / Franais
President, Liberal Party of the Philippines
Former Secretary (Minister) of
Department of Trade and Industry, The Philippines

LI Congress Theme Report: Human Rights and Trade

Dato Anwar Ibrahim
Leader of the Opposition, PKR leader, Malaysia

Discussion and Initial Debate

17:30- Coffee/Tea Break

17:45- Working Group I on Congress Theme and related Resolutions Rigodon Ballroom 2
Session Chair:
Senator Art Eggleton
Former Minister of Defense, LPC, Canada

17:45- Working Group II on World Today Resolution Rigodon Ballroom 1

Session Chair:
Mr. Robert W. Browne English / Franais
Vice President, Liberal International
IRC Chairman, LibDems, UK

17:45- Working Group III on other Political Resolutions Balagtas Room

Session Chair:
Mr. Juli Minoves
Deputy President, Liberal International
Former Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the UN, Andorra

19:30- Assembly at the hotel lobby


19:45 Departure to Dinner Venue

20:00 Welcome Dinner Poolside,

Introduction of the Host: Intercontinental
Hon. Raul Daza, MP
Deputy Speaker, Philippine House of Representatives
Representative, 1st district of Northern Samar
Former Chairperson, Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats

Hon. Feliciano Belmonte, MP
Speaker, Philippine House of Representatives
Vice Chairperson, Liberal Party of the Philippines

M.R. Sukhumbhand Paribatra (tbc)
Governor of Bangkok, Kingdom of Thailand
Former Chairperson, CALD

22:00 Departure to hotel

19 June 2011, Sunday

Time Activity Venue

08:00- Registration Rigodon Foyer

08:00- LI Congress Administrative Session Rigodon Ballroom

English / Franais

09:00- Speeches of Liberal Leaders Rigodon Ballroom

Mr. Maung Maung English / Franais
Secretary General, National Council of the Union of Burma

Hon. Mozes Mzila Ndlovu MP

Minister for National Healing, Reconciliation and Integration, MDC,

Hon. Herman Otto Solms, MP

Deputy Speaker of the Bundestag, FDP, Germany

09:30- Regional Liberal Networks Meeting Balgatas Room

13:00 (by invitation)

Democracy and Development: Regional Experiences and


Welcome Remarks:
Hon. Jesse Robredo
Secretary (Minister), Department of Interior and Local Government
Executive Vice President, LP Philippines

Dr. Rainer Adam

Regional Director, FNF East and Southeast Asia Office

Session I: The Linkage between Democracy and Development:

Experiences from the Regions

Session 2: Promoting Democracy and Development: Responses

from the Regions

Synthesis and Closing Remarks

Dr. Juan Nereus Neric Acosta

Secretary General, CALD

09:30- LI Congress Concurrent Panel 1: Rigodon Ballroom 1

Chinas Role in Regional Cooperation: Human Rights vs. Trade
English / Franais
Session Chair:
Hon. Juli Minoves
Deputy President, Liberal International
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, PLA, Andorra

Dr. Sanjaasuren Oyun MP
President, Civil Will Party, Mongolia
Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Harunobu Yonenaga, MP
Vice Director-General of the Intl Dept, DPJ, Japan
Dr. Fu-Mei Chang
Foreign Policy Advisor to Chairperson,
Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan

09:30- LI Congress Concurrent Panel 2: Rigodon Ballroom 2
Economic growth and Human Rights mutually exclusive?

Session Chair:
Mr. Kalin Anev
Secretary General, European Financial Stability Facility, Bulgaria

Hon. Olle Schmidt, MEP
Folkpartiet, Sweden
Dr. Vincent Wijeysingha
Candidate for Parliament, SDP, Singapore
Hon. Atte Sugandi Aboel, MP
Partai Demokrat, Indonesia
Mr. Kees Hoving
Managing Director, Head of TF CMC, Deutsche Bank, Germany

11:00- LI Congress Concurrent Panel 3: Rigodon Ballroom 2

European Court of Human Rights: good model for the other

Session Chair:
Mr. Marc Guerrero i Tarrag
Vice President, European Liberal Democrats ELDR

Hon. Ramona N. Manecscu MEP
PNL, Romania
Mr. Ivan Doherty
Director of Political Party Programme, NDI, USA
Hon. Andrej Zernovski MP
Member of ALDE Group in the Parliamentary Assembly of Council of Europe
Vice President, LDP, Macedonia

11:00- LI Congress Concurrent Panel 4: Rigodon Ballroom 1

Middle East and North Africa:
Peoples Power for Human Rights How Do Liberals English / Franais

Session Chair:
Hon. Jose Luis Martin Chito Gascon
Undersecretary of the Presidential Office on Political Affairs, LP - Philippines

Dr. Camille Chamoun
National Liberal Party, Lebanon
Member of Executive Board of Network of Arab Liberals

Dr. Hassan Abyaba

President of the Liberal Forum for Studies & Research
Member of Political Bureau, Union Constitutionelle, Morocco
Mr. Roger Albinyana i Saigi
Director for Union for the Mediterranean, Secretariat for International Affairs,
Dr. Aliou Sow
Minister of Decentralisation and Local Collectives
Member of the Executive Board, PDS, Senegal

13:00- Working lunch for liberal MP and MEPs Garcia Villa Room
14:30 (by special invitation from ALDE)

13:00- Luncheon for delegates Upper Lobby


14:30- Speeches of Liberal Leaders Rigodon Ballroom,

15:30 The Peninsula
Hon. Sam Rainsy, MP
Leader of the Cambodian Opposition
& former Chairperson, Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats English / Franais

Mr. Otto Guevarra Gth

RELIAL Chairman
Leader of Movimento Liberatario, Costa Rica
LI Vice President

Dr. Tsai Ing-Wen

Chairperson, Democratic Progressive Party, Taiwan

Minister Lamine Ba
Minister of International and Humanitarian Affairs, Senegal
Chairman of Africa Liberal Network
LI Vice President

Hon. Louis Michel MEP

ALDE Vice President
Former European Commissioner for Development, MR, Belgium

15:30- LI Congress Plenary Session: Rigodon Ballroom,

17:00 The Peninsula

English / Franais
17:00- Coffee/Tea Break

17:15- LI Congress Closing Session Rigodon Ballroom,

18:30 The Peninsula
Session Chairs:
Hon. Joseph Emilio Jun Abaya, MP
Representative, 1st district of Cavite English / Franais
Secretary General, LP - Philippines
Hon. Maria Isabelle Beng Climaco, MP
Deputy Speaker, Philippine House of Representatives
Representative, 1st district of Zamboanga City

Dr. Juan Nereus Neric Acosta
Secretary General
Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats

Closing Keynote Addresses:

H.E. Kasit Piromya (t.b.c.)
Head of international affairs, DP Thailand
Minister of Foreign Affairs, Kingdom of Thailand

Dr. Rainer Adam
Regional Director
Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Liberty
Regional Office for East and Southeast Asia

Closing Remarks:
Hon. Hans van Baalen, MEP
President, Liberal International

18:45- Assembly at the hotel lobby, Departure to dinner venue

20:00 Farewell Dinner/FNF Philippine Office Launch of 25th Anniversary Ayala Museum

Hon. Hans van Baalen, MEP
President, Liberal International

Mr. Emil Kirjas
Secretary General, Liberal International

Introduction of the Speakers:

Dr. Rainer Adam
Regional Director, FNF East and Southeast Asia Office

Dr. Wolfgang Gerhardt
President of the Board of Directors, FNF

Hon. Joseph Emilio Jun Abaya, MP

Representative, 1st district of Cavite
Secretary General, LP - Philippines

Launch of FNF Philippine Office 25th Anniversary

Mr. Jules Maaten
Country Director, FNF Philippine Office
Former Member of European Parliament
Former Secretary General, LI

20 June 2011, Monday

Time Activity Venue

AM Optional Tour of the City of Manila

AM-PM Optional Tour of Corregidor

08:00- Bureau Meeting, Liberal International


10:00- CALD Executive Committee Meeting

13:00 (closed session delegates only)

Variable Departure of Delegates


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