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International Journal of Textile Science 2016, 5(5): 87-95

DOI: 10.5923/j.textile.20160505.01

Developing a Framework for Implementing Total Quality

Management in the Apparel Industry: Case Study on a
Bangladeshi Apparel Manufacturing Factory
Md. Syduzzaman1,*, Md. Abu Sayeed Biswas2, Dilruba Yeasmin3

Department of Textile Engineering Management, Bangladesh University of Textiles, Tejgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of Industrial & Production Engineering, Bangladesh University of Textiles, Tejgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Production Merchandiser, Next sourcing (Bd.) Ltd. Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract Recognition of quality management as an important factor, holds the key to competitiveness in the global
market irrespective of the size of the factory. Total Quality Management (TQM) practices are primarily found in larger and
multinational organizations, but little has been written on how TQM has been applied in small and medium textile industries
of Bangladesh. This research reports the results of a full survey conducted among a sample of the local textile and apparel
industry in Bangladesh. The survey is expected to reveal the level of TQM implementation in the industrial sector via a postal
questionnaire. The survey covered 50 textile and apparel industries chosen from different industrial zone like Gazipur, Savar,
Narayanganj- the prominent industrial area from Bangladesh and produced a very remarkable response rate. The survey
findings are analyzed using a statistical analysis package SPSS 20.0. Various remarkable variables of TQM implementation
have been thoroughly studied and discussed. Using the statistical analysis, among these variables, a TQM implementation
framework has been proposed and implemented in a renowned textile industry named Knit Asia Ltd. Attempts at finding
significant differences between the industries having and not having Quality system implemented were successful. It also
revealed areas lacking and challenges in implementation among textile and apparel industries in Bangladesh. Bangladeshi
textile and apparel sector must be able to adopt TQM to help them meet global challenges in the long run.
Keywords Apparel industry, TQM, Quality Tools, Framework, Productivity

important to the leadership and management of

1. Introduction manufacturing industries. Quality management principles
provide understanding of and guidance on the application of
TQM refers to a management process and set of quality management. By applying following quality
disciplines that are coordinated to ensure that the management principles, organizations will produce benefits
organization consistently meets and exceeds customer for customers, owners, employees, suppliers and society as a
requirements. TQM engages all divisions, departments and whole. Companies actually compete on three major issues;
levels of the organization. TQM companies are focused on Quality, Price and Delivery. If the choice is to compete in the
the systematic management of data in all processes and marketplace on the basis of product or service price, then the
practices to eliminate waste and pursue continuous level of competition is clearly defined; the low-cost provider
improvement. The goal is to deliver the highest value for the wins. However, companies choosing the low cost approach
customer at the lowest cost while achieving sustained profit may find themselves losing premium business to competitors
and economic stability for the company [2]. while retaining the low-margin business in the long term [3].
All types of manufacturing industries have reduced costs, Many companies understand that TQM is necessary for them
increased process efficiency and improved the quality of to remain competitive, retaining their market share and to be
their products and services by working to meet the needs of able to respond to changing 2 competitive demands in to
the people they serve through the application of total quality days business world. Based on some studies, not all
management (TQM) principles. With growing global companies are able to implement TQM successfully. This is
competition, quality management is becoming increasingly because it requires a different implementation approach to
cater for the varying needs of the industries in order for
* Corresponding author: (Md. Syduzzaman) effective implementation. Small and medium sized
Published online at enterprises (SMEs), for example, have been slow in adopting
Copyright 2016 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved TQM when compared to large companies. Their
88 Md. Syduzzaman et al.: Developing a Framework for Implementing Total Quality Management
in the Apparel Industry: Case Study on a Bangladeshi Apparel Manufacturing Factory

involvement has focused primarily on ISO 9000 certification, meeting and exceeding customers expectations and
and very few had advanced beyond that [4]. significantly reducing costs resulting from poor quality by
Therefore, the identification of Critical aspects of adopting a new management system and corporate culture
successful implementation as well as the problems faced by [9].
apparel manufacturing industries in implementing TQM is In this context, TQM has emerged as a holistic
an important area to be understood. The value of this management model because the concept of TQM is much
research is one of the primary steps towards reaching the broader than the traditional quality concepts. It encompasses
needs of the Bangladeshi RMG sector that are trying to not only product, service and process improvement, but
implement TQM in their business. With a better those relating to costs and productivity and to people
understanding of these issues, it can be a nice groundwork involvement and development [10]. TQM has been arguably
for the development of an appropriate TQM framework for the most significant approach to the management of
practical implementation of the RMG sector. organizations and their operations and its improvement and
has provided many tools and techniques [11-14].
Much research has been conducted about TQM. However,
2. Literature Review it is evident from the literature that different researchers have
adopted different definitions and frameworks based on the
2.1. Definitions of Quality context of the application or the theme of the research.
The simple definition of quality is meeting the customer
requirements. Moreover, and aiming at increasing customers 2.3. Quality Tools & Techniques
satisfaction, many organizations have focused on quality and Chan said ' You cannot manage what you cannot measure'
reduced their costs to gain maximum customer satisfaction, [15]. Consequently, there is a need to establish a process
examples of this being Toyota in Japan, Samsung in South for measurement of quality management system
Korea. Besides, the term quality has been defined by so performance, aiming at monitoring data on current and end
many quality experts. Quality refers to the different user customer satisfaction for all essential processes.
workmanship of various activities. Consequently, each Therefore the organization needs to establish a sufficient
business or activity has a different definition of quality, for and workable process. TQM tools are technical means used
example in sales the term quality is more focused on the to work in the quality programs, and often include diagrams,
services which are provided to the customer, while in statistical graphs, also, used to improve processes or develop
manufacture, the term quality is more focused on the products in any organization by identifying, analyzing and
production process, and in Apparel Manufacturing, quality evaluating data that is relevant to their business. Therefore,
refers to both of services provided and output products [5]. by using the tools and techniques, one can investigate
Quality is "The totality of features and characteristics of problems, identify solutions and implement them in work
a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated practices, by measuring and analyzing the outcome.
or implied needs" [6]. The seven quality control tools described by Ishikawa are
So, most of the quality concepts which mentioned above usually perceived as too simplistic and not appropriate [16].
focuses on providing a product that satisfies and meet the In a study conducted by Scheuermann L. et al., the tools
customers needs. Quality is therefore extremely necessary classified as Qualitative tools include flow charts,
for the organizations to ensure that they have delivered their cause-and-effect diagrams, multi-voting, affinity diagram,
products or services according to the customer expectations process action teams, brainstorming, election grids, and task
and requirements. list), whereas Quantitative tools include Shewaryt cycle
(PDCA), Pareto charts, control chart, histogram, run chart,
2.2. Definitions of Total Quality Management and sampling [17]. TQM tools are practical methods, skills,
Numerous definitions have been given on Total Quality means or mechanisms that can be applied to particular tasks.
Management (TQM) by quality gurus, practitioners and A technique has a wider application, often resulting in the
academician. Besterfield defined TQM as both a philosophy need for more thought, skill and training to be used
and a set of guiding principles that represents the foundation effectively, such as SPC, benchmarking, quality function
of a continuously improving organization. It integrates deployment [18]. The most popular sets of TQM tools are as
fundamental management techniques, existing improvement below-
efforts and technical tools under a disciplined approach [7]. Pareto Principle: Identifying the key problems
Using a three-word definition, Wilkinson and Wither defines Control Charts: Variation Control
TQM as below- Cause and Effects, Fishbone, Ishikawa Diagram
Total: every person is involved (its customers and Histogram or Bar Graph
suppliers) Traffic Light System
Quality: customer requirements are met exactly 5S
Management : senior executives are fully committed [8]. Quality Function Deployment
Berry defined TQM process as a total corporate focus on Failure Mode & Effect Analysis.
International Journal of Textile Science 2016, 5(5): 87-95 89

3. Methodology that requires the respondent to tick their answer in the

appropriate scales so as to save time when answering the
This research has been accomplished following the questions. Additionally, 9 was also included in the scale as
methodology illustrated below- an added option indicating the respondent had dont know
Detailed literature review of TQM that requires a or the item was not applicable to their respective factory.
general understanding of TQM; Basically, the questionnaire is divided into 2 main parts.
Define the objectives & scope of the research; Part-A keeps track on the general information of responding
Gather data from industry by using a questionnaire industry. In this section, the background aspects of the
formed by the researcher; respondent, such as number of employees, types of industry
Data analysis using SPSS-20 version; involves by respondent industry, quality system certification
Propose a TQM model; and years of involvement will be obtained. In part-B, its
Case study to ensure the feasibility of the model. attempted to check the degree of Total Quality Management
practices on 1 0 key quality factors of the factory, which
3.1. Research Resources and Tools
derived mainly from literature. A total of 5 1 statements
Various research resources and tools were employed in are provided to be answered by the respondent industry.
this research to collect the required data and these resources The questionnaire has been constructed based on some
are: prominent variables for TQM like as below-
Factory documents and statistics related to the research
objectives. Sl no Variables Sl no Variables
Literatures and researches related to the research 1 Leadership 6
questions Improvement
Interviews with employees of Apparel Manufacturing 2 Communication 7
Employee Involvement
industry in Bangladesh & Satisfaction
Questionnaire to collect data and information 3
Strategic Quality
8 Organization Culture
necessary for research study, statistical analysis, and Planning
get results. 4 Training 9 Supplier Satisfaction
Internet search 5 Customer Satisfaction 10 Teamwork

3.2. Preparing the Questionnaire and Data Collection 3.3. Data Analysis
In order to facilitate data collection, the survey method Data analysis is the process of bringing order,
was used. Towards that end, a questionnaire was developed. structure and meaning to the mass of collected data [20].
A lot of preparation goes into a survey. First, the questions The data obtained from the completed questionnaires has
must be tailored in such a way that encompasses the scope been presented and analyzed by means of various
and objectives of the research. For this research, the survey analyses- descriptive and inferential as it comes applicable.
is designed to investigate level of implementation of TQM in The data has been analyzed by using SPSS software
Bangladeshi Apparel industry. The questionnaire was (20.0 Version). Various types of statistical analyses have
structured and based on an extensive literature review of been done in this research but more emphasis has been given
international and local surveys of quality management and on reliability & factor analysis. Here in this research firstly
integration of all the best theories articulated by the quality factor analyzed for each variable with 5 or 6 questions which
gurus. are considered factor for each variable. Then one factor or
The survey is conducted using both postal questionnaire one question per each variable has been extracted. Finally 10
survey and physical survey. A postal questionnaire survey is factors or questions have been found which significantly
generally cheaper than other methods. Such a questionnaire describe each variable and factor analysis has been
can be helpful in gathering large amounts of data from a conducted among these 10 factors or variable. Based on
sample of a given population and therefore be used to test these factors/variables found after factor analysis, a new
research hypotheses [19]. And for physical survey researcher framework has been formed based on their significance.
has visited the factories and discussed the questionnaire &
relevant issues with the top management especially with
quality managers. The questionnaire was designed in a 4. The Construction of the TQM
simple table format a n d a five-point Likert scale was Framework
employed for scoring responses.
In Bangladesh Apparel industry, there is no well defined
1 = strongly disagree
and specific TQM implementing frameworks based on
2 = disagree
which a new framework might be formed. But to form this
3 = neither disagree nor agree
new framework, researcher had to do dremendous literature
4 = agree and
review and performed an industrial survey. Then data found
5 = strongly agree,
from the survey, has been analysed using statistical tools to
90 Md. Syduzzaman et al.: Developing a Framework for Implementing Total Quality Management
in the Apparel Industry: Case Study on a Bangladeshi Apparel Manufacturing Factory

form the framework. The researcher has formed the model or 1 which is indicating the more significant value and 1st four
framework mainly based on the result from data analysis and scales contain almost 60% variance which is good for this
with the help & guidance of industry experts. Factor analysis study. From the analysis the researcher chose 1st four scales
has been done on the data of TQM variables (mentioned or variables as most significant according to eigenvalue.
earlier) and variables have been extracted as per priority to The newly formed framework for implementing TQM in
form the model. Apparel industry, has been presented as below-
From the above factor analysis table and scree plot, it is
clear that only 4 variables have eigenvalue value more than

Table 1. Significant factor extraction among ten variables

Total Variance Explained

Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings

Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative %

Leadership 2.833 28.325 28.325 2.833 28.325 28.325

Strategic Planning 1.682 16.819 45.145 1.682 16.819 45.145

Training 1.423 14.231 59.375 1.423 14.231 59.375

Continuous Improvement 1.174 11.737 71.112 1.174 11.737 71.112

Communication .813 8.134 79.247

Teamwork .664 6.638 85.884

Employee satisfaction .623 6.228 92.113

Supplier satisfaction .356 3.562 95.674

Customer satisfaction .305 3.051 98.725

Improved culture .127 1.275 100.000

Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.

1) When components are correlated, sums of squared loadings cannot be added to obtain a total variance.

Figure 1. Scree plot for Significant factor extraction among ten variables
International Journal of Textile Science 2016, 5(5): 87-95 91

Improved Culture

Employee Customer Supplier

Satisfaction Satisfaction Satisfaction

Strategic Continuous
Leadership Training
Planning Improvement

Communication Teamwork

Figure 2. Proposed framework for implementing TQM in Apparel industry

The framework of TQM consists of the 10 elements of TQM, where four elements are the main targets in this study. This
framework was based on the hypothesis that TQM implementation has effects on employee satisfaction, supplier satisfaction,
customer satisfaction, and strategic quality planning. These hypotheses were confirmed by the questionnaire survey data from
50 factories and could coin to a decision, Leadership, Strategic Quality Planning, Training and Continuous Improvement are
the most important elements among the 10 TQM elements. From the Framework of TQM, we got the main four phases.
Phase 1: Leadership

Phase 2: Strategic Quality Planning

Phase 3: Training

Phase 4: Continuous Improvement

To implement the proposed framework at first we have to implement these four phases which will be ensured the total
implementation process.

5. Case Study
As a major part of the research methodology, a case study has been conducted at a very well-known textile factory named
Knit Asia Ltd, Bangladesh. The researcher has implemented a proposed framework in this factory. The major aim of the case
study was to provide a practical example of how to use the TQM implementation model in practice and to show the
effectiveness of TQM application. The framework which has been implemented is as below-6. Result and discussion:

Table 2. Statistics showing alters or reworks% before TQM implementation

Alters before implementing the TQM framework



Oil Mark


TTL Alter

Dirty Spot

Join Stitch
Open Seam
Bad Tension
Finishing Alt

Order no
Broken stitch
SPI Irregular
Label Slanted

Over Stitching

Run Off Stitch

Un-even Stitch

Stitch Up-down
Incorrect Label
Button Problem

Drop / Skip Stitch

HTS/Print Problem

Placket Box Slanted

Armhole Point Up-Down
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U Sewing Sewing Sewing %
Day-1 2285 White 949 4 2 6 6 2 4 2 5 2 2 0 35 1.53% 19 0.83%
Day-2 2306 White 951 1 3 4 4 5 2 5 1 5 3 2 0 3 38 1.65% 22 0.95%
Day-3 2306 White 950 2 4 1 3 4 7 3 4 3 4 4 2 0 4 45 1.95% 19 0.82%
Day-4 2200 White 951 1 4 4 5 2 4 2 3 1 5 3 2 0 4 40 1.82% 20 0.91%
Day-5 2260 White 638 2 3 4 5 2 3 2 2 1 5 2 2 0 3 36 1.59% 21 0.93%
Day-6 2260 638 2 4 5 5 2 3 3 4 2 0 3 33 1.46% 18 0.80%
Day-7 1756 H.grey 166 3 1 2 6 4 1 3 2 1 2 2 0 3 30 1.71% 20 1.14%
Day-8 2261 H.Grey 3 4 5 5 2 4 1 2 2 4 1 3 36 1.59% 21 0.93%
Day-9 1600 H.Grey 1 2 4 4 5 2 2 2 3 3 2 30 1.88% 19 1.19%
Day-10 905 2 2 1 3 3 3 1 2 1 2 2 22 2.43% 21 2.32%
Day-11 1800 Black 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 1 3 2 5 3 39 2.17% 17 0.94%
Day-12 1576 489 2 2 3 3 1 4 2 2 3 1 3 2 28 1.78% 21 1.33%
Day-13 1605 838 1 1 3 3 4 2 1 2 3 1 21 1.31% 21 1.31%
Day-14 1964 615 2 2 3 4 2 2 1 1 4 2 23 1.17% 24 1.22%
Day-15 1514 638 1 2 2 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 3 2 21 1.39% 25 1.65%
Day-16 2100 638 1 2 4 2 5 3 2 3 4 2 28 1.33% 20 0.95%
Day-17 2211 307 2 5 3 4 6 1 2 1 1 3 2 30 1.36% 20 0.90%
Day-18 2190 307 1 4 3 1 1 3 1 1 2 3 20 0.91% 22 1.00%
Day-19 1902 638 2 3 1 4 4 1 5 2 2 1 6 2 2 35 1.84% 20 1.05%
in the Apparel Industry: Case Study on a Bangladeshi Apparel Manufacturing Factory

Day-20 1606 White 173 2 3 4 3 4 1 2 2 2 4 3 3 33 2.05% 21 1.31%

Md. Syduzzaman et al.: Developing a Framework for Implementing Total Quality Management

Day-21 1800 White 175 1 1 3 2 1 3 3 2 3 2 2 5 28 1.56% 19 1.06%

Day-22 1300 White 171 1 4 1 1 3 4 1 1 1 4 21 1.62% 19 1.46%
Day-23 1938 White 175 1 1 3 3 1 3 4 3 2 3 3 27 1.39% 20 1.03%
Day-24 1808 White 952 2 5 3 3 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 2 2 4 2 38 2.10% 20 1.11%
Day-25 1900 White 170 1 3 4 2 3 3 2 2 3 1 4 3 31 1.63% 22 1.16%
Day-26 2100 White 1 2 3 6 3 1 4 3 1 2 1 2 4 5 3 41 1.95% 22 1.05%
Table 3. Statistics showing alter or reworks% after TQM implementation
Alters after implementing the proposed TQM framework



Oil Mark


TTL Alter

Dirty Spot

Join Stitch
Open Seam
Bad Tension
Finishing Alt

Order no
Broken stitch
SPI Irregular
Label Slanted

Over Stitching

Run Off Stitch

Un-even Stitch

Stitch Up-down
Incorrect Label
Button Problem

Drop / Skip Stitch

HTS/Print Problem

Placket Box Slanted

Armhole Point Up-Down
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U Sewing Sewing Sewing %
Day-1 2356 959 3 4 3 2 2 2 3 4 2 3 0 28 1.19% 20 0.85%
Day-2 2311 959 1 3 2 2 1 3 2 2 2 0 3 21 0.91% 23 1.00%
Day-3 2360 959 3 3 3 1 3 2 3 18 0.76% 21 0.89%
Day-4 3085 29 2 3 3 2 3 3 16 0.52% 23 0.75%
Day-5 2266 32 3 2 3 3 4 15 0.66% 20 0.88%
Day-6 2508 31 1 3 3 3 2 3 4 19 0.76% 20 0.80%
Day-7 709 White 952 1 4 2 3 1 2 2 15 2.12% 24 3.39%
Day-8 2208 White 1 5 1 2 1 2 5 17 0.77% 19 0.86%
Day-9 3107 White 2 2 2 1 3 2 3 3 2 3 4 4 31 1.00% 23 0.74%
Day-10 2809 2 1 2 2 3 1 6 3 3 1 2 26 0.93% 19 0.68%
Day-11 2808 Black 2 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 2 5 30 1.07% 26 0.93%
Day-12 2809 396 1 2 1 4 3 1 2 2 2 3 21 0.75% 24 0.85%
Day-13 2808 Blue 648 1 2 3 4 1 3 2 1 4 21 0.75% 22 0.78%
Day-14 2878 White 797 1 2 3 2 2 5 1 3 2 4 25 0.87% 21 0.73%
Day-15 2880 396 3 4 2 6 3 2 3 4 27 0.94% 23 0.80%
Day-16 2879 461 1 3 2 3 2 2 2 6 3 5 3 5 37 1.29% 21 0.73%
International Journal of Textile Science 2016, 5(5): 87-95

Day-17 2221 White 1 2 3 3 1 1 3 3 4 3 2 6 32 1.44% 25 1.13%

Day-18 2909 648 1 1 1 3 5 5 4 20 0.69% 24 0.83%
Day-19 2913 3 3 2 5 2 3 1 4 1 3 27 0.93% 24 0.82%
Day-20 2406 650 2 1 2 1 3 5 4 1 19 0.79% 21 0.87%
Day-21 2028 Pink 57 2 1 8 2 2 2 6 2 1 26 1.28% 24 1.18%
Day-22 2580 Pink 57 2 2 2 5 2 1 14 0.54% 21 0.81%
Day-23 2861 White 741 3 2 3 5 13 0.45% 25 0.87%
Day-24 2861 White 741 3 2 3 4 2 3 3 5 1 5 3 1 35 1.22% 21 0.73%
Day-25 2911 196 1 4 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 3 23 0.79% 20 0.69%
Day-26 2862 198 1 3 2 3 2 2 5 2 3 3 1 27 0.94% 19 0.66%
94 Md. Syduzzaman et al.: Developing a Framework for Implementing Total Quality Management
in the Apparel Industry: Case Study on a Bangladeshi Apparel Manufacturing Factory

Effects of Implementing the Proposed TQM framework

sewing alter %

sewing alter (without TQM)
sewing alter (with TQM)

Figure 3. Comparison of sewing Alter & reject% with & without implementing TQM

Effects of Implementing the Proposed TQM framework

finishing alter %

finishing alter (Without
1.00% finishing alter (With TQM)

Figure 4. Comparison of finishing Alter & reject% with & without implementing TQM

Table 4. Comparative statistics of before and after TQM implementation considering so many limitations. Here two sewing floors
Before After have been taken into considerations for the experiments.
implementing TQM implementing TQM One has been considered before implementing the
Production 49453 67333 proposed TQM framework that is their ongoing floor and
another followed the TQM principles has been considered
Working day 26 26
as after implementing the proposed TQM framework.
Total alters 809 603 Then both the floors have been observed regularly for about
Total rejects 168 148 a month: how is the production, how much faults are
Alter % 1.64 0.90 occurring and what about the status of alters or reworks, etc.
From the data mentioned above, its been found that
Reject% 0.34 0.22
production has been improved as total alters and rejections
In apparel manufacturing processes, especially in sewing have been considerably reduced after implementing the
there are so many faults or alters may occur. Some are proposed TQM framework.
repairable alters and some are not (non-repairable) which
are unavoidable, but may be reduced in quantity but cannot 6. Conclusions
be removed. To find out the benefits or advantages of
implementing the proposed TQM framework, the two The ever increasing competitions in the field of product
experiments have been carried out simultaneously and services, have resulted in the development of
International Journal of Textile Science 2016, 5(5): 87-95 95

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