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Through methodical, and at times surgical, application of a
continuous improvement framework, Snyders-Lances Columbus
team made a full organizational transformation in only one year.
Performance was not the focus, but became the outcome.

} Greg Flickinger, Vice President, Manufacturing and Corporate Engineering, Snyders-Lance Inc.
} Thanks to
the incredible

the Columbus he Snyders-Lance Columbus, GA The Columbus team applied a tried-and-true
site earned the manufacturing site, originally estab- framework to nurture rapid, sustained organiza-
credibility as well as lished as the Tom Huston Peanut tional improvement. The process was focused on
the opportunity for Company, has been in existence implementing continuous improvement (CI) tools
capital investment. since 1925. In recent decades, the site and methodologies primarily from the total pro-
The team installed changed ownership a number of times until Lance ductive maintenance (TPM) tool box. CI tools
a new sandwich Inc. purchased the company out of bankruptcy in were leveraged as a vehicle to drive culture change
cracker line in 2005. The many lean years had taken a tremendous with sustainable performance improvement as an
July and began toll on the site culture, infrastructure and ultimately, outcome, but not the specific focus. The frame-
commissioning in profitability. In January 2011, Snyders-Lance hired work, embodied by the three fundamental tenets
August. Shown left Chuck Staton and quickly promoted him to site of reliability, standard work and shared equity, was
to right are Nikki director of manufacturing. Three months later, successfully applied to create a sustained, large-scale
Lofton, Pat Sleem, Staton hired a dynamic servant leader, Brian Dubak, transformation in the Charlotte manufacturing site
Vic McCallister and as the Columbus bakery plant manager. What trans- without directed capital (2009-2010).
Erik Jenson. Source: pired over the next 21 months was a remarkable The Columbus site transformation was also
Snyders-Lance. cultural and performance transformation. accomplished without directed performance- | Food Engineering | September 2013 79

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operation. Leaders also must have the courage

Columbus Results and confidence to elevate those under them to
an equal or higher status, while treating them
Conversion & Controllable Variance Percentage with the utmost respect.
% Var The role of leadership is about creating an
6.0% environment of relevance since people who

4.0% feel relevant are willing to engage. Leaders
1.9% must have the capability of leveraging basic
2.0% 1.0% CI processes as vehicles to educate and train
0.0% personnel as well as build teamwork across
-2.0% teams and functions. They must be able to

instill the tools and knowledge into the teams
-4.5% they serve, providing support without remov-
-6.0% -5.7% ing accountability. Leaders also must be strong
communicators who are truly engaged with
-10.0% the problems and issues faced by their team.
Q1 11 Q2 11 Q3 11 Q4 11 Q1 12 Q2 12 Q3 12 Q4 12 The ultimate measure of the leaders value is
his or her ability to create an environment that
} The Columbus enhancing capital expenditures. The facility, how- promotes engagement.
Bakery showed ever, was able to make an even larger performance It also is important that the leaders are given
an incredible step change in a shorter period of time. The tools/ opportunities to develop skills. In many instanc-
improvement processes are applied specifically to create experi- es, such as a significant organizational change
in conversion ences and develop the capability of the organiza- effort, they may have to change themselves. The
and controllable tional stakeholders. It is all about the people. The most effective approach is one where manage-
costs. Shown is result of the overall process nurtures engagement ment provides the education and tools to be suc-
quarterly variance and ownership, and taps directly into individual cessful, and selectively hires role model leaders
performance against and organization-wide discretionary effort. Perfor- who already possess many of the desired leader-
a common baseline. mance is not the focus, but becomes the outcome. ship attributes. Often, new leaders model the
Source: Snyders- leadership, while existing leaders, together with
Lance. Key elements of the framework the associates, provide the technical knowledge.
A number of key elements are required to suc- Ultimately, a portion of the pre-existing leaders
cessfully create a performance culture: leadership, may not make the journey, but they will have
change management, reliability and standard work been given every opportunity to successfully con-
principles. In addition, these foundational elements tribute, and the final choice will have been within
must be sustained and supported to allow for pro- their control.
gram expansion to more advanced future elements. Throughout the process, each leader must main-
Too many organizations attempt to gain instanta- tain the long-term vision to create self-sufficient
neous performance improvement by management teams with the capability of running day-to-day
edicts, computer systems or advanced programs. operations without supervision. At the beginning
This often leads to spikes in performance improve- of the journey, boundary conditions may need to
ment that are rarely sustained. Worse yet, many be tightened to gain alignment. The objective is
organizations see improvements and think they are to continually relax the boundary conditions until
creating significant improvement. In reality, these they are no longer apparent. The definitive mea-
scenarios may achieve a relatively small percent sure of a leaders success is the teams ability to run
improvement compared to the improvement the the daily operation without him or her. Leadership
same tools might have yielded if the organization is the first element and the prerequisite for all
applied a holistic approach. other framework processes.

Leadership Change management

The selection and development of servant leaders The leadership group must understand how to
is critical to the change effort. Leaders must have a navigate change since every organization is faced
passion for people, as well as the ability to develop with change on a daily basis. Nurturing effective
teams by allowing them to have authority, account- change is a key differentiator between a manager
ability and responsibility for their portions of the and a leader. It sets the good apart from the aver-

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Columbus Line 1 Results Reliability is a foundational element of orga-
System Efficiency vs. Theoretical Maximum (Tmax) nization success regardless of the business
segment. In the manufacturing environment,
82.0% reliability is a tangible entity that can be mea-
79.0% sured in major and minor stops (downtime).
System Efficiency

With people-focused leaders and effective
75.0% change management, organizations can quick-
70.0% ly garner support and effort from their associ-
65.0% ates. Organizational trust is built when the
60.0% teams can not only see the results in the num-
55.0% bers, but also experience the improvement in
50.0% their daily activity.
45.0% System and equipment reliability is a key
40.0% support for the overall change and improve-
2011 2012 2013 YTD
ment effort. If people experience poor reli-
Year ability on an ongoing basis, they will begin to
lose trust in the vision. Reliability is not only
} This graph shows age and can be the difference between success experienced; it is easily measured in system perfor-
the performance and failure. Two valuable change management mance numbers such as efficiency against theoreti-
improvement models are John Kotters eight-element model cal maximum output (Tmax), schedule attainment
against Tmax for the from his book, Leading Change, and Proscis and scrap. Reliability is also the root cause or driver
primary Columbus ADKAR model. for many other consequences such as safety, product
sandwich cracker Effective change management can mean the quality and associate morale.
line (Line 1). Source: difference between pushing a program against The Columbus team was faced with a tremen-
Snyders-Lance. resistance or establishing organizational pull. To dous challenge because a large portion of their
initiate rapid and sustained change, pull must be equipment was old and lacked sustained, effective
established. The Columbus team knew creating maintenance. One important, initial step in rectify-
organizational pull was the key to success. As a ing this situation was hiring Nikki Lofton to lead
result, they leveraged Lifecycle Engineering (LCE) the transformation of the bakery maintenance team.
from Charleston, SC to teach the group how to The next critical step was gaining a level of control
effectively use ADKAR. and stability in daily operation by eliminating reoc-
The premise of ADKAR is to ensure leaders are curring issues. This meant resolving problems to the
effectively and intentionally generating awareness, root cause reactively and, at times, ignoring some
desire, knowledge, action and reinforcement (sus- issues to allow resources to sustainably eliminate
tainment), regardless of the specific project or effort others. Once the team created enough available
underway. For example, the ADKAR approach was time, they began to rebuild the preventative main-
applied to the effort to create an employee-centric tenance (PM) program. The PM program rebuild is
safety culture. Prior to the new leadership, safety ongoing and encompasses continuous updating of
was approached by the prototypical program model job plans, identification and elimination of defects,
with average results. By leveraging ADKAR, the reevaluating parts inventories and installing a new,
team was able to generate organization-wide owner- computerized maintenance management system
ship with commensurate results. (CMMS).
Brian Dubak sums up the results of the organi- The core maintenance team supported enhanced
zational pull that was created: Originally, I was reliability, but effectively moving the organization in
involved in all of the meetings and engaged with the right direction required ownership by everyone.
every activity. Now so many people are involved The operations and maintenance teams engaged in
that I could not keep up with all of the progress. I basic root cause analysis (RCA). They learned and
am still very supportive, but now safety just hap- began to leverage a few key tools such as Why-Why
pens. Safety has become an outcome generated (also called 5 Why) as well as focused improvement
by the culture. This simple change management (FI) and A-3s. Once the constant white noise of
approach and philosophy is often overlooked various issues began to dissipate, the teams could
by organizations, but it was a cornerstone of the begin to solve the reoccurring issues that plagued
Columbus transformation. system reliability.

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utilize what may be the most important and most

effective tool in the entire TPM tool box, autono-
mous maintenance (AM).
The operations team began to use AM in the
second half of 2012. As with other tools used
throughout the transformation, AM is being applied
intentionally to build and enhance the culture with
performance as the outcome. From the transforma-
tion perspective, AM teaches technical skills while
building equipment knowledge. When executed
to the fullest benefit, a diverse group of operators,
technicians, maintenance and support functions
have the opportunity to experience and develop cul-
ture through teamwork. The outcomes of success-
fully led AM efforts are ownership, shared equity,
enhanced equipment reliability and performance.
} The site As the level of system control was enhanced, The performance numbers are the outcome, but the
communication the production systems were center-lined, and the true value is clearly generated from cultural develop-
continuum created teams began to leverage production control charts ment combined with practical learning experiences
visibility and to not only gain visibility into performance on the provided by hands-on activity. Too many organiza-
accountability, floor, but also to take active ownership and control tions become fixated on the what and lose sight of
enabling rapid of their systems. At the onset of the effort in 2011, the how. But the how is the most important aspect
organizational LCE was engaged in supporting the education and of any effort, whether it is a complete transforma-
change and development of a small team dedicated to a single tion, an improvement or simply sustainment.
performance line. The plant team under Brian Dubaks leadership
improvements. quickly took the process and spread it across the Standard work
Plant Manager Brian entire bakery, customizing and enhancing the basic Standard work is a key contributor to building not
Dubak is pictured at philosophies. only a sustained, but a continuously improving,
the Daily Direction As control was established, the plant operations organization. A well-developed, comprehensive
Setting venue. and maintenance teams were able to dedicate time standard work program is also a key enabler for
Source: Snyders- to the next level of reliability enhancements, mul- organizations that must be able to adapt quickly.
Lance. tiplying the performance results. They began to On the surface, the concept of standard work may
selectively rebuild and, where needed, redesign appear like an authoritarian or management-driv-
equipment. Equipment transfer points driving vis- en approach. How it is applied is what differenti-
ible reliability and performance issues were also ates it as a key element supporting the growth of
addressed and improved. The Columbus team an empowered, high-performing organization as
pulled in a few expert resources to help them get opposed to a constrictive management tool.
to the next level, such as Tommy Snipes from the Standard work is empowering when the associ-
Charlotte plant to support a rebuild and timing ates and the teams own and develop it. It can be
calibration on the circa 1970s flow wrappers; Jim divided into two types: associate standard work,
Hartschuh, a company commercialization expert often called CIL or CILT (clean, inspect, lubricate,
to support the technical education of the associates tighten), and leader standard work (LSW). CILTs
and the redesign of the cookie production line; and are used to document and guide the efforts on the
Erik Jenson from corporate engineering to redesign floor. The CILT line items should always be created
transition points on one of the newer cracker lines. and owned by the associates. Subject matter experts
Only after enough stability was achieved to gain and other leaders are responsible for supporting and
the full value of the time and effort, were resources facilitating the programs development.
pulled in. Many organizations force resources upon In the manufacturing world, a fully developed
plants in an effort to drive immediate improvement. standard work program encompasses cleaning,
However, for resources to be effective, the plant inspection, lubrication and basic maintenance, all
must have basic stability and, most importantly, performed on the floor by the associates. It includes
should pull the resources as opposed to having them steady-state operation as well as unplanned down-
forced upon them. The plant team has now reached time events. It covers hourly, shift, daily, weekly and
a point in their journey where they are starting to monthly activity. Since the program is developed

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and executed by the associates, change management is built in. indicator for not only system performance, but also con-
The teams take ownership of their work and take responsibility sumer complaints.
for continually updating the procedures as their acumen grows Associate standard work must be complemented by a com-
and the business needs change. It is important for the program prehensive LSW program. We have all heard the phrases trust
to meet the needs of each function to eliminate one-offs created but verify and what is expected must be inspected. These
by functional silos. convey some level of truth, but the servant leader looks at asso-
The benefits of the program are extensive. At the Columbus ciate standard work through a different filter. The true leader
site, the program documented the critical tasks and created wants to be involved with the associate standard work program
consistency between team members and across shifts. Previ- to understand where he or she can better support the team, not
ously, much of the knowledge was experiential and not for- to audit and police. The objective is to ensure each team mem-
mally documented. Standard work programs are essential to ber understands how the activity in standard work contributes
maintaining system center-lines and documenting activity fre- to the success of the overall plant organization. Leaders also can
quency. The program can be updated quickly and easily, allow- check for understanding to uncover education opportunities
ing an organization to rapidly adopt new or better approaches. at the individual level and look for potential program gaps or
Additionally, the system allows new hires or inexperienced improvement needs.
associates to quickly come up to speed with the key elements The LSW is developed from the critical tasks of the leader-
of running a line. ship group and must be strategically developed to support
As time progresses, these types of programs will become and overlay the associate standard work program. The LSW
even more important for documentation with regard to the program ensures that leaders engage in the most important
evolving requirements of the Food Safety Modernization focus areas and approach their role consistently across leaders
Act (FSMA). From a regulatory perspective, if an item is and shifts. It also ensures leaders hold impactful conversations
not documented, it never happened. Standard work pro- on the floor and engage in a meaningful way with all team
vides documentation. Standard work in the form of CILT members. Plus, LSW documents the best current approaches
can also serve as a leading indicator. A study performed in to leading in the organization. It serves as a template enhancing
the Charlotte facility found CILT compliance was a leading the effectiveness of new leaders.

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86 September 2013 | Food Engineering |

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LSW is an activator for shared equity across functions. Even The team fully understood that business success and health
leaders from other areas in the production facility, or other began and ended with the people on the Columbus team. The
functions, can perform a well-constructed LSW audit in an focus on people is best reflected by the early emphasis on build-
area outside of their expertise. It allows associates to show a ing a safety culture. The site showed a 53 percent decline in
non-expert performing the LSW what they do and how they recordable incidents in 2012 vs. 2010, the year prior to Chuck
perform many of the activities. Teams educating others build Staton accepting the site leadership role. In comparing 2012
a true sense of importance and belonging. In this way, LSW to 2011, the site has shown incredible safety results, includ-
is an important component of instilling relevancy, which is a ing a 34 percent decline in recordable incidents, a 53 percent
foundational element of engagement. decline in lost time accidents (LTAs) and restricted duty and
In addition, LSW ensures alignment consistency and, when a 90 percent reduction in days away from work. The focus on
done well, can begin to create the spark in many team members people has taken the site to one of the best safety performances
to apply discretionary effort. As with associate standard work, in the company, surpassing the overall supply chain goals and
the LSW program should be designed with full input from the averages in each category.
leadership group as well as key stakeholders. Change manage- From a business standpoint, the performance numbers are
ment should be built into the process. equally impressive. Comparing 2011 to 2012, the site improved
its performance against controllable cost by an incredible 9 per-
Results cent. Material usage, direct labor, indirect labor, overtime and
The Columbus manufacturing site provided the ultimate test all other controllable financials showed significant improve-
of the engagement and transformation framework. Through ments without any directed capital. The site performance
methodical, and at times surgical, application of the frame- against Tmax (theoretical maximum output based upon the
work, the Columbus team made a full organizational transfor- system bottleneck when the system is running) improved from
mation in only one year. The site leadership team coined the 69 percent in 2011 to an average of 80.4 percent over the last
objective of Grow Our People Grow Our Business. This has seven periods of 2012.
been the rallying cry to align the entire Columbus organization The improvement in performance and the value of the
behind the mission. framework are best exhibited by Columbuss primary sandwich

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88 September 2013 | Food Engineering |

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cracker line (Line 1). The flow wrappers, originally built in The plant has continued to perform in 2013, meeting or
the 1970s, were rebuilt in 1983 and were performing at 66.2 exceeding 99.6 percent service at the time of writing this
percent of Tmax in 2011. Most plants would have used the age article. Additionally, consumer complaints have been
of the equipment as an excuse and lived with the performance reduced well beyond internal goals, exceeding their con-
results. But the new leaders in Columbus who inherited the sumer complaint frequency goal for 2012 by 27 percent.
issue accepted accountability. As is always the case for an organization where TPM is a
The Columbus team understood they had to pay to play, culture and not a program, the team will not be satisfied
and the only way to gain future capital investment was to build until they approach zero: zero safety incidents and zero
processes and programs to fully leverage the existing equip- loss. The journey of any CI-focused organization is long
ment. The team had to build credibility with the organization and ever-developing, and the Columbus team has clearly
through performance. By fully leveraging the framework with shown what is truly possible when servant-minded leader-
a focus on building team ownership, Columbus Line 1 hit an ship passionately focuses on engaging people and develop-
average performance of 79.0 percent of Tmax for 2012 and ing sustainable processes.
an average performance of 83.6 percent of Tmax for the last
seven periods of 2012, exhibiting incredible sustainment and Greg Flickinger is vice president of manufacturing and cor-
a continuously improving trend. As impressive as they are, the porate engineering for Snyders-Lance Inc. He has worked for
numbers cannot reveal the level of ownership, moral, pride and Snyders-Lance for five years, focusing on transitioning the
discretionary effort that is present today not only on Line 1, but culture from a traditional to a high-performance structure cen-
across the entire bakery. Success is contagious. tered on total employee engagement. In his previous role as the
Strategic implementation of the framework described director of manufacturing , Flickinger led a team that achieved
and leveraged in the Line 1 example has allowed the bakery an 11 percent reduction in total manufacturing cost through
to reduce first-pass scrap by 58 percent year over year. The people and process adjustments without any significant capital
business performance improvements also have had impacts projects. Prior to Snyders-Lance, he worked for General Mills
well beyond the manufacturing floor. The site exceeded 99 in strategic technology development, R&D, headquarters opera-
percent service to sales for eight of the 12 periods in 2012. tions and plant operations.

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90 September 2013 | Food Engineering |

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