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Misconduct is an act that is inconsistent with the expressed or implied

Terms and Conditions of Service, Companys Policies and Procedures, Code
of Conduct and Collective Agreements. Some of the more common
misconducts are listed below.

1. Habitual Late Coming to Work Place

a. When an employee comes late to work frequently
2. Habitual Absenteeism
a. When an employee is frequently absent without approval.
3. Abuse of Sick Leave
a. When an employee takes advantage of utilising all Sick Leave
Entitlement for other reasons than medical
b. When an employee forges Sick Leave/Medical Certificates
4. Drug Abuse
a. When an employee is under the influence of drugs while on
5. Disclosing Confidential Information
a. When an employee provides confidential company
information to a 3rd party without prior approval from the
6. Possession, sales or distribution of pornographic materials
a. When an employee distributes pornographic materials for
whatever reasons at the work place
7. Misuse of IT and Companys facilities
a. When an employee does not follow the guidelines on using IT
facilities or vandalises the companys facilities
8. Violence, abuse, assault or threatening to harm or injure other
a. When an employee for whatever reasons, commits the above
to another employee/s
9. Smoking in prohibited areas
a. When an employee is found smoking at a place where he is
prohibited from smoking
10.Sexual Harassment
a. When an employee exhibits inappropriate behaviour and/or
harasses another employee either verbally, non-verbally,
visually, psychologically or physically of a sexual nature
11.Theft, fraud, dishonesty
a. When an employee steals or takes property of the company
12.Corruption & Bribery
a. When an employee takes a bribe from a third party or other
employee/s in exchange for preferential services or position
13.Conflict of Interest
a. When there is a clash between an employees role or duty to
the Company and the employees individual interest. This
usually relates to the involvement of the employees family
members in the business.
14.Condoning an offence
a. When an employee chooses to ignore an offence conducted
by a superior or peers and thus it is perceived to be

15.Duty of Care and Negligence

a. When an employee does not follow work procedures or
exercise his skills at work which then results in an accident or
monetary loss to the company
a. When an employee leaves early or comes late to work
without permission.
17.Constructive Dismissal
a. When an employee resigns and subsequently claims that the
resignation was due to unreasonable action by the employer
or involves a breach of the contract.

Please note the above list is non-exhaustive

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