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* * * * * * MONDAY, APRIL 17, 2017 ~ VOL. CCLXIX NO. 88 HHHH $3.00
Last week: DJIA 20453.25 g 202.85 1.0% NASDAQ 5805.15 g 1.2% STOXX 600 380.58 g 0.2% 10-YR. TREASURY 1 7/32 , yield 2.237% OIL $53.18 $0.94 EURO $1.0614 YEN 108.63

China Is
Business & Finance
On North
C alpers is considering
dramatic changes to how
it invests in private equity WASHINGTONIn the wake
that would slash payments of North Koreas failed missile
to Wall Street managers, as test over the weekend, Trump
the pension fund looks for administration officials stepped
ways to cut costs. A1 up pressure on China, saying
the threat has reached an in-
 Randal Quarles, a for-
flection point that demands
mer top Treasury official,
new urgency.
is expected to be Trumps
selection as the Federal Re-
serves vice chairman for By Carol E. Lee and
bank supervision. A2 John D. McKinnon in
Washington and

 Wells Fargo is scram- Jonathan Cheng

bling to meet with key in- in Seoul
vestors as the bank faces
the possibility that one or By framing China as the
more of its directors could worlds best hope for a resolu-
fail to win re-election. B1 tion that doesnt involve mili-
tary action, the U.S. aimed to
 Higher growth returned
raise the stakes for Beijing.
to China in the first quarter,
Its really the consensus
with gross domestic prod-
Supporters of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan rallied in Istanbul on Sunday after voting ended in a referendum that gave him more power. with the president, our key al-
uct expanding by 6.9% from
lies in the regionsJapan and
the year-earlier period. A7

Turkeys President Wins

South Korea in particular, but
 PwC is facing a class-ac- also the Chinese leadership
tion lawsuit over its pursuit that this problem is coming to
of millennials as employees, a head, White House National
part of an emerging wave of Security Adviser Lt. Gen. H.R.

Narrowly in Vote on Powers

litigation that could test McMaster said on ABCs This
age-discrimination law. B1 Week.
And so its time for us to
 A well operated by BP on
undertake all actions we can,
Alaskas North Slope stopped
short of a military option, to
leaking oil on Sunday but
Turkeys President Recep ism, economic woes and the The outcome is unlikely to try to resolve this peacefully,
continued to release natural By Margaret Coker,
Tayyip Erdogan declared vic- conflict in neighboring Syria. immediately affect Ankaras he said.
gas, a state agency said. B3 Ned Levin
tory in a close vote on consti- But in the short term, they are relations with Washington and Sundays comments from
 Uniteds rules-based cul- tutional changes that would and Yeliz Candemir likely to create greater domes- the U.S.-led North Atlantic U.S. officials marked a soften-
ture is seen as a factor in concentrate more power in his tic instability. Treaty Organization, analysts ing of rhetoric after recent sa-
the decision to call for po- office and usher in some of the in Ankara, the capital, even as The contested results could said. Turkey is a member of ber rattling from Washington
lice to remove a passenger most radical changes since the supporters of the president lead to heightened tension NATO and plays an important and Pyongyang. Days after vow-
from a fully booked flight. B1 1923 founding of the republic. were holding congratulatory with Europe, where officials role in the alliances fight ing the U.S. would go it alone
The referendum was marred demonstrations elsewhere in have expressed wariness about Please see TURKEY page A6 on North Korea if China didnt
 Emerging-market bond
by allegations of fraud, with the city. a further concentration of help, President Donald Trump
ETFs have underperformed,
opposition leaders vowing to The president said the pro- power for Mr. Erdogan, who  Vote ramps up tension with Please see KOREA page A8
raising concern over their
demand a recount. Opponents posed constitutional amend- has led Turkey for 14 years European Union........................ A6
suitability for bets on vola-
of Mr. Erdogan on Sunday ments would give him the and could now stay on as head  Yaroslav Trofimov: Erdogans  On Pences Asia visit, security
tile developing nations. B9
night were massed in protest tools to grapple with terror- of state for another decade. narrow win.................................. A6 tops trade .................................. A8
 Fate of the Furious
opened to an estimated
Fed Prepares to Trim Its Holdings
Calpers Weighs Shift in
$532.5 million, putting the
Universal movie in a virtual tie
for a record global launch. B3 After loading up on mortgage and Treasury securities, the Federal
Reserve is working on a plan to wind them down. The process could be
Private-Equity Investing
a challenge for investors used to easy money from the central bank. A2

Feds balance sheet growth during the nancial crisis and its
 Turkeys Erdogan de- aftermath
clared victory in a close $5 trillion $4.2 trillion
vote on a referendum that BY DAWN LIM hand in selecting and managing Combined value of Treasurys and mortgages
would concentrate more AND HEATHER GILLERS its investments in private com-
power in his presidency. Bank Job panies, according to these peo-

Opposition leaders vowed The largest public pension ple. Calpers hopes a new ap- 3
to demand a recount. A1, A6 fund in the U.S. is studying dra- Former Treasury official proach will reduce costs. Treasury securities
matic changes in how it invests Randal Quarles is expected Among the options being 2
 Trump officials stepped
up pressure on China to in private equity that would to be Trumps pick as the considered are: buying a pri-
slash payments to Wall Street Feds vice chairman for bank vate-equity firm or creating a 1 Mortgage securities
help deal with the threat
from North Korea in the managers, according to people supervision, A2 separate company outside Calp-
wake of a failed missile familiar with the matter. ers that would make private-eq-
The internal review is the uity wagers. Calpers could also 2007 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
test by Pyongyang. A1
 Pence arrived in South latest effort by the California stocks and bonds. Calperslike choose to act as the sole inves- Source: Federal Reserve THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Korea to begin an Asian visit Public Employees Retirement many pension fundsdoesnt tor in more customized ac-
in which security strategies System to re-evaluate its more have enough assets on hand to counts with outside managers,
expensive bets as it wrestles pay for all future obligations. these people said.

are likely to overshadow
economic demands. A8 with a cash crunch, a widening The options under consider- In perhaps the biggest shift
funding deficit and declining es- ation could give the $315 billion being reviewed, Calpers also
 A new wave of evacuees timates of future earnings from retirement system a greater Please see FUND page A2

was set to leave a besieged
Syrian town, a day after a
car bomb targeting a convoy
killed over 125 people. A7
 Kushner is in talks to
sell his stake in a real es-
tate tech firm as he moves
to separate himself from
conflicts of interest. A4
High-end retailers, after years of raising prices,
 Arkansas is contesting
legal rulings that blocked
are now facing troubles of mass-market chains
the state from carrying out
a series of executions. A3 BY SUZANNE KAPNER mer mens fashion director,
 A hacking group released AND RYAN DEZEMBER now with his own clothing
documents that describe an line.
Lysa Heslov used to be a Sales of personal luxury
alleged NSA effort to com-
promise users of the Swift SMALL THE RISE BEHIND loyal Neiman Marcus shopper.
Now, she buys most of her
goods, such as designer ap-
parel and handbags, fell 1%
transfer system.
WEDDINGS, OF THE UNITEDS clothes, shoes and handbags last year, the first decline
 Alabamas Senate has
approved a bill that would
BIG BUDGETS SMART CITY FATEFUL MOVE at websites that carry the
same designer brands, often
since 2009, according to Bain
& Co. The slowdown contrasts
allow a church to create its at cheaper prices. with 4% growth in the global
own police department. A3 LEISURE & ARTS, A11 JOURNAL REPORT, R1-8 BUSINESS & FINANCE, B1 I price compare now much Please see NEIMAN page A10
 A former governor of more than I ever did before,
said Ms. Heslov, a 52-year-old
Embraceable You: When the CEO Is a Hugger
Mexicos Veracruz state,
who fled in October, was ar- documentary film director Luxury Lag
rested in Guatemala. A9 who lives in Los Angeles. Global personal luxury-goods
i i i Neiman Marcus and other market, change from a year
 A U.S.-Egyptian citizen luxury retailers were long earlier
who was held for nearly
three years was acquitted
Bosses greet business associates with open arms; the HR hug thought immune to the trou-
bles of mass-market chains
by an Egyptian court. A9 BY RACHEL FEINTZEIG ployees, customers and other falling foot traffic and the
business associates with open constant price wars that have
CONTENTS Markets Digest..... B6 Felicia Flewelling starts her arms. triggered widespread closure 10
Business News.. B2,3 Opinion.............. A15-17
Crossword.............. A14 Sports....................... A14 workday with coffee, a quick Huggers say their touchy- of brick-and-mortar stores.
Heard on Street. B10 Technology............... B4 Facebook check and a whirling feely approach breeds team- But high-end chains, which
Journal Report.. R1-8 U.S. News............. A2-4 embrace with her boss. work, trust and better business raised prices incessantly over 5
Life & Arts....... A11-13 Weather................... A14
Markets.............. B8-10 World News....... A6-9
You go in for like a regular results. Huggees dont always the past decade, are learning
hug and then you just spin in a agree. There are legal and physi- the hard way that even
circle, the 31-year-old recep- cal risks to consider, not to men- wealthy customers are hunting 0
> tionist says of her morning rit- gering embraces in some cor- tion the awkwardness of being for better deals and selection,
ual with the chief executive of ners of the corporate world. At embraced by the person who whether online or at shops
her company, Dovico Software luxury clothing brand Ted Baker does your performance review. run by individual brands. 5
Inc. It makes it a lot easier to PLC, TurboTax maker Intuit Inc. The share of advertising and Even a very rich person
2010 12 14 16*
s Copyright 2017 Dow Jones &
come into work. and Wheels & Deals Ltd. (called marketing executives who de- can say, Enough is enough,
Company. All Rights Reserved Handshakes have given way Canadas Huggable Car scribed co-worker hugging as when it comes to price, said *Estimate Source: Bain & Co.
to bear hugs, back pats and lin- Dealer), top bosses greet em- Please see HUGS page A10 Matthew Singer, Neimans for- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A2 | Monday, April 17, 2017 * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Fed Works on Unwinding Its Portfolio Trump Is
Set to Fill
he Federal Reserve is Another question is how
moving quickly to fill in
the details of how it
will wind down its securities
Ramp Down
After loading up on mortgage and Treasury securities, the Fed is
developing a plan to wind them down.
fast the Fed should get there.
Officials leaned at their
March meeting toward reduc-
Post at Fed
holdings in the years ahead, a
process that could start this
year and become the next big
Simulation of how it could go postcrisis, based on a Fed board
paper released in January*
ing holdings of Treasurys and
mortgage bonds simultane-
ously. They could reduce
challenge for investors grown
accustomed to easy money
from the worlds most impor-
$5 trillion

these holdings gradually by
tapering the reinvestments of
principal payments, or they
Big Banks
tant central bank. could stop the reinvestments BY NICK TIMIRAOS
The Fed wants to move to- 3 $2.5 trillion cold turkey, which would be AND PETER NICHOLAS
ward a smaller portfolio for combined easier to communicate to
several reasons. The economy 2 markets but could also create WASHINGTONA former
is on a stronger footing, leav- Treasury securities
more market volatility. top Treasury Department offi-

ing less need for support 1 Officials at the March cial in the George W. Bush ad-
from a large meeting seemed inclined to ministration is expected to be
THE bond portfolio. Mortgage securities phase out the holdings gradu- President Donald Trumps pick
OUTLOOK The large hold- ally. That would add only for a top financial regulatory
NICK ings have be- 2011 2013 2015 2017 2019 2021 2023 2025 around a year to an already post at the Federal Reserve, a
TIMIRAOS come a political *2007-16 gures are weekly; 2017-25 gures are monthly drawn-out process, and offi- senior official familiar with
liability, unpop- Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen Source: Federal Reserve THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. cials may conclude it is a the matter said Sunday.
ular in Con- small price to avoid a rerun Randal Quarles, who now
gress. Moreover, getting rities and mortgage bonds to Already, the Feds portfolio Fed. The central bank man- of the 2013 taper tantrum runs Cynosure Group, a Salt
started now could relieve mature without reinvesting is providing less support to aged the federal-funds rate by on Wall Street, when the Fed Lake City-based investment
pressure on possible new all of the proceeds into new the economy than before be- making small adjustments in signaled an end to its asset firm he co-founded, is ex-
leadership in 2018, when Fed securities later this year or cause it is holding fewer those amounts through rou- purchases, roiling bond mar- pected to be selected as the
Chairwoman Janet Yellens early in 2018. bonds with long maturities. tine purchases and sales of kets and sending up rates. Feds vice chairman for bank
term ends. Finally, officials Officials have penciled in Holding long-maturity bonds Treasury securities. supervision. The position re-

want room to ramp the port- two more quarter-point rate is stimulative because these Now, with a large portfolio, inally, the Fed needs to quires Senate confirmation.
folio back up in a crisis if increases this year. After that, are especially risky assets. the Fed has left the banking manage the composi- Mr. Quarles couldnt imme-
needed. the Fed could pause rate in- Constraining that supply system flush with trillions of tion of its holdings. diately be reached for com-
The Fed moved closer to creases, set into motion its sends investors in search of dollars in reserves. It man- Officials have said once ment. A White House spokes-
agreement on the outlines of plan to shrink the balance other risky assets, lifting val- ages rates by paying interest they get the balance sheet woman declined to comment.
a plan at its March 14-15 sheet, and then return to its ues of stocks, corporate bonds on the holdings. New York steady, they want almost all The position was created by
meeting, according to an offi- normal practice of raising and other private holdings. Fed President William Dudley holdings in Treasurys, not the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial
cial account this month short-term rates. Even though the Fed will said this month he prefers mortgages. But because their law to oversee the largest U.S.
and interviews with officials. shrink its holdings from cur- keeping some excess reserves mortgage bonds have longer banks. Former President Ba-

Officials want their bench- mong the issues the rent levels, it will end up with in the systemperhaps $500 durations, the Fed could hold rack Obama never nominated
mark federal-funds rate to re- Fed is working to re- more assets than it had be- billion to $1 trillionwhich a much larger share of mort- anyone to the job. Former Fed
main the primary tool for solve: How large should fore the crisis because its lia- would mean keeping a larger gage bonds once the balance governor Daniel Tarullo, who
managing monetary policy, the balance sheet be when bilities have grownthere is portfolio of securities than sheet stabilizes. This could stepped down in April, served
which means once they start the process ends? The Feds more currency in circulation before the crisis. prompt the Fed to remix its as the de facto vice chairman
shrinking the balance sheet holdings swelled to $4.5 tril- and the U.S. Treasury has in- Economists at Goldman portfolio down the road. for supervision. The position
they want that process to run lion from less than $900 bil- creased its cash balance. Sachs Group Inc. estimate the To avoid roiling markets, is one of three vacancies on
in the background with little lion before the financial crisis Changes in how it sets in- balance sheet could shrink to officials arent inclined to en- the Fed board.
ripple in the markets. in 2008 through asset-pur- terest rates will also make the $2 trillion if the Fed chooses gage in large-scale sales of Filling the position will give
If the economy performs in chase programs aimed at low- portfolio larger than before. to minimize reserves, and the mortgage holdings. the Trump administration an
line with the Feds forecasts, ering long-term interest rates Before 2008, banks held rela- hover near $2.9 trillion if the More details about the opportunity to shape its finan-
the bank could begin allowing and boosting economic tively low levels of deposits central bank wants a higher strategy are likely to emerge cial regulation agenda.
its holdings of Treasury secu- growth. known as reservesat the level of reserves. in the months ahead. Mr. Quarles said in a 2015
interview with Bloomberg TV
that repealing the Dodd-Frank

ECONOMIC CALENDAR Celebration at Dawn law altogether is politically

very difficult, but that signifi-
cant changes to the law were
worth considering.
The week ahead will feature a ports likely rose 8.2% on recover- Mr. Quarles is seen as less
visit to Washington from the In- ing energy prices, faster than an ideological than other candi-
ternational Monetary Fund and expected 6.9% increase in exports, dates the Trump administra-
the World Bank, as well as data according to economists. tion had considered for the
on U.S. housing starts and exist- THURSDAY: The International job.
ing home sales. Monetary Fund and World Bank In the same interview, Mr.
TUESDAY: The U.S. releases kick off their spring meetings with Quarles said he supported ef-
March housing starts data. New a slew of central-bank speakers. forts to create more predict-
single-family home construction Officials including Bank of Mexico able monetary policy by hav-
hit a 10-year high in February head Agustin Carstens, Brazils Ilan ing the Fed follow a simple
amid warm weather, steady job Goldfajn and the Bank of Englands rule, or formula, to set inter-
creation and rising demand. Fig- Mark Carney will speak in Wash- est rates that uses measures
ures for March may struggle to ington. Optimism about a global of inflation and economic
match that pace in the notori- economic recovery could be slack. At the time, he said the
ously volatile report. Economists clouded by worries over protec- Feds approach to monetary
are forecasting a rate of 1.24 mil- tionism in advanced economies. policy was increasing uncer-
lion for housing starts, down 3.9% FRIDAY: U.K. retail sales data tainty in the markets.
from the prior month. will be parsed for signs that Brit- Officials in the Trump ad-
Vice President Mike Pence will ish consumers are reining in ministration have said filling
hold the first round of U.S.-Japan spending amid accelerating infla- the vice chairmans job is a
talks on trade and the economy tion and meager wage growth, a priority and broadened their

in Tokyo with Finance Minister potential drag on economic search in recent weeks.
Taro Aso. Officials are expected growth just as the U.K. begins to Mr. Quarles served at Trea-
to set the agenda for the dia- negotiate its European Union exit. sury from 2001 to 2006, in-
logue and release a statement, The National Association of cluding as undersecretary for
possibly including a timetable for Realtors will release data on ex- domestic finance in his final
future discussions. isting-home sales for March. two years at the department.
WEDNESDAY: Japan will re- The market this year has been He was a partner of the Car-
lease merchandise trade data mixed, with signs that tight in- lyle Group, one of the worlds
that are expected to show the ventories and rising home prices NEW DAY BEGINS: The sun rises behind altar servers during an Easter Sunday service by the Holy largest private-equity firms.
country had 575.8 billion ($5.3 are damping activity. Economists Rosary St. Richard Catholic Church at the historic Charles Deering Estate in Palmetto Bay, Fla. He also served at the Treasury
billion) in surplus during March, surveyed by The Wall Street in the administration of
down 23% from a year earlier. Im- Journal expect sales to rise 1.6%. George H.W. Bush.

FUND Expensive Returns

Private equity was Calperss best-performing and priciest asset
over a 20-year period.
who was in charge of the pri-
vate-equity portfolio, Real Des-
rochers, left Calpers this month
to join an unnamed financial in-
agers that handled its assets,
these people said.
Some of the alternative mod-
els now under consideration
Calpers also is studying an
increase in the pension funds
$3 billion investment in cus-
tomized accounts, where Calp-
Continued from Page One stitution overseas. His depar- would exist outside the confines ers partners with external man-
may ask its staff members to Annual class net returns Portion of portfolio invested in ture wasnt related to the re- of Calpers, increasing flexibility agers to create a fund where it
make private-equity invest- private equity view, said people familiar with to pay salaries that would at- acts as the sole investor.
ments directly. Returns Fees the matter. tract top private-equity manag- Those involved in the review
Other groups that compete The subject of fees paid to ers. Calperss private-equity have reached out to other in-
for the money of endowments 12.30% Calperss private-equity manag- managers do some limited di- vestors for advice, said a person
and pensions, including hedge Equity 7.00% 14 ers surfaced as a prominent is- rect investing but not enough to close to Calpers, including cer-
funds and certain mutual funds, sue after an April 2015 board affect returns substantially, ac- tain retirement systems in Can-
Public 8.20%
have posted outflows in recent meeting when a top pension of- cording to a presentation last ada, where some funds have a
Equity 0.04% 12
years. Some have followed up ficial acknowledged the fund year by the pension funds for- bigger hand in their private-eq-
by lowering fees. Fixed 7.00% wasnt able to provide a full ac- mer private-equity consultant. uity acquisitions.
But many private-equity Income 0.01% 10 counting of all private-equity
firms have drawn outsize de- costs. Private-equity funds have
mand and gained the upper
Estate 2.11%
8 complicated, and often opaque, CORRECTIONS  AMPLIFICATIONS
hand in setting fees, thanks in fee structures. Calpers sped up
3.20% FY 13 14 15 16
part to stronger performance Liquidity efforts to track fees, and the
0.01% 2012
than other asset classes. pension fund disclosed later that Sen. Claire McCaskills News article on Saturday about
Private-equity firms typically Note: Return period ending June 30, 2015 year that it had paid $3.4 billion campaign said she received do- fundraising by Senate Demo-
buy companies using money Source: Calpers THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. in performance fees to private- nations from more than 5,500 crats incorrectly implied the
from pension funds and other equity managers since 1990. first-time contributors in Mis- number represented all first-
investors, hoping to earn more some of its desired exposure to common among Canadian pen- Other public pension funds souri in the first quarter. A U.S. time contributors.
in a later sale or public offering. private equity, recently lower- sions than those in the U.S. also have disclosed that total
Most funds require investors to ing its target for total private- Calpers, which typically acts as costs associated with these in- Readers can alert The Wall Street Journal to any errors in news articles by
pay up to 2% of assets under equity investments to 8% from a bellwether for smaller funds, vestments were as much as emailing or by calling 888-410-2667.
management and share as much a prior 10%. Today, the fund has already has made other deci- 100% higher than they origi-
as 20% of profits. Nearly 85% of about 8% in private equity sions to eliminate all hedge- nally reported. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL
Calperss private-equity portfo- down from more than 14% a few fund holdings and sever ties But there are complications (USPS 664-880) (Eastern Edition ISSN 0099-9660)
(Central Edition ISSN 1092-0935) (Western Edition ISSN 0193-2241)
lio is held in such traditional years ago. with roughly two-thirds of the involved in moving to a more
Editorial and publication headquarters: 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036
funds. Even though private equity private-equity firms that han- direct approach. Calpers re-
Published daily except Sundays and general legal holidays.
We are exploring a number has outperformed other Calpers dle its money. It oversees re- viewed the possibility of setting Periodicals postage paid at New York, N.Y., and other mailing offices.
of options, and no conclusions assets over a recent two-decade tirement assets for 1.8 million up a direct investment arm for Postmaster: Send address changes to The Wall Street Journal, 200 Burnett Rd., Chicopee, MA 01020.
have been made, said spokes- period, no other investment has active or retired police offi- private equity about two de- All Advertising published in The Wall Street Journal is subject to the applicable rate card, copies of
man Brad Pacheco. We plan to been so expensive. Private-eq- cers, firefighters and other cades ago but ultimately aban- which are available from the Advertising Services Department, Dow Jones & Co. Inc., 1211 Avenue of
discuss the review with our uity returns were 12.3% in the public employees. doned the plan because of con- the Americas, New York, N.Y. 10036. The Journal reserves the right not to accept an advertisers order.
Only publication of an advertisement shall constitute final acceptance of the advertisers order.
board over the summer. 20 years ended June 30, 2015, Calperss private-equity re- cerns that it wouldnt be able to
Letters to the Editor: Fax: 212-416-2891; email:
It isnt known whether any of but they would have been 19.3% view, which began in late 2016, sufficiently compensate and at-
these moves would further re- without fees and costs. is being led by Chief Investment tract top investment talent, ac-
duce the funds total private-eq- Calperss decision will be Officer Ted Eliopoulos and in- cording to people familiar with NEED ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION?
uity portfolio, which amounted closely watched in the pension vestment director John Cole, the matter. Another worry was
By web:; By email:
to $25.7 billion as of January. world, where direct private-eq- according to people familiar that Calpers would be compet- By phone: 1-800-JOURNAL (1-800-568-7625); Or by live chat at
Calpers had actively reduced uity investments are more with the matter. The person ing with the same outside man-
100 & 100

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | A3


Builders See
Big Appeal
In Tiny Units
Not just in New York: rents for a modest $979 a
month, compared with nearly
Studios the size of $3,400 in the New York met-
hotel rooms are aimed ropolitan area and more than
$2,800 in San Francisco, ac-
at young in Midwest cording to data provider Reis
BY LAURA KUSISTO A trend that started in
pricey coastal cities as a re-
Since Hannah Toth set out sponse to rising rents is
a few months ago to move spreading to smaller cities
from her parents home in that often have an abundance
suburban Pittsburgh she has of relatively inexpensive hous-
seen plenty of airy apart- ing options.
ments of up to 900 square In Milwaukee, Cleveland,

feet. Detroit, and Kansas City, Mo.,
What caught her eye is a developers are betting on de-
360-square-foot studio mand from young people to
roughly the size of her child- live in tiny quarters even
hood bedroom for just over when cost isnt the primary Bedrock's Detroit units will average 260 square feet, but the company says tall ceilings and windows will help make them feel larger.
$1,500 a month. consideration.
When Ms. Toth, 26 years Micro apartments generally len, president of Bedrock, the studios in other new build- and bartender, and cooking in line with the average rent
old, tells family and friends come fully furnished with development arm of mortgage ings, which typically dont in- classes from local chefs. for apartments of all sizes, ac-
about her decision, they ask, amenities such as wireless in- magnate Dan Gilberts family clude utilities and internet The buzz around the mini cording to Reis.
Youre looking to live some- ternet and in some cases maid of companies. But tall ceilings service. units could help distinguish Young people today seem
where thats how big, ex- service, at a price similar to and windows at his companys The Pittsburgh building, the building. Nearly 2,300 to be able to group together,
actly? those of larger traditional units help make the lofts feel which has 127 units and was new apartment units were said John Hoffman, a partner
Ms. Toth said she liked that apartments. The compact larger, he added. When you developed by local firm Vit- completed in Pittsburgh in at UC-B Properties, which is
the studio comes fully fur- units encourage people to use get in one of these units, it more, will feature not just 2016 and an additional developing the 50-unit build-
nished, and that its smaller the common spaces more, cre- feels very spacious. tiny apartments but also roughly 1,800 are expected ing that is set to break ground
energy footprint is more envi- ating a greater sense of com- Bedrocks new micro-unit three-bedroom units designed this year, according to MPF in the coming months.
ronmentally sustainable. munity, developers say. building in Detroit is set to to be shared by roommates. Research, a division of Real- Mr. Hoffman said he mod-
A Pittsburgh developer is The developers are gam- open this summer, with 218 Christopher Bledsoe, co- Page. That compares with the eled the units design on a
betting that more 20-some- bling that such amenities will furnished units averaging 260 founder and chief executive of historical average dating back cruise-ship cabin. The sink
things will pay over $1,500 a help set the units apart in a square feet each. Ollie, a real-estate startup to 2000 of 1,000 units a year. doubles for both the kitchen
month for the tiny studios in crowded marketplace, where a Mr. Mullen points to perks that is managing the project, In Kansas City, a developer and the bathroom, the micro-
its new building, called Ollie rush of new building is com- such a flat-screen TV in the said the building, set to open will install queen-sized beds wave doubles as an oven and
at Baumhaus, even though the ing online despite ample sup- units and a rooftop terrace in June, will feature a commu- in case would-be residents the fridge can handle a six-
space is so tight the beds dou- ply of affordable older hous- where tenants can watch mov- nity garden where renters can want to get even cozier and pack of long-neck beer and a
ble as couches. ing stock. ies. The apartments will rent grow their own fruit and veg- share their 300-square-foot 12-inch pizza, he said, which
It is a big risk in a city I think it will be an adjust- for under $1,000 a month etables, an on-site manager flats. The units will rent for is all he figures young people
where the average apartment ment, for sure, said Dan Mul- roughly in line with larger who is a fitness instructor $700 to $800 a monthabout these days need.

Stillman Alabama Church

Colleges Wants Police Force
Future Is BY IAN LOVETT vide a safe environment for
the church, its members, stu-

Uncertain Alabama soon could allow a

Birmingham church to estab-
lish its own police force, a
dents and guests, Matt
Moore, the church administra-
tor, said in an email.

BY MELISSA KORN move with little precedent in If the bill does become law,
American history that would it is likely to face a legal chal-
Stillman College, a histori- empower a religious group to lenge from the American Civil
cally black school in Tusca- do a job usually performed by Liberties Union of Alabama,
loosa, Ala., didnt run out of the government. which has decried a church
cash on Saturday as the in- The Alabama Senate last police department as an un-
terim president had warned week approved a bill that constitutional government en-
could happen, but the schools would authorize Briarwood dorsement of religion.
financial future remains pre- Presbyterian Church to create Police powers are a quint-
carious. a police department. The state essential government role,
Interim President Cynthia House is considering its own said Randall C. Marshall, legal
Warrick said Saturday that the Arkansas ACLU Executive Director Rita Sklar and others Friday with petitions to halt the executions. version of the bill. director of the ACLU of Ala-
school, which first held classes The legislation would vest bama. Giving the powers of

Arkansas Seeks to Move

in 1876 and has 570 students, officers of the churchs police the state to a private religious
had received the $275,000 in department with all of the organization is aviolation of
donations needed for its April powers of law enforcement of- the establishment clause of
payment on a federal loan for ficers in this state, including the Constitution.

Ahead With Executions

capital finance projects. the powers to make arrests and He added that the bill was
However, Dr. Warrick didnt use deadly force. The officers also problematic because it
know how much additional would have to be certified by singled out one particular
money had come in from the Alabama Peace Officers church, while other religious
alumni and others, saying that BY JACOB GERSHMAN Circuit affirms Judge Bakers Standards and Training Com- organizations could later be
the schools financial adminis- ruling, said Jeffrey Rosen- mission. denied similar privileges.
trators had been focused on Arkansas officials are con- zweig, an Arkansas attorney Officials at Briarwood Pres- Theyre willing to give police
completing the audited fiscal testing legal rulings that who represents three of the in- byterian said concerns about powers to Briarwood Presby-
2016 financial report, which blocked the state from carrying mates. security at the church have terian, Mr. Marshall said.
was due at the end of March. out its plan to put to death at Originally, the state planned risen in recent years, after a Are they willing to do the
Now theyre playing catch- least half a dozen inmates to execute eight men in 11 days. string of shootings at same for synagogues or
up, she said. within a span of days. The figure dropped to seven af- schools and threats to houses mosques? That strikes me as
In a letter dated March 20, The Arkansas attorney gen- ter a federal judge stayed the of worship nationwide. being unlikely.
Dr. Warrick, who took the in- erals office is asking a federal execution of Jason McGehee be- Currently, the church hires This isnt the first time Bri-
terim role in January, pleaded appeals court in St. Louis to va- cause his execution was sched- off-duty police officers to pro- arwood Presbyterian has tried
to alumni for donations, say- cate a federal judges Saturday uled too soon after a state pa- vide security, a common prac- to create its own police de-

ing the school would run out order that put a series of back- role board had recommended tice among nonprofit organiza- partment. Last year, the Ala-
of cash by April 15 and needed to-back executions on hold. U.S. clemency. tions. But with 4,000 bama legislature approved a
$2.8 million to cover debt ser- District Judge Kristine Baker The states Supreme Court congregants, a K-12 school and similar bill, but Gov. Robert
vice, payroll and operating ex- granted eight condemned in- also halted the execution of an- thousands of events on its cam- Bentley didnt sign it. Mr.
penses through August to mates a preliminary injunction other inmate, convicted mur- pus each year, Briarwood offi- Bentley stepped down last
prevent the foreclosure of over concern about the states derer Bruce Ward, whose law- cials said it often is difficult to week amid a growing scandal,
Stillman College. lethal-injection protocol. yers questioned his sanity. find enough available officers. and the new governor, Kay
The school hadnt been At issue is the drug, midazo- If the Eighth Circuit reverses The sole purpose of this Ivey, declined to comment
making regular payments on lam, that will be used in the ex- the injunction, it alone wouldnt proposed legislation is to pro- about the bill.
the $40 million U.S. Education ecutions. It is supposed to anes- Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson give the state a green light to
Department loan over the past thetize the inmate from the had scheduled the executions. proceed with the other execu-
two years, and was in danger pain of two other drugs in the tions. The Parishioner which prohibited foreign laws
of missing its April payment, lethal-injection cocktail. Law- executed an inmate since 2005. The state must also knock being used to decide cases in
according to the letter. The yers for inmates have argued Arkansas Attorney General down a temporary restraining Behind the Bill Alabama courts. That measure
2012 loan has $39 million still that midazolam is too unreli- Leslie Rutledges office filed an order imposed by Pulaski passed overwhelmingly.
outstanding, it said. able as a sedative, creating an emergency appeal of the injunc- County Circuit Judge Wendell Mr. Johnston said he de-
Dr. Warrick said in the let- intolerable risk of pain that tion to the Eighth U.S. Circuit Griffen in response to a lawsuit A. Eric Johnston, a lawyer cided not to include other
ter that the loan is in default violates the Eighth Amend- Court of Appeals. by pharmaceutical company and longtime member of the churches in the bill, so the leg-
and, while the school made its ments ban on cruel and un- Appellees brutally murdered McKesson Medical-Surgical Inc. Briarwood Presbyterian Church, islature could decide on a case-
$265,000 March payment, usual punishment. young mothers, children, and In a complaint, McKesson drafted a bill that would autho- by-case basis which organiza-
missing the April debt service The legal showdown came in men who were unfortunate said it was misled by Arkansas rize the church to create its tions should be allowed to
would lead the Education De- the final days before the first of enough to cross their paths. when it supplied the state with own police department. The have their own police.
partment to capture all fed- the executions is scheduled to Their guiltand the justice of another lethal-injection drug. force, he said, would be no dif- But Robert W. Tuttle, a pro-
eral funds, estimated at about take place on Monday. In Febru- their sentencesis beyond dis- The company has since with- ferent from ones that already fessor of law and religion at the
$12 million annually. These ary, Republican Gov. Asa pute, her office wrote. drawn its complaint, but Judge exist on some university cam- George Washington University,
actions will essentially close Hutchinson scheduled eight ex- Delaying the executions by Griffens order still stands. The puses. Many religiously affiliated said laws allowing universities
the college, she wrote. ecutions between April 17 and even a few daysuntil after Ar- state has asked the Arkansas universitiesincluding Notre to create their own police
Dr. Warrick said Saturday April 27, three days before the kansass supply of midazolam Supreme Court to reverse it and Dame and Brigham Young Uni- forces didnt take religion into
she has been in talks daily expiration date of the states le- expireswill make it impossi- throw him off the case. versityhave their own police. accountcolleges were free to
with the Education Depart- thal injection drugs. The com- ble for Arkansas to carry out The states appeal noted that Private security guards, Mr. establish departments whether
ment and White House, and pressed timetable has drawn the sentences, the emergency on Friday, the same day Judge Johnston said, look very offi- or not they were religious. Mr.
has asked for short-term loan fire from many quarters, includ- motion stated. Griffen issued his ruling, he cial, but I doubt they would Tuttle called the Alabama bill
relief until the school in- ing from former corrections of- The state told the appeals participated in anti-death-pen- have much idea what to do if deeply suspicious constitution-
creases enrollment and begins ficials. court that Judge Bakers con- alty rallies. a terrible situation arose. ally. He said courts had made
bringing in more tuition reve- Judge Baker wrote that the cerns with midazolam lacked Judge Griffens con- Mr. Johnston has drafted clear the government cant dele-
nue in the next school year. risk of pain is exacerbated sufficient scientific evidence ductmakes it crystal clear that other legislation in Alabama as gate essential functions, like run-
Representatives from the when considering the fact that and relied on a few anecdotal he cannot be considered impar- well, including a 2014 ballot ning police forces or school sys-
Education Department didnt the state has scheduled eight accounts of executions in other tial in matters related to the measure, widely known as the tems, to religious organizations.
respond to requests for com- executions over 11 days, despite states. death penalty, the attorney anti-Shariah amendment, Ian Lovett
ment. the fact that the state has not Were hoping the Eighth generals office wrote.
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House Race in Georgia Tests Democrats

Effort to make Trump gia district favor Mr. Ossoff.


Mr. Trump barely beat
focus in contest for Democrat Hillary Clinton in
Atlanta-area seat held the district in the presidential
election, though Mr. Price won
by GOP for decades re-election in November with
62% of the vote.
BY NATALIE ANDREWS A victory on Tuesday would
buoy Democrats and give them
The special election Tues- hope ahead of the 2018 vote.
day for a Georgia House seat But Republicans note 97% of
will test whether newly ener- Mr. Ossoffs first-quarter fund-
gized Democrats can wrest raising haul came from sup-
from the Republicans a seat porters outside the state.
the GOP has held since Jimmy You could just close your
Carter was in the White House. eyes and rip a page out of the
Democrats have raised un- Yellow Pages and pick a name
usually high sums in the race and let them run unopposed
for Georgias Sixth Congressio- Democrat Jon Ossoff, right, and give them $10 million dol-
nal District, which former Rep. and Republican Karen Handel, lars and theyd win the pri-
Tom Price vacated after Presi- above, are among the mary on Tuesday, said Corry
dent Donald Trump nominated candidates vying to fill the Bliss, executive director of the
him to be health and human House seat Tom Price vacated Congressional Leadership
services secretary. They aim to when he joined the cabinet. Fund, the House GOP leader-
make the election a referen- ships super PAC fundraising
dum on the presidents first says on his website, asking vis- tary of state, and former GOP If the election proceeds to a a seat in the special elections committee. The group has
few months in office, while Re- itors for donations. And people state Sen. Judson Hill. runoff, the race resets. GOP to replace House members spent $3 million attacking Mr.
publicans hope to force Tues- have giventhe campaign A poll of likely primary vot- voters would likely coalesce who joined the Trump admin- Ossoffs record and has 90
days election to a runoff so raised $8.3 million in the first ers published Friday by At- around the sole remaining can- istration. Republicans are fa- staff members knocking on
voters can unite around a sin- quarter of 2017. lanta-based political firm didate facing Mr. Ossoff. The vored in contests next month doors in the district.
gle GOP candidate. Republi- Mr. Ossoff is part of a field Opinion Savvy put the Demo- National Republican Congres- in Montana and South Caro- The special election is also
cans have held the seat since of 18 candidates, including 11 crat at 41.5%, followed by Ms. sional Committee, which has lina. A Republican won a Kan- a test of how Mr. Trumps
Newt Gingrich won it in 1978. Republicans, in the election. Handel at 21.2%, and Mr. Hill focused on engaging Republi- sas special election last week. agenda is being received in
Though polling has been The top two finishers in Tues- at 11.3%. A Republican aide in- can voters without backing a On Sunday night, Mr. districts with a high percent-
sparse, heading into the race days race, regardless of party, volved in the race said he single candidate, would jump Trump posted on Twitter: age of voters holding bache-
Democrat Jon Ossoff, a docu- will face one another in a June feared recent polls underesti- in to support the Republican. The recent Kansas election lors degrees. The district is
mentary filmmaker and former 20 runoff, unless the top can- mated Democratic support be- Democrats need to pick up (Congress) was a really big one of the best educated con-
congressional staffer, appears didate wins more than 50% of cause they arent counting 24 seats in the 2018 midterms media event, until the Republi- gressional districts in the
to have a commanding lead. the vote. low-propensity voters who he to win the House majority, and cans won. Now they play the country. In 2016, Mrs. Clinton
We dont have to wait until Leading the Republicans in a expected would turn out for the district in suburban At- same game with Georgia-BAD! won the top-10 most educated
2018or 2020to fight back poll released Friday are Karen the competitive election and lanta is widely viewed as the Democrats hope the evolv- districtswith the exception
against Donald Trump, he Handel, a former Georgia secre- skew Democratic. Democrats best chance to win ing demographics in the Geor- of Georgias Sixth District.

Trump Rejects Protests Seeking Release of His Tax Returns

Health Bill Push
Roils Tax Plan
BY RICHARD RUBIN taxes first was to get them off
the table ahead of the later,
President Donald Trumps re- broader tax debate. In effect,
vived enthusiasm for tackling the GOPs tax plan is just shuf-
health-care legislation before fling who pays the non-Obama-
tax policy has highlighted the care taxes. That can happen if
complicated interplay between the Obamacare taxes are held to
Republicans health-care over- the side during the tax debate
haul and their planned tax bill. or repealed first, but the latter
Mr. Trump signaled last approach is probably easier.
week that one of the reasons he That strategy creates bene-
has reprioritized health care is fits for Republicans. Politically,
that he was relying on savings it keeps all of the groups lobby-
from the health bill to bolster ing to repeal the Obamacare

the tax plan. taxesinvestors, tanning sa-

If the health legislation is lons, health insurance compa-
signed, we get hundreds of nies, medical device makers
millions of dollars in savings in their own legislative space
that goes into the taxes, said and away from the already acri-
Mr. Trump said in an interview monious tax fight.
Wednesday. Could we do it If the new health-care bill
without health care? Absolutely collapses and Republicans turn
but its a cleaner package if we to a tax bill with those taxes
get health care done. still in place, or if they had
The budget reality isnt that turned to taxes first, there
straightforward. Budgetary sav- would be pressure to repeal
ings from a health bill dont get some of the Obamacare taxes
plowed into the tax bill, so the inside the bigger tax bill, com-
lack of a health bill wouldnt plicating matters further.
PALM BEACH, Fla.President other cities joined in protests Sat- turns. Beginning with Jimmy der, director of Philadelphia Jobs necessarily change the tax-bill
Donald Trump dismissed protests urday demanding that Mr. Trump Carter, every president has re- with Justice and the organizer of math. There is also no require-
calling for him to disclose his tax follow the practice of presidents in leased his returns while in office. the Philadelphia march. ment that the health bill come
returns as the work of political recent decades and make public A 1978 ethics law requires office- Mr. Trump and his advisers first. But the two pieces of leg-
Republicans aim to
opponents unhappy about his his tax returns. Doing so, those in- holders, including the president, to have advanced different reasons islation are interrelated because get health-law taxes
election victory. volved in the demonstrations said, disclose their assets and sources for why Mr. Trump has declined the GOP health bill would elimi-
Someone should look into would help reassure the public of income., though not tax forms. to release his tax records. He has nate discrete taxes created as
off the table ahead of
who paid for the small organized that he is avoiding financial con- Organizers Sunday dismissed cited a continuing IRS audit as the part of the 2010 Affordable a broader tax debate.
rallies yesterday, he tweeted on flicts of interest that could arise Mr. Trumps unsubstantiated claim driving issue. Asked about the Care Act, smoothing the pro-
Sunday. The election is over! given his real-estate holdings and that protesters were paid. matter last week, White House cess of passing a broader tax
With Americans tax returns far-flung business interests. As much as Id love to have press secretary Sean Spicer re- overhaul.
due to be filed Tuesday, demon- By the late 1970s it was com- had some support from shadowy peated the audit reason. It seems really obvious that Republicans are already
strators in Washington, D.C., mon practice for presidential can- imaginary billionaires, thats not Peter Nicholas theyre never really going to get struggling to limit deductions
above, Palm Beach, Detroit and didates to release their tax re- what happened, said Gwen Sny- and Josh Zumbrun off health care until they get to and other tax breaks to offset
some resolution on health the tax-rate cuts they plan. That
care, said Ray Beeman, a for- task gets harder if they also
mer House GOP tax aide now at have to come up with money

Kushner in Talks to Divest Tech Stake Ernst & Young LLP.

The challenge facing Repub-
licans stems from taxes Demo-
crats included in the 2010
outside of health care to offset
repeal of some Obamacare or
health taxes.
Republicans are trying to re-
BY PETER GRANT Mr. Kushner earlier this year Mr. Kushners disclosure health law, also called Obama- sist those forces. Last month,
disclosed that his stake in forms state that he also owned care. They include an additional after the House failed to vote
Jared Kushner, the son-in- WiredScore was valued at $5 stakes in funds tied to Thrive 3.8% tax on high-income house- on its health-care bill, House
law of President Donald million to $25 million. Capital, a venture-capital firm holds investment income, an Speaker Paul Ryan (R., Wis.)
Trump who has become a se- Before the election, Mr. led by his brother, Joshua extra 0.9% tax on top earners said the health laws taxes
nior adviser in the White Kushner was best known for Kushner, that focuses on tech- wages and various taxes related would stay in their own silo,
House, is in advanced talks to his real-estate investments nology-based investments. He to health care, such as medical tied to some future health bill.
sell his stake in a real estate through his family-controlled sold his stakes in two of those devices. Republicans opposed But if Mr. Trumps next at-
technology company to a ven- company. But he and other funds in February for a total those taxes from the start and tempt to pass a health bill also
ture-capital firm as part of his family members also invested of $6 million to $30 million, they want to repeal them while falters, that line may be hard to
efforts to divest himself of in technology firms like Wired- the forms state. making other changes to hold.
many business ties, according Score. A Thrive spokesman de- Obamacare. The members get to decide
to people familiar with the Launched in 2013, Wired- clined to comment. The strategy advanced by which other ones [taxes] are
matter. Score evaluates and rates office Richard Painter, the chief Republican congressional lead- relevant, said Russ Sullivan, a
Mr. Kushner is close to sell- buildings for the speed and re- White House ethics lawyer un- ers addresses health care first, former Democratic staff direc-

ing his stake in WiredScore to liability of their internet con- der George W. Bush, said fed- repealing those taxes and off- tor on the Senate Finance Com-
a group including Los Angeles- nections. The firm got early eral law doesnt provide as setting the effect on budget def- mittee who is now at McGuire-
based Fifth Wall Ventures, ac- support from then-New York much guidance on how dives- icits by cutting Medicaid, the Woods LLP. People who want
cording to the people, as he Mayor Michael Bloomberg as titures should be handled as health program for the poor. medical device tax repeal or
moves to separate himself part of his efforts to boost the much as it does other issues The health bills combination health insurance tax repealed or
from conflicts of interest. The city as a technology hub. involving business ties of gov- of tax cuts and spending cuts whatever it is, theyre going to
price and other group mem- Earlier this year, Mr. Kush- ernment officials. would reduce the budget deficit another bill, and they will
bers couldnt be determined, ner said in a federal disclosure But he said he would rec- by $150 billion over 10 years, press to address them in a tax
and the talks could still end form that he was a managing Jared Kushner, a senior adviser ommend that Mr. Kushner not but would lower projected fed- overhaul if that gains steam.
without a deal. member of WiredScores owner, in the White House be involved in negotiating the eral revenue by about $1 trillion Leaving the health laws
The divestiture is one of Broadband Proliferation Part- sale of his assets. He also sug- over a decade. taxes in placeparticularly the
many Mr. Kushner is pursuing. ners LLC. The form, which cov- cording to startup-funding site gested that Mr. Kushner prob- Step two, after that first tax 3.8% tax on investment in-
Critics of the Trump adminis- ered a bit more than one year, CrunchBase. Late last year, ably should recuse himself cut, would be a tax bill that is comecould pose challenges
tration contend that he, like listed income from Broadband Fifth Wall reported in a regula- from any government matter roughly revenue neutral, with for the tax bill. Passive owners
Mr. Trump, still isnt doing as $4.5 million and stated that tory filing that it had raised in the future involving the tax-rate cuts offset by increases of many businesses pay their
enough and that conflicts still Mr. Kushner was in the divest- $159.3 million. buyer of one of his assets. elsewhere in the tax system, companies taxes on their indi-
exist. ment process with Broadband. Mr. Wallace, an active an- A White House spokes- such as through the elimination vidual tax returns and face that
Arie Barendrecht, co- Led by Brendan Wallace and gel investor, has bought stakes woman didnt return calls for of some deductions. 3.8% tax. If Republicans lower
founder and chief executive of Brad Greiwe, Fifth Wall targets in startups such as Dollar comment. In combination, the two bills big corporations tax rates and
WiredScore, and a representa- technology firms that focus on Shave Club, Zenefits and Philz Jean Eaglesham would yield a net tax cut. For leave that 3.8% tax, business
tive of Kushner Cos. both de- services for real estate owners, Coffee, according to his and Keiko Morris the GOP, the advantage of ad- groups will likely object that
clined to comment. investors and operators, ac- LinkedIn profile. contributed to this article. dressing the health-care laws they arent getting parity.
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A6 | Monday, April 17, 2017 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Turkey Vote Ramps Up Tension With EU
President Erdogans Kurdish forces that Turkey
considers terrorists to fight Is-
victory could pave lamic State, stoking tensions
way for cooperation among the NATO allies, but his
referendum victory could give
with U.S., however Mr. Erdogan latitude to be
more flexible, American offi-
BY EMRE PEKER cials said.
AND LAURENCE NORMAN A steady drumbeat of criti-
cism from Brussels and EU
Turkish President Recep governments over Turkeys al-
Tayyip Erdogans victory in leged human-rights abuses and
Sundays referendum could the erosion of the rule of law
pave the way for pragmatic co- regularly strains relations, and
operation with the U.S. while the tensions could mount as
setting him on a collision Mr. Erdogan consolidates
course with Europe, officials power.
said. Our concern is that Erdo-
Mr. Erdogan on Sunday gan will just rush ahead
night declared victory, while andgo towards what is basi-


his opposition vowed to chal- cally one-man rule, a Western
lenge the results. diplomat said. Lets not su-
Voters narrowly approved garcoat it.
constitutional amendments Ahead of the referendum,
that will vastly expand Mr. Er- Mr. Erdogan charged the EU
dogans power, giving him li- with meddling in Turkeys in-
cense to politically transform a ternal affairs and advocated
North Atlantic Treaty Organi- reinstating capital punishment.
zation member that the U.S. In recent months, Mr. Erdo-
and Europe have come to rely gan has slammed the West for
on as a partner in the fight its slow response to last Julys
against Islamic State, the Syr- military coup and repeatedly
ian war and efforts to curb the threatened to tear up a migra-
flow of migrants from the Mid- tion deal with Europe that has
dle East to the European Protestors gathered in Istanbul after the referendum outcome Sunday. Voters narrowly approved constitutional amendments. helped stem the flow of Syrian
Union. refugees into the bloc. Ankara
The White House declined Cooperation in Europe, which with EU membership. Other of- sults in Turkey but would power and position with its al- is angry that more than a year
to comment Sunday about the has been observing the refer- ficials have said it would mean await the assessment of inter- lies is clear, said Reha Dene- after the deal, the EU hasnt
results of the referendum. endum. the immediate end of acces- national monitors on the vote mec, a chief adviser to Mr. Er- provided visa-free travel to Eu-
A representative for the Among Mr. Erdogans first sion talks. including on alleged irregu- dogan. rope for Turkish nationals or
State Department said they moves Sunday night was to say Still on Sunday evening, Eu- larities. For the Trump administra- accelerated Turkeys stalled
were following the referendum he would seek to reinstate the ropean reaction to the vote Turkish officials said ahead tion, a strengthened Mr. Erdo- accession talks to join the EU.
voting outcome but would re- death penalty, which Turkey was cautious. of the vote that there would be gan might mean securing an European officials say both
frain from commenting until scrapped as a condition for European Commission Pres- no abrupt changes in Ankaras agreement on a plan to oust steps depend on political re-
the results have been con- starting accession talks with ident Jean-Claude Juncker and foreign policy. Islamic State from Raqqa in forms at home.
firmed and would also await the EU. German Chancellor An- two other top officials said in On NATO, U.S. relations Syria, the extremist jihadist Josh Zumbrun
the initial findings from the gela Merkel has said such a a statement that they had there will definitely be no groups de facto capital. The in Washington
Organization for Security and step is in no way compatible taken note of the reported re- change. Turkeys regional U.S. has long relied on Syrian contributed to this article.

Erdogans Narrow Win Could End Up Undermining Him after the July coup attempt entire country has tri- that in the medium term op- the European Council on For- tions, in November 2015sig-
against him, was a public af- umphed, he said, calling for position to him at home and eign Relations. This means nificantly more than Yes
firmation of his leadership an end to unnecessary dis- abroad may harden. nothing gets solved, and this scored on Sunday.
and of his drive to root out cussions. Turkeys opposition politi- remains a deeply polarized Its a terrible result for
dissent. That drive saw hun- In a speech to a crowd of cians have already claimed and divided country. him, said Timur Kuran, a
dreds of thousands of oppo- supporters gathered under that massive fraud has oc- With opposition parties professor at Duke University.
nents, including most leaders the rain in front of ruling curred, particularly in the formally challenging a signif- What this indicates is that
MIDDLE EAST CROSSROADS of the second-largest opposi- party headquarters, Prime ruling partys strongholds in icant proportion of the bal- there are considerable shares
YAROSLAV TROFIMOV tion party in parliament, Minister Binali Yildirim de- lots, fraud claims have the of the nationalist and AKP
hounded from their jobs or scribed the vote as providing potential to dominate the af- votes that dont want Erdogan
thrown behind bars. a popular mandate for Mr. Recep Tayyip termath of the vote. With Mr. to have dictatorial powers.

his With the broadcast media Erdogan. Its a turning point Erdogan on Erdogan in firm control of

isnt under tight state control and in the history of our democ- Sunday night security amid the continuing minously for Mr. Erdo-
the No campaigners branded racy, he said. Against the called for an state of emergency, it is un- gan, both Istanbul, his
kind of vic- by government officials as traitors and dividers we end to likelybut not impossible hometown and the city
tory that Re- traitors or terrorists, Mr. Er- stood united as a nation. unnecessary that such a belief that the where he launched his politi-
cep Tayyip dogan aides just a few weeks discussions. referendum was stolen could cal career as a popular mayor,

Erdogan wanted. ago confidently predicted et, instead of cement- also translate into a new and capital Ankara, home to
Turkeys president, after that Yes would carry the ing Mr. Erdogans au- wave of street protests. Turkeys bureaucracy, sided
all, has long enjoyed most of referendum by 60% or more. thority, such a thin rural Anatolia and in the One of the reasons why the with No. So did several
the executive powers that he Instead, despite all the in- and contestedmargin may war-ravaged Kurdish areas of Turkish government expected other major cities, such as
formally obtained in Sun- timidation and the wide- end up threatening his ability southeast Turkey. These a much more solid victory is Izmir, Adana and Antalya.
days vote on constitutional spread reports of fraud during to govern unchallenged in complaints are likely to fur- because Mr. Erdogans Justice It is significant that Tur-
changes. His role as head of Sundays vote, the preliminary the months to come. ther delegitimize the result and Development Party, or keys dynamic economic cen-
the countrys governing results, as released by An- Erdogan may discover in the eyes of many Turks AKP, secured the backing of ters have rejected the cen-
party, with its pliant parlia- adolu state news agency, that this is a Pyrrhic victory, opposed to Mr. Erdogan. the leadership of the nation- tralized presidential system,
mentary majority, ensured showed Yes barely eking it said Henri Barkey, director of Its the first election in alist MHP party for his con- said Aykan Erdemir, a former
that real authority was al- out at 51.2% versus 48.8%. the Middle East program at which people have serious stitutional changes. Together, Turkish opposition lawmaker
ready concentrated in the That didnt deter Mr. Er- the Woodrow Wilson Center doubts about the legitimacy the two parties gained more and a fellow at the Founda-
presidential palace. dogan from issuing congratu- in Washington. He may have of the process, said Asli Ay- than 61% of the vote in the tion for Defense of Democra-
What Mr. Erdogan needed, lations on the victory. The won now, but he may find dintasbas, senior fellow at latest parliamentary elec- cies, a think tank.

TURKEY New Rules

Turkeys government
u President has power to dis-
solve parliament on any
grounds (thereby triggering si-
Continued from Page One following the yes vote: multaneous presidential and
against Islamic State. parliamentary elections.)
Unofficial results showed
Mr. Erdogans yes side gar- u New executive presidency u President is responsible for
nering 51.2% of the vote, and exercises sole power. The post national security and is the
48.8% opposed, with 100% of of prime minister is abolished. commander in chief.

the ballots counted, according

to the state-run Anadolu news u President unilaterally ap- u President is limited to two
agency. Official tallies arent points vice president(s), with- five-year terms starting in
expected for at least 10 days, out parliamentary approval. 2019, but a loophole would al-
according to the head of Tur- low him/her to seek a third
keys election board, as they u President has power to ap- mandate.
investigate widespread allega- point and dismiss cabinet min-
tions of ballot tampering and isters, without need for parlia- u Parliament will increase to
other irregularities leveled by mentary approval. Cabinet 600 members from the current
the major opposition parties. reports to president. 550. It can open an investiga-
Speaking to the nation late tion against alleged wrongdoing
Sunday, Mr. Erdogan called his u President has power to se- by the president, vice presi-
win an expression of the na- lect a significant number of dent(s) and/or ministers with a
tional will after a bitterly judges on high judicial bodies. three-fifths majority.
fought race that essentially be- Unofficial results showed Mr. Erdogans yes side garnering 51.2% of the vote, and 48.8% opposed.
came a referendum on his po-
litical legacy. His supporters dozens of opposition lawmak- with the governments post- point vice presidents and cabi- dogans supporters dismiss Dont the youth today know
turned out in droves, spurred ers and local elected officials, coup crackdown and revealed net members without legisla- those concerns. what Turkey once was? We
by the allure of his policies dismissed more than 120,000 the deep polarization in this tive oversight and wield Criticism of the changes to waited in lines to buy cooking
that blend social conservatism civil servants and other gov- nation of 80 million. Many sec- significant influence over judi- the system have targeted Erdo- oil, she said.
and Islam with electoral de- ernment employees and closed ularists, liberals and ethnic mi- cial appointments. gan, because he is so strong, During the campaign, Mr.
mocracy, as well as a populist roughly 140 media outlets. nority Kurds opposed constitu- Meanwhile, the state of said Reha Denemec, an adviser Erdogan courted the support
dedication to modernizing Mr. Erdogans rivals vowed tional changes that they fear emergency remains in effect to the Turkish president. Its of nationalists by criticizing
health care and social services. to challenge the results. The will enshrine a majoritarian and parliament has no power impossible to have a dictator- U.S. policies in Syria and tak-
Opponents of the changes head of the main opposition practice of democracy that to challenge any of the decrees ship where there are polls. ing swipes at Europe, among
had argued otherwise. They Republican Peoples Party, or marginalizes millions of Turks passed by Mr. Erdogan and his Mr. Erdogan argued that the other things, threatening to
believe the constitutional CHP, said he would demand a from political life. National Security Council. The more concentrated decision- bus Syrian refugees to the EU.
changes would deliver a seri- recount. Kemal Kilicdaroglu al- The reforms will radically most recent extension of emer- making would help boost Tur- Mr. Erdogans main base of
ous blow to a democratic sys- leged that upward of 2.5 mil- alter Turkeys governing struc- gency powers expires this keys economy and improve the support is pious Muslims who
tem already under intense lion of the approximately 48 turesbut not overnight. The month, and Mr. Erdogan has governments ability to protect believe their religion should
strain and set Turkey on a million votes cast could have current system of a parliamen- indicated he would extend citizens against terror threats harmoniously infuse gover-
path to authoritarianism. They been tampered with. Other op- tary government headed by a them again. from Islamic State and the sepa- nance and life. They point to
complained that the campaign position parties reported bal- prime minister will be abol- The constitutional advisory ratist Kurdistan Workers Party. their leaders unbroken streak
has been unfair in part due to lot stuffing by the yes side. ished as soon as the country body of the Council of Eu- His message of strength of winning seven straight elec-
the restrictions caused by the The unofficial vote tallies show holds its next national elec- ropea multilateral human- resonated with many voters. tions as proof that democracy
continuing state of emergency the two sides separated by ap- tion, now set for 2019. rights and democracy organi- Fatima Demirci, a 59-year- is successful in Turkey.
called after last summers proximately 1.1 million votes. After that, expanded execu- zation of which Turkey is a old homemaker in Istanbul, The opposition, however,
failed coup. Since then, au- The sizable number of dis- tive powers would rest with memberhas said that the said she voted yes because said the referendum showed
thorities have arrested more senters in Sundays contest the president, who would be amendments could lead to a she thought it would bring the oppositethat democracy
than 40,000 people, including signaled the depth of unease able to impose decrees, ap- one-person regime. Mr. Er- more stability and prosperity. has become endangered.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * NY Monday, April 17, 2017 | A7


Bomb Kills Dozens

Of Syrian Evacuees
BY RAJA ABDULRAHIM both sides of Syrias conflict U.K.-based opposition monitor
AND NOAM RAYDAN has made it difficult to assess the Syrian Observatory for Hu-
who could have been responsi- man Rights, including 68 chil-
ANTAKYA, TurkeySome ble for the bombing. dren and 13 women.
3,000 residents and pro-gov- It struck inside rebel-held The others killed included
ernment fighters were ex- territory, near an exchange evacuated pro-regime fighters
pected to evacuate a besieged point where sets of convoys and rebels who were escorting
Syrian town Sunday as part of from rebel and regime-held the convoy, it said.
a continuing population trans- towns were to be traded be- Rebel groups blamed the

fer deal, the day after a car tween forces. regime for the attack, saying
bomb targeting a convoy of The evacuations are part of the bomb exploded after it
evacuees killed more than 125 a deal brokered last month to sent carloads of food to the
people. evacuate thousands of civil- convoy carrying its support-
The new wave was ex- ians, rebel and pro-regime ers.
pected to leave the Shiite fighters from two towns be- But Syrian state media
Muslim town of Fua in north- sieged by regime forces, Mad- blamed terrorists, the term
ern Idlib province in ex- aya and Zabadani, and two it uses to refer to armed reb- A bus that was blown up during Saturdays bombings in Aleppo province, seen on Sunday
change for the release of 500 others under siege by rebels, els, saying they had targeted
civilians and rebels held including Fua. some of the 75 buses and 20 Bashar al-Assads regime in to leave Fua and Kafraya, both city of Aleppo condemning the
prisoner by President Bashar It is the latest in a series of ambulances carrying evacu- December. convoys spent the night near attack.
al-Assads regime, according population transfers that are ees. More than 3,000 other resi- the exchange point waiting to The demonstration sought
to rebel groups. reshaping Syria. Some 5,000 residents and dents and rebels concurrently cross into friendly territory, to condemn the international
Saturdays attack struck the Rebels and state media said pro-regime fighters had left left the Damascus suburbs of according to Ahrar Al Sham, silence over the ongoing
convoy of buses on the out- hours after the blast that the the two Shiite Muslim towns Madaya, which is Sunni major- one of the rebel factions in- crimes of terrorism against
skirts of Aleppo city, killing evacuee swap had gone ahead, Friday morning, escorted by ity and rebel-held, and trav- volved in negotiating and our Syrian people, and it is a
pro-regime fighters, civilians with people from both convoys rebel fighters, and arrived at eled north toward the ex- overseeing the evacuation message to the world that
and opposition rebels, rescue eventually reaching their final an exchange point in opposi- change point. deal. Syria will remain strong, the
workers and monitoring destinations. tion-held territory on the out- But due to a disagreement State media reported Sun- Syrian Arab News Agency
groups said. Dozens of civilians were skirts of Aleppo city, which over the number of pro-regime day that a protest was held in quoted Aleppo provincial Gov.
The targeting of people on among the dead, according to was retaken by President fighters who had been allowed a large public square in the Hussein Diab as saying.

China GDP Grows by 6.9%, Fastest Pace Since 2015

BY MARK MAGNIER second quarter before losing by the National Bureau of Sta- weakening currency and capi- omy. This has knock-on effects
momentum. They banked Notching Up tistics on Monday, was higher tal outflows have become less for construction and raw-ma-
BEIJINGHigher growth re- growth in the first half, so Change from a year earlier than a 6.8% increase forecast pressing as the yuan has stabi- terial firms.
turned to China as policies to they can afford to have it slow in China's quarterly GDP by economists polled by The lized against the dollar. Prop- Fiscal spending rose more
stimulate the economy gath- later, said IHS Markit Ltd. Wall Street Journal. erty sales in the first quarter than 20% in the first quarter,
ered steam while Beijing jug- economist Brian Jackson. 12% For now, signs are that the rose over 20%. though after years of debt-
gled measures to rein in risk. The buoyant growth is wel- 1Q: 6.9% economy is rumbling along But many of these drivers fueled investing in bridges,
China registered growth of come in a key political year 9 steadily. Electricity consump- that have powered the recent highways and high-speed rail
6.9% in the first quarter, its when Beijing is set to hold a tion and rail freightviewed expansion are expected to fal- lines, such stimulus is increas-
fastest pace since the third once-in-five-years Communist 6 by many economists as more ter by the second half of 2017, ingly less productive for
quarter of 2015, fueled by credit Party congress to appoint top reliable indicators of demand economists said. growth, economists say, given
and infrastructure spending as leaders. It is also likely to fuel 3 than Chinas headline gross Chinas central bank has that many of the best projects
well as a stubbornly booming more debt and bad loans at a domestic product figure gradually tightened credit us- are completed.
property market. time when China is trying to posted strong increases in the ing short-term lending instru- Consumption, spurred on
The pace was a notch up ward off longer-term instabil- first quarter. Chinas official ments, wary of rapidly rising last year by measures such as
from the 6.8% in the previous ity and a possible financial cri- 2010 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 manufacturing purchasing debt and of growing specula- tax breaks for buyers of en-
quarter and put China well sis. Chinas total debt is an es- Source: National Bureau of Statistics managers index also hit a five- tion in asset markets. That ergy-efficient vehicles, deceler-
ahead of its annual target of timated 277% of the economy, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. year high in March, its eighth along with increased mortgage ated in January and February
about 6.5% growth. Econo- up from 125% at the end of consecutive month in expan- and purchase restrictions are before recovering in March,
mists say they expect the 2008. to ward off financial risk; sionary territory. expected to weaken the prop- while commodity prices have
credit-fueled growth momen- Overall credit last month much of the lending shifted to A still-robust housing mar- erty market in coming likely peaked.
tum to carry the worlds sec- swelled even though Beijing nontraditional sources. ket contributed to demand, monthswhich accounts for Pei Li and Liyan Qi
ond-largest economy into the has squeezed banks as a way The 6.9% figure, published while recent concerns over a 25% to 30% of Chinas econ- contributed to this article.

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A8 | Monday, April 17, 2017 * **** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


On Pences Asia Visit, Security Tops Trade

Shared strategies set if Beijing would help more to
rein in Pyongyang.
to take center stage The Trump trade agenda
after Pyongyangs will gets its most prominent
airing Tuesday in Tokyo,
latest missile test where Mr. Pence is slated to
kick off a new economic dia-
The Trump administration logue first discussed when
will take its newly prominent Japanese Prime Minister
globalism to the Pacific, as Shinzo Abe visited Mr. Trump
Vice President Mike Pence in February.
tours the region to reassure While some Trump officials
allies about a continuing U.S. see that as a launchpad for a
presence. new bilateral trade agreement
aimed at cutting Japans trade
By Peter Landers, surplus with the U.S., Tokyo
Takashi Nakamichi hopes to be the latest benefi-
and Jacob M. ciary of what appears to be
Schlesinger emerging as a gentler U.S.
trade policy after Mr. Trump
With North Korea escalat- said Wednesday he didnt
ing its nuclear-weapons pro- think China was a currency
gram, shared security strate- manipulator and his adminis-
gies are likely to overshadow tration has also signaled that
the economic demands that it will seek only modest
President Donald Trump had changes to the North Ameri-
pledged to give greater prior- can Free Trade Agreement he
ity during last years campaign had once branded a disaster.
and in the early days of his During his campaign, Mr.

administration. Trump frequently described
Mr. Pence arrived in Seoul Japan as taking advantage of
on Sunday afternoon after a Americans.
failed missile test by North But, as with other countries,
Korea earlier in the day. Mr. Trump has recently toned
A key theme of Mr. Pences down his rhetoric.
tripwhich after South Korea Vice President Mike Pence on Monday looking from an observation post inside the demilitarized zone dividing North and South Korea. During his two-day summit
will continue through Japan, with Mr. Abewhich included
Indonesia, and Australiawill While the vice president from the presidents with- Another purpose of the Mr. Trump himself signaled multiple rounds of golf at the
be that we are fully commit- will also carry Mr. Trumps drawal from the Trans-Pacific visit, said the Trump admin- a security-over-economics presidents Florida resortMr.
ted to our security alliances, message of how to level the Partnership, an ambitious 12- istration official, is to show pivot in Asia during an inter- Trump agreed to let economic
especially in the face of our playing field in trade and nation trade pact negotiated that withdrawing from TPP view with The Wall Street issues be hashed out between
evolving security challenges, hold listening sessions with by former President Barack shouldnt be seen as retreat Journal on Wednesday, when Mr. Pence and the No. 2 man
a senior administration official business leaders along the Obama that was seen in Asia from the regionOn the con- he said that he would be will- in Japans government, Deputy
told reporters Thursday, laying way, Mr. Pence is also focused as a symbol of Americas com- trary, that our economic pres- ing to soft-pedal his demands Prime Minister and Finance
out the agenda for the week. on trying to contain the fallout mitment to the region. encecontinues to grow. that China cut its trade deficit Minister Taro Aso.

KOREA A Rising Threat

North Korea has steadily advanced both its nuclear capabilities and its ballistic-missile technology, which combined pose an ever-greater risk to the U.S. and its allies.
Continued from Page One Estimated missile ranges
Explosive power of North Korean bomb tests
in a tweet Sunday wrote: We Hiroshima Nagasaki
will see what happens! Oct. 9, 2006 May 25, 2009 Feb. 12, 2013 Jan. 6, Sept. 9 e s)
A senior U.S. official said the 15 kilotons 22 kilotons mi l
2016 10 kilotons* 0 0+
White House was remaining 7 kilotons 7 kilotons 6,0
2-6 kilotons 2(
low-key to give China time to g- U.K.
m i le

press North Korea to ease ten- Less than



1 kiloton 0
sions before moving to other 4 ,0


measures, such as sanctions 08 A LASKA


against North Korea that would RUSSIA 00+ miles)

hurt Chinese companies. 2006 08 10 12 14 16 Aug. 6, 1945 Aug. 9, 1945 (2,0
an g-1 (1,500+ mile
The U.S. response also was *Estimated on
Taep sud


restrained because Pyongyangs NORTH

test, believed to be of a me- Estimated range of North Korean missile tests KOREA
6,000 H AWAI I
dium-range missile, was no Pyongyang has drastically ramped up the frequency
more provocative than the last of missile launches. INDIA CHINA
two conducted during Mr.
Trumps presidency. Were try- Each test Range capability 4,000
ing to keep our response muted
for a number of reasons, not 3,000 miles
the least of which is because it
failed, the U.S. official said. 2,000
Sundays missile test came
the same weekend Vice Presi-
dent Mike Pence arrived in
South Korea, part of a planned 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
tour of the region to reassure Note: Ranges for the two most recent missile tests are unknown. The estimated distance the missiles traveled is shown.
allies about a continuing U.S. Sources: South Korean defense ministry (kilotons and estimated missile ranges); Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation (missile tests) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
presence. On Monday, Mr.
Pence visited the demilitarized
zone separating North and Pyongyangs Missile tic missile landed in the Sea of April 5: North Korea launched a
South Korea. Japan while President Donald medium-range ballistic missile
U.S. officials were still as- Tests at a Glance Trump was hosting Japanese that flew about 35 miles before
sessing the nature of the Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in splashing down in the waters
weaponry that North Korea the U.S. between Japan and the Korean
displayed in a public parade 2016 Peninsula, South Korean mili-
over the weekend. That ap- March 6: North Korea fired four tary officials said. A U.S. official
peared to include at least one Sept. 20: North Korea said it ballistic missiles that flew identified it as a KN-15.

new inter-continental ballistic had successfully tested a high- about 620 miles before landing
missile, or ICBM. powered rocket engine for off its east coast. April 16: A North Korean ballistic
Prior to the launch, U.S. in- launching satellites, elevating missile blew up soon after it
telligence analysts had con- concerns it was making prog- March 22: Pyongyang at- was fired from Sinpo, a site on
cluded that North Korea pos- ress in developing a long-range tempted to fire a missile from the countrys east coast, U.S. mil-
sessed the components ballistic missile. its east coast, but it apparently itary officials said. It was likely a
necessary to build an ICBM that exploded within seconds of medium-range missile, not an in-
could reach the U.S. mainland, a 2017 launch, according to officials tercontinental ballistic missile ca-
U.S. official said. from both the U.S. and South pable of reaching the U.S.
But it is unclear whether A submarine missile shown at a military parade in Pyongyang on Feb. 12: A North Korean ballis- Korea. Source: WSJ reporting

Pyongyang has actually built Saturday to celebrate Kim Il Sung, North Koreas late founder.
the missile, the official added.
North Korea has never test clear device, timed to the Sat- the defense of America in this ing on as many as three new in- neighbor for energy and trade. from North Korea in February
fired an ICBM, though U.S. offi- urday observance of the birth- part of the world, Mr. Pence tercontinental ballistic missiles Mr. Trump signed off on a and has been sending some
cials have braced for such a day of the regimes founder told U.S. troops Sunday in a display of ambition that North Korea strategy before his ships bearing coal back to
test for months. Kim Il Sung. South Korea. came as a surprise to weapons meeting with Mr. Xi earlier this North Korea from Chinese
An ICBM would be capable Gen. McMaster noted Sun- North Koreas missile experts. month. ports, according to the Chinese
of reaching U.S. cities. While day that Mr. Trump had dem- launched Sunday failed about Usually they show us one or As part of it, the U.S. is government.
North Korea has on five occa- onstrated in the recent U.S. four to five seconds after igni- two new things, but this time looking for China to take steps Chinas coal imports from
sions detonated nuclear devices missile strike on Syrias Assad tion, in what Deputy National they were saying, We want you that choke off its economic North Korea were down 51.6%
and showed off what appeared regime that he is clearly com- Security Adviser K.T. McFarland to take in this array of new lifeline to North Korea. The in the first quarter from a year
to be an ICBM over the week- fortable making tough deci- described Sunday as a fizzle. things, said Jeffrey Lewis, di- U.S. is also looking for China earlier, though overall trade be-
end, Pyongyang apparently sions. South Korean Joint Chiefs of rector of the East Asia Nonpro- to apply diplomatic pressure tween the two countries rose
hasnt been able to master the The U.S. last week dropped Staff officials said they were liferation Program at the Mid- on North Korea. by 37.4% in the same period, ac-
final piecedesigning a nuclear the second-largest non-nuclear working on analyzing the type dlebury Institute of Mr. Trump on Sunday sug- cording to Chinas General Ad-
weapon small enough to fit bomb in its arsenal in Afghani- of missile launched. International Studies in Monte- gested on Twitter that China ministration of Customs.
atop an ICBM, officials and ex- stan, the latest in a series of Experts said the failed mis- rey, Calif. The scale of their was broadly on board with ap- China imports iron ore and
perts say. moves that suggest a more ag- sile launch on Sunday, while ambition is much bigger than plying pressure on North Korea, other mineral resources from
But the development of a gressive military posture under less dramatic than a successful we give them credit for. defending his decision not to North Korea, as well as sea-
functioning ICBM would mark a Mr. Trump. one, suggested that North Ko- The failure of Sundays mis- label China a currency manipu- food and garments, while
significant and alarming ad- North Korea poses a far rea was testing new capabili- sile launch appeared to buy lator. Why would I call China a North Korea imports Chinese
vance in the North Koreas more complex challenge for Mr. ties that it hadnt yet fully ac- more time for Mr. Trumps ef- currency manipulator when oil, food, machinery and con-
weapons capability. Trump than the conflict in quired, and was thus forts to persuade China to they are working with us on the sumer products.
Another senior U.S. official Syria or the war in Afghanistan. potentially more troubling than ratchet up economic pressure North Korean problem? he The Chinese national car-
said that had North Korea It has both nuclear capabilities a successful test of technolo- on North Korea. tweeted. rier, Air China, suspended
tested an ICBMwhether suc- and an unpredictable leader in gies it has already mastered. Mr. Trump said in an inter- Under pressure from Wash- flights between Beijing and the
cessfully or notor conducted Kim Jong Un, and is seeking ca- Even though this was a view with The Wall Street Jour- ington, Beijing appears to have North Korean capital, Pyong-
a sixth nuclear test, the Trump pabilities to fire a nuclear failed missile, they get better nal last week that he had of- taken some limited steps in re- yang, on Friday, according to
administration would have re- weapon that reaches the conti- and they learn lessons, Gen. fered Chinese President Xi cent weeks to use its economic representatives of the airline.
sponded with robust diplomatic nental U.S. McMaster said. Jinping a better trade deal in leverage to rein in the North One said tickets on the route
and economic measures, The U.S. has some 30,000 U.S. officials also expressed exchange for new pressure on Korean leadership, though werent available until at least
though not a military strike. troops stationed in South Ko- some doubt about precisely Pyongyang from Beijing. Yet China remains wary of using the end of May.
The administration still antici- rea and many others around what materiel North Korea pa- Mr. Trump also said he doesnt economic clout in a way that Weve seen the Chinese al-
pates North Korea could try an- the region. raded on Saturday. There were believe China has as much might topple the North Korean ready take some initial steps
other launch at any time, the This mornings provocation some canisters, which may or power over North Korea as government. towards that, a foreign policy
official said. from the north is just the lat- may not have held missiles, some experts have thought. That could unleash a flood of adviser to Mr. Pence said.
In recent days, Trump ad- est reminder of the risks each Ms. McFarland said. Gen. McMaster said North refugees into northeastern Many steps still to take, but I
ministration officials were pre- one of you face every day in Still, the lavish parade in Korea was very vulnerable to China and bring U.S. troops think its a good first step.
paring for what they expected the defense of the freedom of central Pyongyang revealed pressure from the Chinese be- closer to the Chinese border. Shane Harris contributed to
would be a sixth test of a nu- the people of South Korea and that North Korea may be work- cause of its reliance on its China banned coal imports this article.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | A9


The Quest to Restore an Empire

Fugitive Ex-Governor
Found in Guatemala
Javier Duarte, the fugitive
former governor of Veracruz
Anton Bakov has traveled the world looking for a place to revive Russias Romanov dynasty
state, was arrested in Guate-
mala on charges of racketeering BY JAMES MARSON
and embezzlement, officials said.
Mr. Duarte had eluded au- Anton Bakov says he
thorities since escaping on a needs just a few square
government helicopter in Octo- miles of land to restore the
ber, the same day authorities Russian Empire.
asked a judge for an arrest war- The millionaire business-
rant. Guatemalan police captured mans search for a place to


Mr. Duarte on Saturday, Mexicos revive the Romanov dynasty
attorney generals office said. that ruled Russia for 300
Mr. Duarte left an economic years has taken him from
disaster in Veracruz. Federal and nearby Montenegro to the
state auditors said around $2.5 shores of western Africa and
billion spent by his administra- a Pacific archipelago 2,500
tion, which ended in 2016, was miles southwest of Hawaii.
unaccounted for. Federal investi- Its the duty of all patri-
gators say Mr. Duarte was the ots of Russia who remain
mastermind behind a web of faithful to the oath to the
phantom companies that di- empire, says Mr. Bakov, who
verted millions of dollars of pub- styles himself archchancellor
lic funds. Mr. Duarte has said he of the Imperial Throne, a
is innocent of all charges. self-declared successor to the
Juan Montes empire. Alas, we are few.
A century after the revo-
EGYPT lution swept the Romanovs
from power, polls show that
Court Acquits restoring the monarchy is a
American Citizen minority faith. Russian Presi-
dent Vladimir Putin, for one, Above, the Terem Palace in the Kremlin in Moscow, the main residence of the tsars in the 17th century. Below, Anton Bakov and his
An Egyptian court on Sunday isnt in favor, his spokesman wife in Kiribati, where he hopes to establish a reborn Russian Empire.
acquitted Aya Hijazi, a dual U.S.- says. The Kremlin, which
Egyptian citizen who has been promotes a cautious and plans. Its mockery of the Last year, Mr. Bakov
held in detention for nearly sometimes incongruous rev- very idea of monarchy, said turned his attention to Kiri-
three years over accusations re- erence for Russias Soviet Alexander Zakatov, an aide bati (pronounced Ki-ri-bas),
lated to a nongovernmental or- and imperial pasts, has kept to Maria Romanova, who an impoverished former Brit-
ganization she founded to aid commemoration of the cen- styles herself grand duchess ish colony of some 100,000
street children. tenary low-key. and head of the House of Ro- inhabitants and 33 islands
Authorities arrested Ms. Hijazi, Mr. Bakov, a former law- manov. spread over an area as wide
her husband and six others in maker who is now leader of Mr. Bakov, a roly-poly 51- as the U.S. mainland.
May 2014 on charges of abusing the Monarchist Party of Rus- year-old with a broad Mr. Bakov proposed that
children that were widely dis- sia, says that for now, he smile, registered the Mon- three uninhabited islands be
missed as bogus by human- isnt trying to put the Roma- archist Party in 2012. given a special status as the
rights groups and senior U.S. offi- novs back in the Kremlin. But He recruited Prince Karl, Romanov Empire. The busi-
cials, who called for her release. he does want to restore their who converted to Orthodoxy, nessman would channel $20
Prosecutors provided little evi- international legal status. adopted the name Nicholas III million into the budget every
dence to support the allegations. He created the Imperial and wrote to Mr. Putin asking year for six years and invest
The arrests came as part of a Throne in 2011 and signed for land in Yekaterinburg, $230 million on Malden is-
clampdown on civil society, par- up 64-year-old German where Nicholas II and his land building a port, airport,
ticularly human-rights groups and Prince Karl Emich of Leinin- close family were executed. power station and roads.
other organizations that receive gen, a scion of the Roma- The goal was to found a city He persuaded local politi-
foreign funding, following the mil- novs, as czar of the mi- state modeled on Vatican City. cal and religious leaders to
itary overthrow of an elected Is- cronation. He scouted for No answer came, so Mr. back his plan, fell in love the upper hand. Mr. Bakov that isnt the case.
lamist president in 2013. land to locate the reborn Bakov widened his search. with local seafood of all says he was ready to sign an Mr. Bakov hasnt given up
Ms. Hijazis Egyptian lawyer, empire, and added a busi- He bought a plot of land in shapes and sizes and even, agreement at the end of Janu- hope on the Kiribati option,
Taher Abol Nasr, said she would ness element, aiming to sell Montenegro, a Balkan nation in the manner of empire- ary. Then an email arrived but he is also willing to
likely remain in detention an- parcels of land along with popular with wealthy Rus- builders of earlier centuries, from the government rejecting court serendipity. A recent
other two to three days while princely titles. sians. But the government fended off inquisitive local the proposal. The presidents surprise election defeat
her acquittal is processed. He It has to be profitable, didnt embrace his empire- wildlife when four crabs office says it was concerned ousted the longtime presi-
expects all the defendants to be else it wont work, he says. building plans. An attempt in scurried into his hotel room. that Mr. Bakov wanted sover- dent of Gambia, so Mr. Ba-
freed by the end of the week. Not all monarchists are Gambia, in western Africa, However, opponents of the eign status for the islands, al- kov is trying to pique the
Associated Press happy about Mr. Bakovs also failed. Kiribati plan appear to have though the businessman says new leaders interest.

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A10 | Monday, April 17, 2017 * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


NEIMAN style that wouldnt go out of

fashion: I didnt want to worry
about having to buy the latest
bag every year.
Continued from Page One Neiman has less of a cushion
luxury market, which reached than rivals because of its debt,
$1.16 trillion when including ex- which dates to its 2005 sale to
penditures on pricey cars, Warburg Pincus LLC and TPG
travel, restaurants and such. for about $5.1 billion.
In the past, women had loy- To boost returns, Warburg
alty to a particular department and TPG paid mostly with bor-
store, and they would come in rowed money. The owners,
with a page torn from the re- along with bankers at Credit Su-
tailers catalog and say, I want isse Group AG, came up with a
that look, said Robert Burke, new type of debtcalled pay-in-
the former fashion director of kind, or PIK, toggle bondsto
Bergdorf Goodman who now protect against a downturn.
runs his own consulting firm. These instruments allow the is-
The shift in consumer tastes suer to make interest payments
has put pressure on several sto- by issuing new bonds rather


ried brands, including Tiffany & than paying in cash.
Co. and Ralph Lauren Corp., Investors were drawn by a
which both recently ousted better yield, and PIK toggle
their chief executives. bonds became a feature of many
Consumers no longer prefer of the eras corporate buyouts.
a one-stop approach to shop- To celebrate their Neiman pur-
ping, said Deborah Weinswig chase, the buyout firms hung
of Fung Global Retail & Technol- plaques fitted with replicas of
ogy, a think tank. This coin- old-fashioned factory switches.
cides with the current senti- When the financial crisis hit
ment that big is the opposite of in 2008, and sales fell, Neimans
cool, making it very difficult for owners didnt want to spook
major retailers and brands to LuJo Churchill, above, checked her outfit in a video mirror earlier this month at the newly opened Neiman Marcus store in Fort Worth, suppliers by drawing on a credit
maintain a high level of cachet. Texas. Below, fashion designer Coco Chanel toured a Neiman Marcus store during a 1957 visit to Dallas. line to make interest payments,
Few are feeling the heat as said people familiar with the
much as Neiman Marcus Group a store window display deliv- brands high-end satchels. In matter. Instead, they issued new
Ltd., which holds nearly $5 bil- ered to his home for Christmas November, Neiman struck a deal debt to cover payments for nine
lion in debt that has grown morning. Stanley Marcus, chief with Rent the Runway, a startup months through October 2009.
through more than a decade of executive from 1950 to 1972, that will rent expensive apparel In Warburgs New York of-
private-equity ownership. The made it happen. at shops located in Neiman fices, employees flipped the
company, which lost $406 mil- The company, which now in- stores this year. wall-mounted switches from
lion on sales of nearly $5 billion cludes two Bergdorf Goodman A year after becoming chief cash to bonds, some of
in the year that ended in July, stores in Manhattan, opened executive in 2010, Ms. Katz re- these people said.
recently abandoned plans to go outposts in Beverly Hills, Palm duced snob appeal by allowing When Neiman resumed cash
public; credit-rating firms have Beach, Fla., and other high-net Neiman shoppers to use Visa payments in mid-2010, Warburg
warned there is a high risk it ZIP Codes amenable to $5,000 and Mastercard. Previously, the employees celebrated by switch-
will default on its obligations. gowns and $2,500 handbags. Its stores only accepted American ing the toggle back, they said.
With their equity practically annual Christmas catalog dis- Express or Neiman credit cards. By then, Neiman was gener-
wiped out, Neimans owners, played such gifts as a $1.5 mil- Neiman has invested heavily ating enough cash to pay down
Ares Management LP and the lion Valkyrie-X private plane. in e-commerce, drawing roughly debt, and the owners plotted
Canada Pension Plan Invest- That kind of extravagance 31% of its sales from digital op- their exit. They took nearly
ment Board, are looking for an earned it the nickname Needless erations. That compares with an $450 million out of the com-
exit. They recently approached Markup. 8% online penetration for the pany as a dividend a year before

Saks Fifth Avenue parent Hud- Our mantra had always luxury-goods market, according selling it for about $6 billion in
sons Bay Co., about buying the been, There is nothing too ex- to Bain. 2013 to Ares and the CPPIB. The
retailer, according to people fa- pensive for our customer, one Not all the moves have sellers more than doubled their
miliar with the situation. The former executive said. worked. After building six Cusp cash investment in the deal. The
continuing talks, first reported Burt Tansky, chief executive stores, Neiman closed two and new owners, meanwhile, loaded
by The Wall Street Journal, are for nine years until 2010, was stopped development of the Neiman with more debt. By
aimed at combining Neiman fond of saying, Id rather have chain in 2012. As we came 2014, Neiman owed $4.7 billion,
with its chief rival to cut costs one customer spending $5 mil- through the recession, we had up from $250 million in 2005.
and boost clout with suppliers. lion, than five million customers to re-prioritize, Ms. Katz said. Ms. Katz got this advice after
The company is well-posi- spending $1, other executives The experiment continues at the 2013 deal by one of the sell-
tioned to deal with both the sec- said. Mr. Tansky declined to Neiman stores, where depart- ers: Pursue a public stock offer-
ular and cyclical changes taking comment. ments that carry lower-priced ing as soon as possible and use
place in the luxury market, said The strategy allowed Neiman items are called Cusp. the proceeds to pay down debt,
Neiman board member and Ares to increase average prices 7% to Neiman has suffered from the according to a person familiar
co-founder David Kaplan. The 9% annually until 2015, execu- fall in energy prices that has with the matter.
brand remains a preferred des- tives said. Some didnt believe it keeping supplies limited to ment stores rushed in with their sapped demand among wealthy The owners have largely es-
tination for customers who was sustainable. Every time avoid end-of-season mark- own off-price chainsNeimans Texan shoppers. And like other chewed debt reduction, instead
value the expertise of the store Burt would say that I would downs. And, until recently, few Last Call, Saks Off 5th and luxury retailers, it is grappling spending more than $900 mil-
associates and a differentiated cringe, said Steven Dennis, luxury goods were sold online, Nordstrom Rack. with a strong dollar that has lion to refurbish stores, open
product offering as well as for who was Neimans senior vice which gave brands a tighter rein Market forces have started chased off some foreign tourists. new ones and beef up Neimans
the design community. president of strategy and mar- on prices. to commoditize products that The retailer appears to be online business, according to se-
keting from 2004 to 2008. One of the tricks to luxury is were once extremely exclusive, drawing more youthful shop- curities filings and a person fa-
Price-hike profits, though, price discipline, said Aaron Ch- said Jenna Giannelli, a Citigroup pers, with a bit more than half miliar with the matter. The
Price powerhouse were common among Neimans eris, the head of Bains retail Inc. analyst. About 37% of lux- of its customers age 50 or youn- company had about $4.6 billion
Once upon a time, all Neiman peers. A 2015 Bain study found practice for the Americas. Shop- ury goods sold at less than full ger as of last July, compared of debt as of January.
needed to do to lift profits was the entire luxury industry bene- pers pay full price, he said, when price last year, Bain estimated, with slightly less than half a Neiman filed for an IPO in
raise prices. That model has fited from relentless price in- they cant get stuff for less. up from 32% two years ago. year earlier, according to securi- 2015, but withdrew the offering
since fallen out of fashion. creases over the past five to 10 But competition from start- Anais Assoun, a faithful Nei- ties filings. earlier this year as its business
Neiman Marcus opened its years. ups like and man customer, said she was Ms. Katz recently told ana- faltered. With Neimans bonds
first store 110 years ago in Dal- Consumers had little choice are forcing never a sale shopper: If I lysts that Neiman is simply re- trading at around 60 cents on
las, catering to those who made but to pay up because high-end more discounts. Over a recent wanted something, I would buy placing aging baby boomers the dollar, the company could
their wealth in Texas oil. One brands tightly controlled distri- 24 hours, Farfetchs prices aver- it at full retail. These days, the with the next generation. have trouble accessing the capi-
tycoon asked for all the items in bution of their goods, usually aged 2% lower and Matches- Dallas resident shops sales, she While younger shoppers are tal markets to refinance notes
fashions 15% lower than Nei- said, because regular retail important to help brands stay coming due in 2020 and 2021,
manmarcus.coms prices on 32 doesnt feel like a good value. relevant, they arent buying lux- according to Ms. Giannelli, the
Neiman Marcus: Debt Up, Sales Growth Down identical items, according to You can easily spend $2,000 on ury goods the way they once Citi analyst, with investors
Luxury retailers were long thought immune to the troubles of price-tracking firm Market shoes, which not that long ago did. skeptical it can repay the debt.
mass-market chains. Track LLC. would have been insane. Back in 2007, there were On Friday, Neimans owners
A Neiman spokeswoman said young women who would skip once again chose to issue new
Same-store sales growth Total debt the comparison didnt take into meals to save money to buy the debt to cover interest payments
10% $5 billion account a promotion at the time Next generation latest Marc Jacobs bag, said through October 14, according
that offered a gift card worth Neimans Chief Executive Michael Crotty, a marketing ex- to a securities filing.
5 25% off a purchase. Karen Katz has tried to make ecutive who has worked at New management and cost
4 While brands still exert con- her stores more accessible to Nordstrom and Neiman Marcus. cuts follow many corporate buy-
0 trol, particularly over the new- younger, less affluent consum- Having the right bag, the right outs. But Neimans owners have
3 est and most popular items, it is ers. You have to constantly be shoe, meant so much. left Ms. Katz and her team
harder for them to police prices looking for the next genera- To celebrate her 29th birth- alone. Each of them has al-
that change rapidly across web- tion, she said. day last month, Veronica Ka- lowed us to do what weve
2 sites and fluctuate with shifting Ms. Katz championed a line menjarin, a Chicago attorney, needed to do to grow the busi-
exchange rates, industry execu- of specialty stores called Cusp, splurged on a wine-tasting trip ness, she said.
1 tives said. which Neiman opened a decade to Napa Valley, where she and Yet, it is hard to ignore the
The explosion of discount ago, that feature lower-priced her husband dined at the exclu- rationale for combining Neiman
chains, led by T.J. Maxx, that clothing and accessories. Nei- sive French Laundry. The last and Saks, said Stephen Sadove,
20 0 sell designer brands at cut-rate man stores also have added rel- time she bought a designer former Saks chief executive.
FY 2006 08 10 12 14 16 FY 2006 08 10 12 14 16 prices also made consumers re- atively less expensive goods, handbag was four years ago. Its a tougher luxury environ-
Note: For scal years, most recent ended July 30 think the need to pay full price. such as $700 Prada handbags, Ms. Kamenjarin said she ment, he said, and you need
Source: Citi THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. To compete, high-end depart- about a quarter the price of the chose a classic Louis Vuitton more scale.

HUGS Co-workers have respected

his wishes, he says, though he
and Dovicos nonhuggers com-
prise a small minority. Mr.
hard he broke three of his ribs,
sending him to the hospital.
The injury hasnt slowed Mr.
Yellen, who estimates he gives
hearty embrace, he says.
The circle is about 10 feet in
diameter, enough for two peo-
ple to get in it, sometimes three
tended the meeting. Through a
spokesman, the two nonhugging
employees declined to be inter-
viewed for this article.
she says. Huggers seem to feel
theyre really good at judging
when someone wants a hug, but
based on what the nonhuggers
Continued from Page One Doucet says those employees hundreds of hugs a week. Em- if you feel like having a group Bill Campbell, an executive are saying, theyre wrong about
common shot up 24 percentage get a handshake, and no hard braces ease tensions during hug, Mr. Kelvin says. famed for coaching Silicon Val- that, she says.
points from five years earlier, feelings. You dont lose your tough negotiations, he says, and Employees marking anniver- ley leaders like Steve Jobs and Aaron Goldstein, a partner
according to a 2016 survey by job if you dont hug. enable trusting colleagues to saries at Partners + Napier, a Jeff Bezos, often gave warm with law firm Dorsey & Whitney
Creative Group, a staffing Mr. Doucet sometimes meets move fast on projects at the di- Rochester, N.Y., advertising hugs. A former chairman of In- LLPs labor and employment
agency owned by Robert Half resistance from outsiders, too. saster-recovery company. agency, celebrate with hugs tuits board, Mr. Campbell died group, advises against initiating
International Inc. Some leaders At a business conference a few Actions like hugging or fetch- from company leaders at a last year. Current Intuit CEO hugs in the workplace. During
say workplace hugging is part of years ago, the CEO met a local ing coffee for a colleague can Brad Smith has embraced many training on workplace harass-
a broader trend as offices be- government official who was show companionate love at of Mr. Campbells leadership ment, Mr. Goldstein takes man-
come more casual and the lines greeting people by touching el- work, according to Sigal Bar- traits. During a recent meeting, agers through his taxonomy of
between life and work blur. bows, due to a cold. Undeterred, sade, a management professor
You dont lose your Mr. Smith hugged a reporter hugging. Hes dubbed one the
While interviewing at Dovico Mr. Doucet wrapped his arms at the University of Pennsylva- job if you dont hug, twice in 30 minutes. HR hug, the go-to-hug for HR
in February, Sam Lavoie, a 23- around the man. He wanted to nias Wharton School. Her re- Greeting people with hugs, professionals looking not to of-
year-old software developer, let go, but I wouldnt, he says. search finds that affectionate
says a CEO who also whether it is a fellow employee, fend anyone, a one-armed side-
moved in for a handshake only A security guard eventually and caring organizations have gives handshakes. another CEO, or someone Im ways embrace; another the
to find himself in the arms of came over to intervene, accord- less burnout and absenteeism meeting for the first time, is not FFBB, full-frontal but brief. If
the Canadian software com- ing to Mr. Doucet. and higher levels of employee uncommon for me, he said in a it lasts for more than a second
panys CEO, Yves Doucet. I was At 5 feet 6 inches tall, Shel- satisfaction. statement. its weird, he adds.
like, Oh, OK, this is happening, don Yellen occasionally has to We dont just hug for the monthly staff meeting. In Alison Green, the author of Recently, he added another
Mr. Lavoie says. It wasnt like I get creative to get up close and sake of hugging, Ted Baker CEO March, one worker ran around workplace advice blog Ask a physical workplace interaction
had a job or anything. It was personal with his 7,400 employ- Ray Kelvin says. He adopted the the room to evade a hug, chased Manager, says she has fielded to his list of potentially fraught
two strangers just hugging. ees at Belfor Property Restora- practice 12 years ago, when bad by the companys managing di- dozens of questions from em- behaviors, after an audience
Mr. Lavoie got the job, and tion, of Birmingham, Mich. He arthritis made handshakes pain- rector. ployees concerned about office member caressed his palm dur-
quickly informed colleagues of says he jumps on a chair to hug ful. A circle around his desk at Another nonhugger just kept hugging. Many nonhuggers en- ing a training session. I felt like
his aversion to embraces. Im a company manager in the Neth- the companys London head- her arms glued to her side. She dure embraces silently, not I needed a long shower after-
an open, self-admitted, nonhug- erlands who tops 7 feet. Mr. Yel- quarters is labeled hug zone; didnt really hug back, says Lisa wanting to be rude, but theyre wards, he says. Next time
ger, he says. Flat out. Never len, the CEO, says a Belfor about five times a day someone Baumgartner, a senior account secretly thinking, Ugh, I dont someone says it was just a
been, never will be. worker once hugged him so will stand within and receive a executive at the firm who at- want to be part of this hug, handshake, get the details.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * NY Monday, April 17, 2017 | A10A


Educators Fear Losing Tech Whiz
Software engineer from hone their skills to land jobs. dergarten through grade 12,
It makes me feel good to and the fee includes training Who Gets In
China with a knack for see them learn from what we for teachers. H-1B visa recipients, by level of
teaching coding tries to build and what were teach- I finally found a program I education in 2015
ing, he says. can scale across my dis-
beat odds, get H-1B visa Born in a small town in trictand Im excited about Masters degree Bachelors degree
China, Mr. Feng was among it, Mr. Nagler said. I would 44% 45%
BY LESLIE BRODY thousands of people who ap- hate to think it would go back-
plied this month when the fed- wards.


Two years ago, the superin- eral government began accept- The married founders of
tendent of the Mineola school ing requests for this years H-1B kidOYO, Melora and Devon
district on Long Island saw his visas for high-skilled foreign Loffreto, contend the visa sys-
8-year-old son learn so much at workers. There are 65,000 slots, tem should take into account
a free coding course he asked in addition to 20,000 reserved how much Mr. Feng is helping
the nonprofit running it, for those with advanced de- the community here. The
kidOYO, to teach more than grees. Last year, more than H-1B process needs to be
2,700 students across his dis- 236,000 people applied. based on merit, not some ran- Less than Professional Doctorate
trict. Mr. Feng, who lives in Cen- dom lottery, Ms. Loffreto a bachelors degree 7%
This approach proved so tereach, Long Island, came to said. degree 3%
popular the Garden City, Hun- the U.S. in 2012 to get his President Donald Trump has
tington and Amityville school masters degree in computer pledged to reduce illegal as well Source: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration
districts followed suit. Now, science from Stony Brook Uni- as legal immigration, saying Services Bo Feng instructs students during a coding class at Stony Brook
tens of thousands of Long Is- versity. He has tried unsuc- foreign workers threaten U.S. THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. University on Long Island. His student visa will expire in June.
land children can tap into cessfully for the past three jobs and drive down wages. He
kidOYOs online platform. years to get an H-1B visa. If he promised to eliminate abuses in say they follow the rules. That and brightest. He said H-1B ideas to practical use. He can
The companys founders, doesnt secure one this year, the H-1B program, and this crackdown could help Mr. visas could be awarded first to take them from classroom
however, are concerned they he will have to leave the U.S. month the federal government Feng by leaving more slots applicants with the highest skills to real-world skills, Mr.
soon may lose one of their big- It is a painful irony, says announced more targeted in- open for high-skilled appli- salary offers, for example, or Loffreto said. In case Mr. Feng
gest assets: Bo Feng, a 31-year- Mineola Superintendent Mi- spections of companies with a cants who, like him, arent the lottery could be sequenced doesnt win the visa lottery,
old software engineer whose chael Nagler, that Mr. Feng high ratio of these visas. coming to the U.S. through in a way that gives an edge to Ms. Loffreto said she is gath-
student visa expires in June. might have to leave at a time That move aimed in part to outsourcing firms. those with advanced degrees. ering evidence to help him ap-
They say Mr. Feng has a knack when American schools face a clamp down on outsourcing Ron Hira, a Howard Univer- KidOYOs co-founders say ply for an O-1 visa that is more
for upgrading the platform, ex- shortage of people able and firms, many based in India, sity associate professor who Mr. Feng has been vital in difficult to secure. It is geared
plaining computer-science con- willing to teach computer sci- that have been accused of im- studies the H-1B system, sug- showing high-school and uni- toward specialists of extraor-
cepts to people of all ages and ence. KidOYO charges $35 a porting cheap labor to replace gests several changes that versity students how to put dinary ability in science, edu-
helping university students year for each student in kin- U.S. citizens. These companies could give priority to the best their software-development cation, athletics or the arts.

Easter Holiday Brings Out the Fun

Injury Adds Mystery
To Opening Night
Of Groundhog Day

The producers and cast of

the musical Groundhog Day
are likely hoping opening night
on Monday is anything but a
repeat of its Friday evening
preview performance.
The musical canceled a Sat-
urday matinee and brought in ROY ROCHLIN/FILMMAGIC
an understudy for the lead role
that evening because its star

Andy Karl injured himself dur-

ing Fridays show.
In an Instagram post after
the incident, Mr. Karl said he Groundhog Day lead Andy Karl
tweaked his knee after a hurt himself on stage Friday.
poorly landed leap frog.
A representative for the mu- tertainment industry, who was
sical reiterated a statement re- at the Friday night performance.
leased Saturday about Mr. The show proceeded as nor-
Karls injury and the matinee mal until one of the final num-
cancellation. The production bers, when Mr. Karl appeared
is currently scheduled to open to fall as he moved downstage
ON THE BUNNY TRAIL: Gear in hand, eager children set out on an Easter egg hunt at Leif Ericson Park in Brooklyn on Sunday. on Monday, the representative left, said Mr. Geier. The other
said in an email Sunday with- actors continued for a bit and
out responding to questions then stopped, he said.
about who would play the lead. The stage went dark, the

Tribeca Festival Branches Out, Books the Boss Based on the 1993 film with
Bill Murray, the musical was
well-received in London. Mr.
curtains came down, and the
lights in the auditorium came
on, Mr. Geier said. A theater
BY CHARLES PASSY place in American musical his- mersive showcase that features Film Society of Lincoln Center, Karl won an Olivier Award for staffer came on the intercom
tory, according to the festival. virtual-reality and innovative has its own virtual-reality/im- best actor in a musical and and said, the words you never
The star of this years The event is part of a interactive projects on display, mersive showcase, dubbed the production was awarded want to hear in the theater, Is
Tribeca Film Festival, which broader effort by Tribeca, and a Tribeca TV lineup of pro- Convergence. best new musical. there a doctor in the house,
opens Wednesday, may be an whose 16th edition opens on grams in which new series will While it might seem that Along with a lot of buzz, the Mr. Geier recalled.
artist better known for jam- Wednesday, to embrace pro- have their premiere screenings. such programming could di- Broadway rendition of the mu- After several updates, Mr.
ming on stage than command- gramming that goes beyond Tribeca Executive Chair and lute a film festivals impact, sical with music and lyrics by Karl returned to the stage
ing the big screen. film. This year, Tribeca launches co-founder Jane Rosenthal said film-industry insiders indicate Tim Minchin and a book by about 20 minutes later with a
Bruce Springsteen will ap- the Tribeca Games Festival, a such programming speaks to otherwise. If anything, they original screenwriter Danny walking stick of sorts. In an
pear at the festival April 28 at two-day event (April 28-29) the festivals desire to embrace say the trend is simply recog- Rubin comes with a big invest- improvised line, he said to his
the Beacon Theatre as part of that explores recent game re- storytelling in all its forms. nizing that film is an ever- ment of $17.5 million. romantic lead, Hurry up. Its
its Tribeca Talks series. Mr. leases and includes industry in- Tribeca is hardly the only changing medium. This is an eagerly antici- not like youve injured your leg
Springsteen will join actor Tom siders talking about their work. film festival to embrace non- Everything evolves, said pated show, said Thom Geier, or anything, Mr. Geier said. At
Hanks for a conversation that Also on the 12-day festivals film fare. The New York Film John Wildman, a consultant to managing editor of TheWrap, a the end, a teary Mr. Karl re-
looks at the rock stars unique slate of events: a Tribeca Im- Festival, which is run by the film festivals. publication that covers the en- ceived a standing ovation.

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A10B | Monday, April 17, 2017 NY * * THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Penthouses Carved Out for High-End Office Space

At the top of the MetLife
Building towering above Grand
Central Terminal, construction

workers a few years ago re-
moved fans, piping and other
equipment to make way for a
more profitable use of the
space: a penthouse addition.
The landlord, Tishman
Speyer, revamped the former
mechanical room and a long-
vacant space that had been a
lounge for a de-
PROPERTY funct helipad at
200 Park Ave.,
creating an airy
24,000-square-foot, glass-
walled penthouse on the 58th
floor with dramatic views of
Manhattans iconic peaks. The
project cost $24 million, ac-
cording to a person with
knowledge of the matter.
You feel like you can reach
out and grab the spire of the
Chrysler Building, said Tish-
man Chief Executive Rob A future penthouse office space at 520 Madison Ave., top deck for the now eight-
Speyer. above, as seen in a rendering. Below, work is being story building.
The space was quickly done at 787 11th Ave. to create a penthouse office. A The owners are able to do
leased by a private-equity rendering of the finished product, right. this by using floor space re-
firm, and now Tishman is un- moved between floors six and
der way with another office seven to create a double-
penthouse addition, this time height space, said Adam
with a terrace, at 520 Madison Flatto, Georgetowns chief ex-
Ave. That project is expected ecutive.
to cost $35 million, according The roof had to be demol-
to the person with knowledge ished, waterproof roofing ma-
of the matter. terials installed on the sixth
Were always looking floor and a crane lifted to the
around the corner and pursu- top of the building to haul up
ing ways to unlock additional and maneuver steel beams
value, Mr. Speyer said. from below. Because the lower
Though often a tricky feat floors house Jaguar Land
to accomplish, the addition of Rover Manhattan, Infiniti of
glass-walled office spaces atop Manhattan and Nissan of Man-
older buildings is an invest- hattan dealerships, the con-
ment a number of owners are struction process is a delicate
making in hopes of boosting one, Mr. Flatto said.
income and competing with because if you add a structure the building, tapping undevel- replacing windows and archi- SoHo Square, the redevelop- Likewise, Tishman has had
newer office buildings on the you are competing with new oped space or transferring air tecture being added to the ment joining two buildings to carry out its renovations at
rise on the far West Side and product, and new product to- rights from adjacent lots, said tops, Mr. Wood said. and creating more than the top of 200 Park Ave. and
in downtown Manhattan. day is getting over $90 a real-estate lawyer Jonathan These office-penthouse ad- 100,000 square feet of glass 520 Madison Ave. without dis-
Such penthouse spaces, square foot, said Mr. Konsker. Mechanic. ditions are part of a broader penthouse office space. rupting service to tenants be-
many coupled with landscaped Typically, the penthouse ad- New office penthouse struc- push by owners to carve out Creating penthouse space is low the construction.
decks, often command $10 to ditions feature high ceilings, tures are cropping up through- more dynamic amenity spaces logistically challenging. At 787 Mr. Speyer traces the inspi-
$20 a square foot above rent tons of light through glass fa- out New York City, but for to appeal to tenants looking to 11th Ave., Georgetown Co. and ration for the two projects
for other space in the building, cades or large windows and owners of older Midtown embellish their brands and re- its partners are adding a two- back to Tishmans addition of
said Mitchell Konsker, vice connecting outdoor space. buildings, it is a way to stay cruit top employees, said story, 90,000-square-foot glass a profitable observatory, Top
chairman at real-estate-ser- Landlords often have to be relevant, said Ed Wood, a Brian Waterman, vice chair- box with terrace space, a ten- of the Rock, at Rockefeller
vices firm JLL. creative in finding the space principal at architecture and man at real-estate-services nis court for its top-floor ten- Center.
I am talking to a lot of to build these structures, design firm Gensler. firm Newmark Grubb Knight ant, Pershing Square Capital Its an art form weve been
landlords who want to add an sometimes moving mechanical Thats why were seeing Frank. Mr. Waterman is part of Management LP, and a sepa- evolving for decades, Mr.
additional structure on top, equipment to another part of people reskinning buildings, the team representing One rate 13,000-square-foot roof- Speyer said.

Like other companies born
Online Retailer Tests online, One Kings Lane execu- Firms Join Up to Buy
A Traditional Store tives view the street retail lo- Two Rental Buildings
cation as both a chance to
An online home-dcor and drive sales and an opportunity Dalzell Capital Partners LLC
furniture retailer will open its to market its brand to a key joined forces with Jay Rappa-
first brick-and-mortar store in customer audience, said Presi- port and Daniel English from
Southampton on Memorial Day dent Debbie Propst. The com- Legacy Investing LLC to buy a
weekend as the company repo- pany was acquired by Bed 55-unit apartment complex that
sitions itself from a flash-sale Bath & Beyond Inc. last year. once was a textile mill in Glas-
e-commerce site to a home One Kings Lane, which has tonbury, and a 24-unit rental
furnishings brand. a showroom at its SoHo Man- complex in Norwalk, said Chris-
One Kings Lane said it hattan office, signed a lease tian Dalzell, managing partner
would test its format for a re- deal for about 3,500 square of Dalzell Capital.
The sterling alligator bangle tail shop on the ground floor feet of space for the summer The acquisition prices of the
of 11 Jobs Lane, a 19th-cen- season and has the option to two properties totaled $23.65
tury, two-story building that extend the lease, the company million. We want to create a
Add a touch of whimsy to your wrist used to house Southamptons said. portfolio of luxury rentals, Mr.
Dalzell said.
with our stylish alligator bangle. Made The investors tapped furni-
in Italy of fine sterling silver with ture and interior design firm
Lillian August Designs Inc.,
exceptional attention to detail. which will work on design con-
cepts and improvements to re-
Sparkling emerald eyes further position the property, said Dan
enhance its appeal. Weiss, chief executive of Lillian
The new owners secured al-
most $19 million in financing
from Freddie Mac, Mr. Dalzell

Fort Lee Complex
Adds Two Retailers
Developers of a mixed-use
project in Fort Lee, at the base
of the George Washington
Bridge, have added two retailers
to the roster of tenants, leasing
more than 80% of its shopping
Tucker Development Corp.
and KRE Group have signed
lease deals with Bean & Bean
Plus Free Shipping
Coffee and the owners of Tang
Korean Restaurant in Flushing,
Queens, at Hudson Lights, said
Jeffrey Glenner, vice president of
development at Tucker.
Sterling Silver Alligator Bangle from Italy The $218 million Hudson
Bypass style graduates from " to 1". Hinged. 712" length. Lights complex began leasing its
276 luxury rental apartments
Shown slightly larger for detail. late last year and has been
steadily filling the 140,000
square feet of the developments
retail space.
So far, the development has
attracted a mix of entertain-
Ross-Simons Item #781775 ment, food and service retail
tenants including iPic Theaters
To receive this special offer, use offer code: SPLASH19 and its restaurant, City Perch
1.800.556.7376 or visit Kitchen & Bar, as well as Paris
For security purposes, NO backpacks allowed. Baguette, Gaonnuri Restaurant
Random security and bag checks. An activity of the and indoor cycling venue
Greater New York Automobile Dealers Association. CycleBar.
Keiko Morris
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | A11


ated with smaller weddings have doubled

in the past year, says Larkin Brown, a San
Francisco-based user researcher at the
AFTER SETTING A DATE, finding the company. Overall, the average guest count
venue and screening the bands, Lisa and slipped to 141 guests in 2016, compared
Herky Pollock decided against a wedding for with 149 in 2009, according to survey data
300 guests.
Neither had cold feet.
Instead, the Pittsburgh couple slashed the
initial guest list from 300 to 33 for an all-
expenses-paid stay at Little Palm Island, a
Weddings, from wedding website the Knot. Couples
paid $245 per guest in 2016, compared
with $194 in 2009.
Rather than apologize to uninvited indi-
viduals, Emily Kraft, 27, and Nick Malaguti,
private resort in the Florida Keys. Their
budget didnt change and was well over six
figures, says Mr. Pollock, a 52-year-old
real-estate developer.
The Pollocks shuttled in white-clad
Big Budgets 29, excluded groups of people for their 42-
person wedding at Seattles Edgewater Ho-
tel, including cousins and extended family.
I go back in my head a little whether we
should have invited some cousins, says Ms.
guests via boat to the ceremony, served Kraft, a recruiter in Hoboken, N.J. But it
champagne and had 12 minutes of fire- felt like an easier choice to exclude entire
works to cap off the night. groups. (An engagement party on the East
We had chandeliers on the beach, says Coast allowed the couple to celebrate with
Lisa Pollock, a 45-year-old real-estate bro- extended familya compromise for Ms.
ker. It was beyond anything I could have Krafts mother-in-law, who hosted the
ever imagined. (To avoid hurt feelings, the event, she adds.)
couple didnt post photos to social media For some venues, including the Resort at
until after the event last November.) Pelican Hill, in Newport Beach, Calif.,
As summer wedding season approaches, smaller weddings can help fill gaps left in
wedding planners expect more smaller wed- the schedule by larger parties that book
dings with the budgets of big weddings. weekend nights more than a year in ad-
Cousins and colleagues are out of luck. The vance, says Eryin Choi, a weddings man-
events often, but dont always, involve a ager hired last year to oversee smaller
destination and can range from $1,000 to midweek weddings. This year, the hotel
$10,000 per person. hosted more than 30 smaller midweek
Even as some couples cut the guest list, weddings, which start at a $25,000 mini-
they arent cutting the budget, says Cristina mum compared with the $90,000 weekend
Verger, a New York-based planner. Most of evening minimum.
Ms. Vergers clients are 30-something cou- Jane Lerman, 30, and Shane Fonner, 37,
ples paying for the events on their own and thought about planning a 200-person wed-
spending $150,000 to $300,000. ding at home in New York that would in-
On Pinterest, where many people post For their 2016 wedding, Jane Lerman and Shane Fonner rented boutique hotel Dar Sabra in Marrakesh, clude extended family and their parents
wedding ideas and photos, searches associ- Morocco, for 38 friends and family members for a ceremony, top, and planned special activities, above. Please see WEDDINGS page A13

Rituals of Disappearance, Piotr Nathans 82-foot-wide mural inside Berghain, a Berlin nightclub, was disassembled recently and the works 171 lacquered aluminum panels were sold.



mural was disassembled in collab- said. Once you enter the space, he hands of Berghain regulars like how he will mount his panel, he
oration with the artist, and the added, you change, in a way. himself who had danced nearby. said. For now, it leans against a
parts sold online. Given the murals theme, said As the site went live on the wall in his apartment.
Berlin Within hours of the sale an- Mr. Nathan, a 61-year-old Polish- morning of March 17, Mr. Nathan Reinhard Ostendorf, 35, a Ber-
THE LATEST bragging right for nouncement on March 17, every born veteran of Berlins nightclub set about painting its web address lin-based architect and Berghain
Berlins nightclub denizens? Owning one of the works 171 lacquered scene, he sensed early on that it in giant red letters on Berghains regular, also snagged a panel. He
a piece of a legendary local haunt. aluminum panels had been might one day be broken up. newly empty entrance wall. Hed selected a piece from near the top
Berghain, a converted power claimed, according to a club So when the clubs owners told managed to paint just some of the of the mural, he said, since some
plant in the citys formerly commu- spokesman. Prices started at about him about plans to renovate the en- address, he said, when a club staffer of the bottom-row panels showed
nist east, is a club known for ribald $530 for an individual panel. trance, Mr. Nathan suggested sell- informed him that all the panels damage from partiers.
weekend-long techno-music raves Berghain regulars waxed senti- ing the panels individually, rather had been sold. He was stunned. Mr. Ostendorf, who hails from
and a capricious door policy. Since mental about the club, where, than as a single collection. Seeing Max Kobosil, 26, one of western Germany, said he had
its 2004 opening, the nightspot has thanks to a no-photo policy the work reassembled elsewhere Berghains resident D.J.s and a na- never bought art before. But he
welcomed guests with an enormous smartphone lenses are taped over wouldnt make any sense, he said. tive Berliner, said he rushed to buy was moved to do so, he said, be-
indoor mural near the coat-check. at the doorthey said they feel Mr. Nathan spearheaded the a panel for himself and one for his cause of the cultural significance
The 82-foot-wide work, Rituals uninhibited. The mural functioned design of a website, where, over mother. He was eager to procure of the club, which traces its roots
of Disappearance, had black-and- as an invitation to self-oblitera- the past four weeks, buyers could souvenirs from the institution that to gay nightlife in Berlin.
white images of a volcanic erup- tion, said artist Piotr Nathan, select individual panels to pur- gave him his first big break a few Part of what draws him to the
tion, a desert storm and water- beckoning revelers to lose them- chase. The idea, he said, was to years ago, he said. Now he plays at club, Mr. Ostendorf said, is that
spouts, among other phenomena, selves in the music. make the panels widely accessi- the club at least 10 times a year what happens in Berghain stays
and became an emblem of the club. This was the gate to a world of ble. Yet he said he hoped many and tours world-wide. in Berghainwith the exception,
No longer: In recent weeks, the mystical ambiguity, Mr. Nathan would find their way into the Mr. Kobosil hasnt yet decided now, of the piece he owns.
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A12 | Monday, April 17, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.



A Moms Love for Mountain Biking

Californias rugged terrain drew a veterinarian into downhill competitions, a full-body workout; training includes TRX and yoga
IT TOOK A WHILE for Michele
Drakes two sons, Christopher, 17,
and Matthew, 14, to get used to
their mom coming home dirt-cov-
ered and bruised.
Dr. Drake, 53, is a hard-core
downhill mountain biker. The vet-
erinarian, owner of the Drake
Center for Veterinary Care in En-
cinitas, Calif., and co-founder of
GeniusVets, a start up that does
digital marketing for veterinarians,
had dabbled in mountain biking in
her late 20s but stopped riding
once she had children. Now, she
trash talks her sons when they
ride the trails together.
Dr. Drake has been taking down- Michele Drake, 53, and a veterinarian,
hill mountain biking lessons for bikes on the trails of Los Peasquitos
five years. In September 2015, she Canyon Preserve in San Diego.
entered her first race, the Kami-
kaze Bike Games in Mammoth bar Meal bar. Dr. Drake hires a
Lakes, Calif. She placed third in woman to cook for her family.
the womens downhill competition We eat a lot of stir-fries, grass-
and won the womens enduro race, fed beef and salmon, she says.
which comprises four downhills Dr. Drake says she splurges on
and two climbs of about one-and- good wine.
a-half to 2 miles at 8,000 to 10,000
feet. The Cost & Gear
Dr. Drake, who is divorced and She paid $6,500 for her Intense
lives in Rancho Santa Fe, Calif., Evo 951 Gravity bike and $2,400
says unlike road cycling, youre for her Specialized Safire Comp
barely in the saddle of a mountain bike. I ride all about equally de-
bike. Youre in a constant squat on a treadmill, spin days riding the trails pending upon where I am riding,
and use your core and hips to bike or elliptical ma- of Mammoth, Calif., she says. Her full face Troy Lee
turn the bike, she says. Pedaling chine, followed by where she has a sec- Designs helmet cost $250 and her
faster when a 3-foot rock is in body weight exercises ond home, and Whis- Atlas neck brace cost $250. She
your path might seem counterin- mostly using a TRX tler, Canada. Mam- spends about $200 a year on new
tuitive, but Dr. Drake says you suspension trainer. moth Mountain is a gloves, elbow pads and knee pads.
cant hesitate. If you slow down, She does rowing exer- six-hour drive from She likes cycling apparel from
youll hit that rock and launch cises on the TRX to her home and when Troy Lee Designs and Fox Racing.
over your handlebars. strengthen her back shes there, shell ride A Mammoth Mountain Bike
The sport, she admits, can be muscles and performs four to six hours a Park Pass retails for $349 per
dangerous. Last year, she sepa- squats on a BOSU ball day. She tries to com- season and Dr. Drake says a day
rated her shoulder and tore her to work her glutes, pete in one race a pass at other parks cost around
hamstring after flying 30 feet off legs, and challenge her year. $50. She pays $20 per drop-in
her bike. You cannot be thinking balance. class at CorePower Yoga and pre-
about anything but the bike and Two to three times The Diet fers Lululemon yoga apparel. She
the trail ahead of you, she says. a week she cranks out Dr. Drake starts her pays $35 a month for her 24
a bike ride as hard and day with coffee, eggs Hour Fitness membership.
The Workout fast as she can on the trails of Los Its a mental game. She attends a and sliced avocado. She grabs
Dr. Drake strength trains two to Peasquitos Canyon Preserve in hot power yoga class twice a lunch at a healthy takeout spot The Playlist
three times a week at a 24 Hour San Diego. I like to see how week at CorePower Yoga, usually near her office, usually getting a When I work out I listen to the
Fitness, less than 10 minutes from many people I can pass in an after a ride or the gym. protein-packed salad or more raunchiest rap music ever, she
her home. Her 60-to-90-minute hour, she says. If someone is Between June and early Octo- eggs. If she cant sneak out for a says. Kendrick Lamar, Eminem, and
workouts include interval work ahead of me I have to pass them. ber, she tries to spend about 30 bite shell eat a plant-based, Pro- the rap artist Logic top her playlist.


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WHEN DORIT RABINYAN began writing a
powered by a remarkable light engine combining the best of todays novel about a star-crossed love affair be-
cutting edge light sources. The impact of a Microsun lamp will simply tween an Israeli Jewish woman and a Pales-
transcend any expectation youve ever had for tinian Muslim man living in New York she

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All The Rivers, out in the U.S. from Pen-
an efficient lamp that delivers the vibrant guin Random House on April 25, has be- Dorit Rabinyan, 44, author of All the Rivers.
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Patented** Halide/LED lighting system high-school Hebrew literature syllabus by the dle East than as an Israeli, she says.
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Uniquely brilliant lighting that intimate relations between Jews and My aim was outlining the fear of love, says
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Two SunStyle LED bulbs The Israeli newspaper ings which make Liat intimi-
Warm ambient lighting Haaretz had already named dated by Hilmis love caused by
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* Compared to lamp with a 60w bulb ** United States Patents: 6,022,125 5,924,787 D403,100 following year. Domestic sales Haya which Ms. Rabinyan says
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this brass and faux leather design is our best-selling After the bans announce- The hedge is a reference to
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Priced from $62.50 per month*.
complaints from schoolteach- separate properties and create
ers, and legislators pushed privacy. To explain, Ms. Rabin-
Your product has exceeded the hype! through a change in the law, yan cites Benjamin Franklins
Fred M., Augusta, GA whereby Israels high-school famous quote: Love your
literature teachers can now neighbor, yet dont pull down
choose 30% of the curriculum your hedge.
Compare the prices of our Microsun lamps to similar they want to teach. Ms. Rabinyan dedicates her novel to her
quality lamps with ORDINARY light bulb sockets. We offer Still, the 44-year-old Israeli author says friend Hassan Hourani, a rising star of Pal-
over 100 table and floor lamps designed to fit your budget the negative publicity surrounding the orig- estinian art, who died in 2003 at the age of
and decor. inal ban gave her novel a misleading image. 29. Hassan was the inspiration [for Hilmi],
Take advantage of our 30 day risk free trial offer and In All The Rivers Ms. Rabinyan drew says Ms. Rabinyan. As I was writing my
see for yourself, in your own home. on her own life to recount the story of an novel I felt his presence in the room along-
Israeli woman of Iranian ancestry, Liat, who side me giving me advice and criticism.
arrives in New York as a translation stu- In Ms. Rabinyans novel, Liat and Hilmi
Call today for your FREE catalog - or visit us online at dent on a Fulbright scholarship in 2002 and dont see eye to eye politically. She favors a
is almost immediately the subject of suspi- two-state solution, while he yearns for an cion and hearsay. all-encompassing state. As a couple they
The novel opens with Liat being ques- laugh and cry together, fight and make up.
888-328-8701 tioned at her home by two FBI agents act- People have told me that the reason my
Limited time introductory discount.** ing on the tip of an informer who has re- book is seen by the Ministry of Education
*Prices are 6 equal payments over 6 months. S+H extra. Promotional lamp prices from $245. ported seeing an Arab-looking woman in a to be dangerous for youngsters in Israel is
**Discount expires 6/30/17. cafe passionately writing emails in Ara- that it reminds us there is a partner on the
bic. This was something that really hap- other side, Ms. Rabinyan says. It is not
pened to me, says Ms. Rabinyan. But I perfect and does not see eye to eye with us
This is like reading was writing Hebrew, I dont write Arabic. on everything, but it is a partner you can

in sunlight! The striking thing for the author, who ex- maintain a dialogue with and identify
plored her Iranian heritage in her first two with.
Susan A., Long Valley, NJ
novels Persian Brides (1995) and Strand The Ministry of Education didnt respond
of a Thousand Pearls (1999), was being to requests for comment.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | A13




husbanded her vocal resources, and like the rest of his generation, is
her once-creamy, easy soprano destined to be cannon fodder. A scene from the Mets Der Rosenkavalier (left), starring Rene Fleming as the
sounded slender and carefully de- Mr. Carsen and set designer Paul Marschallin and Elina Garanca as Octavian (above.)
New York ployed. By contrast, as Octavian, Steinberg make the updating con-
RICHARD STRAUSSS Der Elna Garanas mezzo overflowed sistent without being heavy- And Mr. Carsen does not hold in uniform, and heaven help the
Rosenkavalier, with its melding of with the warmth and richness of handed. The Marschallins bedroom back in the operas comedy and troops that he will be leading. Se-
bittersweet nostalgia and antic youth, and her startlingly androgy- is no intimate boudoir, but rather a chaos, raising the stakes with each bastian Weigles conducting takes
comedy, usually zeroes in on the nous appearance made her entirely grand, red-walled chamber hung act so that the humor never grows its cue from the bumptious Baron:
character of the Marschallin, the persuasive as an adolescent boy on with huge portraits of men and tedious. At the center of madness it is more caffeine than schlag, the
aristocratic older woman who rec- the cusp of true adulthood. Even in battle scenes. Her clandestine love is the splendid bass Gnther nostalgia subsumed in modern
ognizes the inevitable passage of their intimate Act I scenes, one felt affair thus seems like a futile at- Groissbck as Baron Ochs, the noise and speed.
time as she sadly but graciously that Octavians bursting vitality was tempt to carve out her own place country cousin who blunders into Still, the magical moments are
relinquishes her young lover, Octa- ready for new pastures. in a very male world. The dcor of Vienna on a mission to marry the there: Matthew Polenzani, in a
vian, to Sophie, a girl of his own In Hugo von Hofmannsthals li- Faninals grand new house is more heiress Sophie. Younger and hand- white suit, soaring as the Italian
age. But in the provocative new bretto, set in a magical mid-18th- up-to-the-minute with its Seces- somer than the usual Ochs, Mr. Singer; Ms. Fleming briefly burying
Robert Carsen production that century Imperial Vienna, those new sion-style furniture; cleverly, hes Groissbck brings an element of her face in Octavians bouquet of
opened at the Metropolitan Opera pastures are chiefly Sophie, daugh- now an arms dealer, with his wares danger to the Barons crass rude- red roses; Octavian and Sophies
on Thursday, its Octavians fate ter of the nouveau-riche merchant (a pair of giant cannons) promi- ness and aggressive sexism, dem- moment of mutual recognition in
that resonates as the curtain falls. Faninal. But Mr. Carsen has up- nently displayed in his salon. The onstrating how easily the estab- the middle of the formal Presenta-
In part, this was casting. The dated the opera to 1911, the time of seedy tavern of Act III is hilariously lished order can be undermined. tion of the Rose, haloed in white
production marks 58-year-old Rene its premiere, just as the old world reconceived as a high-end brothel, The dizzying mayhem after he is light by Mr. Carsen and Peter Van
Flemings final performances as the was about to be swept away for- with the Innkeeper (Tony Steven- wounded by Octavian in Fani- Praet; and the glorious Act III trio
Marschallin, one of her signature ever in the carnage of World War I. son) in drag as its madam. Brigitte nals house is breathlessly staged of loss and discovery, sung with
roles, and possibly her withdrawal Most of the men in the production Reiffenstuel designed the wonder- as a parody of battlefield surgery. poignant beauty by the three
from staged opera altogether, wear ceremonial military uniforms, ful costumes: The contrast between Later, in the brothel, Mr. Carsen women. All may be ended, as the
though there have been mixed mes- and although Octavian and Sophie Ms. Flemings sumptuous black fur makes Mariandel sexually ag- Marschallin tells Ochs, but for a few
sages about that. As beautiful as (sung with bell-like clarity and coat and the elaborate period un- gressive rather than pretending precious minutes, time still stops.
ever, and a subtle, sensitive actress, fierce determination by Erin Mor- derwear of the brothels employees coyness, neatly turning the tables
Ms. Fleming gave a performance of ley) end the opera kissing on a tells you all you need to know on the bully Ochs who, unsurpris- Ms. Waleson writes about opera
gravitas and deep feeling, but she bed, it seems clear that Octavian, about class and the lack thereof. ingly, cannot perform. Ochs, too, is for the Journal.

Mairin Rooney, standing, chats with guests at her wedding, which was a dinner party for 65
held last year on the rooftop of the Gramercy Park Hotel in New York City.

Continued from page A11
friends. Instead, the couple rented a bou-
tique hotel, Dar Sabra, in Marrakesh, Mo-
rocco, for a short vacation with 38 close
friends and family members for $60,000.
Need for Speed
I wanted to do something out of-the-
box with people I love, says Ms. Lerman, John Steven dews
a public-relations professional. Guests
covered hotel and airfare, but the couple Dynamic composition. Famed
paid for three days of food and entertain-
ment, she adds. artist. Breathtaking seascape.
Larger chains are taking note and offer- This original oil by John Steven
ing more intimate spaces for couples who Dews captures a glimpse into
cant fill the ballroom.
The St. Regis San Francisco last year
the high-paced world of sailboat
converted a fourth-floor breakfast and racing. The masterful perspective
lunch cafe into a small space that is now of the composition brings all of
popular for weddings, says Gina Chen, di-
the excitement of the race to life,
rector of catering and event management at
the hotel. An outdoor terrace space that and the competitive atmosphere is keenly felt as the two leading
was used solely for ceremonies now hosts boats vie for position. Widely regarded as the greatest living marine
smaller receptions because noise ordi- painter, Dews renders ships at sail with an unmatched photorealism
nances are less of an issue with small par-
ties. Another narrow space with floor-to- that draws the viewer into this heart-racing competition. Signed
ceiling windows that was once used to hold Lisa and Herky Pollock invited 33 guests to (lower left). Canvas: 24h x 363/4w; Frame: 313/4h x 433/4w. #30-6196
early-arriving guests for larger ceremonies Little Palm Island resort in the Florida Keys.
can now be booked separately for weddings
of 50 or less, she adds. 65-person wedding for about $125,000 on
Weddings for fewer than 100 people the rooftop of the Gramercy Park Hotel this
now make up about 40% of bookings, an past September. To keep guests entertained
uptick of about 20% over the past year, they added a string quartet, a fortuneteller
Ms. Chen says. and haiku writers who presented each guest
At the Gramercy Park Hotel in New York, with a personal 17-syllable poem.
smaller weddings of 20 to 75 people are The couple opted for long rectangular ta-
typically planned in about six months or bles where guests were served wine chosen
less without a wedding planner. for each of the four courses, says Mr. Sal- 630 Royal Street, New Orleans, Louisiana 877-677-2801
Often, couples are looking to have an el- imi, a 36-year-old lawyer. You cant have
egant dinner party, without the hassle of wine pairings for 200 people. Since 1912, M.S. Rau Antiques has specialized in the worlds finest art, antiques and jewelry.
planning a more traditional affair that in- A big wedding was going to be huge Backed by our unprecedented 125% Guarantee, we stand behind each and every piece.
cludes dancing or long-winded toasts, says hassle, adds Ms. Rooney, 39, a New York-
director of events Jahan Shojaei. based financial executive. I didnt have
Mairin Rooney and Seo Salimi held their that time, bandwidth or interest.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A14 | Monday, April 17, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

NHL | Jason Gay

I Dont Know Hockey. Im Ashamed.

Amid the always-thrilling Stanley Cup playoffs, a sports columnist comes clean about an embarrassing blind spot

The NHL Stanley

Cup playoffs are under- A scene from
way, and do you know the 1977 film
whos playing? Slap Shot.
Not a rhetorical
question. Im really asking. I pretty
much have no idea.
I mean, I know the Washington
Capitals are in it, and are sup-
posed to be good this year, though
theyre historically snakebitten in
the playoffs. (Arent they?) I know
my hometown Boston Bruins are
in. I know that after a shutout last
season, there are a whole bunch of
Canadian teams in the playoffs,
which is good, since Canadians
love hockey even more than they
love Canadian beer.
But thats pretty much it. Its
embarrassing. Hockey is one of the
biggest sports in North America
and I barely know a thing about it.
Its a disgrace, it really is. I
know I am missing out on some-
thing great. Every year, when the
playoffs come around, I hear


friends and colleagues talking
about all of the overtime thrillers
and Game 7s and going on and on
as if playoff hockey is a never-end-
ing buffet of pizza and beer.
When I tell them I havent been
keeping up, they look at me like
Im refusing a stack of hundred
dollar bills.
How can you not be watching the
Stanley Cup playoffs? They ask. And I can barely skate. I only ful is the speed and the passion, the hockey game? digging into the juicy Rangers-Ca-
Its a fair question. My hockey know like two or three lines from Richter said. For a fan who isnt I do know one pro hockey player, nadiens series. He and Pronger
blind spot is mortifying. And bor- Slap Shot. Ive never seen Mira- initiatedor even those who are a little bit. My friend, Steve Watson, were also excited to watch young
derline unprofessional. cle. I dont know a single current theyll find it to be one of the from collegehis dad, Bryan, en- stars like Edmontons Connor Mc-
After all, its my job as a sports Boston Bruin, other than the really most intense team sports there is. joyed a lengthy NHL career which David, and seeing how they re-
columnist to knowor at least tall guy, Whats-His-Face. The playoffs are all about mo- included stints with Montreal, De- spond to the playoff moment.
careas much about sports as I I feel like I should be sitting in mentum and physicality, Chris troit, Pittsburgh and Washington, Bugsy offered me a suggestion. It
can. On top of that, Im a sports a church basement right now, Pronger told me. Yes, that Chris among others. Old school fans sounded more like a commandment.
columnist at The Wall Street Jour- drinking Dunkin Donutsor better Pronger. Named to the NHLs All- might remember Bryan Watson, If I was going to really do this, I
nal, a newspaper with a wide read- yet, Tim Hortonsconfessing all Time Top 100 team. League MVP who was nicknamed Bugsy. A defen- had to go see the playoffs live. Tele-
ership of people in finance. People this to an HA meeting. in 1999-00I know they call it the seman enforcer who started his ca- vision was OK, but there was noth-
in finance love hockey almost You know: Hockeymorons Anon- Hart Trophy, I looked it upthe reer in the leagues Original Six, no- ing like seeing hockey in the flesh.
more than Canadians. ymous. first defenseman since Bobby Orr helmet glory years, Bugsy Watson To be there in person is what
I said almost. But as your sports columnist, Its to win it. Stanley Cup champion played among some of the games its all about, Watson said. Any-
You could call my hockey igno- my job to be painfully honest with with Anaheim in 2007. great legends, and remains beloved. one who wants to learn about
rance a dereliction of duty, and I you. Im not going to try to fudge Guys are willing to do anything I was a little ashamed to admit hockey needs to go to a game.
wouldnt blame you. Ive written my way through another NHL play- that helps a team win, Pronger to being a such a dummy about Go for the warm-up and walk
4,000 times more stories about cy- off. Im not going to be one of those said. Its two grueling months of hockey, but Bugsy is a kind and down to where you can hear and
cling than Ive written about sports yappersand we all know physicality, exhaustion, overtimes, patient man. Theres nothing like look over the glassmaybe about
hockey. Cycling! If thats not a fire- there are plentywho every spring playing deep into the night the playoffs, he told me. Any- 15 rows back, just to get a sense of
able offense, its at least a game pretends to know everything about Pronger and Richter were really thing can happen. how fast theyre going, and the size,
misconduct. hockey and cant name a player be- forgiving about my ignorance. They Watson talked about his early so when you go back to your seats,
If I go across the Canadian bor- yond Sidney Crosby or Alexander didnt mock me whatsoever. It was years with juggernaut Montreal, you have a feel for what its about.
der, are they going to throw me in Ovechkin or Whats His Face, the obvious that they love their sport, when the only thing that mattered Pronger and Richter would
jail for this? really tall guy on the Bruins. and sounded like they wouldnt was winning the Cup. It was an agree 100%.
Heres the craziest part: I grew Im giving you the truth. I need mind being out there again. obsession. It was a real honor to I always tell a first-time fan
up in Massachusetts, one of U.S. hockey help. I asked Richter and Pronger be in the playoffs, he said ear- they need to see it live, Pronger
hockeys epicenters. I lived a few I decided to call some experts what they looked at when they nestly. To have a chance to win it. said. See firsthand the passion,
blocks from a pond that used to for advice. What makes the Stan- watch games. Richter said he paid And it was heartbreaking to lose. the speed, the physicality, the buzz
freeze over and kids played hockey ley Cup playoffs so great? I asked. special attention to the goalies, I asked Watson what he was in the building.
on. My high school was a hockey Its awesomeawesome, said who he thinks are better than ever. paying attention to in this years OK, OK, Ive heard enough. This
powerhouse, with players who Mike Richter. Yes: that Mike Richter. Pronger said he watches for all playoffs. Hes still in the D.C. area, embarrassment cannot stand.
moved on to top college teams and Considered one of the greatest U.S.- the little things. and hes watching his Capitals, Theyve made a compelling case
the pros. born goaltenders ever. Inductee to For me, that was the fun part wondering if they can get over for hockey as one of the greatest
Im not a complete moron. Ive the U.S. Hockey Hall of Fame. New about playing playoff hockeythe their playoff woes. He really ad- sports on earth. Ive been honest
been to a few games. I know what York Rangers legend and Stanley sacrifices, he said. Is a guy going mires their opponent, the Toronto with you about my ignorance. Ill
the Beanpot is! I can explain an ic- Cup winner. Wisconsin Badger, so to take a hit along the wall, get Maple Leafs, and their young nu- try to get better.
ing call! you know hes really smart. crushed, but get the puck out cleus he thinks can grow up into a Now who is going to explain ic-
OK, I cant explain icing. What makes this game beauti- what are they willing to do to win contender. Richter, meanwhile, is ing to me?

Weather The WSJ Daily Crossword | Edited by Mike Shenk

Shown are todays noon positions of weather systems and precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day.
d t 10s <0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Down 27 Cream of Wheat
1 Unappetizing makeup
V Calgar
20s 0s 14 15 16
30s ladleful 28 Floral painting by
40s 10s
Seattle Winnipeg
ip 17 18 19 van Gogh
20s 2 Perus capital
Helena 40s Montreal 30s 20 21 22 3 Brits 29 Loose garment
Portland Ottawa
40s Billings
50s 40s exclamation for a sleeper
Eugene Augusta
A g t 23 24 25 26
60s Boise
i plss./St.
/ Paul
Mpls./St. P T t
Toronto A b y
Albany t
Boston 50s 4 Volleys of 30 ___ acids
27 28 29 30 31
60s 70s 50s 60s gunfire
oux FFalls
Pierre Sioux ll
Milwaukee k Detroit Buffalo
Hartford 36 Vies
Clevel d New Yorkk
ew Y 70s 32 33 34
50s Reno Salt Lake
La City Deses Moines
Chic g
Chicago 60s 5 More frilly 37 Curved paths
Cheyenne Omaha h Ph
hil d lph
Philadelphia 80s
g 35 36 37 38
Sacramento 60s
Denver Springfield
p g Indianapolis
d p 6 No longer in 38 Give the slip
50s hington
g on D.C.
Washington DC 90s
n Francisco 80s Top k
Topeka Kansas Charles
Charleston 39 40 41 bed
City h
Richmond d 100+ 40 Spotted horse
Las C l d
Colorado 60s h
Wichita St.. Lou
LLouis Louisville
Lo 7 Wander
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h Charlotte
C h l tt 8 ___ live and
ta FFe
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Oklahomam City
46 47 48
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Alb q q Memphis
ph Columbia
C b breathe!
San Diego Warm Rain
LLittlee Rockk Atlanta
Atl t 44 Like grams and
T c
Tucson i gh
Birmingham 49 50 51 52 53 9 Captain Ahabs
El P
Ft.. Worth Dallas
D Jackson
Jack k
80s T-storms creator
Mobile Jacksonville 54 55 56 57 45 Makes blank
10s Austin
20s 70s Houston New
ew Orleans Stationary Snow 58 59 60
10 Sky color
70s Orlando
l d 47 Alleviates
30s 80s an Antonio
San A t i Tampa 11 Largest of the
40s Anchorage
A h g Honolulu
l l Miami
Showers Flurries 61 62 63
U.S. Virgin 50 Cooking herb
50s 70s Islands 51 Number
CABINET DEPARTMENT | By Harold Jones 12 Explosive stuff between zwei
and vier
U.S. Forecasts City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W City Hi
Lo W
Hi Lo W
Across 31 Courteney of 42 Tennis court 13 Yiddish plaints
s...sunny; pc... partly cloudy; c...cloudy; sh...showers; 1 Silver-tongued Friends sight 52 Victim of
t...tstorms; r...rain; sf...snow flurries; sn...snow;
Omaha 73 55 pc 73 52 t Frankfurt 53 34 sh 51 33 sn 19 Detect fratricide
Orlando 86 63 s 89 63 pc Geneva 60 37 pc 53 33 pc 5 Calif. NFL pro 32 Sign between 43 They have
Today Tomorrow Philadelphia 73 51 s 65 45 pc Havana 84 63 t 84 64 t Pisces and brackets 21 Pub offerings 53 Noggin, in
City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Phoenix 92 66 s 94 67 pc Hong Kong 83 73 pc 82 74 pc 10 Concerning Nantes
Taurus 24 Singer Celine
Anchorage 48 35 s 48 31 s Pittsburgh 66 45 pc 71 55 pc Istanbul 68 49 pc 55 48 r 46 Gives approval
Atlanta 82 62 t 82 63 pc Portland, Maine 60 36 pc 44 34 pc Jakarta 90 74 t 89 76 sh 14 Sister of Bart and 33 Burrowing 54 Profs deg.
Austin 81 61 t 82 63 pc Portland, Ore. 59 49 c 61 42 sh Jerusalem 71 48 s 71 51 s Maggie 48 Composer Satie 25 Mess up, as
pest ones hair 55 2016 Olympics
Baltimore 74 51 pc 70 48 pc Sacramento 65 52 sh 70 45 c Johannesburg 70 43 s 73 43 s 49 Despise
Boise 60 45 c 60 40 sh St. Louis 72 52 t 76 64 c London 56 37 c 55 36 pc 15 ___ by any other 34 Tire track worn city
name would 26 Waxes lyrical
Boston 70 41 s 47 38 pc Salt Lake City 68 50 c 62 47 sh Madrid 82 52 s 82 50 pc in a dirt road 50 Eyeballed
Burlington 51 36 c 55 42 pc San Francisco 66 54 sh 67 50 c Manila 93 79 t 93 79 pc smell as sweet about 56 Jazz style
Charlotte 84 62 t 72 58 t Santa Fe 77 41 pc 79 42 pc Melbourne 69 49 c 74 49 s 35 Equips 54 Pen holders?
Chicago 72 43 s 73 59 pc Seattle 58 48 r 58 42 c Mexico City 75 53 pc 70 50 t 16 Madcap Previous Puzzles Solution
Milan 68 46 s 68 38 pc
36 Michael of Now 57 Kill ___ killed (law
Cleveland 65 43 pc 70 57 pc Sioux Falls 68 55 c 69 42 c M E A L M A L E A L P H A
Dallas 80 63 t 85 66 c Wash., D.C. 74 56 pc 72 52 pc Moscow 37 22 sf 37 24 pc 17 Poet Khayyam You See Me of the jungle) P A P A A T I T F O R A Y
Denver 77 45 c 79 48 pc Mumbai 95 81 pc 96 81 pc 18 Certain actions 38 Neither 58 Add to the staff T R I P T Y C H Y E S
69 44 s
82 69 pc 84 70 pc
66 53 pc
International Paris
Rio de Janeiro
38 c
72 sh
55 35 sh
80 70 sh 20 Workers reward particularly good
59 Motherless calf
Houston 83 67 t 80 66 t Today Tomorrow Riyadh 94 68 s 96 74 pc nor particularly D E N T S I R A S A L E E
Indianapolis 67 44 pc 74 60 pc City Hi Lo W Hi Lo W Rome 72 50 s 69 44 sh 22 Basketball Hall of bad 60 Yard divisions I O T A B L O B S S T A N
Kansas City 71 54 c 75 64 t Amsterdam 51 37 pc 51 34 sh San Juan 81 75 sh 82 74 pc Famer Mikkelsen
Las Vegas 84 67 pc 85 62 pc Athens 72 57 t 68 58 s Seoul 61 48 r 63 46 sh 39 Somewhat: 61 Quartet in a T E L L S H E L L E Y MA T
Little Rock 76 59 t 78 61 c Baghdad 87 61 s 90 63 pc Shanghai 72 59 r 81 56 pc 23 On the sheltered Suffix Morse H B O G M I C H I G A N
Los Angeles 74 60 pc 69 56 c Bangkok 97 81 pc 97 80 pc Singapore 88 79 c 89 78 c side, nautically OMA H A P E N N WE L L S
Miami 83 72 sh 84 73 pc Beijing 81 53 pc 74 51 s Sydney 74 61 pc 74 62 pc
40 A browser filter 62 Blueprint figures R A Z O R A L T O M E E K
Milwaukee 63 40 s 65 49 sh Berlin 49 32 sh 44 31 sh Taipei 88 73 t 78 72 t 24 Alcove for meals may block it G R E E K S MO G Y O G I
63 What you can do The contest answer is WILLIAM & MARY. Each of
Minneapolis 60 47 pc 64 42 r Brussels 52 34 sh 50 31 pc Tokyo 70 58 r 72 59 pc 27 Targets for 41 Promote for to all of the
Nashville 79 58 t 80 61 t Buenos Aires 69 53 c 69 58 pc Toronto 56 33 pc 53 41 pc the four theme answers consists of a famous
New Orleans 78 65 t 81 64 pc Dubai 95 79 s 96 81 s Vancouver 56 47 sh 56 44 sh clippers money starred answers William (Hurt, Goldman, Tell, Penn) and a famous
New York City 72 48 s 59 49 pc Dublin 52 37 c 50 39 pc Warsaw 48 33 pc 46 32 pc Mary (Gross, Hart, Shelley, Wells), leading to the
Solve this puzzle online and discuss it at

Oklahoma City 74 58 c 82 62 pc Edinburgh 50 29 pc 50 38 pc Zurich 54 36 r 47 31 r contest answer.

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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | A15

Silicon and the Silver Screen BOOKSHELF | By Gerald J. Russello

By Michael S. Malone abstain from social media for options competing for time In the best scenario, Holly- Preventing
two hours and sit in a dark and attention, it now takes wood would develop the abil-

The Next Madoff

t started as a match made auditorium is increasingly massively expensive block- ity to keep up with the con-
in heaven. Hollywood and difficult. The TV business, busters to pull in a strong box stant paradigm shifts
Silicon Valley: a perfect too, was built for a bygone office. Even then, one action- generated by Silicon Valley.
pairing of good looks and big era, a quainter time when packed films $250 million Which is not to say it will be
brains, content and plat- tens of millions of Americans budget could have been used easy, since the two industries
forms, stars and nerds. The gathered around the set to in San Francisco to incubate a have very different notions of
marriage was brokered by a watch the same program. dozen startups. what constitutes success:
Going Public
giant with a foot in both Now its any screen, anytime, The TV industry isnt do- profits for Hollywood, market By Norm Champ
worlds, Steve Jobs, who with anywhere. ing much better. Netflix and share for Silicon Valley. (McGraw-Hill Education, 243 pages, $28)

iTunes gave the music indus- Amazon are buying bespoke For their part, the Northern
try a solution to its mishan- content from Hollywood, dec- Californians would be smart hen the 2008 financial crisis struck, hedge-fund
dling of piracy. No one Can Hollywood and imating viewing patterns and to resolve lingering issues lawyer Norm Champ watched as a series of scan-
seemed to mind that it was a pressuring studios to shorten that have generated mistrust. dals brought withering criticism of the Securities
shotgun wedding. the tech industry movie-release windows. Silicon Valley could do more and Exchange Commission. Bernie Madoff, a former chair
Now the relationship is on make beautiful Meanwhile, content is atom- to fight movie piracymaybe of Nasdaq, had been running a massive Ponzi scheme un-
the rocks, a victim of seem- izing. On-demand viewing at by developing an asset-man- molested for years. Financier Allen Stanford had been able
ingly irreconcilable differ- music together? home is driven by thousands agement system based on to swindle investors out of billions of dollarseven though
ences. The biggest technology of micro-niches. Young mo- blockchain, the technology be- the SEC had suspected wrongdoing as early as 1997.
companiesApple, Facebook, bile audiences are perfectly hind the digital currency Bit- Convinced that his Wall Street background could help at
Amazon and Googleare en- Silicon Valleys business happy watching low-budget, coin. That would win friends a time when Congress and the Obama administration were
joying unprecedented success, model is far more agile. In peer-made content on sites anew in Hollywood. targeting the SECs weaknesses, Mr. Champ accepted an of-
while most major film studios the 18 months Hollywood like YouTube. Simply improving commu- fer in 2010 to work in the agencys New York office. Hired
cant seem to catch a break. takes to make and release a How does Hollywood nication between the two in- to assist the SEC in examining funds to detect problems be-
Celebrity divorces can be film, the tech industry could change the ending to this dustriesthrough the execu- fore they harmed investors
entertaining material for gos- recalibrate its entire future. very scary script? Studios tive summits and technology or the market, he stepped
sip sites, but a split between These companies thrive on have to play to their core conferences put on by Para- into his role honored to serve
two of Americas most dy- creative destruction, which is strength of telling compelling mounts New Media head the United States and invigo-
namic industries could have why they are constantly de- stories. Yet they should also Tom Hayes, for example rated by the spirit of reform.
serious consequences. These signing fresh platforms. An start to reimagine themselves would go a long way as well. Yet nothing was what I ex-
economic engines need each app can go from zero users to as data-driven software com- If mutual distrust can be pected, he writes in Going
other to exist. As Sony hundreds of millions in a few panies. Movies and TV shows overcome, theres room for Public, his firsthand look into
founder Akio Morita once years. are simply entertaining forms greater collaboration on ev- the SEC and the challenges of
quipped when explaining why Hollywood rightly feels un- of software. erything from chat bots to working for the federal govern-
his company had bought Co- der attack. The studios and Silicon Valley often has better cameras. This could ment. I soon learned that the
lumbia Pictures in 1989: media companies carry on been free to write the new hasten the arrival of new SEC wasnt a typically dysfunc-
Hardware needs software. A their century-old task of tell- viewing rules simply because consumer experiences that tional bureaucracy that needed to
media player or distribution ing stories that move view- Hollywood has been a no- benefit both sides. fix what had been broken. Rather,
platform is worth nothing ersonly now they sell their show. To get ahead of the The potential is there. there were parts of it that had
without content to watch or creations to competitors in next big change, Tinseltown Imagine if the worlds two never been built.
games to play. Northern California. Theres needs to get its geek on by most famous economic super- The agencys failure to cultivate examiner expertise and
Hollywood always had a no way Hollywood can win investing in big data, artifi- heroes joined forces to rein- encourage follow-through, for instance, was blamed for al-
youthful image, but it isnt under the current rules. cial intelligence, social me- vent the future. Sounds like lowing Madoff and Stanford to continue their schemes.
keeping pace with a new gen- Big-screen ticket sales are dia, psychometrics and what- an epic movie. Walls dividing the examination and enforcement groups,
eration of easily distracted, still a $38-billion-a-year indus- ever else will help its and turf wars among work teams, meant that there was no
mobile-first consumers. Get- try, but the trends are worri- content reach an optimal au- Mr. Malone is a writer in system to share detailed tips about suspected frauds.
ting the under-25 audience to some. With so many other dience. Silicon Valley. Some SEC supervisors had been there for decades and re-
cruited employees without private-sector backgrounds,
meaning that the agency was out of touch with the more

Hungry Venezuelans Demand Change recent financial products and practices they were being
asked to regulate.
Mr. Champ discovered that the combination of civil
Images of fatally shot in Valenciathe shot by firing squads, as Cas- a haircut for creditors owed service protection and public employee union contracts . . .
protesters in third largest city in the coun- tro did in 1959. Chvez con- some $6 billion by PdVSA or had wired the wrong incentives into the agency, which
Caracas run- tryand the governor of Cara- solidated power during a pe- the government later this risked privileging employee perksjob security, work-life
ning through bobo state has admitted that riod of dollar weakness, which year. balance, protection from terminationover the good of the
clouds of tear the police were responsible. drove gold and oil prices ever Meanwhile, Mr. Maduro is financial markets. This created a culture, according to Mr.
gas and Another young protester was higher. With a gusher of doubling down on centralized Champ, that rewarded passivity and fostered petty dys-
bloodied by killed in a satellite city of Ca- greenbacks he bought a base control of a shrinking food function.
state security racas, and an 87-year-old Cara- of popular support, backing supply. A new government He learned his first day on the job, for example, that of-
By Mary
forces have cas woman died when tear gas from some in the business programwhich goes by the fice supplies were hoarded because they might run out. Un-
been front inundated her home. community, and control of the acronym the CLAPpro- derperforming government employees could not easily be
and center in Roving bands of govern- military leadership. He was poses to deliver government- fired, including one who apparently did not show up to
recent media ment-sponsored militias ter- rough with outspoken critics, subsidized food parcels di- work for years. Mr. Champ seems especially astonished that
coverage of Venezuela. Other rorize civil society as they but they were a minority. rectly to households rather the SEC asked an investment firm to extend its daily open-
cities around the country also have for more than a decade. than sell them in government ing hoursso that an examiner could preserve his 10-hour
have been hit hard by police, On Wednesday one gang burst stores. Those who do not sup- Monday-Thursday work schedule and keep his Fridays off.
national guard troops and the into the Basilica of St. Teresa Protests are growing port the regime can be cut
regimes paramilitary forces in Caracas, where Cardinal off.
as the dictatorship of Nicols Jorge Urosa was to say Mass, larger and more These parcels contain no Champ stepped into his role at the SEC
Maduro tries to contain a and began attacking parishio- frequent as food fruits or vegetables and little invigorated by the spirit of reform. What he
wildfire of rebellion. ners. protein. Price controls, confis-
Since 1999, when Hugo Yet protests are swelling shortages worsen. cation and hyperinflation found was passivity and petty dysfunction.
Chvez launched his Bolivar- and becoming more frequent. have destroyed Venezuelan
ian revolution, sporadic peri- Video taken from a tall Cara- farmers, and importing to ad-
ods of social unrest have been cas building on April 8 cap- Now Chvez is dead and equately feed the country re- From his first days at the SEC, Mr. Champ sought to
quashed with force. But this tures a mass of humanity the party is over. The state- quires international reserves leave the agency better than he found itto develop clear
time things are different. The blanketing the wide Avenida owned oil monopoly PdVSA that the government doesnt information-sharing procedures and performance standards
government is running out of Francisco Miranda as far as which once supplied the Vene- have. and to recognize examiners for initiative and good work.
money to buy imports, and the eye can see. zuelan central bank with There are rumors that What he ran into, however, was a bunker mentality among
since it has crippled domestic At a February forum for dollars to buy importssuf- some opposition leaders want some of the permanent staff that thwarted real change.
production, privation is grow- youth in Miranda state, a 16- fers from low oil prices, bad to strike a deal with the re- They waited out reform-minded managers with the refrain
ing more profound. year-old girl politely informed management and corruption. gime. But a hungry nation is this too shall pass. When Mr. Champ became head of the
These protests were ini- Mr. Maduro that students in It needs every cent it can get dug in. It wants nothing less important Division of Investment Managementthe group
tially sparked by the Supreme her school often faint from to service debt obligations than new elections and the re- tasked with overseeing investment companies, mutual
Courts attempt to shut down hunger. She also reported a and keep the company run- lease of some 100 political funds, hedge-fund advisers and exchange-traded fundshe
the opposition-controlled Na- hole in the school roof and a ning. prisoners. discovered that the division was referred to inside the SEC
tional Assembly. They have shortage of desks. Last fall PdVSA negotiated Last week Organization of as the Wax Museum because of its resistance to reform.
flourished because of hunger. The young men in the a restructuring of one issue of American States Secretary This problem was exacerbated, Mr. Champ says, through
Venezuela remains a long way streets have a different way of 2017 bonds by swapping them General Luis Almagro force- the use of anonymous employee complaints that paralyzed
from a return to the modern communicating, oozing fury for $3.4 billion in new bonds fully condemned the Venezue- offices and hindered the SECs work. Staffers had known
liberal democracy that its as they dart among heavily due in 2020, raising the cou- lan states repression, calling each other for decades, and slights and grievances had built
1961 constitution envisioned. armed security forces. Casual- pon and pledging 50.1% of the for a return to democracy. up over that time. After all, who knew when the next anon-
But the status quo is unsus- ties only stiffen their resolve. equity of its U.S. refiner, With so many armed criminal ymous complaint-writing enemy might emerge from the
tainable. Mr. Maduro was pelted with Citgo. In December the com- interests competing for shadows? Much of Going Public is the story of Mr.
So far this month pro-gov- stones as he left a military pany borrowed $1.5 billion power, thats going to be diffi- Champs battle against these ingrained cultural problems.
ernment militias or the police rally in Bolvar state last from Russias Rosneft to re- cult. But at a minimum it While Mr. Champ is harsh at times in assessing the ac-
have allegedly killed three pro- week. tire $2.2 billion in maturing would seem that Mr. Maduros tions of colleagues and market participants, he praises the
testers in and around Barqui- The folkloric demagogue debt. In return PdVSA pledged days at the helm are num- hard-working staffers who tried to steady the ship. He cites
simeto, the capital city of Lara Chvez never needed to send 49.9% of Citgo to Rosneft. bered. the contentious effort to avoid a repeat of the 2008 melt-
state. A demonstrator was dissidents to the wall to be Markets are already pricing in Write to down of money-market mutual funds, triggered after the
Reserve Primary Fund broke the buck and scared inves-
tors into a run on investment vehicles that many had un-

A Wisconsin Lesson for Trump the Builder derstood to be completely safe. The SECs shortcomings
during that episode invited meddling from other regulatory
bodies, chiefly the Financial Stability Oversight Council, es-
By Ben Brubeck tracted builders, whether a PLA. Or take a specific exam- labor, PLAs remain a significant tablished by the 2010 Dodd-Frank law to identify systemi-

union or not, must hire union ple, a Job Corps center in Man- drag on the pace and cost of cally important financial institutions and subject them to
resident Trump may be a workers, pay into union bene- chester, N.H., which the Labor construction. greater scrutiny by the Federal Reserve.
famous builder, but he fit plans and follow union work Department sought bids to In Seattle a PLA hasnt pro- In the case of the SECs effort to improve money-market
could learn something rules. That effectively limits build in 2009. Originally the tected the Highway 99 tunnel policy, the oversight councilwhich Mr. Champ describes
about infrastructure from Wis- the pool of bidders, since non- project had a PLA. But a merit- from delays, safety concerns, as a Frankensteinish super-regulatorcame close to
consins Scott Walker and union contractors dont want shop contractor filed a success- cost overruns, strikes and staging a hostile takeover of the SECs role in regulating
Iowas Terry Branstad. On Mon- to abandon their workforces, a ful bid protest. When the PLA worse. Since May 2010, data Americas mutual funds, investment advisers, and other in-
day, Gov. Walker is expected to key competitive advantage, for mandate was removed, three from the federal Transporta- vestment management firms. By forging a workable com-
sign a law prohibiting state strangers from union halls. times as many bids came in, at tion Department show, PLAs promise that kept the FSOC at bay, the team at the SEC,
agencies and local governments Less than 14% of the private prices 16% lower. That saved were mandated on 382 con- Mr. Champ contends, won a gratifying victory for Ameri-
from mandating project labor construction workforce has taxpayers $6 million. tracts valued at $8.7 billion. can investors that preserved the dynamism of U.S. securi-
agreements on public works. chosen to join a union. Proponents of PLAs claim America deserves infra- ties markets.
Gov. Branstad signed a similar In 2001 President Bush that they prevent cost over- structure investment free from While Going Public is primarily an eye-openingif at
measure last week. Mandated signed executive orders that runs and delays by discourag- special-interest handouts. By times verbose and overly technicalmemoir, it provides a
PLAs are a sop to unions that barred government-mandated ing strikes. As Mr. Trump reinstating a ban on govern- readable account of how the SEC managed to turn itself
inflate construction costs and PLAs on projects with federal knows from experience, how- ment-mandated PLAs for proj- around in the face of both external criticism and internal
discourage competition. involvement. President Obama ever, the mere presence of a ects that accept federal funds, scrutiny. It is also part forward-looking policy proposal, as
Mr. Trump should issue an reversed that policy in 2009. PLA wont prevent union mem- President Trump can make Mr. Champ suggests ways to improve financial regulation in
executive order to follow suit His executive order encourages bers from going on strike. In good on his election-night the futureby, for example, reducing the FSOC to an advi-
nationwide. On election night PLA mandates on federal proj- 2006 three unions helping promise. With the stroke of a sory board to be employed only in situations of extreme fi-
he promised to rebuild our ects over $25 million and al- build the Trump hotel in pen, he can begin rebuilding nancial distress. With Dodd-Frank and other recent securi-
highways, bridges, tunnels, air- lows recipients of federal downtown Chicago walked off Americas infrastructurewith ties-law reforms now under review by a new
ports, schools, hospitals. He funds to require them. the job, despite a no-strike the help of all qualified busi- administration, Going Public is, above all, a timely re-
has floated a $1 trillion infra- The effect is to drive up clause in the projects PLA. nesses and labor at a price minder of the benefits of an expert regulatorand of the
structure plan. But much of costs. A 2011 study examined Because of the difficulties thats right for the taxpayer. dangers that may arise when a bureaucracy conducts busi-
that could be wasted if blue 551 school projects in California PLA mandates present to con- ness as usual.
states and cities force projects from 1995-2009. The data struction firms, 23 states have Mr. Brubeck is the vice pres-
to operate under PLAs. showed that costs are 13 to 15 passed measures against them. ident of regulatory, labor and Mr. Russello is a former SEC supervisor and is currently
When a PLA is mandated, percent higher when school dis- Yet in blue states that are heav- state affairs for the Associated a partner at Sidley Austin LLP. Any views expressed in this
typically it means that con- tricts construct a school under ily influenced by organized Builders and Contractors. review are his and not those of the firm.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
A16 | Monday, April 17, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Trumps Art of the China Deal Both Parties Have Room for Humility on Debt

resident Trump is reversing some of his no one in government has confirmed it. Regarding your editorial Obamas described U.K. support of Brexit and
foreign-policy positions, but this should The problem is that so far theres little evi- Debt Interest Bomb (April 11): If U.S. voter support of Donald Trump
President Obama left President as A Trans-Atlantic Revolt Against
be no great surprise and so far the dence that China is changing its policy toward
Trump the bar tab, it is because he Central Bankers (Oct. 12, 2016). The
changes are mainly for the Pyongyang. The case for opti-
better. Mr. Trump is never go- Will Xi Jinping really mism includes some editori- first paid the bill for President
George W. Bushs eight-year binge
Federal Reserves eight-year policy of
extraordinarily low interest rates
ing to pursue a consistent
geopolitical strategy because
help the U.S. contain als in Chinese state media
criticizing the Kim regime, as
during which he squandered a $236 failed to deliver a boost to economic
billion budget surplus and initiated growth, facilitated massive federal
he doesnt think that way. As North Korea? well as reports that China has the descent into extreme deficits. borrowing, hurt savers and fueled a
President he is approaching turned back North Korean Over his two terms, President Bush run-up in financial-asset prices.
the world as he does every- ships carrying coal exports. cut taxes, started two unpaid for During President Obamas two
thing elseas a transactional deal maker who The White House also points to Chinas deci- wars, created an expensive Medicare terms, the Fed pressed its monetary
wants agreements that he can sell as a security sion last week to abstain at the U.N. and not drug plan and left the economy in the pedal to the metal and coaxed the
or economic success. Exhibit A is his recent en- join Russia in vetoing a resolution condemning worst recession since the Great De- White House and Congress to turbo-
pression. charge fiscal policy. Then, days before
gagement with China over North Koreas nu- Syrias chemical attack.
President Obamas deficits resulted Mr. Obama was about to hand the
clear missile program. But none of this deterred Mr. Kim from his from a $600 billion decline in tax re- White House keys to Mr. Trump, Fed
Mr. Trump campaigned last year as the Saturday missile test or from a public parade ceipts due mostly to the Bush reces- Chair Janet Yellen opined that, at
President who would challenge Chinas trade of military hardware and missiles. Chinas sion, and the cost of initiatives to this point fiscal policy is not obvi-
practices, naming Beijing a currency manipula- trade with the North has grown tenfold in the stop the economic free fall, including ously needed to provide stimulus to
tor on day one. But after the election Presi- last 15 years, even as China has claimed to sup- the TARP, the ARA and the ever-esca- help us get back to full employment.
dent Obama advised him to make North Koreas port United Nations sanctions to punish Pyong- lating expenses of the Bush wars. Yes, With the Fed now tapping on the
nuclear advances a priority. Mr. Trump had no yang. And China has played a double game on these deficits have increased interest monetary brakeand suggesting that
problem shifting quickly from threatening the Norths coal exports in the past. (Chinas payments, but President Obamas ac- it will tap harder soonand no lon-
China on trade to using trade as a lever to get North Korea Feint, March 5, 2017.) tions raised the economy from the ger calling for fiscal stimulus, one is
China to help the U.S. restrain or end North Ko- abyss, reduced unemployment to un- forgiven for suspecting the politiciza-
Chinas official rhetoric toward the North
der 5%, revived economic growth and tion of the Fed.
reas nuclear threat. also hasnt changed, with Foreign Minister reversed the Bush trend of ever-in- TED PERKINS
Why would I call China a currency manipu- Wang Yi telling reporters Friday that we call creasing deficits. President Trump Richmond, Va.
lator when they are working with us on the on all parties to refrain from provoking and has challenges to face, but hes start-
North Korean problem? We will see what hap- threatening each other, whether in words or ing with a far better hand than Presi- According to Article I, Section 8,
pens! Mr. Trump tweeted on Easter Sunday, actions, and not let the situation get to an irre- dent Bush dealt President Obama. Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution, only
explaining why his Treasury Department chose versible and unmanageable stage. ROBERT PERRY Congress can spend federal money.
not to slap the manipulator label on China. This Thats the usual Chinese formulation blam- Hull, Mass. Congress has had a House of Repre-
policy shift has the added benefit of recogniz- ing the U.S. and the North equally for tensions sentatives under GOP control since
ing that China has been trying for months to on the Korean peninsula. China still shows no Your editorial brings to mind econ- January 2011.
prop up its currency, not devalue it for trade sign of considering regime change in the North, omist Judy Sheltons prescient pre- ROBERT CLARKE
election op-ed six months ago that Highlands Ranch, Colo.
advantages. even to a friendly new dictator who wouldnt
Meanwhile, the Trump Administration has pursue intercontinental nuclear missiles. And
made a theme of ramping up political pressure it hasnt shown that its willing to enforce sanc-
on North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. The tions to a degree that would seriously squeeze Ecuadors Election Was Entirely Above Board
Pentagon sent a carrier group to the East China the North. Regarding Mary Anastasia OGradys taken by this organization also re-
Sea for maneuvers with the Japanese navy. Mr. Perhaps that will change, as Mr. Trumps Ecuadors Dubious Election (Ameri- mains unclear.
Trump tweeted after his meeting with Chinese hopeful tweets imply. But China is expert at of- cas, April 10): Allow me to clarify that 3) In its report, the Organization of
President Xi Jinping this month that I have fering cosmetic concessions while adhering to the search of the offices of CEDATOS American States (OAS), which, to-
great confidence that China will properly deal what it considers its long-term national inter- was not given because it gave figures gether with UNASUR and the Interna-
with North Korea. If they are unable to do so, ests. Chinas goal now may be to coax Mr. favorable to the candidate Guillermo tional Union of Electoral Organizations
the U.S., with its allies, will! Trump into the same multinational arms-con- Lasso. The search was given by order observed the process, reported that
of the Public Prosecutors Office be- the rapid count coincided with previ-
H.R. McMaster, Mr. Trumps national secu- trol dialogue with North Korea that has failed
cause there were indications of inten- ous counts and with the official results
rity adviser, warned North Korea on Sunday three previous U.S. Presidents. tional misconduct by the pollster. The of the CNE.
that its destabilizing behavior cant con- Mr. Trumps art of the deal includes keeping investigation seeks to clarify whether 4) The electoral process has been
tinue after the North launched another missile adversaries guessing, but eventually China may CEDATOS manipulated and falsified transparent. All international observ-
Saturday, albeit a failure that exploded soon af- choose to test how far he is willing to go to stop the figures and for what purposes. ers confirm this. Dozens of govern-
ter launch. Theres been much media specula- a Korean nuclear missile. Mr. Trump needs to Regarding the electoral process: ments around the world, including the
tion that a U.S. cyber attack helped to scuttle make clear what he will do if China wont make 1) The rapid count of the National United States, and organizations such
the missile launch. Wed like to think so, though a Korean deal. Electoral Council (CNE), with technical as the OAS and the United Nations,
support from the prestigious National have congratulated the president-

Not Lawless in Seattle

Polytechnic School, reported a two elect.
point lead in favor of candidate Lenin The CNE, to which the OAS deliv-
Moreno the night of April 2. ered the ISO 9001 certification (Ecua-

2) Participacin Ciudadana, an or- dor is the second country in the Amer-
eattles attempt to unionize the drivers to a lawsuit brought by drivers and another by ganization that criticizes the current icas to obtain such certification), has
of ride-share companies like Uber and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce alleging the law government, reported around 8 p.m. guaranteed, according to the law, the
Lyft has careened into the guardrail violates the National Labor Relations Act and on April 2 that there was a difference right of the candidate Guillermo Lasso
known as the law. A federal breaks antitrust laws by en- of 0.6% in favor of one of the candi- to challenge the results, which is cur-
judge has granted a prelimi- A judge stops the dorsing a system in which in- dates. But the following day, when this rently in process.
nary injunction against the or-
dinance we recently told you
citys bid to unionize dependent contractors can
band together to set prices for
organization sent the data to the CNE,
its numbers reflected a 1.6% advantage
Ambassador of Ecuador
about, with nationwide impli- Uber and Lyft drivers. their services. Thats typically in favor of Lenin Moreno. The position Washington
cations. called price fixing.
The Court is cognizant of To issue the injunction,
the fact that the public is interested in this liti- Judge Lasnik had to conclude that the plaintiffs Great Art Doesnt Need Affirmative Action
gation and its outcome, Judge Robert Lasnik may win on the merits. He wrote that the suit James Simpson, the chair of Har- be put aside to make room for Alice
wrote. [T]he issues raised here may well im- had raised serious antitrust questions and vards English department, tells us that Walker and the like; for all great liter-
pact not only for-hire transportation, but also that forcing the companies to turn over drivers the fundamental function of literature ature magnifies the repressed voice.
other sectors of the economy that have come personal information presented a risk of irrepa- and other art forms is to hear the If it took 1970s feminism to trans-
to rely heavily on independent contractors in- rable harm. While Seattle might have an inter- voices repressed by . . . a given cul- form the English curriculum, to mas-
stead of employees. est in regulating the ride-share economy, the ture (Letters, April 8). I had thought sively life-enhancing effect, by hearing
Under the Seattle ordinance, the Teamsters judge wrote, the public not only has an interest that authors purposes were as varied those womens voices, why is it that
union had the right to organize ride-share driv- in safe and reliable transportation networks, as their styles and subjects, but now I before the 1970s there were women
ers through a public card-check process that al- but also in the enforcement of the laws Con- see that when Milton proposed to jus- authors from Sappho to Jane Austen to
tify the ways of God to men, what he George Sand to Virginia Woolf and
lows them to prevent secret elections and set gress has passed.
meant is that he would let us hear the many others who were widely read
up collective bargaining. The companies that Judge Lasnik is a Bill Clinton appointee, and repressed voice of Satan, to whom he and celebrated? Why didnt patriarchy
coordinate drivers, including Uber and Lyft, his opinion sometimes reads as if he would have gave the best lines. Since Homer, repress them, too? It might almost
were required to hand over their drivers con- preferred to rule differently but that the law Dante, Shakespeare and Henry James seem that good literature doesnt need
tact information to the union by April 3. simply didnt allow it. Kudos for putting politics wrote primarily about the upper strata professorial affirmative action.
The preliminary injunction came in response aside to rule in the public interest. of their respective societies, they must THOMAS SHORT
Frenchtown, N.J.

The FDAs Pizza Minders Time for a Better Approach Great works are great because they
have been recognized by generations

To Alzheimers Treatments as expressing the universality of the
he Food and Drug Administration cant ableness. The penalty for noncompliance is
As a psychopharmacologist who human experience, not because they
possibly fulfill all of the responsibilities fines, jail or, this being America, class-action has worked with chronic illnesses have been mandated by a colleges ver-
it claims to have, and heres one way lawsuits. such as dementia, neurodegenerative sion of Big Brother. Harvards Prof.
the Trump Administration The micromanaging ex- disorders and psychiatric disorders James Simpson focuses on the sex of
can set better priorities: Di- Your government at tends to menu font and col- for more than 35 years, I can categor- the author (womens voices) rather
rect the agency to end its ef-
fort to inform Americans that
work: The pepperoni ors, which must be the
same color or in a color at
ically say that the reason Alzheimers than the content of a work. In other
research has failed is adherence to a words, he argues for judging a book by
pizza contains calories. calorie-count rule. least as conspicuous as flawed model. Contrary to George its cover. Its ironic that his letter was
An FDA rule to take effect other types, according to Vradenburg and Howard Fillits con- published in the same issue as the in-
May 5 requires chain restau- FDA guidance. By the way, tention, we will not cure or treat Alz- terview with Yale Prof. Harold Bloom,
rants to post calorie counts on menus. The reg- none of this will help consumers eat less heimers with drugs (The FDA Can who has criticized as the School of
Declare War on Alzheimers, op-ed, Resentment the anti-intellectual ap-
ulation also covers movie theaters, grocery pizza: Most customers place orders online or
April 5). We will succeed when we fo- proach now espoused by Harvard.
stores, breweries and other establishments over the phone, not from a menu board. Dom- cus on prevention of the underlying PROF. RANDOLPH BRACCIALARGHE
with more than 20 locations. The rule, required inos offers an online Cal-O-Meter to help cus- metabolic disorders which activate NSU College of Law
by the Affordable Care Act, has been revised tomers know what theyre eating. Restau- genetic propensities. The basic sci- Davie, Fla.
and twice delayed in six years, mostly due to rants are already required to make this ence and new clinical research by
objections from a trade coalition called the information available in stores and the web Dale Bredesen show that Alzheimers
American Pizza Community. (Regrettably, it for those who wish to know. is a disorder that develops over de- Pepper ...
does not issue membership cards.) The rule has also riled grocers who must la- cades as a result of inflammation and
The more than 100-page rule, perhaps the bel tuna sandwiches or other fresh foods infection, disturbances of glucose
And Salt
longest meditation on fast food ever pub- where preparation isnt standardized. A super- regulation, loss of trophic supports THE WALL STREET JOURNAL

lished, says that pizza purveyors must dis- market trade association, the Food Marketing such as key nutrients and hormones,
accumulation of toxic substances and
play per slice calorie ranges. Dominos offers Institute, says compliance will cost at least $1
brain trauma. Alzheimers can be pre-
34 million potential combinations, and the billion and some grocers may decide to stop vented and mild cognitive impair-
number of pepperonis on a pizza can vary selling prepared foods. ment can be reversed by addressing
based on whether a customer also tosses on A bill in the House would allow chains flexi- these factors in at-risk individuals.
green peppers or something else. FDA sug- bility on where and how to display the counts, Science has moved past the one-pill-
gests displaying verbiage like pepper- including online if most customers place or- for-every-ill approach. Lets abandon
oni200 added calories for a one-topping ders on the web. The Senate has introduced that failed model.
pizza for every topping. Better have a calcu- companion legislation but skipped town last PROF. ROBERT HEDAYA, M.D.
lator when ordering. week and will almost certainly miss the May Georgetown University
The regulation also defines menu to include 5 enforcement date.
advertisements or flyers that list a phone Meanwhile, the Trump Administration Letters intended for publication should
number or website for orderingin other could direct the agency to delay or reconsider be addressed to: The Editor, 1211 Avenue
of the Americas, New York, NY 10036,
words, marketing material. The restaurant the rule until Congress acts. That would be a or emailed to Please
must certify that the store made reasonable useful step in returning government to its core include your city and state. All letters
efforts to ensure that calorie estimates are ac- competencies, assuming any still exist, and al- are subject to editing, and unpublished We cant ignore the elephant
curate, though the minds behind this rule low Americans to make their own judgments letters can be neither acknowledged nor in the room anymore.
dont sound like reliable arbiters of reason- about pizza. Everyone, meet Walter.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | A17


The Border-Adjustment Sleight of Hand

By Veronique de Rugy deep divisions. Proponents claim highest in the developed world. If
And Daniel J. Mitchell border adjustability is not protec- state corporate income taxes are

tionist because it would automati- added, the figure hits nearly 40%,
ith Republicans in con- cally push up the value of the dollar, according to the Congressional Bud-
trol of Capitol Hill and neutralizing the effect on trade. Im- get Office. That compares very unfa-
the White House, this porters dont have much faith in this vorably with other nations. Europes
should be an oppor- theory and oppose the GOP plan. average top corporate rate is less
tune time for major Their concerns are legitimate. No than 19%, and the global average is
tax cuts to boost American growth country has ever imposed a border- less than 23%, according to the Tax
and competitiveness. But much of the adjusted corporate-income tax, so Foundation. The damage is com-
reform energy is being dissipated in this is uncharted territory. But many pounded because the U.S. has a
a counterproductive fight over the countries have value-added taxes, or world-wide tax system, putting an
border adjustment tax proposed by VATs, that are border-adjustable, extra levy on income that American
House Republicans. and their experience might serve as companies earn overseas. Thats the
The plan calls for dropping the a reasonable proxy. A review of the real Made in America Tax, and its
top corporate tax rate to 20% from empirical literature shows that cur- our own fault.
35%, while exempting exports and rencies adjust when a VAT is ap- The solution is to reduce the cor-

taxing imports. House Republicans plied, but they do so neither entirely porate rate and adopt a territorial
have latched onto the border-adjust- nor quickly. Factors such as poor de- tax system, taxing only profits
ment tax for a very practical and un- sign or improper administration can earned at home, as almost all other
derstandable reason. It supposedly get in the way. Western countries do. The good
If the currency adjustment were to pay bothits subject to the U.S. government imposes a VAT. But news is that the House plan does
perfect, there should be no effect on corporate income tax and then pays guess what? The German competitor both these things. The bad news is
The double levy on U.S. trade volume. But research has the German VAT on the product selling domestically is hit by the that the proposal is weighed down
shown that VATs are associated with when it is sold. German corporate income tax and by the border-adjustment tax. Re-
companies overseas both lower exports and imports. A Sounds horribly unfair, right? the German VAT. Thats another publicans should drop this contro-
profits is the actual 2005 academic study examined 136 Dont be fooled. Like magicians, level playing field. This explains why versial provision and focus on the
nations and concluded: Countries those making this argument are dis- economists, on the right and left, re- policies that will boost growth.
Made in America tax. using VATs have one-third fewer ex- tracting the unwary, hoping that no- peatedly have debunked the idea To get the maximum bang for the
ports than do countries not using body will notice the trick. that countries use VATs to boost buck, the final package should in-
VATs, and 10 percent greater VAT Heres the real story: What mat- their exports. clude restraints on spendingwhich
would generate more than $1 trillion revenue is associated with two per- ters from a competitive perspective Companies can be disadvantaged, doesnt even mean an absolute bud-
of tax revenue over 10 years. That cent fewer exports. is whether the playing field is though, if their countrys tax regime get cut. If Congress simply limits the
money could finance other parts of Proponents of the border-adjust- leveland it is. When the German is onerous. One big plus for Ameri- growth of outlays to about 2% a
their agenda to generate growth, ment tax also are using a dodgy company sells to customers in the cans is that Washington does not im- year, that would create enough fiscal
such as replacing todays onerous sales pitch, saying that their plan U.S., it is subject to the German cor- pose a VAT, which would enable gov- space to balance the budget over 10
depreciation rules with immediate will get rid of a Made in America porate income tax. The competing ernment to grow. This is a major years and adopt a $3 trillion tax cut.
expensing. Tax. The claim is that VATs give American firm selling domestically reason that the U.S. economy is more If Republicans want a win-win,
Although their intentions are rea- foreign companies an advantage. Say pays the U.S. corporate income tax. vibrant than Europes. In Germany, dropping the border-adjustment tax
sonable, this strategy is question- a German company exports a prod- Neither is hit with a VAT. In other the VAT raises so much tax revenue is the way to get one.
able. Start with the political blun- uct to the U.S. It doesnt pay the words, a level playing field. that the government consumes 44%
der: Republican tax plans normally American corporate income tax, and What if an American company of gross domestic productcom- Ms. de Rugy is a senior fellow at
receive overwhelming support from it receives a rebate on its German sells to a customer in Germany? The pared with 38% in America. George Mason Universitys Mercatus
the business community. But the VAT payments. But an American U.S. government imposes the corpo- On the other hand, Americas top Center. Mr. Mitchell is a senior fel-
border-adjustment tax has created company exporting to Germany has rate income tax and the German corporate income tax of 35% is the low at the Cato Institute.

After ISIS, the U.S. Military Could Help Keep Iraq Stable
By James Jeffrey the 2003 Iraq war, the Arab Spring, The Trump administration appears the perception that the U.S. sup- sustainable. U.S. troops should also

the Iran nuclear agreement and interested, but success is uncertain ports Iraqi sovereignty, by signaling be part of an international contin-
raqi Prime Minister Haider al- Russian intervention in Syria as a given that Iraq did not allow the to Iran that Iraq will not become gent and stationed on Iraqi bases.
Abadi has called on the U.S. to regional game-changer. The first U.S. to extend forces in Iraq in 2011. anyones vassal state. The U.S. should not again ask for
deepen cooperation with Bagh- four advanced the Iranian and Rus- Prime Minister Abadi appears sup- The U.S. will have to link eco- Parliament-approved legal immuni-
dad under the 2008 U.S.-Iraqi Stra- sian quest to upset the U.S.-led re- portive, but other political leaders, nomic assistance and diplomatic ties for U.S. personnel, but rather
tegic Framework Agreement. That gional security order. But the defeat the public and Iran are more or less cooperationin short, tough extend the administrative status un-
makes sense. America has expended of ISIS could help the U.S. reverse opposed. To keep a troop presence, loveto clarify that in exchange der which they now operate.
incalculable resources in Iraq, inter- this trend. the U.S. will have to proceed on for such help, Iraqi politicians have Second, the formal troop mis-
vening militarily four times since To do so Washington must view three avenues: sell the presence, to be flexible on troops. U.S. sup- sion should focus on training and
1990. Iraq is worth the effortthe the region differently. Since the link it to other assistance, and keep port for Iraq beyond security has equipping Iraqi forces, and specific
center of the Middle East, with al- Cold War the U.S. has treated Mid- it noncontroversial. been remarkable: an IMF-led $15 intelligence, counterterrorism and
most two-thirds of the oil and gas dle East challengesIran, Saddam billion loan, mediation of disputes perhaps air-support functions. Ev-
reserves of Saudi Arabia, abundant Hussein, Syria, Yemen, terrorism, between Baghdad and Kurdistan, eryone in the region would under-
water, an educated population and a and moreas discrete problems, A limited troop presence and the facilitation of oil produc- stand that such a presence would
functioning democracy. But if the not part of a larger endeavor. The tion. The U.S. has a vital interest in also help contain Iran and promote
U.S. doesnt want to intervene U.S. assumed that the regions core, would support a strategy preventing Iraq from descending stability, but diplomacy requires
again, assistance must be linked to an American-led regional order, aimed at containing into violence, enabling Iranian re- that this not be explicit.
maintaining a small military contin- would endure. gional aggression, or spawning an- Third, the U.S. should be careful
gent there. Threats to that order from Iran, Iranian aggression. other terrorist movement, and that not to suggest that troops in Iraq
An American-Iraqi decision on Russia and Sunni Islamists challenge requires not just political and eco- are a combat force to project power
keeping U.S. troops in the country this assumption. In this environment, nomic support but continued mili- into Syria or Iran against Baghdads
must be taken soon, as the rationale Cold War principlesalliance soli- Iraqis must be convinced that an tary ties. interests.
for their current presenceto de- darity and U.S. credibilitymust be American presence would support But Iraq must also be reassured None of this guarantees that
feat Islamic Statewill fade as it is reinvigorated. Anything the U.S. does the fight against terrorism and en- that a U.S military presence would Iraq will allow such a military
destroyed. The justification for a must support the strategy to contain sure the Iraqi army does not im- be acceptable to Iraqis. Based on presence but it will make the
longer-term presence would be to Iran and combat Sunni extremists. plode as it did in Mosul in 2014. the troop-extension talks with Iraq choice easier. Stability in the en-
train and equip Iraqi forces and as- The two are linked: Under Iranian in- They must also be convinced that it in 2011, the following would be po- tire region hangs on Iraq making
sist against ISIS remnants. Strategi- fluence, Damascus and Baghdad so would support Iraqi unity, by signal- litically acceptable. the right one.
cally, it could also help keep Iraq in- oppressed their Sunni Arab popula- ing to skeptical Sunni Arab and First, the troop contingent should
dependent of Iran. tions that they turned to ISIS. Kurdish minorities that the largely be limited and not permanent. The Mr. Jeffrey served as U.S. ambas-
The impending destruction of Keeping a troop contingent in Shiite Baghdad government seeks 5,000 troops contemplated in 2011 sador to Turkey (2008-10) and Iraq
ISIS as a caliphate will rank with Iraq would support such a strategy. ties to the West. Also important is are likely the maximum politically (2010-12).

Opening Our Borders Would Overwhelm America

By Dave Seminara millions to strike out for the United including more than a million each of Mexicos 120 million people would the Republican Party willing to artic-

States. from Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Nepal, Si- like to move to the U.S. ulate the need for enforcement.
he immigration debate in Understanding how attractive life erra Leone, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. These polls reflect aspirations It wasnt always this way. In 1993
America is often framed in ab- in America is to the 1.5 million legal More than 1.7 million Ghanaians based on present realities, including then-Sen. Harry Reid said that no
solutes: Those who want the and illegal aliens who arrive on these played the lottery last year. the potential hardship and expense sane country would provide rewards
law enforced, support the construc- shores every year is vital to under- To enter the 2018 lottery, you of migrating illegally. Imagine how like birthright citizenship to the chil-
tion of a wall along the southern bor- standing why strict immigration en- must come from a country that sent many more would come if doing so dren of illegal aliens. President Clin-
der, or are concerned about vetting forcement is a necessary evil. How fewer than 50,000 immigrants to the were safe, legal and easy. ton, in his 1995 State of the Union
migrants from troubled parts of the many might come if we loosened or U.S. in the previous five years. For address, got a bipartisan standing
world are denounced as racist, xeno- even removed visa restrictions? this reason, nationals of Bangladesh, ovation for discussing immigration in
phobic bigots. As a former foreign Last year more than 76 million Brazil, China, India, Mexico, Paki- When I screened visa Trumpian tones. Mr. Clinton argued
service officer who screened more foreign visitors were admitted at U.S. stan and more than a dozen other that illegal immigrants took jobs
than 10,000 visa applications, Ive ports of entry. We have no idea how countries are ineligible. Further, applications as a foreign from Americans while imposing bur-
seen firsthand why tough immigra- many of them worked illegally or only those with a high school di- service officer, I learned dens on taxpayers. He promised to
tion enforcement is necessary. overstayed, because we still dont ploma or sufficient work experience hire a record number of new border
The question I hear most fre- have mandatory E-Verify or a reliable qualify. how many want to come. guards, deport twice as many crimi-
quently regarding my time as an im- entry/exit visa-tracking system. And Polls bolster the case for immigra- nal aliens, crack down on illegal hir-
migration gatekeeper is: Why cant while we dont know how many visi- tion enforcement. A 2008 Gallup sur- ing, and discontinue welfare benefits
we just let people in? Its a reason- tors would stay if we let them, we vey of residents in 82 countries re- If the U.S. loosened visa restric- for the undocumented.
able question. Anyone who has never can draw some conclusions from the vealed that 26% of the worlds tions or expanded the sanctuary-city Anyone making these same argu-
lived in a corrupt country with no Diversity Visa Program, better known population wanted to move perma- concept to the national level, partic- ments today would be labeled a xeno-
rule of law, unsafe drinking water, as the green-card lottery. nently to another country. Rolling ularly with no similar moves from phobe or worse. Immigration advo-
foul air and few opportunities to es- The annual lottery received more surveys conducted by Gallup of any of the worlds other rich nations, cates have staked out the moral high
cape poverty may find it hard to than 40 million applications from 452,199 adults in 151 countries be- wed see the largest mass movement ground while ignoring the messy de-
fathom the desperation that drives around the world from 2013-15, tween 2009 and 2011 estimated that in human history. It would be an tails of enforcement and surging visa
640 million people wanted to emi- epic economic and environmental demand. Beyond promises to deport
grate, with the U.S. being the desired catastrophe. And yet in the current killers, rapists and terrorists, its hard
destination for 150 million. A 2014 political climate, its hard to find to know what type of enforcement, if
PUBLISHED SINCE 1889 BY DOW JONES & COMPANY Pew Research study found that 34% anyone outside the Trump wing of any, Democrats and pro-immigration
Rupert Murdoch Robert Thomson Republicans support these days. They
Executive Chairman, News Corp Chief Executive Officer, News Corp find President Trumps enforcement

Notable & Quotable: Opinions

Gerard Baker William Lewis first approach unacceptable but
Editor in Chief Chief Executive Officer and Publisher seem unable to articulate an alterna-
Matthew J. Murray DOW JONES MANAGEMENT: tive besides legalizing everyone in
Deputy Editor in Chief Mark Musgrave, Chief People Officer; From an interview with cognitive hold, as opposed to forming credi- sight with a vague, unrealistic prom-
Edward Roussel, Innovation & Communications;
Anna Sedgley, Chief Operating Officer & CFO;
scientist Steven Sloman by Vox.coms ble beliefs based only on fact. ise to get tough in the future.
Michael W. Miller, Senior Deputy;
Thorold Barker, Europe; Paul Beckett, Katie Vanneck-Smith, President Sean Illing, April 16: Think about if you were to utter The U.S. makes up only 4.4% of
Washington; Andrew Dowell, Asia; OPERATING EXECUTIVES: a fact that contradicted the opin- the worlds population. Those, like
Christine Glancey, Operations; Ramin Beheshti, Product & Technology; Illing: How do people form opin- ions of the majority of those in your me, who believe that we must main-
Jennifer J. Hicks, Digital; Jason P. Conti, General Counsel;
Neal Lipschutz, Standards; Alex Martin, News; Frank Filippo, Print Products & Services; ions? social group. You pay a price for tain the right to pick and choose
Shazna Nessa, Visuals; Ann Podd, Initiatives; Steve Grycuk, Customer Service; Sloman: I really do believe that that. If I said I voted for Trump, whom we allow to live here, rather
Matthew Rose, Enterprise; Kristin Heitmann, Transformation; our attitudes are shaped much more most of my academic colleagues than concede this right to the 95.6%
Stephen Wisnefski, Professional News Nancy McNeill, Advertising & Corporate Sales;
Jonathan Wright, International by our social groups than they are would think Im crazy. They of the planet that lives outside our
Paul A. Gigot, Editor of the Editorial Page;
Daniel Henninger, Deputy Editor, Editorial Page
DJ Media Group: by facts on the ground. We are not wouldnt want to talk to me. Thats borders, arent xenophobes. Were
Almar Latour, Publisher; great reasoners. Most people dont how social pressure influences our the grown-ups in this conversation
Suzi Watford, Marketing and Circulation; Professional Information Business: like to think at all, or like to think epistemological commitments, and the only ones willing to admit an un-
Joseph B. Vincent, Operations; Christopher Lloyd, Head; as little as possible. And by most, I it often does it in imperceptible fortunate truth thats becoming more
Larry L. Hoffman, Production Ingrid Verschuren, Deputy Head mean roughly 70 percent of the ways. politically incorrect by the day.
EDITORIAL AND CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS: population. Even the rest seem to Illing: This is another way of say-
1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, N.Y., 10036 devote a lot of their resources to ing that we live in a community of Mr. Seminara is a journalist and
Telephone 1-800-DOWJONES
justifying beliefs that they want to knowledge. former diplomat.
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Last Week: S&P 2328.95 g 1.13% S&P FIN g 2.65% S&P IT g 1.36% DJ TRANS g 2.53% WSJ $ IDX g 0.91% LIBOR 3M 1.158 NIKKEI 18335.63 g 1.76% See more at

PwC Sued Over Hiring Practices Falling Behind

Index and share performance
since September
40% KBW Nasdaq Bank index
Class-action move The firms aggressive pur- The named plaintiffs in the screens out individuals ages 40 plaintiffs reading of the law
Wells Fargo
suit of youth is now the focus PwC case are two menone 53 and older...and denies them conflicts with Congresss in- 30
brought by older job of a class-action suit, part of years old and the other 47 employment opportunities, tent.
hopefuls to test an emerging wave of litigation whose applications for entry- according to their lawsuit in Courts have upheld dispa-
that is testing the boundaries level associate positions at the San Francisco federal court. rate impact claims against 10
age-discrimination laws of age-discrimination liability firm were rejected. Such favoritism toward mil- hiring practices in other con-
and casting a legal cloud over The litigants have years of lennials, the suit alleges, vio- texts, such as lawsuits accus-
BY JACOB GERSHMAN college recruitment programs. accounting and bookkeeping lates the federal Age Discrimi- ing firms of gender and race 10 Wells Fargos sales
practice scandal
Employment lawsuits alleg- experience, but both failed to nation in Employment Act. bias. Those other categories broke Sept. 8
PricewaterhouseCoopers ing age bias arent new and are make the cut. The plaintiffs say the ADEA are covered by a different civil-
bills itself as the place to usually brought by fired em- They allege they were was meant to cover hiring rights statute. 2016 17
work for millennials, who ployees. Cases like the one turned down because they practices that may not inten- But the idea that company Source: WSJ Market Data Group
have taken jobs and intern- against PwC allege discrimina- lacked the youthful profile tionally discriminate against recruitment efforts aimed at THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
ships with the accounting giant tion against job applicants, possessed by so many PwC re- older workers but have a dis- students and recent graduates
in droves. The firm annually
recruits thousands of newly
minted college graduates.
whose civil rights involve a
surprisingly unsettled area of
To attract and maintain
millennials, PwC intentionally
proportionately adverse effect
on them.
Lawyers for PwC say the
can be unlawful is a controver-
sial premise that no federal ap-
Please see HIRING page B8
Key Vote
Mexicos New High-Tech Port Has a Problem: Uncertainty in U.S. Trade Policy
Tests Wells

Wells Fargo & Co. faces

something few other big banks
have dealt with since the finan-
cial crisis: a serious effort to
vote out most of its directors.
As the banks April 25 an-
nual shareholder meeting ap-
proaches, bank executives and
directors are scrambling
to meet with key investors
and deal with the possibility
that they could see one or
more fail to win re-election,
people familiar with the pro-
cess said.

A number of those direc-

tors will be vulnerable, an of-
ficial at one large Wells Fargo
investor said this past week.
It is rare for shareholders
to vote a director off a big
companys board.
In the past five years,
just nine directors
have left boards of companies
SHIPPING OUT: Mexico opened Latin Americas most technologically advanced shipping terminal in Lzaro Crdenas this month, in part to allow shippers to bypass in the S&P 500 after they
crowded ports on the U.S. West Coast. But with U.S. President Donald Trumps tough talk on trade, what seemed like a sure bet has become a lot less certain. B3 failed to receive majority sup-
port, according to ISS Analyt-
ics, the proxy advisory firm

Behind Uniteds Fateful Move to Call Police

Institutional Shareholder
Services Inc.s data arm.
The top Wells Fargo official
at risk: Chairman Stephen
Sanger, who took over last Oc-
BY SUSAN CAREY an operations-focused carrier pairsthe tomes of rule books People close to the company tober when the former Wells
such as United, experts said. can help ensure safety protocols said it could have been avoided. Fargo chairman and chief exec-
The recipe for the disas- Deviating from the rules is are followed. At least some decisions that led utive officer, John Stumpf, re-
trous decision by United Air- frowned upon; employees can The company follows man- to the crisis were fueled by em- signed after a sales-practices
lines employees to call for po- face termination for a foul-up, uals, said a longtime United ployees following rules, which scandal resulted in a $185 mil-
lice to remove a passenger according to people familiar pilot at the nations third-larg- are endemic to big, long-lived lion settlement and two con-
from a fully booked flight was with the matter. est carrier by traffic, where he airlines and amount to giant gressional grillings.
years in the making. At United, this has helped said the rule-based culture was manuals. Mr. Sanger, the former chief
Like most other airlines, create a rules-based culture reinforced by the merger with As United prepares to report of General Mills Inc., has han-
United Continental Holdings where its 85,000 employees Continental Airlines seven first-quarter earnings on Mon- dled the boards response to

Inc. follows strict rules on ev- are reluctant to make choices years ago. day, it isnt clear how much the the sales problems, culminat-
ery aspect of handling its pas- not in the book, according to The incident at United last reputational hit will cost the ing in a 113-page report April
sengers, from how to care for former airline executives, cur- week, in which Chicago Depart- company. Investors so far ha- 10 that largely blamed Mr.
unaccompanied minors to rent employees and people ment of Aviation police dragged vent punished Uniteds stock Stumpf and one of his key
whether someone gets a whole close to United. a screaming passenger, David shares ended last week 2% lieutenants, who has also left
can of Coke. Airlines crave consistency, Dao, down the aisle and off a lowerbut it isnt clear yet the bank.
While procedures change to experts said, and United isnt United Express regional flight, what impact the fracas will Though Wells Fargo typi-
keep up with evolving safety unique in its strict focus on started as a mere scheduling is- Please see UNITED page B2 cally reaches out to investors
and security protocols, stream- rules. For carrierswhich face sue. United declined to com- around this time, shareholders
United CEO Oscar Munoz. The lining the underlying bureau- government scrutiny on every- ment on the incident, pending  A media-savvy lawyer fights have responded with many
firm reports earnings Monday. cracy can be a lower priority for thing from pilot training to re- its investigation. United............................................. B2 Please see WELLS page B6


Tesla Must Aim High
To Justify Its Valuation
Tesla Inc. earning big profits that
is valued as would bring down the multi-
though it will ple. But to actually earn
soon conquer enough profits to reduce
the U.S. auto Teslas multiple to some-

market. Now, thing within the realm of
it has the small task of actu-
ally doing so.
reason would require almost
heroic assumptions.
Tesla shares have been First, the basics: Say FURIOUS SETS
unstoppable ahead of the
Model 3 launch, having
Teslas valuation should be
10 times higher than GMs
gained 40% this year. The and Fords, and say Teslas
upstart auto maker is more share price stays constant at MOVIES, B3
valuable than Ford Motor about $300.
and slightly less valuable That means Tesla would
than General Motors on a need to earn $4.29 a share Conicting global currency policies can cause volatility. LIQUIDITY
market-cap basis. The crux
of the excitement is the all-
electric Model 3 sedan that
Tesla says will start at
in 2018, which equals $700
million in total net income,
assuming the current share
count doesnt change.
The SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) is the only ETF with an average
trading volume of 15 million shares per hour, for unmatched liquidity.
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Source: NYSE Arca, average trading reduce returns. Past performance is not a for use by State Street Corporation. No
$35,000. Production is sched- For perspective, Tesla sold volume in 2016, as of 12/31/16. guarantee of future results. nancial product offered by State Street or
uled to begin this summer. about 76,000 cars in 2016 ETFs trade like stocks, are subject to SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust, a unit its afliates is sponsored, endorsed, sold or
investment risk, uctuate in market investment trust, is an exchange traded fund promoted by S&P.
Tesla now trades at 271 and lost $675 million on value and may trade at prices above listed on NYSE Arca, Inc., and seeks to track ALPS Distributors, Inc. (fund distributor)
times projected 2018 ad- sales of $7 billion. or below the ETFs net asset value. an index of large-cap U.S. equity securities. is not afliated with State Street Global
justed earnings, according to Now the assumptions: ETF shares may not readily trade SPDR, S&P and S&P 500 are registered Markets, LLC (marketing agent).
FactSet. Chief Executive Officer Elon in all market conditions. Brokerage trademarks of Standard & Poors Financial
commissions and ETF expenses will Services LLC (S&P) and have been licensed
Ford and GM, in contrast,
trade at less than seven and
Musk forecasts Tesla can
produce 500,000 cars in
CHINAS ZTE Before investing, consider the funds investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. To obtain a
six times the 2018 estimate, 2018, while analysts, a bull- CRACKS TOP prospectus or summary prospectus, which contains this and other information,
call 1.866.787.2257 or visit Read it carefully.
Tesla gets that valuation
ish lot, peg the number of
deliveries at 302,000. Lets
IBG-23296 Not FDIC Insured No Bank Guarantee May Lose Value
because it is expected to up- say the delivery number is
end the auto industry while Please see HEARD page B8 MOBILE, B4
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B2 | Monday, April 17, 2017 NY * ***** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


These indexes cite notable references to most parent companies and businesspeople
in todays edition. Articles on regional page inserts arent cited in these indexes.

Advanced Micro Devices
Alibaba Group Holding
General Motors ..... B1,B4
Truckers Struggle to Boost Profits
Huawei Technologies..B4 Propelland...................R2 BY JENNIFER SMITH termodal carriers. Analysts
Hyperloop One............R6
Alphabet......................B4 R have an average forecast of
Ant Financial Services I
Reynolds American.....B8 More cargo is moving 85 cents a share for the first
Group.........................B9 Institutional
A.P. Moller-Maersk.....B3 Shareholder Services S through U.S. ports and on quarter, according to Fact-
Apple...........................B4 .....................................B1 Samsung Electronics..B3 the nations highways, but Set. At the end of last year,
AT&T.....................B4,B10 Intuit...........................A1 Sprint ........................ B10 whether the added volumes the average forecast was for
B iShares J.P. Morgan Starbucks....................B4
USD Emerging Starship Technologies R2
will boost trucking profits is profit of 90 cents a share.
Baxter Intl.................B10 Markets Bond ETF ... B9 T another matter. Clearly, were in a soft
BBK Electronics..........B4 A test could come as soon patch, said Citi analyst
J Target..........................B3
California Public J.B. Hunt Transport Ted Baker....................A1 as Monday, when J.B. Hunt Christian Wetherbee. The
Employees' Retirement Services.....................B2 Tesla.......................B1,R6 Transport Services Inc., one truck market has been under
System......................A1 K T-Mobile US.........B4,B10 of the biggest U.S. freight a good amount of pressure in
Canada Pension Plan Kansas City Southern B3 U carriers, is ex- the past two years.
Investment Board..A10 KPMG .......................... B8
China Film Group........B3
United Continental THE WEEK pected to an- Many trucking companies
L Holdings....B1,B2,B4,B9
AHEAD nounce its have pulled trucks from ser-
Citigroup ................... A10
Comcast...............B3,B10 LG Electronics.............B4 W first-quarter vice over the past year, in a
D M Wal-Mart Stores.........B3
earnings. J.B. bid to tighten up capacity


Marble.........................R2 Walt Disney................B3
Delta Air Lines ........... B2 Wells Fargo.................B1 Hunt operates a large truck- and gain better leverage on
Dish Network............B10 N
Dispatch......................R2 X ing fleet and is the lead- pricing. J.B. Hunt, on the
Neiman Marcus...A1,A10
E-F Nordstrom.................A10 Xiaomi.........................B4 ing provider of intermodal other hand, added trucks last
Ehang...........................R6 P Y-Z services, which involve ar- year to its dedicated seg-
Euronet Worldwide.....B9 Penguin Random House Yelp..............................R2 ranging for trucks and trains ment, where the companys
Ford Motor..................B1 ...................................A12 ZTE..............................B4 to move freight around the big rigs perform repeat busi-
country. ness for specific customers.

INDEX TO PEOPLE Often those journeys start

at the docks, where imports
have been surging in the J.B. Hunt Transport Services reports quarterly results on Monday.
The firm has pared back its
truckload fleet, which serves
shippers who fill entire trail-
B Harvey, Campbell........B8 P past few weeks, including a ers with freight.
Bakov, Anton..............A9 Hawkins, Jeff..............B4 Pai, Ajit................B4,B10 26% year-over-year jump in daily basis, were up 46% last into the second quarter. That The company also has en-
Barrineau, James........B9 Herlocker, Timothy.....R3 Piziali, Kathy...............R2 March at the ports of Los month compared with Febru- same day the company said gaged in what Citi calls ag-
Beresford, Dennis.......B8 I R Angeles and Long Beach, ary and 92% year-over- it would merge with Knight gressive pricing in the in-
C Iyer, Vijay....................B4 Roest, Anne................R3 Calif. But trucking companies year. But spot rates for dry Transportation Inc. termodal segment, where
Clark, Duncan..............B3 J Rogers, Christopher....B3
Clark, Greg..................R8 Romanova, Maria ....... A9
tell a different story in the vans, the most common type Hub Group Inc., a J.B. J.B. Hunt and others have
Johnson, Bill...............B2
D Johnston, A. Eric........A3 Rouwenhorst, K. Geert interior, where a glut of of tractor-trailers used for Hunt rival, slashed its profit been trying to gain market
Delaney, Matt.............R2 K .....................................B8 trucks and uneven demand consumer goods, were up forecast, also on April 10, share by undercutting com-
Demetrio, Thomas......B2 Kabateck, Brian .......... B2
Rumsey, David............R3 are holding down the rates only 7.2% year-over-year, ac- causing its stock to tumble petitors.
Doughtie, Lynne..........B8 Khoo, Victor................R3 S carriers charge retailers, cording to DAT. about 15% the next day. Hub Intermodal providers com-
E L Schenone, Karen.........B9 manufacturers and other Swift Transportation Co., attributed the shift to ex- pete with the trucking mar-
Erb, Claude..................B8 Smith, T.J....................R3 shippers. a large trucking company, traordinarily aggressive in- ket for freight, typically of-
Lloyd, Rob ................... R6
G Luner, Mike.................B4 T-U Shippers ramped up ac- lowered earnings guidance termodal pricing and excess fering lower prices for
Gazzaway, Trent.........B4 M-N Tigar, Jon .................... B8 tivity in March, according to for the first quarter on April capacity in the truck market. moving cargo long distances
Godfrey, Bill................B2 Usvyatsky, Olga..........B4 the online freight market- 10, citing soft demand. Swift Analysts at Citi and Co- by rail, which tends to be
Manville, Michael.......R2
Golan, Stephen...........B2
Marcello, Scott ........... B8 V-W-Z place DAT Solutions LLC. said the company was cau- wen & Co. lowered 2017 slower. When truck pricing is
Gorton, Gary ............... B8 Vanchinathan, Siddharth
Middendorf, David......B8 Loads available for shipment tiously optimistic about the earnings estimates for J.B. soft that makes it hard to
Guss, Karen.................R3 .....................................R2
Montgomery, C. BarryB2
H Munoz, Oscar..............B2 Wallace, Brendan ....... A4 on the spot truckload mar- back half of 2017 but that it Hunt after Hubs announce- nudge intermodal rates
Harris-Burland, Henry R2 Musk, Elon..................R6 Wetherbee, Christian.B2 ket, where companies book expected the difficult operat- ment, citing pricing pres- higher, even as volumes are
Hartnet, Michael.........B9 Nicklin, Emily..............B8 Zakatov, Alexander .... A9 freight transportation on a ing environment to persist sures for truckload and in- starting to rise.

UNITED trip from California, refused. So

the agents, following the rules,
called for law enforcement.
In hindsight, the gate agent
Media-Savvy Lawyer Fights United
Continued from the prior page should have said, Folks, were Demetrio, representing
have on the carriers bookings not leaving until someone gets
or new employee training costs. off. If someone doesnt take the man dragged from
Fliers have vowed on social $800, were going to cancel the flight, has long history
media to boycott the airline, flight, said the United pilot,
which transported 143 million who wasnt involved in the inci- with injury cases
passengers last year and was dent.
seeing big improvement opera- But canceling the flight BY ANDREW TANGEL
tionally after a few sluggish would have been a drastic step, AND SARA RANDAZZO
years. Many customers on so- according to the rule books.
cial media and in the press have Seventy passengers would be CHICAGOThis isnt the
called on Chief Executive Oscar stranded and require compen- first time attorney Tom Dem-
Munoz to resign. sation and new flight arrange- etrio has gone up against
United has lagged behind its ments the next day. The extra United Airlines.
rivals for years in financial and crew wouldnt have made it to Mr. Demetrio, who is repre-
operating performance. Louisville, causing the flight the senting the Kentucky doctor
Last Sunday evening, Re- next morning to be canceled as dragged off United Express
public Airways Holdings Inc., well. People close to United said Flight 3411 last week, has
the regional airline operating the rules-based calculus is to in- spent more than four decades
the flight for United, asked an convenience the fewest number suing on behalf of injured air-
hour before departure for four of fliers. line passengers, consumers

of its crew members to take the Employees followed the pol- and medical patients.
place of passengers, according icy, said a person familiar with He previously faced the air-
to a person familiar with the Uniteds executive suite. But line after one of its planes
matter. The crew was needed questions remain about why the crashed in Sioux City, Iowa, in
the next day at the flights des- agents didnt raise the compen- 1989, killing 110 passengers
tination in Louisville, Ky., the sation level last Sunday, which and injuring scores more. His
person said. They had been de- is part of Uniteds review ex- firm, Corboy & Demetrio, won Tom Demetrio, left, said at a press conference that Dr. David Dao will likely sue United Airlines.
layed by a mechanical problem pected by the end of the month. multimillion-dollar payouts for
earlier. United agreed, accord- United declined to comment on victims of the crash and their
ing to two people with knowl- the compensation decision. families, including a $28 mil- UnitedsInvestorCall watched estimates on passen- trans-Pacific marketa stand-
edge of the matter. It also isnt clear when lion jury verdict in 1994. ger revenue guidance. out performer for Unitedfol-
But the two pilots and two United executives, who sit in We deal with people at ToGarnerAttention Uniteds earnings them- lowing loud social media con-
flight attendants didnt arrive the 11th floor of the Willis their worst times in life, where selves are unlikely to upset in- demnation in China of this
at the gate until a few minutes Tower in downtown Chicago, theyre devastated, both physi- vestors. The airline has beaten weeks crisis will raise more
before departure, according to learned of the incident. cally, mentallyand usually fi- United reports first-quarter consensus in all but two of the fears that international passen-
Uniteds pilots union. All the By Monday morning, after nancially, Mr. Demetrio said earnings after the market close past 16 quarters. gers may be pulling back from
passengers were already seated. videos taken by passengers on in an interview at his office in on Monday, but it will be Tues- Second-quarter guidance United.
Uniteds gate agents went on the plane had spread rapidly on Chicago. The satisfaction is days call with analysts that could be another matter, United is boosting capacity
board to offer compensation to social media, United was on the trying to better the quality of sets the tone for how Chief Ex- though a late Easter holiday by 4% this year, well above
customers who would agree to defensive. Botched attempts by their life. ecutive Oscar Munoz plans to and an extra Friday in June peers, adding flights from big
fly later, a negotiation that nor- Mr. Munoz, the CEO, to explain Mr. Demetrio landed Dr. Da- frame the crisis to investors. could help increase leisure hubs such as Chicago. Investors
mally takes place at the gate. the events appeared to make vid Daos case by word-of- Until last week, Uniteds re- travel in this quarter compared will be looking for signs that its
There are rules for this process, things worse. mouth. Dr. Daos daughter, covery appeared to be on track. with 2016. How public anger effort to secure enhanced fares
known as denied boarding. No Robert Milton, nonexecutive Crystal Dao Pepper, knows Chi- The airlines shares climbed and calls to boycott the airline from the extra flights is bearing
one took their top offer, $800 chairman of United and a for- cago business lawyer Stephen more than 20% over the past have translated into any impact fruitparticularly as its costs
plus a hotel voucher. mer CEO of Air Canada, said in Golan through her husbands year. Its recent investor update on near-term bookings will be a remain higherand that rivals
Instead of offering more, an interview that Mr. Munoz family, both attorneys said. Mr. flagged bookings in March run- focus for Tuesdays call. arent adding more capacity in
agents used a computer pro- has the complete backing of the Golan contacted Mr. Demetrios ning above expectations. Unlike With the trans-Atlantic some markets in response to
gram, as dictated by the rules, 15-member board. firm and the two are now han- rivals such as Delta Air Lines market mired in overcapacity, Uniteds customer woes.
to pick fliers of the least value But Mr. Milton added that dling the case together. That is Inc., United hadnt cut closely any negative reaction in the Doug Cameron
to the airline based on factors Dr. Daos mistreatment and a common progression in per-
like ticket price paid and fre- Uniteds flat-footed reaction sonal-injury cases, where the
quent-flier status, according to must become a defining mo- first call is often to a family patient who contracted HIV and medical license. has the right to know. Plain-
people familiar with the matter. ment in the history of United lawyer or an attorney the hepatitis C from a kidney trans- Dr. Dao told police that he tiffs attorneys are the watch-
Three obliged, but Dr. Dao, Airlines pivoting to customer plaintiff has used in the past. plant. An appellate court later couldnt leave last Sundays dog, he said.
who was flying with his wife on a service and customer delivery. Mr. Demetrio, 69 years old, ordered a new trial, and the flight because he needed to get Mr. Demetrio said Dr. Dao is
is known among his peers in case was settled out of court. home to see patients. Kentucky likely to sue United and the
Chicago as plain-spoken and Some experts say having medical regulatory records City of Chicago, whose aviation
Back of the Pack affableas well as media media skills is key to taking on show he is limited to practic- officers pulled Dr. Dao from
United has performed poorly in airline consumer satisfaction surveys by savvy. such well-publicized cases. ing one day a week at the Eliz- the plane. Attorneys were due
J.D. Power, measured against other traditional network carriers Hell be a gentleman, but A high-profile lawyer gets abethtown, Ky., medical prac- in court Monday to discuss
hell make a very high demand to be that only one way: they tice of Dr. Bill Godfrey. Dr. preserving evidence for the
Alaska Airlines Delta Air Lines American Airlines and be tough to deal with, know how to use and manipu- Godfrey said in an interview case; Mr. Demetrios office said
Air Canada US Airways United Airlines said Bill Johnson, a Chicago late the media to their bene- that Dr. Dao finished practicing Saturday the airline and city
attorney who has sparred in fit, said Brian Kabateck, a there a few months ago. have already agreed to do so.
800 points court against Mr. Demetrio, of plaintiffs lawyer in Los Ange- Mr. Demetrio said Dr. Daos A United Continental Hold-
the likely case against United. les, speaking in general. history wasnt relevant to his ings Inc. spokesman pointed to
700 All this negative publicity just But lawyers who know Mr. case. He said Dr. Dao needed a previously issued statement
puts United behind the eight Demetrio say his ability to tell to be in his wifes office to apologizing to Dr. Dao and ex-
600 ball going in. a story and build a rapport work on paperwork related to pressing a commitment to
Mr. Demetrio has defended with juries has made him for- returning to his practice full- make this right. A spokesman
people injured by products or midable in court. time. Dr. Daos wife, also a for the City of Chicago de-
400 in medical mishaps, and Na- He can speak for every- doctor, had patients to see clined to comment on pending
tional Football League players manthats the type of law- Monday but he wasnt going litigation. Mayor Rahm Eman-
300 who suffered concussions and yer he is and thats why hes to get into a big long explana- uel has said Dr. Daos experi-
long-term brain damage. He very successful with the jury, tion with the stormtroopers, ence was completely unac-
200 represented the estate of Ste- said C. Barry Montgomery, a Mr. Demetrio said. I dont ceptable at every level.
vie Ray Vaughan after the Chicago attorney who has de- blame him.
blues guitarist died in a heli- fended companies against Mr. His firm has a reputation
0 copter crash in 1990. He has Demetrios lawsuits. for driving hard to make set- GOVERNMENT STATE OF
secured multimillion-dollar However, portraying Dr. tlement amounts public. SO PAULO
2013 2014 2015 2016* SECRETARY OF LOGISTICS
payouts from juries and in pri- Dao as a surrogate for all pas- Mr. Demetrio said he gener- AND TRANSPORTATION
*US Airways and American Airlines became one airline in 2015
NOTE: North American Airline Satisfaction Study, based on points out of possible 1,000 based vate settlements. sengers could be complicated ally pushes to disclose settle- NOTICE OF cancellation
on costs and fees; inight service; boarding, deplaning and luggage delivery; ight crews; He hasnt always won, of by matters related to a 2004 ment amounts as a deterrent International Public Competition N
aircraft; check-in; reservations. course: One loss came when a prescription-drug conviction to future malpractice and neg- It makes the publication of March 16, 2017
without effect.
Source: J.D. Power, a unit of McGraw Hill Financial THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. jury sided against his client, a that led to a suspension of his ligence, and because the public
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * Monday, April 17, 2017 | B3


U.S. Plans Put Mexico Port at Risk BP Wells

Gas Leak
Shippers weigh the
impact of barriers
to trade at a new
high-tech terminal In Alaska

LZARO CRDENAS, Mex- BP PLCs out-of-control well

icoLatin Americas most tech- on the North Slope of Alaska
nologically advanced shipping stopped leaking oil on Sunday
terminal opened here early this but continues to release natu-
month, with a ceremony at- ral gas, according to the
tended by heads of state and Alaska Department of Environ-
shipping-industry royalty. mental Conservation.
But the ambi- Crews haven't been able to
LOGISTICS tious project fully shut down the well,
faces an uncer- which started leaking Friday
tain future as morning, because it is still too
U.S. President Donald Trump dangerous to access the site,
weighs new trade barriers. the department said.
Major importers such as The amount of oil spilled

Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Sam- and whether the crude af-

sung Electronics Co. and Tar- fected the snow-covered tun-
get Corp. see Lzaro Crdenas dra isnt yet clear, though it
as a key link between Asias fac- appears that the crude con-
tories and Mexicos growing tamination is contained within
middle class. They also hope to the gravel pad site, according
use the port as a backdoor to to a person familiar with the
the U.S., bypassing congested matter. So far no injuries or
West Coast ports via the Nafta wildlife impacts have been re-
Railway, a network of track op- ported, and the mostly Native
erated by U.S. railroad Kansas Importers see the port at Lzaro Crdenas as a link to Mexicos growing middle class and a way to bypass crowded U.S. ports. American community of Nuiq-
City Southern that can shuttle sut, about 50 miles west of the
goods as far north as Memphis, trade data firm Panjiva. Auto oil well, has been notified of
Tenn. parts make up a big part of Growing Appetite the problem, authorities said.
APM Terminals, a unit of the those gains. Imports through the port of MEXICOS MONTHLY IMPORT VOLUME The London-based energy
worlds biggest shipping com- The port is a microcosm of Lzaro Crdenas, and Mexico company said it couldnt quan-
pany, A.P. Moller-Maersk, global trade flows, said Chris- Imports through Lzaro Crdenas tify how much oil had spilled.
overall, have been rising.
spent five years and $568 mil- topher Rogers, a research ana- 200 thousand containers The leak was discovered
lion on the new terminal. APM lyst with Panjiva. He added: U.S. 300 miles Friday morning when BP em-
hopes to spend up to $900 mil- Its very exposed to the auto MEXICO 150 ployees saw crude oil spraying
300 km
lion to expand capacity at the industry. out of the top of the well. The
terminal to rival the Port of Danish conglomerate Mae- spray of crude, along with mi-
New York and New Jersey by rsk, which once touted the new 100 nor oil leakage over the past
Port of Gulf of
the end of the next decade. terminals near-sourcing bene- Lzaro Crdenas Mexico few days, may be fairly iso-
fits, a reference to manufactur- 50 lated, according to a statement
ers producing goods in Mexico Mexico City
from Alaskas Department of
and selling them in the U.S., Environmental Conservation.
The port is a now says it is focusing more on
O cean
But the natural-gas leak con-
microcosm of global using the port to import goods 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 tinues to be a problem.
for Mexicos consumer market. Source: Panjiva THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. BPs local subsidiary is put-
trade flows, says one In an interview this month, ting together a plan for plug-
analyst. Maersk Chief Executive Sren developing the port as a prior- participate more in world trade, usual dieseluse artificial intel- ging the wells top leak that re-
Skou said the main purpose of ity. In 2013, amid rising drug not just to trade with North ligence to arrange the piles in sulted from the damaged
the terminal is to be a gateway cartel violence and smuggling, America, said Walter Kemm- the most time- and cost-effi- pressure gauge; this plan needs
terminal for the Mexico City Mr. Pea Nieto deployed thou- sies, an economist who special- cient order. Such semiauto- to be implemented before well-
But what looked like a sure market, with cross-border sands of troops to the port and izes in ports and shipping. The mated systems are common at killing operations can take
bet five years ago is less certain trade secondary. handed over its security to the investment at Lzaro Crdenas port terminals in the Nether- place, the department said.
today. Mr. Trump has threat- The U.S. administration has navy, which still maintains a makes sense, because its a lands and Singapore but have BPs operations in and
ened to penalize manufacturers made a number of statements garrison there. gateway to trade with Asia. never been used in Latin Amer- around Prudhoe Bay account
that move operations to Mexico that impact our business on the At the ceremony this month, On a stiflingly hot morning ica. for about 55% of Alaskas oil
and wants to renegotiate the positive side, Mr. Skou said. he called the terminal a testi- in late March, giant cranes The facility is expected to and gas production, according
North American Free Trade Then there are the discussions mony to how Mexico has been lifted hundreds of metal boxes employ about 550 peopleor to the company.
Agreement. Republicans in Con- about trade deals, and some of growing, how it has become a from the container ship Char- 250 fewer than a similar-size The oil giant has had sev-
gress have floated a border- the rhetoric seems more pro- trustworthy destination...that is lotte Maersk amid the soft hum terminal without automation eral spills and leaks in Alaska.
adjusted tax that would raise tectionistIts really hard for us crucial for the transit of goods of robotic machinery. which makes for fewer acci- A 2006 spill due to a corroded
the cost of imports. to judge how this will affect our bound for the important con- The new terminal features dents and lowers container pipeline released almost 4,800
Any of these measures could business. sumer market that is Mexico, towering 300-foot-tall ship-to- handling costs by 20%, APM barrels of crude, making it the
deal a blow to U.S.-Mexico APMs terminal unloaded its and from here to other impor- shore cranes that can span the says. worst oil spill on the North
trade, shipping companies and first ship in February, and the tant consumer markets. largest container ships cur- Slope up to that time.
analysts say. Mexicos imports port formally opened with a However, in recent months, rently plying routes between LOGISTICS REPORT More recently, BP has faced
have grown more than 30% ceremony in early April at- Mexicos president also has said Asia to North America. scrutiny over its role in the
since 2010, according to the tended by Mexicos president the country will pursue trade The cranes can pluck two For more analysis 2010 Deepwater Horizon di-
World Bank, and container vol-
umes are up 60% in the past
three years at Lzaro Crdenas
Enrique Pea Nieto and Danish
Prime Minister Lars Lkke Ras-
deals with Vietnam and Japan
and work more closely with
containers at a time from ships,
then deposit them in piles. Ro-
botic stacking cranes that run
on supply-chain
issues via a daily
newsletter, go to
saster in the Gulf of Mexico
that killed 11 workers and cre-
ated the largest offshore oil
older facilities, according to Mexicos government sees Mexicos path forward is to on electricityrather than the spill in U.S. federal waters.

Latest Furious
Zooms to the Top
Of the Box Office
BY BEN FRITZ million debut of the last install-
ment, Furious 7, in 2015 and
It started as a distinctly far behind The Force Awak-
American movie about the ens record of $248 million.
street-racing subculture of Los Not every film builds on
Angeles. its predecessor, but eight films

Now Fast and Furious has in to be the second biggest is

set a new box-office record extraordinary, said Nick Car-
around the world at the same pou, Universals president of
time it is losing speed in its domestic distribution.
home country. Curiosity about Furious 7
Known as Fate of the Furi- may have been unusually high The eighth installment of Universal Pictures Fast and Furious franchise opened to an estimated $532.5 million around the world.
ous in the U.S. and Fast and because co-star Paul Walker
Furious 8 in most foreign died during production, neces- series to open on the same seas and only 25% in China.
countries, the latest installment sitating last-minute changes. weekend in China as the rest of Fast and Furious is a Smashing a Record
of Universal Pictures action- As expected, audiences for the world, which can help both creaky 16-year-old franchise in Foreign audiences fueled the strong debut of 'Fate of the Furious'
adventure franchise opened to Fate of the Furious, with its to drive interest via global pub- the U.S., but newer to many
an estimated $532.5 million multicultural cast, were notably licity and to prevent piracy. moviegoers overseas, where it Largest all-time overseas box-ofce openings
around the world this weekend. diverse. Fifty-nine percent of at- Fast and Furious 6 was the only started to gain attention
That is a virtual tie for the big- tendees in the U.S. were non- first movie in the series to even with 2011s Fast Five. With The Fate of the Furious $432.3 million
gest-ever global launch. Walt white, according to exit polls. play in China and it grossed a that entry, the franchise began
Disney Co.s Star Wars: The Comcast Corp.-owned Uni- total of only $66 million. Furi- its transformation from tales of Jurassic World 316.7
Force Awakens opened to versal spent more than $200 ous 7 made a total of $391 mil- auto-racing outlaws to globe- Harry Potter and the
$529 million in December and million to make Fate of the Fu- lion, still a record in the country trotting action-adventure films Deathly Hallows (Part Two) 314.0
the Fate number may be ad- rious, but had a co-financer that for a Hollywood import. in which stars like Vin Diesel,
justed slightly when final Sun- may have helped with its box-of- Fate of the Furious also set Dwayne Johnson, and Charlize Star Wars:
The Force Awakens 281.0
day grosses are calculated. fice performance. The state- opening weekend records in Ar- Theron engage in increasingly
The massive launch was backed movie distributor China gentina, Colombia, South Africa outrageous stunts. The newest Pirates of the Caribbean:
fueled primarily by foreign audi- Film Group Co. had a stake of and Vietnam and was the biggest movies settings include Cuba, On Stranger Tides (3D)
ences. The eighth Fast and Fu- approximately 10% in the movie, movie in the Fast and Furious New York and Siberia, and it
rious opened to $432.3 million according to a person with franchise in the United Kingdom, features an action sequence Estimated U.S. and Canada box-ofce gures, through Sunday
internationally, destroying the knowledge of the matter. South Korea and Mexico. with hundreds of self-driving SALES, IN MILLIONS
foreign opening record of $316.7 It opened to $190 million in All else being equal, studios cars and another with a nuclear
million set by Universals Juras- China, exceeding the prior re- would typically prefer to sell submarine.
sic World in 2015. cord for a Hollywood film of tickets in the U.S. more than Fast and Furious is one of 1. The Fate Universal $100.2 $100.2
Every culture, every na- $182 million set by Furious most foreign countries because Comcasts most important cin- of the Furious
tion, embraced the film, said 7, in which China Film Group they keep a bigger portion of ematic franchises. It is fea- 2. The Boss Baby Twentieth $15.5 $116.3 -41%
Duncan Clark, president of in- also had a minority stake. box-office sales and because tured in the companys theme Century Fox
ternational distribution for Ive never watched so follow-on businesses, such as parks and has a touring arena
Universal. Theres not a sin- many cars in one film, gushed DVD sales and cable-television show set to launch next year. 3. Beauty and Disney $13.6 $454.6 -42%
gle place where they didnt Wang Juan, a 29-year-old in- licensing, are more lucrative Universal is already devel- the Beast
like it. formational technology worker domestically. Studios keep oping the ninth and 10th films 4. Smurfs: Sony $6.5 $24.7 -51%
In the U.S. and Canada, as she walked out of a screen- around 60% of box-office reve- in the series, which are sched- The Lost Village
meanwhile, the movie opened to ing in Beijing. It was so cool. nue on big movies like Fate of uled for 2019 and 2021. 5. Going In Style Warner Bros. $6.4 $23.4 -47%
$100.2 million, a big number but One advantage was that the Furious in the U.S., but an Lilian Lin *Friday, Saturday and Sunday Sources: Box Ofce Mojo; comScore
substantially less than the $147 Fate is the first movie in the average of less than 50% over- contributed to this article.
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
B4 | Monday, April 17, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


FCC Chief Faces

Key Balancing Act
On Net Neutrality
BY JOHN D. MCKINNON Whichever path Mr. Pai
chooses, his road is studded
WASHINGTONFederal with possible land mines, in-
Communications Commission cluding vacancies on his com-
Chairman Ajit Pai faces a tough mission, a continuing court fight
challenge in coming days: rolling over current rules and a new
back net-neutrality rules that he Supreme Court justice, the com-
regards as an overreach, without ing 2018 midterm elections and
reaching too far himself. In the the potential for protests.
highly charged debate over how Even before Mr. Pai has offi-
the Trump administration and cially announced his effort, it
Republican Congress would re- has stirred action from a coali-

verse the Obama-era rules, al- tion of internet activists that

most any misstep could be fa- has helped spur protests over
tal to the effort. high-tech policy in recent years.
Mr. Pai could announce his Those protests helped lead to
game plan as soon as this the net-neutrality rules the FCC
month to start acting at the adopted in 2015, and helped kill
A visitor examined General Motors high-tech Chevrolet Bolt electric vehicle at an Economic Club event in Washington in February. commissions May meeting,
according to some people fa-

Chevrolet Bolt Drops GPS

miliar with the matter. His FCC Chairman
timing will be crucial. Ajit Pai is
If Mr. Pai moves too fast to weighing his
kill the existing rules, he risks options as he
provoking a court fight he tries to roll
Built-in systems fall which allow drivers to plug wired into the car, they dont car purchases. For example, could lose, according to some back net-
their smartphones into a USB rely on a wireless connection. CEO Mary Barra last year experts. But if he goes too neutrality rules.
by the side of the road to display the phones maps, That eliminates the risk of los- raised the possibility of a fea- slowlypotentially, by starting
as more drivers find music and other street-legal ing access if a signal drops and ture that would help Bolt driv- over with the governments full
features in the dash. minimizes the need to drain ers find the most efficient rule-making processMr. Pai antipiracy legislation that was
their way with phones GM and other car compa- smartphone data plans by us- route between charging sta- and his GOP allies might suffer pushed by the entertainment in-
nies typically use CarPlay or ing a navigation app. tions to optimize battery life. politically, as protests multiply. dustry a few years earlier.
BY MIKE COLIAS Android Auto as a supplement Still, the car companies While they arent the mon- The net-neutrality rules re- The threat of protests ap-
to factory-installed navigation systems have endured tough eymakers they once were, fac- quire service providers such as pears to be adding to pressure
Aiming to please the tech- gear, which has long served as criticism for not being updated tory navigation systems still cable and wireless firms to on Mr. Pai to go fast. A number
savvy buyers of Chevrolets a lucrative revenue stream. in real time, requiring dealer rake in profits. Research firm treat all internet traffic the of legal experts believe he could
new Bolt electric car, General But many consumers say they support for updates and lack- IHS Markit estimates the sys- same. The providers have crit- try to take some immediate ac-
Motors Co. equipped it with a no longer bother using the ing crowdsourcing advantages tems cost auto makers roughly icized the rules as regulatory tion, such as seeking a declara-
4G Wi-Fi connection and a 10- built-in systems. offered by systems such as Al- $450 on average, while con- overkill, particularly because tory or interpretive ruling from
inch touch screen. But GM left It is not as much of a have- phabet Inc.s Waze app. sumers pay between $500 and they reclassified the firms as the commission that instantly
out one feature that not long to-have feature as it was a few Waze, for example, aggre- $1,200. common carriers subject to reverses the agencys core 2015
ago was a must-have for many years ago, said Mike Luner, a gates users location data to Analysts expect margins to extensive oversight. But many decision to reclassify service
car buyers: built-in navigation. general manager at a Fiat detect backups and route driv- shrink further as more con- activists say the rules are cru- providers as common carriers.
Nearly all but the cheapest Chrysler Automobiles dealer- ers around traffic. Apple Maps sumers discover CarPlay and cial to maintaining future But some question whether any
budget cars sold in the U.S. are ship owned by Del Grande lets users find nearby restau- Android Auto. Introduced less competition. They are gener- immediate action would be up-
offered with factory-installed Dealer Group in Northern Cali- rants and book a reservation than two years ago, those sys- ally supported by a range of held in a court challenge.
navigation at least as an add- fornia. FCA continues to offer through OpenTable. tems are available in nearly internet firms including Face-
on. Its absence on the $37,500 built-in navigation across its GM figured Bolt buyers are one-quarter of vehicles pro- book Inc., Alphabet Inc. unit  Heard on the Street: Shift
Bolt is unusualand the latest lineup. savvy and comfortable using duced in North America, IHS Google and Netflix Inc. might not change a lot ......B10
sign that the ubiquity of Jeff Hawkins, co-founder of the Apple or Google systems, estimates.
smartphones is fundamentally hand-held device maker Palm company spokesman Vijay Iyer Even if todays drivers are
altering how drivers get Inc., bought a Bolt recently said. He said the car also finding less reason to pay One FCC Member to vote on policy changes
around. and says the lack of onboard comes with GMs OnStar con- more for factory navigation, even just initiating them.
Many car owners are taking navigation doesnt bother him cierge system, providing vocal car companies and suppliers Could Depart Soon, Ms. Clyburn is eligible to
advantage of larger smart- because he prefers to use turn-by-turn directions as an- arent giving up on them. That Adding to Pressure serve through 2018, at least until
phone screens by mounting Google Maps on his Android other option. is because the self-driving ve- a successor is confirmed by the
them on the dash or even phone. Mr. Hawkins, now a GM doesnt plan to phase hicles of the future will need Senate. But she isnt required to
clutching them in their hand to neuroscientist, said the Google out navigation offerings in high-definition maps to navi- No matter which path FCC stay around after her current
monitor a route while driving. system offers superior design, other vehicle lines. The com- gate roadways. Chairman Ajit Pai eventually term expires at the end of June.
Citing safety risks, car compa- routing and real-time advan- pany plans to eventually inte- As autonomous vehicle us- chooses for rolling back net-neu- At a recent Senate hearing, she
nies in the past two years have tages to factory navigation. grate additional location-based age grows, companies are ex- trality rulesfast or slowthere suggested she wouldnt leave her
responded by equipping vehi- Built-in navigation systems features on the Bolt, which pected to layer in smarter is yet another reason why he seat before then, or refuse to at-
cles with Apple Inc.s CarPlay have advantages: Because they comes with a $7,500 federal in- mapping features based on might feel he has to start soon. tend meetings. But the picture
or Googles Android Auto, use a GPS module and software come-tax rebate for electric more accurate imagery. That is because he faces at after June for the two-term FCC
least some risk that the lone re- member is less clear. She de-
maining Democrat on the com- clined to comment on her plans.

Chinas ZTE Makes Strides in U.S.

mission, Mignon Clyburn, could Another timing factor is the
leave at some point after her possibility that the divisive de-
term expires in June. bate will drag into campaign sea-
There are already two va- son during the 2018 congressio-
BY DAN STRUMPF cancies on the five-member nal election cycle. Democrats
commission, so her departure already have begun a drumbeat
U.S. regulators havent could leave the FCC without a of criticism. Earlier this month,
taken kindly to ZTE Corp. of quorum, at least until a succes- 32 Democratic House members
late, but the Chinese telecom- sor is confirmed. Then it would wrote to Mr. Pai, urging him to
munications giant needs be more difficult for the agency retain the rules.
American consumers more
than ever if it hopes to com-
pete in an increasingly tough
smartphone market.
ZTE is the only Chinese
handset maker that has man-
Social Media Outcries
aged to crack the top ranks in
the U.S., where it is No. 4 by
sales behind LG Electronics
Leave Little Damage

Inc., Samsung Electronics Co. BY TATYANA SHUMSKY A review of filings by com-

and Apple Inc. Its sales have panies including United Conti-
risen every year since it A social media kerfuffle can nental, Pepsi and Starbucks
launched there in 2011, ac- bruise a companys reputation, showed they so far havent
cording to Canalys, a technol- but these incidents rarely leave disclosed the social media in-
ogy market data provider. a red mark on the bottom line. cidents to the Securities and
The growth is notable for Video of a Exchange Commission.
two reasons: ZTE has faltered CFO passenger being Social media interest by it-
on its home turf of China JOURNAL dragged off a self may not be material
where since 2012 it has fallen United Airlines enough to warrant a disclo-
five places to 10th in sales flight is fanning sure in the financial state-
among smartphone manufac- the latest outrage on social ments, said Olga Usvyatsky,
turersand it has endured a media. Earlier this month, vice president of research and
bruising fight with U.S. regula- Telecommunications giant ZTE has faltered in China and endured a bruising fight with U.S. regulators. PepsiCo Inc. pulled an adver- CPA at Audit Analytics, an au-
tors. Last month, the company tisement that was panned as dit, regulatory and disclosure
agreed to pay $892 million in a blistering pace, up 42% last phone business. ZTE reported nerships with U.S. telecom culturally insensitive. Star- research firm.
fines and plead guilty to vio- year, according to Canalys. a net loss of 2.36 billion yuan carriers like AT&T Inc. and T- bucks Corp. faced a backlash Companies typically make
lating U.S. sanctions on Iran Clearly they gulped that ($342 million) last year due to Mobile US Inc., which have in January when it said it such disclosures, like flagging
and obstructing justice. bitter medicine as a cost of provisions for its U.S. penalty. been key to its success with would hire 10,000 refugees the effect of a severe storm or
But after taking those doing business in the U.S., Both Chinese companies American consumers who gen- globally. a cyberbreach of corporate
lumps, some analysts see bet- said Rushabh Doshi, a Canalys have faced intensifying compe- erally buy smartphones on These incidents often grab computer systems, in quar-
ter times ahead for Chinas analyst, of ZTEs penalty. ZTE tition in their home market long-term contracts. Huawei, consumer attention, but such terly reports or a so-called
largest publicly traded telecom is fairly unchallenged in the from domestic upstarts such for instance, one of ZTEs Chi- controversies rarely translate Form 8-K, used to notify in-
manufacturer, which is set to low-cost segment there, he as BBK Electronics Co., maker nese rivals and No. 3 in world- into a material impact on sales vestors of a current event that
report first-quarter earnings said, but added that maintain- of the Oppo and Vivo brands wide smartphone sales, has or earnings in the absence of could be material to the com-
on Monday. Analysts polled by ing that growth clip will be struggled to break into the serious product issues. pany or affect the stock price.
Thomson Reuters expect ZTE difficult after a strong 2016. U.S. given its lack of major When money is paidas in A social media uproar
to post consolidated earnings ZTE didnt respond to requests carrier partners and concerns the case of United Continen- should prompt executives to
per share of 0.23 yuan on rev- for comment.
ZTEs U.S. handset raised by the U.S. government tal Holdings Inc. refunding assess the potential for a ma-
enue of 22.69 billion yuan ZTEs two-sided fortunes business has been that its telecom equipment the ticket costs to all custom- terial impact from a corporate-
($3.29 billion), up 3.8% from a come at a tough time for the could be used to spy on Amer- ers on the 70-seat flightthe disclosure perspective. This is
year earlier. global smartphone industry.
growing at a icanssuggestions the com- effect is barely a rounding er- a massive area of judgment for
Following its settlement Sales growth is slowing, and blistering pace. pany has repeatedly denied. ror on the final quarterly re- CFOs, Mr. Gazzaway said.
with the Justice, Commerce brands have struggled to By luck or by design, ZTE sults. When determining materi-
and Treasury departments, the come up with models that has struck some pretty good Theres no way that [refund- ality, executives weigh quanti-
company was taken off a U.S. keep consumers shelling out relationships with U.S. carriers, ing] one flight would be mate- tative factors, like whether in-
trade blacklist, which, had its for new handsets as fre- now No. 2 and No. 3 respec- like with AT&T and some of the rial to Uniteds total financial come or sales are likely to fall
restrictions been fully imple- quently as they once did. tively by market share, accord- regional wireless operators, condition, said Trent Gazz- below a company-determined
mented, would have prevented That pain has spread to ing to Canalys. Xiaomi Corp., and because they were there away, national managing part- threshold, as well as qualita-
companies from selling U.S.- some of the biggest names in another Chinese phone maker, early they acquired some good ner of professional standards at tive factors, which are less
made parts to ZTE. That re- Chinas handset market. Last has lost ground at home and brand recognition, said Edison accounting firm Grant Thornton. clearly defined.
prieve, industry experts say, month, Huawei Technologies stumbled abroad. Lee, a Hong Kong-based tele- There is also scarce execu- A United Airlines spokes-
removes a cloud on its busi- Corp., the worlds largest tele- ZTE needs to remain fo- com analyst at Jefferies. tive disclosure of these events woman declined to comment
ness that should allow it to com manufacturer, said its cused on its fast-growing U.S. ZTEs consumer business in financial filings because on questions about the materi-
sell more goods globally. De- profit growth nearly ground to market, analysts say, if it accounts for about a third of they arent considered mate- ality of the incident. The com-
spite its regulatory troubles, a halt last year as a greater wants to move past its regula- total revenue, while its equip- rial, or likely to change a rea- pany is due to report its first-
the companys U.S. handset share of its profits came from tory setbacks. It has an advan- ment business made up 58% of sonable shareholders invest- quarter earnings on Monday
business has been growing at its lower-margin gadget and tage in its longstanding part- revenue last year. ment decision. after markets close.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | B5

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B6 | Monday, April 17, 2017 * *** THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


WELLS any replacements in store Dow Jones Industrial Average S&P 500 Index
Last Year ago Last Year ago
would be unusual, raising po-
tentially serious issues for 20453.25 t 202.85, or 0.98% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 20.82 18.33 2328.95 t 26.59, or 1.13% last week Trailing P/E ratio * 24.45 23.62
High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 17.59 16.70 High, low, open and close for each of P/E estimate * 18.25 17.41
Wells Fargo and its current
Dividend yield 2.38 2.54 the past 52 weeks Dividend yield 1.98 2.20
Continued from page B1 CEO, Timothy Sloan. the past 52 weeks
All-time high 21115.55, 03/01/17 All-time high: 2395.96, 03/01/17
questions about the boards Mr. Sloan has so far
role, especially after the inves- avoided shouldering much of
tigation results. For instance, the blame for the sales prob- Current divisor 0.14602128057775
21600 2375
some want to know why the lems because they occurred in
board didnt act sooner to the retail consumer business, Week's high
shake up the retail-banking which he didnt oversee. 20800 2300
DOWN UP 65-day moving average
unit despite concerns in 2014 Mr. Sloan said in an inter-

Monday's open Friday's close
and 2015 about improper em- view that he recently spoke 20000 2225
ployee practices that included with Warren Buffett, head of Friday's close Monday's open

signing customers up for fake Wells Fargos largest share-
Week's low 19200 2150
accounts to meet sales goals. holder, Berkshire Hatha-
The fraud at Wells Fargo is way Inc., who expressed his
ultimately an oversight failure. support for management and 18400 2075
Thats why accountability the board. We value his input
and real, meaningful change and engagementat a very im-
17600 2000
needs to start at the top, said portant time for the com-
200-day moving average 200-day moving average
New York City Comptroller pany, Mr. Sloan said.
65-day moving average
Scott M. Stringer. The only Messrs. Sloan and Sanger 16800 1925
question is which directors, and other Wells Fargo officials Bars measure the point change from Monday's open
and that is what investors are are to meet or talk with more 1850
now assessing. As of Dec. 30, than 20 of the largest Wells A M J J A S O N D J F M A A M J J A S O N D J F M A
the citys pension funds had Fargo investors this week,
about $594 million in Wells people involved with the NYSE weekly volume, in billions of shares market Composite

Fargo stock. meetings said.
Financial Flashback
Earlier this month, the in- Management and board The Wall Street Journal, April 17, 2000
fluential firm ISS recom- members plan to argue that 10
mended shareholders vote the board has taken the fallout United Artists Theater Co. said it faces default on its
0 debt and has initiated discussions with its banks to
against Mr. Sanger and 11 of from the scandal seriously, A M J J A S O N D J F M A restructure and recapitalize movie-theater operator.
his colleagues on Wells Fargos clawing back $183 million in * P/E data based on as-reported earnings from Birinyi Associates Inc.
15-member board. pay from current and former
The second-largest proxy executives.
advisory firm, Glass Lewis & The board has also over-
Major U.S. Stock-Market Indexes Nasdaq Composite
Co., recommended investors hauled four of its commit- Latest Week 52-Week % chg t 72.66, or -1.24%
High Low Close Net chg % chg Low Close (l) High % chg YTD 3-yr. ann.
vote for Mr. Sanger, but teesrisk, audit, human re- Dow Jones
last week
against six directors. sources and corporate Industrial Average 20750.33 20453.25 20453.25 -202.85 -0.98 17140.24 l 21115.55 14.1 3.5 8.5
Seeing so many direc- responsibilityto further Transportation Avg 9218.30 8874.11 8874.56 -230.25 -2.53 7093.40 l 9593.95 11.2 -1.9 6.4
tors lose re-election from a strengthen their oversight of 5900
Utility Average 706.61 695.74 703.15 3.93 0.56 625.44 l 720.45 6.9 6.6 9.6
major corporate board without the company.
Total Stock Market 24528.36 24125.20 24125.20 -278.01 -1.14 20583.16 l 24868.78 12.6 3.6 8.2
Barron's 400 624.24 610.89 610.89 -8.46 -1.37 491.89 l 635.07 16.6 1.5 7.0 5860

Nasdaq Stock Market

Nasdaq Composite 5907.85 5805.15 5805.15 -72.66 -1.24 4594.44 l 5914.34 17.4 7.8 13.2
Nasdaq 100 5442.71 5353.59 5353.59 -64.78 -1.20 4201.05 l 5440.41 17.5 10.1 15.8
Standard & Poor's 6 7 10 11 12 13
500 Index 2366.37 2328.95 2328.95 -26.59 -1.13 2000.54 l 2395.96 11.8 4.0 8.7 April
MidCap 400 1719.99 1680.86 1681.04 -25.34 -1.49 1416.66 l 1758.27 15.2 1.2 8.4 DJ US TSM
FloorLiner Cargo/Trunk Liner SmallCap 600 837.02 815.56 815.62 -11.87 -1.43 670.90 l 862.21 18.0 -2.7 8.3 t 278.02, or -1.14%
Other Indexes last week
Russell 2000 1377.23 1345.24 1345.24 -19.32 -1.42 1089.65 l
1413.64 19.2 -0.9 6.6
NYSE Composite 11496.73 11324.53 11324.53 -121.05 -1.06 9973.54 l 11661.22 9.3 2.4 3.3
Value Line 519.04 508.37 508.37 -6.53 -1.27 435.06 l 529.13 11.0 0.4 2.3 24475
NYSE Arca Biotech 3541.28 3416.77 3525.55 48.22 1.39 2818.70 l 3642.3 10.2 14.7 14.1
NYSE Arca Pharma 508.16 503.90 505.34 -1.87 -0.37 463.78 l 554.66 -1.4 4.9 1.6 24350
KBW Bank 91.41 88.01 88.02 -2.89 -3.18 60.27 l 99.33 31.3 -4.1 8.9
PHLX Gold/Silver 90.82 85.03 89.40 3.28 3.81 73.03 l 112.86 17.7 13.4 -1.1
PHLX Oil Service 172.81 163.87 164.32 -4.26 -2.53 148.37 l 192.66 1.1 -10.6 -16.6
PHLX Semiconductor 1000.24 960.01 960.01 -39.33 -3.94 630.77 l 1012.29 41.3 5.9 19.7
CBOE Volatility 16.22 12.94 15.96 3.09 24.01 10.58 l 25.76 16.3 13.7 -2.1 24100
Roll Up Truck Bed Cover BumpStep 6 7 10 11 12 13
Philadelphia Stock Exchange Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group April

International Stock Indexes Commodities and

Latest Week 52-Week Range YTD
Currencies Last Week YTD
Region/Country Index Close % chg Low Close High % chg Close Net chg %Chg % chg

World The Global Dow 2649.04 1.17 2197.91 2704.60 4.6 DJ Commodity 577.35 7.14 1.25 1.78
DJ Global Index 343.54 0.64 293.27 348.71 5.4 TR/CC CRB Index 187.77 0.66 0.36 -2.46
DJ Global ex U.S. 228.71 0.12 194.95 232.07 6.9 Crude oil, $ per barrel 53.18 0.94 1.80 -1.01
Global Dow Euro 2347.50 1.25 1885.53 2398.98 3.9
Natural gas, $/MMBtu 3.227 -0.034 -1.04 -13.35
DJ TSM Global 3535.65 0.65 3015.61 3589.89 5.2 Gold, $ per troy oz. 1285.90 31.60 2.52 11.82
See the Full Line of Automotive Global ex U.S. 2309.87 0.12 1969.71 2343.58 6.9
U.S. Dollar Index 100.51 -0.62 -0.61 -1.66
Accessories at Developed ex U.S. 2235.94 0.11 1921.04 2275.06 5.8
Global Small-Cap 4825.46 0.50 4057.70 4889.45 4.4 WSJ Dollar Index 90.11 -0.82 -0.91 -3.04
800.441.6287 Global Large-Cap 3352.73 0.67 2866.49 3405.53 5.4 Euro, per dollar 0.9422 -0.0020 -0.22 -0.89
International #001.630.769.1500 108.63 -2.47 -2.22 -7.16
Americas DJ Americas 562.20 1.07 480.83 577.52 4.0 Yen, per dollar

American Customers
Brazil Sao Paulo Bovespa 62826.28 2.74 48471.71 69052.03 4.3 U.K. pound, in dollars 1.25 0.02 1.22 1.46 Canada S&P/TSX Comp 15535.48 0.84 13563.84 15922.37 1.6 52-Week

Canadian Customers European Customers

Mexico IPC All-Share 48955.82 0.79 44282.03 49637.93 7.3 Low Close(l) High % Chg
Chile Santiago IPSA 3750.31 0.61 3054.30 3782.66 16.4 DJ Commodity 488.14 l 589.81 17.68
Europe Stoxx Europe 600 380.58 0.18 308.75 381.90 5.3 TR/CC CRB Index 173.64 l 195.82 7.44
Accessories Available for Stoxx Europe 50 3146.65 0.53 2636.71 3163.46 4.5
Crude oil, $ per barrel 39.51 l 54.45 28.14
Acura Audi BMW Buick Cadillac Chevrolet Chrysler Dodge Ferrari Ford
GMC Honda Hummer Hyundai Infiniti Isuzu Jeep Kia Land Rover Lexus
Eurozone Euro Stoxx 369.75 1.10 288.98 373.88 5.6
Natural gas, $/MMBtu 1.90 l 3.93 63.81
Lincoln Maserati Mazda Mercedes-Benz Mercury Mini Mitsubishi Nissan Euro Stoxx 50 3448.26 1.36 2697.44 3500.93 4.8
Oldsmobile Plymouth Pontiac Porsche Saab Saturn Scion Subaru Belgium Bel-20 3790.76 0.75 3141.13 3822.08 5.1 Gold, $ per troy oz. 1127.80 1364.90 4.97
Suzuki Toyota Volkswagen Volvo and more!

2016 by MacNeil IP LLC

France CAC 40 5071.10 1.25 3984.72 5135.28 4.3
U.S. Dollar Index 92.57 l 103.25 6.14
Germany DAX 12109.00 0.95 9268.66 12312.87 5.5
WSJ Dollar Index 84.64 l 93.56 4.47
Israel Tel Aviv 1378.66 1.55 1378.66 1502.66 6.3
Italy FTSE MIB 19773.68 2.59 15104 20493 2.8 Euro, per dollar 0.87 l 0.96 6.32
Netherlands AEX 515.77 0.56 411.62 519.16 6.7 Yen, per dollar 99.88 l 118.18 -0.12
Spain IBEX 35 10326.10 1.93 7645.5 10529.0 10.4 U.K. pound, in dollars 1.20 l 1.49 -11.81
Sweden SX All Share 563.03 0.40 445.00 563.92 5.3
8629.02 0.14

Switzerland Swiss Market 7593.20 8704.39 5.0
U.K. FTSE 100 7327.59 0.30 5923.53 7429.81 2.6 Real-time U.S. stock
DJ Asia-Pacific TSM 1539.36
S&P/ASX 200 5889.90

WSJ quotes are available on Track most-
active stocks, new
Shanghai Composite 3246.07

China 1.23 2806.91 3288.97 4.6
highs/lows, mutual
Hong Kong Hang Seng 24261.66 0.02 19694.33 24593.12 10.3
funds and ETFs.
India S&P BSE Sensex 29461.45 0.83 25101.73 29974.24 10.6
Japan Nikkei Stock Avg 18335.63 1.76 14952.02 19633.75 4.1 Plus, get deeper money-flows data and
Singapore Straits Times 3169.24 0.25 2729.85 3187.51 10.0 email delivery of key stock-market

South Korea Kospi 2134.88 0.78 1925.24 2178.38 5.4 data.
Taiwan Weighted 9732.93 1.42 8053.69 9972.49 5.2 All are available free at
Source: SIX Financial Information;WSJ Market Data Group

Consumer Rates and Returns to Investor Benchmark Yields and Rates

U.S. consumer rates Selected rates Treasury yield curve Forex Race
A consumer rate against its Five-year ARM, Rate Yield to maturity of current bills, Yen, euro vs. dollar; dollar vs.
benchmark over the past year notes and bonds major U.S. trading partners avg: 3.33%
AmericanAirlinesFederalCreditUnion 2.63% 5.00% 8%
4.00% Ft Worth, TX 800-533-0035 Yen

Third Federal Savings and Loan 2.79% 4.00 4

t 3.00 s
Cleveland, OH 844-245-1150 3.00 WSJ $ index
5-year adjustable- 0
2.00 Foxboro Federal Savings 2.88%
rate mortgage

t Foxboro, MA (877) 369-3331 Thursday 2.00 4

(ARM) s
5-year Treasury1.00 Euro
Cashmere Valley Bank 3.00% 1.00 8
note yield

Cashmere, WA One year ago

0.00 0.00 12
M J J A S O N D J F MA ColonialMortgageServiceCompanyofAmerica 3.00%
1 3 6 1 2 3 5 710 30 2016 2017
2016 2017 Montgomeryville, PA 215-661-1200
month(s) years
The Un-Sneaker goes to work. Yield/Rate (%) 52-Week Range (%) 3-yr chg maturity
Interest rate Last (l)Week ago Low 0 2 4 6 8 High (pct pts) Sources: Ryan ALM; Tullett Prebon; WSJ Market Data Group
To your colleagues, its a fashion statement.
Federal-funds rate target 0.75-1.00 0.75-1.00 0.25 l 1.00 0.75
To your feet, its an all-day festival of
Prime rate* 4.00 4.00 3.50 l 4.00 0.75 Corporate Borrowing Rates and Yields
lush, leather-lined comfort. But lets Libor, 3-month 1.16 1.16 0.62 l 1.16 0.93 Spread +/- Treasurys,
Yield (%) in basis pts, 52-wk Range Total Return
keep that confidential. Money market, annual yield 0.30 0.34 0.22 l 0.34 -0.11 Bond total return index Last Wk ago Last Low High 52-wk 3-yr
Five-year CD, annual yield 1.30 1.30 1.17 l 1.30 -0.09
30-year mortgage, fixed 4.01 4.07 3.43 l 4.33 -0.35 10-yr Treasury, Ryan ALM 2.237 2.343 -2.42 3.26
15-year mortgage, fixed 3.23 3.28 2.70 l 3.50 -0.15 DJ Corporate 3.050 3.140 2.52 3.81
Jumbo mortgages, $424,100-plus 4.55 4.62 4.02 l 4.88 -0.11 Aggregate, Barclays Capital 2.490 2.570 44 41 57 1.06 2.73
Five-year adj mortgage (ARM) 3.33 3.36 2.97 l 4.03 -0.10 High Yield 100, Merrill Lynch 5.464 5.394 367 316 575 12.130 3.248
New-car loan, 48-month 3.23 3.36 2.87 l 3.36 0.42 Fixed-Rate MBS, Barclays 2.770 2.850 26 10 33 0.80 2.69
Free shipping and returns. Order online or call 844.482.4800. HELOC, $30,000 4.89 4.87 4.57 l 4.96 0.08 Muni Master, Merrill 2.017 2.096 12 -6 12 0.086 2.911 rates based on survey of over 4,800 online banks. *Base rate posted by 70% of the nation's largest EMBI Global, J.P. Morgan 5.592 5.655 335 322 435 8.368 5.571
banks. Excludes closing costs.
Sources: SIX Financial Information; WSJ Market Data Group; Sources: J.P. Morgan; Ryan ALM; S&P Dow Jones Indices; Barclays Capital; Merrill Lynch
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | B7

Listed are the 300 largest closed-end funds as 52 wk 52 wk Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo Prem12 Mo
measured by assets. Prem Ttl Prem Ttl Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld
Closed-end funds sell a limited number of shares and Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret
invest the proceeds in securities. Unlike open-end Nuveen AMT-Free Mun NVG 15.88 14.86 -6.4 6.0 Nuveen MI Qual Muni NUM 15.26 13.52 -11.4 5.3 U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds
funds, closed-ends generally do not buy their shares BlkRk Health Sci BME 33.39 34.21 +2.5 1.9 NuvNASDAQ100DynOver QQQX 20.22 20.52 +1.5 18.7 Nuveen Mun Credit Incm Fd NZF 15.55 14.61 -6.0 6.2 Nuveen NC Qual Muni NNC 14.79 13.11 -11.4 4.3 Vertical Capital Income 12.57 NA NA 2.9
back from investors who wish to cash in their holdings. BlkRk Intl Grwth&Inco BGY 6.48 5.85 -9.7 8.1 Nuveen Real Est Incm Fd JRS 11.61 11.30 -2.7 12.6 Nuveen NJ Qual Muni NXJ 15.40 13.56 -11.9 5.6
Instead, fund shares trade on a stock exchange.
Nuveen Enhncd Mun Val Fd NEV 14.87 14.32 -3.7 6.3 Loan Participation Funds
a-The NAV and market price are ex dividend. b-The BlackRck Rscs Comm Str Tr BCX 9.85 8.66 -12.1 27.3 NuvS&P500DynOverwrite SPXX 14.96 NA 18.5 Nuveen Intermed Dur Mun NID 13.51 13.11 -3.0 5.2 Nuveen NY AMT-Free NRK 14.38 13.11 -8.8 5.1 504 Fund 9.80 NA NA 3.3
NAV is fully diluted. c-NAV is as of Thursdays close. d- BlackRock Science & Tech BST 22.31 20.50 -8.1 32.6 NuveenS&P500Buy-Write BXMX 13.68 13.47 -1.5 11.7 NuveenMuniIncoOpp Fd NMZ 13.09 13.23 +1.1 6.5 Nuveen NY Qual Muni NAN 14.98 13.81 -7.8 5.5 FedProj&TrFinanceTender 10.03 NA NA NS
NAV is as of Wednesdays close. e-NAV assumes rights BlackRock Utility & Infr BUI 20.46 20.71 +1.2 25.2 Reaves Utility Fund UTG 33.92 33.77 -0.4 22.9 Nuveen Muni Value Fund NUV 10.16 9.88 -2.8 3.9 Nuveen OH Qual Muni NUO 16.48 15.00 -9.0 5.0
offering is fully subscribed. f-Rights offering in process. Nuveen PA Qual Muni NQP 14.96 13.36 -10.7 5.6 Invesco Sr Loan A 6.67 NA NA 4.7
CBREClarionGlblRlEstIncm IGR 8.82 7.68 -12.9 6.9 Salient Midstream & MLP SMM 14.53 13.12 -9.7 75.9 Nuveen Qual Mun Incm Fd NAD 15.14 13.87 -8.4 6.0
g-Rights offering announced. h-Lipper data has been
Nuveen VA Qual Muni NPV 14.24 13.18 -7.4 4.7 Invesco Sr Loan B 6.67 NA NA 4.7
adjusted for rights offering. j-Rights offering has Central Fund of Canada CEF 14.11 13.21 -6.4 6.0 Tekla Hlthcr Investors HQH 24.81 24.38 -1.7 7.9 Nuveen Sel Tax Free NXP 15.11 14.21 -6.0 3.9
PIMCO California Muni PCQ 14.08 16.65 +18.3 5.6 Invesco Sr Loan C 6.68 NA NA 4.0
expired, but Lipper data not yet adjusted. l-NAV as of ClearBridge Amer Engy CBA 9.84 NA 56.1 Tekla Healthcare Opps Fd THQ 18.74 17.35 -7.4 16.2 Nuveen Sel TF NXQ 14.58 13.61 -6.7 3.8
previous day. o-Tender offer in process. v-NAV is
Tekla Life Sciences HQL 20.42 19.58 -4.1 14.5 PIMCO California Mun II PCK 8.58 10.04 +17.0 5.9 Invesco Sr Loan IB 6.67 NA NA 4.9
converted at the commercial Rand rate. w-Convertible ClearBridge Engy MLP Fd CEM 17.07 NA 42.0 PIMCO MuniFd PMF 12.69 13.37 +5.4 7.0
Note-NAV (not market) conversion value. y-NAV and Clearbridge Engy MLP Opp EMO 13.59 NA 35.2 Tekla World Hlthcr Fd THW 15.21 14.28 -6.1 9.5 Pimco Muni Inc II PML 12.05 12.86 +6.7 6.2 52 wk Invesco Sr Loan IC 6.67 NA NA 4.8
market price are in Canadian dollars. NA signifies that Clearbridge Engy MLP TR CTR 13.59 NA 46.5 Tortoise Engy Ind Fd NDP 15.62 16.44 +5.2 53.4 PIMCO Muni Inc III PMX 10.89 11.44 +5.1 6.5 Prem Ttl Invesco Sr Loan Y 6.67 NA NA 4.9
the information is not available or not applicable. NS
Cohen & Steers Infr Fd UTF 24.27 21.95 -9.6 21.9 Tortoise Energy TYG 30.80 34.95 +13.5 50.9 Pioneer Mun Hi Inc Adv Tr MAV 12.01 11.42 -4.9 6.6 Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret RiverNorth MP Lending RMPLX NA NA NA NS
signifies fund not in existence of entire period.
12 month yield is computed by dividing income C&S MLP Incm & Engy Opp MIE 12.51 11.44 -8.6 52.6 Tortoise MLP Fund NTG 20.26 20.26 0.0 37.3 Pioneer Mun Hi Incm Tr MHI 12.82 11.91 -7.1 6.1 General Equity Funds Voya Senior Income:A 12.77 NA NA 5.4
dividends paid (during the previous twelve months for Cohen & Steers Qual Inc RQI 13.69 12.82 -6.4 13.2 Tortoise Pipeline & Engy TTP 23.49 21.58 -8.1 54.3 Putnam Tr PMM 7.83 7.37 -5.9 5.8 Specialized Equity Funds Voya Senior Income:B 12.71 NA NA 4.9
periods ending at month-end or during the previous
CohnStrsPfdInco RNP 22.43 19.86 -11.5 13.5 Voya Gl Equity Div IGD 7.89 7.30 -7.5 18.7 PutnamMuniOpportunities PMO 13.05 12.31 -5.7 5.7 Griffin Inst Access RE:M NA NA NA NS Voya Senior Income:C 12.75 NA NA 4.9
fifty-two weeks for periods ending at any time other
than month-end) by the latest month-end market price Cohen & Steers TR RFI 13.58 12.60 -7.2 3.8 Income Preferred Stock Funds Wstrn Asset Mngd Muni MMU NA 13.86 NA 5.6 NexPointRlEstStrat;A 21.09 NA NA NS Voya Senior Income:I 12.74 NA NA 5.7
adjusted for capital gains distributions. CLSeligmn Prem Tech Gr Fd STK 19.47 20.92 +7.4 32.7 Calamos Strat Fd CSQ 11.81 11.11 -5.9 26.1 WesternAssetMunTrFund MTT NA 22.33 NA 4.8 NexPointRlEstStrat;C 21.04 NA NA NS Voya Senior Income:W 12.78 NA NA 5.6
Source: Lipper Divers Real Asset Incm Fd DRA 19.16 17.35 -9.4 21.0 Cohen & Steers Dur Pfd LDP 26.43 25.63 -3.0 20.2 Single State Muni Bond NexPointRlEstStrat;Z 21.05 NA NA NS High Yield Bond Funds
Thursday, April 13, 2017 Duff & Phelps DNP 9.99 10.88 +8.9 17.1 Cohen & Strs Sel Prf Inco PSF 27.00 26.83 -0.6 14.3 BlackRock CA Municipal Tr BFZ 15.19 14.37 -5.4 5.6 SharesPost 100 25.33 NA NA 0.3 PIMCO Flexible Cr I;Inst NA NA NA NS
52 wk Duff&PhelpsGblUtilIncFd DPG 18.81 16.71 -11.2 11.7 FT Interm Duration Pfd FPF 24.09 23.65 -1.8 14.9 BlkRk MuniHldgs CA Qlty MUC 15.38 14.34 -6.8 5.2 Tot Inc+ RE:A 28.93 NA NA 5.8 PionrILSInterval 10.41 NA NA 9.7
Prem Ttl Eaton Vance Eqty Inco Fd EOI 13.97 13.15 -5.9 11.8 Flaherty & Crumrine Dyn DFP 25.74 25.15 -2.3 18.1 Blkrck MunHl NJ Qlty MUJ 15.32 14.46 -5.6 5.7 Tot Inc+ RE:C 28.30 NA NA 5.0 WA Middle Mkt Dbt NA NA NA 8.1
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Ret Eaton Vance Eqty Inco II EOS 14.37 13.67 -4.9 13.3 Flaherty & Crumrine Pfd FFC 19.81 20.76 +4.8 9.2 BlRk MuHldg NY Qlty MHN 14.64 13.73 -6.2 5.2 Tot Inc+ RE:I 29.21 NA NA 6.0 WA Middle Mkt Inc WMF NA NA NA 8.2
General Equity Funds EtnVncRskMngd ETJ 9.94 9.17 -7.7 8.4 John Hancock Pfd Income HPI 21.84 21.58 -1.2 7.5 BlkRk MuniYld CA Fd MYC 15.39 15.06 -2.1 5.6 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:F 27.65 NA NA 5.8 Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
Adams Divers Equity Fd ADX 16.14 13.65 -15.4 15.2 Etn Vnc Tax Mgd Buy-Write ETB 15.61 16.35 +4.7 8.1 John Hancock Pfd II HPF 21.57 21.41 -0.7 9.5 BlkRk MuniYld CA Quality MCA 15.55 14.95 -3.9 5.3 Versus Cap MMgr RE Inc:I 27.72 NA NA 6.1 Capstone Church Capital 11.54 NA NA 0.8
Boulder Growth & Income BIF 11.17 9.30 -16.7 23.7 Eaton Vance BuyWrite Opp ETV 14.21 15.35 +8.0 13.2 John Hancock Pfd Inc III HPS 19.20 18.68 -2.7 7.6 BlkRk MuniYld MI Qlty MIY 15.30 13.89 -9.2 5.7 Wildermuth Endwmnt Str 12.11 NA NA 13.0 CION Ares Dvsfd Crdt Fd NA NA NA NS
Central Securities CET 28.54 23.75 -16.8 28.6 Eaton Vance Tax-Mng Div ETY 11.60 11.15 -3.9 15.4 JHancock Pr Div PDT 16.07 16.20 +0.8 15.4 BlkRk MuniYld NJ Fd MYJ 15.67 15.58 -0.6 5.8 Wildermuth Endwmnt S:C 12.00 NA NA 12.0
GL Beyond Income 3.94 NA NA NE
CohSteer Opprtnty Fd FOF 13.70 12.60 -8.0 25.9 EatonVanceTax-MngdOpp ETW 10.98 11.06 +0.7 15.7 LMP Cap & Inco Fd SCD 14.36 NA 28.3 BlRk Muyld NY Qlty MYN 14.04 13.09 -6.8 5.1 Income Preferred Stock Funds
Eaton Vance CA Mun Bd EVM 12.42 11.58 -6.8 5.5 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:A 15.70 NA NA 7.9 Palmer Square Opp Income NA NA NA 6.5
Cornerstone Strategic CLM 13.12 16.10 +22.7 30.9 EtnVncTxMngGlDvEqInc EXG 9.09 8.73 -4.0 10.8 Nuveen Preferred & Incm JPI 25.00 24.30 -2.8 11.9
Nuveen Pfd Incm Opps Fd JPC 10.52 9.94 -5.5 11.2 Invesco CA Value Mun Incm VCV 13.39 12.50 -6.6 5.4 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:C 15.43 NA NA 7.1 Resource Credit Inc:A NA NA NA 6.3
EtnVnc TaxAdvDiv EVT 22.10 21.45 -2.9 20.6 Fiduciary/Clymr Opp Fd FMO 15.03 15.58 +3.7 57.2
Gabelli Dividend & Incm GDV 22.37 20.72 -7.4 21.2 FT Energy Inc & Growth Fd FEN 26.12 27.60 +5.7 33.0 Nuveen Pfd Secs Incm Fd JPS 9.88 9.71 -1.7 17.4 Invesco PA Value Mun Incm VPV 13.94 12.38 -11.2 5.6 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:I 15.88 NA NA 8.8 Resource Credit Inc:C NA NA NA 5.6
Gabelli Equity Trust GAB 5.96 5.92 -0.7 23.6 FstTrEnhEqtIncFd FFA 15.67 14.41 -8.0 19.8 TCW Strategic Income Fund TSI 5.87 5.40 -8.0 9.2 Invesco Inv Grade NY Muni VTN 14.54 13.60 -6.5 5.5 MultiStrat Gro & Inc:L 15.52 NA NA 7.4 Resource Credit Inc:D NA NA NA 5.8
Genl American Investors GAM 39.36 33.38 -15.2 18.2 First Tr Engy Infr Fd FIF 20.00 19.15 -4.3 34.4 Virtus Global Dividend ZTR 12.50 12.01 -3.9 15.1 Nuveen CA AMT-Free Qual NKX 15.50 14.89 -3.9 5.6 Convertible Sec's. Funds Resource Credit Inc:I NA NA NA 6.5
HnckJohn TxAdv HTD 26.25 25.03 -4.6 17.0 First Tr MLP & Engy Incm FEI 15.73 16.47 +4.7 32.3 Convertible Sec's. Funds Nuveen CA Muni Value NCA 10.32 10.21 -1.1 4.3 Calmos Dyn Conv and Inc CCD 19.97 19.41 -2.8 13.2 Resource Credit Inc:T NA NA NA 5.6
Liberty All-Star Equity USA 6.34 5.43 -14.4 17.6 Gabelli Utility Tr GUT 5.48 6.81 +24.3 25.9 AdvntClymrFd AVK 16.97 15.39 -9.3 24.9 Nuveen CA Quality Muni NAC 15.45 14.63 -5.3 5.9 World Equity Funds Resource Credit Inc:U NA NA NA 6.3
Royce Micro-Cap RMT 9.45 8.36 -11.5 27.4 GAMCOGlblGoldNatRscs&Inc GGN 5.71 5.75 +0.7 5.5 AllianzGI Conv & Incm NCV 6.66 6.83 +2.6 36.8 Nuveen MD Qual Muni NMY 14.39 12.93 -10.1 5.2 BMO LGM Front ME 9.53 NA NA 15.0 Resource Credit Inc:W NA NA NA 6.0
Royce Value Trust RVT 15.74 13.99 -11.1 29.2 GoldmanSachsMLPIncOpp GMZ 11.35 10.57 -6.9 46.1 AllianzGI Conv & Incm II NCZ 5.96 6.05 +1.5 37.1
Source Capital SOR 41.95 37.35 -11.0 2.6 Goldman Sachs MLPEnergy GER 8.36 7.94 -5.0 54.8 AllianzGI Equity & Conv NIE 21.45 19.26 -10.2 15.9
Tri-Continental TY
Specialized Equity Funds
26.72 23.05 -13.7 19.4 John Hancock Finl Opps Fd BTO 32.74 33.37 +1.9 42.0
KayneAndersonEngyTRFd KYE 12.84 12.37 -3.7 62.5
Calamos Conv Hi Inco Fd CHY 11.52 11.24 -2.4 21.2
Calamos CHI 10.93 11.02 +0.8 28.9 Borrowing Benchmarks |
Adams Natural Rscs Fd PEO 22.75 19.60 -13.8 12.3 Kayne Anderson MLP Invt KYN 19.83 20.55 +3.6 43.2 World Equity Funds
AllnzGI NFJ Div Interest NFJ 14.46 13.03 -9.9 16.5 Kayne Andrsn Midstr Engy KMF 17.31 16.02 -7.5 62.8 Alpine Tot Dyn Div AOD 9.30 8.28 -11.0 20.5 Money Rates April 14, 2017
AlpnGlblPrProp AWP 6.73 5.88 -12.6 18.2 Macquarie Glbl Infrstrctr MGU 26.38 23.21 -12.0 22.9 Calamos Glbl Dyn Inc CHW 8.43 7.91 -6.2 26.2
ASA Gold & Prec Metals ASA 14.59 12.93 -11.4 6.9 NeubergerBermanMLPIncm NML 10.88 9.99 -8.2 57.9 Cdn Genl Inv CGI 28.66 20.75 -27.6 26.2 Key annual interest rates paid to borrow or lend money in U.S. and international markets. Rates below are a
BlkRk Enh Cap Inco CII 15.46 14.28 -7.6 14.9 Neubrgr Brm Rl Est Sec Fd NRO 5.48 NA 14.9 China Fund CHN 19.24 17.16 -10.8 18.2
Clough Global Opp Fd GLO 10.32 NA 23.1
guide to general levels but dont always represent actual transactions.
BlkRk Engy Res Tr BGR 15.42 13.77 -10.7 10.9 Nuveen Dow 30 Dynamic DIAX 16.76 15.81 -5.7 19.6
BlackRock Enh Eq Div Tr BDJ 9.25 8.44 -8.8 19.5 Nuveen Diversified Div JDD 12.73 12.08 -5.1 23.0 EtnVncTxAdvGblDiv ETG 16.58 15.76 -4.9 17.4
Blackrock Global Trust BOE 13.93 12.61 -9.5 15.8 Nuveen Engy MLP Fd JMF 13.30 13.59 +2.2 50.3 EatonVance TxAdv Opport ETO 22.87 23.02 +0.7 15.1 Week 52-WEEK Week 52-WEEK
Inflation Latest ago High Low Latest ago High Low
First Trust Dynamic Eur FDEU 18.53 17.17 -7.3 15.2
March index Chg From (%)
India Fund IFN 28.64 25.68 -10.3 19.9
New to the Market Japan Sml Cap JOF 11.98 10.63 -11.3 20.6
Korea Fund KF 41.47 36.63 -11.7 13.5
level Feb. '17March '16
Secondary market
One month 0.99444 0.99000 0.99444 0.43395
Public Offerings of Stock Mexico Fund MXF 16.65 NA -1.4
MS China a Shr Fd CAF 23.14 19.35 -16.4 15.6
U.S. consumer price index
All items 243.801 0.08 2.4
Fannie Mae Three month 1.15844 1.15761 1.15844 0.62360
30-year mortgage yields Six month 1.40322 1.42961 1.43822 0.88685
MS Emerging Fund MSF 16.91 14.94 -11.6 12.3 Core 251.290 0.06 2.0 One year 1.77178 1.79900 1.82761 1.19570
IPOs in the U.S. Market MS India Invest IIF 35.94 32.65 -9.2 34.1 30 days 3.512 3.568 3.865 2.806
New Germany Fund GF 16.65 14.96 -10.2 14.8 International rates 60 days 3.542 3.599 3.899 2.832 Euro Libor
Initial public offerings of stock expected this week; might include some Swiss Helvetia Fund SWZ 12.71 11.51 -9.4 14.6
offerings, U.S. and foreign, open to institutional investors only via the Templeton Dragon TDF 21.12 18.92 -10.4 18.7 Week 52-Week One month -0.391 -0.397 -0.343 -0.401
Other short-term rates
Templeton Emerging EMF 15.70 14.08 -10.3 32.3 Latest ago High Low Three month -0.358 -0.358 -0.265 -0.361
Rule 144a market; deal amounts are for the U.S. market only Voya Infr Indls & Matls IDE 15.22 14.26 -6.3 31.4 Six month -0.257 -0.254 -0.151 -0.257
Week 52-Week
Symbol/ Pricing Wells Fargo Gl Div Opp EOD 5.86 NA 8.2 Prime rates Latest high low One year -0.135 -0.131 -0.026 -0.135
Expected primary Shares Range($) ago
Prem12 Mo U.S. 4.00 4.00 4.00 3.50
pricing date Filed Issuer/business exchange (mil.) Low/High Bookrunner(s)
Fund (SYM) NAV Close /Disc Yld Canada 2.70 2.70 2.70 2.70 Call money Euro interbank offered rate (Euribor)
4/20 3/2 Select Energy Services Inc WTTR 10.6 15.00/ CreditSuisse,FBRCptlMrkts, U.S. Mortgage Bond Funds Japan 1.475 1.475 1.475 1.475 One month -0.372 -0.373 -0.342 -0.375
Developer of water N 18.00 WFS, BofA ML, BlackRock Income Trust BKT 6.77 6.25 -7.7 5.1 2.75 2.75 2.75 2.25
management equipment Citi, JPM Three month -0.331 -0.330 -0.249 -0.332
Nuveen Mtg Opp Term Fd JLS 25.77 24.79 -3.8 5.5 Policy Rates
and services for use in the Commercial paper Six month -0.246 -0.241 -0.139 -0.246
oil and gas drilling industry. Investment Grade Bond Funds Euro zone 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
Blackrock Core Bond Tr BHK 14.54 13.63 -6.3 5.9 One year -0.120 -0.116 -0.011 -0.120
Switzerland 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 30 to 270 days n.q. ... ... ...
Lockup Expirations BlkRk Credit Alloc Incm BTZ 14.59 13.25 -9.2 6.6 Britain 0.25 0.25 0.50 0.25 Value 52-Week
John Hancock Income Secs JHS 15.34 14.29 -6.8 6.0 Australia 1.50 1.50 2.00 1.50 Commercial paper (AA financial) Latest Traded High Low
Below, companies whose officers and other insiders will become eligible MFS Inc Tr MIN 4.64 4.34 -6.5 9.2 90 days 0.99 0.95 1.06 0.47
to sell shares in their newly public companies for the first time. Such WstAstClymr InfLnkd Fd WIW NA 11.20 NA 3.5 Overnight repurchase DTCC GCF Repo Index
WstAssetClymr InflLnk Sec WIA NA 11.44 NA 3.3
sales can move the stocks price. Loan Participation Funds
U.S. 0.91 0.91 1.30 0.15 Euro commercial paper Treasury 0.984 42.450 1.266 0.244
Apollo Sr Fltg Rate Fd AFT 18.08 17.40 -3.8 7.0 30 day n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. MBS 1.015 68.740 1.328 0.257
Lockup Offer Offer amt Through Lockup U.S. government rates
BlackRock FR Incm Strat FRA 14.98 14.33 -4.3 5.6 Two month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. Open Implied
expiration Issue date Issuer Symbol price($) ($ mil.) Thursday
(%) provision Blkrk FltRt InTr BGT 14.47 14.46 -0.1 5.3 Discount Three month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q. Settle Change Interest Rate
BlackstoneGSO Strat Cred BGB NA 16.05 NA 8.4
April 17 Oct. 19, 16 Forterra Inc FRTA 18.00 336.3 1.5 180 days 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.00 Four month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q.
Blackstone GSO Sr Float BSL NA 18.04 NA 6.4 DTCC GCF Repo Index Futures
Oct. 19, 16 iRhythm Technologies Inc IRTC 17.00 123.1 105.5 180 days Eagle Point Credit ECC NA 20.59 NA 9.5 Five month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q.
Federal funds Treasury Apr 99.130 -0.015 7289 0.870
Eaton Vance FR Incm Tr EFT 15.57 15.06 -3.3 5.8 Six month n.q. n.q. n.q. n.q.
April 23 Oct. 25, 16 Ra Pharmaceuticals Inc RARX 13.00 105.4 75.5 180 days EatonVnc SrFltRate EFR 15.23 14.85 -2.5 6.0 Effective rate n.a. 0.9200 0.9300 0.3200 Treasury May 99.165 -0.010 4499 0.835
Sources: Dealogic; WSJ Market Data Group Eaton Vance Sr Incm Tr EVF 7.15 6.71 -6.2 5.8 High n.a. 1.0625 1.0625 0.5600 Treasury Jun 99.065 unch. 1291 0.935
First Trust Sr FR Fd II FCT 14.23 13.64 -4.1 6.0 Low n.a. 0.7500 0.8000 0.2000
Notes on data:
IPO Scorecard Invesco Credit Opps Fund VTA 13.10 12.14 -7.3 7.2 Bid n.a. 0.9100 0.9300 0.2000
U.S. prime rate is effective March 16, 2017. Discount rate is effective March 16, 2017. U.S. prime rate
Invesco Senior Income Tr VVR 4.90 4.63 -5.5 6.2 Offer n.a. 0.9200 1.0000 0.2600
Performance of IPOs, most-recent listed first Nuveen Credit Strt Inc Fd JQC 9.37 8.84 -5.7 7.1 is the base rate on corporate loans posted by at least 70% of the 10 largest U.S. banks; Other prime
Treasury bill auction rates arent directly comparable; lending practices vary widely by location; DTCC GCF Repo Index is
% Chg From % Chg From NuvFloatRteInco Fd JFR 11.78 11.48 -2.5 6.6 Depository Trust & Clearing Corp.'s weighted average for overnight trades in applicable CUSIPs. Value
Company SYMBOL Thur3s Offer 1st-day Company SYMBOL Thurs Offer 1st-day Nuv Float Rte Opp Fd JRO 11.74 11.75 +0.1 6.8 4 weeks 0.760 0.760 0.770 0.160 traded is in billions of U.S. dollars. Futures on the DTCC GCF Repo Index are traded on NYSE Liffe US.
IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close IPO date/Offer price close ($) price close Nuveen Senior Income Fund NSL 6.98 6.87 -1.6 6.6 13 weeks 0.825 0.790 0.825 0.220 Sources: Federal Reserve; Bureau of Labor Statistics; DTCC; SIX Financial Information;
Cadence Bancorporation 21.55 7.8 ... Azul 21.88 8.7 1.8 Pioneer Floating Rate Tr PHD 12.61 12.39 -1.7 5.9 26 weeks 0.950 0.910 0.950 0.340 General Electric Capital Corp.; Tullett Prebon Information, Ltd.
CADE April 13/$20.00 AZUL April 11/$20.12 Voya Prime Rate Trust PPR 5.75 5.37 -6.6 5.9
High Yield Bond Funds
Tocagen 12.45 24.5 ... Okta 24.49 44.1 4.2 AllianceBernstein Glbl AWF 13.89 12.65 -8.9 7.5
TOCA April 13/$10.00 OKTA April 7/$17.00 Barings Glbl Short Dur HY BGH 21.43 19.88 -7.2 9.3
Warrior Met Coal 18.00 5.3 ... Elevate Credit 7.59 16.8 2.2 BlackRock Corp Hi Yd Fd HYT 12.08 11.05 -8.5 8.1
HCC April 13/$19.00 ELVT April 6/$6.50 BlkRk Debt Strat Fd DSU 12.59 11.54 -8.3 6.5
Yext 13.41 21.9 ... Schneider National 18.98 0.1 0.1 BlackRockDurInco Tr BLW 16.82 15.68 -6.8 9.4
YEXT April 13/$11.00 SNDR April 6/$19.00 Brookfield Real Assets RA 25.64 NA NA NS
Credit Suisse High Yld DHY 2.78 2.80 +0.7 10.4
Netshoes 14.50 19.4 9.9 Hess Midstream Ptnrs LP 25.45 10.7 0.6 DoubleLine Incm Solutions DSL NA 20.63 NA 8.9
NETS April 12/$18.00 HESM April 5/$23.00 Dreyfus Hi Yd Strat Fd DHF 3.54 3.43 -3.1 9.5
Fst Tr Hi Inc Lg/Shrt Fd FSD 17.93 16.90 -5.7 6.7
Sources: WSJ Market Data Group; FactSet Research Systems Guggenheim Strat Opps Fd GOF 19.55 20.65 +5.6 10.7
Ivy High Income Opps Fund IVH 16.19 15.34 -5.3 9.9
Other Stock Offerings Neuberger Berman HYS NHS NA 11.83 NA 8.0
NexPoint Credit Strat Fd NHF 24.95 22.70 -9.0 11.7
Secondaries and follow-ons expected this week in the U.S. market Nuveen Gl Hi Incm Fd JGH 18.28 16.53 -9.6 9.1
None expected this week Nuveen High Incm Dec18 JHA 10.12 10.08 -0.4 5.8
Nuveen High Incm Dec19 JHD 10.25 10.30 +0.5 NS
Nuveen Hi Incm Nov 2021 JHB 10.07 10.02 -0.5 NS
Off the Shelf Pioneer High Income Trust PHT 10.73 9.97 -7.1 9.8
Shelf registrations allow a company to prepare a stock or bond for Prud Gl Shrt Dur Hi Yd GHY 16.48 15.00 -9.0 8.3
Prudentl Sh Dur Hi Yd Fd ISD 16.71 15.43 -7.7 8.2
sale, without selling the whole issue at once. Corporations sell as Wells Fargo Incm Opps Fd EAD NA NA NA 9.6
conditions become favorable. Here are the shelf sales, or takedowns, Wstrn Asset Glbl Hi Inco EHI NA 10.18 NA 10.7
over the last week: Wstrn Asset High Inco II HIX NA 7.35 NA 9.7
Wstrn Asset Opp Fd HIO NA 5.16 NA 8.0
Takedown date/ Deal value Registration West Asst HY Def Opp Fd HYI NA 15.50 NA 8.3
Issuer/Industry Registration date ($ mil.) (mil.) Bookrunner(s) Other Domestic Taxable Bond Funds
Apollo Tactical Incm Fd AIF 17.41 16.36 -6.0 9.0
Sorrento Therapeutics Inc April 13 $47.3 $250.0 Cantor Fitzgerald & Co,
Ares Dynamic Credit Alloc ARDC NA 16.14 NA 7.8
Healthcare Nov. 4,314 FBR Cptl Mrkts & Co Barings Corp Investors MCI NA 15.40 NA 5.8
Aehr Test Systems April 13 $15.0 $30.0 Craig-Hallum Group BlackRock Multi-Sector IT BIT 18.90 17.50 -7.4 11.0
Computers & Electronics

NuStar Energy LP
Oil & Gas
March 17,317

April 12
June 30,316
$666.3 ... UBS, Mizuho, WFS, JPM, BofA ML,
RBC Cptl Mkts
BlackRock Taxable Mun Bd BBN 22.89 22.48 -1.8 7.0
Doubleline Oppor Credit DBL 22.47 24.32 +8.2 8.4
Duff & Phelps Utl & Cp Bd DUC 9.92 9.31 -6.1 6.5
EtnVncLtdFd EVV 15.11 13.89 -8.1 8.0
Hostess Brands Inc April 12 $306.5 $1,477.2 Credit Suisse, MS, Barclays,
Franklin Ltd Duration IT FTF NA 12.03 NA 7.7
GuggenheimTaxableMuni GBAB 23.22 22.40 -3.5 7.0
Whatever youre saving for,
Food & Beverage Nov. 14,316 DB, RBC Cptl Mkts, UBS John Hancock Investors JHI 18.36 17.21 -6.3 7.8
KKR Income Opps Fund KIO NA NA NA 9.3
get there sooner
WaVe Life Sciences Ltd April 12 $100.0 $500.0 Jefferies, Leerink Prtnrs, MFS Charter MCR 9.43 8.68 -8.0 8.6
Healthcare Jan. 4,317 Mizuho MFS Multimkt MMT 6.74 6.12 -9.2 8.7
Nuveen Build Am Bd Fd NBB 21.60 20.82 -3.6 6.1
Axovant Sciences Ltd April 10 $125.0 $750.0 JPM, MS, Jefferies PIMCO Corporate & Incm PTY NA 15.77 NA 11.0
Healthcare Dec. 30,316 PIMCO Corporate & Incm PCN NA 16.18 NA 11.0
PIMCO HiInco PHK NA 8.60 NA 13.7
Cytori Therapeutics Inc April 10 $9.5 $100.0 Maxim Grp
PIMCO Inco Str Fd PFL NA 11.31 NA 9.6 Get the most out of life with our market-leading rates.
Healthcare May 9,314
PIMCO Incm Strategy Fd II PFN NA 10.23 NA 9.5
Putnam Mas Inco PIM 5.03 4.75 -5.6 6.6 Introducing PurePoint Financial. The modern way to save. Whatever
Public and Private Borrowing Putnam Premier Income Tr PPT 5.55 5.27 -5.0 5.8
Wells Fargo Multi-Sector ERC NA NA NA 8.5
youre saving for, make the smarter move for your money. PurePoint offers
World Income Funds competitive rates among the best in the industry and an exceptional client
Treasurys Abeerden Asia-Pacific FAX 5.52 5.00 -9.4 7.3
Monday, April 17 Tuesday, April 18 Etn Vnc Short Dur Fd EVG NA 14.01 NA 7.6 experience no matter how you like to bank online, over the phone or in
Legg Mason BW Glbl Incm BWG NA 12.96 NA 8.7 person at our Financial Centers in select markets. And while we are a new
Auction of 13-week & 26-week bills; Auction of four-week bills; MS EmMktDomDebt EDD 8.69 7.76 -10.7 9.3
announced on Apr.13; settles on Apr.20 announced on Apr.17; settles on Apr.20
MS Emerging Mkts Debt MSD 10.92 9.62 -11.9 6.6 brand, we are not new to banking. Our global parent company, Mitsubishi UFJ
Thursday, April 20 PIMCO Dynamic Credit PCI NA 21.49 NA 12.1
Auction of five-year tips; PIMCODynamicIncomeFund PDI NA 29.02 NA 14.2 Financial Group (MUFG), is the 5th largest inancial group in the world with
announced on Apr.13; settles on Apr.28 PIMCO Income Opportunity PKO NA 25.24 NA 10.5
PIMCO Strat Income Fund RCS 7.70 9.80 +27.3 9.9 total assets of over $2.4 trillion.*
Public and Municipal Finance Stone Harbor Em Mkts Fd EDF 14.71 16.09 +9.4 13.2
Deals of $ 150 million or more expected this week Templeton Emerging TEI 12.90 11.35 -12.0 6.2 PurePoint. Pure Savings.
Templeton Global GIM 7.58 6.69 -11.7 6.8
Final Total Rating Bookrunner/
Sale maturity Issuer ($mil.) Fitch Moodys S&P Bond Counsel(s) Wstrn Asset Gl Def Opp Fd GDO NA 17.64 NA 7.8

April 17 Oct. 9, 2037 Wisconsin 160.0 N.R. N.R. N.R. M. Stanley/

National Muni Bond Funds
AllianceBrnstn NtlMun AFB 14.74 13.61 -7.7 5.0 Start saving more today

Public Finance Ballard Spahr Blackrock Invest BKN 15.48 14.88 -3.9 5.8

Auth LLP BlackRockMun2030Target BTT 23.37 22.94 -1.8 4.2
BlackRock Municipal Trust BFK 14.29 14.11 -1.3 6.1 ONLINE
BlackRockMuni BLE 14.97 15.20 +1.5 6.0
April 18 March15,2047 Miami-Dade
250.0 N.R. Aa3 N.R. Preliminary/
Greenberg Traurig
BlackRockMuni Tr BYM 14.99 14.08 -6.1 5.7 SAVINGS
BlkRk MuniAssets Fd MUA 14.09 14.56 +3.3 4.9
Edwards&Feanny BlkRk Munienhanced MEN 11.82 11.77 -0.4 5.8
$10,000 minimum
BlkRk MuniHldgs Inv MFL 14.72 14.49 -1.6 5.9 APY 1 deposit to open
April 21 prelim. California 1,248.1 N.R. N.R. N.R. J P Morgan BlkRk MuniHldgs Qlty II MUE 14.10 13.62 -3.4 5.8
Securities BlkRk MuniHldgs MHD 16.90 16.74 -0.9 5.9
LLC/ BlkRk MuniVest MVF 9.67 9.74 +0.7 6.2

April 21 prelim. Fort Bend 257.5 N.R. N.R. N.R. Wells Fargo
BlkRk MuniVest II MVT 15.23 15.55 +2.1 6.2
BlkRk MuniYield MYD 14.76 14.68 -0.5 6.0
Visit to open an account
(Katy) ISD & Co/ BlkRk MuniYld Quality MQY 15.62 15.06 -3.6 5.8 or call 1.866.202.PURE (7873)
BlkRk MuniYld Qlty II MQT 13.73 13.03 -5.1 5.9
April 21 prelim. Geisinger 585.3 N.R. Aa2 AA J P Morgan BlRkMunyldQltyIII MYI 14.30 14.13 -1.2 5.9
Authority Securities Deutsche Mun Income Tr KTF 12.62 13.53 +7.2 6.3 Visit our Financial Centers in Chicago, Dallas, Houston, Miami and Tampa
LLC/ Dreyfus Mun Bd Infr Fd DMB 13.89 13.00 -6.4 5.5 Coming soon to New York
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Source:Thomson Reuters/Ipreo Nuveen AMT-Free Quality NEA 14.80 13.60 -8.1 5.6
B8 | Monday, April 17, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


KPMGs Star Auditor Falls Hard HIRING

Continued from page B1
Executives firing spections. fine individual, said Dennis could have given KPMG a leg peals court has ever endorsed.
Mr. Marcello, a three-de- Beresford, former chairman of up in preparing for the Courts have looked at the
amid scandal over cade veteran at the firm, was a the Financial Accounting Stan- PCAOBs inspection, widely question more closely after a
information leak stuns highly regarded and techni- dards Board, the U.S. account- seen as a key report card on recession that saw many sea-
cally accomplished auditor, ing rule-writing panel, who the quality of the firms au- soned workers lose their jobs
the accounting world specializing in the intricate fi- knows Mr. Marcello from com- dits. and toil to find new ones.
nancial statements of banks mon ties to a professional or- Mr. Marcello cast the image Advocates for older Ameri-
BY MICHAEL RAPOPORT and insurers. He climbed the ganization. He called Mr. Mar- of an auditor well prepared for cans say age discrimination in
AND DAVE MICHAELS ladder at KPMG to become the cello personable and the job: He had deep knowl- hiring is driven by a common
Big Four accounting firms extremely competent. edge of accounting practices misperception that younger
Scott Marcello was sup- vice chairman of audit, man- Mr. Marcello declined to through his auditing of com- workers are more productive,
posed to be the man to re- aging a workforce of thou- comment to a Wall Street plex financial companies as creative, trainable and

deem KPMG LLPs audit busi- sands of auditors. After his Journal reporter at his Con- well as a two-year fellowship cheaper.
ness. Instead, he and other top 2015 promotion from national necticut home. KPMG and the at the FASB, which also gave Their legal arguments have
partners became the center of leader of the firms financial- accounting board declined to him experience as a rule gotten support from the U.S.
a scandal that tarnished the services practice, he faced the comment. maker and in dealing with the Equal Employment Opportu-
firms reputation. challenge of satisfying KPMGs Details of the leak to KPMG Securities and Exchange Com- nity Commission and a sympa-
The accounting world was regulator, the Public Company are still unclear, as are the mission. thetic hearing from some
stunned last week when Mr. Accounting Oversight Board, precise roles that Mr. Marcello Mr. Marcello wanted to find judges, including from the dis-
Marcello, KPMGs top audit of- which in recent years had and his deputy David Midden- a way to provide more timely trict-court bench presiding
ficial, was fired over a leak of scored KPMGS auditing per- dorf, who also was fired, are services to companies and in- over the PwC case.
confidential information. The formance below that of other alleged to have played in the KPMG fired Scott Marcello vestors than an auditors typi- The history of the ADEAs
firm said Mr. Marcello, who big firms. process. But they were aware cal annual audit opinion on a enactment reveals that Con-
turns 54 this month, and four People who know Mr. Mar- that others at KPMG had re- said KPMG has zero tolerance company. Weve got to get to gress was concerned not just
other partners were let go cello said they were surprised ceived leaked information and for such unethical behavior, this place where we are really with age discrimination within
over the mishandling of a tip such an experienced, knowl- failed to report the situation and KPMG has said it told the dealing in the real time with the workplace, but also with
that gave the firm improper edgeable auditor is accused of in a timely manner, KPMG accounting board about the the things that people use to the barriers to older workers
advance word about which of having gotten into such a fix. said in a statement Tuesday. matter as soon as top manage- make important decisions, he finding employment in the
its audits its regulator planned Its a huge and disappoint- Lynne Doughtie, the firms ment learned of it. told an industry conference first place, wrote Judge Jon
to scrutinize in its annual in- ing thing to happen to such a chairman and chief executive, The leaked information last August. Tigar of San Francisco in Feb-
ruary when he declined to dis-
miss the case.

Wall Street Critic Takes Aim at Commodities

The ADEA prohibits an em-
ployer from depriving an indi-
vidual of employment opportu-
nities or otherwise adversely
BY IRA IOSEBASHVILI turns on par with the S&P 500, affect[ing] his status as an em-
AND TIMOTHY PUKO but with the added benefit that ployee because of the per-
their prices didnt move to- sons age.
Campbell Harvey looks at gether with stocks and bonds. It is the meaning of status
Wall Street and sees a lot of Messrs. Gorton and Rouwen- as an employee that is hotly
ideas that are easy to sell but horst worked with American In- contested. Lawyers for PwC
hard to trust. ternational Group Inc., they say the words clearly restrict
The Duke University finance noted in the paper. The insurer the protections to the cur-
professor is making a career had developed the Dow Jones rently employed, not job seek-
out of challenging research AIG Commodity Index about six ers. We are asking the court
backing the products firms years before and then used the to apply the law as written,
pitch to investors. Much of it, research by Messrs. Gorton and said PwC attorney Emily Nick-
he says, just isnt sound. Rouwenhorst to sell investment lin of Kirkland & Ellis LLP in
His studies have shown that products tied to that index, ac- Chicago.
more than half of all research cording to people familiar with The Supreme Court could
pumped out by both academics the process. An AIG spokes- soon provide clarity on the
and analysts is, in his words, woman declined to comment question. The justices are con-
likely false. Mine enough for this article. Messrs. Gorton sidering whether to take up a
data, and you can find a result and Rouwenhorst declined to similar class action brought
that backs up your idea, Mr. comment. In their 2015 follow- against R.J. Reynolds Tobacco
Harvey says. up paper, they said their earlier Co., which was sued by a 49-
While his contrarian ideas findings on commodities year-old man rejected for a
have put him at odds with largely hold up. sales position.
many on Wall Street, Mr. Har- Many consultants seized on A three-judge panel of the
veys work has shown up in re- their research to market com- 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap-
search and strategies employed modities products to large in-
by Goldman Sachs Group, GMO vestors. Giant pension funds
LLCs Jeremy Grantham and the like the California Public Em-
Federal Reserve Bank of New ployees Retirement System and
The litigants have
York, among others. the Illinois Teachers Retire- years of experience,
His next project is aimed at ment System began allocating
one of his favorite targets: com- money to commodities for the
but both failed to
modities. When a famous aca- first time. make the cut at PwC.
demic paper helped bring the When we read that paper,
asset class into the mainstream we just shook our heads, Mr.
in the early 2000s, Mr. Harvey Harvey said, referring to him-
warned that commodities were self and co-author Claude Erb, peals in Atlanta voted to allow
too opaque and volatile to hold at the time a portfolio manager that suit to be heard. The 2-1
for the long term, and were un- at Trust Company of the West. ruling was later overturned by
likely to provide the stocklike The narrative was problem- the full appeals court, prompt-
returns that some consultants atic. ing the plaintiff to take the
suggested. Prices for oil, metals Mr. Harvey stress-tested case to the Supreme Court.

and other raw materials some of the other papers main The PwC plaintiffs focus on
crashed twice in the following claims. For example, he said the companys campus track
decade, vindicating his posi- that replicating as diverse a jobs portal that the lawsuit al-
tion. commodities portfolio as leges prevented individuals no
With the asset class coming Campbell Harvey seeks to correct the misperception that people should invest in commodities. Messrs. Gorton and Rouwen- longer affiliated with a college
back into vogue, Mr. Harvey is horst recommended would campus from applying for en-
preparing a paper challenging commodities have bounced rials and resources. Commodity Investment Management. prove challenging in the real try-level openings.
popular strategies in commodi- back after bottoming in early assets under management are Mr. Harveys interest in com- world since many commodities, The complaint points to
ties investing. 2016. The S&P GSCI Index, up 41% from a year ago, rising modities was piqued by a 2004 such as tin or butter, are thinly PwC recruitment brochures
People still believe they which tracks commodity fu- to $408 billion as of the end of paper from Yale University pro- traded. filled with images of fresh-
should be buying commodity tures, rose 28% last year. That February, according to Citi- fessors Gary Gorton and K. This is much more compli- faced 20-somethings and the
futures, Mr. Harvey said. I was the indexs biggest gain group Inc. Geert Rouwenhorst. cated than buying a stock or firms estimate that 80% of its
feel the obligation to correct since 2009, though its rally has Commodities, over long cy- Their research analyzed a bond, Mr. Harvey said. The employees were born in 1980
that misperception. stalled a bit this year with stag- cles, have provided diversifica- commodity-futures portfolio sector is fraught with risk for or later.
He may have some persuad- nant oil prices. tion that reduces volatility, from 1959 to 2004. They argued retail investors, and it is dis- The suit also cites a Har-
ing to do. With signs of global The recent rally has reig- said Omar Aguilar, chief invest- that a broad index of commod- couraging that so many institu- vard Business Review article
economic growth picking up, nited investor interest in mate- ment officer at Charles Schwab ity futures offered annual re- tions get it wrong as well. authored by a top PwC execu-
tive trumpeting the firms
strikingly young workforce.

Legal Notices
Three scenarios of what net income Tesla could earn in 2018
Business groups say Con-
gress wasnt thinking about
campus recruitment when it
drafted the ADEA four decades
To advertise: 800-366-3975 or Continued from page B1 Actual Scenarios ago.
380,000. Pencil in an average results Permitting plaintiffs to
High deliveries, Low deliveries, High deliveries,
selling price of $50,000 2016 high margin high margin low margin bring these suits would
BANKRUPTCIES Tesla will still be selling threaten on-campus recruiting
high-priced Model S and Deliveries 76,230 380,000 302,000 380,000 and expose businesses to
Model X vehicles along with large collective action claims

           ! "#$%& $' 
the Model 3. by virtue of mere statistics, a
                That scenario yields just U.S. Chamber of Commerce

 !" #$  %&'    "( ) *&+ # ,
"  "     
() $ % '!.' ( under $21 billion in court filing cautions.
  /     0 

 (      #!   

automotive revenue. Add Operating AARP, the powerful lobby-
 "  !   -*!  ).'    /  
   #! margin -10% 5% 5% 2%

   "  !    

   , another $2 billion in sales ing group for older Americans,

 !    -
() $  ).'    
&   / " ""
(   ( 
   from its residential solar and Revenue told the Supreme Court in a
  # - !+ .'  !          !"  

         3 2 4   !  energy businesses. $30 billion
brief that unless these age-dis-
            !     !   ! 

(  3 2    
 !  " Tesla has never generated crimination suits are allowed
  3 2 4 !         !

-,## #.'5 #'  #' ! "  %)%,)  " (! " 
4  "(
a positive operating margin 20 Other to proceed, the ADEA will be-
%&   6!   ))% !   #*' 6 ,6
 2 &&&,7 
  for a full year, but assume it 10
Automotive come mere words on paper
! (! " 
4  "( &*  &*1 !    8,

    8" #

0  - $ ( -.' gets savings on battery costs for older, jobless Americans
#'  ! 
  !  "  "
  0 and realizes economies of 0 who have struggled to bounce

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  #'   !  #0'
 !  #0'  "    -. #     
 !"' scale. back.
 ' !+ ,!+$$,! ,-
 2   (        "   #  9"  
  If Tesla gets the same Unemployed workers be-
    " (   !  '  "     ,
5.4% operating margin that Net income -$675M $701M $543M $165M tween 45 and 54 have been un-

     - :  ;<767 : . (         

2    =  2 
 2    =  "       GM and Ford averaged last employed for an average of 10
9  "     0
     0 2 
 year, it would generate Note: Analysis assumes an average vehicle-selling price of $50,000, interest expense of weeks longer than jobless
2    =   
"     (!     
 $200 million and income tax of 25%.

"        8 >" 0  8     operating income of $1.1 Americans between 25 and 34,
* 2  #   '  (   (

   (    !  billion. Subtract $200 Sources: FactSet; WSJ analysis THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. according to the U.S. Bureau of
   (  ( # " (  
 2    = ' 
  ( "   
million for interest expense Labor Statistics.
  =  " "  

 2 4 ( 
  # -$+ and tax the remainder at shares. matter at the end of next At the same time, the per-
. ,(+) .' 
  0(  8  "   0   (
 2 (

   "   (0 25%: The result is $700 Tweak any of these year. Shareholders may be centage of new hires who are
? 2 
 2   @  =   0  !  (     
  ( million in net income, giving variableslower sales, lower willing to wait five years recent college graduates is up

 2    0  Tesla a multiple roughly 10 margin, lower selling price instead of two for Tesla to by more than 40% from a de-
!          "   0  "  " 
 "    " 
 2  " times bigger than GM and and Tesla doesnt come close generate big profits, or they cade ago, according to the Na-
  (  @   >   "  
 2 4  
"  Ford. to earning enough to get to may continue to figure that tional Association of Colleges
   " ! !  "        8 ! ! ! To get there, the company 10 times the multiple of its valuation doesnt matter for and Employers, which tracks

 ! !    

 A 7 " 7 8 #25 **,?&%,1%&'  "  B 7 8 would have to quintuple the bigger rivals by the end of a game changer like Tesla. college hiring.
#25 **,?&%,1*1'          &&1 95 **,?&%,%%11  ,
"5 $A7 "C  

"  BC  

"  #('  

  number of cars it sells, earn 2018. Teslas cars have always The Supreme Court has
A" 6 #2 *,+&),++&+'  (    8 !
!     ( 8  ! 
   !"   " margins equivalent to those Valuation has never outshone its financials. That asked for briefing in the R.J.
       of its highly efficient mattered before for Teslas needs to change soon for its Reynolds case but hasnt de-
competitors and not sell new investors and it may not valuation to make sense. cided whether to hear it.
For personal non-commercial use only. Do not edit or alter. Reproductions not permitted.
To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * * Monday, April 17, 2017 | B9


Emerging-Market Debt ETFs Underperform

BY CAROLYN CUI suitable instruments for betting very different instrument. percentage point on an annual- performed active funds. mance numbers contrast
on volatile developing nations. Assets in the iShares J.P. ized basis. Even after excluding ETF managers say the ma- sharply with flows of funds into
Exchange-traded funds have Debt issued by governments Morgan USD Emerging Mar- a 0.4% expense ratio, the per- jority of active managers also the securities since mid-2016.
jolted stock picking with their and companies in emerging kets Bond ETF, called EMB, formance still lagged behind trail their benchmark over Emerging-market bond ETFs
low costs and strong perfor- economies can be harder to buy reached more than $10 billion the benchmark by 0.4 percent- time. While 62% of the active have nearly doubled in assets in
mance. But in emerging-market and sell. Higher transaction this year to surpass the actively age point annually. emerging-market bond manag- the past year as of March,
debt, they are facing greater costs have resulted in tracking Were trying to track the ers beat the benchmark in while traditional bond funds
competition from active inves- errors in emerging-market universe as closely as possible, 2016, only 14% outperformed grew by 30%, according to data
tors. bond ETFs. The complexity of while dealing with the over- over a five-year period, accord- provider EPFR Global.
ETFs, baskets of assets that these bonds, particularly those
The complexity of the-counter nature of the EM ing to S&P Dow Jones Indices Emerging-market bonds
trade like stocks, have exploded of far-flung markets, can also these bonds can give debt market, said Karen LLC. broadly have attracted money
in popularity as a low-cost way give an edge to active bond Schenone, a fixed-income strat- Weve done a fairly good this year as the economic out-
to access specific countries or managers, who in some cases
an edge to active egist at BlackRock. job over a long period of time, look for developing countries
markets. They have become im- have spent decades gaining an investors. Broadly, the average emerg- said Fran Rodilosso, who runs a improved, fears over President
possible to ignore in the $3.6 understanding of idiosyncratic ing-market bond ETF has re- $3.1 billion VanEck ETF. His Donald Trumps protectionist
trillion emerging-market bond political and currency risks. turned over a five-year period fund lagged behind its bench- policies eased and yield-hungry
market. Already in 2017, an Theres an aura around 1.66% annually, while their ac- mark by 0.74 percentage point investors piled in.
iShares ETF has attracted more ETFs that youre going to get managed Pictet Asset Manage- tive counterparts returned annually in the five years ended Simon Lue-Fong, who man-
than $2 billion to become the an exposure to an asset class ments Global Emerging Debt 1.95%, according to Morning- March 31 and by 0.27 percent- ages the $7.6 billion Pictet fund,
worlds largest fund for devel- very cheaply and youre going fund. star Inc. data. From the start of age point after fees. said in the volatile world of
oping-nation debt. to track the benchmark, said But EMB trailed its bench- 2017 through Wednesday, the On average, emerging-mar- emerging-market debt, only ac-
But in a year when emerging James Barrineau, co-head of mark by a cumulative 4.92 per- average total return on emerg- ket debt ETFs charge 0.46%, tive managers can identify se-
markets are in the spotlight as emerging-market debt at centage points between 2011 ing-debt ETFs was 4.15%, while while an active funds expense vere dislocations that lead to
big winners, underperformance Schroders Investment Manage- and 2016, according to Black- the comparable figure for ac- ratio is 1.16%, according to outsize returns or protect a
by the ETFs is also raising con- ment Ltd. That by and large Rock Inc. data. That amounts to tive funds was 5.32%. Over Morningstar. portfolio when signs of distress
cerns over whether they are works for equities, but debt is a an underperformance of 0.8 three years, ETFs slightly out- The lackluster ETF perfor- start to surface.

AHEAD OF THE TAPE | Steven Russolillo

Friendlier Skies for United Continental $1.6 billion

The amount investors plowed into tax-
United Con- results. finishing 2013 in last for
tinental Hold- Turbulent But what matters more is overall U.S. airline rankings advantaged municipal-bond funds last
ings Inc. will Share and index performance what United says on its earn- published by The Wall Street week, the most in more than four years
be just fine. ings call Tuesday morning. Journal, United improved to
United Continental S&P 500
The air car- In contrast to its public- fifth place last year.
rier was thrust 2% relations effort, the hard None of this will matter if
into the global
spotlight last week when
videos surfaced of police
data suggest Uniteds opera-
tions actually improved of
late. Consider the data on
United says that bookings
have fallen, especially with
the busy summer travel sea-
Money Returns to Munis
forcibly removing a passen- overbooking flights: Last son coming up. Investors hopes for a quick and spending on highways and
ger. Tone-deaf apologies and 1 year, 86.8 million passengers If United can improve its enactment of the Trump other big projects under the
a dented stock price later, flew United, while 3,765 recent communications ef- administrations pro-growth Trump administration soared.
United looks battered. 2 were involuntarily bumped fort, investors might see op- policies continue to wane. Lower personal tax rates
Looks can be deceiving: from their flights, according portunity in the airlines Money is rushing back into could lessen the after-tax yield
Wall Street has actually be- to the Transportation De- stock. And although Uniteds municipal bonds. Some $1.6 advantages that muni bonds
come more optimistic on April 7 10 11 12 13 partment. That comes out to shares have tripled in value billion moved into mutual and have relative to Treasurys, or
United despite the negative Source: FactSet a rate of 0.43 involuntary de- over the past five years, its exchange-traded funds that other types of taxable bonds.
attention. At least two ana- THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. nied boardings for every valuation still looks compel- own muni bonds in the week Additionally, a new supply of
lysts published notes last 10,000 passengers, just fifth ling. The companys prospec- ended April 12, according to tax-exempt bonds to finance
week touting Uniteds sound 2.6% last week, more than worst out of 12 major air- tive multiple of enterprise spending on infrastructure
underlying business, mostly twice the decline in the S&P lines and below the industry value to earnings before in- MONEYBEAT projects could saturate the
due to good data the com- 500, investors may have a average of 0.62. terest, taxes, depreciation market, some analysts said.
pany unveiled earlier in the buying opportunity ahead of United also is coming off and amortization is 4.4 Bank of America Merrill Lynch Some $3 billion rushed out of
week. Cowen & Co. was so Mondays earnings report. a strong year in other areas. times, near the lowest and EPFR Global. muni bond funds in the week
impressed it raised its price United recently touted im- It said that for all of 2016, it among its major rivals. It was the third-largest after the U.S. elections, the
target to $75 from $72, provement from two key in- had its best on-time perfor- Following a strong post- weekly influx on record and the most in more than three years.
thanks to better-than-ex- dicatorspassenger revenue mance, while notching the election bump, Uniteds largest in more than four Michael Hartnett, chief
pected unit revenue and per available seat mile and fewest cancellations, delay shares have waffled since. years. investment strategist at Bank
lower jet-fuel costs. on-time performancewhich minutes and mishandled The turbulence should fade Flows into munis have of America Merrill Lynch, said
After Uniteds stock fell bode well for first-quarter bags in its history. And after soon. served since the election as a the recent rush into municipal
gauge of investor expectations bond funds hints at
of tax changes because acceptance U.S. tax reform will
THE TICKER | Market events coming this week interest payments from these be far more modest than
bonds, often backed by initially advertised.
Monday revenues of states, cities and Chris Dieterich
Empire Manufacturing other services, are typically
March, previous 16.4 free from federal taxes. ONLINE
April, expected 15.3 Investors dumped muni
bonds after the November For more
Earnings expected*

Brown & Brown

Estimate/Year Ago($)
elections that handed
Republicans control of the
White House and Congress as
MoneyBeat blog
posts, go to
Equity LifeStyle 0.63/0.60 expectations for a tax overhaul MoneyBeat
J.B. Hunt Transport 0.85/0.88
M&T Bank 1.94/1.73
Netflix 0.37/0.06
United Continental 0.38/1.23
U.S.-dollar foreign-exchange rates in late New York trading
Building permits

US$vs, US$vs,
Feb., previous 1.21 mil. Fri YTDchg Fri YTDchg
March, expected 1.25 mil. Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%) Country/currency in US$ per US$ (%)

Americas Thailand baht .02911 34.350 4.1

Capacity utilization Vietnam dong .00004410 22675 0.4
Argentina peso .0660 15.1620 4.5
Feb., previous 75.4% Europe
Brazil real .3180 3.1447 3.4
March, expected 76.2%
Canada dollar .7504 1.3327 0.9 Czech Rep. koruna .03975 25.155 2.1
Chile peso .001540 649.30 3.1 Denmark krone .1427 7.0093 0.8
Housing starts
A scene from the Netflix show House of Cards. Netflix reports quarterly results on Monday. Colombia peso .0003489 2866.17 4.5 Euro area euro 1.0614 .9422 0.9
Feb., previous 1.29 mil.
Ecuador US dollar 1 1 unch Hungary forint .003393 294.75 0.2
March, expected 1.24 mil.
EIA status report Expected 240,000 Danaher 0.84/1.08 Mexico peso .0540 18.5130 10.7 Iceland krona .008978 111.38 1.4
Industrial production Previous change in stocks in millions of barrels Philip Morris Intl. 1.04/0.98 Peru new sol .3076 3.252 3.0 Norway krone .1165 8.5854 0.7
Crude oil down 2.2 EIA report: natural gas Verizon 0.97/1.06 Uruguay peso .03500 28.5700 2.7 Poland zloty .2506 3.9902 4.7
Feb., previous 0.0%
March, expected up 0.5% Gasoline down 3.0 Previous change in stocks in billions of cubic Visa 0.79/0.68 Venezuela b. fuerte .098626 10.1394 1.4 Russia ruble .01775 56.332 8.1
Distillates down 2.2 feet Asia-Pacific Sweden krona .1106 9.0398 0.7
Earnings expected*
Earnings expected*
up 10 Friday Australian dollar .7577 1.3198 4.9
Switzerland franc
Turkey lira
.9947 1.0053
.2717 3.6809
Estimate/Year Ago($) China yuan .1452 6.8854 0.9
Estimate/Year Ago($) Leading indicators Existing-home sales Ukraine hryvnia .0372 26.8725 0.8
Bank of America 0.35/0.21 Hong Kong dollar .1286 7.7733 0.2
Abbott Laboratories 0.43/0.41 Feb., previous up 0.6% Feb., previous 5.48 mil. UK pound 1.2525 .7984 1.4
Charles Schwab 0.36/0.29 India rupee .01551 64.485 5.1
American Express 1.28/1.45 March, expected up 0.3% March, expected 5.57 mil. Middle East/Africa
Goldman Sachs Group 5.31/2.68 Indonesia rupiah .0000753 13288 1.8
IBM 2.35/2.35 BlackRock 4.90/4.25 Japan yen .009205 108.63 7.2 Bahrain dinar 2.6524 .3770 0.04
Morgan Stanley 0.89/0.55 Philadelphia Fed survey Earnings expected*
Johnson & Johnson 1.77/1.68 March, previous 32.8 Estimate/Year Ago($)
Kazakhstan tenge .003203 312.25 6.4 Egypt pound .0550 18.1705 0.2
UnitedHealth Group 2.17/1.81 Qualcomm 1.19/1.04 Macau pataca .1249 8.0079 1.2 Israel shekel .2736 3.6546 5.0
U.S. Bancorp 0.80/0.76 April, expected 27.5 General Electric 0.17/0.21
Malaysia ringgit .2269 4.4075 1.7 Kuwait dinar 3.2798 .3049 0.2
Honeywell International 1.62/1.53
Wednesday Earnings expected* NextEra Energy 1.51/1.55
New Zealand dollar .7000 1.4286 1.1 Oman sul rial 2.5974 .3850 0.01
Mort. bankers indexes Thursday Estimate/Year Ago($) Schlumberger 0.25/0.40
Pakistan rupee .00954 104.825 0.4 Qatar rial .2747 3.640 0.01
Philippines peso .0202 49.444 0.3 Saudi Arabia riyal .2666 3.7504 0.01
Purch., previous up 3.0% Initial jobless claims Bank of New York Mellon 0.80/0.74 Stanley Black & Decker 1.19/1.28 Singapore dollar .7154 1.3979 3.4
Refinan., previous 0.0% Previous 234,000 BB&T 0.41/0.67 SunTrust Banks 0.84/0.84 South Africa rand .0745 13.4190 2.0
South Korea won .0008799 1136.45 5.9 Close Net Chg % Chg YTD%Chg
JONES WEEKLY SURVEY OF ECONOMISTS Taiwan dollar .03291 30.388 6.4
Sources: Tullett Prebon, WSJ Market Data Group

Chinas Ant Financial Increases Its Offer for MoneyGram

BY PHRED DVORAK overseas and initially signed a takeover could pose privacy pelling, said MoneyGram clined to give specifics. Concern has been rising on
deal to buy MoneyGram in Jan- and information-control risks. Chief Executive Alex Holmes, Ants bid for MoneyGram is Capitol Hill over a surge in
Ant Financial Services uary for $880 million. Ant has denied those claims describing Euronets lobbying being closely watched as a ba- Chinese investment in U.S.
Group has raised its bid for U.S. But it was sideswiped in and is fighting back with its own efforts as noise. He said that rometer of how such acquisi- companies, and CFIUS has op-
money-transfer company Mon- March by an unsolicited com- lobbying and public-relations the board had notified Euronet tions might be viewed under posed several recent Chinese
eyGram International Inc. to peting offer of around $955 campaign. On Sundayfollow- of its decision but declined to the new administration of acquisitions of U.S. and Euro-
around $1.2 billiontopping a million from payments proces- ing MoneyGrams receipt of a comment on any response. President Donald Trump. Mr. pean companies.
rival offer and making Chinas sor Euronet Worldwide Inc. binding offer from EuronetAnt Euronet didnt respond to a Trump had campaigned on a On Ants part, a purchase of
biggest online-payments firm Euronet, based in Leawood, increased its cash bid to $18 a request for comment. protectionist platform and MoneyGram would let the
once more the leading con- Kan., also launched an intense share from $13.25. Ant will also Douglas Feagin, Ant Finan- been highly critical of Chinas company marry the U.S. com-
tender in an increasingly politi- lobbying campaign, telling U.S. assume or refinance Money- cials head of international stance on trade and invest- panys extensive global net-
cized takeover battle. lawmakers and the U.S. Trea- Grams debt. MoneyGrams business, said that progress ment right after he was work for payments transac-
Ant Financial, which is con- surywhich leads the multi- board unanimously voted to ap- has been made on the review elected, though his rhetoric tions with the 600 million
trolled by Chinese e-commerce agency body that reviews for- prove the increased offer. by the multiagency body, the warmed following face-to-face customersmostly in China
giant Alibaba Group Holding eign investments for national- Its a superior financial Committee on Foreign Invest- meetings with Chinese Presi- who use Ants services now,
Ltd., has been looking to expand security issuesthat an Ant bidat $18 its extremely com- ment, or CFIUS, but he de- dent Xi Jinping in early April. said Mr. Feagin.
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THE DAILY SHOT By Lev Borodovsky WSJ
subscribers can get

The Reation Trade Fizzles The Daily Shot

a chart-by-chart brieng
on markets and economics
sent to their email
Markets have arrived at a crossroads. A euphoric response each morning. Subscribe at
to the U.S. election has dissipated, raising questions about
what dynamic will next drive valuations and trading.

Anticipating surging Financial sector and the broader market Commodities Five-year breakeven ination rate
economic growth, ination Change from 2015 Change from 2015
and bond yields as a result 30% 125% 2.0%
of presumed Trump
administration policy S&P 500 Financials
shifts, investors initially S&P 500 100 1.8
sent stocks and
commodities higher and 75 1.6
sold bonds. But lately the 10
winds have shifted, with Iron ore
rallying bond prices pushing 50 1.4
yields down and many 0
industrial commodities 25 1.2
and stocks notably
bank stocks retreating 10
alongside ination 0 1.0
expectations. Some
indicators have returned 20
Post U.S. election
Post U.S. election 0.8 Post U.S. election
to pre-election levels. 2016 17 2016 17 2016 17

The reversals are Russian stocks and small U.S. rms Mexican peso and consumer staples WSJ Dollar Index
especially sharp in the Change from 2015 Change from 2015
narrower 'Trump trade,' 30% 10% 94
in which investors bought
Russell 2000
supposedly favored assets 5
Russia MICEX
such as Russian stocks and 20 92
smaller U.S. rms and sold
putative administration
targets such as the 10 90
Mexican peso and 5

consumer-staple stocks.
Some say the larger bullish 0
narrative remains intact,
Consumer Staples
but spring shows the 15
Select Sector SPDR Fund
markets are in a 10 86
Mexican peso against the dollar
'show-me' mood. 20

20 Post U.S. election 25 Post U.S. election Post U.S. election

2016 17 2016 17 2016 17
Sources: FactSet (S&P 500, S&P 500 Financials, copper, Russell 2000, MICEX, Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund); The Steel Index (iron); Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (breakeven); Tullet Prebon (peso); WSJ Market Data Group (dollar index) THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


FCC Shift As Good as It Gets for AMD Stock? OVERHEARD

Might Not Advanced Micro Devices cloud service operators Ama- Investors can miss quite a

Change a Lot seems poised to have a good

year. And it really, really
needs to.
Bit by Bit
Advanced Micro Devices revenue by segment
zon, Google and Microsoft
are hungry for an alternative
to Intel, which controls
bit on a three-day weekend.
Baxter International said
in a securities filing Friday
Shares of broadband pro- The sometimes troubled $5 billion about 99% of the market. that one of the companys
viders have run up since the chip maker has spent the Enterprise embedded and semi-custom But the bigger question is: employees received a grand
election on the hope that the past couple of years improv- 4 Computing and graphics What happens next? Histori- jury subpoena prepared by
Trump administration will ing its finances and preparing cally speaking, AMDs prob- the U.S. Department of Jus-
bring a lighter touch to tele- many new processors that are 3 lem has been its ability to tice earlier this week. Baxter
com policy. But even with now hitting the market. The compete with the marketing had previously disclosed a
looser net-neutrality rules early buzz on those products and financial muscle of its separate antitrust investiga-
on the horizon, little may ac- has been strong enough to much bigger rivals. So the tion by the New York Attor-
tually change. drive AMDs market value up worry is that any share gains ney Generals office.
Federal Communications more than fourfold in the 1 this year will evaporate as The medical-supplies com-
Commission Chairman Ajit past 12 months. While the they have in the past when pany said the new subpoena,
Pai is planning to roll back a stock has come down about 0 Intel and Nvidia cut prices. which is pursuant to a crimi-
key aspect of the Obama ad- 19% from its peak in Febru- 2012 13 14 15 16 17* 18* That is a big riskone nal investigation, calls for the
ministrations 2015 rules ary, the shares are still trad- *Projection that Goldman Sachs cited employee to produce docu-
governing how broadband ing at a price AMD hasnt Sources: the company; FactSet THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. when it downgraded AMD to ments and testimony regard-
providers treat internet traf- sustained in nearly a de- a sell rating earlier this ing, among other things, pric-
fic. The new rules are ex- cadewhich is around 154 include early sales of its new FactSet. month. On the other hand, ing and shortages of
pected to end the policy of times forward earnings. Naples server chip and a That target is attainable, todays server market in par- intravenous solutions and
classifying broadband as a That puts a big bill on the graphics processor called especially considering that ticular may be less sensitive communications with compet-
utility subject to price regu- chip maker. AMD reports its Vega, both of which begin AMD has less than 10% share to pricing pressure, as big itors regarding the same.
lation. That would remove a first-quarter results on May shipping during the quarter. in the PC central processor cloud operators prize perfor- Revenue in the companys
big long-term risk for cable 1. That will include about Analysts are expecting big market and essentially noth- mance above all. That could fluid-systems segment was
and telecom companies. But one month of its new Ryzen improvements in its comput- ing in servers, according to help AMD both mount its $2.3 billion last year, slightly
it may not make much of a 7 processor designed for ing and graphics segment Mercury Research. So no- comeback and make it stick. more than one-quarter of to-
difference in the short term, high-end personal comput- following several years of where to go but up. And the Its main problem right now tal sales. Baxter said in the
raising the question of ers. More important, the declines. Revenue in that server business in particular is that investors have priced filing that it is cooperating
whether recent stock-price companys outlook for the segment is expected to jump should be helped by the fact in both outcomes already. with the new investigation.
gains are fully justified. second quarter also should 21% this year, according to that big customers there Dan Gallagher
Critics of the current
rules argue that the threat of
price regulation has chilled
investment. But cable capital
expenditures at Comcast,
Dont Write Off Comcasts Wireless Ambitions Just Yet
the largest wired broadband Deal making in the talks have been on hold for it likely will need to for the combined company.
provider, have continued to wireless business is getting a Wireless Calling more than a year. purchase an existing player Meanwhile, the airwaves
climb since the new rules green light, and investors Amount spent on spectrum in Comcast has positioned such as T-Mobile, Sprint or bought by Comcast could
and are expected to rise are watching to see whether the FCCs auction, in billions Xfinity Mobile, which will even Verizon. T-Mobile spent help it get more of a say in
again this year, according to Comcast Corp. will join the run on Verizon $8 billion on spectrum in the shaping wireless policy or
UBS. race. T-Mobile US $8.0 Communications Inc.s auction. If Comcast were help it strike a more
Broadband stocks were The cable giant said cellular network, as a way to planning to bid for it, it may favorable network-sharing
doing well even before Presi- Thursday it paid $1.7 billion Dish Network 6.2 help it retain existing have decided it wasnt worth deal with a wireless carrier,
dent Donald Trump. Shares for wireless spectrum li- customers. Comcast has said paying for additional according to Jonathan
of Comcast, Charter and censes in the U.S. govern- Comcast 1.7 it doesnt need to own its spectrum in the auction. Chaplin of New Street
AT&T all outperformed the ments auction of broadcast own network to be Comcast may also not be Research. And even if
S&P 500 during the period airwaves, making it the third AT&T 0.9 successful in wireless. But in a hurry to act. Sprint is Comcast fails to buy a
between the FCCs February largest bidder after T-Mo- the broader strategy at likely to try again soon to wireless carrier, it could
2015 vote to reclassify bile US Inc. and Dish Net- Source: Federal Communications Commission Comcast and rivals such as merge with T-Mobile in the make money on its
broadband and Election Day. work Corp. The announce- AT&T has been moving hopes that a deal will have spectrum. The last time the
Companies are also savvy ment came just a week after But it doesnt quell specula- toward the convergence of better chances under a Re- company bought spectrum
enough not to raise prices Comcast unveiled the details tion that Comcast may want TV distribution, TV content, publican administration. as part of a group of cable
right after the rules change. of its Xfinity Mobile wireless a bigger piece of the wireless fixed broadband service and Dish Network may also be peers in 2006, it made a
And there is the risk that a service, which it plans to business. wireless service. And history interested in a combination sizable gain upon selling it
future Democratic adminis- market only to its existing The auction rules prevent suggests Comcast cant reap with T-Mobile. If a deal be- to Verizon in 2011.
tration will change the rules customers. companies in the industry the biggest benefits of the tween T-Mobile and Sprint is Comcasts wireless plans
again. Investors shouldnt Comcasts spectrum pur- from talking to each other wireless business without rejected, Comcast could pick may still be very much alive.
celebrate too loudly about chase is smaller than the $4 until 10 days after the owners economics. up one of the pieces without Investors shouldnt
looser net-neutrality rules. billion or so that many ana- announcement of the auction If Comcast is truly serious as much competition. If it is underestimate its chances of
Miriam Gottfried lysts had been forecasting. results. That has meant deal about getting into wireless, approved, Comcast could bid success. Miriam Gottfried
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The Rise of the Smart City

Officials are tapping all kinds of data to make their cities safer, healthier and more
efficient, in what may be the start of a sweeping change in how cities are run
In theory, anyway. In reality, even when publicly deaths in building fires in 2015, the latest year for
which data is available. The presence of smoke
available data is stripped of personally identifiable
information, tech-savvy users can combine it with alarms is critical in preventing these deaths; the Na-
CITIES HAVE A WAY TO GO BEFORE THEY CAN tional Fire Protection Association, a nonprofit stan-
other data sets to figure out an awful lot of informa-
be considered geniuses. But theyre getting smart dards group, says a working fire alarm cuts the risk
tion about any individual. Widespread use of sensors
pretty fast. of dying in a home fire in half.
and video can also present privacy risks unless pre-
In just the past few years, mayors and other offi- cautions are taken. The technology is forcing cities New Orleans, like most cities, has a program run
cials in cities across the country have begun to draw to confront questions of privacy that they havent by its Fire Department to distribute smoke detec-
on the reams of data at their disposalabout income, tors. But until recently, the program relied on resi-
had to confront before, says Ben Green, a fellow at
burglaries, traffic, fires, illnesses, dents to request an alarm. After a
parking citations and moreto fire in which five peoplethree
tackle many of the problems of ur- children, their mother and grand-
ban life. Whether its making it eas- motherperished, the department
ier for residents to find parking started looking for a way to make
places, or guiding health inspectors sure that they were getting alarms
to high-risk restaurants or giving into homes where they could make
smoke alarms to the households a difference.
that are most likely to suffer fatal Oliver Wise, director of the
fires, big-data technologies are be- citys Office of Performance and
ginning to transform the way cities Accountability, had his data team
work. tap two Census Bureau surveys to
Cities have just scratched the identify city blocks most likely to
surface in using data to improve op- contain homes without smoke de-
erations, but big changes are al- tectors and at the greatest risk for
ready under way in leading smart fire fatalitiesthose with young
cities, says Stephen Goldsmith, a children or the elderly. They then
professor of government and direc- used other data to zero in on
tor of the Innovations in Govern- neighborhoods with a history of

ment Program at the Harvard Ken- house fires. Using advanced ma-
nedy School. In terms of city chine-learning techniques, Mr.
governance, we are at one of the Wises office produced a map that
most consequential periods in the showed those blocks where fire
last century, he says. deaths were most likely to occur
Although cities have been using STATE OF THE STREETS This online map tracks the progress of Los Angeless Clean and where the Fire Department
data in various forms for decades, Streets program. Green means clean, yellow somewhat clean, and red not clean. could target its smoke-detector
the modern practice of civic analyt- distribution.
ics has only begun to take off in the past few years, Harvards Berkman Klein Center for Internet and So- Since the data program began in early 2015, the
thanks to a host of technological changes. Among ciety and lead author of a recent report on open-data department has installed about 18,000 smoke detec-
them: the growth of cloud computing, which dramat- privacy. tors, says Tim McConnell, chief of the New Orleans
ically lowers the costs of storing information; new Still, cities are moving ahead, finding more ways Fire Department. That compares with no more than
developments in machine learning, which put ad- to use the considerable amounts of data at their dis- 800 detectors a year under the older program. It is
vanced analytical tools in the hands of city officials; posal. Heres a look at some of the ways the informa- too early to tell how effective it has been at prevent-
the Internet of Things and the rise of inexpensive tion revolution is changing the way cities are run ing fire deaths, Chief McConnell says, since they are
sensors that can track a vast array of information and the lives of its residents. so rare. But the program did have an early, notable
such as gunshots, traffic or air pollution; and the success.
widespread use of smartphone apps and mobile de- A few months after the program began, firefight-
vices that enable citizens and city workers alike to SPOTTING POTENTIAL PROBLEMS... ers responded to a call in Central New Orleans. Arriv-
monitor problems and feed information about them BEFORE THEY OCCUR ing, the fire crew found three families11 people in
back to city hall. allhuddled on the lawn. The residents had been
All this data collection raises understandable pri- Perhaps the most innovative way cities are em- alerted by smoke detectors recently installed under
vacy concerns. Most cities have policies designed to ploying data is to anticipate problems. the outreach program.
safeguard citizen privacy and prevent the release of Consider the risk of death by fire. Although de- That was just one of those stories where you go,

information that might identify any one individual. clining nationally, there still were 2,685 civilian Please turn to the next page


When Robots Take to the Flying Taxis? A Hyperloop? Where Shoppers Are Headed
Sidewalks Dubai Is Thinking Big Warehouses are becoming the
Startups test machines to carry Gulf city aims to be a center of retail hub for city dwellers
your stuff from here to there innovation in transportation R7
R2 R6
Why a City Needs a Brand
Views From Above Inform A New Look for Urban Utility Greg Clark on the global battle for
Decisions Below Structures people, business and events
By combining digital and aerial Cities get creative as eyesores R8
technology, cities can get become harder to hide
new perspectives on old problems R6 AT WSJ.COM/LEADERSHIPREPORT
R3 The Arts as Development Tool
What Its Like to Live in
As Its Population Falls, The Future At Luxury Stores, It Isnt
Detroit Adjusts Vancouverites see their city double Shopping, Its an Experience
Plans for all that empty space as Hollywoods top sci-fi setting
R3 R7 The C-Suite Comes to City Hall
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R2 | Monday, April 17, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


When Robots Take to the Sidewalks

them waiting outside offices or
apartment complexes at busy
times of day. One idea develop-
ers have discussed is a sepa-
Startups in San Francisco and rate elevator for robots in the
highest-density buildings, but
elsewhere test machines to haul thats out of their hands.
There are skeptics. Im not
your stuff from here to there sure what pressing problem
these robots are supposed to
solve for us, says Michael
to say that: Delivery robots will Manville, an urban-planning
eliminate the need for many of professor at the University of
the cars, trucks and vans on California, Los Angeles. Do
SAN FRANCISCOOn a sunny streets today, allowing cities to we seriously have a problem
day here in the residential carve out much more space for where people cant move stuff
Potrero Hill neighborhood, a pedestriansmany of whom down sidewalks? If the pur-
3-foot-tall robot named will have their own personal pose is to ease traffic conges-
Scrappy went out for a stroll. robots in tow to carry things tion, Mr. Manville says, cities
Box-shaped, mounted on for them. could better accomplish that
four rubber wheels and outfit- That vision might not fully by charging for the use of cer-
ted with a high-tech array of come about for another gener- tain busy roads, improving bi-

sensors and cameras, Scrappy ation or so, Mr. Delaney says, cycle lanes, enacting a gas tax,
is part of a team of robots sur- but helike other entrepre- or all of the above.
veying the sidewalk landscape neurs testing sidewalk robots I hate to think that excite-
for Marble, a robotics startup in cities around the worldbe- ment over what this technol-
here. For now, the robots are lieves robots will be a common ogy could do would displace
taking their walks with Marble sight on city streets within a energy that could be used to
executives or employees. decade. Starship Technologies has tested its delivery robot in more than 50 cities. employ existing and proven,
Within a year, the company This is what weve all been albeit less exciting, ways to
aims to have the majority of seeing in the science-fiction they would cost to purchase. During a lunch-hour test run says, 60% to 70% of people improve our cities, he says.
San Franciscos sidewalks movies we watched growing The robots are all essen- in Redwood City, Calif., last completely ignored the ro- But developers are pressing
three-dimensionally mapped up, says Siddharth Vanchina- tially caddies on wheels, month, a Starship robot turned botI was quite offended! ahead. Piaggio has several
allowing its small fleet to au- than, co-founder of Propel- roughly the size of a laundry dozens of heads in a span of tests planned beginning later
tonomously navigate the city, land, a San Francisco-based basket or two, big enough to less than four blocks. Several Kinks and skeptics this year. Starship has parcel
carrying everything from gro- technology and design firm. carry small parcels and small people snapped pictures with Developers and engineers and takeout-delivery pilot pro-
ceries to takeout, dry-cleaning enough to allow pedestrians to their cellphones, and a few say there might be a few kinks grams going in several cities.
and prescriptions to and from Meeting the public walk by. With tracking systems spoke directly to the robot. to work through as cities fig- And last week Marble an-
homes and businesses. Other robot makers include and cameras on all sides, they Lookin good! one young ure out legal parameters for nounced the launch of a food-
As Scrappy rolled around Dispatch, also based in the San wouldnt necessarily be a tar- man said as he walked by. robot use and robot makers delivery partnership with
Jackson Playground, most of Francisco Bay Area; Starship get for thieves, developers say, Come back here, you! an- tackle the many challenges Yelps Eat24 delivery service
the parks patrons and pass- Technologies, with headquar- because it would immediately other man joked as the robot city streets present. Program- in San Francisco.
ersbyhuman and canineig- ters in London and engineering be clear who took them and sallied forth at about 4 miles mers are still finessing the The thing we cant wait for
nored the humble robot. But based in Estonia; and Piaggio where they were headed. an hour. complexities of crossing the is for it to be kind of common-
Kathy Piziali was intrigued. Fast Forward, a division of It- The early designs are made But if you ask Henry Harris- street, for example. place, Mr. Delaney says. Itd
Weve never run into a real alys Piaggio SpA, known as for short trips carrying pack- Burland, marketing chief for For now, many of the deliv- be an easier world if every-
robot before, said Ms. Piziali, the maker of Vespa scooters. ages weighing up to 30 pounds Starship, that kind of attention ery robots cant enter build- thing was just robots.
who was taking her 3-year-old Generally the companies say or so. And while the robots is becoming increasingly rare. ingsdealing with the many
grandson to the playground. they plan to offer their robots arent anything like humanoid, The firm has tested its robots types and sizes of doors and Ms. Phillips is a Wall Street
Marble Chief Executive Matt for hire, rather than selling theres something undeniably in more than 50 cities. In one how to get through them is too Journal reporter in Los An-
Delaney imagines a future them outright, and for now captivating about thempar- recent London outing on a big a challenge at this point. So geles. She can be reached at
where few people will be able they decline to disclose what ticularly at first sight. busy day, Mr. Harris-Burland one might see small crowds of

The Rise of the Smart City

Continued from the prior page lem property in the city. This made it possible
This works, Chief McConnell says. For us, to identify which property owners might need
its a game changer. assistance in rehabbing their properties and
Predictive analytics have also been used to which ones to cite for code violations. The city
improve restaurant health inspections in Chi- is wrapping up a second survey of blighted
cago. The Department of Public Health relies properties to measure the net change over the
on about three dozen inspectors to check for past year, says Jeff Carter, Innovation Teams
possible violations at more than 15,000 food executive director. Instagram was phase one,
establishments across the city. It needed a bet- and we would never have made it to phase two
ter way to prioritize inspections to make sure without it, Mr. Carter says.
that places with potential critical violations Mobile data collection is also helping Los
those that carry the greatest risk for the Angeles to clean up city streets. Teams from
spread of food-borne illnesswere examined the city sanitation department use video and
before someone actually became sick. smartphones to document illegal dumping,
The data team in the citys Department of In- abandoned bulky items and other trash prob-
novation and Technology developed an algo- lems. The teams can use an app to report
rithm that looked at 11 variables, including problems needing immediate attention, but
whether the restaurant had previous violations, what was really noteworthyespecially for a
how long it has been in business (the longer, the city the size of L.A.was that they were able
better), the weather (violations are more likely to view and grade all 22,000 miles of the citys
when its hot), even stats about nearby burglar- streets and alleyways.
ies (which tells something about the neighbor- The result has been to give officials and the
hood, though analysts arent sure what). public a better picture of garbage-plagued ar-
With the tool, the health department could eas that can be targeted under Mayor Eric Gar-

identify establishments that were most likely cettis Clean Streets program. Data collected

to have problems and move them up the list by the mobile teams is compiled in a detailed
for inspection. After the algorithm went into map of the city, with each street segment rated
use in 2015, a follow-up analysis found that in- as being clean, somewhat clean and not clean.
spectors were visiting restaurants with possi- The city publishes the map online so that any-
ble critical violations seven days sooner than CHECK, PLEASE To prioritize restaurant in- AIR TRIGGER Sensor-equipped asthma inhal- one can get a color-coded view of how streets
before. Since then, its use has resulted in a 15% spections, Chicago developed an algorithm to ers in Louisville that collect data on time and rank for cleanliness.
rise in the number of critical violations found, identify eateries most likely to have violations. place of use have improved care for individuals The program, which recently finished its
though the number of illness complaintsan The darker the pink, the higher the likelihood. and helped the city address problem areas. first full year, has resulted in an 80% reduction
imperfect measure of violationshas been flat. in the number of areas scored not clean, says
Lilian Coral, Los Angeless chief data officer.
The new data-driven approach not only has
SENSORS ON EVERYTHING made it possible to better identify problem ar-
eas, Ms. Coral says, but it also has helped to
Just as individuals are flocking to Fitbits and reduce disparities in the citys cleanup efforts,
other wearables to monitor their health, cities, which previously depended mainly on com-
too, are turning to sensors to track their own plaints to identify locations needing attention.
vital signs. Through this Internet of Things, In Boston, meanwhile, the city has joined
sensor-equipped water pipes can identify leaks, with Waze, a navigation app from Google that
electric meters can track power use, and park- enables drivers to share traffic and road condi-
ing meters can automatically flag violations. tions in real time.
As part of a smart-city initiative, Kansas The Boston traffic-management center uses
City, Mo., has installed computer-equipped Waze data to supplement live feeds from its
sensors on streetlights along a 2.2-mile light- network of traffic cameras and sensors, getting
rail line that opened in March of last year. The a more detailed picture of whats happening on
city uses video from the sensors to gather in- city streets. Messages from Waze users can
formation about traffic and available street alert the center to traffic problemsa double-
parking along the corridor. The data is then parked truck or a fender-benderas soon as
made available on a public website that shows they develop, allowing officials to respond

the location of streetcars, areas where traffic more quickly.

is moving slowly, and locations with open Waze data also has helped the city to run
parking spots. It also provides an hourly traffic low-cost experiments on possible traffic
count in the corridor for the past day. changes. For instance, to test how to best en-
The sensors can even count foot traffic, force dont block the box at congested inter-
which could assist entrepreneurs looking to sections, the center took more than 20 prob-

open a new coffee shop or retail outlet, and lem intersections and assigned each one either
help city officials estimate the size of crowds, FIRE RISK With census and other data, New PARK HERE In Kansas City, Mo., sensors on a changing message sign, a police officer or no
which is useful in responding to public distur- Orleans mapped the combined risk of missing streetlights along a new light-rail line gather intervention at all. Using Waze data, analysts
bances or in assigning cleanup crews after smoke alarms and fire deaths, helping offi- information about traffic and available parking would then see which enforcement approach
events like the citys 2015 World Series parade. cials target distribution of smoke detectors. that the public can view online. was most effective at reducing congestion. As
Their ability to detect motion also can be used it turns out, Wazes traffic-jam data didnt
to adjust the LED streetlights so that they dim show that either approach made much differ-
if no one is around and automatically brighten giving them a better understanding of their and city workers, give cities new and more ence in reducing congestion (which may rein-
if cars or pedestrians pass by. The goal is to disease, and their physicians more information powerful ways to expand their data-collection force the view of those who believe little can
use data to improve our efficiency of service to devise treatment plans. And as expected, efforts. be done to eliminate traffic headaches).
and ascertain what services we ought to be the data made it possible to show clusters of In Mobile, Ala., building-code inspectors The partnership, one of 250 that Waze has
providing, says Bob Bennett, Kansas Citys inhaler use and link it with air pollution. armed with smartphones and Facebook Inc.s In- signed with cities around the world, also en-
chief innovation officer. In one case, sensor data spotlighted a con- stagram photo-sharing app were able to inven- ables the city to feed street-closure and similar
Cities are also putting sensors in the hands gested road on the east side of town where in- tory the citys 1,200 blighted properties in just information into the Waze app, making it eas-
of citizens. In Louisville, Ky., a coalition of haler use was three times as high as in other eight daysa task that enforcement officers ier for drivers to reroute trips before they get
public, private and philanthropic organizations parts of the city. In response, the city planted had previously considered impossible with the stuck in traffic.
has provided more than 1,000 sensor-equipped a belt of trees separating the road from a older paper-based systems of tracking blight. When residents see a problem, sometimes
inhalers to asthma sufferers to map where in nearby residential neighborhood; the plantings With Instagram, inspectors could snap a photo their reaction is to call us, but more these days
the city poor air quality is triggering breathing have resulted in a 60% reduction in particulate of a property and have it appear on a map, their instinct is to report it through an app
problems. The tiny sensors, from Propeller matter (which can aggravate breathing prob- showing officials where dilapidated, abandoned like Waze or Yelp, says Andrew Therriault,
Health, a Madison, Wis., medical-device com- lems) behind the green belt. or other problem properties are clustered. Bostons chief data officer. To be as respon-
pany, have built-in GPS that collects time and The inventory was just the first step. Mo- sive as possible to the publics needs, we need
location data with each puff of the inhaler. biles two-year-old Innovation Team, funded to listen to their input through whichever me-
The city is still completing its analysis of CITIZENS AS DATA COLLECTORS with a grant from Bloomberg Philanthropies, dium they choose to share it.
the data, but early findings were impressive, cross-referenced the data with other available
says Grace Simrall, Louisvilles chief of civic in- Using the public as data collectors isnt property informationtax records, landmark Mr. Totty, a former news editor for
novation. For one thing, patients in the pro- newits the idea behind 911 and 311 systems. status, out-of-state ownershipto compile a The Journal Report in San Francisco, can
gram saw measurable improvement, in part by But smartphone apps, in the hands of residents blight index, a master profile of every prob- be reached at
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. * * * * * Monday, April 17, 2017 | R3


The aerial images couldnt

Views From Above Inform Decisions Below be used to identify people, but
police were able to use them
along with images from the
By combining digital and aerial citys 800-plus street-level
video cameras to retrace the
technology, cities can get new path of suspected criminals
leaving the scenes of crimes.
perspectives on old problems T.J. Smith, chief of media rela-
tions for the Baltimore Police
Department, says the aerial
can simulate with far greater surveillance helped police in
precision than before how their investigations of mur-
wind or water will flow across ders, nonfatal shootings and
IN DOZENS of urban centers streets and against buildings other crimes.
across the globe, city planners and other structures. That al- The pilot program, which
are putting eyes in the sky to lows them to create models of was funded by a private grant
help them make more-in- how extreme weather will af- and operated by a private fleet
formed decisions about im- fect every part of the city, so of planes contracted by the
proving city life. they can plan accordingly. city, wasnt made public until
Using advanced technology Another benefit of this there were media reports
in digital aerial photography, project: Knowing exactly how about the program several
laser imaging and analytics, shadows are cast by buildings months after it began. That
cities are tackling a wide vari- shows which ones are likely to revelation drew sharp criti-
ety of problems. Singapore has have the most success with a cism from civil-rights and pri-
created a 3-D cityscape to help rooftop or vertical gardenan vacy groups, which objected to
make decisions about where to important consideration for a peoples everyday movements
place solar panels and plant city that keeps building up- being recorded without their

rooftop gardens, among other ward, since it has little space knowledge.
things. New York City fire- to expand outward. The New York Fire Department uses a drone to detect hot spots in building fires. Mr. Smith says the aerial
fighters are using drones to Such mapping is also criti- footage doesnt violate privacy
get better overhead views dur- cal for the nations renewable- is critically important data shoots infrared video that Philadelphia tears down an laws. The pilot program ended
ing fires. In Philadelphia, la- energy planning. If you have that the city and the public shows where the fire is estimated 500 to 600 aban- last fall, but the Police Depart-
sers beamed from airplanes the whole city, you will know can use to make New York spreading throughout the doned buildings a year, says ment is considering using the
are used to detect dangerous over a period of time exactly even stronger, says Anne building. We can see hot Karen Guss, communications surveillance again, according
roof damage in dilapidated how much sunlight you will Roest, commissioner of the spots that might not other- director for the Department of to a review of the program
properties. Baltimore police harness from the rooftops citys Department of Informa- wise be visible, says Timothy Licenses and Inspections. Pin- completed in January.
have used airborne surveil- with solar panels, says Victor tion Technology and Telecom- Herlocker, director of the fire pointing which roofs are dam-
lance to fight crime. Khoo, deputy director of the munications. departments Operations Cen- aged helps the department de- A long fascination
It all amounts to an exten- land survey division at the Meanwhile, the New York ter. cide which buildings need to Together, these efforts and
sion of the efforts cities are Singapore Land Authority. City Fire Department is taking Mr. Herlocker says the be demolished first. A dam- others like them represent the
making on the ground to col- Singapore, like any major to the air with a drone to help drone helps fire commanders aged roof exposes the building evolution of an interest in the
lect, analyze and put to use city, isnt staticits con- fight fires. The department decide how to deploy firefight- to the citys often harsh birds-eye view that goes back
huge amounts of data. stantly changing structurally. this year bought an $85,000 ers most effectively and safely. weather, making it more likely to the days of hot-air balloons.
That means the data that cre- drone equipped with high-def- When youre making rapid to collapse. Its really hellish David Rumsey has collected
Wind, water and sun ated the current 3-D map inition and infrared video decisions its very valuable, on these buildings, Ms. Guss more than 150,000 maps and
More than 3,000 feet above wont be accurate for long. In cameras to use during major he says. says. related images that he has do-
Singapore, an airplane packed Singapore, development is fires. The 8-pound, fire-en- nated to Stanford University.
with high-tech laser scanners very, very fast, Mr. Khoo says. gine-red device is attached to Building inspection Privacy questions Among them is a set of aerial
and cameras took 10 days to Its impossible to keep up in a tether that feeds it power, In Philadelphia, officials are Aerial surveillance has photos of San Francisco taken
scan the entire island nation real time, but he says he hopes so battery life isnt an issue, using aerial lasers to spot sparked controversy in Balti- from a plane in 1938. Looking
in 2014. The data it collected to be able to update the map and transmits commands to buildings that need to be torn more, where a pilot program at them now, its easy to see
has since been transformed every four years. the drone as well as carrying down. last year helped police track how the city has changed.
into a highly accurate, 3-D dig- the video back to the ground, The citys Department of Li- the movements of people sus- Looking at todays aerial im-
ital model of every building in A new kind of firefighter so theres no chance of any in- censes and Inspections is us- pected of committing crimes. ages, its getting easier to en-
Singapore. In New York, city officials terference with those signals. ing lasers on planes to help Cameras mounted on a vision how cities might be dif-
The lasers were able to recently made public a 3-D It can fly as high as 200 feet, identify abandoned properties small plane shot footage of the ferent decades from now.
scan through objects like tree- map, similar to Singapores, or between 16 and 20 stories. with roofs that are sagging or city below for a total of 300 In these new maps, theres
tops to provide a more accu- created from aerial photos Its an alternative to sending have holes. Such damage isnt hours over a period of more a ton of information when
rate picture of how roads wind taken from a plane in 2014. firefighters to the roofs of apparent, of course, from than eight months. The cam- you know how to tease it out,
around the city and exactly City agencies now will be able nearby buildings to shoot street level. And the laser im- eras captured low-resolution Mr. Rumsey says. I think
where the bottoms of build- to use the map when making video and send it down to ages, with their precise model- images of cars and other ob- thats what the cities are wak-
ings meet sidewalks, a level of construction or other planning their chief. ing of any undulations in a jects, so they could, for exam- ing up to.
detail that satellite images decisions, and because the In addition to giving com- roofs surface, can identify ple, show a suspected getaway
cant provide. data is publicly available, it manders a close-up view of weak spots that wouldnt be car turning left down an alley Ms. Furfaro, a writer in
With that information at could be used by anyone to the roof and upper reaches of obvious using standard aerial or parking near a victims New York, can be reached
their disposal, city planners suggest innovative ideas. This a building in flames, the drone photography. home before a crime. at


WHERE TREES ARE NEEDED As Its Population Falls, Detroit Adjusts
The city is trying
Cities that want to plant citys streets is just 8.8%.
more trees along their Singapore has the highest several solutions to
streets have a new planning median index score so far, at deal with empty land
tool at their disposal. 29.3%, and Sydney and
Its called Treepedia, an Vancouver are the only other BY ADRIENNE ROBERTS
online tool that analyzes mil- cities with scores above
lions of neighborhood pho- 25%.
tos from Google Street View Of the six U.S. cities that DETROIT IS A PARADOX. It
to create block-by-block have been mapped, Sacra- has a resurgent downtown
maps of cities around the mento, Calif., has the high- core, where apartments and
world showing where there est median index score, at condominiums are in high de-
are trees and where streets 23.6%, followed by Seattle mand, and trendy restaurants
are bare. at 20% and then Miami at and coffee shops sprout up
Treepedia, launched by 19.4%. weekly. Many miles outside the
the Massachusetts Institute Boston scored 18.2%, Los city are prosperous suburbs,

of Technologys Senseable Angeles 15.2% and New often with their own down-
City Lab in December, so far York 13.5%. town centers.
has created tree maps of 19 Yet in between those bright
cities across five continents, Filling a gap spots, the city has about 132
from New York to So Miami is one example of square miles of land with
Paulo, Paris, Singapore and a city that has made grow- neighborhoods that have been
Sydney. It doesnt yet cover ing more trees in its metro- gradually emptying out.
any city in Africa. politan area a priority, in its Detroit is one of a number Leave downtown Detroit, and youll see plenty of empty land before you reach the suburbs.
Users can look at an case focusing on storm-re- of U.S. citiesalong with
overview of each city dotted silient species to limit the Cleveland, Dayton, Toledo, ter days, the City Modern proj- employment, such as ex-of- quarter, helping businesses
in shades of brown and damage from hurricanes and Philadelphia and Baltimore ect will provide a variety of fenders and recovering addicts. come up with a business plan,
green to show where trees other severe weather. To that are seeing a major depop- housing typestownhouses, CEO Gary Wozniak, who find a place to open, renovate
are few or frequent, and boost its effort, the city now ulation. While the cores of apartments, carriage homes spent more than three years in office space and more.
they can zoom in to see requires developers who re- these cities are holding their and moreas well as housing federal prison, says he decided Patrick Beal, CEO of the De-
ground-level images if they move trees during building own because of private invest- for seniors. Melissa Dittmer, to start a farm because it of- troit Training Center, received
want to see exactly which construction to pay into a ments, many neighborhoods director of architecture and fers a career with a lower bar $100,000 during the first round
blocks need greening. city trust fund, money thats around them are nearly aban- design for Bedrock LLC, the for hiring and gives immediate of the program and matched it
Street greenery is a re- used in part to plant new doned as residents continue to company leading the develop- feedback because plants grow with a $100,000 loan. With the
ally important part of the trees. move to the suburbs. ment, says the initiative just relatively quickly, so people help of Motor City Match, the
urban environment, says The project has gained Now a number of initiatives outside of downtown will be a can start to feel really good company has done job training
Xiaojiang Li, a postdoctoral momentum as the city has are under way to deal with De- mix of modern structures and about building skill sets. Plus, for more than 5,000 people and
fellow at MIT who helped educated developers, the troits empty land, restore renovated historic homes. Detroit has a lot of land. Re- has grown from three employ-
develop Treepedias Green public and its own depart- blighted neighborhoods and coveryPark is already selling ees to 20.
View Index, a measure of ments about the importance link the islands of neighbor- 2. Landscape lots into gar- produce such as carrots, rad-
the tree coverage in a city of trees, says Luciana Gon- hoods that are left. The variety dens. The Fitzgerald neigh- ishes and golden beets to some 5. Offer children something
overall and in any area zalez, assistant director for of efforts shows the complex- borhood on Detroits north- of Detroits top restaurants on to stay for. The definition of
within the city that a user Miamis planning and zoning ity of the task. Its not just giv- west side has 131 vacant a year-round basis. success for children in Detroit
wants to examine. department. ing people up-to-date places to houses and 242 vacant lots. in many peoples minds is be-
Trees provide shade for But she says, while the live and work. Its re-envision- Those vacant lots dont need 4. Match empty stores with ing able to leave the city and go
pedestrians in the summer city has yet to formally eval- ing the city and making it de- to be filled with houses, says eager entrepreneurs. How to to college or get a job else-
and help to lower urban uate how it could put Tree- sirable by creating parkland, Arthur Jemison, director of fill the vacant storefronts along where. Ethan Lowenstein wants
temperatures, Mr. Li says. pedia to use, she believes it generating job opportunities housing and revitalization for Detroits half-abandoned com- to change that. As director of
They also help prevent water would help us tremen- and attracting entrepreneurs. Detroit. The city and its part- mercial corridors? Motor City the Southeast Michigan Stew-
runoff during heavy rain and dously because Miami Here are a handful of De- ners will invest more than $4 Match, a partnership between ardship Coalition, Mr. Lowen-
clean the air. doesnt have the resources troits solutions to filling va- million into the neighborhood the city of Detroit and other stein is working with educators
to do the kind of detailed cant space: to renovate 115 homes, land- economic-development organi- and local organizations in the
Whos greenest? data collection on its own scape 192 vacant lots and cre- zations, links selected landlords region to help young people ad-
The MIT team used the that the tool provides. 1. Entice new residents to ate a park with a bicycle path. with new small businesses, dress environmental challenges
Google photos instead of If that lack of resources is stick around. Detroits down- We cant possibly rebuild whether local ones or outside in their communities.
satellite imagery to really a problem for cities in the town core has attracted plenty every vacant lot with new con- entrepreneurs looking to start Children leave because
measure how much greenery richest countries, it is even of young people to rentals, of- struction, Mr. Jemison says. businesses in Detroit. The hope they dont see the strength in
people might see as they more so for those in the de- ten in redeveloped historic The landscape is important, is to make blighted commercial their community and they
move around a citys streets, veloping world. Treepedia buildings. But experts say the because frankly, if its done districts more livable by filling dont feel recognized as some-
Mr. Li says. Treepedias may help level the playing city needs housing options for and managed well, its inex- in the empty spaces and offer- one who has knowledge, says
Green View Index doesnt field in that regard as it con- people at different stages of pensive and people like it. ing residents a chance at jobs Mr. Lowenstein, who advocates
take city parks into account tinues to map cities around lifeso that young people will that are just a walk away. place-based education to
for that same reason. the world, says Alice stay there as they age and 3. Do serious agriculture. Motor City Match helps help children improve their
Thats partly why Paris Charles, leader of the World make long-term investments in RecoveryPark Farms is in the get businesses from ideas to neighborhoodand stop the
ranks lowest for tree cover- Economic Forums Cities and the community. midst of building greenhouses open, says Michael Forsyth, depopulation trend.
age among the cities Urban Development team, Now an effort to offer those on a 60-acre plot that until re- director of small-business ser-
mapped so far despite its who helped develop the kinds of housing options is un- cently represented two dozen vices at the Detroit Economic Ms. Roberts is a reporter in
many large parks. The me- Treepedia concept. der way. In a neighborhood blighted blocks on Detroits Growth Corp., which runs the The Wall Street Journals De-
dian index score for the Hannah Furfaro checkered with vacant lots and east side. The aim: creating program for the city. It gives troit bureau. Email her at
mansions that have seen bet- jobs for people with barriers to out $500,000 in grants every
R4 | Monday, April 17, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


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R6 | Monday, April 17, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Dubais Roads and Transport
Authority to explore potential
routes and how to integrate it
with the emirates existing

Flying Taxis? A Hyperloop? transportation infrastructure,

which includes mega-airports,
eight-lane highways, a metro

Dubai Is Thinking Big and tram system. Costs and fi-

nancing sources are also still
under discussion.
Mr. Lloyd says the Hyper-
The city has lofty goals for being the loopa prototype of which is
now being tested in the Ne-
innovative transportation vada desertshould be able to
endure the Gulf regions hot
city of tomorrow summer temperatures and
sandy conditions, playing
down any early concerns
about the technologys imple-
mentation in the region.
As a center of innovation,
though, Dubai still lags behind
places such as Silicon Valley,
London and Singapore, says
Mr. Galal of PwC. Indeed,
Dubais pursuit of technology
innovations has at times been
born out of necessity, to re-
solve some of the problems it

faces. The city has undergone
a drastic transformation in the
past few decades as its econ-
omy and population boomed.
But that growth has also coin-
be the method of transport for cided with greater traffic con-
human beings, says Moham- gestion and air pollution.
med al-Gergawi, the United
DUBAITransportation au- Arab Emirates minister of cab- Fanfare and finance
thorities here in the largest inet affairs and the future. Ambitious plans have also
city in the United Arab Emir- Science fiction is going to hit snags. Some projects an-
ates are working on a novel happen, he says. Two Dubai transportation visions: nounced to much fanfare, such
solution for businesspeople A Hyperloop from the city to Abu as the worlds largest mall and
Testing ground Dhabi, and a flying drone taxi.

stuck in traffic jams: flying, another set of artificial is-
driverless drone taxis that will The drone taxi is part of an lands, have suffered delays or
swoop in and swiftly take ambitious effort by Dubai to be were stalled in the absence of
them to their destinations. on the cutting edge of new more recently, a canal that me- We decided that we are going Dhabi in what would be a 12- financing. A proposed Persian
Dubai is looking at approv- transportation technologies, anders under the citys main to be the worlds largest lab, minute ride averaging 375 mph Gulf-wide railway project has
ing use of an autonomous from passenger drones to a highway. It is constructing the says Mr. Gergawi. in pods through low-pressure been put on hold as well.
drone that will carry one pas- transit system that in theory worlds biggest airport and has In addition to drone taxis, tubes. Currently the roughly In neighboring Abu Dhabi,
senger short distances. The could travel near the speed of started work on a new tower the emirate plans to test self- 75-mile trip takes more than an Masdar City was designed to
battery-powered flying taxi sound. The goal is both to im- that will exceed the Burj Khal- driving vehicles. Tesla Inc., hour by car. Every city in the become the worlds first car-
built by Chinese drone maker prove connectivity and boost ifa in height. The drive to at- whose chief executive, Elon Gulf region could eventually be bon-neutral city. Plans there
Ehang Inc.could be available the emirates growing reputa- tract transportation innovators Musk, is a key backer of auton- reached in less than an hour if also called for a driverless
for booking through an app as tion as a global trade and tour- may represent a a new stage in omous technology, launched its a full network is eventually transportation system. The
soon as this year, depending ism hub. As Persian Gulf coun- the emirates push to grab part electric cars in Dubai earlier rolled out, Hyperloop One exec- project suffered many delays
on how tests go, Dubais trans- tries facing lower oil revenues of the future for itself. this year. Dubais ruler, Sheikh utives say. and has yet to be completed.
portation authority says. struggle to diversify their Theres a transition in Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mak- It is an emirate that has a Still, Mr. Lloyd of Hyper-
The drone taxi has space economies, Dubai hopes to Dubai from being consumers toum, has set a target of mak- reputation for not only dream- loop says that Dubai has a
for one person and a suitcase strengthen its credentials as of innovation to be producers ing a quarter of domestic ing big but actually making good chance of becoming the
only. It flies typically at the regions center for finance, of innovation, says Hazem transport trips smart and driv- things happen, says Rob first location where the Hy-
around 60 miles an hour and tourism and transportation. Galal, a partner at PwC and erless by 2030, which could Lloyd, chief executive of Hy- perloop will be introduced,
is linked to a control center on You cannot resist the the global leader of its con- generate $6 billion a year in perloop One. In a sign of and that it will help toward
the ground. In case of emer- changes that are going to hap- sulting business for cities and savings and economic benefits, Dubais support for the Hyper- achieving the emirates goals.
gency, the drone will land im- pen in the future, Mr. Ger- local governments. Dubai officials say. loop project, its government- Says Mr. Lloyd, No one
mediately in the nearest safe gawi says. Either you move Besides low taxes and an en- Even bigger in scale is the controlled global ports opera- wants to build a project that is
space. Dubais authorities say and create the future, or it will viable location between East Hyperloop, another vision of tor, DP World, invested $50 an amusement ride.
that they have already exam- be imposed on you. and West, Dubai offers tech Mr. Musks. Dubai last year an- million in Hyperloop One.
ined the drone prototype and The city already has the companies a business-friendly nounced a deal with Hyperloop The Hyperloop project is Mr. Parasie is a reporter for
that it would be controlled Burj Khalifa, the worlds tallest environment where red tape is One Inc., a company develop- still years away from trans- The Wall Street Journal in
through 4G mobile internet. building; palm-shaped, artifi- limited and regulations can be ing Hyperloop technology, to porting its first passengers. Dubai. He can be reached at
Eventually, the drone will cial islands off its coast; and, easily modified for prototypes. explore linking Dubai with Abu The company is working with

Cities See the Power of Good Design for Utility Structures

As hiding eyesores gets harder, theres more
need to get creative with utilitarian facilities and
integrate them with their surroundings

UTILITY AND public-works

structures in cities tradition-
ally have a pretty uniform rep-
utation: Theyre ugly. But a
new generation of projects are
being designed to weave infra-
structure into cities social fab-
ric, offering amenities and
standing as works of public art.
As cities become more

densely populated and land

becomes scarcer, its harder to

The Denny Substation in Seattle will encourage street life.

hide eyesores. So theres more
impetus to get creative with
utilitarian facilities and inte-
At Sherbourne Common in Toronto, colorful cascades help aerate storm water.
grate them with public spaces
and neighborhoods.
Theres not only less space
available as old industrial
Sherbourne Common
edges of cities become rede- Stormwater Treatment
veloped, but theres also more Facility
of an expectation that infra- Toronto
structure projectscontribute
to a better public realm expe-

rience through their design, This project transformed

says Marie Law Adams, princi- 2,000 acres of waterfront
pal architect in the Boston brownfield into public recre-
firm Landing Studio and a lec- ational space, integrating a

turer in the department of ur- storm-water treatment facility

New Yorks Spring Street Salt Shed looks like a salt crystal.
ban studies at the Massachu- into a public park.
setts Institute of Technology. Water is filtered under-
Heres a look at some of the sunlight to reach the sur- But the design, by Dattner ground, then flows into a facil-
new projects. rounding gardens and open Architects with WXY architec- ity beneath a park pavilion for
Copenhill Waste to Energy Plant and ski slope, Copenhagen.
spaces. ture and urban design, has a disinfecting treatment from
To encourage street life, the been widely acclaimed as a ultraviolet light. Next stop is
Denny Substation ground level will have retail building that enhances its roof will hold one of the three light showers created
Seattle space, and the site will have Hudson Square neighborhood Copenhill/Amager Bakke worlds largest year-round ar- by Jill Anholt, a Vancouver
parking for food trucks and along the Hudson River in Waste to Energy Plant tificial ski slopes. The elevator artist, where cascades of wa-
Unlike most power substa- outdoor spaces for eating. lower Manhattan. Copenhagen to the top of the slope will ter are aerated as they tumble
tions, which wall themselves NBBJ in Seattle was hired Designed to look like a salt give passengers a view of the down 30-foot-high stainless-
off from the surrounding in 2012 by Seattle City Light, a crystal, the structure has a ta- plants operations, and an ob- steel mesh curtains.
neighborhood, Denny substa- publicly owned utility, to build pered base that allows more Its a first: a waste-to-en- servation deck will offer an Before the water heads into
tion will invite passersby to the substation. Currently un- space for pedestrians at street ergy plant that is also a ski unobstructed view of the sur- Lake Ontario, it passes though
interact with it. der construction, the facility is level. The facade complements slope. rounding area. For summer- a water play area, with com-
A walkway loop accessible scheduled to be fully opera- an art deco Holland Tunnel This plant will convert time use, the roof will have puter-controlled water jets
to the public will be 16 feet tional next year. vent shaft nearby. 400,000 tons of waste annu- green forest areas and a hiking that children use during the
above the substations ground The salt shed is surrounded ally from city residents and trail accessible from the bot- summer. In the winter, the
level, overlooking Denny Way, by beds of laminated structural businesses into heat for tom of the slope. same space becomes an ice-
city traffic, the Seattle skyline,
Spring Street Salt Shed blue-green glass, like a pool 150,000 households and low- Designed by the Bjarke In- skating rink.
a landscaped terrace and a New York filling the space between the carbon electricity for 550,000 gels Group, Copenhill is lo- Sherbourne Common was
dog park. People will be able sidewalk and the sheds over- people. cated outside the center of Co- designed by Phillips Farevaag
to peer through portholes in Salt sheds are highly utili- hanging walls. Day and night, Copenhills exterior is penhagen in an industrial area Smallenberg of Vancouver.
parts of the substations walls tarian structures. This one light playing on the glass cre- wrapped in stacked aluminum thats evolving into a mix of
to see its inner workings. The was built to house as much as ates a sense of depth and re- bricks with openings between uses. Construction began in Ms. Sadick is a writer in
glass and metal walls will 5,000 tons of salt to be used flects into the faceted walls of them, allowing daylight to 2013, with project completion New York. Email her at
slope inward, allowing more on the citys streets. the shed. stream into the building. The expected by early next year.
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THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Monday, April 17, 2017 | R7


I Come From the Future

eating brains in the backroom (thank alien nanobots in The Day the Earth
you, iZombie). Stood Still.
Cohabiting with the ever-present Given the citys unique role, its
shadow of the future can provoke tempting to mine Vancouver sci-fi for
For Vancouverites, seeing their city double as the favorite thoughts that are less spooky and
more weighty. Thanks to the nature
clues about North Americas future.
Those clues point in very different
sci-fi setting for TV and film can be disorienting of contemporary science fiction, most
of it dystopian, we Vancouverites are
directions, however. One future is
suggested by the city we see on the
challenged not only to consider what screen. Its a future ruled by corpora-
makes the future seem nearer, and according to CreativeBC, the govern- the future may hold, but also what tions from faceless, imposing towers;
the fantastical seem plausible. It adds ment agency tasked with fostering we should do to address it. a future in which the technologies we
up to a very unreal reality. British Columbias film and TV in- Take the common sci-fi expectation create turn against us; a future in
IVE SEEN THE FUTURE, and it looks dustry. Of those, 27 were sci-fi, su- that we are heading toward authori- which genetic tinkering redefines the
a lot like the view from my office. Starting with X perhero, supernatural or fantasy tarianism. Vancouver sees a lot of very meaning of human.
Thats because I live and work in Vancouvers current status as the showsall genres that get audiences shows and movies based on this But the fact that North America
Vancouver, British Columbia, the city home of sci-fi traces back to The X- to suspend their disbelief and com- premise, many of them shot in or has pinned its fictional future on
Hollywood uses when it wants to Files, which began filming here in mit to an alternative reality. around buildings designed by local Vancouver suggests a more hopeful
peek a few decades (or centuries) the early 1990s, drawn by the citys All that fantasy in one city can (and world-renowned) architect Ar- possibility. The abundant forests
ahead. When you watch a futuristic abundant urban forests. The show make for a surreal experience. It gets thur Erickson. The sleek lines of his that first attracted The X-Files re-
TV show like Battlestar Galactica helped train a local filmmaking indus- tricky to navigate your own town modernist, concrete buildings clearly flect a city in which the natural
or Falling Skies, it was probably try with the expertise to pull off spe- once you forget which local buildings appeal to location scouts looking for world is never far away, and urban
filmed in Vancouver. The same goes cial effects, an expertise that deep- actually exist, and which are com- iron-fisted settings. Erickson buildings encroachment is allowed to go only
for futuristic movies like Elysium ened with the launch of Stargate SG- puter-generated imaginings youve have appeared as the base of a super- so far; a city in which quality of life
or Tomorrowland. 1, a sci-fi show that ultimately grew seen on TV. Try remembering where villain turned global dictator (Leg- and sustainability take precedence
Youve probably seen the city into a three-series franchise. you parked your car when you have ends of Tomorrow), American Nazi over material growth.
saved by superheroes (The Flash), The citys diverse landscapes and seen this parking garage in five differ- headquarters (The Man in the High If it seems hard to reconcile these
or read about it surviving climate cityscapes helped solidify its popu- ent futures. And if you think getting Castle) and a futuristic prison run by two futures, well, you havent been
change by virtue of its uniquely for- larity as a filming location. Its sky- stuck in traffic feels annoying in a androids (Battlestar Galactica). watching enough Vancouver-made
tunate location (The Water Knife). line of sleek glass towers can double regular city, imagine crawling through Once you see your daily landscape sci-fi. Think of them as alternative
Or maybe youve watched it meet a as Hong Kong (Arrow) or Japan the same streets you watched the slip into fascism, even on screen, that universes (as in Sliders or The
far less appealing fatelike being (Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Flash zip through the night before. dreaded future no longer feels so un- Flash), alternative timelines (Eu-
dominated by Nazis (The Man in the Surfer). When producers need a imaginablenor the security guard reka) or alternative futures (Leg-
High Castle) or destroyed by out- historic flashback, they can drop Apocalypse when? at the front door so benign. Indeed, ends of Tomorrow).
landish natural disasters (2012). their time travelers into the historic Sometimes living amid this much since TVs dystopian functionaries North America can travel into ei-
So whats it like living in the fu- buildings and alleys of Gastown and sci-fi and supernatural action can be are all played by local talent, a re- ther of these futures, and if we seem
ture? Lets just say I feel like a real- the Downtown Eastside. downright disturbing. Our companys quest delivered in a Canadian accent to be heading too far down the
life time traveler, living in 2017 but The locations arent the only ap- first offices felt vaguely menacing, now sounds to me like its backed by darker path, we can always rewind
walking streets regularly cast as 2028 peal. The Canadian dollar has mostly because Dark Angel had filmed all an implicit or well be taking you and reset the timeline. All it takes is
(RoboCop), 2067 (Continuum) or been much lower than the U.S. dollar around us: I was used to seeing peo- and your family somewhere. some ingenuity, a time machine and
2166 (Legends of Tomorrow). The in recent decades, making Vancou- ple snatched up from these very al- Theres a similar creepiness that a filming permit.
stores I shop in, the streets I drive, ver-based shoots a relative bargain. leys for genetic experiments. When I comes from immersion in the possi-
the performances I attend: They are And policy makers have sweetened walk past my husbands old office ble end of the world. Weve seen the Ms. Samuel is a technology re-
all places Ive seen filled with aliens, the deal with tax incentives. building I envision psychic super-go- end of the world unfold in these very searcher and the author of Work
zombies or superheroes. Living on In 2016, the city played host to rillas (thank you, Flash), and when streets by solar flare in 2012, po- Smarter With Social Media. Email
North Americas favorite sci-fi set the shoots of 47 different TV series, I go to the butcher I picture zombies lar shift in Absolute Zero and her at

CITY OF TOMORROW | Some of the settings played by Vancouver-area locations in futuristic television shows and movies (TV shows except as noted)
auction house (MOVIE, 2015) Department of
Hall of Invention Mutant Affairs

(2016) Hub City Nazi headquarters
CONTINUUM (2012) THE MAGICIANS (2015) Inrmary University

1 3 4
Restaurant of CONTINUUM (2012)


(MOVIE, 2005)
Superhero lab
VANCOUVER 5 Marine Building
THE FLASH (2014) Bank MacMillan Bloedel Building 4 6 Arch Alley 10 Ambushes
TIMELESS (2016) Hotel 1 CONTINUUM (2012)
3 8 CBC Vancouver Academic Quadrangle
Chan Centre for Time-traveler vs.
TIMECOP (MOVIE, 1994) the Performing Arts H. R. and West Mall Centre,
MacMillan 9 Plaza of Nations time-traveler battle

5 6
Time Enforcement Simon Fraser University
Commission 2 U.B.C. Leon and Thea Space Centre iZOMBIE (2015)
MARINE BUILDING Koerner University Centre 7 Vancouver Public Library, Central Library ARCH ALLEY
Drug-fueled run

STARGATE SG-1 (1997) Space terminal

X2 (MOVIE, 2003) Natural-history museum
SLIDERS (1995) Government sanctuary


STARGATE SG-1 (1997) The planet Tollana


CAPRICA (2009) Spaceport CBC VANCOUVER Note: Years are when series and lms debuted;

they may not be when locations appeared in series.
THE 6TH DAY (MOVIE, 2000) Replacement Technologies HQ CONTINUUM (2012) Corporate HQ X-FILES (1993) FBI HQ Source: THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.

Where Shoppers Are Headed

dustrial parcels in vacant pockets closings in the past year. Shopping-
close to and inside cities, adjacent to center vacancy rates are on the rise.
railroad tracks and freeways. Many cities are razing downtown
These long-tucked-away areas are shopping centers from a bygone era
Warehouse distribution centers are replacing malls experiencing a bit of an economic
renaissance, says David Egan, who
to make way for hotels, office build-
ings and new housing developments.
as the retail hub for urban residents leads industrial market research at
real-estate brokerage CBRE Inc. In-
Suburban malls trying to keep the
doors open have shifted their focus
dustrial corridors that used to be to higher-scale restaurants and new
centered around manufacturingnow entertainment offerings, such as golf
theyre centered around distribution. driving ranges, wall climbing and
UNION, N.J.Past scrapyards, rail- In a small industrial pocket of the skydiving simulators.
road tracks, stacks of old wooden Los Angeles neighborhood of Atwa- For some shoppers, bypassing
pallets and rusty shipping containers ter Village, an unmarked warehouse malls and ordering necessities is be-
here sits a nondescript warehouse, sits at the end of a long driveway, coming a routine. As the mother of a
alongside a snarl of freeway over- tucked behind a car-repair shop and baby boy, Katie Neumann of Albu-

passes, with two dozen trucks a bulk flooring business. Inside, doz- querque says shes starting to do
parked at its docks. ens of Amazon workers push carts more of her shopping onlinethrough
This is where families across the up and down narrow aisles, selecting the Wal-Mart Stores Inc. website and
dense New York City metropolitan dry goods from shelves and cold other retailersbecause its more
area are getting their essential items from grocery-store-style freez- convenient. I dont have to get the
household shopping done. ers, then placing them into brown baby all ready to go somewhere, and
Every day, tens of thousands of paper bags for delivery. online its easier for me to judge how
bulk household items move through With the Atwater Village ware- much Im spending, she says.
the fulfillment center, house and three other similar facili- Ms. Neumann, who is 27 and mar-
destined for the online retailers cus- ties in the Los Angeles area, Amazon ried, says she doesnt get out of the
tomers along the Northeast corridor. Prime Now can deliver orders within house for fun too often. But if I
Incoming orders get assigned to a one- or two-hour time frame to a were to go out, it probably wouldnt
large plastic bins that travel along an large swath of Los Angeles County. be to a mall, at least not to buy any-
automated system of nearly 2 miles Amazon warehouses can deliver orders in one or two hours to much of L.A. Aside from groceries, the facility thing, she says.
of conveyors. Workers stationed stocks everything from childrens Thats the ideal result of shop-
along the winding route drop each dwellers of the future will tap a few Similar to running water or books and toys to makeup, mobile- pings new infrastructure, say some
itemfrom paper towels to peanut buttons on hand-held devices and a broadband internet, he says, when phone chargers and luggage. observersthat city dwellers spend
butterinto the bins as they pass by. part-human, part-machine warehouse its off, its a great inconvenience to We sell a lot of consumables, but less time pushing around shopping
When the order is complete, packers crew in a nearby industrial district our family, but when its on, I kind of were also fulfilling a need customers carts and more time in restaurant
arrange the items in a box, tape it will handle the transaction from start take it for granted. Magically, the di- have when theyre in a pinch, says booths, out for walks or meeting
shut and set it on another conveyor to finish. The weekly shopping is apers are at the front doorgreat. I Amazon spokeswoman Amanda Ip. friends at the park.
headed for a waiting delivery truck. done in 10 minutes, and the shopper dont even think about it. Getting goods delivered to ones
All these undesirable locations never has to leave the house. Unlike the familiar shopping cen- The mall no more home doesnt eliminate that other
are now really desirable for retail, Its shopping as infrastructure, ter that draws shoppers in with The mad dash by Amazon, Boxed part of the human experiencewant-
Boxed founder Chieh Huang said on says Adie Tomer, a fellow at the lighted signs, colorful advertise- and others to meet the immediate ing to get out of the house to get fresh
a recent tour of this facility. Brookings Institutions Metropolitan ments, ample parking and public- demands of e-commerce shoppers air, says Brookingss Mr. Tomer. Peo-
Policy Program. The growing network transportation hubs, these neighbor- coincides with the hastening decline ple will just exchange it. Now that
A different kind of shopping of e-commerce sites, warehouses and hood fulfillment centers arent of many urban and suburban shop- this other itch is scratched, maybe Ill
Warehouses like these are becom- delivery services will function like a designed with the public in mind. ping centers. Department-store sit outside with a newspaper.
ing a way of life for many urbanites. utility, says Mr. Tomer, who has two Theyre often plain, designed to chains, such as Kohls Corp., Macys
Instead of spending the afternoon small children and subscribes to re- blend in and go unnoticed, and Inc. and Sears Holdings Corp., which Ms. Phillips is a Wall Street Journal
choosing items off store shelves and ceive regular deliveries of diapers theyre in areas most people historically anchored megamalls, staff reporter in Los Angeles. Email
standing in a checkout line, city from Inc. wouldnt think of going to shop: in- have announced dozens of store her at
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To reprint or license content, please contact our reprints and licensing department at +1 800-843-0008 or
R8 | Monday, April 17, 2017 THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.


Why a City Needs to Create Its Own Global Brand

Greg Clark talks about which is growing, and there is
some of the best surfing and
cities do it really well, and how waterfront in the country.
They need to get together
some could do a lot better and tell the world that they
are a center for an organic
visitor dimension: Would you
want to visit here? The third WSJ: Are there traps that
is for business: Can you see city brands can fall into?
A QUARTER-CENTURY ago, this place providing you with MR. CLARK: The worst situa-
cities sought to promote a an environment that will tion is when your product is
positive image mainly be- give you a return on your worse than your image. Cur-
cause they wanted to attract endeavor? And the fourth is rently Berlin is perceived to
tourists and foreign invest- innovation: Does this place be sexy and attractive, but
ment. Today, metro areas have the ability to inspire the capacity to fulfill its
from San Diego to So Paulo and provide solutions? promise is subject to some
have come to a new realiza- In the end, cities are com- question. However, if your
tion: If they want to compete peting globally for popula- expectations are low, but
against other global popula- tion, students, cultural quality of life is high, you
tion centers, they need to events, corporations, ven- can make progress quickly.

position themselves as at- tures and live entertainment. Pittsburgh, for example, has
tractive places for knowledge The difficulty is that cities vastly improved, but because
workers, institutions, cul- arent simply products or its part of the Rust Belt, it
tural and sporting events, companies, so its easy to hasnt focused on building
and even film shoots. make mistakes. ity of working with one an- tarian regime to tell its story an international story that
Greg Clark, a nonresident other with a sense of
The difficulty is to businesses. Cities in con- gives it a positive identity,
senior fellow at the Brook- WSJ: What sort of mistakes? common purpose. that cities arent flict zones such as Belfast reputation and promise. That
ings Institutions Metropoli- MR. CLARK: The typical fail- Now the city has a whole and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, said, it isnt a bad thing
tan Policy Program, has been ure is to think that cities storytelling strategy, includ-
simply products have only laterally needed to when a product is already
studying this phenomenon need a logo, a slogan and an ing Food Makes Glasgow, or companies, so attract new events. There are better than its image. You
and advising civic leaders on iconic image. Stuff like that and Music Makes Glasgow. two other groups for whom a can make progress quickly.
the importance of their can be useful, but they arent That required little money, a
its easy to brand is really important: cit-
brand for three decades. His solutions unless they are the high level of citizen and make mistakes. ies where there is a domi- WSJ: What if I dont live in a
recent book, Global Cities: culmination of other events. other stakeholder engage- nant national identitylike city? Should I even care?
A Short History, explains The Guggenheim in Bilbao, mentand it created a confi- those in Canada, whose out- MR. CLARK: Right now 51% of
how age-old forces such as Spain, is a useful symbol be- dence boost. ward impression is nonurban, the world lives in cities; by
trade, migration, diversity cause it shows the citys but where 85% of citizens the end of the cycle that
and technology have allowed shift from postindustrial de- A long, slow process and effectively recruited live in five citiesand cities were in, from 1980 to 2080,
some cities to emerge as cline to a place of art and WSJ: How does a city even citizens by investing in pub- that have become famous for 80% will live in cities. Hu-
global leaders while others culture. The building on its begin to create a brand? lic spaces, fixing potholes, one thing but are desperate mankind will be mostly ur-
fall behind. own wouldnt work unless MR. CLARK: City positioning improving schools, tackling to switch to another. banized with a stable popu-
In a recent interview, Mr. there was a story behind it is a long, slow process that crime and promoting the fa- lation. We all have a
Clarkwho has advised more about change. involves leaders bringing to- mous Bauhaus buildings [a WSJ: Can cities get stuck in collective interest in the per-
than 200 cities, including On the other hand, Cape gether different representa- collection of some 4,000 an outmoded identityor formance of cities. They are
many of those mentioned be- Town said This City Works tives of the city. The main Modernist buildings]. The even change their brand? engines of economic devel-
lowdiscussed why a strong For You, which in the con- steps would be to benchmark population returned and new MR. CLARK: Who knew that opment, sustainability, social
urban identity cant be forced text of Africa means that the citys identity against immigrants arrived as the San Diego is a great city of mobility and encouraging
and when positioning a city this is a city that does busi- other places with compara- city successfully evolved into technology and a leader in citizens cross-culturally.
on the global stage is essen- ness efficiently. But that ble assets; recruit citizens a livable city, then a non- oncology and oceanography? Having a high regard for cit-
tial. Edited excerpts follow. message doesnt have mean- and city institutions to build stop city and then a Not many, because it has re- ies and what they can ac-
ing or purpose beyond busi- an alliance; align existing startup city. tained a holiday identity. It complish is important.
A citys story ness, so it fails globally. events and marketing with In a way, this sequential could be a global leader if a And there are more cities
WSJ: What exactly is a city an agreed-upon common positioning provided a narra- different story about it as an now that are capable of [at-
brand? WSJ: Where are the success story; train citizens and civic tive that has helped build a innovation center is told. tracting mobile people and
MR. CLARK: City branding is stories? leaders to be champions of brand for external audiences, In Newcastle, in New events]. We might have said
the accumulation of identity, MR. CLARK: Glasgow devel- that story; and review prog- as well as loyalty among the South Wales, Australia, I was 25 years ago that there were
reputation and the promise oped a brand strategy for ress annually to develop ad- citizens and stakeholders. expecting to see a postindus- 10 global cities; today we
that any individual city can less than $100,000 by crowd- ditional approaches. trial malaise, a rust-belt Aus- might say there are 100. So
become known for certain sourcing the work through a Tel Aviv is a good exam- WSJ: Should all cities brand tralia. Instead, I found a city visibility and differentiation
characteristics. For citizens, competition. In the end, it ple. Despite a vibrant tour- themselves? where coal mining is active is key.
its: Would you like to live chose a tagline that has a ism sector, the Israeli city in MR. CLARK: Not all the time. and the technical university
here? Do you want to move deeper narrative behind it: 1998 was losing population It made no sense until 1994 is relocating to the city cen- Ms. Mitchell is a writer in
away? Are you happy with People Make Glasgow ex- to its regional neighbors. for any Eastern European ter. People are moving back Chicago. She can be reached
the lifestyle? Then there is a presses the Glaswegian qual- Mayor Ron Huldai stepped in country locked in an authori- into the city, the population at


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