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Journal of Sound and Vibration (1993) 168(1), 123-39 AN EQUIVALENT-CENTER-WEIGHT FACTOR METHOD FOR PREDICTING FUNDAMENTAL FREQUENCIES OF PLATES CARRYING MULTIPLE MASSES FROM EXPERIMENTAL TEST DATA K. H. Low School of Mechanical and Production Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 2263 (Received 25 February 1992, and in final form 4 June 1992) This paper is concerned with the fundamental frequencies of vibrating rectangular plates. with masses mounted on various locations. The study is particularly useful in the understanding of the vibration of printed circuit boards used in the electronics industry. Jn the first analysis, experimental tests on two aluminum plates carrying a single mass, through a shaker system, were conducted to collect useful data, The plates are, respectively, 460 x 420 x 2mm and 710 x 420 x 2mm. The experimental results confirm that the fundamental frequency of the plate decreases as the weight of the mass component is increased, and the frequency increases as the mass moves away from the center of the plate. In conjunction with an equivalent-center-weight factor (ECWF) method is described, which enables one to predict the fundamental frequencies of the loaded plates carrying multiple masses by using merely the data measured earlier for the respective plates with ‘a single mass. Numerical results for the two plates with various loading configurations having four masses have been compared with those found experimentally. Good agreement between computed and experimental results is obtained. It is concluded that the ECWF method enables one to obtain analytically a quick and relatively accurate estimation of the fundamental frequencies of plates carrying concentrated masses at various positions. 1. INTRODUCTION In electronic systems extensive use is made of plug-in printed circuit boards because they are very easy to service. Defective circuit boards can be removed and replaced quickly and easily without bothering with wires and a soldering iron, The rectangular printed circuit board is the most common shape used in the electronics industry, since this shape is easily adapted to the popular modular plug-in type of assembly, in which an electrical connector along the bottom edge of the circuit board is used [1]. Considerable attention has been paid to the solution of the vibration problems of such plates [1-3]. These studies are useful in respect to the vibration of printed circuit boards because most such boards can be approximated as flat rectangular plates with different edge conditions and various loading conditions [1, 6). In what follows here an experimental study is described of the effect of masses and their locations on the natural frequencies of the plates. The frequencies are obtained by using a shaker system, The vibrations of flat rectangular plates form the basis for the current work. In reference [7], an energy approach and a finite element method were used to model 123 (0022-460X/93/250123 + 17 $08.00/0 © 1993 Academic Press Limited 124, K. H. Low tested plates carrying a single mass. The analytical results were compared with the frequencies obtained experimentally. The frequency analysis in the present work is further complicated by the fact that a typical plate-like board has a number of mass components mounted on it at various locations. It is expected that the masses located away from the center have less effect on the resulting natural frequency than equal masses placed at the center. As defined in references [8] and [9], a weight located at the center of the plate that produces the same effect on the natural frequency as another mass located away ftom the center is called the equivalent-center-weight (ECW). While the frequencies of plates carrying concentrated masses can be directly determined by means of various analytical approaches (1, 4, 7,10-12], the main objective of the present work is to introduce a method that can extract the fundamental frequency of any loaded plate with multiple masses from data measured in simple experimental tests in which the plate carries only a single weight. Accordingly, the study of various analytical solution schemes, which can be found in references [4, 6, 9-12], is beyond the scope of this paper. It is worth mentioning that both references [11] and (12] are concerned with the analytical solution for the transverse vibrations of plates carrying finite masses, with account taken of the effects of both their translational and rotational inertias. Laura et al. [11] solved the problems by using the Rayleigh-Ritz and Dunkerley methods, while Gorman and Singal [12] obtained solutions by superimposed Lévy-type solutions for forced vibration. 2. EXPERIMENTAL PARAMETERS The schematic layout of the equipment and instrumentation used in the experiment is shown in Figure 1. The set-up consists of a plate and various dummy weights, the specification of which is listed in Table 1. The plate configuration for the tests is shown in Figure 2. Two plates of different aspect ratios, 460 x 420mm and 710 x 420mm, have been considered. Vibration tests with the shaker system (see Figure 1} gave experimental data that can be used to study the effects of different mass components and their locations on the natural frequencies of the plates. In respect to Figure 2, the two opposite sides of the piate with the mounting holes are assumed to be fixed. Each of these two sides is bolted to a side bracket. In reference [7], Charge amplifiers Monitored accelerometer 1_| Plotter Vibration Piate-tike chassis, Control controller accelerometer Power Load suppor. —_ amplifier platform, J Shaker [] ‘To shaker drive coil Figure 1. Schematic layout of the experimental set-up. FREQUENCIES OF MASS-LOADED PLATES. 125, TABLE | Specification of the plates and the dummy weighs Plates Length, @ 460 and 710 mm Width, 6 420mm Thickness, 2mm Material Aluminum alloy $052 H32 Modulus of elasticity. E — 70GNjm* Density, p 2770 kgm’ Poisson ratio, v 0334 Dummy weights Mass 025-25 kg in steps of 025 kg Base area 50 x 80 mm Material Mild steel Surface finish Cadmium-plated to prevent corrosion the natural frequencies of the bare plate without any dummy weight were obtained by several analytical approaches, The results showed that the real plate can be approximately represented by a rectangular plate simply supported and fixed boundary conditions at the opposite edges. 3. EXPERIMENTAL FREQUENCIES OF THE LOADED PLATES. 3.1, PLATES WITH A SINGLE MASS PLACED AT CENTER ‘The experimental results for the fundamental frequencies of the two plates with different concentrated masses placed at the plate’s center are shown in Table 2, The frequency and weight ratios were also computed to obtain the graph of f/f, vs. W./W, (a list of nomenclature is given in Appendix C), as shown in Figure 3 for the respective plates. It is obvious that more accurate curves can be generated if plates with more single masses, at small increments, are tested. Mounting holes, 24.2 oa 20 Bending edge K\ " 10. 0 IO we "ay Figure 2. Plate configuration. Dimensions in mm, 126 w Plate of 460 x 420 mm Plate of 710 x 420 mm fp Es (kg) WW, HA) hehe LALA S- (Hz) Sl 00 0-0 87-20 1-000 00 62°76 1-000 024 = 0-200 60:12 0-689. 0-133 5152 0-821 050 0417 50:22 0576 0-278 4194 0-668 074 0617 4158 0-477 oat 3414 0-544 100 0833-3916 0-449 0556 31-60 0-504 124-1033 3564 0-409 0-689 28-51 0-454 148-1233 33:27 0-382 0822 2685 0-428 176 1467-29-26 0-336 0978 24-86 0:396 98 1650-2755 0316 1-100 24-02 0-383 222° 1850-2708 = 0311 1-233 23-41 0373 248 2067 (26620305 1.378 22-24 0.354 3.2. PLATES WITH AN OFF-CENTER MASS Fundamental frequencies of the two plates carrying different single masses at various locations (see Figure 4) have been obtained experimentally. The row-and-column desig- nation that is used to indicate the dummy weight’s location on the plate surface is Figure 3. Frequency ratio us. weight ratio for (a) the 460 x 420mm and (b) the 710 x 420mm plates. , ‘experimental values. Frequency ratie, flfo 06 04 02 oo 00 K.H. Low TABLE 2 Experiment results for f.lfo vs. W.iW,, On 06 08 Weight ratio, We/Wp 12 FREQUENCIES OF MASS-LOADED PLATES 127 Figure 4, A plate carrying a single mass. illustrated in Figures 5-7. It is assumed that the plate has two planes of symmetry. Therefore, only a quarter of the original plate is represented in Figures 6 and 7. ‘As an example, the experimental frequencies for the 460 x 420 mm plate carrying a dummy weight of 2:0 kg (W,) are presented in Table 3. As listed in the first column of the table, the mass was placed at different grid points as designated in Figure 6. The pertinent fundamental frequency (f) obtained through the shaker is given in the second column, The third column shows the resultant frequency ratio (f/f,). By virtue of Figure 3 or the method of linear interpolation with Table 2, the fourth column indicates the weight ratio (W,/W,) for the corresponding frequency ratio. The equivalent-center-weight factor (ECWF) can then be evaluated according to E,= (W./W,)(W,/W,) (see Appendix A for the derivation of ECWF). Note that the result in Table 3 is obtained by vibrating the plate with a weight mounted on it. Through a finite element analysis, design curves of the ECWF for plates were generated [9] (sce Figure 8, for example). Design curves can also be produced from the experimental work provided that enough weight positions are used in ‘the experimental tests. It is important to realize that the ECWF indicates implicitly the effect of the dummy weight on the system frequency. The results in Figure 8 show that masses located further away from the center have less effect on the resulting frequency than equal masses Figure 5. Co-ordinates of mass placed on the plate surface. 128 K. H. LOW Lt | | Tom Lt it | no |-35 343332 —31 wel) | td |__—-210mm——+| Figure 6. Row-and-column designation for the 460 x 420mm plate. mounted at the center. It is expected from Figure 8 that £-= | at the center of the plate, Position 11. 4, FREQUENCY ESTIMATION FOR PLATES WITH MULTIPLE MASSES The classical Rayleigh method requires that Ua (maximum strain energy) = Tra(maximum kinetic energy), a) ptt 38 3736353433031 ee Figure 7. Row-and-column designation for the 710 420 mm plate. FREQUENCIES OF MASS-LOADED PLATES 129 Tape 3 Frequency ratio for the 460 x 420mm plate carrying a mass of 2kg Location f (Hz) fi «WW, —«-ECWF. W 275103155 *-6707—««-000 12 2928 0335814690881 3 3133 03503134850 809 4 35-64 0-4087, 10351 0-621 15 4340 0497705752 (0.345 2 27:54 03158 16570 0-994 22 29:47 0-3380 14570 0-874 2B 31357 0362013345801 24 35:73 04097 1.0293 0618 25 43520-4991 05724 0-343 31 29:12 0333914858891 32 274 0341114413 0-865 3 3271 0375112680 0-761 cg 35:94 04122 10172 0-610 35 4378 05021 05664 0340 4! 31-60 03624 13328 0-800 42 32-15 03687, 13007 0-780 4B 3299 03783«1:2517 0-751 44 39-23 04499, 08262 0-496 45 48:52 05564 00-4566, 0-274 31 3299 03783 «125170751 32 344103945 1:1396 0684 3 3817 0437708894 0534 34 4267 00-4893, 0-592] 0-355 35 S19T 0596003786 (0.227 Note: for the plate of 460 x 420mm, 5720 Hz and M, = 12 kg which yields the final expression for Rayleigh’s quotient (13, p. 254], Uni T*, Q) where T* is defined as the reference kinetic energy. By virtue of equation (2), the fundamental frequency of a beam with a concentrated mass M is given by [14] ‘dvlx)\? 100 vee yer pA(xo? dx + eno} @B) a There is an analogous expression in the case of a vibratory plate [4]: ef? §(aw | aw aw aw f aw \? (CL ota S3)-20-faae- Ga) Je)/ a ph (f f 7x, yw, y) dx dy + Gn») @) 130 K.H, LOW, ao} 240 Distance across the quarter plate's clamped edge z 210 «WOODS ° Distance across the quarter plate's simply supported edge Figure 8 ECWE design curves. Definitions of the parameters in equations (3) and (4), which are the standard ones used in the literature, are omitted here for brevity. The shape function w({, 17) is associated with @ concentrated mass M({,#) acting at the plate’s co-ordinates (¢,), as depicted in Figure 5. In the case of plates carrying finite masses, equation (4) can be extended to introduce the respective concentrated masses M,(C,,,) acting at (C,,,): oo(fi eile) ({ f 1X, y)w(x, y) dx dy + EMomwiGom))} (3) 0 Jo 7 It is known that the accuracy of Rayleigh’s method in frequency analysis depends on the selection of the shape functions, w(x, y) and w(¢,n). For plates without a concentrated mass, equation (4) reduces to (Loess) A-SI }oo) ( f 2s ws pdx a). © It is convenient now to introduce a symbolic form for equation (4), km" + M*), Mm where M* is the generalized mass associated with the concentrated mass M, while k* and m* are the generalized quantities for the unloaded plate. FREQUENCIES OF MASS-LOADED PLATES. 131 In view of equation (7), the fundamental frequency for a plate carrying a concentrated mass at Position I can be expressed as ape Ow awl atw aw aw wte(f Poles) fs (5) Jo) - ‘ (f f Hla, yw'ta, y) ax dy + MG mbm) ee ®) while for the same plate carrying a concentrated mass at Position 2, ere Cfatw atw\? aw o -(f fos) -() je »)/ * Pex owe y) de dy + a, Gm)-— (fF freemen ras dy + alts mw md) = eae On the other hand, an expression can be obtained by virtue of equations (4), (5) and (7) if the plate carries the two mass components, M,(C,,1:) and M3(C2, 12): namely, wo =k*(m* + M$ + MP). (0) From equations (8)(10) one has (m* + Mt + MB) 2m* + MP4 Mt = and e ai, 12) which yield 1 1 1 1 —=(—+—}--; 13) o (arta) oy “ where ap is the frequency for the same plate carrying no mass, Voi =m*/k*, (14) A similar process can be applied carrying multiple masses. In view of equation (13), the frequency of plates carrying multiple masses at various locations can be found as a l(a JU -4 J22 (1s) where j denotes the number of concentrated masses on the plate surface. Equation (15) can also be written as 1 1 i = —_ =. Li 2 ¥(¢5) ae (6) where @, is the frequency of a plate of negligible mass with a concentrated mass M,, 1/03, = M¥ik*. (17) It is noted that 1 1 1 a8 oof “8 Incidentally, equation (16) forms an alternative form of Dunkerley’s equation [15]. Equations (15) and (16) show that one can extract the system frequency («) merely from. the individual frequency (w,) and the unloaded frequency (2). For instance, the system. 132 K. H. Low frequency for a plate carrying four concentrated masses can be expressed as I L 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 T Stotato- or Se tt tt. (isa) waite alta af % wTantaptas tartar (a By imposing the ECWF introduced in Appendix A, the system frequency « can be expressed in terms of wy as fy) oy) os” z where Ey is the ECWF associated with the concentrated mass M,. Note that @yin equation (20) has been explicitly defined in terms of w and w, (see equation (18)). It is obvious that if a mass is placed at the plate’s center, equation (20) reduces to the form of equation (18), (20) 1 13 Toe Qu) since E;= | according to the definition of ECWE. It is apparent from equation (20) that the factor Ey, has eflectively taken the location of the respective mass M,j into account, while no factor is needed for « (or m) as the plate’s centroid is assumed to be at its center. 5. COMPARISONS BETWEEN THE ESTIMATED AND EXACT RESULTS By virtue of equations (19b) and (20), the fundamental frequency of the loaded plate with four masses can be estimated if f, and fz are given: a T Configuration 3 Configuration 4 © Figure 9, Test configurations for four masses at different positions. (a) 460 x 420 mm plate; (b) 710 x 420 mm plate. FREQUENCIES OF MASS-LOADED PLATES 133 1 1 1 1 1 VE Ee, Ex Ew 1 Zta amit e+ +z RR OO BOP RRR TAR (22, 23) Again, tet jotta, 4 Note that « (rad/s) = 2nf (Hz). To demonstrate the application of ECWF to the frequency estimation for plates carrying multiple masses at different locations, four test configurations (see Figure 9) were arranged for different combinations of masses. The experimental (exact) frequency for each case was obtained. For example, the fundamental frequency for test configuration 1 having four masses of 2-0 kg (sce Figure 10) is 20-14 Hz, while the frequencies estimated by using equations (22) and (23) are 16:55 and 18.75 Hz, respectively. A sample calculation in Appendix B demonstrates how the results of Tables 4-7 can be obtained. Results of these tables suggest the following conclusions. (1) The fundamental frequency of the plate decreases as the weight of the component mass is increased, and the frequency increases as the mass moves away from the centre of the plate. (2) The error (%) in fia (equation (22)) increases as the weight W, increases. (3) In the case of small W,, the difference (%) for fuy is close to that for fuga. Which implies that the estimation via f.,, can be recommended only for small Ws. (4) The estimation off... by using equation (23) generally gives relatively accurate results of less than 10% error, as shown by the comparisons with the experimental results. This consistent result is duc to the fact that the effects of different masses and their locations on the fundamental frequency have both been accounted for implicitly in the respective ECWF. In fact, equations (22) and (23) can be applied to both experimental and analytical methods provided the frequencies f, and f, are known. Tables 4-7 verify that the present study enables one to estimate the whole system frequency (/) through the individual system frequencies (f,) with their associated ECWF (E,). Another attraction of the study is that the frequencies J and f, were actually found experimentally without resorting to equations Figure 10. A plate carrying four masses. 2H 07-18 = pur 84 7-1 = “Wy “umm op X O9¥ Jo a1e1d oy1 407 -sI0N, LOE 968 aSz L8-£— (%) aouaray'd OL9T 6r61 Is-8¢ £01P (amo@ °F BLel 89-61 PLSI 02-01 (%) souarayi sad OT £8PT ops Oy Sout Irie &-bT 96 05-66 ey 190 COEF st 96r0 ETHELOPD EOE HOE HHS EE LEB tb 3980 6€-0F or P80 LOT OLED LOSE 8980 SEP 1980 LBS w $890 Ihe 07 789-0 Ihe 189-0 ER BE EOS BM OL £9.09 zs £180 84s so S980 PL6c ORO SISE SRO ESF cBOD LES ze amor GS BYseN AME CHS AMO’ = GHS aMDa CHS amoa Gs woneo0| SausEM, SiyBiom quaLOyIC DOT="W 8xs1="W B01 ="W aso ="W Z woupandyuoo 191 us aipjd wnw YZp x Ygp ay? 40f sifnsax oruauiadey 3 sav, : ROCA =9f pw BY = HERE x BF Jo sm a4 105 ON Se1 91-6 98-0 eos ~ L9— (%) souss2uig Lee e181 wee S087 Ieee (moa) OF EL OSI veut Pls Os (%) sour NE Sool £007 WOE ILE ey soe 1-00 wee 1L9% 88-98 ey IsL0 66-7E IsL0 G6ZE_— TIL LTE 0990 hoe p86-0 Is 1660 zzEE 766-0 HSLZ 1660 CHEE 9860 B-GE 1 Lp URIS 0 129-0 POSE S60 BSI ELD AZ IS vt 1190 09s 0 8080 ENE 6PL0SELE 0890 Lt 119-0 9s eI Amd CHS GN sseW aM GMS aMod GDS anOd CHS ama CHS rite SUaION siydiom quaagtc 107 =" Bis = "Ww 810-1 ="W B1s0="W * | YonwunSyuor 1501 ur aropd ww Oey x Op ay1 4Of synsex poruauumadxy y mavy, 135 FREQUENCIES OF MASS-LOADED PLATES HL 9L-79 =f put 34 B-1 =“ “WML OTH x OTL JO aMed au 40] ‘SION Of 08 TOL stp 96:8 — (%) aouarayid 18st Tht ELSZ PSE 9% (amoa) e-0t tet coLe 69:11 tr6 () aouasayig vole POLL 61-07 05-92 9S-Se uy 69-90, 19-€7 Lut ore che Oy Stz-0 eS Ol 61£-0 cree 06-0 19h SzZ-O ees 661-0 OL 10r-0 OfES $0 Seo L97E 0zrO SELLE tOb-0 bS-Sb 10r-0 SL 9ss0 — 81-0€ oz 9550 SIO GLP ORE PSO INH RPO ss S860 TET SA 180 61-97 _——S8LO TEST — HOLD —TISE_—_—6690 ee amod CHS @Dssew aNd @H)/ AMOa CHS AMOa HS AMOa GHS woneao| SUBD AK, siyfiam quai R0¢= "Ww Ro1="w AOL" s3160="W ‘p MoNDunByu0> 1sar ut aynyd WUE OTE x OIL 24) 40f synsax poruauasadxy Lavy “EL 94-79 = ¥ pue 34 3:1 =“ “WUE OZp x OIL JO IEE OU) 30} :210N 161 ~ te a ae 9b (%) aouosayta verze $807 pre PLOT 0-07 (amog) oS £017 OL-ET 69-F1 peel Les (%) aouosayic, LOST OELL 65-07 Orst Sse wy Lele LLe €L-9z 6e LE wy 60-0 61-95 Sl vT10 nis £600 6195 980-0 SLES $800 1865 88 98-0 IO-be Ot 98-0 19E EPE-O ole 8-0 veRP 96-0 Oss 99 719-0 6C-8E OL 259-0 80-87 879-0 O7-7E 719-0 6e-8E 09-0 60: 8h ty OF8-0 Laty sO 998-0 4 958-0 OLR rr8-0 site Or8-0 Leer wt ama CHS @DseWw AMOR @H)S ANODE CHS aMoa HS ANOa CHS wore SUBD swyftam quar3gtC S107 = "AW BIST 8101 ="W BxS-0="W & MolNDanBifuod 18a ut a}O}d NUE Op x OIL a4) 4Of synsad poruaunadsy 9 mavy 136 K. H. LOW, (4)-(6). Therefore, the selection of appropriate shape functions w(x, y) and w(C, 1) for an accurate estimation on frequencies is not necessary. 6. CONCLUDING REMARKS The effect of added masses and their locations on the frequency of a rectangular plate has been studied experimentally. The fundamental frequency of a plate carrying multiple masses has been systematically and effectively predicted by using the ECWF method as presented in section 4. As expected, the natural frequency of the plates decreases as the weight of the added mass is increased, and its natural frequency increases as the mass moves away from the center of the corresponding plate. It should be noted that the analytical expressions presented in section 4 were derived simply for illustrating the concept of the ECW method. They are not meant to suggest any better analytical formulation approach for plates carrying multiple masses. ECWF design curves like that shown in Figure 8 can be found vibrating the plate-like chassis with a concentrated mass mounted on it. By making use of the ECWF, one can predict effectively and accurately the whole system frequency (f) of the plate carrying a number of masses at various positions, merely through the individual system frequencies (f) with the associated ECWF (£,) obtained earlier for the same plate carrying only a single mass, By virtue of the symbolic forms presented in equations (7}-(14), the ECWF method can be applied to both experimental and analytical studies, although the formulation and solution schemes for various approaches are not covered herein. The validity of the proposed method has been verified by comparing the predictions with experimental results. The good estimation performance of the ECWF is due to the fact that the effects of both the different masses and their locations on the frequency have been accounted for implicitly in the respective ECWF. The error in f.,. when equation (23) is used may be reduced if a more elaborate result than those of Table 2 (and thus of Figure 3) are available. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The author is indebted to Mr C. K. Ng for his excellent work in conducting the experimental analysis. He would like to thank the reviewers for their incisive comments that have done much to improve the quality of the manuscript, and he expresses his gratitude to Dr G. B. Chai for his assistance in generating several figures. The author also wishes to express his most sincere thanks to Ms Meow-Chng Soh for her help in preparing the manuscript. REFERENCES 1. D. S. Striper 1988 Vibration Analysis for Electronic Equipment, New York: John Wiley; second edition. 2. S. TimosHENKo and S. Wornowsky-Kriecer 1959 Theory of Plates and Shells. New York: McGraw-Hill; second edition. 3. A.W. Leissa 1973 Journal of Sound and Vibration 31, 257-293. The free vibration of rectangular lates. 4. 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(b) Dummy weights (W.) are consecutively placed at the center of the plate. The pertinent natural frequency of the loaded plate (f) is determined with each of the dummy masses (see Table 2). (©) The weight ratio (W,/W,) and frequency ratio (f, /f,) are then computed and a graph of the frequency ratio vs. the weight ratio is then plotted (see Figure 3). Note that the weight of the unloaded plate (W,) is given. {d) A row-and-colum designation, like that in Figure 6, is used to define the dummy weight's location on the plate. The effect of the location of the mass on the plate's frequency is studied. A specified dummy weight (JV,) is placed in turn at each of the grid points located over the plate. The natural frequency of the plate with the dummy weight at cach grid point, f, is obtained. (@) The frequency ratio (f/f) at cach grid location is obtained by dividing the natural frequency of the plate with the mass at the grid location, /, by that of the unloaded plate, f,. (f) By using the graph generated in step (c), or the method of linear interpolation with Table 2, the weight ratio (W,/W,) associated with the corresponding frequency ratio (calculated in step (¢)) is obtained. The ECWF (E,) is then obtained by using the relationship W.IW,=W,x EiW,, so that Ey=(W./W,) x (W,/W,)=(weight ratio) x (W,/W,). Note that W, (located at the plate’s center) =E,x W, (located at off-center) or W,= W./E,. By incorporating the ECWF, a weight (W,) located away from the center that produces the same frequency as another central mass of weight (W,) can be obtained. According to the definition, E,= | if the mass is located at the plate's center, and £)= 0 for a mass on an edge. 138 K.H. Low (g) With the ECWF known for a sufficient number of mass locations, design curves can be generated by interpolating the values to obtain factors ranging from 1-0 to 0-1 in steps of O-l, as depicted in Figure 8. (h) The process from steps (d)-(g) is then repeated for any other masses. APPENDIX B: SAMPLE CALCULATION FOR TABLE 4 FOR THE 460 x 420 PLATE CARRYING A MASS OF 2kg (1) A mass of 2-0kg is placed, respectively, at positions 13, 14, 21 and 51 (see Figure 6). (2) The corresponding experimental frequencies (J;) measured for the plate carrying each respective mass are 31-33, 35-64, 27:54 and 32:99 Hz. (3) The corresponding frequency ratios (f;/f,) are 0-393, 0-4087, 03158 and 0:3783, as the experimental frequency of the unloaded plate ( f,) is 87-20 Hz. (4) By virtue of Table 2 and the method of linear interpolation, the approximate weight ratio (W,/W,) can be calculated for each frequency ratio (f/f). The weight ratios are, respectively, 1-3485, 1-0351, 1-6570 and 1-2517. (5) The corresponding ECWF (£,) are, respectively, 0-809, 0-621, 0-994 and 0-751 according to the definition Ey= (WLW, WLW) = (W[W,) (12/20), Note that the weight ratios (W,/W,) have been calculated in step (4). For example, (W./W,), = 13485, while (W./W,)<= 12517. (6) The useful data are then summarized as shown in Table BI. (7) According to equations (24), (22) and (23), respectively, fin = 33°57 Hz, fp = 39-052, fy =29-03Hz, fy=3564Hz and Fea = 1655 Hz, fgg = 18:17 He. (8) On the other hand, it was found that the experimental frequency of the same plate carrying the four masses, each of 2-0 kg, iS fis = 20-14 Hz. (9) Comparison with the experimental frequency (f.,,.) yields Fern feo Foo Sort 5. 199 = 9-76%. Fan) x 100=1780%, fiua(%) Sse fest TasLe BL Useful data from steps (115) Position (Hz) E 3 3133 0.809 14 3504 0621 21 27-54 0994 51 32.99 0751 Me FREQUENCIES OF MASS-LOADED PLATES 139 APPENDIX C: NOMENCLATURE dimensions of plate Young's modulus of plate material equivalent-center-weight factor (ECWF) fundamental frequency of the loaded plate (Hz) fundamental frequency of the center-loaded plate (Hz) fundamental frequency of the unloaded plate (Hz) frequency ratio plate thickness number of concentrated masses on the plate surface generalized stiffness associated with the plate generalized mass associated with the plate concentrated mass mounted on the plate surface generalized mass associated with the concentrated mass M » W. Ws w, WoW, WW, et transverse beam displacement function transverse plate displacement function weight of the concentrated mass at the center weight of the concentrated mass at various positions weight of the unloaded plate weight ratio associated with the concentrated mass at the center weight ratio associated with the concentrated mass at various positions ph, density of plate (kg/m*) ‘= 2nf, fundamental frequency (rad/s) density of plate (kg/m?) Poisson ratio of plate material co-ordinates of weight placed on the plate surface

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