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06:00 am to You can get could go You must You have to You could go
08:00 am up and have jogging at bathe, dress go to to work
breakfast park to go to the breakfast at
bank restaurant
08:00 am to You should You have to could watch pede go You have to
10:00 am go to the clean and TV vissita where take time to
market to organize a friend read
buy food your home
10:00 am to You have to lunch and You have to You have to You should
12:00 pm study you should get home go to school take the
languages take a nap and have for children family to the
lunch restaurant
12:00 pm to You have to You can take to do sport could You can go
02:00 pm go buy a nap to get to be fit practice cycling race
sportswear to work swimming with friends
02:00 pm to You can go dede bring You have to could go to tine to read
04:00 pm to film the children rest a bit the bank the
invitation football more office newspaper
which made school wing

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