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14 montoir des Grands-Rebords

91690 Boissy-La-Riviere

June 23th, 2017

To whom it may concern;

Re: Application for the position of Program Coordinator

After almost 4 years working in the social entrepreneurship and humanitarian field in Latin
America, I am currently looking for new opportunities in Europe. I know that SIF acts as part of
Greece Regional Refugee Plan to promote the education and the participation of the refugies and
especially the women.

In January 2017, I started working with Libraries Without Borders in the Colombian post-conflict
context. We work in twenty of the demobilization zones known as Zonas Veredales Transitorias de
Normalizacin (ZVTN), where we implemented the concept of ideas box. In partnership with the
National Library of Colombia, we created rural libraries to help local and displaced populations
educate themselves and to support them during the process of peace agreements. I currently
supervise four boxes in both regions of Cauca and Nario and elaborate project tools and the
activities planning working in pair with the Colombian librarian of each zone.

I completed my Masters degree in Humanities and Social Sciences in September 2014 from
Universit Paris IV - la Sorbonne, Paris, France. During these 2 years, I chose to spend one semester
abroad to do my thesis researches on the irrigation of small scale farming in Mexico and on how to
improve the social and economic integration of small farms with sustainable perspectives and

During my six-month internship, I worked as a project co-coordinator in a local innovative

business, Silos de Agua, in partnership with the SEDESOL and the La Cruzada Nacional Contra el
Hambre program which aims to eliminate poverty and hunger and fight against forced emigration.
As a field coordinator I was in charge of the local planning with the participating farmers and the
definition of the experimental protocols: collection of datas, statistical analysis and results
reporting. After my graduation, I was lucky enough to follow the project management until the end
of the testing period.

From January 2015 to August 2016, I joined the team of Kangou Urban Delivery as a co-founder
and PR. Kangou is the first sharing economy logistic platform in Latin America. The main goal is
reducing the unemployment rate of the unstable populations in partnership with the government
of CDMX inter alia. Working in a start-up, I discovered a new world full of new technologies and
fundraising. In the summer of 2015, we were finalists for the BID Demand Solution Ideas for
Improving Lives challenge and I was invited to give a speech in Washington D.C. For this event I
wrote a social and environmental impacts report of the operations evolution on the first 2 years. I
learned a lot during this experience. Being a part of a young and small structure forced me to be
polyvalent and to develop new skills. It made me a good communicant and negotiator and made me
able to efficiently manage a team and work in complete autonomy.

After a few years as an expatriate, I am able to work in both English and Spanish. I am dynamic,
resourceful and rigorous in my work. I know how to adapt myself to a new environment, be it
professional or geographic. My experiences define me as someone who wants to give a real meaning
to her career and I am hopeful to have the opportunity to work with SECOURS ISLAMIQUE FRANCE
against marginalization around common values such as protection and education for all.

I would be happy to make myself available for interviews at your convenience.

Sincerely yours,

Marine Tous-Lion

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