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Internal External
Strengths Qualified teachers Parent Involvement
Strong District leadership Community Involvement
Great collaboration Business partnerships
Excellent administrative support
Top 5 Reward School
School programs
Good school to parent communication
Weaknesses Time Parent Resistance to technology
Achievement gaps Difficult student home life
New test with little to no information

Opportunities Professional Development Community learning

Technology Service learning
Becoming 1:1 School

Threats Funding Legislation

Student enrollment Changing standards, curriculum,
Time tests each year
Testing Scores
Turnover Increase
New Administration
Building Capacity Reached

SWOT Analysis: An analytical framework that assess what an organization can and cannot do
by using a process of identifying the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the

1. Extend learning to before- and after-school programs as well as summer programs: This
could help close achievement gaps that are seen in the school. This program can be
used with current teachers who are highly qualified. These teachers can be
compensated for their time. Currently using Collierville High School as student tutors.
2. Technology Night- Parents can attend a technology night to be introduced to how the
school will change once we become 1:1. My school is already having a technology night
to show parents how to use different types of technology and to show them how to
navigate on different apps.
3. Create a service learning activity- this website provides ideas of different
service learning activities performed by other schools. This can help students take part
in their community and learn about how important it is to be connected to their
4. COLLIERVILLEEDUCATIONFOUNDATION.Org This link provides teachers an opportunity
to write grants for classroom materials. They Collierville Education Foundation provides
funding that teachers may need, but dont have access to. This can help teachers with
their lesson and can bring in technology.
5. Tennessee Department of Education- See Tennessees Family
and Community Engagement page. This link can provide even more ideas to involve
families with the community and school.
6. NNPS invites schools, districts, states, and
organizations to join together and use research based approaches to organize and
sustain excellent programs of family and community involvement that will increase
student success in school.
7. Federal Reserve This organization can provide lessons plans and support for teachers to
help with introducing money and savings to students. This can help students who may
not be from a financially stable home learn at an early age that it is important to save.
8. This free service features everything from standards
based lesson plans and classroom activities to a multi-media primer, online mentors,
and reviews of curriculum based Web sites.
9. National Center for Family and Community
Connections with Schools The Center focuses on finding and sharing research based
information people need to design initiatives and take action to make connections
between schools, families, and communities.
10. Here is a list
of service projects for kids and opportunities for kids to volunteer within their
community that will empower kids with responsibility, engage their compassion, and
offer them the chance to affect the lives of others.

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