My Brexit

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My Brexit

One of the accusations levelled at the now older generation is that

we are ill informed bigots, well my Brexit story started when I was part
of the younger generation. Many people on both sides of the argument
have simplistic reasons either for or against Brexit but in my view it is
too important to vote on a whim.
If you cannot cast your mind back to 1973 with social or political
awareness then you will only have half the story and that makes YOU ill
informed and depending on attitude a bigot too.
I have tried to condense my reasons as not to be too long winded
with a mind to keeping the important points intact. There will of course
be some missing bits, which would re-enforce the argument but may stop
people reading to the end.
First I must set a scene for you as, being the younger (ish)
generation you will see the world through iPhones, Ipads, computers,
Internet, social media and 24-hour news channels. Back in 1973 there
were none of these things. Desktop computer of any use were at least 15
years away and laptops were not even thought of. Mobile phones were at
least 15 years away and if someone walked down the street talking to
their hand they would have been sectioned. If you wanted to phone
someone it was usually from a call box in the street as not all homes had
a landline. To get any news there were of course newspapers, which were
heavily politically flavoured to whichever party pulled the strings. News
on T.V. was at set times either 18:00 or 10:00 and that was it, not 24 / 7 as
today. So no mobiles, minimum phone time, no computers, no Internet,
no social media, a very slow news update and the population drip-fed
what the government wanted them not to know (yeah thats how I meant
A note on the government- whichever flavour it was thought they
got elected to do what they wanted and not what the electorate wanted
and at this time it was the Tories.

A note on the general state of play in the 1970s- We traded with

ALL of the world (I bought an Italian scooter in 1967), people from ALL
over the world came to work and live here, Brits went to work and live
ALL over the world. So the world did not begin in 1973 when we joined
the Common Market. When you went abroad for holidays (yeah that
happened too) you became aware how poor European countries were
compared to us. A spent in Greece, Spain, Portugal and many more
countries bought a great deal. They envied our spending power and us
So why 1973?
It was announced that we were joining a common market which
was a number of European countries banding together to form a market
place, which would make it easier to trade between them and involve less
bureaucracy and paperwork. Common standards would be set up so
goods would be the same standard from all countries. Dont worry
nothing changes with our world markets its just another market place
where things will be made easier to trade.
We werent asked if we wanted to join by the government, werent
given a referendum, a choice. We were not because they knew what
answer they would get so we were deliberately ignored or in Tory
parlance were not educated enough to make that choice or maybe we
were wise enough to see what they were up to. We were taken in illegally
because of the non-referendum situation
It slowly (and I mean slowly) became apparent that the trade deals
we had spent 200 years developing and were world leaders in, had been
ripped up and nobody mentioned that it would cost millions each year to
be in this market. We had to now let the leaders of this market (the
European faceless ones) negotiate for us. Yes we still trade with the world
but not on our terms.WTF


You trade with the world market which has a multi billion
population and you are pretty good at it but you drop all your trading
partners like a sack of shit and join a market that only has a population of
Millions and pay through the nose to do it. The government are the
Tories; you know (but cant prove it) that the then Prime Minister Ted
Heath has taken a large back hander (Morning Cloud Yacht) to join and
the little people are not expected to smell a rat WTF. They were going to
make us pay to bring them up to our standard and that means taking us
down towards theirs.

On finding out some of the truth (more was revealed later) people,
like me, began to protest and after two years of such protests the
government gave us a very poorly worded referendum (to add to the
confusion) in 1975. They knew that many people would believe the
government propaganda of the day which was Its only a common market
place for like minded countries, we all benefit, we have paid millions into
it already so lets just see how it goes and would more than likely vote to
stay in. The referendum was worded in a biased way to get the vote they
wanted but I VOTED OUT. I voted out because I knew we had been
duped but I lost. Did I go on the rampage and demand another
referendum because it didnt go my way NO thats democracy (Tony
Blair, Richard Branson, Bob Geldolf (or should that be Gandolf) and the
rest want stringing up by their bollocks as far as Im concerned. Suck it
It didnt take long after this vote was in the bag before it became
apparent that there were even more sinister motives behind joining the
common Market we were heading towards a Federal European
Government with diminishing rights and say in the process. Things began
to creep in under the radar as soon as the government felt they had the
mandate to really unleash the plan. Recent evidence has revealed that the
British public was lied to and deceived over Europe right from the word
You began to notice that we suddenly could not do this or that
unless we got the go ahead from Europe. The reasons were Dont worry
we are just aligning our trading standard and regulations with Europe.
The words Common Market were used less and less. Then it was Ah
we no longer use the term Common Market its now the European Union
as we are integrating more rules and regulations to make things easier.
WTF easier for who or should I say what? World domination?

The signing of the Maastricht Treaty (1993) and the Lisbon Treaty
(2009) the two main treaties in an episode over the years of signing away
our sovereignty and rights to self govern without our permission. As
much as I hated Margaret Thatcher, the Tories took her down because she
would not go the full Monty on Europe. All underhanded deception at the
highest level. What do we have Parliament for if we have to cow tow to
Europe no no no enough is enough.
You may not Like Nigel Farage, you may not agree with him but
when he stood up in the European Parliament and said what he said it was
just like me and him had been in the pub the night before and I had told
him what I felt about Europe.
By stealth, by deception and without ever telling the truth to the
British public you have imposed upon them a political union. You ignored
peoples protests and brought the Lisbon Treaty in through the back door.
We want our country back and be self governing.
Exactly why I voted leave this time around something I had not
foreseen the first time I voted leave i.e. the level of corruption and
deception. A common market my arse they planned a common political
union and when you lie and deceive people they will bide their time and
take action against you WE ARE THE GENERATION THAT WERE
it up guys
Like I said at the beginning I have left bits out and still its a pretty
long read but maybe it should be to reflect the importance of the decision.
Some people might ask for documentary proof on some aspects of this
but hey these are my thoughts and recollections of the actual events so its
not a discussion. As a sign of the lack of information at the time I cant
remember the exact date I noticed that it was no longer the common
market but a European union. I remember thinking WTF and being
informed well as we are aligning more and more things its becoming a
union of sorts I also remember thinking I dont suppose I will ever get
another vote but if I do it will be the same as the first time but with added
These are my thoughts based on actual facts, if you think you can
disprove them then thats up to you but I wont discuss it further.
Remember this when looking for facts on the internet- it will tell you that
Edison invented the light bulb he did not
Fleming invented penicillin he did not
The Danes invented Lego they did not etc etc
This is the truth

Michael Read

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