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Quintus Curtius
(http://www.returnofkings.com/author/quintus-curtius) c u r t i u s )

Quintus can be found at qcurtius.com (http://qcurtius.com). He is the

author of the books On Duties (http://qcurtius.com/books/on-duties-a-
guide-to-conduct-obligations-and-decision-making/), Thirty Seven
(http://qcurtius.com/books/thirty-seven/), Sallust: The Conspiracy Of
Catiline And The War Of Jugurtha (https://qcurtius.com/books/sallust-
the-conspiracy-of-catiline-and-the-war-of-jugurtha/), and other books
(https://qcurtius.com/books/). His work has been reviewed at Taki's
He can be followed on Twitter (https://twitter.com/QuintusCurtius)


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When young guys are just starting out in game and life, they make all sorts of mistakes. I was one of those guys. Im still constantly
making mistakes. But I feel that getting some years under my belt, and some experience, has made me more aware of my mistakes. And
awareness is the rst step in improvement. I was reading a thread in the game section of the Roosh V Forum
(http://www.rooshvforum.com) recently that reminded me of some foundational truths of the male-female dynamic that I think are
important to repeat again and again. They never get old. Only by hearing these things over and over again will they really sink in. And
even then, the reading has to be matched with life experience. Theory is not enough.


These are some of the foundational truths about men and women that I wish I had known at the earliest possible age.

Masculine And Feminine Energy Is Different

Masculine energy is all about breaking through barriers, overcoming obstacles, and achieving goals. Evolution has made us this way, of
course. Men are logical, and approach problems with a framework based on logical assumptions with a purpose of overcoming some
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But women arent like this. Its a mistake for men to project onto women our own thinking patterns. Feminine energy is all about
bonding, nding emotional connections, and opening up to receive love. They are not guided by strict logic. They operate more on
emotional and intuitive bases. Nurturing is not breaking through barriers or crushing obstacles.

Well, you might say: So what? I already knew this! Even so, not many guys truly understand the implications of the differences in
masculine energy and feminine energy. Failure to appreciate this basic difference leads to countless problems.

Women Wont Tell You How To Be A Man

Girls expect you already to know how to be a man. They dont want to have to coach you in this. (Of course, here women forget that, these
days, most men are not taught how to be men, and that society actively discourages masculinity. For this they can thank their feminist

When youre out with a girl, she doesnt want to make big decisions. She wants to show up, look pretty, and let you lead the parade. Youre
expected to take the initiative. And you should. Always.

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Stop Over-Pursuing
When a guy meets a girl for the rst time, he o en in his mind imagines all sorts of scenarios about what hes going to do with her (or to
her) in the future. Men are methodical planners. Again, evolution has made us so. But the problem with this mentality is that it can lead
to thirsty, needy, or desperate behavior.

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Your mind-set should be focused on having fun and having sex. Thats it. I will say it again: having fun and having sex. Stop thinking
about the implications, complications, and secret meanings behind things. Thats the one thing that guys do all the time: trying to over-
analyze everything. Forget that. You should not be trying to over-plan things, de ne the nature of the relationship, or box her into some
sort of commitment. If you are looking for a relationship, remember that women need time to allow their feelings for you to grow. Trying
to rush her will always back re.

When it comes to calling or texting, you need to let her do the majority of that. I know, I know, it sounds basic. But this mistake is
probably the most common one out there. Guys get thirsty, and will blow up a girls phone with calls or texts. For Christs sake, stop doing
this. Once per week is plenty, at the beginning. If her interest level in you is there, she will do the majority of the texting or calling.

Women Hate Needy And Desperate Behavior

Basic? Yes. But they really do hate this. Needy behavior completely ruins attraction.

But again, this principle is so o en forgotten. Attraction is not a choice. If its there, you can feel it if youre attuned to female signals. But
what you do with the attraction is up to you. Are you going to sabotage yourself? Or are you going to con dently move the interaction
along, in a way that leads to sex? A big part of this is avoiding needy behavior.

So many guys sabotage themselves by reverting to insecure or needy behavior patterns. They call too much, show body language that
displays lack of con dence, or otherwise unconsciously talk her out of sleeping with him. I really think that a lot of these needy behaviors
are so hard to unlearn because they are the residues of childhood traumas. Its the hardest thing in the world to unlearn bad habits like
this. Very few guys are naturally con dent alpha types. But youve got to do it.

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Never Accept Being Friend-Zoned

You are not her gay male girlfriend. When a girl youre interested in tries to friend zone you, move on. Do not hang around and accept
your status as a gay male girlfriend. You should say or convey something like, Im not interested in that right now. I dont want to be your
friend. But let me know if you change your mind. And move on.

Youve got to walk away and mean it. Women need to know that you have boundaries. They need to know that if they push you too far,
you will stand up for yourself. Mens biggest mistakes these days relate to not setting rm boundaries for female behavior.

They need to know if they push you too far, there will be consequences. Your time is valuable. Wasting time being a chicks friend will
just give you blueballs and will take time away from meeting other girls more deserving of your attention.

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Dont Be Too Clear About Your Feelings

Women are more attracted to guys whose feelings are unclear. You need to make her work for your attention. Dont put everything on the
table. When you make everything clear about your feelings, you deprive her of her desire to win over your affection. Nobody values
things that are won too easily.


Understand The Purpose Of Shit-Tests

Women will shit-test you constantly. Thats just life. Thats their way of probing a man, and nding out if he really is a masculine guy, or
someone who will collapse and cave in. They want to see if you can stay centered, or not. Shit-tests come in all shapes, styles, and avors,
but the key thing is always to maintain your masculine center. Never allow a girl to throw you off your frame. Your response can be
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breezy, con dent, vaguely dismissive, or humorous, but never forget that her purpose is to see how you react.

Dont Get Into Discussions With Women About Game Or Dating

Youre wasting your time. They will never speak honestly about these subjects, or will try to confuse or derail the issues. Never accept a
womans dating or relationship advice. I once saw a YouTube video of a so-called female dating coach. She was a beautiful, well-spoken
girl, but it was all about her showing off and making glamorous poses for the camera. She was more interested in promoting herself,
titillating the male viewers, and attention-whoring than honestly sharing information. And its always the same story. Women see things
from their perspective, not from the male perspective.

Get Off The Phone

The purpose of the phone is to set up meetings. Thats it. The purpose of the phone is not to get into hour-long conversations, or
extended text chats, with a girl you are trying to get intimate with. Too much talk always kills attraction. All that stuff you want to say, say
it during your in-person meeting with her. Too much phone or text talk will result in your being friend-zoned, or your feeding her
attention-whoring impulse. Remember: thirsty, needy behavior is a fuel to the female attention-whoring impulse.

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Look Good All The Time

There are no rest days in looking good. There are no dress rehearsals. Youre always on stage. Youre always in the public eye. You wont
get second chances. Your dress, grooming, body, tness, and attitude should always be top-notch. Life is short: dont fuck up your
opportunities. When you see the opportunity, pull the trigger. Do not hesitate. Drop the hammer, always. You are already expected to

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look good, dress well, be an articulate speaker, and be con dent. Con dence is the key to everything. Yes, youve heard it before. But you
need to hear it again. If you need mental programming to help you maintain your masculine frame, adopt a helpful philosophy like
Stoicism or Buddhism.

It Never Stops
Youre going to be gaming for the rest of your life. Married or not, it never ends. Women will always test you and probe your boundaries.
Its in their nature. Accept it. Dont think you can just one day drop your pack and sit by the side of the road on your ass. Life is not for
the faint-of-heart. The day you stop gaming is the day you stop living.

Final Thoughts
Having read through this list, might say to yourself, I already know all this. And maybe you do. But the challenge here is actually
implementing these things. Every guy claims to know them. But in practice, we all see the same mistakes over and over and over again.
Because putting these principles into practice takes discipline and conviction.

And, most of all, it takes the experience of getting knocked around enough to realize that there are no shortcuts or magic wands.

Now go to work.

Read More: The Strength Of Your Game Is Situation Independent (http://www.returnofkings.com/17400/the-strength-of-your-game-


Feb 17, 2014Quintus Curtius

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Spider58x 3 years ago

Average omega degenerate male who will never get laid:

"Game deosn't work because women want equality,respect and nice guys who care about their feellllliiiings. Not big meanies like you
99 Reply Share

Simian Sibling > Spider58x 3 years ago

I had a major paradigm shift at a temp job I had years ago. I fell firmly into the "nice guy" mentality, and foolishly did some
white-knighting to no avail. I watched this ugly as fuck dude, covered in zits, get respect and adoration from women in the office.
He openly bashed feminism, and frequently said women had to be trained. Even with these so-called "toxic views," the guy had
women from the office hanging off of his arm all the damn time. He may have been an asshole, but he was confident and
wouldn't back down. It was pretty apparent that my old beta mindset was horseshit. Game works. Even for ugly assholes.
33 Reply Share

"Furious" George Rockwell > Spider58x 3 years ago

Realistic person that says game doesn't work: I'm too ugly, short, fat, Black, or whatever and no matter how hard I or some
others try, we will never be attractive to females.
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typeopositive > "Furious" George Rockwell 3 years ago

For people that don't like the term "game" or find it offensive or beyond it or wtf-ever. Fine! Don't call it game... call it
social awareness. Every man on this planet needs a basic set of social skills when dealing with other man and especially
women. We are not born with these skills. Some lucky guys are taught this by their fathers. Many of the guys here are
products of the 80's, raised by mothers with absentee fathers. We vastly only know the female perspective and it can be
challenging to find male role models as an adult.

Back to my point: Every man needs a set of social skills when attempting to court a woman. Whatever you think is
successful and fits in with your moral code, belief and world view will make up your skill set. But make no mistake, if you
don't acquire any skills for talking to the opposite sex you will stumble hard. Confidence is not something we are born
with, it's something you gain by experience.
25 Reply Share

Cody Stark > "Furious" George Rockwell 3 years ago

Dude, I've thought about this before. There are some hideous motherfuckers out there with beautiful chicks. Being rich
helps but its not necessary. Women's brains process attraction differently than men's. Physical beauty goes further with
us than with them, thats why the female cosmetic industry is a multi billion dollar behemoth and there really is no male
equivalent. Being "cool" gets you laid. What "cool" is depends on your culture, time period, social circle, etc. But women
are more attracted to status than anything else. You can't really change your race or height so yes SOME women will not
fuck short dudes, black dudes, indian dudes, whatever. But plenty of hot ones will. The key to getting laid is like the key to
getting fit or the key to getting rich: Abandon the excuses. Throw them out the window- and focus on your goal. If your
ugly you can still get six pack abs. If you short you can still be smart,funny, charming and no matter what you can always
get rich and see the pussy flow like a river. There is more than one way to skin a cat, and more than one way to bang a
dime: use your natural strengths to accomplish your goal.
11 Reply Share

a tired individual > Cody Stark 5 months ago

its almost like women arent the shallow creatures that men who need an ego boost pretend they are-
Reply Share

Rakeshod > "Furious" George Rockwell 3 years ago

Meaning: too lazy to build confidence. waaaaah.
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"Furious" George Rockwell > Rakeshod 3 years ago

Do you deny the reality that some people will fail no matter how hard they try?
2 Reply Share

Nick > "Furious" George Rockwell 3 years ago

People who try hard consistently will succeed. It's not "realistic" to make superficial excuses, especially when you
have control over them: weight, hygiene, fitness, etc. Failure isn't an absolute either, unless you make it so. I've
"failed" to get numbers from hot models, but that pushed me to keep trying and improving and I've gotten
numbers from model-type girls. I haven't slept with them yet, but I've also been with women who I used to think
were unattainable. Work on yourself, test your gains through cold approaching, measure your results, rinse, wash
and repeat.
12 Reply Share

'Reality' Doug > "Furious" George Rockwell 3 years ago

At getting laid? Yes, by definition of liberated female hypergamy.

At MGTOW, at not being used for drinks, as an emotinal tampon? No. At least I see what inner beasts women are
and I don't feed myself to that insatiable demon. To stop digging the hole and stop the bleeding is well worth
something. To be platonically acceptable to nearly all women is very obtainable. Just to not be used or harassed
directly for the most part is wonderful. Not enough, but wonderful. I have my hand. She has a vibrator. We know
which sex needs which sex in the long run. Game is a win always compared to White Knightery.
3 Reply Share

Xavier > 'Reality' Doug 3 years ago

So Quntus Curtis-
Let me make sure I understand.

Essentially- a mans perceptions of how he sees himself and the opposite sex is the essence if getting what games
about- if you think you are a sexual confident man and woman are whores who are begging to get pounded by you
and they will love you then that's how you get so good with women you can pull almost any girl you want
2 Reply Share

Joshua Gibbons > "Furious" George Rockwell 3 years ago

Yes. I'm a crippled dude with many... problems that make me very, very unappealing. I don't allow myself to show
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Yes. I'm a crippled dude with many... problems that make me very, very unappealing. I don't allow myself to show
that side of me to women (how I feel about it, that is), I only allow them to see my confidence, and I have had a fair
amount of success. Certainly it's probably harder, but whining like a bitch about how others have it easier certainly
won't help.
1 Reply Share

Simian Sibling > "Furious" George Rockwell 3 years ago

Billy Joel had Christie Brinkley. She had many more successful and hotter men to choose from. He fit in the ugly, short
and fat categories. While he may not have been a huge porker, he wasn't going to enter a marathon anytime soon.
3 Reply Share

Ryan Johnson > Spider58x 3 years ago

Poor guy. The omega, I mean.
1 Reply Share

Cody Stark > Spider58x 3 years ago

Fucking gold.
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Roger Daily 3 years ago

what the fuck is with engaging in lengthy dialogue with females on this website?
38 Reply Share

Guest > Roger Daily 3 years ago

Agreed, Quite embarassing for those partaking in the female banter considering the advice dispensed in the above article.
9 Reply Share

guest > Guest 3 years ago

As kfg mentioned long ago, many of the male readers / commenters here are quick to reply to any "skirts" that happen to
post on our site.
I think its very White Knightish even to respond to them. The intial response often begins a long "back and forth" which
never goes anywhere other that ruin a thread.

If we truly are Kings we need to start acting like kings.

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Females are always baiting us here in the comments section to ensnare us into their trivial little ideological dialogues -
responding to them is very unbecoming of us.

Please stop responding to them.

41 Reply Share

Guest > guest 3 years ago

Yep, if you're not sleeping with a woman, trying to sleep with a woman, or said woman is not introducing you to
her friends so you can potentially sleep with them - why are you talking to her? Seriously? What's the utility of this
individual? It's not like she's gonna have your back if you're in a pinch or let you borrow a set of wrenches if you
need them.

Jesus fellas, on and on you go with some chick, that appears from her photo, to have shoulders like a defensive
lineman. Holster your weapons for fucks sake. It's not even close to being worth it.
27 Reply Share

Guest > Guest 3 years ago

Unless you plan on taking the government by force you'll need to stockholm syndrome enough ladies to pursue
your agenda. So dialog isn't the worst idea.

Then again, based on the above, your agenda is more in the player side of this community and less about making
changes to the anti-male laws that have been passed. In which case I can agree with your approach.

P.S. my apologies, I don't have any poo-tang to send your way.

1 Reply Share

Duskaga > Guest 3 years ago

2 Reply Share

trt > Guest 3 years ago

I get what you're saying, but my best friend is a women. Women do have utility as friends and if you haven't
reached that point yet, it's because you haven't grown enough as a person. That said, my female friend will try to
hook me up with one of her friends if I asked, and vice versa, but it can be a little awkward, just like it can be
asking one of your guy friends that same thing. You really shouldn't impose that upon your friends. Get your own
tale on your own merit, don't be beta and use your friends to weasel you into a hookup.
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tale on your own merit, don't be beta and use your friends to weasel you into a hookup.
Reply Share

a tired individual > guest 5 months ago

Honestly, i legit get jealous of men (lol ill bet youll all have a field day with this)-

i cant imagine being raised with such an innate confidence that my the mere fact i was born with certain genitals
gave me an innate kinglike quality- for what i assume there is no real basis. I cannot imagine the inflated self
confidence required to think they are such pure and perfect individuals that engaging with any criticism is
'unbecoming'. Like what actually entitles you, as an individual, to act so superior?
Reply Share

anon1 > Roger Daily 3 years ago

no one looks at the about us section anymore...

not even our benevolent moderators:

>Women and homosexuals are prohibited from commenting here. They will be immediately banned.
3 Reply Share

Be.Mccoy > anon1 3 years ago

I think they're lax about this due to the time spent searching out the aforementioned or possibly because it's a great way
to help us learn about shit tests and keeping frame. Sure i may bite the master bait, but i learn the lesson by not
commenting as much and reading what they're really trying to say.

Heck sometimes they use logic illogically which may provoke lengthy posts.
Reply Share

EternalFeministGirl > Roger Daily 3 years ago

You wanna talk with me? who do you think is hotter? Mexican or Korean women? eh?

Actrices Mexicanas vs Coreanas disq.us

3 Reply Share

Simian Sibling > EternalFeministGirl 3 years ago

I think Korean women are hotter. However, out of all the women in the Asian community, they are the hardest to get into
bed (due to being overly religious). In addition, if you want a life of being cuckolded, marry a Korean chick. Too damn 17/34
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bed (due to being overly religious). In addition, if you want a life of being cuckolded, marry a Korean chick. Too damn
chaste for my tastes.
1 Reply Share

asdf > EternalFeministGirl 3 years ago

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Merkage > Roger Daily 3 years ago

Just a laugh innit.
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abdou 2 years ago

hi i want to marige with girls swedish i have 22 years
32 Reply Share

Guest 3 years ago

Always like/learn from a Quintus article.
16 Reply Share

R bere 3 years ago

Wonderful post. The part about men being needy at the beginning of the relationship is so true. A lot of times there are insecurities there
like "wow, I got this hot woman to date me....I don't want to fuck it up." Men will then project their fantasies on dates going forward and
how the sex is going to be, etc. I love the advice "Have fun and try to have sex.......that's it. " Great mindset.
I think men overanalyze and are needy at the beginning before they've "got the girl" and they're still in the pursuit phase. Then, once
we've sealed the deal... had sex....and she's in love with us.....then, it's role reversal. That is, the woman starts to overanalyze and get
clingy. She starts to wonder about your past lovers, sometimes get jealous and is clingy and wanting of all your time. At this point, once
we, men have sealed the deal....we are more relaxed. We want to go back to having a few friend/beer drinking nights. Playing golf with
the friends...pursuing our career and of course, have the woman there to support us and be with us....but not be with her 24/7 like men
do before they've "bagged her". Once we've "bagged her" she's the clingy, overanalyzing one. If only the women could be laid back,
comfortable and content like us after we seal the deal.....oh what a happier existence relationships would be!
16 Reply Share

Quintus Curtius Mod > R bere 3 years ago

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Guys are planners.
They immediately try to mentally plan out everything that is going to happen six months down the road, when they've only just
met the girl!
Stop doing this. Go with the flow.
Enjoy time and have sex. That's it.
Planning things too much quickly morphs into thirsty simp behavior. And once that happens, you're done.
22 Reply Share

kurt > Quintus Curtius 3 years ago

It's great how you break it down to a science.

There are no more excuses for men not performing anymore.

Maybe write an article on Natural Laws next time applied to game?

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Rotten 3 years ago

Quintus is a must read author on this site. Another gem!
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Singlemalt > Guest 3 years ago

" if a girl is not shit testing you, she has friend-zoned you."

Good point.
8 Reply Share

Singlemalt > Guest 3 years ago

Shit-tests are too often recon missions. Her goal is to find information or a tendency that could be used later against you. Also
known as manipulation.
7 Reply Share

rumble3366 > Guest 2 years ago

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rumble3366 > Guest 2 years ago
So if you are banging her and she is not shit testing you, you are in the friend zone?
As in...sex friend?
That sounds like exactly where I want to be.

Not too shabby.

1 Reply Share

PolishKnightUSA 3 years ago

I'm chuckling about this claim: "Women won't tell you how to be a man."

Er, that's one of their BIGGEST shit tests! They're CONSTANTLY telling men what a "real" man is from their point of view or
complaining about how unhappy they are. Feminism is an extension of this as they cry for white knights to come and protect them from
bad oppressive patriarchs (and the bad oppressive patriarchs were just recently white knights.)

So the last place a man should be learning about manhood should be from women despite the fact that in today's world, that's where
99% of advice about what men should be comes from!
8 Reply Share

Quintus Curtius Mod > PolishKnightUSA 3 years ago

What I meant by this was that women are not capable of coaching men in how to be a man. Despite their claims to the contrary.

And, deep down, despite all the feminist bullshit, they really would prefer that man act like fucking men.
18 Reply Share

TheMaskAndRose > Quintus Curtius 3 years ago

This is exactly right. I have plenty of female friends who call themselves Feminists, yet in matters of sex and dating, are
exactly the same as all other women once you get to know them. They'll even admit they love to be dominated, with a
"teehee I shouldn't have admitted that because Feminism" smile on their faces.

It's all just a giant lie, all women have very similar desires.
16 Reply Share

PolishKnightUSA > Quintus Curtius 3 years ago

I respect that, but I'm going to elaborate further. Simply because a woman wants a man to: " She wants to show up, look
pretty, and let you lead the parade. Youre expected to take the initiative. And you should. Always."
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Doesn't mean he should. Why? Because he's still letting her tell him what a man is, indirectly, by what SHE wants.

Here's the super-red-pill: A woman may know what she wants, or she may say what she wants, but simply because she
expresses those demands doesn't mean that a man should give it to her because his world shouldn't be about giving her
what she wants.

Part of being a man means finding what HE wants in the world rather than her servant. Once he thinks of himself as her
servant, even in an indirect form, then he becomes a disposable ATM machine that she withdraws all the money out of
and leaves.

I told my wife after I caught her playing a few games that the jig was up and now she had to accept some responsibility in
the relationship. A decent woman doesn't just "show up" and look pretty. Eastern European women refer to American
women as "party girls" because party girls just party and are uninteresting passive aggressive backstabbers.

The start to being a man means finding what you want and are good at, accepting responsibility for the decisions you
make, and not being led around like a donkey beyond the cost benefit. It's like viewing your life like a manager sees a
see more

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Maverick 3 years ago

Great post, but I would add a slight modification or addition to point No.1:

"Masculine energy is all about breaking through barriers, overcoming obstacles, and achieving goals. Evolution has made us this way, of
course. Men are logical, and approach problems with a framework based on logical assumptions with a purpose of overcoming some

But women arent like this. Its a mistake for men to project onto women our own thinking patterns. Feminine energy is all about
bonding, finding emotional connections, and opening up to receive love. They are not guided by strict logic. They operate more on
emotional and intuitive bases. Nurturing is not breaking through barriers or crushing obstacles."

- Modern feminine energy (with feminist leanings, dominant in most parts of the Caucasian world) , is all about creating barriers,
obstacles and shit tests for modern men. That is the real reason why guidelines #7 (purpose of shit tests) and #11 (it never stops) exist.
Modern dating has become the game of competing and overcoming against the enemy's barriers in order to sleep with it.
Modern women want to compete with men, not COMPLETE men (though "complement" would be a better word to use here than
"complete".) A woman usually "completes" a man's natural biological and evolutionary pre-programmed mission to copulate, during sex
- even though it is a "temporary completion". Men should realize that first, because man's natural response is usually tend to take
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- even though it is a "temporary completion". Men should realize that first, because man's natural response is usually tend to take
competitions seriously, and only when the spirit of competition comes to the fore, will men begin to take game seriously - in order to win
to overcome the obstacles/barriers (have sex). And that is what games are all about - either losing or winning.
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kurt 3 years ago

Women are the gatekeepers of sex...

Men are the gatekeepers of relationships...

6 Reply Share

Libertas 3 years ago

Another good reminder of the fundamentals. Another mental programming to help you along I think is my Twenty Men exercise I talked
about on the forum.

On Saturday I read Louis XIV's notes on kingship and there was a lot of red pill wisdom in there. Point is that you become who you
associate with, however remotely. So associate with good people, living and dead.

Still a lot of practicing I need to do of course.

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Phantom > Libertas 3 years ago

Care to explain briefly what your twenty men exercise is? Thanks.
3 Reply Share

Libertas > Phantom 3 years ago


Try it out yourself.

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Phantom > Libertas 3 years ago

Good stuff! Cheers :)
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LouarBag 3 years ago

Reminds me of Corey Wayne's work, but still great article and probably the most key aspects of game were discussed.
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