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Food Market Project: Developing Marketing Materials For the MANNA Food Co-Op in

Detroit Lakes

Rachel Peterson, Reyna Bergstrom, Jackson Barber, Erica Floding, & Meredith Gruenes

Health Communication

Dr. Cindy Larson Casselton



Upon becoming involved and deciding to take on the Marketing Local Food project

back in January, we - the members of the Marketing Local Food Group in Health

Communication - initially wanted to become involved because we were intrigued by the idea of

bettering the connection between Minnesota farmers and their communities. When Janet

Lindberg from Partnership For Health visited our class and proposed the marketing idea in

January she discussed how many Minnesota farmers struggle with getting the word out to

communities of the produce that they are growing and providing in area grocery stores. Thus, she

suggested the idea for students to design a marketing plan in order to help local farmers promote

their produce. Although as a team we initially lacked direction in regard to who we were

specifically helping, we eventually connected with Wendy Gordon, the lead designer and

founder of MANNA Food Co-Op which is scheduled to open in Detroit Lakes in May 2017.

Upon establishing a connection and communicating with Wendy, we were able to visualize and

plan a marketing strategy that we felt would benefit the coop. Since March we have developed

storyboard templates to share local farmers stories, recipe cards, nutrition fact cards for various

types of produce, as well as calendar posters for Minnesota produce to be displayed in

MANNAs store.

History of MANNA Food Co-Op

Caring, Sharing & Eating by Gods Design that is the vision of president Wendy Gordon

and the executive team at MANNA Food Co-Op. This moto brings to life the mission of the co

op. In their logo, the picture of the bread and the name manna relates back to the 40 years that

the Jewish people were in the desert and then only had manna to eat. The picture of the apple

relates to the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve and only eating natural from the earth types of

foods. With all of this combined, that is the true meaning of MANNA Food Co-Op. When

talking to Wendy why they came up with this logo, she explained that it was Gods intention for

her to open this Co-Op to educate the community about healthy living and promoting local foods

from farmers who lived down the street. Along with Gods intent, MANNA strive to dedicate

their mission to the following.

We are dedicated to creating an atmosphere of loving people, building relationships in a

nurturing environment through education and support. We celebrate an abundant healthy lifestyle,

and wholesome food through individual and community sustainable practices. MANNA Food Co-

Op is a community owned and operated resource center that nourishes and sustains our

communitys health and wellness by providing access to affordable local, natural and organic foods

and products.

We are a natural foods retail store that will ultimately include a Juice Bar, Deli/Caf,

Community Education Center and a Commercial Kitchen. We celebrate healthy food, healthy

relationships, and healthy lifestyles which in turn creates a Culture for a Healthy Community!

Wendy explained that it was Gods call for her and her team to create this store. And they

would like to bring every aspect of giving into the store as they can. By bringing in the food from

the farmers, Wendy explained that this is like we are all called to come to the table of the Lord. And

with involving the community it bring more of a meaning to their mission. Other than produce

MANNA will also be partnering with local butchers and bakeries to complete the full package of

natural and wholesome foods. In the future of MANNA Food Co-Op they would like to install a

drive thru in the store to have the community gain better access to healthier foods even while on the

run. This part of establishment will be a vital part to the education side of the co-op. The drive thru

is teaching customers that there is no excuses to eating and living a healthy lifestyle. We are very

excited to have this co-op open in Detroit Lakes. It will be a great establishment to the community.

Target Audience

Community Engagement

Our local food campaign is intended to have an audience of the entire community--

especially as it relates to the Detroit Lakes community through the MANNA Food Co-Op. We

wanted not just part of the community to have access to local, health, foods, but the entire area to

be exposed. One way MANNA Food Co-Op capitalizes on community engagements are through

different events, which we helped to supply ideas for, that they will be holding throughout the

year. Wendy plans on hosting community barbeques and potlucks as a way to invite members of

the area to come together in a healthy fashion. We had given her ideas to host seasonal parties as

well--possibly promoting local farmers pumpkins on halloween, hosting a carving party, and

distributing healthy, roasted pumpkin seed recipes to go along with the theme. A main emphasis

of this food co-op is to draw community engagement through different settings and events as

mentioned above. By hosting these different events and getting the community involved provides

positives for both the food co-op and the community. Providing a chance for the community to

come together while supporting the local farmers and fresh produce is a win win for all.

Family and Education

As a part of MANNA Food Co-Op, they wanted to bring in the family and education

aspect to those who shop at the Co-Op. By doing this, they are showing families how to shop

locals farm grown foods at a lower price than a big box store and showing them where their food

comes from. To bring in the family aspect, MANNA will be having a jar of fruit on the counter

for kids to snack on while shopping with their parents. Also for kids, MANNA will be also

having different contests throughout the year (i.e. cookie decorating, pumpkin carving, and

coloring contests) and will be taking pictures of the children to then display them at the co-op.

For parents, the co-op will be having recipe cards displayed throughout to inspire parents on

ideas for what to make for dinner. Parents to can submit recipe cards to have them displayed as

the recipe of the month. This will bring into the community aspect of MANNA because it will be

able to bring the community together for a meal. And as stated before, since MANNA would like

to be a part of the community, the will have different events to promote healthy lifestyles for the

community of Detroit Lakes.

The second aspect that MANNA Food Co-Op will strive for is the education side of

healthy eating. This can be done in a multitude of different ways. Since MANNA Food Co-Op

would like to bring in the family aspect into their business, they would like to educate all

generations on what it means to live and healthy lifestyle and be healthy in this day and age.

Wendy and the owners of the coop wanted to do this because we are seeing a rise in both

childhood and adult obesity rates to the point that is now becoming an epidemic. And with this

epidemic, it can lead to a plethora of different health related problems. So, the main question that

the owners had was how do we educate the community? To do this, MANNA food co op will

promote and educate about healthy foods in the following ways. First, in the store, they will be

having a storyboard in which will tell the story of a farmer and their values about farm fresh

foods. This will educate the customer on where their food comes from. Second, MANNA will be

having lecture series for parents to learn about how to live a healthy lifestyle and the effects it

has in their overall life. By bringing in doctors, nurses, and farmers, community members can

have credible sources and information on how to make decisions for their family. Finally,

MANNA can use the community aspect to educate children to reach for the healthier snacks

when they are hungry rather than always reaching for the junk food. By having a fruit jar,

coloring contests, and kid friendly activities, kids can feel like they are apart of the decision to

make better choices for the family.

In order to theoretically explore the effects of this project, three health communication

theories were selected to critically analyze the impact the marketing campaign for Manna Food

Co-Op has on the greater Fargo-Moorhead community. By examining the social, behavioral, and

cultural perspectives of health practices, it provides an opportunity to apply a theoretical

understanding to a tangible and community-centered process.

The latest food crazes are a consistent and shifting dynamic among the American people.

The newest discoveries in what are dubbed health or power foods often increase in

popularity almost overnight, with produce and grains often flying off the shelves. Thayer (2017)

notes that health food trends of 2017 include bowl meals (a deconstructed meal in which the

ingredients are arranged in a bowl), zoodles (zucchini shredded into noodles as a pasta

alternative) and cauliflower-crust pizza (pulsing up cauliflower to form and bake into a crust). A

common denominator between these current food trends is their focus on healthy and fresh

alternatives to food items that have become staples of the American diet, such as pasta and bread.

However, despite many claiming that these new health trends are temporary, Templeton,

Stanton, and Zaki (2016) state that social norms have a powerful influence on an individuals

eating habits. Furthermore, aside from adopting the healthier eating preferences of their peers,

people often internalize[d] broader health rule[s] based on what their acquaintances believed

to be healthy (Templeton et al., 2016). Essentially, if a person believed that a healthy lifestyle

was a widely adopted trend among their social networks, they would not only try it, but also

commit to the broader idea of what it means to live a healthy life in all aspects.

Therefore, a theory that can be fully applied to this movement towards produce and local

food is the theory of normative social behavior. This theory posits that people are influenced by

social norms within their community (Du Pre, 2017). Additionally, there are factors that either

strengthen or weaken a persons commitment to adhering to these social norms (Du Pre, 2017).

Variables such as how much a person values social approval by engaging in this behavior,

outcomes that can be expected from this behavior, and how much we identify with a group that

actively behaves this way currently (Du Pre, 2017). Taking the time to research and understand

local food providers in any region in order to ensure that community farmers are being supported

is a current social trend, as evidenced by the recent increase in farmers markets, the presence of

organic food providers on social media, and the dynamic healthy food trends that shift each year

(Thayer, 2017).

Considering this theory explores the social dimensions of engaging in a currently popular

behavior, and the presence of healthy eating dominating the social media and social interaction

environments, it provides the ideal lens for application and analysis.

First, when locally applied, this theory describes the general attitude towards local foods

and fresh produce in the Fargo-Moorhead area. Events that have exponentially grown between

seasons such as the Red River Farmers Market and the Ugly Food of the North Festival, which

are the results of the enthusiasm of the younger demographic in the greater FM area. It has

become increasingly socially acceptable to engage in buying locally sourced food, and it can be

logically concluded that due to this regional acceptance, the norm of supporting local food

providers has positively influenced the community.

Consequently, the materials created for this marketing campaign (i.e., nutritional facts

and recipe cards) can serve as strengthening an individuals resolve to follow the social norms of

this trend, as they highlight the multiple positive aspects of engaging in purchasing fresh

produce. Additionally, considering the younger generational population of the Fargo-Moorhead

area have been taking initiative with promoting the availability of these outlets for local fare, it

becomes easier to identify and collectively act with a group who shares similar ideals and is

working towards improving communal health.

Essentially, this theory encompasses the social sphere and dynamics when a community

is adapting to a new construct and attitude, and appropriately describes the growing movement

towards local produce in the Fargo-Moorhead area.

Additionally, we believe that the health belief model can be applied to our health

campaign project. The health belief model is a psychological model that attempts to explain and

predict health behaviors. This is done by focusing on the attitudes and beliefs of individuals. By

trying to better market healthier locally grown foods we need individuals to change their current

behavior. The health belief model focuses on the individual's perception and how these

perceptions result in a behavior change. This involves an individual commonly attempting to

outweigh risk vs reward scenarios before making a decision. If we can successfully prove that

the benefits of buying healthier locally grown foods outweigh the possible higher prices of these

foods than these individuals will buy these foods. In this case our campaign will have an

emphasis on both supporting local foods and the nutritional benefits that come with them. The

health belief model is often applied to many preventative health concerns which includes

nutrition as a major player and becomes very applicable to our campaign. Nutrition will be a

primary focus in our marketing campaign by creating nutrition labels for the local produce that

will be seen in MANNA Food Co-Op and other settings like farmers markets. By providing this

information we hope to influence the decision making process of individuals to decide to pick

the healthier/local food choice. By looking into the health belief model we can see how this was

directly used and helped promote to better communicate this campaign.

Finally, the critical cultural perspective suggests that health is not merely the result of

individual choices, but is intertwined with issues of culture, power, control, identity, and social

consciousness. In other words, behaviors of the individual are influenced by dynamics larger and

more pervasive than the individual. This perspective can also help us to understand perceived

health of a group--the culture and values of a group may determine and define what good health

is, and that definition may be completely different than that of another cultural group (Du Pre,


This model will be applicable to our campaign as it directly relates to societys influence

on an individual's food choices. Individuals may not choose to purchase locally grown food not

because they do not want to, but because they may not have the resources to due to social status.

A group of people may choose to purchase, or not to purchase, locally grown food due to cultural

values and perceptions as well. We will be looking for ways to promote locally grown foods in

the area while simultaneously encompassing as many cultural groups in the campaign as



Over the course of the past few months our group has worked with Wendy from

MANNA to create marketing materials that will promote both the coop and local food. Although

it is a cultural trend to buy local, there remain obstacles that prevent people from buying from

nearby providers. High prices as well as the convenience factor of obtaining local food stop

people from buying locally. Thus, as a group we wanted to help the MANNA Food Co-Op get

off their feet in any way that we could to help promote their new business that sells local food.

As a group our goals included to promote local farmers, to educate customers on the nutritional

aspects of eating local produce, to design creative marketing materials to add to the ambience

and culture of the space, as well as to excite people by motivating them to become involved with

the co-op. We felt that we accomplished our goal of promoting local farmers by being in touch

with Ryan-Pesch from Lida Farms and creating story board templates for him as well as other

local farmers. Additionally, by creating nutritional posters/cards we felt we were able to provide

MANNA with educational resources for their customers. Thirdly, with the calendars, recipe card

templates, recipe fill out forms, as well as brainstorming ideas to help Wendy, we felt we were

able to give MANNA resources to excite people to become involved with the co-op and thus add

to the culture of the business. Thus, although our campaign to market and promote local food is

ongoing, we feel that we have initiated a successful beginning to the marketing of local food at

MANNA Food Co-Op.


Du Pre, A. (2017). Communicating about health: Current issues and perspectives. New York:

Oxford University Press.

Templeton, E.M., Stanton, M.V., & Zaki, J. (2016). Social norms shift preferences for healthy

and unhealthy foods. PLos One, 11, 1-16. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166286

Thayer, B. (2017, April 25). Healthy food trends for 2017. Detroit Free Press. Retrieved from

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