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Stresses in Spherical Shells Due to Local Loadings!

Robert Kao 2 and Nicholas Perron&

The m a x i m u m stresses are obtained for a spherical shell that is lifted or towed by a cable or any
mechanical power hoist. In view o f t h e highlylocalized nature o f t h e m a x i m u m stress induced in a
spherical shell due to local loading, the nonlinear (large deflection) shallow-shell theory is adopted
for the analysis. A nonlinear relaxation technique in conjunction with finite difference approxima-
tions is introduced for the numerical integration. Results obtained here are presented in the
graphic form that may be readily used by engineers in practical design.

Introduction postbuckling behavior of clamped shallo)v spherical shells under

M E C H A N I C A L CABLE SYSTEMS have long been used for various axisymmetric load.
purposes such as undersea search and survey, salvage recovery, In the following section the governing equations are presented
towing and mooring of buoys and ships, and helicopter recovery. and the solution method is also briefly discussed. This is fol-
In the technological development a fundamental understanding lowed by a preliminary example that involves utilizing the gen-
is required of the static and dynamic behavior of both cables and eral program setup to solve a problem whose solution exists in the
towed vehicles or structures. literature [9]. In the "numerical results" section, we obtain a
While many investigations [l, 2] 4 on improvement of the design number of solutions associated with a specific small-load-area
of cables have been made to insure adequate cable strength at parameter fog different geometries of spherical caps in order to
minimum size, weight, and cost, the present study is aimed at verify the assumption of the highly localized maximum-stress
examining local stresses in a spherical shell structure which is phenomenon. We then procede with two arbitrarily chosen
towed or lifted via the cable by a helicopter or any mechanical shell geometries to obtain the maximum stresses for different load
power hoist. levels and load area parameters. The results are presented in
In view of the local nature of stresses in a spherical shell under graphical form. A discussion and conclusion are presented in the
local loading one can focus attention on a small portion, or a final section.
spherical cap as it is sometimes called, and deal thereby with a
Governing equations
simpler mathematical problem. Therefore, nonlinear shell
theory is employed in this paper to predict stresses in a spherical As mentioned in the l)receding section, the (axisymmetric)
vessel under local loading. nonlinear shallow spherical shell theory is utilized in this paper to
Bijlaard, in his numerous reports [3, 4, 5], made use of linear predict the behavior of a complete shell under local loading.
shallow-shell theory for the computation of stresses in a spherical The geometry of the clamped spherical cap is shown in Fig. 1, in
vessel as a result of a radial load acting on a pipe. Incidental which R denotes the radius of the base and H is the rise at the
to the validity of Bijlaard's data for design purposes, however, center; P is the total load distributed over a circular area of
engineers sometimes had difficulty in interpreting or properly radius r0; ~ and g are displacement components along normal
applyillg Iris work. To diminish this inconvenience, Wiehman and tangential directions, respectively.
et ah [6] proposed some necessary changes of Bijlaard's work that The general two-dimensional governing differential equations
would be toward the conservative (or "safe") side, and sum- have been presented in reference [11]. In view of the axisym-
marized them in a "cookbook" form to facilitate its use by design metric nature of the problem considered here , we need only
engineers. consider the situation along a generic radius (or spoke line) ; the
A few pertinent references can also be cited. Reissner [7] circumferential displacement components ~ vanish, as well as all
employed a nonlinear shallow-shell theory to determine stresses derivatives with respect to the circumferential coordinate 0 in
and deflection fields for some specific shell geometries. Ashwell the general equations.
[8] considered a thi,l elastic spherical shell loaded by an inwardly Hence, two equilibrium equations along tangential and normal
pointing load. He separated the sphere into two regions, each of directions can be readily written as follows:
which undergoes small deflection: the outer region and the
inner or dimple region, which is assumed to have an equal but u' u X= w' w'w" 1 -- v w '= 0 (la)
u" q- x x= (1 q- v) ~ q- q- 2 x -
reversed curvature. I n this way he attempted to describe the
large-deflection nonlinear behavior of the shell in terms of two
sets of Reissner-type small-deflection linear equations. Penning V4w-- 12V~w - - - -T/b
w -2t - v u' - - - -??7,
w 24 - 1 2- ~/)v2
and Thurston [9] conducted an experimental and theoretical
study on shallow spherical caps under concentrated load. Fitch
-- -- u'+--- 2 w + w '2
and Budiansky [10] investigated the elastic buckling and initial

I This work was supported in part by the Department of Navy __12 ( 1 - v) W. (U, - - xu q- 21 w ' 2 ) - - 4X4
rags(x) p = 0 (lb)
under IJrojeet THEMIS Grant 893, N000 14-68-A-0506.
2 l~esearch Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Me-
chanical Engineering, The Catholic University of America, Wash- where u and w are dimensionless tangential and normal deflec-
ington, D. C. tions, respectively,
a Adjunct Professor of Mechanics, The Catholic University of
America; also, Director of Structural lVIechanics Program, Office
of Naval Research, Arlington, Virginia. V=() = (),, + ( 1 ) ( ) , , x 0 = r 0 / a
4 Numbers in brackets designate References at end of paper.
Manuscript received at SNAME Headquarters February 28,
1972. Revised manuscript received April 18, 1972. and

MARCH 1973 19
P /
1.4 /
1 II
~,=, /
~ LO / .i
~" r"
"o_ 0.8 -/~--~ Experimental w(0}, rola= I18, Ref. [9]
-.i Experimental w(0), rola = 116, Ref. [9]

---A Analytical W(ro), rola =118 Ref. [9]
o.e lF --i Analytical w(ro), rola=l/6~ Ref. [gJ
0.4 /~ ---m, Present result w(0), ro/a = I/8.25
Present result w(0), ro/a =1115.5
IJ= ro/#-RS- 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 L6 1.8
deflection, wo
Fig. 2. Comparison of load-deflection curves o b t a i n e d in the p a p e r
for a shallow spherical shell, X ---- 5, v = -} with the results o b t a i n e d in,
reference [9] (Fig. 7)

Fig. 1 G e o m e t r y and notation for c l a m p e d shallow spherical shell

here are compared with results obtained in reference [9] and

reported in Fig. 2. In this figure the result of r o / a = 1/8.25 ob-
1, Ixl < zo tained here is almost identical with the experimental data [9]
s(z) =
O, I~1 > xo (with a slightly different value of r o / a = 1/8) up to Wo = 0.5.
(Deviation existing between these two results in the range of w0
Pertinent nondimensionalterms are given in equations (2) : greater than 0.5 is probably due to plastic effect.) However, it
differs somehow from the theoretical solution obtained in the
x = r/a m 4 = 12(1 - ,2)
same reference. The comparison is thus generally regarded to
R = a2/2H qcr = 4 E M / R 2m2 be very good.
X2 = m~a:/Rh p = q/q~
As anticipated, for a given amount of total applied load, the
u = a~/h ~ w = ~/h (2) maximum deflection (at the center) for the case of r o / a = 1/16.5
( )' = (b/bx) ( ) q = - - P/Trro 2
is higher than that of r o / a = 1/8.25 (see Fig. 2) since the loading
U = ro/~/~t P* = PR/EM
intensity in the former is foul' times as much as that in the latter.
where E is the elastic modulus, , is Poisson's ratio, and qcr is the Both theoretical and experimental results (Wo values associated
classical critical buckling pressure of a complete spherical shell. with a given P) of r o / a = 1/64 reported in reference [9] (see
Boundary conditions at the outer portion of the spherical cap Fig. 2) are also higher than those of r o / a = 1/8.25 and 1/16.5.
are assumed to be clamped. These are enumerated as follows: Numerical results
u(1) = w(1) = w'(1) = 0. Due to symmetry at the apex, we
also have u(O) = w ' (O) = O. To begin with, an assessment is necessary of the basic assump-
Equations (1) are not only lengthy but also highly nonlinear in tion of the highly localized maximum-stress phenomenon in a
w, the major variable; the solution to such a set of equations is spherical shell under local load; viz., the maximum stresses ob-
indeed a formidable task. The solution plan is to superpose a tained from the shallow-shell theory must be quite independent
finite-difference mesh on the one-dimensional shell domain, of the cap sizes chosen.
replace nonlinear differential equations [equations (1) ] by a set of Before attempting to verify this assumption, let us first briefly
two nonlinear algebraic finite-difference equations, and solve the discuss all important geometric parameters introduced in this
resulting set of equations by the nonlinear relaxation method. problem so that a better understanding of the feature problem
Details of the nonlinear relaxation technique will not be dis- may be possible. This problem as shown in the inset of Fig. 3 is
cussed here. Descriptions of the techniques are given in refer- described by the following parameters: the radius of shell R,
ences [11] and [12]. the thickness h, the applied load P (or P * = P R / E M ) , and the
radius of the loaded area r0 (or U = ro/~v/~).
Preliminary example The question of greatest interest is what is the maximum stress
Before proceeding to the large computer production run, it is .... (or ~'ma.~ = ~ . . . . h / P ) in the spherical shell under these
felt advisable to solve a problem whose solution exists in the conditions. An approach to this question is assisted by employ-
literature; this test case is used to assess the validity of equations ing a simplified model (a spherical cap which is characterized
utilized and the general computer program developed. The by k = m a / ~ / ~ , where a is the radius of the cap base and m is
check problem, so to speak, chosen here is a clamped spherical function of Poisson's ratio as defined in the "governing equa-
cap with geometry parameter X = 5 under inward load P dis- tions" section) for the full shell, and then solving the spherical
tribtited over a small area of radius r0 as shown in Fig. 1 (except cap equations [equations (1)].
that the direction of load has been reversed). Clearly, k (or a) values of the spherical cap are arbitrarily
In numerical computation, the shell domain (0 < x < 1) is chosen, and for results obtained from the shallow-shell theory
divided into 16 evenly meshed spacings with the first nodal to be valid or useful, solutions must be quite independent of k
point occurring one-half mesh space from the center, and the values chosen, or the deviations of the maximum stresses ob-
nonlinear relaxation technique is introduced to solve the resulting tained among different k values should at least be negligible.
algebraic equations. To this end, four different Xvalues of 6, 6.75, 7.45, and 14.82 are
Two different cases of load area are treated: one is with r o / a chosen for convenience. A U value equal to 0.22 is selected and
= 1/8.25 and the other r o / a = 1/16.5. Solutions computed a series of solutions corresponding to different P* values (0.1


30 4.0

28 -- !-- / 3.0
26 '~ 2.0


~ , ~ , ~ present solution
~,= --- Result obtained
in Ref. [5]
18 U=I Yg]~ 0.5
II / / - .8 Wmax =. I

w =#1 / ~x'~."x~."'~. /Result obtained by

max . ,,near t , e o r , , , ,

w < w
=.6 j ~ . ~ " ~. Ref. E6]
"max -" ~ Wmax = ~ . ~ . ~ .
, / /// .Zu=,.0_ m"

/ .--~'u = :6-- Wmax= 1.0~ ~


.2 .4 .6 .8 1.0 1,2
Fig. 3 Load-deflection c u r v e s for a s p h e r i c a l shell 0.01 , i I i i , I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I
0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 I0 12 1.4 1o6 1o8 20 2.2
U = ro/RJVh-
Fig. 4 Maximum stress v e r s u s l o a d e d a r e a p a r a m e t e r for d i f f e r e n t
_< p* _< 5) is obtained for each of these X values. The results so deflection Ievels
obtained indicate that the differences of the maxinmm stresses
among these X values are of the order of less than 2 percent while
the differences of the maximum deflections are less than 8 per-
cent. In addition, these results also show that deflection fields adopted in practical design. For example, if a U value of 0.5 is
die out quite rapidly from the center so that the boundary condi- selected, the maximum stress (a' ..... ) obtained here associated
tions introduced in the spherical cap have only minor effect. with a deflection level of w0 = 0.6 is only 74 percent of the value
With these preliminary test results at hand, we can proceed to obtained via linear theory in reference [6].
use one or two arbitrary X values to obtain the maximum stresses It is hoped that results presented in these two figures might
for different local levels (different P*) distributed over various serve as general guidelines in practical design. For example,
areas (different, U). However, it should be noted that the loaded considering a shell (R and h are given) under load P acting over
area must be kept relatively smaller than the spherical cap so that area of radius r0, one can always determine the corresponding
the edge effects introduced by using spherical cap theory could be maximum deflection from Fig. 3. With this information avail-
neglected. able, the maximum stress can be readily determined from Fig. 4.
Two cases of X values of 7.45 and 14.82 are examined. Again, On the other hand, if the design is required to estimate the shell
differences in the solutions between these two X values are about thickness, a trial-and-error process may be involved because of
of the order of errors as mentioned earlier; therefore, only the the shell thickness presented with different order in different scale
results of X = 7.45 are reported and presented in Figs. 3 and 4. parameters.
In Fig. 3, the curves of the external loadings versus the maxi-
mum deflections are plotted for different loading areas of U Discussion and conclusions
ranging from.0.2 to 2.2 (this is the range of practical interest); h/[arguerre equations governing the axisymmetric response of
the maximum deflection is up to an order of one shell thickness. shallow spherical shells are utilized to estimate the local stresses
From this figure it is demonstrated again that for a given magni- in a spherical shell under external loading. Numerical solutions
tude of externaI load the corresponding maximum deflection is are obtained using a nonlinear relaxation technique to solve the
higher when the load is distributed in a smaller area. finite-difference equivalents of shell equations. The present
Figure 4 exhibits the curves of the maximum stresses versus solution in the small-deflection range appears to be in good agree-
loaded-area parameters in a semilogarithmic scale for different ment with the result obtained in reference [6] (see Fig. 4).
levels of the maximum deflections. Displayed in the same figure In order to assess the validity of the general computer program
is the result obtained by Wichman et al. [6], which actually is a developed, a particular geometry of spherical cap under local
summarized result based on Bijlaard's work of the linear shallow- loading is examined. Solutions obtained herein compare very
shell theory. A good correlation is observed between their result favorably with results in the literature [9].
and that of Wma~ = 0.1 obtained here for U values of between 0.2 For the purpose of demonstrating the highly localized phenom-
and 1. enon of the maximum stress in the spherical shell under local
From Fig. 4 it is apparent that for higher load or deflection loading, a shell is chosen such that R, h, and ro are fixed (say U
levels the ratios of the maximum stresses (a .... ) to loads (P) tend = r o / ~ v / ~ = 0.22) and from which, four different sizes of small
to be smaller; this suggests that in cases of higher load levels the portion (spherical cap) are selected. In each cap geometry, solu-
linear (or small deflection) theory will be too conservative to be tions are obtained (with U = 0.22) for different values of P*

M A R C H 1973 21
(up to 5) ; the deviations among them are of the order of less than going discussion, an important relation between loading area and
2 percent. This indicates that the maximum stress in the spheri- cap geometry parameter, U and X, may be taken as U/X < 0.27.
cal shell due to local load can be quite accurately estimated from For a more accurate analysis, a complete shell theory is de-
shallow-shell theory if the load is confined to a relatively small sirable, but much difficulty in the mathematical aspects will be
area. encountered.
Solutions are then obtained for )~ = 7.45 and 14.82 for different The effect of the highly localized maximum stress may be
loaded area parameters and load levels; again, differences be- minimized by providing a reinforcing pad in the spherical vessel
tween these two solutions are negligible. Results presented in or by increasing the contact area between the cable and sphere.
Fig. 3 are the local loads versus the maximum deflections for the
different load area parameters U ranging from 0.2 to 2.2; results
displayed in Fig. 4 are the maximum stresses versus load area
parameters for different levels of the maximum deflections Wm~ 1 Laura P. A. and Casare]la, M J., "A Survey of Publications
on Mechanical Cables and Cable S:stems, Rept. 68-1, Institute of
with values ranging from 0.1 to 1. Ocean Science and Engineering, The Catholic University of America,
It is hoped that results presented in Figs. 3 and 4 can readily be Washington, D. C.
used in practical design. For example, if the shell geometry 2 Casarella, M. J. and Parsons, M., "A Survey of Investiga-
(R and h) and loading conditions (P and r0) are given, then the tions on the Configuration and Motion of Cable Systems under
Hydrodynamic Loading," Marine Technology, Vol. 4, No. 3, July
corresponding maximum deflection can be determined from Fig. 1970.
3. With this information at hand, the associated maximum 3 Bijlaard, P. P., "Computation of the Stresses from Local
stress can be readily obtained from Fig. 4. However, if the shell Loading in Spherical Pressure Vessels on Pressure Vessel Heads,"
thickness is desired in the design, then the solution will require a Welding Research Council Bulletin No. 34, March 1957
4: Bijlaard, P. P., "Stresses in a Spherical Vessel from Radial
short effort of trial and error. Load Acting on a Pipe," Welding Research Council Bulletin No. 49,
Again it should be emphasized that for smaller U values (smaller 1-30, April 1959
loaded area) the results obtained from shallow-shell theory 5 Bijlaard, P. P., "Influence of a Reinforcing Pad on ~he Stresses
could provide a good approximation to the maximum stresses in in a Spherical Vessel Under :Local Loading," Welding Research
Council Bulletin No. 49, 63-73, April 1959.
a spherical shell under local loading, since edge effects of spherical 6 Wiehman, K. R., Hopper, A. G., and Mershon, J. L., "Local
caps would become negligible, and the response of the full shell is Stresses in Spherical and Cylindrical Shells Due to External Load-
indeed a highly localized phenomenon. In fact, most cable sys- ings," Welding Research Council Bulletin, No. 107, Aug. 1965.
tems in the area of current interest possess small U values, be- 7 Reissner, E., "Stress attd Small Displacements of Shallow
Spherical Shells," J. Math. Phys., Vol. 25, 1946, pp. 80-85 and pp.
cause the size of the cable is relatively much smaller than that of 279-300.
spherical structure. 8 Ashwell,D. G., "On the Large Deflection of a Spherical Shell
For the sake of completeness, it may be advisable to discuss with an Inward Point Load," Proc., I.U.T.S.M. Syrup. on the Theory
briefly the limitations regarding key parameters involved in the of Thin Elastic Shells, Delft, August, 1959; North Holland Publi-
cation, Amsterdam, 1960, pp. 43-63.
computation. A shell is called "shallow" if the ratio of its rise 9 Penning, F. A. and Thurston, G.A., The ~tabfllty of Shal-
at the center to the base diameter is less than, say 1/8; useful low Spherical Shells Under Concentrated Load," NASA CR-265,
values for the shallow-cap geometry parameter, X, associated 1965
with this limitation are in the range of 4 to 15. In addition, 10 Fitch, J. R. and Budianskv, B., "The Buckling and Post-
Buckling Behavior of Spherical Caps Under Axisymmetric Load,"
the assumption of the localized nature of the maximum stress AIAA Jourt+al, Vol. 8, No. 4, April 1970, pp. 686-693.
field obtained by utilizing shallow-cap theory will be valid if the 11 Perrone, N. and Kao, ~., Large Deflection Response and
load radius, r0, is significantly less than that the cap, a; a realistic Buckling of Partially and Fulty Loaded Spherical Caps," A I A A
ratio between these two quantities is suggested as ro/a <_ 0.5. Journal, Ve]. 8, No. 2, Dec. 1970.
12 Perrone, N. and Kao, R., "A General Nonlinear Relaxation
Of course, the smaller the value of ro/a, the better the expected Technique for Solving Nonlinear Problem in Mechanics," Journal
accuracy of the maximum stress. In accordance with the fore- of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 38, No. 2, June 1971, pp. 371-376.


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