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ALINCO VHF FM Mobile Transceiver DR-135T/EMkII DR-135FXE DR-235TMkIl IHF FM Mobile Transceiver DR-435T/E Mkil DR-435F XE Instruction Manual BN ALINGO NOTICE / Compliance Information Statement This equipment hasbeen tested and found to comply withthe limits fra Cass B digital device, pursuant to port 15 of the FCC Rules. ‘These limits ee designed to provide reasonsble protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equpment generates, uses, and ean radiate radio Fequency energy and, if not astalled and ued in accordance with the instrcton manual, ay eause harm! intrference to radio coms tions. However, there is bo guarante that interference wil not occur in «partieula installation, Ibis cquipment docs case harmful interfreace to radio or television reception, which ean be determined by turning th equipment off and on, the usor is encouraged ory to corret the interference by one oF more ofthe fellowing measures: + Resins recat the cing amen. * Ihre the separation between the equipment and recor * Conc he pups ints an ose om cia dif rm hat hich he revere commied. + Conan he dele oa experienced radi TV tcc for bl. Tested to Comply ‘With FOC Standards FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE Information in this document is subject to change without notice or obligation. All brand names and trademarks ae the property f thir espetive owners. Alinco cannot be liable for pictorial or ypogrepbi= cal inaccuracies, Some parts, options andr accesories ee unavailable in cera eeas. Changes or modi- fications nt expressly approve by the party responsible for compliance could vid the user's authority to ‘operate the equipment \VHF FM Transceiver DR-13STMKII/DR.23STMUdl UH FM Transceiver DR-435TMEI. This device complies with Pert 15 ofthe FCC Rls, Operation i subject othe folowing t¥9 condos: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause undesired operation, Manufacturer: ALINCO,INC ‘Shin-Dai building 9% Floor 2-6, 1-Chome, Dojimabma, Kits, (Osaka $30-0004, JAPAN Cf Incate the unit you have purchased is marked wit « CE symbol copy of eative conformity erate for document can be reviewed a htp:/wwalinco coma tm Copyright © All ights reserve. No art ofthis doeument may be reproduced, copiod,tansted or tran- scribed in any form or by any means withovt the prior written permission of Alinco Ine, Osaka, Japan, English Editon Printed in Japan. ‘Command | form io E Detaut | Parameters Description ser [Reser 7 scr ei ana ral i od reserve fuss |s 5 specie te cnowldeemet kt ammo ey Te critohe peters 1D lode mamas |= 7 cme te TNE fnton i oiied OFF an ON nemy eo he spetie te number of anion eis. plata eo cretyasped while comet, acme reat Seyi ah pee omit ofees samme [se |e 0 Spiers hrc tat oe pce a be ‘store fst fo B Species i pool of don aunt genersioe mera orkePELSISUSCOTTINE mad. hewn of hep eater lice Tacs fiaac fore ORF We ON cm te TNC pay led pce Tas fm fo le sri te autora enon ene poem Toa fe fw i= Spe eine eyes FTTON each eesessn Th n ofbe eme lind Trae fu ‘feo leo Special sigs se a pct i Urges mes (Cl Seca note deiaten Cale calgon we pens eg) saw x _‘fow ow cas te TC pron tae Hae ws JON erkrare ow eal wee OFF, Contents Waring Beloro operating the transceiver. Introduction .. 1. New and Innovative Features svn 2. Standard Accessories. 3. itil Installation nnn Fora bese saton stop Fora moble tation 28 up Exe power supply con & Panera uncon Power tony vole dept ncn . 4. Part Names and Functions 0 es Panat. Dipay Mcophene = 5. Basic Operations... “Turing he uston and. ‘ho Vue lvl sting uae eve eng, FO Mose (ange freauery bye chee! i] [hace nine en Cran be car ann [REPEATER (DUPLEX) Opoaon (CTCS8 BCS ating Meron Mee IMerery peogranmig) 7 Peper an any ame ven 3B CALL met “Tortie signa a Ree ere _ ee Hee —-—# siren] Em | oman | roarawe Soren P agasess Sep [ar | mamamaenrcie eoae TTS Acvnce Opera erecta ena ae fee erat rte a a ho fo fi ros amma : pee = ama — fx fo a ery ——— : scene eas = ams far — eee eit ——— Seeces es ama fos eee ennreee aes ae ert st nt rteeeteeeinrentets aera <= aa faa — hike fa a oe at orenasea) : ce (See aueas e ‘main —— = as) a ce peeer ecre ax, enriataaarencare a fame, [rarest nao cena eee eee a fx a te eee a cuca [atnciverarmgr on caseneceae ag ae : sem. eeeceics pacers : vi — FF 2 ai fas Stare agra om ‘9, Remote Control Operation ........ | by LTEXT om the srcen; a message appears ike a received. Piast eee raison aaa ee a aa — pram — fons — fae merase osoncumt Negara sar fie fo fo |r sar poms ene ‘oan Rett nnn = ie os ase fe | oe |e eee Teno fe = mas i 8 eo ae ama fr — fa — [reas paea TS Ser, ana eeiemameneem ot ey ecnsieaetmiea ay op feminine feainetoraee = {$55 mms Sites ON ote DWAIT mao whe OF 5 Appendix TNC Commands List “The commands supported by the built-in TNC are list below. You must enter a space between & command name (or short-form) and parameter, or ween two parameters; ex AU OFF, Command | fom | Detaut | Parameters Desciption aurour [avo lonorr es ON, sada s)he PCa och riage ren (2, Warning To prevent any hazard during operation of Alincos radio product, in this manval nd onthe product you may find symbols shown Pease read and understnd the meanings of thse syrols before starting o use the product is symbol is intended to alert the user to an immediate danger thet may AA Dmves _| eselvot lieu opery Ihe we reg he erg A This symbol is intended wo ale the user oa possible hazard that may A Aer use loss of lite and property ifthe user disregards the warning, ‘aeacon [a __|evanvo | avenv7 ftp EVERY sn stem ahr aes larrex pec ro) it AFTER wn bea pace, or0= 250) onivanse at be spect) Thee 8 10 tances __|psatae TaLpRat EAD Sens sack sgune we GOSH a) Eee {Gio casas de nd rsee he Comedie : efdscometon Thun oft rane onde, : ai) abe ded igh z cowens feow | Cae TNC otra nods Pas TOATE) ‘Gaerne fer lonF lonorr We ON sn in Convene made ea ahr aif pd dene by PACTIE @ ex Jow [oNoFF fren ON creda aun CH) wa RA iseLay — ]m —} [eae TNC spy cate af ae nds Yona ao scat mer AC. 1 L Nets te ely he dese conan ACASYNC) RS pt pc (cur): speci INC omen MALT: Coe paotre. Fa) 19 pee casi TNC 0 TNC nk tus MONITOR) hee prs: _ _[ rere Tig pee ai lox OFF When ON, cases ie TIC chore ana Caution | toss of propery or injure the user ithe warming i rep A fore oper or he eri te wig roped This symbol sintendod to alert the sera possible hazard that may c ZA __[ Aeesymbot an extention i ven o Waning yb An atin gen nment and condition of use: Do not drive while handing the radio for your safety, I ¢ recommended tht you check locl traffic regulations regarding the se of radio equipment while diving ‘Some coontres prohibit the operation of transceiver while diving, Do not use this product in close proximity to ater electronics devices, specially medical nes. Itmay couse interference to those devices, @ er teat cutofte each fein In case Tiguid Teas ffom the product, do not fouch it It may damage your skin Rinse with plenty of cold water ifthe liguid contacted your skin. [Never operte this product in feilies where radio products are prohibited for use sich as aboard itcraf, in aispor, in poms, within or near the operating area of business wireless station o thr relay stations. Use ofthis product may be prohibited o legal outside of your county. Be informed Jmadvance when you tavel, The manufectaer declines any responsbilites against oss of lie andor property ve to a flue of this product when used to perform important tasks ike lie-guarding, surveillance, an rescue Do not use multiple radios in very close proximity. It may cause interference andlor damage (othe product). 12. Specifications isi of explosion if battery replaced with an incorost ype. Geant pea ea peas Dispose af, or eyele used bares according to your local roglatins. Femme "haa a ‘Tho manufacturer declines any rspoasibilies spans: loss of lie and proporty due to ax uss px a.6zsys nai] 39091195 at flue ofthis product when used with asa part ofa device made by third paris, emia Use of third pany scosssory may zesul in damage to tis product I will void our loa exe — ‘warranty for eps rx et son atx Woes xS0.09995 Mie @novene caste cance pao nde | eXOTIE Ga SKSISE Ramo FO, Oped FIDE = Be sure to reduce the audio opt level to minimum before using an serphone or a headset Excessive audio may damage heering Do not open the unit without permission or instution from the manufactatr. Unauthorized modification or repair may result in clectic shock, fire and/or rmalfinetion, Do not operate this product in a wet place such as shower room. It may result in electric shock, fie andlor malfunction, ‘Do not place the product in a container carrying conductive materials, such as water or metal in lose proximity tothe product, A short-cireit to the prodoct may rest in electric shock, ire and/or malfunction, Do nt touch the heatsink (nfaround the unit mostly found on mobile-base units) ast ray become very hot daingafer the operation that may sk bum your skin About power-supply: @ 8s e prepe raiepove sy of cect vtage and aac. Do not connect cable in reverse polarity. It may result in electie shock, fre andor ‘malfunction, Do not pg multiple devices including the power-supply into a single wall out. It smay result im overeating alr © Poses Securely plug the powersupply to the wall out, Insecure installation may result in short-iteut, electronic shock andor fie. power-supply with a wet hand tay result in clctic shock, Do not plug the power-supply inlo the wall socket if the contsets are dirty. Shor= circuiting andl overheating may est in fie, electric shock andr damage to the product Do not muaify or remove fuse-assembly from the DC-able. It may result in fre electri shock and/or damage to the product, ‘Aocingtanse [Sn ies ome Fegan way |o/2S pe [Soe Er a OEE 19. 0 at AOD A aE ‘Speaagienpen| 10°C. «60°C GF 180°) ‘Dimers DG) x at) x TD [SS¥'0W)x STH 68D as “Towereap [SO wa WD pow oa row oa) | 20w ao) errs SW LOW) sor. 5¥ (LOW [app SW LOW) “singe Sl 25 is War mo) ee Sea Ed OW) seo [a foots — Tati fai Sethsenaivy [60S “Seley 68) [ie roe wl ow ms) Sst (08) [DSarie 15 Azores arow meds) Now Assit re jet change wit 56 o on DDR-taSEMKIl/ FXE: VHF FM MOBILE TRANSCEIVER 146.000-145.908MH2 DR. ¢3SEMKII/ FXE: UHF FM MOBILE TRANSCEIVER 450.000-499. 00642 CE03360 ‘hie device is authorized for use inal EU and EFTA member states. ‘An oporairs leense i egures for hs dove, 11. Optional accessories Waring ‘+ EMS.57 DTMF microphone “+ EMS-53 Microphone + EDC-36 Cigar-plug cable wit titer + EDC-43 Cigar plug cable (or Cigar-pug emnneetion. Recommend in eae other Alinco handheld transceivers may be ured inthe vohite, a this cable can also power the handheld nits. See its manu for compatiblity) SEs41U TNC unit + EJ-47U Digital unit *ADALM135 Alarm cable kit ("Theft Alar” stickers included) (ORT35FXE/ASSFXE only), ee cater =a we MW Cigarlightor cab {for optional Igunition-key ON/OFF operation): Do not use the cable at any other than the specified ones. It may result in electric sho, fire andlor malfunction, © Prvertsetectes cae with a wet aay ein Ser shock Mn case of emergency: In case of the following situation(), please turn off the produc, switch off the source of Power, then remove or unplug the power-ord, Please contact your loal dealer of this ‘product for service and asistance, Do not use the product until the trouble is resolved, Do ot ty to troubleshoot he problem by yourself. + When a strange sound, smoke and or strange odor comes out of the product. + When the product is dropped or the casei broken o racked. + When aliquid penetrated inside. + When a powerene (inclnding DCeshles, AC-enbles 1 adopters) damage. For your safety, tum off then remove all related AC-tines 10 the product and its accessories from tho wall out a thandersorm is ikl “Tur off tho unit, remove the mbile antenna fom its base and keep it inthe vehicle if thunderstorm is ikely. Please read esutons regarding the lightning-protection on page 7 also, Do not open the unit and its acessories, Please consult with your local dealer ofthis product for service and assistance. A\ caution Environment and condition of use: Do not use the product in proximity to a TV or a radio. It may cause interference o¢ receive interference, Do not install in w humid, dusty or insuefently ventilated place, Te mey rseult in lect shock, fre andoe malfinction ‘Do not sal in an unstable or vibrating positon. I may result letrie shock, fre snd/or malfunction when/if the product falls the ground Do not install the product in proximity to a source of heat and humility such as & heater ora stove. Avoid placing the unt in direct suight. QR Dont modify, dismantle, incinerate, or immerse the bateris Please check your local regulations fr detils on reeyeling option or disposal of the batteries in your area, wig About transceiver ‘Do not connect devices other than speifed ones tothe jacks and pots o the product, Itznay result in damage to the devices, ‘Tum off and remove the power-souree (AC cable, DC cable, battery, cigar-cable, charger adapier et) ftom the product when the product isnot in use for extended period of ime or incase of maintenance. & Newt cr stone when you plug AC xe Fo he wal owe Use a clon, dey cloth to wipe off dirt and condensation from the surface of the provet. Never ut thinner or benzene fr cleaning. Ml About power-supply Use only reliable power supply of specific DC output range and be mindful of the polarity ofthe cable and DC jack, @ 1077 noe power sappy wien conesting or dicomnesting the cables ‘When using an external antenna, make sure tha the antenna ground isnot common ‘with the ground of the power soppy, [Buropean users: When a transcelver is powered from an external DC power source (acaper, power supply, eiga-plug ete), make sure tat tis power supply has approval to the level of TECIEN 609504, Trouble Shooting leaso check the list blow before concinding thatthe transceiver is faulty. If problem persists, ett the transoviver, This can sometimes correct erroneous ope Problem [ Possibte Causes and Potential Solutions (Fevers onvcting | tal pte of per emmcion ne eres, Coed ao Bs Oy Feeistown, ‘Gk adv ol eine boon Rw nde ie wi a i. (© Digan dn. | Die tig 6°LAM-L Pras hedime eing"LAMP-I (@Norwentcomes fom [+ Square uh evel (@ Keyes alot | Raytek imcinissavae, Coa Rae nt, fect, (© Resting Dawitnoe | Treas CALL mide, Pres be VFO ormamay md (q@riTteyiepeaedta | wisopione costes pox Cena misorhos pope (07 Toni oo nor eoamit | The DSU prin braaenvedo a PC wot Ilia BF. secant betes | Dineen eae ab sell E-AU popes @ Tieeiersncr wean | » FALUN bet pony Male ue acne ad sreemees ‘hem nen ib ede, Fallow intr cog ty. 1 rbedis tested once Us mm cnt - Titatssacteniepe Un smh ns22C te © Tien dies srwork in|» Tosa stn bn mole: Make ee omen ad pres te APRS mode | second popes | + The unt not cetigued for aomatic anion, Use PC to configure eine. li open Adit ah eel ope ar 10. Maintenance / Reference Reset Reseiting the transceiver retums all programmed contents to thet factory defi setting any problems persis, resetng may overcome them and retum he tansecive to nom Reset Procedure Wile holding the FUNC key down, tum the power on Note: Toko spel cate when rseting becouse a stings arene, Factory Default Settings DRAGS | _DRISS | DROS | DRGS | DRGs cyain_|esuivexe| ‘Tower | ‘evn | oxogir xe "WFO frequency | 145.000 Mifz| 145.000 Miz 223.500 MFlz| 245,000 Miz] 435.000 Metz “CALL frequency | 1451000 Mz) 145 000 Mikz| 223,500 Mz [245.000 MI |£35,000 Mz Newey chomelOs9[ oa E z “Offset direction | = = aa ae 5 Ost fequency| —600Kz | @OKHe | 16MHa | SOM@a | SOMHe Channel step | SkHiz | 12SkHe | Skiz | shila | 125 KH Tone sting 5 : z : Tove frequency | S850z | 885Ha | S85Hz | #85He | $85He DCS setting E : : DCS code eS oS, on 023 os ‘Ourpat power | HE iL HL HL H Keylock setting | __ OFF on, OFF OFF OFF _ ror OFF OFF OFF | _OFF OFF ‘APO. OFF OFF, OFF OFF OFF “Squelehsezing [2 2 2 2 2 48 [Gaara mae) Alespmas of fe LCD ll dalned incites: |g a a wg Before operating the transceiver Attention + Do not move the ease or touch te intror component ‘Tampering can canse eqipment trouble, + Do not use or keep the transceiver wher itis exposed to dest sunlight, dusty places, or nea sources of het. + Keep the transceiver away from TV's or other equipment ‘when it interferes with reception. + When transmitting for long periods of ime at high power, the wansceiver might overheat + Tum the power off immediatly ifthe wansceiver emits smoke or siange odors. Ensue the transceiver is safe, ‘hen bring ito the nearest lino servi center. + An operator license i quired for his devies Notice to California resident users ‘The product tat comes with this manual i re fom dangerous materi such as ead and cadmium as per ROHS onder of EU. The transceiver has no protection against lightning, ‘The wer i espomsbe for providing adequate prteetn if he uss the device at home and itl the antomna outdoor. Be avare that any oldoor antenna creates & ies pat for ighingeuent (more than OKA) tothe tanseciver This path eis hte the device i tured ON or OFF “Any vebile doesnot peat a safe environment ering ishning, This environment becomes much oe dangeraus fan ouoorantanaa i alle or the car. Move the senna andi cable ino the cara the Ht sight of forcoming undrstorm an lighming Introduction ‘Thank you very much for purchasing tis excellent Alinco trnsciver. Our products ‘are ranked ameng the finest inthe world. This radio has boon manvfactured with tte ‘of the ar technology and it hasbeen tested eaeflly at our Factory. I is designed to ‘operat o your stisfation formany years under nora se. PLEASE READ THIS MANUAL COMPLETELY TO LEARN ALL THE FUNCTIONS THE PRODUCT OFFERS. WE MADE EVERY ATTEMPT TO WRITE THIS MANUAL TO BE AS COMPREHENSIVE AND EASY TO UNDERSTAND AS POSSIBLE. IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE THAT SOME OF ‘THE OPERATIONS MAY BE EXPLAINED IN RELATION TO INFORMATION IN PREVIOUS CHAPTERS. BY READING JUST ONE PART OF THE MANUAL, ‘YOU RISK NOT UNDERSTANDING THE COMPLETE EXPLANATION OF THE FUNCTION. [Entering a frequency directly) Frequencies canbe entered diretly by pressing the numerical (1-0) keys (Only valid numbers will be accepted an entered tothe display. L 2 [Entry method depen ‘Sette microphone REMOTE / DIME switch tothe REMOTE pasion, DIMF keys can be use to enter om the 100 ME digit. (Ex) When setting 144.20 Me withthe tuning sep soto SKE 4208 ‘Alor enerng the sixth digit slightly longer ep is emiued and the entry is eon plete Ener DO OBOO Canceling an entry before it is completed. Press PT rumerial keys er any key other than the Depending on the set unig sep digit entry may be necessary tothe | KHz digit. n some cases ‘entry to tho 10 kHz digi is siciet. For cases in which it entry is only necessary to the 10 kz ligt some digit keys wre not accepted. ‘The relatonshop between the tang step and input method is a follows Tuning step Eory ‘Final digit selection | ccmpletion cgi = 3086 [rane [coop sberinp it nots [vous [Constr Sout [ae Wen you 1 i Fpl sine [name Pago git ater ea 9. Remote Control Operation 1. New and Innovative Features a4 ‘With using an EMS 57 microphone (may be optioned), the transceiver canbe controlled remotely by operating the DTM keys on the microphone, Frequencies can ako bo entered diel fom the microphone L. Enter tne remote command oF the frequen. 2, Press LOCK to prvent the transeei (Oe microphone. 3. To operate remote contol press REMOTE: [List of Remote Control Keys] from accepting remote cate inp fom “Rar [epee ° Dirt ey 7 [we [ Menon chmelacess 2 a [eau Galena uses ra [Seto SET mode wen Nae) 26 BL [RUNGHTS DCS At dar manor egieaan NGS) | 35 [ean inl SQL | Manor tion ra TE 2 oon TT z [Note 1: To change the set mode menu, press the UP and DOWN keys at the top, To change its conzens, press the * and # Koy. Press any’ key othe han the * of # key to etum tothe frequency display. ‘Note 2 To change the auto dialer memory, press the UP and DOWN keys a he top. The mambers ‘an be entered directly by pressing the numerical keys the mumbers or symbols can also Deselected by pressing the * and # keys and entered by pressing the A ke. Press Co cles, and the B,D, or PTT key to return tothe Fegucney display ‘Your new radio features some of the most advanced functions an reliable engineering salable anywhere, The ALINCO design pilosophy is focused on developing innove- tive usable features, including the follwing: + Three diffrent styles of display are available on a ‘quency, channel number or 7 digi alphanumeric a ‘The dlimmer (right) makes tease fo read the display at ght. (TE modes only) ge LCD panel including fre- + Simple, ean layout of keys and knobs ensure convenient operation + High-quality materials are wed throughout the proc and a huge eat sink arourdthe chassis ensures stable and durable operation. + Conventional or narrow FM mods canbe selected “AM Aircband reception capability. (available on DRI3STML 2357 onty) + 10 fly programmable memory channels with lphanumers memory channel labels + ADATA portis located onthe front pane for aay access to cxtemalaccstory connes tions, ADSUB® partis avaiable on the rea to connect «PC for 1200/9600bps packet ‘operation. (TE models only) *CTCSS, DCS and 4 diferent Tone-Bursts are standard for selective calling and ro- pester access worldwide, * The Theft Alann fetue gives an exta measure of security for msbile instalation, +The wansceiver bas a cable clone capability, * The optional EY-41U board is available for data communications such as APRS* or packet, without an extoral TNC. (TE models only) DR-135/235/435 MRI series feature comparison chart Feature | aiophone | TReuengy | RX iaqoeey” Fra Soa DATA DST] a TSA Aman [ETA a eA] 2pm | — Sede DeaTaal ‘Usa Amer [2I6aRbi Gre a] 7-2.5p9n_| — Sard DR-ASTA UsAAmens | SOstLomN, [12m | — Sede akan Epes Amis] Parent Aste | +23ppm_| Sond Rai [EMS-53 Pain [ EaropenoAmsizur| European Amateur | ¥2.5ppm_[ NA eance | TORS [| PRL | cartay OWOFF pot | wbkPs | GRRE DR-LETTAH [Opal AU Opel ELZ7T | Saal | boii | Seid [pesmi [Opin ts-t1U|optona E70 | ——Sandrd [igh | — Sed 3945 Opal 10] Open E470 | Sede) | Bim | Seid DRISOSXE | NA NA NA Na NA * The specifications on paged ‘valid only within the amateur ado fesuencis 2. Standard Accessories a PACKET OPERATION Carefully unpack to make sure the ellowing items are ound in the package in adit o this manu: Transceiver + Microphone EMS-53 or EMS-57 (with TMF keypas) + DC power cable with fuse holder (UA0088) + Mobile mounting bracket. (FMO078Z) + Ain eae Aut wre) (UX1259) + Harcware kor raccet Ge models ony) = iomasein Oise ex om) o o> Ereagen apo, + Alatm cable B (extension use) (UX1260) eee (THE models only) = 66 oo tee sagen : i Soe teas Scone | ‘Theft Alarm stickers 2pcs, (PRO4S4) Cie models ony _ ‘Instruction manual (PS05128) on ‘The stand accessories may vary slightly depending on the version you have purchased, Please contact your local authorize Alinco dzler should you have any qNestons. ALINCO and suthosived desler ze ‘ot responsible for any typographical errors there may bein this mamval, Standard accesories may ‘ange without noice, Warranty Policy: Please refer to any enclosed warranty information ar contact your authorized Alinco dealer /dstbutor forthe waranty policy before purchase 10 ISET UP] Please refer othe previous chapter forte set up and insaation of the EI-41U unit, TNC and PC. See below forth connection of a GPS receiver. equires a3 Smem stereo plug to connect othe DATA Terminal onthe radio's font panel See the chart for plug connection. Program the EJ-41U ‘by using commands from the PC in the saree way a in the packet mode ‘The PC canbe remeved from the transceiver ance the EJ-11U is configured. EJ-11U wil ho he settings in memory. Repeat configuration only wien tis necessay. 0 (rsa) xO (Teo GS evs) Some + To pomerot GPS aah Nt) Note I: When the tanseiver i tf the PACKET mode, «power output of +4.5V (nx. 2KmA) supplied byte transciver which can be sed to power the GPS recive IAPRS Operation] Boot up the PC and open the APRS softwate. Tune tthe APRS system frequency Press FUNC key and whl F icon ison press SQL key to enter tothe data (APRS) mode. Rept ‘he same sequence to exit. [.n.}appoas onthe LCD display when the unit isin data (APRS) mode ‘The PC monitor will ispley the inti menu f TNC wien itenters the APRS mode + Sette packet sped nconmand modem) Te. emnHTB 1200 and 9600, + Register your eall sign cemdMY sooeacx + Sethe speed on GPS pat emd:GB4800 + Set the automatic transmission time separation emd:LOC E3 + Set the monitoring header option OFF cemnd:LTMH OFF ‘The transceiver wil star transmitting automatically when det is received from the GPS re- ceiver Refer to the command chat and ELV istretion merual for more detail Note: Ste wanscea nd GPS receive nf ay Hor each tare posable to minimize poe le nerteronce IMPORTANT: Please svays tunof he GPS caver of sconnect the GPS eb fom the DATA IN terminal Btor turning of he radio. Otherwise you may risk resting tha CPU onthe PACKET OPERATION *1200bps Connect Pins 4, 5, 7,9, and 1 and8 also depending onthe requirement. It enables «conventional 1200bpe packet mode, +96005ps Connect Pins 2, 3,5, 7, and 1 and 8 aso depenlng on the requirement Press FUNC key, while F ican is on, ress SQL... } appears on LCD and enebles 9600%ps packet mod. NOTE: = Novoreonneet aPC rect tothe DSUB-9 connector if EJATU isnot installed t may ‘use the unit to malluneion + Thos eytam tenors ar reception entenment ny easy cause olen S800bps pocket mods. Acormocion ar may Wequnly ocr les he cormunston fe euabshed tveytigh signal stengh + Whon the DATA put a feof tom th epciation(1200n5e~1oomVmalecoahmn Be0Depe=sComeo0e) Keates poor SIN rato and earon, a uch th data wet So trchanged proper «Winn th ada isn te dt mode (packeVAPRY, selec calog ones sucha DCS and {TOSS wort be arartod [To operate APRS®] APRS" i a trademark of Mr: Bob Brunings, WB4APR. Using th designated APRS frequency in your area, and system composed ofthe irtaseiver,EJ-41U (or TNC) a eomputer andlor a GPS ‘receiver, you may mentor and exchange various geolocating information on the PC and on the internet Details are available from Internet sites. ‘The eadio is capable of being connected ta an EJ-41U (or TNC), PC and GPS receiver To enjoy APRS operation, e GPS rocsver, computer and APRS software are required in addition tothe packet (éta) operation system previously mentioned. Purchase & NMEA (National Marine Elec. tronics Assocation) compatible GPS receiver witha data output port. + Spevifcsion recured forthe GPS receiver: NMEA-O183, 480bp/wthou parity bidet length 8 bi stop bit Tie 3._Initial Installation Connect the microphone to the font panel of the transceiver CConnet sienna port to a0 ohm antenna that is toned tothe band, using good quality 50 obm coaxial cable. erosions Antenna a (elie (eeomeny foal won pl For a base station set up “The Traosoeiver requires a 12-13 8VDC nogatve grounded power source. Use regulated power supply capable of providing contacts cutent of 12A or mor. Power supplies that donot meet those specifications may ease mafincton andlor damage tothe ‘ado and will void the warany. Alinco offers excellent communicaton-grade power supplies at ‘optional accesories. Please coneet your local auhorized Aline dele. ‘CAUTION: The boa (eatin) af this prodit may become very hot dangle the operation, Never toe he unt unt it eools down. ‘= When a transceiver is powered ftom an extemal DC power source (adapter, power supply cigar ‘hug et), make sure tha this power supply has approval to the level of IECYEN 6950-1 1" 8 PACKET OPERATION For a mobile station set up Location inten ary pon nore, whee cond sabe ae ny ci dit hectic eae persion ofthe wile arias petiemnce feces pe wt ‘i be cam jar ah wl nat ere wih Seployme Iu at soa et Wie oot vl ‘Seteoer vs cs Whig ats di rat Dat oe {ges or stn 00% despre ees a of mling ton of he DC table an cose ‘Sarin em Installing a Mobile Antenna ‘Use $0 om coaxil cable to connect the antenna, Mobil antennas require an appropriate mown ing base for proper instalation and operation. For more information, se the deeumentton for iF [CAUTION: After intatng your antenna ensure that you have the best possible SWR reading. High FF endenmants can cause sovere damage t your unt Eneure thet you ae not Ina igh RF enronment when operating the ranscehve. Installing the Transceiver on the below, ‘CAUTION: — RF Hazard Warning ‘The let magnetic radio Frequeney exposure eel of his devi may exceed the [European slndars of the hazard level when ranamiing tthe high-power sting while connected toa unity gain antona at a dance of 63cm ores from the oper tox Furthermore, te hazardous RF exposure love depends onthe condone athe ‘combination othe tena gn stance from the operator, ouput sting and instal lation envrnment theretore the operator maybe expose to stronger RF avon at 2 ‘stance of mor than em. For soaly purpose ts recommended tha the antenn inal out of eda for a8 posse from, the operators ares Avo using ‘excessively hgh-galed antenna in case he eistancs between the operator andthe ‘nnn I very le. Atay use the minimum necesary output power fr commu nieations. [To operate packet using an external TNC] ‘Use the DSUB-® connector to connect the radio and the PC. The pin alloeaton forthe DSUB-9 on the back ofthe uit isa follows ee kikie 'SQC squctch signal ouput. Casein: closed. Open colletor ouput 2 Packet reoxption DATA output (9600bps) output level $00mVime/IOKotim 5. Packot ransnission DATA input (9600p) input evel 300m /600abm Max inp level SOOmY. 4 Packet reception DATA cutpt(12006ps) output level 100mV/600chm 5. Ground 6. No Connection 7. PIT signal input: Low (GND) :TX, Ope: RX 8. 5.0Vde output: Max curet less than SOA. 9. Packet transmission DATA input (1200bps) input eve! 100mm a 2 PACKETOPERATION tia staan 40 3. Place the cushion sticker onthe VCO shield case (a metal housing om the ciruit board Packet Mode Setting 1. Press FUNC key. While Fon i on, press SQL Key. [ A] appears onthe LCD display and te transceiver enters packet mode. Repeat the same sequence to exit from packet mode. ‘Use the computer keyboard o send designated commands from your PC to enter the packet network and stat operation. Refer tothe chart fr FNC comands, Use the ‘commands o select between 1200/9600 bps daa speed Reterence: ‘The configuration of E1-410 is as follows, Please se PC commands to progam, “Data Speed (Transfer Ras) 960Ubps (to computer) Data Length 8bit + Party Bit one + Stop bit Ut + Flos Control XonXor Once the EI-1U is programmed, the stings are stored in memory even ifthe unit is removed flom the transceiver. Some E-t11 functions may be limited as com pated to those found in an external TNC. ‘CAUTION: In order io replace a ithiumion bate installed on 61-410, please be mind tthe try ofthe btn. Hits repiaced in wrong way, Itmay cause damages tothe EJ: {1U andor the rad risking oven the exptetion of component. A soldering rn te aquired forthe tack and it you are not conde, pease canst with your local ‘Alinco deat forthe easement. External power supply contro! & power lamp functions ‘Re sure the vehicle has a negtive-ground, 12VDC elect system before instalation. Connect he provided DC cabo directly t the battery as shown below to mintize any possible ignition nose Be sure the vehicle has a large eapacitybasery 88 the use of the transceiver may overlatd the electric system ofthe vehicle F the igntion-key onfoft feature is desired (optional feature), use the optional EDC-3643 (for a Cigar-Plug connection) cable, Connoot one ofthe eable between the ACC terminal ora Cigar= Pug that operates withthe vehicle ignition or ACC switch on the vehicle and EXT POWER jack ‘on the rear side ofthe unit. (Not: In many cars, te cigurlighter plug is always powered, I this ie ‘he ease, you cannot use it forthe ignition key on/off unetion) 1 ths option i selected, the unit ‘an be tured onfof either manvalyo- automaticaly in accordance withthe ignition key positon: 1. When the ignition key is tuned to ACC o¢ ON (Stat) positon withthe adi ted ‘off the power switch laminates, The ilimination will be tarned of when the ini tion key i tuned tothe off postion. To turn onthe unit, prss the power switch ‘manually wii itis illuminated (vb ignition key is ACC of ON positon), 2, When the ignition key is ume to ACC or ON position with he a's power switch ‘on, the unit urns on automatically and he power switch wil be it Tn te gition ‘zy 1 OFF position or manvally turn the power switch of 0 shutdown the rao, ‘The power consumption when using the additonal cable i SmA. For operation witout this option, use the power switch wo tur the wit ono Power supply voltage display function ‘After connecting the transceiver tothe power supply, the supply voltage canbe confirmed by Dressing the SQL key together with the FUNC key. The sappy volage to the transceiver is then een on the display ‘The transceiver will retum its normal operiton when the powers switched OFF, “The displ immediataly changes asthe voltage supply changes Talso displays voltage during vansmission. (I/E modelo ay IMPORTANT: Tho range othe splayed voltage i ony rom 7V-16VDC. Because the displayed aie 's approxima please use vlinter when 2 more precise reading ie desed. 2 4. Part Names and Functions Front Panel 4 “Primary Functions PW Volume kab Function over tras ON/OFF whenever the Key i preted ‘Adjusts the AF audio level Changes the fequeney, memory channel and sean dreion, FUNGISET ‘WM Sets the fnction mode to access addtional stings memory mode. MHZISHIFT [Changs ihe frequency in | MHz steps. TSIDCSILOCK| Sette tone squele and DCS seting ‘CALL Switches to CALL mode, 3 1 2] 3 [Dial + 5 6 7 3 2 ‘SUD Ses the squeleh level ‘Used in clone and theft alan Fatons (0 | DATA Tena 1 | TX Gg cae Lights during transmission, ‘Mic. Connector] Coanestion por far supplied micophon ‘Functions which can be activated while F appears, after pressing the FUCN Key. ml Ke Function 4 [FUNG/SET | Confins elastion for nats ad es he inaon od 5 |VIMIMW [Programs the data into memory channel 6 |MHZ/SHIFT | Set the shift direction and the offe roquency 7 [TSDCSILOCK | Sets the key lock fneton. B [CALLA | Switches beswoen Hl, MID, and LOW power transmission 9 |sauD “Acsesses te packet ommunication ode. (TIE modl only) AM reception DR-23STMil only) 8. PACKET OPERATION Packet mode is high-speed data communication using personal computer. The use ofa Digital repeater neswork (Dgi-peaters), including satlits, offers communication with distant stations. In order to operate in the packet mode itis essential that the station is equipped with a personal coniputer with appropriate packet software, 9 pin RS-232C cable, optional EJ-41U TNC unit or externl TNC (terminal node controle). Forte operation ofthe EJ-41U unt o extemal TNC, please refer ois respective fnstuction manual. (TE modals only) [To operate packet using EJ-41U] Configure the radio to » know packet operation frequency. Install the E7-41U unit inthe transceiver following the instructions below. Use an RS-232C cable and connect to the DSUB.9 connector onthe bsek of transceiver andthe PC. 1. Remove th cover Locate W1 cable on te back of DSUB-9 connector inthe unt, Disconnect it and re-onnect ito CNI on the EF-41U unt Locate W2 cable/on the EJ-41U. Connect it to CNIO7 onthe trasnceiver circuit boar 29 Z.Advarces Opens CABLE CLONE ‘This feature will copy the programmed date and parameter in the master unit to slave units Ie copies the parameters and memory program stings Connection “Makes cable using 3.5 mm stereo-mini pgs as show below. Make a master unit by sting and programming ites desired. Tum offoth units Connect the cable between the DATA jackson bath ‘master and slave. Turn bath radio on afer the connection is made =| ee Mest side [Setting: Slave side] TZ. Gotoreceive mode (VEO or Memory). Avoid using 9600bps data reception. 2, Whon it receives the clone dats, LD*** shows up onthe display 3. When the wansmission is successfully finshed, the display wil shove [PASS 4, ‘Tum off he power. Disconnect the cable and repeat the sequence to clone the next slave uni [Setting: Master side] FT. _Press CALL key with FUNC key pressed, CLONE will be displayed and the radio ‘enter the clone mode, 2, Press PIT. SD°* willbe displayed andi stats sending the data ito the lve uit 3. PASS] will appear on the display when the deta is successfilly transite 4. The master rio may say ted on for he next clone Tum of the unit exit fom the clone mode, the data isnot successfully transmitted, tur off both units, make sure the eeble connection is correct and repeat the entre operation from the begining. Ifyou quilt the operation in contin that tho clone i incompleted pleat reset the save unit by refering to PA. Rear Panel 4 Patten ot functions ‘*Functions that can be activated while pressing the FUNC Key Key Tencion = Pw. Reset to factory defaue stings 1 SWIMINI — [Ease ie menor. “e|MHZ/SHIFT_| Switches to wide / narrow mode. 7 |ISDCSRLOOK ses heat dns. ry “of [CALLIHML | Accesses the clone function mode [SaL/0 | Accesses the power supply voligs indication mods. (TE models only) ‘unctions that require continuous pressing to be activated. Pare Fanet FUNGISET | When pressed for? seconds, apzesss the sot mode 6 | MHZ/SHIFT | When pressed wihin | second te sean star. 'SGL/D___| When pressed within | seond te monitor nanton on Mie Fasc 1 [Ext Power ack Terminal for conecting optional EDO-SGUR foruse with ignion key ent funtion, 17S __| models ely) 2 | Exernal Speaker Port | For optional external speaker ‘8 [OSUB-© Connector | Terminal where external TNC may be con ected for packet use, With optional E141U, ‘onects intemal TNC tothe computer (TYE ‘odes oy) 4 [Antenna Connector | Connection for 50 ohm coaxial cable and 6 ‘Pat Names sod Futons Display 6 elke [Fonction Appears when sting the uel level ‘Appears when in memory mode E Tndicaes tbe memory ehanzel aunber in memory mods 4 | Decimal pot | Appoas when setting the thet alma function. 3 | Decimal pont 6 | Decimal point 7 @ leesesee memory name ‘Appears when signal is being received Indes the reatve sgn seni vel of tansmisson rection, “Appears when in packet node and digital voice mode ‘Appears when sting the DCS. Appears when sting the tone quel Appears when sting the sbi “Appears during AM reception ([3SPMU235TMED only) 16 |Nar “Appears when in arrow baad reeption mode. lo Appears when transmission power i seo LOW. “8 |Mi ‘Appears wien transmission power is oto MID. 19 “Appears wien FUNC Key is pressed [Operation 2] ‘Choose this operation when a delay period is desir. L 2 ner the Parameter sting mode as described previously and select SCR-DLY, Follow the pevious istuction fo st “Tum off tho unit. Display wil sappeat bu the LCD illumination says on, After 20 seconds TX LED lights up, illumination dis, and alarm functions. The system won't ‘work during the 20 socond "DELAY" period, ‘he alarm sounds under the same condition as described previously, There is 20 second delay until te alarm sounds. During the 20 second period, oly the display ‘umication is it. Turn ON the unit daring "DELAY" period to cance the erm funtion, Please set the parameter at SCR-OF during normal operation. AM Mode Reception (DR235TMkiIonly) For reception, switch the reception mode io AM, For transmission, the ranseeiver enters the FM mode, Selecting the AM mode: L es FUNCiap aie 408 pen | [oe SQL to Lape oe LED dey f STactammetentemckerms, _CeIS OB oma 223508 Press FUNC kay apn, ad while Ficon is ON, press SQL key. (A] appears on the LCD dis- Play and the tanscever enters the AM recep: tion mode, Repeat the same sequence to switch the modes inthe following onder: NORMAL > PACKET >AM> NORMAL, Reference: (nthe DRI3ST4Ull te transceiver automat cally enters the AM reception mode in the fe ‘quency range, Advanced Oeratons THEFT ALARM (Optional ADALM135 required for FXE models} ‘This alert uses a beep sound when the unit is abou to be removed in an improper manner, This fanction is useful when the units installed in a viele gone, NOTE: Rarov wi rom stobirg whoa Belo stmpng odie veil [Operation 1] ‘Setting: Connect the DC cable direct to the battery. Connect the provided alarm cable to the DATA jack on the front panel a shown, Secure the other end of the cable to sn bie thi sys fixed inthe vice 2. ner the Parameter Setting mode by pressing FUNC key for more than 2 seconds ‘Use SQL of UPIDOWN keys to select ment and rotate te dal set SCR-ON. ‘Press any key other than SQLIUP/DOWN key to enter the sting and exit 3. Tum off the uni with main power switch The TX LED will elit To turnoff he alarm function, tum on the uit, ete the Parameter setting mode agin, ad select ‘SCR-OF. When alarm is activated, the decimal poisson 100 MH ae 100 kiizorder wil ah on display. NOTE: 1.Thostarm nslon ony whan the uke ned of 2 nen eater sid (SCR-ON oF OL) Rcton de tr Function: When the slara cable is removed from the DATA jack or cu without using the ‘proper sequence, the alarm sounds fr 10 minutes. Dering te alan the uit ges receive on memory channel 99, according o its pre-programaved sting (TSQDCS avecpted). 2. When a signal is received on ch.99 the alarm stops 3. Turing oa she wit with SQL key pressed also cancels the ala, 4, Tum she ic off again with the alarm cable connected propery. It returns to the slam moe, 36 Microphone Tversion version Fonction Taree tie Feueney ema Snel mane or sting a Decrease te eens manor canoe munber, retina Press the PYT(Push-To-Tullkey 1 ans. 5 PME tacinn So ba DT Yo omens during transmit to tend DTM codes raanaliy [Lock Switch [Locks out the UP and DOWN keys. Mic. Speak here during wansmission Mic. Connector Diagram (While looking in the front view of the con- nector) {2 © Remote conto! rm XO cosy w 5. Basic Operations Turning the unit on and off ress the power switch or tum th ignition key to ACC oF ON postion aecording to he option selected during instalation, Press the power switch again or tun the ignition key to OFF postion to ram off. Audio Volume level setting Rotate the VOL knob clockwise to increase the audio level, counterclockwise to decrease, Set tat the desired level Squelch level setting ‘A squech eliminates white-noise (he background noise when 1 signa isnot received) High level sotings will keep the squeleh “closed” more tightly for quieter monitoring. but weak signals wil not be heard, Lower settings allow weaker signals to “oped” the ‘squelch but noise may also cause it ope. A. Press SQL key. SQL icon eppeats onthe dis play andthe squelch level wil be shawn at he Position where the memory number is dis played. 21 levels, between 0 and 20, are aval le. “0” ste lowest etng. ‘By rotating the main dal or by using the UPY DOWN keys on the microphone, adjust the squelch to the desired lave. To return to nor mal use, press PTT or any key on the Font ancl; oF if there sce no operations within 5 seconds, the uit wll tore the seting and will, ‘tum 0 its orgie! status. ‘he new squelch level wil bo stored in he CPU wail another adjustments dove. PWR iy sand) es0e0 ‘Suse ee IMPORTANT: Al gure showing the frequencies and values in this manual ae based on ORISB(14¢t ane 1° AUTO-DIALER This wil automatically tansmit pre-programmed DTMF tones, DIME (Dual-Tone-Mult-Fre- ‘queney) are te same fone used inthe telephone syste, and they ae often used to remote ctrl lectonic devies or AUTOPATCH phone systems available on some repeaters. To program tones in the Auto-dialer memory: ZL. Press FUNC key and TSIDCS key atthe same time to enter the setting mode. Default display is 0 on the right end of the display. Memory channel icon displays which ofthe ten aut. ial memories (0-8 isin use 2, UsUPDOWN keys osvlect the desired chin- el 3. Rotate te main dia to select the fr digit, then press TSIDCS key enter. The Cursor moves ‘oward sight. Repeat sequence to complete 4, Use: forpanse. Tre splay srols when the Ta digitis entered, The numbers 109, pase, and # canbe stored upto a total of 16 digits 5. To check the entered digits, press FUNC then rocate the main dal while F toon on, 6 Todelete, press CALL key. Press PTT, VM, ‘Mls or SOL keys to exit and return original To transmit tones in the Auto-dialer memory: J. Press PIT then press the “UP” key onthe crophone while transmitting, The last pro- grammed code wil be tansmied. 2, Tochange the Auto-iaier memory channel, press FUNC and TSYDCS keys then select desired channel by pressing the UPDOWN “ey onthe microphone, 18 12356 35 1. Advan Operatons Bate Operation Digital voice communication By installing an optional dial unit EI-47U, digit! voice communication becomes possible AL. hstall EF-47U tothe connector CN105 ofthe nit See the instuction that comes with E+ 470 for assembling dts 2. Press the PUNC key. and then press the SQL Xp ahem. (an shown Se py MYSH _| Press the FUNC key or the PTT key to enter the cigital communication made, 4, Tocancel the digital communication mode, press the SQL key while the display shows Codes instep 2 IMPORTANT: When activating this sting a codes played and sche by rotting the 4, but does not atect he function of 470. Posse cerogrd thi eting sequence. Digital vole operation on certain amateur radio equoncios may be prohibits rest or oubect to a spect tation lane Please be sure 1 consult with your lea autho prior to operating inthis ode. (TIE modes only) WIDE / NARROW (Reduction of the Mic. Gain / Deviation) ‘Switching to the NARROW mode: Press Mite key while keeping FUNC key pressed. [Nar] appears onthe LCD spay and ‘he transceiver emers the NARROW mode 2. Repeat the same sequence o switch between ‘he WIDE NARROW modes. When the trans- «ever isin the WIDE mode, which i the noe mal operation, no indication appears on the LCD display. 3. Inthe NARROW mode, the microphone gain snd modulation duving wansmssion and the de ‘modulation range during reception will be Tower. 34 VFO mode ‘VFO tuning is seas default mode at the factory. VEO (vei: le roquenoy oseillaior allows you to change the frequency in accordance withthe selected channel step as you rotate the main da orb using the UP/DOWN keys onthe microphone ‘VEO mode is so ued to program the dato be stored i he memory channels oro change the parameter stings of the 1. eatity the cosont mode by checking the dite ply. If"M" of “C" icon is NOT displayed on 5 the nit is aleady in the VEO mode, Otherwise press “VIM key uni those cons are gone [Change frequency by the channel step] Rotate the main da clockwise to increase the frequency, coun {ercoekwise to decrease. Tho UPDOWN keys om the mer phone act inthe smn vay. [Change frequency by 1 MHz step] ‘This wll enable a quick change of requeny’in 1 Mite seps: J. Press Mir key. The digits after 100 ke will

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