Lesson Plan 2 Template

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Lesson Plan Template for Content-Based Instruction

Teachers Name: Jamie & Quincy Date: 6/20 - 26/17

Grade/Class/Subject: English Conversation 1st and 2nd grade
Time Period: 50 minutes
Unit/ Topic: Travel Lesson Title: Dream Destination

Content Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will (know and do):
- How to express where they would like to travel to.
- How to express what they would like to do at their chosen destination

Language Objectives:
(grammatical term and/or example, eg. Past Tense: The boy went to
(in ing form, eg. Retelling a story )
see his grandfather;)
If you million dollars where would you like to go? 1) Asking about dream destination in conditional
I travelled to ____ last summer/last year/when I was 2) Talk about their travel experience in past tense
This summer I am going to ______. 3) Talk about their summer plan in future tense

Signal Words New Vocabulary Review Vocabulary

(vocabulary that may need to be taught or
(new vocabulary to be explicitly taught that is (previously taught vocabulary that students likely
emphasized that link concepts in meaningful
critical to an understanding of the content) need review of)
ways, such as conjunctions and time markers)
- one minute left - Itinerary - Passport
- Who, where, what, how, why - Backpacking - Luggage
- Attraction - Swimming
- Guidebook - Shopping
- Cinema - Amusement Park
- Sailing - Art Gallery
- Sightseeing - Water Park
- Tourism - Aquarium
- Famous landmark

By the end of the lesson, students will (do X function using Y form with Z vocabulary):
- Students will be able to talk about their past travel experience in past tense.
- Students will be able to talk about their summer vacation in future tense.
- Students will be able to describe their dream destination in conditional tense.

Special Cross-Cultural Considerations: Include here anything relevant to culture that you will either incorporate as
part of your lesson or that you need to be attuned to in terms of your students background to ensure a lesson that is
culturally responsive.
When we were presenting our travel experience, we showed them pictures of Seoul excursion knowing that
students are more familiar with it then something that they have never seen before. We also showed pictures of
Japan because many students have been to the country and know about it to a degree.

Materials: Include here all the materials that you need, including textbook titles and the page numbers you will
refer to.

Bingo board, question cards, papers for pictionary activity

Lesson Sequence: This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson plan features. For each
step, explain what the teacher will do, the expectation of what the students will do, and how long the stage should

I. MOTIVATION: Describe how you will build content background and introduce the specific language functions/forms that
you will target.

TIME: 5 minutes
The students will (specifically what the students should do The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does)
in response to what the teacher does)
a: Students response to my question. A: Hi class!
b & c: Students will talk about their summer plan B: How is your day so far?
C: Does anybody have plan for this summer?

Formative Assessment (How will you gauge whether or not students are connecting to the background the teacher is providing?) :
Teachers listen to students summer plan and check for students interest level.

II. PRESENTATION: Describe the specific techniques you will use to make your presentation of new content and linguistic
material comprehensible to students, to provide opportunities for interaction through appropriate questioning, to engage learner
strategies, and to assess whether or not students are getting it.

TIME: 15 minutes
The students will (specifically what the students should do The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does)
in response to what the teacher does)
a: Students listen. A: Teacher give presentation on our travel experience.
b: Students listen and repeat after us. Seoul and Japan
c: Students answer questions or listen to other students B: Teacher teach travel related words.
answer. C: Teacher ask about the places that students have
been to.

Formative Assessment (How will you gauge whether or not students are comprehending/using the targeted language forms as
presented?): While one teacher is teaching, the co-teacher walk around the room and make sure that everyone is
engaged to the listen.

III. PRACTICE/APPLICATION: Describe the activities you will use to allow for meaningful practice targeting the lessons
objectives, the learner strategies you will engage, and the formative assessment you will provide to gauge whether or not
students practice is moving them along closer to the target)

TIME: 20 minutes
The students will (specifically what the students should do The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does)
in response to what the teacher does)
a. Students listen 1. Teacher introduce to the speaking activity (for
i. Students repeat after the teacher. 8 minutes).
ii. Students practice asking each other a. Teacher show a demonstration round.
question and answer it. b. One teacher will pass out for the
iii. One student will talk about their travel speaking activity while the co-teacher
experience and other students are talk more about it.
listening. c. Teacher as for volunteer who would
b. Students listen like to share their dream destination
i. Students watch the video 2. Teacher introduce the pictionary activity (8
ii. Students needs to know the words to be minutes)
able to draw it. a. Teacher show the students what they
are suppose to do through
b. Then video demonstration of the game.
i. Teacher took the words that
they have in their English book
and the words they are just

Formative Assessment (How you will gauge whether or not students practice is moving them closer toward achieving the objective
in a meaningful way?): While students are doing their activity teachers will walk around the room and help students
if needed. Teachers listen for any mispronounced words. If there are, the teachers write the words on the
board for later.

EXTENSION: Describe the student-centered activities you will use for students to further apply language skills toward
greater mastery of the targeted content and language objectives, either independently or with a group. This should be an
opportunity for developing higher-order thinking skills and using language in communicative ways.

TIME: 6 minutes
The students will (specifically what the students should do The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does)
in response to what the teacher does)
a. Students listen 1. Teacher introduce the last game, bingo.
i. Students start their activity. a. Students are divided into six groups.
b. Students listen and say goodbye. b. Each group have their mini bingo
c. Every students get to have the chance
call out the words.
i. Students are using the words
from pictionary game.
2. Teacher say goodbye to the students and tell
them this is teacher's last time teaching.

Summative Assessment (Describe the ways in which you plan to determine whether or not students achieved the content and language
objectives for the lesson. Be specific in terms of not only what the students will do to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, but how you will evaluate
what they produce.): For last check up, because the time was too short, throughout the activity teachers walk around and
listen for mispronounced words, write them on the board. At the end of class (two minutes), everybody review those
words together. Teacher will say it once while students repeat it. We would do it until everyone says it correctly.

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