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Profession And Astrology

Undoubtedly each and every person on this planet would be having curiosity to know about
his or her profession in advance, questions like which all fields suits me professionally, in
which area should I establish my business, what would I do after my school or graduation,
will I be able to get established in my profession, will I stick to one field or will I change
many fields in my life time and the list of such questions are never ending. You all must be
thinking, why Nikhil is listing so many questions right in the beginning of his article, simple, I
want to catch the interest of all those people who have such questions oscillating in their
mind. Many people again and again reminded me to write something on this topic but you
all know that the only issue with your friend Nikhil is time. So finally I am able to steal some
time (after putting the reports of some of my clients on hold) to write on this one of the most
important topic of all times.
So without wasting any time lets move step by step, to analyze astrological reasonings
behind someones career or profession.
Any guesses, what should be the first step in the analysis of profession.
I am asking this question to all those people who know little bit of astrology, but all those
people who do not know even the abcd of astrology, they should just relax, as I have written
this article for you people only, as you will completely read through the article, you will
definitely learn a lot.
So guys, what should be the first step.
Hmm, I can hear whispers, saying, Nikhil, obviously we have to start from:
a) 10th house (house of career) and 10th lord.
b) Some more intelligent ones would even include the state of 10th lord in D-9 chart
c) And as per few absolutely brilliant ones; most of the steps should start and end in the
D-10 chart (dasamsa-divisional chart seen for Career related issues).
Believe me, there are many intelligent fools out there, who will immediately jump into the D-
10 chart analysis ignoring the most basic concepts, these brilliant people are the first ones,
who makes the complete mess from astrological rules. I am not saying that D-10 chart
should not be analyzed, of-course it should be analyzed but NOT in the very starting.
So, those of you who are thinking in the line of any of the above 3 points (a, b, c) are
completely wrong. None of these touch points should be your first step in the analysis of
Anyways, I dont think that there was anybody out there who was thinking otherwise, but if
you will ask me, I would say that these are certainly not the starting points or the first step.
Yes obviously they are also important but not at the FIRST STAGE.
So here comes the first rule, before analyzing the Houses and their lords (w.r.t any
area of life, like in this case its profession), YOU HAVE TO ANALYZE the KARAKA
House and lords comes later, ANALYSIS of KARAKA should always be the first step.
Indeed this is the reason why before analyzing the first house and 1st lord, we first have to
analyze the SUN, which happens to be the karaka of 1st house
State of the Sun is the first brick of ASTROLOGY, since its the Karaka of 1st house.
So hope you people are getting what exactly your friend Nikhil is trying to explain. Hence
From here, we will learn everything from scratch.
Remember I am not asking you to omit, house and lord analysis, certainly not, I am just
asking you to ANALYSE KARKA first.
So what are the Karakas then, let me just list all possible karakatvas for the beginners.
Planets and their Karakatvas
Jupiter (karaka for 2nd, 5th, 9th, 10th and 11th houses) as Jeevakaraka (Self) for Males
Venus (karaka for 7th house) as Jeevakaraka (Self) for Females, Venus is also for Wife,
Finance, vehicles, daughter, daughter in law, Younger sister (2nd)
For Profession, elder brother consider Saturn (karaka for 6th, 8th, 10th and 12th houses)
For Husband, Younger brother (2nd) consider Mars (karaka for 3rd and 6th houses)
For mother, Elder sister, mother in law consider Moon (karaka for 4th house)
For Father, soul and son consider Sun (karaka for 1st, 9th and 10th houses)
For Paternal Grand Father consider Rahu
For Maternal Grand Father consider Ketu
For education, Maternal Uncle, girl friend, boy friend, father in law, Younger sister (3rd),
Younger brother (3rd) consider mercury (karaka for 4th and 10th houses)
Now you all must be wondering that why the hell Nikhil is giving these Karakas even more
importance than Houses and house lords, so dear all understand this in just 1 sentence;
If you are living in a rented house, then will you be more important or your landlord would be
more important from the angle of ownership? Obviously landlord, since landlord is the
permanent owner of your residence. If he wishes, he may throw you out. Right
Similarly Karakas have permanent ownership of all possible parameters; you may have 7
different lords (there are 7 planets excluding nodes) of any house as per different ascendant
but karaka will permanently represent any specific parameter or house.
Whatever may be the ascendant Aries, Taurus, Gemini etc, but Sun will always be the
karaka of your 1st house, 9thhouse, 10th house and father, any planet may lord over 4thhouse,
depending on the ascendant sign but Moon will always be the Karaka of your 4 thhouse and
Ok so now lets come back to our main topic which is profession.
Now you know that first step has to be karaka, hence Saturn is the Karaka for profession or
you can say Saturn is the karma karaka and Jupiter is your Jeevakaraka (self significator),
hence whenever you wish to study about your (Self-Jupiter) career (Karma-Saturn)
astrologically, then you have to start your analysis from Saturn and Jupiter.
10th lord, 10th house, 10th sign, Navamsa sign of 10th lord, D-10 chart, ALL THIS WILL
COME LATER, Hope I am very clear on this.
So, the most powerful influences on your Saturn and Jupiter will actually determine the
basic stream of your career and many a times your area of interest or passion. These
influences on your Saturn and Jupiter will give you the first clue about your area of
The question arises here is, how;
Now to answer this how; the first thing you all need to know is the parameters which falls
under each planet, so that you all could come on my wavelength because you know that
your friend Nikhil cannot walk alone on this path of learning, I need to take all of you along
with me. Right! So first I will list few concepts and then I will answer that how through a
very simple example:
Sun rules over business/jobs related to:
Government service (also top posts in government), Social service, politics, Fathers
profession, Gold and Diamond Merchants, top surgeons, electronics, teachers and
researchers of political and social sciences.
You must also remember that in the above scenario if sun & Saturn are weak in the chart
(after taking many other factors into account), then the linkage of sun with Saturn will bring
hardships in natives professional life, Native will be troubled by the people sitting in power
and would even find it very difficult to get a job. Even if he gets a job, remuneration would
be less. The employer will always find fault with him and the native will never get
satisfaction in career. Yes in case both sun and Saturn are very good in the chart (after
taking into account many factors), then things would be completely reverse as then power,
honor and fame all will come to the native.
Moon rules over business/jobs related to:
Milk or milk products- Diary business,
Water- sailor, shipping, salt merchant (since salt is found in water), water merchants (like
people selling mineral water), water sports (but when we say sports, then there is also
involvement of mars), pearl merchants (since pearls are found in ocean and represent
moon), Water Board Sewage department &
Food -cook, waiter, Hotel (Hotel Management also falls under this), Grass & plants &
vegetable & fruits vendor, Agriculture & Farmers, grocery shop, edible oil merchant, fruit
juice or wine merchants, Baker, animal food, sea food
Travel- messenger, travel agencies & agents, navigator
Medicines-Purchase and sales of medicines, Nurse, compounder
Apart from this moon also governs Hawkers, dry cleaners, Artists, Psychologists (stream of
psychology), Chemists (science of chemistry), astrologers, story writers & priests
You must also remember that in the above scenario if moon & Saturn are weak in the chart
(after taking many other factors into account), then the linkage of moon with Saturn will
bring unnecessarily travel or the native will have displacement very often on account of his
profession. Money loss would be continuous and native will even get defame/blame in
carrier. Ultimately mental peace would suffer. Yes in case both moon and Saturn are very
good in the chart (after taking into account many factors), then things would be much less
negative, could also be very good depending on other factors.
Mars rules over business/jobs related to:
Machines- Engineering, Iron Industry, machine handler, Professions Connected with Metal
and mineral (Mining, carpenter, mechanic, blacksmith), Instrument manufacturing
Weapons and courage Defense services (police department, military, fire department),
Weapons & arms dealing
Medical field: Surgeon, Dentist
Sports related professions
Stone & mud related jobs/work: Stone breaking, Granite industries, sculpture, potter,
agriculture & brick kiln
Apart from the above mars also governs Butchers, barbers, antiquities related work,
Teachers and researchers of physics
You must also remember that in the above scenario if mars & Saturn are weak in the chart
(after taking many other factors into account), then the linkage of mars with Saturn will bring
hardship throughout his/her life. People will be harassing the native in his work place. Even
getting a well paid job would become difficult. The person in this case would be in habit of
changing his/her job frequently as either the employer will find fault with him or native
himself would never get satisfaction in his profile. Yes in case both mars and Saturn are
very good in the chart (after taking into account many factors), then things would be much
less negative. Could also be very good depending on other factors
Mercury rules over business/jobs related to:
Education: teacher, novelist, writer, author, examiner, mathematics, lecturer, professor,
clerk, accountant, statisticians.
Communication: News paper, News paper vendor, postal and telegraph, printing press,
telephone department, journalism, editor, commission agents, postman, broker, journalist,
public speaker, ambassador, imports and exports, air and land transports
Paper, Books, Stationery & publishing: Publisher, printer, editor, book binder, book sellers,
draftsman, stationery merchant
Decision takers, law makers, law implementation: Auditor, lawyer, judge, councilor,
ambassador, CBI agents, legal adviser, inspector, consultants, advisors, astrologers,
Apart from above mercury also governs Painter/drawing, landlord, compositor and general
business possibilities.
You must also remember that in the above scenario the linkage of mercury with Saturn will
give native a comfortable business. Cooperation will be there from all the sides. Native will
earn a lot of money in his business and will buy lands, property etc. Yes in case mercury or
Saturn is weak in the chart, then the story would get completely reversed as then
hardships/struggle would creep in.
Jupiter rules over business/jobs related to:
Religion: Priest, temple Workers, Yogasana Teacher, Religious teacher, philosophers,
Vedic teachers
Finance/wealth: bankers, Finance Department, Insurance, accountants
Decision takers, law makers: Auditors, Manager, Ministers (especially education minister),
lawyers & judges
You must also remember that in the above scenario the linkage of Jupiter with Saturn will
give a comfortable career to the native. The life will be very smooth along with honor and
respect. Native will enjoy all the luxuries and would easily find a good job. Cooperation from
respectable persons will also be there. Yes in case Jupiter or Saturn is weak in the chart,
then the story would get completely reversed as then hardships/struggle would creep in.
Venus rules over business/jobs related to:
Various forms of Arts: Artists, musician, musical instruments, singer, performer, dancer,
dramatist, story writing, poetry, acting, cinema, theatre, painting, sculpture
Luxury & beauty: Luxury Goods, vehicles, cloth and textile industry, Five-star hotels,
furniture industry, Bar and restaurants, jewelry (Jeweler), perfume seller, Beauty Parlor,
Saloon, Scented materials, Handicrafts, selling gift articles, makeup job ,showcase items,
flower merchants, marriage hall, beauty context,
Commerce, Finance and wealth: Treasurer, Accountant, Auditor, insurance, money lending,
financial organizations, bank commission agent, Finance Minister
Apart from above Venus also governs tourism, prostitution, Drinks (alcohol, wine and fruit
juice), marketing and housekeeping.
You must also remember that in the above scenario the linkage of Venus with Saturn then
the person will be very rich with all the luxuries at his disposal. Native will have his own
house, vehicle and will get benefited through wife/spouse. Yes in case Venus or Saturn is
weak in the chart, then the story would get completely reversed as then hardships/struggle
would creep in.
Saturn rules over business/jobs related to:
People working in mines or owning mines, cleaners, security guards, peon, sweepers,
cobbler, brick Layers
Rahu rules over business/jobs related to:
Labor oriented jobs: coolie, Vehicle drivers, cycle rickshaw pullers, load man, stone
breakers, stone quarry workers, gardeners, rag pickers, building workers, vehicle cleaners,
Shoe maker, shoe polisher slaves and wood cutters
Defense, research and investigation: CBI department, Secret organization, defense
department, scientists (especially related chemicals, nuclear physics, Leprosy department)
Theft or illegal activities: Robbers, picketers, thieves, smuggling, cheating, pick pocketing,
chain snatching, corruption, all underground work, black magician, and prostitution
Manufacturing of: cigarette, wine, bomb, chemicals (pesticide or various other poisonous
chemicals) and electronics
Trade: Related to foreign land, sale and purchase of old articles
Apart from the above rahu also governs over photographers, actors, gas agents, snake
keepers and prison
You must also remember that in the above scenario the linkage of Rahu with Saturn then
the person will undergo initial subordination and this may also result in poverty. But in the
later part of life he will become an eminent personality with lot of experience. In case Rahu
or Saturn is weak in the chart, then only hardships/struggle would dominate the persons
Ketu rules over business/jobs related to:
Divinity and Healing: Doctor, priest, astrologers, occultist, pranic healers, divine healer,
sages, saints, yogis, siddhas, fakirs, dealing with natural herbs/medicines, religious
teachers, theology, religion, faith healers and preceptors
Manufacturing of: pots, tiles and brick, Coir, Cable, wire and handlooms
Apart from the above Ketu also governs over lawyers, Fisherman, tailors/ weavers, knitters,
snake dealers/players, hunters, beggars, wire man, power loom industries and spinning
You must also remember that in the above scenario if Ketu & Saturn are weak in the chart
(after taking many other factors into account), then the linkage of Ketu with Saturn will bring
suffrage in his job throughout his life. Satisfaction would seriously lack. Changes and
disputes in job would be unavoidable.
The person behave feel very lonely and alone. Yes in case both Ketu and Saturn are very
good in the chart (after taking into account many factors), then success, respect and peace
will oblige the native.
Hence as soon as you locate linkage(degree wise closeness, sign exchange, trine
placement and mutual aspect) of ANY PLANET with Jupiter (Jeeva karaka) or Saturn
(karma karaka), career in the fields mentioned corresponding to that planet are
possible, BUT remember, never give judgment just on the basis of this rule alone as
there could be simultaneous effect of more than 1 planet on your Jupiter and Saturn,
in that case you have to mix some results (which would demand practice) and
Secondly we also have to take into account the effect of 10th sign, 10th lord (as per the
cusp chart), Navamsa depositor of 10th lord, D-10 chart etc. Therefore, restraint
yourself in giving any immediate conclusion
Ok so now, you all basically know that which all types of professions falls under
which planets and how exactly you will take your first step in predicting the
profession area of the person.

After analyzing the karaka and the planetary influences on it in the first step, now in
the second step you all need to focus your attention on these 6 points:

a) Professions coming under the scope of 10th lord (as per the cusp chart),
b) The professions coming under the scope of the sign coming in 10th cusp.
c) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by this 10th cusp
lord in lagan chart and
d) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by karma karaka
e) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by 10th cusp lord
in D-9 chart. (i.e. Navamsa sign of 10th cusp lord)
f) Professions coming under the scope of planets influencing (through aspect or
placement) the 1st house of D-10 chart (If no planet aspects or is placed in the first
house of your D-10 chart, then take lord of 1st house in D-10 chart)

Similarly the most powerful influences on Venus (for males) and on mars (for females) will
actually determine the basic stream of your spouse career and many a times your area of
his/her interest or passion. These influences on your Venus/mars will give you the first clue
about his/her area of profession.
After analyzing the karaka and the planetary influences on it in the first step, now in the
second step you all need to focus your attention on these 6 points:
a) Professions coming under the scope of 7th lord (as per the cusp chart),
b) The professions coming under the scope of the sign coming in 7th cusp.
c) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by this 7th cusp lord in
lagan chart and
d) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by karaka Venus for
males/mars for females.
e) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by 7th cusp lord in D-9
chart. (i.e. Navamsa sign of 7th cusp lord)
f) Professions coming under the scope of planets influencing (through aspect or placement)
the 1st house of D-9 chart (If no planet aspects or is placed in the first house of your D-9
chart, then take lord of 1st house in D-9 chart)
I have already listed the professions coming under the scope of each planet above
but let me now list all the professions which fall under each sign, so that points b, c,
d and e mentioned above can be interpreted.
As per our texts: Signs and the associated professions:
Aries: Defense, weapons and fire related work, Government related work ,various types of
Sports, Engineering, Iron, brick, pottery and mining related work, expertise in surgery,
cooking and agriculture.
Taurus: Cattle feeding and nurturing, Jewelry trade, finance or money handling, Textiles
and handicrafts, showpieces, scents, luxury hotels, dealers of flowers and fruits, all artistic
pursuits like acting, music, poetry, story telling and writing and singing
Gemini: All modes of data communications like letter, books, telephone, TV, cable,
Information and broad casting etc, space related research, accountants, auditors, lawyers,
judges, councilors, ambassadors, mathematicians etc.
Cancer: Export and Import, transportation (through planes, ships etc), agriculture, milk,
grocery, vegetable & medical outlets, pearl dealers, hotel & restaurants, water related work.
Leo: Social & Charitable work, Government and administration related work, Engineering
Virgo: Teaching, writing, Auditing, Accounts work, Business, retail outlets
Libra: All forms of artistic work (acting, dancing, singing etc), all professions of money
handling (banks, insurance, commissioning), lawyers, Jewelers, Textiles and handicrafts,
showpieces, scents, cloth business, law dept., hotel, bars and Restaurants, Beauty parlor.
Scorpio: Raw materials, Iron, Metal, Mining & Engineering Industry, Agriculture, Electricity
work, Instrument handling & Manufacturing, precision work, religion work, astrology, mantra,
tantric, occult practices
Sagittarius: Social & charitable work, Wood and Forest related work, law, temple, All
financial institutions like banks etc, education or teaching related, military.
Capricorn: Stone, mining, sand & construction business, Hotels, food products, manure,
fertilizers and pesticide trade, oil merchant, hardware, spare parts and old articles, shoe &
leather business, porters, & coolies
Aquarius: Religion, Teaching, Research and Development , Psychology, Astrology,
Philosophy, , Consultancy, Administration, Oil and Natural Gas, Air force, Space missions
and research, Defense service, Fire Service, Jail Dept., manufacturing of mass scale
destructive weapons, tourism related, central excise dept, butcher shop, Investigating
Pieces: Education or teaching related, religious & Financial Institutions, Medicine, Law,
External Affairs, Navy & shipping, religious worker.
I know after reading all those, a, b, c, d, e and f points many of you must be wondering that
Nikhil, like this all the professions of the world would suit everybody BUT DEAR ALL, this is
simply not the case.
As I have said that the most important factor is your 1st step based on karaka. POINTS a, b,
MAIN STREAM of profession should be decided on the basis of first step only. Rest all the
factors would help us to narrow down our observation & analysis.
Finally practice is needed, to derive the results.
Now let me just take an example to make you understand the methodology more clearly
and emphatically.
These are my birth chart details:
Nikhil Gupta
02nd Nov 1984
Delhi, India
I have taken my educational Qualifications in the field of electronics and communication
engineering (4 years) and MBA (marketing) (2 years), I had done the Job in worlds
number 1 consulting firm in the field of telecom auditing (for 1 year) just after my Since the age of 18, I am also into various occult practices like Vedic Astrology
(Since last 8 years-Still Active), palmistry (since last 12 years -Still Active), face
reading (since last 5 years-Still Active), handwriting reading (since last 5 years-Still
Active), Vastu (since last 5 years-Still Active) and numerology (since last 5 years-Still
Active) but my current earning are coming from the field of Vedic Astrology only (Since last
2 years). Apart from this I have written an unpublished book on Hindi-Urdu poetry (since
last 8 years-Still Active) and I am also practicing singing(since last 12 years-Still
Active) (hence also plans to make my career in the field of music). I write a lot on occult
subjects, hence I am also into writing (Since last 8 years-Still Active) and I also teach
occult subjects, hence you can say that I am also into teaching (Since last 8 years-Still
I am taking my example because I am into so many fields that my chart would serve as a
detailed example for making you all understand the exact methodology of interpretation.
Basically we have to analyze that which all astrological factors have forced me into these
fields and with what intensity (i.e. since how long I am into a particular field).
Hence search for astrological basis w.r.t these fields electronics and communication
engineering (4 years), MBA (marketing) (2 years), telecom auditing (for 1 year), Vedic
Astrology (Since last 8 years-Still Active) and other occult fields (Like palmistry (since
last 12 years -Still Active), face reading (since last 5 years-Still Active), handwriting
reading (since last 5 years-Still Active), Vastu (since last 5 years-Still
Active) and numerology (since last 5 years-Still Active)), Hindi-Urdu poetry (since last
8 years-Still Active), singing (since last 12 years-Still Active), writing (Since last 8
years-Still Active) and teaching (Since last 8 years-Still Active)in my chart.
Step 1: Planets influencing my Karma karaka Saturn and Jeeva Karaka Jupiter
Saturn is placed closed to my Mercury, Ketu and Sun.
(Out of these 3, mercury and Ketu are closer to my Saturn degree wise, so the professions
related to mercury and Ketu will start affecting my profession ahead of Sun, professions
related to sun will influence my profession later in my life)
Hence Just refer the fields which falls under the Planets Ketu, Mercury and Sun, you all will
be able to immediately establish the connection
Jupiter is placed close to my mars and Venus
Hence just refer the fields which falls under the Planets Venus and mars, you all will be able
to immediately establish the connection.
Now to fine tune the results of step 1, proceed to step 2
Step 2:
a) Professions coming under the scope of 10th lord (as per the cusp chart),
Mercury is my 10th lord as per the cusp chart, Hence Just refer the fields which falls under
the Planet Mercury, you all will be able to immediately establish the connection with respect
to the professions identified under STEP 1
b) The professions coming under the scope of the sign coming in 10th cusp.
The sign is Virgo in my case, Hence Just refer the fields which falls under the sign Virgo,
you all will be able to immediately establish the connection with respect to the professions
identified under STEP 1
c) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by this 10th cusp
lord in lagan chart and
Mercury is placed in Libra in my lagan chart, Hence Just refer the fields which falls under
the sign Libra, you all will be able to immediately establish the connection with respect to
the professions identified under STEP 1
d) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by karma karaka
Saturn is placed in Libra in my lagan chart, Hence Just refer the fields which falls under the
sign Libra, you all will be able to immediately establish the connection with respect to the
professions identified under STEP 1
e) The professions coming under the scope of the sign occupied by 10th cusp lord
in D-9 chart. (i.e. Navamsa sign of 10th cusp lord)
Mercury is placed in Gemini in my Navamsa chart, Hence Just refer the fields which falls
under the sign Gemini, you all will be able to immediately establish the connection with
respect to the professions identified under STEP 1
f) Professions coming under the scope of planets influencing (through aspect or
placement) the 1st house of D-10 chart (If no planet aspects or is placed in the first
house of your D-10 chart, then take lord of 1st house in D-10 chart)
Jupiter and mercury are aspecting the 1st house of my D-10 chart, Hence Just refer the
fields which falls under the planets mercury and Jupiter, you all will be able to immediately
establish the connection with respect to the professions identified under STEP 1
CAREFULLY COMBINE THE RESULTS of Step 1 and Step 2, you will easily know that
why your friend Nikhil is into the fields mentioned above.
NAVAMSA And Its Hidden Concepts
NAVAMSA and its Hidden Concepts
Almost all of the Indian Vedic astrologers and many of the western astrologers too consider
this chart as one of the most important charts after Lagan chart and Shastyamsa (D-60)
Reason is simple, there are many aspects of natives life which can be seen and
understood from this chart only. No other chart can even dare to give those detailed clues
which Navamsa chart can easily provide at one glance.
Yes I know that many of the learned members must be contemplating and assuming that
we already know well about this chart, so there is no need for us to read this post but still I
beg your pardon to write something more about this chart.
First concept
We generally have a lot of expectations from our spouse or would be spouse but when
those expectations doesnt get fulfilled or met which is generally the case, then we tend to
start the blame game.
Comments like you should have done this, you should not take me for granted, why you
always keep fighting with me, why dont you respect me, you never acknowledge me etc
Now if you closely observe all of the above comments, which are the part and parcel of any
relationship then you would find that, in some or the other way we are in a habit of finding
fault with our spouse or partner, I am not saying that your partner can never be at fault but
the point is even if he or she has 1 fault then out of the 100 good points, the partner will
always be able to find or identify that one fault, focus on it consistently keeping aside all the
good habits which your partner invariably have.
In fact most of the times that 1 fault of your partner becomes everything for you which in
turn provokes you to blast him/her then and there.
NOW coming to the point please dont mind these stories and introduction are always
necessary to bring you all on my thinking platform.
Actually Navamsa chart operates more on an astral plane rather than on a materialistic
plane. It reflects all the weaknesses which we have all-through but fail to acknowledge
them, In other words your spouse is nothing but your own reflection which you have never
Couples say that we two are absolutely different personalities but they forget that they are
the different sides of the same coin.
Habits which your partners have are nothing but your own subtle expectations of which you
are also unaware about and all these habits can be understood deeply by analyzing the
Navamsa chart.
Divorces happen because your other side of personality (unknown to you) when comes in
front of you in the form of your spouse then it gives a big shock to you.
Then you say that I never deserved this, he/she was not meant for me, he/she has
Indeed the point is he/she has not changed but the destiny has shown you the MIRROR.
When your own hidden negative qualities come to you through your spouse then you
express SHOCK, In-spite of the fact that you were already nurturing those qualities inside
you for a long time.
This is the irony of the concept.
CRUX is; SEE THE UNKNOWN SIDE of your personality (Good or bad) in the Navamsa
People who have no hidden negative qualities or know about their negative qualities their D-
9 chart supports their lagan chart or compliments their lagan chart and we all know that
when this happens then the native RISE in life and hence are much more fortunate in life,
Reason is now clear.
Their SOUL matches with their actions as a result whatever work they will do will have
purity, so the success rest with them as these people never hide anything from them, they
are open enough to know about their negative qualities and rectify them. People who are
afraid to look deep inside them are left behind in the race of life. Looking at you own
negative qualities means you are honest to yourself and when you are honest to yourself,
you will honest to others too as a result GOD will always be there at your back.
If you are doing bad deeds, then obviously, you will not be able to look into your own eyes
and this would be visible from your D-9 chart.
Few other concepts
1) Analyze your Navamsa lord of 7th lord (From lagan chart)in lagan chart.
This will give you the information about, what are the qualities which helps you to hold your
relationship or the qualities which you and your spouse cherish and because of which you
two are together.
For example, take Scorpio lagan, Venus becomes the 7th lord (take the corrected lordship
from cusp chart), suppose Venus is placed in Capricorn in d-9, now the lord of this rashi is
Saturn, Hence see the strength, placement, conjunctions of this Saturn in LAGAN chart.
2) See the placement of Navamsa lagan lord in Navamsa chart.
Now observe how the native inherently behaves with his/her spouse.
If it is placed in 6th house: native will tend to fight with his/her spouse.
8th house: native will hide the things from his spouse and will not be transparent.
12th house: The native would be indifferent for his or her spouse.
3) See the placement, strength, conjunctions of the Navamsa lagan lord in lagan chart.
This will give you the information about, how the native behaves with his spouse in front of
the whole world.
4) Spouse should be seen from 7th house of Navamsa chart.
How will he/she behaves with the native.
Apply the 2nd and 3rd points likewise.
Few more concepts
1) Kind of relationship between the native and his spouse can also be judged by the
intensity of friendship between the lagan lord and Navamsa lagan lord.
But careful analysis should be done before jumping to any conclusion.
For ex: If a native has Scorpio ascendant and Virgo ascendant is in Navamsa then though
mars and mercury are enemies but if Jupiter happens to be in Navamsa lagan then since
Jupiter is the friend of mars so the bad influence would be reduced an astrologer should be
very careful while analyzing things.
2) If the lord of Navamsa lagan is present in 2nd or 11th house of lagan chart then the
spouse will bring wealth to the family.
3) If Lord of the Navamsa happens to be in lagan or 7th or 9th house of lagan chart then
marriage would be auspicious and stable.
But again remember do not jump to conclusions immediately this Navamsa lagan lord
should NOT be debilitated, com-bust, in enemy sign, under any kind of malefic influence etc
etc, Otherwise results will not come to pass.

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