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Name: Brayan Contern Morales

Level: III-IV

Summary Chapter 9

After they were rescued, Philip fractured his arm and recovered in a few weeks and did

not need to stay in the hospital, his father told him that he could not buy many things,

Philip had broken his arm which prevented him from playing Video games or basketball

for a few weeks, Viki had injured his foot and would have to rest for a month, Alex had

bruises on his back and the bottom and Felipe was taking a very special medication,

Philp's mother was very worried about him. Coach luke spoke to the referee, possibly

the party paid the referee to make it win, Philip's mother worried a lot and got to


Summary Chapter 10

Philip started to think that he was lucky to be alive, Viki told Penny and Steve about how

they ran and found george and his children. Already in the hospital the doctors helping

of all. Jim thought they had no luck because there was not a single car or person to help

them because in another part of the road there was also a slipping, Mr. Levendis who

was the boss of Philip's father was the cousin of a coach named Luke , Coach Luke had

taken the money from the team to pay the referee, and then remembered that when

the coach was wanted to call a person named Ben instead of calling the ambulance, so
Philip's father spent a lot of money on The team, the mother of Philip said that now he

could buy the things Philp wanted.

Mr. Levendis wanted to sell more computers and expand his business, but the problem

was that two people needed to work with him, Philip's parents gave him permission to

work with Mr. Levendis and then Philip's mother invited Mr. Levendis to have dinner.

Summary Chapter 11

In June Mr. Levendis went back to dinner with Philip's family to tell Philip to come and

work with him and to learn more about computers and software and the internet,

Philip's parents were very grateful to Mr. Levendis for the opportunity They gave him

his son, coach Luke had forbidden to re-train and the police wanted to talk to him, the

team had a new trainee and they had to play all the games again.

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