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Vol. 31, No.

6 Journal of Semiconductors June 2010

All-CMOS temperature compensated current reference

Zhao Zhe(), Zhou Feng() , and Huang Shengzhuan()
(State Key Laboratory of ASIC & System, Fudan University, Shanghai 201203, China)

Abstract: This paper presents a novel temperature independent current reference based on the theory of mutual com-
pensation of mobility and threshold voltage. It is completely compatible with standard CMOS-technology. The experi-
ment results indicate that the temperature coefficient of this current reference is less than 290 ppm/ C over a temperature
range from 20 to 110 C.

Key words: CMOS integrated circuits; current reference; temperature compensation

DOI: 10.1088/1674-4926/31/6/065016 EEACC: 2570A; 2570D

1. Introduction different. In Ref. [5], the sources of M1 and M2 are floating,

so they have to be built in separate P-wells to ensure that their
Temperature-independent current references are one of the sources are connected to their bulks and thus M1 and M2 have
most fundamental blocks in analog integrated circuits. They are identical threshold voltages, while in our scheme, the sources
widely applied to analog circuits and power electronic systems. of M1 and M2 are connected to the ground, and thus standard
In recent decades, a great deal of literature concerning this issue CMOS technology is applicable. Therefore Equation (1) can
has been published. Within it, some examples have advantages be further modified to
such as supply-independence1 or resistor-immunity2 ; how-
s s s
ever, they have large temperature coefficients of 720 ppm/ C
(measured) and 6000 ppm/ C (measured) respectively. Some IDS Rc C VTn3 D 0; (2)
other examples, derived from bipolar bandgap topology, with n K1 n K2 n K3
low temperature coefficients of 50 ppm/ C (measured)3 and
350 ppm/ C (measured)4 , are usually complicated and area- where n = n COX , Ki D .W =L/i ; obtaining the first or-
consuming. More recently, the mutual compensation of mobil- der derivative of Eq. (2) with respect to temperature, we have
ity and threshold voltage is widely used for improved temper- Eq. (3)5
ature characteristics within a standard CMOS technology5 7 .  
The one performing best achieves temperature coefficients of VTn kn C 2kVTn3 IDS Rc kn C 2kRc
kIDS D ; (3)
130 ppm/ C (simulated) with first-order temperature compen- VTn3 C IDS Rc
sation and 28 ppm/ C (simulated) with second-order temper-
ature compensation5 . However, it is designed in BiCMOS in which kIDS = (1/IDS /(dIDS /dT ), kn = (1/n /(dn /dT ) and
technology, which probably increases the cost of the chip. kRc = (1/Rc /(dRc /dT ). The first-order temperature compensa-
In this paper, a novel all-CMOS temperature-independent
current reference based on the compensation with mobility and
threshold voltage is put forward. It is completely compatible
with standard CMOS technology and occupies a small silicon
area of 0.023 mm2 . With first-order temperature compensation,
the proposed current reference presents a mean temperature
drift of 28 ppm/ C (simulated) and 290 ppm/ C (measured)
over a temperature range from 20 to 110 C.

2. Current reference circuit description

The proposed current reference and the employed OPAMP
are depicted in Figs. 1 and 2 respectively. With VA and VB equal
and aspects of M4, M5 and M6 identical, the following equa-
tion holds:

IDS Rc C VGS1 D VGS3 C VGS2 ; (1)

where IDS will be mirrored as the output reference current. It

should be noted that, although Equation (1) has been resented
before5 , the way of realizing it in our scheme is completely Fig. 1. Structure of current reference.

* Project supported by the AM Funding, China (No. 09700714100).

Corresponding author. Email:
Received 23 November 2009, revised manuscript received 4 February 2010 c 2010 Chinese Institute of Electronics

J. Semicond. 2010, 31(6) Zhao Zhe et al.
and the whole loop gain can be given by

H.s/ D A.s/F .s/

A0 .1 s=!Z1 / .1 C s=!Z2 /
D ; (8)
.1 C s=!P1 / .1 C s=!P2 / .1 C s=!P3 / .1 C s=!P4 /
in which
A0 D gm8 .ro8 k ro10 / gm13 .ro13 k ro14 /
 gm4 .RC C 1=gm1 1=gm3 1=gm7 / ; (9)
!Z1 D ;
.1gm13 R15 / Cc
!Z2 D gm4 .1=gm1 C RC / .ro2 k ro5 / .CGS3 C CGS8 /
o 1
.1=gm3 C 1=gm7 / CGS9 (10)

Fig. 2. Schematic of operational amplifier. !P1 D 1=gm13 .ro13 k ro14 / .ro8 k ro10 / Cc ;
!P2 D 1=.CGS4 C CGS5 C CGS6 / .ro13 k ro14 / (11)

tion can be achieved by setting kIDS to zero, therefore !P3 D 1=.1=gm1 C RC / CGS9 ;
!P4 D 1=.ro2 k ro5 / .CGS3 C CGS8 /: (12)
VTn3 kn C 2kVTn3 Only if A0 < 0 can a negative feedback system be achieved,
Rc D (4)
IDS kn C 2kRc therefore the following restraint can be derived from Eq. (9):
Since an OPAMP is introduced to keep VA and VB equal, the RC C 1=gm1 < 1=gm3 C 1=gm7 : (13)
stability of the feedback system has to be ensured. The circuit RC is in the same order of 1/gmi according to Eq. (4), so a
works in a DC condition, so a small bandwidth is needed for large aspect for transistor M1 is preferred. Zeros ! Z1 and ! Z2
the system. At low frequency, we have j1/!CGS7 j  1=gm7 , can be designed to be infinite in frequency and ! P3 is a natural
j1/!CGS3 j  1=gm7 and j1/!CGS1 j  1=gm1 , therefore the in- high frequency pole, therefore they can be ignored in our de-
fluence of gm7 ; CGS1 and CGS7 upon the feedback transfer func- sign. Thus this current reference is a system with three poles,
tion can be neglected. The feedforward gain of the OPAMP is the dominant pole ! p1 , the first nondominant pole ! p2 and the
expressed as follows: second nondominant pole ! p4 . The phase margin (PM) of the
loop can be given as
A.s/ D gm8 .ro8 k ro10 / gm13 .ro13 k ro14 /

 1 s .1=gm13 R15 / Cc PM D arctan Cc gm4 gm8 .ro13 k ro14 /.RC C 1=gm1
n  1
1=gm3 1=gm7 /.CGS4 C CGS5 C CGS6 / : (14)
 1 C s .ro8 k ro10 / gm13 .ro13 k ro14 / Cc
If we choose PM larger than 45 , the design restraint will be
o 1 given by
 1 C s .ro13 k ro14 / .CGS4 C CGS5 C CGS6 / ;
(5) Cc > gm4 gm8 .ro13 k ro14 / .RC C 1=gm1
where R15 is the equivalent resistance of M15 operating in the 1=gm3 1=gm7 / .CGS4 C CGS5 C CGS6 / :
linear region. Referring to Fig. 1, we can write the feedback (15)
transfunctions of loop L1 and loop L2 and L3:
8 3. Simulation results
VB gm4 .1=gm1 C RC /

<FL1 .s/ D V D 1 C s .1=g C R / C ; This proposed current reference is designed with standard
C m1 C GS9
(6) 0.5 m CMOS technology. For a voltage supply higher than

:FL23 .s/ D VA D gm6 .1=gm3 C 1=gm7 /
: 2.5 V, the reference provides a constant output current of about
VC 1 C s .ro2 k ro5 / .CGS3 C CGS8 / 27.7 A.
Figure 3 shows the I T characteristic curve of the pro-
Donating the feedback gain of the entire loop F (s), we have
posed current reference. It can be observed that it has a tem-
VB VA perature coefficient of 28 ppm/ C between 20 and 80 C
F .s/ D with first-order compensation, which performs much better
than the current reference with first-order compensation, and
D gm4 f.RC C 1=gm1 1=gm3 1=gm7 / C s .1=gm1 C RC / behaves equivalently to the second-order compensated refer-
ence in Ref. [5].
 .ro2 k ro5 / .CGS3 C CGS8 / .1=gm3 C 1=gm7 / CGS9 g The influence of process variation is shown in Fig. 4. It
 f1 C s .1=gm1 C RC / CGS9 can be concluded that, in the worst case, the variance caused
by different process corners is about 20%, and the temperature
 1 C s .ro2 k ro5 / .CGS3 C CGS8 /g ; (7) coefficient deteriorates from 28 to 259 ppm/ C.

J. Semicond. 2010, 31(6) Zhao Zhe et al.
Table 1. Performance comparison with related current references.
Parameter This work Fiori et al.5 Cerid et al.6 Bendali et al.7
Output current (A) 27.7 13.65 51.2 144.3
Technology 0.5 m CMOS 0.35 m BiCMOS 0.18 m CMOS
Temperature range (C) 20 to 110 30 to 100 070 0100
Temperature dependence (simulated) (ppm/C) 28 130 (first-order) 948
28 (second-order)
Temperature dependence (measured) (ppm/C) 290 700
Silicon area (mm2/ 0.023 0.0042 0.075
Minimum supply voltage (V) 2.5 2.5 8 1.1

Fig. 3. Reference current versus temperature. Fig. 5. Microphotograph of current reference..

Fig. 6. Experimental I T characteristic of current reference.

Fig. 4. Process variation influence.

4. Experiment results ence current declines with temperature in a temperature range

of 80110 C, indicating that the sign of the first-order temper-
The proposed current reference is implemented in standard ature coefficient of reference current dIDS /dT converts from
0.5 m CMOS technology. Figure 5 shows a photograph of the plus to minus. Referring to Eq. (3), dIDS /dT is influenced by
chip. The active silicon area is 0.023 mm2 . Figure 6 shows the the temperature coefficient of the resistor dRC /dT , which in-
experimental I T characteristic curve of the current reference. creases with temperature. Therefore, dIDS /dT turns to minus
Measurement results show that the proposed current refer- because of the sharp increase of dRC /dT at high temperature.
ence generates an average reference current of 31.5 A with The decline of the current is also due to the large leakage cur-
a temperature coefficient of less than 290 ppm/ C over a tem- rent through the parasitic resistor between the active area and
perature range from 20 to 110 C. Compared to simulation substrate Ras at high temperature. Ras has an infinite value
results, there are slight discrepancies in average value and tem- at temperatures lower than about 70 C, while a small value
perature coefficient, which are both functions of compensated at temperatures lower than about 70 C8 . In conclusion, the
resistor RC according to Eqs. (2) and (3). Thus an unexpected simulation fails to predict this condition, because of the unex-
variation of resistor value is responsible for the differences be- pected variation of the resistor and poor modeling of the para-
tween the measurement and simulation results. Besides, refer- sitic resistor in the BSIM3v3model. The performance compar-

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