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1. Mr Ahmad is a technician. He often . . . radios, calculators, soundsystem, etc.

a. Is fixing
b. Fixes
c. Fix
d. Fixed

2. Yani : What time did you get up this morning?

Ina : . . .
a. I got up at five
b. He gets up at four
c. She is going to get up at four
d. They want to get up at five

3. A: I saw you in the Marto supermarket yesterday. What did you buy there?
B : Well I . . . soap tooth paste and shampoo
a. Buy
b. Bought
c. Was buying
d. Have bought

4. Listen! The Teacher . . . the lesson

a. Explains
b. Explained
c. Is explaining
d. Was explaining

5. The sick man . . . on his bad now .

a. Doesnt lying
b. Is not lying
c. Not is lying
d. Is lying

6. When Andri come to my house, I . . . lunch .

a. Best having
b. Will have
c. Am having
d. Were having

7. It. . .is very cloudy

a. Was raining
b. Rains
c. Rained
d. Is go to rain
8. Mr. Nurman knows everything about bali . He . . . there for twenty years.
a. Lives
b. Is living
c. Was living
d. Has lived

9. While I . . . my lesson, my class mates came

a. Studied
b. Study
c. Was studying
d. Hav been study

10. A : when will the students have their holidays?

B : They will have their holidays. . .
a. Next week
b. Last week
c. Week ago
d. For a week

11. A : Do you know . . . won the competition??

B : I dont know . But I heard Chintya won the competition.
a. What
b. Who
c. When
d. Which

12. A : . . . is the doctor going to come??

B : At once .
a. How far
b. How soon
c. How many
d. How old

13. A : . . . money do you need to buy this book??

B ; Rp. 1500,-
a. How much
b. How many
c. How often
d. How fast

14. A : do you usually go to movies??

B : once a month .
a. How many
b. How often
c. How soon
d. How fast
15. A : is the wall??
B : about twelve maters.
a. How high
b. How deep
c. How long
d. How far

16. Benny is 165 cm .The question for the underlined words is . . .

a. How high
b. How long
c. How tall
d. How big

17. A : . . . will the train leave?

B : Immediatelly .
a. How far
b. How fast
c. How soon
d. How often

18. A : . . . sugar do you want in your tea?

B : A spoon full . Please !
a. How many
b. How much
c. Wich
d. What

19. This eraser is not his and it isnt mine either. is it ?

a. How
b. Wich
c. What
d. Whose

20. A : . . .do you go to Surabaya?

B : Tomorrow .
a. What
b. When
c. Why
d. Where

21. Memo :
To : All Employees

From : R. Wettimuny
Subjek : Ordering Supplies
All request for supplies must be typed and signed. Only typed request will be accepted. All
request must be on desk buy the fifteenth of every month approved request will be sent on
the accounting department.

Please plan a head . It takes two to six weeks two order supplies.
1. What does the memo concern?
a. Overdue account
b. Office furniture
c. Supply requests
d. Computers

2. What will happen to hand written requests?

a. They will not be accepted
b. They will be approved quickly
c. They will be read carefully
d. They will be sent to Accounting

3. When must employees submit their requests?

a. In two weeks
b. By the fifteenth of every month
c. Within six weeks
d. Immediately

4. What will happen to approved requests?

a. They will be returned to the employee
b. They will be sent to Purchasing
c. they will be sent to Accounting
d. they will be returned to R. Wettimuny

5. who sender this memo?

a. All Emloyees
b. R. Wettimuny
c. Accounting
d. She

22. Memo :
28 February 2009
To : Aprilia Widjayanto
From : Septori Nurbandana
Subjek : Sales Conference
I think we should hold the Annual Sales Conference in a hotel this year. The travel
between the different hotels and the Conference Centre last year wasted a lot of time, so this
year I suggest we have meetings and accommodation in the same venue.
I have asked for accommodation for some colleagues and they have given me the
names of the following hotels :
- Jogja Plaza Hotel
- Sahid Raya hotel
- Melia Purosani Hotel
- Santika Hotel
( Please keep me informed when there is any development )

1. According to the text , where might to conference be held this year?

a. In a hotel
b. At the different places
c. At the conference centre
d. At some buildings nearby

2. The main idea of paragraph 1 tells about . . .

a. Hotels recommended by Septori
b. Accommodatior of the conference
c. The reason of holding the conference at the same hotel
d. The plan of holding the conference at a different hotel

3. I have asked for recommendation from some colleagues and they have given me
(par.2) The underline word refers to . . .
a. Colleagues
b. Conferences
c. Recommendation
d. Aprillia and Septori

23. 408 Republik Avanue


Clothes by mail catalog

10 lake steet
Springfield,Wisconsin 67032

To whom it may concern :

I am returning a pair of pants, item number 7042, because they did not fit. I would
like my credit card , which was used for the original purchase, to be credited with the
amount of the sale. I have enclosed the sales slip and credit receipt. Thank you for your
Maria Gomez

1. What kind of engineer is the Ukrainan?

a. Electrical
b. Nuclear
c. Mechanical
d. Railroad
2. Who will the visitors guide?
a. J. Wilson
b. Elena Quzikov
c. Marcello Palombo
d. No One

3. When will she arrive ?

a. Before 12:00
b. At noon
c. After lunch
d. In the evening

4. What is her chief area of interest?

a. Designing bridgest
b. Eating lunch
c. Touring the department
d. Visiting

24. Memo :
To : All staff
From : head of IT Departement
Subjek : Computer update
Date : March 30
As u know, all employees will receive new computers during May. In order to
minimize work disruption, we will be installing the computers over a period of three weeks,
rather than all at once, as originally planed. Installation of new computers will be made per
department. Between now and your schedule date, you should make copies of all necessary
document and store them on disk.
We understand that saving files will take planning and time. Each department head
has scheduled a two hour work period for employees to go through and sive files. If you have
any questions or need help with loarge files, contact me immediately. This is a major
investment by the company which will enable all of us work more efficiency and effectively.

1. When will the computers be installed?

a. All at once
b. During a pre-scheduled
c. Over several weeks
d. In march

2. What is the purpose of the memo?

a. To announce the new purchase
b. To inform workers of the schedules
c. To eliminate unnecessary work
d. To change the leaders of each section
3. What should employees do now?
1. Transfer the documents on a disk
2. Create a schedule
3. Call the head of the department
4. Choose the computer they want

25. Memo :
As you know , Friday afternoon is our annual company party. We are looking forward
to this event and the opportunity to take some time out of our busy schedules to enjoy each
others company. Because we will continue to need to have someone to answer the ppnes and
receive materials, we are asking that each of our six department identify one more employees
who would be willing to work a two-hour shift 1.30-3.30 0r 3.30-5.30.
In order to compensate those people who will be working during the festivities , we
have voucher for s weekend visit to Palm restorts. Please send me the name of the personals
in your department who will be taking on these duties

1. What is the mean idea of the memo?

a. Some lucky employees will win a trip to Pal Restors
b. The party will be for all employees
c. Some employees will not be able to attend the party on Friday
d. The party will finish between 5.30 and 6.00

2. What is the purpose of the event on Friday?

a. To take as many calls as possible
b. To motivate employees for a difficult year
c. To get a trip Palm Restors
d. To spend time with eacher

3. please send me the name of the personals in your department. . the underlined word
refers to?
a. The writer
b. The reader
c. The employee
d. The phone

4. When the annual company party?

a. Sunday
b. Monday
c. Thursday
d. Friday

5. When starts this shift?

a. 15.00
b. 14.00
c. 1.30
d. 5.30
1. I (read) your book several times.
2. She (wear) that skirt many times.
3. My family (visit) Brazil a few times.
4. You (break) the glass again.
5. They (pay) for everything.
6. It (never snow) like that.
7. We (see) him before.
8. There (be) problems.
9. Maria (raise) a monkey.
10. The kids (grow) so much!

2. Change the verb into the correct form and change the sentences into negative

1. The students (improve) their skill.

2. She (become) really beautiful.
3. The man (invent) many great inventions.
4. People (cause) much destruction to the planet.
5. I (learn) to surf.
6. The class (do) 5 tests this month.
7. Allison (find) a few problems with your plan.
8. We (consult) some doctors about this.
9. I (meet) Debbie in the last week.
10. In the previous year, we (double) our income.

3. Change the verb into the correct form and change the sentences into interrogative
1. I (be) here for two hours.
2. They (own) the house since 1991.
3. They (have) those problems for a long time.
4. We (see) this movie already.
5. You (check) my spelling.
6. Angela (taste) baked bananas in her trip to South America.
7. Donna (break) her leg.
8. Tim and Allison (have) a baby.
9. Dan (work) here since last November.
10. Jamie (be) sick for two days.

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense

a. Fill the blanks with suitable words.
1. Rick ............ been studying hard this semester.
2. Julie ................ living in Italy since May.
3. We have been watching tv .......... 3 hours today.
4. My brother has been travelling ............. he finished school.
5. You have ............... too hard today.
6. Im tired because I ............... been working out.
7. ......... your brother and sister been getting along?
8. It has ........ snowing a lot this week.
9. How long have you been .............. German
10. Has it ............. raining since you arrived?

b. Fill the blanks with suitable words in the brackets given then make the negative
1. He (feel) unwell for some weeks .
2. The two ladies (sing) songs since morning without getting tired.
3. The children (play) for several hours and need to be called indoors.
4. She (eat) some junk food or other for years and suffers from various
stomach problems.
5. They (read) books in large numbers in some subjects for two years.
6. I (write) letters for the past two hours and my hands are beginning
7. He (run) here and there for a job and has finally found one .
8. It (rain) since this morning. How irritating!
9. Politicians (fool) the public for several years
10. The poor old lady (cook) meals for a large number of people for
some years.
c. Fill the blanks with suitable words in the brackets given then make the interrogative
1. The farmer (plant) trees for two months .
2. She (sleep) since this morning.
3. He (teach) for seven years .
4. She (swim) for hours .
5. They (hope) for his returning since last week.
6. I (wait) for twenty minutes.
7. They (go out) together since last June.
8. We (do) some exercises.
9. I (wait) for ages.
10. Robert (learn) English for eight years.

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