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BOX 114, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, 305-600, Korea

TEL : +82-42-868-0025 FAX : +82-42-861-2496
Heart of Global Nuclear Safety
in the forefront of the nuclear safety regulation

04 KINS Pledges Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) was independently established as a
05 Message from the President quasi-governmental organization in February 1990 under the Ministry of
06 KINS Vision & Mission Education, Science and Technology. The ultimate goal of nuclear safety
08 Nuclear Facilities & Working regulation is to preserve the environment and to protect the public from
Mechanism of Nuclear Safety Regulation radiological disasters caused by the production or use of nuclear energy. Our
10 Safety Regulation mission as a nuclear safety regulatory expert organization is to perform
various regulatory activities such as safety reviews and inspections, development
16 Safety Evaluation
of regulatory standards, and to monitor the environmental radiations.
24 Research on Safety Regulation
Accomplishing this precious mission, KINS will make every effort to realize
32 Management of Radiation Safety VISION 2020Heart of Global Nuclear Safety .
40 International Cooperation
43 International Agreement
47 KINS Organization Chart
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Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

A Message from the President of KINS

Nuclear energy has been playing a vital role as credible energy resource worldwide so far. Recently, the global situation has
become more favorable for nuclear energy beyond the current base of nuclear power and the role of nuclear energy is expected
to be further strengthened as an affordable, economically efficient, and environment-friendly energy source in the future.
As a result of the implementation of intensive promotion plan of the nuclear energy industry from the 1970s, Korea now has 21
NPPs in operation, and will construct 7 more units of NPPs by 2015. Very recently, the Korean government fixed its Basic
National Energy Plan which will expand nuclear power in generating electricity. The installation capacity of nuclear power will
KINS PLEDGES be increased up to 41% from the present 26%, which means 11 NPPs will be newly constructed by 2030. In addition, for non-
power application of nuclear energy, medical, academic, and industrial fields exceeds 3480 in the number of licensed organiza-
tions to use radiation sources in Korea. It is apparent that the number of organizations using radiation and radioisotopes will
The KINS mission is to protect public health, safety and the environment be increasing further as the quality of life improves.
from radiation hazards. In the use of nuclear energy, however, nothing can take precedence over the assurance of nuclear safety. For the purpose of
securing nuclear safety, Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (KINS) was established as an independent regulatory organization in
KINS staff pledges the following in order to fulfill the mission faithfully : 1990 to support the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MEST), which has the regulatory authority in licensing and
regulation of nuclear facilities and related activities, and to protect public health and national environment from the radiation
KINS carries out regulatory duties objectively with fairness, keeping itself hazards.
independent from any stakeholders in nuclear energy field. To cope with the challenges posed by the nuclear power expansion, KINS is now implementing a wide variety of regulatory
programs for the rationalization of regulation, and plans to introduce innovative safety management systems for the improve-
KINS provides the public with the regulatory as well as licensing informa- ment of nuclear safety.
tion, except those classified as propriety, faithfully to build the public confi- Another important area with regard to the regulatory services that KINS provides is the communication with the public. KINS
dence in nuclear safety regulation. has made the information on nuclear safety and regulation more easily accessible to the public through the Nuclear Safety
Information Center, and will provide the public with more opportunities to participate in the process of nuclear regulation in
KINS applies well established, global safety standards in its regulatory order to build public confidence in the regulatory body.
reviews and inspections, and continuously improves its technical capabili- Furthermore, by taking part in the global trend of assuring the nuclear safety, KINS is in cooperation not only with the interna-
ties. And its decisions shall be made clear and not be unduly delayed. tional organizations such as IAEA and OECD/NEA, but also with the regulatory organizations of other countries by way of expert
and information exchange and joint research. The establishment of International Nuclear Safety School within KINS is one of
KINS pursues effectiveness and efficiency in regulation. our major efforts for that purpose. The effort of KINS to participate in the formation of global safety regime will be continued
and strengthened further.
KINS endeavors to promote nuclear safety culture to place the foremost Faced with this changing environment, KINS, as a watchman of guarding the nuclear safety, will make an utmost effort to perform
priority on safety. our mission not only of accomplishing the nuclear safety in Korea, but also of contributing to the global nuclear safety.
Thank you.
KINS recognizes that nuclear safety is a matter of international concern so
as to promote a close cooperation with international bodies and regulatory
organizations in other countries. Choul Ho Yun President
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KINS Vision
Heart of Global Nuclear Safety MISSION
KINS become the heart of global nuclear safety that people and world trust by contributing to nuclear Nuclear safety regulation
safety based on the best speciality and leadership. Nuclear Power Plants
Research reactors
Core Value Radiation sources and nuclear materials
: WE ACT with Excellency Nuclear fuel cycle facilities
Accountability Radioactive waste management facilities
Consistency Environmental radiation monitoring
Trust Emergency preparedness and response

Code of Conduct Development of regulatory infrastructure

: Be a Challenger We do ourselves justice through constant self-improvement . Regulatory policies
: Be a Team We make organizational culture of mutual respect and cooperation. Safety standards
: Be a Trustee We contribute to making people trust nuclear safety Regulatory technologies
: Be a Leader We lead development of nuclear safety in international community. Management of nuclear safety information
Management of license examinations
Brief History Education and Training: International Nuclear Safety School
December 21, 1981 The Nuclear Safety Center was established as a department within the Korea
Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) Nuclear safety review based on objectivity and fairness
June 3, 1987 The Nuclear Safety Center became a semi-independent organization affiliated to
KAERI Protection of public health and safety, and the environment
February 14, 1990 KINS was established as an independent, standalone organization under the from potential radiation hazards accompanied with the
Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Act utilization of nuclear energy
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Nuclear Facilities and Organizations subject to regulation Compliance with the international standards Reinforcement of radiation safety man-
- Regulatory policies are regularly revised to meet international stan- agement
Type Installations Owner and Operator dards. - Improvement of regulatory policy and
Nuclear power plant 21 plants in operation, 7 plants under construction Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Company(KHNP) - International agreements such as the Convention on Nuclear Safety are frameworks for radiation protection.
Fuel fabrication facilities Korea Nuclear Fuel Company respected and implemented. - Strengthening of environmental radiation
Nuclear fuel cycle facility Research facilities for irradiated nuclear materials Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute - International co-operations to exchange regulatory information, experience monitoring and emergency response sys-
Spent fuel processing facilities for research Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute and new development are actively promoted. tem.
HANARO and related facilities (Irradiated materi- Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
als examination facility and radioisotope produc- Implementation of effective and efficient safety regulation
Nuclear reactor
tion facility) - Upgrading and updating of safety standards and regulatory requirements
for research and training
TRIGA Mark II, III(decommissioned) Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute - Assurance of comprehensive safety in nuclear facilities
Nuclear reactor for educational use (AGN-201) KyungHee University - Development and implementation of riskinformed and performance
Organizations in medical, industrial and academic based regulation
Radioisotope users About 3,480 organizations
NPP equipment and component manufactures
Others 20 organizations
NDE companies

Working Mechanism of Nuclear Safety Regulation

Ministry of Education, Nuclear Safety

Science and Commission

Request Safety
Apply for Permit or License Review and Inspection

Issue Permit Submit Safety

KINS performs safety regulations not only to confirm the safety of
or License Evaluation Results
nuclear facilities and radiation utilization to build the public trust on its
safety performance. To this end, global standards are incorporated
while developing effectiveness and efficiency of regulatory system and
techniques are pursued.
Conduct Inspection & Technical discussion

Korea Institute of
Nuclear Industries
Nuclear Safety
Submit information & implementation results

Basic Approach
Towards Nuclear Safety
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SAFETY REGULATION Regulatory Process for NPPs

Standard Design Approval

Early Site Approval

Construction Permit

Pre-Operational Inspection

Operating License

Periodical Inspection

Periodic Safety Review

Review of License Amendment

Approval for Decommissioning

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Review for Standard Design Approval Facilities Subject to Safety Review

To authorize a standard NPP design for the repeated construction, effec- - NPPs
tive for 10 years. It includes reviews of safety analysis report on the stan- - Research reactors
dard design, preparation plan of emergency operating procedures, etc. - Nuclear fuel cycle facilities
- Radioactive waste management facilities
- Facilities using radioisotopes and radiation
Review for Early Site Approval
To evaluate the adequacy of a proposed site for NPP. The applicant is
allowed to perform a limited civil engineering work of site preparation and Safety Review Areas
power block excavation, before Construction Permit. It included review of - Adequacy of the site
site survey report, detailed geological survey report, etc. - Design safety of the nuclear structures, systems
and components
Review for Construction Permit - Safety features
- Operational safety of the nuclear facility
To ensure the adequacy of plant location and design, and construction
- Emergency response capabilities
approaches in accordance with Rules and Regulations, prior to the com-
- Radiological Environmental impacts
mencement of construction. It includes reviews of preliminary safety
analysis report, quality assurance program for design and construction,
environmental impacts evaluation and its minimization proposal during
construction, etc.

Review for Operating License

To confirm the final adequacy of plant design and operational approach-
es. The review is performed in the same manner as that for CP, but with
some additional reviews of the operating capability and accident response
ability of applicant. It includes reviews of final safety analysis report, quali-
ty assurance program for operation, technical specifications for opera-
tion, environmental impacts evaluation and its minimization proposal
during operation, radiological emergency plan, etc.
Any organization or individual intending to construct and to operate a
nuclear power plant or a nuclear facility using radioactive materials
Periodic Safety Review
should obtain an permit or a license from the regulatory authority. To be
To re-confirm, comprehensively and systematically, the safety of each
licensed, the applicant should submit an application to the regulatory
operating NPP in 10 year intervals after the OL. It includes reviews of con-
authority for the review of its compliance with the relevant safety
formity to international safety standards and practices, validity of the
standards and regulatory requirements stipulated in the Atomic Energy
licensing basis, adequacy of the arrangements to maintain plant safety,
Act. High level of expertise is required to verify whether the applicant
and safety improvements to resolve identified safety issues.
complies with the relevant regulatory codes and standards. In some
cases, actual tests or calculations are performed to verify the applicant's
qualification. Review of Licensing Amendment
To confirm the adequacy of changes or modifications to the Construction
Permit or the Operating License.

Safety Review
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Pre-operational Inspection Facilities Subject to Inspection

During the construction stage, the nuclear facility shall be subject to the - NPPs
pre-operational inspection to prove that the construction and functional - Research reactors
tests of the facility meet the safety requirements specified in the relevant - Nuclear Fuel cycle facilities
- Radioactive waste management facilities
technical standards. If the applicant passes all the pre-operational
- Facilities using radioisotopes and radiation
inspections, and the review for operating licence. then the Operating
License is officially issued.

Categories of Safety Inspection

Periodical Inspection - Pre-operational inspection
The licensee shall be subject to the regulatory periodical inspection which - Periodical inspection
is conducted on a regular basis, generally during licensee's refueling out- - Quality Assurance Inspection
age. This inspection should confirm that the nuclear facility in operation is - Radioisotopes and nuclear material trans-
maintaining its functions, operational capabilities, and safety levels as portation inspection
approved in the Operating License, and that the performance of the reac- - Radioactive waste management inspection
tor facility, designed to withstand the pressure, radiation and other oper-
ating environments, is actually maintained in the state as passed during
the pre-operational inspection. Only when the licensee passes the
inspection, the facility is restarted.

Quality Assurance Inspection

The inspection is to confirm the quality achievement of organizations
involved in the design, manufacturing, construction and operation of facil-
ities, to verify the effectiveness of QA program and the appropriation of
application's QA activities. It is performed in reference to the QAP
approved by the regulatory body, in a programmatic manner, annually
planned for each organization.

Daily Inspection by Resident Inspectors

At NPPs in operation:
- To confirm whether the nuclear power plant is operated in compliance
with the technical specifications
- To check and ensure that the safety-related functional tests and repairs
Regulatory inspections are conducted to examine whether the licensed are carried out in accordance with technical standards
nuclear installations such as NPPs and fuel cycle facilities meet the - To investigate any abnormal occurrences such as incidents and
regulatory requirements specified in the relevant technical standards accidents and to report to the MEST and KINS
and whether the performance of the facilities are maintained in the state
At NPPs under construction:
as approved or licensed.
- To check and ensure that the construction of structures, equipments
and components meet the design criteria and the safety requirements
specified in the relevant technical standards

Safety Inspection
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Safety Evaluation of a nuclear facility is carried out when an applicant applies for a license (CP or OL). The evaluation is
carried out by reviewing and assessing the adequacy of the site, the soundness of safety systems structures and
components, the safety performance and measures against the potential radiation hazards, and the safety of waste
disposal systems. The assessments are based on the safety analysis report submitted by the applicant.

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Assessment on the Core Performance

To confirm the safety of initial and reload core in terms of nuclear,
mechanical and thermal hydraulic safety, the reload safety evaluation
report and nuclear physics test results are reviewed.

Assessment on the Core Performance

To confirm the safety of initial and reload core in terms of nuclear,
mechanical and thermal hydraulic safety, the reload safety evaluation
report and nuclear physics test results are reviewed. The adequacy of nuclear facility sites and the structural safety of
safety-related structures at the stages of design, construction and
Assessment on Accident Analysis operation are confirmed through safety review and inspection.
The performance of Reactor Protection System and Engineered Safety
Features is reviewed to confirm if the acceptance criteria is met for the
design basis accidents under the anticipated operational occurrences and
accidents. Also, plant specific probabilistic safety assessment results, and
the prevention and mitigation strategy for severe accidents are assessed.
Safety Assessment on
Sites and Structural
Site Safety Assessment
The adequacy of nuclear facility sites and the stability of structural
foundations are assessed through the safety review of geologic and
seismic characteristics, demography, human-induced hazards, meteorologic
and hydrologic characteristics and geotechnical engineering characteristics
of the sites.

The adequacy of the design is assessed by safety review for fuel integrity,
core performance, the performance of ECCS (Emergency Core Cooling Structural Safety Assessment
System) and containment, safety analysis of design basis accidents and Assessment is made on safety-related structures including reactor
severe accident. containment to confirm that they are designed, constructed, and operated
in accordance with the relevant codes and standards. Periodic inspection
is performed to confirm that their structural integrity is maintained

Safety Assessment on Seismic Safety Assessment

Assessment is made on nuclear facilities to confirm that they are

Reactor Core and seismically designed and qualified in accordance with the relevant codes
and standards. KINS also monitors and analyzes earthquake events at

Safety Analysis NPP sites by operating a seismic monitoring network for NPP sites in
order to evaluate the safety of nuclear facilities in the event of an earth-
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Thermal hydraulic Assessment Assessment of Design Adequacy of Mechanical Components Safety Assessment on Pressure Retaining
KINS reviews and evaluates the functional performance requirements, The design adequacy of the major components is assessed by evaluating Components
the design and operation of reactor coolant system, safety-related the stress analysis, fatigue analysis, fracture analysis, and dynamic Safety of the pressure retaining components
auxiliary system and power conversion system under steady state and analysis in order to assure their structural integrity during operation. The is assessed during manufacturing, installation,
transient conditions, from the viewpoint of heat removal capability, adequacy of materials used for the major components is also reviewed. and repair processes to assure that the
overpressure protection and fluid structure interaction. applicable codes and standards are satisfied.
Aging Assessment of Mechanical Components and Systems As a part of the safety assessment of the
System Reliability Assessment The aging mechanisms in mechanical components and systems and pressure retaining components, the various
KINS performs the reliability analysis and evaluations based on operating their associated impacts on the safety are reviewed and checked to non-destructive examination methods are
experience to assess the design validity, the recovery capability from confirm that the safety is not compromised by aging progress. The aging applied in pre- and in-service inspections
abnormal events, and the adequacy of surveillance interval and allowed management programs for major equipments are reviewed to evaluate and their results are reviewed.
outage time to assess the operability of safety-related system. In addition, whether they are properly managed by reflecting the operational
key inspection items for field inspection are selected and inspection experiences and research results.
interval for safety-related systems are determined.

For the operational safety of nuclear facilities, KINS reviews and

inspects the thermal-hydraulics, in-service testing, and system For the safety class equipment of the NPPs including reactor pressure
reliability-related aspects of the design and the performance of reactor vessel, reactor internals, pressurizer, steam generator, reactor coolant
components and systems, especially reactor coolant system, safety- pump, reactor coolant system piping, and other safety class piping, their
related auxiliary system and power conversion system. design conformity and structural integrity are assessed and evaluated.
The manufacturing, field installation and assembly of the major
equipments are reviewed, and made sure that the relevant codes and
standards and requirements are satisfied. The aging management

Safety Assessment on programs are evaluated to assure the aging of the major equipment
does not compromise the safety of the NPPs.

System Performance
Performance Assessment
Safety Assessment on
KINS verifies functional performance of safety-related components,
especially pumps, valves, and heat exchangers. Also, the functional
Mechanical Equipment
performance requirements during pre-operational inspections and
periodic inspections are confirmed. and Materials
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The assessment on the I&C and electrical power systems is to ensure that KINS reviews and inspects the safety on radiation, radioactive wastes, and
the systems are designed, installed and operated in compliance with codes radiological environment to protect the workers, the general public, and
and standards. The areas of main regulatory review on I&C and electrical the environment from the potential hazards that may be generated by the
power system are as follows: instrumentation and signal processing
development and the use of nuclear energy.
system; a protection system that promptly shutdowns the reactor and
activates the safety systems whenever an accident occurs; safety information
systems and data communication systems that provide critical information
to the operator; emergency electric power supply system that provides
essential electricity to parts that are directly related to safety; and the
man-machine interface systems.
Safety Assessment on
Radiation, Radioactive
Safety Assessment on Wastes, and Radiological
Instrumentation and Environment
Control(I&C) and
Electrical Power Systems

Protection of Radiation Worker Establishment of the "Waste Comprehensive

KINS performs periodic monitoring by the national laws and the international Information Database (WACID)"
codes and standards to oversee the changes in radiation levels and the The WACID, a national level comprehensive
adequacy of radiation protection activities for the protection of the general database system on radioactive wastes, has
Safety Assessment on Instrumentation and Control Systems
public and the environment from possible hazard. Also, it has been been established in order to manage every
The instrumentation and signal processing circuit, logic circuit and other information related to the safety management
implemented not only to ensure the radiation workers' safety, but also to
installments are reviewed to ensure that they satisfy the principle of of various and massive radioactive waste
encourage continuous improvement of the radiation protection system of
redundancy, diversity and independency that are required. sources from nuclear installations in a systematic
domestic nuclear installation.
manner.The WACID has 8 sub-modules consisted
Safety Assessment on the Electrical Power Systems of solid radioactive waste, liquid effluent, gaseous
Safety on the Radioactive Waste Management effluent, spent fuel, RI waste, decommissioning
The normal electrical power supply system, the emergency electrical
KINS evaluates that the function, design, and management of radioactive waste, disposal and others. The WACID system
power supply system and uninterruptible electrical power supply system
waste facilities meet the related laws and applied codes and standards will play a great role to direct the radioactive
are checked to ensure the compliance with the required redundancy,
through the clear regulatory activity on the operating or planning radioactive waste policy by the government, to promote
independency and testability.
waste management facilities. R&D activities, upgrade the domestic level of
safe management of radioactive waste, and
Safety Assessment on Man-Machine Systems finally obtain the public acceptance on nuclear
The man-machine interface systems are reviewed to make sure that the energy by disclosing essential information to
human factors are taken into account with minimum possible human errors. the general public.
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Establishment of Nuclear Safety Research on Nuclear Safety Reg- Legislation of Safety Standards
Information Systems ulation
- Enactment and amendment of
- Establishment of an information - Development of safety standards the Atomic Energy Law
system for nuclear safety regulation and requirements - Legislation and revision of regu-
- Provision of information on safety - Improvement of technologies for latory guidelines and technical
regulations timely regulation standards
- Resolution of safety issues and
development of safety confirmation
- Establishment of policies on a
reasonable and efficient safety
regulation system

Research on Optimization of the Research on Safety Regulation of Research on Radiation Safety

Nuclear Regulatory Safety System Nuclear Facilities Regulation

- Research on reasonable and - Research on regulatory require- - Research on safety requirements

optimum safety regulatory sys- ments and safety issues of for radiation protection and
tem nuclear facilities radioactive waste management
- Research on establishing a - Research on techniques and - Research on emergency preparedness
comprehensive technology sys- methods to verify safety and environmental radiation
tem for nuclear safety - Research on safety evaluation of
radiation sources

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To assure nuclear safety, licensing system, safety standards, and regulations

for safe operation of nuclear installations should be established, and safety
confirmation for the design, construction, and operation of nuclear installations
should be carried out through licensing, regulatory inspections, and various
safety evaluations. By taking necessary regulatory actions to resolve safety
issues in a timely manner, KINS secures nuclear safety and leads the public to
have confidence in nuclear energy. Armed with superior expertise and essen-
Regulatory Technology for SMART
tial regulatory technologies, KINS promotes and carries out various research Technical Standard
Fusion Nuclear Safety Infrastructure for ITER
projects aimed at coming up with the latest technologies, or establishing regu- Research
Regulatory Infrastructure for Gen-IV Reactor and Advanced Fuel Cycle Facility
latory policies, guidelines, and technologies.
Safety Assessment Technology on Safety Issues for CANDU Reactors
Safety Standards and Safety Assessment Technology for Supporting the
Export of Nuclear Power Plant
Development of Technology Independent Accident Analysis System for Regulatory Audit
- Accident Analysis System for Regulatory Audit

Nuclear Safety Advanced and Future-oriented Nuclear Safety Regulatory System

- Implementation Program for Graded Regulation Using Risk and Performance
Regulation Technologies Establishment of
Risk Research
- Implementation System for Risk Communication based on Nuclear Issues
regulatory standards - Performance based on Fire Hazard Analysis Method and Evaluation System
in line with international - Technology Neutral Regulatory Framework for Future Innovative Reactors
Evaluation technology for Regulatory Safety Issues of NPPs
Development of e-FAST Assurance of
- Regulatory Audit Technology for Mechanical Integrity of Safety Class Compo-
electronic Functional Analysis and Simulation Tool nents and Secondary System Equipments
professional expertise - Performance Demonstration of Welding Inspection and Safety Evaluation of
for internationally Aging Sensitive Materials
competitive regulatory - Evaluation Techniques for Emerging Digital Application Safety and MCR
technologies Operator's Team Performance
NPA - Seismic Capacity Reevaluation of Operating NPP Structures
(Nuclear Plant Analyzer) Engineering Research
- Regulatory Assessment Technology for Safety Issues on Hydrogen Control
developed by KINS and Accident Management of Operating Plants
Optimum Geological and Seismological Evaluation Technology for the Safety
KSNP (OPR-1000) Westinghouse (650MWe) of Korean NPP sites
- Assessment of Design Earthquakes and Surface Deformation of Korean NPP
Knowledge based Events and Mechanical Integrity
Aging Monitor for Operating Nuclear Power Plant Components

Advanced Technologies for Radiation Risk Reduction

- Optimization Technologies on Radiation Protection
Radiation Research - Optimal Evaluation Methodologies for Radioactive Waste Risk
- Advanced Radiological Emergency Response System
CANDU (650MWe) Westinghouse (950MWe) FRAMATOME (950MWe) - Advanced Technology for Radiation Source Safety System
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LEGAL SYSTEM FOR NUCLEAR SAFETY REGULATION KINS collects, establishes, and manages a database on all information
on regulatory activities including technical standards developments,
Licensing & Technical Standards
radioactive environment assessment, and safety inspection on NPPs in
- Atomic Energy Act
both operation and construction. Equipped with the database, information
- Enforcement Decree of the Act (Presidential Decree)
management system, and computer networks and distribution systems,
- Enforcement Regulation of the Act (Ordinance of the MEST) Industrial Codes & Standards
KINS' regulatory activities can be carried out effectively and efficiently.
- Notices by the MEST - KEPIC Codes
- ASME Codes
Licensing Requirements
- Korean Industrial Standards
Technical Requirements, and Additional Administrative Requirements
for reviewing Safety Analysis Report, Quality Assurance Program - IEEE Technical Standards Establishment of a
Regulatory Guidelines
Safety Regulation Guidelines : Review Guidelines, Inspection
- ACI Technical Standards
- ASTM Technical Standards
Database for Nuclear
Guidelines, Technical Guidelines Safety Regulation

Management of Nuclear Safety Information and Data

- Collection of domestic and foreign nuclear safety-related publications,
Development of technical standards is one of the major regulatory
reports, documents issued by major institutions, and papers on technological
activities of KINS, along with safety reviews and safety inspections. The
development of these standards enables KINS to carry out safety
- Establishment of infrastructure of digital library and transformation of
reviews and inspections objectively and coherently. Moreover, these
major data into digital ones.
standards provide KINS with the technical details necessary for reasonable
and efficient regulation, and lead KINS to comply with international
Operation of Computer Servers and Networks
- Operation of various computers serves to support safety regulation activities
- Operation of computer networks to distribute information

Development of Operation of Information Distribution Systems

- Promotion of active usage of electronic approval systems, e-bulletin

Technical Standards boards, and e-mail.

- Taking the step to establish apaperless office
in line with thee-gov-
ernment project.

Operation of Regulatory Activities System

The regulatory activities system is composed of the following systems:
- Disqualified Inspection Items Management System
- NEED (Nuclear Event Evaluation Database System)
- RASIS (Radiation Safety Information System)
- IERNet (Integrated Environmental Radiation Monitoring Network)
- SPI (Safety Performance Indicator)
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Management of Nuclear Safety Information

Collection of information on nuclear safety
- Documents regarding the commission activities, inspections and
reviews of NPPs, accidents, and failures are collected and stored.

Analysis of information on nuclear safety

- Information and data regarding the operation of NPPs, accidents, failures,
and environmental radiation are analyzed.

Processing and storing of safety information

- Safety information is processed and stored as information database and
the input of information management system.
International organizations such as the IAEA and OECD/NEA identify
current issues or upcoming challenges and, accordingly, encourage
Disclosure of information on nuclear safety
member countries to share technologies and solutions. KINS is actively
- Information on nuclear safety is made public.
taking part in joint research projects in various ways by paying its share
of research costs and sending experts. KINS' efforts and participation in
international projects are as follows:

International Joint

- KINS established a regulatory regime that reflects the obligations stated

by international conventions such as the Nuclear Safety Convention.
The Nuclear Safety Information Center provides the information on
domestic nuclear facilities and safety regulation just as it is to respects
- By exchanging opinions through bilateral cooperation with US, China,
the public's right to know about nuclear safety. All information and data
Canada, France, etc., KINS has been maintaining close relationship with
are systematically managed, allowing the public access via the Internet.
those countries on joint research projects and reaches a basic consensus
Nuclear safety information you want to know can be obtained by just a
on issues of importance.
simple click.

- KINS conducts joint research projects with its foreign counterparts

including USNRC and IRSN.

Nuclear Safety - KINS takes part in multilateral research projects by participating in the
working level groups at international organizations such as the IAEA and
Information Center OECD/NEA.
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When using nuclear energy, radiation is inevitably generated. But the radiation dose more than a certain level can
pose a threat to human health and the environment, and this is why radiation protection activities are necessary to
prevent or minimize the damages.
KINS performs reviewing and inspecting the handling of radiation sources at nuclear and radiation facilities, monitoring
the environmental radiation, with an emergency response program on full alert at all times to cope with radiation

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Status Analysis of NPPs

A specialized communication system between the NPPs and KINS is
installed. It keeps track of how the plants are operated and is used as
inputs for general safety regulation activities. Meanwhile, in case of an
accident, the safety status of power plant operation is analyzed and
immediately supplied to the AtomCARE system to take appropriate measures.

Technical Support for Radiological Emergency Preparedness

When an accident in a nuclear facility leads to actual or possible release
of radioactive materials, emergency measures are taken promptly to
minimize radiation exposure to radiation workers and the general public
near the plant site. Radiological Technical Advisory Center at KINS headquarters
is also established under the National Civil Defense Program and makes
full use of its resident technical advisory team and on-the-spot technical
advisory team.

The AtomCARE System

The AtomCARE system is a computerized system that immediately
identifies the safety status of a power plant operation in case of an
abnormal radiological event and predicts the radiological effects and the
affected areas by released radioactive materials, and finally recommends
necessary protective actions and counter measures for the general public.

Radiological Emergency Drills

In order to test the comprehensive capability in coping with emergencies,
joint emergency drills organized by all domestic institutions in the KMA / GTS MEST IAEA / ERC
emergency response field are carried out at nuclear power plant sites.
Meanwhile, globally, KINS has continuously participated in emergency
communication drills with the IAEA and the US NRC based on the agreement. (EMERCON)

IAEA Early Notification Network

Potential hazards incurred by accidents of nuclear facilities can not be
disregarded. Emergency preparedness and response system is in place
to cope with these possibilities. The measures include the real time SIDS IERNet REMDAS
OACS / CFMS Monitoring Posts Automatic Weather System
computerized system, technical support, and emergency drills.
Safety Parameters Radiological Data Weather Information


Nuclear Emergency GIS

Preparedness Province
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Evaluation of the Radiation Dosimetry As manufacturing process and quality management have recently been
Processor automated through industrial development, the use of up-to-date
Registration is required to any service that equipment in medical fields has expanded more widely and genetic
processes personal dosimeters used to engineering and biotechnology dramatically developed. The number of
monitor individual occupational radiation institutions using radioisotopes and radiation generators is on the
exposure. increase from 70 in 1974 to about 3,530 as of April, 2011.
KINS reviews and inspects the quality The safety regulations for the use of radiation sources performed by
assurance program and consistency of
KINS include the safety reviews for licensing, reviews for approval of
quality for dosimetry service system and
radiation equipment design, safety inspections for facility, transportation,
implements performance test to the system.
packaging and manufacturing radiation equipment.
When dosimeters are lost or readings are
otherwise not available, KINS, by the use
of the committee on occupational dose
assessment, determines assignment dose to
the individual dose record. Such activities
are necessary for quantitative assessment
Safety Regulation on
The goal of radiation protection is achieved when the radiation expo-
sures to the workers and the public are restricted below the dose limits
of occupational radiation doses in Korea.
A standard dosimetry calibration laboratory
Radiation Sources
and are kept as low as reasonably achievable. To ensure that the radiation was established and has been operating
to maintain the national traceability system
exposures to the workers and the public are properly monitored and
in the radiation dosimetry fields. The cali-
controlled, the regulatory system is in place to check the quality of
bration laboratory is accredited by KOLAS
dosimetry service. KINS is also equipped with the information system of Safety regulation on radiation sources is carried out in the following Operation of the "Radiation Safety Information
(Korea Laboratory Accreditation Scheme) for
occupational exposure. forms: System (RASIS)"
compliance with the general requirements of
- Safety reviews and inspections of usage and sales of radioisotopes, large The Radiation Safety Information System
ISO/IEC 17025. KINS has become a
capacity accelerators, nuclear fusion facilities, and nuclear materials (RASIS) brings together the tasks of
unique national institution with the
Radiation Protection authority and reliability for the entire
process of radiation safety regulation.
- Design approval for radiation generating devices regulation authorities, related institutions
and organizations using radioactive
Safety activities on the transportation of radioactive materials are material, thereby contributing to active
carried out in the following forms: usage of radioactive material and ultimately
- Design approval of special form radioactive materials and packages for boosting national competitiveness. The
radioactive materials RASIS consists of the following four sub-
- Manufacturing inspection and in-service inspection for packaging systems: Information System on Regulatory
- Inspection on the safety of transportation of radioactive materials Activities for Radioisotope responsible for
the review and inspection of licensing;
GENERATING DEVICES supporting safety management activities;
Establishment and Operation of the "Korea Information System on
Occupational Exposure (KISOE)" Number of Institutions Cyber Information System on Radiation
In preparation for an expanded usage of radiation and an increase in the Safety providing comprehensive information
number of radiation workers in Korea, the KISOE, as a national base system, on radiation safety; and Life Cycle Man-
has been established. The system focuses on the control of radiation agement System for System on Radioiso-
exposure and analyzes the radiation dose trends on a national scale. The topes and Radiation Generators.
system also shares information on radiation exposure with its overseas
78 174 439 698 1,064 1,250 1,570 1,698 2,000 2,723 3,073 3,480 3,530
counterparts and ultimately aims to produce and provide information on 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 1997 1999 2000 2002 2005 2006 2007 2011
the health effects of radiation.
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Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety

Nationwide Monitoring of Environmental Radiation Monitoring of Environmental Radiation in Areas Surrounding Nuclear Integrated Environmental Radiation
Investigations and analysis are implemented to assess the environmental Facilities Monitoring Network(IERNet) system
impact of radiation on our national territory and guard against possible Environmental radiation monitoring system has been established to monitor, The IERNet system is being operated for
unlicensed nuclear experiments or large scale nuclear hazards. investigate and analyze environmental radiation and radioactivity in areas the early detection of radioactive contami-
- A monitoring network led by KINS' Central Radiation Monitoring Station surrounding nuclear facilities including NPPs, research reactors and nuclear nation in the environment resulting from
is in operation to keep an eye on environmental radiation across the fuel cycle facilities. nuclear or radiological accidents.
nation. - Changes and trends in concentration of radioactive materials in the As of 2011, the IERNet consists of a
- Baseline information on the level of environmental radiation is collected. surroundings are analyzed. central Radiation Monitoring Station and
- Any abnormal radiation levels are detected in the earliest stages, while - When abnormalities in nuclear facilities occur and lead to leaks of 71 regional radiation monitoring stations
an emergency response system is established to lay out a contingency radioactive materials, assessments are made on the consequences. and posts.
plan. Counter measures are then drafted according to the assessments. The IERNet has the function of real time
- Radioactivity analysis are carried out to guard against radioactive conta- - Radiation dose to near-by residents is measured and assessed. on-line radiation monitoring and early
mination of the seas surrounding the Korean peninsula. warning system that provide the govern-
ment and related organizations with timely
information on any change in radiation
levels and enable them to take appropriate
countermeasure and to inform the public.

Ongoing monitoring and supervision of environmental radiation are carried

out to protect the health and safety of the general public and to preserve
the natural environment. In particular, the areas surrounding nuclear facilities
are under close watch to assess the environmental impact of radiation
associated with the operation of NPPs.

Monitoring of Central Radiation Monitoring Station

Environmental Radiation Regional Radiation Monitoring Station(12)
Unmanned Monitoring Posts(59)
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International Cooperation International Cooperation

International Agreement

International Cooperation : basic principle

Participate in the Initiatives of International Organizations
International conventions, codes of conduct, and other collaborative programs

Contribute to Global Nuclear Safety

International Nuclear Safety School (INSS) Create partnership with newcomers by supporting the establishment of a robust regulatory infrastructure
Integrated Regulatory Infrastructure
Support Service (IRISS) Exchange Information, Experience and Technologies
Build solid cooperative relationship with regulatory organizations worldwide

Enhancement of Domestic and Global Nuclear Safety

International Cooperation : basic activities

INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION Cooperation with international organizations

Convention on Nuclear Safety, Joint Convention, Early Notification Convention, Assistance Convention, etc.
Committees and Programs led by IAEA and OECD/NEA, such as CSS, CNRA/CSNI, MDEP, RCF, etc.

Cooperation with regional safety networks

Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN), Forum on Nuclear Regulatory Bodies in Africa (FNRBA), Arabic Atomic Energy
Agency (AAEA)

Bilateral cooperation with foreign regulatory bodies

Countries of origin for earlier domestic reactors and advanced countries: USA, France, Canada, etc
Newcomer countries : UAE, Jordan, Egypt, Malaysia, etc.


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Supporting Activities for Newcomers : strategy International Agreement

With the introduction of the Nuclear Safety Convention and the Joint Convention and the joint convention on Safe Management
of Spent Fuel and Radioactive Waste, KINS is cooperating on various fronts with international organizations and advanced
Regional Safety Networks Package Program (IRISS) countries. Such cooperation enables improvement of regulatory technique to fit the nations specific situations. By forging close
to enhance efficiency and effectiveness dedicated for supporting new Entrants ties with our Asian neighbors as well as other countries, KINS is playing a key role in international nuclear community.

Exchange technical information on regulatory policies and practices with Member States
International Nuclear Safety School (INSS)
Participation in the Advisory Committees : CSS and its subcommittees such as NUSSC, WASSC,
with well-established education and training programs
Participation in international conventions, Asian Nuclear Safety Network(ANSN), INES, etc.
Hold international workshops and training courses at KINS, etc.

Global Nuclear Safety Regime Exchange technical information on regulatory policies and practices with Member States
Participation in committees: CNRA, CSNI, CRPPH, RWMC, etc.
International joint research

Cooperation with Regional Safety Networks Bilateral Cooperation

Asian Nuclear Safety Network
(ANSN/ 13 countries, Member) International joint research
Exchange of experts & information
Strengthen of Intl. Transfer of regulatory techniques and experience
Cooperation MOU
Arab Network of Nuclear Regulators
(ANNuR/22 countries, MOU with AAEA) BNL(US), NRPB(UK), JNES, JCAC, NIRS(Japan), CNCAN(Romania), STUK(Finland), VARANS,
Univ. of Dalat(Vietnam), JNRC(Jordan), FANR(UAE), AAEA, FNRBA , AELB
Cooperation Arrangement
GRS(Germany), NNSA, CIRP(China), BAPETEN(Indonesia), AELB(Malaysia)
Additional Arrangement

Regulatory Cooperation Regulatory Coop-

with Jordan eration with UAE
Education and
Training for Egypt
by ODA

Forum of Nuclear Regulatory

Bodies in Africa
(FNRBA/ 28 countries, Ibero-American Network
MOU with FNRBA) (FORO, 8 countries)
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International Nuclear Safety School (INSS) Training Program Outline

KINS established INSS to share the knowledge and experience on nuclear safety and regulation that it has accumulated
Leadership Courses for Executives, Managers (Candidates), Employees, and
for several decades.
Development New Recruits
INSS operates a variety of training programs including technical courses for in-house personnel and special courses for
outside specialists. In addition, INSS is making vigorous efforts to enhance the Korean publics understanding of nuclear
Management - Customer Satisfaction (CS) Course,
safety and to expand the base of a nuclear safetyoriented culture by offering hands-on safety experience courses to the
Issues Sharing - Ethics Management Course
general public.
INSS also offers customized training courses designed for safety regulatory experts around the world including those in
Common Courses on Planning, Creativity, Interpersonal Relationship, Com-
Asia, thereby making a major contribution to enhancing nuclear safety worldwide. At the same time, INSS is making
Competency munication, Problem Solving, Project Management, etc.
ceaseless efforts to enhance KINS international standing by facilitating international exchange of regulatory techniques. In-house
In the future, INSS will emerge as a worlds premier nuclear safety training center by expanding target trainee groups Program Functional Courses on budget, finance, administration, IT skill, language,
and courses offered, through stronger ties with industries, research institutes, and academia and through enhanced
Competency anti-corruption, information security, etc.
international cooperation, and the state-of-the-art training equipment and materials, while striving to secure a faculty of
experts home and abroad.
Courses ordained by law such as Radiation Protection & Emergency
Preparedness Course/Regulatory Inspectors Course Regulatory
Vision and Role of INSS Competency
Professional Technology Course

INSS Vision World-best Capacity Building Center for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Commissioned Outside Training Programs

Foster Cultivate Support - Training course in collaboration with international organizations
leadership expertise development of Communicate
Strategic International - Tailored professional regulation course
in managing and competency nuclear safety with the public International
Role organizational in safety infrastructure in on nuclear safety Cooperation - Individual OJT course
Education & Training
change regulation foreign countries Program - OJT course on regulatory oversight of NPP construction
Target KINS Staff Foreign Regulators General Public - International Nuclear Safety Masters Degree Program

- Support development of
policy-oriented capa- - Training course for safety management personnel
- Foster creativity and leadership to advance customer bilities to establish Program for Community - Special experience course for students/parents, teachers
- Enhance the publics
satisfaction nuclear safety infra- the public
understandingon nuclear Partnership - Special experience course for opinion leaders
- Cultivate professional knowledge and expertise to structure
safety - Technical course for college students
become world-best experts in nuclear safety regula- - Transfer regulatory
- Discharge social respon-
Objectives tion knowledge and experi-
sibility for communica-
- Develop global capabilities to play leading roles in the ence to perform safety
tion with the public to
international community review and inspection
support transparency
- Build up ethical mind and social responsibility to align - Convey in-depth tech-
on nuclear safety
itself with the social expectations nical knowledge and
skills to resolve safety

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KINS Organization Chart

President Auditor

Regulation Advisory Group

Integrated Regulatory Infrastructure Support Service (IRISS)

Global Agenda in the emerging nuclear market is to provide a sound foundation for ensuring a sustainable High Level Vice President for Nuclear Vice President for Radiation &
of Nuclear Safety. Safety Radwaste Safety

Every country considering embarking on a nuclear program should establish the nuclear safety infrastructure as the set of
institutional, organizational, and technical elements and conditions. The IRISS developed by KINS provides an integrated pack- Emergency International Strategy &
Nuclear Safety Radiation & International Management
Preparedness Nuclear External
age which meets the prerequisites of the global nuclear safety regime through the establishment of a robust regulatory infra- Regulation Research Waste Safety Nuclear Services
Environment Safety Affairs
structure. Division Division Division Safety School Division
Division Division Division

Solution for the Establishment of Sound Regulatory Infrastructure (Regulatory Infrastructure Advisor)
Regulation Regulation
Why was IRISS developed?
The IRISS is an advisory package to provide the guidance and Nuclear Global Human
Regulation Protection & Strategy &
Technical Emergency Resource General Affairs
advice on the establishment of a regulatory Infrastructure and Integrated Regulatory Infrastructure Support Service Management Safety IRRS TF Team External Affairs
Standard Dept. Management Development Team
The Package for National Nuclear Safety Network Dept. Management Team
to build up the competency of a regulatory body. It is designed Dept. Dept.
and developed on the basis of the IAEA safety fundamentals,
Radiological International
requirements, and guides. Thermal- Emergency &
knowledge &
Roadmap & Implementation Quality Radiation Safety Information Finance Man- Resource
What makes IRISS unique? Evaluation Dept.
Evaluation Dept.
agement Team Managemant
Research Dept. Preparedness Coordination
Logical, systematic and trustworthy approaches based on Dept.
Education & Training
the IAEA Safety Standards
Living &
Fully proven service by applying to the regulatory activities for Review & Inspection Support Nuclear
Operational Radioactive Environmental Performance
Engineering Licensing New Reactors Accounting
planning, design, construction, commissioning, operation, Safety Analysis Waste Safety Radioactivity Management
Research Dept. Examination Dept. Team
IT-Based Tools Dept. Evaluation Dept. Assessment Team
and decommissioning of nuclear installations with more Dept.
than 30 years KINS experiences
Qualified education & training programs by the IAEA Radiation
Radiation Source Safety Detection & Communication Procurement
Provides well-documented safety standards, verified safety IAEA Safety Standards
Research Dept. Dept. Monitoring Dept. Team
Global Nuclear Safety & Security Network
assessment programs, and IT-based regulatory supporting tools Dept.

What does IRISS consist of ?

IRISS provides i) a roadmap for a long term nuclear regulatory infrastructure and specific implementation programs to be Advenced
taken during the lifetime of nuclear power plants and research reactors, ii) comprehensive and systematic education and System Policy Team
Research Dept.
training programs to ensure that the personnel has the regulatory competence, iii) technical support for safety review and
inspection of nuclear facilities, and iv) IT-based regulatory supporting tools to manage knowledge, experience, and information.
It has the flexibility to be customized according to the request of a country.
What can IRISS do for you? Reactor & Safety Risk Assessment
Evaluation Dept. Dept.
IRISS was developed for the countries considering a new nuclear power program with little or no relevant experiences. There-
Structural System & Reactor Systems
fore, it can be used with flexibility and it especially contributes to building up a strong competency of the regulatory body in a Site Evaluation Dept. Evaluation Dept.
meaningful and timely manner. Mechanical & Materials Instrumentation &
Engineering Dept. Control Dept.

Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety
Electricity &
Control Dept.
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Safety Together Better Tomorrow

KINS is standing firm to preserve natural beauty, clean water, green forests and blue sky.

More than 400 KINS staff have committed themselves to serve as a watchdog, looking out for the interests of the Korean
people and global citizens. Recognizing that a huge responsibility for ensuring nuclear safety is on their shoulders, KINS
staff are carrying out objective and comprehensive regulatory activities in site selection for nuclear facilities, design,
construction, commissioning, operation, and decommissioning of nuclear facilities.

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