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Users Manual

PhilHealth Remittance File Writer

PhilHealth Remittance File Writer

Version: v1.0
Prepared by: Philip A. Agbada
Users Manual
PhilHealth Remittance File Writer

Table of Contents

Program Description
System Requirements
The Excel File Layout and Its Sections
Data input and Process
Generating Output File
Clearing Fields
Users Manual
PhilHealth Remittance File Writer


PhilHealth Remittance File Writer is a macro program for Microsoft Office Excel. It was designed
to accept input from the user through Microsoft Office Excel and generate a formatted output file.


Microsoft Windows 98 or higher (Windows XP recommended)

Microsoft Office Excel 97 or Higher (Microsoft Office Excel 2003 recommended)
Microsoft Visual Basic Components Service Pack 6 (SP6)
Users Manual
PhilHealth Remittance File Writer



The user is required to input data on the worksheet according to its rules for validation. Each rule
is shown whenever a user clicks on the cell where he/she wants to add/edit data. An error message will
be shown each time the user makes an invalid input.

Note : All inputs must be in ALL CAPS.

Cells in white need to be filled out.
Input details in the DATA sheet.


EMP NAME Employer's Name as registered with PhilHealth

ADDRESS Employer's Address as registered with PhilHealth
PEN PhilHealth Employer's Number. This is a 12-digit
number officially issued by PhilHealth.
TEL # Employer's contact numbers
In charge Person-in-charge for PhilHealth payments
Position Position of the person-in-charge
EMPLOYER TYPE Defaults to Private
YEAR Applicable year for payment. Format YYYY
MONTH Month being paid
TYPE OF REPORT R stands for Regular report. This is the default
A stands for Additional report. This is used if the
paying client has additional entries not previously
included in the regular report, for the same period.
TIN Registered TIN of client. Not mandatory
SSS Number Employer's SSS Number; not mandatory
Users Manual
PhilHealth Remittance File Writer

PBR DATE Input date of file creation in format MMDDYYYY


LAST NAME Employee's last name

SUFFIX Not mandatory
FIRST NAME Employee's first name
MIDDLE INITIAL Employee's middle initial
PHILHEALTH No. Employee's PhilHealth number. This is a 12-digit
number, Validation for the number is done on
upload. If no PhilHealth number is available, the 10-
digit SSS number may be used.
SALARY Employee's monthly salary
PS Employee's share of the PhilHealth premium
ES Employer's share of the PhilHealth premium
REMARKS Employee's status. Valid values are blank, NH for
newly hired, S for Separated. If there is no change
in status, it may be left blank,
EFF DATE Should have value when the Remarks is NH or S.
May be left blank is Remarks is blank.

If the all input details need to be deleted, click on the CLEAR DATA button in the header.


After entering data, the user can either save the data using the Microsoft Office Excel save
function for future editing or generate the output file by clicking the Generate button. The system will
then follow these procedures before generating output file:

1.) Ask for filename a popup window will be shown asking for a filename.
2.) Check for required data fields an error message will appear if a required data field is missing or
3.) Generate output file a new file will be created according to the file naming convention [Employer
Name]_[MMMYY]_R (for regular report) or A (for addition). If same file exists on the specified
location, the system will ask the user if he/she wants to overwrite the existing file or not.
4.) A message will appear, showing the file it created.

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