DYS Test 2

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DYS Test II Session 2

Total marks: 20 Marks Obtained: ________ Time: 10 Min.

Name: __________________________________________ Date:
Instructions to solve
i) Please write the answer in the blank line provided below the question.
ii) Sincerity is qualification.
iii) Marks have been noted in front of each question.

Q1. What are the 3 ways of gaining knowledge? Give one example for each. 6

1. Pratyaksha pramana (direct sense perception) e.g., we can see the moon.

2. Anumana pramana (inference/hypothesis based on logic) e.g. 3rd Law of


3. Shabda pramana (hearing from a bonafide authority) e.g. Vedas taught through
bonafide sampradayas.

Q2. What are the 4 defects in human beings? 4

1) Imperfect senses.
2) Tendency to get illusioned.
3) Tendency to commit mistakes.
4) Tendency to cheat.

Q3. Correct the following if necessary. 5

a) Darwins theory falls under Shabda Praman.

Darwins theory falls under Anumana Praman.

b) Asking mother about father is an example of hearing from a bonafide authority.


c) Seeing is believing, is a perfect way of gaining knowledge.

No, its not a perfect way of gaining knowledge. / hearing from bonafide
authority is a perfect way of gaining knowledge.

d) Human beings and monkeys simultaneously existed millions of years ago.


e) Only a person with perfect senses can give perfect knowledge.


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DYS Test II Session 2

Q4. Fill in the blanks. 5

a) Brain was thought as an organ to cool the blood.

b) Darwin quoted: To suppose that eyes could have been formed by evolution seems,
I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.

c) Vedas are also called shruti / shabda or knowledge received through aural

d) Krishna Dvaipayana Vyas Deva , a literary incarnation of God, recorded all the
Vedas in writing 5000 years back for the benefit of people in Kali Yuga.

e) Shrimad Bhagvatam predicts about people in Kali Yuga that they would be mandah
(lazy), sumanda matayah (misguided), manda bhagyah (unfortunate) and above all,
upadrutah (disturbed).

End of Question Paper 2.

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