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Being a Good Sport

How to Plan, Activate, Measure, and Evaluate

Sports Sponsorship Programs

Adrian Stores

Abstract: This article is intended to be an informative

guide based on the authors experience in leading sports
sponsorships with regional, national, and global brands.
The article demystifies the subject to benchmark the
best practice and highlight the pitfalls.

Keywords: sports, sponsorship, marketing, segmenta-

tion, activation, planning, strategy, measurement.

Dedicated to Bilge, Kaya, and Erin

There should be an understanding of what sponsorship
actually means. The terminology and definitions range
from stereotypical one-dimensional outlooks to that of a
holistic approach to a complicated marketing tactic.
One definition given in a sporting context is provided
by the New South Wales (Australia), Office of Sport

Sponsorship is when a business provides funds,

Adrian Stores is author, lecturer, and resources or services to a club, in return for some
CEO of ACROBAT FCSM. He was former
chairman of Chartered Institute of
form of rights and/or associations with the club
Marketing for its specialist consultants that may be used to help the business commer-
group for sports and leisure. Having cially. This could be in the form of a logo on a
advised 15 percent of professional football, signs at an oval or free advertising in the
football clubs in English Premier and
Football Leagues, he is now taking
expertise to some of the largest clubs
in the world. The reference to club could read organization, ath-
lete, facility, or alternative recipient as sponsorship has
no boundaries.
The latter definition is one that we favor, and about
which Meenaghan (1991) states: an investment, in cash
or in kind, in an activity, in return for access, to the
commercial exploitable potential, associated with that

Expert Insights 1
Being a Good Sport

activity. This is succinct but brings to the of restriction or confidentiality. However,

forefront of readers minds the concepts of in our careers we have confirmed that the
commercial returns and/or benefit in kind. principles and practice of sponsorship have
From an early appreciation, sponsor- some common facets, whether it is Mr. and
ship in our recognition is a strategic action Mrs. Jones and their childs community
within a coherent decision-making pro- football team through to one of the soccer
cess, which is a prudent investment and teams that we have represented that fea-
action to adopt, aligned to other corporate ture in the Champions League.
or brand objectives. So commonality in approaches irrespec-
This article has been written based on tive of scale, recognizing money talks,
the authors 30 years in creating and manag- and so larger budgets determine more
ing sponsorship in sports and experiences comprehensive planning and evaluation.
including having worked on projects with In proposing that this common ground
a focus in the main around sponsorship prevails, we have devised a management
and licensing including for some of the top and academic model that portrays some
brand names as defined in the Deloittes key considerations. This is represented in
Football Finance Report (2016) and Brand Figure 1.
Finances Sporting Brands (2012). The diagram is prepared to educate and
share knowledge on sponsorship tips but
The Sponsorship Model could equally be applied and appreciated
The case studies that are referenced are in other marketing activities. For example,
those for which the author has no liability we use it in the context of fundraising

Figure 1: The 7 Cs sponsorship paradigm

2 Expert Insights
Being a Good Sport

appeals and crowdfunding campaigns, with airlines etc.). Figure 2 shows a simple, in-
the same seven steps. dicative continuum of options.
Community is the starta prerequi- This is a shopping list of options for
site to any project is to gather information any sponsor to consider. The pricing is
on the marketplace of focus. Quickly, we common and a discussion at the later
learn that there is no such thing as a ho- stages of a first meeting. You will notice
mogenous community where everyone is we refer to meeting. This is because cer-
the same, but in fact, preferences and ap- tainly higher priced items will be closed
preciation toward propensity to spend, be face-to-face, whereas lower ticket items can
they sponsors or donors, an understanding be progressed through alternative direct
of their giving DNA and personality, is a marketing that could include: telephone,
must. There is a myriad of data sources, letter, email, or direct mail. The principles
desk-based, original primary research, on selection of marketing approach mirror
technological, computerized modeling the theory of AIDA (Brassington and Pet-
the more we know, the more accurate our titt 2006). Choose the methodology most
assumptions and more solid the basis of suited. This stage is creating the campaign,
the proposition. but then we must actually start Campaign-
In essence, this is the protocol of any ing.. That is, telling our market segment or
good approach to selling, where the sales- microcosm of the world.
person maximizes chances through prepa- Campaigning is exactly that, we shout
ration. In marketing, terminology, what we from the proverbial rooftops that this/
are doing understands the community, these sponsorship options are available.
which in turn allows us to differentiate and Again, to avoid wasted efforts and costs,
undertake market segmentation, clas- these communication channels should be
sifying like-minded people and/or orga- targeted and focused on. We are actually
nizations that fit our target profile. These advocating that a marketing plan be cre-
become our niche Crowd. ated and implemented adopting below
So, we now know who we are aiming the line and above the line collateral, as
at and can collate data of targets to ap- applicable (Investopedia 2017). Digital
proach. Of course, as with any modeling or and social media mechanisms are popular
theoretical calculation, there must be flex- choices.
ibility at each stage. Next, a Campaign or Convert follows as we get to that hand-
Appeal should be Created. Often we have shake moment and clinch a deal. A sale
multifaceted sponsorship packages with has resulted at some positioning along the
items from low to higher unit costings. sponsorship options continuum. The hard
This we like, as it offers options, which can work is paying off. Most commissioned as-
fit with most budgets. My colleagues and I signments have either a portfolio to sell or
strive to leave every meeting with revenue an overall appeal targeted figure we need
generated and of course, an idea on suit- to reach in a given time period, normally
able packages on this continuum can be 12 months. Such commitments require
predicted beforehand by the research that management intelligence and measure-
we understand in the two earlier stages: ment of performance against targets.
Community and Crowd. Rarely are campaigns delivered exactly
Under Create, most sports assignments as per planning. We can be ahead of the
that we are requested to advise on have game or behind schedule, and in instances
multifacts unless a Client is prescriptive of the latter, reviews and corrective action
and just seeks our attention on one as- are neededand if necessary descent back
pect (e.g., stadium naming rights, one cat- down to the Create level on the paradigm.
egory of supplier (e.g., white goods, banks, This is what we refer to as Compass level.

Expert Insights 3

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