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Managing Human

Local and Global Perspectives
(Outcomes-based Learning)

Submitted to: Mrs. Ana Marie Cortes

Submitted by: Niza Jean P. Jemlani


Chapters Pages

Chapter 8: --------------------------------
Employee Benefits

Chapter 9: --------------------------------
Labor Relations

Chapter 10: -------------------------------

Employee Relations

Chapter 11: -------------------------------

Organization Development

Chapter 12: -------------------------------

OD and Organizational
Chapter 8: Employee Benefits

Chapter Questions

1. Discuss benefits as a talent management strategy (i.e., as attraction, retention, and

engagement driver).

2. In what ways are benefits rewards strategy?

3. Discuss the common elements and differences in the portfolio of benefit packages
(both legally mandated and company-initiated).

4. In what way/s does flexible plan address the rising cost of benefits and diverse needs
of employees? Give examples for your answer.

5. What are the current trends in employee benefits program? How can you integrate
some of these trends in the government-mandated benefits? What activities will you
undertake first before you develop a plan for this integration?

Chapter Questions

1. Based on the survey results, what can you deduce with regard to the advantages and/or
disadvantages of traditional or consumer-driven health plans?

2. If you were given the authority to recommend a particular health plan, what would you

3. Which of the two plans is more cost-effective? What are the elements that make the
plan cost-effective?
Chapter 9: Labor Relations Management
Chapter Questions
1. How can an organization without a labor union legally prevent the unionization of its

2. How can an organization with existing labor union maximize the existence of the

3. As an HR labor specialist, what recommendations can you make if your HR manager

asks you to prepare a plan to establish LMC in your organization?

4. Describe how the government, the employee, and the labor union can work together to
maintain industrial peace.

Discussion Questions
Chapter 10: Employee Relations Management
Chapter Questions

1. What factors will you consider in establishing a grievance procedure for a non-
organization? Prepare an outline of the topics you will include in the procedure.

2. What is employee discipline? Write a policy on employee discipline for an

organization. The policy should include the following:

a. What constitutes employee discipline;

b. What is the objective of having employee discipline;
c. Who should conduct it and how can it be appealed; and
d. Statement of policy for a non-unionized organization.

3. If you are an HR practitioner and want to orient managers and employees on sexual
harassment, what topics will you include in your training season? Briefly explain the
content and reason for including each of these topics.

Discussion Questions
1. In view of the initial refusal of the Union for an LMC to be established in the center,
should Ms. Elizabeth give up the idea?

2. How can Ms. Elizabeth convince the union about the advantages of establishing an
LMC at the center?

3. Would it be better if top management officials together with Ms. Elizabeth sit down
with all union officers to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of having an LMC in
the center?
Chapter 11: Organization Development
Chapter Questions
1. How would you know when OD intervention is required to solve certain organization
problems? What process will you go through to determine the need for one?

2. The Keramika case study at the beginning of this chapter is an excellent example of a
successful OD process. Using the OD process as shown in Figure 1, describe how the
consultant, working with the organizations management team and HR, used OD to solve
the companys problem.

3. What factors and OD techniques contributed to the success of the process in


4. Assume that you are the head of the HR department and you are working with your
companys CEO to hire an OD consultant for your organization. How will you go about
identifying potential candidates and what competencies will you look for an OD
Chapter 12: OD and Organizational Culture

Chapter Questions
1. What can the HR practitioner do to ensure the stability of organization culture in the
face of needed OD changes?

2. Why is OD intervention (change effort) seen as synonymous with action research


3. What is culture and why is it important in OD?

4. What are the HR practice areas that can be influenced by OD and vice-versa?

5. Demonstrate how the 7S framework can explain the impact of OD in culture.

6. How can an organization ensure a success in an OD program? Give examplesto

support your answer.

Discussion Question
1. What insights can you draw from Hygienas organizational transformation?

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