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Appendix 1. Letter of Intent


Appendix 2. Waiver Form


Appendix 3: Endorsement Letter







Appendix 4. Full Consent




Appendix 5. Memorandum of Agreement







Appendix 6. Job Description Form







Appendix 7. Location Map





Appendix 8. Organizational Chart













Mr. Jonathan Velustria Sta. Ana

Director for Student Affairs and Services

Ms. Mary Grace Demetillo, RGC

Student Welfare Officer

Ms. Kimberly Joanna Dayrit, RPm


Ms. Jasmin D. Quintans

Student Wellness Coordinator



Mr. Siegfried Gamueda, RP, RPm


Mr. John Gerard P. Medina, RPm

Senior Psychometrician, Marketing

Ms. Christine Olegario, RPm

Psychometrician- Trainee

Appendix 9. Practicum ID

Appendix 10. Daily Time Record







Appendix 11. Certification







Appendix 12. Performance Evaluation Sheet







Appendix 13. Daily Progress Report



Day 1: August 10, 2016

The intern rode a bus to Lawton at 6:29am. She arrived at Qualimed Manila at

exactly 7:35am. She waited for the HR Assistant Manager, for her interview and test

assessment. Upon passing all her signed requirements, she was given an applicants form

information similar to her resume. After filling up the form, she was given three

psychological tests : DISC, Basic Personality Inventory, and Purdue Non-Language Test

Form A. She took the test for about an hour without the presence of the examiner. She

was told to return after lunch for her interview. In the interview, the intern was asked

about her personal basic information, her strenghts, talents, and her possible contribution

to the company. The intern passed the interview and test assessment and began reporting

that same day at 2:30pm. The first thing she did was to put the employees certificates in

frames. The certificates were for employees who had been working in the company for at

least five years. It was like a loyalty award. After that, she was told to cut the score cards

for the Best Presentation, Best Actor, Best Actress, Lady of the Night, and

Gentleman of the Night. She also cut the stickers for the envelope of prizes to be given

to the winners of the upcoming event. Afterwards, she had been told to make a birthday

bash powerpoint for the employees. The HR Assistant Manager taught her of the

responsibilities and tasks she will be doing in the office. She had been told that in the

office, she will be answering calls, inquiries, assist on events and filing. At 5:30pm, the

intern was dismissed.

On this day, the intern learned how the HR of Qualimed Manila process their

applicants. She also learned that the HR is also responsible for the events of the

company- like the seminars, appreciation events, and the like. She learned how to use the

IP messenger, an application commonly used by the HR for ease of communication.

Day 2: August 11, 2016

The intern read the OJT Orientation PowerPoint presentation. It covered the

history, mission, and vision of the company. It also discussed the services offered by the

company, its affiliates and partner- Ayala Land. It also showed the general policies of the

compnay, the proper decorum, dos and donts. Then, the intern signed a contract with

them, filed on her 201 file folder. She continued the birthday bash powerpoint. She was

taught how to use the DSLR to take photos of the employee in each department. She had

the chance to introduce herself to them as an intern. She finished the birthday bash

powerpoint. She also ran errands from her immediate head concerning the event. She

helped in preparing the tokens for the birthday bash celebrants- mason jars. She also ran

errands from the Finance and Admin officer to scan some receipts.

Day 3: August 12, 2016

Early in the morning, the intern saw the HR associate. She escorted her up to the

office and introduced her to the job, mainly the HR forms, tests, and files. She had been

shown how to score the results of the psychological tests of some applicants. She was

then told to arrange the folders in the 201 files alphabetically and label them accordingly.

She helped her immediate heads with the props and decors for the event. She helped in

cutting the decors. Around 4:30pm, they set up the tables for the event. Her participation

to the event was in the registration area. She assisted the employees upon their raffle

entries. The event started at 6:00pm and finished at 9:30pm. That time, the roads had

been flooded by the non-stop rain. She got home at around 11pm.

Day 4: August 16, 2016

The intern was able to administer DISC, Purdue Non-Language Test, and Basic

Personality inventory to three applicants. She made files for the documents of the

employees in the 201 filing. She continued making the 201 cabinet filing labels. She

scored and interpreted the DISC, PNLT and BPI tests results of the applicants upon

supervision of her immediate head. She was asked to create a cabinet divider for the HR

forms in the cabinet. She had been told to compose a text message of invitation for

recruitment. She was taught how to use the photocopying machine.

Day 5: August 17, 2016

The intern continued creating the cabinet divider for HR forms in the left drawer.

She checked the 201 files of the employees to check the contract and the Notice of

Personnel Action (NOPA). She assisted two applicants and administered to them the

DISC, PNLT, and BPI. She scored and interpreted the results based on the given

interpretation. She also updated the master list where it contained the personal basic

information of each employee. She also released some outgoing files form the 201 filing.

Day 6: August 18, 2016

The intern assisted three applicants. She administered DISC, PNLT, and BPI to

applicants. She then scored and interpreted the test results based on the given

interpretation. She received local calls for inquiries. She invited applicants for interview

and test assessment through the company phone. She searched for applicants contact

numbers to invite them for test assessment and interview. She then organized and cleaned

the table of the HR associate.

Day 7: August 23, 2016

The intern assisted six applicants and administered DISC to applicants. She

administered DISC, PNLT, and BPI to the applicants. She then scored and interpreted the

test results based on the given interpretation. The intern was told to return the uniform

and nameplate of a resigned employee. She distributed the NOPA to two new employees.

Day 8: August 24, 2016

The intern was told to distribute contract to employees. She distributed Notice to

Explain for employees issued with TYPE E offense written warning for Habitual

Tardiness. She distributed the Feedback Initiative for New Employees (FINE) to selected

employees. She gave the new employee forms for payroll to the payroll officer.

Day 9: August 25, 2016

The intern assisted two applicants. She administered DISC, PNLT, and BPI to

applicants. She then scored and interpreted the test results. She distributed Notice to

Explain to selected employees for those who were given TYPE E offense written


Day 10: August 30, 2016

The intern filed the documents on board employees. She routed an information

sheet to verify the master list contact details as instructed by the executive officer. She

received calls for inquiries. She invited applicants for interview and test assessment. She

organized the files in the desktop computer of the HR Associate. Informed the new HR

associate about proceeding to the Industrial- Organizational Health station for the medical

examination. She processed signatories for the Chief Operating Officer and Medical

Ancillary Department Head.

Day 11: August 31, 2016

The intern assisted applicants. She administered DISC, PNLT, and BPI to

applicants. She scored and interpreted the test results based on the given interpretation

saved in the desktop computer. She searched for medical doctors for reliever recruitment.

She received calls of inquiries. She reminded the head of the Cashier Department about

her Senior House Officer (SHO) schedule. The SHO was for evaluation purposes.

Day 12: September 1, 2016

The intern continued routing the information sheet for the master list verification.

She assisted the new HR associate upon the basics of the job. She called medical doctors

for reliever recruitment. She photocopied the SHO schedule and distributed it to every


Day 13: September 6, 2016

The intern assisted applicants upon application. She administered DISC, PNLT, and

BPI to the applicants. She scored and interpreted the test results based on the given


She routed the Physical Examination/ Medical Examination (PEME) and

Performance Appraisal forms to each department. She photocopied the Notice of

Personnel Action, Type E Written Warning- Habitual Tardiness, and contracts of

employees. She then released the photocopied documents. She updated the masterlist.

She took a picture of the uniform in each department for color reference for scrub suits as

instructed by her immediate head.

Day 14: September 7, 2016

The intern assisted applicants upon application. She administered DISC, PNLT, and

BPI to the applicants. She scored and interpreted the test results based on the given

interpretation. She photocopied contracts, written warnings, and the answer sheets of the

psychological tests. She routed files and doocuments.

Day 15: September 8, 2016

The intern updated the master list. She answered calls for inquiries. She photocopied

vaccine forms. She also photocopied authority to deduct forms. She also made a

monitoring log sheet for the borrowing of the EPSON projector. She printed 201 file

dividers for each folder.



Day 1: October 19, 2016

The intern arrived at the campus at 7:35 am. She waited for the guidance office to

open, but apparently, the psychometrician and the student wellness staff was not around.

A co-intern came and opened the office. That day, her co-intern oriented her with the

forms that were usually used in the office. The forms were organized and located in a

white rack with labels. After a while, an applicant for admission came in and took the

entrance examination- so called as the SDCAT or St. Dominic College of Asia Admission

Test. The intern observed how to handle such tasks. She was then asked to score the

SDCAT essay part. It was a good thing there was a guide for scoring the essay. The intern

was dismissed at 12 noon because there will be no one else in the office for that day.

On this day, the intern learned how to administer the SDCAT. She also learned

that main transactions were held in the guidance office that is why, different forms were

available in the guidance office.

Day 2: October 21, 2016

The intern arrived at 8am. She arranged the brown envelopes that contain the files

of students from different programs. She had an orientation with the psychometrician, her

immediate head. She scored and interpreted the results of SDCAT of an examinee who

was about to transfer in SDCA.


The intern learned how to file the records and requirements of the students. She

also learned how to score and interpret the scores of the SDCAT based on the given

interpretation table of SDCA.

Day 3: October 22, 2016

The intern had an orientation with her another immediate head, the student affairs

coordinator. She was introduced to the requirements of students filing for entrance and

exits. She also performed a personal document for her immediate head; a matter of

processing signatories. The intern also received student assistant applications for the


The intern learned that the guidance office also provide educational assistance to

the students by issuing student assisstant scholarships. She also learned the process and

requirements neeeded for entrance and exits.

Day 4: October 25, 2016

The intern arrived at the campus at 8am. She answered phone calls from the HR

department and Accounting department. The intern read the OASIS 3: AS Examiners

manual. She administered OASIS to two students. Each examinee logged at the

transaction logbook- mostly for clearance purposes. She attended student concerns such

as: setting an appointment with the student wellness coordinator regarding a students

OJT, and setting a personal appointment for the psychometrician regarding the

scholarship. She also received documents for the student wellness coordinator regarding

the schools press advisers where the guidance counselor is the officer-in-charge. She also

received a breakfast birthday celebration invitation for the student wellness coordinator.

The intern learned how to attend to students concerns and other concerns. She

also learned how to administer, score, and interpret the OASIS 3: AS.

Day 5: October 26, 2016

The intern arrived at the workplace at 8am. She answered phonecalls. She

administered the OASIS:3 to five students. She handled the concerns of two Nigerians for

clearance signing. She updated the October Exit Interview Log excel file. She assisted

and supervised students on duty for violation. She administered OASIS to a Nigerian.

Day 6: October 27, 2016

The intern arrived at the workplace at 8am. She assisted and supervised the

students on duty for violation- for the clearance signing. She received the Customer

Satisfaction Survey (CSE). She answered phone calls for inquiries. She requested for

Senior High Admission Form at the Office of the Student Affairs (OSAS). She

administered OASIS to Senior High student applicants. She requested printed material for

admission from the DSAS care of the department secretary. She called the admission

officer for the Senior High admission process. She called the psychometrician of the

Basic Education department to inform the Senior High applicants for admission. She

administered OASIS individually and by a group of five students. She attended the BSBA

seminar of students.

Day 7: October 28, 2016

The intern arived at the workplace at 8am. She administered SDCAT and OASIS

to the students. She helped, assisted and supervised the other practicumers in the office.

She answered phone calls. She filed the 2015-2016 cumuulative folders of students. She

also checked the OASIS if they were properly scored and interpreted.

Day 8: October 29, 2016

The intern arrived at the workplace at 8am. She checked the OASIS the OASIS if

they were properly scored and interpreted.

The intern and her head asked what table for OASIS should be used. She learned

that it is important to consider the culture of the respondents before making

interpretation- like in the age level of the OASIS. She also learned that before a pscyh

test can be sold here in the Philippines, it had already been pilot tested.

Day 9: November 3, 2016

The intern arrived at the workplace at 8:00am. First thing she did in the morning

was to help the students who arrived to render an hour of service to the office as the

consequence of their violations. She assisted them on what to do with their one hour of

service. The intern also assisted another intern for encoding the needs assessment survey.

She answered calls and inquiries. She accommodated two parents for their concerns

about scholarship while waiting for the employee who was in charge of the scholarships.

She also accommodated a mother who referred her daughter to undergo counseling for a

certain case. The intern administered SDCAT to a transferee. The intern encoded the

transferee to the old system of SDCA. The intern attended the requests of her heads such

as releasing a document to the DSAS head, and getting a form for facilities reservation

from the purchasing/ engineering department of the SDCA hospital. The intern also

administered OASIS 3: Aptitude Survey, as part of the students requirements for

clearance. She also gave them needs assesment surveys. In the afternoon, the intern went

with her immediate head to find a way to get a clear stencil for the OASIS scoring keys.

The intern checked the scoring of OASIS profiles. The intern was dismissed at 6:25pm.

The intern learned that the guidance office is somewhat similar to the HR in the

sense that it also processes requests for its events. She also learned how to handle parents

of the students who are complaining. It showed the intern that no matter what happens,

the guidance officer must be calm and willing to address the concerns of her client. The

intern also learned that a person with Aspergers syndrome can still work with tasks such

as clerical works- such as her co-intern from SDCA. She also learned that the guidance

office is a busy office where it caters the various transactions of the students. She also

learned that it is important to conduct needs assessment for the students to be able to

create a guidance program. She also learned that certain psychological tests require

trainings before administering them. She also knew that a test which is outdated cannot

be used for assessment- like the 16PF. She also learned that before a psychometrician can

buy a psychological test, the psychometrician undergo interview and assessment. She also

learned that in a school setting, before buying a test, she must present a proposal about

the importance, significance, cost, advantages of buying that certain test where she has to

defend in order to get approval for the budget. The intern learned that an answer sheet

cost much that is why, one should be careful in administering the psych test because she

cant afford to make a mistake- its expensive. That is why, the psychometrician made use

of an excel tracker to monitor who has and who hasnt been taken the psych test. She

also learned that it is important to read the manual of the test in order to get the accurate


Day 10: November 4, 2016

The intern arrived at the workplace before 8:00am. She waited for her immediate

head to arrive. When she got into the office, she checked the OASIS Student Profile

scores to see if they were correct. When her co-intern arrived, she assisted him in

encoding the Exit Interview Report excel file. She reminded her immediate head about

the mother who referred her daughter for counseling. Her immediate told her that the

student will be first referred to the Student Discipline Office where a decision for a

sanction can be made. She finished checking the OASIS profiles and classified them into

two: one for major revision and the other for minor revision. She also administered the

SDCAT to a transferee.The intern encoded the applicant to the old and new system. She

also disclosed the results of the examination to the transferee and assisted her to her next

stop- interview with the college dean. She answered the phone calls. She also assisted

students with their clearance on having them signed by her immediate head. The intern

also assisted her immediate head in making the report for the CSE evaluation form

(getting the average). She also made the report of the list of entrance examinees taken

from September 30 to November 5, 2016. The intern also administered the OASIS 3:AS

and the Needs Assessment Survey. The intern was dismissed at 5:45pm.

The intern learned that in cases like absenteeism, lateness, and other violations,

students will be first referred to the student discipline office. If the student discipline

office can not meet its goal of knowing what was the reason behind the students

behavior, it is then referred to the student wellness unit or guidance office. In the student

wellness office, the student will be counselled depending upon the case. If the case was

severe, the student will be counselled by the guidance counselor. If the case was handy, it

will be handled by the Student Wellness coordinator.

Day 11: November 5, 2016

The intern arrived at the office before 8:00am. She assisted her immediate head in

operating the excel in preparing the report to be passed before 12 nn. The report was

composed of the Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Survey and the inventory of the

SDCAT examinees. The intern made the report for the comments in the CSE. She

classified the comments according to its corresponding offices and facilities. She also

assisted students with violations required to render service to the guidance office. She

also assisted a student in his exit interview. The intern administered the SDCAT to a

transferee. She disclosed the results to the transferee and guided him to his evaluation-


The intern learned that the student wellness unit/ office is as busy as the HR. They

conduct weekly reports for the students during entrance and exits. The intern also realized

that in the guidance office, it is important to be literate when it comes to Microsoft Excel:

for reports (graphs, tables), Microsoft Publisher: for brochures (scholarships,

organizations, and the office itself).


Day 12: November 8, 2016

The intern arrived at 8am. She assisted and oriented the new intern. She

supervised the work of her co-intern. She asssisted students with violations. She

administered the Needs Assessment Survey. She made a new format for the tally needs

assessment cleaner than the previous. She checked the OASIS and made the student

profile. She scored SDCAT and disclosed the results. She noticed that some students did

not take the needs assessment survey seriously.

Day 13: November 9, 2016

The intern arrived at 8:25am. She administered, scored, and interpreted the

SDCAT. She encoded the students in the old and in the new system. She instructed the

entrance examinees on their next stop- for evaluation with their corresponding college

dean. She disclosed the results to the examinees. There was one examinee who got below

average scores all throughout. She referred the case to her immediate head to disclose the


Day 14: November 10, 2016

The intern arrived at 8:20am. She helped in checking the SDCAT of SHS

students- particularly the grade 10. She administered SDCAT to three transferees and

disclosed the results of each. She went with Ms. Jas for the follow up of the scholarship

signatory of Doc Jay.


She learned that it consumed time and effort to score all the SDCAT. They had

machines for scantron but not for SDCAT. He intern suggested they should have a

scantron template for SDCAT for efficiency.

Day 15: November 11, 2016

The intern arrived at 8:20am. Early in the morning, she checked the rest of the

SDCAT of the senior high school students. After that, she encoded the CSE of SASE and

SBCS to the psychometericians desktop computer. She then administered the SDCAT to

a transferee student. She helped the psychometerician to clean her office by organizing

the supplies part of the file cabinet.

Day 16: November 12, 2016

The intern administered the SDCAT to SHS school students. She continued

checking the profile of the students. She learned that it is important to recheck the profile

of the students frequently.



Day 1: November 15, 2016

The intern arrived at the workplace around 9am. She observed the venue/

environment/ workplace. The place is located in the third floor of an apartment. It

occupies 2 rooms for the office. The main office is located in Rizal. There are many

branches of Psyche Solutions. When her immedite head arrived, they were taught about

the different projective tests that are usually in a test battery.

The intern learned how to administer the Rorshach Inkblot Test, Human Figure

Drawing Test, House, Tree, Person Test, and Thematic Apperception Test. She also

learned that it is legal to photocopy manuals as long as you have the original, ,and it is

not for sale but for office purposesonly. It was her first time to see projective tests. The

senior psychometrician demonstrated the basic administration of Rorshach- observing the

client, taking down notes of the clients responses, and keeping an eye of the time, and

administering in a low pitch voice- so called as the Rorshach tone/voice.

She was also given the overview of Gestalt Psychology and Humanistic

psychology. Gestalt is difficult to learn through just books and theories, for it takes

practice and experience before you learn the Gestalt way of counseling. In humanistic

counseling, she was reviewed with the unconditional positive regard: where you believe

that the client has something good within himself even if he has done such a terrible

thing, empathy, and congruence. It has been said that in humanistic counseling, it takes

your own personality in order to achieve. It seems that there are certain people who were

born for that kind of counseling. In humanistic counseling, it has been said that one thing

that is consistent with those clients who has experienced humanistic counseling is that the

face of the counselor seems to glow. It was weird.

Day 2: November 16, 2016

This day was supposed to be the interns second day. Unfortunately, Sir Gerard,

the senior psychometrician wouldnt be around for he was heading to Palawan to meet his

clients to administer test batteries. The intern was supposed to be supervised by Ms.

Mariel, who turned out to be absent that day. So the intern went home. The intern just

helped in preparing the test materials that the psychometrician will be using in the testing

in Palawan.

The intern learned that some tests can be administered by groups. The weschler is

administered individually and it requires full attention with mutlit-tasking skills. For the

testing of 100-150 participants, the testing lasted for 3 days- the fastest it could take to


Day 3: November 23, 2016

Today is the interns second day, yet it was her first time to be assigned in a field

work. She was assigned in Makati to gather data for a qualitative research for a client.

The client owns a tower in Makati where each floor is occupied by a certain company. He

wanted to invite more companies to rent the other floors of the tower. The client also has

plans of renovating the 12th floor- where the food area is located. With this, he hired

researchers from Psyche Solutions Psychological Services for evaluation and

recommendations. The interns job was to observe the employees and their behavior as

they stay at the 12th floor of the tower. The 12th floor is composed of two areas: the food

area, and the smoking area. The intern observed 25 subjects along with their age, gender,

location, intention, behavior, and time of stay. After the observation, the intern, along

with her co-interns tallied all their observations, for a total of 100 respondents. They

made a report in tabular form to present the data they have gathered.

The intern learned that in order to work in the clinical setting, you have to master

the skill of observing, not only in the testing part of your work, but in everything you do.

You have to be a keen observant of your surroundings because through this, you can draw

some things that can help in your study.

Day 4: November 24, 2016

The intern was given a clients case along with its battery test. Her task was to

score and interpret the different projective tests namely: Human Figure Drawing Test,

House-Tree-Person Test, and Thematic Apperception Test. The manuals of the said

projective tests were handed to her. She read the manual and learned how to administer,

score, and interpret the test results. The intern also ran an errand for her immediate head.

She was tasked to deliver the clinical report of a student to a SPED teacher in a public

school in Anabu.When she got back to the clinic, the senior psychometrician taught them

how to interpret the TAT. In interpreting the TAT, one had to look for the following:

a)Who is the hero in the story?, b) What is the theme of the story?, c) What is the

conflict of the story?, d) What triggers the conflict?, and lastly, e) What is the resolution

of the story, or how did the story ended? The intern learned that it requires critical

thinking and a lot of analyzation in the clinical setting. The intern was excited to learn a

lot more of the case she was handling and the process of handling those kind of cases as

part of psychology in the clinical setting. The intern had enjoyed scoring and interpreting

the test as she was amazed on how the test was constructed. She appreciated the great

help of Psychology to the individuals in the society.

Day 5: November 25, 2016

The intern arrived at the clinic at 9am. She continued scoring and interpreting the

TAT. After that, she read the manual of Bender Visual Gestalt Motor Skills Test. She

learned how to administer, score, and interpret the test. She applied what she learned

upon scoring the Bender-Gestalt Test of the case she was handling.

The intern learned that the administration and interpretation of Bender-Gestalt in

children is different from the adults. She also learned that through the help of projective

tests, they can determine the prominent issues present in an individual. She also

discovered that projective tests such as Bender Gestalt can have different administrations

and they also have different manuals.

Day 6: November 29, 2016

The intern was given another case to score and intepret the battery test. This time,

it was a clinical report of a 6 year old child.

The intern learned that the administration of tests is more challenging in children

and requires patience.


Day 7: December 1, 2016

The intern was asked to give feedback on the clinical reports made by various

licensed professionals. She read all the clinical reports of a 5 year-old child. The child

was diagnosed of Global Developmental Delay and it was consistent through the

assessment of various professionals. Her immediate head went out to administer

psychological tests in a school. When the immediate head got back in the office, he

gathered a deliberation. He asked the intern to share her feedback about the case of the

child and what to do about it. He made her realize that in the end, it was not the child who

had the problem, but the in denial mother. It looked like a plot twist. The goal of the

clinical setting is to help people. All the previous clinics kept on assessing the child and

produced the same kind of outcome until the PSPS psychometrician discovered that it

was the indenial mother who was the one who really needs help.

The intern learned that upon a hypothesis, by the process of elimination, no matter

how funny the thing is, it can be the possible answer. The intern learned that in the

clinical field, it could be a setting with a lot of twists. She was able to discover the

ironies of life. The bottom line was this: in the clinical setting, it requires critical

thinking, creativity, probing skills, and analization.

Day 8: December 6, 2016

The intern was tasked to go to Lyceum University of the Philippines in General

Trias Cavite to assist and to observe the seminar about Test Taking Skills for the

Psychometrician Board Exam. One service of the Psyche Solutions Psychological Clinic

was the Review Center for Board Exam takers. After that, they were toured to the whole

campus and had been shown the facilities of the school.

Day 9: December 7, 2016

The intern was tasked to check the scored Ottis-Lennon School Ability Test. The

intern learned how to score the OLSAT. She also learned that the birthday is the most

siginificant information of OLSAT in order to get its interpretation. There are three levels

that were introduced to the intern: Level E for grade 3-6, Level F for grade 6, and Level

G for Grade 7-12. She was also taught how to compute for the chronological age of the

client; testing date minus the birth date of the test taker.

Day 10: December 8, 2016

The intern was tasked to make a SWOT analysis regarding the research journal

regarding the Inclusive Curriculum for Special Education. The intern learned that it is

beneficial for a practitioner to read and review journals, articles, researches, in order to

keep an update of the trends in psychology most especially in the clinical setting.

Day 11: December 9, 2016

The intern went on a field work at Glenridge School. She administered the School

Readiness Test to a senior kindergarten section with 5 students. Then she went back to the

clinic to score and interpret and made a psych report of the readiness level of the


The intern learned how to administer, score, interpret the School Readiness Test.

She learned more that it requires patience and dedication if she wants to administer test to

the students.

Appendix 14. Photo Documentation






Appendix 15.Curriculum Vitae


Medicion I-B, Imus City, Cavite

To apply as an intern to complement the concepts and theories Ive learned to the
development of my full potential, through exposure and application from my academic
course to the actual field work.


Cavite State University- Imus Campus

Cavite Civic Center, Palico IV, Imus City, Cavite

Imus Institute - Business High School

Imus City, Cavite

Imus Pilot Elementary School

Nueno Avenue, Imus City, Cavite


Emotional Hygiene: Cleansing the Mind for a Better Life

Psyconference 2016, Psychological Society
Philippine Normal University-Manila
January 2016

STEP UP: A Comprehensive Preparation for the Board of Licensure Examination for
Psyche Solution Psychological Sevices
Far Eastern University- Silang, Cavite
January 2016


Certificate of Excellence
Department of Social Sciences and Humanities
Samahan ng mga Mag-aaral ng Sikolohiya
Cavite State University- Imus Campus

Certificate of Recognition (Academic Scholar)

Office of the Student and Alumni Affairs and Chi Beta Epsilon Honor Society
Cavite State University- Imus Campus

Certificate of Commendation for Academic Excellence

Office of the Student Affairs and Services
Cavite State University- Imus Campus

National Service Training Program (NSTP)-Civil Welfare Training Services (CWTS)
Cavite State University- Imus Campus


Member, Chi Beta Epsilon Honor Society

Member, Samahan ng Mag-aaral ng Sikolohiya
Sunday School Teacher, Imus Unida Christian Church
Executive Assistant, Imus School of Prime Studies, Inc.


Ma. Lani Paelma

School Registrar
Imus School of Prime Studies
(046) 472-3379

Graciela Naranjo, RPm

Guidance Counselor
Cavite School of St. Mark

Mary Grace L. Descarga, RPm

Cavite State University-Imus

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.



Appendix 16.Certification from the English Critic


Appendix 17.Routing Slip

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