Guidelines For Sales Posts On Diver's Watches

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for sales posts on Divers Watches

Dear member, you are reading this document to better understand our groups guidelines
if you would like to post a watch for sale. Being a large member-forum [not a sale-forum]
and having been given the opportunity to use Facebooks selling feature, the following
guidelines should be followed [and will be enforced strictly] to create a safe, pleasant
environment for everyone:

1. You can only post a sale ad if you are a member that actually otherwise contributes to
the group with photos, information and or knowledge. More specifically this means that a]
you have been a registered member of DWs for at least 60 days and b] you have initiated
[started] at least 20 threads with photos, information or knowledge. Admins will be
following the sale posts closely and any for sale posts from a member that do not qualify
for the 60-20 guideline [60 days 20 threads] will be immediately removed and the
member could be banned. Please note that the 20 threads need to be evenly spread out. It
is against our guidelines to post multiple threads within a short time period, just to reach
the 20 minimum.

2. If the 60-20 guideline is met [minimum of 60 days as a group member and 20 initiated
posts], you can make one for sale post per day [one watch, one for-sale post, per day]. If
one more watch has to be added as part of the conversation, add it in the same post. To
check how long you have been a DW member, search for your name in members. To
check how many initiated posts you have, search for your name within the group.

3. DW requires a minimum of one high quality photo, detailed information on the watch, a
selling price, shipping cost, etc. to sell your watch within our group. The watch needs to be
yours and in your possession. It cannot be a watch on its way to you or that you are
getting or someone elses watch. If a post is incomplete it will be removed.

4. Does the buyer or seller need more information, clarifications, etc.? Take the
conversation private by pm. Please do not start asking the buyer or seller questions on the
thread itself.

5. WTB/LF [Want to buy/Looking for] posts should be made as normal posts and NOT in
the for-sale area. If someone responds, the conversation should be taken private.

6. Founder, admins and/or other members of this group have no responsibility
whatsoever on a sale, whether they have commented on it or not. It is strictly the
responsibility of the seller and buyer.

7. Authenticity is a given before you post. Posting a fake watch will result in immediate
banning from the group.

8. With the recent upgrade of our group by FB as one of the groups to be allowed to use
the For-Sale feature, there is really no need for anyone to bump their posts, as these are
now easily accessible under the For-Sale posts link. Exception to this would be a revision
of your post with more description or a different price.

9. Links to ANY online selling sites are strictly prohibited.

10. Please use the English language, which is the official language of the group.

11. The 60-20 rule also applies for want-to-buy and want-to-trade enquiries that should
be posted as a normal post and not in the for-sale section.

For any questions or clarification, feel free to message one of our admins.

Thank you!


Zone 1 [Americas]
Heath J Jenzen [TX, USA]
Richard P. Murphy [NY, USA]
Rani Haykal [TX, USA]

Zone 2 [Europe & Africa]
Andreas S. Gregoriades Founder & Owner [Cyprus]
Justin Backholm [Denmark]
Panagiotis Georgantas [Greece]
Colin Weaver Senior Admin [UK]
Alistair Brown [UK]

Zone 3 [Asia & Oceania]
Karan Madan [India]
Nigel Wild [New Zealand]


Zone 2 [Europe & Africa]
Danny Guzzi [Portugal] is responsible for design & branding.

Zone 3 [Asia & Oceania]
Chelsey Chen [Singapore] is responsible for the groups Instagram account

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