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Lesson Plan Template for Content-Based Instruction

Teachers Name: Heaven Snyder and Marianna Mercer Date: June 19-21, 25
Grade/Class/Subject: HS/ 1st and 2nd grd./ ENGL Time Period: 50 min
Unit/ Topic: Holidays and Traditions Lesson Title: Holidays!

Content Objectives: By the end of the lesson, students will (know and do):

By the end of the lesson, students will know the names and cultural practices/backgrounds of five major American
holidays and will be able to relate their own cultural traditions to those of American holidays.

Language Objectives:
(grammatical term and/or example, eg. Past Tense: The boy went to
(in ing form, eg. Retelling a story )
see his grandfather;)
Relating holiday traditions and terms orally and Holiday traditions and terms, e.g. Kings Cake for Mardi Gras
through dictation
Retaining terms through memorization Traditions that are unique to certain holidays

Understanding the correct context of tradition and

connection of Korean traditions to American ones Using present tense to describe traditions and holidays.
Review Vocabulary New Vocabulary Signal Words
(vocabulary that may need to be taught or
(previously taught vocabulary that students likely (new vocabulary to be explicitly taught that is
emphasized that link concepts in meaningful
need review of) critical to an understanding of the content)
ways, such as conjunctions and time markers)
Thanksgiving 4th of July First
Trick or treat Mardi Gras = Fat Tuesday Second
Halloween St. Patricks Day Finally
Independence Day Macys Thanksgiving Day Parade Now
Barbeque In the past.

By the end of the lesson, students will (do X function using Y form with Z vocabulary):

By the end of the lesson, students will relate correct holiday traditions through oral communication, memorization, and
personal written answers to demonstrate their knowledge and contextual understanding of American holidays and

By the end of the lesson, students will be aware of the extent of traditions worldwide and be able to communicate this
through spoken and written word.

Special Cross-Cultural Considerations: Include here anything relevant to culture that you will either incorporate as
part of your lesson or that you need to be attuned to in terms of your students background to ensure a lesson that is
culturally responsive.
We will incorporate Korean holidays into explanations, e.g. Chuseok, Korean Liberation Day, etc.

We will ask about various traditions and include their answers into our presentation.

Materials: Include here all the materials that you need, including textbook titles and the page numbers you will
refer to.

PowerPoint presentation, projector, speakers, connection to internet for videos, blank sheets of paper, sentences on
strips of paper over holiday traditions.

Lesson Sequence: This may be adjusted as necessary to accommodate unique lesson plan features. For each
step, explain what the teacher will do, the expectation of what the students will do, and how long the stage should

I. MOTIVATION: Describe how you will build content background and introduce the specific language functions/forms that
you will target.

TIME: 5 min
The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does) The students will (specifically what the students should do
in response to what the teacher does)
-Greet the students, ask how the students are doing -Respond to questions
-Introduce the topic of holidays -Contribute Korean holidays
-Ask about Korean holidays to get them thinking/familiar -Ask questions regarding Chuseok and what they know about
with the topic American holidays
-Relate Chuseok to Thanksgiving
-Transition into American holidays

Formative Assessment (How will you gauge whether or not students are connecting to the background the teacher is providing?):

Formative assessment will be the responses of the students

II. PRESENTATION: Describe the specific techniques you will use to make your presentation of new content and linguistic
material comprehensible to students, to provide opportunities for interaction through appropriate questioning, to engage learner
strategies, and to assess whether or not students are getting it.

TIME: 20 min
The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does) The students will (specifically what the students should do
in response to what the teacher does)
-Cover the topic of traditions -Offer definition for tradition
-Lead into holiday traditions -Repeat back key words
-Introduce five holidays with pictures and video -Answer questions about their Korean holidays, traditions
materials and what they know of American holidays
-Have the students repeat back key words, e.g. Mardi
Gras, Fat Tuesday, St. Patricks Day
-Ask class if they are familiar with the traditions
-Continue to ask about students traditions
-Provide commentary for video materials
-Explain certain traditions if there are questions
-Continue to compare American traditions/holidays to
Korean ones
Formative Assessment (How will you gauge whether or not students are comprehending/using the targeted language forms as

Formative assessment will be the students repetition and responses/questions

II. PRACTICE/APPLICATION: Describe the activities you will use to allow for meaningful practice targeting the lessons
objectives, the learner strategies you will engage, and the formative assessment you will provide to gauge whether or not
students practice is moving them along closer to the target)

TIME: 13 min
The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does) The students will (specifically what the students should do
in response to what the teacher does)
-Announce the game of telephone -Split into five teams
-Divide the tables into five teams -Listen to the rules
-Demonstrate how to play through a quick pretend -Include the entire table in the game
run- through of telephone -Raise hand when sentence is completed
-Emphasize the dictation aspect -Attempt to complete as many sentences as possible
-Hand out paper -Stop first round to listen to rules for third round
-Affirm students understanding -Choose a yeller
-Set timer for 5 min, say go, start timer -Stay in allotted places
-Walk around the room and assess if students are -Take turns writing down the words from the sentences
understanding the game, intervene if they are having the yeller is communicating, so all are included
difficulty and re-explain -Raise hand when sentence is completed
-Assign new sentences to students when they -Choose a new yeller for the second half of the game
complete their first, second, etc. -Return to seats after time is up
-When the timer goes off, tell players to put their pens
-Congratulate teams on accomplishments and
announce Round 2
-Demonstrate how to play Round 2
-Distribute team yellers evenly around the room and
give them each a different sentence
-Instruct them to remain in their chairs as they yell
-Set the timer for 2:30 min
-Say go and start the timer
-At the end of 2:30, have teams switch yellers
-Give the yellers new sentences
-Set the timer again for 2:30 and tell teams to begin
-Finish the round by congratulating the teams efforts
and have them take a seat for the final activity
Formative Assessment (How you will gauge whether or not students practice is moving them closer toward achieving the objective
in a meaningful way?)
Students understanding will be based off of their participation and their comprehension of the sentences/successful dictation

EXTENSION: Describe the student-centered activities you will use for students to further apply language skills toward
greater mastery of the targeted content and language objectives, either independently or with a group. This should be an
opportunity for developing higher-order thinking skills and using language in communicative ways.

TIME: 12 min
The teacher will(specifically what the teacher does) The students will (specifically what the students should do
in response to what the teacher does)
- present the slide with four questions for the students -Fill out their answers in complete sentences
to answer -Put their name on the sheet of paper
- offer examples of personal answers to give a basis -Share/Listen to answers at the end of class
for student sentences -Turn in answers before leaving
- hand out blank sheets of paper
- require complete sentences
- Ask students to write their names on it
- ask students to think about their own traditions
- Walk around the room and observe the students
reactions to the questions
-Help students brainstorm if need be
-Halfway through the activity ask students to share
their answers
- Thank the students for their participation
- Ask them to turn in their answers before they leave
the classroom
Summative Assessment (Describe the ways in which you plan to determine whether or not students achieved the content and language
objectives for the lesson. Be specific in terms of not only what the students will do to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, but how you will evaluate
what they produce.):

The summative assessment will be the students usage of tradition and holidays in proper context with their
final answers. Their understanding and knowledge of different holidays will also be gauged through their full
sentences and dictation in the game.

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