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31.07.10 Keeping Canberra in the know.

INVITATIONS TO COMMENT Please keep these things out of your household CITY
rubbish bin or hopper: KINGSLEY STREET: will be closed between Barry Drive and Hutton Street. (Please note
local traffic access and access to carparks off Kingsley Street will be maintained during
Proposed change to the Territory Plan — estate • household recyclables belong in your household recycling bin, hopper or your local these works)
recycling drop off centre;
development code COMMUNITY PATH: Kingsley Street (eastern side) will be closed.
• garden waste can be composted or taken to a green waste facility; TIME: 6.00am to 6.00pm Saturday 7 and Sunday 8 August 2010.
The period for comment on draft variation 301 to the Territory Plan, which proposes a new • rocks and soil; REASON: tower crane removal.
estate development code, closes on 16 August 2010.
• hot ashes may melt the bin or start a fire in your bin; GUNGAHLIN
The new code would apply to the subdivision of estates in residential, commercial and • syringes; THE VALLEY AVENUE: eastbound lane only will be closed between Hinder Street and
industrial areas and will mean that 95 per cent of single dwelling blocks in an estate have Kate Crace Street.
• concrete and bricks; and
to comply with compliance tables identifying blocks with potential for acceptable solar
• liquids - including paint. TIME: 7.00am Saturday 7 August 2010 to 5.00pm Saturday 21 August 2010.
REASON: construction of stormwater line.
The proposed variation also makes a number of other changes including streamlining the Some of these things can be reused or recycled, and some have special requirements for
development assessment process by incorporating some Department of Territory and disposal. BRUCE
Municipal Services standards into the code. Please call Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 or go to for more PAGET STREET: will be closed at the intersection with Braybrooke Street.
For more information visit information. TIME: will remain closed until 5.00pm Tuesday 31 August 2010.
REASON: roadworks.

Changed public parking arrangements at Canberra FRANKLIN

NOTICES Hospital (see map below) ELIZABETH JOLLY CRESCENT: between Aldous Street and Flemington Road service road.
HENRY KENDALL STREET: will be closed at the intersection with Elizabeth Jolly Crescent.
To minimise disruption to patients and visitors during redevelopment at Canberra
TIME: will be periodically closed between 7.00am and 5.00pm from Saturday 7 August
Expressions of Interest for memberships of DonateLife Hospital, temporary parking arrangements will be in place until the new multi-storey car
2010 to Tuesday 26 July 2011.
park is completed and fully operational in early 2011. Some lower floors of the new car
Committees park are expected to be operational by the end of 2010. FOOTPATH: Elizabeth Jolly Crescent (western side) between Barbara Jefferis Street and
Invitation for expressions of interest for consumer/community representative membership Flemington road service Road.
Public parking spaces TIME: 7.00am Saturday 7 August 2010 to 5.00pm Tuesday 26 July 2011.
of the:
• DonateLife ACT Community Advisory Committee; • The main public parking will be available in the Yamba Drive south car park. The car park
REASON: building construction.
is well lit and within easy walking distance of the hospital.
• DonateLife ACT Clinical Advisory Committee; or the Any person wishing to comment on this notice may contact Colin Evans on 6207 6821.
• Access to the car park is from a left hand slip lane while travelling north on Yamba Drive.
• DonateLife ACT Education and Awareness Raising Committee. Drivers approaching the hospital from the east and west on Hindmarsh Drive should turn Barriers, warning and diversion signs to be erected on site.
The above new committees are being established to ensure appropriate governance for north onto Yamba Drive. Drivers approaching from the north will be directed around the
the ACT organ and tissue donation sector as part of the implementation of the National campus to the Hindmarsh Drive/Yamba Drive intersection. Rifaat Shoukrallah
Reform Package for Organ and Tissue Donation for Transplantation. • Smaller short-stay (one hour) car parks and pick-up/set down areas remain near to the Delegated Officer
main hospital buildings. Roads ACT
For further information please contact Catherine Gottlieb on 6205 1875 or Locked Bag 2000 The deadline for expressions of interest is COB Friday 13 Disability parking spaces Civic Square ACT 2608
August 2010.
• The main three hour disability parking will remain beneath the Diagnostics and ACTON, BRUCE, PARKES, YARRALUMLA
Treatment building (Building 12) which is close to the heart of the hospital.
URIARRA ROAD: between Coppins Crossing Road and Fairlight Road. (Please note local
Park and Ride and Bike and Ride at Mawson Shops • Three hour and all day disability spaces are also available in the car park behind the
National Capital Private Hospital.
traffic access will be maintained)
TIME: 7.00am to 12.00pm Sunday 29 August 2010. 7.00am to 2.00pm Sunday 26
Southside Canberrans are reminded they can use the Park and Ride and Bike and Ride • Disability spaces are also located near the entrance to main hospital buildings. September 2010.
facilities at Mawson shops. People can park their car or bike for free at the facility and catch
a bus for the remainder of their journey to work or school. Motorcycle parking spaces GARRYOWEN DRIVE: at the intersection with Lady Denman Drive.
• Motorcycle parking will remain beneath the Diagnostics and Treatment building LADY DENMAN DRIVE: between Parkes Way overpass and Tuggeranong Parkway
There are 80 parking spaces available and 18 secure bike lockers. Bike lockers in Mawson
(Building 12). underpass.
can be hired for for six or 12 months through Canberra Connect on 13 22 81.
TIME: 6.45am to 12.00pm Sunday 28 November 2010, Sunday 19 December 2010 and
Shuttle bus Sunday 9 January 2011. 12.00pm to 7.00pm Saturday 27 November 2010.
ACT Human Rights Commission Training Calendar • A shuttle bus service is available Monday to Friday to assist patients and visitors to and
from their vehicles. Pick-up points are clearly signposted and located throughout the
GARRYOWEN DRIVE: at the intersection with Rusty Robertson Place.
The ACT Human Rights Commission Calendar for August-November 2010 is now available campus. TIME: 6.00pm to 7.00pm Friday 19 November 2010, Friday 3 December 2010 and Friday 18
online along with our new online registration form. Please go to to February 2011.
For further information visit phone ACT Health ALEXANDRINA DRIVE: between Mariner Place and the west end of Yarralumla Bay
Parking Operations on 6244 2669 or 6244 2479 or email carpark.
Click on the publication/education link and then click on the education tab.
HOPETOUN CIRCUIT: between Alexandrina Drive and Fitzgerald Street.
The ACT Human Rights Commission offers courses regarding the Human Rights Act 2004, TIME: 6.45am to 12.00pm Sunday 8 August 2010 and Sunday 5 December 2010.
the Discrimination Act 1991 and Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997.
TEMPORARY ROAD CLOSURES PARKES WAY: south bound between Kings Avenue and Glenloch Interchange.
TIME: 7.00am to 6.00pm Saturday 22 January 2011. 6.30am to 3.00pm Sunday 23 January
2010 Canberra Careers Market Notice is hereby given pursuant to Section 4 of the Roads and Public Places Act 1937, of the
intention to close the following roads in the ACT. ROND TERRACE CARPARK OFF PARKES WAY
The ACT Department of Education and Training and Rotary Club of Canberra City Canberra
Careers Market will be held on 4-5 August 2010 at the AIS Arena. TIME: 6.00am Friday 21 January to 3.00pm Sunday 23 January 2011.
LEVERRIER STREET: between Braybrooke Street and Masterman Street.
The Market is the largest event of its type in Canberra and the NSW Southern Region and a BARTON HIGHWAY NORTHBOUND DIRECTION: will be closed at the intersection with
fantastic opportunity for young people to learn more about post-school options. MASTERMAN STREET: between Braybrooke Street and Canberra Stadium carpark.
Gungahlin Drive. (All northbound traffic will be detoured via Gungahlin Drive, Ginninderra
Drive, Baldwin Drive, William Slim Drive to reconnect with the Barton Highway) TIME: 12.00pm to 2.00pm Monday 8 November 2011. 6.45am to 11.00am Sunday 13
More than 100 exhibitors representing a range of industries such as medicine, health,
February 2011.
fitness and beauty, social science, information technology, business, communication, BARTON HIGHWAY SOUTHBOUND DIRECTION: will be closed at the intersection with
agriculture, veterinary science, aviation, defence and policing will be present. Gungahlin Drive. (All southbound traffic will be detoured via Gungahlin Drive, Sandford REASON:Triathlon ACT Summer Season 2010-11.
Street roundabout at Norwood Park Crematorium, Gungahlin Drive to reconnect with the Any person wishing to comment on this notice may contact Slobodan Paunovic on
Universities from Canberra and region as well as interstate and overseas will be taking part
Barton Highway) 6207 6601.
as well as CIT, TAFE colleges and other education and vocational providers.
GUNGAHLIN DRIVE SOUTHBOUND OFF RAMP: right turn movement onto Barton
The popular ‘Try a Trade’ will give attendees the chance to have hands-on experience Highway will be closed. Barriers, warning and diversion signs to be erected on site.
in a trade and talk with experts who are recognised as leaders in their trade as well as TIME: 6.00am to 6.00pm Saturday 7 August and Sunday 8 August 2010 and 6.00am to Rifaat Shoukrallah Gary Rake
apprentices and teachers. The ‘Small Business and Entrepreneurs Lounge’ will provide an 6.00pm Saturday 14 August and Sunday 15 August 2010. Delegated Officer Delegate of the Minister
opportunity to talk with small business leaders about getting started in your own small Roads ACT for Home Affairs,
business. REASON: bridgeworks associated with the Gungahlin Drive Extension Stage 2.
Locked Bag 2000 GPO Box 373
Students, parents, teachers, careers advisors and career changers are encouraged to come Any person wishing to comment on this notice may contact Ben McHugh on 6207 2738. Civic Square ACT 2608 Canberra ACT 2601
along and explore the Market, ask questions and learn more about post-school options.
Parents and students are invited to attend three night sessions from 6.00pm to 7.00pm
on Wednesday 4 August. Sessions include information on how to support your child in
their career choices, explore a new career direction and hear from disability agencies and
training organisations for opportunities for students who have special needs.
Entry is free.

For more information visit or call 6205 3601.

Barriers, warning and diversion signs to be erected on site.

Think about whooping cough

A respiratory illness that might be forgotten during the influenza (flu) season is pertussis
(whooping cough). Whooping cough is a bacterial infection which can present initially as a
flu-like illness but develops into a cough which can persist for several weeks.
In adults, whooping cough rarely produces severe complications but infectious adults can
pass the disease on to others. Of most concern are young children under six months of age
who are more likely to become severely ill and suffer serious complications from infection.
To prevent the spread of infection, anyone with a coughing illness should stay home from
work or school during the infectious period.
Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself and the community from whooping cough.
Whooping cough vaccination is provided to babies and children as part of the routine
childhood vaccination program. The vaccine is also particularly important for those who
have regular contact with young children, such as Health Care Workers (particularly in
maternity units) and Child Care Workers. Free whooping cough vaccine is available until
the end of 2010 in the ACT to parents and grandparents of babies aged less than 12
months of age.
For more information on Whooping Cough, please see your GP or access the ACT Health
Pertussis (whooping cough) fact sheet at
Health Care Interpreters phone 6205 3333
Translating and Interpreting Service phone 131 450

Phone Canberra Connect on 13 22 81 I

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