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How the heart grieves for the plight of our world, divided and at odds as we are, yet inextricably
woven into the global machinations of fear, greed, and ignorance, totally despoiling and disrupting our
delicately balanced biosphere, turning our priceless little emerald oasis into a fouled wasteland.
We know what is being done to the life of our world, and we know the impending fate of the human
experience appears quite grave if this folly is allowed to continue. We know the meaning, but find to
our despair that we cannot afford to feel, to care, only then to face our helplessness, before the looming
rise of such a juggernaut; our knowing unanswered and unable to answer. It is no wonder our hearts
have closed themselves off to insulate us from our world's greater suffering, cocooning us into our own
smaller worlds where we lose all greater care.
This is the catastrophe of our species, this dearth of greater concern for the greater life of the world
that sustains it.
Our failure to recognize the life of nature as the life of all our natures --- not giving it all we've got
to save this source of our very life's breath --- is more than man's fall from grace: It is a finality. When
concern for all life is outside our cognizance and caring, we have turned away from, and so failed, our
true nature. And as a result of this failure, Here We Are.
The cocooned heart, so separated --- knowing that the Whole out there not only envelops but IS its
own yet unrealized Butterfly throughout, yet to emerge, yet still encumbered entire --- calls, anguished
in its walls, needing us to remain true to our own immediate despair, sensitively aware to all such
suffering out there --- all shared --- our action or inaction its cause, and its only hope for release.
It is only by extending our awareness and care to the inclusion of all within our own welfare that the
Comforter within All may be awakened, aware all our lives are affected by these woundings to our
world's Soul. And the only cure is in our care, care BEING the direct root meaning of the Latin word
Thus it is in the re-opening of the heart that signals the birth of the true Spiritual Life and the
beginning of our true humanity, far from wholly human until humane. Not Here our heart's home, and
so we need to find our way, in need of a Greater Vision, a surer paradigm, an All-Inclusive Realization
of Being, obviously as yet unrealized.
Our answer may well be found in a question we have all asked: Are we all intimately involved with
something we call a God --- or its equivalent --- or not? Is there some hitherto unrevealed or forgotten
ground or stance we all can access that will bring us face to face with the mystery of the Who, and How
and Why we are all Where we are? A threshold of passage able to lead us all to a Mutual Spiritual
Comprehension of greater personal meaning and purpose, capable of finally Delivering Us?




Where is it So Writ and made Crystal Clear that the Foundation of the Faiths of Judaism and by
extension that of Christendom and Islam is based on the Simple Fact that All This --- ALL THIS --- is
the Dream of a Single Dreaming Being? Explaining the Hitherto Inexplicable --- ALL their Greater
Mysteries! --- by Virtue of This Fact?
And though Physics hasn't said it Yet, "DREAMING" is the Most Romantic Way to describe what is
now being perceived by our Science as Ultimate Factual Reality, as here demonstrated.
Parallel Universe? The German word for Reality, wirklichkeit, literally translated, reads, That
which works.
As I Demonstrate, via Hours of Incontrovertible Proof, the DREAM is obviously the Only Alternate
Living Working World Paradigm both Perfect for, and immediately accessible to, ALL of humanity. It
promises a Truth that will ideally, morally, intelligently, prove Far More Workable, as contrasted by this
far-from-efficient reality, which is failing us.
One: It's Astonishingly TRUE, as Capped via our finest Physicists' personal Epiphanies, and
inevitably leads to our awareness's Complete Spiritualization. It only needs to be realized.
Two: It provides the Perfect Constitutional Covenant of Relativity toward a Harmonious Collective
Future regarding Self Governance, promising to foster the true uniting of all Nations into these United
Supernal States --- in God.
Three: Keeping in mind that all faiths and creeds are boiled down to a Journey, or Pilgrimage, to the
Source, with which one Unites, and is thereby Transformed - The now beckoning Threshold of this
Dream constitutes and IS the Advent or Arrival of the Other World that all Faiths have promised, where
the Source pervades, as a viable, newly mysterious Heaven on Earth, and the World of Wonder called
the Kingdom all their adherents have long desired to know. It is the Peace Panacea still yet to be
known. It is the Living House of the Source which is your very own.
And Four: You finally Know Thine Own True SELF!

Here is your Key to your means for Our Kind's possible future survival, if not Immortality.
The Power of Being.
If nothing else, it certainly unlocks ALL the Answers to all the Greater Questions ever asked; now
your treasure-trove of long-locked forgotten personal secrets - and it empowers - should the power to
bring life to your dead world ever prove a necessity.
In every encounter in the extraterrestrial terrain visited within this revelatory journey you will find
the same invisible, nonexistent threshold ever beckoning you to fully realize the Who You Are at this
very moment, reading what you've written to yourself, as if there was anyone else everywhere present
Your Soul in this your Dream has finally chosen to rouse you from your many ages of present sleep
to re-awaken you to just Who in this hell You Really Are and have always been in the here and now
present tense sense. It had to happen sooner or later.

Let us approach this remembrance in three colossal small steps.

We will begin with Part One: SCIENCE. O God! --- will we find You there?
Here we will see clearly discerned and precisely stated what all Religion has long intuited, and far
more than we bargained for.
Here we are lovingly invited to attend Science and Religion's long-desired Perfect Nuptial.

Part Two is, THE KEY OF IT ALL. The Great Grand Clef unlocking the enigmas of ALL
Primordial Theophany, wherein ALL the Greater Mysteries today believed entirely, reasonably
unassailable, if believed to have substance at all, are sweetly and succinctly clearly revealed. And this
without diminishment of their Majesty or Magnitude. Making it OBVIOUSLY the Key Of It All.

The remnants of the Dream's once Royal Anatomy still remain accessible to us, cryptically couched
in Osirian Fragments still found in the Word of all our variant faiths and creeds, and once made evident
to us, as it is about to be, we may then validate this obviously once-understood truth as our own.
Part Three, PANSCRIPTURE, will consist of easily a thousand or more cherry-picked statements of
metaphysical fact - absolutes - succinctly communicated by several hundred of the clearest of our
more notable True Illuminati, all such then re-woven into a single communication comprising a
thorough initiation, there proffering All You Need to Know to Achieve Ultimate Enlightenment in
twenty-six chapters.
There is no question that it is the very same Spiritual Plane accessed by these founding Avatars,
since we too, as we will see, once made obvious by our own empirical science, can knowingly excavate
every majestic property attributed to Divinity put forth by these faiths for the edification of another,
and, most remarkably, once explored, see that we would have been able to do so even without prior
exposure to their precedent.
Is there, therefore, any other conceivable stairway?

Here is a synthesis of all that is Cosmic in the Gospels into everything a Christian could ever really
want to know - via this Most Marvelous Key - about his or her relativity in God, in Christ, and his or
her own True Identity revealed therein. The clear meaning of twice-born is worth the price of
admission alone. And note for yourself what, out of all Christ's words, could only be the Real Lord's
Prayer, which begins, That all may be One.
Here, also, via the synthesis of Old Testament scriptures, along with the Wisdom of Solomon, the
GODDESS of Judaism's God, thus Christendom's and Islam's, is joyfully unveiled and reintroduced in
all Her Radiant Splendor. She has many names; one of them is Wisdom.
And here, too, in a sweet synthesis of precious gems carefully culled and collated from the panoply of
Rumi's sublime mystic prose, made available primarily thanks to Coleman Barker's wonderful
translations, we will reiterate almost all said throughout this expose, via Rumi's own personal initiate
Point of View, as nowhere else in his works quite as succinctly conveyed.
Same with the Gospel of Thomas, the Zohar, and the Nag Hammadi's Gnostic, Thunder: Perfect
Mind, along with other syntheses.
What you will discover, as you journey through all these nuances, is that in these intertwined Cosmic
Comprehensions, each insight complements the other, and, as round and round you go, you are
guaranteed far greater comprehension will continue to grow, perfection ever perfecting. Each
excursion garnering precious little epiphanies, bring you Home.
And, yes, the wording of certain notion's will be found repeated in many uniquely varied ways by
other powers' notations, to both embellish and further indelibly impress.
Where you meet citations with the initials S. E. T. attached, many are mine, but a few are quotes
whose sources I couldn't recall, so had little choice to be its new source, but take no credit.

In Her dialogue with ego, Soul asks us to become LUCID: to shift our present blindered perspective
and open our eyes to the all-encompassing vision of Her Impossible Presence, both as Anima Mundi,
Psyche tou Kosmos.

There are Three Images to be called to mind that will aid and abet you in unlocking all that will
follow in Part Three; hitherto baffling riddles only conjecture has thus far been able to guess at, and
most everyone's guesses, in all practicality, apparently as short of the mark as everyone else's.
Until now.
These three mneumonics are depicted in the distinct Triune Images of the One.
We will have to employ our imagination here, as I do not know how to include these images.

The First will stand stead for Our Father in Heaven, imagined here as the head of the Sleeping
Buddha. And Why Not? --- our average Dreamer in the Dream today being Chinese, seventeen years
old, and pregnant.
This image distinguishes the Conscious Ego of the Male Being of God, here seen as the First Letter
of YHVH, the Father of the Trinity, the Dream King, or more specifically, the Dream-Initiator.
Note the slight knowing smile on his peaceful face.

The Second Image is a cutaway of our Sleeping Buddha's head, revealing a vortice-like sparkling
swirling luminosity within, exhibiting the incandescent hues of reds and greens and purples as seen in
the Aureolus Borealis, or in the telephoto images of distant galaxies.
This Image represents the Second Letter of YHVH, the Virgin Bride Mother of the Christian Trinity
who IS the Better Half of God - the egoistic male God's Unconscious --- his Soul, his Psyche, the very
Anima Mundi of his everything. The Godly part of God, as we will see.
Simply put, Soul equals Spirit equals Ghost equals Psyche equals Breath equals Anima equals
Sophia equals Wisdom equals Shekhinah equals Glory equals Providence equals Princess equals
Queen... equals EVERYTHING.

Our Third Image touchstone is the same cutaway of the Sleeping Buddha's head, now the womb of
the Mother, but here we will envision the Dream Itself fully manifest therein as the Garden Entire -
said Whole including both Son and Daughter, the Third and Fourth Letters of YHVH - this Whole
being the Divine Child of the Christian Trinity who is the Son, the ripe fruit that is this world. Yes,
the entire world himself, manifest in both its Yang and Yin natures, just as in every male or female
In this image we find the Son of the Trinity, specifically expressed in Adam - meaning Man --- the
dreamer in the dream, held in the intimate loving embrace of a surrounding Female Presence in the
form of the dream-world itself - the Daughter - appearing both as the heavens above and the
luscious fruit-filled garden alive with flora and fauna below.
Here, he initially experiences himself as something apart, as Other, in this Matrix perceived to be
the physical universe in which he is cradled, not the least aware of his true reality.
In other words, the very same wonderful predicament in which you now find yourself.
These three images - if you were only blessed with three fingers! - are all you need to really count

If the eyes are useless to a heart that is blind, may be we are about to regain our sight.
By the grace of knowing One Soul, which our Science is just beginning to discover, ALL will prove
to be the One and Only Illuminated Body Ever In Sight, until now for most long lost to sight, and prove
the end of our exile in the present purgatory between this and that. The restoration of this Dream
Monacle's Vision to re-illumine the Light of the World's Single Eye, leads to Perfect Pantheism.

Let us begin with our own Science.

PART ONE of The Key Of It All: SCIENCE

It is astonishing to learn that today's cutting-edge physics is now coming full circle to actually
validate the existence of the Sole Infinite and Omnipresent Prime Mover that our oldest religious faiths
intuitively posited from the beginning, finally fulfilling the Hieros Gamos --- The Sacred Marriage ---
of faith and fact, science and religion.
Welcome to their Most Wondrous Nuptial!


The shift in scientific seeing came when atoms, hitherto believed to be the smallest independently
existing, indivisible building blocks, the tiniest little marbles that make up everything in existence -
giving us the World of Things - turned out to be not so indivisible after all, but made up of even tinier
forms or forces --- and yet tinier forces within those forms --- tight little curls within pulsing swirls
within spinning whirls ad infinitum ...
AND science's sight further widened when it was also realized that these so-called "atoms"---or
their even smaller particles - can no longer be understood as separate things in themselves at all, but
as dynamically whorled tensions of the surrounding light-field itself - the space between - that
mysteriously gives rise to and sustains their dynamic forms and dancings.
Each atom is now understood by physics to "extend out to infinity, and penetrate into every point in
To try to measure its size would be like trying to measure the girth of a cresting wave somewhere in
a great vast ocean. Distinct risen local phenomenon, yes, but in reality it does not measurably end or
begin anywhere there, or exist in any way as a separate entity apart from the Whole.
In the East, it is said that if one identifies one's self with the wave, and not the ocean itself, one will
inevitably suffer loss.
Think of the atom of your smaller "hidebound self, your particulate, in the very same intense,
tightly-knit-rippling way, as a unique expressing of your greater surrounding self's sea, which of course
you are.
Simply put, the atom is the "magical extension" or expression of the fluidic field-continuum itself,
which is all that exists --- a luminous sea interspersed with microscopic pulsing eddies called atoms.
Atoms --- infinitesimal points of dynamic Light "hydrologically" effluenced out of liquid space ---
endlessly dancing their tiny whirling dervish natures into even yet greater nuclear forms of solar
systems, galaxies, super-galaxies, and everything between and beyond. The only difference between
the manifest and the unmanifest is a matter of "hologrammatic" tension, similar to the cosmic flexing
of a ubiquitous light-muscle.


Space itself is what Physicist David Bohm called a "Higher Dimensional Reality". Invisibly full,
itself a yet far finer form of light.
Space is not empty, said Bohm, It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for
the existence of everything, including ourselves.
Space is the predominant "presence" in all we survey in our universe.
Stand in the desert on a clear moonless night and gaze into the heavens. None of the stars you see
appear nearly as big as our Sun, being so distant we hardly even think of them as suns. In fact the
nearest twinkle we see took close to four years just for its twinkling to reach us, and that's traveling at
nearly 670 million miles per hour.
So what do we see when we look up into this starlit canopy? Almost nothing but space... and
But what of the solidity of the physical world immediately present to us, seemingly jam-packed with
multiple tangible things in all their varied shapes and sizes?
Stand before another person and microscope yourself down to the atomic level, leaning in to closely
examine this seemingly separate being, naked or no, and note as you do so that the "surface" of this
form literally dissolves into non-existence. Next you know, once small enough, you find yourself
hovering there gazing into what would appear to be the same empty space you were gazing at in that
night-sky, also with sparkles. But these smaller sparkles are even smaller and further distanced than the
panoply of stars in your sight on that moonless night.
Thus, witnessed on this micro-level of physical existence, the actual perimeter of that person's
"embodiment" --- including the different vital organs of the viscera within - is, are, simply non-
But for the scattering of tiny points of light in that continuum of endless space, you see now
completely through not only the person before you but through everything in the so-called world of
things surrounding the illusion of that person's containment.
No such thing as a surface!
Just where does Orion's being, for example, actually begin?
And there, were we to gaze into the infinite space of your body, say, on an atomic level --- it having
no beginning or end anywhere - you have to ask yourself, given what is, which of these particular
"monads" in this diffuse array of sparkles in this sea of space is Chief Voice of your so-called seat of
identity; the Christ, so to speak, of all the other sparklngs of this discipline?
Or are you actually the Sovereign Space twixt them all, not stopped by any wall?
I often wonder in the night whether the constellations we've named and revere, and on whose
influence we contemplate, are not really just molecules on a higher level making up the brain of the
sleeper's mind we're even now standing in and gazing out upon.


Our science has conveniently reduced all the known elements of the Elemental Table to the sole
existence of only one substance --- One Element Alone --- and that substance is of course light itself!
And by Light, here, we mean the vibratory spectrum of all energy soever.
And before you think of pure and simple photonic light as being unsubstantial, just concentrate a bit
of it together through a lense and watch it burn holes in things, set them on fire.
All "things" in existence, beginning with all component atoms themselves, are composed of pure
and simple "energy", and this energy is wholly made up of light times-ing itself alone.
All forms of energy, thus all forms, equal the massing or the squaring of this light. This of course
means that all these various energy particles, the "stuff" all things are made of, are nothing more than
forms or shapings --- dynamic configurations --- of light.
This is graspable from even a child's point of view.
Imagine the placid flat surface of a calm sea of liquid light; a pond, say. Dip your hand into its serene
surface and make a "movement" in that "rest", moving that substance upon itself to produce expanding
swells, ripples, kinetic forms where there were no such forms, in its otherwise hitherto formless
undifferentiated surface, and there you have it; forms galore. Everything above the surface-line is an
energy-form of that substance beneath its apparent surface.
This is the simplicity of light-times-light becoming energy's mass. Push meeting resistance and
mountaining in pressure. Something momently manifests... IS.
For this wave-form to have being at all, even in the briefest of transits, is to be the corporeal massing
of that light, and every such mass or existing "is-ness" is the pure dynamic of that manifest light-times-
light. All light --- but now with muscle. Frame-freeze any wave for a moment, note it's form --- the
particular massing of that energy --- then release that freeze, and see how that mass then resumes
setting other ripples into muscle-motion as it redistributes its force back into the sea of itself, its source.
A form generating forms.


Since all "things" in the universe you inhabit are energy-forms which are made up of light times
light, thus light alone, there isn't anything in your perception that isn't light. Which means, if you could
but see yourself and the reality of the phantasmic world now surrounding you in all its true glory, you'd
be seeing your landscape or city-scape and your fellow denizens all as a pure configuration of
ubiquitous light; all Light Beings partaking in the Light Sustenance of a Light-clothed-in-Light World.
Behold the Celestial City, the City of Light, the Supernal Palace, the Kingdom in all its radiant
Glory! If you can but see it. Something you see in other-world movie fantasies, yet here and now true
before you; only here deftly deceptively tinted or "veiled" in duller colored enamelings - The seventy
thousand veils of light and darkness that protect our sight, as is, from being completely overwhelmed
by its own blinding all-at-once Majesty.


Think of space itself as a rarer form of light, and all its apparitions as the "embodiment" of this light
folded and ever folding into itself.
Light, thick and thin; is and isn't --- the subtlety of space transiting intense vibratory gradations
between and beyond the perceivable immanent.
And whatever we see manifest as physical is a gradated form - a squaring - of this omnipresent
sparkle-producing sea, meaning that all we perceive in this unbroken continuity IS the "space" of all
manifestation in or out of all form.
It's the nature of our sensory apparatus --- an optical illusion that produces our delusion of
consciousness. And interestingly enough, this "optical delusion of our consciousness" is Judaicly
understood to be the essential cause and meaning of the "Original Sin."
The eyes can see reflections of light, oscillating at, say, the 49th octave, but not the "purple beyond
purple" of the ultra-violet frequencies above, or beneath the infra-red-below-red frequencies below. It
all - as energy - being a vibratory form of light, this same oscillating substance, lower down on the
spectrum - say on the 14th, 15th, and 16th octaves - is experienced as the realm of sound, being the
next receivable sensory chink down, and so on down.
All the senses --- the sense of sight, sound, smell, taste --- are of course all a sense of direct
experience, touch, and any particular form of touch is attuned to only to only a few narrow bands out
an infinite range of octaves, of the vibratory resonance, present. The chinks of the senses screen this
continuity into distinctive ranges or "parts", sampling variations of infinite being where most
important. The greatest portion of what is there is not sensed; off the human radar, so to speak.
But then, again, if all were present and demanding attention, we'd be effectively blinded, nullified,
by that all-at-once-ness.
Take the screening of sight for example. What we think of as the empty space between us all,
enabling us to perceive each other, is its quality of apparent --- or rather unapparent - transparency; its
Let us examine this invisible light a little closer, that we may know better.
Light, whether visible or invisible. is all that exists. Our eyes were fashioned for reflected Light.
When our sight looks directly into the source of Light, as in gazing into a mid-day summer sun, or a
flashlight in your face at night, our sight is instantly blinded by that glare --- our vision overwhelmed or
blotted out by that source's brilliance - no distinguishing any thing. Yet, when you turn your eye
away from that direct light, allowing its vision to recover, to view the horizon - the grandeur of the
distant forests nestled in the foothills of a mountain and its snowy peak, say - you see them clearly
arrayed in all their panoply.
Yet, if you take a small cup and hold it out in front of you, facing up, with your hand covering its
brim, and stroll anywhere beneath that mid-day sun, pause, remove your hand, and your cup --- as any
upturned eye can easily confirm --- will be instantly filled with that glaring light, everywhere cascading
down there, just as blinding, between you and the vista you were seeing; it's just that the sight of your
eye's cup in this case is horizontally angled and the vertical downpour fails to enter and fill it, simply
bypassing the aperture.
Thus, unless blinded by the direct source of light - or else seeing the clear reflection of that light -
light before it is reflected is also invisible to the human eye. But it's still there.
Similarly, the surface of a mirror is equally as invisible to the eye. No one sees the surface of the
mirror; only its reflection.
The empyrean at night, by the same principle, though appearing dark and void between the
constellations, is also filled just as full of light as bright as any full moon or the brilliant sparkle of any
star in sight.
This is to say that all that vibrates and moves is - and is in - the refulgence of that boundless
Spectrum of light, and see it or not, there is no place where it is not. The primordial continuum is
absolutely full.
A singularity abides in this boundlessness called The Solitary. It is Venus Herself, as we will see, the
Hermit - no otherness. Therein the God who is the Goddess cloaked, veiled. As all light Herself, She
is the Anima of All Being. Her Fingers are the Light of Her imagination that molds Her space into all
its forms.
As for the quintessential power of this ethereal Substance, mentally flick a switch and turn off the
sun's light for a day, and witness what happens.
Being water-based, everything we know as life on the planet would quickly begin freezing into a
solid block of ice; and but for the occasional "clink" in the ice-shelf, sans ear to hear that clink, there
would be no movement, no animation, no life at all as we know it. No consciousness to say there's no
consciousness. Which is to say all would then be moot - null and void.
To what Wondrous Subtlety, then, may we attribute all we have and cherish here, our much-valued
Hit that solar light-switch again, and behold!
The ancient Arabic symbol of the Sun, seen in our common astrological symbol for the Sun today, is
depicted as a circle with a point in its center.
Recognized as the Creative Source, it was intentionally given a phallic association, and thus, like the
urethra in the head of the glans --- point within circle --- it was originally called, tongue in cheek, El
Awer, "The One-Eye," in reference to the male phallus. It was interpreted as male, but it is Her phallus.
Let us employ our mind's third eye in imagining the Earth in the beginning as lifeless, formless. See
it as a colossal ovum suspended in the vast amniotic womb of space --- Earth the yolk, our biosphere
the white, the ozone layer its shell.
Now see, in the space of a rolling solar cycle, how in summer the head of this solar phallus seems
to thrust toward the egg, ever ejaculating its seminal essence, and then in winter withdraws from that
spending of its fructifying power. See the extended rays of its photo-spermata radiating from this
Phallic sphere, penetrating the shell to fertilize this ovum, this yolk, so to speak.
The Cell germinates and differentiates, multiplies.
See the sun's light, here the obvious Anima of all living movement, dip into the yolk's seeming
lifeless"dirt" --- mater-ial --- and dance it UP from the horizontal into the dynamic, dancing form of all
living forms to arise, to come and go, and, cauldron-wise, all seemingly greater and smaller unliving
forms as well.
Again, switch that light completely off, and all such animation subsequently ceases, freezes, shuts
Thus, If we think of "soil" - dust - as the thicker light it is, and the light dancing it up as the rarer
form of light it is - a finer light dancing up a raiment of heavier light into itself -everything you most
personally are, IS, without question, The Light of This World.
And if you think of sunlight as just sunlight, and dirt as dirt, note here we see that that subtle
sunlight does configure itself into the thicker light's dirt of itself to produce a physical brain, in which
the union of that light and that dirt manifest themselves as One Mind, with that same same subtil
sunlight moving therein as that mind's Imagination.
SO, concerning the substance of consciousness, how does one easily distinguish the difference
between the stuff of mind and dirt? Or between light and imagination? And if the sunlight of thought
isn't physical, how does it move so-called physical matter, as in making the hand's muscles grasp
something, say? It takes something physical to move something physical. See if you can flick a light-
switch without the physical notion first flicking the physical finger.
So we may well say that light and light alone, omnipresent throughout, is all that truly reigns in this
Ubiquitous light.
This New Understanding implies an end to the concept of reality containing any separate things at all
within its singular existence.


Our finest physicists' Profound Conclusion?

If atoms, once believed to be myriad, indivisibly distinct separate things-in-themselves, in truth have
no separate reality, but are, in fact, extensions, emanations, tightly spun ripplings, holding-patterns, of
an omnipresent field, then the earlier belief's now dissolved parameters makes the unified field in itself,
in its ubiquitous nature, by definition, a "non-atomic fact!"
No self-existing separate particles apart from possible, anywhere.
Which of course is to say: Only One Singularity Extant, wholly Present throughout, tangible or
intangible to our sense apparatus.
This One Thing, interestingly enough, is already subscribed to as a given by all physicists as the
Space-Time Continuum.
"Continuum," is the key word here, defined as: "A continuous extent, succession, or whole ---
unbroken, without interruption or cessation --- no part of which can be distinguished from neighboring
parts except by arbitrary decision."
Which means space and time are in reality different qualities of this continuum.
Light in transit is time, ever-changing. Space in its transcendence, and immutability, as Ousia, is
Light is consciousness. Space is the unconscious.
Light is analytical. Space is holistic.
Light has been called the Pure White Light of the Father's Imagination. Space, the Mercurial Mirror
of the Mind of the Mother. Both invisible, apart.
The Whirled World is the Living Image reflected by that Light in that Fourth-dimensional Mirror as
the now Manifest Child, in hypostasis, the Word who partakes of their qualities, both in the angle of
reflection, and the light-nature quality of the reflective surface.
ALL One in the Continuum, but the Continuum only has experience of its Being in the Child, and
thus expresses its Dual Nature in all the boys and girls who are this Child.
Odd that most religions describe the Supreme Deity as infinite and omnipresent, yet apparently have
still to comprehend the profoundly loaded meaning of "infinite" and "omnipresent."
The definition of infinity --- unlimited --- is patent in the word itself, since nothing else can be
present where it is not. "Infinite", by definition, means without limit --- without division or boundary of
any kind.
The very same is true in the reality of the Omnipresent, which means everywhere present.
The infinite cannot be limited or dispossessed. If the infinite stops where you think you begin and
end, and does not continue completely through and beyond what you call "you", including you, then
the infinite itself, limited from there --- by definition ceases to exist. Its reality would be nullified by
any thing finitely present where it is not.
Which, if you do not personally acknowledge this simple fact, is, in truth, a denial of the
Continuum's Omnipresence.
Which, In fact, Is a Denial Of GOD.
If we're paying close attention here, in the Time Immemorial Question of the REALITY of God, our
own Cutting-Edge Physicists have just unintentionally tugged on God's Veil, pulled up short, and are
now glimpsing Something with a Great Big Grin, Quite Pleased.

Let us now recap?


There is only ONE THING present in existence, called the Field, the Continuum.
This being an incontrovertible fact of today's physics, we can now follow the lead of these field
pioneers, and, by our own empirical science extrapolate from there.

(1) Accepting it as scientifically bankable fact that there is only One Thing Present in the Universe,
the omnipresent field itself, without boundary, and that all that is manifest is but the expressing of this
continuum, we can easily see from there it must necessarily follow:
There is only One Thing present, and this One Thing is now reading the communication it earlier
composed to itself.
If there is a conversation anywhere, it is the One Thing talking to Itself.
If there is a conjoining, it is the One Thing coupling with Itself.
If there is a dispute, it is the One Thing at odds with Itself.

(2) If there is any communication whatsoever, there is thinking. The fact that there is no boundary
in a continuum means if there is any thinking going on anywhere in its immeasurable vastness, it is the
One Thing thinking. And ALL being Infinite, there is no boundary to that ideation. Thus that thinking
--- that sentience --- pervades throughout that continuum.
Which is to say, the "thing" we call the Field, is a Sentient Field.
(3) The Field's continuum itself therefore ceases to be a thing - proving to be a Living Intelligence
- a Sentient Presence present throughout, an Omnipresent Being heard to state again and again, "I
think, therefore I AM."
Thus if there is any thinking whatsoever going on anywhere, it is that One Indivisible Presence
doing the thinking. And of course there being no containment in an endless continuum there is no
boundary to the thinking in it. We are in a MIND.

Is all that exists, then - literally - a substantial thought-form in some great Mind? And is all that is
now going on in this field what it's actively thinking?
Ubiquitous MIND alone? THIS always the reality?
Thing, or Person?

This is why the Highest Attainment in the East is is the attainment of Nirvana, of Nothingness -
understood as no thing-ness --- a most modest way of saying Omnipresent Self.
And the whole array of this Self is apparently a noumenon in the Infinite Mind of of that singular I
Thus every form a thought-form, every movement an ideation - ALL taking place in Your Mind.

As we have seen, flesh is but the fabric of light, and now we see that that light is but the substance
of a Single Spirit's Sentience, called by us the Omnipresent God --- the Poetic Genius --- of All
Manifestation. ALL THIS, flesh and blood included, is but the form, the clothing, the raiment, of this
sole Sovereign Spirit, this Subtil Sentience. A formless form giving rise to its own formings.
Physics whole-heartedly concurs, now validating what Religion's earliest gnosis rightly intuited: It
is ALL a Single Entity embodied in the phenomenon of a Sentient, I. e., Spiritual Construct.
All phenomenon, therefore, are noumenon - literal living thought-forms in a single Being's
Consciousness, which is the Same Consciousness in every mind, there being only One Mind. As there
is, after all, ONLY ONE THING PRESENT, thinking or not.
THIS REVELATION is about to reveal THE REAL YOU! - the Bestest No-Nonsense Science
Detectives we got in the world in This Age triumphantly hiss aloud to all us gathered suspects in
gleeful anticipation, not quite yet pointing a finger.
But - as Wonderful as this New Discovery may be in these investigator's eyes - is there a Way that
We can SEE - for ourselves! - what these Physicists have so arduously finally made apparent in their
If All the Troubles of the World Derive From Our Not Seeing the Grandeur of God Clearly, here is
the Missing Perspective Promising to Remedy that Need.
As we are about to discover: One Word will avail ALL we could ever desire to See, and Know. In
the most Biblical Sense.
But first, let us now confirm all the above via the intimate personal epiphanies of these our finest
cutting-edge Physicists, that they may clearly reiterate on this, their Greater New Seeing, and - we
pray - to Your Delight!


A human being is part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in space and time. He
experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest --- a kind of an
optical delusion of his consciousness.
Physicist Albert Einstein
Humans can never experience the true texture of reality, because everything we touch turns to
Physicist Nick Herbert
This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires, and affection for a few
persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison, by widening our circle of
compassion to embrace all living things.
Physicist Albert Einstein

The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the
glass God is waiting for you.
Physicist Werner Heisenberg
True science discovers God waiting behind every door.
Pope Pius XII

If quantum mechanics hasn't profoundly shocked you, you haven't understood it yet.
The required generalization of the classical electrodynamical theory demands a profound revolution
in the concept on which the description of nature has been founded.
Physicist Niels Bohr
Quantum physics reveals a basic oneness of the Universe.
Physicist Erwin Schrodinger
The atom pervades all space.
Physicist Marvin Chester
A physicist is an atom's way of looking at itself.
Physicist Werner Heisenberg
One must be prepared for the fact that one finds, through a study of the implications of the quantum
theory, that the analysis of the total system into a set of independently existing but
interacting particles break down.
Physicist David Bohm
Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.
Physicist Niels Bohr
The atoms of elementary particles themselves are not real.
Physicist Erwin Schrodinger
These various particles have to be taken literally as projections of a higher dimensional reality,
which cannot be accounted for by any force reactions between them.
Physicist David Bohm

Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a Spirit is
involved in the laws of the Universe --- a Spirit vastly superior to that of man.
Physicist Albert Einstein
Almost beyond question, a commonsense interpretation of the facts suggest that a Super-intellect
has monkeyed with physics, and that there are no blind forces in nature worth speaking about.
Astronomer Sir Fred Hoyle
All matter originates and exists, only by virtue of a force. We mus assume behind this force is the
existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter. Physicist
Maxwell Planck
I do not make any distinction between mind and God. God is what mind became when it passed
beyond the scale of our comprehension.
Physicist Freeman Dyson
Mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of your whole and
unbroken movement.
Physicist David Bohm
To divide or multiply consciousness is something meaningless. In all the world there is no
framework in which we can find consciousness in the plural; this is simply something we construct
because of the spatio-temporal plurality of individuals, but it is a false conception.
Physicist Erwin Schrodinger
Thought is creating divisions out of itself and then saying they are there naturally.
Physicist David Bohm

What justifies you in obstinately discovering this difference --- the difference between you and
someone else --- when objectively what is there is the same?
This life of yours which you are living is not merely a piece of the entire existence, but is in a
certain sense the whole...
And this, as we know, is what the Brahmins expressed in that ancient mystic formula which is really
so simple, and so clear: Tat tvam asi, this is you.
Or again, in such words as "I am in the East and in the West, I am this whole world."
Physicist Erwin Schrodinger


The One Word making all of this immediately accessible to everyone's less-scientific thinking, hard-
won in the comprehensive conclusion of the above powers, is,


To meet and embrace this scientific truth of our own cosmic anatomy as such --- seeing ourselves
and all that exists as both part and parcel of a sentient continuum, wholly immersed in the ubiquitous
field of a mind --- the most romantic way we could ever hope to sum this now scientifically validated
amazing fact, and hopefully comprehend the transfinite relativity of this our true reality --- is to literally
see and know it all --- everything --- as a DREAM.
Pure, and simple.
Your very own personal dream, if you can only imagine that. Or God's dream, if you initially must.
Either way, it spells an Infinite and Omnipresent Being within and behind all that exists, being in
fact all that exists.
The Dream's wisdom is writ and riddled everywhere.
The Dream's truth our miraculous cosmic Rosetta-stone, finally translating the multi-credal occult
formulae of all our world's faiths into completely understandable terms, unerringly guiding us to the
True Treasure-House and Ground of All Greater Divine Mystery and Being, and making these
wondrous verities wholly realizable.

Which now brings us to the Mystery of You, in Part Two, as the Sole Soul now dreaming this



If there is to be a New Word for the Aeon of the Child now dawning, that Word is Dreaming.
The only possible conception of Divinity accessible to man is as a Dreaming Being.
It should then prove No Small Revelation to know that the entire foundation of this World's
Venerated Faith's --- Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as well as the Creeds of India and Asia --- are all
solidly based on the lucid comprehension that the Reality of this entire Cosmos is, in glorious fact, the
Self-animated Dream of a Single Dreaming Being.
As we will see, this is so, always has been so, and always will be so. It is in fact the world's
Greatest Open Secret at the moment, and the Sole Baptismal Fount of the most Regal of Anointments.
I have personally yet to meet a Member of the Faithful in this life who has any idea what the Soul is,
and that knowing is the most invaluable insight one could ever know.
Nor is the Soul thought of as the Spirit. And neither one thought of as the living parastatic flesh of
Our Lady Psyche Herself, the true Anima of all such substantial world imaginings.
Soul is the Holy Spirit in the grandest sense, and this Spirit that is our world is a very real Ghost, an
Apparition, a Phantom, a hologrammatic-natured Specter shadowing forth the entire Visible Spectrum
we call Reality. And, hologram-wise, each such inspirited pixel magically contains the reflected Entire,
More-So than Itself.
This Spectrum is also called by some the Noosphere, the Immanent Mind-sphere in which we as
thought-formed-entities, living images, move and have our being, if you can trust the startling
conclusion of your own recent Continuum Science.
I myself have found being a living image unproblematic to my everything's constitution, since all
I've known of myself seems completely intact as is.
Nor have I personally met a Member of the Congregation who has actually seen the Kingdom.
Most Christians believe they are "twice-born" because they have shed an unsatisfactory life no
doubt fostered by skepticism or disbelief to embrace a new-found Faith of a loving Greater Grace that
will respond to that embrace with the promise of internal peace and the possible reward of a Heavenly
Everything in return.
Yet it is clearly stated in the Gospel - the God-Spell - that unless you are indeed born again, you
cannot see or enter the Kingdom. Which means if you actually are Twice Born, you not only do see the
Kingdom, you yourself have realized in that vision that you are its Heavenly Land-Lord, or Land-Lady,
as the case may be.
But there is an unfair Catch-22 in that charge to be born again, inasmuch as you cannot experience
that rebirth without first seeing the Kingdom.
Apparently the vital inside insight availing us this necessary seeing got lost somewhere along its way
amid the centuries of subsequent catechisms.
Or perhaps this is what happens when such is confided to the privileged in private, and spoken to all
those somehow believed unprivileged in parable.
By virtue of the cosmological anatomy we are about to enter, we will remedy this privation.
You are here now about to encounter the Kingdom not built with hands, and by familiarizing
yourself into it, finding resonant acquaintance within it, you yourself will be able to discern every
majestic property attributed to Divinity as put forth by these differently nuanced Faiths - settling
centuries of conjecture only to bring us to an even higher plateau of questioning - and would have
been able to do so even without prior exposure to their precedent.
In every encounter in the extraterrestrial terrain visited in this revelatory journey you will find the
same invisible, non-existent threshold ever beckoning you to fully realize the Who and What you really
are at this very moment, reading even now what you earlier composed to yourself, as there is no one
else present here.
Our dreams within - As Below - Within - So Above - Without Within! - both conceal and
reveal the Most Personal Key Of It All inherent in Each and Every One of Us, enabling us to Reach and
Fully Regard the True Nature and Substance of the GENUINE Reality Outside, being the Divine Self
We All Are.
If you are dreaming, and do not know you are dreaming, and subscribe to some Higher Power not
you, then you do not know who you really are, what you really are, where you really are, nor the
greater whom of yourself that envelops and sustains you.
Here us your Key to unlock the answers to all of these Great Primordial Riddles, proving a veritable
Treasure-Trove of your forgotten most personal secrets.
This Revelation, now wholly yours to do with what you will, not only reveals the Lost Fount of our
worlds Greatest Faiths, making the awakening promise of their initiate mysteries immediately
palpable, intimately personal, but, most amazingly --- in all that todays cutting-edge science calls
reality --- the Dream is about be fully realized, as we have just divined via our most discerning
physicists, as the only surprising Truth, the only Ultimate Reality, that is.
It can be seen at once as the most ancient of religious truths --- older than Egypt --- and in the same
instant as the only ideal New Age reality experientially accessible to us. It possesses a beauty and
efficacy so simple it can even be understood by children.
The rediscovery of this ancient cosmic mystery within us will be very much like the primordial
epiphany that made an entire world of Spirit rise before the eyes of past generations, and once fully
recognized as a Promise of our own potential - a Promise to be realized, a tremendous metamorphosis
of human nature, thus relation, must certainly follow. What is at issue is nothing less than the very
Meaning of Religion itself.

The most definitive declaration of Tibetan Buddhism's comprehension of Ultimate Being is summed
in the simple eight-word statement,
"It is a dream locked within a Dream."
In this seeing the first dream in the statement is understood to be the World of Maya --- the illusion
of being a separate mortal being, coping as best it can, in what is wrongly perceived to be concrete
construct of a material world.
And, I venture to say, we do indeed appear to be locked into that misapprehension, do we not?
Were this locked-in world-hallucination successfully unlocked, dispelled, the reality that would then
be realized by you is the fact that the entire universe is, in reality, the tangible apparition of your very
Soul manifest in this your very Godhead's dream.
This same motif is also clearly delineated in the Brahmanic Formula of the eternal cyclings of
Divine Consciousness, called "The Days and Nights of Brahman":
God Falls Asleep.
Your reality at the moment.
God Wakes Up.
"I'm Dreaming!"
And note here, that if all we've ever known has been on the Dark Side of the Unknowing Night of
Brahman, look at the Length of the Day we may happily anticipate from this now most promising
Golden Dawning.
Note that, in the Eden Story, after the Spirit causes Adam to fall into a deep sleep, it is in his dream,
in this sleep, that the Original Sin, the Fall, and the figurative Exile take place.
Adam didn't know he was dreaming. Enter Maya, called here Lilith.
And nowhere there is it writ: And then Adam woke up.
This understanding is again reflected in the universal symbol of the Tao, featuring the familiar
swirling Yin and Yang image of two teardrops appearing to circle each other, each seeming to contain
the seed of the other within itself.
Little known to most in the west, this is a static formulation of the same singularly dynamic cyclic
principle of consciousness's single substance's knowing, and unknowing, when applied on the grandest
Here the sphere of awareness is all that is manifest. At the moment it is filled to its maximum, with
the black of darkness, say, call it Yin, that darkness, now having completely filled that sphere, appears
to birth within it the tiny piercing dawning of the white of Light, call it Yang.
That Light then expands to wholly fill that sphere to capacity with its brilliance. At the point where
the sphere has become wholly illuminated, the dusk then pierces, emerges to expand and wholly
saturate that sphere again with its Darkness, called Yin, and round and round we go. The One's phase
changes. There is no Other Carousel to ride.
Apply this same principle to waking and sleeping, knowing and not knowing.
And do know this: On the highest plane of being, all such symbolic juxtapositionings solely
represent the relationship between the poles of the Conscious and Unconscious, Ego and Soul - Adam
and Eve - the only Dynamic Duo in situ, whom we are about to meet - our whole world the Love-
Child between this Divine Male and his Divine Female.

The Science of the Dream may initially prove unfamiliar to most, as few give real thought to the
ontological nature of the dreaming itself. And we have many dreamings. Some of them quite
fantastic, but note that even the fantastic - soaring high through the sky on your own magical power
above real landscapes, the sunshine glinting off your spread arms, say - may be exhilarating,
wondrous even, but somehow quite logically sensible while there while in progress. For our
purpose, we only have to focus on the dream experienced as indistinguishable there from the alleged
real world reality you wake to. But even then, the Key itself if elusive, slippery.
For one, we have the tendency to see our dreams as fleeting ephemeral imaginings, quick to
evaporate, the wonder of whose sometime gripping moments, perhaps remnants, left only to be
interpreted as psychic runes. This the only nudge we've ever known. And that is when they are
recognized as Fantastic. You are no more aware of the dreaming there, then you are when dreaming the
indistinguishable, here.
Which is to simply say, again, Not Aware of Dreaming while Dreaming at any time in those
dreamings except after the fact.
There is only the most fleeting of moments in that transition from dream to full wakefulness, only a
few seconds for that elusive correspondence to quickly slip away, and therein that slipperiness is found
The Master Key to ALL the Gates of our Greater Celestial Estate.
But this is because lucidity --- the awareness that one is dreaming while dreaming --- is, for most,
most elusive.
And in the hypnosis of the rote of such, made even less of a question by the fact that we dream
numerous dreams in succession in the untold time of a single sleep, replete with living landscapes
differently self-writ on lone self-slates measured by the beginnings and endings of REM states --- with
quietudes --- apparent "death spells" --- in between. States wherein may be are lived whole lifetimes
- born, raised, and buried, in those seeming eternal worlds - without remembrance of ever having
once become lucid in any of those dreamings of lifetimes.
Which is to say, so accustomed, not aware of dreaming while dreaming at any time. Except of
course after the fact.
Before further pursuing this elusive wonder, let is first identify you as your personal consciousness.
You are this consciousness and this consciousness alone. If you are not conscious, you are without
experience of being, and thus as far as you are concerned, you are not --- the very thought of not itself
null and void.
Your self-awareness IS your true life and only identity, and that identity is as a singularity. Call it
your ego in the sense of That Which Moves and Experiences, or That Which Goes.
So, again, you are your personal awareness of self, and that self-awareness your sole empirical point
of reference, for you, in regard to the sole reality of Reality. Yes?
And you wouldn't think that you could somehow intentionally set out to completely deceive
yourself to the max --- purposely sidestep yourself about the truth of who and what you are and where
you are --- and actually get away with it? --- not even be at all aware of it? --- NOT KNOW, and yet,
still, have somehow done so?
And for your own self-knowing not to be aware it's in a dream in progress, dreaming, means that as
far as your own personal awareness is concerned --- this same world seemingly your familiar since you
obviously couldn't tell the difference --- you are not dreaming as far as you are concerned. And,
apparently, as the unaware dreamer, given no reason to even suspect as much.
Again: In a dream, dreaming, but not aware of the dreaming, which of course means to the unaware
ego therein: NOT DREAMING.
So: In dream-states, not dreaming. Out of dream-states, not dreaming.
And only the most fleeting of moments in the transition between.
Few there be, however, who ever fully realize the transformational treasure grinning at them in that
brief moment. And it winks at you now in the most loaded of all questions:
Who hasn't ever had a dream - a nightmare the most common fare - where you were startled bolt
upright in your bed, wet with sweat, heart pounding - relieved it was just a nightmare - to exclaim in
utter amazement, WHOA! - that was SO real!
A personal admission that must be fully met to be fully appreciated. That what was just as real as real
could be could next be deemed but the phantom of a fantasy, instead - A dream! - Inside your head?
THIS remarkable experience -"That was so real!" - the one ever-present common human
denominator from time immemorial.
Long conditioned from the birth of Hebrew scripture on to see the portent in each dream dreamt, we
are subsequently immediately prompted to focus on its symbolism, as in, "What did it signify?" Few,
however, fully grasped the wondrous significance that just revealed itself in that waking instant's
passing. And how, through that discernment, shaped the very civilization we have inherited.

Let us begin our magical journey here, with that startling moment's realization: "Whoa! --- That was
so real!" by backing yourself back across that threshold of awakening, back into the dream you were in
before that awakening, before that conscious realization, wherein --- by your own admission --- your
experience was that of being yourself in the only world you think you know, indistinguishable from
reality, no question.
Which of course is to say, wherever you happen to be there - as far as you are concerned - it is
NOT in a dream!
Which is precisely where you are now.
To perceive yourself as your present flesh-and-blood self without a second thought about its reality,
without the dreaming giving itself away, imagine the substantial seeming of that dreaming, where you
naturally assume the world's immensity, its life's evolution, its history, all you know in fact, fully intact,
and so convincing in its experience, so unremarkably matter-of-fact, that it proves a world
unquestioned, apparently indistinguishable from the only world you thought you knew.
Based on your own admission -This Must Be So!
Yet here, in truth, the shape of a vast cosmos is risen out of the menstruum of your own unconscious
depths, which is to say the Matrix of your very Soul. Not a material world at all, but the
metamorphosis of the ethereal flesh of Psyche Herself, the quintessential stuff of dreams, into
experiential parastatic bedrock: a veritable world-scape of a dream-imagining rife with the stir of life
complete in all its detail.
Here, a true Matrix in your own mind; a bona fide extraterrestrial intelligence --- the unexpected
alien all anticipate --- cloaked in the terrestrial guise of manifest space and time. Aurora - now
winking at you.
And if Logic and Proportion haven't somehow fallen salty dead here, try to get a sense of just how
minutely small you are within that Godhead no doubt yours, a sphere spanning a hand's breadth 'round,
being the girth of your skull. And yet within this sphere between these ears, if the geometry of the
heavens conforms with our extended sense apparatus, relative to the size of the containment, we find
the entire star-studded panoply of the Milky Way to be but a tiny sparkly-foamed luminous swirl
abiding on but the fringe of even greater swirling super-galactic luminescences. Imagine how
invisibly small there the planet Earth must be in that misty spectral array!
From your own moon, here, you couldn't even see the neighborhood you are now in, that's how
infinitesmally tiny you are in that vast pleroma. Relatively speaking, far less than a virtually non-
existent mere pinprick, size-wise. Yet, there You Are --- your complete experiential Self depicted,
impossibly microscopic in the dream's scale of things --- wholly fleshed, sensually equipped, viscerally
substantial, and psychologically present in every single regard, as you yourself.
And all this accessible in the admission of your own honest experience?
Imagine all the dreamers right now on the dark side of this dream-world dreaming whole other
equally infinite universes equivalent to this one, each afoot in their own concrete fantasia, in their own
private Disney Worlds, so to speak, nestled amid the measurable scope of equally tangible great
galaxies and beyond in all their wondrous grandeur.
Then imagine the dreamers in those dreams dreaming yet more universes with yet more dreamers.
This is what is called the Infinite Levels of Heavens and Hells by the Tibetan Buddhists.
But of course this dream is the only dream that can ever immediately concern us.

As for the True Nature of God Almighty, let us stop here and now and dispel an erroneous
established notion.
God was never described as Omnipotent in the Old Testament in the sense of rearranging the entire
universe at the snap of His fingers. Took SIX heavenly days, it's said, just to arrange this one:
"And God rested on the seventh day and made it Holy, because He rested from all the work of
creating He had done."
To this the Greek philosopher Celsus, speaking on behalf of the other Gods, was compelled to

"Isn't it absurd to think that the greatest God pieced out His work like a bricklayer, saying, 'Today I
shall do this, tomorrow that,' and so on?
"We are not surprised to find that, like a common workman, this God wears Himself down and so
needs a holiday after six days.
"Need I comment that a God who gets tired, works with His hands, and gives orders like a foreman,
is not acting very much like a God?"

Our presently entrenched notion of Omnipotence found its life in a simple clerical error. One of the
earliest Divine Titles of Yahweh in the Hebrew Scripture is El Shaddai, which conventionally is meant
to read, "Self-Sufficient." It's literal translation is "God of the Mountain." In this we might think of
Moses' moment on Mount Sinai, but this is a reference to Mount Zion, who is called the Daughter, later
mentioned by Jesus as the Woman who suffers torment as birth pangs until the Messiah is born again as
a Global Child. But that doesn't explain Self-Sufficient.
How Self-Sufficient came to be associated with that Title is hid in the more esoteric understanding
of that "Mountain" as being a euphemistic veil for "God's Breast- or Bosom - and thus El Shaddai is
winkingly rendered, "The God of the Breast."
Self Sufficient? Like the eternal self-sustaining Ouroboros --- the serpent seen ever devouring its
own tail, ever replenishing itself via its own essence, imagine God's Existence self-sustained and
perpetuated by the Mother's Milk of his own Female Half of Being...
Her Nipple at your mouth in Every Breath you Imbibe.
Is She not Precious?
Curiously, when El Shaddai as "Self-Sufficient" was first translated from the Hebrew into the
Christian Greek rendering of the scripture, it was somehow served up as Pantokratos, meaning All-
From there it was an easy jump in the next translation from the Greek Pantocratos --- All-Powerful!
--- into the Latin rendering Omnipotens --- All-Powerful! --- which led us to the finger-snapping notion
of Omnipotent today.
RATHER, when it comes to the Three Omni's, one should here see Omnipresent as an inescapable
Omniscience simply as all the knowing that is extant in this world today; all such of course being
the ideation of the One. This too freeing us from the notion of the Divinity's Ego's knowing exactly
how many angels are now doing Swan Lake on the head of a certain pin, or which flitting dragonfly
stud amid all the buzzing others will next win which dragonfly stud-muffin's interest.
And - Omnipotent, in like vein of course, seen as merely all the power that IS at play throughout
the Infinite One today, as is.
And if the One were ever to get itself TOGETHER to pool all its otherwise sequestered and
zealously guarded Omni-Sentience? Gather and focus its everywhere-distributed-there Power?
There the Promise hid in the potency of your true Omnipresent Omnipotent Omnipresence! If you
can Come Together.
THIS IS NOT TO SAY, of course, that there is no such thing as instant teleportation through space
and time, strolling on water, flying on one's own power, or walking through walls, or any of the
otherwise thought-impossible bendings of the Laws seemingly now imposed, as many can honestly
This is also not to deny - by accepting the Dream as Gospel - or say, given Whatever Proclivity's
fascination, certainty, or pursuit - that there is no such thing as a Bigfoot, or a Loch Ness Nellie, or a
Messiah in clown garb lurking in some storm-drain; Rap Spirits, Ghosts, Tooth Fairies, Unicorns, or
Aliens into anal probes.
This IS a Dream, after all, and I can imagine whatever you the Dreamer can imagine as being
Entirely Literally Possible in This World's Mind-Set.
In fact a possibly Not So Abominable Snow Man could be dreaming you dreaming us dreaming all
this right now!
And of course Life's Blood-Suckers and the Walking Dead are already quite commonplace among
Don't doubt for a moment, Walt, or Waltina --- or Whatever Name you're going by at the moment ---
that Disney was and still is God, and that this Fantasia IS a Fiction.
Imagine the Alps yodeling while all the trees break-dance in place.
I for one, however, don't really want to hear about these Legends unless I can be personally
As an imaginary friend once said, "I'm not so much interested in getting to know the Mysteries as I
am having the Mysteries get to know me."
Omitting the anal probers, thank you --- off-planet spin in an other-worldly craft or no.

Imagine a Piper piping the days and seasons until monotonous, a repetitious pattern played for so
long, so redundantly, with little variation, that when a variation does occur it gets our undivided
attention. This always-rhythm drones on until we're finally hypnotically, LULLED into knowing it as a
stable reality, ever consistently SO, in which we find a certain dependability, comfort.
I'd say you're now Ripe for the Most Unimaginable of Surprises.
Imagine that Piper suddenly sampling through entirely different technicolor tunes, juggling hitherto
stationed immensities into unexpected different patterns.
Confident we know what the Right Hand is doing, the Left is about to fleece us of our Complacency
in the deft theft of our Reality.
If the Voice of the People is the Voice of God, then the Mind of God is the Collective's agreed-upon
Reality, and It So Wills and maintains. Do we not accept this reality as a Given?
We do. What minute dissent there is, thought of as madness, negligible.
But is it True?
Now given this Greater, All-Inclusive, Most Personal Alternate Reality, for contrast, as yardstick, for
your consideration and reflection --- What Say YOU?
God was a laboring God-Man? There must be Something More to the Creation Story than that.
It might be in this God-Man's rest.

Likeness says it all, as we shall now see for ourselves - "As above, so below."
Choose a man. Any man.
Let us call him Adam Kadmon.
Let's say it's been a long day and Adam's in need of a good nap. We accompany him as he stretches
out on his couch, head now comfortably nestled upon his pillow.
Here, let us remark on his surroundings.
He's definitely in a very real world, easily described. Let us here call him God, and the very real
world in which he here dwells, Heaven.
He is here the Supernal Man of the Jews, the Original Man of the Platonic World, the Celestial Man
of the Chinese, asleep above... He is The Dream King.
Let us imaginatively circumscribe this Man of Heaven's head, and see it here as Godhead.
He closes his eyes. His sight, which looked out upon this plane of existence, now turns inward. His
consciousness dissolves into a void, the precedent for all beginning. Which is to simply say, he falls
into a deep slumber.
Out of this void, the entire universe of his dream rapidly coalesces into visible tangible form. Let us
call it,"The Garden of His Creation."
In every dream he's ever had, in every Garden he's ever projected, he always finds himself in his
own living image as himself, literally afoot in his Garden, walking amidst the presence of other living
images of himself. As, again, Who Else or What Else could possibly be there?
Here, we see how a God in the form and likeness of a man, who dwells in one very real plane of
existence proves responsible for the concrete manifestation of an entire other universe in an entirely
different plane of existence. The Heavenly world outside that realm unseeable from that seeming
earthly dream-plane.
And, here, straddling both worlds, we can clearly discern the three distinct persons of the Trinity.
Few Christians know that the God of the Trinity they call The Father is, in the Hebrew
comprehension, this very same Adam in the Eden story, called by them, Adam Kadmon, this same
Heavenly Man Asleep Above, now having this dream.
This is the God described in the form and likeness of a man.
Adam, here, is understood to be the First Adam, recognized as Man entire, who will evolve from this
beginning of division, to be made once again Whole in Eve, and by doing so go on to become the
Christ of the future who, thereby wholly renewed, made Whole, via this Serpent, is then recognized as
the Second Adam.
Thus Christians should note it is the title, The Son of Man that was claimed - which is to say,
The Son of Adam - Adam translated as Man - not The Son of God. - albeit Same Thing.


The medieval Tetragrammatic Formula of Creation, as given, is simply thus:

The Father and Mother Unite and produce Twins --- a Son and a Daughter. This is called Creation.
Understand that Creation, here, is understood to be a Fall.
The Formula of Redemption hid in God's Secret Name is here rendered:
The Son goes forward to the Daughter, embraces Her, uplifts Her, turns and places Her upon the
Throne of the Mother, thereby Awakening the Eld of the All-Father.

The Father and Mother Unite.

The egoic awareness of the Father's Consciousness, merging into the depths of the Mother's
fathomless Unconscious, the Soul, dissolves. A poetic way of saying, God falls asleep.
And here the Unconscious takes charge.

The Father and Mother unite and produce twins, a Son and a Daughter.
Whenever the Divine Child of the Dream Itself, the fruit of its parents union, becomes manifest,
Mater-ializes, the experience of the unaware Dreamer in the Dream, as now, is inevitably that of being
a separate individual --- one among countless many --- in the only real material world it believes it
knows. Here the unknowing individual is called the Son. THIS Son not the King. And here, the
unseen scintillating Soul is unwittingly seen as the reality of the universe now surrounding him.

This Entire World is the illusion called the Daughter.

This Daughter is the Cross of material existence. And the Son, here being nailed into the illusory
trap of this material existence, is seen as a form of death, seen as every so-nailed soul's Crucifixion.
But, obviously being a Strict Mistress, She is also Instructress in the understanding of God.
It is important to understand that in Scripture, Death is understood to be a form of Sleep. The
Egyptian and Tibetan's Book of the Dead is written for the Living Dead.
To be Asleep to That, is to be Dead to That.
Thus all references to a "Great Awakening!" --- which is Arising from our sleep's Crucifixion to
become Wholly Resurrected, to "Become Alive!" --- to KNOW Real Life.
As the result of Her loving ministration, the Son, until then the unaware ego in his material
entrapment - seen as Dead to the Higher - as "drunk" in its sleep, in need of "sobering - receives
his Epiphany: He realizes he is Dreaming!
In so doing, to redeem and fully consummate this, his Great Good Fortune, he has little choice but to
"go forward to the Daughter" and embrace Her, then "uplift Her" --- a transcendent move - "Turning"
--- No Longer to See Her in That Way again - "and place Her upon the Throne of the Mother" ---
recognizing Her as the Woman of his Soul, the Woman of His Dreams, and restoring Her to Her
Rightful Place in his hitherto wayward self-awareness and esteem.
And of course one can not do that and remain what one previously was, now completely
transformed by that recognition, and thereby "Waking the Eld of the All-Father" - the Self-Awareness
of BEING the Dreamer in this his Dream.
You've heard of the Bridal Chamber.
Like a Bridegroom, Christ went out from his chamber. He went out with a presage to his Nuptial
into the field of the world.
He came to the Marriage of the Cross, and there, in mounting it, he consummated his Marriage.
He lovingly gave himself up in the place of the torment of his Bride, and he joined himself to the
Woman forever.
So says Saint Augustine.
God is only half a God without his Woman.
Instead of being a "Product of his environment," he becomes WHOLE, Holy, by this Union with his
Soul, and is now an Individuated Self-Expression of the Infinite. This Devoutly Desired Attainment is
called Henosis, which is nothing less than Apotheosis.
When this occurs, the Daughter is no longer the Daughter. She is now seated on the Throne of the
Mother, effectively removed from the place of the material world, along with that world, and the Failed
Square of the Circle thereby returned from the quatenary to the Perfection of the Trinity.
We find this redemptive Tetragrammatic motif of the Shekhinah being raised from her fallen station
carried over in our beloved fairytales, Her union with Her Lover echoed, for example, in Sleeping
Beauty and Cinderella, both reflections of the Snow White Light and the Seven colorful rays of Her
Uncommon Hidden Wealth.
Cinder-ella, a faint glowing ember wrapped in ash, seen of little worth, yet out of which a winged
fire arises to enkindle and enamor an entire world.
Feet, in ancient symbolism, represent Understanding; the feet seen to under-stand the entire body. It
is what is under this stance that provides this stance. And so Cinderella, at first seen as fallen, lowly,
beneath one, is finally recognized as the sole Source and Substance of that stance, that understanding.
Thus Cinderella's slipper came to be made of glass, symbolically, that the Divine Light and Life of Her
Under-Standing, Her Sub-Stance, could clearly shine through.
Sleeping Beauty, similarly in the oldest tales, was only Seven years old, again a reference to Her
Light, and lay asleep in a casket of cut crystal, that again the radiant refulgence of Her true, as yet
unawakened beauty, might shine through.
In these motifs the incomplete male consciousness, hitherto missing this crucial feminine equation
in its realm, is personified in the Crown Prince, who speaking in the vernacular of the Royal "WE"
represents the Future Voice that will speak for all, the Collective Consciousness, Vox Dei.
Collectively, then, this Royal We, in Our discovery and newly awakened love for Her, bring this
Psychic Beauty back to Light and Life in our Holy Kiss, our Troth, thereby uplifting Her to Her rightful
place in our hearts, and there crowning and enthroning Her as the sole Reigning Queen of our
Everything, to happily rejoice in the Joys of Her incomparable beauty thereafter --- the Holy Her and
Precious She of our own Divine Nature's very Soul and Mystery. It is in Her fabulous vision and
dream for our future that the makeweight of our Saving Grace will be found.

Note that it is the First Three Powers that constitute the true Triune Dream Nature of Divinity. Thus
the Daughter, as the Fourth Element, makes the Trinity a Quaternary. Being that the Daughter as a
Fourth Divine Person is an Illusion. This Illusion is considered an affront to the True, and is thus called
"The Circle Squared in Its Failure." Or in this case, the Sphere Cubed.
This is evidenced in the Black Onyx Cube, being the Holy Presence of the Shekhinah Herself ---
Her Divine Materialization As Is --- once enshrined in the Ark of the Covenant.

YHVH's Name, in the numberings of those Letters, adds --- 10 plus 5 plus 6 plus 5 --- to 26. The
Cube has 6 sides, 8 points, and 12 lines. "Here dwells Yahweh," says the Zohar, "Perfection on all
The Shekhinah literally means "Dwell."
By recognizing Her, the Daughter, AS the Mother, and spatially returning her to her throne, the
Illusory quaternary is thereby dispelled, the Failure amended, Our Lady restored to her pure state as the
Sole Presence of the Triune Being.
Here too, the Illusion of the Mother and the Father is also dispelled. Now that the Wisdom of the
Father has become refreshed in the Son, he now knows himself to be his Father. Thus the Mother is in
reality the Son-now-Father's Woman --- ALL THE WORLD reinstated in this, the Love-Child between
this Man and this Woman, between sole Spirit Ego in Dream Soul.

But This Lady, however, being the Causality of Evolution itself, is not content with this, having
grand designs. She wants More from Her Playmate Love-Child, and is determined, even at Her own
cost, to get it: She's after Nobility. She wants Chivalry. She wants a HERO! Her Sole Message in All
Scripture and Mythos - so says Joseph Campbell - and the Sole Theme constantly repeated in
Hollywood's Cinema:
Light triumphing over Darkness!
And, um, have you noticed how Dark it's been getting of late?

Tetragrammaton, like the Tibetan swastika, simply shows reality as is, as a relentless blind force of
nature, cycling along in the way it rolls with little cognition as to where it might finally end up. Let the
next generation worry about that?
Man has always been God, and see where we all are now.
The God here is obliviously asleep to himself, this Heavenly Adam afoot in his dream, the
Demiurge, asleep to his dreaming, sleep-walking at this very moment along the edge of a most perilous
precipice, dead to that.

The Hebrew letter Shin, called "Judgment," is both a Spirit and a Fire, or - the Fiery Passion of
Like fire, it is associated with the word change. It is the Flame of Divine Realization - from whose
simple clear perspective is derived the relative KNOWING necessary to be able to correctly judge our
way in anything. Call it Absolute Lucidity - now ignited from the Coal of its own Divine Essence,
manifestly alive.
To unquestionably know the Dancing Kaleidoscopic Goddess who IS the Soul of our Entire
Universe - the True Spirit who IS the God erroneously called by most all as "He" - as the Only
Divine Entity present in All Her Majesty - Heaven risen in the form of Earth --- Yea! --- and all IN
This Her dwelling! --- and move to reverently return to Her Her Rightful Throne.
The conjuring of Her Garden of Paradise everywhere here, to delight Herself in the delighting of all
Her Children, will no doubt follow.

The Letter Shin - Spirit - simply called "Tooth" - is the

stylized hieroglyph of a Wisdom Tooth, and therein its
understanding. One has to have molars to masticate, to [Show image of Shin]
"eat the meat" of the fully grown, mature initiate. Youth remained
uninitiate until they fully cut these Teeth of Wisdom.
It is a symbol of the triune Spirit, and in the Tarot it serves as the "Judgment" of this Spirit, as It
ploughs and judges Its winding way.
More importantly, this Molar represents the Power of Analysis, indispensable to synthesis, the
Mystic Meaning of "Anointment". Place a nut between the molars, and break it down into its finest
components, that its "meat" may be thoroughly assimilated, thus synthesized, and there you have it.
Look closely at a wisdom tooth and you'll easily see the correspondence.
See the crown itself as the emanation of these three distinct flames, as the extension of three specific
roots, two apart together on one half, and yet One With the one, on the other.
The Letter Shin, attained, simply put, means Anointment in no uncertain terms, just as sure as
Buddha means the Awakened One.
This Anointment, this Crowning Awakening, this Lucid Awareness, now lights UP the head of this
sleeping somnambulist God, and the letters of YaHWeH in the form of Man is crowned with the Shin of
Spirit, now lucidly wide-awake.
And so sobered, goes "Whoa there!"
Here Yahweh --- asleep in the raiment of the Son - recorded in Catholicism as originally named at
birth Emmanuel, meaning, God be with us! --- becomes reapprised-realized, and so transformed back
from the sleep of Not Knowing into the fully awakened grace of Knowing. The Shin descends like a
dove of white light into the overshadowed heart of this aptly-named God-With-Us, opening his eyes
and thereby transforming him back to the truth of who he really is, and so then becomes, as we see it
now writ in Hebrew script:

[Image of Yod Heh Shin Vau Heh]

Uttered in that tongue as YeHeShUaH, which came down to us from the Greek rendering Iesous to
become pronounced in our western spelling as Jesus.
"And God gave him a Name which is above every Name." This Emmanuel's Anointment.
And WHY? Perhaps the ensuing quotes in Part Three will answer.
Know, however, that you won't see this so-crowned man-glyph in your past kabbalistic

[Imagine image of Tetragrammation in image of Adam, as before, with Shin as Crown atop Yod as

YHVH is a NAME OF POWER. The Spelling of the Immanent.

When Isis learned the Secret Name of Ra, for example, She gained ascendancy over Ra, having now
finessed Ra's Power to Plus Her Own.
When Emmanuel realized the Secret Spelling of YHVH - end of Emmanuel. No longer the I of
Emmanuel, But the Christos who IS the Shekhinah - Who Lives In Me!.


It is not as it has come down to us as we know it in our accustomed closing for the Lord's Prayer, In
the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
No. Paul clearly presents the first rendering of the Trinity of Christendom, and gives The Ghost
number one priority.
"To the understanding of the Mystery of God, and of the Father, and of the Christ.
Therefore - God is a Spirit - rightly said he. A Ghost, an Apparition.
God; then the Father; then the Christ, the Son.
GOD is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. "Father" implies a Mother; "Son" implies a Mother: The
Holy Spirit IS the Mother. The Mother who is the Wife who is the Daughter who is the Virgin who IS
God. Or we may say, the Real Power of God.
Try to see it in this simple way: The Crown of the head is Godhead, and therein dwell both the
Father and the Mother, distinguished as ego and unconscious in the male form. Self and Soul. This is
true for every male. And just as true for every female, distinguished as her ego in her other half's
unconscious. All three divine identities are God, in God's triune dream nature - the only essence
present - but God the Holy Soul First Person is the Creatrix immanent in the sun moon and stars. She
is the Causality of Father Cause and Son Effect, Effect then becoming Cause and on.
Let us now look back on this oblivious dozer, and take a photo of that male countenance now asleep
upon his pillow, and see this face as the clear visage of God the Father, now abed in Heaven. Note the
details of that countenance, and of the very real world surrounding him, which we now identify as his
Heavenly Abode.
Here the Godhead responsible for initiating this "Creation" is identified as the Father of the
Christian Trinity. This too is fair. After all, this dream-world wouldn't have come into being if Adam
hadn't fallen into that deep sleep.
Now let us imaginatively dive down into that oblivious Godhead, descend from the clouds to find
ourselves now alit, aground, in Adam Kadmon's dream, walking afoot alongside him in the Garden of
His Creation amidst his other Divine Images similarly fashioned in his human likeness and nature.
When you dream, don't you always find yourself as yourself, occasionally interacting with seeming
others in the midst of that your intangibly tangible world reality?
Now let us take a second photo of the Dreamer above now materialized afoot in his Dream, here
below. Here, as Effect of that Sleepy Cause --- therefore off-spring --- we find the Second Person of
the Trinity, God the Son, being the Living Image of the Divine Dreamer above now afoot in his Dream
If Father hadn't set this in motion, he wouldn't be this Son. Thus one is Child to the Other.
Note that we now have two photographs of two distinct persons in two distinct places doing two
entirely different things, yet obviously the Same Person! The bright and busy-pathed, engrossed One,
within the oblivious pillow-drooling Other, the Son certainly able to raise his hand and say, were he
only lucidly aware of it, "I and the Great Dreamer are One."
Just as the Ghost can say, I and the Father and the Son are One.
The Third Person of this Dream Trinity, which is ultimately the One and Only Fashioner, is a little
more difficult to discern, in that it is the Life of Adam's whole inside Self, now turned inside out -
Outside of Adam - and into seemingly Other.
Eve, translated into English, mean Life. Adam's Life, his Soul, who was the Eve inside him,
now turned outside him, and he does not know it. Here the Original Sin, the Fall, the Exile.
The cosmogenesis of Judaism, too, has its Big Bang. In this lingo it is called Tzim-Tzum. Think of
it like an image disappearing into a lens and coming out upside-down through the other surface, only
In Falling Asleep, the entire sphere of your egoic consciousness is contracted into an infinitesmal
pin-point of Nothingness. At the moment it completely disappears into itself, that invisible "Point of
Beginning" then suddenly mushrooms the center of the inside, so contracted, OUT - much like a
popped kernel of popcorn - into the vacated field of its own sphere, while yet remaining - in the
whole experience of its former self, the Whole even now turned without, as a dot in that circle, a living
Pixil, if you will, which doesn't diminish it - in which it now finds itself inside itself facing its now
outer internal self in ALL the glorious light and darknesses of its hither Hidden Truth, so to speak, now
manifest as the entire world. '''Knowing Thyself the only game in town.
Your Unconscious, your Anima, your Soul - the Apparition of the Dream Itself - becomes that
surrounding world collective, being expressings of all the qualities of your inmost bridled
Consciousness and Unconscious, fragmented or no, now unbridled.
She too has the identical distinct photo face of the Dreamer among all his plural faces, and it is
found in the three-dimensional Negative of the Son's Face. It is in fact in the mold of that very face,
being the divine mold for every face, wherein She impresses on us our Divine Image.
If we shut everything down into stillness, deleted your form from the gelatinous Dream now
enveloping you - like cutting out a 3-D snapshot, leaving the other half of your 4-D tandem snapshot
in-place, intact - you can see the negative of that face remaining in the Other, that perfect phase in
indivisible tandem, one with your own.
Envision pushing your face into plaster, pulling back, and admiring your own inverse impression.
Here, Trinity-wise, is the Third Very Same Face of the Triune God. The Face of all faces, being that
it is the Spirit who is the same Molder exhibiting all such distinct countenances, above and below.
Dreamer. Dreamer in Dream. Dream. Each a Distinct Person. So don't dare say this negative of
your face is not the positive of the Positive in which we all may be the real negatives. There is no air
HERE enveloping you. You are held fast in place in the incestuous maternal embrace of an obviously
supernatural Extraterrestrial Enchantress!

One might wonder how a three dimensional dream body could move as a seemingly independent
self-contained unit through a fourth dimensional Mind.
You're not really wading through water or breezing through the air here wherever you go.
Get this: YOU don't go anywhere in a dream. From what we've gathered from our new Science
every pixil-particle of your being is a small organic heart muscle with a pulsing heartbeat that whorls in
its stable experiential FORM from the finer Substance of the Space enveloping it. It is this dynamo
dynamic that appears to move through the wholly full fluidic spatial field, but like a large wave
appearing to travel a good distance across the sea's otherwise formless surface, seeming mobile as an
independent entity, it is the FORM alone that moves through and has its being, leaving the substance of
itself wherever it is, in place, in its passing, but for a brief winding in and unwinding out it in its transit,
the very essence of this dynamic's form's self-same substance, still remains in place, left behind. Like
a traveling whirlpool?
It's much like a two-dimensional image of a you on a television screen, where in every step you take
you're just a lighting-up of pixel substances along the way.
Holy Sparks as ignitions of the invisible powder in the space between like a fuse, sparkling through.
Or, as I like to say, Translating on down the Road!
Perhaps this is due to our actually being Living Images in this Fourth-Dimensional Theater of our
Soul. I know I have a hard time imagining anything in My Mind burrowing through it like some
gopher with a life of its own, independent of the burrow, actually having a physical body pushing aside
my stuff like extraneous matter as it moves through.
Not in a dream, I don't think.
But if this is the case, then what about YOU? If we're Images, as is, apparently written into some
Great Author's Story, hopefully a fairytale with a happy ending, Who's doing all this imaging?


Our science has yet to successfully animate life from lifelessness.

The odds are good, given needle and thread and all the ingredients, that you can't even draw an
anatomically correct stallion without a template, much less guess at the dynamic arrangement of its
viscera. And even if somehow you could conceivably stitch the works together - how would you then
go about kick-starting the thing into viable life?
Yet in the alchemical lab of your unconscious depths there is found just such a capable
metaphysicist, and not only is this fabulous artisan-alchemist of your own Unconscious capable of
breathing such a perfectly formed creature into being, but miraculously endow it with a thoroughbred
spirit of its very own, which may or may not let you ride it across the crunching painted desert of your
Wake the dreamer and ask him: "How in this world did you do that, bring such a complete world
like that to tangible life?"
Or ask the dreamer in the dream, lucid or no: "How on earth could you even imagine all this?"
Thus it is solely to the Dark Cosmic Butterfly of our Soul, then, that we must pay tribute for the
utter miracle of this far-from-dreaming seeming.
And so mark this well: You are certainly not having a dream when you're not the awareness behind
the wheel going who-knows-where there. No. Quite simply put, you don't have these dreams --- each
such dreaming HAS YOU.


The Jews call the Highest Reality of Divine Being "Not," although they also refer this Not as "IT"
--- a term of highest circumspect respect! --- as it is said Nothing can be said about "IT" - IT being
beyond all description.
Simply put, think of the Infinite Soul of the Universe itself, the Soul of all worlds soever, in
quietude, before its imagining of all that is, all that we know. Between forms that can be known, like
some great non-existent vapor, or nebulous form of sleep - what can we say about it?
"And IT created God." says the Zohar.
The first accessibly anthropomorphic manifestation of this Divine "IT" is rendered in the form of
Adam Kadmon, the "Supernal Man," the "Heavenly Man." Who, as we are about to learn, is the Male
God of this world.
Let us Here and Now dispel this One Great Error made by our pioneer predecessors. "IT" - NOT
- is Obviously FEMALE.
Figure it. Doesn't take that much thought.
If we speak here of the Infinite and Omnipresent ONE as being the Be-All and the End-All of All
That Exists or IS, before, during, or after, there is then only One Thing Present throughout, and since it
is boundless, there can be nothing beyond, nothing other. True?
And it is in this comprehension of the meaning of ONE, most remarkably, that this Goddess's
boundlessness is seen in No Uncertain Terms as Her Hymen.
There being No Outside to Her Infinity, as well as No Room for anything Other within Her
Omnipresence, then there is Nothing Other anywhere else within or without to penetrate and
impregnate Her.
Identified in Christendom as the Virgin Mary, and originally worshiped as the Heavenly Multi-
Formed Mary, She is, as the Gospel of Philip testifies, "The Virgin whom NO POWER has
corrupted," and Her Unreachable Hymen guarantees Her Eternal Virginity will remain ever intact,
Yes God the ONE is a Female Goddess!
Everything that comes into being in this Universe, then, comes into being within Her as an internal
emanation of Her Living Essence, and is sustained in and by Her, and will forever remain within Her
--- in utero - in Her Womb.
Everything within is thus entirely of Her Own Immaculate Conception. Her terrible Child the God
within Her Lap, called by Christianity, The Son who is the Father. The Son who is this entire world
and everything in it.
It is the Famous Madonna and Child Motif revered in stained glass everywhere in Christendom, and
She most petitioned in prayer.
She has raised this Child from a red-in-tooth-and-claw beast to a kinder gentler beast to be Her
Lover, so making this Son the Sire of the future to issue.
The ancient recognition of the real world as She --- as Anima Mundi --- the immanent Mater
manifest as all materiality --- is still with us in the word "Cosmos," whose meaning is revealed in the
etymological root of cosmetics, as in the Cosmetic World of the Goddess, describing the chimerical
aesthetics of Her interstellar loveliness, such as the panoply of all stars being but the sparkles in Her
gaze. It is the imaginal make-up of Her Incomparable Beauty, in the "raiment," the polymorphic
adornment of ALL "phenomena" ---- including our prodigal fallen selves --- that is the achingly
beautiful, so-made-up countenance of this Woman of the world, the Winged Psyche of this Dream, the
Sole Spirit to whom we owe all reverence.
This multi-hued radiance is the lambent stirring of the Sleeping Beauty soon to arise and surprise all
Her unexpecting heirs. A Cosmos of the sweetest of musics in a harmonically diverse symphony yet
aslumber in every woman. That such a miraculous Presence could exist at all, in each and all, attests to
the magnificent miracle of Her Unimaginable Mystery.
Her concept continues to remain vibrantly vital in Judaism in the Presence of the word Shekhinah -
designating God's Presence throughout the manifest, in the Feminine --- literally meaning to Dwell. It
is this Dwelling of the Divine which IS our Dwelling, the Spirit of Spirits in which we're immersed, in
which we live and move and have our being.
In Her appearance as the entire construct of our worldly estate - seas, mountains, sky - She is not
only the Palace Herself, and the only home we have, but is the devoutly anticipated Holy City of the
Heavenly World to Come, called the New Jerusalem --- the New Heaven and New Earth --- which
came to be called God's Kingdom by Christians, and expected as the Lamb's Bride, adorned in all Her
Glory before Her Betrothed.
But the true origin of this Kingdom is as the Queen's Palace, She being the true Architect manifest in
all architecture.

The word Word, especially in the scriptural context of The Word of God, apparently unknown to
most, is this Living Female Entity who was with God from the beginning, before Heaven and Earth
came into being. Often in the Bible you will hear God speaking to or about His Soul, his only Equal.
And this Self-Same Soul is of course just as much God as God is God, BEING the Divine Other
Half of God, called The Word. One of Her most glorious names as the Word is Glory.
The "Word of His Mouth," succinctly put, is the Uttering of Creation, the manifesting of Creation.
Here the Breath itself is identified with both Life and Soul, as in Paul's usage of Pneuma. Indeed, She
is the very air itself. The ignorance of which led to Jung's dark quip; "Soul means less than air to most
So always keep in mind Ruah means both Breath and Soul, since they are indistinguishable.
Remove Her Nipple from your mouth now and see how long you last! - In Every Breath We take
We Imbibe our Being from this Supernal Woman who is our everything.
When the breath is channeled into the articulation of a word, the distinct ghostly vibratory form of
that utterance is then projected forth into that otherwise silent thus featureless field as a phenomenon to
be experienced, heard, a power to be reckoned with. The Word is an enunciated movement upon that
rest, and in that sounding that Word is distinctly heard, the ghostly apparition formed in that
formlessness experienced as a manifestation, and therefore known.
The Word in this case is the Entire Ever Unfolding Vocabulary, the Word of All Words. The Word
whose appearance is multiple. The Word Who IS the Manifestation of the Many.
It is indeed easy to see how all these mystical aspects of Divine Being came from the thorough
comprehension of dreaming.


This world-manifestation of the Word is also called God's Thought - the original thought-form
which is the Universe Itself, made up of many living Images. "The only existing Thought, and by its
nature, inextinguishable, indestructible," notes Twain.
This Universe came into being as the First Thought, which we might call the main-frame, and the
ever changing sentient software, altering its configurations like a Chimeric Chameleon, the Life in
which our world evolves and finds its way.
This entire Thought-form is the Divine Mind's own singular Living Image, since God is Pure
Consciousness without division, and there's only one being in the big picture here.
The Kabbalists are quick to point out that all that is in this Day in Eternity is in no way indicative of
God's true majesty or capacity. This is only one instance of God mugging for the camera, the face
shown in the mode and mood of today. Keeping in mind the Poetic Genius is fond of fiction, this
particular Novel Reality could alter into Only God Knows What at any given moment.
Every thing, for the moment, then, is a living thought-form now having relevance within the greater
thought-form of the present; just as every creature is a Word within the sound of the Voice of that
Greater Word which IS the Manifold Voice of voices.


Each such living articulation into your form or mine is thus seen in older Judaic parlance as the Infinite
One taking on a raiment, a particular clothing of the Spirit - the Wholly ONE materialized into an
experiential manifestation of myriad create-ures of Self Manifold, or many-fold.
The Heavens and the Host are Her Raiment, and every form so garbed, so garmented, is understood
to be a Doorway, a Gateway, to Her Boudoir, Her intimacy, Her Bridal Chamber.


And just WHAT IS IT that we are experiencing here?

In the East we speak of the stuff of existence, matter, all the elements of the Elemental Table, as
different expressions of the four tattvas - Fire, Water, Air, and Earth. As in the fire of all energy, the
air of all gasses, the water of all liquids, and the earth of all solids.
But here it is understood that all these so-called "material" elements have no reality as things in
themselves, and so in truth are seen to be the wondrous emanations of the Akasha --- the Sole
Substance of the Spirit, being made of the same stuff as dreams are made of.
Where, after all, in that vast dream-world pleroma between the dreamer's ears might we assay in
reality, the base materials that we experience as concrete, glass, and steel? As wind and lightning,
continents and oceans? But hey --- it's just as REAL as anything you've ever experienced, right? Can't
tell the difference?
And yet it serves, being the only Mater-material you will ever experience.


Thus the highest attainment of the East is "Nothingness," which is to say, No-Thing-ness - the
Buddhist's ostentatiously humble way of saying Omnipresent Self.
The attainment of no-thing-ness is the experience of "Nirvana," literally meaning "extinguished
Poof! - out you'll go - just like a candle!
To extinguish your flame, like the awakened Buddha, is to no longer know yourself as a separate
reality, as an individual ego in the illusion - Maya - of the material world, but to be, most
personally, The Whole Shebang.

Here, in the dream, we experience our Greater Consciousness as a ghostly self alive in all sights and
sounds, in the guise of heaven and earth, moving as forms of thought in the subtle bodies of family and
friends and strangers, each resplendent in their own seeming interior light, independent of the dreamer-
in-the-dream's ego. For while all these expressions, figures and feelings are emanations of your true
self, being the one great dreamer, you note that they are at the same time free of your egoistic control
and identity; yours, yet seemingly not yours, at least not in our general recognition of such. Yet. Just
as The Dreaming is yours, yet not yours.
In the dream, then, whoever we may seem to be, whatever we may seem to do, as expressive forms
that reflect and speak, as different ways of seeing and saying and functioning as facets of a greater self-
hood, it is altogether through our Soul's devising, purposely arranged with intent toward the ultimate
dialectic, or dialectic ultimatum. And here we are not "products" of an "environment," but the Divine
Breath of God Itself, manifest as the Living Word of God.


Given the evolving consciousness of the day, however, several key perceptions in the Dream's
emergence would prove pivotal in the shaping of the Spiritual World to follow.
According to our simple science of the Dream's cosmology, deeming this world to be in truth a
Spiritual World reality, a Dream-World reality, it was inevitable we would soon come to ask: Whose
Dream Is It? Since, from what we understood of dreams, there could only be one particular Dreamer
for every Dream, and if this indeed is a Dream there could only be One Particular Face in this Dream-
World --- of all this world's many faces --- magically identical in every respect to the Face of the Great
Dreamer of this Dream, belonging to the sole Head even now aslumber upon its Heavenly Pillow,
Aren't we ever our distinct self among the many, after all, in the mirrored world of all our dreams?
If we'd all been raised to always know our face in the masqueradings of all other faces, ever true,
this seemingly far-fetched leaning would not be such a stretch.
The dream obviously reveals the sole self manifest in all the plurals of its inner world --- an endless
dance of names and natures, of tendencies and qualities --- all reflecting the profound magic of the Soul
as Fashioner, and all a purposeful fledging dialectic for the Ego mysteriously borne therein.
This truth shouldn't prove too surprising, as each of us, it would appear, is already a spooky plural, a
Many manifest as One, each made up of an innate cooperative of many individual human cells --- and
the majority including distinct cells of completely different life-forms within with different DNA --- all
indispensable to the maintenance of the mutual co-op vehicle of your motoring collective self; that vast
array of unique individual cells who surrendered their separate beingnesses to the boon of far greater
being - their apparently Greater Self - all cells One Identity in that collective "I".
Something greater than the sum of its "parts"? Try to imagine any lone naked little cell anywhere
without the cooperation of its peers enjoying anything enjoyed by the collective sum of YOU today!

Several motifs in our varied cultures sing the same when it comes to this Ultimate Identity of Self
being Other Selves.
God extending His finger out to an Adam who appears to be drunk on sleep, lost in his own reverie,
as depicted on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, for example, fairly sums the Immediate Situation.
Note that the finger of God is definitely directly extended, One-Pointed: Here for You! Note that the
finger of Adam appears to be lackadaisical, loosely poised without intent, only needing to extend his
digit, but as is not at all in touch - not intact.
In fact, Adam's not even looking at God giving him the finger. And in this case a miss is as good as a
One interpretation of sin means, To Miss the Mark!
One interpretation of "repent" means, Look Again!
Here we find Man apart from God, representing Man's Fall, Sin, Exile, in a single image. God is
definitely there for him, but Adam appears to be elsewhere, lost in some kind of revery. The distance
between is seen as an Abyss which rhymes with Purgatory.
Atonement --- At-One-ment --- is simply being In Touch, In-Tact, no distance between, thus ONE!
- No Division.
In the Kabbalist's gematria, or numerology, interestingly enough, the number of the Shaitan, Satan, is
364, which is one degree short of the full completeness of the Whole Solar Circle of 365; may that
Circle be unbroken.
Put your thumbs and forefingers together and make a circle, then spread the tips of the forefingers
and lift your touching thumbs to your brow and note the horns. Any division at all hither homeward
in that Wholeness, that One-without-otherness, is said to be, In the Dominion of the Satan.
Similarly - as with, "Love thy neighbor AS Thy Self," which fairly well sums the teaching of the
Anointed - the most repeated phrase in the I Ching is, "It behooves One to Cross this Great Water" ---
this division between --- "to Find ONESELF Standing on the Other Shore." Which is to say, IN the
Other Person - or Whatever - may appear to be across the great divide from you.
"Then and only then," we are assured, "is there Great Good Fortune."
In the Arabic tradition, living forms are poetically described as Oases in what is otherwise seen as a
lifeless desert, or world. The camel --- the hieroglyph for the letter Gimel, aptly attributed to The
Priestess in the Tarot as the Veiled Soul --- is due to its being the Arabic symbol for the Soul.
Here, the Soul, the Camel, is the only thing that can get you across this arid, parched-of-life desert
between these living island oases, to find your Self as Self in these other life-dwellings.
And, it is said, "The more and more of us to cross this seen-as-lifeless expanse from Oasis to Oasis
to Oasis, spilling water as we go, to find yourself in each oasis - the entire desert of all that is now
seen as the lifeless world of sun and sand and wind will then Flower back into the Lush Garden of
Paradise - the ONE Divine Life Present throughout we now know all to be.
There are no separate distances here.
Thus, as a plural-in-one, "you" are ever the infinite ghostly identity of the many, enumerable in all
your forms and facets, all "things" within you transcending all notions of separateness. Its attainment
only requires a simple Christocentric Shift of perspective from the material to the psychical, to the truly
Spiritual point of view --- the dream's point of view --- to comprehend all as being the Same Being, the
same Person. ALL the self-same Spirit. A singular "suchness" unimaginably greater than any sum.
It shouldn't prove too great a leap of faith to see this entire dreamworld as your Soul, as knowing
the world as a Sentient Anima is already inherent in our nature --- our being quick to curse, condemn,
cajole a stubborn zipper, for example, or command, coax, beg a car's recalcitrant starter to please
cooperate, as though you were still an aware aboriginal native of "The Big Dreaming."
What somnambulates through the dream, in the experiential physicality of a dream body, complete
in sense and sensibility, as one seemingly separate self or another in that ubiquitous "I", is your ego.
And here, for every ego of that self-same dreaming "I", the THOU is your "Other Half" --- your true
Beloved, if there ever was a Beloved --- being the Dream enveloping the Dreamer, most vibrantly,
hieroglyphically alive and personified in the image and prose of every facet of your Inner Soul's
And there is no Outer.
Not self-images of persons but self-images AS persons, resplendent with teeth and toenails,
perfumed or sour, each a qualitative splendor in whatever proclivity's role - all together mirroring all
the innate potentials, tendencies, and behaviors of the dreamer's illimitable true inner nature, allegories
of this living scripture that we are, each a world unto the whole.
Place YOURSELF in any place of another's conception and birth, male or female, and given those
same materials and those precise experiences, education, in that particular blossoming, planted and
shaped in whatever harsher or kinder soil and clime, and it will turn out to be the very same I that says
"I" everywhere there. Older, younger. Educated, ignorant.
No one can get out of this Infinite Dream-World Between the Ears to see and report back on the
Precise Visage of our elsewhere Dreamer in this Dream, according to our science's reach here - much
less know whether it's a male or female countenance on that pillow.
The specific Identity of the Child of the Trinity in this Dream, in this regard, mug-shot-wise, is
simply unknowable?
Unknowable? HAH!
But for the fact that that Ultimate Identity is already patent in every such masked persona therein
present, who needs to know? In this Infinite equation, every focused Loci is bound to be found ever in
the very smack-dab center of our Boundless Everything. And it all has to be YOU, no matter who in
the hell you previously thought you were. Who Else between These YOUR Ears could ANYONE
possibly be?
HOWEVER, it has long been posited in the Ubiquitous Mind - mostly by males, mind you - that
this is a Male's Dream; and the vast panorama of All Nature known therein ever addressed as Mother
--- as She. So...
I myself Much Prefer this, being male, pleased to acknowledge Her as sole Creator, Crown of All

The first move, then, is to recognize that our "hide-bound" ego here, the whole self, substantial or no,
inexplicably, is also wholly imaginal, one of Our Soul's Continuum's many forms of self-expression,
and so not apart from the many as we may think, opposed, but seen instead within the intimate embrace
of our universal counterpart and complement as one self-image among many self-images, whose
ultimate truth of being is be critically realized in intimate concert with all other images of self, in this
enduring psychic reality.
It does not take much to see your face in every face, as here you are wet behind the ears, and there
of great years wise.
We all share the same feelings and emotions, the same heights and depths of being, in simple state,
or ornate.
Once you do recognize and open up to yourself in everyone you meet, and delve within, you will
find you will discover much to treasure. Your Divine Gifts in your other paths have become further
diversified, brilliances fashioned into new delights and new splendors of alien insight, all returned like
Prodigal Siblings and delivered to thrill you. This is the meaning of Viva la Difference!
It is through this dialectic within our Thou, our "other half," that we are able to reflect upon self, and
thus, in mind, as in mirror, able to have experience of self, and so come to realize one's true relationship
with the Infinite, and its - our - true needs. Without otherness, there is no effective context of
contrast in which to "Know thy Self."
Once you've fully grasped all this as logically inarguable, having proved unable to see it otherwise,
your next order of wonder as unlikely as you may yet think it --- should be the most profound question
of all, albeit here redundant - to wit:
"If in fact your own presence of mind has dreamt before without being the least bit aware of it, How
Can You Be Absolutely CERTAIN You're Not Dreaming At This Very Moment?
Such has proved the case many times before and you didn't know it. True?
At least not before your abrupt astonishment of learning otherwise. "Whoa!"
Well -Guess what?

If incredulity that all this could be So is still at the Helm, you're about to get rat-packed by Expert
Opinion, gang-banged BIGTIME by the most impressive - Most Knowing - Our Gang in this Cosmic
Which is to say, this is all not just another fellow's, ahem... opinion.

TIME has now arrived for all the Finest to Concur!



The medieval Tetragrammatic Formula of Creation, as given, is simply thus:

The Father and Mother Unite and produce Twins --- a Son and a Daughter. This is called Creation.
Understand that Creation, here, is understood to be a Fall.
The Formula of Redemption hid in God's Secret Name is here rendered:
The Son goes forward to the Daughter, embraces Her, uplifts Her, turns and places Her upon the
Throne of the Mother, thereby Awakening the Eld of the All-Father.

The Father and Mother Unite.

The egoic awareness of the Father's Consciousness, merging into the depths of the Mother's
fathomless Unconscious, the Soul, dissolves. A poetic way of saying, God falls asleep.
And here the Unconscious takes charge.

The Father and Mother unite and produce twins, a Son and a Daughter.
Whenever the Divine Child of the Dream Itself, the fruit of its parents union, becomes manifest,
Mater-ializes, the experience of the unaware Dreamer in the Dream, as now, is inevitably that of being
a separate individual --- one among countless many --- in the only real material world it believes it
knows. Here the unknowing individual is called the Son. THIS Son not the King. And here, the
unseen scintillating Soul is unwittingly seen as the reality of the universe now surrounding him.

This Entire World is the illusion called the Daughter.

This Daughter is the Cross of material existence. And the Son, here being nailed into the illusory
trap of this material existence, is seen as a form of death, seen as every so-nailed soul's Crucifixion.
But, obviously being a Strict Mistress, She is also Instructress in the understanding of God.
It is important to understand that in Scripture, Death is understood to be a form of Sleep. The
Egyptian and Tibetan's Book of the Dead is written for the Living Dead.
To be Asleep to That, is to be Dead to That.
Thus all references to a "Great Awakening!" --- which is Arising from our sleep's Crucifixion to
become Wholly Resurrected, to "Become Alive!" --- to KNOW Real Life.
As the result of Her loving ministration, the Son, until then the unaware ego in his material
entrapment - seen as Dead to the Higher - as "drunk" in its sleep, in need of "sobering - receives
his Epiphany: He realizes he is Dreaming!
In so doing, to redeem and fully consummate this, his Great Good Fortune, he has little choice but to
"go forward to the Daughter" and embrace Her, then "uplift Her" --- a transcendent move - "Turning"
--- No Longer to See Her in That Way again - "and place Her upon the Throne of the Mother" ---
recognizing Her as the Woman of his Soul, the Woman of His Dreams, and restoring Her to Her
Rightful Place in his hitherto wayward self-awareness and esteem.
And of course one can not do that and remain what one previously was, now completely
transformed by that recognition, and thereby "Waking the Eld of the All-Father" - the Self-Awareness
of BEING the Dreamer in this his Dream.
You've heard of the Bridal Chamber.
Like a Bridegroom, Christ went out from his chamber. He went out with a presage to his Nuptial
into the field of the world.
He came to the Marriage of the Cross, and there, in mounting it, he consummated his Marriage.
He lovingly gave himself up in the place of the torment of his Bride, and he joined himself to the
Woman forever.
So says Saint Augustine.
God is only half a God without his Woman.
Instead of being a "Product of his environment," he becomes WHOLE, Holy, by this Union with his
Soul, and is now an Individuated Self-Expression of the Infinite. This Devoutly Desired Attainment is
called Henosis, which is nothing less than Apotheosis.
When this occurs, the Daughter is no longer the Daughter. She is now seated on the Throne of the
Mother, effectively removed from the place of the material world, along with that world, and the Failed
Square of the Circle thereby returned from the quatenary to the Perfection of the Trinity.
We find this redemptive Tetragrammatic motif of the Shekhinah being raised from her fallen station
carried over in our beloved fairytales, Her union with Her Lover echoed, for example, in Sleeping
Beauty and Cinderella, both reflections of the Snow White Light and the Seven colorful rays of Her
Uncommon Hidden Wealth.
Cinder-ella, a faint glowing ember wrapped in ash, seen of little worth, yet out of which a winged
fire arises to enkindle and enamor an entire world.
Feet, in ancient symbolism, represent Understanding; the feet seen to under-stand the entire body. It
is what is under this stance that provides this stance. And so Cinderella, at first seen as fallen, lowly,
beneath one, is finally recognized as the sole Source and Substance of that stance, that understanding.
Thus Cinderella's slipper came to be made of glass, symbolically, that the Divine Light and Life of Her
Under-Standing, Her Sub-Stance, could clearly shine through.
Sleeping Beauty, similarly in the oldest tales, was only Seven years old, again a reference to Her
Light, and lay asleep in a casket of cut crystal, that again the radiant refulgence of Her true, as yet
unawakened beauty, might shine through.
In these motifs the incomplete male consciousness, hitherto missing this crucial feminine equation
in its realm, is personified in the Crown Prince, who speaking in the vernacular of the Royal "WE"
represents the Future Voice that will speak for all, the Collective Consciousness, Vox Dei.
Collectively, then, this Royal We, in Our discovery and newly awakened love for Her, bring this
Psychic Beauty back to Light and Life in our Holy Kiss, our Troth, thereby uplifting Her to Her rightful
place in our hearts, and there crowning and enthroning Her as the sole Reigning Queen of our
Everything, to happily rejoice in the Joys of Her incomparable beauty thereafter --- the Holy Her and
Precious She of our own Divine Nature's very Soul and Mystery. It is in Her fabulous vision and
dream for our future that the makeweight of our Saving Grace will be found.

Note that it is the First Three Powers that constitute the true Triune Dream Nature of Divinity. Thus
the Daughter, as the Fourth Element, makes the Trinity a Quaternary. Being that the Daughter as a
Fourth Divine Person is an Illusion. This Illusion is considered an affront to the True, and is thus called
"The Circle Squared in Its Failure." Or in this case, the Sphere Cubed.
This is evidenced in the Black Onyx Cube, being the Holy Presence of the Shekhinah Herself ---
Her Divine Materialization As Is --- once enshrined in the Ark of the Covenant.

YHVH's Name, in the numberings of those Letters, adds --- 10 plus 5 plus 6 plus 5 --- to 26. The
Cube has 6 sides, 8 points, and 12 lines. "Here dwells Yahweh," says the Zohar, "Perfection on all
The Shekhinah literally means "Dwell."
By recognizing Her, the Daughter, AS the Mother, and spatially returning her to her throne, the
Illusory quaternary is thereby dispelled, the Failure amended, Our Lady restored to her pure state as the
Sole Presence of the Triune Being.
Here too, the Illusion of the Mother and the Father is also dispelled. Now that the Wisdom of the
Father has become refreshed in the Son, he now knows himself to be his Father. Thus the Mother is in
reality the Son-now-Father's Woman --- ALL THE WORLD reinstated in this, the Love-Child between
this Man and this Woman, between sole Spirit Ego in Dream Soul.

But This Lady, however, being the Causality of Evolution itself, is not content with this, having
grand designs. She wants More from Her Playmate Love-Child, and is determined, even at Her own
cost, to get it: She's after Nobility. She wants Chivalry. She wants a HERO! Her Sole Message in All
Scripture and Mythos - so says Joseph Campbell - and the Sole Theme constantly repeated in
Hollywood's Cinema:
Light triumphing over Darkness!
And, um, have you noticed how Dark it's been getting of late?
Tetragrammaton, like the Tibetan swastika, simply shows reality as is, as a relentless blind force of
nature, cycling along in the way it rolls with little cognition as to where it might finally end up. Let the
next generation worry about that?
Man has always been God, and see where we all are now.
The God here is obliviously asleep to himself, this Heavenly Adam afoot in his dream, the
Demiurge, asleep to his dreaming, sleep-walking at this very moment along the edge of a most perilous
precipice, dead to that.

The Hebrew letter Shin, called "Judgment," is both a Spirit and a Fire, or - the Fiery Passion of
Like fire, it is associated with the word change. It is the Flame of Divine Realization - from whose
simple clear perspective is derived the relative KNOWING necessary to be able to correctly judge our
way in anything. Call it Absolute Lucidity - now ignited from the Coal of its own Divine Essence,
manifestly alive.
To unquestionably know the Dancing Kaleidoscopic Goddess who IS the Soul of our Entire
Universe - the True Spirit who IS the God erroneously called by most all as "He" - as the Only
Divine Entity present in All Her Majesty - Heaven risen in the form of Earth --- Yea! --- and all IN
This Her dwelling! --- and move to reverently return to Her Her Rightful Throne.
The conjuring of Her Garden of Paradise everywhere here, to delight Herself in the delighting of all
Her Children, will no doubt follow.

The Letter Shin - Spirit - simply called "Tooth" - is the

stylized hieroglyph of a Wisdom Tooth, and therein its
understanding. One has to have molars to masticate, to [Show image of Shin]
"eat the meat" of the fully grown, mature initiate. Youth remained
uninitiate until they fully cut these Teeth of Wisdom.
It is a symbol of the triune Spirit, and in the Tarot it serves as the "Judgment" of this Spirit, as It
ploughs and judges Its winding way.
More importantly, this Molar represents the Power of Analysis, indispensable to synthesis, the
Mystic Meaning of "Anointment". Place a nut between the molars, and break it down into its finest
components, that its "meat" may be thoroughly assimilated, thus synthesized, and there you have it.
Look closely at a wisdom tooth and you'll easily see the correspondence.
See the crown itself as the emanation of these three distinct flames, as the extension of three specific
roots, two apart together on one half, and yet One With the one, on the other.
The Letter Shin, attained, simply put, means Anointment in no uncertain terms, just as sure as
Buddha means the Awakened One.
This Anointment, this Crowning Awakening, this Lucid Awareness, now lights UP the head of this
sleeping somnambulist God, and the letters of YaHWeH in the form of Man is crowned with the Shin of
Spirit, now lucidly wide-awake.
And so sobered, goes "Whoa there!"
Here Yahweh --- asleep in the raiment of the Son - recorded in Catholicism as originally named at
birth Emmanuel, meaning, God be with us! --- becomes reapprised-realized, and so transformed back
from the sleep of Not Knowing into the fully awakened grace of Knowing. The Shin descends like a
dove of white light into the overshadowed heart of this aptly-named God-With-Us, opening his eyes
and thereby transforming him back to the truth of who he really is, and so then becomes, as we see it
now writ in Hebrew script:

[Image of Yod Heh Shin Vau Heh]

Uttered in that tongue as YeHeShUaH, which came down to us from the Greek rendering Iesous to
become pronounced in our western spelling as Jesus.
"And God gave him a Name which is above every Name." This Emmanuel's Anointment.
And WHY? Perhaps the ensuing quotes in Part Three will answer.

Know, however, that you won't see this so-crowned man-glyph in your past kabbalistic

[Imagine image of Tetragrammation in image of Adam, as before, with Shin as Crown atop Yod as

YHVH is a NAME OF POWER. The Spelling of the Immanent.

When Isis learned the Secret Name of Ra, for example, She gained ascendancy over Ra, having now
finessed Ra's Power to Plus Her Own.
When Emmanuel realized the Secret Spelling of YHVH - end of Emmanuel. No longer the I of
Emmanuel, But the Christos who IS the Shekhinah - Who Lives In Me!.


It is not as it has come down to us as we know it in our accustomed closing for the Lord's Prayer, In
the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
No. Paul clearly presents the first rendering of the Trinity of Christendom, and gives The Ghost
number one priority.
"To the understanding of the Mystery of God, and of the Father, and of the Christ.
Therefore - God is a Spirit - rightly said he. A Ghost, an Apparition.
God; then the Father; then the Christ, the Son.
GOD is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost. "Father" implies a Mother; "Son" implies a Mother: The
Holy Spirit IS the Mother. The Mother who is the Wife who is the Daughter who is the Virgin who IS
God. Or we may say, the Real Power of God.
Try to see it in this simple way: The Crown of the head is Godhead, and therein dwell both the
Father and the Mother, distinguished as ego and unconscious in the male form. Self and Soul. This is
true for every male. And just as true for every female, distinguished as her ego in her other half's
unconscious. All three divine identities are God, in God's triune dream nature - the only essence
present - but God the Holy Soul First Person is the Creatrix immanent in the sun moon and stars. She
is the Causality of Father Cause and Son Effect, Effect then becoming Cause and on.
Let us now look back on this oblivious dozer, and take a photo of that male countenance now asleep
upon his pillow, and see this face as the clear visage of God the Father, now abed in Heaven. Note the
details of that countenance, and of the very real world surrounding him, which we now identify as his
Heavenly Abode.
Here the Godhead responsible for initiating this "Creation" is identified as the Father of the
Christian Trinity. This too is fair. After all, this dream-world wouldn't have come into being if Adam
hadn't fallen into that deep sleep.
Now let us imaginatively dive down into that oblivious Godhead, descend from the clouds to find
ourselves now alit, aground, in Adam Kadmon's dream, walking afoot alongside him in the Garden of
His Creation amidst his other Divine Images similarly fashioned in his human likeness and nature.
When you dream, don't you always find yourself as yourself, occasionally interacting with seeming
others in the midst of that your intangibly tangible world reality?
Now let us take a second photo of the Dreamer above now materialized afoot in his Dream, here
below. Here, as Effect of that Sleepy Cause --- therefore off-spring --- we find the Second Person of
the Trinity, God the Son, being the Living Image of the Divine Dreamer above now afoot in his Dream
If Father hadn't set this in motion, he wouldn't be this Son. Thus one is Child to the Other.
Note that we now have two photographs of two distinct persons in two distinct places doing two
entirely different things, yet obviously the Same Person! The bright and busy-pathed, engrossed One,
within the oblivious pillow-drooling Other, the Son certainly able to raise his hand and say, were he
only lucidly aware of it, "I and the Great Dreamer are One."
Just as the Ghost can say, I and the Father and the Son are One.
The Third Person of this Dream Trinity, which is ultimately the One and Only Fashioner, is a little
more difficult to discern, in that it is the Life of Adam's whole inside Self, now turned inside out -
Outside of Adam - and into seemingly Other.
Eve, translated into English, mean Life. Adam's Life, his Soul, who was the Eve inside him,
now turned outside him, and he does not know it. Here the Original Sin, the Fall, the Exile.
The cosmogenesis of Judaism, too, has its Big Bang. In this lingo it is called Tzim-Tzum. Think of
it like an image disappearing into a lens and coming out upside-down through the other surface, only
In Falling Asleep, the entire sphere of your egoic consciousness is contracted into an infinitesmal
pin-point of Nothingness. At the moment it completely disappears into itself, that invisible "Point of
Beginning" then suddenly mushrooms the center of the inside, so contracted, OUT - much like a
popped kernel of popcorn - into the vacated field of its own sphere, while yet remaining - in the
whole experience of its former self, the Whole even now turned without, as a dot in that circle, a living
Pixil, if you will, which doesn't diminish it - in which it now finds itself inside itself facing its now
outer internal self in ALL the glorious light and darknesses of its hither Hidden Truth, so to speak, now
manifest as the entire world. '''Knowing Thyself the only game in town.
Your Unconscious, your Anima, your Soul - the Apparition of the Dream Itself - becomes that
surrounding world collective, being expressings of all the qualities of your inmost bridled
Consciousness and Unconscious, fragmented or no, now unbridled.
She too has the identical distinct photo face of the Dreamer among all his plural faces, and it is
found in the three-dimensional Negative of the Son's Face. It is in fact in the mold of that very face,
being the divine mold for every face, wherein She impresses on us our Divine Image.
If we shut everything down into stillness, deleted your form from the gelatinous Dream now
enveloping you - like cutting out a 3-D snapshot, leaving the other half of your 4-D tandem snapshot
in-place, intact - you can see the negative of that face remaining in the Other, that perfect phase in
indivisible tandem, one with your own.
Envision pushing your face into plaster, pulling back, and admiring your own inverse impression.
Here, Trinity-wise, is the Third Very Same Face of the Triune God. The Face of all faces, being that
it is the Spirit who is the same Molder exhibiting all such distinct countenances, above and below.
Dreamer. Dreamer in Dream. Dream. Each a Distinct Person. So don't dare say this negative of
your face is not the positive of the Positive in which we all may be the real negatives. There is no air
HERE enveloping you. You are held fast in place in the incestuous maternal embrace of an obviously
supernatural Extraterrestrial Enchantress!

One might wonder how a three dimensional dream body could move as a seemingly independent
self-contained unit through a fourth dimensional Mind.
You're not really wading through water or breezing through the air here wherever you go.
Get this: YOU don't go anywhere in a dream. From what we've gathered from our new Science
every pixil-particle of your being is a small organic heart muscle with a pulsing heartbeat that whorls in
its stable experiential FORM from the finer Substance of the Space enveloping it. It is this dynamo
dynamic that appears to move through the wholly full fluidic spatial field, but like a large wave
appearing to travel a good distance across the sea's otherwise formless surface, seeming mobile as an
independent entity, it is the FORM alone that moves through and has its being, leaving the substance of
itself wherever it is, in place, in its passing, but for a brief winding in and unwinding out it in its transit,
the very essence of this dynamic's form's self-same substance, still remains in place, left behind. Like
a traveling whirlpool?
It's much like a two-dimensional image of a you on a television screen, where in every step you take
you're just a lighting-up of pixel substances along the way.
Holy Sparks as ignitions of the invisible powder in the space between like a fuse, sparkling through.
Or, as I like to say, Translating on down the Road!
Perhaps this is due to our actually being Living Images in this Fourth-Dimensional Theater of our
Soul. I know I have a hard time imagining anything in My Mind burrowing through it like some
gopher with a life of its own, independent of the burrow, actually having a physical body pushing aside
my stuff like extraneous matter as it moves through.
Not in a dream, I don't think.
But if this is the case, then what about YOU? If we're Images, as is, apparently written into some
Great Author's Story, hopefully a fairytale with a happy ending, Who's doing all this imaging?


Our science has yet to successfully animate life from lifelessness.

The odds are good, given needle and thread and all the ingredients, that you can't even draw an
anatomically correct stallion without a template, much less guess at the dynamic arrangement of its
viscera. And even if somehow you could conceivably stitch the works together - how would you then
go about kick-starting the thing into viable life?
Yet in the alchemical lab of your unconscious depths there is found just such a capable
metaphysicist, and not only is this fabulous artisan-alchemist of your own Unconscious capable of
breathing such a perfectly formed creature into being, but miraculously endow it with a thoroughbred
spirit of its very own, which may or may not let you ride it across the crunching painted desert of your
Wake the dreamer and ask him: "How in this world did you do that, bring such a complete world
like that to tangible life?"
Or ask the dreamer in the dream, lucid or no: "How on earth could you even imagine all this?"
Thus it is solely to the Dark Cosmic Butterfly of our Soul, then, that we must pay tribute for the
utter miracle of this far-from-dreaming seeming.
And so mark this well: You are certainly not having a dream when you're not the awareness behind
the wheel going who-knows-where there. No. Quite simply put, you don't have these dreams --- each
such dreaming HAS YOU.

PART THREE of The Key Of It All.


I have yet many things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.
But when he, the Spirit of Truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak for
himself; but whatsoever he shall hear he will speak; and he will show you things to come.
All things whatsoever the Father hast are mine; because of this I said, That of mine he will receive,
and shall show it to you.
And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it shall come to pass, you may believe.
Jesus Christ


Whenever any form of faith fails to provide its devotee with the experience of the transcendent, it is
the duty of the devotee to provide this experience to his faith, reinvigorating it in such a way as to be
deemed by the congregation as the true Spirit of all faiths soever.
Aleister Crowley
Do not attach yourself to any particular creed exclusively, so that you may disbelieve all the rest;
otherwise you will lose much good, nay, you will fail to recognize the real truth of the matter. God, the
omnipresent and omnipotent, is not limited to any one creed.
The Quran
The Infinite transcends every particular content of faith.
Rabbi Moses Cordovero
Consider the sun. It is neither oriental or occidental.
The truth is one, the sages call it by many names.
The Vedas

God, being the ground of all being, must be found in the world we know.
Meister Eckhart
All the troubles of the world derive from not seeing the grandeur of God clearly.
Rabbi Moses Cordovero
The most secret of initiations reveals the Spirit in us.

The Jews idea of the unity of God includes all existing things.
Hecataeus of Abdera
In Hebrew thought in the Old Testament, there is no suggestion of any dualism, whether temporal,
spatial, or ethical.
Encyclopedia of Religion
The other nations believe that there are two worlds, but Israel professes that the two worlds are
essentially one.
Rabbi Hanokh
Let all nations know the Divine is one.
Maximus of Tyre
They have portrayed You in many visions; You remain one through all imaginings.
Rabbi Judah the Hasid
Your place is all over the Earth.
Book of Psalms
Why do we call the Holy One the Omnipresent? Because He is the place of this world, but this
world is not His only place?
Genesis Rabba
You shall know this day and place it in your heart that the God Eternal is in Heaven above and on
Earth below; there is nothing else.
Book of Deuteronomy
The whole Earth is full of His Glory.
Book of Isaiah
God is One, and He Himself does not, as some suppose, exist outside the world, but in it, wholly
present in the entire circle.
What is God? He is length, width, height, and depth.
Saint Bernard
I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was,
and which is to come.
Book of Revelation
Above and below, in Heaven and Earth, there is no existence besides Him.
Sefer ha-Rimmon
God is the one. He is the creator of all, and He is all.
Rabbi Abraham Ezra
Nothing is devoid of Divinity. There is nothing but it.
Rabbi Eleazar ben Judah
The essence of Divinity is found in every single thing --- nothing but it exists. Do not say, "This is a
stone and not God." God forbid!
Rabbi Moses Cordovero

God is one, God's secret is one, all the worlds below and above are all mysteriously one. Divine
existence is indivisible.
Rabbi Moses de Leon
He who is in the fire, He who is in the heart, He who is in yonder sun, He is the One.
The Upanishads
God is simply all there is.
Rabbi Lawrence Kushner

The depth of Primordial Being is called boundless.

Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla
Since it is boundless there is nothing outside of it.
Rabbi Ezra of Gerona
Yahweh is not split, but is an antinomy --- a totality of inner opposites.
A portion of YHVH is His people.
Book of Deuteronomy
Everyone is God.
Sree Maa
Self is everywhere, shining forth from all beings.
The Upanishads
All proportions of one wondrous whole.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Everything is in Him and He is in everything.
Meir ibn Gabbai
When everything was created Thou wast in everything; before everything was created
Thou wast everything.
Rabbi Eleazar ben Judah
The Infinite extends without end.
The Zohar
There is truly nothing besides Him.
Rabbi Zalman
For He says, Wheresoever you turn, there is the Face of God.
The Quran
That Face extends on all sides, forever and ever.
Verily, there are seventy thousand veils of light and darkness before God. If He were to lift them,
the light of the majesty of His Countenance would consume all of creation in sight.
The Prophet Muhammad
There is no being in the world other than God. Indeed, everything other than He is pure non-being.
The only thing that exists is God's Face.
Abu Hamid al-Ghazzaly


God is the First Principle of all things, the light of Heaven, and the Father of all, the intelligence
and animating Soul of the Universe, the movement of all orbits.
There is one Power, divided above and below; generating Itself, making Itself grow, seeking Itself,
finding Itself, being Mother of Itself, Father of Itself, Spouse of Itself, Daughter of Itself, Son of Itself.
Saint Hippolytus
They are called Mother and Father, but it is not so; they are called Brother and Sister, but it is not so;
they are called Husband and Wife, but it is not so.
Aleister Crowley
Thou alone art my Mother, Thou alone art my Father, Thou alone art my All in All, O God of Gods.
The Vedas

God is portrayed in Syriac Christianity as an androgynous being, featuring a full beard and sporting
round breasts bursting with milk.
Here the Holy Spirit Herself is the Father's bosom.
R. R. Ruether
Some say Mary was impregnated by the Holy Spirit. They err. They do not know what they are
saying. When did a woman become pregnant by a woman?
Gospel of Philip

The wise men of old gave the Soul a feminine name. Indeed, She is female in Her nature as well.
She even has Her own Womb.
Exegesis on the Soul
Brahman divided His body, which was Himself, into two parts, from that there came Husband and
The Upanishads
I am androgynous. I am Mother and Father since I couple with Myself. I am the Womb that gives
shape to the all by giving birth to the Light that shines in splendor.*
The Trimorphic Protennoia

Mother, Father, Unity, being the source of the entire circle of creation.
Saint Hippolytus
Thus the Christian Trinity should be Father, Son, and Mother.
Peter Occhiogrosso
God is our Father, but more importantly, God is our Mother.
R. R. Ruether
She became the Womb of everything, for it is She who is prior to them all.
The Secret Book of John
Woman is a Ray of God, She is not that earthly beloved; She is creative, not created.
Woman is the Creator of the Universe, the Universe is Her form.
In Woman is the form of all things, of all that lives and moves in the world.
Shakti Sangama Tantra
The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth; the Named is the Mother of all things. These two
are the same.
The doorway of the Mysterious Female is the base from which Heaven and Earth sprang.
Tao Te Ching
Wisdom is the root, the all-inclusive noetic point from with all paths diverge.
Rabbi Moses de Leon
It is by the light of this Supreme Goddess that all things become manifest.*
Bhairava Yamala
Who gets Wisdom loves his own Soul.
Book of Proverbs
She is the Mother of the Angels.
The Gospel of Philip
Here am I, the ancient Mother of the Universe, the Founding Creator of the elements, the Venus that
tends the entire world.
The Beloved is Three, yet One: Just as the Three are in reality One.
Muid Ad'din ibn Al-Arabi
Thus the Creator of our entire Universe is called the Father of all things, while we call Sophia
Mother, whom God knew, and procreated through Her all things.
She received the Divine Seed and bore with labor the one and beloved Son, the ripe fruit that is this


There is one God, always still and at rest, who moves all things with the thoughts of His mind.
Inside this skull lie ninety-million worlds within it, relying on it.
The Zohar
There is one Mind, one omnipresent Mind, omnific, His most holy name is Love.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Consciousness is the element marking off what is separated off, individualized in a person, and the
unconscious is that which unites him with the Cosmos.
Richard Wilhelm
According to the Kabbalah, human experience, the unfolding of world history, even the laws of
nature themselves, are all manifestations of the Divine Psyche.
Rabbi Lawrence Kushner
Before heaven and earth came into being there was something nebulous, silent, isolated, standing
alone, worthy to be called the Mother of all things. I address it as the Tao.
<<<<<< >>>>>>
Single is the race, single of men and gods, from a single Mother we draw breath.
I am yesterday, today, and tomorrow; and I have the power to be born a second time. I am the
Divine hidden Soul who created the gods.
Egyptian Book of the Dead
My Mother, the Holy Spirit, says the Savior himself.
His Mother, Queen of every creature.
Saint John of Damascus
Which is the Mother of us all.
It is I who poured the water. It is I who am hidden in radiant waters. I am the One who gradually put
forth the all by my thought.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
Its thought became active, who appeared in the presence of the Father, and She in shining came
Secret Book of John
And immediately Her will manifested itself as a likeness of heaven, having unimaginable
On the Origin of the World
With Wisdom God created the heavens and the earth.
Book of Genesis
By the Word of His mouth were the heavens made.
Book of Psalms
In the beginning was Brahman, with whom was the Word; and the Word is Brahman.
The Vedas
The Word of the Father goes forth into the all.
Gospel of Philip
Something that has no substance penetrates where there is no space.
It chooses and takes the form of the all.
Gospel of Truth
One Thought fills immensity.
William Blake
The Word permeating all things.
Jesus ben Sirach
<<<<<< >>>>>>
Reverence to the mind as Brahman is reverence to oneself.
Indeed, I myself am creation, for I have projected the entire world.
Now the voice that originated from my thought exists as three permanences: The Father, the Mother,
the Son.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
Existing as speech, it has within it a Word endowed with all Glory.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
There are star showers and rainbows in that voice.
Mikha'il Na'ima
Therefore the Word appeared, for they saw the colors which are revealed.
The Zohar
Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty.
The Word whose appearance is multiple.
Emanating from Her body are rays in thousands, millions, hundreds of millions --- there is no
counting their numbers.
The Bhairava Yamala
In that Light dwells the Ineffable One, the Unrevealed.
The Zohar
As the first power, She is the image of the perfect and invisible Spirit. She is the first power. She
preceded everything. She came forth from the Fathers mind as the forethought of all. She is the first
thought, the image of the Spirit.
Secret Book of John
I am the first thought that dwells in the light. I am the movement that dwells in the all, She in whom
the all takes its stand, the first-born of those who came to be, She who exists before the all. I move in
every creature.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
For Wisdom is spread over all created things. Each was created in Wisdom.
Rabbi Moses Cordovero
I transform myself into my offspring: I came into being first and went down all walks of life.
Secret Book of John
And I transformed their forms into other forms until a time when a form will be given to all.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
All of this is She alone, the Supreme Empress, Absolute Consciousness.
Tripura Rahasya
In the lands of the universe there is no place where She does not manifest Herself.
Lotus Sutra
Every creature is a Word of God.
Meister Eckhart
Its limit has no end. Gods Word surges through them.
Shi'ur Qomah
The creature is Soul; Soul is God.
If you love a being for its beauty, you love none other than God, for God is The Beautiful Being.
He made creatures like veils. He who knows them as such is led back to His Presence, but he who takes
them to be real is barred from Gods Presence. Thus in all its aspects, the object of love is God alone.
Muid ad-Din ibn Al-Arabi
For lovers, the only teaching is the beauty of the Beloved; their only book and lecture is the Face.
To think Being without beings becomes necessary.
Brahman alone is real and the world is illusory.
Sri Ramakrishna
The emanation is the Deity.
Isaac Luria
She functions as a veil dividing mankind from the things above.
On the Origin of the World
The Holy Spirit is revealed; It is in the below; It is in secret; It is above.
The Gospel of Truth
Here dwells God, perfection on all sides, above and below.
The Zohar


Soul: The vital, immaterial life principle, conceived as existing within all living things, all inanimate
objects, and the Universe as a whole.
All things are ensouled within a psychic dimension of intelligibility that is ultimately an expression
of God.
Of God, and of the Father, and of the Christ.
God is a Spirit.
The Soul of the Soul is the Ancient Holy One.
The Zohar
And it is He who brought you into being from a single Soul.
The Quran
Whatever possesses life is moved by an inner and inherent impulse, and this impulse is the very
essence and power of the Soul.
The Soul is the principle of life.
Saint Thomas Aquinas
Soul, in this case, means not the principle of life, but that in which the Spirit has its being, the Spirit
of Spirits.
The Soul is the life-giving principle.
The Soul is the beginning of all things, lending all things movement.
Plato saw the Soul as more than all quantity, greater than all measure, being both space and time.
The World Soul contains the universe within itself like a pregnant mother, all forms seen as an
emanation of Her living essence.
The Soul is among the primal things, elder-born than all bodies, and prime source of all their
changes and transformations.
The science of the Soul is the means and gateway to the mystery of Unity.
Rabbi Eleazar ben Judah
To see the self as infinite, divine, seems absurd, but it is the self toward which Psyche aims.
George Bernard Shaw
By means of Unity each will understand itself.
The Gospel of Truth

To find God, it is necessary to unseal the Soul. To untie the knots which bind it.
Abraham Abulafia
Soul, from the circumstance in which it is placed, mistakes its own character until the truth is
revealed to it by some holy teacher, and it knows itself to be Brahman.
Henry David Thoreau
Soul receives from Soul that knowing.
The real essence of the personality is the Soul.
Paul Brunton
The essence of the body is the Soul.
The Zohar
All bibles or sacred codes have been the cause of the following error: That man has two existing
principles: vis: a body and a Soul. But the following contrary to this is true: Man has no body distinct
from Soul; for that called body is a portion of Soul, discerned by the five senses, the chief inlets of Soul
in this age.
William Blake
Just as in all organic life, the Soul cannot be distinguished from the body, except in abstracto. In
fact it can't be separated at all.
Rabbi Moses Cordovero
The greatest part of the Soul exists outside the body.
The Universe is thought of as an immense living being held together by one Soul, the Power and
Word of God.
She is called Anima Mundi, Psyche tou Kosmos; the Soul of the World.
The Soul is the only experient of life and existence. It is, in fact, the only immediate experience we
can have.
Carl Jung
What is Soul? Consciousness!
Tis God diffused through all that doth make all one Soul.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
And is the life of all that lives.
William Cowper
Some aspects of the Soul remain known, and some remain unknown. So it is with the Ancient Holy
One. It is the Soul of Souls, the Spirit of Spirits, covered and veiled.
The Zohar
God animates the created world and reveals Himself in birds, trees, and other human beings.
The creation itself already means communication between Creator and creation.
Martin Buber
So creation has a purpose. God said in the Quran, "I was a hidden treasure." These creatures of the
world exist to manifest this divine treasure.
Through these gates, which are doors for the Soul, the Holy One makes Himself known.
The Zohar
Everything that exists, large and small, they exist solely through the divine energy that flows to
them and clothes itself in them.
Rabbi Moses Cordovero
And I hid myself in everyone and revealed myself in them.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
Many are their bodies, but their Soul is one.
This "Super-Existence" means that God alone has being; he is the essence of everything that
partakes. Every one of His creatures, therefore, is a theophany, a sign of God's presence, that is, a
Divine Apparition.
How do you know but every bird that cuts the airy way is an immense world of delight closed to
your senses five?
William Blake


The Truth did not come naked into the world, but came in types and images.
The Gospel of Truth
I wish to show you the Truth Herself, for I have brought Her down from above, so that you can see
Her without a veil and understand Her beauty.
Saint Irenaeus

Come Perfect Mother. Come Woman who knowest the mystery of the Chosen One; Come Woman
who layest bare the hidden things and maketh manifest things to be spoken.
Acts of Thomas
Human Goddess come and be, Bride unto humanity. Thou alone of all can save us; let us be what
Thou would have us.
Goodwyn Barmby
The Father has not saved the world, the Son has not saved it, the Mother, the Holy Spirit, shall save
Dimitrii Merezhkovskii

For so long now you have been busy with my reflection --- you have won the power now to gaze at
my essence alone.
And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.
Jesus Christ
And there will be no more hiding of Her Face.
The Zohar
Behold: The unveiling of the company of Heaven: I am the blue-lidded Daughter of sunset; I am
the naked brilliance of the voluptuous Night-Sky.
Above the gemmed azure is the naked splendor of the Night; She bends in ecstasy to kiss the secret
ardors of the Light. The Winged Globe, the Starry Blue, are Mine.
I am divided for Love's sake, for the chance of union.
This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all.
Love is the law, Love under will.
Born of desire, our Love now beckons, ever winged, with flickering tongue.
To Love Me is better than all things.
Since I am Infinite Space and the Infinite Stars thereof, do ye also thus: Bind nothing! Let there be
no difference made among you between any one thing and any other thing, for thereby cometh hurt.
Whosoever availeth in this, the sign shall be My ecstasy, the Consciousness of the Continuity of
Existence, the Omnipresence of My Body, the Unsegmenting Non-Atomic Fact of My Universality.
Come forth, O My Children under the stars, and take your fill of Love! I am above you and in you,
My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy.
Seek Me only! Then the joys of My Love will redeem ye of all pain. This is so: I swear it by the
Vault of My Body, by My Sacred Heart and Tongue; by all I can give, by all I desire of ye all.
I Love you! I yearn to you! Pale or purple, veiled or voluptuous, I who am all pleasure and purple,
and drunkeness of the innermost sense, desire you.
Put on the wings! Arouse the coiled splendor within you: Come unto Me!
Sing the rapturous Love-song unto Me! Burn to Me perfumes! Wear to Me jewels! Drink to Me!
For I Love you! I Love you!
Liber AL vel Legis

The Maiden is the Daughter of Light, on whom rests the majestic splendor of kings.
Delightful is the sight of Her. Resplendent with brilliant beauty Her garments are like spring
flowers sending forth their fragrance.
Acts of Thomas
When powerful light is concealed in a garment, it is revealed. So it is with emanation: By
concealing and clothing itself it reveals itself.
Rabbi Moses Cordovero
A shape, like folded light, embodied air, yet wreath with flesh and warm, molded in visible form
She stood, the Lady Shekhinah of Earth, a chancel for the sky; where woke to breath and beauty God's
own birth, for men to see Him by.
Robert Stephen Hawker
A motion and a Spirit that impels all thinking things, all objects of thought, and rolls through all
The Father reveals His Bosom.
The Gospel of Truth
I was a Hidden Treasure and I wanted to be known. Hence I created the world so that I might be
The Quran
Now the Bosom is the Holy Spirit.
The Gospel of Truth
One Light, one Light-Mind, endlessly emanation all things.
Jung recognized this light as being the dream substance of a dreaming being.
That substance is a Universal Subject.
That which is imparted is separated from the first, and spreads like something corporeal into many
lights. But It is something spiritual, immaterial, indivisible, inexhaustible; for It is not separated when
It becomes the many, but remains undivided.
Saint Symeon
Recite the tradition of "I was a Hidden Treasure," so that Hidden Secret you might see manifested.
Just as those not knowing the place might walk time and again over a Hidden Treasure without
discovering it, so do all creatures here go, day by day, without discovering it.
The Upanishads

Where the Mind is, there is the Treasure.

The Gospel of Mary

The Shekhinah is the Female aspect of the Male and Female God.

The Shekhinah is the Divine Presence formerly enshrined in the Holy of Holies.
Karen Armstrong
Her Divinity is deemed equal to the Divine Word of God.
God and His Shekhinah are everywhere, omnipresent.
The Talmud
In the sphere I am everywhere the center, while She, the circumference, is nowhere found. Yet She
shall be known, and I, never.
Liber AL vel Legis
The earliest Kabbalistic texts identified the Shekhinah with the Gnostic figure of Wisdom, Sophia.
Karen Armstrong
The Shekhinah is referred to as Queen in Talmud.
The essence of the Shekhinah is found in the lower world.
The Talmud
She in whom the Jew has communion.
Robert Duncan
Come, let us go out to greet the Sabbath, the Queen. Come, O Bride! Come, O Bride!
The Lekhah Dodi
She is the Sabbath! United in the Secret of the One to draw down upon Her the Secret of the One.
The Zohar
Her Divine appellations interchanged in Sacred Script, the Shekhinah is the Ruah-ha-Qodesh --- the
Holy Spirit --- of the One God immanent in all manifestation.
As the Soul of the sleeping Adam Kadmon --- the Supernal Man --- She is the Anima of Adam's
dream-world, and as such, She is called Eve --- Life --- the Mother of All Living.
She so pervades the lower world, that if you seek in deed, thought, and speculation, you will find the
Shekhinah, for there is no beginning or end to Her.
Rabbi Joseph
She is the "Presence" of the Infinite God in the world, whose role, as the Animating Force of the
Earth, is to balance the Transcendent Deity.
When Moses encountered the burning bush, he is told to remove his shoes and prepare himself to
receive the Shekhinah.
According to the Rabbis, the choice of the simple thornbush as the vehicle of the revelation was to
emphasize the Shekhinah"s Presence, since nothing in nature could exist without Her.
Rabbi Leah Novick
The Holy One sits and nourishes the horns of the wild ox and the ova of lice.
One suckles many sides, thus all is one.
The Zohar
There is no place empty of the Shekhinah, not even the thornbush.
Baba Batri
She is a Tree of Life to those who hold fast to Her.
Book of Proverbs
The Tree of Life on which all life depends.
The Zohar
Whoever seeks It finds his own.
The Divine Soul is like the sun. If it should go sown, every house would darken.
The sun itself fades, vanishes, before the flaming out of the Soul of Man.
For all depends on It, all emanate from It.
Sefer ha-Basher
The Divine Mind pours on us constantly, emanating Its sacred abundance to us. For more than the
calf wants to suck, the cow wants to suckle.
Isaac of Akko

The Word alone supplies with the milk of Love, and only those who suck at this Breast are truly
Saint Clement
Harkening unto the Word, it is wise to confess that all things are One.

Chapter Seven: THE PALACE

A parable: What is a beautiful maiden whose body is concealed and revealed?

She comes out in the morning and is hidden all day. She adorns herself with ornaments that are not.
To what can this be compared?
To a lovely Princess, beautiful in every way, and hidden in Her Palace. She has only One Lover,
unknown to anyone.
The Zohar

With the beginning, the Concealed One who is not known created the Palace.
Rabbi Dov Baer
The Kingdom.
As the silkworm spins a cocoon out of its own substance, so Wisdom, the point of beginning,
expands into the Palace of Understanding.
Genesis Rabba
Wisdom comes into being out of Nothingness.
Asher ben David
From Nothingness the Hidden Treasure was manifested.
God's secret existence emerged from this single point.
Rabbi Ezra of Gerona

This Palace is Its praise and a benefit to all.

The Zohar
This Divine Court is the plane of the Infinite.
And this Palace is nothing but the body of a Woman, proud and delicate, and beyond imagination
fair. And the hair of Her head, that flows down to Her feet, is the very Light of God Himself.
Aleister Crowley
He designated the Daughter and included all paths in Her, in Her garments.
He who wants to enter, let him look here.

Know that my Beloved is hidden from everyone. Know that She is beyond the belief of all beliefs.
There is a garment visible to all; the heavens and the host are the garment.
One who enters must enter this gate.
No human has ever entered with permission.
As it is written: The Spirit of Yahweh shall alight upon him! A Spirit of wisdom and insight, a
Spirit of design and power, a Spirit of knowledge and awe of Yahweh.
The Zohar


I am your lover, come to my side. I will open the gate to your love.
My love reached for the latch and my heart beat wild.
I rose to let in my beloved.
There I will give him my love.
Song of Songs
At once the Shekhinah joins Herself to him; they sit in one coupling.
The Zohar
Sitting, I and thou, with two forms and only one Soul.
Your Soul is so close to mine I know what you dream.
Let my lover come into his garden and taste its delicious fruit.
My King lay down beside me. His left hand beneath my head, his right arm holding me close. And my
fragrance wakened the night.
Song of Songs
And they're drenched in desire and don't separate from one another.
The Zohar
We are anointed through the Holy Spirit.
The Gospel of Philip
I am your moon and your moonlight too.
Dont think of anything but my Face.
I traveled thus in the Soul; I saw nothing else but the moon: Unveiled were
the mysteries of primordial theophany.
That pleases my lover, rousing him even from sleep. I held him and would not let him go till I took
him to my Mother's house, to the womb of the One who conceived me.
Song of Songs
Attaining to the Source, She is joined with the Upper Light from which She emanated. She and he
become One.
Iggeret ha-Qodesh
Our lips reached forth with conscious purpose and smote their holy lives into One.
Aleister Crowley

All of Her secrets She has revealed, withholding nothing, concealing nothing.
The Zohar
O Beloved, youre so obvious youre hidden from sight.
I awakened you.
Song of Songs
This the secret door that I have made to establish thy way in all quarters.*
Liber AL vel Legis
The Invocation of the Ring:
Whenever you want me, look into the ring and call me ever so softly by name, and kiss the ring, and
worship it, and then look ever so deep down into it, and I will come to you.
Aleister Crowley

Through this opening, all other high openings come into view. Who attains the clarity of this
opening discovers all other openings, for all of them abide here.
The Zohar
The Soul is rightly called, The Unseen World.
Those who know more do not look at the garment, but rather the body under that garment.
The Zohar


Who is it that appears as the dawn, the Morning Star, fair as the moon, bright as the blazing sun,
majestic as the stars in procession?
All glorious is the Kings Daughter within the Palace, Her raiment is interwoven with gold. For She
is more beautiful than the sun, and surpasses every constellation of the stars. Compared to light, She
takes precedence.
For She is the refulgence of everlasting light, the unblemished mirror of the active working of God,
the Image of His Goodness.
For in Her is a Spirit intelligent, holy, unique, manifold, subtle... all-powerful, all-seeing, and
pervading all spirits. For Wisdom is mobile beyond all motion, and She penetrates and pervades all
things by reason of Her purity. And She, who is One, can do all things, and renews everything, while
Herself perduring.
Indeed, She reaches from end to end mightily, from one end of the heavens to the other, and governs
all things well.
For She is a Spirit, an Aura, of the active power of God and a pure effluence, a pure emanation, of
the Glory of the Almighty; therefore not that is sullied enters into Her.
Resplendent and unfading is Wisdom, and She is readily perceived, readily discerned, by those who
love Her, and is found by those who seek Her; She hastens to make Herself known in anticipation of
mens desire.
Such things as are hidden I learned, and such as are plain; for Wisdom, the Artificer of All, taught
me. For She is Instructress in the understanding of God, the Selector of His Works.
Long life She offers with Her right hand, with Her left hand riches and honor.
And if riches be a desirable possession in life, what is more precious than Wisdom, the Active Cause
of all things?
Who more than She is Fashioner of what exists?
Nothing you desire can compare with Her. She is a Tree of Life to those who embrace Her. She will
adorn your head with a graceful wreath, and present you with a Crown of Splendor, a Glorious Diadem.
Those who lay hold of Her are blessed.
Her I loved and sought out from my youth, and I sought to take Her for my Bride. And I became
enamored of Her Beauty. She proclaimeth Her noble birth in that it was given to Her to live with God,
and the Sovereign Lord of All loved Her.
I preferred Her to scepter and throne, and deemed riches nothing in comparison to Her. Her ways are
ways of delight, all Her paths are peace.
Esteem Her, and She will exalt you; embrace Her, and She will honor you.
Within my dwelling, I should take repose beside Her. Thinking this within myself, and reflecting in
my heart that there is Immortality in kinship with Wisdom, and pure delight in Her company, Her
friendship, and unfailing riches in the works of Her hands, I went about seeking to take Her for my
I am my Beloveds, and his desire is toward me.
My lover is mine, and I am his.
Yahweh possessed me in the beginning of His way, before His works of old; from everlasting I was
established, from the beginning, before the Earth began.
I was there when He set the heavens in place, when He marked out the horizon on the face of the
deep, when He gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep His command, and when He
marked out the foundations of the Earth.
Then I was beside Him as an Architect, a Craftsman,. I was daily His delight, pleasuring Him in
every time, at play everywhere in the world, pleasuring the expanse of the Earth, and delighting in
I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me.
For whoever finds me finds life.
Wisdom of Solomon; Song of Songs; Book of Proverbs
Glorious is the moment we sit in the Palace, you and I, two forms, two faces, but a single Soul.

She is the dance --- many colored, many wiled ---- of Life itself, the ultimate illusion that is this
Aleister Crowley
This is all the play of the Goddess Consciousness Herself.
Sovereign of the Spirit, Queen of the Immortals, the single embodiment of all Goddesses and Gods.
It is by and through Her that all things moving and motionless shine.
Bhairava Yamala
We have our life in the colorful reflection.
This the Church not built with hands.
S.S. Hamill
The Eternal Feminine draws us on high.
The Eternal Feminine lures to perfection.
I am the all, since I exist in everyone.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
All living creatures are my life. My grandeur extends forever.
The Vedas
Who wants to contemplate me, let him look into my colors.
The Zohar
O ravishing and only pleasure! Abridgment of delights! And Queen of sights! O Kingdom wide! O
Cause of All! O Bride! O God! O King! O Soul and Crown of everything!
Thomas Traherne

His Kingdom rules in everything.

Book of Psalms
Let him enter in turn or at one the four gates; let him stand on the floor of the Palace. Will he not
Liber AL vel Legis
Everything is in the power of Heaven except the reverence of Heaven.
Genesis Rabba
Your Kingdom will be restored to you when you acknowledge that Heaven rules.
Book of Daniel
To hear Her name and see Her form delivers from every woe.
Lotus Sutra
Her radiance blazes like a thousand stars, dispelling the darkness of ignorance. On Her let us
Praise to Arya-Tara


Myths that originally pointed to the Goddess as the ultimate source are now pointing toward a God.
Then Adam came and sinned: The Shekhinah withdrew and the bond was severed.
Rabbi Joseph Gikatilla
Everything was exiled from its rightful place, and the Shekhinah wandered through the world,
yearning to be reunited with Godhead.
Karen Armstrong
Kabbalistic writings teach that the absence of the Shekhinahs feminine Spirit within Godhead is the
source of great distress and imbalance in the world.
It is only logical that the pauperization of our Soul and the Soul of society coincide with the
pauperization of our environment.
Paolo Soleri

A parable: There was a King whose Queen offended Him. He expelled Her from the Palace.
He caused that Tree with which He sinned to be divorced, to be driven away with His children.
Wherever they went into exile, the Shekhinah went with them.
This means the Glory of Israel, their Mother; and therefore it is written: Glory has gone into exile."
For they drew the Shekhinah into exile with them.
What did She do? She took His Son, His precious Son.
The Blessed Holy One said, You have made me homeless as well as yourselves, for the Queen has
left the Palace along with you.
Everything is ruined, my Palace and yours.
The only solution is that I and you together leave the land and both of us go into exile --- myself too,
along with you.
For a Palace is worthless to a King unless He can enter with His Queen. A King is only happy when
He enters the Queens Palace and finds Her with His Son; they all rejoice as One. Now neither the Son
nor the Queen is present; the Palace is totally desolate.
The Blessed Holy One, up above, does not sit on His Throne of Glory until She becomes like Him
through the secret of the One: One in One.
A human being who makes himself Holy below is made Holy above by the Blessed Holy One.
Their desire is focused on joining the Shekhinah.
Whatever lodgers are staying here may not see my Face until they see the Face of the Matrone, the
The Blessed Holy One does not place His abode in any place where male and female are not found
The Zohar

Who permeates with subtle Spirit both man and woman? When man and woman become One, you
are that One. When unities are annihilated, you are that Unity.
You become a dwelling place for the Divine.
Moses Hayyim Luzzato
For two, sayeth He, shall be One flesh.
Where God is, there is the Soul; where Soul is, there is God.
Meister Eckhart

Chapter Eleven: I AND THOU

That which oppresses me, is it my Soul trying to come out into the open? Or the Soul of the World
knocking at my heart for entrance?
Rabindranath Tagore
Have mercy on me, O Light, for I have seen beauty by its own Divinity destroyed, and Love by its
deepest desire betrayed.
Day and night all the abandoned things of the Holy City cry out for redemption, and a lost God
looks out of every human eye.
Linda S. Lang

The unrelated human being lacks wholeness, for wholeness cannot be achieved without the Soul,
and the Soul cannot exist without its other side, which is always found in the person opposite you.*
"I cannot reach fulfillment without Thou. Self cannot be self without other selves.
Martin Luther King, Jr.
You are not a single you. When you fall asleep, you go from the presence of yourself into your true
But you cannot see me with your own eye. I will give you a Divine eye to see the majesty of my
The Bhagavad Gita
Whoever has seen me has seen God.
The Prophet Muhammad
One Soul though many tongues.
Arjuna, see my form in hundreds, thousands, diverse, divine, of many colors and shapes. Never have
I not existed, nor you, nor these kings, and never in the future will we cease to exist.
The Bhagavad Gita

Unity in this multiplicity can be seen, for when you count One, many it becomes.
Coarse and fine, many in number, the embodied One chooses forms according to His qualities.
The Upanishads
The wise do not see a this or that, but the Self Immutable.
Your Divine Thou, which is nine hundred-fold is the Ocean.
In the ocean of Brahman, what is there that is not myself?*
Be free of the pairs of opposites.
The Bhagavad Gita
The separateness of anything is illusory, because everything is a manifestation of God.
Rabbi Lawrence Kushner
With God there is no room for two egos. Journey forth from your own self to Gods Self, voyage
without end.
As long as there is an I and thou there is no seeing the Tao.
When God says I nothing is left unsaid.
Mikha'il Na'ima

You, you; and I, I? This can never be! You, me; me, you --- this is Unity.
Instead of being so bound up with everyone, be everyone.
To see yourself in all others, and to be yourself in all others until there are no others is what it's all
Bhagavan Das
Once youve seen the Face of God, you see the same Face on everyone you
Deng Ming-Dao
Because of Her I will not scorn or abhor them, because She is the Love of my life, She is the
Beloved of my Soul dwelling there.
The Zohar
Anyone who commits a sin errs against his own Soul.
The Quran
Exactly as you behave, so it emanates from above. You cause that quality to shine into the world.
Rabbi Moses Cordovero
As we treat the Spirit, so are we treated by it.
Everything accords with how we act.
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook

But why ask about behavior when you are Soul-Essence and a way of seeing into Presence.
One becomes virtuous by virtuous action.
The Upanishads
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
If we adore what we create, and create what we adore, let us create nothing but God therefore.
Aleister Crowley
Aim to raise these sparks! Hidden throughout the world, elevating them to Holiness by the power of
your Soul.
Israel Sarug
Dispelling the false and mutilated consciousness of the people.
Antonio Gramsci
That all might become partakers of the Divine Nature.
Second Epistle of Peter
All encentered in the single "I" of God.
Mikha'il Na'ima

The Truth is sown in every place: She was from the beginning, and many see Her as She is sown,
but only a few see Her being gathered in.
The Gospel of Philip
One who ascends from the Form of Forms to the Root of Roots must gather multiplicity. For the
Highest Form unites them all.
Rabbi Ezra of Gerona
Save my limbs, which since the foundation of the earth have been scattered abroad, and gather them
together, and receive them into the Light.
The Book of Logos
Play the game of courtship with yourself, that all will become One Single
Soul, and in the end melt into the Beloved.
And in Union, there is no distinction between them and their Beloved.
The Prophet Muhammad
All rise to one level, all is crowned with one Word.
Their hearts one heart, their bodies one body, their souls One Soul.
Hadewijch of Brabant
One shining into the other, inseparable from the other.
The Zohar
All opposites unite. All that is profane becomes Sacred again.
The eye with which I see God is the same eye with which God sees me.
With God's eyes only God I saw.
Baba Kuhl of Shiraz
We saw each other, knew each other; in your face mine equal self with majesty and awe abode.
Aleister Crowley
One, with a single form.
Hymn of the Pearl
The thing that stands in the highest regard brings this view out of itself. This look rests on its own
He is the vision, the viewer, and the eye.
O God, what shall I say thou art? For if I say I see Thee, it is nothing but the seeing of Thyself.
Jacob Bauthumely
Sanctify your limbs and adorn them with good deeds, making yourself a Throne for the Divine
Presence, your body an Ark for the Shekhinah.
Hayyim Vital
May She who is before all things, the incomprehensible and indescribable Grace, fill you within,
and create in you Her own knowledge.
Marcus the Magician


A person is shown only what is suggested by the reflections of his mind.

Rabbi Yonatan
In our limited perception, we cannot reconcile the Sacred and the secular, we cannot harmonize their
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Our awareness is limited by our sensory perceptions, our minds cluttered with sensible forms.
Daniel C. Matt
The sun, the moon, the stars, the seas, the hills and plains --- are not these, O Soul, the vision that
Earth, these solid stars, this weight of body and limb, are not they sign of my division from him?
Lord Alfred Tennyson

You were within, and I was in the external world, and sought you there. You were with me and I was
not with You. The lovely things kept me from You.
Saint Augustine
The mind is the slayer of the real.
Madame H. P. Blavatsky
Individuals identify themselves with the existence imposed on them, are indoctrinated by the
conditions under which they live and think, and which they do not transcend.
Herbert Marcuse
One should not comprehend God as outside of oneself.
Meister Eckhart
Let the disciple therefore slay the slayer.
Madame H. P. Blavatsky
Find God in yourself.
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your
Reject this realm and what is in it, and go back to your original, sublime, and noble world.
To renounce the world is not to abandon it, but to restore it, in Christ, to the beauty of its primal
Morris L. West

We are temples of the Holy Spirit who truly lives in us. On this account we are called Gods.
Saint Cyril
Ye are Gods.
Book of Psalms
Behold, for the man is become of one of us.
Book of Genesis
The Holy Ghost impresses on us the Divine Image and gives us superhuman loveliness.
Because of our union with the Holy Ghost, we share the Divine incomprehensible nature of God.
Saint Cyril
Search and discover the Root of your Soul, so that you can fulfill it to its Source. The more you
fulfill yourself, the closer you approach your authentic self.
Rabbi Moses Zacuto
We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are a Spiritual being having a human
Teilhard de Chardin
Abandon the search for God. Instead, take yourself as the starting point.
Imitate your Creator. Then you will enter the mystery of the Supernal Form, the Divine Image in
which you were created.
Rabbi Moses Cordovero
Whoever worships a Divinity other than the Self, thinking God is One and I another, knows not,
because held astray by false thoughts.
The Upanishads

You think of yourself as a citizen of the universe. You think you belong to the world of dust and
matter. Out of this dust you have created a personal image, and have forgotten about the essence of
your true origin.
Youve traded your Soul for the universe.
What the material world values does not shine the same in the truth of the Soul.
Being nailed to the four elements is a crucifixion.
See now how worldly mired you are.
Youre from a country beyond this universe, yet your best guess is youre made of earth and ashes.
You engrave this physical image everywhere as a sign youve forgotten where youre from.
When will we race from this form? How long will the Soul lack reality?
When will She reveal Herself? To what height will She elevate us?
Hans Christian Anderson
None of this pertains to the unseen Fire we call the Beloved.
That Presence has no form, and cannot be understood or measured.
Eyesight is in conflict with inner knowledge.
These eyes were born asleep.
The eye of self-perception is like the palm and hand, for this has the power to touch but part, not
whole. In this blindness they miss the infinite difference.

My Soul ached for these human children, because they are blind of heart and do not see that they
came into the world empty, and they also seek to depart from the world empty.
The Gospel of Thomas

Your immortal Spirit is in all things.

Wisdom of Solomon
You are the dark butterfly, you are without beginning, you pervade all things, and from you all
things were born.
The Upanishads
You are water. You are wind. You are Spirit.
You are Soul and you are Love, not a sprite or an angel or a human being: You are God-man -
woman-God man-God God-woman.
Thou art Brahman Supreme.
Whoever knows I am Brahman becomes this all.
The Upanishads

The whole man should become God, Soul and body, deified by the Grace of the God-become-man.
Saint Maximus
Yes, I am God, the One who became man for your sake, and behold, I have created you, as you see,
and I shall make you God.
Saint Symeon
He is the Word of the Father.
Meister Eckhart
The Shekhinah in the person of Jesus, the Christos.
Karen Armstrong
I am the Living Bread that came down from Heaven.
For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink.
He who will eat of my body and drink my blood, so that he will be made one with me, and I in him,
the same shall know Salvation.
A new and living way opened for us through the curtain of his body.
His flesh is the Word, and his blood is the Holy Spirit.
The Gospel of Philip
What is it I am tasting? Answer yourself, This is nothing but the Holy Sparks of the Sublime, Holy
Worlds that are in the food and drink.
Alexander Susskind
Now they were purer, they went in to eat from a Higher Sphere.
The Zohar
The Word became human that we might become Divine.
Saint Athanasius
Is it so small a matter to become a God?
Mikha'il Na'ima
Practice being God, for when a man knows himself, he knows God.
Saint Clement
Do not despise the world, for the world too is God.
The Prophet Muhammad
In the body of the world, they say, there is a Soul, and you are that.
Qualify yourself with the qualities of God.
The Prophet Muhammad
Love the whole world as yourself.
The whole earth is nothing but you.
A golden lion in all its splendor is you.
The heavens and the hosts are alive in you.
Mikha'il Na'ima
Know thyself.
Hermes Trismegistus
Recognize the King in a crowded market.
If anyone asks you to say who you are, say without hesitation, Soul within Soul within Soul.
He who knows the Self, knows everything.
Hermes Trimegistus

Chapter Thirteen: ADAM'S FALL

Man is the highest truth. Nothing beyond.

Love Song of Chandidas
Man is the God of the world, and God is the Man of Heaven.
Eliphas Levi
The essence of a human is the whole from which the cosmos grew.
In the beginning, this universe was the Self in a human form.
The Upanishads
Man is the substance, the world an accident.
The Lord God caused Adam to fall into a deep sleep.
Book of Genesis
This Lord is the Spirit.
And while Adam was sleeping...*
Book of Genesis
From his own bright light He dreams.
There are no chariots, no harnessing, no roads there; but he emits chariots, harnessing and roads.
There are no joys, no happinesses, no delights there; but he emits joys, happinesses and delights.
There are no lily ponds, no lotus pools, no flowing streams there; but he emits lily ponds, lotus pools
and flowing streams.
For he is the maker.
The Upanishads
Adam extended from one end of the world to the other.
The Talmud
I have come into being like the shadows and phantoms of night.
The Gospel of Truth
The little things I have made from weariness of wit: Stars, cells, whorls, all wonder in their wings.
These gods, these men, these hieroglyphs...
I am a God. I, Very God of Very God.
I am one Soul.
I am identical with all; I am in all and all in me.
I am the all, for all that I am is the necessary expression in thought of some tendency of my nature.
I have decreed for my delight that Nothingness should figure Itself as twain, that I might dream a
dance of names and natures, and enjoy the substance of simplicity by watching the wanderings of my
Each phase a partial phantasm, yet inevitable and absolute.
For not occurs, save by necessity, my Souls expression through Its will to be, to do, to suffer the
symbols of Itself.
Aleister Crowley
Dreams and visions are infused into men for their advantage and instruction.
Artimidoros of Daldus
That which the dream shows is the shadow of such wisdom as exists in man, even if during his
waking state he may know nothing about it.
We do not know it because we are fooling away our time on outward and perishing things, and are
asleep to that which is real within our self.
The Invisible One within the all.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
The Self of everyone.

The Holy Spirit is called deep sleep, dream, vision.

Hayyim Vital
God has given you dreams to show you your inner state.
The Zohar
Nor are your dreams of you alone. The entire universe is dreaming in your dreams.
Mikha'il Na'ima
There are levels upon levels within the mystery of the dream, all within the mystery of Wisdom.
The enlightened are those who contemplate the secret of Wisdom.
You cannot have a dream that does not reflect this and that.
Why? Because a dream includes illusion and truth, and the Word rules over all.
The Zohar
It set about with a creation, preparing with power and beauty the substitute for the Truth.
The Gospel of Truth
Socrates cornered Theatetus, who believed dreams to be only illusions, and asked him, What proof
could you give, if someone were to ask you now, in this moment, whether we are awake, talking with
each other in a waking condition, or whether we are asleep, and our thoughts are in a dream?
Theatetus then admits that the very conversation they are having could be something they were
imagining in their sleep. Just as someone in a dream could imagine they are telling their dream.
So you see, concludes Socrates, it is ever open to dispute whether we are awake or in a dream. The
truly wise man, however, never assumes he is awake.
Socrates, via Plato
Are you and I, perchance, caught up in a dream from which we have not yet awakened?
Is all that I see or seem but a dream within a dream?
Edgar Allen Poe

Chapter Fourteen: YOU THE DREAMER

It is true, that which Ive revealed to you. Nothing exists; all is a dream. God --- man --- the world
--- the sun, the moon, the wilderness of stars --- a dream, all a dream; they have no existence. Nothing
exists save empty space --and you!
And you are not you --- you have no body, no blood, no bones. You are but a thought, the only
existent thought, and by your nature inextinguishable, indestructible. I myself have no existence; I am
but a dream --- your dream, creature of your imagination.
Mark Twain
And if you do not understand, the fault is entirely mine!
Strange, that you should not have suspected years ago --- centuries, ages, aeons ago! For you have
existed companionless through all the eternities. Strange, indeed, that you should not have suspected
that your universe and its contents are only a dream, a vision, a fiction!
There is no god, no universe, no human race, no earthly life, no heaven, no hell. It is all a dream, a
dream. Nothing exists but you.
In a word, it is a dream, and you the maker of it. The dream-marks are all present; you should have
recognized them long ago.
Mark Twain
It is a dream, locked within a dream.
The Dalai Lama
The beginning of true wakefulness comes only when we realize that we are in fact dreaming.
No belief is necessary to enter this tent.
TAT TVAM ASI --- "THAT Transcendent Reality, THOU --- O finite consciousness --- ART to be."
The goal can only be conscious magic, or conscious madness, or dreaming while asleep.
Norman O. Brown
Hear my words: If there be a prophet among you, I, Yahweh, will make myself known to him in a
vision, I will speak to him in a dream.
The Book of Numbers
I will fill him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge.*
Book of Exodus
Where he learned that the God who called Himself I AM was being itself.
Karen Armstrong
He knows Me in reality, what and who I am. Knowing me in reality he forthwith enters into Me.
The Bhagavad Gita
You are my Son, this day I have begotten you.
Book of Psalms
Whereby God emptied Himself into His Son as an act of Self-revelation.
It is the man who meant to wake up, and did wake up, so that it is his House. He is the old King
Himself, and so are you.
Aleister Crowley
The old dream was quickened at a greater depth, thanks to this new herald of the Holy.
Amos N. Wilder
For the Son of Man is risen from those who sleep.
Saint Jerome
Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.
For the Blessed Holy One is alive, and dwells among the living, not those called dead.
The Zohar
The sorrows of pain and regret are left to the dead and the dying, the folk that do not know Me as
Liber AL vel Legis
The uninstructed and blaspheming man looks on the world and sees it void and base. Let him endure
its horror as he can.
Aleister Crowley
And we are here as on a darkling plain, swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight, where
ignorant armies clash in the night.
Matthew Arnold
They are dead, these fellows, they feel not.
Liber AL vel Legis
They know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness.
Book of Psalms
For the Soul is dead that slumbers, and things are not what they seem.
Like the baseless fabric of this vision: The cloud-capped towers, the gorgeous palaces, the solemn
temples --- the great globe itself --- yea! and all which it inherit.
The great ritual chant, the meter of sacred song, the most sacred month of the year, the spring
blooming with flowers.
The Bhagavad Gita
Unaware he creates what he dreams of, the images of his dreams appear.
Heinrich Heine
The things that exist were created in all their variety.
The Zohar
For he is the Maker. Sleeping, these worlds are his. Taking his five senses with him, he moves
around wherever he wishes inside his own body.
The Upanishads
A face within a Face, an existence within and Existence, a form within a Form.
Rabbi Ezra of Gerona

Chapter Fifteen: LUCID OR DEAD TO THAT

While he is dreaming, he does not know it is a dream.

Come and see the secret of the Word: Adam was caught by his very sin. He brought death upon
himself and the entire world.
The Zohar
No other was Eve but Adam's very bone and very flesh. Yet consider this newborn "I" of Adam,
which, after its eyes were opened, began to see itself as something different, apart and independent of
Eve, of God and all of God's creation.
Mikha'il Na'ima
He contracted his light into a hand's-breadth, according to his measure, and was left in darkness.
Isaac Luria
He cast down from Heaven the earth, and Her Face was darkened.
Book of Lamentations
Dark is the world to thee, thyself the reason why.
Lord Alfred Tennyson
You embrace some form, saying, I am this!
Your existence is a sin to which no other can be compared.
Izaddin Mahmud Kashani
By God, you are not this or that or the other. You and Spirit are the same.
Only after he wakes does he know it is a dream. And someday there will be a great awakening
when we all know that all this is all a great dream.
Yet the foolish believe they are awake, busily and brightly assuming they understand things, calling
this man Ruler and that one herdsman. How dense! Confucius and you are both dreaming, and
when I say you are dreaming I am dreaming too.
This is what is called THE TRANSFORMATION OF THINGS.
The inexhaustible ocean of all teachings is converged on the enlightenment site of a single thing.
The nature of things as such is explained by the Buddha. The eye of wisdom can understand his
By this teaching it should be known that an atom is at once noumenon and phenomenon, is person
and is thing, is that and is this, is object and subject.
All forms are the Buddhas form; all names are the Buddhas name.
Alan Watts
The mystic must refuse to be enslaved by any finite ideas about the Divine, that he might achieve
union with God.
Meister Eckhart
The root word buddh of Buddha means to wake up, to know, to understand. And he or she who
wakes up and understands is called a Buddha. It is as simple as that.
Thich Nhat Hanh
We are near awakening when we dream that we dream.
And happy is the man who comes to himself and awakens.
The Gospel of Truth

Chapter Sixteen: BODY IN THE MIND

I dwell in those who came to be. I move in everyone and delve into them all. I walk uprightly, and
those who sleep I awaken, and I am the sight of those who dwell in sleep.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
Saint Augustine relates the dream of Gennadius, a physician of Carthage, who becomes conscious
that he is seeing in his sleep, dreaming.
A presence in the dream, a dream teacher, asks him, Where is your body now?
"In my bed?
And do you know that the eyes of this body of yours are now bound and closed, and that with these
eyes you are seeing nothing?
I do.
What, then, the teacher asks, are the eyes with which you see me now?
At this Gennadius remained silent, unable to answer.
Saint Augustine
Alice comes upon the Red King, asleep.
Hush, said Tweedledee, Be careful not to wake him, because he is dreaming about you, and if
you wake him, poof! --- out youll go --- just like a candle!
This distressed Alice, and she started to cry. Then she argued that she had to be real, or she
wouldnt be able to cry.
Oh, my dear, said Tweedledum, you dont suppose those are real tears, do you?
Lewis Carroll
The universe is actually not material at all. In reality it is a figment in the
Limitless Consciousness of God.
Yoga Vashista
The body is in the mind, not the mind in the body.
It is a Light dwelling in Light.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
Just to understand that life is made of the same stuff dreams are made of is the essence of the Way.
Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.
Henry David Thoreau
For we are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded
with a sleep.

You beings on earth who are in deep slumber, awaken! Who among you has not labored to turn
darkness into light, bitterness into sweetness? Wake up! What are you waiting for?
The Zohar
I am inviting you into the perfect exalted light.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
For God is light, and light alone is able to know light.
Mikha'il Na'ima

Chapter Seventeen: CHRIST REVEALS

His disciples said to him, On what day will the Kingdom come?
Jesus said to them, It will not come by expectation, for the Kingdom of the Father is spread out on
the earth and men do not see it. If those who lead you say to you, See, the Kingdom is in the sky! Then
the birds will get there before you. If they say to you, It is in the sea, then the fish will get there before
Rather, the Kingdom is inside of you and outside of you. When you come to know your selves, then
you will be known, and you will realize you are of the Living One. If you do not know your selves you
dwell in poverty, and you are that poverty. And one can only marvel at how such great wealth came to
establish itself in such poverty.
He who know the all but does not know himself lacks everything. You have left the Living One who
is always before you and you have spoken about the dead: He who knows the world has found a corpse,
but he who has found a corpse, this world is not worthy of him.
Let him who seeks continue seeking until he finds, and when he finds, he will be greatly troubled,
but if he is troubled, he will marvel, and he will rule over the all. He who searches will find, it will
open to him.
They said to him, How shall we enter the Kingdom?
Jesus said to them, When you make the two one. When you make the inner as the outer and the
outer as the inner, and the upper as the lower. When you make the male and the female into a single
one, so that the male is no longer male, and the female no longer female. When you make eyes in the
place of an eye, and a hand in the place of a hand, and a foot in the place of a foot, and an image in the
place of an image, then you shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Blessed are the solitary and the chosen, because you will find the Kingdom. Because you came from
it you will again go there. There are many standing at the door, but the solitary will enter the Chamber.
For many who are first will become the last, and they will become one and the same, a single one.
I bring fire to the world, and behold, I guard it until it is on fire.
Who is near me is near the fire, who is far from me is far from the Kingdom.
I will give you what no eye has seen, and what no ear has heard, and what no hand has touched, and
what has not yet come into the heart of man.
Whoever finds the meanings of these words will not taste death. Whoever drinks from my mouth
shall become as I am, and I myself will become he, and the hidden things will be revealed to him.
There is a light within a man of light, and it lights the whole world. When it does not shine there is
I am the light which is above all of them. I am the all. The all came forth from me, the all reached
me: Split wood, I am there. Lift the stone up; you find me there.
If they say to you, Where did you come from? Say to them, We came from the light where the light
comes through itself; it stands, and reveals itself through their image.
Love your brother as your Soul.
I am the one who comes from what is whole.
Therefore I say, if anyone should be the same, they will be filled with light, but if they are divided,
they will be filled with darkness. If two make peace in the same house, if you make the two one, you
shall say to the mountain, Move away! And it will move. The heavens and the earth will roll back in
your presence, for he who lives by the Living One will not see death. He who finds himself, the world
is not worthy of him.
Recognize what is in front of your face, what is in your sight, and all that is hidden from you will
be revealed to you, and there is nothing hidden that shall not be manifest.
Heaven and earth came into being for you.
Look upon the Living One as long as you live.
Gospel of Thomas

Chapter Eighteen: THE WAY OUT

The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.

Form is just the clothing of Spirit.
The body itself is a screen to shield and partially reveal the Light that is blazing inside your
If you could see just for a second one molecule of whats there, without fantasizing about it, youd
explode. Your imagination and yourself would vanish, with all your knowledge, obliterated into a new
birth, a perfectly clear view, a voice that says, I am God.
When will you ever see the AM that you are?
The word of sin is restriction.
Liber AL vel Legis
Ask not of things to shed their veils. Unveil yourself and things will be unveiled.
Mikha'il Na'ima
If you want peace and purity tear away your covering.
Reducing yourself so extremely that you nullify your individual, imaginary form, by becoming One
with everything that happens.
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
Then you can transcend time, rising to the world of thought, where all is equal: Life and death,
ocean and dry land. Such is not the case if you are attached to the material realm.
Strip your body away from your Soul. The more you strip yourself of material being, the more
powerful your comprehension.
Hayyim Vital
Whatever practice, thought, or action helps tearing the veils that hide the Divine Self is an act of
The Upanishads
For nothing is revealed while the person is under the spell of the body.
The Zohar
Supernal Holiness does not abide with anyone attached to even a single hair of the material realm.
Hayyim Vital
Cease! Desist, you who tread on matter.
The Trimorphic Protennoia
You are entirely Spirit.
Hayyim Vital

No vessel can contain God unless you think of yourself as Nothingness. If you think of yourself as
something, then God cannot clothe Himself in you, for God is infinite.
Rabbi Dov Baer
He who knows himself as Nothingness knows his Lord as being.
Abu Sa'id Abul-Khair
No Thingness is a modest way of saying "Ubiquitous Self."
Nothingness brought forth both beginning and end.
The Zohar
Nothingness is more existent than all the being of the world.
Rabbi Abraham ha-Lavan
When emanation was emanated out of Nothingness, all things became dependent on Thought.
Rabbi Ezra of Gerona
And IT created God.

As it is not in the realm of names or forms, it is called Void, Emptiness, Nothingness.

But to us, Emptiness is the loftiest term for what you mean by Being.
Buddhist to Heidegger
When I exist, I am nonexistent; when I am nonexistent, I exist.
The veil between man and God is the illusion called "I". Pass beyond yourself and you are there.
Abu Sa'id Abul-Khair
Gods existence must be my existence, and Gods is-ness my is-ness.
Meister Eckhart
God said, "Leave yourself and come."
Abu Yazid Bastami
The lover wields the word of nothingness in order to dispatch all but God.
Into nothingness I vanished, and Lo, I was the All-Living.
Baba Kulh of Shiraz
To be empty of all creatures is to be full of God.
Meister Eckhart
When I love God, I become His ear through which He hears, His eye through which He sees, His
hand through which He grasps, His foot with which He walks.
Then He changed me out of my identity into His Selfhood. He said, There is no God
but I.
Abu Yazid Bustami
Make yourselves Holy and you will be Holy.
The Book of Leviticus
This is our truth: That only Nothing is, and Nothing is a Universe of Bliss.
Aleister Crowley
Choose not-being if you want to see the King.
Strip yourself down. Stay there, until you see you are gazing at the Light with
its own ageless eyes.


Adam came into being by means of a Soul. His Mother is the thing that was given to him.
When Eve was in Adam, there was no death; but when she separated, death came into being. Again,
if she go into him, and he take her to himself, and attains his former self, death will cease to exist.
The Gospel of Philip
The task consists in integrating the conscious and the unconscious.
I have called this the Individuation Process.
The Unconscious is a collective human being, transcending youth and age, and combining both
Individuation is interiorization.
The individuation process is the incarnation and revelation of God.
Once the mystic achieves union with God, he or she sees Him as One. He sees the father
engendering the Son in the Soul as Mary conceived Christ in the womb.
Meister Eckhart
Mary is the Virgin who no power hath corrupted.
The Gospel of Philip
The zone where two glad worlds forever meet, beneath that Bosom ran; deep in that Womb the
conquering Paraclete smote Godhead onto man.
Robert Stephen Hawker
God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten not made, of One Substance
with the Father, through whom all things were made.
Creed of Nicea
Having neither beginning of days nor end of life. But made like unto the Son of God.
He is the immediate present God; consequently, his being passes over into having been.
Before Abraham was, I am.
For Moses wrote of me, but ye knew it not.
Existence is not from any lineage. Muhammad does not descend from anything in this universe.
Muhammad said, We come after Adam and Eve, and before; born of them, yet
their ancestor. We are first and last.
The Lord said, "Blessed is he who is before he came into being. For he who is, has been and shall
The Gospel of Philip
It is only fitting that the Soul regenerates Herself, and become as She formerly was. This is the
resurrection that is from the dead.
Exegesis on the Soul
Through the Holy Spirit we are indeed begotten again.
The Gospel of Philip
You should not be surprised at my saying, You must be born again.
Unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.
If you seek life, friend, then die before you die.
To die but not to perish is to be eternally present.
Lao Te Ching
Thereby the creature realizes himself, attaining the perfection of the Creator, transcending the
boundary he created.
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
He who has crossed that boundary, and has realized the Self, if he is blind, ceases to be blind.
The Upanishads
True Life, Eternal Life, has been found --- it is not promised, it is here, it is in you, as a living in
Love, in Love without subtraction or exclusion.
For who is All is all, he hath no refuge in deceitful death. What Soul is immanent may never fall,
what Soul is breath can never fail of breath.*
Aleister Crowley
Ah, ah, death, death. Death is forbidden, O man, unto thee.
Liber AL vel Legis
For this reason one is no longer a Christian, but a Christ.
The Gospel of Philip
Where there is no caused or cause, but everything is Cause.


Every man hath his proper gift of God, one after this manner, another after that.
Now there are diversities of gifts, but it is the same Spirit, and there are diversities of operations, but
it is the same God that worketh all in all.
What! Know you not that your body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit, which is in you, which you
have of God, and you are not your own?
For you are the Temple of the Living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them.
It is God that worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.
The words which I speak to you from myself I speak not; but the Father who abides in me, He does
the works.
I and my father are one.
One God and Father of all, Who is above all, and through all, and in you all.
I am Light of the World. He that has seen me has seen the Father.
You are the Light of the World.
Therefore glorify God in your body, and in your Spirit, which are Gods.
Let this mind be in you, which was also in Jesus Christ: who, being in the form of God, thought it
not robbery to be equal with God: but emptied Himself, and took upon Himself the form of a servant,
and was made in the likeness of men: and being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, and
became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him,
and given Him a Name which is above every name.
Believe in the Light, that you might become the Children of Light.
To him that overcometh I will grant to sit with Me in My Throne, even as I overcame, and am sit
down with My Father in His Throne.
For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the Sons of God.
Christ is all; and in all. In Him was Life, and the Life was the Light of men. The True Light which
lighteth every man.
In Him all created things took their being, Heavenly and earthly, seen and unseen. They were
created through Him and in Him: He takes precedence of all, and in Him all subsist. It was Gods good
pleasure to let all completeness dwell in Him, and through Him to win back all things, whether on
Earth or in Heaven, unto union with Himself, making peace with them through His blood shed on the
Know you not that your bodies are the members of Christ?
I am the vine, you are the branches.
Not everyone who saith to me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven; but he that doeth the
will of my Father which is in Heaven.
Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in Heaven that one of the least of these little ones
should perish.
Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as you did it not to one of the least of these, you did it not to me.
And whoso shall receive one such little child in my Name, receiveth me.
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many,
are one body: so also is Jesus Christ.
For in Him dwells all the fullness of Godhead bodily and you are in Him complete, who is the Head
of all Principality and Authority.
Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self.
That there be no schism in the Body, but that members should have the same care for one another.
And whether one member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honored, all the
members rejoice with it.
Now you are the Body of Christ, and members in particular.
For as we have many members in one body, and all members have not the same function, so we,
being many, are one Body in Christ, and each are members of each other.
If the foot shall say, Because I am not the hand, I am not of the Body; is it therefore not of the
And if the ear shall say, Because I am not the eye, I am not of the Body: is it therefore not of the
And the eye cannot say unto the hand, I have no need of thee; nor the head unto the feet, I have no
need of you.
And those members which we think to be less honorable, upon these we bestow more abundant
honor; and our uncomely parts have more abundant comeliness.
He that loveth not knoweth not God, for God is Love.
Wherefore put away lying, speak every man truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of
But speaking the truth in Love, may grow up into Him in all things, which is the Head, even Christ.
From whom the whole body is fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth,
according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, making increase of the Body unto the
edifying of Itself in Love.
When that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part is done away.
That they may be encouraged in their hearts, being knit together in Love, and to all riches of the full
assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of the
Christ, in which are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
For not anything is hidden that shall not become manifest; nor secret which shall not be known and
come to light.
There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female; for
you are all one in Jesus Christ.
He that is joined unto the Lord is one Spirit.
I am crucified with Christ: Nevertheless I live; yet no longer I, but Christ who lives in me.
How be it that was not was not first Spiritual, but that which is natural, and afterward that which is
Spiritual? The first man is of the earth: The second man is the Lord of Heaven.
Wherefore henceforth know you no man after the flesh: Yea, though we have known Christ after the
flesh, yet now henceforth know you him no more.
Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: Old things are passed away; behold all
things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ,
and hath given us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world
unto Himself.
That all may be One, as Thou, Father, art in me, and I in Thee, that also they in us may be One, that
the world may believe that Thou didst send me. And the Glory Thou gavest me have given them, that
they may be One, as we are One. That the world may know Thou didst send me, and loved them as
Thou loved me.
I pray for those who believe in me. Of the world they are not, even as I of the world am not.
To those that believe on His Name are not born of blood, nor of the will of man, but of God were
And call no man your father on the earth: For One is your Father in Heaven.
And as we have borne the image of the earthly, we shall also bear the image of the Heavenly. So
now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is in your midst. Unless anyone be born anew, he cannot see the Kingdom.
If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the universe, why do you still live as if you belong
to the world?
Then they also which are fallen asleep in Christ are perished.
For you are dead, and your life is hid with Christ in God.
But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not risen: And if Christ be not risen, then is
our preaching in vain, and your faith is also in vain.
For we which live are always delivered unto death for Jesus sake, that the life of Christ might be
manifested in our mortal flesh.
So when this corruptible shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality, then
shall come to pass the word which is written: Death is swallowed up in victory.
Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we all shall be changed.
He that is of God hears the words of God.
Who hath ears to hear, let him hear.
Jesus; Paul

Chapter Twenty-One: RUMI ELABORATES

Soul can break the circle of fate and habit.

There is a way of passing away from the personal, a dying that makes one plural.
The dying and then being born again that all religions know is the essence of Soul-growth.
We love this death. Only ignorance says, put it off awhile.
Use night to wake your clarity. Darkness and living waters are lovers.
Be thirsty for the Ultimate Water, and then be ready for what comes forth from the spring.
Wherever the Soul goes at night, that is our true home.
Where are you when you sleep?
You wander landscapes in your dreams. How did you get there?
Close your eyes and surrender, find yourself in the City of God.
We sleep in Gods Unconsciousness.
Theres a Treasure in this House too great for galaxies to hold.
The Soul within Soul lives in a lover.
You that love lovers, this is your home.
Welcome! In the midst of making form Love made this form, with Love for the door, Soul the
Welcome to the Presence of the One who has never been apart from us.
Dont try to talk to the Owner, Hes asleep.
Wisdom is Solomons Seal. The whole world a form Wisdom animates.
All moving is from the Mover.
All motion is Love.
My Guide, my Soul, your only sadness is when Im not walking with You.
The Source of Life that never dies is but a fraction of Your Grace. The night but the tresses of Your
head, that moon the luster of Your cheek.
The core of the feminine comes directly as a ray of the Sun. Not the earthly figure you hear about in
love songs; theres more to Her Mystery than that. You might say Shes not from the manifest world at
all, but the Creator of it.
It moves when motionless, the Anima I am.
The Masterful Flow lets creatures of the Soul appear. You look down, and its lucid dreaming. The
gates made of Light open. You see in.
When you see through the veil to how things truly are, you will keep saying to yourself again and
again, This is certainly not how we thought it was!
What You showed Moses was not fire, but a shape of consciousness.
The Voice of this fire tells the truth, saying, I am not fire, I am Fountainhead. Come into Me and
dont mind the sparks.
We have hands and feet different from these. Sometimes in dreams we see them. This is not an
illusion. It is seeing truly.
Theres the shape of the rose you hold beneath your nose, and theres a fragrance ascending to the
palace of your brain.
Learn to enjoy the qualities of God-light.
How to say this to someone who denies it? The robe we wear is the skys cloth.
Everything is Soul, and flowering.
It permeates my inside, it envelops my outside.

I, you, he, she, we... in the garden of mystic lovers, these are not true distinctions.
Shams Tabrizi
If the Beloved is everywhere, the lover is a veil.
The wind is the Holy Spirit. The trees are the Virgin Mary.*
The Garden goes wherever we go.
The Beloved is in your veins, though he or she may seem to have form outside you.
Borrow the eyes of the Beloved, look through them, and youll see the Beloved everywhere.
The shape we share.
When you see the splendor of union, the attractions of duality seem poignant and lovely, but they
are much less interesting.
Theres nothing now but Divine Qualities.
Theres Gods wine, and this other, dont mix them.
A Spirit of Light only drinks the wine of light.
You brighten my eyes. The wine you offer me takes me out of myself into the Self we share. Doing
that is religion.
Choose love of the living, drink the wine that gives more life.
Put one strong shot of Gods drink in your palm and unite the multiplicities into One.
The way is who and where you already are, sleeping in your very being: That which sleeps and
wakes and sleeps and dreams the sweet water is the taste of God.
Your way begins on the other side. Become the sky. Take an axe to the prison wall. Escape. Do it
now. Ignorance is Gods prison, knowing is Gods palace.
THIS PLACE IS A DREAM. Only a sleeper considers it real.
We live in a glorious Spirit world. We go to sleep and dream another world full of good and evil.*
In the dream, he does not remember the world he is sleeping in his bed in, he believes in the reality
of the dream world.*
He thinks he has always lived in this world, and was born and bred in it.*
In this world no one is conscious; one is worse off than the next, frenzied and insane.*
Then death comes like dawn, and he wakes up laughing at what he thought was his grief.
At the end of the world God wakes, and says "I have dreamed."
Paul Valery Melange
What wonder then, if the Soul does not remember Her ancient abode and birthplace, since She is
wrapped in the slumber of this world like a star covered with clouds.
For it seems the world has fallen asleep, and dreams of worldly woes.
Barron Scott Levkoff
This place is that kind of sleep.
Muhammad said that no one looks back and regrets leaving the world. Whats regretted is how real
we thought it was.
But theres a difference in this dream. Everything cruel and unconscious done in the illusion of the
present world, all that does not fade away at the death-waking. It stays, and must be interpreted.
You are inside the Souls great fear, every natural pleasure, every vicious cruelty. You are inside
every difference and irritation. Someone loves something; someone else hates the same. There you
are. Whatever eyes see, what anyone wants or not: political power, injustice, material possessions,
those are your script, the handwriting we study.
This outer is an elaboration of this inner.
You are what is: The field, the players, the ball, those watching.
You are why and where we go, and what we do there.
Soul of the Soul of the Soul, moment to moment, hope to draw breath from that One. No matter
how long youve been apart, that Presence has no separation in it.
Let nothing happen in the sky apart from you, or on the ground, in this world or the other, without
your being inside its happening.
Moses is inside the Soul of Jesus as Jesus is inside the Soul of Moses. One era belonged to one,
then it was the other's turn. But they are One.
A revealer of mystery and that which is revealed are the same.
Whoever finds God becomes wholly God, and unto God there is no other God.
Sufi Maxim
Im in the Hand that made Jesus.
The miracle of Jesus was himself.
Christ is everything in himself.
The Gospel of Philip
Christ is the population of the world and every object as well.
I am Jesus.
That illimitable inconceivable One.
Gospel of Philip
I am all orders of Being, the circling galaxy, the evolutionary intelligence, the lift, and the falling
away. What is, what isnt.
Many names, one existence.
What a strange and shoreless sea I am.
Anywhere you put your foot, feel me in the firmness under you.
We are the ground the enlightened ones walk.
The very air they breathe, and the light that shines for them, all are objects of
their adoration.*
Franz Cumont
My heart and Soul are wed to this boasting: I am dreaming but Im not asleep. I brag, but I do not
The truth is, you are speaking, not me.
Or rather, you yourself whisper in your own ear.
Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?
Come through the opening to me. Say I am you.
You who are myself.
You are the unique One: Raptor, prey and snare. Throne, floor, roof, Adam in all his progeny.
You are throne and palace and King.
The light of Moses is here and now, inside you. Pharaoh as well.
Where Jesus lives, the great-hearted gather.
The Soul of the community is coming toward us. The help we have called for is finally here.
We are pain and what cures pain.
The coming together itself is medicine. We are the cure.
We become the solution to the problem that no longer exists.
The human-Divine combination is Oneness; plurality the apparent separation into rays.
But when you remove the walls, all these scattered lights are one and the same.
Is the One I love everywhere?
See into the region beyond phenomenon, and all these questions you ask will dissolve into Love
within Love.
Whatever you are looking for, you are that yourself.
Every second of the search is an encounter with God.
Paul Coelho
If you look into the face of Love and not just at its superficial form, you yourselves become the
House of God and its Lords.
We call upon you to ward away dualities.
There are no separate distances here. This is Loves Sanctuary.
If you are body, that one is the Soul of the Universe. If you are Soul, that one is the Soul within all
And though we seem to be sleeping, there is an inner wakefulness that directs the dream, that will
eventually startle us back to the truth of who we are.
Within the Sanctum of the One who animates us...
...our dreaming is waking.
Loves are the letters of the Holy Word that contradicts the curse Let being be, since all things,
even one thing, is absurd, and Nothing of the utmost ecstasy.
Aleister Crowley
Open and fill with Love and other objects evaporate.
Body abandons bodiness. Soul goes to the center.
The body turns entirely Spirit.
The heart turns to Universal Light.
It is of the Holy Ghost, it is of the Divine.
Nobody in this robe but God.
Appear as you truly are.
Everything in the Universe is within you. Ask all from yourself.
The real way opens only with Love. When that awakening comes we finally understand our

Chapter Twenty-Two: CHRIST'S WOMAN

And now its time for Loves union, for Gods vision, for resurrection, for everlasting life.
You can have a love affair with the Universe, but only if you decline to marry the world.
Kiss the cheeks of Spirit and bow in service to its threshold.
He who would be great among you, let him serve.
Paradise is at the feet of the Mother.
The Prophet Muhammad
The Love-taught Magus, the hermaphrodite, knows how to woo the Mother and awake Her.
Aleister Crowley
Like a bridegroom, Christ went forth from his chamber. He went out with a presage to his nuptials
into the field of the world.
Saint Augustine
The divided Self in this dream we dream and call reality.
Char McKee
He came to the marriage-bed of the cross, and there, in mounting it, he consummated his marriage.
He lovingly gave himself up in the place of the torment of his Bride, and he joined himself to the
Woman forever.
Saint Augustine
You have ravished my heart, my Sister, my Bride. You have stolen my heart with one glance of
your eyes.
The Song of Songs
You called and cried out and shattered my deafness. You were radiant and resplendent and put to
flight my blindness.
Henry Chadwick
So forcible within my heart I feel the bond of nature draw me to my own, my own in Thee.
Milton ( Adam forgives Eve )
The bone of my bones and the flesh of my flesh.
For what Thou art is mine; our state cannot be severed. We are one flesh; to lose Thee were to lose
Milton ( Adam forgives Eve )
You shall be called Mother of the Living! For it is you who have given me life.
On the Origin of the World
May I ever remember Thee with the undying love which the unwise have for temporal things.
The Vedas
We are not going to listen to what you tell us in the Name of the Lord. We intend to fulfill all the
vows by which we have bound ourselves: We shall burn sacrifices to the Queen of Heaven, and pour
drink offerings to Her as we used to do, we and our forefathers, of kings and leaders; in the towns of
Judah and the streets of Israel.
The Book of Jeremiah
For the reign of Adam is at its last hour; and God shall crown all things by the creation of Eve.
Anna Kingsford
Look at Her Face. Open your eyes into Her eyes.
She is Light itself, and transcendent.
The Bhairava Yamala
O contrite hearts, seek with your eyes the Visage of Salvation; blissful in that gaze, arise through
glad regeneration. May every pulse of good seek to serve before Thy Face, Virgin, Queen of
Motherhood, keep us Goddess in thy Grace.
Enable them to search for You, discover You. Enlighten their eyes lest they sleep the sleep of death.
Hayyim Vital

Chapter Twenty-Three: THE GODDESS CALLS

Hear me in gentleness: I am she who cries out.
I am the wife and the virgin. I am the mother and the daughter. I am the whore and the Holy One. I
am the barren one, and many are her sons.
I am the silence that is incomprehensible, and the idea whose remembrance is frequent.
I am the voice whose sound is manifold, and the Word whose appearance is multiple.
I am the one whose image is great in Egypt, and the one who has no image among the barbarians.
Thunder: Perfect Mind
I am She of ten thousand names. I am all that has been and is and shall be, and no mortal has ever
revealed my robe.
Stele of Isis
I am the substance of the One who has no substance.
I am first and last.
Those who are without association with me are ignorant of me, and those who are in my substance
are the ones who know of me.
I am the Bride and the Bridegroom, and it is my husband who begot me, yet he is my offspring, and
I am the ruler of my offspring. Yet whatever he wills happens to me, and my power is from him.
I, I am sinless, and the root of sin derives from me. Do not separate me from the first ones you have
known, and take me to yourselves from places that are ugly and in ruin, and do not cast anyone out or
turn anyone away.
Look upon me, you who reflect upon me, and you hearers hear me; you who are waiting for me take
me to yourselves. And do not banish me from your sight. For what is inside of you is outside of you.
And what you see outside of you, you see inside of you.
Come forward to me, you who know me, and you who know my members. Come forward to
And those who have not known me, let them know me. Out of shame take me to yourselves
shamelessly. Out of shamelessness and shame, upbraid my members in yourselves. Until they sober.
And they go up to their resting place. And they will find me there. And they will not die.
Thunder : Perfect Mind
I will give them an undivided heart and put a new Spirit in them.
The Book of Ezekiel
When You send Your Spirit they are created, and you renew the face of the earth.
When that day comes --- it is Yahweh who speaks --- She will call me My Husband, no longer
will She call me My Master.
The Book of Hosea
To the Bride, because She conquers, now is given the Eternal Crown.
Laurentius Laurenii
And the light of the moon will become like the light of the sun.
She and the Divine Mind become One. All becomes One.
Isaac of Akko
The Soul will cleave to the Divine Mind and the Divine Mind will cleave to Her. To join thought
with Divine Wisdom so She and He become One.
Rabbi Ezra of Gerona
Then your mind will be linked to Hers, and your intention with Hers.
Iggeret ha-Qodesh
Because of this Christ came, in order that he might remove the separation that was from the
beginning, and again unite the two. And that he might give life to those who died in separation, and
again unite them.
The Gospel of Philip
Were I joined with Her, then we might live together as one life, and reigning in one will in
everything, we have power on this dark land to lighten it, and power on
this dead world to make it live.
Lord Alfred Tennyson


The process of the returning Soul brings a new dimension of union, foundation, desire, friendship
and harmony to the universe.
The Zohar
It will purify itself of diversity with a view towards unity, devouring matter within itself like fire.
The Gospel of Truth
The Soul is a flaming tongue that licks and struggles to set the black bulk of the world on fire. One
day the entire universe will become a single conflagration.
Nikos Kazantakis
Critical mass is attained when a minimum number of elements needed to initiate a transformational
process coalesce into a single space-time continuum.
Making increase of the body, unto the edifying of itself in Love.
S. E. T.

Then the Child could stand before the powerful invisible Virgin as the Self-Produced God, Christ,
whom the Spirit honored with loud acclaim.
The Secret Book of John

And there will be a new heaven and a new earth when Gods purpose is accomplished in the end of
Come hither, I will show you the Bride, the Lambs Wife.
And I, John, saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven,
prepared and adorned as a Bride for Her Husband.
The Book of Revelation

The world that is coming is the Mother-womb of Being.

Rabbi Lawrence Kushner
The Christians are the children of the Higher City, not the earthly city-mother, who is to be cast out;
for those born after the flesh are opposed to those born after the Spirit, who are not born of the fleshly
mother but from a Symbol of the Mother.
It is certainly necessary to be born again through the image.
The Gospel of Philip
Love is the Mother. We are Her children. She shines inside us, visible and invisible.
The Glory of God is its Light.
The Book of Revelation

In the time of Redemption dominion will pass to the Tree of Life, under whose dominion is
complete Spiritualization, and no more commandments.
The Zohar

Chapter Twenty-Five: ALL THINGS MADE NEW

On the day when the earth shall be changed into a new earth, and the heavens, they shall come forth
before God, the One, the Supreme.
The Qur'an
The Glory of the Lord shall appear, and all flesh, as One, shall behold.
For now we see through a glass darkly, but soon face to face.
Jung realized that God intends to fully incarnate in the collective body of humanity, and that this
time was quickly approaching.
Daniel Pinchbeck
In the Glory of the entire human race, in the Glory of the human form, His Spirit spreads, aspiring to
the goal of humankind, envisioning its consummation.
The Zohar
Expands even further until he unites with all existence, with all creatures, with all worlds, singing a
song within them all.
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook
That God may be All in all.
Hence the development of the self acquires a significance whose full implications have hardly
begun to be appreciated.
And when the time comes that we see face to face, all faces will be in agreement.
The Zohar
Beholding in the self-same light the self-illumined image of the Maker.
Aleister Crowley
Now we are no longer separated from our Source, and behold, we are the Source and the Source is
us. So intimately united we cannot by any means be separated from It, for we are It.
Abraham Abulafia
And the Kingdom of the Lord shall be revealed on all the inhabitants of the earth; there is none apart
from Him.
The Book of Zechariah
Then we will be able to measure ourselves with the Rod of the Indivisible, and, like the Seraphim,
born outside ourselves, filled with Godhead, we will no longer be ourselves, but the very One who
made us.
Pico della Mirandola
Nothing exists but a Limitless Self in all directions.
James Weldon


O Goddess, let the Lord of the World be awakened from sleep.

Devi Mahatmaya
Adam! Become alive! Arise upon the earth.
On the Origin of the World
By You this universe was brought forth, by You this universe is obtained.
Devi Mahatmaya
All this is true. Come! You who are the Creative Word: Be.
The power of Being will prevail over the powers that be.
Saul Williams
The Pathless Path opens whenever you say, There is no God but God. There is only God.
This shall regenerate the world, the little world, my Sister, my Heart and Tongue, unto whom I send
this kiss.
Liber AL vel Legis
Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?
Book of Isaiah
Everything that is formed in the womb is only later brought to life.
Until the tender-throated babe is born, how should the milk for it flow from the Mothers breast?
For although the fruit is the last thing to come into existence, it is, in fact, the first, for it was the
Where, yearning, glide the Threefold and the One; Her God upon Her lap, the Virgin Bride, Her
awful Child, Her Son.
Robert Stephen Hawker
And you shall nurse and be satisfied at Her comforting breasts; you will nurse and be carried on Her
arm and be dandled on Her knee.
Book of Isaiah
And there know the peace we have longed for: That most Holy Peace, that Indivisible Union, that
Inseparable Friendship, through which all souls will be in that One Mind which is above every mind.
Pico della Mirandola
You shall go out with joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and the hills will break forth into
singing before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.
Book of Isaiah
The Truth appeared; and all Its emanations knew it.
Gospel of Philip
The Holies of Holies were revealed, and the bridal chamber invited us in.
Gospel of Philip
The Spirit and Bride say, "Come, and let him who is thirsty come, let him who desires take the water
without price.
Book of Revelation
Who hath ears to hear, let him hear: Mark it: The Word of the New Aeon is Dreaming.
The only way the Divinity we know is even conceivable is as a Dreaming Being.
And who or what else could be here between this Dreamers ears but you, the Dreamer?


Hard to argue with this fateful, final, inescapable conclusion of your own Science and your own
Faith. And once snugly ensconced, as you'll see, you'll ever marvel on how it could have ever been
thought otherwise.
Modesty be damned.
This clear and concise Explanation of all believed to be inexplicable, beyond being a most
extraordinary feat, I here proudly crow, will prove the only means there is to deliver our humanity
entire from the plight of this present world-gestalt's insanity.
THIS is thus the Most Invaluable Communication in all the annals of civilization, given its potent
capacity for Disputes-about-the Divine's reconciliation; and the Bestowing of a Boon literally enabling
the processing of all of Humankind's Individuation, promising nothing less than Collective Apotheosis.
This re-awakening Once and Future Truth is the only alternate living world paradigm fully
intelligible, accessible, and capable of quickening the spiritual amalgamation of our now disparate
cultures, not only providing the pivot, or nexus, for their psychological reconciliation --- the collective
Christocentric Shift into the Self We All Share --- but will prove pragmatically far superior to the
present somnambulistic weltanschauung were presently unsuccessfully failing to navigate, it factually
being our Absolute Truth and Ultimate Ground of Being.
It is by our recognition and acquiescence into the special relativity of this Holistic Vision --- our
parts relation to the Whole and through that our proper relation to each other --- that we are able to
discern and establish a universal code of conduct out of which an Ideal Society --- in this case IN
God --- is able to emerge.
Here the Ideal invites us to Communion. Here the Perfect is realized when the parts are finally
reintegrated, and there is a Great Wonder yet to be experienced awaiting us in this resurrection, this
Harmony, O Mystery of Mysteries.
It is out of of the emergence of this Higher Relativity of Divinity - and the Death of our
separateness in this new Communion - that a new way of life, as Child of Our Union, now realizing
the collective Power of its own Being, is able to literally redeem itself from its present hazardous,
wayward way, and actually make its way safely and happily Home.
All this of course depends on your seeing this as truly being THE Revelation of all revelations, with
all its future promise, and as such the biblically prophesied spiritual destiny of the entire human race.
Being the Root Origin of all God's Faiths, it is far more than the future perfect world paradigm
capable of fostering their reconciliation, resolving their differences, it is THE Light-Switch for all our
Creeds' most Critical Conundrums.
Nay, it will prove to be the next great major quantum shift in the evolutionary development of
humankind, easily as profound as the leap from ape to man, as metamorphic as that of caterpillar to
butterfly, evoking the image of the global embryo envisioned in Kubrick's Space Odyssey 2001.

In the Gateway of the Dream, then, is the mystery of all greater understanding. The Dream's truth is
writ and riddled everywhere, so do consider. There is that within that recognizes truth and resonates
the same.
Here, a true extraterrestrial intelligence --- the unexpected alien all anticipate --- cloaked in the
terrestrial guise of manifest space and time.
Here all worlds merge and blend in the raiment of a new birth --- the Psyche of Eve and the Ego of
Adam, of Life and Red Dirt, now wed in One Holy Flesh.
Here is Heaven raised. Here, clarity and brilliance are restored to Heavenly Light. Here foothold in
a Spiritual World. Here, the Meaning of the Bloom.
Should we explore this exquisite promise reachable within ourselves, we will find our interactive
experience becoming more and more unified by the prospect. Indeed, once the ultimate significance of
this Dream Key is fully appreciated in its most personal revelational sense, we will find its empowering
potential beckoning us toward an alternate context of Being pregnant with the portent of fantastic
change. On the Threshold of a Dream Come True.
And so it is to the DREAM we must turn for the purpose of bringing the full potential of Psyche's
world-redeeming dream paradigm into play, proposing nothing less than the complete transformation of
all that is conscientiously unacceptable in our present world relativity.
If we then strive to recognize who we are in this dream understanding, strive to approach this One
Great Soul in all our selves, seeing nothing apart, perpetually invoking the collective potency of a
Spiritual Ideal at last in reach, we may find its stirring promise resonating throughout our true nature,
since it is the sole present aim and truth of our inmost quintessence that is evolving this association.
The dream speaks a relativity that is accessible to every one of us, and provides the only scientific
foundation for the making whole of humankind from the present consciousness that now divides and
afflicts it.
But we cannot know this experience until we reach out to Her, just as we cannot know this Her Holy
Dream until we enter it.

Let us then pierce this illusory veil concealing our dark and lovely Soul. Let our commitment be to
awaken once again our recognition of the Eternal Goddess of our true nature, reanimate Her in our
hearts, and bring Her Matchless Beauty back to Light and Life by returning Her to Her Sovereignty.
It is in Her Being, as blossoming extensions of Her Nature, holistically viewing and comprehending
Her Own Wonder through us, from all possible angles, Her sense-perception extensions, that our own
presence, as inseparable from --- and beholding to --- Her vital Nature - as an infant at its Mother's
breast in every breath we imbibe - that our True Life, our possible everlasting life, is found.
It only requires the waking of the relativity of the Dream into effective realization to discover the
promise of it, and once fully realized as our Divine passport to all greater potential, to be lived, a
tremendous metamorphosis of human nature will certainly follow.

GOD? Why the hell not?

I mean - AFTER ALL!

Ever Yours, with Love, and in Love, S. E. T.

The excised bits of the above Streamlined (ALL admittedly Playful Conjecture):


There are Two Creation Stories side by side in Genesis, giving slightly different versions. Neither
seems all that credible.
But of course the world was flat in that day, surrounded by undrinkable water, and the Firmament
thought of to be a great beaten metal-sheet canopy, with fixed holes punched through to reveal a Great
Light on the Other Side at night, these holes Fixed Stars, revealed after the Great Flying-Fish-God dove
back into the depths of the watery underworld beneath us, for whatever, taking the light of our world
with him. We pray daily for his return!
It is to the credit of the Editors that both Creation Stories, albeit somewhat contradictory, were
included. The Word was considered Sacred. It's likely there were Two Schools of thought before
Moses came along, the Elohim and Yahweh factions, and it was a move to appease reverences. No
doubt there is a Third Creation Story hidden somewhere there?
The Drama of the Garden of Eden Story takes place on a Cosmic Plane. The Principals involved
represent what the ancient Egyptians called the "Neters" of the One God - all the Gods of Egypt
understood to be the different archetypal modi or facets, characteristics, of the One Divine Being. They
too had The Word - the One Soul who Created the Gods, as well as a Trinity.
Interesting to note that Carl Jung said that an Archetype can overtake an individual and absorb
him into its Divine Drama.
The reputed Genesis Author of this dramatic Tale of Beginning understood this Neter-ness, having
been raised as an Egyptian. God is the Trinity of Adam, Eve, and Serpent, as well as the Garden. And
it's a Story about the Beginning of meeting the Meaning of Life.
And as it turned out, Life was the Meaning of Life, and Death its Nemesisl
All Religion began as an Answer to Death.
If Death was Absolute, there was No Point to Life; Life would be little more than a great big
Restaurant: "You've got an Hour!" - then Oblivion, which is not a great place never to know about,
much less know about anything else, there simply being no awareness, now ended.
There are Three Aeons, corresponding to the Trinity. The first is the Aeon of the Mother, wherein we
are sustained and nurtured, Mother being Hearth and Home. Nature Herself is our Goddess.
The Aeon of the Father is the advent of Authority and Law, the disciplinarian. Science for the sake
of control is his pursuit. Technology becomes God.
The Aeon of the Child is the melding of both Nature and Science, becoming its own future Advanced
Alien Intelligence, far more than a mere human, and mastering the self-control of its New Being, with
all its attendant New Powers.
In the ancient Aeon of the Great Mother, when the Goddess reigned supreme, it was due to the
Female being the Sole Source of all Life, human or otherwise.
You've seen Her always pregnant form crudely fashioned in stone, the sole real object of worship in
that day.
The First Faith in further Life even before Death arose in this Aeon, with this Goddess.
Behold! --- Most Mysteriously, the Female would slowly grow round like a great plump melon, and
next you know, with great labor and a mighty grunt, issue forth --- from Her own form --- a new human
being into the world.
Females were popping them out all over the place.
And sometimes --- when a new one was plunked into existence --- we just couldn't help but to
remark, once noticed: "I'm not really sure, Trog, but I'll be damned if that one doesn't somehow look
Exactly Just Like You! --- Doesn't it boys?"
The notion of Reincarnation, via the Great Mother, had arrived.
Unfortunately, this form of Reincarnation didn't include a Continuity of Consciousness.
You might see the evidence of your new incarnation while still here to witness. But it was also
evident, to our own empirical science, that none of us, once returned to the world in this fashion, really
remember the life we lived in our prior incarnations. Nada. Hence Reincarnation came to be called,
"The Dying and Resurrecting Formula."
There was still the dying part - the Death of the Personal - resurrected or not.
Like rabbits, we coupled a lot in those days. It was the only pastime we really enjoyed. All the
birds and beasts were into it. But we never imagined, beyond that, it had an actual purpose other than
When it came to science, we obviously weren't yet quite that well organized.
BUT, eventually, some male somewhere along the way must have figured out what that purpose
was. Husbandry was about to enter the equation.
END of the Aeon of the Great Mother!
It suddenly became obvious that the Male was the true Source of all Life --- "So that's what that
slippery sap is!" --- and the Female but a Vessel from thereon, an incubator to carry and convey his
Essence, there but to host his deposit in her bank, so to speak, nurture it, and see it accrue.
ENTER the Aeon of the Even Greater Father!
Now when we saw a familiar face pop out of that female oven, reflecting the male that put it in
there, we were aware there'd been a mysterious transmission of that male's essential being, by that
male, into the new incarnation of that very same personal essence, evident to all, while the begetter was
still present to see it.
At the time, in that day, our science, having learned to pay closer attention, had also noted that the
snake was a most magical creature, inasmuch that --- but by virtue of untimely accident --- it actually
lived forever. This was our science.
It did grow old, like all other creatures, eventually becoming quite wrinkled and ragged, with
opaque cataracts obscuring its vision, making it less sure, hesitantly feeble, in making its way. But at
the moment other beasts would expire, the snake would miraculously shed this decrepit outer form, to
emerge brand new --- sleek, lustrous, its sight fully renewed, in good prehensile form --- leaving that
worn out shell of itself behind to continue on --- plowing through its lives as the magical self it has
always been and will forever be.
It was also kind of... phallic. Inasmuch as the phallus too, after enjoying its erect exuberance, alive
and powerful with vibrant vitality, having spending all it has, once spent, also appeared to rapidly bow
out, grow old, wrinkled, lifelessly feeble, in all intent dead to the world, shrunken, its eye too now
sightless, shrouded.
But give it a minute.
Next you know that snake too, in a way, returns from the dead to shed its old skin, to rise wholly
renewed, completely refreshed, erect, smooth, vibrant and spitting! And --- guess what? --- It's the
Male Thing that does all the Transmitting into New Life!
And next you know, you're seeing Serpents now carved in stone plastered everywhere!
Our science was surer about our essential continuity now. The Family Tree of Life finally began to
take root.
And you see how this new Conquering OUR TURN! Maleness did its number to affect the shaping
of the culture we So Much Enjoy today, ahem, and everything female in it.
Death, still, yes, but it was the best we could come up with for Individual Life at least having some
kind of continuity, and therefore not quite moot. There still remained the hope we might eventually
attain Immortality in this life, or maybe the next, or possibly the one after that--- an unbroken,
CONTINUOUS Consciousness of Most PERSONAL Being.
And then Moses, the Hebrew Foundling ceremonially adopted into Egyptian Royalty, was initiated
into the Pharaonic Mysteries, and learned the Secret of the Uraeus Crown.
Moses no doubt received his name from his new adoptive parents. Interesting to note that "Moses"
in the Royal Family's tongue was but the generic opening phrase of a customary christening at birth,
essentially meaning, "A Child is Given" --- then followed by the designated name of the most
propitious God of the Pantheon so chosen for the Higher Daemon, such as in, "A Child is Given to
Heru Pa Khered" --- pronounced hoor paar kraat --- who later changed nationalities to became
Harpocrates, for example, or, "A Child is Given to Ptah, the Speaker of the Word."
Moses' uniqueness was not being so dedicated to any particular Egyptian God. He is simply
identified, essentially, as, "The Child."
Egypt also had a Serpent in its fertile garden, Moses learned, but this Crowning Serpent was a snake
of an entirely different scale.
Egypt's indigenous serpent, too, was once of the common Dying and Resurrecting variety, where
dastardly Death still denied the Personal. But Egypt had an Epiphany.
In the Science of the Dream, intriguing Egypt's Thinkers with its uncanny correspondence to this
world, the difference between, in its happening, seemingly remarkably undetectable, they suddenly
realized that dreamers never really die in their dreams!
WOW! Hmm. Think for a moment! --- What IF?
True, he does die in that world; sometimes in a most horrendous fashion. But in reality he only dies
to that world! --- next snapped upright from his leopard-skin pillow, in the very same world again, it
seems --- going "Whoa!" Only from here, you note, he can look back on his life in that world while in
that world, and remember who he was, and what he was doing in that other world, before his death to
that world.
Which means - Wait a minute! --- Which means... Our Persona didn't REALLY die! It just shifted
gears from one plane of existence to another, shaking off that death and continuing! Why, it must be
from dream-life to dream-life to dream-life --- with Personal Continuity!
OUT with that Old Serpent of pointless reincarnated dying, and IN with the New! --- TADA! --- the
Serpent of Immortality! ---"Ye shall not surely die!"
THIS the proudly erect Uraeus seen adorning every Pharaonic Dream King's brow; the defiant head
of that Conquering Serpent never again bowing to Death.
As they did in sway amid the greater ideological notions of many other foreign influences, the
Hebrews, via Moses, were quick to absorb this reality-altering factoid and adapt it into their mythos as
their own. This Revelation was thus encoded in Genesis in the written word, but a more privileged oral
explanation no doubt accompanied it, apparently lost somewhere along the way.
Thinking it through, with their usual aplomb for further fine-tuning, the Jews of course then took
that astonishing realization one step further in making it their own, made evident in the Ritual of
Circumcision, considered equal to the Fulfillment of All Commandments.
As with many initiation rites in cultures which include obviously memorable ceremonial
scarification or tattooing, or teeth being filed, they devised a Ritual of Compact to keep this New
Serpent's Presence ever in their Heart's Mind's, identifying, and to evoke this Spirit's Benevolence via
this symbolic gesture's ordeal, securing Covenant with this Serpent of Immortality and its guarantee,
again symbolically, by the Rite of Circumcision.
They cut away the foreskin - the Death shroud that buried that head, the light of its day -
symbolically responsible for the prior disability of mortal existence of that Old Serpent's
Representation - to cast it off once and for all forever - signifying that from then on, in this New
Comprehension, that whether that head was up - vibrant, active, spitting, and alive to the world - or
down - lifeless, impotent, and dead to all greater purpose - that head would never be buried beneath
that shroud again.
As the Serpent who Healed the Rift rent in the wholeness or Holiness of the Divine Mind's
Omnipresence, it came down to us in the Asclepius, the universal symbol of Healing, as Moses
emphasized during the exodus with the serpent-icon made of brass, held high before all those afflicted
by the Old Snake's bite in the desert, healing them.
For even as Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, so too must the Son of Man be lifted up,
that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.
Ye shall not surely die.
Moses understood this Dream-Serpent so well that he employed it in gaining his Tribe's freedom,
liberating them from Egyptian bondage. Its Wisdom, as the Highest Reality, as Truth, was respected
and revered in Egypt; and Moses not only proved he was adept enough to convey it and have it
conveyed, but openly demonstrated - via challenge, and that through Aaron - a Division hither
Homeward in the Pharaonic Understanding of Same, shown in their revealing their comprehension in
the two serpents cast forth, though Aaron's devourer proved a little more dragon-like.
Like the Nagas of the East and the Seraphim of the West, Nagas aren't snakes but fully enlightened
men, no doubt making this confrontation purely conversational.
Aaron, endowed with the greater Holistic Truth easily trumped that schism with his Single Ace
Snake, demonstrating a more privileged, easily conveyed understanding of the Divine, dispelling the
rift of Egypt's fracture, thus proving obviously graced by, and therefore in the Greater Favor of this
Higher Source than they in their intimate comprehension. And, in their sincere devotion to the truth of
this comprehension, they had to consider.
Touchy situation for the Priests, not to mention the Crown. Transcendent Truth! - and all its
One, should such a successful House risk courting Disfavor with the Seraph who Crowned them all
with their Uraeus?
How would you feel if a dear friend of yours callously mistreated or beheaded one of your pets?
And, Two, by definition of the Divine, there being only One Voice of the House ever in Absolute
Authority, there was apparently a more-than-real altogether different Pharaoh just revealed to us, so to
speak, now rocking the boat. And, while all-ashine with the intimacy of the Divine - not quite really
one of us, as we now see, perhaps just maybe it would prove auspiciously prudent to simply give this
Magical Child and his ilk their walking papers? And, thereby both Please - by humbly fulfilling the
request, thus not risk offending a Patron Power - as well as keep what we have as is while we have
it. A more peaceful resolution?
There is of course little evidence at all to support hardly any of this suppositioning, but since the
cinematic scenes of Aaron's Serpent devouring the other two serpents stood out for most, I thought I'd
squeak it in. And, as a wild, possibly true shot in the dark, have a bit of fun.
But we do have obliquely veiled evidence of Something Like That in what issued from Moses, in
his Garden Story.
In this Cosmic Eden, a world of pure consciousness, few know that the Serpent in the Garden is the
future Messiah of the Jews, not The Satan. And not your common variety talking Garden Snake at that.
Nachash, equaling Messiah, became the Hebrew's Uraeus.
Before Sin, this Serpent would be more appropriately described as subtil - rather than subtle -
meaning, literally, tenuous, ethereal, all rarified - all-pervading like the fragrance of a perfume. It is
this Power of Sentience, seen as phallic, that will re-connect Adam with Eve in their biblical "knowing"
of each others' Other Half, and set them on their evolutionary way.
This Serpent is the only image the Jealous God ever allowed of His Power, all other imagery
In fact, the immortality of Divine Being, of Continuity of Consciousness, in Moses' day, in Egypt,
was not even a question, but, rather, Where Do We Take It?
Thus the symbol of Immortal Being was the Ankh, which is a hieroglyph of a Sandal-strap,
signifying Going. The lowest extension anchored between the big toe and its neighbor, the two arms
the straps on both sides to clasp the foot home, the loop the strap encircling the ankle.
The Serpent, portrayed almost everywhere in the sensuous feminine, represents the Soul, Divine
Consciousness in the Beginning, where it must initially sort its way through all the obstacles of the
many things it emerged in, to eventually see the wholeness of the Holy Forest, who is Eve Herself,
initially seen as other, and attain the Continuity of Consciousness in the Omnipresence of Her Body.
This is the beginning of Knowledge, on its way to Wisdom. On its way to Apotheosis.

Christian or no, we've been culturally conditioned by the aggressive gestalt of Church Doctrine for
two millenniums, resulting in a semiotic psychological framework so perverted from the SIMPLICITY
that is Christ (who did not come to be worshiped and personally condemned all prayer in public), that
the personal is effectively neutered; the personal given no symbolic spiritual ground for greater growth,
self-realization, much less nourishment, joyous encouragement, to fully flourish, reach fulfillment.
The scenario of our birth is as a new soul, born in sin, thrust in the middle of a vast gargantuan
Cosmic Drama long in play. A titanic struggle afoot between Good and Evil, Eternal Light and Eternal
Darkness, wherein all the decisive, really meaty roles are definitely taken, and we at most but small bit-
playing extras in the mix. And, yes, it's a contest for the fate of all humanity --- meaning US - Heaven
or Hell the stakes.
This is the way we have today received it: First and Foremost, GOD --- BOOM! --- the Creator of
All and Final Judge of Everything. And who, by the way, knows your inmost secret shames, knowing
everything. Next, sitting on God's right hand, there's the perfect one and only Divine Son - who can
do miracles we can't - the Epitome of Supreme Good, who loved you so much --- even before your
miserable birth --- that he actually had himself nailed to a goddamn cross for you --- giving his life to
spare you your otherwise brimstone-fated agony. As if others hadn't so loved? And then, a little lower
left, the epitome of Supreme Evil, obviously at spiteful odds with all that's Good, and out to deceive the
Very Elect. Then the Church, the Priest, the Book... And last, and least of all, as a spectator in the
congregation, witnessing, you, prayerfully wishing all the best for God and his Works... All, together,
fantastically supporting it all?
And who are you in This Construct? You're not GOD. You're not Jesus Christ. Or Satan. And
certainly not the Virgin Mother. There's no real role or place for you in this ring, and no way you're
going to personally alter or decide this contest's outcome, other than register your soul's vote for Yea
and Amen! - to cinch your bet on the safe-side win of a said to be writ-in-stone Fixed Race. And most
certainly a blasphemy to even think of your own truth's identity as being equal to All That, as the
decisive End All and Be All of All That...
So what can you really do here but raise your hand, resigned to being but a minor player if a player
at all, and say, with the comforting support of the congregation, "WHATEVER GOD WILLS!"
Whatever God wills? Leave it in God's hands? This "schism" --- such qualified by the Church itself as
a form of "Possession" - disempowering, stunting the flowering --- is the real blasphemy, maintaining
parts apart. This Church Built With Hands has most definitely lost its Truth and its Light here, and
Whatever else is supposed to go with that. And, just as darkly tragic --- and here it is --- this world is
NOT your world, but a Testing Ground, a Vale of Tears. You're just passing through - your True Aim
being a Promised Reward elsewhere! - maybe with hot heavenly virgins panting for you, offering all
the proscribed alcohol you've ever dreamt of -so don't be too concerned about the future fate of this
world. You're leaving this dump behind!
Failing to recognize that that other world IS this world - seen differently. The very Kingdom
promised; unseen, and being defiled unto abomination, in its having become so marginalized, so
devalued, by this wrong thinking. This conditioned blindness is the Collective Monster unwittingly
destroying your very own nature; and your ignorance of that the Minion sanctioning the rampaging
and the rude reward of its fatal devastation. And, as your Psycho Therapist, I must tell you, this
diagnosis bears yet further distressing news concerning the well-being of your overall psychological
health, and I'm afraid it will demand your immediate attention. Fortunately, almost all the problems of
your world are psychological, and therein is the comfort of Great Hope.
Here is your current reality at the moment, which will become evident with a little realization. You
are Schizophrenic to the Max, having something like Seven Billion different unique personas,
completely different identities. You're so whacked out, in fact, that you're out to kill yourself - wipe
yourself from the face of the earth - if you can only get your determined hands on yourself, find a
way. All this Most Real. And you're doing everything in your power to keep yourself from getting your
hands on yourself, even ready to take yourself out with a preemptive strike, if unduly pressed, or take
the rest of your world with you, by God! - if ever you should overwhelm yourself.
And here you are, spending Untold Billions upon Trillions, to keep your bloodthirsty self at bay, just
to maintain the detente to the degree you've managed. And think of the PLEASURES you could be
enjoying Everywhere with Yourself if you weren't always paying through your nose to the Tune of this
your own Piper? SHANGRI-LA? Currency re-currented? The wealth so purposed is the taxing of
your invested energy, after all. Why, we'd ALL be Well Off and Well To Do, in ways we've never
dreamed. What a Wonderful World we'd be living in, no expense spared in beautifyng it up! I would
say it's High Time for Global Individuation and Peace of Mind, where our government really is ours to
mind, and herein your means to implement that holistic metamorphosis.
Our failure to recognize the Life of Nature as the life of all our natures --- not giving it all we've got
to save this Source of our very life's breath --- is more than man's fall from grace: It is a finality. The
Rain-forests disappearing; the Ocean dying; the Planet now in the oven, baking. Major Rivers almost
gone; Climate shifts creating deserts out of green; Species, all biologically linked, falling like
dominoes. Near two dozen innocent children still needlessly starve to death every minute; the death of
almost as many by dysentery. One third of the world malnourished, abed hungry tonight; tens of
thousands drinking mud for want of real water. About THIRTY different wars indicative of present
man's inhumanity to man still being waged at this writing - sixteen of those bloody pograms strewing
destruction and carnage and dispossession on the continent of African alone.
We feel the World's pain, aware of its different forms of hell everywhere, but, damn - What can we
really do? - REALLY? - We're doing everything we can just to keep from failing to meet all its many
demands. And enjoy a little escapism when not. As a form of self-protection, then, we withdraw our
greater feeling for the Whole, painfully recognizing our impotence, our helplessness in the face the
Overwhelming - truly unable to answer - and so we diminish our heart's care down to the more
immediate sphere of desires and needs within our personal reach, our smaller worlds, struggling, as
Kierkegaard would say, to find peace and repose in our pain. We simply cannot afford to continue
feeling the pain of the world if we can't do anything about it, not if we can help it, at least not
consciously, if we can't adequately respond to it and Answer it, End it. And so we contract our light
down, cocooning ourselves, doing our best to keep ourselves distracted from that pain, into the smaller
world I've come to call, hidebound. The Kabbalists refer to this withdrawal, this cocooning, as living
in a Shell, if not already born in a Shell. In what is apparently a heavily populated World of Shells. But
as my Magical Father pointed out, these shells are but as an egg-shell to an eagle - a form of
protection Until the Time is Right - and then an end thereof.
When concern for all life - the Greater Vehicle - is outside our cocooning's cognizance and caring,
we have turned away from - and so are failing - our true nature.
And as a result of this failure, Here We Are, sleep-walking, teetering blindly even now on the precipice
of Losing Everything our evolution has so arduously striven for, while SO CLOSE to actually getting
The easiest thing in the world it's said? To Advise Another. Here's a little of that apprising...
Only the heart perceives pain and trouble and grief, for it contains life and intelligence.
The Zohar
Love holds God's Divinity captive within its nature.
Hadewijch of Brabant
There are two ways before me, one leading to Paradise and the other to Gehinnom, the accursed
Bereshit Rabba
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph in this world is for good men to do nothing. Edmund
Wondrous and unsurpassable is man, whom it was granted to have what he chooses, to be what he
wills to be. Whichever of these a man shall cultivate, the same shall bear fruit in him.
Pico della Mirandola
The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve almost
all our world's problems.
Mahatma Gandhi
There is among people no dividing line greater or absolute than that between the happiness of some
and the suffering of others.
Jerzy Andrzejewski
The poor are shunned even by neighbors.
Book of Proverbs
Anyone who mistreats a poor person mistreats the Shekhinah.
The Zohar
Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins.
Book of James
You remember the profound remark which Paul makes: "Love is the fulfilling of the Law." Christ
came and said, "If you love, you will unconsciously fulfill the whole Law."
Henry Drummond
Ordinary thought in society is incoherent --- it is going in all kinds of directions, with thoughts
conflicting and canceling each other out. But if people were to think in a coherent way, it would have
tremendous power.
David Bohm
Power at its best is Love implementing the demands of justice. Justice at its best is Love correcting
everything that stands against Love.
Martin Luther King Jr.
It is about the finite, the temporal, everything turns in this case. I am able by my own strength to
renounce everything, and then find peace and repose in pain. I can stand everything --- even though
that horrible demon, the King of Terrors, even though madness were to hold up before my eyes the
motley of the fool, and I understood that it was I who must put it on, I am still able to save my Soul, if
only it is more to me than my earthly happiness that my love to God should triumph. A man may still
be able at the last instant to concentrate his whole Soul in a single glance toward that Heaven from
which cometh every good gift, and his glance will be intelligible to himself and also to him who seeks
as a sign that he nevertheless remained true to his love. Then he will calmly put on the motley garb.
He whose Soul has has not this romantic enthusiasm has sold his Soul, whether he got a kingdom for it
or a paltry piece of silver.
What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his own Soul?
The Gospel of Mark
The bodhisattvas do not wish to attain their own private Nirvana. They have set out for the benefit
of the world, for the ease of the world, out of compassion for the world. They have resolved: "We will
become a shelter for the world, the world's place of rest, the final relief of the world, lights of the
world, the guides of the world's means of salvation."
Astasahasrika Sutra
Let your compassion extend to all creatures, neither despising nor destroying any of them. Rabbi
Moses Cordovera
Return to God from having strayed and missed the mark. Be careful not to miss again. Hayyim
There comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular; but
one must take it because it is right.
Martin Luther King Jr.
What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save
The Book of James
If you bring forth what is in you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what
is in you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
The Gospel of Thomas
To be, or not to be: That is the question: Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows
of outrageous fortune, or to take arms against a sea of troubles, and by opposing them end them?
All things are possible once enough human beings realize that the whole of the human race is at
Norman O. Brown
Life is impoverished, it loses its interest when the highest stake in the game of living, life itself, may
not be risked.
Sigmund Freud
Until one is committed, there is hesitancy, the chance to draw back, always ineffectiveness.
Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills
countless ideas and splendid plans: That the moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence
moves too. All sorts of things occur to help one that would never otherwise have occurred. A whole
stream of events issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all manner of unforeseen incidents, and
meetings and material assistance, which no man could have dreamed would come his way.
Climb the heavens, get acquainted with the angels. Don't beat a drum beneath a blanket, be brave
and make yourself in plain view. Choose a knight, storm the castle, charge the King. Rumi
Champion the planet! Challenge world reality! Such Potency is possible given the crucial Key.
Rise up now with Cosmic Arms against this trouble sea, And know yourself far greater than you
dreamt yourself to be.
S. E. T.
Defend the cause of the weak and the fatherless, maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed.
Rescue the weak and the needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.
Book of Psalms
Outdo one another, then, in good deeds, turning, all of you, toward God your goal.
The Quran
In this joy noone can have a part who is without love.
Hadewijch of Brabant
A prince is just a conceit until he does something with his generosity.

All of course exceedingly Wise Advise, if we'd but heed.

On the other hand, What is the Most Difficult Thing in the World, they say? To Know Thy Self. It is
precisely this Unknown Self, this as yet Undiscovered Self, that will now prove for us The Cosmic
Subject of our Future's To BE or Not To BE - question mark!

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