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Education Department
AR275 Elementary Art Methods
AR 275 Elementary Art Methods Instructor: Sheryl Smith
3 Credit Hours Phone: 620.543.6646 home
Meeting Place: Online 620.727.4202 cell
Spring, 2017

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Elementary Art Methods is a study of the art methods and curricula relevant to
educators teaching at the elementary school level. The teacher candidates in this class will experience the creation,
implementation, and evaluation of works of art using a variety of media and techniques. Teacher candidates will
understand the philosophy and importance of including developmentally appropriate, meaningful, and challenging
art in the elementary classroom. This class is a requirement for all elementary candidates but does not meet the
general education requirement for fine arts.

COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course teacher candidates will demonstrate:
1. the importance of implementing a rich and varied art program for all elementary students
2. the knowledge to create a positive and safe learning environment where all students can
actively learn and create
3. an understanding of art purposes and principles and the importance of including art in the
elementary classroom
4. the knowledge to integrate the arts with other content areas

InTASC STANDARD #5: The teacher understands how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to
engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and
global issues.

ASSESSMENT METHODS: Assessment methods will include:

1. Rubrics or checklists
2. Performance based assessment
3. Written essays/reflections
4. Final Notebook

GRADING POLICY: Grades will be based on the following items:

Weekly art projects 20 points per project
Final Teaching Lesson (lesson plan, project and rubric) 100 points
Final Notebook (digital presentation) 100 points
Art topic reflections 20 points per reflection paper
Forum Discussions 20 points per topic


TARGET 100% - 93% A

92.9% - 90% A-
COMPETENT 89.9% - 87% B+
86.9% - 83% B
82.9% - 80% B-
BASIC 79.9% - 77% C+
76.9% - 73% C
UNACCEPTABLE 72.9% - 70% C-
69.9% - 67% D+
66.9% - 63% D
62.9% - 60% D-
MID-TERM: The mid-term grade will reflect work done and points accumulated at that time. Projects completed
in class will not be accepted at another time except in extreme circumstances. No work will be accepted if it is
more than a week after it is due.


Weekly participation is recorded in the "Attendance" section of the course.
Weekly student participation is fulfilled by one or more of the following criteria:
o discussion board participation
o strong participation in the form of assignment submissions other than basic logins/views such as
assignment submissions
Please note: any student not participating regularly may be administratively withdrawn from the course.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: Sterling College faculty and students form an academic community committed to the
Biblical principles of justice and honesty and to the core values of faith, calling, learning, integrity, service, and
community. Within this context, Sterling College has a covenant with its students - past, present, and future. Our
commitment to academic integrity requires that each student and faculty member be responsible for creating an
environment of trust and respect in which the search for knowledge, truth, and wisdom can be successfully
accomplished. These are the expectations:
Students will:
Perform and represent honestly his or her academic work.
Properly acknowledge others' ideas, words, and creations when appropriate.
Respect the learning environment and the expression of others' ideas and opinions.
Demonstrate good stewardship in the use of academic resources.
Any violation of these expectations will be considered academic misconduct and will result in disciplinary action. A
record of these violations will become a part of the student's permanent academic record at Sterling College.

CLASS ATTENDANCE: Candidates are not exempt from class responsibilities or assignments. Candidates with
missed or late assignments may be placed on probation by the education department. See the Teacher Education
Handbook. Please contact the instructor prior to due date if circumstances prevent timely submission of


Materials Needed: These supplies will be needed for projects. Brands suggested are preferred for best
results but you may use what you have available.
Extra Fine Sharpie
Crayola Crayons
Prang Watercolors (Crayola also acceptable)
Tempera Paint set (small set-needs to include red, yellow, blue, black and white)
Crayola Markers
9x12 Drawing Paper or sketchbook
9x12 Assorted Colors Colored Construction Paper
Elmers Glue All (not School Glue)
Pastels or colored chalk
Crayola Colored Pencils
Model Magic or other air dry clay
Assorted kitchen supplies (bleach, Styrofoam plates for printmaking and painting, salt, rubbing
alcohol, drinking straw, Q-Tips, small lunch sack, plastic forks or other texture tools, brown paper
bag or brown kraft/wrapping paper)

Weekly Art Projects: Hands-on art projects will be completed each week in class. You will need to
photograph or scan your finished project and upload it to the course site for grading. Up to 20 points per
Art Topic Reflections/Forum Discussions: Relevant art topics/discussion questions will be presented
each week. A one-page reflection or other assignment on each topic will be due each week. No late papers
will be accepted. Up to 20 points per reflection/discussion topic.

Final Art Project: Each candidate will be responsible for preparing an art lesson which includes creating
a complete lesson plan using the Sterling college lesson plan template, creating the project and rubric and
then teaching the project at a local elementary school. The candidate will assess the finished projects with
the rubric created. 100 points.

Elementary Art Methods Electronic Notebook: An electronic notebook will be compiled from
handouts, reflections, lesson plans, and art projects completed during the semester, including work
developed outside of weekly assignments. 100 points


Week Project Topics Reflection Topics

1 Introduction, Survey, Syllabus, Lesson plan template, Developmental Stages
No More Bats, Personal Name Collage
2 Color wheel, color harmonies, shades and tints, color Color
3 Line, value, texture and shape, composition, rule of Elements and Principles
4 Seasonal Art Importance of Teaching Art

5 Language Arts Integration Integration in the Content Areas

6 Math Integration Safety in the Classroom

7 Science and Social Science Integration Assessment

8 Elements of drawing, drawing media and techniques Drawing with children

9 Multicultural projects Embracing Diversity

10 Painting Art History and Appreciation

11 Printmaking Art Criticism

12 Three-dimensional, sculpture, clay Differentiation/Disabilities

13 Prepare for Elementary Teaching Experience: Create Displaying Art/Bulletin Boards

lesson plan, sample project and rubric
14 Technology, photography, video Personal Growth and Reflection

15 Final: Presentation of Final Teaching Assignment and

Respect for the Learning Environment

The learning environment includes technology, information, and people. Students should demonstrate
professionalism and integrity in regard to all components of the learning environment.

Treating Other Students with Respect

Obviously, students should not write offensive comments about their peers. But respecting other students involves
more than avoiding inflammatory statements. Students should also consider how their actions or inactions will affect
the learning experiences of classmates. For example, most students want to get the most from a learning experience,
which means that they expect their peers cooperation on collaborative assignments and thoughtful participation in
discussion forums. Fellow students can enhance a course just as an instructor can.
Given that students may be from anywhere in the world, learners should also consider each others time zones if
telephone conversation is ever required for collaborative work.

Treating Instructors with Respect

Respecting instructors also includes sensitivity to time zones. Students should not call instructors at unconventional
times. Instructors time zones and available times for contact are published in each course.
In addition, students can show respect to instructors by reading all announcements in a timely manner, checking the
Announcements section of the course each time they log in; communicating in a timely fashion about problems
(technological or other) that will cause work to be turned in late; and following directions.

Treating with Respect All Parties Who Collaborate with the Institution to Create Learning Experiences
Service, observation, and clinical practice are important components of Sterling College Online programs. The
organizations and employers who cooperate with Sterling College to help students succeed do so out of kindness and
a commitment to social responsibility; they are not required to participate in Sterling College Online learning
experiences. Sterling College thus appreciates and values the cooperation of all parties who help students learn and
grow by providing observatory and hands-on experience. Students should also recognize and respect the
contributions of such parties.

Respecting Laws Regarding Technology and Information

Students may not use or reproduce any technology or course component for financial purposes or for the purpose of
defaming the institution or individuals. Online learners should use technology for the sole purpose of learning and
sharing course-related information with others in the learning community.


Sterling College does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability or age. The policy
in the current Academic Catalog will be followed for this class.


Any student with a disability who may need classroom accommodations in this course should contact the Academic
Support Office, located in Mabee Library (campus ext. 463). The office serves students with a wide range of
documented physical and learning disabilities.

Sterling College reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus as necessary to achieve course objectives.
Students will be given ample notice of any such changes.

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