Reflectiveessayno 4

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This section is a reflection of my piano, school, and violin accomplishments that

have accumulated from the latter part of my life. This section is a good representation of
who I am, as music means a lot to me, and I have included a few of the awards I have
won from the past three years.

Yes, there are many items that I have not included, as I have forgot where I put
them! There are a lot of certificates and plaques that I have misplaced over the years;
also school awards, such as my History grade 10 award, my NoteWorthy Musicianship
grade 8 award, my grade 9 band award, my math Gauss Test top 25% of Canada
certificate, also my grade 8 Science Award and grade 7 Social Studies award. There
are also a number of piano awards/ honors that I have not included, such as my winning
of the Nova Scotia Youth Orchestra competition this year, 2nd and 3rd place winnings
at the Canadian Music Competition, my ARCT Piano Certificate Diploma, Maritime
Fiddle Festival Award, and others.

I have learned from this section is that I will have to keep all of the awards/
honors/ certificates I have accumulated over the past years in a keepsake place, ready
for use at any time. For example, one day when I am cleaning the house/ doing chores,
I can reserve a file cabinet for all of the plaques, awards, certificates that I have won. So
when I need it for a portfolio in the future, I have quick and immediate access to them.
Unlike this time, in which I had to scrounge all over the house to find only a few of the
honors that have been bestowed upon me. I can benefit from this, as I will continue to
work on becoming more organised and thorough, opposed to my current state.

As with all the other sections, I have to become more real with myself and be
stricter with myself in terms of being more productive, organized, and thorough.
Therefore, when the occasion rises that a part of my organisational/ productivity skills
are called upon, I can step up to the challenge and deliver.

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