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Lonely Planet Publications

68 ALGERIA Highlights 69


Algiers (p73) See modern and traditional WARNING

Algeria meet in the countrys fascinating Despite an increase in interest in Algeria
capital. as a travellers destination, parts of the
 Tamanrasset (p76) Get lost among the Blue country remain unsafe. You should avoid
Men the Tuaregs and explore Saharan travelling to the northwest, and the desert
culture. and mountain regions of the southeast, in
 Assekrem (p77) Watch the sun set beyond particular. We did on-the-ground research
You raise a few eyebrows when you say youre travelling to Algeria. Though the country, a sea of mountains, and absorb Algerias in some parts of the south, east and the
ravaged by civil war in the early 1990s, is taking tentative steps towards tourism, it is still most breathtaking view. countrys capital, but as we were not able
a destination mainly for the adventurous and the patient. Yet there is so much to see here:  Timimoun (p76) Explore beautiful desert to do on-the-ground research in the entire
vast parts of the Sahara desert remain unexplored; the Neolithic cave paintings of Tassili architecture and sigh over the sand dunes country, some information in this chapter
on the edges of town. might not be reliable. Please check the situ-
NAjjer and the volcanic peaks of the Hoggar mountains are Unesco listed; tribal culture is
 Ghardaa (p75) Bargain for a technicolour ation before travelling to Algeria.
very much alive; the mysterious and ultrareligious towns of the Mzab region offer a peek carpet, before peeking inside the ancient
into life as it was lived hundreds of years ago; and the Tuareg capital, Tamanrasset, is a forest Muslim town, Beni Isguen.
of veiled blue men driving jeeps and drinking mint tea. To the north, the Mediterranean stars for five days. Stopping over in Al-
coast is almost completely undeveloped, and the capital, Algiers, is a bombastic mixture of CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO giers (p73) on your way back gives you
Algeria has a Mediterranean climate along the perfect opportunity to explore the
traditional and modern Algeria. Refreshingly, the day-to-day hassle common to many Arab the coast, with mild, wet winters, and hot, dry capital for a couple of days.
countries is conspicuously absent. summers. The coastal area is best visited in  Two Weeks As for the one-week itinerary,
spring and summer months. The Sahara desert but continue onto Ghardaa (p75) from
Many Algerians and the countrys intrepid explorers like the lack of visitors: the difficult has famously ferocious summer temperatures, Algiers. Take in the beauties of this old-
transport and next to no tourist infrastructure make it almost impossible for Algeria to turn so visiting this part of Algeria is best done be- fashioned town over two days, with its
into a holiday magnet like its neighbour, Tunisia. Chances of this happening are low, because tween late autumn and early spring (Novem- market, colourful carpets and the daily
Algerias economy doesnt depend on tourism and the continuing reports of militant attacks ber to April). Despite daytime temperatures souq (market), and dont miss spending
seldom falling below 25C, desert nights can a day inside the ancient town of Beni
in certain areas, though seldom reported in Western media, mean that it will be a long time be cold even in the height of summer. Rainfall Isguen (p75), where people have been liv-
before Algeria is swamped by visitors. So, if you have lots of time, patience and a healthy ranges from more than 1000mm per year in ing according to strict Muslim laws for
but cautious sense of adventure, take advantage of this dusty gem and explore Algeria. the northern mountains, to zero in the Sahara. centuries. Get a bus to Timimoun (p76)
Some places go decades without a drop. and spend a couple of days relaxing, wan-
dering around town, and watching the
FAST FACTS ITINERARIES sand dunes, before catching a bus, then
 One Week Fly to Tamanrasset (p76) and plane back to Algiers.
 Area 2.3 million sq km
go on a desert expedition trip, walking
 ATMs None alongside camels and sleeping under the HISTORY
 Borders Niger and Tunisia open; Morocco The modern state of Algeria is a relatively
closed; Mali, Mauritania and Libya crossings recent creation. The name was coined by the
HOW MUCH? Ottoman Turks in the 16th century to de-
not advised
 Cup of tea US$0.50
scribe the territory controlled by the regency
 Budget US$35 to US$40 per day
of Algiers initially a Turkish colony. The
 Capital Algiers  Newspaper US$0.80 regency broke free of the Ottoman Empire
 Languages Arabic, Berber, French  Antique tin box US$4 and founded a military republic of unusual
 Lamb couscous US$1.50 stability. This endured almost 300 years until
 Money Algerian dinar (DA); US$1 = DA71
spurious diplomatic problems prompted the
 Population 32.9 million  Tuareg shawl US$5
French to invade in the 19th century.
 Seasons In the north: wet (October to March), dry
(June to September); in the south: hot (March to The Barbary Coast
October), cool (November to February)  1L petrol US$1.50 Before the arrival of the French, Algeria was
known to Europeans as the Barbary (a corrup-
 Telephone Country code %213; international access code  1L bottled water US$0.50
tion of Berber) Coast, whose notorious pirates
%00  Bottle of Algad Power Beer From US$5 preyed on Christian shipping. The dreaded
 Time GMT/UTC +1 Khayr al-Din, going under the chilling pseu-
 Souvenir T-shirt US$4
 Visa US$40 to US$50 for one month donym of Barbarossa, was the first regent of
 Kebab US$1.50
Algiers during this period, and at one point

held no fewer than 25,000 Christian captives rendered in 1846 and spent the rest of his life Algerias war of independence, led by the cember 1991, produced another landslide win

in the city. Piracy sent shivers down many a in exile. He died in Damascus in 1883. newly formed Front de Libration Nationale for the FIS. The FLN was left looking like a
spine until the US Navy defeated a Barbary (FLN; National Liberation Front), began on political irrelevance, taking only 15 of the
fleet off Algiers in 1815. Despite this, the French Rule 31 October 1954 in Batna, east of Algiers. 231 seats. Chadlis apparent acceptance of
feared pirates were not entirely beaten until The French colonial authorities set about The fighting lasted seven years, with terror this prompted the army to step in, replacing
the French attacked Algiers in 1830 and forced changing the face of Algeria by eliminating campaigns led by both native Algerians and the president with a five-person Haut Conseil
the ruling dey (commander or governor) to anything that was previously thought of as Al- pied-noir settlers, costing at least a million dEtat (HCE; High Council of State) headed
capitulate. It took another 41 years for French gerian: local culture was destroyed, mosques Algerian lives. The French president, Charles by Mohammed Boudiaf, a former leader of
domination of the country to be complete. were converted into churches and the old me- de Gaulle, aware of the impossibility of con- the Algerian revolution. The second round of
The main opposition came from Emir Ab- dinas were pulled down and replaced with tinued French rule, agreed to a referendum on elections was cancelled, and FIS leaders Abbas
delkader, the great hero of Algerias nation- streets laid out in neat grids. The greatest sym- independence in March 1962. The result was Madani and Ali Belhadj were arrested while
alist movement. Abdelkader was a sherif (a bol of the change was the conversion of the a resounding six million in favour and only others fled into exile.
descendant of the Prophet, not a Wild West Great Mosque of Algiers to the Cathedral of 16,000 against. Independence was declared
figure) who ruled western and central inland St Philippe. The French also distributed large on 5 July 1962. Civil War
Algeria. His forces resisted the French for al- parts of prime farming land to European set- Boudiaf lasted six months before he was
most six years before they were defeated near tlers (known as pieds-noirs) Italian, Maltese Socialism & Democracy assassinated amid signs of a growing guer-
Oujda in 1844. Abdelkader himself finally sur- and Spanish as well as French. FLN candidate Ahmed ben Bella, who robbed rilla offensive led by the Groupe Islamique
a bank to fund a revolutionary group, became Arm (GIA; Armed Islamic Group). He was
ALGERIA 0 300 km Algerias first president. He pledged to create a replaced by former FLN hardliner Ali Kafi,
0 180 miles
revolutionary Arab-Islamic state based on the who oversaw the countrys rapid descent into
PORTUGAL MEDITERRANEAN SEA principles of socialism and collective leader- civil war before he was replaced by a retired

ship at home and anti-imperialism abroad. general, Liamine Zroual, in January 1994.
ALGIERS Bjaa Jijel
Skikda Annaba He was quickly overthrown in 1965 by former Zroual attempted to defuse the situation
Mostaganem Stif
TUNIS colleague Colonel Houari Boumdienne, who by holding fresh elections in 1995, but Is-
Souq Ghardimao
Ahras Batna Sousse effectively returned the country to military lamic parties were barred from the poll and
Bou Saada
Tbessa rule. Zrouals sweeping victory came amid wide-
Tlemcen Djelfa Biskra Boumdiennes emphasis on industrial spread claims of fraud.
development at the expense of the agricul- Hopes for peace went unfulfilled; instead,

n Atla
Casablanca Sahara Nefta Tozeur
Laghouat Hazoua tural sector was to have a major impact in the war became even more brutal, with
later years, when the country became heav- Amnesty International accusing both sides
Figuig `Ain Sefra Ghardaa
TUNISIA ily dependent on food imports and migrant of massacres and war atrocities. The GIA,
Beni Ounif
Messaoud workers. Boumdienne died in December angered by French aid to the government,
MOROCCO 1978 and the FLN replaced him with Colo- extended the war to French soil with a series

Grand Erg
Taghit Grand Erg
Occidental El-Gola
Oriental nel Chadli Benjedid, who was re-elected in of bombings and hijackings.
du Tas

Western Beni Messaouda
1984 and 1989. Eventually, government security forces
Hog ar

There was very little political change under began to gain the upper hand, and at the be-
sili N'Ajjer


Sahara anie
Ma Timimoun LIBYA
Boumdienne and Chadli. The FLN was the ginning of 1999 Zroual announced that he

Route d


Borj Omar Driss In Amenas

sole political party, pursuing basically secular, would be stepping down. New elections held
Tindouf Adrar socialist policies. There was little evidence of in April that year resulted in a controversial
In Salah opposition until October 1988, when thou- victory for the establishment candidate Ab-
Reggane Aoulef
Illizi sands of people took to the streets in protest delaziz Bouteflika, a former foreign minister,
To Nouakchott Tassil
against government austerity measures and who was elected unopposed after the rest of

(1000km) Arak 'A

r food shortages. The army was called in to the candidates in the field claimed fraud and
restore order, and between 160 and 600 people withdrew.
du Ta

were killed. Bouteflika moved quickly to establish his

In Eker Djanet

Tin Alkoum
The government reacted by pledging to legitimacy by calling a referendum on a plan

Mountains relax the FLN monopoly on political power to offer amnesty to the rebels. War-weary
and work towards a multiparty system. The Algerians responded overwhelmingly with a
Route du Hoggar

extent of the opposition became clear at local 98% yes vote, and by the end of 1999 many
Borj Mokhtar government elections held in early 1990, which groups had responded and laid down their
produced landslide victories for previously weapons. However, elements within the GIA
outlawed fundamentalist Front Islamique du remained defiant, and were suspected of as-
In Guezzam
NIGER Salut (FIS; Islamic Salvation Front). sassinating FIS leader Abdelkader Hachani
To Arlit (200km); The initial round of Algerias first multi- in October 1999 in an attempt to derail the
To Gao (450km) Agadez (400km)
party parliamentary elections, held in De- peace process.
72 A L G E R I A C u l t u re Book accommodation online at ALGIERS Orientation 73

Algeria Today ONAT (Office National Algrien du Tourisme; %74 44


towards the media (journalists can still be of landscapes, from the classic S-dunes of

Since 1999 little has changed in this standoff jailed for insulting the president), militant the great ergs (sand seas) to the rock-strewn 48;; 126b Rue Didouche Mourad) Has
GIA splinter groups continue their campaign attacks continue to happen every year (though peaks of the Hoggar Mountains in the far several branches in Algiers.
against the government, and the army con- in diminishing numbers; an estimated number south. Police %17
tinues its own campaign against the rebels, of deaths is 500 a year). Telephone office (cnr Rue Asselah Hocine & Blvd Colonel
amid accusations of brutality, executions and
failure to prevent massacres. Added to this has
been violent unrest among the Berber people,
An estimated 99% of Algerias population are
ALGIERS Amirouche) A block from the post office, towards the harbour.

which led to an appeasement package from Sunni Muslims; the majority are ethnically %021 / pop 3.5 million Magnificent Turkish palaces are hidden inside
the government in 2001, when Berber was ArabBerber and live in the north of the coun- Algiers (Al-Jazar) is a mix of tradition and the predominantly French-built medina.
proclaimed the countrys official language, try. Berber traditions are best preserved in the modernism that reflects Algerias colonial Most are concentrated around the Ketch-
alongside Arabic. Kabylie region east of Algiers, where people past in its wide boulevards and elegant white aoua Mosque on Rue Hadj Omar; the finest
Relations with France have improved con- speak the local Berber (Tamazight) dialect as and blue French houses, but keeps its tra- is the Dar Hassan Pacha palace (no admission
siderably in recent years; 2003 was celebrated their first language, Arabic as their second and ditional heart hidden deep inside the maze to the interior).
as the Year of Algeria in France, and President French as their third. After sustained protests of the medina that sits on the hill above the The distinctive abstract monstrosity domi-
Jacques Chirac made his first official visit to and rioting, Berber was finally recognised as port. Its a city of steps and labyrinthine uphill nating the skyline south of the centre is the
the country. Many Algerians boycotted the an official language in 2002. The Tuareg peo- streets, with fezzed old men watching the Martyrs Monument, opened in 1982 on the 20th
festivities in Paris, calling it a whitewash of ple of the Sahara are also Berbers, but speak changing world go by, as youngsters stroll, anniversary of Algerias independence. The
history and resenting any suggestion of re- their own tribal language, Tamashek. comfortable with their modern attire and views over the city here are the best youll
newed French influence after so many years The most interesting traditional crafts are lifestyle. Algiers is safer than its given credit get, and theres also a convenient shopping
of abuse. those of the southern Saharan Tuareg, who for, with a serious police presence inside the centre nearby.
Parliamentary elections in May 2002, won are known for their intricate leatherwork and pripherique (ring road). Most points of in-
by Ali Benflis of the FLN, were marred by silver jewellery. In the north of Algeria, as in terest are found in the medina and wander- SLEEPING & EATING
violence and low voter turnout, and did lit- Morocco, carpets are big business, but because ing around this part of the city is a lovely Cheap accommodation can be found on Pl
tle to strengthen peoples faith in Algerian theres less tourist custom the selling process experience, but you should exercise caution if Port Said on the edge of the medina, but few
democracy. Four parties boycotted the vote, is much less pressured. youre alone and completely avoid it at night. foreign visitors stay in the area because of its
including two of the major Berber parties. To Music is a big part of life here too, and few Though most people spend just enough time seediness and the likelihood of cockroaches
cap all the political problems, northern Alge- road journeys are complete without a constant in Algiers to organise their forward journey, strolling around the beds.
ria was rocked by a severe earthquake in May accompaniment of distinctive wailing vocals. its a fascinating city for a couple of days of Htel el-Aurassi (%74 82 52;; 2
2003, which killed more than 2000 people. Algerias contribution to world music culture exploration. Ave du Frantz Fanon; s/d US$120/130; ais) Over-
In April 2004, Abdelaziz Bouteflika secured is rai, a genre that started out as subversive looking the city, this atmospheric 1970s hotel
a landslide election victory and promised to underground protest pop and has now spread ORIENTATION has three restaurants offering good French-
seek a true national reconciliation during his around the Arab world. A notable rai star is The harbour is an obvious landmark; four Algerian cuisine, a massive pool and tennis
second term. The military traditionally a the excellent Cheb Mami. Egyptian pop is also main streets run parallel to the waterfront, courts. The large rooms have terraces, many
key player in Algerian politics pledged neu- massively popular. changing names every 500m or so. The me- with fabulous sea views.
trality during the poll. January 2005 saw the As very few people depend on tourism for dina lies between Blvd de la Victoire and Rue Htel el-Djazar (%23 09 33/37; www.hoteleldjazair
government make a deal with Berber leaders, their income, the constant Moroccan-style Ahmed Bouzrina. .dz; 24 Ave Souidani Boudjemma; s/d US$120/135; ais)
promising more investment in the Kabylie re- street hassle you might expect to find in Al- The area around the airport is one of the This classic old five-star hotel has fantastic
gion and enhanced recognition of Tamazight geria is very rare anyone who does accost less safe parts of Algiers, as it lies in the sub- amenities and service to match. There are
dialect. A referendum for reconciliation was you will usually be genuinely interested in urbs outside the ring road; there are regular four restaurants, a bar, a nightclub, a pool
held in September 2005, with voters support- where you come from and what youre doing. buses into town (US$0.50) but its better to and sports facilities on site. The location is
ing the governments plans to give amnesty to Invitations to tea can be regarded with far less take a private taxi (US$8). Dont let pushy excellent (its sandwiched between El-Khalifa
many of those involved in the 1990s conflict, suspicion than elsewhere! locals share it with you. Bank and the British Embassy).
and a six-month period of amnesty began in In the city centre, Algerian snacks can be
March 2006. According to the reconciliation ENVIRONMENT INFORMATION found on the streets between Pl Emir Ab-
plan, fugitive militants who surrendered were Algeria is Africas second-largest country after There are banks all over the city centre, but delkader and Pl Port Said.
to be pardoned, except for the most serious Sudan. About 85% of the country is taken none have international ATMs so travellers
of crimes, and some jailed Islamic militants up by the Sahara, and the mountainous Tell cheques are the best way to go. Internet access GETTING THERE & AWAY
were set free during the first part of the year. region in the north makes up the balance. is available in the larger hotels and in several Air
Despite the yes vote at the referendum, many The Tell consists of two main mountain small offices around town. For medical emer- Air Algrie (%74 24 28;; 1 Pl Maurice
relatives of the victims killed in the civil war ranges: the Tell Atlas, which runs right along gencies, call %115. Youll need good French Audin) and Air France (%73 16 10;;
are asking for those involved in the killings the north coast into Tunisia, and the Saharan and/or Arabic to get medical help here. Immeuble Maurtania, Pl de Perou) cover destinations
to be tried at the national courts and for war Atlas, about 100km to the south. The area Fire %14 throughout the country. Useful but pricey
crimes to be investigated. There is remaining between the two ranges is known as the High Main post office (Pl Grande Poste) At the southern end routes include Tamanrasset (US$420 return,
criticism of the countrys repressive attitudes Plateaus. The Sahara covers a great range of Rue Larbi ben MHidi. 2 hours, daily), Ghardaa (US$150 return,


one hour, daily), In Salah (US$300 return),

0 200 m
ALGIERS 0 0.1 miles
Oran (US$150 return, one hour, daily), Con- %029 / pop 340,000
eA stantine (US$120 return, one hour, daily), Ghardaa is a town whose sand-coloured

Ave 1e

e in
el Annaba (50 minutes, daily) and Tlemcen houses stand on a curious heap, with a single
(US$150 return, one hour, daily). minaret sticking out on top like a one-year

r Novem
e d

tt a
birthday cake.



Fr a
de Bus The area is famous for its carpets and for the


o le

Rue Abderahma
The main intercity bus station is south of Pl massive daily souq in the old town. The most


Boulevard de la Victoire

Medina Blv Grande Poste on Rue de Compigne. There curious and culturally unique town is Beni Isguen
Blvd e l - Kettar

are daily buses to Ghardaa (US$15, eight (admission US$1), 3km from central Ghardaa, a

hours) and El-Oued (US$18, 14 hours). fascinating place where Islam is so rigorously
B lv


d Bo
enforced that local women, who are draped in
Mohamm e d

Blvd b Aroun

white shawls from head to toe, are allowed to


Rue Amar

The train station is on the lower level of the have only one eye showing (they apparently

B lv d
Our Mediterranean
waterfront. Surviving services include Oran alternate the eye to keep their vision from weak-


Me Sea



(US$9, six hours, three daily) and Annaba ening). Men and women lead completely segre-




(US$14, 14 hours, two daily). gated lives, and each gender has its own council.

Port Said


Foreigners are not allowed to enter without a
ng m


M rma
Be ale


erp nd 11
R ue
Av guide, and not at all on Fridays. Its also forbid-

Blvd Bou

le De dj e


Ru e C h e r um
Bo The four major city bus stations are at Pl des den to wear shorts, take photos or smoke.

Algiers Train Station

Martyrs, Pl Grande Poste, Pl Maurice Audin One sleeping option is the Hotel el-Djanoub


la L and Pl 1 Mai. (%88 56 31; Quartier Bouhraoua; s/d US$40/55; as), a

There are private taxis everywhere; prices slightly characterless place with long hospital-
Rue La


Dr F
Rue Adelaziz Mouzaoui

Rue A

are negotiable. It costs US$8 to get to the city like corridors and comfortable rooms (the two
rbi ben

centre from the airport, and around US$3 swimming pools are major pluses). Camping

ll Har

across town. is possible near the river.


a li ka Air Algrie flies from Ghardaa to Algiers
ld M
R ue A s



ve Emir Abdelkader (US$150, one hour, daily) and Tamanrasset

To Libyan Embassy (3km);

(US$300, 2 hours, once a week).
selah H

US Embassy (3km) 1

Regular buses run to Algiers (US$15, eight


g h o ut Youssef

Ru S
e ai
The northern region is still largely unsafe for hours, daily) via Djelfa, and Reggane (US$4,
ub travellers. If safety advice changes by the time daily) via Timimoun and Adrar.
of your visit, make tracks to Djemila, a tiny



mountain town in the stunning area around



Place d


e Grande Poste

%032 / pop 678,000


Ru e 4 P
Stif; Oran, the modern but fascinating port
Av oun

l M town made famous by Albert Camus; Batna, Tagged the Town of a Thousand Domes,


he a charming town in an area known for its El-Oued is the major town of the Souf re-

of Algiers


ir Roman ruins; and Tlemcen, the beautifully pre- gion in the Grand Erg Oriental. Along with




served gateway city for Morocco and former Touggourt it is the main port of call for peo-


Valent i n rs


de B

Place 8
Place capital of the central Maghreb region. ple heading to or from Tunisia. Most of the

de Perou

R Maurice


buildings have domes, built to alleviate the


al Audin






la af

summer heat.

h ay Department des Estrangers..........1 C4



te Main Post Office..........................2 C4


The town is also famous for its carpets,



ONAT..........................................3 B5



Telephone Office.........................4 C4 which often bear the traditional cross of the




Here youll find the mysterious Mzab region, Souf. The daily souq in the old part of town is

vd ch
ou Agha Train Station Dar Hassan Pacha.........................5 C1
To Hotel el-Djazar(1km); Malian Embassy
(4km); French Embassy (4km)
id where life remains frozen in time, and the at its most animated on Friday.
R Blvd SLEEPING Souf, resting in the Grand Erg Oriental close
Rue de

k li
ra n l t
o Place
1 Mai
Htel el-Aurassi............................6 B3 to the Tunisian border. The Mzab region is
e F ve
RuRoose home to a conservative Muslim sect known
Rue Has ali

Rue de Chalo
ben Bou


Htel el-Aurassi..........................(see 6)
as the Ibadites, which broke from mainstream
Rue N Men

Islam some 900 years ago, and is, some say, This is Algerias tourism trump card and the

s ib a

Air Algrie....................................7 B5

a country unto itself. In the river valley of area that has taken in most visitors over the

Hussein 8
Air France.................................... C5

Prof Dey
the Oued MZab, is Ghardaa, a cluster of five years. The Saharan capital Tamanrasset,

Algrie Ferries.............................. 9 D2

To Martyrs Monument Main Bus Station....................... 10 C6

(1km); British Embassy (9km); towns Ghardaa, Melika, Beni Isguen, Bou home to a large Tuareg population, is a collec-

SNCM....................................... 11 D2

Hilton Algiers (9km); Airport (15km)

Noura and El-Ateuf. tion of mud houses, international banks and

4x4 (%34 22 58;; camping ASSEKREM


the famously veiled blue men. Around here To get here, youll have to fly to Ghardaa

are Illizi, a busy desert outpost on the fringes and get a bus from there. Daily buses go to B- per person US$5, car/truck US$1/2, s/d US$12/22), near the Watching the sun set and rise across the sea
of the Tassili NAjjer; Djanet, home to some char (US$2, 9 hours) and Ghardaa (US$7, village of Adriane, is popular with foreign- of mountains from Assekrem, in the Hoggar
of the best prehistoric rock art in the Sahara; 11 hours). ers. Its a peaceful, decent place with basic range, is an unmissable Algerian experience.
and Beni Abbs, a spring-watered town on an facilities. Assekrem is about 80km northeast of Taman-
escarpment overlooking an oasis in the west of IN SALAH Gte Saharien (%34 46 71; Ave Emir Abdelkader; camp- rasset and hard to get to without your own
the country. This is also the area from which %029 / pop 34,000 ing per person US$8, s US$20) is an excellent campsite vehicle. The many travel agencies in Taman-
most desert trekking expeditions start. In Salah, the main town between El-Gola and B&B, with palm and orange trees shading rasset operate tours to Assekrem, with some
Once the security situation in the north and Tamanrasset, is a laid-back place with the traditional Tuareg tents. Gte Saharien good deals available for groups. Overnight
improves and stabilises, overland companies a welcoming feel. Its main curiosity is the also offers simple, gravel-floored rooms and trips run by ONAT are decent value at US$90
might resume using the superb trans-Sahara inescapable salty water even the local soft delicious food that you can munch by the per vehicle, but there isnt much service. If
route via Bchar and Adrar, which skirts the drinks are made from it! fireplace in the winter. Its about 3.5km out of youre without a vehicle, you could hitch a lift
Grand Erg Occidental and passes through The main feature here is the creeping sand town, at the base of Hadrian mountain. The with another tourist group. There is a basic
some of the most dramatic scenery in North dune, which has effectively cut the town in place is run by the Taghant agency, which also refuge (per person incl dinner & breakfast US$20) at the
Africa. two. Scramble to the top for views over both provides car and camel excursions, airport top, where you can join in some fun card
sides. transfers and official invitations (for pre-trip games or checkers with the Tuaregs. Take
EL-GOLA The only hotel is the upmarket state-run visa applications). warm clothes; it gets chilly at night.
%029 / pop 30,000 Htel Tidikelt (%37 03 93) near the bus station. Most restaurants in town offer whole
On the eastern edge of the Grand Erg Occi-
dental, this little oasis town spouts the sweetest
natural water in the whole of the Sahara
The bus station is on the main Tamanrasset
to El-Gola road, which passes about 1km
east of town. Daily buses go to Tamanrasset
grilled chickens for around US$6. Restaurant
La Couronne (Ave Emir Abdelkader; mains around US$9)
is one of the few places with good couscous.
its bottled and sold across the country. (US$15, 12 to 20 hours) and El-Gola (US$3, The unimpressive Htel Tahat (%34 42 72; Ave Emir ACCOMMODATION
To get here, youll have to fly to Ghardaa four hours). Abdelkader) has the only bar in town. Hotels in Algeria tend to be either expensive
or In Salah and get a bus from there. There Air Algrie flies here four times weekly Air Algrie flies between Tamanrasset and state-run tourist hotels with good facilities
are regular buses to Ghardaa, Timimoun and (US$300, 3 hours). You can fly to Taman- the major northern towns Algiers (US$300, or cheap, tatty places intended for local visi-
In Salah (US$3, four hours, daily). rasset from here (US$300, three hours, three 2 hours, daily), Oran and Constantine as tors. There are some excellent campsites in
times a week). well as El-Gola, Djanet, Illizi, Ghardaa the south, particularly in Tamanrasset. For
TIMIMOUN (US$300, 2 hours, once a week) and In Salah travellers on a budget, there are branches of
%049 / pop 27,000 TAMANRASSET (US$300, three hours, three times a week). HI-affiliated youth hostels (facilities are mini-
Timimoun is a storybook Saharan oasis town. %029 / pop 62,500 The French company Point-Afrique (www.point mal) in most towns.
Its palmeraie counts over 400,000 palm trees Tamanrasset is set at the foot of Algerias most in French) also has very convenient
and there are views of an ancient salt lake and gorgeous landscape: the Hoggar Mountains. weekly flights to Paris and Marseille. BUSINESS HOURS
distant dunes from the edge of an escarpment Its a major centre for Algerias Saharan tour- The bus station is on the road to the north Most businesses in Algeria keep standard
upon which the town is built. The architec- ism and the last town on the route south to of town. By bus it can take 12 to 20 hours to opening hours (p1102), but everything closes
ture is a magnificent terracotta colour, with Niger. Tamanrasset is the capital of the Tuar- In Salah (US$15). There are infrequent buses on Friday for the Islamic weekend.
smooth shapes and soft lines curving around egs, with the veiled men and tattooed women to In Guezzam (US$18, 23 hours, weekly),
the windows. going about their daily business amid low near the border with Niger; regular 4WDs DANGERS & ANNOYANCES
A handy highlight that doubles as accom- mud houses. Try to make it here for the Tuareg that leave when theyre full also cover this Although safety has significantly increased, a
modation is Hotel Gourara (%90 26 27; s/d US$23/30; Music Festival, which is held in various venues route (US$20, nine hours). number of measures still have to be observed
s), which was constructed in the 1950s by the in the desert from 28 to 31 December.
legendary French architect Fernand Pouillon, Tamanrasset is a surprisingly busy place
who built practical structures whilst respect- with plenty of modern amenities, including PRACTICALITIES
ing local building traditions. The Gourara several banks, two Air Algrie offices, innu-  El Khabar (, private, Arabic-language daily; Le Quotidien dOran (www
is an ochre-coloured, slightly dilapidated merable travel agencies and an ONAT branch., El Watan (, Libert (, La
building, with two swimming pools glitter- The travel agencies and ONAT organise tours Tribune ( are private, French-language dailies; French El Moudjahid
ing amid palm trees. There are stunning oasis to Assekrem (opposite). Almost everything ( and Arabic Ech Chaab ( are state-run.
views from its terrace, especially at sunset, can be found on the main street, Ave Emir
 Algerian Radio ( is operated by state-run Radio-Television Algerienne,
when sighing over the romantic atmosphere Abdelkader.
and runs national Arabic, Berber and French networks and local stations; BBC World Service is
is obligatory. The hotel is a 15-minute walk Slightly unreliable internet access is avail-
available on shortwave (15485kHz and 12095kHz).
down the main street from the central market able at Tamtamnet (per hr US$1.50), across the small
towards the palmeraie. square in the centre of town. The consulates of  Enterprise Nationale de Television (ENTV) is the state-run TV station; BRTV is the Berber station,
Close to Timimoun is Tasfaoud village, a small Mali and Niger are next to each other on Rue transmitted via satellite from France.
oasis with a 13th-century Almohad castle and Fougani, towards the southern end of town.  Electricity is 220V, with two-pin, European-style wall plugs.
a fascinating desert irrigation system thats a There are some good camping grounds
 Algeria uses the metric system.
gravitation point for all the village houses. and a hotel or two in Tamanrasset. Camping
78 ALGERIA DIREC TORY Embassies & Consulates T R A N S P O R T I N A L G E R I A G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y 79

Mali (%69 13 51; Cit DNC/ANP, Villa No 15, Hydra) TOURIST INFORMATION

when travelling in Algeria. Foreigners are France, three times a week to London, two or

not usually targets of violence, but the indis- Mauritania (%93 71 06; 30 Rue du Vercors) Tourist offices can be found in many south- three times weekly to Dubai and two to five
criminate nature of bomb attacks on public Morocco (%60 74 08; 8 Rue des Cdres, Parc de la Reine) ern towns and are generally pretty helpful. times weekly to Germany. Air France (%021-73
places, such as markets and bus and train Niger (%78 89 21; 54 Rue du Vercors) The state-run travel agency, ONAT (Office National 16 10; Immeuble Maurtania, Pl de Perou, Algiers) mainly
stations, makes caution extremely advisable. Spain (%92 27 13; 46 Bis Rue Med Chabane) Algrien du Tourisme; %021-74 44 48;; serves Europe. Most travel agents sell tickets
The northern part of the country is still unsafe Tunisia (%69 13 88; 11 Rue du Bois de Bologne) 126b Rue Didouche Mourad), organises excursions for both companies.
and travel to this area is not advised. Driving UK (%23 00 68; fax 23 0067; 7th floor, Hotel Hilton and is handy for lone travellers wanting to Many tourists fly into Algeria by flying to
alone in the desert has been made illegal after International Alger, Pins Maritimes, Palais des Expositions, join a tour. Tamanrasset either nonstop direct from Eu-
the 2003 kidnappings, and a number of check- 16130 El Mohammadia) rope or with a change of planes at Algiers.
points exist in the desert in order to ensure US (%69 14 25; 4 Chemin Cheikh Bachir el-Ibrahimi, VISAS
people only travel in groups. El-Biar) Everyone except Moroccan and Tunisian na- Land
The best way to get around is to travel by tionals needs a visa to enter Algeria. Nationals LIBYA
air or with a group, though air fares are quite GAY & LESBIAN TRAVELLERS of Israel, Malawi and Taiwan are not allowed The main crossing points into Libya are at Bordj
expensive and a group of unarmed men did Homosexual sex is illegal for both men and into the country, and if you have a stamp in Messaouda and Tin Alkoum (between Djanet
try to hijack a domestic Air Algrie flight in women in Algeria, and incurs a maximum your passport from any of these countries and Ghat). However, at the time of research it
January 2003. penalty of three years in jail and a stiff fine. your application might be rejected. was not advisable to use these routes.
Expeditions into the Sahara pose a whole Youre unlikely to have any problems as a If youre getting an Algerian visa before leav-
host of other problems, from fuel shortages tourist, but discretion is advised. ing home, you need a letter from your em- MALI & MAURITANIA
to sandstorms and bandits (see Sun, Sand & ployer or university to say youll be coming Algerias southwestern borders are frequently
Safety, p80). Make sure you are adequately HOLIDAYS back after your holiday and an invitation to closed, and there is very little transport along
briefed and prepared well before departure. Algeria observes Islamic holidays (p1106) as visit the country from an Algerian contact or these routes. The road to Mauritania also
well as the following national holidays: tourist agency (the latter is available from sev- passes near the disputed territory of Western
EMBASSIES & CONSULATES Labour Day 1 May eral travel agencies in Tamanrasset). Applica- Sahara, which is best avoided.
Algerian Embassies & Consulates Revolutionary Readjustment (1965) 19 June tions lodged in Europe might also require three
Algeria has diplomatic representation in the Independence Day 5 July photos. Getting a visa en route is usually pretty MOROCCO
following neighbouring countries: Morocco National Day (Revolution Day) 1 November straightforward in Niger, Chad and Mali. The border with Morocco has been closed for
(p192), Niger (p449) and Tunisia (p239). Costs of a 30-day visa are around US$45. some time due to ongoing political disputes.
Elsewhere, Algerian embassies and consu- INTERNET ACCESS Some embassies ask for photocopies of your
lates include the following: Access is widely available, though connections passport. NIGER
Australia (%02-6286 7355; fax 02-6286 7037; www vary. Prices are reasonable (around US$1.50 The border between Algeria and Niger slices; 9 Terrigal Cres, OMalley, ACT 2606) per hour. Visa Extensions through the emptiness of the central Sahara,
Canada (Wilbrod St %613-789 8505/0282; www.amb Visa extensions can be obtained from the with just one official crossing point between; 500 Wilbrod St, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N2; Daly MONEY Department des Estrangers (Blvd Zighout Youssef 19A, the sandy outposts of In Guezzam and As-
Ave %613-789 5823/9592; fax 613-789 7022; 435 Daly Some Algerians, especially in rural areas, Algiers), but are not easy to obtain. samakka, on the main overland route from
Ave, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6H3) Embassy is on Wilbrod St, might give prices in centimes rather than Tamanrasset to Agadez (the Route du Hog-
consulate on Daly Ave. dinars (there are 100 centimes in a DA1). Visas for Onward Travel gar). Driving through the desert alone is now
France (%01 53 93 20 20; fax 01 42 25 10 25; 50 rue de To confuse matters further, they might also Visas for the following countries are available illegal but, surprisingly, theres plenty of traffic
Lisbonne, 75008 Paris) drop the thousands, so a quote of 130 means from embassies in Algiers (see opposite) or (mainly local trucks and 4WDs, plus a few
Netherlands (%070 3522 954; Van Stolklaan 173, 130,000 centimes (ie DA1300). consulates in Tamanrasset. brave travellers in their own vehicles), so back-
2585 JS Den Haag) Changing foreign currency is no problem Mali One-month visas cost US$36 and are usually issued in packers can find lifts, although youll probably
UK (%020-7221 7800;; 54 at banks and larger hotels. Travellers cheques 24 hours. Youll need two photos. have to pay and do the trip in stages. If youre
Holland Park, London W11 3RS) might be accepted in Algiers; credit cards can Niger One-month visas are issued the same day, costing very lucky you might get one lift all the way.
USA (%202-265 2800;; 2118 be used only in the international chain hotels between US$35 and US$0. Three photos and three applica- From Tamanrasset, trucks and battered
Kalorama Rd, NW, Washington, DC 20008) where they still use the old fraud-friendly slip tion forms are required. old 4WDs run to the Algeria border post at
system. Youll need dinar for day-to-day ex- In Guezzam (US$18, nine to 12 hours plus
Embassies & Consulates in Algeria
Countries with diplomatic representation in
Algiers include the following:
penses, although tourist-oriented businesses
(hotels, airlines, tour companies etc) might
accept US dollars.
TRANSPORT IN ALGERIA waiting time), where you can complete most
formalities. From here you can hitch on a
truck to the lonely checkpoint on the actual
Canada (%91 49 51; 18 Mustapha Khalef St, Ben GETTING THERE & AWAY border and then to the chaotic Niger border
Akmoum) Also provides consular assistance to Australians. POST & TELEPHONE Air post at Assamakka. Lifts on trucks between
France (%69 24 88; 25 Chemin Gaddrouche, Hydra) The postal system in Algeria is very slow, so its Air Algrie (%021-74 24 28;; 1 Pl Mau- the border posts will cost about US$3, but
Germany (%74 19 41; 165 Chemin Sfindja) advisable to send mail from a major town. rice Audin, Algiers) serves destinations through- as its mostly private vehicles they can ask
Italy (%92 23 30; 18 Rue Mohamed Ouidir Amellal) International phone calls can be made from out North and West Africa, including Tripoli for whatever they want. From Assamakka,
Libya (%92 15 02; 15 Chemin Cheikh Bachir el-Ibrahimi, any of the public Taxiphone offices found in (Libya), Casablanca (Morocco), Dakar (Sen- numerous trucks and 4WDs head to Arlit
El-Biar) most towns. egal) and Bamako (Mali). It also flies daily to (about US$6) and Agadez (US$9).
Lonely Planet Publications
ALGERIA 80 TRANSPORT IN ALGERIA Getting Around T R A N S P O R T I N A L G E R I A G e t t i n g A r o u n d 81

The road is sealed as far as Tamanrasset, a be in great demand on less frequently serv- runs from Adrar to Borj Mokhtar near the Louages (shared taxis) operate only in the

sandy track from there to Arlit, then tarmac to iced routes, such as from In Salah to Taman- Mali border. The latter two routes include north of the country. They run when full and
Agadez and beyond. Note that a tourist tax of rasset, so you should book in advance. Fares sections of sandy track (known as piste in all are more expensive than buses.
CFA1000 (US$2) is payable at the Niger border include the following: In Salah to Tamanrasset the Sahara countries).
post. Make sure you have some CFA francs or (US$15), Algiers to Ghardaia (US$8), Adrar to Train
youll have to pay DA1000 (US$15) instead. In Salah (US$1), El-Gola to In Salah (US$3) Local Transport The northern train line connects Oran, Al-
and Adrar to Timimoun (US$1). Trucks and 4WDs carrying paying passen- giers, Constantine and Annaba. Additional
TUNISIA gers are more common than buses as means lines run south from Oran to Bchar and from
There are numerous border-crossing points Car & Motorcycle of transport in the south. Prices for 4WD Constantine to Touggourt. Many services,
between Tunisia and Algeria, but the main Driving around the Sahara by yourself is ille- transport are negotiable, but you should figure including to Tlemcen (for Morocco) and
one is just outside Hazoua on the route be- gal, since 2003 and the kidnapping of tourists. on around US$20 for a full days driving (eg Tunis (Tunisia), were suspended at the time
tween El-Oued and Tozeur. This is used by You can rent a car in Algiers and drive along Tamanrasset to In Guezzam). of research.
louages (shared taxis), travellers driving their the coast, though locals recommend renting
own vehicle and the odd overland truck. a driver as well, for safety.

Sea Hitching
At the time of research, Algiers was the only Independent travel in all parts of Algeria is
advisable entry port for travellers. The ferry risky because of the current political situa-
terminal is near the main train station. The tion. However, the Sahara has long been a
French company SNCM (%021-73 65 69; 28 Blvd popular region for adventurers in their own
Zighout Youssef, Algiers) operates ferry services be- vehicles, so backpackers have traditionally
tween Marseille and Algiers once or twice a hitched rides. A great deal of patience is often
week. Algrie Ferries (%021-42 30 48; Gare Maritime, required before securing a lift, especially now,
Algiers) serves Algiers, Annaba, Bjaia and Oran as there are relatively few visitors. Most tour-
from Marseille via Alicante (Spain). Tickets ist vehicles are already full of passengers and
between Algiers and Marseille (the most com- kit, so drivers might be unwilling to take an
mon route) cost around US$160/240 for a extra load. You might be lucky, however, and
seat/cabin. The voyage takes about 21 hours. meet a loner whos happy to offer a spare seat
in return for help digging when the car gets
GETTING AROUND stuck in the sand and possibly a contribution
Air towards fuel.
Air Algrie (%021-74 24 28;; 1 Pl Mau- The main route across the Sahara is the
rice Audin, Algiers) offers extensive domestic serv- Route du Hoggar, which runs from Ghardaa
ices. Popular domestic routes are from Algiers via El-Gola and In Salah to Tamanrasset (and
to Tamanrasset and Ghardaa (see p73). then on to the border and Arlit in Niger). The
road is tar all the way to Tamanrasset. Other
Bus less-used roads include the eastern Route du
Long-distance buses are run by various re- Tassili NAjjer, which runs from Hassi Mes-
gional companies, mainly in the north but saoud to Tamanrasset across the Grand Erg
also as far south as Tamanrasset. Tickets can Oriental, and the Route du Tanezrouft, which


In February 2003, the dangers of desert driving were dramatically illustrated when no fewer than
32 people disappeared in the Sahara. Several separate expeditions, mostly German and Swiss,
vanished in different parts of southeast Algeria. Speculation was rife about their fate: one Algerian
source even claimed they were being held illegally in a military facility and the searches were
nothing but a sordid show aimed at impressing the media. By March, however, it had become
apparent that the travellers were in the hands of an extreme Islamist group, the Salafist.
In May, 17 of the hostages were released unharmed and eventually the remaining party was Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
tracked down to Mali, having crossed the southern Saharan border. They were successfully res- restricted. In return, we think its fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
cued after long negotiations.
In light of these events, independent travel in the desert areas is not permitted, and Algerian au-
only. In other words, please dont upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
thorities now have checkpoints throughout the desert to ensure people only travel in groups. everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
the above - Do the right thing with our content.

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