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Lonely Planet Publications

580 G A B O N H i g h l i g h t s 581

Langou Bai (p593) Lounge on the ob- HOW MUCH?

servation platform above the forest el-  Share taxi around town US$0.20
ephants, gorillas and antelopes.
 Croissant US$0.60
 Rserve de la Lop (p592) Track vibrant
mandrill troupes.  Train from Libreville to Franceville
 Mayumba (p592) Body-surf the waves US$55
while watching humpback whales breach  Plane back to Libreville US$110
In Gabon, you might just find yourself landing on an airstrip full of goats, dodging forest in the distance.
 A weekend trekking in the forest
elephants on the stroll home from the bar, or wandering into a celebration of starkly painted  Loango National Park (p591) Gape at
beaches full of elephants, buffalos and
dancers that harkens back hundreds of years. Outside Westernised Libreville, just about surfing hippos.
everything in Gabon is so newly accessible that just by being there youre already off the  Makoghe (p593) Trip out on ancient cer- LONELY PLANET INDEX
beaten path and in the middle of a whole new world. emonies at a Bwiti initiation.
 1L petrol US$1
And if you happen to be travelling with a 4WD, mechanic, cash to burn and a French CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO  1L bottled water US$1.50
dictionary, youre bound to have the adventure of a lifetime. Exploring this land aint no walk Hot, tropical Gabon has a rainy season from  Bottle of Rgab US$1
in a national park. Lack of infrastructure and transportation will lead you on long, bumpy September to May, broken up by a short dry
 Souvenir T-shirt US$10
period from December to January, and a
journeys, and it practically costs 20 bucks just to breathe the air in the glitzy capital city. longer dry season from May to September.  Grilled brochettes US$3

But youll be stunned by what is shaping up to be Africas next best ecotourism destination. The temperature is 25C on average, with
about 80% humidity so it feels much hotter.
Thanks to President El Hadj Omar Bongos designation of a whopping 10% of the countrys Whale season is from July to September HISTORY
land as national parks closing it down to loggers and miners and opening it up to travellers, and turtles come ashore to lay eggs from No- Avoiding the coups, wars and poverty that
conservationists and ecotourists its now possible to explore endless white-sand beaches, vember to January. Mammals wander from have plagued the rest of the continent, Gabon

primate-filled tropical rainforests, rolling savannahs and estuaries. forest to savannah depending on the tem- has been an oasis of stability and prosperity
peratures check with the national parks for in a very troubled region for more than 40
Nature and wildlife fanatics will not be disappointed: long days of trekking will be rewarded seasonal wildlife migration. years. Its president, El Hadj Omar Bongo, has
with seeing wild creatures in their own pristine environment. The experience will transport held power since 1967 and ranks as Africas
you back to a time when Mother Earth not humans ruled the land.
ITINERARIES longest-serving head of state. He has presided
 One Week Start in Libreville (p584), head over an economy bolstered by income from
to Rserve de la Lop (p592) for some oil, which has made Gabon one of the richest
forest treks, take a night in Mikongo in sub-Saharan Africa though dwindling re-
FAST FACTS (p593), continue by train to Franceville serves have forced planners to seek out other
 Area 257,670 sq km (p593) and do a few day trips in the area, sources of revenue, and ecotourism has be-
and then fly back to Libreville. come the buzz word of the day.
 ATMs Only in Libreville; Visa-card linked
 Two Weeks Start in Libreville (p584) and
head to Lambarn (p591) for a few Of Petroglyphs & Pygmies
 Borders Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and days, taking in a lake tour. Then head Gabon has been inhabited for at least 400,000
Congo onto Mayumba (p592) where you can years. Some 1200 rock paintings have been
 Budget US$100 per day in Libreville; US$60 enjoy the beaches, the whales (if theyre found in the area around Rserve de la Lop.
per day in the interior in season), and some forest walks. Then They were made by iron-working cultures
fly back up to Libreville and spend some that razed the forest for agriculture, creating
 Capital Libreville
time exploring the city. todays savannah. The earliest modern society,
 Languages French, Fang  One Month Follow the one-week itinerary the Pygmies, were displaced between the 16th
 Money Central African CFA; US$1 = CFA498 but add in a week for a stay in Ivindo and 18th centuries by migrating peoples from
National Park (p593) before heading to the north, principally the Fang, who came
 Population 1.42 million
Franceville (p593). When you return to after settling in what is now Cameroon and
 Seasons Wet (September to November and February to May), Libreville, take a few days in town before Equatorial Guinea.
dry (May to September and December to January) heading off to Lambarn (p591) for a Contact with Europeans, starting with
 Telephone Country code %241; international access code few nights. Take the boat from Lam- the arrival of the Portuguese in 1472, had a
%00 barn to Port-Gentil, and then head profound effect on tribal structures. British,
 Time GMT/UTC +1
south via plane or boat to either Loango Dutch and French ships traded for slaves,
National Park (p591), or, if youre on a ivory and tropical woods. The coastal tribes
 Visas Required by all; must be acquired before arrival budget, Mayumba (p592). established strong ties with these foreign
582 G A B O N H i s t o r y G A B O N C u l t u re 583

powers, but the interior tribes defended their Independence Daze After four decades of dominance by Presi- PEOPLE
lands against European encroachment. Ani- The newly independent nation got off to an dent Bongo, his rule is evident everywhere, Of the peoples living in Gabon today, the
mosity still lingers between the coastal tribes extravagant start. As money rolled in from from the womens clothing that bears his original forest-dwelling tribes (often referred
and the rest of the country. the sale of timber, manganese ore, iron ore, image to the ubiquitous portraits and huge to as Pygmies) survive only in the remote
The capital, Libreville, was established in chrome, gold, diamonds and finally oil, Ga- billboards glorifying the leader. A bevy of north of the country, barely keeping their
1849 for freed slaves on an estuary popular bons per capita income soared higher than French political and military advisers serve fascinating culture intact. Most other people
with traders. In 1885, the Berlin Conference South Africas. him, as does a personal bodyguard composed are descendents of the Bantu peoples, and the
of European powers recognised French rights In 1976, Bongos government announced of European mercenaries, Moroccan soldiers Fang are still the most numerous. There is also
in Gabon, which became part of the French a four-year, US$32 billion plan to create a and 400 top-notch French airborne troops. a sizable French expat community.
Congo and later French Equatorial Africa. modern transport system, encourage local In 1990, after the countrys first real po- Missionary influence is palpable; over
The country became self-governing in 1958, industry and develop mineral deposits. Few litical unrest, Bongo ended more than two 50% of the country counts itself as Christian,
and won independence in 1960 under Presi- of these projects ever took shape. The govern- decades of one-party rule by legalising the though traditional animist beliefs are still
dent Lon MBa. After MBa died in a French ment did, however, spend vast sums hosting a opposition (though subsequent elections were strong. Beliefs in superstition and witchcraft
hospital in 1967, his vice president, Albert summit of the Organization of African Unity marred by fraud). hold great power over much of the Gabonese
Bernard Bongo, took power of the nation in 1977 and is still doing construction on the population. Stay in the country long enough,

(changing his name when he adopted Islam (conservatively estimated) US$250 million Gabon Today and you will soon notice yourself referring to
in 1974). presidential palace. Today, the National Assembly remains domi- the spirits and ancestors.
nated by Bongos ruling party, the Democratic
200 km
120 miles
Party of Gabon (PDG), though his opponents ARTS & CRAFTS
hold a few seats. Allegations of massive gov- Traditional masks, carvings and bieri (ances-
To Yaound (100km)
Ebolowa ernment corruption persist, and Bongos tral sculpture) using natural materials such as

NP National Park CAMEROON power is nearly absolute. wood, raffia and feathers are found through-
r As Bongo ages gracefully, the question out Gabon, but are rarely sold in the markets
Ambam Kom looms large in the populaces mind: when his as they are still religiously utilised. (Though
Ntem River
Ebebiyin Bitam Minvoul tenure finally comes to an end, will Gabon go you will find these kinds of items from neigh-

N2 the volatile way of Cote dIvoire, or will Bongo bouring countries in the markets.) Fang masks

Bata Mt Minb Semb manage to control from beyond the grave? are prized throughout the world and sold for

Mongomo Oyem (937m)


big bucks at art auctions.


CULTURE Dancing is a national pastime, and recent

To So Tom Cogo Blinga Mkambo Someone once said that the Gabonese like to dance crazes include the Ivorian Coup De-
& Prncipe (300km)
Cocobeach N4 act more French than the French themselves, cal and the LOriengo, which originated as a

Cap Mitzic
Mt Bout
and this certainly could hold true in Western- dance for people handicapped by polio. Tra-

ised, glitzy Libreville, despite the remaining ditional tribal dance is still widely practised
Point Denis Owendo resentment of the old colonial masters who and can be seen at cultural villages.

Lop Boou
NP Equator
are also still Gabons biggest trading and in- Hip-hop is big in Gabon, and there are
vestment partners. But beyond the big city plenty of home-grown groups playing on the
Bifoun r Rserve de Makoghe (and oil-soaked Port-Gentil), most Gabonese radios. Youll also find recordings of the sa-
Parc ve CONGO
Ri la Lop
National de
Parc N3
Lastoursville Okondja
are still living simply, sometimes in the same cred music of the Bwiti, which uses, among
National Mt Mimongo
le de
de l'Okanda (875m) (Bonda)
conditions and traditions as hundreds of other extraordinary instruments, harps played
oo years ago. with the mouth, as well as brilliant, inspiring




Onangu Fougamou
Mt Iboundji
(972m) Koulamoutou
Yet even in tiny remote villages you wont Pygmy recordings.

find the kind of poverty seen in other parts of




Evengue Moanda
Africa. Everyone in Gabon has enough money


Ombou N1 Franceville

St Catherine's Igula
Mt Birougou Poubara Falls for beer, and thats just what they spend it on. Gabon is a country of astonishing landscapes
(975m) Bakoumba Ekouyi
Tassi Mbinda Kessala
Women are allowed to join in, but only after and almost insane biodiversity, much of which
Loango NP
Akaka Doudou NP the wood is gathered, the food is prepared is still undiscovered and unexploited. Though
N'Dend and the rest of the work is done. On Sundays almost 75% of the country is covered in dense
Sett Cama Mourindi
Doussala everyone dresses in their best and heads off tropical rainforest, this equatorial country is
Igotchi Rserve de
Tchibanga Fouari to church where spirited dancing and sing- also full of endless white-sand beaches, savan-
Rserve de
Nyanga ing ensues. nahs, rushing rivers, hidden lagoons, rocky
If youre in a hurry to go somewhere or get plateaus and canyons, cloud-tipped moun-
Mayumba (834m)
anything done Gabons can be a frustratingly tains and inselbergs (isolated rock domes
slow country, both because of the French- overlooking the surrounding forest canopy),
NP inherited bureaucracy as well as the rejection all of which are home to an amazing array of
of Westernised work hours. flora and fauna.
584 L I B R E V I L L E O r i e n t a t i o n L I B R E V I L L E D a n g e r s & A n n o y a n c e s 585

Money Always bring either your passport or a copy

THE CONSERVATION COUP Banks in Libreville will change cash and of it (and your visa) with you. Police will often
In 1999, Mike Fay of National Geographic and the Wildlife Conservation Society walked more travellers checks. Hotels also change at good attempt extortion for some infraction.
than 3200km through the heart of Africa, documenting the stunning natural environment he rates, as do local merchants. There are ATMs
passed through. President Bongo, after seeing the photos of what became known as the Meg- (accepting Visa cards only) in town at some SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES
atransect, did the unthinkable: in 2002 he created a 13-park network of protected lands that banks, Mbolo and top-end hotels. The Muse des Arts et Traditions (%761456; musee
covers 10% of the country. Overnight Gabon leapt from last to first in land conservation. Hailed; Au Bord de Mer; donation of around
as a conservation coup, it was a wise move for Bongo, who was looking for new sources of Post US$6; h8am-6pm Mon-Fri, 10am-6pm) has exhibi-
revenue. Wildlife organisations and ecotourist outfits subsequently rushed in to set up camps in Main post office (La Grand Poste; Au Bord de Mer) tions on tribal crafts and culture, and a great
the parks to support the fledging conservation economy. Located in the heart of the city. Western Union is directly collection of masks. Just as interesting are
Not that all is rosy for Gabon and its environment: each day hundreds of trucks and trains behind it. the folk-art sculptures on the waterfront
carry loads of old-growth trees and manganese into Libreville for shipment to Europe and Asia, across from the Intercontinental and, a nice
and early efforts to set up ecotourism camps may get trampled by the quick money that comes Telephone walk south along the water, across from the
from new oil exploration rights. Telephones are all over town in small shops. casino.
Celtel (%740000; US$6) Getting a SIM card for your The row of ministry buildings with wacky,
mobile phone is cheap and easy here. Soviet-inspired architecture on Blvd Triom-
Youre likely to come across (and perhaps main roadway along the ocean, referred to as phal is worth a drive-by, as is the northern
have to flee from) gorillas, chimpanzees, Au Bord de Mer. Tourist Information suburb of Sabliere, where ministers, ambas-
mandrills, forest elephants, buffalos, croco- Street names are never used; landmarks are. Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS; %444039) Has sadors, the rich and the president reside.
diles, antelopes, hippos, humpback and killer Some useful ones are Mbolo, the Interconti- a good grasp of everything going on in the national parks. On weekends most of Libreville heads to
whales, monkeys of all shapes and sizes, leop- nental, Le Meridien, the main post office (La World Wildlife Fund (WWF; %730028) Ditto. the beach; young people congregate in front of
ards, red river hogs, sea turtles and a rainbow Grand Poste), Port Mle, the casino, Mont the Tropicana. There are pools at the Merid-
of rare birds to name just a few. New con- Bouet and the major embassies. Travel Agents ian, Intercontinental and Atlantique that can
servation efforts to save endangered species Distant areas are referred to in kilometres Mistral Voyages (%761222, 747779; mistral.lbv@ be used for a fee ranging from US$5 to US$15,
are now underway (see The Conservation from a specific point in the city centre on; Of or the price of a meal. Club Saoti (%06685020) of-

Coup, above). Blvd Bessieux (called PK), so PK8, for ex- the many travel agencies, this is the most utilised. Owner fers squash, tennis courts, bowling and other
ample, designates the exchange that is 8km Patrice knows everything about the country (though front sporting activities and lessons.
FOOD & DRINK from PK. office staff can be cranky) and most tour packages can be There are two cultural associations that
Gabonese cuisine has a strong French and booked there. organise traditional dance performances and
West African influence, especially in the cities. INFORMATION SCD (%564100, 885666;, reserva ceremonies. Ebando Association (%06250917;
Traditional meals are more likely to be found Bookshops Another important agency, which; is headed up
in the village, and they include staples of rice Maison De La Presse (%772695) At this French- books Operation Loango and is rumoured to soon take over by the wacky, wonderful shaman Tatayo, a
and manioc, fish and bushmeat. language bookshop you can get Le Pratique Du Gabon Lop and other national parks. It also has its own aircraft, French man who has lived in Gabon forever.
(US$12; in French), which which makes things run smoother. On site is a Bwiti temple and many young Ga-

LIBREVILLE has great city listings. English-language books are not easy
Libreville is not a particularly safe city and
bonese learning and practicing the traditional
arts. Costs are variable (if you want to do an
initiation, for example), but if you want to
pop 557,000 Cultural Centres theft is on the rise. Be careful in the back of go and hang out with Tatayo and chat about
Glitzy in some spots, ramshackle and anarchic Centre Culturel Francais (CCF; %761120) This share taxis and getting out of taxis at night. Bwiti culture its free. Its located north of
in others, Libreville is very likely to give you beautiful, air-conditioned centre has cultural events, films Dont wander onto the beach after dark. Take Libreville in the neighbourhood of La Sabliere.
culture shock, especially if youve been slog- and concerts. all the precautions you would in any big city. The other cultural association, Mbehg-Ntame,
ging your way through the jungles of Central
Africa. High-rise hotels line the beaches, Euro- Internet Access
pean expats fill the shops and restaurants, and Most big hotels offer wi-fi at exorbitant rates. BUSHMEAT
flashy cars speed down the wide boulevards. Centre Culturel Francais (CCF; %761120; per 45 min Crocodiles, porcupines, chimps, snakes, antelopes and gorillas: theyre all wanted for dinner.
Libreville has everything you could ask for, at US$1) A good option with air-conditioning and helpful staff. Bushmeat meat that comes from wild animals is a longstanding West and Central African
a price you probably cant afford. Cybercaf Planet (%06033333; per 45 min US$1) The tradition, especially in areas where domestic animals (and thus protein) are scarce. But in recent
While Libreville is a necessary stop for tran- fastest connection in town. Located in the strip of shops years, eating bushmeat has changed from a necessity to a citified luxury, and new logging roads
sit and for making arrangements, the rest of just across from Mbolo. into previously inaccessible territory have made the commercial sales of endangered animal meat
Gabon is endlessly more interesting, so git easier. And while conservationists are fighting to protect endangered wildlife, villagers defend
on out there! Medical Services their traditional lifestyles and the ability to feed their family. New laws now make a distinction,
Fondation Jeanne Ebori (%732771) Across from Port outlawing the commercial selling of endangered and protected animals while allowing traditional
ORIENTATION Mle in Quartier Louis. hunting practices to continue. Despite this, restaurants throughout Gabon still serve illegal meat
The airport is about 4km north of town. Trav- Polyclinique El Rapha (%447000) The best hospital at high prices.
elling south, all quartiers shoot off the large in Libreville.
586 L I B R E V I L L E Book accommodation online at L I B R E V I L L E S l e e p i n g 587

1 km
0.5 miles
also run by a French man (named Cristophe)
is located outside of town at PK12, and there
A Vole B C D E F are various dances and shows performed, as
To Club Saoti; Dakota;
Ebando; Le Maisha; Sabliere;
DRINKING well as traditional meals served. Cristophe can
Tropicana (2km); Airport
(3km); La Nationale (3km);
Butterfly...................................(see 45)
Cotton Club...............................43 B3
be reached at %270990.
Carrefour Charbonnages
1 SCD (3km); Cap Estrias (20km) d'Ambow Garden Caf...............................44 B3 1
Cit du

Haut Gu-Gu
12 Mars Hollywood Caf.........................45 B4
No Stress....................................46 B3
2 NPA.........................................(see 48) Maison Liebermann (%761955; r US$14) The cheap-
VIP.............................................47 B4
Warhol.......................................48 B4 est option in the city, with clean, fan-cooled

rooms and a calm atmosphere but beware


the occasional morality lecture.

Casino....................................... 49 C6

26 Ro GaboExpo..................................50 C4 Somotel (%765846/47; s/d US$26/36) Smack in

LAristocrate..............................51 C4
the middle of a bustling downtown neigh-
18 Quartier
M'bolo.......................................52 C4
bourhood is this popular choice with well-
2 Gu-Gu 2
Village des Artisans.................... 53 D6 organised, 24-hour services. Point confused
taxi drivers towards en face de la Maison du

Air France.................................. 54 C5

10 17
Blvd Lon M'ba
6 changeur du Air Service................................. 55 D6
Tropicana (% 731531/32;; s/d

Mont Bout
US$32/52) Just across from the airport, this is an

old favourite and possibly the best setting to

relax in Libreville. Staff might seem aloof and
ba n

the services wanting, but all of Libreville is


Blvd O

likely to pass through while you eat brochettes


3 36 3 or French cuisine and sip sundown drinks.


46 The manager Eric is constantly aflutter but he



in Quartier
To Lambarn;
knows everyone and everything. On Sundays

43 Louis Cocobeach; Oyem;


the beach gets slamming and the little bar

PK8 (8km)
Blvd Joseph


next door is the centre of youthful activity. Be






careful on the road outside after dark as there



31 47



have been some thefts recently. Reservations

de Kango

e Barro

38 27 Carrefour
are necessary. Note: the singles are dingy and
45 7 Lon Mba To Train
Station (8km);
41 a Owendo (8km) the breakfast is a joke for US$5.

52 alf
nt Nk

4 Estuaire on 4 Le Patio (%734716; d US$54) This Spanish-

9 39 dL

Banque Populaire du Gabon.........1 C5 30


du Gabon
Belgian Embassy...........................2 A1 owned hotel in nightlife-packed Quartier

50 rd
l II

Beninese Consulate......................3 C2 ha

St Marie
BGFI Bank....................................4 C6 Cathedral Blvd Bessi
c Louis features a nice lobby with pool table

Port Mle 28

BICIG Bank.................................. 5 D6
40 Frre and bar, and a good restaurant with local


Cameroonian Embassy.................6 D2
rt Biv

and Spanish specials. Rooms are all off of

Centre Culturel Francais...............7 C4

19 enole

Congolese Embassy......................8 B2 ont a cute patio; the ones on the brighter 2nd

Cybercaf....................................9 C4 Ru
floor are nicer.


DRC Embassy.............................10 B2 Montagne Sainte



1 raine
Equatorial Guinean Embassy.......11 B2 Lo r na Hotel Louis (%732569) This hotel is an old

To So Tom
Foundation Jeanne Ebori............12 C4 lsa c e Ru
e do
& Principe; A 29 eN
Ru standard in the Quartier Louis, where youll

French Embassy......................... 13 D6
e d

Cameroon Petit

5 Ivorian Embassy..........................14 C1 Ru 5
Main Post Office....................... 15 D6 54 Paris
Akbville find plenty of decent midrange options for
de l

ueur Ballay

around the same prices as those at Le Patio.
i ll

Mistral Voyages......................... 16 D6 du Gou

lix bou


Nigerian Embassy.......................17 D2 Ak Akb Plaine

de Le Maisha (%730333) Beachfront Le Maisha

Polyclinique El Rapha..................18 B2

24 Complexe ute
Ro is the epitome of luxury in the presidential
Ave F

So Toman Consulate..............19 C5 EATING teu r Omnisports


Sedoc (Visa Extensions)..............20 F6 Chez Wang................................30 C4 rs Hospital (Stadium) Moussaka

South African Embassy.............. 21 D6 Costa Sylvia................................31 B4 dend suburb of Sabliere, with each room decorated

4 Cureau Rue N
US Embassy............................... 22 D6 Jacky Cochon.............................32 C2 R u e
with its own opulent theme. It was closed for

La Dolce Vita.............................33 C4 49 16 'b a 5


nge M renovation at the time of research, but may

Rue A

SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Le Bateau Ivre............................34 B3 nd

Lafo igo
Muse des Arts et Traditions..... 23 D6 Le Pelisson................................. 35 D6 Rue 42 B l v d Y v e s -D be functional again soon. Theres no word on


Presidential Palace......................24 C5 Le Phare Du Large......................36 B3 35

opening/new pricing but before renovations

L'Indochine................................37 B3 15

6 SLEEPING L'Odika......................................38 B4 55 ur m 6 began, rooms started at US$150 and went

que joga
Hotel Louis.................................25 C3 Maquis Stand............................ 39 D4 23 Pec N'D
beyond US$500.


Intercontinental..........................26 A2 Maquis Stand............................ 40 D4


22 Nombakl mb
13 ue
Rue Batavia

Le Patio.....................................27 C4 M'bolo ...................................(see 52) t Lo Intercontinental (%732619; libreville@interconti


Vin cen 20
Maison Liebermann................... 28 D4 Papa Union................................41 B4
To Le Meridien; Maison De Batavia Rue
Somotel..................................... 29 D5 Score......................................... 42 D6 La Presse; Marina; Michle; .com;; d from US$190; ais)
Train Station (8km); Owendo (9km) Glass
On the road out to the airport, this hotel is a
588 L I B R E V I L L E E a t i n g Book accommodation online at A R O U N D L I B R E V I L L E P o i n t D e n i s 589

popular full-service option featuring a health Le Bateau Ivre (%443487; mains from US$17) Gastro-
club and business services (including wi-fi nomes may prefer this subtler but equally su- IN THE LAND OF BWITI
access). perb restaurant, known for European cuisine. Ancestral forest spirits, sorcerers, vampires and mermaids all play a big role in the traditions
Le Meridien (%766161;; Le Phare Du Large (%730273; Au Bor du Mer; mains of Bwiti, one of three official religions in Gabon. It is said to have two to three million African; d from US$190; ais) from US$18) If you want to eat like a king or followers and more than a few in Western societies, due in part to the increasing popularity of
Another full-service hotel with health club maybe a president (Bongo has been a frequent the sacred iboga plant used in ancient coming of age ceremonies and other initiation rites. The
and business services (including wi-fi). Fur- client) this restaurant is the epitome of fine hallucinogenic rootbark of iboga is said to induce a spiritual enlightenment; those who eat it are
ther downtown than the Intercontinental, dining. Though the plush boat-and-sea dcor able to commune with the ancestors, gain protection from malignant spirits, and have complex
it has a beautiful pool area with an ocean is a little much, the food is top-notch. The visual insights into the world. Ibogaine, a chemical compound found in iboga, is now being
view. proprietor himself catches fish daily, often tested in Western societies for the treatment of drug addicts.
serving rare varieties. There are already quite a few hallucinogenically-inspired travellers seeking out Bwiti initiation
EATING For Asian cuisine, both Chez Wang (buffets experiences in Gabon. But ingesting iboga is risky: there have been thefts and sexual assaults
There are plenty of places to grab in bite in from US$20) and LIndochine (buffets from US$20) are while people are under the influence, and deaths have been reported as a result of overdoses.
Libreville and you cant throw a banana in the decent choices, often serving buffets to crowds If you do decide to undertake the throw-up-for-hours-stay-up-for-three-days extravaganza, make
Quartier Louis without hitting a restaurant. on weekends. sure to find a trustworthy shaman. And be prepared for a two-week comedown.
Not surprisingly, cheap grub is hard to come The Papa Union (pizzas from US$7) chain has de-
by, though there are dozens of places to grab cently priced pizza. Another popular choice
a croissant for around US$1 and plenty of for pizzas is Dakota (pizzas from US$6), near the SHOPPING front alone (otherwise two share it). A gazil-
street stands selling coup-coup (chopped Tropicana. The Mbolo compound is Librevilles answer lion stops to pick up fruit or say hi to a cousin
meat wrapped in paper). At night the street to a strip mall, with lots of small shops and will be made along the way. From Libreville,
maquis (street stalls/vendors selling brochettes DRINKING & ENTERTAINMENT one Walmart-esque hypermarket (Mbolo you can catch local transport to Lambarn
and fish; US$4) come out the best ones are If you wanna get out and get down, hit the itself) selling food and most anything else (US$10, four hours), Cocobeach (US$10,
around Blvd Bessieux and Ave John Paul II. Quartier Louis. Clubs get going at midnight, you might need. Theres also a well-organised two to three hours), Tchibanga (US$30, eight
For self-caterers, Mbolo and Score are big but you can start off a bit earlier at No Stress pharmacy in the compound. Another small hours) and Oyem (US$20, 11 hours).
Western-style markets. (fun young crowd, crappy management) or strip mall is across the road.

Le Pelisson (%765258; snacks & mains US$5-10) Cen- the Garden Caf (expats, billiards, food until At the Village des Artisans (Ave Col Parant) most of Train
trally located, this upscale balconied place 11.30pm). Once the clock strikes 12, shake the goods (and the merchants) are imports. If Many eastern destinations are best reached
is always a good spot to take a load off and your bootie on Monte Louis (the ascent of youre going to be travelling in other African by the Transgabonaise train that leaves 8km
munch on a pastry or an omelette. the hill into the Quartier Louis) at new-kid- countries youll find much better prices for south of the city in Owendo. Its a comfortable
La Dolce Vita (%724238; mains US$7-15) On Port on-the-block Warhol (the most Westernised the same stuff. ride; 1st class costs not much more than 2nd.
Mle, this place is situated right above the and ritzy with an occasional US$10 cover) Reservations are made through travel agents
ocean and serves great Italian food in a fan- or NPA (often packed with French militaries GETTING THERE & AWAY or at the station. Expect delays and break-
tastic setting. and their petites (young prostitutes). Then, Air downs; overpriced food is available. Trains
Costa Sylvia (%06256308; mains from US$8) This climb into the red truck, literally, at Hollywood Air Service (%747118, 747119) and La Nationale run to Lop (the town at the entrance to the
restaurant serves Gabonese and European Caf, and sashay through Butterfly, a Moroc- (%06669077, 031903) fly within Gabon to Port- reserve; 1st class US$40) and Franceville (1st
cuisine with some Romanian specialties in can-owned restaurant-disco with a fantastic Gentil, Koulamoutou, Franceville, Mouila, class US$88).
a tranquil, homey environment frequented sculpture garden and creative ambience. But- Oyem, Gamba and Makokou. SCD Aviation
by regulars often businessmen, ministers terfly is welcoming to the small gay and lesbian (%564100, 885666; also does GETTING AROUND
and families. scene, and its dinner buffet and hookahs are some of these routes and includes a few more Share taxis on pre-determined routes cost
Jacky Cochon (% 731848; jackycochon@ popular. like Ombouye. Flights to cities in nearby CFA100 (US$0.20). An un course (hire-taxi) is; mains from US$12) The most interest- Down the road youll find red velvet Cotton countries include: Douala (Cameroon), US$1 to US$4 (US$6 per hour), though rates
ing eating establishment in all of Gabon, this Club, which starts out the night with karaoke Pointe-Noire (Congo), Brazzaville (Congo) and service differ depending on the mood of
place in the Quartier Derrire Prison is decked before the people hit the dance floor, and VIP, and So Tom (So Tom & Prncipe). the driver. Prices go up at night.
out in red, green and gold, and hung with which plays more of an African line-up. Find A taxi to or from the airport costs US$4/8
portraits of reggae legend Bob Marley. Excel-
lent meals (grilled meat and veggies) served
by long-dredded Jacky himself, a pig farmer
a Gabonese escort to take you to Africando
across town in Charbonanages, and watch
those bodies move it, move it.
during the day/night, even if your hotel is just
across the road. AROUND LIBREVILLE
and musician. Ask for a tour of his sawdust- The impeccably decorated Lokua Bar has Local Transport POINT DENIS
floor butcher shop next door and his astral amazing cocktails and a live band on Thurs- All taxis-brousses (bush taxis) leave from PK8 Point Denis is a nice, easy weekend getaway
wine cellar. . days with a Louis Armstrongesque lead (pronounced peek-a-weet), 8km out of Li- where most of the French expats go each
LOdika (%736920; mains from US$12) A popular singer. At Port Mle, LAristocrate (open breville. Overpacked minibuses, 4WDs, pick- weekend to lounge on the beach and enjoy
choice with a gorgeous open dining area. It Fridays and Saturdays) has Semba bands. ups and clandos (cars that act as long-distance their water toys. The 30-minute boat shut-
serves a mixture of French and African cuisine The GaboExpo next to Port Mle hosts taxis) can be found daily for most destinations; tles leave each Saturday and Sunday in the
including good seafood as well as bushmeat large-scale concerts of big Gabonese and Af- early morning is the best time to show up. You morning, from Port Mle (US$16 return) and
(see p585). rican acts. can pay double to secure yourself a seat in the Michle Marina (US$20 return).
590 N O R T H E R N G A B O N O y e m S O U T H E R N G A B O N L a m b a r n 591

Favourites for eating and sleeping are Assala centre, the area is unchartered territory and From Bitam you can take a short taxi ride; in French; d
Lodge (r US$90) and La Maringa (r US$70). ripe for exploring off-off-off the beaten to Ebebiyin in Equatorial Guinea, and catch from US$56) is a great choice with a waterfront
If you walk to the Atlantic side of the point path. Some remaining Pygmy tribes are ru- a four hour ride to Bata. location, excellent meals, and some (caged)
and keep going, youll hit endless miles of un- moured to live in the northern forests, and animals on the grounds.
inhabited beach. During sea-turtle season (No-
vember to January) you can help local NGOs
protect the eggs and reroute confused turtles.
Minkb National Park is in the northeast
corner, studded with rock-dome inselbergs
and filled with rare mammals. Ecocamps are
SOUTHERN GABON The reconstructed Hotel Schweitzer (%581033,
07949053; r US$30) has nice views and beautiful
local art, but the expat owners display some
Further down the coast is the isolated being developed in the area around Min- LAMBARN eccentric behaviour.
and beautiful Phare de Ngomb (%06629999), voul; check with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF; pop 20,000 The best food in town is across the far
a lodge situated at the old lighthouse on the %730028) in Libreville to organise trips to Lambarn is somehow kinder and gentler bridge in Isaac. At night fish and brochette
coast in front of Pongara forest. A Saturday the national park. than the rest of Gabon, as if the humanitarian stands line the streets (La Terrace is the local
to Sunday visit, including forest excursions, efforts of Nobel Peace Prize winner Albert favourite), or try the simple restaurants La
turtle-watching and fishing, costs US$200 per OYEM Schweitzer changed the character of the land. Pleide or La Referance. If youre looking for
person (all-inclusive). pop 30,000 And Albert Schweitzers legacy is indeed felt something more substantial try the French
Oyem, the largest city in the north, is the cen- everywhere, from the still-operational free cuisine of Petit Detour.
NYONI tre of Gabons Fang community. People go hospital (founded in 1924 to treat lepers) to Late at night everyone hits Padouk to
Relaxing beachside bungalows (with electricity to Oyem to cross over to Equatorial Guinea the volunteer-staffed lab that researches ma- dance. Sunday night out is a favourite of the
but no hot water), forest excursions in search and Cameroon. There may soon be some na- laria and other tropical diseases. The hospital many young researchers stationed at the Sch-
of buffalo and elephants, and all the food and tional parks in the area, but nothing yet. Its a museum (admission US$6) is well worth a visit to weitzer lab.
drink you want await you in Nyoni (a camp relatively untravelled area, and there are still see photos of the original hospital and the
situated south of Point Denis), just an hour forest-dwelling pygmy tribes that can be vis- impeccably arranged house and artefacts from LOANGO NATIONAL PARK
boat ride from Michle Marina in Libreville. ited. Its an area of strong traditional cultures, Schweitzer and his wife. Loango National Park very well may be the
The first night is US$200 (all-inclusive with mostly Fang. There is also a big market right The town is divided into three areas span- most varied and visually stunning of all of
drinks) and each successive night is US$80. over the border in Cameroon on Saturdays ning the river quite close to each other. The Gabons national parks. Its known for its
For arrangements contact Beti (%06033636). called Mondial, and many locals go to get near bank has the Schweitzer hospital grounds; mythically surfing hippos, but youll also find

fresh produce. Its two to three hours by car across the bridge is the island with the main the largest concentration and variety of whales
COCOBEACH and anyone can tell you where to find the markets and town; across another bridge is and dolphins, elephants wandering white-
Two to three hours north of Libreville down packed taxis. the far bank of Isaac where youll find nightlife sand beaches and an assortment of rare land
a dusty road is the small coastal town of Co- Hotel Mvet Palace (%986172; r from US$30) is an and action. Short taxi rides around town vary mammals cavorting in the savannah.
cobeach. Theres not much to do in this tiny upmarket accommodation option, or you from CFA300 (US$0.60) to CFA600 (US$1.20) Operation Loango (%564100, 07399618; reserva
town, but you can cross over on a pirogue to can stay cheaply at one of the missions in depending on how many bridge crossings you;, the only
Cogo in Equatorial Guinea (US$10; baggage town. make. Prices go up at night. show in town to visit the northern end of the
extra) after getting an exit stamp from the There are special buses from Libreville Explore the many lakes by pirogue, arranged park, is Gabons premiere high-end ecotourist
local Sedoc branch, just past the Motel Es- (in addition to the taxis-brousses) that leave at the port in town, through the Ogoou Pal- destination using tourist dollars to support
perance. Note that you cannot get a visa for from PK8 (US$24, around 11 hours) with a ace, or by contacting Cedric (%07646364). A long conservation efforts. Whale, crocodile, and
Equatorial Guinea while in Cocobeach and stop at Ndjol. By plane from Libreville to boat trip will cost around US$100, but can be turtle studies and a gorilla habituation project
those arriving in Cogo without a visa will be Oyem costs US$90 one way and takes about split with many people. There are different are in progress, while the luxury ecolodge and
heavily fined and terribly hassled. 45 minutes. sites in the various lakes (as well as birdlife satellite camps hosts tourists.
For sleeping options in Cocobeach try ei- Taxis-brousses leave from Oyem to Mon- and hippos) including the old Mission Ngomo At Igula, the base camp, everything is re-
ther the Motel Esperance (r US$22) or, just up the gomo in Equatorial Guinea daily; you must with its aging wooden cathedral, the Lake Evaro gally appointed and finely delivered, with a
road, the cheaper Motel Iboga (r US$11). You can already have a visa in hand. It takes about luxury tourist camp and gorilla sanctuary grand price tag to match (prices start at US$375
get some grub across the street from the Iboga 30 minutes to the border and it costs around (stays can be arranged through travel agents per person without drinks). There are several
for about US$3. US$8. Then you switch taxis on the EG side in Libreville), and many traditional villages. equally stunning satellite camps in the varied
Taxis leave from PK8 in Libreville and cost to your various destinations. At the Mission Souers de Immacule Conception environments: St Catherines on the beach;
US$10 for a packed vehicle or US$50 to take a (%581073; r US$12) the adorable nuns make you Akaka, where animals roam about; Evengue
car on your own. Taxis leave early in the day BITAM feel as if youve been spirited into the Sound (gorilla island), where gorilla rehabilitation
for most destinations. pop 10,000 of Music. The grounds are gorgeous, theres a is underway; and Tassi in the savannah and
Bitam has an excellent market with fresh fruits kitchen available for use, and the fan-cooled coastal grasslands. Activities include whale-

NORTHERN GABON and vegetables at low prices where you can

find shared taxi rides to the Cameroon border
(US$5 to river border, US$5 for the pirogue
rooms are clean. Its best to call ahead to ensure
a room theres no real set system to the room
prices, youll pay US$12 if you have a room to
watching trips, savannah and lagoon tours,
some of the best sport-fishing in the world and
visits to Mission Sainte Anne where Gustave
In the past theres been no reason to go to across; visas US$60). Dont forget to stop at yourself or if you come with friends (per per- Eiffels pre-fab iron church is still in use.
northern Gabon unless youre in transit to immigration and get an exit stamp (no charge son) though they also have a 20-bed dorm. All logistics and travel arrangements are
or from Cameroon or Equatorial Guinea. if your papers are in order) or youll be turned For comfort, the lovely, up-market Hotel made through SCD (%564100, 885666; scd-aviation@inet
But once you get out of Oyem, the main back at the border checkpoint. Ogoou Palace (%581864, 07162802; reservation@ .ga, in Libreville.
592 E A S T E R N G A B O N R s e r v e d e l a L o p E A S T E R N G A B O N A r o u n d R s e r v e d e l a L o p 593

SETT CAMA turtles on the beach, its not too far from a guide centre down the road where local guides falls, but in the next few years it may become a
This lagoonside village set at the southern slice of ecotraveller heaven. will be easily found and drinks had for all. central access point for many new ecotourism
entrance to Loango National Park is a beloved, You can stay simply and cheaply at Bissa Na The train from Libreville takes about four sites. Things are changing rapidly so check with
though often empty, traveller respite. The var- Bissa (US$10). More comfort can be found at the hours. Lop Hotel vehicles meet the train. Oth- organisations for new camps in the region.
ied ecosystems of the national park coastal central Motel Mayeye Foutou (%07283538; r US$25), erwise, walk to Chez Jules down the road. To arrange a stay at the Kongous falls, con-
equatorial forest, savannah and the deserted which is owned by the mayor. tact Joseph Okouy at the Gabonese NGO,
beaches of the Atlantic coast offer a grand There are many routes to Mayumba by land AROUND RSERVE DE LA LOP Fondation Internationale Gabon Eco-tourisme (Figet;
setting to explore nature, immerse in local and air, though all take some time. The sim- At Mikongo, a forest camp set up by the Zoo- %07905513; Its also possible
culture and chill out. Villagers organise dance plest way is to fly with Air National direct. logical Society of London, you can track ani- to visit the Institut de Recherche en Ecologie
ceremonies, traditional pirogue fishing trips People travelling by taxi-brousse from Li- mals with local Pygmy trackers and bathe in Tropicale (IRET) station in the mall town
and forays to search the Ndougou Lagoon for breville often break up the long travel with a the pool under cascades. Gorilla habituation of Mkambo 170km east, which has Pygmy
hippos and crocodiles. During turtle season stopover in Tchibanga. is in process and at nightly family-style din- communities.
its possible to spend a night in the sea-turtle There are also flights to Tchinbanga and ners you can sit with researchers and learn Hotel Belinga Palace (r US$34) offers tourist
research camp. Gamba where you can then hop on a taxi- about various conservation projects. discounts, or you can try Auberge Mendongha
The EU-funded Case Abietu (%07141718; brousse to Mayumba. The park has an excel- Package prices per person (US$350 for one (r US$16).; is lent website with many details to navigate night and two days; US$550 for two nights From Libreville, take the train to Boou and
a successful pilot project in community-based the long journey there at www.mayumba and three days) include all trekking excur- then a taxi-brousse to Makokou. Flights to the
ecotourism. The village cooperative runs this sions (cultural visits to local villages can be small airport go a few times a week.
simple guesthouse with six fan-cooled bed- arranged), comfortable sleeping huts, meals Its possible to go on to Congo from
rooms, a lounge, a small library, and a delight-
ful terrace overlooking the lagoon. Villagers
prepare traditional meals and act as ecoguides.
EASTERN GABON and transport to and from the camp. Arrange
through the Lop Hotel (opposite) or travel
agents in Libreville (p585).
Mkambo, but the road is terrible. Ask around
about a taxi-brousse.

The elders of the Mama Mafubu weave tra- RSERVE DE LA LOP On the way to Mikongo is the bwiti village FRANCEVILLE
ditional mats, which are sold at the tourist Gabons most popular national park is known of Makoghe. pop 41,350
information centre at Gamba airport. The for its patchwork of rolling hills, savannah Franceville may be the third most populated

profits of the all-inclusive tariff minus drinks and dense rainforest where youll likely see IVINDO NATIONAL PARK centre in Gabon, but spread over rolling green
(around US$120 per person per night) goes to elephants, monkeys, buffalo, a host of bird Langou Bai in the dense, tropical Ivindo Na- hills cut with laterite roads it feels more like a
set up community projects. The Case Abietu species and, if youre lucky, some of the big- tional Park is perhaps the pice de rsistance of lovely little town than anything else. Its well
model is in the process of being replicated in gest mandrill troupes in the world. all the Gabonese ecodestinations, presenting worth a few days stay, especially as the jump-
two villages, Mourindi and Igotchi, in the Mou- Lop Hotel (%778561; bungalows from US$6; s), the rare opportunity to view forest animals ing-off point for the amazing sights around
kalaba Doudou National Park. Check with Gamba a full service and well-appointed lodge situ- undisturbed in their own environment. The the stunning Batk Plateau.
Reservations for details on opening dates. ated on the bank of the Ogoou, is the main Bai, a Pygmy word for a marshy clearing in The main drag, Carrefour Poto-Poto,
Also in Sett Cama are the more pricey operation in town. Bungalows of varying the forest, serves as a source of minerals for named after the bustling central market, is
and luxurious bungalows of Sett Cama Safaris sizes offer astounding views of the surround- the animals and acts as a magnet for large happening, and the Cristal Motel (%670488;
(%262309;, in French). You can ing hills and savannah. Youll often have numbers of forest elephants, western lowland d US$36) is a good option for sleeping, as it man-
either contact them direct or through Mistral the grounds, including the bar, restaurant gorillas, sitatunga, buffalo, monkeys and rare ages to be both right in the middle of every-
Voyages (%761222, 747779; mistral.lbv@internetgabon and pool, to yourself. Restaurant meals are bird species. A WCS-built research station thing and quiet enough to get some rest (its
.com; in Libreville. expensive (US$30), but the staff is exceed- and ecocamp near the clearing allow visitors also attached to the hottest nightclub in town).
From Libreville to Gamba by road is a long, ingly friendly. to easily view the wildlife. Other good options are the cosy Auberge Apilly
bumpy haul in a pick-up, often broken into Budget travellers can do excursions into the All-inclusive stays at the stunning, ecologi- (%677284, 06056297; r with fan/air-con US$20/30; a)
two days by a stay in lovely Tchibanga at the park through the Lop Hotel (from US$30) cally friendly base camp, designed to reduce and, if you want luxury, the top-notch Poubara
wonderful Hotel Modibotie (%06042049; r US$50, but skip out on high costs by staying at Chez human impact on the environment (compost- Hotel (%671374, 07849172;;
s from US$70). In total, the trip by taxi-brousse will Jules (%07871827; r with fan US$20) in the village. ing toilets, solar energy, no chemicals), are r US$50-200 s), which has a beautiful pool and
cost you about US$60/80 in the back/cab. Rooms are basic, but waking up in the cen- pricey at US$315 per night, but worth it. a popular Sunday brunch.
Air Service flies to Gamba six times a week, tre of rural daily life is well worth it. Bro- Arrangements to get to the Bai must be Also along the main drag are some great
and clients of Case Abietu get a 15% reduction, chettes and beer are found across the road made well in advance through travel agents in places to eat, namely 5ieme Dimension and
making the cost around US$260 return. at the evening hangout of El Dorado. Other Libreville (p585). An intensive two- to three- Bord de Mer, as well as a few good baker-
meals can be had at the cafeteria just across hour hike with pack into the campsite is re- ies: Patisserie Poto-Poto (more bustling) and
MAYUMBA the from the train station, where late-night quired. Prepare to sweat. And then prepare Salon De Th (cuter).
When you mention Mayumba to someone dancing ensues. Dont walk around at night to be amazed. Off the main drag is Afrikando, with oc-
who has travelled there, youre often met with though; youre likely to get charged by a herd casional live music, and down by the river is
a dreamy, faraway look. Its no wonder with of buffalo. MAKOKOU Buk-Buk, a favourite with young research-
the nicest beaches in all of Gabon (endless and You can also arrange an ecoguide for some pop 13,100 ers from the primate research station of Cen-
uninhabited), whales spouting in the distance, tours of the national park through Jules, who Makokou, the small capital of the Ogoou- tre International de Recherches Medicales de
trees full of magical spirits and nesting sea is also the village pastor, or visit the new eco- Ivindo region, is visited mostly for its dramatic Franceville (CIRMF).
594 G A B O N D I R E C T O R Y A c c o m m o d a t i o n G A B O N D I R E C T O R Y D a n g e r s & A n n o y a n c e s 595

Shake it at the Cristal or the upscale disco After trips into the canyons, you can bathe DANGERS & ANNOYANCES HOLIDAYS
at the Poubara. Great all-night-long action in the endlessly clear LEau Claire at Abouyi Treat Libreville like any big city with its fair As well as religious holidays listed in the Af-
can also be found in back of Poto-Poto. The village, just five minutes from Lconi towards share of crime. Police will hassle you, so al- rica Directory (p1106), these are the principal
New Garage is a nice place to have a cold Franceville. ways carry your passport or a copy (and a public holidays in Gabon:
drink and chat with Adjo, who is a fountain Infrequent taxis-brousses go to Lconi from copy of your visa). New Years Day 1 January
of information on the region. Franceville, but a 4WD is necessary to get to The dreaded fourous (tiny insects) will Renovation Day 12 March
Stop in at the newly-minted Maison du the cirque. Its possible to camp overnight if leave red splotches, but wont hurt until a Labour Day 1 May
Tourisme et de la Nature (%07398429, 06279683; you can find equipment. few days into the forest when infernal itchi- Independence Day 17 August; in French), near the ness ensues. All Saints Day 1 November
Cristal, for advice on sights and guides, or Ekouyi The terrible roads, crazy drunk drivers and
get a hold of the charming but inconsistent Two bumpy hours from Lconi, the small huge trucks carrying unsecured loads of old- MAPS
Franklin (%06234818), a one-man-band of re- village of Ekouyi has set up some lovely but growth forest are possibly the biggest danger There is an old but detailed road map of Gabon
gional tourism who can arrange various trips. basic huts where you can spend a few days in country. available at Maison de la Presse (%772695), in Li-
His prices vary, but all-inclusive trips start at enjoying village culture and canoeing in breville, for an astonishing US$22.
US$130 per person. the clear river. Arrangements can be made EMBASSIES & CONSULATES
in Franceville through Franklin or you can Gabonese Embassies & Consulates MONEY
AROUND FRANCEVILLE wing it via Lconi. Gabonese embassies and consulates include Gabon is expensive and finding cash is hard.
The region around Franceville is full of mostly the following: ATMs in Libreville will only work with Visa
unexplored treasures, though travel infrastruc-
ture is almost nonexistent. Once you get off the
paved roads, a 4WD and a guide are necessary.
GABON DIRECTORY Cameroon (%220 2966; Rue 1816, Bastos,
Canada (%613-232 5301; 4 Range Rd, Ottawa, KIN
cards, and credit cards are only accepted at
top-end hotels. Bringing all the cash you need
into the country in euros is the best option.
Rental vehicles at Mvengue Airport, just out of ACCOMMODATION 8J5) Euros trade higher than dollars.
town, start at US$180. Otherwise they might Catholic missions are often the cheapest Congo (%81 56 20; Ave Monseigneur Augouard, Travellers cheques work in only a few places
be scrounged up in the various towns. option. Small towns sometimes have a case Brazzaville) in Libreville, but Western Unions are plenti-
On the road to Kessala you can stop at the de passage (a cheap and simple guest house Equatorial Guinea (%240-93 180; Calle de Bata, ful. Dont leave Central Africa with CFA, as

tiny town of Ossele to trek for animals with with few amenities) to be found. In remote Bata) theyre nearly impossible to change.
Hilaire, who is often referred to as a forest villages, if you greet the chief and bring a France (%01 42 24 79 60; 26 Bis Ave Raphal, 75116,
magician an ex-hunter with astounding small gift youll likely be welcome to stay Paris) SHOPPING
knowledge of plants and animals. To arrange in a hut. Germany (%30-8973 3440;; For the most part the price youre told is very
a meeting with him, find his sister Romaine Hohensteiner Str 16, D-14197 Berlin) near to the real price. Bargaining is expected
in Franceville at the Musuku Hotel. ACTIVITIES Netherlands (%070-26 42 41; 107 Jan Van in the artisanal markets, but discounts in
Almost all organised ventures into the wilder- Nassaustraat, The Hague) other places are negligible.
Poubara Falls & Pont de Liane ness are best arranged in Libreville through Nigeria (%684673; 8 Norman William St, Lagos)
About a half-hour south of the city, the Pou- travel agents or conservation societies. Wait- So Tom & Prncipe (%224434/6; Rua Damo, So TOURIST INFORMATION
bara Falls and Pont de Liane (vine bridge) are ing can be involved, so start early in making Tom) Major travel agents and conservation organi-
popular tourist spots in a rainforest setting on plans. UK (%020-7823 9986; 27 Elvaston Pl, London, SW7 sations will have information on the various
the Ogoou River. Shared taxis to these spots 5NL) sights in country. See p585 for contact details
leave from the gare routire (bus or transport BUSINESS HOURS USA (%202-797-1000; 2034 20th St NW, Suite 200, of some organisations in Libreville.
station) in Franceville. Nearly everything will close down starting Washington, DC, 20009)
around noon (when everyone goes home VISAS
Bateke Plateau & Cirque de Lconi for lunch and a siesta) and will open up Embassies & Consulates in Gabon Visas are required by all travellers and must be
East of Franceville the savannah rises up into somewhere between 2pm and 3pm, with the Most embassies are open from 8am to noon obtained before arrival; they are not available
the Batk Plateau, a dry, cool and flat stretch exception of Sunday, when most shops are and 2.30pm to 5pm, but call before showing at the airport or at border crossings. Getting a
of land that extends south and east into Congo. closed. up as some are often unstaffed. Countries visa to Gabon is notoriously difficult and ex-
About 70km past Bongoville, birthplace of the with diplomatic representation in Libreville pensive. From countries outside Africa it can
president, you reach Lconi, a small, quiet town include the following: cost more than US$100. Unless youre flying
with a couple of bars, a hotel (r US$32) and a PRACTICALITIES Cameroon (%732800; Face Universit) straight to Libreville from Europe, it is best to
cheap case de passage (a cheap and simple  Weights, measures and road distances Congo (%730062; Batterie IV) apply for one at the Gabonese embassy in a
guest house with few amenities). use the metric system. Equatorial Guinea (%732523; Hauts de Gu-Gu) nearby African country, where it only takes a
A few kilometres out of town is the spec- France (%761056; Au Bord de Mer) couple days and costs around US$50.
 Electricity is 220v AC, 50Hz (uses Euro-
tacular Cirque de Lconi, a deep, circular, red- Germany (%760188; Immeuble Les Frangipaniers) Gabon is one of the few countries that may
pean-style two-round-pin plugs).
rock canyon of loose sand. Locals say spirits Nigeria (%732203; Blvd Lon Mba) insist on seeing an outgoing plane ticket or
await within. Also in the area (but harder  For English-language news see www.all So Tom & Prncipe (%721527; Au Bord de Mer) other proof of onward travel before issuing a
to find) are the spectacular green and white South Africa (%774530; Immeuble des Arcades) visa, as well as an invitation from a hotel or
canyons. USA (%762003; Au Bord de Mer) company in Gabon.
Lonely Planet Publications
596 T R A N S P O R T I N G A B O N G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y T R A N S P O R T I N G A B O N G e t t i n g A r o u n d 597

At Sedoc in Libreville you can obtain visa and Ambam (Cameroon). From the town of about three hours). Inquire at the Maritime Local Transport
extensions. Ebolowa in Cameroon theres a regular bus Express office on Port Mle. Comically over-packed taxis-brousses, mini-
service to Yaound and Douala. Visas can be buses and pick-up trucks are options for trav-
Visas for Onward Travel purchased at the border. Car & Motorcycle elling outside Libreville.
Visas for the following countries are available Cars are available for hire within the city, but
from embassies in Libreville (see p595): CONGO not for trips on the dirt roads that lead to des- Train
Cameroon Visas are required by all travellers to Cameroon; Before heading out to any Congo crossing tinations outside of the city. Renting a 4WD is Taking the Transgabonaise train line that
theyre available (usually quickly) for around US$60. Visas ask locally about the conditions and reliabil- difficult without also renting a driver. crosses the country is a cheaper, faster and
for Cameroon are also available at the various borders. ity of cross points and transport beyond the Europcar (%745845), Hertz (%732011) and Avis far more comfortable option than taking a
Congo All visitors to Congo need a visa. A one-month visa Gabonese border. (%724251) have offices in Libreville. taxi-brousse.
(US$120) can be issued by the embassy the same day or The main crossing to Congo is between
the next day. You can also buy a 15-day, multiple-entry NDend (Gabon) and Doussala (Congo),
visa on arrival at the border for approximately US$70, but from where you head to Loubomo to con-
you must have your yellow fever certificate with you. nect with the Pointe-Noire to Brazzaville
Equatorial Guinea Visas are required for all except Amer- railway.
icans, though many embassies outside the country are not The border with Congo in eastern Gabon
always aware of this exemption, and officers on the ground is easily crossable; you can sometimes cross
will be suspect. Visas can be purchased at the embassy for without having papers checked. But dont get
up to US$70. Obtaining a visa can be a long process and caught on the other side sans visa! Crossings
may require having an invitation from an organisation in in the east include Lconi (near Franceville)
the country. Expect many trips and long waits. and Mkambo (past Makokou; visas might be
So Tom & Prncipe Visas are required by everyone purchased there). Keep in mind that the areas
and cost in the range of US$30 to US$60. One-day express in western Congo can often be a no-mans-
visas can be purchased for US$60. land.

Women can expect unwanted attention from Crossings can be done at Cocobeach (Gabon)
men, marriage proposals and, in share-taxis, by pirogue to Cogo and Acalyong (Equatorial
the occasional groping. Women can feel free Guinea), and via Oyem and Bitam (Gabon)
to stand their ground or involve other, local to either Mongomo or Ebebiyin (Equatorial
women in the ordeal. Guinea). Taxis leave daily from all towns and
the ride to Bata is around four hours with

TRANSPORT IN GABON the new roads.

Be prepared for corrupt and suspicious
officials. Secure a visa before attempting to
GETTING THERE & AWAY cross or beware!
Royal Air Maroc ( flies from Sea
Paris (France) to Libreville with a stop in There are occasional boats to and from Cot-
Casablanca (Morocco). Air France (www.airfrance onou (Benin), So Tom & Prncipe and Cam-
.com) flies straight from Paris to Libreville. eroon. Expect long, uncomfortable journeys.
Libreville is also linked to most major cit- Ask for details at the Maritime Express office
ies in West and Central Africa by a rotat- on Port Mle in Libreville.
ing cast of regional airlines. Librevilles Lon
MBa Airport has flights to and from Abidjan GETTING AROUND
(Cte dIvoire), Brazzaville (Congo), Douala Air
(Cameroon), Lagos (Nigeria), So Tom town Regional flight operators include:
(So Tom & Prncipe), Johannesburg (South Air Service (%747092)
Africa) and sometimes Malabo (Equatorial La Nationale (%06669077, 031903)
Guinea), among others. SCD Aviation (%564100, 885666; Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
restricted. In return, we think its fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
Land Boat only. In other words, please dont upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
CAMEROON There are passenger boats between Lambarn
Travellers to and from Cameroon cross at and Port-Gentil (US$20, about five hours) and everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
the Ntem River between Bitam (Gabon) between Port-Gentil and Libreville (US$40, the above - Do the right thing with our content.

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