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330 G HA N A H i g h l i g h t s 331

Beach life (p342) Soak up the rays and HOW MUCH?

Rasta vibe at a beach resort in Axim,  Handkerchief US$0.20
Busua, Anomabu or Kokrobite.
 Bottle of Fanta US$0.30
 Past life (p343 and p344) Tour the castles
at Cape Coast and Elmina to learn about  Music CD US$10
the history of slavery.  Inner-city taxi US$0.90
 Wildlife (p349) Engage in a staring con-
In Ghana life is public. People evacuate their homes and apartments every day to escape  Coffin in the shape of a Mercedes
test with a bus-sized elephant in Mole
the stifling heat. And much like the kente cloth worn by market women, the disparate parts US$550
National Park.
and peoples somehow mix and weave together into a cohesive whole. Ghana is home to a  Hiplife (p341) Take in Accras club scene,
number of diverse peoples and cultures, all finding ways to coexist in a rapidly modernising the birthplace of some of the regions
most popular music.  1L petrol US$0.80
country. Youll see men and women in traditional clothes text messaging friends and suited

 Village life (p349) Rough it in one of the
businessmen taking offerings to tribal chiefs.  1L bottled water US$0.70
community tourism projects, such as
the stilt village at Wechiau Community  Bottle of Star beer US$0.50
Compared to other countries in the region, Ghana is stable and prosperous, but this Hippo Sanctuary.  Souvenir T-shirt US$10
valuation is in part founded on hopes for the future. The country is often labelled Africa
 Beef kebab skewer US$0.30
for beginners, and while youll likely be welcomed by the people in a hot, sweaty clinch, CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO
the same way the sun grabs hold of you the second after you step outside, getting around Ghana has a tropical equatorial climate,
which means that its hot year-round with
is by no means easy.
seasonal rains. In the humid southern coastal the surrounding area, then head back to
Ghana has no iconic calling card like Victoria Falls or Kilimanjaro, but one look at a map region, the rainy seasons are from April to Accra.
June, and during September and October; the  One Month With four weeks to spare, you
reveals a geographic blessing: hundreds of kilometres of coast shared by beautiful beaches, dry months, November to March or July and can do everything in the two-week itin-
ruined European forts, the poignant reminders of the countrys importance as a way station August, are easier for travelling. Throughout erary plus throw in visits to the coastal
for African slaves, and the battered shacks of lively fishing villages. Accra is the commercial the year, maximum temperatures are around resorts at Busua (p344) and those further
and cultural motor of the country, while Kumasi is the traditional home of the Ashanti, and 30C, dropping three or four degrees during along the coast, and also explore some
the brief respite between rainy seasons. The of the north. If possible fly from Accra
is famous for its crafts. In the Volta region to the east, where the geography was given a
humidity is constantly high, at about 80%. to Tamale (p348; one night) if not take
facelift by the Akosombo dam, you can still find substantial swathes of forest crawling up In the central region, the rains are heavier your time bussing it to Kumasi and then
mountains along the Togo border. And finally the north, which offers opportunities for and last longer. In the hotter and drier north, further north and on to Mole National
wildlife viewing up close and personal, stretches across the horizon like an overcooked there is one rainy season, lasting from April Park (p349) and Larabanga (p349; two
pancake to the Burkina Faso frontier. to October. Midday temperatures rarely fall nights). Continue west to the hippo sanc-
below 30C, rising to 35C and higher during tuary at Wechiau (p349), if time permits,
December to March when the rasping harmat- and return to Kumasi. From there you
FAST FACTS tan wind blows in from the Sahara. can head south to Accra and then visit
The tourist high season is from June to the east: Akosombo (p350; one night)
 Area 238,537 sq km August, which coincides with the summer and Wli Falls (p350) and back to Accra.
 ATMs Available vacation in the US. The country sees few tour- Alternatively, head directly to the coastal
ists from September to December. resorts of your choice from Kumasi.
 Borders Cte dIvoire, Burkina Faso, Togo
 Budget US$30 to US$50 per day ITINERARIES HISTORY
 Capital Accra  Two Weeks Without private transporta- Present-day Ghana has been inhabited since
 Languages English, Twi, Ga and Ewe
tion two weeks is really only enough 4000 BC, filled by successive waves of mi-
time to do the triangular route bounded grants from the north and east. By the 13th
 Money Cedi; US$1 = C9200 by Accra, Takoradi to the west, and Ku- century several kingdoms had developed,
 Population 21 million masi at the top. Start in Accra (p335; growing rich from the countrys massive gold
 Seasons Wet (late April to October), dry (November to late
three days), then head to the beach at deposits and gradually expanding south along
March) Anomabu (p342; two nights), then on the Volta River to the coast.
to Cape Coast (p342; three nights), with
 Telephone Country code %233; international access code %00 day trips to Kakum (p343) and Elmina Power & Conflict
 Time GMT/UTC (p344). If you want to mix things up take By the 16th century one of the kingdoms, the
 Visa US$50 in advance or US$100 upon arrival at airport
the night train from Takoradi (p344) to Ashanti, emerged as the dominant power,
Kumasi (p345; three nights) to explore conquering tribes left, right and centre and
332 G HA N A G HA N A H i s t o r y 333

GHANA 0 100 km taking control of trade routes to the coast. Its Nkrumah, however, skilfully kept himself
0 60 miles
capital, Kumasi, became a sophisticated urban out of the fray and concentrated on building

To P (20km);
To Lo (20km) Ouagadougou (150km)
Sinkass BURKINA centre, with facilities and services equal to prestige projects, such as the Akosombo Dam
Bitou those in Europe at the time. And it wasnt long and several universities and hospitals.

Red V
To Bobo- Paga

Hamale Tumu
(150km) Dapaong until the Europeans discovered this African But things started to unravel. Nkrumah

Navrongo Garu
kingdom. First the Portuguese came sniffing expanded his personal bodyguard into an en-

Lawra Bolgatanga

around the coast, and then came the British, tire regiment, while corruption and reckless

Gambarga Nalerigu
French, Dutch, Swedes and Danes. They all spending drove the country into serious debt.

built forts by the sea and traded slaves, gold Nkrumah, seemingly oblivious to his growing

and other goods with the Ashanti. unpopularity, made the fatal mistake of going
But the slave trade was abolished in the on a state visit to China in 1966. While he

19th century, and with it went the Ashantis was away his regime was toppled in an army


domination. By that time the British had taken coup. Nkrumah died six years later in exile


over the Gold Coast, as the area had become in Guinea.
Kara called, and began muscling in on Ashanti Dr Kofi Busia headed a civilian government
Bouna Sawla Tamale Natchamba turf. This sparked several wars between the in 1969, but could do nothing to overcome
two powers, which culminated in the British the corruption and debt problems. Colonel



Ferkessdougou Bole Damongo
Fufulso Yapei ransacking of Kumasi in 1874. The British Acheampong replaced him in a 1972 coup,


then established a protectorate over Ashanti but few things changed under his tenure.
NP Da territory, which they expanded in 1901 to
TOGO include areas to the north. The Gold Coast Jerry Rawlings Regime


D' I V O I R E Salaga was now a British colony. By 1979 Ghana was suffering food shortages

and people were out on the streets demon-

The Road to Independence strating against the army fat cats. Onto the
Kpandai By the late 1920s the locals were itching for scene came Jerry Rawlings: a good-looking,
independence, and they set up political parties charismatic, half-Scottish air force pilot who
dedicated to this aim. However, parties like kept cigarettes behind his ear and spoke the
Boabeng-Fiema Atebubu Kete-Krachi Badou
the United Gold Coast Convention (UGCC), language of the people. Nicknamed Junior

Wenchi Monkey Sanctuary


Techiman formed in 1947, were too elitist and detached Jesus, Rawlings caught the publics imagina-

Berekum Jasikan from those they were meant to represent the tion with his calls for corrupt military rulers
Digya NP
Ejura ordinary workers. So the UGCCs secretary- to be confronted and held accountable for
general, Kwame Nkrumah, broke away in Ghanas problems. The military jailed him

Hohoe Wli 1948 and formed the Conventional Peoples for his insubordination, but his fellow junior
Mampong Mt Afadjato (885m) Party (CPP), which became an overnight suc- officers freed him after they staged an uprising.

Owabi Wildlife Liati Wote

Ntonso Bonwire Klouto
Sanctuary Bobiri Forest Reserve
Kpalim cess. Nkrumah was impatient for change and Rawlings Armed Forces Revolutionary Coun-
Bia NP
Amedzofe called for a national strike in 1949. The Brit- cil (AFRC) then handed over power to a civil-
Abonu Mt Gemi
Nkawkaw Volta Ho
ish, anxious about his popularity, jailed him. ian government (after a general election) and
Bosumtwi Akosombo Mt Adaklu
Kpetoe Despite this, the CPP won the elections of started a major house-cleaning operation
Wiawso Obuasi Atimpoku 1951, Nkrumah was released and he became that is, executing and jailing senior officers.
Volt prime minister. When Ghana finally won The new president, Hilla Limann, was

Koforidua Somanya a River

Kade Akatsi

its independence in March 1957, Nkrumah uneasy with Rawlings huge popularity, and
Pra R

Sogakope Denu
Dunkwa Aflao
Dabala Keta
Assin Attandanso
Oda Asamankese became the first president of an independ- later accused him of trying to subvert con-
Aburi Ada Kasseh
Anloga ent African nation. His speeches, which de- stitutional rule. The AFRC toppled him in a
To Abidjan (150km) Ada
Aboisso Ankasa Nature
nounced imperialism and talked about a free, coup in 1981, and this time Rawlings stayed
Elubo Kakum ACCRA united Africa, made him the darling of the in power for the next 15 years.
Winneba Pan-African movement. Although Rawlings never delivered his
promised left-wing revolution, he improved
Assini Beyin
Agona Sekondi Shama
Independence & the Nkrumah Years the ailing economy after following the orders
Takoradi But back home Nkrumah was not popular of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Dixcove Busua among traditional chiefs and farmers, who During part of the 1980s Ghana enjoyed Af-
were unimpressed with the idea of unity under ricas highest economic growth rates.
his rule. Factionalism and regional interests
ATLANTIC OCEAN NP National Park created an opposition that Nkrumah tried to The Democratic Era
Gulf of Guinea contain through repressive laws, and by turn- By 1992 Rawlings was under worldwide pres-
ing Ghana into a one-party state. sure to introduce democracy, so he lifted the
334 G HA N A C u l t u re A CC R A I n f o r m a t i o n 335

10-year ban on political parties and called across shop fronts in every town and city Population densities are highest within the INFORMATION
a general election. However, the hopelessly throughout the country. Accra-Kumasi-Takoradi triangle, largely be- Bookshops
divided opposition couldnt get their act to- But thats not to say they cant have fun. cause of the timber-producing deciduous for- Books for Less (Map p336; 17th Lane, Osu)
gether, and Rawlings won the 1992 elections Ghanaians will find any excuse to dance, and ests and cocoa-growing lands, which stimulate EPP Books (Map p336; Burma Camp Rd, Labadi)
freely and fairly, with 60% of the vote. Still even the most sedate boat rides can turn into a economic productivity.
licking their wounds, the opposition with- massive party as young men and old grannies Ghana has five national parks and nine pro- Cultural Centres
drew from the following months parliamen- gyrate their hips to the musical fusion genres tected areas. Mole National Park (p349), in the Alliance Franaise (Map p336; %773134; alliance@
tary elections, giving Rawlings newly formed of highlife and hiplife. The latter is a more northwest of the country, protects savannah; Liberation Link, Airport Residential Area)
National Democratic Congress (NDC) an recent invention that takes a page from the woodland and is the best place to see wildlife, Lectures and cultural events; every Tuesday is movie night.
easy victory. In 1996 he repeated this triumph American hip-hop world. including elephants, baboons and antelope British Council (Map p338; %244744; Liberia Rd;
in elections that were again considered free Ghanaians have produced some of Africas species. Kakum National Park (p343), just Air-con library open to the
and fair. best and most well-known musicians, and this inland of Cape Coast, is known for its canopy public. English newspapers and magazines, and lectures
vibrancy is a reflection of a society that is more walkway and is a good place to see rainforest and cultural events.

Ghana Today

culturally self-confident than most. Whether habitat and birdlife.
After eight years of Rawlings and the NDC its music, or exquisite Ashanti kente cloth, Internet Access
(the constitution barred Rawlings from stand- stools or woodcarvings, Ghanaian products FOOD & DRINK Busy Internet (Map p338; Ring Rd, Asylum Down; per
ing for a third term in the 2000 presiden- (and imitations of them) are scattered all over A typical Ghanaian meal consists of a starch hr US$1.10; h24hr) Hi-tech, popular internet caf and
tial elections), his nominated successor and West Africa. staple, such as rice, fufu (mashed cassava, entertainment centre; great place to watch a movie.
former vice-president, Professor John Atta Maybe the most famous and arguably the plantain or yam), kenkey or banku (fer- Internet Caf (Map p338) Across from the White Bell
Mills, lost to Dr John Kufuor, leader of the most important Ghanaian is Otunfu Osei II, mented maize meal) eaten with a sauce or restaurant, on the left.
well-established New Patriotic Party (NPP), the king of the Ashanti. Hes considered at stew. Common sauces (called soups) include Mega Internet (Map p338; Ring Rd, Asylum Down; per
which also won a slim majority in the par- least as influential as the president, in part be- groundnut, palaver (made from greens) and hr US$1.10; h4.30am-1.30am) Flat-screen computers,
liamentary elections. Kufour and the NPP cause he rules with no term limits and because light soup (egg and tomato sauce with fish all office-related services.
were victorious again in 2004, which means of his relative youth; hes only in his 50s. Some or meat). Other menu regulars are fried rice Osu Internet Caf (Map p336; Mission St, Osu; per hr
that each party will have had eight years in Ghanaians living abroad send remittances with chicken or vegetables, jollof rice (the US$0.75; h24hr)
power by the time the next national elections to the king, some money comes from allow- West African paella) and red, red, bean stew Sharpnet (Map p336; Ring Rd East, Osu; per hr US$1.10;
roll around. ances paid by the government, and some of with meat or fish, often served with fried h24hr)
Kufuor and the NPP inherited some tough his wealth comes from taxes or tributes given plantains. The meat used is usually chicken,
economic and political challenges; the partys by the people themselves. goat or beef; guinea fowl replaces chicken Medical Services
slogan, So Far So Good, is perhaps an uncan- in the north of the country. Grasscutter, a Pharmacies are scattered around everywhere,
nily accurate reflection of the confidence they ARTS & CRAFTS large rodent, is also popular. Fish, usually but as an alternative you can try the super-
and the country hold. Even though both par- Ghana has a rich artistic heritage. Objects are dried and smoked, is a common component markets in Osu.
ties continue to be criticised for cronyism and created not only for their aesthetic value but of meals. Omo tuo, a special dish served only 37 Military Hospital (Map p336; %776111; Liberation
corruption, Ghanas economy continues to as symbols of ethnic identity or to commemo- on Sunday, is mashed rice balls with a fish Ave)
grow and attract investment, and the outlook rate historical or legendary events, to convey or meat soup. North Ridge Clinic (Map p336; %227328, 024-355366;
is brighter than in many other parts of Africa. cultural values or to signify membership of a Ring Rd Central)
That being said, in 2005 the per-capita income
was an estimated US$2500 and Ghana is clas-
sified by the UN as a low-income, food-deficit
group. The Akan people of the southern and
central regions are famous for their cloth,
goldwork, woodcarving, chiefs insignia (such
ACCRA Trust Hospital (%776787; Cantonments Rd, Osu)

country. The majority of very poor people as swords, umbrella tops and linguist staffs), %021 / pop 2 million The head offices of Barclays and Standard
live in rural areas. The bulk of the countrys pottery and bead-making. With its back mostly turned to the Gulf of Chartered are both on High St (Map p338)
labour force is employed in agriculture, which Guinea, taking little advantage of its water- and there are several branches around town,
accounts for 37% of its GDP and 35% of its ENVIRONMENT front location, Accra crawls up and over a all of which have ATMs. Forexes are scattered
export earnings. Ghana is about the size of Britain. Much of modern landscape, gobbling up real estate and around the city.
Ghanas terrain consists of wooded ranges, producing a chaotic low-rise skyline. Origi- Afro Wings Ltd (Map p338; Farrar Ave) In the Trust
CULTURE wide valleys and low-lying coastal plains. The nally a scattering of villages controlled by Ga Towers complex. Amex representative.
If theres one feature of Ghanaian society that damming of the Volta River in the mid-1960s chiefs, today its a sprawling city that extends Forbes Forex Bureau (Map p336; Cantonment Rd, Osu)
sticks out more than any other, it has to be created the worlds largest artificial lake. eastwards almost 25km to the neighbouring Jibrin Forex Bureau (Map p338; Kojo Thompson Rd,
religion. The country is 15% Muslim, 70% Logging, mining, the use of wood fuels and city of Tema. Its congested and pockmarked Adabraka)
Christian and 100% obsessed with spiritual deforestation for agriculture have reduced pavements; baking streets that in the midday Star Forex Bureau (Map p338; High St) In the entrance
worship. This is the land of glory, gold and Ghanas forests from over 8 million sq km heat can make a block feel like a kilometre; to the Centre for National Culture.
God, after all, and God is everywhere: God in the early 20th century to less than 2 mil- shanty towns and genteel leafy suburbia;
is Love Hair Salon, Jesus Loves Me Forex lion sq km now. Marine and coastal areas are chop bars and gourmet restaurants; hiplife Post
Bureau and Forgiveness Communications threatened by high erosion and population and highlife; all combine to make Accra at Accra North post office (Map p336; Nsawam Rd) Just
are just some of the pious names emblazoned concentration. once exhausting and exhilarating. north of Nkrumah Circle.
336 A CC R A Book accommodation online at A CC R A S i g h t s & A c t i v i t i e s 337

Main post office (Map p338; Ussher Town) On the are undoubtedly poor and you may feel un-

To Teshie (3km); Coco
Beach (7km); Tema (25km)

La Pleasure Hotel
2 km

Lutterodt intersection. comfortably voyeuristic just walking around

(Labadi Beach)
1 miles

on your own. Ask a local to take you around;

Tourist Information negotiate a fee in advance.


Accra Visitors Centre (Map p338; %252186; For a great view of the city and the busy


di B
p Near Mega Internet on Ring Rd and colourful fishing harbour (haze and pol-

Kotoka Bu
r Central. Has maps, and is reasonably helpful. lution permitting), climb to the top of the
Airport Tourist information counter (%776171, ext 1314; old lighthouse (Map p336; admission US$0.30) near
Airport) A small counter in the international arrivals hall James Fort.
Wide at the airport. If youre walking back to the centre along
l Rd


Sen Tourist office (Map p338; %231817; h8am-4pm Cleland Rd, which becomes High St, you

could take a detour along Hansen Rd to see

arlal Cantonments

Mon-Fri) This is 50m down Education Close, off Barnes Rd.

37 Station

le R

a St




(Gulf of Guinea)
Volt Rd
Not a good source of practical information. the Timber Market (Map p336; ask someone to

it ho






Ri 11 S

o st ino N


show you where it is). The fetish section is fas-





Travel Agencies


Neh cinating, with its animal skulls, live and dead


u nts

m e


Doscar Travel & Tours (Map p338; %239229; fax reptiles, strange powders, and juju figurines.


37 Circle

248328; Sedco House, 5 Tabon St) Next to Le Petit Paris While most of Accras oceanfront real es-

Borstal Rd 18 ito

See Enlargement

tio ro
Caf. tate is rocky and undeveloped, there are sev-

e B
ib 16 ef

L s
Expertravel & Tours (Map p336; %775498; fax 773937; eral sandy beaches. La Pleasure Beach (Map p336;

36 39


Rd Rd
gh Ring Rd East) admission US$2.20), also known as Labadi Beach,

M&J Travel & Tours (Map p336; %773153; fax 774338;

is about 8km east of central Accra and easily

h St
Hw nd


Ka su

reached by public transport. Unfortunately

11th Lane, Osu)



c e

WB Travel & Tours (Map p338; %245900;
nd since the swimming area is so narrow its a


See Central Accra Map (p338)

de; 29 Farrar Ave) Opposite Hotel little claustrophobic on weekends.

28th February Rd

Ring Rd Central







Most of the budget accommodation is gener-

Castle Rd

The gently decaying National Museum (Map p338; ally clustered off Kwame Nkrumah and Kojo
To Kumasi

Barnes Rd

%221633; Barnes Rd; adult/student US$5/2.20; h9am-6pm

Farrar Ave

Thompson Rds in Adabraka. While Osu is the



James Harbour
Kojo Thompson Rd

Tue-Sun), set in shady grounds, has interesting most convenient place to base yourself, rooms

25 Selwyn Market St



Nkrumah Ave
Rd displays on various aspects of Ghanaian cul- there are US$40 and up and arent especially

lohum y

er ture and history. The displays on royal stools, good value. The closest you can get to beach or
Nettey Rd



state umbrellas, swords and akyeamepoma resort-style accommodation are the two top-
Cleland Rd


eo (linguists staffs) are enlightening. end hotels at La Pleasure Beach. The Novotel is

La 21


0.1 miles
200 m


There is no front door or welcoming sign the nicest place to stay in the city centre.
4t 41

43 d

Venus Cocktail Bar.................40 B1 Gr


to the Makola Market (Map p338). Its a gradual

33 g R


KLM Royal Dutch Airlines....(see 19)

(ATAG)............................(see 44)
Bywel Bar.............................. 36 D4

Ryan's Irish Pub.....................39 D4

Indigo....................................41 C1

Macumba...............................43 C1

th 27

37 B2
Nourish Lab Smoothy's..........38 B2


Antrak....................................46 B1
47 B2

South African Airways............48 B2

Jazz Tone................................42 E1


Virgin Nigeria.........................50 F4


49 Rd





si O transition from the usual pavements clogged


Trade Fair Centre...................44

Woodin Boutique...................45

Old Winneba

45 16

Duncan's Bar..........................



Date Hotel (Map p338; %228200; Adama Rd, Adabraka;


with vendors hawking second-hand clothes


VanefSTC Bus Station (Main


Ring Road West


and shoes to the market itself, which only r from US$9) The concrete courtyard is a drink-

20 0


Aid to Artisans Ghana
th 30


becomes obvious once you cant take a step ing spot during the day, and the fan rooms


Korle Bu

Kaneshie Motor erg

24 11



Mission St


without tripping over a pile of Chinese-made are bare-bare bones. Bring your own bath

48 12


a R

dlan o


37 38

Hoh duard
locks or tube socks and youre sucked into the towel.

3r E

vortex of the swirling crowds. Hotel President (Map p338; %223343; Farrar Ave,
Independence (Black Star) Square (Map p338) is Adabraka; r with fan/air-con from US$15/20; p) Despite
a vast, baking expanse of concrete dominated a grandiose name and a convenient location,
Frankie's..............................(see 26)





Monsoon.............................(see 35)


Timber Market...................... 25 C4









Buku.......................................30 B1
Dynasty Restaurant................31 B2

Haveli.....................................32 B2
Koala Supermarket.................33 B1
Mama Mia's...........................34 B1

Osu Food Court......................35 B1






by a ginormous McDonalds-like arch, beneath this purple multistorey hotel is a little ratty,
37 Military Hospital..................1
Accra North Post Office...........2
Alliance Franaise.....................3
Australian High Commision......4
Beninese Embassy.....................5
Books for Less..........................6
British High Commission..........7
Canadian High Commission.....8
Dutch Embassy........................9
EPP Books..............................10
Expertravel & Tours................11
Forbes Forex Bureau...............12
French Embassy.....................13

Ivorian Embassy.....................15
Japanese Embassy..................16
Liberian Embassy....................17
Nigerian Embassy...................18
North Ridge Clinic.................19
Osu Internet Caf..................20
Standard Chartered Bank.......22
Togolese Embassy..................23
US Embassy............................24

Frankies Hotel.......................26
Niagara Plus Hotel..................27
Penta Hotel............................28
Rest Inn..................................29

which the Eternal Flame of African Libera- though the air-con rooms are quite large.
tion, lit by Nkrumah, still flickers. Calvary Methodist Church Guesthouse (Map p338;
Immigration Office (Visa

%234507; Barnes Rd, West Ridge; r US$24; pa) The


Because they are fairly concentrated and

walkable, James Town and Ussher Town (both on rooms on the top floor of a building in this

Map p336), two of the oldest neighbourhoods compound are divine for the price. Each of


in Accra, provide a chance to witness how the six rooms are spotless and modern and

ordinary Ghanaians go about their everyday have small balconies.

lives. These arent shantytowns like youd find Beverly Hills Hotel (Map p338; %224042; Samora


in Johannesburg or Nairobi, but the people Machel Rd; r US$33; pa) You wont mistake this
338 A CC R A C e n t r a l A c c r a Book accommodation online at A CC R A E a t i n g 339


CENTRAL ACCRA 0 0.3 miles Accra Visitor's Centre..................1 B1 Makola Market.........................20 B5 Champs Sports Bar.................(see 28)
Afro Wings Ltd.......................(see 29) National Museum.....................21 C3 Osekan.....................................34 B6
A B C Kusia St D
Barclays Bank...............................2 B1
Barclays Bank..............................3 B5 SLEEPING ENTERTAINMENT
Kokomlemle Barclays Bank (Head Office)........4 B6 Beverly Hills Hotel.....................22 C2 Bass Line...................................35 D1
Star Ave King Tackie British Council............................. 5 C4 Calvary Methodist Church Vienna City Entertainment
1 Overhead
Overpass Burkinab Embassy..................... 6 D2 Guesthouse.......................... 23 C3 Complex...............................36 B2
42 Pass Kokonte St
28 Busy Internet...............................7 C1 Date Hotel................................24 B3
Ring Rd West 7
Ring Rd Central Doscar Travel & Tours.............(see 30) Hotel President..........................25 B2 SHOPPING

Circle 41 39 German Embassy........................ 8 D3 Korkdam Hotel......................... 26 D2 Centre for National

15 13 35

Asylum Down 5th Cres Internet Caf...............................9 B2 North Ridge Culture................................. 37 C6


Paradise St

2 d Jibrin Forex Bureau....................10 B3 Hotel....................................27 D3 Loom........................................38 A2

36 lR

e Main Post Office...................... 11 A6 Paloma Hotel............................28 C1

38 Samora M a Mango Tree Ave Malian Embassy........................ 12 C5 TRANSPORT


Kente St Odanta St
6 26 Mega Internet...........................13 C1 EATING Alitalia...................................... 39 D1
9 North
Ese Ridge
Standard Chartered Bank..........14 B4 Choos Eatery............................ 29 C2 British Airways..........................40 B4


1st Mango
Standard Chartered Bank..........15 C1 Edvy Restaurant......................(see 21) Lufthansa Airlines......................41 D1

Machel Rd
25 Rd Tree Ave
2 Farrar Ave ve Standard Chartered Bank.......... 16 C4 Le Petit Paris.............................30 D1 Neoplan Motor
33 31 e A

Fa Tre Standard Chartered Bank Orangery..................................31 B2 Park.......................................42 A1


rra o

19 r 29 Ma (Head Office)........................17 B6 Paloma Tema Station............................ 43 C5




Star Forex Bureau...................(see 37) Restaurant..........................(see 28) Tudu Station.............................44 B5


Tourist Office........................... 18 C3 Spicy Chicken........................... 32 C2 VanefSTC Bus Station (to Ho,

o Pla


Tackie Tawiah Ave Rid
Adabraka ge WB Travel & Tours....................19 B2 White Bell.................................33 B2 Hohoe & Aflao).....................45 B5
nge S

tso p 8
Wa Loo Cathedral



centrally located hotel for the Four Seasons, separates your cell from your neighbours and

Castle Rd
Ed though its rooms are large and the furnishings the water pressure is lousy. Still its a better
Adama Rd
Kwame Nkrumah Ave

are comfortable. choice than next-door Lemon Lodge.
3 24
North Ridge Hotel (%225809; nrhotel@hotmail
Kojo Thompson Rd

Ridge Hospital
hth Osu; 49 Examination Loop; s/d US$50/60; pa) The
23 e
dit 18 e Rd 6t
h Rest Inn (Map p336; %785543;; 14th friendly North Ridge is a large building on a
rom Av
we Rd Education n th Lane; r US$45; pa) As far as Osu goes, this is quiet residential street; the tile-floored rooms
ry ve
Close Se
as good value as youll find. Right around have some character even though the furni-

Gr ria R
ap oad
the corner from the Koala supermarket, and ture is old.

hic Nth

Rd 40 West
behind the art gallery, are several small, clean Paloma Hotel (Map p338; % 228700; paloma@

Liberia Ro Ridge
ad Sth

e and modern rooms.; Ring Rd Central; s/d US$50/70; pi)
Adjaben Rd nd
Niagara Plus Hotel (Map p336; %772428; 14th Lane; Part of a popular complex that includes a res-
4 pe sse
5 Inde Na s/d US$50/66; pa) This friendly hotel is down taurant (see p340), courtyard caf and bar

a quiet lane about 200m from Cantonments (Champs Sports Bar; p340), the hotel has at-

Efua Sutherland

Children's Park
Rd. Rooms are large and comfortable in this tractive, tastefully decorated rooms.


ent R


Tudu Rd especially attractive whitewashed villa with a


Novotel Hotel
Barnes Rd

cobblestone courtyard.

Penta Hotel (Map p336; %774529; Cantonment Rd;

Accra has the best choice of restaurants in


s/d US$60/70; pa) This hotel in the heart of the country, and the food will seem like haute




Osu craziness is professionally run though cuisine if youre returning to the city after


Station Rd 44 Kinbu Rd


Kimberly Av
at the expense of warmth or character. The time spent elsewhere in Ghana. Osu is China
5 e 20 Stadium
small, modern rooms arent especially good Town, Little Italy and your mall food court
value. Tycoon restaurant and Hemingways rolled into one long clogged road.
City Centre
Derby Ave Makola
Bar attached. If youre self-catering, the supermarkets in

Circle Dodoo St
Selwyn Market St Rawlings Park
3 Former
Frankies Hotel (Map p336; %773567; www.frankies Osu are best, especially Koala Supermarket (Map
28th February Rd
House; Cantonments Rd; s/d US$65/85; pai) p336; Cantonments Rd), just off Danquah Circle at
Zongo La

Thorpe Rd

37 Above the excellent eatery of the same name, the top of Cantonments Rd.

Kwame Nkrumah
St Memorial Park Independence Frankies has little atmosphere though every-

(Black Star) Sq

thing is immaculate, including the basic, Adabraka

Asafoatse Nettey Rd
modern rooms. Orangery (Map p338; Farrar Ave; mains US$2.70-8) The
Lutt er odt

Lutterodt 17
6 Intersection 11
Orangery is a pretty-looking place specialis-

on Ussher 4
Z i
34 Asylum Down & North Ridge ing in sweet and savoury pancakes, muffins,

Holy Trinity
Cathedral ATLANTIC OCEAN Korkdam Hotel (Map p338; %226797; korkdam@ waffles and crepes. Nonbreakfast specialities
Fort (Gulf of Guinea) africaonline; 2nd Mango Tree Ave, Asylum Down; s/d with fan include moussaka (US$5) and seafood bouil-
US$13/20, r with air-con US$27; p) Only a thin wall labaisse (US$8).
340 A CC R A D r i n k i n g A CC R A E n t e r t a i n m e n t 341

Choos Eatery (Map p338; 2nd fl, Trust Bldg, Farrar Ave; looks if youre dressed for tro-tros (minibuses street, Duncans is nevertheless a popular coffins are fashioned in the shape of lobsters,
mains US$3.30) Choos features an open-air din- or pick-ups). A more casual cigar lounge and drinking spot with locals. Mercedes, guns, aeroplanes whatever is
ing area that gets a cool breeze, and a large sushi bar is attached. meaningful for the client.
selection of Ghanaian dishes and burgers ENTERTAINMENT
(US$2.20). Asylum Down & North Ridge Accra is Ghanas biggest city and the birth- GETTING THERE & AWAY
Edvy Restaurant (Map p338; Barnes Rd; mains US$3.30; Le Petit Paris (Map p338; Kanda High Rd; croissants US$1.30; place of highlife, hiplife and other hybrid Air
h9am-4pm) For a postmuseum bite, sit at one a) An excellent spot for a morning coffee music genres, so its not surprising theres Kotoka international airport, 5km from the city
of the trellis-covered tables in the grounds of and croissant, Le Petit Paris is a simple bak- a lively club scene. The action rarely starts centre, is served by a number of major airlines
the National Museum. The menu is a small ery selling excellent baked goods. Grab an before 10pm or 11pm. and several small private regional carriers.
selection of Ghanaian basics. espresso for a nice sit-down breakfast. Jazz Tone (Map p336; Third Close, Airport Residential Area) For more information, see p353.
White Bell (Map p338; Farrar Ave; mains US$3.80) The Spicy Chicken (Map p338; Samora Machel Rd, Asylum A popular place with good live jazz music.
White Bells 2nd-floor dining area catches Down; mains US$3) Fast food and fried chicken. Indigo (Map p336; Ring Rd East, Osu) Near Danquah Bus & Tro-tro
some cooling breezes and is deservedly popu- Paloma Restaurant (Map p338; Ring Rd Central; mains Circle, this stylish place is housed in an old em- There are two VanefSTC bus stations in Accra.

US$5.50; a) Part of the hotel and bar complex, The main VanefSTC bus station (Map p336; %227373)

lar. Serves burgers, sandwiches and chicken bassy building and attracts Accras trendsetters.
and rice dishes. Music and dancing in the the Paloma serves a variety of food, including Friday and Saturday are the best nights. is just east of Lamptey Circle and serves des-
evening. pizzas, Lebanese and Ghanaian food, and has Macumba (Map p336; Ring Rd East, Osu) One of Ac- tinations to the west and north. Buses leave
a garden bar and restaurant area. cras nightlife institutions, Macumba is just off hourly from early morning to early evening
Osu Danquah Circle and is popular with European for both Kumasi (ordinary/luxury US$5/7,
Osu Food Court (Map p336; Cantonments Rd; a) A mini DRINKING discophiles. four hours) and Takoradi (US$4.20/5.50,
mall with Nandos (a South African chain Most drinking spots in Accra are nothing Bass Line (Map p338; Ring Rd Central, North Ridge) four hours), and four times a day to Cape
doing spicy Portuguese-style chicken), a cof- more than a few plastic tables and a Star beer Another good hip jazz club, the Bass Line, Coast (US$2.70/4.20, three hours) and Tamale
fee shop and bakery, a pizza joint and a couple sign; Osu has the highest concentration. just west of Kanda High Rd, gets smoky and (US$10/16, 12 hours). There are fewer trips
of fried-chicken places. Nourish Lab Smoothys (Map p336; 3rd Lane; smoothies stays open late. on all routes on Sundays.
Frankies (Map p336; Cantonments Rd; mains US$3.30- US$2.20; h8am-10pm) These refreshing drinks, Vienna City Entertainment Complex (Map p338; The second, smaller VanefSTC bus sta-
6.50; a) An Accra institution, the upstairs a combination of fruit and soft yogurt, are Kwame Nkrumah Ave, Adabraka) A massive bar, game tion (Map p338) is next to Tudu Station, at
restaurant serves burgers, pizzas and fried practically addictive because of the oppres- room and club in the heart of Adabraka near the northern end of Makola Market. From
chicken, as well as a selection of salads, ba- sive heat. Also serves sandwich wraps and Nkrumah Circle. there buses head east, serving Ho (US$4.40,
guettes and sandwiches. salads. four hours, 3pm), Hohoe (ordinary/luxury
Buku (Map p336; 10th Lane; mains US$3.80-10) Ghana- Osekan (Map p338; High St) Spend a sunset nurs- SHOPPING US$3.30/5.50, 3 hours) and Aflao (US$5,
ian, Nigerian, Togolese and Senegalese spe- ing a cold Star at one of Osekans cliffside Centre for National Culture (Arts Centre; Map p338; 4 hours, four times a day), on the Togo
cials are lovingly prepared at Buku, where tables and youll probably agree theres no bet- %664099; 28th February Rd; h9am-5pm) A warren of border. Buses leaving from this station are
the stylish 2nd-floor open-air dining area is ter place in Accra for a drink. Walk through stalls selling arts and crafts and known simply generally much more unreliable and may leave
reason alone for coming. the large, empty lot, down the steep steps to as the Arts Centre, this is the place to shop in hours after their scheduled departure time or
Haveli (Map p336; 18th La; mains US$5.50-9; a) the bar. Accra and the most visited site in the country. simply not at all.
Theres no bells and whistles and in fact little Champs Sports Bar (Map p338; Ring Rd Central; a) The level of aggressive hassling may make you Private buses and tro-tros leave from four
decoration at this friendly Indian restaurant Part of the Paloma Hotel complex, this expat- want to keep your cedis in your pocket but if main motor parks. Those for Cape Coast, Ta-
in the heart of Osu. It has a big menu serving friendly pub beams in sports from abroad. you have the patience and wherewithal, you koradi and other destinations to the west leave
Indian standards. Thursday is quiz night, Friday is karaoke night, can come away with good-quality handicrafts from Kaneshie motor park (Map p336). Neop-
Dynasty Restaurant (Map p336; %775496; Canton- Saturday is live-music night and Sunday movie from all over Ghana. lan motor park (Map p338), 250m west of Nk-
ments Rd; mains US$6-12; a) A fancy place as far as night. Also serves Mexican food. Woodin Boutique (Map p336; Cantonments Rd, Osu) A rumah Circle, has buses to north points such
Accra restaurants go, the Dynasty specialises Bywel Bar (Map p336; Cantonments Rd, Osu) Live chic and modern fabric shop. as Kumasi and Tamale. From Tema station
in Peking cuisine. Dim sum every Sunday music Thursday and Saturday nights trans- Loom (Map p338; %224746; 117 Kwame Nkrumah Ave) (Map p338), east of Makola market, tro-tros
afternoon. forms this cool hang-out at the southern end This place, 200m south of Nkrumah Circle, leave for Tema and Aburi. From the chaotic
Mama Mias (Map p336; %264151; 7th Lane; pizza of Cantonments Rd into a fun party. sells moderately to expensively priced paint- Tudu station (Map p338), at the northeast
US$7-10) Expats swear by the thin-crusted, Ryans Irish Pub (Map p336; Osu; a) More Irish ings as well as woodcarvings, fabrics and corner of Makola Market, tro-tros leave for
wood-oven-cooked pizza here. The pleasant pub than an Irish pub, this large green-and- statues. destinations to the east.
outdoor garden dining area makes everything yellow colonial building in the south of Osu The Trade Fair Centre (Map p336; off Burma Camp Rd,
taste better. Spaghetti and kid-friendly chicken serves draught Guinness and hearty food. Live La) has several stores selling high-quality goods Train
fingers also served. music on weekends. at fixed prices, or try Aid to Artisans Ghana (ATAG; For details, see p355.
Monsoon (Map p336; % 782307; Oxford St; Venus Cocktail Bar (Map p336; 11th Lane, Osu) This Map p336; %771325;; Trade Fair Centre,
mains US$11; a) Incongruously located above spot with a nice little bamboo bar, attached to off Burma Camp Rd, La; h8am-5pm Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm GETTING AROUND
a fast-food court, Monsoon is Accras most the Byblos Hotel, is popular with Peace Corps Sat), an NGO that offers practical assistance to Depending on your negotiating abilities and
upscale restaurant. The menu includes inter- types and other long-term volunteers. Ghanaian artisans for crafts and furniture. patience, the fare from the airport into the city
esting items like warthog filet (US$13) and Duncans Bar (Map p336; 3rd Lane, Osu) Nothing Around the Tema road in Teshie are sev- centre can range from US$2.20 to US$7.50.
crocodile tail (US$14). You may get snooty more than a few plastic tables out on the eral coffin workshops, where trippy-looking Anything under US$4.40 is fair.
342 T H E C OA S T K o k r o b i t e Book accommodation online at T H E C OA S T K a k u m N a t i o n a l Pa r k 343

0 600 m
Line taxis and tro-tros travel on fixed runs Tro-tros (US$0.60, 45 minutes) to Kokrobite CAPE COAST 0 0.4 miles
from major landmarks or between major go from the western end of Kaneshie motor To Kakum National Park
circles, such as Danquah, 37 and Nkrumah park (Donsoman Station) in Accra. Depend- A B C (30km); Accra (140km) D
R owe Rd
(usually just called Circle). Fares are fixed ing on your ability to negotiate, a taxi from nor At
er Rd te
v 7 ah Rd bury
and are typically about US$0.10. Accra will cost from US$5.50 to US$11. Go Sa
tok Kotokuraba
Taking taxis in Accra is convenient but 1 ura Market
ba Rd
Post Office
since there are no meters the unavoidable ANOMABU Rd 4

haggling can get tiring. Any ride within the %042


To Pedu Junction (5km) London SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES

city shouldnt cost more than US$1.10. Rates As far as tourists are concerned, Anomabu Ab


oo Cape Coast Castle..........................1 B2

m Crab
rise at night. means an excellent resort on a beautiful beach.

Intsin St
Rd Statue

However, residents of this very unpicturesque, 2 Fort
William Mighty Victory ..............................2 A2


cramped fishing village about 18km northeast Wesley
Oasis Guest House.........................3
Prospect Lodge...............................4

a Rd
of Cape Coast live in fairly makeshift squalor. Fort
Victoria Jackso
n St Cathedral Sammo Guest House......................5 A2


Fort William, on the seafront in the town centre, 5



was built by the British in 1753 and is now an 2 ATLANTIC Castle Beach Restaurant.................6 B2
Oasis Beer Garden & Restaurant..(see 3)
unphotographable prison. To Elmina Market St
Victoria Rd
Gulf of
Many travellers looking for a little R&R from The Anomabu Beach Resort (%91562; (15km)
Total Town Victoria
Park Kotokuraba Motor Park..................7 B1
Accra, only 32km away, or the rigours of; camp sites own/rented tent US$4/13, Fosu
Station Hall
Shared Taxis...................................8 B2
travel elsewhere in the country swear by the hut with/without air-con US$38/20; p) is the per-
long stretch of white sand and the laid-back fect weekend getaway from Accra. One of
backpacker/Rasta vibe at Kokrobite. the few places in Ghana to embrace low-key visit to the massive Cape Coast Castle (adult/student Rooms here are small but modern and have
The renowned Academy of African Music native architecture rather than big concrete US$7/4, still/video camera fee US$0.50/1.10; h9am-5pm) cable TV. It also has a restaurant (mains US$4.40
& Arts (AAMAL) offers courses (from two eyesores, it has cosy bungalows set within a in the heart of town, overlooking the sea. to US$6.50) with good views of town.
hours to three months) in traditional African sandy and shady grove of coconut palms. But Extensively restored, the whitewashed castle Castle Beach Restaurant (mains US$3.30) Theres
music, drumming, and dance and live per- youll spend most of your time lounging on now houses a superb and moving museum. no more pleasant spot to hang out and grab
formances on some weekend afternoons. the beautiful white-sand beach or chowing A guided tour is offered with your admission some food and drinks than this wooden pa-
Its not advisable to walk on the beach with down on seafood at the exquisite wood pa- and should not be missed; allow a minimum vilion overlooking the beach next to the Cape
valuables at night. vilion restaurant. For a birds eye view of the of an hour for the tour. Coast Castle.
A home away from home for many volun- ocean and town below, Weda Lodge (%806958;
teers and West Africa overlanders, the basic r with fan/air-con US$26/33; p), perched high at Sleeping & Eating Getting There & Away
concrete cottages with shared bathrooms at the top of a hill, is a nice alternative to the Sammo Guest House (%33242; Jukwa Rd; r US$8) The VanefSTC bus station is in the Goil petrol
Big Millys Backyard (Wendys; %607998; www.bigmilly beach resort. There are spectacular views from Backpackers flock to Sammos, a compound station at Pedu junction, about 5km north-
.com; camping with own/rented tent US$2.70/3.80, s/d with- some of the rooms; its off the same road and within walking distance of the city centre, west of the town centre. There are buses twice
out bathroom US$7/11, r US$16; p) are fine, though within walking distance of the Anomabu to the east. There are simple but clean fan daily to and from Accra (ordinary/luxury
most people spend their days and nights at Beach Resort. rooms of various size, and a rooftop terrace US$2.70/4.20, three hours) and Takoradi
the 24-hour bar and restaurant or the beach. From Cape Coast, take a tro-tro (US$0.50, restaurant popular for the sunset views and (US$1.30, one hour), and once a day to and
Drumming, dancing and music happen most 15 minutes) from Kotokuraba motor park social scene. from Kumasi (US$7, four hours).
weekend nights. Just across the dirt road from heading for Mankessim and ask to be dropped Oasis Guest House (%35958; ali_d@gmx.da; s/d with- The Kotokuraba motor park, near the mar-
Sobamba, Andys Akwaaba Lodge (%277261; www at the Ebeneezer Rest Stop for Anomabu town out bathroom US$9/13, bungalows US$22; p) The only ket, has tro-tros serving destinations around; r with/without bathroom US$14/7.50; or at the turn-off for the beach resort, which beachfront place in Cape Coast, Oasis has Cape Coast, such as Anomabu (US$0.50, 15
p) offers five basic concrete rooms set in is about 2km west of the Ebeneezer. From several comfortable rondavels set in a grassy minutes), Kakum National Park (US$0.70, 45
a pleasant, small grassy compound where the turn-off, its about 500m to the resort compound. Dancing and drumming classes minutes) and Takoradi (US$1.40, one hour).
you can also camp with your own tent for gates. The main tro-tro and shared taxi stop are held, and the restaurant (mains US$3.80) Shared taxis to Elmina (US$0.40, 15 minutes)
US$3.30. in Anomabu is just east of the Ebeneezer and and bar areas are some of the best places to leave from the station on Commercial St, op-
A beautiful 20-minute walk along the beach plenty of vehicles run in both directions along meet other travellers in town. posite the Cape Caf.
from Big Millys a road goes here as well the coastal road. Mighty Victory (%30135;; Aboom
takes you to the seemingly abandoned Kokro- Cl; s/d with fan US$18/21, r with air-con US$24; p) The KAKUM NATIONAL PARK
bite Beach Resort (AAMAL; %380854; s/d US$10/12; CAPE COAST Mighty Victory has a tranquil garden out %042
p) famed for the attached music school. The %042 front and is far removed from the noise of Gingerly sliding across a rope bridge at dizzy-
large rooms are old but the warped wooden The centre of Cape Coast, the former Brit- the centre; however, the rooms arent a big ing heights is not for the agoraphobic. But for
floors somehow make it charming. A low-key ish colonial capital, is lined with neglected, step up qualitywise from Sammo. an easily earned adrenaline rush, the canopy
alternative to Big Millys and just down the faded buildings. Their ages are irrelevant in Prospect Lodge (%31506; prospectlodge2005@hotmail walkway at this national park (%33278; admission
road, friendly Sobamba Coastal Resort (%683084; this now-vibrant town, whose history Cape .com; s/d US$25/35; pa) This new hotel perched US$0.20; h8am-4pm), 33km north of Cape Coast,
r US$20; p) has four basic tiled rooms with Coast was the largest slave-trading centre in on a hill up a steep driveway off Commercial shouldnt be missed. The park, together with
modern bathrooms. West Africa only becomes apparent after a St is easily the nicest place in the city centre. the neighbouring Assin Attandanso Resource
344 T H E C OA S T E l m i n a Book accommodation online at T H E C E N T R E K u m a s i 345

Reserve, protects 357 sq km of diverse and

dense vegetation and is home to varied wild-
life, about 300 species of birds and a stagger-
Castle is the Coconut Grove Bridge House (%34557;
Liverpool St; d US$30-50; a). Its a converted old
mansion that would blend in on a narrow
Ghana. Busua, the more developed of the two
villages as far as tourism goes, is blessed with
a long, sandy stretch and water that is ideal
ing 600 varieties of butterfly. However, dont London street; rooms are comfortable and for swimming and even a little surfing. There KUMASI
come expecting great wildlife viewing, since modern. A good restaurant is attached. is now even more reason to head down this %051 / pop 1 million
youll almost certainly be disappointed. As youd expect, the Castle Restaurant (mains way thanks to the addition of two low-key At one time the capital of the rich and power-
The 350m rope and cable canopy walkway US$3.80) is within the castle walls and serves bungalow hang-outs near Dixcove, also the ful Ashanti kingdom, today Kumasi is a bus-
(adult/student US$10/5.50) consists of seven view- Ghanaian dishes slowly. site of the picturesque Fort Metal Cross (admis- tling multiethnic metropolis. Unlike Accra,
ing platforms linked by a circuit of narrow The main taxi and tro-tro station is outside sion US$1.10, camera fee US$0.50; h9am-5pm), which Kumasi, which spills over a series of hills,
suspension bridges, along which you sway, the Wesley Methodist Cathedral. From here overlooks the port. has a clearly demarcated centre, ground zero
30m above the forest floor. you can get tro-tros to Takoradi (US$1.10) or If you head east along the beach from being an enormous throbbing daily market.
A guided hike in the park costs US$4.40/ shared taxis (US$0.30, 15 minutes) to Cape Busua, after about 2km you will reach the The demographic complexity of the city may
2.20 per hour for adults/students. Guided Coast. settlement of Butre, site of the ruined Fort not be obvious at first glance but the city is a

night walks need to be arranged in advance; Batenstein. patchwork of ethnic neighbourhoods. Almost
call %30265 or fax 33042. TAKORADI half the residents are Muslims and almost
Most people visit Kakum as a day trip from %031 Sleeping & Eating half speak Hausa, a language originating in
Cape Coast, but if you want to stay you can While Takoradi lacks any tourist sights and the Green Turtle Lodge (%893566; www.greenturtlelodge Nigeria.
sleep on a tree platform at the camp site near beach is narrow, rocky or nonexistent, there .com; camping with own tent US$2.70, dm US$5.50, r with
the park headquarters for US$9 per person; are several good hotels and restaurants, and with/without bathroom US$22/11) The ecologically Information
equipment hire (sleeping mat, sleeping bag, its the transport hub west of Cape Coast. minded Green Turtle is on a palm-lined beach INTERNET ACCESS
flashlight and mosquito net) costs US$5.50. Centrally located Super Star Hotel & Restaurant and has spacious, clean bungalows with show- Easylink Internet (h9am-11pm) Across from the Alli-
The Kakum Rainforest Caf (mains US$4.40) serves (%23105; Ashanti Rd; r with fan/air-con US$18/24) is an ers open to the sun and stars. Green Turtle ance Franaise.
basic continental breakfast and Ghanaian oasis of air-conditioned calm amid the hot is 10km west of Dixcove near the village of Internet Link (Prempeh II Rd) Just down the street from
dishes for lunch. and dusty market area. It has a good modern Akwidaa. Vic Baboos Caf.
From Cape Coast, tro-tros (US$0.70, 45 restaurant on the ground floor. Well located Ellis Hideout (%290456;; camp- Shell Internet (per hr US$1.20; h7am-9pm) Entrance
minutes) that go past the entrance to the park at the edge of central Takoradi, the Taadi Hotel ing with own tent US$2.70, dm US$5.50, bungalows US$20) A around back of Shell petrol station.
leave from Kotokuraba station on Governor (%31104; Wiawso Rd; r US$20; pa) stands out few minutes from Butre, separated by a short Unic Internet (per hr US$0.70; h7.30am-8.30pm)
Rowe Rd. Its a five-minute walk from the because of its friendly and attentive serv- canoe ride, this beachfront mini-village has Next to the British Council.
main road to the park headquarters. Alter- ice. The Raybow International Hotel (%25438; beautifully crafted bungalows and a restaurant
natively, you could charter a taxi for about; r US$50; pai ) has serving up good food. MEDICAL SERVICES
US$16 round trip. chalets with high-quality amenities and the Alaska Beach Club (rondavels with/without bathroom Pharmacies are dotted around town.
charming restaurant serves some of the best US$22/9.50; p) The oddly named Alaska (con- Okomfo Anokye Teaching Hospital (Bantama Rd) A
ELMINA food in town. sidering its on a beach and its always hot) is large complex near the National Culture Centre; Kumasis
%042 / pop 20,000 The Akroma Plaza Restaurant (Accra Rd; mains the best value in Busua. Each of the simple main public hospital.
Much more picturesque than Cape Coast, US$3.80), a cross between a large banquet hall round huts and shared bathroom facilities
its neighbour 15km to the east, the small and an institutional cafeteria, has a big menu. are kept clean. MONEY
town of Elmina is the site of St Georges Castle Seafood is the speciality at Captain Hooks Bar African Rainbow Resort (%32149; www.africanrain All banks listed here change travellers cheques
(adult/student US$7/4, still/video camera fee US$0.50/1.10; & Restaurant (Africana Roundabout; mains US$7.50-22),; s/d with fan US$45/50, with air-con US$60/65; p) and have ATMs. There are also several forexes
h9am-4.30pm), built by the Portuguese in 1482 probably the best and certainly the most ex- Across the street from the beach, the African for changing cash.
and the oldest European structure still stand- pensive in Takoradi. Rainbow has large, clean rooms with balco- Barclays Bank head office (Prempeh II Roundabout)
ing in sub-Saharan Africa. It was expanded STC buses leave for Accra several times nies, plus a rooftop bar and a nicely decorated Garden City Forex Bureau (Harper Rd) Has the best
when slaves replaced gold as the major ob- a day (ordinary/luxury US$4.20/5.50, four ground-floor restaurant. rates around.
ject of commerce, and the storerooms were hours), and regularly go to Kumasi (US$7, six Ghana Commercial Bank (Harper Rd)
converted into dungeons. It is now a Unesco hours). At the top of Axim Rd, near the traffic Getting There & Away Standard Chartered Bank head office (Prempeh II
World Heritage Monument. circle, is a tro-tro park serving destinations Busua and Dixcove are each about 12km from Roundabout)
Facing St Georges Castle across the lagoon west of Takoradi; for tro-tros to the east head the main coastal road. Theres no direct trans-
is the much smaller Fort St Jago (admission US$1.10; to the station north of Market Circle. port to and from either Busua or Dixcove; you POST
h9am-5pm), also a Unesco World Heritage For information on trains between Tako- have to get to Agona junction on the main Main post office (Stewart Ave;h8am-5pm Mon-Fri)
Site, built by the Dutch between 1652 and radi and Accra or Kumasi, see p355. road and then take a tro-tro or shared taxi Opposite the Armed Forces Museum. Poste restante shuts
1662 to protect the castle. from there. From Takoradi, regular tro-tros at 4.30pm.
Just past the Elmina beach resort, the Almond BUSUA & DIXCOVE (US$0.70, 45 minutes) leave for Agona junc-
Tree Guesthouse (%37365;; r from %031 tion. From Agona junction there is frequent TOURIST INFORMATION
US$30; pa) is highly recommended and has These two fishing villages, only 30km or transport (US$0.30) to Busua and Dixcove. A Tourist office (%26243; h7am-5pm Mon-Fri) In the
several large rooms with wicker furniture. An- so west of Takoradi and an easy drive from private taxi between Busua and Takoradi will National Cultural Centre complex. Staff can help arrange
other good choice found opposite St Georges Accra, boast some of the nicest beaches in cost around US$9. guided tours of the city and surrounding villages.
346 T H E C E N T R E K u m a s i Book accommodation online at T H E C E N T R E K u m a s i 347

1 km
0.5 miles
Sights Sanbra Hotel (%31256; Bogyawi Rd; r US$18-30;
The rusting tin roofs of Kejetia Market, often pa) Popular with Ghanaians because of
A B C D cited as the largest in West Africa, look like a its restaurant as much as for its clean but basic
circular shantytown. Once you take a breath tiled-floor rooms; some of the more expensive

Barclays Bank...............................1 A2 and step down into its interior, its infinitely rooms even have small balconies.

er R
ne R Easylink Internet..........................2 C6
disorienting but also throbbing with life and Kumasi Catering Rest House (%26506; Govern-

1 d o Rd Garden City Forex Bureau............3 A2
Lebanon St Ghana Commercial Bank..............4 A2 commerce. ment Rd; r with fan/air-con US$22/49; p) This charm-
e Internet Link.................................5 B2
Av eh Apimpua Rd Supermarket Train
The National Cultural Centre (admission free; ing guesthouse set within shady grounds a
alk Wesley 18
Station Main Post Office..........................6 A2
W Methodist Walk-over Shell Internet...............................7 A3
h8am-5pm) is set within spacious grounds off short walk from the centre has huge rooms
a lm Cathedral Bo
P gy Pass
aw a St
Standard Chartered Bank.............8 A2

20 iR
d Bom
pat Tourist Office...........................(see 12) Bantama Rd and includes a model Ashanti furnished with 70s style furniture. Also on


tR 6 Rd
Unic Internet................................9 B2 village; craft workshops (hours are irregular); site is a popular restaurant with a large menu


nm te

a gallery and crafts shop; the regional library; (mains US$3.80).





ade Kejetia Market...........................10 C4

the tourism office; and the small but excellent Fosua Hotel (%37382;; r US$38;


Rd e rem
on Adum Aky
Manhyia Palace & Museum.......11 C4

pai) This is the highest quality place

Prempeh II Jubilee Museum (adult/student US$1.10/2.20;


9 National Cultural Centre.............12 B4

ld Rd

1 Prempeh II Jubilee Museum.....(see 12)

2 O Bank h2-5pm Mon, 9am-5pm Tue-Fri, 10am-4pm Sat & Sun), to stay in the city centre. Occupying the top


Prempeh II

Roundabout SLEEPING which is a fascinating introduction to Ashanti floor of the Aseda Complex a block from the


Fosua Hotel................................13 B2
culture and history. VanefSTC station, the rooms here are clean
Harper Rd

Church Rd 13 Guestline Lodge.........................14 B2


Commercial St
4 14
Hotel Rexmar.............................15 A6 To get a feel for how a modern Ashanti and comfortable.
A-Life Kumasi Catering Rest House......16 A2
Basel Rd
Supermarket Nurom Hotel Annex II................17 A1 ruler lives, visit Manhyia Palace and its museum Four Villages Inn (%22682;;
0 100 m
7 Sanbra Hotel...............................18 B1 (adult/student US$2.20/1.10; h9am-noon & 1-5pm) off Old Bekwai Rd; s/d US$60/70; pa) Several kilome-
0 0.1 miles Prempeh Rd
EATING Antoa Rd, up the hill north from Kejetia tres south of the centre is this bed and break-
To Pankrono (8km);
Ahwiaa (9km);
Moti Mahal Restaurant..............19 B6
Queens Gate Restaurant.............20 B1
Circle. The palace was used by the Ashanti fast, equally popular for its four comfortable
Ntonso (24km);
kings until 1974. Among the displays are un- individually designed rooms as for the garden,

Tamale (380km) Sanbra Hotel Restaurant..........(see 18)


3 Vic Baboo's Cafe........................21 A2 nervingly lifelike life-size wax models of the terrace and indoor atrium.

Hotel Rexmar (%29111;; s/d US$76/


DRINKING two kings and their mothers and of the most

Vienna City Pub.........................22 B6
redoubtable queen mother Yaa Asantewaa, 90; pais) Rooms at this low-rise hotel

s TRANSPORT who led the 1900 revolt against the British and complex south of the Santassi Roundabout
By- Asafo Station............................. 23 C5

ern Kejetia Motor Park.....................24 B4

who died in exile in the Seychelles. arent exactly luxurious but you do get a pri-
W Presbyterian vate porch and access to one of Kumasis nicest


VanefSTC Bus Station.................25 B3


Church To Bonwire (18km)



Festivals & Events


Airport pools. Theres a good restaurant attached.


an R

The Ashanti calendar is divided into nine




Eating & Drinking

cycles of 42 days called Adae, which means



Kejetia Asawasi
resting place. There are two special days of Vic Baboos Cafe (Prempeh II Rd; mains US$2.20-5.50;

4 Zoo Circle
Okomfo Anokye 24 worship within each Adae when a celebration hfrom 11am; a) Almost every foreigner in
Teaching Hospital
Rd Okomfo Anokye Sword
10 is held and no work is done. The most impor- Kumasi ends up at this caf. It has the biggest
n ta See Enlargement tant annual festival is the Odwira festival, which cocktail menu in the city, and Indian, Chinese
marks the last or ninth Adae. The festival fea- and Ghanaian dishes plus sandwiches and
h II Rd


Circle Prempeh II Assembly Hall


tures lots of drumming, horn-blowing, food pizza, with several veggie options. Last order
er R





offerings and parades of elegantly dressed taken around 9pm.

Bekwai Rd




chiefs. Contact the tourist office for exact Queens Gate Restaurant (Prempeh II Rd; mains

Adum 24 February Rd

Accra Rd

dates. US$4.40) Theres no better spot for people-
san tewa

23 Roundabout Calvary
5 Church To Accra (255km) watching in Kumasi than the 3rd-floor bal-
Yaa A

cony at the Queens Gate. Everything from

Hudson Rd

Nurom Hotel Annex II (%32324; Nsene Rd; r US$7.50) omelettes to soups, salads, burgers and Gha-
Harper Rd

Stadium This hotel close to the Kejetia Market and naian dishes are served.

lorry station can be noisy, but its clean and Sanbra Hotel Restaurant (Bogyawi Rd; mains US$5;
Cadbury Hall Rd
friendly. a) As far as the centre of Kumasi goes, this
22 Guestline Lodge (%23351; mahesh161us@yahoo restaurant in the hotel of the same name de-
.com; r US$16-30; ai) Theres no better place serves several Michelin stars. It has a huge
in Kumasi for independent travellers on a menu with European, Chinese, Ghanaian,
6 budget. The VanefSTC station is a block away, seafood, pizza, lobster, sandwiches etc.

19 Ahodwo
theres internet access and theres a relaxing Moti Mahal Restaurant (mains US$4.40-10; a) One


and sunny courtyard. Look first before decid- of the most expensive restaurants in Kumasi,

Santasi South
Roundabout ern Bypass Rd To Lake Bosumtwi
(37km); Cape
ing on a room since they vary in quality, size with a large selection of Indian cuisine, Moti
To Four Villages Inn (2km) Coast (200km) and appeal. Mahal is off the Southern Bypass Rd.
348 T H E N O R T H Ta m a l e Book accommodation online at T H E N O R T H L a r a b a n g a 349

Vienna City Pub (Harper Rd; a) Home sweet you can hike, visiting some of the 20 or so Swad Fast Food (%23588; Gumbihini Rd; mains era fee US$0.50/2.20), Ghanas largest at 4660 sq km
home for many expats who can wash away small villages around its perimeter. US$2.20-9) Dont be fooled by the basic outdoor and best as far as wildlife viewing goes. It con-
their nostalgia with the pool table, foosball, To spend the night at the lake, try the concrete patio; Swad is the place to eat in sists for the most part of flat savannah, with
darts, Guinness and imported beers. Lake Point Guesthouse (%220054; r US$19), set on Tamale. The menu includes ostrich in black gallery forests along the rivers and streams.
landscaped grounds that lead down to the pepper sauce (US$5), pizza (US$3.80), lobster Theres one main escarpment, on which the
Getting There & Away lakeshore a few kilometres from Abonu. The thermidor (US$9) and takeaway lunchboxes. motel and park headquarters are situated. The
Kumasi airport is on the northeastern out- spacious and clean rooms are in freestanding Sparkles Restaurant (mains US$2.70; h8am-8pm) best time for seeing wildlife is during the har-
skirts of town, about 5km from the centre. bungalows. This restaurant in the back of the National mattan season from January to March, but its
Citilink and Antrak have flights between Ku- Occasional tro-tros run direct to Abonu Cultural Centre behind the football field has worth a visit any time of the year.
masi and Accra twice a day (US$63). (US$1.10) from Asafo motor park in Kumasi. a variety of Ghanaian and Chinese dishes and The park entrance gate is about 4km north
The huge Kejetia motor park is the citys pizza (US$4.40). of the turn-off in Larabanga. The park head-
main transport hub, from where you can get
tro-tros to most regional destinations as well THE NORTH Getting There & Away
quarters and the motel are a further 2km into
the park. Guided walks are offered twice daily,

as non-VanefSTC buses to Accra and other The airport is about 20km north of town, on at 6.30am and 3.30pm, and cost US$1.60 per
points south. In addition, transport for Accra TAMALE the road to Bolgatanga; a private taxi there person and usually last two hours. You are not
(again), Cape Coast, Takoradi and local des- %071 costs about US$4.40. Antrak flies between permitted to walk (or drive) in the park unless
tinations such as Lake Bosumtwi leave from The fourth-largest city in Ghana and the Tamale and Accra (US$144, 1 hours). youre accompanied by an armed ranger.
Asafo station, east of Asafo Roundabout. major transport hub for the north, Tamale From the VanefSTC station, two buses a day Mole Motel (%22045; camping own/rented tent per
The VanefSTC bus station is on Prempeh tends to be a stopover for travellers on their go to Kumasi (US$10, six hours) and four a day person US$2.20/US$4.40, d/chalets US$19/22; s) is a
Rd. Buses to Accra (ordinary/luxury US$5/7, way to Mole National Park or overland to depart for Accra (ordinary/luxury US$10/16, strictly utilitarian boxy structure that does
four hours) leave regularly between 3.30am Burkina Faso but the presence of several good- 12 hours). Theres also a Tuesday service to nothing to take advantage of its location. Run-
and 5pm. VanefSTC buses also pass through value hotels makes it a good base to explore Cape Coast and Takoradi (US$11, 12 hours). down rooms and indifferent service aside, the
Cape Coast (US$7, four hours) on their way other spots in the area. Tro-tros to Bolgatanga (US$2.50, 2 hours) views overlooking a waterhole where animals
to Takoradi (US$7, five hours). There are two leave frequently, and OSA buses to Mole Na- gather is worth the sacrifice. Water and elec-
buses a day to Tamale (US$10, eight hours). Sleeping tional Park (US$3.30, four to six hours) leave tricity are sometimes in short supply. Alter-
For details of the train service to Takoradi Catholic Guesthouse (%22265; Gumbihini Rd; r US$7.50; in theory at 2.30pm but in practice a lot later. natively, you can stay in Larabanga and cycle
and Accra, see p355. pa) There are no top sheets, no bath towels Get to the bus station well before its scheduled into the park for the day.
and no luxury, but who needs it at this price? departure time to be sure of a seat. If youre hungry, you can either chance
AROUND KUMASI Rooms surround a leafy garden bar and lounge the very slow service at the motel restaurant
Craft Villages area. Its about 2.5km north of the centre. LARABANGA (meals around US$4.40) or bring your own
Because of their proximity to Kumasi, the TICCS Guesthouse (%22914;; Larabanga is more than simply the turn-off provisions.
craft villages in the region offer a convenient Gumbihini Link Rd; r with fan US$9, s/d with air-con US$13/15; to Mole National Park. Known mostly for The reserve is 135km west of Tamale; the
if also touristy way to experience how some of p) The concrete bungalows are clean and its unusual looking mud-and-pole mosque, turn-off to the park is in Larabanga. A daily
Ghanas traditional workshops operate. simple and guests have use of the living room, originally built in the 15th century (making OSA bus runs from Tamale (US$4.40, four to
There are two villages just on the outskirts TV and kitchen. The recommended Jungle it the oldest of its kind in Ghana), it provides six hours), leaving some time after 2.30pm,
of Kumasi, on the Mampong road beyond Bar is on the premises. a good opportunity to see what traditional and arriving at the park motel around 7pm if
Suame Roundabout. Pankrono, 8km away, Picorna Hotel (%22672; picornahotelgh@yahoo village life is like. all goes well. You really need to get your ticket
is a major pottery centre. One kilometre fur- .com; r US$16; pa) The Picorna is the best Look for the Salia Brothers in a small rep- a day in advance or early the morning of the
ther is Ahwiaa, known for its woodcarving value in the centre, though the competition lica of the mosque doubling as a tourist office departure to be assured a seat. The same bus
and aggressive sales approach. Ntonso, 15km is far from fierce. Rooms are comfortable but on the eastern outskirts of the village. Theyve returns to Tamale the next day, leaving the park
further, is the centre of adinkra cloth printing. run-down. established a community-based project where at around 5.30am. The alternative is to take
Bonwire, 18km northeast of Kumasi, is the Hotel Mariam (%23548;; you can hire bicycles and stay overnight in any early-morning bus from Tamale heading
most famous of several nearby villages that Gumbihini Rd; r US$50-80; pa) Easily the nicest their small but well-maintained guesthouse to Bole or Wa and get off at Larabanga, then
specialise in weaving kente cloth. place to stay in Tamale, the Mariam has mod- (US$4.40). Or you can sleep on the roof for walk, cycle or try to hitch (very difficult). Leav-
The easiest way to visit these villages is ern, clean and well-kept rooms and theres a star viewing. Meals are available on request. ing Mole, your options are to take the OSA bus
probably to hire a private taxi for a half day good restaurant. Up the same street as the Daily buses from Tamale to Bole, Wa or from the motel to Tamale or to make your way
(US$8) or full day (US$22). You can also TICCS Guesthouse. Mole National Park stop at Larabanga. to Larabanga, from where there is infrequent
arrange a tour through the Kumasi tourist transport in either direction.
Jungle Bar (TICCS Guesthouse, Gumbihini Link Rd) On the %0717 WECHIAU COMMUNITY HIPPO
Lake Bosumtwi grounds of the TICCS Guesthouse, the Jungle Face-to-face encounters with bus-sized ele- SANCTUARY
For a break from the bustle and choking pol- Bar is on a leafy balcony with an all-wood phants, plus roving gangs of baboons, wart- One of the more remote ecotourism projects
lution of Kumasi, take a trip to tranquil Lake bar, cable TV and comfy benches. Serves ke- hogs, water bucks and antelopes 90 species in the country, this sanctuary along the Black
Bosumtwi, 38km southeast of Kumasi. A cra- babs, sloppy Joes and hot dogs (US$1.60 to of mammals in total are possibilities at this Volta River, which marks the border with Cte
ter lake, its ringed by lush green hills in which US$5.50). national park (adult/student US$4.40/2.70, still/video cam- dIvoire, is home to hippos as well as a variety
350 T H E E A S T A k o s o m b o G HA N A D I R E C T O R Y A c t i v i t i e s 351

of bird species. Basic guesthouse accommo- cruise like Dodi Princess out on the lake on ing more for their money. Most rates around BUSINESS HOURS
dation is available and you can arrange canoe Saturday, Sunday and holidays (adult/child the country already include 15% tax (12.5% Most stores are open between 9am and 6pm
trips to see the hippos; November through US$18/11). Contact the Volta Hotel (%251731) VAT and 2.5% NHIL) and many midrange Monday to Friday, with some from 9am to
June is the best time to see these prehistoric- for reservations; look for signs to the hotel and top-end hotels include breakfast, though 2pm on Saturday. Very few stores are open
looking beasts. Meals can be prepared if you in town. this is usually a very basic coffee, eggs and on Sunday.
bring your own provisions. One of the least expensive though comfort- toast. Banks are generally open daily from 8am to
Wechiau village is reached by tro-tro able options in town is the Adomi Hotel & Restau- Despite the heat, fan-cooled rooms are 3pm, and are closed on weekends. Most forex
(US$0.70, one hour, 46km) from the main rant (%20095; r with fan/air-con US$13/22), opposite sometimes preferable since some air-con- bureaus are open limited hours on Saturday.
lorry park in Wa. The sanctuary is about 20km the suspension bridge. Aylos Bay (%20901; ditioners are so loud as to make sleep near Major hotels have forex facilities open daily.
from Wechiau. Transport uncertainties mean; r US$30), near the Volta Bridge, impossible. Unfortunately, owners and staff Most restaurants are open for breakfast,
you really should plan to spend one night at has several small cottages on shady riverside are usually indifferent and arent in the habit lunch and dinner from the early morning to
the sanctuary itself rather than try to do it as frontage as well as a garden bar and restau- of going out of their way to make your stay around 8pm or 9pm; hotel restaurants in Accra
a day trip from Wa. From Tamale, OSA has rant. The Akosombo Continental Hotel (%20091; more comfortable. and restaurants in Osu stay open later.

r US$60; as) has an excellent riverfront loca-

a daily service to Wa (US$5, eight hours), Off the tourist trail there are few hotels and
leaving at 5.30am. tion just beyond the suspension bridge, and a guesthouses, but its usually possible to arrange EMBASSIES & CONSULATES
swimming pool. to sleep on a floor or roof somewhere. Most of Ghana Embassies & Consulates
BOLGATANGA The main transport hub is at Kpong, on the the ecotourism projects offer overnight stays Ghana has embassies in Benin, Burkina Faso,
%072 Accra to Ho road 10km south of Atimpoku. in simple guesthouses or homestays. Camping Cte dIvoire, Guinea, Mali, Nigeria, Sierra
To truly appreciate Bolga, as its known to Regular tro-tros travel between Kpong, At- is a possibility at national parks and reserves. Leone and Togo. For details, see the relevant
locals, you probably have to leave Bolga for impoku and Akosombo. From Accra, tro-tros A few of the coastal forts offer extremely basic country chapter. Elsewhere, diplomatic mis-
the surrounding villages. Its the capital of for Kpong/Akosombo (US$3.30) leave from guesthouse accommodation. sions include the following:
the Upper East Region and the major town Tudu station. Australia (%02-9283 2961; Ste 1404, Level 14, 370 Pitt
between Tamale and the border with Burkina ACTIVITIES St, Sydney 2000)
Faso. WLI (AGUMATSA) FALLS With its long coastline, one of the main things Canada (%613-236 0871; 1 Clemow Ave, The Glebe,
The Tienyine Hotel (%22355; Starlet 91 St; r US$26; These spectacular falls, about 20km east of to do in Ghana is head to the beach where Ottawa, Ont KLS 2A)
a) bungalows are the most modern rooms Hohoe, are within the Agumatsa Wildlife you can surf and boogie-board or simply do France (%01 71 10 14 02; 8 Villa Said, 75116 Paris)
in Bolga and theres a restaurant (mains Sanctuary. At the Wildlife Office in Wli (pro- nothing at all, which should be considered Germany (%0228-35 20 01; Rheinalle 58, 53173 Bonn)
US$3.30) attached, though service is glacial. nounced vlee) village, you pay a fee (adult/ an activity. However, ask before swimming Japan (%03-409 3861; Azabu, PO Box 16, Tokyo)
Another option nearby is the large compound student US$3.60/1.80, camera fee US$0.30); since currents and undertow make condi- Netherlands (%70-362 5371; Molenstraat 53, 2513
of the Sand Gardens Hotel (%23464; r with fan US$14, a guide is optional but not needed since its tions unsafe. Good hiking can be found in The Hague)
s/d with air-con US$16/25; a), part bar, part restau- fairly impossible to lose your way. Wli is an the Volta Region around Hohoe in the east UK (%020-8342 8686; 104 Highgate Hill, London N6 5HE)
rant, and sometimes loud. easy day trip from Hohoe, but if you want to of the country and in the Tongo Hills near USA Consulate (%212-832 1300; 19 East 47th St, New
Tro-tros to Tamale (US$2.50, 2 hours) stay overnight, the German-owned Waterfall Bolgatanga (opposite) in the north. For drum- York, NY 10017); Embassy (%202-686 4520; 3512
leave from the motor park on Zuarungu Rd. Lodge (%0935-20057;; r US$12) ming and dancing lessons, contact Big Millys International Dr NW, Washington, DC 20008)
From the VanefSTC station on Tamale Rd is only a few hundred metres from the Wild- (p342) or the Academy of African Music &
buses go to Kumasi (US$7.50, six hours) and life Office. There are only a few nice, modern Arts (AAMAL; p342) in Kokrobite, the Oasis Embassies & Consulates in Ghana
Accra (US$16, 15 hours). Minibuses and tro- rooms so do your best to make a reservation Guest House (p343) in Cape Coast, or almost All embassies and consulates listed are in
tros to Paga (US$0.70, 40 minutes) on the in advance. any of the community-based tourism projects Accra (area code %021). Most are open from
Burkina Faso border leave from a station one Regular tro-tros (US$0.50, 40 minutes) and around the country. 8.30am to 3.30pm Monday through Friday.
block east of the post office. shared taxis (US$0.50, 25 minutes) make the
scenic run between Wli and Hohoe through-

THE EAST out the day. If youre heading for Togo, the PRACTICALITIES
Ghanaian border post is on the eastern side  The national Daily Graphic is probably the best of the English-language newspapers available,
of Wli. with reasonably good coverage of Ghanaian, African and international news.
 GTV is the national channel, available throughout the country. In Accra and Kumasi, you
Once a boom town housing thousands of can also get TV3, which is very similar. GTV has nightly news in English at 7pm, and shows a
workers building the dam that now holds back selection of educational programmes, slapstick comedy shows (in Twi) and American soaps.
the worlds largest artificial lake, known as ACCOMMODATION On Sunday, sermons and gospel singing take centre stage. DSTV is the main satellite channel.
Lake Volta, today Akosombo deserves a visit In general, accommodation in Ghana is not  Most radio programmes are at least partly in English. Talk radio rules here, and the shows
only to take in this engineering marvel, prefer- especially good value; its better suited to make fascinating listening. The national radio (FM 95.7) has world news in English on the
ably from the vantage of a canoe or ferry on people on an expense account. In Accra es- hour, every hour.
the Volta River. pecially, rooms under US$40 are generally  Most electrical outlets are UK-style, with three square prongs, though adapters are easy to
The Volta River Authority arranges tours not well kept or maintained and bring a bit find.
of the dam or you can take a half-day booze of sticker shock for those reasonably expect-
352 G HA N A D I R E C T O R Y Fe s t i v a l s & E v e n t s T R A N S P O R T I N G HA N A G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y 353

Australia (Map p336; %777080; www.ghana.embassy; 2 Second Rangoon Close, Catonments) Australian
High Commission.
Easter March/April
Labour Day 1 May
Africa Day 25 May
Within Ghana, the tourist board has a net-
work of offices in the major regional capi-
tals. The amount of information available is
Benin (Map p336; %774860; Switchback Lane, Republic Day 1 July limited. Opening hours tend to be somewhat GETTING THERE & AWAY
Cantonments) Farmers Day 1st Friday in December erratic and most offices are closed on Saturday Air
Burkina Faso (Map p338; %221988; 2nd Mango Tree Christmas Day 25 December and Sunday. Ghanas only international airport is Kotaka
Ave, Asylum Down; h8am-2pm Mon-Fri) Boxing Day 26 December The Nature Conservation Research Centre (NCRC; international airport in Accra. At the time of
Canada (Map p336; %228555; fax 773792; 46 Inde-, one of the main players be- research, the national carrier Ghana Interna-
pendence Ave, Sankara interchange) INTERNET ACCESS hind the countrys burgeoning community- tional Airways only had flights into London.
Cte dIvoire (%774611; 9 18th Lane, Osu; h9am- There are internet cafs in all major towns. run tourism efforts, has information on all North American Airlines has one nonstop
2.30pm Mon-Thu) Connection speeds vary but not surprisingly of its projects. flight a week between New York City and
Denmark (%226972; 67 Isert Rd, 8th Ave Extension) they tend to be slower outside the larger urban Accra.
Near World Bank office. areas. Average rates per hour are US$0.70 to VISAS Airlines servicing Ghana include the

France (Map p336; %228571;;

US$1.10. Everyone except nationals of Ecowas (Eco- following:
12th Rd, Kanda) Off Liberation Ave. nomic Community of West African States) Afriqiyah Airways (8U; %252465) Flights to Europe
Germany (Map p338; %221311; geremb@ghana MONEY countries needs a visa to enter the country, with stopover in Tripoli, Libya; office at Accra airport.
.com; 6 Ridge Rd, North Ridge) The unit of currency is the cedi (C). There are which until recently could only be obtained Air Ivoire (VU; %241461) Hub: Abidjan. Office at Accra
Japan (Map p336; %775616; fax 775951; 8 Josef Broz C1000, C2000, C5000, C10,000 and C20,000 before arriving in Ghana. Now, however, na- airport.
Tito Ave, Cantonments) notes, as well as C100, C200, C250 and C500 tionals of most countries can receive a tourist Alitalia (AZ; Map p338; %239315; Ring Rd Central,
Liberia (%775641; Odoikwao St, Airport Residential Area) coins. visa on arrival at the Kotaka airport in Accra Asylum Down, Accra) Hub: Rome.
Mali (Map p338; %775160; Liberia Rd, West Ridge) The best currencies to bring are US dollars, for US$100, though its not a convenient American Airlines (
Netherlands (Map p336; %231991; nlgovacc@ncs UK pounds or euros. Barclays and Stand- option if youre arriving late at night. Visas Antrak (Map p336; %769458; Antrak House, Danquah; 89 Liberation Ave, Sankara Circle) ard Chartered Banks exchange cash and allow a stay of 60 days and can be single or Circle, Osu, Accra) Domestic airline that also flies to Ouaga-
Nigeria (Map p336; %776158; fax 774395; 5 Josef Broz well-recognised brands of travellers cheques multiple entry. dougou, (Burkina Faso) and Lagos (Nigeria).
Tito Ave, Cantonments) without a commission. You can get visas in many countries in British Airways (BA; Map p338; %240386; Kojo
Togo (Map p336; %777950; Togo House, Cantonments Foreign-exchange (forex) bureaus are dot- West Africa or elsewhere. Visa applications Thompson Rd, Adabraka, Accra) Hub: London Heathrow.
Circle, Cantonments) ted around most major towns, though there usually take three days to process, and four EgyptAir (MS; %773537; Ring Rd East, Osu, Accra)
UK (Map p336; %221665; fax 221745; 1 Osu Link, are fewer in the north. They usually offer a photos are required. You often also need an Hub: Cairo.
Ringway Estate) British High Commission. slightly better rate than the banks and stay onward ticket. In the UK, single-/multiple- Emirates (EK;%238921; Meridian House, Ring Rd
USA (Map p336; %776601;; cnr open later. However, they dont generally entry visas cost UK30/40. In the USA, they Central, Accra) Hub: Dubai. Four flights a week connecting
10th La & 3rd St, Osu) change travellers cheques. cost US$50/80. Accra and Dubai with a stopover in Lagos.
Most Barclays and Standard Chartered If necessary, visas can be extended at the Ghana International Airways (GH; %221000; www
FESTIVALS & EVENTS Banks throughout the country have ATMs Immigration Office (%021-221667 ext 215) in Accra; Silver Star Tower, Airport City, PMB 78, Ko-
Ghana observes the Muslim festivals of Eid al- where you can get a cash advance in cedis near the Sankara interchange. Applications toka International Airport) Hub: Accra. At time of research
Fitr, at the end of Ramadan, and Eid al-Adha; (up to about C800,000 or US$80) with Visa are accepted between 8.30am and noon Mon- Ghana International only flew to London.
both are determined by the lunar calendar. or MasterCard. day to Friday. You need two photos, a letter Ivory Coast Airways Office at Accra airport.
Ghana has colourful festivals and events, Credit cards, generally only Visa and Mas- stating why you need an extension and an Kenya Airways (KQ; %444301) Hub: Nairobi. Office at
including Cape Coasts Fetu Afahye Festival terCard, are accepted by major hotels and onward ticket out of Ghana. Your passport is Accra airport.
(first Saturday of September), Elminas Bakatue travel agencies. retained for the two weeks it takes to process KLM-Royal Dutch Airlines (KL; Map p336; %224020;
Festival (first Tuesday in July), the Fire Festival the application. Ring Rd Central, Accra) Hub: Amsterdam.
of the Dagomba people in Tamale and Yendi TELEPHONE Lufthansa Airlines (LH; %243893; Fidelity House,
(dates vary according to the Muslim calendar), Every town and city has plenty of private Visas for Onward Travel Accra) Hub: Frankfurt. Off Ring Rd Central.
the Feko festival in Sandema near Navrongo (17 communication centres where you can Visas for the following countries are available Slok Air International (%3166206; No 3 Aviation
to 18 December) and various year-round Akan make national and international calls. Lit- from embassies in Accra (see p351): Rd, Accra) Flies to Monrovia (Liberia), Freetown (Sierra
celebrations in Kumasi. Ghanas most famous tle streetside tables festooned with signs an- Benin Visas cost US$25/50 for one-/three-month multiple Leone), Banjul (The Gambia) and Dakar (Senegal); office
festival Aboakyer (Deer Hunt) is celebrated nouncing which cell-phone providers they entry and are issued within 48 hours. at the airport.
in Winneba on the first weekend in May. Ac- can call are everywhere. These generally cost Burkina Faso Visas cost US$40 (not payable in cedis) for South African Airways (SA; Map p338; %230722;
cras tourist office sells an informative booklet from US$0.20 to US$0.30 per minute. Cell three months and are issued within 24 hours; three photos Ring Rd Central, Asylum Down, Accra) Hub: Johannesburg.
on Ghanas festivals. Panafest is celebrated an- phones are becoming more and more com- required. Virgin Nigeria (VK; Map p336; %771700;
nually in Cape Coast, Accra and Kumasi. mon and are the best way to communicate Cte dIvoire Month-long visas costs US$4 (payable in; La Palm Royal Beach Hotel, Accra) Hub: Lagos.
within the country. cedis) for Australians and Americans or US$10 for British
HOLIDAYS nationals; issued in 48 hours; need two photos. Land
Public holidays include the following: TOURIST INFORMATION Togo Visas cost US$20 cash (payable in dollars only) for BURKINA FASO
New Years Day 1 January The website of the Ghana Tourist Board (www.ghana multiple entry and are issued the same day if you apply in Between Accra and Ouagadougou, the usual
Independence Day 6 March has some useful information. the morning; three photos required. route is via Kumasi, Tamale, Bolgatanga,
Lonely Planet Publications
354 T R A N S P O R T I N G HA N A G e t t i n g A r o u n d T R A N S P O R T I N G HA N A G e t t i n g A r o u n d 355

Paga and P. A direct VanefSTC bus runs to ping at the town of Kete-Krachi and a few where along a route and theyre extremely cheap (US$4.40/2.70 in 1st/2nd class, about 12
Ouagadougou from Accra (US$29, 24 hours) villages along the way. In theory it leaves the (about US$0.01 per kilometre). Most fares are hours) and a nightly service between Accra
once daily Monday to Saturday and from Ku- port at Akosombo at 4pm on Monday and under a dollar or two but frequently change and Takoradi, which costs about the same
masi (US$21, 20 hours) every Wednesday arrives in Yeji on Wednesday morning; in by small amounts. For long journeys, though, and takes at least 12 hours, but these are re-
evening; most people do the trip in stages. practice the departure and arrival times are buses are more comfortable and safer. ally only for masochists and train enthusi-
From Bolgatanga, there are frequent tro-tros more fluid. The southbound service leaves asts. However, the line between Kumasi and
to the border at Paga (US$1.10, 40 minutes), Yeji around 4pm on Wednesday and arrives Train Takoradi (US$4.40/2.70 in 1st/2nd class) is
from where you can get onward transport to in Akosombo on Friday morning. Tickets cost Ghanas railway links Accra, Kumasi and Ta- worth considering. On this line, there are two
P and Ouagadougou. US$11/5.50 in 1st/2nd class, and food and koradi but the trains are much slower and trains daily, leaving at 6am and 8.30pm. The
You can also enter Burkina Faso from the drinks are available on board. If you want one arent any cheaper than motorised trans- journey in theory takes eight hours but its
northwest corner of Ghana, crossing between of the two 1st-class cabins (recommended), port. There are daily passenger services in usually more like 12 in practice, especially on
Tumu and Lo or from Hamale or Lawra and you have to reserve at least two weeks in ad- either direction between Accra and Kumasi the night train.
onto Bobo-Dioulasso. You can reach Tumu vance; call %0251-20686 in Akosombo to

most easily from Bolgatanga, Hamale from make a booking.
Bolgatanga or Wa, and Lawra from Wa.
CTE DIVOIRE The best bus service in the country is provided
VanefSTC buses run between Accra and by VanefSTC, the old State Transport Cor-
Abidjan (US$12, 12 hours) via Elubo once poration now owned by Greyhound. There
daily Monday to Friday, leaving in the early are two classes of bus: ordinary and luxury.
morning. The Ecowas Express, run by STIF, a The latter have air-con and are newer and
company from Cte dIvoire, does three runs more comfortable. Compared to other trans-
a week between Neoplan motor park in Accra port in the region its fairly reliable, though
and Abidjan. From Takoradi, Peugeot bush late departures are all too common. Expect
taxis make a daily trip to Abidjan. significant delays leaving from the Tudu sta-
Another border crossing lies between Bole tion in Accra and on any of the less regular
and Bouna, though this involves a chartered routes. Buses link the major centres, including
canoe trip across the Black Volta River. Accra, Kumasi, Takoradi, Cape Coast, Tamale
and Bolgatanga. Other operators, which may
TOGO have the only buses on some routes (such as
Tro-tros and buses regularly ply the coastal between Tamale and Mole National Park),
road between Accra and Aflao (all about include OSA, Kingdom Transport Services
US$3.30, three hours). VanefSTC buses (KTS), City Express and GPRTU. The buses
leave from the smaller Tudu bus station in tend to be older and less comfortable.
Accra (US$5, four times a day). The border
at Aflao is open from 6am to 10pm daily but Taxis
you should cross between 9am and 5pm if Within towns and on some shorter routes be-
you need a Togolese visa at the border. Public tween towns, shared taxis (called passenger or
transport from Ghana doesnt cross the bor- line taxis) are the usual form of transport. Line
der, which is only 2km from central Lom. taxis run on fixed routes, along which they
stop to pick up and drop off passengers.
GETTING AROUND Private or dropping taxis dont have me-
Air ters and rates are negotiable. Its best to ask
Two domestic airlines, Citylink (%312001; www a local in advance for the average cost be- and Antrak (Accra Map p336; %21-765337; tween two points. Taxis can be chartered for
Antrak House, Danquah Circle, Osu; Kumasi %51-41296; Tamale an agreed period of time from one hour to a
%71-91075) operate in Ghana. Both have two day for a negotiable fee.
flights daily between Accra and Kumasi (US$60
to US$80, 45 minutes), and Antrak has flights Tro-tros
on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday between Tro-tro is a catch-all category that embraces Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
Accra and Tamale (US$144, 1 hours). any form of transport thats not a bus or taxi. restricted. In return, we think its fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
They cover all major and many minor routes only. In other words, please dont upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
Boat and, without them, Ghana would come to a
A passenger boat, the Yapei Queen, runs along standstill. They dont work to a set timetable, everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
Lake Volta between Akosombo and Yeji, stop- but leave when full. You can pick them up any- the above - Do the right thing with our content.

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