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Lonely Planet Publications


Like most sub-Saharan nations, Guinea-Bissau is an arbitrary European construct, yet it pos-
sesses two qualities that make this small country stand out from its neighbours. First and
foremost are the people themselves. Youll almost never hear the disingenuous bonjour, mon
ami that signals the beginning of an unwelcome sales pitch. If youre arriving from, say,
Dakar, youll be relieved to find helpful gestures are almost always just that expressions of
kindness rather than a means to extract cash. The countrys other big draw? The remarkable
Arquiplago dos Bijags. These delta islands are lined with powdery, white-sand beaches,
washed by azure waters, and populated by a people whose matriarchal culture, long pro-
tected by hidden sandbanks and treacherous tides, is unlike any found in West Africa.

The mainland, by contrast, provides a fine recapitulation of West Africas attractions, includ-
ing mangrove-lined rivers, a gorgeous beach at Varela and rainforests in the south home
to elephants and chimpanzees.

Always poor, the countrys economy and infrastructure were severely damaged by civil
war in the late 1990s. Transport and communications remain trying, and hotels and food
especially in the capital are no bargain. However, national reconciliation seems to have
arrived with peaceful elections in 2005, and theres cautious optimism about the future.


 Area 36,120 sq km
 ATMs There are none; come with cash or

travellers cheques
 Borders Guinea (Kandika open); Senegal
(Salikni and Pirada open, So Domingos
sometimes closed check ahead)
 Budget From US$30 per day
 Capital Bissau
 Languages Portuguese, Crioulo
 Money West African CFA franc; US$1 = CFA498
 Population 1.416 million
 Seasons Dry and mild (late November February), hot and
humid (March May & November), hot and rainy (June October)
 Telephone Country code%245; international access code 00
 Visa Single entry valid for 45 days costs US$60. Required for all visitors
except citizens of Economic Community of West Africa States (Ecowas) nations. Available
upon arrival at Bissau airport. 
Otherwise, arrange before arrival.  :
372 G U I N E A - B I S S AU H i g h l i g h t s G U I N E A - B I S S AU C u l t u re 373

HIGHLIGHTS War of Liberation flee the capital in 1999. Remarkably, military

Joo Vieira Poilo National Marine Park WARNING By the early 1960s African colonies were commanders handed power back to civilians.

(p377) Discover the islands powdery sand Peaceful presidential elections in 2005 have rapidly winning independence, but Salazar Nevertheless, several subsequent coups kept
beaches and disarmingly friendly people. raised hopes of lasting stability following refused to relinquish those under his control. the war-weary country on edge, and separatist
 Ilha de Orango (p377) Stalk rare, salt-water the 1998 civil war. However, underlying The result: one of Africas longest, bloodiest conflict in southern Senegal frequently spilled
hippos after visiting the tombs of Bijags tensions remain, so be sure to check the wars of liberation. over Guinea-Bissaus northern border.
kings and queens. latest situation before arrival. Note that the The father of independence was Amilcar
 Varela (p378) Laze on the gorgeous but region around So Domingos and along Cabral, who in 1956 helped found the Par- Guinea-Bissau Today
undeveloped beaches just over the bor- the Senegalese border is particularly prone tido Africano da Independncia da Guin Despite fears of continued factional violence,
der from Senegals Cap Skiring. to instability. e Cabo Verde (PAIGC). In 1961 the PAIGC the 2005 presidential elections were deemed
 Sacred Forests (p378) Disappear into the There are still land mines in some rural started arming and mobilising peasants, and largely free and fair. The winner? Deposed
dense jungle around Cati and Jem- and remote areas. If travelling far off-the- controlled half the country within five years. president Joo Vieira, who returned from
berem the westernmost habitat of the beaten path, research your route and con- The PAIGC built schools, provided medical exile to run a successful campaign based on
African chimpanzee. sider bringing a trusted guide. services and encouraged widespread political national reconciliation. While fundamental
 Bissau (p374) Sip your way through participation. Cabral was assassinated in 1973, problems of corruption and poverty could yet
blackouts at the capitals amiable cafs. but freedom was inevitable. When Salazars destabilise the current peace, Guinea-Bissau
 Two Weeks During a second week, con- regime fell in 1974, the new Portuguese gov- nationals geneally express cautious optimism
CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO sider further explorations of the Bijags. ernment quickly recognised the fledgling about their countrys future.
The rainy season is from June to October. Head to Orango (p377), with its rare, nation.
Conditions are especially humid in the saltwater hippos, and then check out one CULTURE
months before the rains (April and May), of the remoter but paradisiacal islands, Independence Despite wide religious and ethnic differences,
when average maximum daytime tempera- like Ilha Joo Vieira (p377). Once in power, the PAIGC government faced Guinea-Bissau nationals are united by a neigh-
tures rise to 34C. Daily maximums rarely  Three Weeks Devote a third week to ex- staggering problems. Only one in 20 people bourly goodwill that is genuinely remarkable.
fall below 30C. ploring the rich mainland ecosystems could read, life expectancy was 35 years, 45% Even in the capital city, violence and even
The best time to visit is from late November in-depth, such as mangrove swamps of of children died before the age of five and aggressive salesmanship are rare. Mainland
to February, when conditions are dry and the Parque Natural dos Tarrafes do Rio rice production had fallen by 71%. The new ethnic cultures are similar to those in neigh-
relatively cool. Cacheu (p377) in the north or the sacred socialist state made significant inroads, espe- bouring Senegal and Guinea. However, the
Parque Natural de Cantanhez (p378) in cially relative to other postcolonial countries. Bijags people have very distinct customs (see
ITINERARIES the south. Nevertheless a coup in 1986 forced President Queens of the Bijags, p377).
 One Week Spend a day or two in the relax- Joo Vieira to abandon socialism and sell off While Guinea-Bissau is one of the worlds
ing capital Bissau (p374), before heading HISTORY state enterprises. poorest countries, regular rains and relatively
to Ilha de Bubaque in the Arquiplago The great Sahel Empire of Mali, which flour- Meanwhile intractable poverty as well as fertile land make outright hunger rare. Most
dos Bijags (p376). ished between the 13th and 15th centuries AD, growing corruption under Vieira culminated people scratch out a living from fishing and
included parts of present-day Guinea-Bissau. in national strikes in 1997, which quickly subsistence farming. Villages consist of mud-

For more information on the precolonial his- devolved into a civil war. Vieira was forced to brick houses roofed with thatched grasses.

HOW MUCH? tory of this part of West Africa, see p392.
 Small souvenir mask US$4 GUINEA-BISSAU 0
40 km
20 miles
European Arrival & Colonisation
 Shared taxi ride in Bissau US$0.50 Ca
s a mance River
SENEGAL Tanaf Salikni
Portuguese navigators first reached what is To Kounkane (20km);
Vlingara (65km);
To Koundara (45km);
 Nescaf US$0.20 now Guinea-Bissau around 1450. They found Tambacounda (170km) Lab (200km)
navigable rivers that facilitated trade with the Ingore Barro

 Woven indigo cotton cloth (40cm x Bigene

Cap So Domingos Pitche Sarbodo

80cm) US$6 interior, and were soon extracting gold, ivory, Skiring

Varela Parque Natural Cacheu So Vicente Bissora Gab
pepper and especially slaves. dos Tarrafes Gba
 Main course in Western-style do Rio Cacheu Canchungo Bafat
For centuries the Portuguese presence was Bula

Calequisse Mansa Canjadude
restaurant US$8

limited to coastal trading stations, but with Joalande
Parque Natural Ch-Ch
the end of the slave trade in the 19th century, ATLANTIC BISSAU do Lagoa
Enxud Falacunda de Cafatada
the Portuguese had to win control of the in- Xitole

OCEAN Prabis Bo
terior to continue to extract wealth. To do so,

So Casselinta Mampat
 1L petrol US$1.20 Ilha

de Maio IIha de Joo Buba Saltinho
they allied themselves with Muslim ethnici- IIha de IIha de Bolama
Quebo Waterfall
 1L bottled water US$1 Caravela Carache Bolama

ties, including the Fula and Mandinko, to sub- IIha Empada

Bolama-Bijags Formosa Ilha das GUINEA
Ilha de Galinhas

Biosphere Reserve
 Bottle of Portuguese beer US$1 due animist tribes. When right-wing dictator Bedanda
Guilege go

IIha de Rubane Ko

IIha de Bubaque Town Jemberem

 Souvenir T-shirt US$5 Antnio Salazar came to power in Portugal in Uno Ilha de

Unhocomo Bubaque IIha Cati MP Marine Park


1926, he imposed direct Portuguese rule, forc- Islands

Roxa Cacine Sanconha NP National Park

 Omelette sandwich from street Bi Ilha de Joo


ing peasants to plant groundnuts (peanuts) ja NP IIha de

Orangozinho Vieira
vendor US$1 s IIha de Joo Vieira Parque Natural To Conakry
for export, like it or not. Orango Poilo National MP de Cantanhez (230km) Bok
374 B I S S AU O r i e n t a t i o n Book accommodation online at B I S S AU I n f o r m a t i o n 375

Except for a lucky few, life is hardly easier in under cultivation. Mangrove swamps domi- Bandim. From here, Ave de 14 Novembro faade, its a reminder of the countrys fragile
cities and towns. In a nation with virtually nate the coast. leads northwest to the main paragem (bus peace.
no industry, most people eke out a living as Environmental issues include rapid loss and taxi park), the airport and all inland Off the southern end of Ave Amilcar Cabral
small-time merchants. of mangroves to rice plantations. Extensive destinations. are the narrow streets of the mango-shaded
groundnut production has leeched nutrients old Portuguese quarter. The neighbourhood is
PEOPLE and promoted erosion, and over-fishing in INFORMATION guarded by the Fortaleza dAmura. Surrounded
Current estimates put the population at about rich coastal waters is a growing concern. Cultural Centres by imposing stone walls, its still a military
1.4 million, divided among some 23 ethnic Guinea-Bissau has a number of protected Centre Culturel Franco-Bissao-Guinen post and strictly off limits to visitors.
groups. The two largest are the Balante (30%) areas, including the Bolama-Bijags Biosphere (%206816; Praa Ch Guevera;h9am-10pm Mon-Sat)
in the coastal and southern regions and the Reserve, which contains Orango Islands Na- This newly rebuilt centre has a library, art gallery, theatre FESTIVALS & EVENTS
Fula (20%) in the north. Other groups include tional Park (p377) and Joo Vieira-Poilo and courtyard caf. Bissaus Carnival is the countrys biggest party.
the Manjaco (or Manjak), Papel, Fulup and National Marine Park (p377). On the main- It takes place yearly in February or early March
Mandingo (Mandinka). The offshore islands land, the Parque Natural dos Tarrafes do Rio Emergency during the week leading up to Ash Wednes-
are mostly inhabited by the Bijags people Cacheu (p377), near the border with Senegal, Fire (%118) day. Music, masks, drinking and dancing are
(see p377). encompasses impressive mangroves. Near Police (%117) the order of the day.
About 45% of the people (mainly Fula and Buba, the Parque Natural de Lagoa de Cafa-
Mandingo) are Muslims. Christians make tada (p378) protects rich freshwater wetlands. Internet Access SLEEPING
up less than 10% of the population, mostly And Parque Natural de Cantanhez (p3678) is Cybernet Caf (Rua Vitorino Costa; per hr US$1.40; Accommodation in Bissau is expensive and
around Bissau. Animist beliefs remain strong planned to protect estuarine mangroves and h9am-10pm) generally of poor value.
along the coast and in the south. several sacred forests. SITEC (Ave de 14 Novembro; per hr US$3; huntil 10pm Hotel Caracol (Ave Caetano Semedo; r US$20) This
For more information, contact IBAP Mon-Sat, to 6pm Sun) Located outside the city centre, it seedy place offering bucket water and a piece
ARTS (%207106; Rua So Tom), the institute that over- has decent internet connections and air-con. of foam on a cement floor is Bissaus only real
Guinea-Bissau has a modest tradition of sees all the parks from Bissau. budget option.
sculpted figures and masks, similar to other Medical Services Penso Centrale (%213270; Ave Amilcar Cabral; r
countries of the region. The Bijags people, FOOD & DRINK Pharmacie Moambique (%205513) Ask at this US$40) Occupying a once-grand building in the
on the other hand, have evolved a more dis- Seafood is the highlight of Guinean cuisine, pharmacy to see Dr Kassem Dahrouge, who speaks French town centre, Bissaus traditional backpacker
tinctive style. including shrimp, oysters and meaty bica and some English. choice now boasts thin mattresses and rather
On the mainland, dance and music are (sea bream), served grilled or sauted with Simo Mendes (%212861; Ave Pansau Na Isna) Bis- lax cleanliness and security.
largely influenced by the Mandingo and Diola onions and limes. Rice is supplemented by saus poor-quality main hospital. Hotel Ta-Mar (% 206647; s without/with bath
people of neighbouring Senegal. The harplike yams, beans and mandioca (cassava). Veg- US$50/70; a) Located in the old Portuguese
kora and the xylophone-like balafon are com- etables generally include okra, carrots and Money quarter, this hotel boasts rickety fixtures and
mon. The traditional Guinean beat is gumb. squash. Palm oil is another key staple. Banco da Africa Ocidental (BAO) near the crumbling plaster, though it does have newish
Modern music shares the same roots, though Canned soft drinks, bottled water and beer port is the only bank that reliably exchanges beds and air-conditioning.
the Portuguese colonial legacy has given it a are widely available. Local brews include palm cash (US dollars or, preferably, euros). There Aparthotel Jordani (%201719; Ave Pansau Na Isna; s/d
Latin edge. wine and caa de cajeu (cashew-flower rum). are many moneychangers around the Mer- US$50/70; a) The friendly Jordani offers half-

Beware homemade distilled products, which cado Central. Most are honest, but beware decent rooms with cold running water, air-
ENVIRONMENT often contain high levels of toxins. of scammers. conditioning, TV, small fridge and a generally
Guinea-Bissau has an area of just over 36,000 Supermercado Mavegro (%201224, 201216; Rua dependable power supply.
sq km (about the size of Switzerland). Coastal
areas are flat, and feature estuaries, mangrove
swamps and patches of forest. The landscape
BISSAU Eduardo Mondlane; h3.30-6pm Mon, 9am-12.30pm &
3-6pm Tue-Fri, 9am-12.30pm Sat) Exchanges travellers
cheques and cash, including US dollars.
Aparthotel Lobato (%201719; Ave Pansau Na Isna;
s/d US$71/92; a) Rooms are newish and com-
fortable enough, though very stuffy; prices
continues to remain flat as you move inland Despite ruined monuments, cavernous pot- are high.
but grows drier as it transitions into the holes and regular blackouts, Bissau has its Post Residencial Coimbra (%213467; fax 201490; Ave
Sahel. charms. The sleepy, crumbling colonial heart Main post office (Correio; Ave Amilcar Cabral;h8am- Amilcar Cabral; s/d US$120/158; a) With comfort-
Guinea-Bissaus rivers shelter fresh-water boasts wide, mango-shaded streets, some at- 6pm Mon-Sat) able, tasteful rooms, an attractive rooftop
hippos, while the Bijags have a few salt-water tractive, pastel-coloured buildings, and lively garden and a good breakfast buffet, this is
examples. The Bijags are also an important cafs where the countrys elite gather day after Travel Agencies Bissaus only genuinely decent choice.
nesting ground for aquatic turtles. The rain- day. Best of all, theres a distinct absence of Guinetours (%214344; Rua 12)
forests of the southeast are the most westerly crime or hustle. Surire Tours (%214166; Rua de Angola) EATING
home of Africas chimpanzee population. The For cheap eats, try the rice bars near the port
coastal wetlands harbour a stunning variety of ORIENTATION SIGHTS (about US$1 for a rice plate with meat or
birds, including parrots, cranes and peregrine Bissaus main drag is the wide Ave Amilcar The former presidential palace dominates Praa fish). Unless otherwise indicated, the follow-
falcons. Cabral, running between the port and Praa dos Heris Nacionais at the northern end ing restaurants are open for lunch (around
The natural vegetation of the inland areas dos Heris Nacionais. On the northwestern of Ave Amilcar Cabral. With a bombed-out noon to 3pm) and dinner (around 7pm to
is lightly wooded savanna, though much is edge of the town centre is the Mercado de roof and shrapnel riddling its neoclassical 10pm) daily.
376 A R Q U I P L A G O D O S B I J A G S G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y Book accommodation online at T H E N O R T H W E S T Q u i n h m e l 377

Restaurant Magui (Ave Amilcar Cabral; meals GETTING AROUND At the time of writing a small cruise ship
US$5) The charming Magui serves spot-on Sen- The airport is about 9km from the town cen- called the African Queen was expected to re- QUEENS OF THE BIJAGS
egalese dishes in her simple eatery above the tre. Taxis into town cost around US$4. For a turn to Bissau, with regular, multiday excur- The peoples of the Arquiplago dos Bi-
now-defunct cinema. minibus (US$0.20), walk 200m to the rounda- sions to the islands. Check with travel agencies jags have, over the centuries, developed
Restaurant Samaritana (off Ave Pansau Na Isna; meals bout at the start of Ave de 14 Novembro. in Bissau for the schedule and prices. a largely matriarchal culture quite distinct
US$5) Simple but delicious Senegalese-inspired Shared taxis usually Mercedes, and al- from that of mainland Guinea. Islanders are
food in a humble roadside caf. ways painted blue and white are plentiful ILHA DE BUBAQUE ruled by a king and queen (theyre neither
Restaurant Ta-Mar (mains US$8; h8am-9pm) and ply all main routes. Prices vary according At the centre of the Bijags, Bubaque is home married nor even related) who serve as co-
Newly refurbished restaurant in the hotel to distance and whim, but never cost more to the archipelagos largest town, which serves regents the king managing mens affairs
of the same name (opposite) has a distinctly than US$0.80 per person for trips within the as its major transport hub. If you cant make and the queen managing womens affairs.
European feel, but often so-so food. Friday town centre. it to remoter islands, Bubaque makes a com- Women often serve as chiefs of individual
nights bring live music. Small toca-toca (minibuses) painted blue fortable place to unwind. Theres a range of villages, and theyre also the sole homeown-
Restaurant Jordani (Ave Pansau Na Isna; mains US$8-10) and yellow serve major city routes (around accommodation in and around the main town ers only fair since they are entirely respon-
The largely Portuguese food can be disap- US$0.20), including a run from Mercado de (also called Bubaque). sible for homebuilding, from brick-making
pointing, but its a great spot on Thursday Bandim up Ave de 14 Novembro to the par- to actual construction.
nights when top local musicians regularly agem and airport. Sleeping & Eating
perform. Most hotels serve meals if you order ahead.

DRINKING & ENTERTAINMENT ARQUIPLAGO DOS For cheap eats, head to the port area. Rooms
in all of the following places have shared bath-
See left for information about boat travel
to the Bijags.
The most popular caf is Gelataria Baiana (Praa
Ch Guevara). French speakers may prefer the
caf in the Centre Culturel Franco-Bissao-Guinen
BIJAGS room with bucket shower.
Chez Titi (r US$10) Very basic rooms, but ideally
perched on a small bluff just above the water.
(%206816; Praa Ch Guevera;h9am-10pm Mon-Sat). With swaying palms, cooling breezes and Campement Cadjoco (r US$14) This French-run At the far, southwest end of the archipelago,
A number of restaurants also double as bar- powdery, white-sand beaches, the Bijags is- penso (pension) offers good value, with de- Joo Vieira Poilo National Marine Park
cafs, including the Restaurant Jordani (Ave Pansau lands exert a singular spell. Protected by swift cent rooms at the back of a pleasant garden. consists of four islands and surrounding wa-
Na Isna) on Thursday and the Restaurant Ta-Mar tides and treacherous sandbanks, the islands The owner also has a good, fast boat and or- ters that together form a key nesting area for
(%206647) on Friday. largely matriarchal people eluded Portuguese ganises fishing trips and transport. three species of endangered sea turtles. On
X Club (Rua Osualdo Vieira) caters to everyone control until the 1930s. Now the entire archi- Chez Dora (r US$24) Chez Dora offers idyllic Ilha Joo Vieira, Chez Claude (per person per
from idealistic UN workers to shady business- pelago, including its rich marine life, has been tasteful, impeccably maintained bungalows night with full board US$82) offers simple but spotless
men on the prowl. The dcor is Euro-trendy declared a biosphere reserve, while two island arranged around a lush garden. Meals (US$6) cabins and good Franco-African cuisine.
and there are two free snooker tables. groups form national parks. are delicious amalgams of local ingredients See left for information about boat travel
Travellers should note that transport including the Portuguese owners own pigs and to the Bijags.
SHOPPING to and between the islands is difficult (see papayas. Highly recommended.
Centro Artistico Juvenil (Ave de 14 Novembro) With
marked prices and no pressure to buy, this
below). Also, low tides reveal kilometres-long
mud flats, limiting beach going. Finally, tel-
Kasa Afrikana (%821144;; r
US$100; as) The islands cushiest option THE NORTHWEST

shop provides a fine introduction to the arts ephone service including mobile service is has fully equipped rooms, attractive grounds
and crafts of Guinea-Bissau. Proceeds directly unreliable. with bar and pool, and water views. QUINHMEL
support young artisans. Located about 30km west of Bissau, Quin-
Getting There & Away Getting There & Away hmel serves as the capital of the Biombo
GETTING THERE & AWAY Transport to the islands is difficult and/or ex- For travel to/from Bissau, see left. There is region, traditional home of the Papel people.
Bissau has the countrys only airport with pensive. Canoas large, motorised and often also fairly regular service to Orango (US$4, The town has a collective devoted to preserv-
regularly scheduled flights, with services by leaky canoes leave Bissau from Port Rampa, two to four hours) and occasional services to ing traditional weaving techniques. There are
TACV Cabo Verde Airlines, Air Sngal, TAP the fishermens port near the Estdio 24 de other islands. no formal tours, but its well worth a stop to
Air Portugal and Air Luxor. See p381 for more Setembro. There are several BissauBubaque see the men and boys at work on the tradi-
information. canoas (US$5 per person, four to six hours) ORANGO ISLANDS NATIONAL PARK tional looms. Just outside town, Hotel Marazul
You can get bush taxis and minibuses to just that follow a regular weekly schedule, though Home to rare saltwater species of hippo and (%626277; s/d US$61/72; as) offers attractive
about anywhere in the country, as well as to departure times vary according to tides and crocodile, Ilha de Orango and the surrounding bungalows and rents boats for fishing trips
Senegal, at the outdoor paragem, hidden about winds. You can also ask around for unsched- islands together make up the Orango Islands or transfers to the Bijags islands.
500m south of Ave de 14 Novembro, about 5km uled departures. National Park. The island is also the burial site
outside town. Its always best to get transport by At the other extreme, higher-end fishing of the Bijags kings and queens. PARQUE NATURAL DOS TARRAFES DO
8am. For more information, see p381. camps hire out speedboats at the cost of about The islands only hotel, Orango Parque Hotel RIO CACHEU
To get to the paragem, take a toca-toca US$200 for a one-way trip from Bissau to Bu- (%satellite phone 00871-761-273221; per person incl 3 This national park is home to a diverse array
(minibus) from the Mercado de Bandim baque (up to eight people). The Hotel Marazul meals CFA$60), offers attractive, well-maintained of wildlife, including hippos, monkeys, mana-
(CFA100) or a taxi (about CFA1000) from (%6-626277) in Quinhmel has a range of boats bungalows right on the beach. The Italian- tees, panthers, gazelles and some 200 bird
anywhere in town. and is the most likely option. Portuguese owners also serve excellent food. species.
378 T H E N O R T H E A S T B a f a t G U I N E A - B I S S AU D I R E C T O R Y A c c o m m o d a t i o n 379

The park office in the town of Cacheu offers GAB small, inexpensive Raa Banana guesthouse.
rooms with shared bathroom with running Lively if unattractive, Gab offers a range They can also arrange a guide (essential) for PRACTICALITIES
water for US$6 per person. Staff prepare meals of accommodation, making it a convenient the nearby sacred forest, home to chimpanzees  The national radio and TV stations
and organise boat trips on the Cacheu and stopover on your way to/from Guinea. and elephants. broadcast in Portuguese. Most interest-
surrounding swamps (be prepared to bargain Hotel Visiom (%511484; r with fan/air-con US$16/30; Theres usually a daily kandonga (truck or ing for travellers is Radio Mavegro FM
for both). For more information, contact the a) offers clean rooms with bathroom, pick-up) in the morning between Cati and (100.0MHz), which combines music with
IBAP office (%207106; Rua So Tom) in Bissau. friendly staff and a small garden in a quiet Jemberem. For more information about the hourly news bulletins in English from
spot in the north of town. In the town centre, park, contact the IBAP office (%207106; Rua So the BBC.
SO DOMINGOS Residencial Djaraama (%511302; r without bathroom Tom) in Bissau.
 Newspapers come and go quickly in Bis-
So Domingos sits on the Senegalese border US$25) is pricey but has some colonial charac-

sau. If you sit at one of the citys cafs
on the main route to/from Ziguinchor. If you ter, including high ceilings and a wraparound
or restaurants, a vendor will quickly
get stuck here (not impossible as the border veranda.

offer you the latest options.
post is often closed at night), there are food
stalls and several hotels around the main Getting There & Away  Electricity supply is 220V and plugs are
square. There are plenty of bush taxis to/from Minibuses go to Bissau regularly (US$5, five of the European two-round-pin variety.
Bissau (US$5.50, two to three hours). to six hours). If youre heading for Guinea or ACCOMMODATION  Guinea-Bissau uses the metric system.
Beware that cross-border violence regularly Senegal, see p381 for transport options from Accommodation in Bissau is expensive and
closes the border and makes travel unsafe. Gab. You can easily change CFA into Guin- offers poor value (about US$20 for primitive
Check conditions before heading here or on ean francs at the bush taxi and minibus park. doubles and US$70 for rather decrepit mid- country chapter. Outside Africa, Guinea-Bissau
to Varela. range digs). Outside the capital, the situation has very few embassies or consulates. These are

Varela is the favourite getaway of locals, with
THE SOUTH improves. A clean, decent room with electric-
ity and running water might cost US$25, or
US$35 with air-conditioning, while bucket
more or less limited to the following:
Belgium (%02 647 08 09; 70 Ave Franklin-Roosevelt,
Brussels 1000)
wide sand beaches as beautiful as those just BUBA water and a foam pad for two people costs France (%01 45 26 18 51; 94 rue Saint Lazare, 75009
across the border in Cap Skiring. At the time Buba is a small junction town. Pou- US$10 to $15. Specialist hunting and fishing Paris)
of writing the road from So Domingos was sada Bela Vista (%6-647011; r US$20; a) has spot- camps are scattered around the country, and Portugal (%213 030 440; Rua Alcolena, 17, Lisbon 1400)
in terrible condition, though there was talk less, attractively fitted-out bungalows and generally cost US$50 to US$100 per person USA (%301-947 3958; 15929 Yukon Lane, Rockville,
about repaving. Even with a good vehicle, lovely vistas of the river. In town, there are a for room and full board. MD 20855)
the 50km drive can take several hours. Check number of places to get cheap bowls of fish
ahead for security conditions around So and rice (around US$1). A minibus from Bis- ACTIVITIES Embassies & Consulates in Guinea-Bissau
Domingos. sau (US$5, approximately eight hours) leaves The Arquiplago dos Bijags and Varela have The following embassies are all located in
Chez Helene (r US$24) offers simple but well- most mornings. great sandy beaches, and the waters around Bissau. Opening hours listed are for visa
maintained rooms and good meals (US$5). About 5km before you reach the town of the Bijags also offer some of the best deep- applications.
There is usually at least one minibus daily Buba, youll pass Parque Natural do Lagoa de Ca- sea fishing in the world. Cycling is good, as France (%201312; cnr Ave de 14 Novembro & Ave do
to/from So Domingos (two to three hours). fatada. While there was no infrastructure for roads are generally quiet, safe and flat. Bird- Brazil)

visitors at the time of writing, its an impor- watching is extraordinary, especially along Gambia (%203928; Ave de 14 Novembro; h8.30am-

THE NORTHEAST tant habitat for bird and aquatic life. For more
information, contact the IBAP office (%207106;
Rua So Tom) in Bissau.
the coast.

3pm Sat-Thu, 8.30am-12.30pm Fri) Located 1km north-
west of Mercado de Bandim.
Guinea (%201231; Rua 12; h8.30am-3pm Sat-Thu,
BAFAT Banks and government offices are generally 8.30am-1pm Fri) East of the central stadium.
The birthplace of Amilcar Cabral and the CATI open 8am to noon and 3pm to 6pm Monday Mauritania (%203696; Rua Eduardo Mondlane) South
countrys second city, Bafat retains a small Cati is the most remote area in the south to Friday, or 8am to 2pm Monday to Friday. of the central stadium.
but interesting colonial centre along the Gba that still has regular transport connections Post offices are generally open mornings only Senegal (%212944; off Praa dos Heris Nacionais;
River. with Bissau a necessary stop on the way to from Monday to Friday, but the main branch h8am-5pm)
Hotel Maimuna Cap (r with fan/air-con US$24/ Jemberem and the Parque Natural de Cantan- in Bissau is open 8am to 6pm Monday to
34;a) offers comfortable, spotless rooms hez. You can reach Cati by minibus (US$6, Saturday. Shops are generally open from 9am The consul for the UK and the Netherlands is
in an attractive building in the old colonial all day) from Bissau (though you may have to to 6pm Monday to Friday and 8am to 1pm Jan van Maanen (%201224, 211529; fax 201265; Super-
centre. The Portuguese-run Restaurante Ponto switch vehicles in Buba). Saturday. Some close for an hour or two in mercardo Mavegro, Rua Eduardo Mondlane, Bissau). Contact
de Encontro (meals around US$7) serves simple but the early afternoon. the French embassy for information about
hearty Portuguese food. There are also plenty JEMBEREM & PARQUE NATURAL DE visas for Benin, Cte dIvoire and Togo.
of food stalls along the main BissauGab CANTANHEZ EMBASSIES & CONSULATES
road. A small village 22km east of Cati, Jemberem Guinea-Bissau Embassies & Consulates FESTIVALS & EVENTS
Minibuses to Bissau (US$3.50), Gab offers a community-based conservation scheme In West Africa, you can get visas for Guinea- Bissaus Carnival (p375), which takes place
(US$1.40) or Buba (US$1.60) depart from connected with the proposed Cantanhez Forest. Bissau in The Gambia, Guinea, Mauritania in Bissau yearly in February or early March,
the petrol station area. The local womens association has set up the and Senegal. For more details, see the relevant is the countrys biggest party, with music,
380 G U I N E A - B I S S AU D I R E C T O R Y H e a l t h T R A N S P O R T I N G U I N E A B I S S AU G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y 381

masks, dancing and parades. Small festivals

are held in other towns around the country
Gambia. If you decide to risk it, airmail letters
cost US$0.90. TRANSPORT IN GUINEA- Check safety conditions carefully. A bush taxi
between Bissau and Ziguinchor costs US$9.50
at about the same time, or after the autumn
harvest (around November); check locally
for dates.
For local calls, look for posto publico signs
BISSAU per person.
You can also cross the border between
Farim and Tanaf by (slow-going) bush taxi.
in corner grocery stores and other shops GETTING THERE & AWAY You may also be able to get transport from
HEALTH around the country. They allow you to make Air Gab to Tambacounda (via Vlingara), though
A certificate with proof of a yellow fever local calls, and sometimes international long- Guinea-Bissaus only international airport is road conditions are poor and journeys long.
vaccination is required of all travellers. distance calls, though the latter can be punish- on the outskirts of Bissau.
ingly expensive US$5 to US$10 per minute, TAP Air Portugal and Air Luxor are the GETTING AROUND
HOLIDAYS depending on the country. There is also a only airlines with direct flights from Europe Air
Guinea-Bissau celebrates the following public call centre at the main post office (p375) in to Bissau. Between them, Air Sngal and At the time of writing there was no domestic
holidays: Bissau. TACV Cabo Verde Airlines operate seven air service.
New Years Day 1 January It is easy to buy a mobile phone with a flights per week between Bissau and Dakar.
Anniversary of the Death of Amilcar Cabral 20 prepaid plan. SIM cards are also readily avail- To fly between Bissau and anywhere else in Bicycle
January able. At the time of writing Areeba had the Africa, connect in Dakar (Senegal). Largely flat and with little traffic or crime
Womens Day 8 March best rates. The following airlines service Guinea- problems, biking is a great way to get
Easter March/April There are no telephone area codes in Guinea- Bissau: around Guinea-Bissau. There are no formal
Labour Day 1 May Bissau. All fixed-line numbers have six dig- Air Luxor (LK; %206422;; Ave 24 de bike rentals, but asking around will usually
Pidjiguiti Day 3 August its while mobile phone numbers have seven Setembro) Hub: Lisbon. yield results quickly.
Independence Day 24 September digits. Air Sngal International (V7; %205211; www.air
Christmas Day 25 December; Rua Osualdo Vieira) Hub: Dakar. Boat
VISAS TACV Cabo Verde Airlines (VR; %206087; www.tacv Canoas connect Bissau with the Bijags, with
Islamic feasts such as Eid al-Fitr (at the end of All visitors, except nationals of Economic .com; Ave Amilcar Cabral) Hub: Praia. regularly scheduled boats to Bubaque and
Ramadan) and Tabaski are also celebrated. For Community of West Africa States (Ecowas) TAP Air Portugal (TP; %201359;; Bolama and occasional boats to other islands.
dates, see the Africa Directory (p1106). countries, need visas. These are normally valid Praa dos Heris Nacionais) Hub: Lisbon. See p376 for more information about travel
for 45 days and are issued for around US$60 at to the Bijags.
INTERNET ACCESS embassies. They are generally routinely issued
There is internet access only in Bissau. Inter- at Bissaus airport, but not at land borders, so DEPARTURE TAX Car & Motorcycle
net cafs charge US$2 to US$3 per hour for plan ahead. To avoid hassles, get one before There is a US$20 airport departure tax for Main roads between Bissau and Bafat, Gab
slow, dial-up connections. you arrive. international flights, which is usually and Ziguinchor are all in decent condition.
included in your ticket. However, all other roads are seriously de-
LANGUAGE Visa Extensions graded and often impassable without 4WD
Portuguese is the official language, though the Extensions are easy to obtain at Servio de Es- especially during the rainy season.
common tongue is Crioulo a mix of medi- trangeiros (Ave 14 de Novembro, Bissau), behind the Land

eval Portuguese and local words. Most ethnic main immigration building across from the GUINEA Minibus & Bush Taxi
groups also preserve their own language. Mercado de Bandim. For virtually all nation- Bush taxis usually go to the border daily from The main roads between Bissau and the towns
alities, 45-day visa extensions cost around Gab and Koundara (US$5). It can take all of Bafat, Gab and So Domingos are all
MONEY US$8 and are ready the same day if you go day to cover this 100km stretch. A less- paved and at the time of writing in good con-
At the time of writing there were no ATMs early. travelled route, open only in the dry season, dition. Public transport consists mainly of
in Guinea-Bissau, and credit cards are not links southeastern Guinea-Bissau and western minibuses (almost always painted blue and
accepted anywhere. Euros are the easiest cur- Visas for Onward Travel Guinea via Quebo and Bok. yellow) and Peugeot 504 bush taxis, often
rency to exchange. US dollars are more dif- Visas for the following neighbouring coun- called sept-places (seven-seaters). Kandon-
ficult, especially outside Bissau. tries can be obtained at their embassies in SENEGAL gas (shared pick-up trucks) ply rural routes.
The unit of currency is the West African Bissau. However, note that Gambian and Most overland travel between Senegal and Mornings (before 8am) are always the best
CFA franc. The principal bank of Guinea- Senegalese visas can generally be obtained Guinea-Bissau passes through Ziguinchor and time to get transport. Fares from Bissau to
Bissau is the Banco da Africa Ocidental (BAO). without delay at land border crossings as well the Guinean border town of So Domingos, Gab (around 200km) are US$5.50 by Peu-
For exchanging money in Bissau the only as at airports. though the border regularly closes due to gov- geot 504, US$4 by minibus and US$3 by
place you can exchange travellers cheques see Gambia Three-month single-entry visas cost US$30 and ernment clashes with Cassamance separatists. kandonga.
p375. require one photo; theyre ready the same day if you go
Tipping is optional. early.
Guinea Two-month multiple-entry visas cost US$40 plus
POST two photos and take a day or two to issue.
The postal service is reliable but slow youre Senegal One-month multiple-entry visas cost US$10 plus
probably better off mailing from Senegal or four photos and are issued in two days.
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