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Lonely Planet Publications


For a country of its size, Kenya sure packs a lot in: mountains and deserts, colourful tribal
culture, beaches and coral reefs, and some of Africas best wildlife attractions. In fact, to say
Kenya is Africa in microcosm would not be stretching the point. There are a million different
reasons to come here, and picking just one is nigh impossible. Stunning landscapes set the
scene, from Kakamegas rainforests to Indian Ocean beaches by way of towering Mt Kenya;
the rolling grasslands of the Masai Mara to searing deserts on the shores of the Jade Sea;
and the Great Rift Valley cleaving a massive gash through it all.

Wildlife safaris have been the mainstay of Kenyas tourism for decades, and several Kenyan
parks are among the best places in Africa to see lions, elephants, leopards and the famous
wildebeest migration. Kenya rates as one of the top five bird-watching destinations in the
world, and other activities for outdoor enthusiasts include trekking the glacial ridges of Mt
Kenya, ballooning over the Masai Mara, snorkelling at Malindi Marine National Park on the
Indian Ocean coast, and much more besides.

The people, too, represent a wide cross-section of everything that is contemporary Africa,
and everyday life brings together traditional tribes and urban families; ancient customs and
modern sensibilities. Swapping the latest political gossip with the switched-on locals is just
one more small pleasure that comes with the culture.


 Area 583,000 sq km
 Budget About US$75 a day, although one
quality safari could blow it sky-high.
 Borders Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda
 Capital Nairobi
 Languages Kiswahili, English, tribal
 Money Kenya Shilling (KSh); US$1 = KSh70
 Population 31.6 million
 Seasons Rainy (March to May, October to December), dry
(January to February, June to September)
 Telephone Country code %254; international code %00
 Time GMT/UTC +3
 Visa All visitors need a visa
678 K E N YA H i g h l i g h t s K E N YA 679

200 km
120 miles
Masai Mara National Reserve (p700) Traverse HOW MUCH?

expansive savannah for unmatched wild-  Local matatu (minibus transport) ride
life and the worlds biggest traffic jam US$0.40
the wildebeest migration. SUDAN
 Plate of stew/biryani/pilau US$1.80 ETHIOPIA
 Mount Kenya National Park (p694) Trek
to jagged peaks and equatorial glaciers  Large juice US$0.90
that would make Kilimanjaro green with  Pair of kangas US$5
envy.  Taxi home US$6
Fort Banya
 Lamu (p705) Immerse yourself in Swa- Malka Mari
NP Mandera
hili culture, from Lamus winding coral LONELY PLANET INDEX
Turkana Sibiloi
streets to the empty beaches of Kiwayu. NP Moyale

 Kakamega Forest Reserve (p699) Watch  1L petrol US$1 Kalokol Ngaso

North Horr Sigiso
out for amazing birdlife and primates in  1L bottled water US$0.80 Lodwar Plain
Kenyas largest remaining tract of Congo  Bottle of Tusker US$1.20 Lorukumu Springs Buna

El Wak
rainforest. Loyangalani
 Souvenir T-shirt US$12
 Loyangalani (p698) Cool off in the sublime Moroto
Lokichar Marsabit Marsabit
jade waters of Lake Turkana among un-  Sambusa US$0.15 UGANDA NR


South Horr NP
forgettable, colourful tribespeople.

South Lokori
Turkana Wajir
Baragoi Laisamis
CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO serve (p700) and Lake Nakuru National NR Losai

Mt Elgon Sigor NR

The weather is generally considered to be Park (p693), head up to Lake Baringo (4321m)
Tot Parsaloi
Kapedo Habaswein
best in January and February, when its hot (p694) then spend a few days trekking on Mbale Kapenguria Maralal
Kitale Wamba
and dry, with high concentrations of wildlife. mighty Mt Kenya (p694). Spend the last Shaba Mado Gashi
Loruk Lake NR
However, the parks get crowded and rates for few days relaxing on Tiwi Beach (p703) Tororo
Baringo Laikipia Samburu/Buffalo Liboi
accommodation go through the roof. Avoid or working your way up the coast from Busia
NR Springs NR
Butere Kakamega Lake Bogoria Isiolo Meru NR
Christmas and Easter unless you want to pay Mombasa (p700) to Malindi (p703). Al- Shinyalu Nyahururu Nanyuki Timau
Meru NP
a fortune. ternatively, spend the second week head- Usenge

FR Naro Mt Kenya
Kisumu Molo Moru Kora
June to October is generally still dry and ing overland to the searing desert and Lake
Aharo Nakuru
Mt Kenya NR
Kericho Gilgil Garissa
during this period the annual wildebeest mi- colourful tribespeople at Lake Turkana Victoria Lake Nakuru
Nyeri (5199m)
North Kitui

Mbita Homa NP
gration takes place. (p698). Bay Kisii
Naivasha NP
Hell's Gate NP
During the long rains (from March to the One Month Any or all of the above trips can

 Narok Limuru

end of May, the low season) things are much be combined in a month, allowing a bit of Sirare Isebania Masai Ewaso
Arawal Boni
Ngong NAIROBI Kitui
quieter, and you can get some good deals; time to linger among, say, the Turkana Mara Ngiro South Kitui

Tarime NR NR Hola Dodori
this is also true during the short rains from people around Loyangalani (p698), the Musoma
Tana River
NR Kiunga
Magadi Marine
October to December. Samburu at Isiolo (p697) and, of course, Primate

Magadi Kajiado Emali NR

the Maasai (p700). Other possibilities in- Witu
Pat Island

ITINERARIES clude Kakamega (p699) for a taste of Ken- Natron Amboseli Tsavo East
Garsen Lamu Island

NP Kibwezi Lamu
One Week Arrange things in advance so yas rainforests as they once were; Lake

 Namanga Chyulu
NP Mtito
you can head out on safari straight after Baringo (p694) for exceptional birding; Andei Tsavo
landing in Nairobi. Take in the Masai Tsavo National Park (p707) for a real off- Mt Kilimanjaro
(5892m) Tsavo West

Mara National Reserve (p700) for at least the-beaten-track safari; and scenic Am- Moshi
Gede Malindi
three days; most trips also include Lake boseli (p708) for dreamy sundowners Arusha
Kilifi Watamu
Nakuru National Park (p693) en route. under Mt Kilimanjaro. Marine NP
Spend half a day back in Nairobi (p684) Same
then fly down to the coast. Spend the rest HISTORY TANZANIA
of the week soaking up the atmosphere in The patchwork of ethnic groups, each with Lunga
Lunga Tiwi
the crumbling Swahili ruins of Mombasa their own culture and language, which today Horohoro
(p700), lying on tropical beaches and/or exist side by side in modern Kenya are the Marine NP

snorkelling at Watamu (p704) or Ma- result of the waves of migration, some from as Tanga Pemba INDIAN
lindi (p703). early as 2000 BC, from every corner of Africa Sagara
 Two Weeks To make the most of the beach Turkanas from Ethiopia; Kikuyu, Akamba LEGEND
FR Forest Reserve
and the bush, extend your stay in the and Meru from West Africa; and the Maasai, NP National Park
NR National Reserve
southern parks spend a few extra days to Luo and Samburu from the southern part of To Dar es
Salaam (200km)
really enjoy the Masai Mara National Re- Sudan. Kenya, however, was occupied long
680 K E N YA H i s t o r y K E N YA C u l t u re 681

before this: archaeological excavations around US$100 million to enable the Kenyan assem- near Mombasa. Moments before, missiles matatu, in a buzzing marketplace, or enjoying
Lake Turkana in the 1970s revealed skulls bly to buy out European farmers in the high- were fired at an Israeli passenger plane tak- a drink in a bar, they are quick to laugh and
thought to be around two million years old lands and restore the land to the tribes. ing off from Mombasas airport. Al-Qaeda are never reluctant to offer a smile.
and those of the earliest human beings ever The run-up to independence, scheduled for subsequently claimed responsibility for both Education is of primary concern to Ken-
discovered. 1963, was surprisingly smooth, although the acts. yans. Literacy rates are around 85% and are
By around the 8th century Arabic, Indian, redistribution of land wasnt a great success. considerably higher than in any of the neigh-
Persian and even Chinese merchants were ar- The immediate effect was to cause a signifi- Kenya Today bouring countries. Although education isnt
riving on the Kenyan coast, intent on trading cant decline in agricultural production, from To the relief of many, in 2002 Moi announced compulsory, the motivation to learn is huge,
skins, ivory, gold and spices. These new arriv- which Kenya has never quite recovered. his intention to retire. He put his weight firmly particularly now that its free, and youll see
als helped set up a string of commercial cities Jomo Kenyatta became Kenyas first presi- behind Uhuru Kenyatta, the son of Jomo children in school uniform everywhere in
along the whole of the East African coast, dent on 12 December, ruling until his death Kenyatta, as his successor. Meanwhile, 12 op- Kenya, even in the most impoverished rural
intermarrying with local dynasties to found in 1978. Under Kenyattas presidency, Kenya position parties and several religious groups communities.
a prosperous new civilisation, part African, developed into one of Africas most stable united under the umbrella of the National Kenyans are generally quite conservative,
part Arabic, known as the Swahili. and prosperous nations. But while Kenyatta Alliance Party of Kenya (NAK), later known and are particularly concerned with mod-
By the 16th century, Europeans too had is still seen as a success story, he was exces- as the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC). esty in dress. T-shirts and shorts are almost
cottoned on to the potential of the East Af- sively biased in favour of his own tribe and Presidential candidate Mwai Kibaki was the unheard of, and shirts are an obsession for
rican coast, and most of the Swahili trading became paranoid about dissent. Opponents of former head of the Democratic party. Kenyan men and almost everyone wears one,
towns, including Mombasa and Lamu, were his regime who became too vocal for comfort Although initially dogged by infighting, often with a sweater or blazer.
either sacked or occupied by the Portuguese. frequently disappeared, and corruption soon within weeks the opposition transformed it- Tribe may be important in Kenya, but fam-
Two centuries of harsh military rule followed, became endemic at all levels of the power self into a dynamic and unified political party. ily is paramount. Particularly as the pace and
punctuated by regular battles for control of structure. When the election came on 27 December 2002 demands of modern life grow, the role of the
the former Swahili empire. The Omani Arabs it was peaceful and fair and the result was extended family has become even more im-
finally ousted the Portuguese in 1720, but it The 1980s & 90s dramatic a landslide two-thirds majority portant. It is not unusual to encounter Kenyan
wasnt long before the coast came into the Kenyatta was succeeded in 1978 by his vice for Mwai Kibaki and NARC. Kibaki was in- children who are living with aunts, uncles or
control of more European colonisers the president, Daniel arap Moi, a Kalenjin who augurated as Kenyas third president on 30 grandparents in a regional town, while their
British, who used their battleships to protect became one of the most enduring Big Men December 2002. parents are working in Nairobi or at a resort
their lucrative route to India and to suppress in Africa, ruling in virtual autocracy for nearly The new regime has been plagued by a in Watamu. The separation that brings about
the hated slave trade. 25 years. In the process, he accrued an incred- constant stream of party infighting, corrup- such circumstances in the first place is, with-
ible personal fortune; today many believe him tion and economic problems. The path to out exception, a result of parents desires to
Mau Mau Rebellion to be the richest man in Africa. Mois regime reform has been slower and more tortuous further opportunities for their families and
Despite plenty of overt pressure on Kenyas was also characterised by nepotism, corrup- than many people had hoped, although some their children.
colonial authorities, the real independence tion, arrests of dissidents, censorship, the progress has been made, such as new matatu Life is generally played out in the streets
movement was underground. Groups from disbanding of tribal societies and the closure (minibus transport) regulations. However, and communal places. And even as urbani-
the Kikuyu, Maasai and Luo tribes vowed to of universities. security and corruption remain worrying is- sation happens and traditional community
kill Europeans and their African collabora- Faced with a foreign debt of nearly US$9 sues, locals complain that the cost of living structures are fractured, street life remains
tors. The most famous of these movements billion and blanket suspension of foreign aid, has virtually doubled, and Kenya has fallen lively.
was Mau Mau, formed in 1952 by the Kikuyu Moi was pressured into holding multiparty 20 places on the UN Human Development For all this, as Kenya gains a foothold in

people, which aimed to drive the white set- elections in early 1992. Independent observers Index since 2002. the 21st century it is grappling with ever-
tlers from Kenya forever. In true African reported a litany of electoral inconsistencies; With elections due once again in 2007, an increasing poverty. Once categorised as a
fashion, the Mau Mau rebellion was a brutal and about 2000 people were killed during energetic Uhuru Kenyatta at the head of the middle-income country, Kenya has fallen to a
war of attrition on white people, property ethnic clashes, widely believed to have been newly regrouped KANU, and an ambitious low-income country, with the standard of liv-
and collaborators. The various Mau Mau triggered by KANU agitation. Nonetheless, bid for the 2016 Olympic Games attracting ing dropping drastically from 2002 to 2005.
sects came together under the umbrella of Moi was overwhelmingly re-elected. international attention, the next few years
the Kenya Land Freedom Army, led by Dedan Preoccupied with internal problems, Kenya will be an interesting time in Kenyan politics, PEOPLE
Kimathi, and staged frequent attacks against was quite unprepared for the events of 7 Au- and Kibaki certainly has plenty of challenges Kenyas population in 2001 was estimated at
white farms and government outposts. By gust 1998. Early in the morning massive blasts still to come. 30,765,900. The population-growth rate, cur-
the time the rebels were defeated in 1956, simultaneously ripped apart the American rently at around 2.6%, has slowed in the last
the death toll stood at over 13,500 Africans embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in CULTURE few years due to the soaring incidence of HIV/
(guerrillas, civilians and troops) and just over Tanzania, killing more than 200 people. The Many residents of Kenya are more aware of AIDS, which now infects 15% of adults.
100 Europeans. effect on Kenyan tourism, and the economy their tribal affiliation than of being Kenyan; According to 2001 UN figures, life expect-
In 1960 the British government officially as a whole, was devastating. this lack of national cohesion undoubtedly ancy in Kenya is 52 years, although some
announced their plan to transfer power to a Further terrorist activity shook the country holds the country back, but is generally ac- sources place it as low as 47, due to the effects
democratically elected African government. on 28 November 2002, when suicide bomb- companied by an admirable live-and-let-live of HIV/AIDS. Only 42% of the population
Independence was scheduled for December ers slammed an explosives-laden car into the attitude. In fact, Kenyans generally approach has access to clean drinking water, but 87%
1963, accompanied by grants and loans of lobby of the Paradise Hotel at Kikambala, life with great exuberance: on a crowded are now thought to have access to adequate
682 K E N YA A r t s K E N YA F o o d & D r i n k 683

sanitation. The infant-mortality rate is 65 per ENVIRONMENT encroachment all take their toll. The degazet- for travellers to directly contribute to local
1000 births (a marked increase on the 1997 Kenya straddles the equator and covers an ting of protected forests is another conten- communities as well as assist Kenyan wildlife
figure) and 51% of the population is aged area of some 583,000 sq km, including around tious issue, sparking widespread protests and preservation.
under 18. A sign of growing poverty in rural 13,600 sq km of Lake Victoria. The modern preservation campaigns.
regions is migration to urban areas, where landscape was shaped by the Rift Valley, a The main cause of this is untrammelled FOOD & DRINK
33% of all Kenyans now live, many of them gigantic crack in the earths crust that runs population growth; Kenyas population Food isnt one of Kenyas highlights, and
in squalid shanty towns. from Lake Turkana to the Tanzania border; has doubled in the past 20 years and, not the best dining is usually in upmarket hotels
Most Kenyans outside the coastal and and the activity of titanic (but now extinct) surprisingly, the land area hasnt. The not or safari lodges. The one local speciality is
eastern provinces are Christians of one sort volcanoes such as Mts Kenya, Elgon and Kili- unexpected corollaries are a vicious cycle of nyama choma, which is technically barbecued
or another, while most of those on the coast manjaro (across the border in Tanzania). The deforestation, land degradation and erosion, meat. You buy the meat (usually goat) by the
and in the eastern part of the country are Rift Valley floor features numerous soda causing people to open up and destroy still kilogram; its cooked over a charcoal pit and
Muslim. Muslims make up some 30% of the lakes, rich in sodium bicarbonate, created by more land. served in bite-sized pieces with a vegetable
population. In the more remote tribal areas the filtering of water through mineral-rich Renewed poaching raids on elephants and side dish.
youll find a mixture of Muslims, Christians volcanic rock and subsequent evaporation. rhinos have led to talk of abandoning some Kenya grows some of the finest tea and cof-
and those who follow their ancestral tribal Volcanic activity can still be seen in places of the more remote parks and concentrating fee in the world, but getting a decent cup of
beliefs, though this last group is definitely like Hells Gate National Park (p693) and Mt resources where they can achieve the best re- either can be difficult. Chai is drunk in large
a minority. Kenya (p694), once Africas highest moun- sults. At the same time, community conserva- quantities, but the tea, milk and sugar are
tain at 5199m. The Rift Valley divides the flat tion projects are being encouraged, and many usually boiled together and stewed for ages.
ARTS plains of the coast from the hills along Lake community-owned ranches are now being In Nairobi there are a handful of excellent
Benga is the countrys contemporary dance Victorias shore. opened up as private wildlife reserves. coffeehouses, and you can usually get good
music, characterised by electric-guitar licks Around 10% of Kenyas land area is pro- An increasing number of important wild- filter coffee at any of the big hotels. Soft drinks
and bounding bass rhythms. Well-known ex- tected by law, and the national parks and life conservation areas now exist on private are available everywhere under the generic
ponents include DO Misiani and his group reserves here rate among the best in Africa. land. Supporting these projects is a great way term of sodas.
Shirati Jazz, and you should also look out for More popular parks, such as the Masai Mara
Globestyle, Victoria Kings and Ambira Boys. National Reserve (p700) and Amboseli Na-
Popular bands today are heavily influenced tional Park (p708), can become overcrowded NATIONAL PARK FEES
by benga, soukous and Western music, with in the high season (January to February). A Park entry fees in Kenya are being converted to smartcard, which must be charged with credit in
lyrics often in Swahili. These include bands number of marine national parks have also advance and can only be topped up at certain locations; they remain the property of the Kenya
such as Them Mushrooms (now reinvented been established, providing excellent diving Wildlife Service (KWS) and must be surrendered once they run out of credit. Any credit left once
as Uyoya) and Safari Sound. For upbeat dance and snorkelling. you finish your trip cannot be refunded.
tunes, Nameless, Ogopa DJs and Deux Vul- No trip to Kenya would be complete with- At the time of research the smartcard system was in use at Nairobi, Lake Nakuru, Aberdare,
tures are recommended acts. out going on safari, and Kenya is a virtual Amboseli, Tsavo East and Tsavo West National Parks. Other parks still work on a cash system.
Local stars of American-influenced hip-hop microcosm of African environments and its You can purchase and charge smartcards at the KWS headquarters in Nairobi and Mombasa, at
include Necessary Noize, Nonini, Emmanuel biodiversity is extraordinary for the countrys Aberdare headquarters, at Lake Nakuru main gate, at Voi gate in Tsavo East, and at the Malindi
Jal, the Homeboyz DJs and the Nairobi Yetu size. Iconic species such as lions, elephants, Marine National Park office.
collective. leopards and buffaloes are generally easy to Entry fees to the parks per person are as follows:
Two of Kenyas best authors are Ngugi wa see, but the biggest spectacle is the annual

Thiongo and Meja Mwangi. Ngugis harrow- wildebeest migration that spills over from Parks (category) Entry adult/child US$ Camping adult/child US$
ing criticism of the Kenyan establishment Tanzanias Serengeti Plains each year. Rhinos
landed him in jail for a year (described in his are very rare in Kenya, owing to a massive Aberdare, Amboseli, Lake Nakuru (A) 30/10 10/5
Detained A Prison Writers Diary). Meja poaching problem. Tsavo East & West (B) 27/10 10/5
Mwangi sticks more to social issues, but has a The variety of birds is extraordinary some Nairobi (C) 23/10 10/5
brilliant sense of humour that threads its way 1200 species and a trip to Kenya has turned all other parks (D) 15/5 8/5
right through his books, including his latest, many a casual observer into a dedicated birder. marine parks 5/2 -
The Mzungu Boy. Major reserves often support hundreds of bird
Kenyas rising star is Binyavanga Wain- species; interesting species include ostriches, The land-based parks and reserves charge KSh200 for vehicles with fewer than six seats and
aina, currently a writer for the South Afri- vultures, colourful starlings and marabou KSh500 for vehicles seating six to 12. In addition to the public camping areas, special camp sites
can Sunday Times newspaper, who won the storks. Wetlands support abundant flamin- cost US$10 to US$15 per adult nonresident, plus a KSh5000 weekly reservation fee. Guides are
Caine Prize for African Writing in July 2002. gos, herons and pelicans, while the forests available in most parks for KSh500 per day.
Marjorie Oludhe Magoyes The Present Mo- are home to hornbills, touracos, sunbirds, The Masai Mara National Reserve has the same entry fees as category A national parks; entry
ment follows the life stories of a group of eld- weavers and a host more. to Mt Kenya National Park is US$15/8 per adult/child. Kakamega Forest Reserves is a joint KWS
erly women in a Christian refuge. For more Forest destruction continues on a large and Forestry Department project and charges US$10/5 for an adult/child.
writing by women in Africa, try Unwinding scale in Kenya less than 3% of the countrys All fees cover visitors for a 24-hour period, but you cant leave and re-enter without paying
Threads, a collection of short stories by many original forest remains. Land grabbing, illegal twice.
authors from all over the continent. logging, charcoal burning and agricultural
684 N A I R O B I H i s t o r y N A I R O B I D a n g e r s & A n n o y a n c e s 685

The local beers are Tusker, White Cap and of the central Nairobi; also south are Langata Money from the main tourist zones. The city centre is
Pilsner (all manufactured by Kenya Brew- and Karen suburbs and Wilson airport. Barclays branches with guarded ATMs include comparatively trouble-free as long as you use
eries). Castle (a South African beer) is also those on Muindi Mbingu St (Map pp6889), a bit of common sense, and there are plenty of
made under license by Kenya Breweries. Beers INFORMATION Mama Ngina St (Map pp6889), and on askaris (security guards) around at night. Stay
are cheapest from supermarkets (KSh45 for Bookshops the corner of Kenyatta and Moi Aves (Map alert and you should encounter nothing worse
500ml); bars charge KSh80 to KSh200. Im- Book Villa (Map pp688-9; %337890; Standard St) New, pp6889). There are branches in Westlands. than a few persistent safari touts and the odd
ported wines are available in Nairobi restau- discounted and second-hand books. Foreign-exchange bureaus offer slightly con artist. The area around Latema and River
rants and in big supermarkets. Pombe is the Text Book Centre Kijabe St (Map pp686-7; %330340; better rates for cash. Rds is a hotspot for petty theft, and Uhuru
local beer, usually a fermented brew made Kijabe St); Westlands (Map pp686-7; %3747405; Sarit American Express (Map pp688-9; %222906; Hilton Park attracts all kinds of dodgy characters. The
with bananas or millet and sugar. It shouldnt Centre, Westlands) One of the best bookshops. Hotel, Mama Ngina St; h8.30am-4.30pm Mon-Fri) streets empty rapidly after dark take a taxi,
do you any harm. Westland Sundries Bookshop (Map pp688-9; Handles travellers cheques and looks after mail for clients. even if youre only going a few blocks.
%212776; New Stanley Hotel, Kenyatta Ave) Cosmos Forex (Map pp688-9; %250582; Rehema

NAIROBI Cultural Centres

Alliance Franaise (Map pp686-7; %340054;
House, Standard St)
Goldfield Forex (Map pp688-9; %244554; Fedha
Kenyas grand National Museum (Map pp686-7;
Towers, Kaunda St) %742131;; Museum Hill Rd; adult/
%020 / pop 2.5 million; cnr Monrovia & Loita Sts; Mayfair Forex (Map pp688-9; %226212; Uganda child KSh200/100; h9.30am-6pm) has a good range
Nairobi is Kenyas biggest and baddest city, h8.30am-6.30pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-5pm Sat) An events House, Standard St) of cultural, geological and natural-history ex-
or so the rumour goes. Most visitors dive in program that showcases Kenyan and African performing Postbank (Map pp688-9; 13 Kenyatta Ave) For Western hibits. Volunteer guides offer tours in English,
and out in the shortest time possible, but its arts. Union money transfers. Dutch and French; a donation is appropriate.
easy enough to sidestep the worst of the citys British Council (Map pp686-7; %334855; www.bri Travellers Forex Bureau (Map pp686-7; %447204; The 1st floor also hosts the excellent Gallery
dangers and, as Kenyan cities go, this one has; Upper Hill Rd; h9.30am-5.30pm The Mall, Westlands) of Contemporary East African Art.
plenty going for it: caf culture and unbridled Mon-Fri, 9.30am-1pm Sat) The ground-floor atrium and gallery of the
nightlife, for example; and its virtually the Nairobi Cultural Institute (Map pp686-7; %569205; Post National Archives (Map pp688-9; %749341; Moi Ave;
only place in the country where you can get Ngong Rd) Holds lectures and other functions of local The main post office (Map pp688-9; %243434; Ken- admission free; h8.30am-5pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-1pm Sat)
a truly varied diet. cultural interest. yatta Ave; h8am-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-noon Sat) also has display an eclectic selection of contemporary
branches on Moi Ave (Map pp6889) and art, historical photos of Nairobi, cultural arte-
HISTORY Emergency Tom Mboya St (Map pp6889) if you just facts, furniture and tribal objects.
When the East Africa railway arrived in the Emergency services (%999) Fire, police and ambu- want stamps. A visit to Nairobi National Park (nonresident adult/
1890s, a depot was established on the edge of lance. Dont rely on their prompt arrival. child US$23/10, smartcard required), a few kilometres
a small stream known to the Maasai as uaso Police (%240000) For less-urgent police business. Telephone from the city centre, is a great way to fill in a
nairobi (cold water). Nairobi quickly devel- Telkom Kenya (Map pp688-9; %232000; Haile Selassie few hours before you catch a plane. Theres
oped into the administrative nerve centre of Internet Access Ave; h8am-6pm Mon-Fri, 9am-noon Sat) Has dozens plentiful wildlife, including most of the plains
the Uganda Railway, and in 1901 the capital AGX (Map pp686-7; Barclays Plaza, Loita St; per min KSh1; of payphones and you can buy phonecards. Theres also a animals (except elephants), against the bizarre
of the British Protectorate was moved here h8am-8pm Mon-Sat) branch at the main post office. backdrop of Nairobis skyscrapers. The head-
from Mombasa. Capital Realtime (Map pp688-9; %247900; Lonhro quarters of the KWS (%600800; are
Sadly, almost all of the colonial-era build- House, Standard St; per min KSh2; h8.30am-7.30pm Travel Agencies at the main gate. The Park Shuttle is a KWS
ings were replaced by bland, modern office Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm Sat) Bunson Travel (Map pp688-9; %221992; www bus that leaves the main gate at 3pm Sunday

buildings following uhuru (independence) EasySurf (Map pp686-7; %745418; Sarit Centre,; Pan-African Insurance Bldg, Standard for a 2-hour tour of the park. The cost is
in 1963. Westlands; per min KSh4; h9am-8pm Mon-Sat, 10am- St) A good upmarket operator with offices around Africa. US$20/5 per adult/child and youll need to
2pm Sun) Flight Centres (Map pp688-9; %210024; Lakhamshi book in person at the main gate by 2.30pm.
ORIENTATION House, Biashara St) Discounted air tickets, camping safaris Matatus 125 and 126 pass the park entrance
The compact city centre is in the area bounded Medical Services and overland trips. (KSh40, 45 minutes).
by Uhuru Hwy, Haile Selassie Ave, Tom Avoid the Kenyatta National Hospital. Lets Go Travel ( Central Nairobi The Karen Blixen Museum (%882779; www
Mboya St and University Way. Kenyatta Ave AAR Health Services Nairobi (Map pp686-7; (Map pp688-9; %340331; Caxton House, Standard St);; Karen Rd; nonresident adult/child
divides this area in two; most of the important %715319; Williamson House, Fourth Ngong Ave); West- Westlands %447151; ABC Pl, Waiyaki Way, Westlands) KSh200/100; h9.30am-6pm) is the farmhouse
offices lie to the south, while there are hotels, lands (Map pp686-7; %446201; Sarit Centre, Westlands) Flights, safaris, car hire and pretty much anything else you where Karen Blixen, author of Out of Africa,
the city market and more offices to the north. Aga Khan Hospital (Map pp686-7; %740000; Third might need. lived between 1914 and 1931. Its set in lovely
Most budget accommodation is northeast of Parklands Ave; h24hr) Tropical Winds (Map pp686-7; %341939; www gardens, and theres accommodation and a
the city centre, on the far side of Tom Mboya KAM Pharmacy (Map pp688-9; %251700; Executive; Barclays Plaza, Loita St) Nairobis STA restaurant on site. The easiest way to get here
St and around Latema, Accra and River Rds. Tower, IPS Bldg, Kimathi St) Pharmacy, doctors surgery Travel representative. is via the Karen Metro Shuttle bus from City
This area has a bad reputation for robbery. and laboratory. Hall Way (KSh20, 40 minutes). A taxi will cost
North of the city centre are the University Medical Services Surgery (Map pp688-9; %317625; DANGERS & ANNOYANCES about KSh900 one way.
of Nairobi, the National Museum and the Bruce House, Standard St; h8.30am-4.30pm Mon-Fri) Nairobbery, as it is often called by residents, At the Langata Giraffe Centre (%890952; Koitobos
expat-dominated suburb of Westlands. Jomo Nairobi Hospital (Map pp686-7; %722160) Off Argwings has its share of crime and violence, but the Rd; nonresident adult/child KSh500/250; h9am-5.30pm),
Kenyatta International Airport is southeast Khodek Rd. majority of problems happen in the slums, far run by the African Fund for Endangered

686 N A I R O B I Book accommodation online at N A I R O B I Fe s t i v a l s & E v e n t s 687

500 m
0.3 miles
Wildlife (AFEW), you can observe and hand-
feed Rothschilds giraffes. Its about 18km
A 20 B C D E F

ond Third
from central Nairobi; take matatu 24 to the
First Par land To US Embassy (4km);
To Let's Go
s Av
ds A
s Av
2 Canadian High Commission Hardy shops in Langata and walk from there,
Travel (1.5km) Par (4km); Village Market (4.5km)

kla e
or take matatu 126 to Magadi Rd and walk



21 Parklands


through from Mukoma Rd.

1 1

Sports Rd

23 19 Rd Ca
22 ka lis First
pa ed
Westlands M Park
la nds To Thika

Kenya Fashion Week (%0733-636300; Sarit Centre,

Par City (38km)


klan re


ds am Park

Westlands) An expo-style fashion event held in June.


Heron Hotel...............................14 B4

Nairobi Youth Hostel..................15 B5

Taarifa Rd
tla u
ur Hindu Tusker Safari Sevens (; Impala
To Dutch Embassy

nd Norfolk Hotel.............................16 D3
Lim Temple

(1km); Ugandan High s

Ojijo R
Upper Hill Campsite...................17 C6 Club, Ngong Rd, Karen) International seven-a-side rugby

Commission (2km); Rd Forest Rd

Hindu Temple
Nairo bi Riv La

German Embassy (2.5km) YMCA.......................................18 C3
o tournament held every June.

er m Rd



Riverside Ch Kenya Music Festival (%2712964; Kenyatta Confer-




Park lob

ers Lim
2 ot 2

ide uru ence Centre) Held over 10 days in August and features






predominantly African music.

a D

ogo Ch Mog

d em ira R

Chiromo A104 d
River ll R

4 Ngara 5







eu Rd a




ur Rd


AAR Health Services.....................1 B5 Wai M


AAR Health Services................(see 20) Rive Ki
Aga Khan Hospital........................2 E1
r Nairobi nd
ber Ngara
Iqbal Hotel (Map pp688-9; %220914; Latema Rd; dm/
Ha Uhuru
AGX...........................................(see 8) sR
m Dr
d Rd s/d/tr KSh350/450/600/1000) The Iqbal has been a
Alliance Franaise........................ 3 D4 tu Riv
rbore er

Nairobi Jevanjee
popular budget travellers haunt for years.

Commission.........4 B2
Australian HighArboretum A 12

Kija Kariokor
Ben's Ecological Safaris.................5 E2
British Council............................(see 6)
Rd be
St Market Its secure and the askari can arrange taxis at

3 16 3
British High Commission..............6 D5m
Arboret20) Kariokor
reasonable prices.

University New Kenya Lodge (Map pp688-9; %222202; www

Ethiopian Embassy........................7 B4

18 Kir Rd

ua; River Rd; dm KSh350, s/d KSh650/800, without

French Embassy...........................8 D4 iny Na

St Mo To ag iro
Nairobi Cultural Institute..............9 C5 nr ovia i A m aR bi
bathroom KSh450/700) Another good budget op-

Do d
Mo ve M

Nairobi Hospital..........................10 B5 ro

bo Riv



Ho ya er
tion, with friendly staff, and hot water in the

Sudanese Embassy.....................11 C4

u se


t St

Text Book Centre....................... 12 D3 Rd Rd 26 3 lii S



i M

Text Book Centre.....................(see 20)


Nairobi Youth Hostel (Map pp686-7; %2723012;


Travellers Forex Bureau............(see 19)



u S

Tropical Winds...........................(see 8)

nge St


Barclays Av; Ralph Bunche Rd, Milimani; dm



Plaza tta St


nya Mosque


ala KSh600-700, d without bathroom KSh800, apt KSh2000; i)

Central Pumwani Rd
National Museum......................13 C2 Park n ald
4 Ro 25 4 A well looked-after budget option, Nairobis


Rd Lan

Hostelling International (HI) branch is still


e Wa s R

7 11 Av all d

To Palacina tta yH
State nya usually a good place to meet other travel-

(1.2km) House Cit City e
Ave Ke Square Av
e Av
Uhuru bee ass lers. A years HI membership costs KSh400,

Ralph Bunche Rd Sel



Park ram

14 Ha aile

or you can pay a KSh100 surcharge per day.


All Saints' H


Milimani Rd Cathedral


Milimani Police Many people have been robbed returning to


To Casablanca Lena Rd the youth hostel by foot after dark; always take

na Rd

(1km); South African lle ssie

Va Rd ela
High Commission (1.2km) ps e S a matatu or taxi at night.

ho See Central Nairobi Haile Rd

Bis tion

Map (pp6889) Av Sta Hotel Africana (Map pp688-9; %220654; Dubois Rd;



5 u Rd 5 s/d/tr incl breakfast KSh650/1000/1500) The Africana







has clean, bright rooms and is better looked

g A

Golf Course


Haandi........................................19 B1




ssie Hil
after than many places in its class.

l Rd Sarit Centre................................20 A1
h Bu

Argwin 1 Sela
gs Kodhek Rd


Upper Hill Campsite (Map pp686-7; %6750202; www


e R

Nairobi Hill A104


Gypsy's Bar................................21 A1; Menengai Rd, Nairobi Hill; camp sites


ti R


KSh300, tents KSh500-1100, dm/r KSh450/1100; i) Upper


Hospital Rd


Ngong To Nairobi National ENTERTAINMENT


Rd Mara
Rd Park (7km); Jomo Kenyatta
International Airport
Pavement...................................22 A1 Hill offers a range of accommodation in a

(13km); Machakos (63km); pleasant and secure compound, plus a well-

i Way


ro R

Mombasa (521km)
a i Rd Spinner's Web............................23 A1
used little restaurant and bar. Facilities include
To Karen Blixen Museum (12km)



6 National TRANSPORT 6 hot showers and a cosy fireplace.


Hospital n R
Mucai Elgo Avis...........................................24 C3
YMCA (Map pp686-7; %2724116; kenyaymca@wananchi
Dr Country Bus Station....................25 F4
Emirates.....................................26 C4 .com; State House Rd; s/d KSh940/1480, without bathroom
To Wilson Airport (2km); Kenya Airways...........................(see 8)
Langata Giraffe Centre (13km); KLM...........................................(see 8) KSh690/1180) An OK place with a range of pass-
Carnivore (13km)
able rooms. Rates include the YMCA fee.

688 N A I R O B I C e n t r a l N a i r o b i N A I R O B I C e n t r a l N a i r o b i 689

0 200 m


Nairobi Rd

1 1

Rd Rive

r e




La St


via via



nro Keekorok Rd

Mo 57 Mo



ur Ngariama La



28 er River Rd
Riv 29
i M

62 Du
Khoja Firestation La rum

5 Mosque

42 51 d

u S

19 La Lagos Rd Cr


St u 12 59 sR


ah N 55 13 Du os d

2 add St Go To Tim 24 bo sL 2

rD 1 is a
ara ve Rd

a m bo Du La


ias rn M bo

B Rd m ro


bo 26 T is

31 en a

n s Rd

ma ya

Rd tL Rd av

b o

Tu ali a St Ts

e Rd


Kig Jamia 27 av
o M

Mosque Du

Rd un Riv



i La
ve yu er rum 52

25 Mw


at ta a Rd

hi ata


Tim Rd



39 te

La 3 Go

bo Rd



Ki ve ro Ya

m rn aL


at m Rd

ket hi en a

Rd P



Ma St


18 a





Ban 30 eR

a S




ve Ka a
7 Rd si

A ikh
a S

4 Sikh uli

Temple Luth She


3 La 3

33 me

e 10
i M

Av 2

ta 17

44 at ik Panda Chinese Restaurant..........32 B3
38 She

eny 34
St 23 St

K 50 22 Pasara Caf................................33 B3


t Ng
21 aS Ng

und INFORMATION Trattoria.....................................34 B3

Pumwani Rd


32 Ka 45 ald Rd

8 56 n

t 43 48 Ro American Express.....................(see 23)


11 54 61 Barclays Bank............................... 1 A2 DRINKING
Sta 46 Lan


s Rd2 C3
Barclays Bank............................... Nairobi Java House....................35 C3

St Barclays Bank...............................3 C2 Zanze Bar.................................. 36 D4


47 nda Book Villa.....................................4 C3
Kau 58


City Hall Bunson Travel..........................(see 33) ENTERTAINMENT
n W

Holy Family

6 Cathedral Capital Realtime.......................(see 33) New Florida...............................37 A3


15 Cosmos Forex............................(see 4) Simmers.....................................38 B3


y i Flight Centres...............................5 B2



all w

4 Goldfield Forex........................(see 32) SHOPPING 4

yH Courts 36 m

a R

i Rd Immigration Office......................6 A4 City Market................................39 A2




a Ha g
ost KAM Pharmacy............................7 C3 Maasai Market...........................40 A1



Let's Go Travel.............................8 A3


Main Post Office..........................9 A4 TRANSPORT


City Square


Mayfair Forex.............................10 B3 Air India.................................... 41 D4



Medical Services Surgery............11 B3 Airport Bus Departure Point.....(see 61)

41 Post Office.................................12 B2 Akamba.....................................42 C2



ssi Post Office.................................13 C2 Akamba Booking Office.............43 B3



American Embassy Postbank....................................14 B3 Avenue Car Hire........................44 A3


Jomo Kenyatta Memorial Garden H
n W

Tanzanian High Commission......15 C4 British Airways...........................45 C3


Telkom Kenya........................... 16 D5 Budget.......................................46 B3

ve 16 Telkom Kenya............................(see 9) Bus & Matatu Stop (for




Office of
The President ram Ugandan High Commission Hurlingham & Milimani).........47 A4

5 Ha (Consular Section)...................17 B3 Bus Stop (for Langata, 5



60 Westland Sundries Bookshop.....18 C3 Karen & Airport).....................48 D3



Bus Stop (for Westlands)............49 A1




SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Central Rent-a-car......................50 B3



Gametrackers.............................19 A2 Coastline Safaris.........................51 D2


National Archives.......................20 D3 Crossland Services......................52 F2



ie A
Origins Safaris............................21 B3 Easy Coach Office......................53 E5

La ass
nty Sel Egypt Air....................................54 C3


Cou ile SLEEPING Ethiopian Airlines.....................(see 11)


Train Ambassadeur Hotel................... 22 D3 Glory Car Hire............................55 B2



Hilton Hotel...............................23 C3 Glory Car Hire............................56 C3

y R

Hotel Africana............................24 D2 KBS Booking Office....................57 A1


Playing Fields A104 Hotel Embassy...........................25 A2 KBS Bus Station..........................58 F4

Rd Hotel Greton..............................26 D2 Main Bus & Matatu Area...........59 D2
6 ay 6
eB Rd Iqbal Hotel.................................27 C2 Matatus to Wilson Airport,
Pat ve tio
ar ia A Sta Kenya Comfort Hotel.................28 A2 Nairobi National Park,
Ng New Kenya Lodge.....................29 D2 Langata & Karen....................60 D5
Haile Selassie Ave New Stanley Hotel.....................30 C3 Metro Shuttle Bus Stand............61 D3
Terminal Hotel...........................31 A2 Scandinavia Express...................62 C2
690 N A I R O B I E a t i n g Book accommodation online at N A I R O B I E n t e r t a i n m e n t 691

Midrange Pasara Caf (Map pp688-9; %338247; Lonrho Bldg, ENTERTAINMENT KSh400 to KSh700. Coastline Safaris (Map pp688-9;
Hotel Greton (Map pp688-9; %242891; greton@wananchi Standard St; dishes KSh120-350; hfrom 7am Mon-Fri, Theres a good selection of dance clubs in the %217592; cnr Latema & Lagos Rds) buses are the most
.com; Tsavo Rd; s/d/tr incl breakfast KSh1000/1300/1800) 8am-6pm Sat) A stylish, modern bar-brasserie centre of Nairobi, but men will generally get comfortable.
A big block hotel in the heart of the budget with good snacks, sandwiches, grills and hassled by female prostitutes in all of them. Akamba (Map pp688-9; %340430; akamba_prs@
district, with a great balcony restaurant over- breakfasts. After 5pm it turns into a popular Pavement (Map pp686-7; %4441711; Waiyaki Way, West-; Lagos Rd) buses serve Eldoret, Kaka-
looking the street. Rooms are spacious and upscale bar. lands; admission KSh500) is the dance floor of choice mega, Kisumu, Kitale, Mombasa, Uganda
comfortable, and theres a gym. Haandi (Map pp686-7; %4448294; The Mall Shopping for most resident expats, while you might and Tanzania, leaving from Lagos Rd; theres
Terminal Hotel (Map pp688-9; % 228817; Centre, Ring Rd Westlands, Westlands; mains KSh600-1100; try Simmers (Map pp688-9; %217659; cnr Kenyatta Ave a booking office (Map pp688-9; %222027; Wabera St)
Moktar Daddah St; s/d/tr KSh1300/1600/1900) This place hnoon-2.30pm & 7-10.30pm; a) Widely regarded & Muindi Mbingu St; admission free) for a bit of true near City Hall.
knows how to look after people and get the as the best Indian restaurant in Kenya. African rhythm. The government-owned Kenya Bus Service
basics right relaxed staff, great location, hot Panda Chinese Restaurant (Map pp688-9; %213018; New Florida (Map pp688-9; %215014; Koinange St; (KBS; %229707) is another large operator. Its
water and comfy beds with mosquito nets. Fedha Towers, Kaunda St; mains KSh400-1500; hnoon- men/women KSh200/100; hto 6am, later Sat & Sun) is cheaper than Akamba, but the buses are much
Hotel Embassy (Map pp688-9; %224087; hotel 2.30pm & 6-10pm) With the best Chinese food in the Mad House, a big, rowdy club thats usu- slower. The main depot is located on Uyoma; Tubman Rd; s/d KSh1200/1800) Round Nairobi, this very classy restaurant is hidden ally crammed with bruisers, cruisers, hookers, St, and theres a KBS booking office (Map pp688-
the corner from the Terminal Hotel and of- away on Kaunda St. hustlers and curious tourists. Entry is usually 9; %341250; cnr Muindi Mbingu & Monrovia Sts) in the
fering a similar standard, with an in-house Trattoria (Map pp688-9; %340855; cnr Wabera & free before 9pm. city centre.
restaurant and TV lounge. Kaunda Sts; mains KSh550-1800; h7.30am-midnight) Easy Coach (Map pp688-9; %210711; easycoach@
Kenya Comfort Hotel (Map pp688-9; %317606; This long-running and very popular Italian SHOPPING; Haile Selassie Ave) is a reliable new; cnr Muindi Mbingu & Monrovia Sts; joint could hold its head up in Melbourne Souvenir prices are typically higher in Nairobi company serving western Kenyan destina-
s/d/tr/q US$30/40/50/60) Modern, clean rooms and or San Francisco, offering excellent pizza, than elsewhere in the country. tions on the Kisumu/Kakamega route.
a cheery dcor make this an attractive option, pasta dishes, varied mains and a whole page City Market (Map pp688-9; Muindi Mbingu St) Has The Country Bus Station (Map pp686-7; Landhies
even if its a bit of a walk to the city centre. of desserts. dozens of stalls open daily, selling woodcarv- Rd) is a hectic, disorganised place that has
Ambassadeur Hotel (Map pp688-9; %246615; Tom Carnivore (%605933; set meals KSh1325) Kenyas ings, drums, spears, shields, soapstone, Maasai buses running to Busia, Eldoret, Kakamega,
Mboya St; s/d/tr US$40/50/70) This big hotel, oppo- most famous nyama choma restaurant, this jewellery and clothing. Kisumu, Malaba, Meru, Nakuru, Nanyuki
site the National Archives, once belonged to place has been frequented by tourists, expats Spinners Web (Map pp686-7; %4440882; Viking House, and Nyeri.
the Sarova chain, but although still large, the and wealthy locals alike for 25 years. The huge Waiyaki Way, Westlands) Works with workshops Typical fares:
once-posh rooms are definitely showing signs barbecue pit is laden with real swords of beef, and self-help groups around the country. Its
of wear and tear. pork, lamb, chicken and farmed game meats. a bit like a handicrafts version of Ikea, with Destination Fare (KSh) Duration (hr)
Heron Hotel (Map pp686-7; %2720740; www.heron Its out in Langata but tours are organised goods displayed the way they might look in; Milimani Rd, Milimani; s/d/tr KSh3295/4490/5780; from hotels all over town. Western living rooms, but theres some classy Eldoret 350-500 3
is) Its shady days as a pick-up joint are There are Nakumatt and Uchumi super- stuff on offer including carpets, wall hang- Kakamega 400-500 5
long gone, and this revamped hotel is now a markets all over, and the Sarit Centre (Map pp686-7; ings, ceramics, wooden bowls, baskets and Kisumu 400-550 4
model of respectability, with bargain kitch- %3747408;; Parklands Rd, Westlands) clothing. Kitale 400-600 5
enette doubles. has a huge food court on the 2nd floor. Maasai Market (Map pp688-9; hTue) Busy, popu- Malindi 800 9-10
lar Maasai markets are held every Tuesday on Mombasa 500-1000 6-10
Top End DRINKING the waste ground near Slip Rd in town. Naivasha 130 1-1
New Stanley Hotel (Map pp688-9; %316377; www There are some friendly watering holes around Nakuru 200-300 2

K E N YA; cnr Kimathi St & Kenyatta Ave; s/d from Tom Mboya St and Moi Ave, and the West- GETTING THERE & AWAY Nanyuki 200 2
US$225/250; ais) A Nairobi classic that lands drinking scene attracts a lot of expats. Air
retains the colonial look: good service, green Zanze Bar (Map pp688-9; %222532; Kenya Cinema The national carrier Kenya Airways (Map pp686-7; Matatu
leather, chandeliers and old-fashioned fans. Plaza, Moi Ave) A lively and friendly top-floor %3274000; Barclays Plaza, Loita St) operates inter- Most matatus leave from Latema, Accra, River
Worth a price, and the various house eateries bar with pool tables, a dance floor, and cheap national and domestic services out of Jomo and Cross Rds, and fares are similar to the
are all well regarded. beer, so that from Friday to Sunday it rocks Kenyatta International Airport. buses. The biggest operator is Crossland Services
Norfolk Hotel (Map pp686-7; %216940; www.fair until the early hours. Airkenya (%501601; Wilson Airport, Langata Rd) and (Map pp688-9; %245377; Cross Rd).; Harry Thuku Rd; s/d US$281/337, ste US$361-557; Gypsys Bar (Map pp686-7; %4440836; Woodvale Grove, Safarilink (%600777; Wilson Airport, Langata Rd) offer
ais) Built in 1904, Nairobis oldest hotel Westlands) This is probably the most popular bar domestic services to many smaller destina- Train
was the place to stay during colonial days, and in Westlands, pulling in Kenyans, expats and tions at competitive prices. Nairobi train station has a booking office
still attracts plenty of guests who at least look prostitutes. Its as close as youll get to a gay- (%221211; Station Rd; h9am-noon & 2-6.30pm). Trains
like old-school settlers. friendly venue in Kenya. Bus for Mombasa (1st/2nd class KSh3160/2275,
Western caf culture has hit Nairobi at last Most long-distance bus-company offices are 14 to 16 hours) leave at 7pm on Monday,
EATING and Nairobi Java House (Map pp688-9; %313565; www based in Nairobis River Rd area. Numerous Wednesday and Friday. The return services
Nairobi is the food capital of Kenya and the; Mama Ngina St; snacks KSh80-200; h7am- companies do the run to Mombasa, leaving in depart at 7pm on Tuesday, Thursday and
city centre is full of places to eat; for dinner its 8.30pm Mon-Sat) offers that elusive decent coffee the early morning or late in the evening; the Sunday.
worth heading out to Westlands, which offers plus many other tasty treats; thankfully, theres trip takes eight to 10 hours. Buses leave from For Kisumu (1st/2nd class KSh1415/720, 13
more good cuisine from all over the world. also a branch at Jomo Kenyatta airport. outside each companys office, and fares cost hours), trains depart at 6.30pm on the same
692 T H E R I F T VA L L E Y L a k e N a i v a s h a Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at T H E R I F T VA L L E Y H e l l s G a t e N a t i o n a l Pa r k 693

days as the Mombasa services. Its advisable Sights & Activities Getting There & Away Highly recommended by Nakurus expat
to book a few days in advance for either of On the eastern side of Lake Naivasha is Cres- Frequent matatus (KSh80, one hour) run community, the Bamboo Hut Chinese Restaurant
these routes. cent Island (adult/child nonresident US$14/7), a wildlife along Moi South Lake Rd from Naivasha (Giddy Plaza, George Moraga Rd; meals KSh300-700) serves
sanctuary you can visit by boat or car. town, passing the turn-offs to Hells Gate great Chinese fare, while one of the best places
GETTING AROUND A couple of kilometres past Fisher- National Park and Fishermans Camp. for cheap Kenyan dishes is Ribbons Restaurant
To/From the Airport mans Camp on Moi South Lake Rd youll (Guise Rd; meals KSh50-200). Tipsy Restaurant (Gusii Rd;
Kenyas principal international airport, Jomo find Elsamere Conservation Centre (%2021055; HELLS GATE NATIONAL PARK mains KSh100-250) offers reasonable value for In-
Kenyatta International Airport (%825400), is 15km; admission KSh500; h8am-6.30pm), Hells Gate (%050-2020284; adult/child US$15/5) is dian and Western-style food.
out of the city centre. Theres now a dedicated the former home of Joy Adamson of Born Free unique among Kenyas parks, as you are al-
airport bus run by Metro Shuttle (US$8, 40 fame. Entry includes afternoon tea (with a lowed to walk or cycle unguided across its Getting There & Away
minutes) that can drop you off at hotels in the chance to see black-and-white colobus mon- breadth. Theres dramatic scenery, with loom- Buses, matatus and occasional Peugeots leave
city centre. Going the other way, the main de- keys), and accommodation is available. ing cliffs, gorges and basalt columns. Lurk- for Naivasha (KSh120, 1 hours), Nyahururu
parture point is across from the Hilton Hotel ing lions and leopards add to the excitement! (KSh100, 1 hours), Eldoret (KSh200, 2
(Map pp6889). Sleeping Marking the eastern entrance to Hells Gate hours), Nairobi (KSh200, three hours), Kitale
Your only option at night is to take a taxi. All sites listed are on or near Moi South Lake Gorge is Fischers Tower, one of the parks many (KSh350, 3 hours) and Kisumu (KSh350,
The asking price is usually about KSh1200 in Rd. popular rock-climbing sites. 3 hours).
either direction. Fishermans Camp (%2030088; camp sites KSh200, Lake Naivasha (opposite) makes a conven-
dm KSh600, s/tw with shared bathrooms from KSh850/1700) ient base for exploring the park, but camping LAKE NAKURU NATIONAL PARK
Bus Spread along the grassy southern shore, this here is recommended and Ol Dubai and Nai- Lake Nakuru National Park (%051-2217151; adult/
Most of the city bus services run by KBS is a perennial favourite of campers, overland berta camp sites are probably the best. Access child US$30/10, smartcard required) rivals Amboseli as
(%229707) pass through central Nairobi, but companies and hungry hippos. Theres a is by private vehicle or by hiring a bike from Kenyas second-most-visited park. This is one
the main KBS terminus is on Uyoma St, east of popular bar and restaurant, but with over- Lake Naivasha (opposite). of the best places in Kenya to see leopards, and
the centre. Useful services include bus 23 from priced, basic rooms and bandas, camping is white rhinos are commonly seen at the lakes
Jevanjee Gardens for Westlands (KSh10). the best option. NAKURU southern end, but the parks most famous
Top Camp (%2030276; camp sites KSh200, s/tw bandas %051 / pop 163,000 attraction is the flamingos that ring the lake
Matatu from KSh500/1000, 5-person cottages KSh5000) Boasting Although Nakuru is Kenyas fourth-largest in thousands.
Nairobis horde of matatus follow the same crazy lake views from a hill-top perch, Top town, it still has a relaxed atmosphere and is The main gate is 2km south of the centre of
routes as buses and display the same route Camp is a quiet place with various tin-roofed, on the doorstep of the delightful Lake Nakuru Nakuru. KWS smartcards are available here.
numbers. For Westlands, you can pick up bamboo-walled bandas (almost all have pri- National Park you can see flamingos on the Backpackers Campsite (adult/child US$10/5) is a large
matatu 23 on Moi Ave or Latema Rd. Matatus vate bathrooms). lake from high spots in town. public camp site just inside the main gate with
125 and 126 to Langata leave from in front of Crayfish Camp (%2020239; craycamp@africaonline There are numerous banks and foreign- the parks best camping facilities.
the train station. You should keep an eye on; camp sites KSh250, s without bathroom KSh750, s/d with exchange bureaus for changing cash and A nice, friendly camp site with clean dorms,
your valuables on all matatus. bathroom KSh2500/3000; i) Another popular spot travellers cheques; Barclays ATMs are the simple singles and two-bed bandas, Wildlife
that at times can seem more like a beer garden most reliable. Dreams Cyber World (Kenyatta Lane; Club of Kenya Youth Hostel (%051-850929; dm KSh150,
Taxi than a camp site. All rooms, including the per hr KSh120; h8am-8pm, closed 1-2pm Fri) has fast s without bathroom KSh300, s/tw with bathroom KSh500/1000)
Nairobis taxis are overpriced rust-buckets pricier ones, are simple but fine, and theres connections. comes complete with cooking areas. Wildlife
that leak choking fumes, but youve little a restaurant, two bars, kitchen facilities, and Club of Kenya Guesthouse (%051-851559; PO Box 33,

choice but to use them, particularly at night. tent, bicycle and boat hire. Sleeping & Eating Nakuru; s/tw without bathroom KSh800/1600) is great:
Fares are negotiable, but any journey within Burchs Marina (%0733-660372; camp sites KSh200, Crater View Lodge (%2216352; Mburu Gichua Rd; s/tw facilities include hot showers, TV lounge, and
the central Nairobi area costs KSh250 and 2-person rondavels KSh600, cottages d/tr/q KSh2200/2600/3000) KSh300/350) All rooms face a bright inner court- use of a fridge, gas cooker and microwave.
you can expect to pay up to KSh500 to get One of the long-standing Naivasha options, this yard and the twins are great value, even if the Rooms are clean and comfortable.
to Westlands. one does it well with a pleasant, well-shaded bathrooms are a bit rough. Sarova Lion Hill Lodge (%020-2713333; www.sarova
site, hot showers and a communal cooking Mount Sinai Hotel (%2211779; Bazaar Rd; s/tw/tr; full board s/d from US$210/280; s) is an

THE RIFT VALLEY area. Advance booking is mandatory.

Kongoni Game Valley (%2021070; www.kgvalley
.com; full board per person US$150; s) A grand colo-
KSh400/600/700) A big, clean place; try to get a
room on the scenic roof terrace.
Midland Hotel (%2212125; Geoffrey Kamau Rd; s/d
upmarket lodge that offers 1st-class service
and comfort from high up the lakes east-
ern slopes. There are great views from the
LAKE NAIVASHA nial farmhouse offering the best of African from KSh2500/4000) This popular place in the restaurant-bar and most rooms.
%0311 safari charm. Rooms surround the houses town centre has a wide range of rooms with A taxi from Nakuru for a few hours should
The area around Naivasha was one of the first lovely courtyard, and boast rich rugs, com- wall-to-wall carpets and varying levels of cost KSh2000, though youll have to bargain
settled by wazungu (whites), and is now one fortable beds and bear-claw bathtubs. comfort. hard.
of the largest remaining expat communities Lake Naivasha Sopa Resort (%2050358, Nairobi America Hotel (% 2216013; merica@kenyaweb
in Kenya. The freshwater lake itself is home 020-3750235; full board s/d US$190/250; s) A newish .com; Kenyatta Ave; half-board s/d US$65/110; as) A LAKE BOGORIA NATIONAL RESERVE
to an incredible variety of birds, including the resort with huge luxury cottages plus a pool, contemporary tower hosting Nakurus only In the late 1990s this reserves shallow soda
African fish eagle. The surrounding country- gym, sauna, and lovely bar and restaurant top-end rooms and best swimming pool (non- lake achieved fame as the new home of the
side is a major agricultural area. set-up. guests KSh200). flamingo, with a population peaking at
694 C E N T R A L K E N YA M o u n t K e n y a N a t i o n a l Pa r k C E N T R A L K E N YA M o u n t K e n y a N a t i o n a l Pa r k 695

two million birds. Flamingo numbers have

dropped significantly since then, but this re-
serve (%0722-377252; adult/child KSh1500/200) is still
CENTRAL KENYA Weather can be unpredictable, harsh, cold,
wet and windy. The trek to Point Lenana
isnt easy and people die on the mountain
Basic qualified guides and cooks will cost
you about US$10 to US$12 per day, while
more knowledgeable guides will set you back
a fascinating place to visit, with hot springs and MOUNT KENYA NATIONAL PARK every year. The best time to trek is from mid- about US$15 per day. These fees dont include
geysers along the shore. After seeing the 5199m worth of dramatic January to late February or from late August park entry fees and tips (budget around a
Camping is the only sleeping option within remnants that today comprise Mt Kenya (Af- to September. days wages per person as a tip, but make it
the reserve, either at the fantastic Fig Tree Camp ricas second-highest mountain), its easy to Youd be flirting with death by not taking clear it is only for good service).
(camp sites KSh500) beneath a stand of massive fig understand why the Kikuyu people deified it a guide or qualified companion. Even those Porters will carry up to 18kg for three-day
trees, or Acacia Camp (camp sites KSh500), a shady and still believe its the seat of their supreme with ample experience should take a guide if trips or 16kg for longer trips, excluding the
lakeside site with some soft grass for pitching god Ngai. Mt Kenya also has the rare honour attempting the Summit Circuit. weight of their own food and equipment. If
tents. Bring your own water. of being both a Unesco World Heritage site To avoid severe headaches caused by dehy- you want them to carry more, youll have to
Set in lovely grounds 2km before the and a Unesco Biosphere Reserve. dration or altitude sickness, drink at least 3L of negotiate an added cost.
Loboi gate, Lake Bogoria Hotel (%051-2216441; Mt Kenyas highest peaks, Batian (5199m) fluid per day and bring rehydration sachets.; s/d incl breakfast US$70/90; s) and Nelion (5188m), can only be reached by Organised Treks
is a quality option: hotel rooms are large and mountaineers with technical skills. However, Equipment Hire All-inclusive packages which include park
bright, while those in the new cottages (for Point Lenana (4985m), the third-highest peak, Well-maintained hire gear is available at the entry and camping fees, food, huts, a guide,
the same price) are modern and much more can be reached by trekkers and is the usual Naro Moru River Lodge (p696). Most guid- cook and porters, and transfers to and from
comfortable. goal for most mortals, offering a fantastic ing companies will have cheaper equipment the mountain can be a good deal, particu-
The best way to reach and explore the experience and superb views over the sur- for hire, although youll have less choice and larly if you dont have any equipment.
reserve is with a private vehicle, although rounding country. lower standards. Picking the right company is extremely im-
matatus from Marigat (KSh50, 30 minutes) portant, as an unqualified or inexperienced

go to the main park gate, from where you Information Guides, Cooks & Porters guide could put you in real danger as well as
can walk. The daily fees for the national park (%061-55645; The KWS issues vouchers to all registered spoil your trip.
adult/child US$15/8) are charged upon entry, so guides and porters, who should also hold Mountain Rock Safaris Resorts & Trekking Serv-
LAKE BARINGO you must estimate the length of your stay. identity cards; they wont be allowed into the ices (%020-242133; is a
%051 If you overstay, you must pay the difference park without them. real specialist at Mt Kenya climbs and runs
This freshwater Rift Valley lake is encircled when leaving. Youll have to pay an additional
by mountains and dotted with picturesque KSh50 per day for each guide and porter you MT KENYA NATIONAL PARK 0 5 km

0 3 miles
islands. Bird-watchers come here from all over take with you. Always ask for a receipt. To Sirimon Gate (9km); To West Marania Roadhead (5km);
the world, and talented local bird guides can Before you leave Nairobi, buy a copy of Sirimon Junction (18km) Timau Track Junction (34km)

be hired at Roberts Camp and Lake Baringo Mt Kenya 1:50,000 Map & Guide (1993) by Old Moses Hut
Si Ri
Club. Habituated fish eagles dive for fish on Mark Savage and Andrew Wielochowski. rim

on Kazita

popular boat rides, making for great (if con- Lonely Planets Trekking in East Africa has

trived) photo opportunities. more information, details on wilder routes


Roberts Camp (%851879; camp sites KSh350, ban- and some of the more esoteric variations that


das s/tw without bathroom KSh1000/2000, 4-person cottages are possible on Mt Kenya.

Lik The Barrow East
iN (4192m)

KSh5000) is a fantastic camp site right on the You can camp (adult/child US$10/5) anywhere on ort


lake, with tents, comfortable cottages, cooking the mountain; the nightly fee is payable to KWS



facilities and an open-air restaurant-bar. The at any gate. Most people camp near the huts or


local hippos can add a frisson of excitement bunkhouses, as there are often toilets and water Liki North Hut


(3993m) Mutonga

to any stay here. nearby. There are several huts on the moun- Na River
Set within sprawling lakeside gardens, Lake tain owned by MCK, but the only one thats in Nan
lle Terere Vall
ey Lake
or y inde
Baringo Club (%850880, Nairobi 020-650500; block reasonable shape nowadays sits 5188m up on To Kampi Ya
Machengeni (11km)
i R
iv er
(4714m) Sendeo
H Ellis
ve; Kampi ya Samaki; full board s/d Nelions summit not for the typical punter! Nan
usb r Shipton's Shipton's
South River erg Caves
US$150/180; s) is a grand old place with pleas- Old Moses Highland
(4200m) The Hat
ant rooms featuring four-poster beds and a Safety Trail
The Burg
ret R
Minto's Hut (4300m)
terrace. Facilities include a swimming pool, Mt Kenyas accessibility and the technical ease Cave Pt Piggott Pt Lenana
Nittii Falls
games room, badminton court and library, all with which Point Lenana is reached create Batian
s V To Meru
Teleki Va Mackinder's a lley Mt Kenya Lodge
open to nonguests for KSh200. A bus leaves their own problems for enthusiastic trekkers. lley N
Camp Tilman Macmillan
gu (3.5km)

To Met Station Hut (1km) ort Peak ti

Kampi ya Samaki for Nakuru (KSh 200, 2 Many people ascend much too quickly and n Naro
Moru Grigg
Picnic Enchanted
hours) every morning between 6.30am and end up suffering from altitude sickness. By Police Signals Rocks Naro Moru Route (4200m) Peak Lake

9.30am. spending at least three nights on the ascent, Somerfelt
Castle Peak ble
A bus leaves Kampi ya Samaki (Baringos youll enjoy yourself much more; with proper Hohnel
Valley Lake
main village) for Nakuru each morning (KSh clothes and equipment, you stand a much bet- obi River
200, 2 hours). ter chance of making it back down as well.
696 C E N T R A L K E N YA N a r o M o r u N O R T H E R N K E N YA I s i o l o 697

the Mountain Rock Lodge (right) near Naro

Moru. Its day rates for all-inclusive trips start
at US$135 per person per day.
The best accommodation options are a few
kilometres out of town. The two lodges have
great camp sites. Naro Moru River Lodge (%62212,
board s/d US$270/390, 4-person cottages US$995; is)
is one of Kenyas flashiest resorts, offering
golf, tennis, croquet, snooker, fishing, bowls,
All-inclusive trips from Naro Moru River Nairobi 020-4443357;; dm and a private wildlife sanctuary with a herd ISIOLO
Lodge (right) are more expensive than most US$8, camp sites US$10, half board s/tw from US$90/120; of rare bongo antelopes. %064
(US$135 to US$220 per person per day), but s) is a relaxing lodge about 1.5km north of There are daily buses and matatus to Isiolo is the gateway to northeastern Kenya
youre guaranteed beds in the Met Station Hut town with beautifully landscaped gardens. Nyeri (KSh100, one hour), Isiolo (KSh150, and a vital pit-stop on the long road north.
and Mackinders Camp. Theres a well-equipped camp site and dor- 1 hours), Meru (KSh120, 1 hours) and The region is populated by Samburu, Rendille,
The following local companies organise mitory block, and campers can use all the Nairobi (KSh350, three hours). Boran and Turkana people.
their own treks: hotel facilities. Mountain Rock Lodge (%62625; Consolidated Bank of Kenya (A2 Hwy) changes
KG Mountain Expeditions (%062-62403; www; camp sites US$5, standard s/tw ABERDARE NATIONAL PARK cash and Amex travellers cheques, but has Offers all-inclusive packages from US$24/32, superior s/tw & tr US$32/48) is 6km north of This park (%061-2055024; adult/child US$30/10, smartcard no ATM.
US$265 per day (depending on group size), as well as Naro Moru, tucked away in the woods less required) protects a striking stretch of moorland, Popular with budget travellers in the past,
budget options for around US$80. than 1km from the Nanyuki road. It is friendly peaks and forest atop the western Kinangop Jamhuri Guest House (s/tw without bathroom KSh120/200,
Mountain View Tours & Trekking Safaris (%062- and reliable, with a spacious dining room, two Plateau, and the eastern outcrop of dense rain- s with bathroom KSh250) is simple, clean enough and
62088) Recommended by readers as being cheap and bars and a lounge. forest, known as the Salient. Wildlife sightings has secure parking. About 6km south of town,
reliable. Prices are negotiable, but expect to pay around About 8.5km from town and 7.5km from are dominated by elephants and buffaloes, but Range Land Hotel (%0721-434353; A2 Hwy; camp sites
US$60 to US$70 per day. the park gate, Mt Kenya Hostel & Campsite black rhinos, giant forest hogs, black servals and KSh200, tw cottage per person KSh1000) is a nice option,
(% 62412;; camp sites rare black leopards are also sometimes seen. with grass to plant your tent, and the stone
Trek Routes KSh250, dm KSh400) offers simple accommoda- Public camp sites and the following accom- cottages have nice bathrooms. The Bomen Hotel
NARO MORU ROUTE tion, a large camp site, kitchen facilities, and modation options must be booked through (%52389; s/tw/ste KSh900/1500/2500) has the towns
Although the least scenic, this is the most a restaurant and bar. Mt Kenya treks can be park headquarters. One of the most famous brightest and most comfortable rooms. Prices
straightforward, popular route, and still a arranged and it hires limited mountain gear. hotels in Kenya, Treetops (%020-4452095; www are steep, but some rooms have TV and shared
spectacular and very enjoyable trail. Allow a There are plenty of buses and matatus head-; s/d US$198/250) has long terraces with views.
minimum of four days for the trek; its pos- ing to Nanyuki (KSh60, 30 minutes), Nyeri been trading on its reputation, although its Nairobi Express operates daily buses
sible in three if you arrange transport between (KSh80, 45 minutes) and Nairobi (KSh300, weathered exterior belies a certain charm. (KSh500, 4 hours) at 6.45am. The bus
Naro Moru and the Met Station, but doing it three hours). Ark (%020-216940;; full board s/tw north to Marsabit (KSh600, 8 hours) and
this quickly risks serious altitude sickness. US$210/300) is a modern, upscale version of Moyale (KSh1200, 17 hours) picks up pas-
NANYUKI Treetops, with a fantastic floodlit waterhole sengers at Nairobi Express between 11pm and
SIRIMON ROUTE %062 that attracts a wider array of animals. midnight.
A popular alternative to Naro Moru, this route Founded by white settlers in 1907, Nanyuki is
has more spectacular scenery, greater flexibil- a popular and friendly place to base Mt Kenya NYAHURURU & THOMSONS FALLS MARALAL
ity and a gentler rate of ascent, although it is treks, especially if taking on the Sirimon and %065 %065
still easy to climb too fast, so allow at least five Burguret routes. Watch out for touts, hawkers Nyahururu is Kenyas highest major town Maralals charm lies in its frontier, rough-
days for the trek. Its well worth considering and cheeky street kids. and has a cool, invigorating climate. Besides and-ready atmosphere, and it has gained
combining it with the Chogoria route for a Nanyuki River Camel Camp (%0722-361642; Thomsons Falls, one of Kenyas most impres- an international reputation for its frenetic
six- to seven-day traverse that will really bring; camp sites US$6, half-board huts with sive waterfalls, and some nice walks, most International Camel Derby, held between June

out the best of Mt Kenya. shared bathroom US$22) The towns only camping is travellers find little reason to linger more than and October.
at this fabulous place about 4km west of town. a day or two. The Kenya Commercial Bank, behind the
CHOGORIA ROUTE There are decent facilities, free firewood and Safari Lodge (Go Down Rd; s/tw KSh350/600) is clean, market, changes cash and travellers cheques,
This route is justly famous for crossing some excellent food. Set on the Nanyuki River, Mt bright and very affordable, with hot water but has no ATM.
of the most spectacular and varied scenery Kenya Paradise Hotel (%0722-899950; s/tw KSh400/600) on demand and even sockets to charge your Easily the best budget option in town, Sun-
on Mt Kenya, and is often combined with is a little tired, but has large clean rooms and is mobile. Nyaki Hotel (%22313; s/tw KSh350/800) has bird Guest House (%62015; s/tw/d KSh350/450/600) is
the Sirimon route (usually as the descent). a good place to meet other travellers. Theres a small but comfy singles and large clean twins, a friendly place with clean and comfortable
The only disadvantage is the long distance loud disco at weekends. Joskaki Hotel (%31473; all with hot showers. Its a relatively modern rooms, mosquito nets and sparkling bath-
between Chogoria village and the park gate. Lumumba Rd; s/tw/d KSh300/400/450) is the best of the building off Kenyatta Rd. rooms.
Allow at least five days for a trek here. budget establishments and some lucky punt- With character to spare, Thomsons Falls Lodge Justifiably popular with campers, Yare
ers even get a room with a toilet seat. (%22006;; camp sites KSh300, s/tw Camel Club & Camp (%62295;;
NARO MORU Equator Chalet (%31480; Kenyatta Ave; s/tw/d incl incl breakfast KSh2500/3200) has fireplaces and decent camp sites KSh200, s/tw/tr US$20/28/35), 3km south
%062 breakfast KSh850/1300/1500) is a newish place in the facilities. The grassy camping ground is a bar- of town, also has cosy wooden bandas with
The dusty little village of Naro Moru, on the centre of town that gives substantial comfort gain, with free firewood and hot showers. bathrooms. Theres a bar and restaurant with
western side of the mountain, is the most bang for minimal buck. Rooms surround a Matatus run to Nakuru (KSh100, 1 nyama choma on Wednesday and Saturday.
popular starting point for treks up Mt Kenya. breezy internal courtyard that opens onto two hours), Naivasha (KSh200, 1 hours), Yare also organises independent camel safaris;
Theres a post office with internet access, but balcony areas and a roof terrace. Mt Kenya Safari Nanyuki (KSh250, three hours) and Nairobi self-catered day/overnight trips cost US$20/35
no banks. Club (%in Nairobi 020-216940;; full (KSh250, three hours). per person.
698 W E S T E R N K E N YA K i s u m u Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at W E S T E R N K E N YA E l d o re t 699

Matatus serve Nyahururu (KSh300, three simple bungalows with dated bathrooms. On Hotel Palmers (%2024867; Omolo Agar Rd; s/tw Naiberi River Campsite (%2063047; campsite@
hours) on a daily basis, usually in the morn- the positive side, theres good food and a great KSh1000/1400) Rooms are on the small side but; camp sites KSh250, dm KSh800, cabins
ings and early afternoons. There are no di- view from the open-air bar. have decent bathrooms and fans. The hotel KSh2000; i) This place, 22km southeast of
rect services to Nairobi; take a matatu or bus One or two trucks a week stop in Loyan- also has a comfortable lounge and an outdoor town, is the best option for camping, and is
(KSh300, three hours) to Nyahururu and galani en route to Maralal (KSh1000, 10 to 12 restaurant. very popular with overland companies. Phone
transfer there. hours) from Marsabit. Imperial Hotel (%2022211; www.imperialkisumu for directions.
.com; Jomo Kenyatta Hwy; s/d incl breakfast from KSh3600/4950; Sirikwa Hotel (%2063614; hotelsirikwa@multitech
MARSABIT LAKE TURKANA ais) Kisumus most luxurious hotel, of-; Elgeyo Rd; s/tw incl breakfast KSh4000/5000, ste
%069 If you go to Loyangalani you cant help but fering 1st-class service and the best restaurant from KSh8500; s) Eldorets only top-end hotel
The area surrounding Marsabit is actually a visit Lake Turkana. Formerly known as Lake in town; rates drop at weekends. boasts a long list of facilities, including a lovely
giant shield volcano, whose surface is pep- Rudolf, and nowadays often evocatively called swimming pool and beautiful terrace.
pered with hundreds of cinder cones and vol- the Jade Sea, vast Lake Turkana stretches all Eating & Drinking Wills Pub & Restaurant (Uganda Rd; meals KSh200-
canic craters, many flooded. Mt Marsabits the way to Ethiopia. High salt levels render the For an authentic local fish fry, check out the 450) A popular spot for burgers and grills with
highest peak, Karantin (1707m), is a reward- sandy, volcanic area around the lake almost tin-shack restaurants on the lakes shore at the fries.
ing 5km hike from town through lush vegeta- entirely barren, but its desolation and stark, end of Oginga Odinga Rd; a 1.5kg fish should
tion and moss-covered trees. The town has an surreal beauty contrast with the colourful set you back KSh150. Getting There & Away
interesting mixture of local tribespeople. tribespeople that inhabit the lakes shore. Hussein Pan House (Swan Centre, Accra St; meals The main bus and matatu stand is in the cen-
Kenya Commercial Bank, off Post Office Made a World Heritage Site by Unesco in KSh150-300; h6-11pm) pumps out amazing Asian tre of town, by the market. Regular matatus/
Rd, has no ATM but changes cash and trav- 1997, South Island National Park (adult/child US$15/5) selections, or head to Mon Ami (Mega Plaza, Oginga Peugeots serve Kisumu (matatus/Peugeots
ellers cheques. JeyJey Centre (%2296; A2 Hwy; is uninhabited apart from a large croc popula- Odinga Rd; meals KSh150-350) for hamburgers, pasta KSh250/300, 2 hours), Nakuru (KSh200/400,
s/tw/tr without bathroom KSh300/500/700, s with bathroom tion, poisonous snakes and feral goats. To get and pizza. 2 hours) and Nairobi (KSh400/700, six
KSh500) is the best lodge in town. Clean rooms there, you can hire a boat from Oasis Lodge Congolese bands play at various venues, hours). Buses duplicate these routes.
around a colourful courtyard have mosquito (per hour KSh2500). such as the Kimwa Grand (Jomo Kenyatta Hwy), along Lakamba (Moi St) buses to Nairobi (KSh500)
nets, and bathrooms have reliable hot water. the roads out of town; check flyers and ask deaprt at 10.30am and 9pm, via Nakuru
Theres also a TV room, a decent restaurant
and an unattractive camp site (per person
WESTERN KENYA locals who are plugged into the scene.

Getting There & Away

(KSh250). There are also services to Kampala
at noon (KSh1000, six hours) and midnight
With security on the mend, a bus now KISUMU Matatus offer direct services to Kakamega
connects Marsabit to Moyale (KSh600, 8 %057 (KSh120, one hour) and Eldoret (KSh250, KAKAMEGA FOREST RESERVE
hours). Theres no designated stop; simply flag Set on the sloping shore of Lake Victorias 2 hours). %056
it down on the A2 Hwy as it comes through Winam Gulf, Kisumu is the third-largest town Akamba has four daily buses to Nairobi This small slab of virgin tropical rainforest
town around 5pm each day (en route from in Kenya. It receives relatively few travellers, (KSh500, seven hours) via Nakuru (KSh300, is all thats left in Kenya of the once-mighty
Nairobi!). The same service heads south to but it has a relaxed atmosphere. 4 hours), and theres a daily service to Kam- Guineo-Congolian rainforest. It boasts an ex-
Isiolo (KSh600, 8 hours) at 9am. Check the pala (KSh750, seven hours). traordinary biodiversity, including 330 species
latest security and Ethiopian border informa- Information The train service to Nairobi (1st/2nd class of bird, seven different primate species and
tion from locals and the police station before Abacus Cyber Cafe (Al-Imran Plaza, Oginga Odinga Rd; KSh1415/720, 13 hours) is scheduled to de- around 400 species of butterfly. Excellent of-
leaving town. per hr KSh60; h8am-8pm) Internet access. part on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday at ficial guides (per person for short/long walk KSh200/600),

Barclays Bank (Kampala St) 6.30pm. trained by the Kakamega Biodiversity Conser-
LOYANGALANI Crystal Communications (Mega Plaza, Oginga Odinga vation and Tour Operators Association, can
An oasis of doum palms and natural springs Rd; per hr KSh60; h8am-6pm) Internet access. ELDORET help you find birds and monkeys.
populated by vivid Turkana tribespeople, Kenya Commercial Bank (Jomo Kenyatta Hwy) %053 Udos Bandas & Campsite (%30603; PO Box 879,
Loyangalani is one of northern Kenyas most Sanhedrin Cyber Joint (Swan Centre, Accra St; per hr This large service town offers little to travellers Kakamega; camp sites adult/child US$8/5, bandas per per-
fascinating places. It overlooks Lake Turkana KSh60; h8am-10pm) Internet access. apart from banks and a good nights sleep. The son US$10) is a tidy, well-maintained KWS-
and is surrounded by small ridges of pillow- Standard Chartered Bank (Oginga Odinga Rd) post office and most banks are on the main run camp site with simple thatched bandas.
lava dotted with traditional Turkana stick and drag (Uganda Rd). Safari Forex Bureau (KVDA Plaza, Mosquito nets are provided, but bring your
palm dwellings. Theres little in the way of Sleeping Oloo Rd) exchanges cash and travellers cheques own sleeping bag and supplies. Rondo Retreat
services. YWCA (%0733-992982; dm KSh300, full board KSh500) with no commission and, does Western Union (%30268;; full board s/tw
Palm Shade Camp (camp sites KSh350, s/tw rondavel Dirt-cheap but very basic bunks in airy rooms transfers. For internet, try Cyber Hawk Internet KSh9000/11,600) has an idyllic setting in a former
with shared bathroom KSh500/1000) is easily the best and clean shared bathrooms. Its off Anaawa Caf (Nandi Arcade, Nandi Rd; per hr KSh60) 1920s saw millers residence, about 3km east
choice in town, with grassy camp sites under Ave, near the market and bus station. of Isecheno. Seven cottages, each with strik-
the acacias or simple rondavels, plus Loyan- Razbi Guest House (%2025488; Kendu Lane; s/tw Sleeping & Eating ing traditional fittings and large verandas, sit
galanis best toilets and showers, a cooking without bathroom KSh400/500, s with bathroom KSh600) New Lincoln Hotel (%0723-676699; Oloo Rd; s/d in gorgeous gardens through which plenty of
shelter and electricity until 10pm. Oasis Lodge Small but secure rooms, with nets and pass- KSh700/900) The most comfortable of the budget wildlife passes.
(%020-503267;; full board s/tw able shared toilets. Theres a private TV options, this pleasant place has decent rooms Matatus heading north towards Kitale
US$150/200; s) is an overpriced lodge offering lounge/restaurant upstairs. spread around a courtyard. can drop you at the access road for the main
700 T H E C OA S T M o m b a s a Book accommodation online at T H E C OA S T M o m b a s a 701

Buyangu area of the reserve, about 18km four-posters and stone bathrooms; theres a MOMBASA 0
500 m
0.3 miles
north of Kakamega town (KSh50). lovely riverside pool.
A To Moi International B C D
Airport (12km)
Populated with an astonishing amount of
wildlife, this world-renowned reserve (adult/
Aga Khan Hospital.......................1
Barclays Bank...............................2
Pandya Memorial Hospital.........14
Post Global Services....................15
Post Office.................................16
Barclays Bank...............................3 C3 Postbank....................................17 B3
child US$30/10) is a 1510-sq-km continuation of MOMBASA Blue Room...................................4 C3 Pwani Forex Bureau...................18 C3

%041 / pop 653,000

the equally famous Serengeti Plains over the Dial-A-Tour..................................5 C3 Standard Chartered Bank...........19 C3 Nyali
To Northern

Express Travel..............................6 C3 Telekom Kenya..........................20 C3 Bridg Beaches (10km)

border in Tanzania. Lions are found in large Mombasa is the largest city on the Kenyan


Fourways Travel...........................7 B3 Telkom Kenya............................21 B3

prides everywhere, and there are also cheetahs, coast and also the largest coastal port in East Immigration Office......................8 D4 Wavetek.................................... 22 C3

Info Caf......................................9 C3

leopards, and large numbers of elephants, buf- Africa. Traders have been coming here since


Nyali Rd
Kenya Commercial Bank............10 C3 SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES d
i R

faloes, zebras and hippos. But the ultimate at- at least the 12th century, and during its bloody Kenya Commercial Bank............11 C3 aun
Fort Jesus...................................23 D3
KWS Office............................... 12 D4 Museum..................................(see 23)
traction is undoubtedly the annual wildebeest history Mombasa changed hands dozens of Mombasa & Coast Tourist
Office.....................................13 B3
migration in July and August, when millions of times between the Arab-Swahilis, Portuguese,

r Rd

i Rd

these bleating, cavorting animals move north Omanis and finally the British.

Ga Mombasa

e St


el N
from the Serengeti, seeking fresh pasture, be- Baringo Rd Rd

atta A
Rd Rd Harbour


ak 42

fore turning south again around October. 44


Mijik 39 45


St 36 40
Most visitors take in the Mara on an or- The main thoroughfare, Digo Rd and its 46 Bia
Mwembe Tayari Rd ra
ganised safari (see p685 for companies in Nai- southern extension Nyerere Ave, run north Train 41 Jom

Mach Station en 18

Shibu Rd
robi) and theres little benefit in self-driving. south through the city. The Likoni ferry leaves akos
St ya
tta 3
Expensive but unforgettable balloon safaris (per from the southern end of Nyerere Ave. 29 H
Old Harbour

Pandya Rd

Khan Rd
person US$390) can be arranged through top-end Running west from the junction between Sela

Uhuru ssie

33 4

The Rd

bo S

lodges. Nyerere Ave and Digo Rd is Moi Ave, where Tusks 27


oni R
3 Post 13 30
Maasai people live in villages bordering the youll find the tourist office and a useful land- Office Moi A 35 24

ve 15 Maka


37 17 dara
national reserve, and theres a rather over- mark huge aluminium elephant tusks form-

34 16 Rd Old Town

47 11
touristed village between the Maras Oloo- ing an M over the road. Heading east from the Chief A
Sautiya Ke
nya Rd 7
Park 19
laimutiek and Sekenani gates where you can junction, Nkrumah Rd provides the easiest Arc
li Bin N
aam R
26 Sports 25 21 43 2 5
hop Grounds Nkrumah R
take photos for a negotiable entry fee (usually access to the Old Town and Fort Jesus. Ma
Rd 9 10

kario 20 28

s Rd oj
around US$20). North of the city centre, Digo Rd becomes zi

na 12
Abdel Nasser Rd, where youll find many of the M


Sleeping bus stands for Nairobi and destinations north


Acacia Camp (%020-210024; camp sites US$5, s/tw with along the coast. Theres another big group War Graves

Kaunda Ave

Kayanda Rd

shared bathroom US$35/40) A quaint camp with shel- of bus offices west of here at the intersection 4 Tayib Abdulla 14

Nassir Rd
tered semi-permanent tents, although there is of Jomo Kenyatta Ave and Mwembe Tayari

State House
little shade for campers. Bathrooms are clean Rd. The train station is at the intersection of Van 1
Pwani Rd

with hot water in the evening, and there are Mwembe Tayari and Haile Selassie Rds.


raki R

cooking areas and a bar. en
Rd ge


Fig Tree Camp (%020-605328;; Information

Prince Andrew Rd
full board s/d US$185/230; s) Comfortable safari EMERGENCY Kaun

da Ave a Rd
tents overlook the Talek River, and theres a AAR Health Services (%312409; h24hr) mb

Mbuyuni Rd
wa a

M Mombasa
small pool and a treetop bar. Police (%222121, 999) 32
Golf Club

5 Club
Kichwa Tembo Camp (%020-3740920; alice@conscorp
SLEEPING TRANSPORT; full board s/d US$185/370; s) Just outside the INTERNET ACCESS Oceanic
Rd Beracha Guest House.................24 C3 Akamba.....................................36 B2
northern boundary, Kichwa has permanent Blue Room (%224021;; No Through Castle Royal Hotel......................25 B3 Avis...........................................37 A3
Road Evening Guest House.................26 B3 Buses & Matatus to Southern
tents with stone bathrooms, tasteful furnish- Haile Selassie Rd; per min KSh2; h9am-10pm) 48
Glory Bed & Breakfast................27 B3 Coast.....................................38 A6
ings and spectacular savannah views. Info Caf (%227621;; M
New Palm Tree Hotel.................28 C3 Buses and Matatus to Malindi....39 C2
Harbour a Ngina Dr Royal Court Hotel.......................29 B3 Busscar.....................................(see 45)
Keekorok Lodge (%bookings 020-4447151; full Ambalal House, Nkrumah Rd; per min KSh1) New Florida Nightclub Busstar.......................................40 C2
board s/d US$200/250; s) This has always been Wavetek (%0735-295007; TSS Towers, Nkrumah Rd; EATING Coastline Safaris.........................41 B2

Cozy Inn....................................30 C3 Falcon........................................42 C2


a great option, with bungalows, cabins and per min KSh1) Also offers international calls from KSh15 Main Market..............................31 C3 Falcon......................................(see 44)

cottages to choose from. It has the usual top- per minute. Nakumatt Supermarket..............32 B5 Glory Car Hire..........................(see 13)
New Chetna Restaurant.............33 B3 Kenya Airways...........................43 C3
end facilities, with the added attraction of a 6 Likoni Pistacchio Caf...........................34 B3 Mash Express.............................44 B2
38 Shehnai Restaurant....................35 B3 Mombasa Raha..........................45 C2
hippo pool. MEDICAL SERVICES Mombasa Raha..........................46 B2
Mara Intrepids (%020-4446651; maraintrepids@heri Aga Khan Hospital (%312953; akhm@mba.akhm INDIAN Msafiri.....................................(see 13)
Oman Air...................................47 B3; full board incl wildlife drives s/d US$450/615;; Vanga Rd) To Southern
Beaches (20km)
Bea helly
ch OCEAN Transport & Matatu Stand.........48 B5
s) The 30 permanent tents have canopied Pandya Memorial Hospital (%229252; Kimathi Ave) Rd
702 T H E C OA S T M o m b a s a Book accommodation online at T H E C OA S T Ti w i B e a c h 703

MONEY Sleeping buffet lunch KSh450; hMon-Sat), which has excel- TRAIN
Barclays Bank Nkrumah Rd (%224573); Digo Rd All the places listed in this section have fans lent ice cream and popular lunchtime buffets, The popular overnight train to/from Nairobi
(%311660) Barclays has an ATM. and mosquito nets (essential during the hot usually consisting of a mixture of Indian and leaves Mombasa at 7pm on Tuesday, Thurs-
Kenya Commercial Bank Moi Ave (%220978); season). Western dishes. day and Sunday. The fares are KSh3160/2275
Nkrumah Rd (%312523) Has an ATM. Beracha Guest House (%0722-673798; Haile Selassie Self-caterers should head to Nakumatt super- in 1st/2nd class with dinner, breakfast and
Postbank (%3434077; Moi Ave) Western Union money Rd; s/d KSh500/750) A popular central choice with market (Nyerere Ave) or Main market (Digo Rd) Mom- bedding; reserve as far in advance as possible.
transfers. clean rooms of varying shapes; theres a cheap basas dilapidated covered market building. The booking office (%312220; h8am-5pm) is at
Pwani Forex Bureau (%221727; Digo Rd) restaurant on the premises. the station in Mombasa.
Standard Chartered Bank (%224614; Treasury Sq, Evening Guest House (%221380; Mnazi Moja Rd; Getting There & Away
Nkrumah Rd) Has an ATM. s/d KSh800/11,000, without bathroom KSh700/900) Set in AIR Getting Around
a thatched courtyard behind its own large Kenya Airways (%221251;; TSS The two Likoni ferries connect Mombasa Is-
POST restaurant area. Most rooms are good value Towers, Nkrumah Rd) flies to Nairobi at least six land with the southern mainland, running
Post office (%227705; Digo Rd) though some are a bit small. times daily (KSh6835, one hour). at frequent intervals throughout the day and
Glory Bed & Breakfast (%228282; Haile Selassie Rd; Mombasa Air Safari (%433061; www.mombasaair night. Its free to pedestrians and KSh35 for a
TELEPHONE s/d/tr incl breakfast KSh750/1100/1450) Adequate if a lit-; Moi International Airport) flies to Malindi car. To get to the jetty from the city centre, take
Post Global Services (%230581; tle cramped: rooms have fans but no mosquito (US$21, 25 minutes) and Lamu (US$90, 1 a Likoni matatu from Digo Rd (KSh10).; Maungano Rd; h7.30am- nets. Cheaper rooms with shared bathroom hours). There is currently no public transport
8pm) International calls cost around KSh85 per minute. are available. to/from the airport, so youre best taking a
Telkom Kenya (%312811) Locations on Nkrumah Rd New Palm Tree Hotel (%312623; Nkrumah Rd; s/d BUS & MATATU taxi; the fare to central Mombasa is around
and Moi Ave. KSh1160/1740) Character and charm in spades, There are dozens of daily trips to and from KSh650.
with all the rooms set around a fantastic roof Nairobi (mostly in the early morning and
TOURIST INFORMATION terrace. late evening). Daytime services take at least TIWI BEACH
KWS office (%312744, 312745; Nguua Court, Mama Castle Royal Hotel (%220373;; six hours, while the overnight trip takes any- %040
Ngina Dr; h6am-6pm) Sells and recharges smartcards. Moi Ave; s/d/tr KSh2500/3500/4500; ai) The best where from eight to 10 hours. Fares vary from Book well ahead if you intend to visit this won-
Mombasa & Coast Tourist Office (%225428; hotel in town and one of the best deals in the KSh500 to KSh1000. Most companies have derfully undeveloped beach during the high; Moi Ave; h8am- 4.30pm) Provides whole of Kenya, the newly renovated Castle at least four departures daily. Recommended season. Beach boys and souvenir sellers are
information and can organise accommodation, tours, Royal has TV, phone, fridge and safe in every companies include the following: fairly prevalent at the southern end of Tiwi.
guides and transport. room, plus an excellent breakfast in the cool Akamba (%490269; Jomo Kenyatta Ave) Twiga Lodge (%3205126; camp sites KSh200, s/d
terrace restaurant at the front. Busscar (%222854; Abdel Nasser Rd) KSh800/1500, cottages KSh1500) is the only really
TRAVEL AGENCIES Royal Court Hotel (%223379; royalcourt@swift Busstar (%Nairobi 02-219525; Abdel Nasser Rd) backpacker-oriented place in Tiwi, with a
Dial-A-Tour (%221411;; Oriental mombasa; Haile Selassie Rd; s US$60-70, d US$75-95, ste Coastline Safaris (%312083; Mwembe Tayari St) choice of a beachfront camp site, basic cot-
Bldg, Nkrumah Rd) US$130; a) Stylish business hotel with good Falcon (%Nairobi 02-229662) Offices on Abdel Nasser tages or superior show rooms (B&B KSh3000
Express Travel (%315405; PO Box 90631, Nkrumah service and facilities, disabled access, and Rd and Jomo Kenyatta Ave. to KSh4500). Maweni Beach Cottages (%3300012;
Rd) American Express agent. Mail can be held here for excellent food at the rooftop Tawa Terrace Mash Express (%491955; Jomo Kenyatta Ave); cottages KSh3000-5500) has good
Amex cardholders. restaurant. Mombasa Raha (%225716) Offices on Abdel Nasser facilities and attractive makuti-roofed cot-
Fourways Travel (%223344; Moi Ave) Rd and Jomo Kenyatta Ave. tages overlooking a peaceful cove. Coral Cove
Eating Msafiri (%314691; Aga Khan Rd) Cottages (%3205195;; cottages

Sights Explore the Old Town for cheap, authentic KSh3500-5200) is a fantastically friendly place,
Mombasas biggest tourist attraction is par- Swahili cuisine; most places are Muslim-run, Numerous daily matatus and small minibuses with a wide variety of comfy, nicely decorated
tially ruined Fort Jesus, which was built by the so no alcoholic drinks are sold and theyre to Malindi leave from in front of the Noor cottages sleeping one to five people.
Portuguese in 1593 and dominates the har- closed until after sunset during Ramadan. Mosque. Buses take up to 2 hours (KSh100), Tiwi is 3.5km from the LikoniUkunda
bour entrance. These days it houses a museum New Chetna Restaurant (%224477; Haile Selassie Rd; matatus about two hours (KSh120). road; buses and matatus can drop you at the
(%222425;; nonresident mains KSh200-300) A very popular South Indian Tawakal, Falcon, Mombasa Raha and TSS turn-off (KSh30), from where you should take
adult/child KSh200/100; h8am-6pm), which exhib- canteen with a long list of vegetarian goodies Express have buses to Lamu, most leaving at a taxi (KSh300) to avoid a mugging.
its mostly ceramics, but also finds from the and great-value thalis. around 7am (report 30 minutes early) from
Portuguese frigate Santo Antnio de Tann, Shehnai Restaurant (%224801; Fatemi House, their offices on Abdel Nasser Rd. Buses take MALINDI
and the fascinating culture and traditions of Maungano Rd; mains from KSh290; hlunch & dinner Tue- around seven hours to reach the Lamu ferry at %042
the nine coastal Mijikenda tribes. Sun) Mombasas classiest curry house special- Mokoke (KSh400 to 500), stopping in Malindi Malindi is all about the beach, and the coral
Mombasas Old Town doesnt have the medi- ises in tandoori and mughlai (north Indian) (KSh150, two hours). reefs of the nearby Malindi Marine National
eval charm of Lamu or Zanzibar, but its still cuisine, and has a huge menu. For buses and matatus to the beaches south Park offer good snorkelling and diving.
an interesting area to wander around. The Two recommended places among Mom- of Mombasa you first need to get off the island
houses here are characteristic of coastal East basas limited caf scene are Cozy Inn (%0733- via the Likoni ferry (see right). Very frequent Information
African architecture, with ornately carved 925707; Kibokoni Rd; mains KSh80-195; i) a relatively buses and matatus leave from the mainland INTERNET ACCESS
doors and window frames and fretwork new addition to the Old Town scene; and ferry terminal and travel down the southern Bling Net (%30041; Lamu Rd; per min KSh2) Also
balconies. Pistacchio Caf (%221989; cnr Meru Rd & Mwindani Rd; coast. serves food.
704 T H E C OA S T W a t a m u Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at T H E C OA S T L a m u 705

Inter-Communications (%31310; Lamu Rd; per min market option right on the beach. Tastefully ings and breezy verandas. To get here, take the accommodation agency that also provides
KSh1; h8am-11pm) decorated rooms all have a veranda with sea path beside the Mama Lucy supermarket and tourist information.
Y-Net (%30171;; views. turn left at the Beach Way Shop.
Stanchart Arcade, Lamu Rd; per min KSh2) Ascot Residence Hotel (% 32326; info@ascot Sights
Eating; Beach Way Rd; s/d KSh1600/2800, apt KSh3500- All of Lamus museums are open from 8am to
MONEY Palentine Tea Room (%31412; Uhuru Rd; mains KSh60-140; 7000; s) A very comfortable complex of tidy 6pm daily. Admission to each is KSh200/100
Barclays Bank (%20656; Lamu Rd) Has an ATM. i) A recommended all-hours Muslim canteen rooms and apartments set in a garden with a for a nonresident adult/child.
Dollar Forex Bureau (%30602; Lamu Rd) Rates may opposite the old market, serving stews, curries, dolphin-shaped pool (no, really). Security is The Lamu Museum is an excellent introduc-
be slightly better here than at the banks. pilau and soups in tiled surroundings. good and theres a fine pizza restaurant. tion to the culture and history of Lamu Island.
Kenya Commercial Bank (%20148; Lamu Rd) Has Old Man & the Sea (%31106; Mama Ngina Rd; mains Turtle Bay Beach Club (%32003; www.turtlebay It has displays on Swahili culture, the famous
an ATM. KSh380-600, seafood KSh500-1900) Hands down the; r per person 100-130; aisc) One of coastal carved doors, Lamus nautical history
Postbank (Malindi Complex, Lamu Rd) best grub in town, with superb fresh seafood the best resorts of its kind in the area, with and the tribes that used to occupy this part of
Standard Chartered Bank (Stanchart Arcade, Lamu and attentive service in an atmospheric old excellent facilities excellent and even enter- the coast in pre-Muslim days.
Rd) Has an ATM. Moorish house on the seafront. tainment for the kiddies. A beautifully restored traditional Swahili
I Love Pizza (%20672;; house tucked away off to the side of Yumbe
Sights & Activities Mama Ngina Rd; pizza KSh300-550, mains from KSh600) A Getting There & Around House hotel will put you firmly back in the
Immediately offshore from Malindi, the im- very popular Italian restaurant on the seafront There are matatus between Malindi and past. Inside youll find a re-creation of a work-
portant Malindi Marine National Park (adult/child with excellent pizzas. Watamu throughout the day (KSh50, one ing Swahili home, with cookware, beds and
US$5/2; h7am-7pm) protects some impressive hour). All matatus pass the turn-off to the Gede other furniture.
coral reefs, and theres a chance youll see Getting There & Away ruins (KSh10). For Mombasa, the easiest op- The bulky, atmospheric Lamu Fort squats on
whale sharks. Airkenya (%30646; Malindi Airport) and Kenya Airways tion is to take a matatu to the highway (KSh10) Lamus main square among the airy Swahili
Snorkelling or glass-bottomed-boat trips (%20237; Lamu Rd) fly daily to Nairobi (about and flag down a bus or matatu from there. roofs. The highlight is scaling the ramparts
can be arranged at the KWS office (%31554; US$85). Mombasa Air Safari (%041-433061) has Taxis charge KSh800 to the Gede ruins and for some sweeping town views. on the coast road south of daily flights to Mombasa (US$21, 25 minutes) KSh1800 to Malindi.
town. The going rate is around KSh3500 per and Lamu (US$62, 30 minutes). Festivals & Events
boat (five to 10 people) for a two-hour trip, Mombasa Raha has numerous daily buses LAMU The Maulid Festival celebrates the birth of the
and masks and snorkels are provided. to Mombasa (KSh150, two hours). Tawakal, %042 Prophet Mohammed with much singing,
All the big hotels have dive centres, usu- Falcon and Zam Zam buses all leave daily for Lamu town is a living throwback to the Swa- dancing and other events.
ally run in conjunction with local companies. Lamu (KSh300 to Kh400, four hours). hili culture that once dominated the entire The Lamu Cultural Festival is another colour-
Single dives cost 40 plus the park entry fee, Indian Ocean coast. The winding streets, ful cultural event, held in the last week of
while a PADI open-water diver course will WATAMU carved woods and traditional houses evoke August, though its aimed more at tourists
cost around 330. %042 the everyday sights and sounds of another age, than local people.
Watamu is another popular village with sandy and Lamus World Heritage listing is entirely
Sleeping beaches and plenty of hotels. Offshore is the justified. Sleeping
Silversands Campsite (%20412; camp sites adult/child southern part of the Malindi Marine Reserve Casuarina Rest House (%633123; s/d with bathroom
KSh200/100, bandas KSh500-600) On the southern Park, and the Swahili ruins of Gede are a short Orientation KSh400/800, s/d/tr without bathroom KSh300/500/700) A
beach strip, this is a much-loved site for distance away. Lamus main thoroughfare is Kenyatta Rd, a friendly, personal vibe ensures that this place

travellers and there are good facilities. The There are no banks here, but you can long winding alley known popularly as Main is often full. The roof terrace acts as a social
simple tented bandas have recently been fully change money at foreign-exchange bureaus St, which runs from the northern end of town lounge, the staff are great fun and the breezy
refurbished. at the big hotels and Tunda Tours (%32079; Beach past the fort and then south to the Muslim top-floor balcony double is fantastic.
Tana Guest House (%30940; Jamhuri St; s & d/tr with Way Rd), which also has internet connection cemetery and the inland track to Shela. Most Lamu Guest House (% 633338; Kenyatta Rd;
bathroom KSh550/650, s/d without bathroom KSh350/450) (per minute KSh5). of the guesthouses are tucked away in the s/d with bathroom KSh500/1000, s/d/tr without bathroom
Rooms are decent for the price, with fans, Malindi Marine Reserve Park (adult/child US$5/2) lies confusing maze of alleys located behind. KSh450/900/1000) The basic rooms are plain, but
mosquito nets and squat toilets. Its in a handy around 2km offshore. Glass-bottomed boats the upper-floor ones catch the sea breeze.
location for buses and cheap food. can be hired from the KWS office (%32393), Information Amu House (%633420;; s/d/tr
African Pearl Hotel (%0733-966167; www.african at the end of the coast road, where you also The best internet connections are at the post KSh1700/2300/2700) Rates at this beautiful 16th-; Lamu Rd; s/d from KSh2000/2500, cottages pay the park fees. Boat operators ask from office (Kenyatta Rd) and Lynx Infosystems (%833134; century house include breakfast, transfers
KSh2400-4900; as) This atmospheric mid- KSh1800 to KSh3500 per person. All the big per min KSh2; h8am-10pm) near the fort. from the airstrip and a free water-skiing les-
range option, features a decent pool, outdoor hotels offer goggling (snorkelling) trips to The islands one bank, Kenya Commercial Bank son at Shela Beach.
bar and eating area and nice gardens. Rooms nonguests for around KSh1500. (%633327; Harambee Ave), has no ATM. If youre Yumbe House (%633101; lamuoldtown@africaonline
are large with netted four-posters and their stuck outside bank times, shopkeepers may; s/d/tr KSh1300/2800/3900) A tall, traditional
own balcony. Sleeping be able to change at surprisingly reasonable house set around a leafy courtyard. The
Driftwood Beach Club (%20155; www.driftwoodclub Marijani Holiday Resort (%32448; marijani@swiftmalindi rates. pleasant rooms have fridges and are spot-
.com; Mama Ngina Rd; s/d/tr KSh5400/7800/9200, cottages .com; s/d 19/21, cottages 39-52) Easily the best place The Tourist information office (% 633449; lessly clean, decked out with woven rugs and
KSh16,500; asc) A classy but relaxed up- to stay in the village, with traditional furnish- h9am-1pm & 2-4pm) is a commercial tour-and- Lamu furniture.
706 T H E C OA S T L a m u Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N K E N YA Ts a v o N a t i o n a l Pa r k 707

0 0.1 miles
200 m
Stone House Hotel (% 633544; half-board s/d There are booking offices for all these com-
US$45/66) Another wonderful old Swahili place panies on Kenyatta Rd, apart from Khadi Star,
A B C D with excellent views over the town and water- which has its office on the waterfront. The
front from its superb rooftop restaurant (no going rate to Mombasa is KSh400 to KSh500;
Jamaa 12
alcohol). Rooms can be booked with Kisiwani most buses leave between 7am and 8am, so
1 Mosque Ltd (%020-4446384) in Nairobi. youll need to be at the jetty at 6.30am for the
Lamu World (%633491;; Hara- boat to the mainland. Book early as demand
mbee Ave; s/d/ste US$150/200/250; is) An almost is heavy.
perfect modern interpretation of Swahili style.
Its 10 rooms are shared between two houses, Getting Around
all with immaculate fittings. There are ferries (KSh40) between Lamu and
14 INDIAN the bus station on the mainland (near Mokowe).
OCEAN Eating Ferries between the airstrip on Manda Island
All the cheap places and many of the more and Lamu cost KSh100 and leave about half an
2 8 13 expensive restaurants are closed all day until hour before the flights leave.
To Mokowe
(mainland) (5km) after sunset during the month of Ramadan.
New Minaa Caf (meals under KSh120; h6.30am- SHELA
10 midnight) This busy rooftop caf serves Swahili This ancient Swahili village on Lamu island
Main Jetty favourites, like kebabs, maharagwe (beans in is an atmospheric place to wander around,
coconut milk) and samaki (fried fish). although most people come here for the spec-
Catholic Church
11 To Manda Island Bush Gardens Restaurant (%633285; Harambee Ave; tacular dune-backed beach.
Kenyatta mains KSh180-800) The template for a whole set Dodo Villas/Talking Trees Campsite (%633500;
Immigration Office......................1
Kenya Commercial Bank..............2
To Matondoni
Mosque of restaurants along the waterfront, offering camp sites per tent KSh400, r KSh600-1200, apt per person
3 Lynx Infosystems.........................3 C4 breakfasts, excellent seafood, lobster in Swa- KSh200) is Lamus only budget beach option,

Post Office.................................. 4 D4
Tourist Information Office........... 5 D5 2
hili sauce, and superb juices and shakes. 50m back from the seafront on the Shela-
9 16 Hara Whispers Coffeeshop (Kenyatta Rd; mains KSh240- Lamu track. The Stopover Guest House (%633459;
550; h9am-9pm) This is a great place for an; d incl breakfast KSh3000) is the first

Lamu Fort....................................6 C4
Lamu Museum.............................7 C3 upmarket meal, a freshly baked cake or a real place you come to on the waterfront and has

Swahili House...............................8 B2
21 cappuccino, even during Ramadan (although nice rooms with big beds.
it closes in the low season). Island Hotel (%633290; half-board s/d US$37/52)
Amu House..................................9 C3 22
Casuarina Rest House................10 C2 1
Bosnian Caf (Kenyatta Rd) One of several dirt- is a superb Lamu-style house in the centre
Lamu Guest House.....................11 C3
Office cheap local canteens at the far end of the of Shela with a romantic rooftop restaurant.
4 Lamu World...............................12 C1 6
Stone House Hotel.....................13 C2 Square main street that set up takeaway stalls in the Its five minutes walk from the waterfront,
To Kipungani 4
Yumbe House............................14 B2
Village (10km)
evening, selling samosas, chapatis, mishkaki along the alley beside Kijani House. Peponi
(kebabs), chips and the like. Hotel (%633421;; s/d US$220/300;
Bosnian Caf............................. 15
Bush Gardens Restaurant...........16
D3 hclosed May & Jun; s), at the east end of Shela,
New Minaa Caf........................17 C6 Moorings Getting There & Away is the top resort hotel on the island. It over-

Whispers Coffeeshop................ 18 D5 5 AIR looks the Lamu Channel and there are just 24
TRANSPORT Airkenya (%633445; Baraka House, Kenyatta Rd) and Sa- individually styled rooms.
Airkenya..................................(see 18)
Falcon........................................19 D5 farilink (%Nairobi 020-600777) fly between Lamu To get to Shela, you can take a motorised
Kenya Airways...........................20 C2 23 and Nairobis Wilson Airport daily (US$145, dhow from the moorings in Lamu for KSh100
5 Khadi Star..................................21 D4
Tawakal..................................... 22 D4 19
1 hours). Kenya Airways (%633155; Casuarina House, per person (or KSh250 to KSh300 for a solo
TSS............................................ 23 D5 18 Harambee Ave) has daily afternoon flights between ride). Walking takes about 40 minutes.
Zam Zam.................................(see 19)
Riyadha To
Lamu and Nairobis Kenyatta International Air-
port (KSh10,860, 2 hours). Mombasa Air Safari
Mosque Manda
(4km) (%Mombasa 041-433061) flies to Mombasa (US$90,
1 hours) via Malindi (US$21, 30 minutes).
Lamus airport is on Manda Island and TSAVO NATIONAL PARK

the ferry across the channel to Lamu costs At nearly 22,000 sq km, Tsavo is the larg-
ta R

KSh100. est national park in Kenya and divided into


6 Tsavo West National Park (9000 sq km) and

To Dodo Villas/Talking
Trees Campsite (1km);
BUS Tsavo East National Park (11,747 sq km). Its
Shela (3km) The main bus companies operating between landscapes are some of the most dramatic in
To Muslim Cemetery (150m);
Shela (Inland Road) (3.5km)
Mombasa, Malindi and Lamu are TSS, Falcon, Kenya, the animals are that bit wilder and the
Zam Zam, Khadi Star and Tawakal. parks receive comparatively few visitors.
708 K E N YA D I R E C T O R Y A c c o m m o d a t i o n K E N YA D I R E C T O R Y B u s i n e s s H o u r s 709

Entry is US$27/10 per adult/child per day, The split-level bar has wonderful views, and
vehicles cost KSh200 and camping is US$10 the overall atmosphere is of peace and luxury. PRACTICALITIES
per adult; you have to pay separately for each Two of the cottages have wheelchair access.  Major newspapers and magazines in Kenya include the Daily Nation, the East African Standard,
park. Both use the smartcard system; youll The only way to see Amboseli is by private the East African, the Weekly Review and the New African.
need enough credit for your vehicle, entry vehicle (preferably 4WD) or on an organised
 KBC Radio broadcasts throughout the country on various FM frequencies. Most major towns
fee and any camping charges for as long as safari.
also have their own local music and talkback stations, and the BBC World Service is easily
youre staying. Smartcards can be bought and

recharged at the Voi Gate to Tsavo East or in
Mombasa (p702).  KBC and NTV are the main national TV stations; the CNN, Sky and BBC networks are also
Campers in Tsavo West National Park can widely available on satellite or cable (DSTV).
use the public camp sites (camp sites adult/child US$10/5) ACCOMMODATION  Kenyan televisual equipment uses the standard European NSTC video system.
at Komboyo and Chyulu, or a choice of special In the national parks, high-season prices are
 Kenya uses the 240V system, with square three-pin sockets as used in the UK. Bring a univer-
camp sites (camp sites adult/child US$15/5). normally from July to March; on the coast,
sal adaptor if you need to charge your phone or run other appliances.
Ngulia Safari Camp (%Voi 043-30050; tsavoh@ peak times tend to be July to August and; r KSh3500-6000) has new manage- December to March. High-season prices are  Kenya uses the metric system; distances are in kilometres and most weights are in kilograms.
ment and a complete renovation has turned quoted here.
this hillside camp into Tsavos best luxury Bandas are basic huts and cottages, usually
bargain. Thatched tent-fronted stone cottages with some kind of kitchen and bathroom, are currently available in the Masai Mara for and its worth spending some time to select
come with or without kitchen, and theres a that offer excellent value for budget travellers. around US$390, and typically set off at dawn a reliable one that matches your budget and
small bar-restaurant. Camping gear can be hired in Nairobi and and end with a champagne breakfast. itinerary. Beware that fly-by-night operations
At Tsavo East, Ndololo Camp (%043-30050; around Mt Kenya, and there are basic KWS exist and several budget companies promise; full board s/d/tr US$40/70/90) camp sites in just about every national park Diving & Snorkelling less than they deliver for your money. Its
is a great-value tented camp with mosquito or reserve. The KWS special camp sites are The Malindi Marine National Park (p704) worth checking with the Kenyan Association of
nets, and canvas toilet and shower cubicles. temporary sites with few facilities that cost offers opportunities for snorkelling and scuba Tour Operators (KATO; %020-713348; www.katokenya
Theres a single KWS camp site (%043-30049; more because of their wilder locations. diving. October to March is the best time; silt .org) before making a booking; KATO mem-; camp sites adult/child US$10/5) Budget hotels are often known as board affects visibility during June, July and August. bership is at least some indicator of reliability
with basic toilets, and a few special camp sites and lodgings and tend to be very run-down, Almost every hotel and resort on the coast and using a KATO member will give you some
(adult/child US$15/5) that move from year to year. with almost nonexistent security. Proper can arrange an open-water diving course. A recourse if things go awry. We can personally
Just 4km from Voi Gate, Voi Safari Lodge hotels and guesthouses come in all shapes five-day PADI certification course will cost recommend the following companies, but this
(%Mombasa 041-471861;; s/d and sizes, from Kenyan, African and West- US$350 to US$450. Trips for certified divers, list is by no means exhaustive.
US$105/150; s) overlooks an incredible sweep ern chains through boutique hotels to little including two dives, go for around US$90. Bens Ecological Safaris (Map pp6867; %020-
of savannah, and has a rock-cut swimming family-run concerns. Standards of rooms, 3755290;; Aqua Plaza,
pool and a natural waterhole. food and service are generally very good, es- Trekking & Climbing Muranga Rd, Nairobi) A professionally run local outfit
Access to either part of Tsavo National Park pecially at high-end establishments. Midrange For proper mountain trekking, Mt Kenya that puts together excellent wildlife- and bird-watching
is by private vehicle (preferably 4WD) or or- self-catering options are available at some (p694) is the obvious choice, but there are itineraries.
ganised safari from Nairobi or Mombasa. coastal resorts, but probably nowhere else in plenty of other options, such as Mt Elgon, Bike Treks (%020-446371;;
the country. the Cherangani Hills, the upper reaches of the Kabete Gardens, Westlands, Nairobi) Walking and cycling

AMBOSELI NATIONAL PARK Most national parks have some fantastic Aberdares (p697) and even the Ngong Hills, safaris to major sites such as the Masai Mara, Mt Kenya etc.
The most popular park in Kenya after the safari lodges. The best places feature five-star close to Nairobi. Gametrackers (Map pp6889; %020-338927; www
Masai Mara is Amboseli (%045-622251; adult/child rooms, makuti-roofed bars and restaurants For more trekking information, get hold; Nginyo Towers, cnr Koinange &
US$30/10, smartcard required), mainly because ele- overlooking waterholes full of wildlife. Rates of a copy of Lonely Planets Trekking in East Moktar Daddah Sts, Nairobi) Offers competitively priced sa-
phants grazing with a backdrop of Mt Kili- tend to come down a lot in the low season. Africa or contact the Mountain Club of Kenya (MCK; faris to Lake Turkana as well as less far-flung destinations.
manjaro make what is probably the definitive For a real taste of East Africa, you must %020-602330; Origins Safaris (Map pp6889; %020-312137; www
Kenyan wildlife shot. treat yourself to a couple of nights in a luxury Savage Wilderness Safaris (%020-521590; www; Fedha Towers, Standard St, Nairobi)
Tortilis Camp (%020-604053; www.chelipeacock tented camp. These places tend to occupy; Sarit Centre, PO Box 1000, Westlands, Tailor-made wildlife, birding and cultural safaris for
.com; full board s/d US$400/640) is a wonderfully wonderfully remote settings, and feature large, Nairobi) offers mountaineering trips to Mt medium- to top-end customers.
conceived site, and one of the most exclusive comfortable, semi-permanent safari tents with Kenya and rock climbing at sites around the Sirikwa Safaris (%0733-793524; Kitale) Can organise
ecolodges in Kenya, commanding a superb beds, furniture and bathrooms. country, as well as some more unusual op- treks in little-visited parts of western Kenya, as well as
spot with perfect Kilimanjaro vistas. Prices tions, like caving. expert local wildlife knowledge.
include transfers, guided walks, cultural visits, ACTIVITIES
laundry and most drinks, but not park fees Ballooning Wildlife Safaris BUSINESS HOURS
or fancy wine. Ol Tukai Lodge (%020-4445514; Its definitely worth saving up your shillings Kenya is one of the greatest wildlife-watching Most government offices are open Monday to; full board s/d US$200/280; s) is a for the incomparable experience of watch- destinations on earth and virtually every visi- Friday from 8am or 8.30am to 1pm and from
splendid lodge with soaring makuti (thatched ing wildlife while floating silently above the tor to Kenya goes on safari at least once. There 2pm to 5pm. Post offices, shops and services
palm leaf) roofs and tranquil shaded gardens. savannah plains in a hot-air balloon. Flights are dozens of safari operators to choose from open roughly from 8am to 5pm Monday to
710 K E N YA D I R E C T O R Y C u s t o m s K E N YA D I R E C T O R Y Fe s t i v a l s & E v e n t s 711

Friday and 9am to noon on Saturday. Internet Perhaps the best advice for when youre Germany (%020-4262100;; 113 from 13 September 2007 and 2 September
cafs generally keep longer evening hours and walking around cities and towns is not to Riverside Dr, Nairobi) 2008. The Maulid Festival, marking the birth
may open on Sunday. Banking hours are from carry anything valuable with you. Most hotels Netherlands (%020-444 7412; Riverside La, Nairobi) of the Prophet Mohammed, is also widely
9am to 3pm Monday to Friday and from 9am provide a safe or secure place for valuables, al- South Africa (%020-282 7100; Roshanmaer Pl, Lenana celebrated, especially on Lamu. This will
to 11am Saturday. though you should be cautious of the security Rd, Nairobi) take place on 20 March 2007 and 20 March
As a rule cafs will open at around 6am at some budget places. Sudan (Map pp686-7; %020-2720883; 2008.
or 7am and close in the early evening, while Always take taxis after dark or along lonely; AON-Minet Bldg, Mamlaka Other public holidays in Kenya include
more expensive ethnic restaurants will be dirt roads. In the event of a crime, youll need Rd, Nairobi) At the time of research, this embassy did not the following:
open from 11am to 10pm daily, sometimes to get a police report if you intend to make an issue visas. New Years Day 1 January
with a break between lunch and dinner. insurance claim. Tanzania (Map pp688-9; %020-311948; Reinsurance Good Friday and Easter Monday March/April
Plaza, Aga Khan Walk, Nairobi) Labour Day 1 May
CUSTOMS Scams Uganda Kenyatta Ave (Map pp688-9; %020-311814; Madaraka (Self-Rule) Day 1 June
There are strict laws about taking wildlife At some point in Kenya youll almost certainly Uganda House, Kenyatta Ave, Nairobi); Riverside Paddocks Moi Day 10 October
products out of Kenya. The export of prod- come across people who play on the emotions (%020-4445420;; Kenyatta Day 20 October
ucts made from elephant, rhino and sea turtle and gullibility of foreigners. Nairobi is a par- Riverside Paddocks, Nairobi) Independence Day 12 December
are prohibited. The collection of coral is also ticular hot spot, with friendly approaches a UK (Map pp686-7; %020-2844000; www.britishhigh Christmas Day 25 December
not allowed. Ostrich eggs will be confiscated daily, if not hourly, occurrence. You should; Upper Hill Rd, Nairobi) Boxing Day 26 December
unless you can prove you bought them from always ignore any requests for money. Be USA (%020-3636000;;
a certified ostrich farm. Always check to see sceptical of strangers who claim to recognise United Nations Ave, Nairobi) INTERNET ACCESS
what permits are required, especially for the you in the street, and anyone who makes a Most towns have at least one internet caf
export of any plants, insects and shells. big show of inviting you into the hospitality FESTIVALS & EVENTS (and Nairobi has lots) where you can surf and
The usual regulations apply to items you of their home probably has ulterior motives. The major events around Kenya include the access webmail accounts or instant-messenger
can bring into the country: 50 cigars, 200 The usual trick is to bestow some kind of following: programs. Rates are cheapest in Nairobi and
cigarettes, 250g of pipe tobacco, 1L of alco- gift upon the delighted traveller, who is then Maulid Festival Falling in March or April for the next few Mombasa (as little as KSh1 per minute), rising
hol, 250ml of perfume, and other personal emotionally blackmailed into reciprocating to years, this annual celebration of the prophet Mohammeds to up to KSh20 per minute in rural areas and
items, such as cameras, laptop computers and the order of several hundred shillings. birthday is a huge event in Lamu town. top-end hotels.
binoculars. Obscene publications are banned, Tusker Safari Sevens ( Interna- The national Posta network offers inter-
which may extend to some lads magazines. EMBASSIES & CONSULATES tional rugby tournament held every June near Nairobi. net access at almost every main post office in
You are allowed to take up to KSh100,000 Kenyan Embassies & Consulates Kenya Music Festival (%020-2712964) The countrys the country, charging the same fixed rate of
out of the country. Australia (%02-6247 4788;; longest-running music festival, held over 10 days in August KSh1.16 per minute.
QBE Bldg, 33-35 Ainslie Ave, Canberra, ACT 2601) in Nairobi.
DANGERS & ANNOYANCES Canada (%613-563 1773; www.kenyahighcommission Mombasa Carnival ( Novem- MAPS
A little street sense goes a long way here, and .ca; 415 Laurier Ave, East Ottawa, Ontario, KIN 6R4) ber street festival, with music, dance and other events. Bookshops, especially the larger ones in Nai-
getting the latest local information is essential South Africa (%012-362 2249;; 302 East Africa Safari Rally (www.eastafricansafarirally robi, are the best places to look for maps in
wherever you intend to travel. Brooks St, Menlo Park, 0081 Pretoria) .com) Classic car rally now in its 50th year, covering Kenya, Kenya. The Tourist Map of Kenya gives good
Tanzania (%022-2112955;; NIC Invest- Tanzania and Uganda using only pre-1971 vehicles. Held detail, as does the Kenya Route Map; both cost
Banditry ment House, Samora Ave, Dar es Salaam) in December. around KSh250.

Wars in Somalia, Sudan and Ethiopia have all Uganda (%041-258235; Plot No 41, Nakasero Rd, The most detailed and thorough maps are
affected stability and safety in northern and Kampala) FOOD published by the Survey of Kenya; many are
northeastern Kenya. However, tourists are UK (%020-7636 2371;; You can eat well in Kenya, though outside the out of print, but the better bookshops in Nai-
rarely targeted and security has also improved 45 Portland Pl, London W1N 4AS) major towns variety isnt always a priority. In robi usually have copies of Amboseli National
considerably in previously high-risk areas, USA (%202-387-6101;; 2249 R general you should be able to snack for under Park (SK 87), Masai Mara Game Reserve (SK
such as the IsioloMarsabit, MarsabitMoyale Street NW, Washington DC 20008) KSh100 on the street and fill up for under 86), Tsavo East National Park (SK 82) and
and MalindiLamu routes. You should always KSh200 in any cheap Kenyan cafeteria; an Tsavo West National Park (SK 78).
check the situation locally before taking these Embassies & Consulates in Kenya Indian or standard Western meal will cost
roads, or travelling between Garsen and Gar- A selection of countries that maintain diplo- around KSh500, a Chinese meal anything up MONEY
issa or Thika. matic missions in Kenya are listed below. to KSh1000, and a top-flight meal in a classy The unit of currency is the Kenyan shilling
Australia (Map pp686-7;%020-445034; www.embas restaurant with wine and all the trimmings (KSh), which is made up of 100 cents. Notes
Crime; ICIPE House, Riverside Dr, Nairobi) can easily exceed KSh2000 per person. in circulation are KSh1000, 500, 200, 100, 50
The countrys biggest problem is crime, rang- Canada (%020-3663000;; Limuru and 20, and there are also new coins of KSh40,
ing from petty snatch theft and mugging to Rd, Nairobi) HOLIDAYS 20, 10, 5 and 1 in circulation.
violent armed robbery, carjacking and corrup- Ethiopia (Map pp686-7; %020-2732050; State House Muslim festivals are significant events along The euro, US dollar and British pound are
tion. As a visitor you neednt feel paranoid, Ave, Nairobi) the coast. Many places to eat in the region all easy to change throughout the country.
but you should always keep your wits about French (Map pp6867; %020-316363; www.amba close until after sundown during the Muslim Cash is easy and quick to exchange at banks
you, particularly at night.; Barclays Plaza, Loita St, Nairobi) fasting month of Ramadan, which will run and foreign-exchange bureaus; travellers
712 K E N YA D I R E C T O R Y P o s t T R A N S P O R T I N K E N YA G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y 713

cheques are not as widely accepted and often Letters sent from Kenya rarely go astray, but Mobile-phone numbers have a four-digit Visa Extensions
carry high commission charges. can take up to two weeks to reach Australia prefix beginning with 07. Tourist visas can be extended for a further
or the USA. Incoming letters to Kenya can three-month period, but seven-day transit
ATMs be sent care of poste restante to any town. Phonecards visas (US$20) cannot. You can extend your
Virtually all banks in Kenya have ATMs at Make sure your correspondents write your With the new Telkom Kenya phonecards, any visa at the immigration office (%311745; Uhuru ni
most branches. Barclays Bank has the most name in block capitals and also underline the phone can now be used for prepaid calls you Kari Bldg, Mama Ngina Dr) in Mombasa.
reliable ATMs for international withdraw- surname. They take anywhere from four days just have to dial the access number (%0844),
als, with ATMs in most major Kenyan towns to a week to reach the poste-restante service and enter in the number and passcode on Visas for Onward Travel
supporting MasterCard, Visa, Plus and Cirrus in Nairobi. the card. There are booths selling the cards Since Nairobi is a common gateway city to East
international networks. all over the country. Cards come in denomi- Africa and the city centre is easy to get around,
Standard Chartered and Kenya Commer- TELEPHONE nations of KSh200, KSh500, KSh1000 and many travellers spend some time here picking
cial Bank ATMs also accept Visa but not the The Kenyan fixed-line phone system, run by KSh2000, and call charges are slightly more up visas for other countries that they intend
other major providers, and are more likely to Telkom Kenya (, is more or less expensive than for standard lines (peak/off- to visit. If you are going to do this, you need
decline transactions. functional, but has been overtaken by the mas- peak US$1/0.70). to plan ahead of time and call the embassy to
sive popularity of prepaid mobile phones. confirm the hours that visa applications are
Credit Cards International call rates from Kenya are TIME received (these change frequently in Nairobi).
Credit cards are becoming increasingly popu- relatively expensive, charged at a flat rate of Time in Kenya is GMT/UTC plus three hours Most embassies will want you to pay visa fees
lar, although connections fail with tedious US$0.90 per minute during peak periods and year-round. You should also be aware of the in US dollars (see p710 for contact details).
regularity. Visa and MasterCard are now US$0.64 per minute off-peak to any destina- concept of Swahili time, which perversely Just because a country has an embassy or
widely accepted, but it would be prudent tion. Operator-assisted calls are charged at is six hours out of kilter with the rest of the consulate here, it doesnt necessarily mean
to stick to upmarket hotels, restaurants and the standard peak rate but are subject to a world. Noon and midnight are 6 oclock (saa you can get that countrys visa. The borders
shopping centres to use them. three-minute minimum. You can always dial sitta) Swahili time, and 7am and 7pm are 1 with Somalia and Sudan are both closed, so
direct using a phonecards. oclock (saa moja). Just add or subtract six youll have to go to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia
Moneychangers Reverse-charge (collect) calls are possible, hours from whatever time you are told; Swa- if you want a Sudanese visa, and Somali visas
The best places to change money are foreign- but only to countries that have set up free hili doesnt distinguish between am and pm. are unlikely to be available for the foresee-
exchange bureaus, which can be found every- direct-dial numbers allowing you to reach able future.
where and usually dont charge commission. the international operator in the country you TOURIST INFORMATION For Ethiopia, Tanzania and Uganda, three-
Watch out for differing small bill (US$10) are calling. Currently these include: the UK Considering the extent to which the country month visas are readily available in Nairobi
and large bill (US$100) rates; the larger bills (%0800-220441), the USA (%0800-111, relies on tourism, its incredible that there and cost US$50 for most nationalities. Two
usually get the better rates. 0800-1112), Canada (%0800-220114, 0800- is no tourist office in Nairobi. There are a passport photos are required for applica-
Banks also change money, but they charge 220115), New Zealand (%0800-220641) and handful of information offices elsewhere in tions and visas can usually be issued the
large commissions and theres a fee per travel- Switzerland (%0800-220411). the country, ranging from helpful private same day.
lers cheque, so youre better off carrying larger The minimum charge for a local call from concerns to under-funded government of-
denominations. Amex has offices in Mombasa
and Nairobi, where you can buy and sell Amex
travellers cheques.
a payphone is KSh5 for 97 seconds, while
long-distance rates vary depending on the
fices; most can at least provide basic maps of
the town, and brochures on local businesses
and attractions.

Tipping Mobile Phones VISAS Air
Tipping is not common practice among Ken- An estimated 80% of all calls here are now Visas are now required by almost all visitors Most international flights to/from Nairobi are
yans, but theres no harm in rounding up the made on mobile phones, and coverage is good to Kenya, including Europeans, Australians, handled by Jomo Kenyatta International Airport
bill by a few shillings if youre pleased with in all but the most rural areas. Kenya uses the New Zealanders, Americans and Canadians, (NBO; %020-825400;, 15km
the service in a cheap restaurant. In tourist- GSM 900 system, which is compatible with although citizens from a few smaller Com- southeast of the city. Its a well-organised
oriented businesses a service charge of 10% Europe and Australia but not with the North monwealth countries are exempt. Visas are place, with two international terminals, a
is often added to the bill, along with the 16% American GSM 1900 system. valid for three months from the date of entry smaller domestic terminal, plenty of duty-
VAT and 2% catering levy. Most tourist guides If your phone isnt locked into a network, and can be obtained on arrival at Jomo Keny- free and souvenir shops, internet access and
and all safari drivers and cooks will expect you can pick up a prepaid starter pack from atta International Airport in Nairobi. The visa a branch of Java Coffee.
some kind of gratuity at the end of your tour one of the Kenyan mobile-phone companies; fee is UK35 or US$50 for a single-entry visa, Some flights between Nairobi and Kili-
or trip. As fares are negotiated in advance, taxi the main players are Safaricom (www.safaricom and UK70 or US$100 for multiple entries. If manjaro International Airport or Mwanza
drivers do not need to be tipped unless they and Celtel ( A SIM card you have any other currencies, youll have to in Tanzania, as well as many domestic flights,
provide exceptional service. will cost about KSh100, and you can then change them into Kenyan shillings. use Wilson Airport (WIL; %020-501941), which is
buy top-up scratchcards from shops and Applications for Kenyan visas are simple about 6km south of the city centre on Langata
POST booths across the country. An international and straightforward in Tanzania and Uganda, Rd. Mombasas Moi International Airport (MBA;
The Kenyan postal system is run by the gov- SMS costs around KSh10, and voice charges and payment is accepted in local currency. %041-433211) handles flights to Zanzibar, but
ernment Postal Corporation of Kenya, now vary according to tariff, time and destination Visas can also be issued on arrival at the land otherwise is mainly used by charter airlines
rebranded as the dynamic-sounding Posta. of call. borders with Uganda and Tanzania. and domestic flights.
714 T R A N S P O R T I N K E N YA G e t t i n g A r o u n d T R A N S P O R T I N K E N YA G e t t i n g A r o u n d 715

Kenya Airways is the main national and situation carefully before attempting this flights 72 hours before departure, especially Avis (%020-316061; Mombasa and
regional carrier, and has a generally good crossing. when connecting with an international flight. Nairobi.
safety record. There are good connections From immigration on the Ethiopian side Airlines flying domestically: Budget (%020-223581;
from Nairobi to most regions of Africa. of town its a 2km walk to the Ethiopian and Air Kenya (%020-605745; Nairobi.
The following airlines fly to and from Kenyan customs posts. Be aware that a yellow- Amboseli, Lamu, Masai Mara, Malindi, Nanyuki. Central Rent-a-Car (%020-222888; www.carhire
Kenya, and have offices in Nairobi except fever vaccination is required to cross either Kenya Airways (%020-3274100; www.kenya-airways Nairobi.
where otherwise indicated: border at Moyale. A cholera vaccination may .com) Kisumu, Lamu, Malindi, Mombasa. Glory Car Hire (%020-225024;
Air India (airline code AI; Map pp688-9;%020-340925; also be required. Mombasa Air Safari (%041-433061; www.mombasa Mombasa and Nairobi. Hub: Mumbai. Buses or trucks connect the border to Mars- Amboseli, Lamu, Malindi, Masai Mara,
Air Malawi (airline code QM; %020-240965; www.air abit (KSh600, 8 hours) and Isiolo (KSh1200, Mombasa, Tsavo. ROAD RULES Hub: Lilongwe. 17 hours) along a bone-jarring dirt road. Safarilink (%020-600777; Am- Driving practices in Kenya are some of the
Air Zimbabwe (airline code UM; %020-339522; www boseli, Lamu, Masai Mara, Naivasha, Nanyuki, Tsavo West. worst in the world and all are carried out at Hub: Harare. TANZANIA break-neck speed. Kenyans habitually drive
Airkenya (airline code QP; %020-605745; www.air The main land borders between Kenya and Bus on the wrong side of the road in order to avoid Hub: Wilson Airport, Nairobi. Kilimanjaro only. Tanzania are at Namanga, Taveta, Isebania Kenya has an extensive network of long- and potholes or animals flashing your lights at
British Airways (airline code BA; Map pp688-9; %020- and Lunga Lunga, and can be reached by short-haul bus routes, with good coverage of these vehicles should be enough to persuade
244430; Hub: Heathrow Airport, public transport. the areas around Nairobi, the coast and the the driver to get back into their own lanes.
London. Main bus companies serving Tanzania in- western regions. Buses offer varying levels of Never drive at night unless you absolutely
Daallo Airlines (airline code D3; %020-317318; www clude the following: comfort, convenience and roadworthiness, have to, as very few cars have adequate head- Hub: Hargeisa. Akamba (%020-340430;; but as a rule services are frequent, fast and lights and the roads are full of pedestrians
Egypt Air (airline code MS; Map pp688-9; %020- Nairobi) Daily buses between Mwanza and Nairobi (12 to often quite comfortable. The downside is the and cyclists.
226821; Hub: Cairo. 14 hours). often diabolical condition of Kenyas road.
Emirates (airline code EK; Map pp686-7; %020- Davanu Shuttle (%057-8142; Arusha) Arusha/Moshi Hitching
211187; Hub: Dubai. shuttle buses. Car & Motorcycle Hitchhiking is never entirely safe in any
Ethiopian Airlines (airline code ET; Map pp688-9; Easy Coach (%020-210711; easycoach@wananchi There are numerous car-hire companies who country in the world, and we dont recom-
%020-330837; Hub: Addis .com; Nairobi) can hire you anything from a small hatchback mend it. Travellers who decide to hitch should
Ababa. Riverside Shuttle Nairobi (%020-229618); Arusha to Toyota Land Cruiser 4WDs, although hire understand that they are taking a small but
Gulf Air (airline code GF; %020-241123; www.gulfairco. (%057-2639) Arusha/Moshi shuttle buses. rates are some of the highest in the world. potentially serious risk; its safer to travel in
com) Hub: Abu Dhabi. Scandinavia Express (%020-247131; Nairobi) Daily An International Driving Permit (IDP) is pairs and let someone know where you are
Kenya Airways (airline code KQ; Map pp686-7; buses between Dar es Salaam and Mombasa (10 hours), not necessary in Kenya, but can be useful. planning to go.
%020-32074100; Hub: Jomo between Dar es Salaam and Nairobi via Arusha (13 hours),
Kenyatta International Airport, Nairobi. Also has an office between Mwanza and Nairobi (12 to 14 hours) and HIRE Local Transport
in Mombasa. between Tanga and Mombasa (four to five hours). Hiring a vehicle to tour Kenya (or at least the MATATU
KLM (airline code KL; Map pp686-7; %020-32074100; national parks) is an expensive way of seeing Local matatus are the main means of getting Hub: Amsterdam. UGANDA the country, but it does give you freedom of around for local people, and any reasonably
Oman Air (airline code WY; Map p701; %041-221444; Numerous bus companies run between Nai- movement and is sometimes the only way of sized city or town will have plenty of serv- Hub: Muscat. Office in Mombasa. robi and Kampala, or you can do the journey getting to remote areas. ices covering every major road and suburb.

Precision Air (airline code PW; %020-602561; www in stages via Malaba, or Busia if you are travel- A minimum age of between 23 and 25 years Fares start at KSh10 and may reach KSh40 Hub: Dar es Salaam. ling via Kisumu. usually applies for hirers. Some companies for longer routes in Nairobi.
Rwandair (airline code WB; %0733-740703; www Main bus companies serving Uganda in- prefer a licence with no endorsements or Matatus now comply with new safety Hub: Kigali. clude the following: criminal convictions, and most require you laws, and must be fitted with seatbelts and
Safarilink Aviation (%020-600777; Akamba (%020-340430; to have been driving for at least two years. 80kph speed governors; conductors and driv-
.ke) Hub: Wilson Airport, Nairobi. Kilimanjaro only. Falcon (%020-229692) You will also need acceptable ID, such as a ers must wear clearly identifiable red shirts,
SN Brussels Airlines (airline code SN; %020-4443070; Scandinavia Express (%020-247131) passport. route numbers must be displayed and a 14- Hub: Brussels. All the international companies have person capacity applies to vehicles that used
South African Airways (airline code SA; %020- GETTING AROUND airport and/or town offices in Nairobi and to cram in as many as 30 people. Frequent
229663; Hub: Johannesburg. Air Mombasa. Most safari companies will also police checks have also been brought in to
Swiss International Airlines (airline code SR; %020- Four domestic operators, including the na- hire out their vehicles, though you have few of enforce the rules.
3744045; Hub: Zurich. tional carrier Kenya Airways, run scheduled the guarantees that you would with the com- Matatus leave when full and the fares are
flights within Kenya. Destinations served panies listed here. Lets Go Travel (%020-340331; fixed. Wherever youre going, remember that
Land are predominantly around the coast and the organises reliable car hire at most matatu crashes are head-on collisions
ETHIOPIA popular southern national parks. favourable rates through partner firms. under no circumstances should you sit in the
Ethiopia currently offers the only viable over- Book well in advance (essential during the Local and international hire companies: death seat next to the matatu driver. Play
land route into Kenya from the north, but tourist high season) with all these airlines. You Avenue Car Hire (%020-313207; www.avenuecarhire it safe and sit in the middle seats away from
owing to security concerns, check the latest should also remember to reconfirm return .com) Nairobi. the window.
Lonely Planet Publications
716 T R A N S P O R T I N K E N YA G e t t i n g A r o u n d

SHARED TAXI (PEUGEOT) up by gender. No compartment can be locked

Shared Peugeot taxis make a good alternative from the outside, so remember not to leave
to matatus, though theyre not subject to the any valuables lying around if you leave it
same regulations. Peugeots are quicker than for any reason. You might want to padlock
matatus and so are slightly more expensive, your rucksack to something during dinner
but they also are commonly involved in hor- and breakfast. Always lock your compart-
rific smashes. Many companies have offices ment from the inside before you go to sleep.
around the Accra, Cross and River Rds area Third class has seats only, and security can
in Nairobi. be a real problem.

Youll find taxis on virtually every corner The downside to train travel is the price,
in the larger cities, especially in Nairobi over KSh3000 for 1st class on the Nairobi
and Mombasa, where taking a taxi at night Mombasa route, including meals (dinner and
is virtually mandatory. Fares are invariably breakfast) and bedding. The Kisumu route
negotiable and start at around KSh200 for is much less fancy, and 1st-class tickets cost
short journeys. around KSh1500.

The Uganda Railway services two main routes, You must book in advance for both 1st and
NairobiKisumu and NairobiMombasa. 2nd class, otherwise youll probably find there
Both are night services of around 13 hours, are no berths available; two to three days is
but considerably more comfortable and sig- usually sufficient. Visa credit cards are ac-
nificantly safer than travelling by road. cepted for railway bookings. Compartment
and berth numbers are posted up about 30
CLASSES minutes prior to departure.
There are three classes on Kenyan trains, There are booking offices (Mombasa %041-312220;
but only 1st and 2nd class can be recom- Nairobi %020-221211) in major cities and at Kis-
mended. Note that passengers are divided umu train station.

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