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908 MA L A W I H i g h l i g h t s 909

Lake Malawi (p927) Discover untouched HOW MUCH?

islands by kayak, commune with the un-  100 ml bottle of Nali (Malawis own
derwater world or kick back on a near chilli sauce) US$0.80
deserted beach.
 Bottle of wine US$10-20
 Nyika National Park (p917) Explore sweep-
ing, magnificent wilderness filled with  Carving US$12
antelope and zebra on foot, by bike or  30 ml sachet of Malawi Gin US$0.30
Flick through the glossy tourist brochures and the clichs come thick and fast. Malawi is the on horseback.
warm heart of Africa, or Africa for beginners; and its lake the lake of stars. It all seems too  1 live chicken US$2.50
 Mount Mulanje (p924) Hike the majestic
good to be true, but, with stunning and varied scenery and supremely friendly locals, along peaks and take in the dramatic views.
with the relative ease of travel here, Malawi really does live up to the hype.  Liwonde National Park (p926) Cruise past LONELY PLANET INDEX
hippos and crocs on the Shire River or
 1L petrol US$1
Malawis big draw is the lake: a magnificent shard of crystal water stretching some 500km take a walking safari and get up close and
personal with the elephants.  1L bottled water US$2
along Malawis eastern border, separating it from the wild and mountainous coast of Mo-
 Ilala ferry (p932) Enjoy Malawis lakeshore  Bottle of Kuche Kuche (Malawian
zambique and Tanzania. Isolated villages pepper the northern lakeshore and the beautiful via the ancient Ilala ferry and sleep out beer) US$0.90
Liwonde National Park rests at its southern tip. Around 500 species of fish inhabit the lake on deck under the stars.
 Souvenir T-shirt US $10
and the freshwater diving and snorkelling here are excellent.
CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO  Plate of chips US$1
Malawis not just for water babies and sun worshippers though; theres plenty here to keep The best time to visit Malawi is during the dry
you active and Malawis landscape is surprisingly diverse. Head for the misty heights of Mt season from May to mid-November. From
Mulanje or to the Nyika Plateau, where you find sheer escarpments, dramatic peaks, endless May to July the landscape is attractive and HISTORY
vegetation green and lush, and temperatures Since the first millennium, the Bantu people
rolling grassland and some of the most enjoyable hiking routes in the whole of Africa. cooler. The months of October and Novem- had been migrating from Central Africa into

Many travellers only pass through the country for a couple of days, intent on racing
ber, at the end of the dry season, are the best the area now occupied by Malawi, but migra-
time for wildlife viewing; however, the tem- tion to the area stepped up with the arrival of
through to Africas bigger attractions. This is a shame, as Malawi has much to offer. Take peratures can be uncomfortably hot. the Tumbuka and Phoka, who settled around
time to explore the highland wilderness, dive and swim in the lakes warm waters, or simply the highlands of Nyika and Viphya during the
soak up the vibrant local flavour and youre sure to find yourself seduced. ITINERARIES 17th century, and the Maravi, who established
 Three Days Explore Lilongwe (p912) be- a large and powerful kingdom in the south.
fore heading down to Senga Bay (p920) The early 19th century brought with it
for a couple of days of sun worshipping. two significant migrations. The Yao invaded
FAST FACTS One Week Follow the three-day itinerary southern Malawi from western Mozambique,

 Area 118,484 sq km the head down to Blantyre (p921) though displacing the Maravi, while groups of Zulu
the hills and waterfalls of the Zomba migrated northward to settle in central and
 ATMs In major cities
Plateau (p925), then meander through northern Malawi. This century also saw the
 Borders Tanzania, Mozambique, Zambia; Malawis stunning tea plantations to get escalation of the East African slave trade.
all main border crossings are open from into some hiking on the misty peaks of Several trading centres were established in
6am to 6pm Mt Mulanje (p924). Malawi, including Karonga and Nkhotakota
 Budget US$15 to US$25 per day  Two Weeks Follow the one-week itinerary, towns that still bear a strong Swahili-Arab
then head north from Lilongwe to Mzuzu influence today.
 Capital Lilongwe
(p918), from where you can reach the
 Language(s) English, Chichewa wild open spaces of Vwaza Marsh (p917) Enter the British
 Money Malawi Kwacha; US$1 = MK140 and Nyika Plateau (p917) and the colo- The most famous explorer to reach this area
nial hilltop town of Livingstonia (p916). was David Livingstone. He reached Lake
 Population 12 million
Then head for Nkhata Bay (p918), before Malawi in September 1859, naming it Lake
 Seasons Cool and dry (May-Aug), hot and dry (September to catching the Ilala ferry (p932) over to Nyasa. His death in 1873 inspired a legion of
mid-November), hot and wet (mid-November to April) Likoma and Chizumulu Islands (p920). missionaries to come to Africa, bringing the
 Telephone Country code %265; international access code  One Month With a month or longer you more civilised principles of commerce and
%101 could encompass all of these highlights Christianity.
 Time GMT/UTC + 2
and more: check out the southern beach The early missionaries blazed the way for
resorts of Cape Maclear (p927) or go various adventurers and pioneer traders and
 Visa Free (for most nationalities) for 30 days; issued at point of entry hippo-spotting on a canoe in Liwonde it wasnt long before European settlers began
National Park (p926). to arrive in their droves. In 1889 Britain
910 MA L A W I H i s t o r y MA L A W I C u l t u re 911

100 km
60 miles
allowed Cecil Rhodes British South Africa Malawi Today The main ethnic groups are: Chewa, domi-
Company to administer the Shire Highlands, In July 2002 Muluzi aired the idea of a Third nant in the central and southern parts of the
and in 1891 the British Central Africa (BCA) Term Bill, which would have extended his country; Yao in the south; and Tumbuka in the
Protectorate was extended to include land presidency for one more term. When this north. Other groups are: Nguni, in parts of the
TANZANIA along the western side of the lake. In 1907 failed, he chose Bingu wa Mutharika as his central and northern provinces; Chipoka, also
the BCA Protectorate became the colony of successor, who in 2004 duly won the election. in the central area; and Tonga, mostly along
Mt Kaluwe Nyasaland. Many thought he would follow in Muluzis the lakeshore. The number of Malawians of
Colonial rule brought with it an end to footsteps, but he soon declared his independ- European decent is less than 1%. There is also
slave-traders and intertribal conflicts; but it ence by quitting the UDF and setting up his a small Indian population in Malawi, who

Mbeya also brought a whole new set of problems. own party, the Democratic Progressive Party were brought to the country by the British in
As more and more European settlers arrived, (DPP). His presidency seemed like a breath of the early 1900s to help construct a railway line
e Njombe more and more land was taken away from the fresh air and he set about stemming corrup- between Malawi and Mozambique.
River Kyela locals and Africans were forced to pay taxes tion, stepping up the fight against HIV/AIDS, Christianity is the majority religion in Ma-
Chitipa Songwe
Kaporo to the administration. attempting to attract greater foreign invest- lawi, making up about 75% of the numbers,
Karonga ment, and, more controversially, restoring although for many Malawians Western be-
Isoka Nganda
Peak (2607m) Ngara Transition & Independence Bandas reputation as a great African hero. liefs are intertwined with traditional African
Nyika Chilumba Not surprisingly, this created opposition to A massive famine in 2005 put the pressure practices.
Muyombe NP
Mt Vitumbi Chitimba colonial rule and in the 1950s the Nyasaland on however, and in early 2006 the Mutharika Muslims make up almost 20% of the popu-
Katumbi Livingstonia
African Congress (NAC) party, led by Dr government was rocked by scandal and politi- lation. The people of the Yao tribe along the
Marsh Rumphi Mbinga Hastings Kamuzu Banda, began a serious cal infighting which threatened to undermine southern lakeshore are the most closely as-
Chama WR
u Ruarwe push for independence. This came, after con- its effectiveness. sociated with Islam.

Mbamba Bay siderable struggle, in 1964, and Nyasaland


Pl a

Nkhata Bay Mitomani became the independent country of Malawi.

Mpamphala Chintheche Two years later Malawi became a republic and Most Malawians live up to their reputation Dance is an important social element across
Mzimba Bandawe Chizumulu Is (Malawi)
Banda was made president, eventually declar- as some of the friendliest people in Africa. Malawi and most dances are rooted in tradi-


1 Likoma Is (Malawi)
Lundazi Jenda
5 Lake Cbu ing himself President for life in 1971. He They tend to be very generous and will go tional beliefs and customs. The most famous
MOZAMBIQUE ruled for 30 years before his downfall and died out of their way to help others; unlike in some traditional dance is known as the Gule Wam-
Nkhotakota Metangula
three years later. Many achievements were other countries, theres no sense that theyre kulu, which reflects the traditional belief in
WR Mphonde made during his presidency but these were just doing so because they want something spirits.
Kasungu Kasungu
overshadowed by his stringent rule: banning from you. Poetry is very popular in Malawi: leading
1 M
Mbobo the foreign press, imposing dress codes and Walking around in revealing clothing poets include Steve Chimombo whose most
7 Lichinga
Ntchisi Ntchisi Peak
waging vendettas against any group regarded is seen as inappropriate for both men and highly acclaimed work is a complex poetic
Mt Chiponde Dowa Senga as a threat. women and public drunkenness is frowned drama, The Rainmaker and Jack Mapanje,
(1607m) Bay
LILONGWE In June 1993, however, Banda agreed to a upon, as are open displays of affection. Great whose first poetry collection (Of Chameleons

Mchinji Salima Cape Mt Msondole
Chipoka Maclear (1800m) referendum that resulted in the introduction respect is accorded to the older generation, and Gods, published in 1981) led to his im-
Munduni (2056m) Lake Malawi
Dzalanyama Dedza Mtn Monkey
Mua Bay
NP of a multiparty political system; at Malawis who should always be treated in a courteous prisonment by the Banda regime in 1987 and
(2198m) Dedza Chiponde first full multiparty election in May 1994, manner. eventual release in 1991.
Mangochi Mandimba
Mt Chirobwe
(2023m) M
Lake the victor was the United Democratic Front For the average Malawian, economic condi- Most critics agree that Malawis leading
MOZAMBIQUE 1 Ulongwe Liwonde (UDF), led by Bakili Muluzi. On becoming tions are not good. Malawi remains one of the novelist is Legson Kayira, whose semiautobio-
NP Nayuchi
Balaka President, Muluzi moved quickly: political worlds poorest countries and has one of the graphical I Will Try and The Looming Shadow

Zomba M
Matope Plateau 3 Lake prisons were closed and freedom of speech highest HIV/AIDS infection rates in South- earned him acclaim in the 1970s.
and print was permitted. The Muluzi govern- ern Africa. The country is urbanising rapidly; Home-grown contemporary music is be-
Songo Mwanza
(1458m) ment also made several economic reforms natural resources struggle to support the bur- coming increasingly popular in Malawi, due
Blantyre Phalombe
Limbe Mt with the help of the World Bank and the In- geoning population and schools, hospitals and largely to influential and popular musicians
Mulanje Mulanje

Chikwawa M (3001m) ternational Monetary Fund (IMF), including other social institutions are overflowing. such as Lucius Banda, who plays soft Ma-
Tete Lengwe Thyolo 2 Muloza
the withdrawal of state subsidies and the lib- lawian-style reggae with his band Zembani,

Nchalo Milange

Elephant Mchacha James eralisation of foreign exchange laws. By 1996 PEOPLE and the late Evison Matafale. Other reggae

Marsh Makhanga
Bangula these economic reforms were hitting the aver- Estimates put Malawis total population at names to look out for are Billy Kaunda and
age Malawian citizen hard. Food prices and around 12 million. Because the country is Nyasa Gurus. Also popular is Ethel Kamwendo,
unemployment soared; there were reports of small this creates one of the highest popula- one of Malawis leading female singers.
Marka increased malnutrition, and crime increased tion densities in Africa. About 85% of the Malawi is especially known for skilful
LEGEND in urban areas. Nevertheless, Muluzi was re- people live in rural areas and are engaged in woodcarvers and youll see beautifully made
GR Game Reserve
NP National Park elected in May 1999 despite complaints of subsistence farming or fishing, or working on wood and stone carvings, including walking
WR Wildlife Reserve mismanagement and corruption at the highest commercial farms and plantations. Around sticks, chairs and coffee tables, in craft shops
government levels. half the population is under 15 years of age. and markets all over the country.
912 L I L O N G W E O r i e n t a t i o n L I L O N G W E 913

ENVIRONMENT At top-end hotels and restaurants in cities LILONGWE 0

1 km
0.5 miles
Malawi is wedged between Zambia, Tanzania and along the lakeshore you can find straight-
and Mozambique, measuring roughly 900km forward international standards, plus more A B C D
long and between 80km and 150km wide, with elaborate French, British or Italian cuisine. If INFORMATION SLEEPING SHOPPING
Adventist Health Centre...............1 C2 Cresta Crossroads Hotel...........(see 26) City Centre Shopping Centre..... 25 D3
an area of 118,484 sq km. youre hankering for something different, in British High Commission..............2 C3 Kiboko Camp.............................16 A6 Crossroads Complex.................. 26 A4
Lake Malawi covers almost a fifth of Mala- Blantyre and Lilongwe are restaurants serv- 1 German Embassy.........................3 C3 Kiboko Town Hotel....................17 D5 Nico Shopping Centre................ 27 D5
Immigration Office.......................4 B4 St Peter's Guesthouse................18 C6 Old Town Mall...........................28 B4
wis total area. Beyond the lake, escarpments ing Ethiopian, Indian, Korean, Chinese and MGI Cyber Cafe......................(see 27)
rise to high rolling plateaus covering much Portuguese food. Main courses range from Ministry of Tourism, Parks & EATING TRANSPORT
Wildlife....................................5 C3 Amina's Take Away...................19 B4 Buses to Dar es Salaam & Lusaka..29 B5
of the country. Malawis main highland areas around US$5 to US$10.

n R
Money Bureau.........................(see 26) Bohemian Caf..........................20 C5 KLM & Kenya Airways............... 30 D3
Area 10
are Nyika and Viphya in the north and Mt Traditional beer of the region is made Money Bureau.........................(see 25) Buchannan's Grill.......................21 D3 Long-distance Minibuses............31 B6

Money Bureau.........................(see 27) Don Brioni's Bistro....................(see 17) Main Bus Station........................32 B6
Mulanje in the south. from maize; in Malawi this is commercially

Mozambican Embassy..................6 C3 Modi's....................................... 22 D5 Ch
Minibuses to City Centre........... 33 D5
Area 18 ay
am 34 D5
Malawis main river is the Shire (pro- brewed as Chibuku. Malawis local lager is National Bank of Malawi..............7 D5 Shire Bus Lines Depot................

Post Office...................................8 D5 DRINKING South African Airways............... d D3
nounced Shir-ee); it flows out of the southern called Kuche Kuche but most travellers (and

Post Office...............................(see 25) Africana Hotel........................... 23 D3 SS Rent-a-Car............................
Capital Hill
(Government 36 C5
end of Lake Malawi, through Lake Malombe many Malawians) prefer the beer produced South African High Commission.. 9 D3 Area Chameleon
Stanbic Bank.............................. 10 D5 Stadium
Bar........................(see 21)
Harry's Bar.................................24 D5
Taxi Rank..................................
Ministries) 37 D3

and then southward as the plateau gives way by Carlsberg at its Blantyre brewery (the only 2 Telekom Centre......................... 11 A4

US Embassy...............................12 C3 To Medical Air Rescue Service
to low ground, to flow into the Zambezi River one in Africa).

(MARS, 2km); Lilongwe International
Zambian High Commission........13 C3

Chilembwe Rd
Airport (21km); Salima (100km);
in Mozambique. In this area, the lowest point Area 1447

Zimbabwean High Commission.. D3 Kasungu (138km); Mzuzu (379km)


is a mere 37m above sea level.

SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES 1 Presidential W Area 11
Malawi is not often thought of as a great Main Market..............................15 B5
place to see wildlife and if youre looking for 2
a stereotypical safari experience, youll be pop 590,000 13
3 9


disappointed. However, for those less con- Lilongwe is hardly awash with excitement; its


12 30

cerned with simply ticking off the Big Five a sleepy little city that while perfectly pleasant,


n Dr
5 Dr

(lion, leopard, buffalo, elephant and rhino), isnt particularly interesting or memorable. The 3 an U


la R




the country has plenty to offer. There are five quiet buzz of the Old Town, with its craft stalls,



national parks in Malawi: Liwonde, Lengwe, market, a nice little cafs and drinking holes, You

Kasungu, Nyika and Lake Malawi (around is at its heart, and this is where youre likely to

Entrance to

Cape Maclear), and four wildlife reserves: spend most of your time. The more modern city Lilongwe Nature
To Nelly's Guest House (1.5km); Lilongwe
Vwaza Marsh, Nkhotakota, Mwabvi and centre has little to offer its a soulless collection Mchinji (115km); Nature Sanctuary
Chipata (Zambia) (145km)
Majete. The main park is Liwonde, which of banks, office buildings and embassies.
has plenty of elephants, hippos, antelope
species and birdlife. Nyika National Park is ORIENTATION 11


renowned for roan antelopes and reedbucks; Lilongwe is unusually spread out, and rather 4 Dr




e Ri
youll also see zebras, warthogs and jackals. than one central business district it has two ba


Old Town

Nearby Vwaza Marsh is known for its hip- centres: City Centre and Old Town. City Cen- Stadium
(Area 4)


Selou 28
pos and, in the dry season, is the best place tre is rather loose and sterile with a handful


s Rd


in the country to get up close and personal of offices, banks and hotels. Three kilometres

with elephants. south, Old Town has a good range of places to Rd Old Town

(Area 2)

Murray Rd
0 400 m
stay, the bus station, the market and several 0 0.2 miles
FOOD & DRINK restaurants, all in a condensed area easily cov- ws

Johnstone R

If youre self-catering, supermarkets are found ered on foot. The town is divided into Areas: Old Town

y R
St 36 22
5 (Area 3)
all over Malawi and stock locally produced the Old Town is comprised of Areas 1 to 4. 33

Glyn ta Rd
Jon 10 Kenyat
and imported goods. Markets and bus stations
es Shoprite

Murray Rd
Old Town 7

usually harbour a collection of food stalls, See Enlargement
(Area 1)
where you can get a cheap snack for around Internet Access 15 Rd
Mtunt h a m

29 Mandala 17 Ka

Johnstone Rd
8 muz

d 20 24
US$0.30. There are cheap restaurants every- MGI Cyber Cafe (Nico Shopping Centre, Kamuzu Proces-


where serving traditional Malawian food as


sion Rd, Old Town; per hr US$2.80) Offers quick access.

Old Town

31 32

(Area 3)

well as chicken or fish (the most popular being Telekom Centre (Kamuzu Procession Rd; per hr US$5)



chambo, a delicate white-fleshed fish found in

Speedy internet as well as international telephone services.



great numbers in the lake) with rice or chips Its opposite the Crossroads Complex. 16
from around US$1.50. 6

Most midrange hotels and restaurants serve Medical Services


European-style food such as steak, chicken or Adventist Health Centre (%01-775456; Presidential

To Dzalanyama (50km) d
ana R

To Dedza (85km);
Zomba (300km); Tsiran 18
fish, which is served with vegetables and chips Way, City Centre) Also good for consultations, plus eye and Blantyre (310km)
or rice usually around the US$5 mark. dental problems.
914 L I L O N G W E D a n g e r s & A n n o y a n c e s Book accommodation online at L I L O N G W E E a t i n g 915

Medical Air Rescue Service Clinic (%01-794036, network of walking trails, and the informa- EATING SHOPPING
236644;; Ufulu Rd, Area 43) The best tion centre lists the birds and animals that Modis (%01-757694; Kamuzu Procession Rd, Old Town; There are several shopping centres in
place for major matters and also deals with emergency may be seen. starters US$2, mains US$5-6; hlunch & dinner Tue-Sun) Lilongwe. Old Town Mall houses a small
evacuations. Its northwest of City Centre. Has delicious and filling Indian food; the sea- corridor of shops including African Habitat,
TOURS food and vegetarian options are particularly selling a variety of African arts and crafts.
Money Barefoot Safaris (%01-707346; good. Crossroads Complex is Lilongwes newest
Money Bureau City Centre (%01-772239; Centre .com) Offers budget and midrange tours, mostly geared Aminas Take Away (Murray Rd, Old Town; dishes shopping area and houses banks, a hotel and
House Arcade, City Centre Shopping Centre, City Centre); towards wildlife-watching in Malawi, Zambia and Tanza- US$2-5; hbreakfast & lunch Mon-Sat) Serves the minigolf and City Centre Shopping Centre
Crossroads Complex (%01-750789); Old Town (%01- nia. Tours cost from US$85 per person per day and include usual burgers, sandwiches and curries and (off Independence Dr) is a collection of build-
750659; Nico Shopping Centre, Kamuzu Procession Rd, Old all meals and accommodation. is popular with local office workers. Has a ings containing shops, travel agents, restau-
Town) Has good rates, quick service and doesnt charge Kiboko Safaris (%01-751226; www.kiboko-safaris quirky roadside terrace complete with make- rants, a bank and a post office.
commission. .com) Specialises in budget tours; fully inclusive and four- shift gazebo. Nico Shopping Centre (Kamuzu Procession Rd) has a
National Bank of Malawi (Kamuzu Procession Rd; day trips to South Luangwa cost US$325. Bohemian Cafe (%01-757120; Mandala Rd, Old Town; bookshop, travel agency and pharmacy.
h8am-3.30pm Mon-Fri, to 1pm Sat) You can change dishes US$3; hbreakfast & lunch Mon-Sat) Serves excel-
money here, get a cash advance on your Visa card, and SLEEPING lent sandwiches, snacks and cakes in a plant- GETTING THERE & AWAY
theres a 24 hour ATM that accepts Visa, MasterCard, Cirrus Kiboko Camp (%01-754978;; filled courtyard overlooking, but sheltered Air
and Maestro. Livingstone Rd; camp sites per person US$3, dm US$5, d from, the buzz of the street. Airlines with offices in Lilongwe include:
Stanbic Bank (Kamuzu Procession Rd) Offers the same US$15; i) The most popular place in town for Don Brionis Bistro (%01-756998; Mandala Rd, Old Air Malawi (%01-700811; Lilongwe International
facilities as the National Bank. those on a budget. Theres plenty of space for Town; mains US$4-10; hdinner) Usually buzzing Airport)
campers, as well as dorms, and double and with a lively infusion of locals and tourists, KLM & Kenya Airways (%01-774227; City Centre)
Post twin A-frame chalets. The reception doubles this place under the Kiboko Town Hotel is South African Airways (%01-772242; City Centre)
Post office (Kamuzu Procession Rd, Old Town; up as a small bar (it closes at 10.30pm) and suitably Italian in dcor and flavour and the
h7.30am-noon & 1-5pm Mon-Fri) Another post office, breakfast, lunch and evening meals can be eccentric English owner is always happy to Bus
with the same opening hours, is located next to the City ordered. chat. Excellent steak, fish, chicken accompany Coachline buses run between Lilongwe and
Centre Shopping Centre. St Peters Guesthouse (%01-752812, 08-317769; Glyn pizzas and pastas on the menu. Blantyre (US$20, four hours, two daily). Book

Jones Rd; r without bathroom US$8.50, 3-bed dm US$4) This Buchannans Grill (%01-772846/59; Four Seasons tickets at the Shire Bus Lines Depot (%01-756226;
Tourist Information place offers excellent, clean and safe rooms Centre, Presidential Way; mains US$6-14; hlunch & dinner Kenyatta Rd, Old Town), from where the buses de-
Immigration office (%01-754297; Murray Rd, Old with mosquito nets, all of which open out Mon-Sat) One of Lilongwes newest offerings, part. The bright orange Sacramento Bus runs
Town) onto a peaceful courtyard garden. Its very this place is set in the grounds of a garden to Mzuzu daily (US$18, four hours) from the
Ministry of Tourism, Parks & Wildlife (%01- quiet and part of the parish so guests should centre. Its a lovely spot; if you can, eat out main bus station near the market.
771295; Tourism House; h7.30am-5pm Mon-Fri, 8-10am be respectful. on the terrace, which overlooks a beautiful Express and ordinary buses operate out of
Sat) The tourist office is located here, but information and Nellys Guest House (%01-59514; Area 9/156, Old rockery and pond. As the name suggests, this the main bus station. Express buses run to:
advice is minimal. Its off Convention Dr. Town; s/d US$32/42; i) This is cosy and popular, place specialises in grilled meat and the menu Blantyre via Zalewa (US$6, five hours, one
with conservatively decorated rooms, a pretty is a carnivores dream. daily), Zomba (US$4, six hours, one daily),
DANGERS & ANNOYANCES garden, and an internet caf. Mzuzu (US$12, seven to eight hours, two
Muggings and the occasional stabbing have Kiboko Town Hotel ( % 01-752201; DRINKING daily) and Kasungu (US$3, four hours, two
become a serious problem around the Nature; Mandala Rd, Old Town; s/d from Africana Hotel (off Independence Dr, City Centre) This daily). All other buses are ordinary (ie slow)
Sanctuary (below) over the past few years, so US$40/45; i) This is the best-value place in lively place has a large outdoor patio that is and travel between Lilongwe and Mchinji
if you plan to visit get a taxi to inside the gate. town. Its located bang in the centre of the popular with nearby office workers and gov- (US$1.50, two to three hours, three daily),
At night, Malangalanga Rd can be dangerous, Old Town action; the rooms are spacious, ernment types. Its easy to make friends at Salima (US$1.50, two hours, two daily) and
and walking to Area 3 is not recommended. comfortable and stylish all white gauze and the Africana and you are sure to strike up Nkhotakota (US$2.50, 4 hours, two daily).
The bridge between Area 2 and Area 3 is a linen topped off with bright African prints a conversation with one of the locals over a Long-distance minibuses for destinations
favourite haunt for muggers. If you arrive on and theres a good little caf downstairs. few beers. such as Salima, Mchinji and Dedza (all around
a bus after dark, take a minibus or taxi to your Best of all is the beautiful residents bar with Chameleon Bar (Four Seasons Centre, Presidential US$1.50) depart from the minibus park across
accommodation. its low Moroccan-style seating, twinkling Way) This swanky cocktail bar hosts regular the road from the main bus station on Ma-
fairy lights, open-air fireplace and mellow live events, including the pillow talk un- langalnga Rd .
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES atmosphere. plugged session on the last Thursday of every
The main market (Malangalanga Rd, Old Town) is a Cresta Crossroads Hotel (%01-750333; www.cresta month which welcomes poets, musicians and GETTING AROUND
pocket of frenetic activity, with traders, mar-; Crossroads Complex, Mchinji Roundabout; comedians. The most useful local minibus service for
ket stalls and food vendors packed into a s/d from US$120/140) Lilongwes newest top-end Harrys Bar (Mandala Rd, Old Town) Above Book- visitors is between Old Town and City Cen-
swarming, small area. hotel has all the facilities youd expect and mart, this circular bar has a relaxed atmos- tre. From Old Town, local minibuses leave
For a total change of pace head for the Na- the rooms are just that little bit more swanky phere with a happy, mixed crowd of expats from either the bus park near the market, or
ture Sanctuary (Kenyatta Rd; admission US$0.50; h8am- than those of its rivals. It also has a wonder- and locals. Its a popular meeting place, al- outside Shoprite on Kenyatta Rd. From City
4pm Mon-Fri, to noon Sat), a peaceful wilderness area fully cheesy drinking hole called the Cat-chy though Harrys taste in music can be atro- Centre back to Old Town, the bus stop is at
by the Lingadzi River. There is a signposted Saloon. ciously cheesy. the northern end of Independence Dr. The
916 N O R T H E R N MA L A W I K a r o n g a Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at N O R T H E R N MA L A W I N y i k a N a t i o n a l Pa r k 917

best places to find taxis are the main hotels. Chitimba Campsite (camp sites per person US$3, dm ting, with stunning views over the lake, hot rolling hills. The site has permanent security,
Theres also a rank on Presidential Way, just US$5, stilt chalets without bathroom US$10, d US$15) is solar showers, compost toilets and a range of clean toilets, hot showers, endless firewood
north of City Centre Shopping Centre, and right on the beach, about 1km north of the adventure activities on offer, including water- and shelters for cooking and eating.
outside Shoprite in Old Town. Livingstonia turn-off, and very popular with fall abseils and rap jumping. Chelinda Camp (4-bed cottages US$120, full board per
overland trucks, which makes the place rather Stone House (%01-368223; camp sites per person person $150) Tucked inside a pocket of forest, it

NORTHERN MALAWI rowdy. The shabby rooms and chalets arent

good value, but good food is available all day
and there are two bars so theres plenty of
US$3, dm incl breakfast US$8) This was built by mis-
sionaries in the early 20th century and still
has original Victorian furniture, along with a
has atmospheric rooms and chalets dressed
with pine and juniper furniture and stone
This section covers most parts of Northern space for party animals. friendly caretaker, clean bathrooms and oc- Chelinda Lodge (full-board cabins per person US$310)
Province, from the northern tip of the country Sangilo Sanctuary Lodge (%09 395203, 08 392611; casional hot water. Meals are available for About 1km from Chelinda Camp, nestled
down to the Mzuzu and Nkhata Bay areas.; chalets US$25), about 8km north around US$6. against the side of the hill in a clearing of
Places are described roughly north to south. of Chitimba, is the newest offering on the trees, this place looks like something out of
strip. It has a stunning setting, with cliff-top Getting There & Away a Bavarian fairy tale. Rooms are in luxurious
KARONGA cottages, camping, an empty stretch of beach, From the main northsouth road between log cabins housing tasteful furniture, Victo-
In the surrounding dry and dusty country, and an open-air deck restaurant. If you call in Karonga and Mzuzu, the road to Livingstonia rian baths, roaring fireplaces and individual
Karonga is a relaxed little town with wide advance you can arrange a pick up from the turns off at Chitimba, forcing its way up the balconies.
streets and wandering cattle. Its the first and Livingstonia turn-off or the Ilala. escarpment in a series of acute hairpin bends.
last town on the road between Malawi and Drivers should attempt this only in a 4WD, Getting There & Away
Tanzania and has some good facilities, includ- LIVINGSTONIA and only if theres been no rain. Theres no The quickest way to reach Chelinda Camp
ing the only bank north of Mzuzu. Livingstonia provides a fascinating glimpse bus, and youll wait a very long time if youre is on a flight by Nyika Air Services. Flights
into Malawis colonial past, and the mixture hitching. for up to five people can be chartered from
Sleeping of old colonial architecture, wide, dusty tree- The alternative is to walk up: its about Lilongwe (US$999), while rates from Mzuzu
Mufwa Lakeshore Lodge & Camping (%01-362390; lined streets and panoramic views is quite 15km, and steep, so it takes around four hours are US$150 per person. There are no public
camp sites US$2, s/d US$14/19, without bathroom US$10/14, beguiling. Relative isolation, maintained by from Chitimba if you follow the road. buses into the park; the nearest you can get is
all incl breakfast) This large, quiet property can be arduous access, has kept it quiet and unspoilt, the service from Mzuzu to Rhumpi (US$1).

difficult to find; its set back from the road making it an ideal place to recover from hard NYIKA NATIONAL PARK From there, you can get a matola or minibus
with the turn-off between Club Marina and travel in Tanzania or the rigours of beach life Established in 1965, Nyika National Park is to Chelinda Camp (US$6.00). If coming by
the National Bank of Malawi. Theres a large on the lake. the oldest and the largest in the country, cov- car, the main Thazima gate is in the southwest
grassy camping ground with plenty of trees ering some 3000 sq km. The main feature of of the park, 54km from Rumphi; to Chelinda
but the rooms are quite small and dark. Sights & Activities the park is the Nyika Plateau, with a landscape Camp its another 55km. Fuel is available at
Zgambota Resthouse (s/d US$2.50/3) Opposite the The fascinating museum (admission US$2; h7.30am- and climate unique in Malawi, and unusual Chelinda, but in limited supply so its best to
Mobil petrol station at the roundabout, this 5pm) in the Stone House details early European in Africa. Its a vast range of high rolling hills, fill up before you enter the park.
place has clean and basic rooms with nets. exploration and missionary work in Malawi. sweeping wide valleys, dense pine forest and
Club Marina (%01-362302; s/d standard chalets In many regards, the exhibits are a tribute flower-studded grasslands, and the views (on VWAZA MARSH WILDLIFE RESERVE
US$20/30, superior chalets US$40/55, all incl breakfast) Near to the efforts and achievements of Dr Rob- clear days) are endless. Vwaza is an ideal destination for any budget:
Mufwa, Club Marina is an excellent, upmarket ert Laws, who established the Livingstonia Rather than just a place to watch wildlife, its compact and accessible, the accommo-
option. Classy chalets (superior ones have hot Mission. what makes Nyika alluring is the chance to ex- dation is close to the main gate, and public
water) are set in a beautiful, leafy area and the Nearby is the church, dating from 1894, with plore a unique and preserved patch of African transport here is straightforward. Entry fees
large outdoor bar is perfect for a cold drink. a beautiful stained-glass window featuring wilderness in a variety of ways: on horseback, of US$5 are payable. The main camp is con-
Rates include breakfast. David Livingstone with his sextant, medicine by bike, or simply on foot. Common animals veniently located a safe but rewarding distance
chest and two companions, and Lake Malawi here include zebras, bushbucks, reedbucks from the hippo-heavy Lake Kazuni, which also
Getting There & Away in the background. and roan antelopes, and you may also spot lures impalas, buffaloes, waterbucks, elands,
Buses and minibuses run between Karonga Manchewe Falls, about 4km from the town, is warthogs, klipspringers, jackals and possibly roans, sables, zebras, hartebeests and pukus.
nad Mzuzu (US$4, 3 hours). If youre head- a spectacular 50m-high waterfall with a cave hyenas and leopards. The big attraction however, is the 160-plus
ing north, minibuses and matolas (vehicles that behind it where local people hid from slave- Entry fees of US$5 a day are payable. All elephants within the park. There are regular
provide unofficial public transport) travel to the traders some 100 years ago. Allow an hour accommodation, tourist activities and charter parades in front of the camps between July
Songwe border crossing (US$1.30). Its 200m going down and 1 hours back up. Alterna- flights are operated by the Nyika Safari Company and September. The best time of year to visit
across the bridge to the Tanzanian border. tively, if youre walking to/from Chitimba, (%01-330180;, a small professional is in the dry season; just after the rainy sea-
you can visit on the way. outfit based at Chelinda Camp, at the heart son, the grass is high and you might go away
CHITIMBA of the plateau. without seeing anything.
Chitimba is little more than a stretch of beach Sleeping
on Lake Malawi, a couple of places to stay Mushroom Farm (; camping Sleeping Sleeping
and some shops straggled along the highway per person US$2, s/d $US5/10) This place has gained Camping ground (camp sites per person US$5) About Kazuni Camp (camp sites per person US$5, s/d chalets with-
where you turn off the main northsouth road quite a reputation on the backpackers circuit. 2km from the main camp, this place is set out bathroom US$10/20) Has simple, rustic chalets,
to reach Livingstonia. Its a sustainable bush retreat in a forest set- in a secluded site with vistas of the plateaus separated from each other by a decent stretch
918 N O R T H E R N MA L A W I M z u z u Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at N O R T H E R N MA L A W I T h e C h i n t h e c h e S t r i p 919

of bush; and theyre close to the water so that a constant stream of happy activity buzzes Information beach. Its also home to Nkhata Bays only
elephants and hippos are frequent night-time around the funky outdoor bar. Theres nowhere to change money so make internet caf, with superfast connection for
visitors. You must bring your own food, and Flame Tree Guesthouse (%01-333053; r incl breakfast sure you cash up in Mzuzu, Nkhotakota or US$6 an hour.
there are cooking stations with barbecues. with/without bathroom US$15/12) A relaxed option, Lilongwe. Alternatively, several of the lodges Nkhata Bay Local Restaurant (mains US$2-3;
Kazuni Safari Camp (full board per person US$190) with clean, cool and homely rooms, and a accept credit cards, US currency and travel- hnoon-9pm) Perched on the side of the hill on
Accommodates guests in smart and stylish lovely veranda restaurant overlooking the lers cheques for payment. Internet access is the road up to Chikale Beach, this place is a
chalets with thatched roofs and verandas in a flower-filled courtyard. available at Aqua Africa (below). small and charming wood, reed and thatch
prime position overlooking the lake. Mzuzu Hotel (%01-332622;; s/d caf, complete with jaw-dropping views over
US$50/64) Mzuzus plushest hotel has large Activities the bay. Dishes from the small menu must
Getting There & Away rooms with all the requisite trimmings, but Monkey Business (%01-252365) on Chikale Beach be ordered about an hour in advance, but
The Nyika Safari Company operates flights has a rather staid atmosphere and the rooms operates fully inclusive kayak excursions from are well worth the wait. The owners are keen
for a minimum of two people between Vwaza look old fashioned. Theres a good restaurant anything between two and seven days from drummers and can always be persuaded to
Marsh and Mzuzu (US$150 per person) or and a quiet bar for residents. Its off Kabun- US$35 per person per day. If you want to learn show off, or to teach you, their skills.
Chelinda Camp in Nyika National Park duli Viphya Dr. scuba diving, Aqua Africa (%01-352284; www.aqua
(US$112 per person). If youre travelling by Ossies (meals MK250) A lovely caf, shielded by has a variety of options, including Getting There & Away
public transport, first get to Rumphi (reached trees from the bustle of the road, and set in a five-day PADI (Professional Association of All buses and minibuses go from the bus
from Mzuzu by minibus for US$1.50). From little palm-filled garden squeezed in between Diving Instructors) courses for US$260 and stand on the main road. Ordinary buses run
there fairly frequent matolas and mini- the road and a cornfield. Food includes decent casual day dives for US$20. to Mzuzu (US$1, two hours, two daily) and
buses run to the main gate (US$3). By car, burgers and curries. minibuses and matolas run to Nkhotakota
head west from Rumphi. Turn left after Maharaja Restaurant (%09-351550; St Denis St; Sleeping & Eating (US$4, six hours), Chintheche (US$1, one
10km (Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve is starters US$2, mains US$4; hlunch & dinner) Satisfy your Kupenja Lodge (%09-471742; camping US$1.50; s/d hour) and Mzuzu (US$1.30, 1 hours). To
signposted), and continue for about 20km. chilli cravings here with a wide variety of tasty US$3.50/5.00) Is a quiet, homely place with cosy reach Lilongwe, go to Mzuzu and transfer.
Where the road swings left over a bridge, go curries and tandoori dishes. stone chalets, a relaxed lounging area and deli- Many travellers also come or go on the Ilala
straight on to reach the park gate and camp cious food. It has a nice stretch of sandy beach, ferry (see p932 and p932).
after 1km. Getting There & Away which is blissfully hassle-free and provides

Air Malawi flies between Lilongwe and Mzuzu a great antidote to the party atmosphere of THE CHINTHECHE STRIP
MZUZU (see p932 for details). The Sacremento bus some of the Chikale Beach lodges. The owner Chintheche is an unremarkable village about
Mzuzu is the largest town north of Lilongwe runs between Mzuzu and Lilongwe (US$18, runs the charity Africa Unplugged (volunteers 40km south of Nkhata Bay. Nearby is a long
and the transport hub for all north-related four hours, Monday, Wednesday, Saturday) get a discount at the lodge) and ploughs a lot and beautiful stretch of lakeshore known as
activities. The town is centred around a grand and express buses run to/from Lilongwe of profits back into the local community. the Chintheche Strip. Its lined with hotels,
tree-lined avenue. It has banks, shops, a post (US$12, seven to eight hours, two daily) via Big Blue (%01-352316;; camp lodges and camping grounds, each catering
office, supermarkets, pharmacies, petrol sta- Kasungu (US$2.50, three hours). Ordinary sites per person US$1.50, dm/s/d without bathroom US$3/4/6) for different types of travellers.
tions and other facilities, which are especially buses go to Rumphi (US$1, 1 hours, four This large, ramshackle place has clearly seen
useful if youve come into Malawi from the daily), Nkhata Bay (US$1, two hours, two better days. However, the staff are very Activities
north. daily) and Karonga (US$3.80, seven hours, friendly, its a good deal cheaper than the op- Aquanuts Dive School (%01-357376;
four daily) via Chitimba (US$2, four hours). tions in Chikale and it frequently have special has an on-site training pool and offers PADI
Information Minibuses also go to these destinations and offers and discounts. courses for US$265, casual dives from US$30
The National Bank of Malawi, Stanbic Bank are slightly more expensive, but also more Mayoka Village ( % 01-352421; info@ and PADI Scuba refresher courses for US$45.
and First Merchant Bank, all on Orton Chewa frequent.; camping US$3, s/d chalets US$15/20, Its well run and pays excellent attention to
Ave, exchange travellers cheques and money, A bus originating in Lilongwe travels be- without bathroom US$5/8) A very popular place and safety and the environment. If youve come to
and offer credit card withdrawals. National tween Mzuzu and Dar es Salaam (US$35, deservedly so: its a sprawling, buzzing collec- Malawi to find inner peace, Makuzi Beach Lodge
and Stanbic banks have ATMs that accept 17 hours, Tuesday and Saturday). Depart- tion of picturesque chalets with no beachfront ( has a variety of yoga and
foreign cards. If youre heading to the lake, ing Mzuzu around midnight, it crosses the to speak of, but plenty of chill out spots near meditation retreats on offer. The lodge has its
cash up here as there is no foreign exchange border at first light, goes through Mbeya in the water. What really attracts people, though, own qualified Sivananda yoga instructor and
facility in Nkhata Bay. the morning and gets to Dar es Salaam late is the infectious, lively atmosphere. The ener- offers five-day courses for US$550, including
Internet access is available at the Mzuzu Busi- in the afternoon. getic bar an open, breezy spot overlooking all meals and accommodation.
ness Centre (St Denis Street; per hr US$10) or at the Dot. the water plays host to regular barbeque
com Internet (per hr US$9) opposite the Peoples NKHATA BAY nights, Malawian buffets and Malawian music Sleeping
Supermarket. Nkhata Bay is a lush tropical indent on the nights, and the friendly owners make a real Kande Beach Camp (%01-357376; www.kandebeach
northern lakeshore that lures a constant effort to chat to the punters, get the party .com; camp sites US$3, dm US$5, chalets sleeping 3-4 US$30)
Sleeping & Eating stream of travellers with its Caribbeanesque started and ensure that everyone feels right About 7km from the Makuzi turn-off (55km
Mzoozoozoo (%08-864493; camp sites US$1, dm/d milieu. This may be a touch fanciful, but the at home. south of Nkhata Bay), its a legendary stop for
US$3/7) This is Mzuzus only hostel and the bay is quite picturesque at sunrise and sunset, Aqua Africa (%01-352284;; tw overland trucks, where beachlife, good times
very friendly owners make it a good one at and most recreation certainly involves a good US$20; i) Has a few secluded and comfortable and late-night partying is the name of the
that. Dorms are in a big timber bungalow and deal of lounging by the water. rooms with balconies overlooking the private game. All accommodation is excellent and the
920 N O R T H E R N MA L A W I L i k o m a & C h i z u m u l u I s l a n d s Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N MA L A W I B l a n t y re 921

smorgasbord of facilities includes a large bar, refurbishment, though it will remain squarely Sleeping & Eating BLANTYRE
games room, book exchange and the Soft Sand aimed at the budget traveller. Theres a good choice of places to stay and a pop 640,000
Cafe (dishes US$4 to US$6), which serves Wakwenda Retreat (camp sites US$2, dm US$2.50, couple of eateries in Senga Bay. Blantyre the commercial and industrial cap-
great pizzas. r from US$4) Smack bang on a postcard-perfect Wheelhouse Marina ( % 01-263139; ital of Malawi is a more happening city than
Kawiya Kottages (; camp sites beach on Chizumulu, this place is utter chill-; camp sites per person US$2, Lilongwe, although thats not saying much. It
per person US$5, chalets US$10) About 3km north of out material. The sizable bar is constructed caravan $12, 2-/10-bed house US$30/50) A rambling, stretches for about 20km, merging into Limbe,
Chintheche village, it has two simple cabins around a massive, hollow baobab tree and the ramshackle paradise made up of the ruins of its sister city. Most travellers stop only for a
in a shady site on a private bit of beach. Each shaded lounge area is often the focus of lazy an old marina, a grassy camp site, two self- few days to send or receive mail, buy maps
is fully self-contained, including an equipped activity. The restaurant (breakfasts US$1.50, catering cottages nestled into the hillside and and books or pick up a visa for Mozambique.
kitchen. dishes US$2.50) serves good beachy fare, in- a groovy old caravan for two. Theres also a This is probably long enough to check out
Chintheche Beach Lodge (r US$5) This is nearer cluding sandwiches, omelettes and burgers. quirky round bar raised above the water on some interesting sights, the most global selec-
to town, down the track running west from Kaya Mawa (; full-board chalets per stilts that serves great steaks and fish. tion of cuisine in Malawi, several enjoyable
the Peoples Supermarket. It has clean two-bed person from US$180) This luxury lodge on Likoma Steps Campsite (camp sites per person US$3) Beauti- bars, and a fair selection of places to stay.
rooms and although you need to bring your Island is one of Africas finest paradise re- fully situated on a wide, clean, sandy beach
own food the friendly caretaker will cook it treats, and its beauty lies in the ingenuity of right by the water, with plenty of shady areas Orientation
for you. its design. Each chalet has been meticulously to put up your tent, a beach volleyball pitch Despite the sprawling suburbs and townships
Makuzi Beach (%01-357296; www.makuzibeach constructed around the natural landscape, and excellent security. The bathrooms are surrounding Blantyre, the city centre is very
.com; camp sites per person US$10, s/d chalets US$82/$144) using rock faces as walls or screens for open- spotlessly clean, theres a good bar, and food compact, with most places of importance to
This can be found by heading south down air showers and stone baths. The bar, perched can be brought to you from the restaurant at travellers within easy walking distance. Cen-
the main road, where youll reach the turn-off on the top of a huge rock buttress, offers seam- the Livingstonia Beach Hotel next door. tral Blantyres main street is Victoria Ave;
to Bandawe (also called Old Bandawe); its less views of mango-hued sunsets and the Cool Runnings (s/d without bathroom US$20) along here are several large shops, the tourist
another 3.5km down the track. The accom- meals are possibly the finest in Malawi. An extremely homely and friendly place. Its office, the map sales office, banks, foreign
modation and facilities here are a step up in obvious that a lot of thought has been put into exchange bureaus and travel agents. To the
quality, and the restaurant (US$5 to US$7 Getting There & Away its design and there are plenty of extra touches east is Haile Selassie Rd, which contains many
lunch; US$17 to US$20 dinner) serves the best Several companies can arrange flights to that make a stay here memorable theres smaller shops. At the northern end of Victoria

food on the strip. If youre feeling active you Likoma Island, including Wilderness Safa- comedy reading material in the shared bath- Ave is the landmark Mount Soche Hotel.
can hire a windglider, power boat, mountain ris (% 01-771393/153;, rooms, for instance. Best of all, though, is the
bike or even a yacht. and the Ulendo Air Services (%01-754717/950; air tantalizing food: you discuss the options with Information The cost of chartering the owner a couple of hours in advance, and INTERNET ACCESS
LIKOMA & CHIZUMULU ISLANDS a five-seater plane from Lilongwe is US$755, come dinnertime, a specially tailored feast will There are plenty of internet bureaus through-
Likoma and Chizumulu Islands are on the but you can purchase an empty seat (if avail- arrive at your table. out Blantyre.
Mozambican side of Lake Malawi, but are able) in either direction for a discounted price; Red Zebra Cafe (breakfast & snacks US$1-3, dishes E Internet Caf (cnr Victoria Ave & Independence Dr; per
part of Malawi. With their beautiful beaches, contact the companies directly for details. US$3.50-4; h6am-10.30pm) Little caf in a large gar- 30 min US$2.20)
these islands are the perfect hideaway, with The Ilala ferry (see p932) serves Likoma den by the side of the main road, 500m from Celtel Cyber Cafe (Victoria Ave; per 30min US$2)
very friendly locals and few other tourists. If and Chizumulu twice a week. Heading south, the Livingstonia Beach Hotel, with a simple Icon Internet Caf (per 30min US$2) Off Livingstone
you want to visit both islands, transport links the Ilala then sails to Cbu (kob-way) and menu of burgers, pizzas, chambo and curries. Ave.
make it best to go to Chizumulu first. Metangula on the Mozambican mainland.
Getting There & Away MEDICAL SERVICES
Sights SENGA BAY First get to Salima (buses run there from Mwaiwathu Private Hospital (%01-622999; Chileka
On Likoma, the impressive Anglican Cathedral Senga Bay is at the eastern end of a broad Lilongwe; see p915). From here, local pick- Rd; h24hr) For private medical consultations or blood
of St Peter should not be missed. You can climb peninsula that juts into the lake from Salima. ups run to Senga Bay (US$1), dropping you tests, this hospital, east of the city centre, is good. A
the tower for spectacular views. Nearby, the The water is remarkably clear here, and the in the main street. If you want a lift all the way consultation is US$10; all drugs and treatment are extra.
neat market place contains a few shops and beaches, while a little more crowded than to Steps Campsite, negotiate an extra fee with An overnight stay in a private ward is US$80; before any
stalls, and down on the lakeshore is a beach those at Cape Maclear or Nkhata Bay, are the driver. If youre travelling to/from Cape treatment, you must put down a US$220 deposit.
where local boats come and go, and the people also good. Maclear consider chartering a boat; its not Seventh Day Adventist Clinic (%01-620006; Robins
wash and sell fish. too expensive (around US$100) if you get a Rd) For medical or dental problems, this clinic charges US$6
Sights & Activities group together, its good fun and it saves one for a doctors consultation and US$10 for a malaria test.
Sleeping As a break from lazing on the beach, you can hell of a trip on the bus.
Mango Drift (camp sites per person US$1, dm US$3, s/d go windsurfing or snorkelling, take a boat ride MONEY
chalets without bathroom US$4/8) A short walk from
Kaya Mawa, this is a series of simple stone
and thatched chalets and a bright, breezy bar,
or learn to dive. You could also take a trip out
to nearby Lizard Island to see its population
of giant monitor lizards and its cormorant
SOUTHERN MALAWI All of the following banks are on Victoria Ave.
There are branches of the National Bank of
Malawi and Stanbic Bank, both of which can
spread across a beautiful beach on the west- colony. Alternatively, you can go hiking in the All places in this section are south of Lilongwe. change cash and travellers cheques and have
ern side of the island; at the time of writing, nearby Senga Hills (although its best to hire a Except for Mulanje, towns are listed heading 24-hour ATMs that accept Visa, MasterCard,
Mango Drift was about to go through a major local guide to show you the way). north from Blantyre. Cirrus and Maestro.
922 S O U T H E R N MA L A W I B l a n t y re Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N MA L A W I B l a n t y re C i t y C e n t re 923

Brewery (1km)
Victoria Forex (%01-621026) Usually has more

To Carlsberg

To Limbe
fers tours to Lengwe National park for US$385

0.3 miles
500 m
competitive rates and charges no commission. You can per person and Mount Mulanje hiking pack-
get a speedy cash advance on your credit card here for a ages from US$230 for three days.
fee of US$3.

a R
POST Doogles (%01-621128;; Mulomba

Main post office (Glyn Jones Rd, Blantyre; h7.30am- Pl; camp sites US$3, dm US$5.50, chalets without bathroom Chil


s Rd
5pm) Has poste restante. US$16, d US$21; i) Close to the main bus station.

The rooms and dorms here are decent enough
TOURIST INFORMATION and theres a good bar, but some of the cha-

French Cultural Centre (%01-671250; ccfr@malawi lets are looking a little rough and its not the

.net; cnr Moi Rd & Kasungu Cres; h8am-noon & friendliest of places. Theres a limited menu of

2pm-5.30pm Mon-Fri, 8am-noon Sat) Not just for French snacks and burgers at the bar (snacks US$1 to

Air Malawi.................................22
British Airways............................23
City Bus Station..........................24
Coachline Bus Station.................25
KLM & Kenya Airways................26
Main Bus Station....................... 27
Munorurama Bus Depot............28
South African Airways................29
lessons. The centre has a regular programme of concerts, US$2.50, dishes US$4), and an internet caf.

plays and readings. Performances have been known to Kabula Lodge (%01-621216; Kabula Hill; dm/s/d incl

Chileka Rd
breakfast US$10/35/45) Northwest of the city centre

Centre (2.4km); National

include such international luminaries as Angelique Kidjo.

To French Cultural

Museum (2.5km);

Liwonde (100km)
off Michiru Rd, this is highly recommended.

Zomba (75km);
Immigration office (Bldg Society House, Victoria Ave)

Limbe (6km);
If you need to extend your visa, Blantyre has an immigra- Dorms have only two or three beds and a


To Balaka (105km)
tion office. cool veranda wraps around the back of the

ir C


Tourist office (%01-620300; Victoria Ave; h7.30am- building, offering great views of the city. The

ey C
noon & 1-5pm Mon-Fri) The central tourist office has a friendly Malawian lady who runs this place

few leaflets, and the people here make quite an effort to can prepare meals with advance notice, or ba Pl

Doogles Bar.............................(see 13)

Mandala Manager's House........ 19 D4
21 Grill on Hanover.................(see 16)

Chimwewe Restaurant...............21 C3
Alem Ethiopian Restaurant.........17 B3
Jungle Pepper.............................18 B3

Megabite Takeaway Caf ..........20 B3


provide information and assistance. you can self-cater.

Jambo House (%01-623709; jamboafrica@africa Hwy Rd
emb en
Chip ph
Sights & Activities; Kabula Hill; s/d US$40/50, without bathroom Rd

Probably the most impressive building in US$30/40, all incl breakfast) A homely little place M

Blantyre is the CCAP Church (off Chileka Rd), with just four bedrooms, a swimming pool

officially called the Church of St Michael and and gardens with excellent views of the sur-

All Angels. This magnificent church was built rounding hills. Theres also a TV lounge and



in 1891 by Scottish missionaries who had no a self-service honesty bar. Theres no restau-

n J

Haile Selassie Rd
To Chileka Airport (15km);
construction training, using only local hand- rant as such but meals can be provided if you



Mwanza (120km);
Lilongwe (310km)
made bricks and wood. ask in advance. Its off Michiru Rd.

Jambo-Africa...........................(see 26)

PAMET.......................................12 B2

CCAP Church.............................11 E2

Paper Making Education Trust (Pamet; %01-623895; Ryalls Protea Hotel (% 01-620955; ryalls@

Jambo House.............................14
Kabula Lodge.............................15
Ryalls Protea Hotel.....................16

ka St Georg; 10 Chilembwe Rd) is an inspiring; 2 Hannover Ave; s/d US$210/243; s) A Ch

project that was set up to teach people how very classy old-fashioned place, with a grand
w St Andrew'


to recycle paper. For US$0.80 you can take a entrance hall and sophisticated rooms deco-

St David's Ave




To Chikwawa (115km)
Mount Soche
tour of the workshop to see how its all done rated with old black-and-white photos and

and buy a lovely assortment of cards and other African artefacts. Its also home to the superb Ave


Browns Rd
paper products made from a range of different 21 Grill on Hanover.


material including elephant dung! s Rd Victoria Rd
bin Sclater


The National Museum (Kasungu Cres; admission


B Ave

US$0.70, h7.30am-5pm) is midway between Blan- Alem Ethiopian Restaurant (%01-622529; Victoria Ave; Victoria Ave

Icon Internet Caf....................(see 18)

Mwaiwathu Private Hospital........6 D2

Seventh Day Adventist Clinic...(see 22)

Main Post Office..........................5 C3
British Consulate...........................1 B3
Celtel Cyber Cafe.........................2 B2
E Internet Caf ............................3 B3

Immigration Office.......................4 B3

National Bank of Malawi..............7 B3

Stanbic Bank................................8 B2
Tourist Office...............................9 B3
Victoria Forex.............................10 B2

dishes US$1-7.50; h8am-5pm Mon-Sat) For some dif-

Sports Club
tyre and Limbe. Theres a small collection of



Laws Rd
traditional weapons and artefacts, and ex- ferent African flavours, this place serves injera

of St Paul
hibits relating to traditional dance, European (sour millet pancake) and wat (sauce), but you

exploration and slavery. can also get normal meals like chicken and
A visit to the Carlsberg Brewery (%01-670022; chips or curry.

on St
Sharpe Rd

Gomani Rd), east of the centre, may also appeal. 21 Grill on Hanover (%01-620955; 2 Hanover Ave;


Free tours are conducted at 2.30pm every starters US$3, mains US$9-17; hlunch & dinner) At the


Wednesday; you must book. The tour ends Ryalls Protea Hotel, this is a highly rated eat-

e Rd

with a free tasting session. ery, with a swanky interior complete with soft

lighting, mahogany bookcases, comfortable hiru Rd
Tours cushioned chairs and the soft tinkle of piano

Based at the Mount Soche Hotel in Blantyre, music in the background. It serves seriously


Jambo-Africa (%01-823709; of- good steaks and seafood.
924 S O U T H E R N MA L A W I M o u n t M u l a n j e Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N MA L A W I Z o m b a 925

Jungle Pepper (% 01-635135; pizzas US$4-5; (US$1.25, 1 hours, seven daily), Mwanza road. An excellent tour company based in BlantyreMulanje road at Chitikali, 2km west
h10.30am-9pm Thu-Tue) Teems with office work- (US$1.30, one hour, two daily) and Monkey the area is Tiyende Pamodzi Adventures (%01- of the centre of Mulanje Town; follow the
ers over the lunch hour, due to a tasty and Bay (US$3.80, eight hours, one daily) via Li- 467737; It gets rave signpost to Phalombe. If youre coming from
diverse selection of fresh pizzas and hotdogs. wonde (US$2, three hours) and Mangochi reviews from travellers and offers packages Blantyre on the bus, ask to be dropped at
Its off Livingstone Ave. (US$3, six hours). from US$145 for two days. Chitikali. From here, irregular matolas run to
Mandala Managers House (mains US$5; h8.30am- Other buses (ie not Shire Bus Lines) and Likhubula (US$0.50). Alternatively, you can
4.30pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-1pm Sat) This charming little long-distance minibuses go from the bus sta- Activities walk (10km, two to three hours).
caf is set in the grounds of the Mandala Man- tion in Limbe; most leave on a fill-up-and-go There are about six main hiking routes up and
agers House and has excellent cakes, salads basis. Routes include: Zomba (US$1); Mulanje down Mulanje. The three main ascent routes ZOMBA
and good coffee. Mains include homemade (US$1.50); and Mangochi (US$3). go from Likhubula: the Chambe Plateau Path Zomba was the capital of Malawi until the
lasagne and fish cakes. (also called the Skyline Path), the Chapaluka mid-1970s and its still a large, busy place. The
Megabite Takeaway Caf (Independence Dr; dishes Getting Around Path and the Lichenya Path. Other routes, town has good facilities, though, and there are
US$1.50-5; h11am-9pm Mon-Sat) A little courtyard Blantyre is a compact city, so its unlikely more often used for the descent, are: Thuchila Stanbic, National and First Merchant banks
caf popular with the lunchtime office crowd. youll need to use public transport to get Hut to Lukulezi Mission; Sombani Hut to Fort in the town. For supplies, theres a Shoprite
It serves fish and chips and Malawi curries. around, apart from the minibuses that shuttle Lister Gap; and Minunu Hut to Lujeri tea and a Metro Cash and Carry.
along Chipembere Hwy between Blantyre city estate. A guide is not mandatory, but hikers The mist-shrouded Zomba Plateau, hover-
Drinking centre bus station and Limbe bus station. You need to register with the Likhubula Forestry ing protectively above the town, has fantastic
Doogles bar (%01-621128; Mulomba Pl; hto late) can find private hire taxis at the Mount Soche Office before starting out. views of the surrounding plains, hills and
Like a constant happy hour, where streams of Hotel or at the bus stations. A taxi across the lakes and is a favourite with hikers. Queens
travellers chill out and socialise with devoted city centre is around US$3; between the centre Sleeping View and the Emperors View are particularly
expats and well-to-do Malawians. and the main bus station costs from US$3 to At the foot of Mt Mulanje is Mulanje Town, impressive. Theres no bus up here, so youll
Chimwewe Restaurant (cnr Henderson St & Haile Selas- US$4; and a taxi from Blantyre to Limbe costs which has several places to stay. At the vil- have to hitch or take a taxi (around US$8).
sie Rd) Despite its name, this is more like a bar. around US$5. lage of Likhubula, about 15km from Mulanje You can walk, but there have been reports of
Loud music and gaming machines mean its Town, are a couple more options. occasional attacks on lone hikers.
low on charm but the congenial crowd and MOUNT MULANJE Council Resthouse (Mulanje Town; r with/without

cheap drinks compensate. Mt Mulanje rises steeply from the undulating bathroom US$1/0.50) Close to the bus station; is Sleeping & Eating
plain of the highlands, surrounded by near- bargain basement in price and quality. Chitinji Campsite (admission US$0.80, camp sites per per-
Getting There & Away vertical cliffs of bare rock, many over 1000m CCAP Guesthouse (Likhubula; camp sites US$1, chalets per son US$2.50, basic r per person US$5) Near Malumbe
AIR high. It is often misty here and Mulanjes high person US$6.50) At the CCAP Mission, it has cosy Peak in the west. An excellent place to stay,
Blantyres Chileka airport is about 15km north peaks sometimes jut above the cloud, giving rooms, self-catering chalets and camping. although likely to be shrouded in mist.
of the city centre. Airline offices in Blantyre rise to the local name Island in the Sky. Some Limbani Lodge (%01-466390; Mulanje Town; s/d Ndindeya Motel (%08-855700, 08-385540; s/d incl
include: people come to the base of the mountain just US$5/7.50, VIP r US$13) Heading closer to Likhubula breakfast US$4/8) A good budget option. The
Air Malawi (%01-620811; Robins Rd) for a day visit, but the stunning scenery, easy on the main road, near the School for the rooms are large and the shared bathrooms are
British Airways (%01-624333; Victoria Ave) access, clear paths and well-maintained huts Blind; has the best beds in town. Standard clean. The downside is that its next door to a
KLM & Kenya Airways (%01-620106; Mount Soche make Mulanje a fine hiking area and many rooms are comfy and the VIP rooms contain bar, which is very noisy even during the day.
Hotel) travellers spend at least a few days here. TV and fully equipped kitchens. Annies Lodge (%01-527002; Livingstone Rd; r from
South African Airways (%01-620627; Haile Selassie Rd) For hikers, its worth remembering that Likhubula Forest Lodge (%01-467737; likhubula@ US$35) North of the town centre, its a rambling
Mulanje is a big mountain with notoriously; Likhubula; camp sites per person US$5, s/d/tr old place made up of colonial-style buildings
BUS & MINIBUS unpredictable weather. Even during the dry US$20/25/30, without bathroom US$15/20/25) This stylish with wide verandas. The rooms are great value
Coachline buses, operated by Shire Bus Lines, season, its not uncommon to get rain, cold lodge has a kitchen, comfortable lounge, sev- and incredibly spacious, and theres a very
run between Blantyre and Lilongwe (US$20, winds and thick mists, which make it easy to eral bedrooms and is spotless all over. A cook nice rondavel bar.
four hours, two daily), stopping at the Total get lost. Between May and August, periods will prepare your food and wash up. Ku Chawe Inn (%01-514237; r superior/deluxe
petrol station near Ryalls Protea Hotel on of low cloud and drizzle can last several days, On the mountain there are several Forestry US$80/110) Up on the Zomba Plateau is this
Hanover Ave. and temperatures drop below freezing. huts (camp sites/huts per person US$0.80/1.30). Each is inn. It is like a small palace, built right on the
Blantyres main bus station is east of the equipped with benches, tables and open fires edge of the escarpment, with excellent views
centre on Mulomba Pl. Express buses run be- Information with plenty of wood. You provide your own and spacious rooms with fireplaces to keep
tween Blantyre and Lilongwe via Zalewa (the Hiking on Mt Mulanje is controlled by food, cooking gear, candles, sleeping bag and you warm on those chilly mountain nights.
junction with the Mwanza road; US$5, five the Likhubula Forestry Office (PO Box 50, Mulanje; stove, and a caretaker chops wood, lights fires Theres a good restaurant (buffet breakfast
hours, one daily); this route is also serviced h7.30am-noon & 1-5pm), at the small village and brings water, for which a small tip should US$6.50, dishes US$9) and the terraced gar-
by ordinary buses (US$3.80, seven hours, four of Likhubula, about 15km from Mulanje be paid. dens are particularly pleasant.
daily). Theres an express service to Zomba Town; it can also arrange guides and porters Gulnoor Restaurant & Take Away (dishes US$2-4;
(US$2, one hour, one daily), which also if required. Another good source of infor- Getting There & Away hbreakfast & lunch Mon-Sat) Specialises in Pakistani
continues to Lilongwe (US$6, seven hours). mation is the Mulanje Infocentre (%01-466466; For information on buses between Blantyre curries and also does Malawian food. Dishes
Ordinary buses travel between Blantyre and, based at Chitakale Trad- and Mulanje Town, see opposite. The dirt include chambo marinated in chillies and yo-
Zomba (US$1, 1 hours, frequently), Mulanje ing Centre, on the corner of the Phalombe road to Likhubula turns off the main sealed ghurt, baltis, haandis, sheikh kebabs.
926 S O U T H E R N MA L A W I L i w o n d e Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at S O U T H E R N MA L A W I M o n k e y B a y 927

Getting There & Away enclosure and theres a rich and colourful For those without wheels, the best option CAPE MACLEAR
Zomba is on a main route between Lilongwe array of birdlife. is to get any bus or minibus between Liwonde Cape Maclear sits on a scenic jut of land at
and Blantyre. Express buses run to/from town and Mangochi and get off at Ulongwe, the southern end of Lake Malawi, with the al-
Zomba and Lilongwe (US$3.50, six hours, Sleeping where local boys wait by the bus stop and will luring Domwe and Thumbi Islands anchored
one daily), Blantyre (US$1.80, one hour, one Places to stay in Liwonde remain open all take you by bicycle to the park gate (US$2) or offshore. It was once a travellers byword for
daily) and Liwonde (US$1, 45 minutes, three year; you can reach them by boat even if rain all the way to the boat jetty (US$3). sun, sand, rest and recreation, but the crowds
daily). Minibuses go every hour or so to Limbe closes some of the park tracks. Another option is the boat transfer service seem to have moved on elsewhere and the
(US$1). Chinguni Hills Lodge (%08-838159; www.chinguni along the Shire River offered by Waterline beach is no longer as clean as it once was.
.com; camp sites US$5, dm/r per person from US$10/15) In River Safaris (opposite). It is still a relaxing place to experience the
LIWONDE the south of the park, it has very accommo- beauty of the lake, however. Theres nowhere
You may visit Liwonde town if youre heading dating rooms, the friendly host is a walking MONKEY BAY to change money in Cape Maclear, so make
for Liwonde National Park or for Mozam- wealth of information on the parks flora and Monkey Bay is a port at the southern end sure you bring enough with you.
bique by train. The Shire River divides the fauna, and delicious home-cooked meals are of Lake Malawi, which most travellers pass
town; on the more pleasant eastern side are taken en famille. Walking and canoeing safaris through on the way to Cape Maclear. Monkey Sights & Activities
the train station, the market, a supermarket are US$12.50 per person and night drives are Bay also has a market and a Peoples Super- Much of the area around Cape Maclear, in-
and several shops. US$15. It also has a camp site, a few minutes market but no ATM or money exchange. cluding several offshore islands, is part of Lake
Waterline River Safaris (%01-542552/832; colin walk away, with dorms, tented rooms and Malawi National Park, one of the few freshwa- operates wildlife-viewing boat fantastic views over the park. Sleeping ter aquatic parks in Africa. Theres a good
trips for around US$15 per person per hour Mvuu Camp (camp sites per person US$5, accom- Venice Beach Backpackers (camp sites per person US$1.30, range of hikes and walks in the hills; you can
(the price decreases with more passengers). modation only/full-board chalets per person US$35/140) dm US$2, d without bathroom US$2.50) This place is go alone or arrange a guide, either from the
This is also a viable way to access Mvuu camp Managed by Wilderness Safaris (%771393, about 1.5km from the main road and offers village or at the national park headquarters.
in Liwonde National Park, with one-way/ in Lilongwe, this dorms and rooms in a two story thatch build- Near the entrance gate to the Golden Sands
return transfers costing from US$32/42. camp is deep in the northern part of the park ing set on a beautiful stretch of beach. Theres Holiday Resort, a path leads towards the hills
The large international-standard Hippo on the banks of the river. Stone chalets have a bar with a small menu of local food; fish and overlooking the bay. A few hundred metres up
View Lodge (%01-542822/255; www.hippoviewlodge tented roofs, lavish interiors and verandas nshima (maize porridge) is about US$2. here is a small group of missionary graves, mark-

.com; s/d from US$35/50) has extensive flower-filled overlooking the river, and the small but ac- Njovubu Backpackers (%01-587214; www.monkey ing the last resting place of the missionaries
gardens that lead down to the river, a ga- commodating camp site has spotless ablution; camp sites/dm/r US$1.50/ who attempted to establish the first Livingsto-
zebo for sundowners and a kids playground blocks and self-catering facilities, including 1.50/3) Just off the main street is a small and nia Mission here in 1875 (see p916). Theres
complete with bouncy castle and trampoline. utensils. friendly joint with an internet caf, tidy rooms also a museum, which is well worth a visit to
Turn right down the dirt road just before Njobvu Cultural Village (full-board hut per person and dorms and splendid home-baked cakes. learn about the formation of the lake and the
the National Bank and its about 1km down US$50) This is actually 6km from the western Its also home to the Back to School Founda- evolution of the fish.
the road. boundary of Liwonde National Park and of- tion; volunteers get free accommodation in Guides registered with the Chembe Village
At Sun Village Lodge (%01-542330; s/d bathroom fers visitors a rare opportunity to stay in a return for helping this scheme, which raises Tourist Association can organise day trips
US$21/40) large rooms with fans, high ceilings traditional Malawian village. The experience money to send children and young adults to to nearby islands for about US$10 to US$40
and spotlessly clean shower rooms open onto includes dancing and crafts displays and al- secondary school. per boat, plus around US$15 per person. If
a pleasant garden square. Its opposite the lows you to participate in the daily activities you prefer to go snorkelling on your own,
National Bank. of village life. All proceeds go directly to the Getting There & Away many places rent gear (rates start at about
The Town Council Resthouse (s/d with bathroom community; you can book at Mvuu Camp or From Lilongwe, ordinary buses go to Monkey US$2 but check the quality of your mask).
US$3), just down the road from the Liwonde through Wilderness Safaris. Bay, either via Mua and the southern lakeshore For diving, go to Scuba Shack (%09-934220; www
Park Motel, is next to the Peoples Supermar- (US$3.80, seven hours, two daily) or the long, based within Stevens Rest-
ket. Its very clean and simple Getting There & Away way round, via Balaka, Liwonde and Mango- house, Kayak Africa (%09-942661; www.kayakafrica
The main park gate is 6km east of Liwonde chi (US$4.50, 10 hours, two daily). But youre .net) or Danforth Yachting (%09-960077; www.dan
LIWONDE NATIONAL PARK town. Theres no public transport beyond probably better off going by minibus to Salima If you prefer to stay on top of
Liwonde National Park is the closest thing here. From the gate to Mvuu Camp is 28km (US$1.50), from where you can find a minibus the water, Kayak Africa has top-of-the-range
Malawi has to a traditional wildlife park. along the park track (closed in the wet sea- or matola going direct to Monkey Bay. kayaks (single and double) suitable for experts
Dominating the west, the Shire River over- son), and a 4WD or high-clearance vehicle is Its much easier to reach Monkey Bay from or beginners.
flows with hippos and crocodiles and is a recommended for this route. Blantyre on the ordinary bus that travels via Danforth Yachting also offers sailing. A
favourite stomping ground for the abundant Another way in for vehicles is via the dirt Liwonde and Mangochi (US$3.80, eight full-day island-hopping cruise costs US$75
elephants. Waterbucks are also common near road (open all year) from Ulongwe, a village hours, one daily). A quicker option is to go by per person (minimum four people), includ-
the water, while beautiful sable and roan an- between Liwonde town and Mangochi. This minibus (US$5, four hours), but youll need ing lunch.
telopes, zebras and elands populate the sur- leads for 14km through local villages to the to leave in the morning and youre likely to
real flood plains in the east. Night drives can western boundary. A few kilometres inside change at Limbe, Mangochi and sometimes Tours
reveal spotted genets, bushbabies, scrub hares, the park is a car park and boat jetty, where a Zomba. Kayak Africa (%09-942661; offers
side-striped jackals and even spotted hyenas. watchman hoists a flag to arrange a boat from You can also get to/from Monkey Bay on guided one-, two- or three-night island-hop-
Black rhinos are protected within a separate Mvuu Camp to come and collect you. the Ilala ferry (see p932). ping kayak tours from US$130 per person
928 MA L A W I D I R E C T O R Y A c c o m m o d a t i o n Book accommodation online at MA L A W I D I R E C T O R Y B o o k s 929

per night. The charge includes tented accom- should cost US$1, although some travellers ies at popular lakeshore areas such as Cape
modation, meals, snorkel gear and park fees. have been charged much more so be assertive PRACTICALITIES Maclear and Nkhata Bay, but here violence
It also operates PADI open-water courses for when negotiating. Although not far away, it  Malawis main newspapers are the Daily is very rare.
US$250. can take all day to get there; you could wait Times, Malawi News and the Nation. The Potential dangers while at Lake Malawi in-
anything from 30 minutes to five hours for Chronicle is a smaller publication with a clude encountering a hippo or crocodile, but
Sleeping a matola departure. If youre driving from strong independent voice (read relent- for travellers the chances of being attacked are
Fat Monkeys (%09-948501; camp sites per person US$1, Mangochi, the dirt road to Cape Maclear less criticism of the government). extremely remote. Popular tourist beaches are
r with shared bathroom US$5) Almost 1km east of the (signposted) turns west off the main road, generally safe, although, just to be absolutely
 Malawis national radio station, the
village centre and away from the crowds, this about 5km before Monkey Bay. Be warned, sure, you should seek local advice before div-
Malawi Broadcasting Corporation,
is a huge camping ground aimed primarily at however; its a bumpy ride and unless youre ing in.
broadcasts music, news and chat shows
overland trucks and car-campers. It also has in a 4WD or high-clearance vehicle, itll be
in English, Chichewa and some other
small and comfortable rooms, good security, slow going.
local languages. International news is
showers, and the ubiquitous bar and restau- Malawi Embassies & Consulates
brief but wide-ranging. There are also
rant by the water. Malawian embassies and consulates abroad
commercial music stations in the large
Gaia Lodge (%09-300559, 09-374631; gaiahouse@mw include:
cities.; camp sites/dm/s/d US$2/2.50/3/6) The Canada (%613-236 8931; 7 Clemow Ave, Ottawa,
rooms are on the small side, but theres a ACCOMMODATION  Malawis national TV station was Ontario KIS 2A9)
great, shady waterfront garden, excellent food In almost every town there is a council or launched in 1999 and broadcasts mostly France (%01 40 70 18 46; 20 Rue Euler, 75008 Paris)
and a supremely chilled-out atmosphere. government rest house. Prices vary from as imported programs, news, regional Germany (%030 843 15 40; Westflische Strasse 86,
Chembe Eagles Nest (%09-960628, 09-966507; www little as US$1 up to around US$5 a double, but music videos and religious programs. 10709 Berlin); camp sites $6, per person half board for cot- conditions are not great. Backpacker hostels International satellite channels are Tanzania (%255 22 113 239; 6th fl Nic Life House, Dar
tages & safari tents $60) At the eastern end of Cape are present in the main cities, and are numer- available in most midrange and top-end es Salaam)
Maclear beach, this is about as far from the ous in popular lakeshore destinations. Prices hotels. UK (%020-7491 4172; 33 Grosvenor St, London W1X
tourist trap as you can get. Its an idyllic spot range from US$3 for a dorm up to about US$8 0DE)
on a beautiful and very clean, broad stretch per person for a double or triple. Camp sites USA (%202-797 1007; 2408 Massachusetts Ave NW,

of beach, strewn with palm trees and shaded are usually about US$1 to US$3. The main area for horse riding is the Nyika Washington, DC 20008)
tables. There are airy thatch and brick rooms Midrange hotels are about US$25 to US$75 Plateau, which lends itself perfectly to travel
with wooden four posters and verandas. per double, including taxes, usually with pri- on horseback. If you prefer nonanimated Although Malawi has no high commission
Gecko Lounge (%09-833856;; vate bathroom and breakfast. The quality of transport, Nyikas hilly landscape and good in Australia, it is represented by the Consular
dm/d US$10/40) You cant miss this place from service at a smaller place can be just as good network of dirt tracks are also great for moun- Office, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs
the beach, with its bright orange buildings and as or even better than at the pricey establish- tain biking. & Trade (%02-6261 3305; John McEwen Cres, Barton,
excessively manicured lawns. Its a good bet for ments, though. ACT 2600).
families and groups, with spacious cottages Top-end hotels or lodges generally range BOOKS
with self-catering facilities that sleep up to four from US$100 to US$250 for a double room, Lonely Planets Trekking in East Africa in- Embassies & Consulates in Malawi
people. The dorm, while more expensive than including taxes and breakfast, with facilities cludes a good section on Malawi and is recom- The following countries have diplomatic rep-
most, is also a good deal nicer, and the food is such as private bathroom, TV, air-con and mended for trekkers and hikers. resentation in Malawi:
top-notch, with menus that change daily. telephone. Day Outings from Lilongwe and Day Out- Canada (%01-651450; Accord Centre, Limbe)
ings from Blantyre, both published by the Germany (Map p913; %01-772555; Convention Dr, City
Eating & Drinking ACTIVITIES Wildlife Society of Malawi, are highly rec- Centre, Lilongwe)
Thomass Grocery Restaurant & Bar (dishes US$2) This Lake Malawi is one of the best freshwater ommended. They are well written and re- Mozambique Lilongwe (Map p913; %01-774100; Con-
is a great local eatery if you want to leave the diving areas in the world and one of the searched, and include suggestions on places vention Dr, City Centre, Lilongwe); Limbe (%01-643189;
confines of your lodge. Meals are filling, tasty cheapest places to learn how to dive. Places to visit, things to see and local walks in the 1st fl Celtel Bldg, Rayner Ave, Limbe) The embassy is in
and predictable (although it does serve Indian where you can hire scuba gear and learn region. Lilongwe, the consulate in Limbe.
chapatis and spaghetti) and the outdoor bench to dive include Nkhata Bay, Cape Maclear, Venture to the Interior, by Laurens van der South Africa (Map p913; %01-773722; sahe@malawi
seating is the perfect spot to watch the village Likoma Island and Senga Bay. Many of the Post, describes the authors exploration of Mt .net; Kangombe Bldg, City Centre, Lilongwe)
operate around you. more upmarket places along the lake have Mulanje and the Nyika Plateau in the 1940s, UK Lilongwe (Map p913; %01-772400; off Kenyatta Rd,
Setting Sun Bar is a lively, loud, mural- facilities for water-skiing or windsurfing. You although in reality this was hardly trailblaz- City Centre, Lilongwe); Blantyre (Map p923; Hanover Ave,
adorned bar on the waterfront, accessible can also go sailing, and kayaking is available ing stuff. Blantyre) The high commission is in Lilongwe, the consu-
from the beach or the main street. Its a good at Cape Maclear and Nkhata Bay. late in Blantyre.
place to chat with the locals, although it can The main areas for hiking are Nyika and DANGERS & ANNOYANCES USA (Map p913; %01-773166; Convention Dr, City
get a little raucous. Mulanje. Other areas include Zomba, and Unfortunately, reports of travellers being Centre, Lilongwe)
various smaller peaks around Blantyre. Mu- robbed in Lilongwe and Blantyre have in- Zambia (Map p913; %01-772590; Convention Dr, City
Getting There & Away lanje is Malawis main rock-climbing area, creased. However, incidents are still rare Centre, Lilongwe)
By public transport, first get to Monkey Bay, with some spectacular routes (including the compared with other countries, and violence Zimbabwe (Map p913; %01-774997; off Independence
from where a matola ride to Cape Maclear longest in Africa). is not the norm. There have also been robber- Dr, City Centre, Lilongwe)
930 MA L A W I D I R E C T O R Y H o l i d a y s T R A N S P O R T I N MA L A W I G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y 931

HOLIDAYS TELEPHONE Wednesday morning and passport collection is on Friday

Public holidays in Malawi: International calls (to destinations outside only, between 8am and noon. DEPARTURE TAX
New Years Day 1 January Africa) from public phone offices cost around For travellers flying out, the airport depar-
John Chilembwe Day 15 January celebrates this na- US$4 per minute. The international code
ture tax for international flights is US$20,
tional hero, a Baptist minister who led an uprising against for Malawi if youre dialling from abroad is payable in US dollars in cash. No other cur-
the colonial government in 1915 %265. Malawi does not have area codes, but rency is accepted.
Martyrs Day 3 March all land-line numbers begin with %01, so GETTING THERE & AWAY
Easter (Good Friday, Holy Saturday and Easter Monday) whatever number you dial within the country Air
March/April will have eight digits. Malawis main airport for international flights Another option is to go by minibus from
Labour Day 1 May Mobile phone prefixes are %08 or %09 and is at Lilongwe. Airlines flying to and from Ma- Liwonde to the border at Nayuchi (US$3). You
Freedom Day 14 June the two major networks are Celtel and Telekom. lawi include Air Malawi (, which can walk to the Mozambique border post at
Republic Day 6 July SIM cards are readily available and cost around has a pretty good regional network, with three Entre Lagos and possibly to hitch to Cuamba.
Mothers Day second Monday in October $5. You can buy top-up cards at supermarkets, flights a week to Harare, two flights a week to Yet another option is to take a passenger train,
National Tree Planting Day second Monday in petrol stations and roadside booths. both Lusaka and Johannesburg (Joburg). The which departs Limbe on Wednesdays at 7am,
December following regional airlines also serve Malawi, travelling via Balaka and Liwonde to Nayuchi.
Christmas Day 25 December TOURIST INFORMATION usually flying on the days Air Malawi doesnt From here (where there are moneychangers)
Boxing Day 26 December There are tourist offices in Blantyre and (so you get a wider choice of flights), with you can walk to Entre Lagos, but transport
Lilongwe, and an office at the Ministry of fares mostly on a par: South African Airways (www from here into Mozambique is limited.
LEGAL MATTERS Wildlife and Tourism in Lilongwe. Outside flies twice per week to/from Joburg
Although cannabis is widely available in Malawi, tourism promotion is handled by (with connections to Durban, Cape Town SOUTH AFRICA
Malawi, it is an offence to sell, purchase or UK-based Malawi Tourism (%0115-982 1903; www etc); Kenya Airways ( flies If you need to get to South Africa, City to City
consume it. There are severe penalties for its, which responds to inquiries four times per week to/from Nairobi. and Translux (%for both 09-937499) run direct
possession. from all over the world. Ulendo Air Services (%01-754717/950; air-services luxury coaches from Blantyre to Joburg every has flights from Lilongwe to day between them, for US$40 to US$50. Vaal
MEDIA VISAS Mfuwe in Zambia (US$220) and to Living- Africa (%01-621265) also operates a service be-

The Daily Times and the Nation are the main Visas are not needed by citizens of Common- stone in Zambia (US$320). tween Blantyre and Joburg on Tuesday and
national daily newspapers. Major interna- wealth countries, the USA and most Euro- Sunday for US$80. All companies depart at
tional papers and magazines are available in pean nations (except Switzerland). Visas are Land 9am, arriving in Joburg by mid-afternoon
bookshops in the cities. The Malawi Broad- limited to 30 days, although extensions are MOZAMBIQUE the next day. Ingwe (%01-622313, 01-829879) runs
casting Corporation (the national radio sta- easy to get. The quickest way to reach Mozambique south services to Joburg on Tuesday, Thursday and
tion) broadcasts news and programmes in of the Zambezi is to get a minibus to the Mo- Saturday for US$86.
English, Chichewa and a few other Malawian Visa Extensions zambique border crossing at Zbu (zob-way;
languages. The national TV station broadcasts You can get an visa extensions at immigration US$2.50 from Mwanza) and then a minibus TANZANIA
local news. offices in Blantyre or Lilongwe (see p922 or to Tete (US$1.50). Otherwise, from the Dedza If you want to go the whole way between
914 respectively) or at regional police stations. border crossing, 85km southeast of Lingowe, Lilongwe and Dar es Salaam, two buses a
MONEY Its straightforward and free. chapas run to Tete via Ulongw. week (Tuesday and Saturday) depart from
The unit of currency is the kwacha (MK), There are three border crossings from Ma- opposite the market in Lilongwe. Theres a
which is made up of 100 tambala. The best for- Visas for Onward Travel lawi into northern Mozambique: regular buses ticket office where you can book; fares are
eign currencies to carry with you are US dol- If you need visas for neighbouring countries run from Blantyre, via Mulanje, to Muloza US$33. These buses also pick up and drop
lars, British pounds and South African rands. while in Malawi, these are the conditions: (US$2). From here, you walk 1km to the Mo- off in Mzuzu and Mbeya (Tanzania) and are
Youll find a few ATMs at banks in Lilongwe, Mozambique Visas are available in Lilongwe and Limbe; zambique border crossing at Milange, from handy for going between northern Malawi
Blantyre, Karonga, Liwonde, Mzuzu, Salima both offices are open from 8am to noon Monday to Friday. where its another few kilometres into Milange and southern Tanzania.
and Zomba. Very few places outside main One-month single-entry visas cost US$15 and take four vila (town) itself. From Milange theres usually If youre going in stages, buses and mini-
cities will accept credit cards. Most banks working days to issue, but you can pay extra to have it a chapa (pick-up or converted minibus) or buses run between Mzuzu and Karonga
and bureaux de change wont charge you a issued in one day. truck about every other day in the dry season (US$4, 3 hours), from where minibuses and
commission for changing cash, but theres South Africa Visas are free and take two days to issue. to Mocuba (US$4), where you can find trans- matolas travel to the Songwe border crossing
usually a 1% commission for changing travel- The high commission in Lilongwe is open from 8am to port on to Quelimane or Nampula. (US$1.30). Its 200m across the bridge to the
lers cheques. noon Monday to Friday. You could also take a minibus from Man- Tanzanian border crossing.
Tanzania There is no Tanzanian representation in Malawi, gochi to Namwera (US$2), then take a bicycle
POST but visas are administered at the border, or on arrival at taxi for the remaining 10km to the Malawian ZAMBIA
Post in and out of Malawi is a bit of a lottery. the airport, and cost US$50. border at Chiponde (US$3). Its then 7km to There are three direct buses per week between
Some letters get from Lilongwe to London Zambia The cost of a single-entry visa depends on your the Mozambique border crossing at Man- Lilongwe and Lusaka (US$25), also depart-
in three days, others take three weeks. Post nationality: Brits pay US$60, all others pay US$30. Ap- dimba. Theres at least one vehicle daily, usu- ing from Devil St. There is no specific office
offices in Blantyre and Lilongwe have poste plications can be made between 8am and 4.30pm (closed ally a truck, between here and Cuamba (US$4) so ask at the Tanzanian bus ticket office for
restante services. between 12.30pm and 2pm) on Monday and Tuesday, or and daily vehicles to Lichinga. information. Regular minibuses run between
Lonely Planet Publications
932 T R A N S P O R T I N MA L A W I G e t t i n g A r o u n d T R A N S P O R T I N MA L A W I G e t t i n g A r o u n d 933

Lilongwe and Mchinji (US$2). From here, Boat Bus & Minibus eral stretches of road have not been repaired
its 12km to the border. Local shared taxis The Ilala ferry (%01-587311; chugs There are three options for bus travel in Ma- and potholes are opening up. Rural routes
shuttle between Mchinji and the border post passengers and cargo up and down Lake Ma- lawi. Top of the range is Coachline, operated are not so good, and after heavy rain they are
for around US$1.50 per person, or US$8 for lawi, once per week in each direction. Travel- by Shire Bus Lines (%01-756226). This luxury non- often impassable, sometimes for weeks. Rental
the whole car. ling between Monkey Bay in the south and stop service travels three times a day between companies in Malawi include:
Chilumba in the north, it makes 13 stops at Blantyre and Lilongwe. Theres also a daily Avis (%in Blantyre 01-692368; in Lilongwe 01-756103,
ZIMBABWE lakeside villages and towns in between. (You express service operated between Lilongwe 01-756105) Plus offices at Blantyre and Lilongwe airports
Although Zimbabwe doesnt border Malawi, can get to the Mozambique mainland via the and Mzuzu by Sacremento Bus. Other buses, and at some large hotels.
many travellers go directly between the two Ilala; see left.) also operated by Shire Bus Lines, fall under SS rent-a-car (%in Blantyre 01-622836; in Lilongwe
countries. The cheapest option is the daily Mu- The whole trip, from one end of the line to the category of express fast buses between 01-751478)
norurama Bus (%01-6248735), between Blantyre the other, takes about three days. The official the main towns with limited stops and no
and Harare (US$15). The bus departs opposite schedules are as follows (only selected ports standing passengers allowed and ordinary, You need a full drivers licence (international
the main bus station at 7.30am and arrives in are shown): which cover long-distance routes but stop diving licence is not necessary) and compa-
Harare by late afternoon. The service is good everywhere, so are very slow. nies normally require a minimum age of 23
and on Wednesday and Saturday it continues Northbound port Arrival Departure In rural areas, the frequency of buses and and one years driving experience.
all the way to Joburg (US$38). minibuses drops dramatically sometimes to
Monkey Bay - 10am (Fri) nothing. In cases like this, the bus is often a Train
Lake Chipoka 1pm 4pm (Fri) truck or pick-up, with people just piled in the Trains run every Wednesday between Blan-
MOZAMBIQUE Nkhotakota midnight 2am (Sat) back. In Malawi this is called a matola. tyre and Balaka (US$1.50), but passengers
The Lake Malawi steamboat Ilala (see right) Metangula 6am 8am (Sat) You can buy a ticket in advance for Coach- rarely use them since road transport on this
stops at both Cbu and Metangula on the Likoma Island 1.30pm 6pm (Sat) line services and are allocated a reserved seat. route is both quicker and cheaper. The service
Mozambican mainland. If youre planning a Nkhata Bay 1am 5am (Sun) of most use to travellers is the continuation
visit you must get your passport stamped at Ruarwe 10.15am 11.15am (Sun) Car & Motorcycle of this line from Liwonde to the Malawi
the immigration post in Chipyela (the main Chilumba 5pm (Sun) - The majority of main routes are mostly good- Mozambique border crossing at Nayuchi
village) on Likoma Island. quality sealed roads, but in recent years sev- (US$2). For details, see p931.

Another way to get to the Mozambican Southbound port Arrival Departure
lakeshore is to take a dhow (local sailing boat)
from Likoma Island to Cbu (US$0.80). For Chilumba - 1am (Mon)
more information on the Mozambique side of Ruarwe 6.45am 8am (Mon)
Lake Malawi, see p948. Nkhata Bay 12.45pm 8pm (Mon)
Likoma Island 3.15am 6.15am (Tue)
TANZANIA Metangula noon 2.00pm (Tue)
The Songea ferry sails from Mbamba Bay Nkhotakota 5.30pm 7.30pm (Tue)
(Tanzania) to Nkhata Bay on Malawis north- Chipoka 3.30am 7.30am (Wed)
ern lakeshore every Saturday. The journey Monkey Bay 10.30 (Wed) -
takes around four hours and fares for 1st-/
economy-class deck are US$11/6.50. Cabins The Ilala offers travellers three classes: Cabin
are available and children travel for US$3. Class was once luxurious and the cabins are
still in reasonable condition; the spacious First
GETTING AROUND Class Deck, which includes seats, a shaded
Air area and mattresses for hire (US$2); and, fi-
Air Malawi (%01-772123, 01-753181, 01-788415; nally, economy, which covers the entire lower Has daily flights between Lilongwe deck.
and Blantyre, and four flights a week between Lilongwe
and Mzuzu, both for US$77 one way. You can also fly from ILALA SAMPLE ROUTES & FARES
Lilongwe or Blantyre to Lake Malawis Club Makokola for All of the following sample fares are from
US$75 (you dont have to be a guest), from where you can Nkhata Bay.
reach other points on the lake. Domestic flights can be paid
for in kwacha and theres a departure tax of US$2. Destination Cabin 1st class Economy
Nyika Safari Company (%01-330180; www.nyika (US$) (US$) (US$) Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
.com) Mainly services Nyika National Park, but often has restricted. In return, we think its fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
promotional offers to other Malawian destinations. Likoma Island 20 11 5 only. In other words, please dont upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
Ulendo Air Services (%01-754717; air-services@ Metangula 33 20 6 Has charter and seat-only flights to Monkey Bay 50 35 10 everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
major destinations around the country. Ruarwe 18 10 4 the above - Do the right thing with our content.

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