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Lonely Planet Publications

934 M O Z A M B I Q U E H i g h l i g h t s 935

Maputo (p939) Explore lively sidewalk HOW MUCH?

cafs, pumping salsa bars, flame-tree-  Plate of grilled prawns US$12
lined streets, and excellent art and cul-
 Single-day dive US$40 to US$50
tural scenes.
 Bazaruto Archipelago (p945) Swim and  Short taxi ride US$2
snorkel in a quintessential tropical para-  Day dhow safari US$45
dise with turquoise and jade waters full
Mozambique is one of Africas up-and-coming hot-spots, with stunning beaches, excellent  MaputoInhambane bus fare US$9
of colourful fish.
diving and magical offshore islands. Go snorkelling around the Bazaruto Archipelago, sail on a  Tofo (p944) Relax against a backdrop of
white sand dunes and a long, curving LONELY PLANET INDEX
dhow through mangrove channels or laze under the palms in the Quirimbas Archipelago, take
an off-beat safari in the wilds of Gorongosa National Park, wander along cobbled streets past beach in a town with a perpetual party-  1L petrol US$1
time atmosphere.
stately colonial-era buildings on Ilha de Moambique, sip a caf espresso at one of Maputos  1L bottled water US$0.70
 Ilha de Moambique (p947) Catch up with
lively sidewalk cafs (or maybe a caipirinha at one of its jazz bars), watch the silversmiths at history in the former capital of Portu-  2M beer US$1
work on Ibo Island or dance to the countrys trademark marrabenta music. guese East Africa, now a haunting town  Souvenir T-shirt US$10
of pastel-painted mansions, whitewashed
For almost two decades, many of these attractions were inaccessible due to a protracted  Plate of xima and sauce US$1
churches and waving palm trees.
guerrilla war. Now dark times are in the past, and Mozambique is one of Africas rising  Quirimbas Archipelago (p949) Soak up Ibos
stars, with an upbeat atmosphere, overflowing markets and a 2500km coastline waiting to magical ambience amidst ruined colonial
villas, or luxuriate in some of the conti- National Park enroute north. Alterna-
be discovered.
nents most exclusive island getaways. tively, from Nampula head west to Cua-
If youre inclined to something tamer, stick to the south, where roads and transport links mba (p948) and on to Lichinga (p948),
(especially with neighbouring South Africa) are good and accommodation options abound.
CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO Lake Niassa (p948) and into Malawi.
Sunshine, blue skies and temperatures averag-
For more adventure, head across the Zambezi into the wild north, one of Africas last fron- ing between 24C and 27C along the coast HISTORY
tiers. Getting around here takes time, but the paradisiacal coastal panoramas and sense of are the norm, except during the rainy sum- While Europeans were still struggling in the
space, the sheer adventure of travel and for those with a healthy budget some of the mer season from about December/January Dark Ages, the light of the ancient world had
through to April when everything gets soggy already fallen on Mozambique. From the 9th
continents most idyllic island lodges make the journey well worthwhile.
and sticky, and temperatures exceed 30C in century AD, Mozambiques coast was part
some areas. of a chain of civilised merchant kingdoms,
The best time to visit is from May/June visited by ships from as far afield as India,
to November, during the cooler dry season. Arabia and Persia. They came sailing in on
FAST FACTS During the Christmas/New Years holidays, the monsoon winds to buy slaves, ivory, gold
 Area 800,000 sq km around Easter and in August, the southern and spices. Muslim merchants intermarried
resorts fill up with the vacationing South Af- with African families, and set up trading posts

 ATMs In all major towns
rican neighbours. along the coast.
 Borders Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Sailing onto this scene came the first Euro-
Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe; all bor- ITINERARIES peans Portuguese explorers such as Vasco
ders open  One Week For a week in the south, start da Gama. These 15th-century buccaneers pur-
 Budget US$25 to US$100 per day with a few days enjoying Maputos sued their trade interests with armed raids on
(p939) vibe before heading to Inham- coastal towns or cannon bombardments from
 Capital Maputo
bane (p944) and Tofo (p944), or on to their warships, and constructed forts to pro-
 Language Portuguese Vilankulo (p945) and the Bazaruto Ar- tect themselves from their English and Dutch
 Money Metical nova famlia; US$1 = Mtc25 chipelago (p945). rivals. In the 17th century, the Mozambican
 Two Weeks Follow the One Week itiner- interior was divided into huge agricultural es-
 Population 19.7 million
ary. Continue north to Nampula (p947) tates, nominally under the Portuguese crown
 Seasons Dry (May to November), wet (December to April); if time is tight youll need to fly and but in fact run as private fiefdoms with their
during the rains some roads are impassable divide your remaining time between own slave armies.
 Telephone Country code %258; international access code Ilha de Moambique (p947) and Pemba In the late 19th century, Portugal and sev-
%00 (p949) or one of the other Quirimbas eral other European powers began a lengthy
 Time GMT/UTC+ 2
Islands. political arm-wrestle for a chunk of Africa
 One Month Follow the previous itinerar- to call their own. British eyes began to fall
 Visa US$20 to US$70 for 30 days; issued at most border posts ies, but now with time for all the options on Mozambique, and Portugal reacted by
mentioned, plus a detour to Gorongosa strengthening its previously lax colonial

936 M O Z A M B I Q U E M O Z A M B I Q U E C u l t u re 937

200 km
120 miles
control. The country was so wild, however, bridges, railways, schools and clinics were
that the government had to lease large areas destroyed. Villagers were rounded up, anyone

Mtwara of land to private firms, which soon became with skills was shot, and atrocities were com-
notorious for the abuses they inflicted on their mitted on a massive and horrific scale.
Palma workers. But by the late 1980s, change was sweeping
Nangade Moimboa
da Praia
through the region. The collapse of the USSR
Rovuma Rive
r do Rovuma
Quirimbas Resistance altered the political balance in the West, and
(Malawi) Niassa Chai Pangane The early stirrings of resistance were kindled, new, more liberal policies in South Africa re-
Mecula CABO Mucojo
Cbu Reserve
DELGADO Macomia and the independence movement erupted into stricted Renamo support. Samora Machel died
Mbueca Quirimbas

Lake Ni
life after the Mueda Massacre in 1960, in under questionable circumstances in 1986 and
Malawi) which peacefully protesting villagers were was succeeded by the more moderate Joaquim


Lichinga Plateau

Kasungu Marrupa Metuge Pemba

gunned down by Portuguese troops. Chissano. Frelimo switched from a Marxist

Lichinga Montepuez

In 1962 the Front for the Liberation of ideology to a market economy, and Renamo

Chipata Meponda Mt Maco

Senga (1219m)

Mozambique (Frelimo) was formed, led by began a slow evolution into a genuine oppo-




Mandimba ver the charismatic Eduardo Mondlane. Mond- sition party. A formal peace agreement was
Dedza Ri Ferno

Cassacatiza r NAMPULA Veloso
lane was assassinated in 1969 and succeeded signed in October 1992.
Ulngwe M A L A W I Entre Cuamba L Nacala
Morvia Plateau
Angnia Plateau
Lagos Ribu Namialo by Frelimos military commander, Samora In October 1994, Mozambique held its first
Cahora Bassa
Mt Ulngwe
Mt Namli
104 Nampula
Monapo Machel. Frelimo decided early on a policy of democratic elections. Frelimo won, but nar-
Zomba See Enlargement
Zumbo Songo
Zbu Alto Ligonha
violent resistance. Finally, after bitter struggle, rowly, with Renamo netting almost half the
Lake Cahora Bassa Nametil
Luangwa Matema Blantyre Limbe Namarri
Alto Molcu Quinga the independent Peoples Republic of Mo- votes. The 1999 election produced a similar
Milange Errego ZAMBZIA
Misso de Boroma
Za Nampevo
Angoche zambique was proclaimed on 25 June 1975, result, this time followed by rioting and dis-

Riv Mt Chiperone Lugela Gil
with Frelimo as the ruling party and Samora cord. Since then, things have settled down.
er (2054m)
Vila Nova
Machel as president.
Nyamapanda da Fronteira Olinga
The Portuguese pulled out virtually over- Mozambique Today
Guro Sena Mutarara EN1 Namacurra night after sabotaging vehicles and pouring In December 2004, long-time Frelimo in-
HARARE Nicoadala
Caia EN213 Zalala Beach
Quelimane INDIAN OCEAN concrete down wells and left Mozambique sider Armando Guebuza was elected with a
Marondera Chupanga
(Mozambique Channel)
in chaos with few skilled professionals and vir- solid majority to succeed Chissano. While
Penha Mt Gorongosa Micane
Marromeu tually no infrastructure. Mozambiques new the government has certainly not acquitted

Gorongosa Gorongosa Chinde
Manica NP Marromeu
Reserve government threw itself into a policy of radi- itself cleanly in all areas over the past dec-
Chimoio EN6
Chitengo To Monapo
(26km) Matibane cal social change. Ties were established with ade-plus recent scandals include massive
Gweru Mt Binga
Dondo European communist powers, cooperative bank fraud and the murder of investigative
Chimanimani (2436m) Savane Condcia Bay
NP Bzi Rv Beira farms replaced private land, and companies journalist Carlos Cardoso Mozambique is
Chimanimani SOFALA
Sofala Mossuril
Chocas were nationalised. Mass literacy programmes enjoying unprecedented peace and stability.
Sofala Bay
EN1 Naguema Cabaceira Grande and health initiatives were launched. For a The cornerstones have recently been laid for

Espungabera Cabaceira Pequena
Ilha de
while, the future looked rosy, and Mozam- bridges over the Rovuma and Zambezi Riv-
bique was fted in left-wing Western circles ers. Once completed, these bridges will open

e River
To Bulawayo Gonarezhou Sav Inhassoro
Mocambo Bay as a successful communist state. Bob Dylan up the country and facilitate further devel-
(200km) NP Archipelago NP
NP Vilankulo
even wrote a song about it. opment. Most observers rank Mozambique
Limpopo River
0 10km among the continents rising stars.
Beitbridge Pafuri
0 5miles Civil War

Banhine Pomene
By 1983, the country was almost bankrupt. The CULTURE
(Louis Trichardt) Limpopo NP
Massinga Tropic of Capricorn
roots of the crisis were both economic and po- You dont need to travel long in Mozambique
Kruger NP
NP Morrumbene litical. Concerned by the governments support before hearing the word pacincia (patience).
Giriyondo GAZA Linga Linga
Tofo for resistance movements such as the ANC, the Its the great Mozambican virtue, and most
Lindela white-minority-ruled countries of Rhodesia Mozambicans have it in abundance, for each
Chkw Helene Zvora and South Africa deliberately destabilised other and for outsiders. Youll be expected
Magude Chidenguele
their neighbour with the creation of a manu- to display some in return, especially in deal-
AFRICA Ressano Xai-Xai factured guerrilla movement known as the ings with officialdom, and Western-style
To Pretoria Garcia Zongoene
Mozambique National Resistance (Renamo). impatience is always counterproductive. But
N4 Moamba
MAPUTO Renamo was made up of mercenaries, co- dont let the languid, tropical pace sway you
Namaacha Inhaca Island
To Johannesburg Goba Maputo Special Reserve LEGEND
opted soldiers and disaffected Mozambicans, completely: underlying it is a rock-hard deter-
MBABANE Salamanga NP National Park and funded by the South African military mination that has carried Mozambique from
Zitundo Ponta Malongane TP Transfrontier Park
Ponta d'Ouro and a motley collection of Western interests. complete devastation following two decades
To Pietermaritzburg (300km);
Kosi Bay Renamo had no desire to govern its only of war to near the top of the list of Africas
Durban (400km)
ideology was to paralyse the country. Roads, success stories.
938 M O Z A M B I Q U E Pe o p l e MA P U T O O r i e n t a t i o n 939

Most Mozambicans work at least part-time ARTS & CRAFTS Africas Kruger. The main wildlife reserves are INFORMATION
tending small plots with cassava and other Mozambicans are superb dancers, and expe- Niassa Reserve on the Tanzanian border, and Bookshops
crops, and youll see these machambas (farm riencing the rhythms and moves whether in Maputo Special Reserve. Publicaes Europa-Amrica Livraria (Ave Jos
plots) wherever you travel. Along the coast, a Maputo nightclub or at a traditional dance Mateus) Sells English-language books and magazines.
fishing is a major source of livelihood. The performance in the provinces is a chance not FOOD & DRINK
small ports are fascinating to watch at dawn to be missed. In the north, especially on Ilha Near the coast, you wont have to go far be- Cultural Centres
and in the late afternoon when the boats arrive de Moambique, watch for the slow-paced, fore youre tucking into a plate of giant ca- Centro Cultural Franco-Moambicano (%21-
with their catches. Arabic-influenced tufo, and for the masked mares (prawns) or lagosta (crayfish), washed 320787;; Praa da Independncia; h2-
While tourism and the economy are boom- mapiko dancing of the Makonde. down with a cold Dois M (2M, Mozambiques 6pm Mon, 9am-6pm Tue-Fri, 9am-noon Sat) An excellent
ing, life continues to be a struggle for many, Modern music flourishes in the cities, and favourite lager). Elsewhere the options in- place with art exhibitions, music and dance performances,
with an annual per capita income of about the live-music scene in Maputo is excellent. clude xima (maize porridge), frango grelhado films (some in English), theatre and more.
US$300. HIV/AIDS (with infection rates at Marrabenta is Mozambiques national music, (grilled chicken) or matapa (peanut and cas-
16%) and malaria also take heavy tolls. and features a light, upbeat guitar-driven sava-leaf stew). Freshly-baked rolls are avail- Internet Access
But despite the hardships, Mozambicans style and distinctive beat. New generation able everywhere. Mundos Internet Caf (Ave Julius Nyerere; per hr US$2;
have a flair that sets them apart from their groups to watch out for include Kapa Dch Larger towns have restaurants, and many h8am-10.30pm Mon-Sat, 10am-11.30pm Sun; a)
more strait-laced neighbours, and partying is and Mabulu, which fuses marrabenta rhythms have sidewalk cafs where you can enjoy a Pizza House Internet Caf (Ave Mao Tse Tung; per hr
a central feature. Sunday in particular is a day with hip-hop. light meal while watching the passing scene. US$1.60; h8am-10pm Mon-Fri, 10am-10pm Sat & Sun)
to gather on the beach or village square, put Among the most famous musical traditions For inexpensive meals, try the stalls (barracas) Upstairs at Pizza House.
on smart clothes, open a bottle of wine or a are the Chopi timbila (marimba) orchestras, at markets, which offer plates of xima and Teledata (Ave 24 de Julho; per hr US$1.20; h7.30am-
cask of home-brewed beer, and dance to pop best seen around Quissico, north of Xai-Xai. sauce for about US$1. 8pm Mon-Fri, 9am-6pm Sat)
music blasting from old car stereos. The late Jos Craveirinha (19222003) is Maputo, Beira, Chimoio and Nampula have
Mozambiques greatest poet, and his work, Shoprite branches for self-catering. Medical Services
PEOPLE including Poem of the Future Citizen, is rec- Clnica 222 (%82-000 2220, 21-312222, 21-313000;
There are 16 main tribes, including the Makua
and Makonde in the north, and the Shangaan,
who dominate the southern provinces of Gaza
ognised worldwide. Among the best-known
contemporary authors are Mia Couto, whose
works include Voices Made Night and Every
MAPUTO cnr Ave 24 de Julho & Rua Augusto Cardoso; h24hr)
Similar to Clnica de Sommerschield.
Clnica de Sommerschield (%82-305 6240, 21-
and Maputo. Although Mozambique is rela- Man is a Race, and Lilia Momple, known for pop 1.4 million 493924, 21-493926; 52 Rua Pereira do Lago; h24hr)
tively free of tribal rivalries, there has long Neighbours The Story of a Murder, and The With its Mediterranean-style architecture, A lab, and a doctor on call. Advance payment required
been an undercurrent of northsouth differ- Eyes of the Green Cobra. flame-tree-lined avenues, sidewalk cafs and (meticais, rand, dollars or Visa card).
ences, with geographically remote and inde- The most famous painter in the country is waterside setting, Maputo is easily one of Af-
pendent-minded northerners often feeling Malangatana, whose art is exhibited around ricas most attractive capitals. Jellaba-garbed Money
neglected by the upwardly mobile denizens the world, and the most famous sculptor is men gather in doorways to chat, while colour- There are 24-hour ATMs all over town.
of powerhouse Maputo. the late Alberto Chissano. Makonde carving fully clad women hawk seafood and spices at BIM Expresso (cnr Aves Mao Tse Tung & Toms
Religion, once suppressed under the Marx- traditions flourish in the north. the massive Municipal Market and banana Nduda) ATM.
ist regime, now flourishes, and most villages vendors loll on their carts in the shade There Cotacambios Airport (h6am-9.30pm Mon-Thu, 6am-
have a church, a mosque, or both. About 35% ENVIRONMENT are museums, shops and markets galore

10pm Fri, 7am-10pm Sat, 11.30am-10.30pm Sun); City

of Mozambicans are Christians, about 25% to A wide coastal plain rises to mountains and dont miss spending time here before head- Centre (Polana Shopping Centre, Ground fl, cnr Aves 24 de
30% are Muslims mostly in the north and plateaus on the borders with Zimbabwe, Zam- ing north. Julho & Julius Nyerere; h9am-9pm Mon-Sat, 10am-
along old trading routes and the remainder bia and Malawi. Three of Africas major rivers 10pm Sun) For changing cash outside of business hours.
follow traditional animist beliefs. (the Zambezi, the Limpopo and the Rovuma) ORIENTATION Standard Bank Headquarters (Praa 25 de Junho); Maputo
flow through Mozambique, and have played a Many businesses, the train station, banks, Bay (Hotel Polana) Changes travellers cheques and also
major role in its economic history. post and some budget accommodation are has an ATM.
MAPUTO EXPRESS Mozambique has six national parks: in the low-lying baixa, on or near Ave 25 de
One of Mozambiques most famous women Gorongosa, Zinave, Banhine and Limpopo Setembro, while embassies and most better Post & Telephone
is Maria de Lurdes Mutola, the rags-to- (part of the Great Limpopo Transfrontier hotels are about a 20-minute walk uphill from Main post office (Ave 25 de Setembro; h8am-6pm
riches sprinter known as the Maputo Ex- park see in here in the citys more staid upper section, Mon-Sat, 9am-noon Sun)
press. She began playing football with an the interior; Bazaruto National Park offshore; especially in and around the Sommerschield Telecomunicaes de Moambique (TDM; Ground
all-boys team in the shanty towns around and Quirimbas National park, encompassing diplomatic and residential quarter. A good fl, 33 Andares, Rua da Imprensa; h8am-10pm) You can
Maputo, before being discovered by na- northern offshore and coastal areas. landmark is trinta e trs andares (33 Storey make international calls. It also has a branch inside Hotel
tional poet (and football fan) Jos Craveir- Bazaruto is the most visited, famed for its Building), in the baixa on the corner of Aves Pestana Rovuma (Rua da S), next to the cathedral.
inha, and went on to snare the countrys corals and dugongs. Several of the Quirimbas 25 de Setembro and Rua da Imprensa. At the
first Olympic gold in 2000. The celebrations islands can also be easily (albeit rather expen- northernmost end of the Marginal, about 7km Tourist Offices
lasted for days, and a Maputo street was sively) visited. Gorongosa is an easy journey from the centre, are Bairro Triunfo and Costa Fundo Nacional de Turismo (Futur;
even re-named in her honour. if you have your own vehicle, and Limpopo do Sol, with a small beach and several places .mz; 1203 Ave 25 de Setembro) Has colourful brochures
park can be accessed with a 4WD from South to stay and eat. covering all of Mozambique.

940 MA P U T O D a n g e r s & A n n o y a n c e s Book accommodation online at MA P U T O S l e e p i n g 941

600 m
0.4 miles
wonderful collection of paintings and sculp-
tures by Mozambiques finest contemporary

Ave Acordos
A B C D E Eduardo Mondlane F artists.

de Lusaka
To Shoprite (500m); Mavalane
International Airport (3.5km) Praa da
The impressive domed train station on Praa
65 Jardim
Sommerschield dos Trabalhadores was designed by a pupil of

e Tunduru Gustave Eiffel (of Tower fame) and has been

1 Av Ma Zed 1

49 e2 ng equ

5d 25

anh ias

well restored with a coat of pistachio-green

Ru os



62 ete


a d Rob

Rua To Coconuts Live (500m); Maputo




37 Ru
paint, potted plants, and several old locomo-

ro 63

os y


Av Backpackers (4km); Shanty Craft


sigli 11 Ma Pere eK

eri enn (4.5km); Hotel & Restaurante

rinh ira



Ave M
Rua Ped 19 13 e
tives. Nearby at the Municipal Market (Mercado


Av Costa do Sol (5km)

ros o

de K

o e aun

Bag 64 Melo Fern A

am Sam 40 da Zim ve do

Municipal; Ave 25 de Setembro) stalls overflow with

oyo a P e Cas o


Av Ru bab

52 ere tro 6 aD we

e 12

ira am
Inh Mrt do io fruits, vegetables and spices. On Praa da In-

de 24

am ires Praa 25 Rua Lag


ing de de Ru o Go
a de Junho Tim
or a1
14 depndencia, check out the imposing City Hall,
da Z

Rua da Leste
10 the spired Cathedral of Nossa Senhora de Conceio

Rua Imprensa

Marques de P
and the Iron House.

Il S
al Ru
Av aD

2 eK uar 2
wa The beach at Catembe fishing village across

me te G
0 200 m Nk alv

42 o
0 0.1 miles
34 Ave
ah the bay comes alive on weekends as the towns

Av Ma


eP Holiday Inn fly girls and guys crank up their stereos and
Ma Ave aulo oT

guig de Pa Sam Tun
To Transportes Ponto Final Rua Lus
uan g flirt, drink or play football on the sand, with the


Oliveiras (1km); a Av Kan Pasteur 48


e Ju

'Junta' Transport gos

Maputo skyline as a backdrop. A great place for
mb 8



Junction (5km); a


oN 20


Benfica (10km); 26
47 Av eto 1 Presidential a plate of prawns and people-watching.
rt L


Matola (11km); Palace


Marracuene (25km); 38


60 16

Macaneta (35km);






Namaacha (70km);



Ressano Garcia/ 45 rdo




Komatipoort (75km)

Av ndla dos 54 58

Av eA

eJ ne Continuadores

hm ral


3 Ave 3

Maputos backpackers have English-speaking

aM 30 Sek

Fer 35

Central Hospital

no ach Av ou
el Tou

50 e2
staff and heaps of city info, and can help with


Ma eH 23 4d r
Av galh eJ

eZ es 28 o Ch ulh
Mu Rua d

airport pick-ups and bus-depot transfers.

ede i o

qu 27 Min kum e


ias bur 3
Base Backpackers (%21-302723; thebasebp@tvcabo

Av 59 ng Praa da 22 a

o T
e2 a 9

5d n hela Independncia Ru

Ave M
eS; 545 Ave Patrice Lumumba; dm US$8, d US$20) Often

ete 4 ad


mb aR
ro 29 d
a Jo

32 2 21 full, the Base has a central location, a kitchen,

Ave A
66 o

46 51
and a backyard bar, terrace and braai area

o Ma



55 61
overlooking the port in the distance.





Maputo Backpackers (%21-451213; Quarta Avenida,



Rua 33 Pat 15

Ave F
a Im


4 Praa dos de rice 4 Bairro Triunfo, dm US$8-10, d/tw US$32/35, tr with/without


Bag Maputo Bay

Ave Fr

Trabalhadores am 53

oyo Campo do 44
bathroom US$55/49) A cosy place near Costa do Sol



33 Storey
Building Ave Jo with spotless rooms with fans, and use of the
s Ma 7
kitchen if the house isnt too crowded. Chapas


41 Praa Travessa
Av de Zambezi Rua d 31 17
See Enlargement
5d 56
a Arg
lia to/from town stop nearby.
eS Rua M
Ministry of
ba Fatimas Backpackers (%21-302994; www.mozam
Praa Robert
Rua de
Naching Some Minor Roads; 1317 Ave Mao Tse Tung; camp sites per
Port wea Not Depicted
Mugabe Ave M
person US$5, dm US$6-12, d with/without bathroom US$32/24)
Ave de M rtires
Catembe Ferry Pier
10 d
e No
A long-running place in the upper part of
5 ro 5 town, Fatimas has an outdoor kitchen-bar,
plus rooms and dorm beds in a house next
To Catembe (500m);
Restaurante Marisol (4km)
Midrange & Top End
Ibis (%21-352200;; 1743 Ave 25 de
DANGERS & ANNOYANCES and Ave Marginal, and Ave Marginal between other weapons are exchanged for agricultural Setembro; r US$49; a) Centrally located and good
Walking around central Maputo during day- Praa Robert Mugabe and the Holiday Inn. tools, and then welded into moving sculp- value, Ibis has small, spiffy rooms, satellite TV
time hours is generally safe, and most tourists Always carry your passport (see p950). tures. Theyre on display (and for sale along and business facilities.
visit the city without mishap. However violent with other artwork) in the gallery and the Residencial Palmeiras (% 21-300199; carlos
crime does occur. Be vigilant when out and SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES small garden.; 948 Ave Patrice Lumumba; s/d with
about, avoid isolating situations and avoid the The artists at Ncleo de Arte (%21-492523; www The National Art Museum (http://musart.tvcabo bathroom US$40/55, s without bathroom US$35; a) A
areas between Ave Patrice Lumumba and Ave; 194 Rua da Arglia; hclosed Sun); 1233 Ave Ho Chi Min; admission free; h2-6pm Tue- converted residence with quiet, good-value
25 de Setembro, between Ave Friedrich Engels turn arms into art, as AK-47s, landmines and Sun), just west of Ave Karl Marx, showcases a rooms near the British high commission.
942 MA P U T O E a t i n g Book accommodation online at MA P U T O D r i n k i n g & E n t e r t a i n m e n t 943

INFORMATION Zambian High Commission........25 E1 Mfumo's (Chez Rangel)............ 46 A4 Vladimir Lenine), which has cheap plates of maize Kenya Airways (%21-320337, 21-320338;
Australian Consulate...............(see 53) Zimbabwean High Commission..26 E3
BIM Expresso...............................1 E3 ENTERTAINMENT meal, cassava and peanut sauce.; 171 Ave Karl Marx) At Aquarium
British High Commission............. 2 C4 SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Centro Cultural Franco- Travel.
Canadian High Commission........3 E3 Cathedral of Nossa Senhora da Moambicano......................(see 4) DRINKING & ENTERTAINMENT LAM Central reservations (%21-4680000, 21-326001, 21-
Centro Cultural Conceio.............................27 B3 Companhia Nacional de Canto e
Franco-Moambicano.............4 B3 City Hall....................................28 B3 Dana................................... 47 A3
Pubs & Clubs 465801;; cnr Aves 25 de Setembro & Karl
Clinica 222................................. 5 D4 Iron House................................29 B4 Thursday through Saturday are the main Marx); sales office (%21-490590; cnr Aves Julius Nyerere
Clnica de Sommerschield............6 E2 Municipal Market...................(see 51) SHOPPING nights, with things getting going after 11pm. & Mao Tse Tung)
Cotacambios...............................7 E4 National Art Museum................30 B3 Artedif.......................................48 F2 Mfumos (Praa dos Trabalhadores; hWed-Sat) This South African Airways (%21-495483, 21-495484,
Dana Tours................................. 8 D2 Ncleo de Arte..........................31 E4 Casa Elefante............................49 A1
Dutch Embassy............................9 E3 Train Station............................. 32 A4 MozArte................................... 50 B3 classic jazz caf (formerly known as Chez 21-498097;; Ave Ferno Melo e Castro,
French Embassy.........................10 F2 Municipal Market..................... 51 A4 Rangel) at the train station is one of Mapu- Sommerschield) Together with SAAirlink.
Fundo Nacional de Turismo.......11 B1 SLEEPING Saturday Morning Craft Market..52 B2 tos best night spots, especially on Saturdays Swazi Express (%in South Africa 031-408 1115; www
German Embassy.......................12 F2 Base Backpackers...................... 33 C4
Main Post Office.......................13 B1 Fatima's Backpackers................ 34 TRANSPORT
when theres live music (admission US$12).; Maputo airport)
Malawian High Commission......14 F2 Hotel Polana..............................35 Air Corridor............................... 53 B4
F3 An ideal spot to sip a caipirinha while taking TAP Air Portugal (%21-303927/8, 21-431006/7;
Mundo's Internet Caf..............15 E4 Hotel Terminus..........................36 Avis...........................................54 E3
E4 in afro-jazz beats.; Hotel Pestana Rovuma)
Pizza House Internet Caf.........16 E3 Ibis............................................37 Chapas to Costa Do Sol............ 55 A4
A1 frica Bar (%21-314821; 2182 Ave 24 de Julho; ad-
Publicaes Europa-Amrica Mozaika................................... 38 Chapas to Junta........................ 56 D5
Livraria..................................17 E4 Residencial Palmeiras................ 39 Chapas to Ponta d'Ouro........... 57 B5
mission US$2; hWed-Sun) Hyper-trendy hangout Bus
South African High Europcar....................................58 F3 popular with expats and local media types. For fares and journey times, see the town
Commission..........................18 E4 EATING Fbrica de Cerveja Laurentina... 59 A3 Beautiful decor, and live jazz on Thursdays headings. Buses to Beira stop overnight in
Standard Bank........................(see 35) Caf Continental.......................40 B1 Greyhound................................60 B3
Standard Bank Headquarters......19 B1 Coqueiro................................(see 41) InterCape Mainliner.................. 61 D4
(admission free). Vilankulo or at the Sav River. Major stops
Swazi High Commission............20 E3 Feira Popular.............................41 B4 Kenya Airways..........................62 A1 Coconuts Live (%21-322217; Complexo Mini-Golfe, Ave include the following:
Tanzanian High Commission.....21 E4 Mercado Janeta..........................42 C2 LAM.......................................(see 37) Marginal; admission weekend disco US$8, lounge free ) This Fbrica de Cerveja Laurentina (cnr Aves 25 de Setem-
Telecomunicaes de Nutilus Pastelaria.....................43 E4 Panthera Azul............................63 B1 place has a sleek weekend disco on Friday bro & Albert Luthuli) Daily morning chapas to Swaziland,
Moambique.........................22 B3 O Escorpio............................(see 41) South African Airways...............64 E1
Telecomunicaes de Villa Itlia..................................44 E4 TAP Air Portugal.....................(see 22)
and Saturday nights and a popular chill-out South Africa, Namaacha, Boane and Goba.
Moambique Branch.........(see 53) Taxi Rank.................................. 65 A1 lounge open Wednesday to Sunday. Junta (Ave de Moambique) The citys chaotic long-
Teledata....................................23 B3 DRINKING Taxi Rank...............................(see 35) distance-bus depot is located about 7km from the centre;
US Embassy...............................24 F2 frica Bar..................................45 B3 Translux................................... 66 C4 Traditional Music & Dance theres no organisation youll have to ask where to find
Check with the Centro Cultural Franco- buses to your destination. Almost all departures are at
Mozaika (%21-303939, 21-303965; www.mozaika taurant on the beach draws the crowds on Moambicano (p939) for upcoming music about 5am. Coming into Maputo, some buses continue to; 769 Ave Agostinho Netto; s/d from US$60/70; as) weekend afternoons. and dance performances. Ponto Final (corner of Aves Eduardo Mondlane and Guerra
Bright, well-equipped rooms around a garden Restaurante Marisol (%21-380050; www.catembe Rehearsals of Mozambiques renowned Popular), from where its about US$2 in a taxi to the
courtyard, and a bar. .net; meals from US$5) In Catembe, with Mozam- Companhia Nacional de Canto e Dana (%21-400913; central area.
Hotel Terminus (%21-491333;; bican cuisine, make-your-own pizzas and live; 1719 Ave Albert Luthuli) are often open Panthera Azul (%21-302077/83; www.pantherazul
cnr Aves Francisco Magumbwe & Ahmed Sekou Tour; s/d from music on Sundays. Its 4km from the ferry to the public. .com; 273 Ave Zedequias Manganhela) Weekly bus to
US$60/100; ais) Three-stars-plus in the call first and theyll collect you. Beira, departing at 5am Tuesday (US$44, 18 hours).
upper part of town and very popular, this Villa Itlia (%21-497298; 635 Ave Friedrich Engels; SHOPPING Transportes Oliveiras (%21-405108, 21-400475; Ave
place has small, well-appointed rooms, a tiny meals from US$6; hlunch & dinner Tue-Sun) An oasis Maputo has fantastic woodcarvings, textiles

24 de Julho) About 4km from the centre, with Inhambane

garden and a restaurant. of calm in the city centre, with a plunge and other crafts. In addition to the Saturday buses at 6am and 11am. Its just beyond Praa 16 de Junho
Hotel Polana (%21-491001; www.polana-hotel pool, a peaceful garden, pastas, pizzas and morning craft market (Praa 25 de Junho) and the (US$6 in a taxi). Some buses from the north continue into
.com; 1380 Ave Julius Nyerere; s/d from US$150/168, ste seafood. vendors at Hotel Polana, try the following (all town, to the intersection of Aves 24 de Julho and Amilcar
from US$450; is) In a prime location on the Feira Popular (Ave 25 de Setembro; admission US$0.60; closed Sunday): Cabral.
cliff top with sea views, this is a wonderful hlunch & dinner) is another Maputo institution, Artedif (Ave Marginal; h9am-2.30pm Tue, 9am-
spot to relax. Rooms are in the elegant main with dozens of small bars and restaurants 3.30pm Mon & Wed-Sat) A disabled persons cooperative, Departure and ticketing points for express
building or in the newer Polana Mar nearer around sprawling fairgrounds, including with carvings, basketry and leatherwork. buses to Johannesburg include the following
the water; theres a beautiful pool, gardens O Escorpio (%21-302180; meals from US$6) with Casa Elefante (Ave 25 de Setembro) Shelves and shelves (see p952 for prices):
and daily breakfast and weekend-dinner hearty Portuguese fare, and Coqueiro (meals from of capulanas (sarongs). Greyhound(%21-355700;; 1242
buffets. US$3) with Zambzian cuisine. MozArte (Ave Filipe Samuel Magaia) Artists workshops Ave Karl Marx) At Cotur Travel & Tours.
There are dozens of sidewalk cafs (all open around a courtyard, and a craft shop. InterCape Mainliner (%21-431006; www.intercape
EATING from about 8am to 9pm daily) where you can Shanty Craft (Segunda Avenida, Bairro Triunfo) High-; 899 Ave 24 de Julho) At Tropical Air Travel.
The gigantic prawns that made Maputo fa- get scrumptious pastries and light meals, and quality crafts from around the country.
mous in the 1970s are still jumping out of watch the passing scene. Try Nutilus Pastelaria
the sea and into the pan in the citys many (cnr Aves Julius Nyerere & 24 de Julho; a) or the faded GETTING THERE & AWAY HOT TIP
fantastic seafood restaurants. colonial-era Caf Continental (cnr Aves 25 de Setembro Air Travelling north from Maputo, sit on the
Restaurante Costa do Sol (%21-450038; Ave Mar- & Ave Samora Machel). Airline offices include the following: left-hand side of the bus to avoid being
ginal, Costa do Sol; meals from US$5; hlunch & dinner) A For self-catering try Shoprite (Ave Acordos de Air Corridor (%21-311582, 21-311585; 33 Storey Bldg, baked by the rising sun.
Maputo classic, this Art Deco seafood res- Lusaka) or Mercado Janeta (cnr Aves Mao Tse Tung & cnr Ave 25 de Setembro & Rua da Imprensa)
944 S O U T H E R N M O Z A M B I Q U E I n h a m b a n e Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at C E N T R A L M O Z A M B I Q U E 945

Panthera Azul (%21-302077/83; www.pantherazul to stay, with dorms, doubles, a restaurant-bar Albatroz (%293-29005; meals from US$5; hlunch Basic reed chalets in a pleasant garden, and
.com; 273 Ave Zedequias Manganhela) Behind the post and a rooftop terrace. Go left from the ferry & dinner) Head here for something fancier. Its a few rooms.
office. jetty for about 300m. Restaurant Tic-Tic (Ave da at the top of the hill in the town centre, with Aguia Negra Lodge (%293-82387; www.aguianegra
Translux (%21-303825; 21-303829; www.translux Revoluo; meals US$2-3), opposite the market, has seafood grills and a Sunday breakfast buffet.; s/d/6-person chalets US$55/86/147; sc) About; 1249 Ave 24 de Julho) At Simara Travel & Tours. cheap meals. If you are self catering, be sure to stock up 2km north of the old Dona Ana Hotel, with
The ageing ferry to/from Maxixe runs from in Inhambane. breezy A-frame chalets on sea-facing grounds
Boat sunrise to sundown (US$0.50, 25 minutes), and a restaurant.
The ferry (per person US$0.20, per vehicle US$6) and alternating with small motorboats and slow Getting There & Away Smugglers (%293-82253;; s/d
boats to Catembe run from dawn to about dhows (US$0.15). Chapas to Tofo leave from behind Inham- US$44/66, without bathroom US$38/55; sc) A reli-
11pm from the dock near the Ministry of Fi- Oliveiras buses to Maputo depart from be- banes market throughout the day (US$0.60, able midrange bet with rooms around lush
nances. The trip takes about 20 minutes. hind the market (US$9, seven hours, 6am and 45 minutes). The first reliable departure from gardens, and a restaurant serving up hearty
11am). Faster buses depart at 5am (US$8). For Tofo is about 6am. pub fare from US$3.
GETTING AROUND northbound transport, go to Maxixe. Casa Rex (%293-82048;; s/d from
Maputos Mavalane International Airport is MAXIXE US$95/150; s) A small, upmarket getaway in
6km northwest of the city centre (US$8 to TOFO Maxixe is the place to get off the bus and peaceful, manicured gardens.
US$10 in a taxi). Tofo has long been legendary on the southern onto the boat if youre heading to Inhambane, Other eating options include Restaurante
Chapas go everywhere (US$0.20). Some Africa holiday-makers circuits, with its azure across the bay. Stop (%293-30025; EN1; meals US$2-3, Monica (meals US$2.50-6) at Na Sombra guesthouse
have name boards, otherwise listen to the waters, sweeping white sands, rolling breakers r US$26; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner; a), at the jetty, is near BIM Expresso and Bar TiZ (meals from US$1)
destination called out by the conductor. For and perpetual party-time atmosphere. There a good place for breakfast. It also rents clean near the bus stand, both of which have good
Junta, catch a chapa going to Jardim from the are no ATMs or banks sort out your finances rooms nearby. Buses to Maputo (US$8, 6 local cuisine. Complexo ncora Seafood Restau-
Natural History Museum (Museu). Coming in Inhambane. hours) depart from the Tribunal from 6am. rant/NY Pizza (%293-82444; pizzas & meals US$4-10;
from Junta into town, get a chapa heading to For diving (with lots of manta rays), contact Chapas to Vilankulo (US$6, 3 hours) leave h7am-10pm Wed-Mon) serves pizzas, apple pie
Museu. For Costa do Sol, take bus 17 or a Diversity Scuba ( or Tofo Scuba from Praa 25 de Setembro. and has a waterside eating area.
chapa from the corner of Aves Mao Tse Tung ( For surfing, head to Turtle
and Julius Nyerere. Cove ( in nearby Tofinho. VILANKULO Getting There & Away
Car-rental agencies include Avis (%21-465497, Vilankulo is Mozambiques foremost holiday Buses to Maputo, Beira and Chimoio depart
21-465498;; cnr Aves Julius Nyerere & Mao Tse Sleeping & Eating destination, and the gateway for visiting the around 4am from the main road near Padaria
Tung) and Europcar (%21-497338; europcar@virconn Bamboozi (%293-29040; camp sites US$9, dm US$14, 2- nearby Bazaruto Archipelago. During holi- Bento. Coming from Maputo, get to Junta by
.com; 1418 Ave Julius Nyerere). /4-person bungalows from US$23/46; s) Budget travel- days its overrun with 4WDs, but otherwise 4.30am to catch the first bus to Vilankulo.
There are taxi ranks at Hotel Polana and at lers should head to Bamboozi, set among the it is a very quiet town.
the Municipal Market otherwise you can call sand dunes about 3km north of town. Sail Away (%293-82385;, near BAZARUTO ARCHIPELAGO
the taxi company (%21-493255). Town trips start Penso Tofo (%82-827 4590; dm US$8, d US$23; a) Vilanculos Camping, offers day and overnight The Bazaruto Archipelago much of which
at US$2 (US$12 from Costa do Sol to Junta). In the town centre and without the beach dhow safaris to the Bazaruto Archipelago. is a national park (admission per adult/child US$8/2) is
vibes, but nevertheless a good budget bet. The To arrange something locally, ask for point- a stunningly beautiful divers and snorkellers

SOUTHERN dorm and double have nets, shared bathrooms

and kitchen use.
ers at the helpful Tourist Services (%293-82228;; h2-5pm Mon-Sat), just off the
paradise, with turquoise and jade waters, pris-
tine coral reefs and white sand dunes.

MOZAMBIQUE Fatimas Nest (%82-414 5730; www.mozambique; camp sites per person US$5, tent rental
US$18, dm US$7-9, d/tr bungalow US$24/36) The more
beach road. For diving, contact Vilanculos Dive
Charters (%82-856 2700;; Aguia Negra
Lodge), which also arranges island transfers.
The soon-to-open Ponta Dundo Camp (Bazaruto
Island; camp sites per person US$15) is the only option
for budget travellers. It will supply the tent; you
Fantastic beaches, heaped plates of prawns, makeshift Fatimas is just north of town on bring food and drink. If cost is not an object,
good tourism infrastructure, and easy road the beach. Sleeping & Eating try Bazaruto Lodge (%21-305000; reservas@pestana
and air access make the southern coast Mo- Nordins Lodge (%293-29009; 2-/4-person chalets The best places to stay are along or near the; Bazaruto Island; s/d with full board from US$225/365;
zambiques most popular destination, and an US$50/100) At the northern end of town on the beach road and its northern extension. a), an unpretentious four-star getaway, or
easy introduction to the country. Be prepared beach and quiet, with large, thatched, faded Zombie Cucumber (; dm the intimate Benguerra Lodge (%in South Africa
to share your space with hordes of vacationing chalets and basic self-catering facilities. US$10, d chalet US$28; s) Everything a backpack- 011-452 0641;; Benguera Island; s/d
South Africans at holiday time. Casa Barry (%293-29007;; camp ers should be, with comfy hammocks, a gar- with full board from US$534/790; s).
sites US$8, d reed/brick casita US$70/86, 4-/6-person chalets den, home-cooked meals and local info from
Sleepy, charming Inhambane is one of Mo-
zambiques oldest settlements, and well
US$172/206) Well-located on the beach at the
southern end of town, with closely spaced
and rustic but well-equipped reed-and-thatch
the English owners.
Vilanculos Camping (%293-82043; www.vilanculos; camp sites per person US$11, chalets per person
worth a stroll before heading to the beach self-catering chalets, plus a restaurant. US$16-23) A large, shaded camping area with Central Mozambique doesnt draw the tourist
at nearby Tofo. Penso Pachia (%293-20565; Dinos Beach Bar (meals from US$2; hlunch & dinner good facilities, plus no-frills rooms and bun- crowds, but its a convenient transit zone for; Rua 3 de Fevereiro; dm US$11, d Thu-Tue) Tofos main hangout, with good vibes, galows with bedding. travel to/from Malawi and Zimbabwe. Among
US$40) is a waterfront backpackers that has been good music and good food. Its on the beach Complexo Turstico Josef e Tina (%293-82140; camp its attractions are wild Gorongosa National
completely refurbished and is the best place just past Fatimas Nest. sites per site US$10, d/q rondavel US$24/32, d from US$30) Park and beautiful, rolling hill landscapes.
946 C E N T R A L M O Z A M B I Q U E B e i r a Book accommodation online at N O R T H E R N M O Z A M B I Q U E N a m p u l a 947

BEIRA GORONGOSA NATIONAL PARK with clean, spacious rooms. On the river 20 NAMPULA
pop 400,000 This park (; adult/child/vehicle minutes walk from town along the Changara pop 303,000
Mozambiques second-largest city is as Mtc200/50/200, payable in meticais only; h1 Apr-1 Dec), road, Motel Tete (%252-22345; EN103; r US$42; a) Bustling Nampula is the jumping off point
famed for its steamed crabs and prawns as once one of southern Africas premier wildlife has pleasant rooms and a riverside restaurant for visiting Ilha de Moambique (below). The
for its tawdry nightlife. A decent beach (at areas, is getting a second wind thanks to assist- (meals from US$3). National Ethnography Museum (Ave Eduardo Mondlane;
Makuti, 5km out of town) and a few well- ance from the US-based Carr Foundation. Chapas for Zbu (US$2, two hours) and admission free; h2-4.30pm Tue-Thu & Sat, 2-6pm Fri, 10am-
preserved colonial buildings are the major Arrange vehicle rental and wildlife guides, Nyamapanda (US$3.50, two hours) depart noon & 2-4pm Sun) has English explanations and a
attractions, but its primarily of interest as plus hikes on nearby Mt Gorongosa, at park from along Ave 25 de Junho. Transport to mask collection.
a transport hub. headquarters (%23-535012;, Chimoio (US$9, six hours) departs from Pr- For budget rooms, try the bleak Hotel Lrio
where theres also a camp site (per person US$4), a dio Emose near Univendas. (%26-218631; Ave da Independncia; s/d US$20/32, ste
Sleeping & Eating restaurant and rondavels (s/d US$26/38). s/d US$48/60), several blocks south of the train
Biques (%23-313051; Makuti Beach; camp sites per per- Head 43km north from Inchope to Nota QUELIMANE station or the somewhat better Hotel Braslia
son US$3.50) A faded seaside camping ground, village, then 17km east to the park gate, or pop 170,000 (%26-217531; 26 Rua dos Continuadores; tw/d US$26/30;
but the sunset views from the restaurant ad- take a chapa to Vila Gorongosa (25km further Friendly compact Quelimane is ideal for a few a) near Shoprite, and a 20-minute hike from
equately compensate. north) and arrange a pick-up from there in days of peace on the journey north. Zalala beach the bus/train depots.
Penso Moderna (%23-329901; Rua Alferes da advance with park staff. is an hours drive away through the coconut Residencial Expresso (%26-218808/9; fax 26-218806;
Silva; d/tr from US$24/31; a) Near the cathedral, plantations. Ave da Independncia; s/d from US$53/67; a) has six
with adequate budget rooms and a caf next CHIMOIO Hotel 1 de Julho (cnr Ave Samora Machel & Rua Felipe large, spotless rooms with both fridge and
door. pop 250,000 Samuel Magaia; tw US$16-28) is near the old cathe- TV. Hotel Girassol (%26-216000; www.girassolhoteis
Jardim das Velas (%23-312209; jardimdasvelas@yahoo. Low-key Chimoio sits on the edge of scenic dral, with reasonable no-frills rooms, and a; Ave Eduardo Mondlane; s/d US$90/105, ste US$130-150;
com; 282 Ave das FPLM, Makuti Beach; r/f US$75/85; a) country near the Chimanimani Mountains. pastelaria downstairs. Hotel Rosy (%24-214969, a) is a four-star place located in the Cen-
Well-equipped doubles near the lighthouse, Access to the foothills is time-consuming, 24-213825; cnr Aves 1 de Julho & Paulo Samuel Kankhomba; tro Commercial de Nampula high-rise, and
plus a family room with kitchenette. No meals and youll need a guide for hiking. s/d US$24/28; a), near the old mosque, is bet- boasts Nampulas best rooms. There are cafs
are available. Pink Papaya (%82-555 7310, 82-237 2980; helenm ter. Hotel Flamingo (%24-215602; sogetra@teledata and restaurants scattered along Ave Eduardo
Hotel Tivoli (%23-320300; h.tivoli-beira@teledata.; cnr Ruas Pigivide & 3 de Fevereiro; camp .mz; cnr Rua Kwame Nkrumah & Ave 1 de Julho; s/d US$50/60; Mondlane between Hotel Girassol and the
mz; cnr Ave de Bagamoyo & Rua da Madeira; s/d US$83/99; sites per person US$4, dm US$8, d US$24) is the best as) has newish midrange rooms with full museum.
ai) Beiras business-travellers hotel, with budget accommodation option. With the breakfasts, and a restaurant. Mecula buses depart for Pemba (US$7,
small rooms and a restaurant-bar. Its in the bus stand to your right and train station to Go to Esplanada A Coquinha (%24-214019; seven hours) and Quelimane (US$14, 11
baixa section of town near the port. your left, walk straight, take the fourth right cnr Aves Josina Machel & Julius Nyerere; meals from US$4; hours) at 5am from the Mecula garage on
Caf Riviera (Praa do Municpio; snacks from into Rua 3 de Fevereiro; continue one block hlunch & dinner) for delicious Zambzian cui- Rua da Moma, off Ave 25 de Setembro.
US$1.50; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner) Plump, pink to Rua Pigivide. sine. Overlooking the river, Bar Refeba (Ave To Ilha de Moambique (US$3.60, three
sofas inside, and outdoor tables overlooking Hotel-Residencial Castelo Branco (%251-23934; Marginal; meals from $2.50) offers grilled prawns, to four hours), get a tanzaniano chapa from
the praa ideal for watching the passing Rua Sussundenga; r US$50-62; a) is just off Praa grilled chicken and drinks. the Padaria Nampula transport stand east of
scene. dos Heris, and caters mostly to business trav- Transport departs from the northern end the train station between 7am and 10am. Be
Clube Nutico (Ave das FPLM; meals US$6-11; hlunch ellers. Elo 4 (Ave 25 de Setembro; meals US$3-8) has of Ave Eduardo Mondlane. The Mecula bus to sure its going direct, otherwise youll need to
& dinner) Seafood grills by the beach. pizzas and Italian dishes, and theres also a Nampula departs at 4.30am (US$14, 10 hours), change at Monapo.

For self-catering, theres Shoprite (cnr Aves Shoprite (EN6). buses to Beira depart at 5am (US$16.50, nine Trains to Cuamba (US$20/10/4 for 1st/2nd/
Armando Tivane & Samora Machel). Buses depart at 4am from the train sta- hours), and vehicles go daily to Milange (Ma- economy class, 10 to 11 hours) leave Tuesday,
tion to Tete (US$9, six hours) and Vilankulo lawi border). Chapas to Zalala (US$1) leave Thursday and Saturday at 5am.
Getting There & Away (US$14, 10 hours). Chapas to Beira (US$5, from the capuzinio, 1km from town on the
Buses leave from Praa do Maquinino, north- three hours) and the Machipanda bor- Zalala road. ILHA DE MOAMBIQUE
west of Praa do Municpio (Beiras main der (US$1.20, 1 hours) run throughout Tiny reed houses and pastel-coloured co-
square) to Chimoio (US$5, three hours),
Vilankulo (US$12, nine hours) and Maputo
the day.
NORTHERN lonial mansions rub shoulders among the
palm trees on tiny Ilha de Moambique
(US$24 to US$30, 18 hours). Buses to Que-
limane (US$16.50, nine hours) depart from
Mar Azul in Pioneiros bairro, 1km north of
Tetes reputation as one of the hottest places
in Mozambique discourages visitors, but its
MOZAMBIQUE (Mozambique Island), the former capital of
Portuguese East Africa. Its haunting, magi-
cal, and a must-see.
the centre. a useful transport hub. Pass the time sipping Northern Mozambique is one of the conti- The Ilha is attached to the mainland by
Otherwise, take a chapa to Inchope, 130km a cold drink at a riverside bar. nents last wild frontiers rugged and chal- a 3.5km causeway. Chapas and buses arrive
west of Beira at the EN6-EN1 junction, and Hotel Zambeze (%252-23100, 252-23103; Ave Eduardo lenging for travel, except for a few oases of at the southern tip of the island, from where
try your luck with passing buses there. Travel Mondlane; s/d US$16/22; a) is cheap and central, island luxury. Yet the rewards are spectacu- its a short walk north through the makuti
north is much improved these days thanks with a good pizzeria, but otherwise highly lar, including magical, time-warped Ilha (reed) town to the old colonial stone town.
to the excellent sealed road from Inchope to unappealing. It is near the Standard Bank. Pr- de Moambique, stunning beaches and the The tourist office (%26-610081; h9am-noon & 2-
Caia, where theres a ferry over the Zambezi dios Univendas (%252-23198, 252-23199, 252-22670; Ave unspoilt Swahili culture of the Quirimbas 5pm) has island information and guides; it is
River. Julius Nyerere; s/d from US$22/31; a) is much better, Archipelago. next to the museum.
948 N O R T H E R N M O Z A M B I Q U E C u a m b a Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at M O Z A M B I Q U E D I R E C T O R Y A c c o m m o d a t i o n 949

Sights 610006; brunch US$9; h8am-11pm), diagonally op- lets, bush walks, boating and snorkelling. Ad- QUIRIMBAS ARCHIPELAGO
Get up early and wander through makuti posite the Church of the Misericrdia, have vance bookings are essential. Ancient wooden sailing dhows take fisher-
town as its waking up, with cocks crowing delicious seafood, curries and some veg dishes. The Ilala ferry connects Cbu with Metan- man around the Quirimbas Archipelago, one
in the narrow streets. After a breakfast of spicy Caf ncora also has Sunday brunch. gula and Likoma Island; see p953. From of Mozambiques most remote and beauti-
bhajias (fried Indian-style vegetable pancakes) Cbu, walk to Mchenga Wede, or arrange a ful destinations. Ibo, with creepers growing
from the food market, walk into the stone Getting There & Away boat transfer with Nkwichi Lodge. through its crumbling colonial mansions,
town as the museums open. Transport departs from the bridge. Direct seems to have been untouched for centuries,
The bright red Palace and Chapel of So Paulo tanzaniano chapas to Nampula (US$3.60, PEMBA while Vamizi has some of the regions most
(adult/child US$4/1; h9am-4pm) has been impecca- three hours) leave daily between 3am and The main draw of the sunny seaside town of stunning beaches. Many of the islands are part
bly restored, with opulent furniture, tapestries 5am; ask your hotel to arrange a hotel pick-up Pemba is long Wimbi (also spelled Wimbe) of Quirimbas National Park (adult/child US$8/2), which
and sinister portraits of colonial grandees. with the driver. For travel to Pemba, take the beach, 5km down the coast. Kaskazini (%272- also includes parts of the fringing coastline.
Adjoining are a Maritime Museum, the Church 4am tanzaniano to Namialo, and with a bit 20371;; Pemba Beach Hotel, Ave Marginal, All accommodation is moving upscale. Ibo
of the Misericrdia and the Museum of Sacred Art of luck connect there with the Mecula bus Wimbi Beach) has information on the town and Island Lodge (%in South Africa 021-702 0643; www.ibo
(closed at the time of research), all included from Nampula. the islands, and can organise dhow safaris on; s/d with half board US$360/560) is a beauti-
in the entry price. your behalf. CI Divers (%272-20102; www.cidivers fully restored boutique hotel overlooking the
The massive Portuguese Fort of So Sebastio CUAMBA .com; Complexo Nutilus, Ave Marginal, Wimbi Beach) does water near the dhow port. Vamizi Island Lodge
(admission free, guide US$2; h8am-5pm) is best visited A lively rail and road junction, Cuamba is diving. (; r per person incl full board & activities from
in the late afternoon, when its bathed in glori- a convenient stop en route to/from Malawi. US$485) is part of the Maluane project (www
ous golden light. Namacha (s/d US$12/18) and Hotel Vision 2000 Sleeping & Eating, and one of the continents
Dominating Ilhas southern tip is the white- (%271-62632;; cnr Aves Edu- Penso Baa (cnr Rua 1 de Maio & Rua Base Beira; d with most idyllic island getaways.
washed Church of Santo Antnio, overlooking ardo Mondlane & 25 de Junho; r US$50-70; i) are the fan US$16) Spartan budget rooms in the town Kaskazini in Pemba arranges charter
turquoise seas and fishermen repairing their places to stay. centre. flights, speedboats and dhows. Otherwise,
nets on the sand. Road transport leaves from Maaniqueira Russells Place (Cashew Camp; %82-686 2730; www take a chapa from Pembas Paquitequete fish
market south of the railroad tracks. Trains; Wimbi Beach; camp sites per person US$6, market, departing daily at 4am, to Quissanga
Sleeping & Eating to Nampula (US$20/10/4 for 1st/2nd/econ- dm US$4, d/tr chalet US$35) A chilled-out backpack- and on to Tandanhangue village, where you
Casa de Lus (Travessa dos Fornos, Makuti Town; camp sites omy class, 10 to 11 hours) depart at 5am on ers 3.5km beyond Complexo Nutilus (US$5 can get a dhow to Ibo (one to six hours).
per person US$4, s/d US$8/14) Quite basic, but an Ilha Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. See p952 for in a taxi from town), with travel info, a bar Theres parking at Casa de Isufo, 2km before
institution, with a friendly owner and a tiny Malawi border info. and pizzas. Tandanhangue port.
courtyard. It is near the green mosque. Complexo Turstico Caraol (% 272-20147;
Casa de Yasmin (%26-610073; Rua dos Combatentes; LICHINGA; Ave Marginal; s/d US$40/50, 1-/2- MOIMBOA DA PRAIA
r US$20) Near the fort, with small rooms in an This low-key town with jacarandas and pine room apt US$75/85; a) Just across from the beach, This one-horse port town is the last major
annex next to the owner-familys house. groves is a hub for travel to/from Lake Niassa with no-frills rooms and apartments. stop between Pemba and the Tanzanian bor-
Mooxeleliya (%26-610076;; and Malawi. Residencial Regio Emilia (%272-21297; c.forna@ der. Penso Leeta (%272-81147; Ave Samora Machel;
d US$22, f US$48) Good value, with large, high- Ponto Final (%271-20912; Rua Filipe Samuel Magaia; r; Ave Marginal; r from US$50; a) On the camp sites US$5, r US$10), near the transport stand,
ceilinged rooms and breakfast. Near the from US$22) has small, low-ceilinged rooms with beach road extension, with nice self-catering has basic rooms. Hotel Chez Natalie (%82-527
Church of the Misericrdia. bathroom, plus a bar. Hotel Girassol Lichinga chalets in green, quiet grounds. 9094;; 4-person chalet US$68) is 2km

Casa Branca (%26-610076;; Rua (%271-21280;; Rua Filipe Samuel Pemba Beach Hotel (%272-21770; www.pemba from town on the estuary, and is the best, with
dos Combatentes; r US$24) Excellent value, with spot- Magaia; s/d US$85/92; ais) Lichingas most; Ave Marginal; s/d from US$160/220; family-style chalets and a grill. Pickups to the
less rooms (one with bathroom), sea views upmarket option, catering primarily to busi- asi) Five-star luxury overlooking the border leave from opposite Penso Leeta from
and breakfast. ness travellers. water. 3.30am. The Mecula bus to Pemba departs at
Patio dos Quintalinhos (Casa de Gabriele; %26- All transport departs early from next to Restaurante-Bar Samar (%272-20415; Ave 25 de 4.30am sharp.
610090;; Rua do Celeiro; s/d the market, including to Cuamba (US$12, 6 Setembro; meals US$3-8; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner Sun-Fri)
without bathroom US$20/25, d/q with bathroom US$30/35,
ste US$35) Opposite the green mosque, with
hours) and Metangula (US$5, 2 hours). has good-value Portuguese cuisine, and Aquila
Romana (%272-21972; Ave Marginal, Wimbi Beach; meals MOZAMBIQUE
Italian-Mozambican fusion design, a rooftop
terrace and help with info and excursions.
O Escondidinho (%26-610078; ilhatur@itservices.
The tranquil Mozambican side of Lake Niassa
(Lake Malawi) sees a small but steady stream
US$4-10; hdinner Tue-Fri, breakfast, lunch & dinner Sat &
Sun) has pizzas and Italian dishes. DIRECTORY; Ave dos Heris; s/d US$36/52; s) About three of adventure travellers. Getting There & Away ACCOMMODATION
stars, with atmospheric, spacious, high- In Cbu theres Mira Lago (r US$10), or Mecula buses go to Nampula, Nacala, Moim- There are many great camp sites along the
ceilinged rooms, some with bathrooms, and Mchenga Wede (per person US$5, meals US$7-10), 20km boa da Praia and Mueda (all about US$7, southern coast. Cheap hotels arent as cheap
a great restaurant. south, with camping or budget bungalows, seven hours), departing at 5am from the here as in neighbouring countries most pen-
O Paladar (market; meals from US$3; hlunch & dinner) bush walks and canoe trips. Mcel office (corner of Aves 25 de Setembro ses start at around US$8 and are compara-
has local meals. O Escondidinho, Relquias Nkwichi Lodge (; s/d full and Eduardo Mondlane). To Wimbi beach tively overpriced. Backpacker places, found
(%26-610092; Ave da Repblica; meals US$4-10; hlunch & board US$240/380) is a wonderful lakeside ecolodge from town, hitch or take a taxi (US$2) from especially in the south, are much better value;
dinner) near the museum and Caf ncora (%26- 15km south of Cbu, with hand-crafted cha- near Mcel. dorm beds average US$10. Midrange options
950 M O Z A M B I Q U E D I R E C T O R Y A c t i v i t i e s T R A N S P O R T I N M O Z A M B I Q U E G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y 951

DANGERS & ANNOYANCES Zambia (%01-239135; 9592 Kacha Rd, off Paseri Rd, All major towns have ATMs, often operated
PRACTICALITIES Mozambique is generally safe, but there are Northmead, Lusaka) by Banco Internacional de Moambique (BIM),
 Weights, measures and road distances some areas and situations where caution is Zimbabwe (%04-253871; 152 Herbert Chitepo Ave, and all accepting Visa, but not MasterCard.
use the metric system. warranted. Harare) You can change US dollars cash at most
Thefts and robberies are the main risks: banks (though not at most BIM branches)
 Electricity is 220-240V AC, 50Hz (use
watch your pockets in markets, avoid carry- Embassies & Consulates in without paying commission, and South Af-
South Africanstyle two- or three-
ing a bag or otherwise giving a potential thief Mozambique rican rands are widely accepted in southern
round-pin plugs).
reason to think you have anything of value, The following are in Maputo; most are open Mozambique. Travellers cheques can be
 For English-language news: www.pop and avoid isolating situations. from 8.30am to 3pm Monday to Friday. changed only at Standard Bank (minimum More likely are simple hassles, such as un- Australia (%21-322780; US$35 commission per transaction, original
 Radio Mozambique ( derpaid authorities in search of bribes. Youre .html; cnr Aves Zedequias Manganhela & Vladimir Lenine, purchase receipt required).
and TVM (TV) have occasional English required to carry your passport or (better) a 33 Storey Bldg, 1st fl)
programming. notarised copy at all times. If stopped by the Canada (%21-492623; TELEPHONE
police, remain polite, but dont surrender your bique/menu-en.asp; 1128 Ave Julius Nyerere) Provincial area codes must always be dialled.
documents insist on going to the nearest France (%21-490444, 21-492896; www.ambafrance The cheapest international dialling is with
are more limited than in South Africa, though police station (esquadro) instead.; 2361 Ave Julius Nyerere) TDMs pre-paid Bla-Bla Fixo card, sold at
the selection is fast increasing. For top-end Land mines a legacy of the war days are Germany (%21-492714;; 506 telecom branches everywhere. Mcel (the main
travel, there are some idyllic island lodges. still a risk. Always stick to well-used paths, Rua Damio de Gois) mobile provider) has bright-yellow shops
When quoting prices, many establishments and dont free-camp or wander off roadsides Malawi (%21-492676; 75 Ave Kenneth Kaunda) countrywide where you can buy SIM-card
distinguish between a duplo (twin beds) and or into the bush anywhere, without first Netherlands (%21-490031;; starter packs (US$2) and get linked into the
a casal (double bed). checking with locals. 285 Rua de Mukumbura) network.
Around Christmas, Easter and during South Africa (%21-490059, 21-491614; consular@
August, the southern coast fills up and most EMBASSIES & CONSULATES; 41 Ave Eduardo Mondlane) VISAS
places raises their prices advance bookings Mozambican Embassies & Consulates Swaziland (%21-492117, 21-492451; Visas are required by everyone except citi-
are highly advisable. Mozambican diplomatic representations; Rua Lus Pasteur) zens of South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and
Except as noted, all midrange and top- abroad include the following: Tanzania (%21-490110; 852 Ave Mrtires de Machava) Botswana, and can be bought at most bor-
end listings in this chapter include private France (%01 47 64 91 32; 82 Rue Laugier, Paris 75017) UK (%21-320111, 21-310111; bhc.maputo@teledata ders (but not the Tanzania border) for US$25,
bathroom, while budget listings usually have Germany (%030-3987 6500;; Strom- .mz; 310 Ave Vladimir Lenine) though theyre best arranged in advance. If
communal facilities. strasse 47, 10551 Berlin) USA (%21-492797;; you are travelling to Mozambique by bus from
Malawi Lilongwe (%01-774100; off Convention Dr); 193 Ave Kenneth Kaunda) Johannesburg, its essential to get your visa
ACTIVITIES Limbe (%01-643189; 1st fl, Celtel Bldg, Rayner Ave, Zambia (%21-492452; 1286 Ave Kenneth Kaunda) in advance; lines are long and most buses
The best places for arranging dhow safaris Limbe, near Blantyre) Zimbabwe (%21-490404, 21-486499; 1657 Ave wont wait.
are Vilankulo and the Bazaruto Archipelago South Africa Pretoria (%012-401 0300, 012-321 2288; Mrtires de Machava) Visas can be extended at immigration of-
(contact Sail Away, p945) and Pemba (contact 529 Edmund St, Arcadia); Johannesburg (%011-484 6427; fices in all provincial capitals.
Kaskazini, p949). 11 Boundary Rd, cnr with Carse OGowrie Rd, Houghton); HOLIDAYS
There are diving and snorkelling operators Cape Town (%021-426 2944; 45 Castle St, Castle Bldg, Public holidays include the following: Visas for Onward Travel

all along the coast, with the most popular cen- 7th fl); Durban (%031-304 0200; 320 West St, Room 1 January New Years Day Visas for neighbouring countries are available
tres at Tofo, Vilankulo (for the Bazaruto Ar- 520); Nelspruit (%013-752 7396; 32 Bell St) 3 February Heroes Day at most borders except Tanzania. Tanzania
chipelago) and Pemba. Visibility is best from Swaziland (%404 3700; Mountain Inn Rd, Mbabane) 7 April Womens Day visas cost US$50 plus two photos and issued
March/April to July. Single-day dives cost Tanzania (%022-211 6502; 25 Garden Ave, Dar es 1 May Labour Day within 24 hours from the Tanzania high com-
between US$30 and US$50, and PADI open- Salaam) 25 June Independence Day mission in Maputo (see left), which is open
water courses average US$300 to US$450 (best UK (%020-7383 3800;; 21 7 September Victory Day from 8am to 11am for visa applications.
booked in advance). Fitzroy Sq, London W1T 6EL) 25 September Revolution Day

USA (%202-293 7146;; 1990 M
St, NW, Suite 570, Washington, DC 20036)
25 December Christmas/Family Day
Kalashnikovs and Zombie Cucumbers: Travels
in Mozambique by Nick Middleton and With
Both Hands Waving A Journey Through Mo- WARNING!
All larger towns have internet cafs, often at
the local TDM (telecom) office. Rates average
zambique by Justin Fox are highly entertain- All travellers, but especially women, and US$2 per hour. GETTING THERE & AWAY
ing travelogues full of historical snippets. especially at Tofo and Vilankulo, should Air
avoid isolating situations, particularly iso- MONEY Linhas Areas de Moambique (LAM; code TM; %21-
BUSINESS HOURS lated stretches of beach. Enjoy the coast- Mozambiques currency is the metical (plural 4680000, 21-490590; links Joburg
See p1102 in the Africa Directory chapter for line, but always stay within sight of your meticais). As of mid-2006, the metical nova (South Africa) with Maputo, Vilankulo and
standard business hours. Banks are open from hotel or the crowds. famlia (new family metical) was introduced, at Beira; Dar es Salaam (Tanzania) with Pemba
8am to 3pm Monday to Friday. a rate of 1000 old meticais to one new metical. and Maputo; and Lisbon (Portugal) with
952 T R A N S P O R T I N M O Z A M B I Q U E G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y T R A N S P O R T I N M O Z A M B I Q U E G e t t i n g A r o u n d 953

Maputo. Other connections include the fol- SOUTH AFRICA Bills Bus runs between Manzini, Maputo
lowing (see p943 for further contact details): To/From Johannesburg and Tofo; contact Grifters ( TANZANIA BORDER CROSSING
Kenya Airways Nairobi (Kenya) to Maputo. Large luxury buses go daily between Joburg in Swaziland or Diversity Scuba, Tofo (p944). For overland travel from Tanzania, arrange
Pelican Air Services (%in South Africa 011-973 3649; and Maputo (US$30 to US$38, eight to nine Sobantu Guest Farm ( and your Mozambique visa in advance, and Joburg to Vilankulo via Nelspruit, hours) via busy Komatipoort/Ressano Garcia Maputo Backpackers (p941) run similar serv- start early from Mtwara (Tanzania) to avoid
with connections to the Bazaruto Archipelago. (h6am-10pm). It is essential to organise your ices (US$23/55 to Maputo/Tofo). sleeping at the Rovuma. Contact Russells
SAAirlink ( Joburg to Beira, and Mozambique visa in advance if youre travelling The quiet border at Goba/Mhlumeni (h7am- Place in Pemba (p949) or the Old Boma
Durban (South Africa) to Maputo. by bus. Companies include the following: 6pm) is good for drivers. ( in Mikindani (Tanza-
South African Airways (%21-495483, 21-495484; Greyhound (%in South Africa 011-276 8500; www nia) for vehicle ferry updates. Joburg to Maputo. TANZANIA
Swazi Express Durban (South Africa) and Matsapha InterCape Mainliner (%in South Africa 021-380 Pickups depart Mtwara (Tanzania) daily at
(Swaziland) to Maputo and Vilankulo. 4400; 6.30am to the Kilambo border post, and on to Quelimane, Tete, Nampula, Lichinga and
TAP Air Portugal Lisbon to Maputo. Panthera Azul (%in South Africa 011-618 8811/3; the Rovuma River, crossed adventurously or Pemba. For discounts, ask for advance pur- dangerously, depending on your perspective chase Jacto Popular fares.
Land Translux (%in South Africa 011-774 3333; www.trans and water levels via dugout canoe. Once Air Corridor (%21-311582; 26-213333; aircorridor@
All overland travellers must pay an immigration across, two pick-ups daily go to the Mozam- does a daily run along the coast,
tax of US$2 or the local currency equivalent. bique border post (4km further) and on to stopping at Maputo, Beira, Quelimane,
Most borders are open from 6am to 6pm. You can travel by train, though its much Moimboa da Praia (US$10, four hours). Nampula and Pemba. Servio Areo Regional
slower. South Africas Komati line (%in South Africa A vehicle ferry (US$50 per vehicle) at Kilambo (SAR; %26-212401; flies twice
MALAWI 011-774 4555; serves Joburg and operates at high tide several times weekly. weekly between Nampula and Cuamba. TTA
There are at least eight border crossings, with the Komatipoort border post daily (13 hours), (%21-465484) flies daily between Vilankulo
only the main ones covered here. from where you can continue to Maputo by ZAMBIA and the Bazaruto Archipelago with Pelican
rail, but its much faster to take a chapa. The main crossing is at Cassacatiza, northwest Air Services.
To/From Blantyre of Tete. Chapas go daily from Tete to Matema,
For the Zbu crossing between Blantyre and To/From Kruger National Park from where theres sporadic transport to the Car & Motorcycle
Harare (Zimbabwe), vehicles depart Blantyre Neither of the borders between Mozambique border, and then daily vehicles to Katete You will need a South African or international
for the border via Mwanza (US$4), connect- and South Africas Kruger park Giriyondo (Zambia), and on to Lusaka or Chipata. drivers license (as well as your home country
ing in Mozambique with chapas to Tete. (h8am-4pm Oct-Mar, 8am-3pm Apr-Sep), west of license) to drive in Mozambique, plus the
The Milange crossing is convenient for Massingir, and Pafuri (h8am-4pm), in north- ZIMBABWE vehicle-registration papers, a temporary im-
Quelimane and Ilha de Moambique, with eastern Kruger are accessible via public The main crossings are at Nyamapanda (which port permit (available at most borders), and
regular buses from Blantyre via Mulanje to transport, and both require a 4WD on the lies on the well-travelled route linking Harare third-party insurance. Driving on the beach
the border. Once across, daily vehicles service Mozambique side. Youll need to pay entry with Blantyre via Tete), and at Machipanda and driving without a seat belt are both illegal.
Mocuba, then Quelimane and Nampula. fees for Kruger and for Limpopo park (US$8/2 on the HarareBeira route. Chapas go from While main roads in the south are fine with
Mandimba is convenient for Cuamba and per adult/child). Mozambique visas arent is- Tete to Changara (US$3, 1 hours) and on a 2WD, you will need a 4WD for most other
northern Mozambique. Theres frequent trans- sued at Pafuri. to Nyamapanda, where there are vehicles areas. Unleaded fuel is generally available in
port on the Malawi side to Mangochi, where you to Harare. Through buses between Blantyre major towns.

can get minibuses to Namwera and Chiponde. Other Routes (Malawi) and Harare are another option.
Once in Mozambique, vehicles go daily from There are bus connections three times weekly From Chimoio chapas go to Manica and Hitching
Mandimba to Cuamba and Lichinga. with Panthera Azul (%in Durban 031-309 7798) be- the border. Take a taxi to Mutare for Zimba- Despite the potential dangers, hitching is often
tween Durban and Maputo via Namaacha and bwe transport or the night train to Harare. the only transport option in rural areas. Mod-
To/From Lilongwe Big Bend in Swaziland. est payment is expected.
From the Dedza border post, 85km southeast The Kosi Bay border post (h8am-4pm) is 11km Boat
of Lilongwe, chapas run along the sealed route south of Mozambiques Ponta dOuro. Theres MALAWI Local Transport
to Tete via Ulongw. Otherwise, go in stages no public transport on the Mozambique side, The Ilala ferry stops at Cbu and Metangula Machibombos (buses) are the best option for
via Moatize. Arrange your Mozambique visa and youll need a 4WD. Coming from South weekly on its way up Lake Malawi via Likoma getting around on main routes. Elsewhere, over-
in advance. Africa you can leave your vehicle at the border Island (Malawi). Contact Malawi Lake Services crowded, wildly-careening chapas (minibuses)
and arrange a pick up in advance from Ponta ( Mozambique visas are issued connect smaller towns daily. Always take a
dOuro hotels. To/from Mapute there are direct at Cbu. Slow sailing boats also go between bus if theres a choice.
ARRIVAL & DEPARTURE TAXES chapas twice weekly between Ponta dOuro and Likoma Island, Cbu and Metangula. The main companies are the ageing Trans-
International arrival tax is US$2. Interconti- Maputos Catembe ferry jetty. portes Oliveiras in the south, and the much
nental and regional departure tax is US$20, GETTING AROUND better Grupo Mecula in the north. Express
payable in meticais, US dollars or South Af- SWAZILAND Air services are slightly more expensive, but faster
rican rand, cash. Domestic departure tax is There are daily minibuses to Maputo (US$5, Linhas Areas de Moambique (LAM; %21-468000; and more comfortable.
US$8, payable in dollars, meticais or rand. 3 hours from Manzini) via Lomahasha/; links Maputo All transport leaves early (between 3am and
Namaacha (h7am-8pm). with Inhambane, Vilankulo, Beira, Chimoio, 6am), and often on time.
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