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Lonely Planet Publications

1038 S W A Z I L A N D H i g h l i g h t s 1039

Swaziland  Mkhaya Game Reserve (p1046) Spot black
rhinos in the wild, one of Africas great
wildlife experiences.

 Traditional dance/cultural group

 Ezulwini and Malkerns Valleys (p1044) Revel
 Internet US$4.50 per hour
in a royal experience in the regal heart-
land of Swaziland and splurge on some  Coffee US$0.80 to US$1.70
handicrafts.  Batik hanging US$8
Embedded between Mozambique and South Africa, the kingdom of Swaziland is one of the  Usutu River (p1046) Shoot the rapids or
smallest countries in Africa. What the country lacks in size, it makes up for in its rich culture  Basket US$5
drift down the river through stunning
and heritage, and relaxed ambience. With its laid-back, warm and personable people and rela- gorges on a novel white-water rafting
tive lack of racial animosities, its a complete change of pace from its larger neighbours. trip. LONELY PLANET INDEX

 Malolotja Nature Reserve (p1048) Trek in
this tantalising reserve, a genuine, un-  1L petrol US$0.80
Visitors can enjoy rewarding and delightfully low-key wildlife watching, stunning mountain
panoramas, adrenaline-boosting activities and lively traditions. Swaziland also boasts superb spoiled wilderness.  1L bottled water US$0.80
 Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary (p1044) Wan-  Bottle of beer US$1.10 to US$1.50
walking and high-quality handicrafts. der through the peaceful wilderness and
 Souvenir T-shirt US$11
relax in its comfortable bargain lodges.
Overseeing the kingdom is King Mswati III, one of three remaining monarchs in Africa. The
 Barbecued maize US$0.40
monarchy has its critics, but combined with the Swazis distinguished history of resistance CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO
to the Boers, the British and the Zulus, it has fostered a strong sense of national pride, and Summer sees torrential thunderstorms, es-
local culture is flourishing. This is exemplified in its national festivals: the Incwala ceremony pecially in the western mountains, and tem- some action: hike in the Ngwempisi
and the Umhlanga (Reed) dance. peratures on the lowveld are very hot, often Gorge (p1045) and shoot the rapids on
over 40C; in the high country the tempera- the Usutu (p1046). If Swaziland is in
The excellent road system makes Swaziland easy to access and navigate. Accommoda- tures are lower and in winter it can get cool. your month trip through South Africa,
tion includes a decent network of hostels, family-friendly hotels and upscale retreats. Many
Winter nights on the lowveld are sometimes its well worth diverting here.
very cold.
travellers make a flying visit on their way to South Africas Kruger National Park, but its well Try to avoid visiting rain-soaked Swaziland HISTORY
worth lingering here if you can. during the rainy season (December to April). In eastern Swaziland archaeologists have dis-
The best time to visit is in MayJune or Octo- covered human remains dating back 110,000
ber, but bring something warm. years, but the ancestors of the modern Swazi
people arrived relatively recently.
ITINERARIES During the great Bantu migrations into
 One Week A half-day in Mbabane (p1042) southern Africa, one group, the Nguni,
is plenty to get your bearings. Spend two moved down the east coast. A clan settled
FAST FACTS days poking around the pretty Ezulwini near what is now Maputo in Mozambique,
and Malkerns Valleys (p1044), including and a dynasty was founded by the Dlamini
 Area 17,365 sq km Lobamba (p1044), and make a trip into family. In the mid-18th century increasing
 ATMs Only in Mbabane the relaxing Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary pressure from other Nguni clans forced
 Borders South Africa, Mozambique
(p1044). If you have time and you want King Ngwane III to lead his people south to
to see rare black rhinos in the wild, con- lands by the Pongola River, in what is now
 Budget US$25 to US$55 a day tinue east to the stunning Mkhaya Game southern Swaziland. Today, Swazis consider
 Capital Mbabane Reserve (p1046). Ngwane III to have been the first king of
 Languages English, Swati
 Two Weeks Do the one-week itinerary, plus Swaziland.
view wildlife at the extensive Hlane Royal The next king, Sobhuza I, withdrew under
 Money Lilangeni (E); US$1 = E7.4 National Park (p1046) and Mlawula Na- pressure from the Zulus to the Ezulwini Val-
 Population 1.1 million ture Reserve (p1046). On your circular ley, which today remains the centre of Swazi
 Seasons Rainy (December to April), winter (May to August),
route back to Mbabane, drop into Piggs royalty and ritual. When King Sobhuza I died
drier and cool (September to November) Peak (p1047), an area known for its in 1839, Swaziland was twice its present size.
handicrafts, and take a detour to hike Trouble with the Zulu continued, although
 Telephone Country code %268; international code %00 in Malolotja Nature Reserve (p1048), an the next king, Mswazi (or Mswati), managed
 Time GMT/UTC + 2 unspoiled wilderness area. to unify the whole kingdom. By the time he
 Visa Not required for most nationalities  One Month You can absorb most of Swa- died in 1868, the Swazi nation was secure.
ziland in this time. Join the above two Mswazis subjects called themselves people of
itineraries and take extra time out for Mswazi, or Swazis, and the name stuck.
1040 S W A Z I L A N D S W A Z I L A N D C u l t u re 1041

30 km
20 miles
European Interference include sexual intercourse, which was banned,
To Nelspruit To Malelane To Malelane
The arrival of increasing numbers of Euro- punishable by flogging.

(8km) (22km) (10km) peans from the mid-19th century brought new Choosing a successor wasnt easy Sobhuza
problems. Mswazis successor, Mbandzeni, had fathered more than 600 children, thereby
R570 inherited a kingdom rife with European car- creating hundreds of potential kings. Prince
38 petbaggers hunters, traders, missionaries Makhosetive, born in 1968, was finally chosen

GR Game Reserve and farmers, many of whom leased large ex- and crowned King Mswati III in 1986.

R Jeppe's Reef NP National Park
38 Hhohho Matsamo NR Nature Reserve panses of land.

The Pretoria Convention of 1881 guar- Swaziland Today

ve r
WS Wildlife Sanctuary




Nelshoogte Pass
anteed Swazilands independence but also The king continues to represent and maintain


um MR1
defined its borders, and Swaziland lost large the traditional way of life and to assert his

To Badplaas Ml R571
(25km) Saddleback Pass
Phophonyane Falls chunks of territory. Independence in fact pre-eminence, for better and often for worse,
To Maputo (50km)

Mananga meant that both the British and the Boers had as absolute monarch. Following his predeces-
Mgwayiza Piggs
2 responsibility for administering their vari- sors style, Mswati dissolved parliament in
Range Peak Sand Namaacha
River Lomahasha ous interests in Swaziland, and the result was 1992 and Swaziland was again governed by a

Maguga Dam M13 Tshaneni
Komati Mhlume chaos. The Boer administration collapsed with traditional tribal assembly, the Liqoqo. Since
(SOUTH AFRICA) Malolotja R ive r
Phinduvuke the 18991902 Anglo-Boer War, and after- then, democratic reform has begun with the
17 Enkhaba
wards the British took control of Swaziland drafting albeit restrictive of a constitu-
To Johannesburg Forbes Reef Maphiveni 2 as a protectorate. tion. Despite the increasing agitation for

(via Carolina & Ngwenya Mbuluzi

During this troubled time, King Sobhuza II faster change, even many reformers propose

Middelburg) Oshoek
Hawane NR GR
(335km) Hawane Dam Simunye
Mliba Mlawula NR
was only a young child, but Labotsibeni, his a constitutional king in a democratic system

Mbulu z i Rive
ush Hlane Royal Mhlumeni Goba mother, acted ably as regent until her son took of government.
wa MR5 NP
over in 1921. Labotsibeni encouraged Swazis Currently, Swazilands greatest challenge

Waverley Ri

Lundzi v Luve
to buy back their land, and many sought work comes from the HIV/AIDS pandemic; the


Ezulwini M
Luphohlo Dam MR7
Mantenga Ezulwini Mpisi in the Witwatersrand mines (near Johannes- country has the worlds highest HIV infection

Lobamba Mafutseni
Mpaka Lonhlupheko burg) to raise money. rate (almost 39% for adults between 15 and 49
years of age), and life expectancy has fallen as

WS Siteki

MR3 Manzini
b ut i n i
Mahlanya Hhelehhele m Independence a result from 58 to 33 years. Its estimated that
Bhunya Matsapha Ti

Sandlane MR18 Malkerns Matsapha

In 1960 King Sobhuza II proposed the crea- there are currently more than 70,000 AIDS
Loyengo Airport MR8
Nerston Valley
MR16 Nyetane tion of a legislative council, composed of orphans in the country, and by 2010 one out

ga Dam
MR4 un GR elected Europeans, and a national council of six people will be a child under 15 who has


u l rge

formed in accordance with Swazi culture. lost both parents.




em p i si Dam

Ng w R i ve r L us
ut fu
R iver Siphofaneni
Phuzumoya The Mbokodvo (Grindstone) National

isi Gorge CULTURE


Ngwemp Movement, which was formed at this time,


pledged to maintain traditional Swazi cul- Swazis have an extremely strong sense of iden-

sha van Eck Dam



Mgazini nga

la SWAZILAND ture but also to eschew racial discrimination. tity and pride. Social and cultural cohesion is

ah MR9 Big Bend

M Lusutfu

When the British finally agreed to elections maintained by a system of age-related royal
Gr a

Emahlathini Ndol Ri
z ve
e Sithobela in 1964, Mbokodvo won a majority and, at regiments. Boys graduate from regiment to

r the next elections in 1967, won all the seats. regiment as they grow older. This minimises

Bothashoop R
Piet Retief
e Swaziland became independent on 6 Sep- the potentially divisive differences between

Hlathikulu tember 1968. clans while emphasising loyalty to the king


Maloma Lubuli Nsoko

The countrys constitution was largely and nation.
the work of the British. In 1973 the king The nonconfrontational, good-humoured
Mahamba wa v u m a suspended it on the grounds that it did not and religious Swazis dislike embarrassment of

Nhlangano Rive r

accord with Swazi culture. He also dissolved any kind. Although there is widespread dis-


Sihultse all political parties. Four years later the parlia- satisfaction with the lack of progress in their
iv e r

ment reconvened under a new constitution countrys current socioeconomic climate, they
o R

33 that vested all power in the king. Sobhuza tend to dislike outsiders meddling in internal

Lavumisa II, at that time the worlds longest-reigning political and social affairs and cultural prac-
monarch, died in 1982. In keeping with Swazi tices. Despite constant controversy around
Phongolo Pongolapoort
tradition, a strictly enforced 75-day period of the king, he represents the symbolic head of
Paulpietersburg (SOUTH AFRICA) Riv
Dam mourning was announced by Dzeliwe (Great the Swazi family and, as such, he is generally
2 She-Elephant), the most senior of his hundred highly regarded disrespect for him can be
Biv ve 66 wives. Only commerce essential to the life interpreted as a lack of respect for the identity
e Ri Jozini
To Durban (375km)
of the nation was allowed. And that didnt of the Swazi themselves.
1042 M B A B A N E O r i e n t a t i o n Book accommodation online at M B A B A N E D a n g e r s & A n n o y a n c e s 1043

As in other parts of Africa, the extended the recorded plant life in southern Africa) and of free publications and brochures including the tourist you to Mbabane. To get here from Gwamile
family is integral to a persons life. While reintroduced animals (including elephants, Bible Whats Happening in Swaziland? Alternatively, Swazi St, turn onto Mhlonhlo St, cross the bridge,
polygamy is permitted and exists this is not warthogs, rhinos and lions) in parks such as Trails in the Ezulwini Valley (see p1044) stocks tourist turn left at the police station and head up
always practised. Traditional marriage allows Hlane Royal National Park, Mlilwane Wildlife paraphernalia. Polinjane Rd. Take a taxi at night (US$3 from
for the husband to take a number of wives, Sanctuary and Mkhaya Game Reserve (these Swazi Plaza).
although many Swazis also follow Western fall under the banner of Big Game Parks). DANGERS & ANNOYANCES Cathmar Cottages (%404 3387; www.swazilodgings
marriage conventions, rejecting polygamy, Swaziland has about a third of the non- Mbabane is becoming unsafe at night, so dont .com/cathmar; 167 Lukhalo St; r from US$27-44; s) Offers
but permitting divorce. marine-mammal species in southern Africa. walk around by yourself. Take precautions in self-catering cottages and dolls-house-style
Many people in rural areas continue to live Environmental issues include overgrazing the streets even during the day muggings cabins, about 3.5km north of Mbabane (off
in the traditional beehive huts in the tradi- of cattle, soil erosion, illegal hunting and the are on the increase. Pine Valley Rd).
tional homestead arrangements. loss of certain indigenous plants sought for Kapola Guest House (%404 0906; www.kapola_eden
Schooling is not compulsory, with the rate natural medicines. SLEEPING; s/d incl breakfast US$54/89) A comfortable abode

of attendance decreasing due to social circum- Good-value places to crash tend to be slightly with massive porch, busy rooms and la carte
stances, particularly due to the HIV/AIDS FOOD & DRINK out of the downtown area. chef (meals US$3 to US$5). Five kilometres
epidemic. Swaziland isnt a gourmets paradise, but you Grifters (%404 5342, 617 0218; www.grifterslodge from Mbabane just off the MR3; watch for

wont eat badly here. Tourist areas of the Mal- .com; End St; camp sites per person US$6, dm US$10, d with the wall painted with flags.
PEOPLE kerns and Ezulwini Valleys feature good inter- shared bathroom US$23) This laid-back and likeably Foresters Arms (%467 4177;
Almost all people are Swazi (although there national dishes and seafood. In more remote scruffy house, within walking distance of the .za; s & d with half board from US$61) Offers cosy oh-so
are about 70 distinct groups). The rest are areas, African staples such as stew and pap town centre is a popular hang-out. Self-cater- British-style rooms and attractive gardens plus
Zulu, Tsonga-Shangaan and European. The (also known as mealie meal) are common. ing only. It has excellent facilities and also a smorgasbord of activities. Situated 27km
dominant clan is the Dlamini its kind of offers a range of hiking and cultural tours, southwest of Mbabane in the hills around

equivalent to Smith, and youll meet your fair including tours of local shebeens (drinking Mhlambanyatsi.
share of them all over the country.
Around 70% of the population is Zionist,
MBABANE holes).
Thokoza Church Centre (%404 6681; Polinjane Rd; s/d
Mountain Inn (%404 2781;; s/d
incl breakfast from US$72/92; ais) Has colonial
a mix of Christianity and traditional indig- pop 60,000 US$26/29, with shared bathroom US$17/22) These small, stains and great panoramas. The restaurant is
enous worship, with Roman Catholics, Angli- Mbabane (mba-baa-nay) is a pretty nonde- clean and monastic-style rooms might convert open for all meals (mains from US$6).
cans and Methodists making up the balance. script, although relaxing place; there isnt that
Muslims, Bahai and Jewish faiths have small much to see or do here. Its setting amid the MBABANE 0
300 m
0.2 miles
followings, also. Dlangeni Hills is picturesque, and in summer
Mbabane is the place to be: the hills make it A Be
Coronation B C D

To Cathmar
cooler than Manzini, which is why the Brit- To Cottages
Swazilands handicrafts include jewellery, pot- ish moved their administrative centre here in Grifters 8

(300m) an


tery, weapons and implements. Woven grass- 1902. The adjacent Ezulwini and Malkerns 9

hlo la
1 lo

lo R
d ( M h Rd

wares such as liqhaga (grassware bottles) Valleys have plenty of attractions. 10 7

hi S

il lan

and mats are popular, as are wooden items, Ho


we Post

ranging from bowls to knobkerries. St


Dance and music is an integral part of Mbabane is a little disjointed. The main street Shie mu
ts First National Bank..........................1 B2


e St
Swazi cultural festivals. The Sibhaca dance is is Gwamile St. Swazi Plaza, a large, modern Internet Centre...............................2 A2
Internet Centre............................(see 5)
a vigorous foot-stamping dance performed shopping centre with most services and a em
ve and
hlo St
Mbabane Clinic..............................3 A3
Lib Mhlon Nedbank......................................(see 5)
by males. good range of shops, is off Western Distribu- Post Office.....................................4 C2
Dr d

tor Rd. The Mall, another shopping area, is vi

ide ha South African High Commission...(see 2)
ers Sis 11

ENVIRONMENT on Plaza Mall St. 2 Dr 1
usa St
Standard Bank & ATM.................(see 5)
Tourist Information Office..............5 B2
Swaziland has a wide range of ecological US Embassy....................................6 C2

To Oshoek Border Swazi 6

Plaza Mall
zones, from rainforest in the northwest to INFORMATION Market

Post (22km) Mall Swazi

savannah scrub in the east. Western Swazi- Internet access is available in a few places in 2 Thokoza Church Centre.................7 C1


land is highveld, consisting mainly of short, town, including The Mall.



a ne R
sharp mountains; the centre and east of the First National Bank (Msundusa St) Finesse.........................................(see 2)

Indingilizi Gallery & Restaurant.......8 B1
country are plains, where plantations of sugar Mbabane Clinic (%404 2423; St Michaels Rd) Medical M
Sozisa Rd
Rd) La Casserole....................................9 B1
cane dominate the landscape. Further east, the services. vu
Mediterranean Restaurant............10 B1
Plaza Tandoori Restaurant............(see 5)
Mic Siguca Cr
harsh Lebombo Mountains form the border Nedbank (Swazi Plaza) Changes cash and travellers cheques. hael's
Rd) es Shoprite.......................................(see 5)
with Mozambique. Post office (Msundusa St) 3 3 Spar.............................................(see 2)

Conservation can come from the most un- Standard Bank (Swazi Plaza) Has a 24-hour ATM. To Mountain Inn (1.5km); TRANSPORT
Kapola Guest House (4km);
likely sources. The monarchy reserved some Tourist information office (%404 2531; www.welcom To Foresters Bus & Minibus Taxi Rank..............11 B2

Ezulwini Valley (18km);

Arms (27km) Matsapha Airport (38km); Bus Station.................................(see 11); h9am-4.45pm Mon-Thu, to 4pm Fri,

areas for hunting; these preserve the rem-


Manzini (41km) Nonshared Taxi Rank.................(see 11)


nants of indigenous flora (including 14% of to 1pm Sat) On the edge of Swazi Plaza. Offers a selection
1044 A R O U N D S W A Z I L A N D E z u l w i n i & M a l k e r n s Va l l e y s Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at A R O U N D S W A Z I L A N D N g w e m p i s i G o r g e 1045

EATING Lobamba. Its a pretty valley with lush green- Sondzela Backpackers (IYHF) Lodge (%528 3117; Youll rave about House on Fire, a fantasti-
Gourmands are catered for, plus there are ery, but its becoming less picturesque with camp sites per person US$5.50, dm US$8, s/d with shared bath- cally decorated cultural and entertainment
supermarkets at Swazi Plaza and The Mall. hotels and other development. The nearby room US$14/22, s/d rondavels US$21/28) Idle your time space at the Malandela Complex.
Indingilizi Gallery & Restaurant (%404 6213; Malkerns Valley is renowned for its handi- away in the great setting and facilities at the; 112 Dzeliwe St; snacks from US$3; crafts and is worth visiting. self-proclaimed Rolls Royce of Backpacker Getting There & Away
h8am-5pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-2pm Sat) This outdoor Tourist information is available from Swazi Hostels. For the Manzini-bound bus from Mbabane,
gallery-caf serves snacks. Trails (%416 2180; Mantenga Craft Centre) in Ezulwini Mlilwane Wildlife Sanctuary Main Camp (%528 make sure the driver knows you want to get
Plaza Tandoori Restaurant (%404 7599; Swazi Plaza; Valley. 3943/4; s/d 2-person huts US$33/47) This homely camp off in the valley. Even some nonexpress buses
mains US$5-12; hlunch & dinner) As well as great- is set in a scenic wooded location about 3.5km arent keen on stopping. Nonshared taxis
value curries, the usual grills and burgers add Sights & Activities from the entry gate. It boasts a large selection from Mbabane cost at least US$7 negoti-
a touch of the international. LOBAMBA of shelters, including traditional, window- ate at night.
La Casserole Restaurant (%404 6426; Gwamile St; You can see the monarchy in action at the less beehive huts (s/d US$31/44, with shared If youre driving from either Mbabane or

mains US$7-11; hlunch & dinner) A good stew with

Royal Kraal in Lobamba during the Incwala bathroom US$21/33), camp sites for US$6.50 Manzini, take the Ezulwini Valley/Lobamba
a mix of international tastes, vegetarian op- ceremony and the Umhlanga dance (see Fes- per person or dorm beds in cabins for US$11 exit off the bypass road. This puts you on
tions, and wines. tivals & Events, p1049). per person. the MR103, from where everything is well
Mediterranean Restaurant (%404 3212, Gwamile The National Museum (adult/child US$3/1.50; Shonalanga Cottage (s/d US$40/53, per additional per- signposted.
St; mains US$7-14; hlunch & dinner) The bland at- hdaily) has some interesting displays on Swazi son US$15) A spacious self-catering cottage near
mosphere is spiced up by its Indian curries culture and a traditional beehive village. The the main camp. A good choice for families. NGWEMPISI GORGE
and Portuguese morsels. National Trust Commission office (%416 1151; www This gorge (%625 6004), 30km south of the
Finesse (%404 5936; The Mall; mains US$10-14; hlunch, for information about Mlawula and OUTSIDE THE SANCTUARY Malkerns Valley is one of the countrys few
& dinner Mon-Sat) This fancy French-owned place Malolotja Nature Reserves, is here. (Note: the Malandelas B&B (%605 2598, 528 3448; r per person incl remaining untouched environments with
serves a good range of seafood and meat booking office is run from the Mantenga Na- breakfast US$25; s) Along the MR27 in the Mal- beautiful natural forests and the Ngwempisi
dishes. ture Reserve reception office; see opposite.) kerns Valley, this offers stylish, ethnic African River. Adventure seekers will be thrilled by
Next to the museum is the parliament, which rooms, a pool and a sculpture garden. the Ngwempisi Hiking Trail, a community-
GETTING THERE & AWAY is sometimes open to visitors. Across the road Timbali Lodge & Country Park (%416 2632; www run 33km trail in the Ntfungula Hills on the
Minibus taxis to South Africa (mostly north- from the museum is a memorial to King Sob-; s/d incl breakfast from E400/500; as) A MankayaneVlelzizweni road.
bound) leave from the minibus taxi park near huza II, the most revered of Swazi kings, plus moderately upscale place, at the western end The atmospheric double-storey Khopho Hut
Swazi Plaza, where youll also find buses and a small museum devoted to him. of Ezulwini Valley, with self-catering cottages (dm US$13) is built around massive boulders and
minibus taxis to destinations within Swazi- in pleasant, grassy grounds. Mhlabeni Hut is by a waterfall. It is compul-
land, including Manzini (US$1), Big Bend MLILWANE WILDLIFE SANCTUARY Mantenga Nature Reserve (%416 11/78; mantenga@ sory to take a local guide (US$7 per day plus
(US$2) and Piggs Peak (US$2). Any vehi- This beautiful and tranquil private reserve; beehive huts per person US$9, s/d tented chalets an additional US$1.50 for each hiker). You
cle heading towards Manzini or Matsapha (%528 3943;; admission US$2.50; incl breakfast US$43/65) Soft safari adventure in must carry in your own food and bedding,
passes through the Ezulwini Valley, although h6am-5pm) was created in the 1950s by con- delightful tented style and canvas comfort. The although porters are available from US$2.50
most take the main and newer bypass servationist Ted Reilly. restaurant serves good luncheon dishes. per day.
road through the valley, as opposed to the While it doesnt have the drama or vast-
valleys minor and more scenic routes. Non- ness of some of the South African parks, the Eating & Drinking MANZINI
shared taxis to the Ezulwini Valley cost at reserve is easily accessible and worth a visit. Its Malandelas Restaurant (%528 3115; entres from US$2, pop 70,000
least US$7, more to the far end of the valley terrain is dominated by the precipitous Nyon- mains US$4-9; hlunch & dinner Mon-Sat, lunch Sun) Part Manzini is the countrys commercial and
(from US$14), and still more at night. To yane (Little Bird) peak, with some fine walks of the Malandela complex and one of Swazi- industrial centre. Downtown Manzini isnt
Matsapha International Airport, expect to pay in the area. Animals include zebras, giraffes, lands better restaurants. large, but it feels like a different country from
from US$20. warthogs, antelope species, crocodiles, hippos Woodlands Restaurant (%416 3466; mauriswazi@ easy-going rural Swaziland. A hint of menace
and black eagles (Aquila verreauxii).; mains US$5-17; hlunch & dinner) Inter- pervades; be careful at day and night as mug-
GETTING AROUND Activities include horse rides (US$14 per national options to be enjoyed on a lovely gings are common.
Nonshared taxis congregate near the bus rank hour), mountain biking (US$7) and wildlife shady veranda. The market (cnr Mhlakuvane & Mancishane Sts;
by Swazi Plaza. At night you can usually find walks (US$4.50 per hour). Guides are recom- Quatermains (%416 3023; mains US$8-11; hlunch hMon-Sat) on Thursday and Friday mornings
one near the City Inn. mended (US$4.50 per person per hour). & dinner Tue-Sun) Mouth-watering culinary jour- is excellent. Get there at dawn when the rural
The main entrance is 2km southeast of the ney through Africa. people bring in their handicrafts. Apart from
Happy Valley Motel on the old Mbabane Calabash Continental (%416 1187; mains US$8-14; this you can happily move on.
AROUND SWAZILAND Manzini road. hlunch & dinner) Next to Timbali Caravan Park,
with German and Swiss cuisine.
At the time of writing, the efficient, clean
Swaziland Backpackers (%528 2038; www.swazi
EZULWINI & MALKERNS VALLEYS Sleeping Bella Vista Pizzeria (%416 1061; pizza from E32;; camp sites per person 45R; dm 90R;
The Ezulwini Valley starting near Mbabane WITHIN THE SANCTUARY hlunch & dinner) Bella Vista is at Happy Valley d with shared bathroom 190R), one of Swazilands
and extending down past Lobamba village, Book the following through the Royal Swazi Motel and does a brisk local business. best backpackers, had just moved to a new
18km away is the homeland of Swazi roy- Big Game Parks office (; %528 Ezulwini Sun sometimes has music, food premises on the edge of Malkerns Valley on
alty. Most of the areas attractions are near 3943/4). and drinks in the beer garden. the MR103 (behind Sundowners Bar). If their
1046 A R O U N D S W A Z I L A N D M k h a y a G a m e R e s e r v e Book accommodation online at A R O U N D S W A Z I L A N D M l a w u l a N a t u re R e s e r v e 1047

Ndlovu Camp (camp sites per person US$5.50, rondavels PIGGS PEAK
GO WILD! s/per person sharing US$31/23, self-catering cottage per person This small, gritty town in the northwest of the
Wildlife Drives sharing from US$26) is a pleasant and rustic fenced- country is the centre of Swazilands logging
For wildlife drives, the Big Game Parks reserves organise good-value tours. Mkhaya offers Land off camp, with no electricity, a communal area industry and there are huge pine plantations
Rover day trips (US$55, minimum two people, includes lunch). These trips must be prebooked and a restaurant. throughout the area. The town was named
through Big Game Parks (%528 3943/4). Set arrival and departure times are 10am and 4pm. Bhubesi Camp (s/d cottages US$27/54) offers self- after a prospector who found gold here in
Hlane has a two-hour sunrise/sunset drive (US$20, minimum two people); Mliliwane offers a contained huts with electricity. Book for both 1884.
shorter wildlife drive (US$16, minimum two people). Check the website through the Royal Swazi Big Game Parks office
for the latest on offer, as these do change. (%528 3943; Sights
Minibus taxis to Simunye will drop you at In addition to its scenery, including the
the entrance to Hlane (US$0.70; 7km from Phophonyane Falls located about 8km north of
White-Water Rafting Simunye). town, this area is known for its handicrafts.
One of Swazilands highlights is white-water rafting on the Usutu River. This largely sluggish river

Check these out at the Peak Craft Centre just
turns to rapids through the narrow Bulungu Gorge near Mkhaya Game Reserve.
At one stage youll have to portage a 10m waterfall. The second half of the day is a sedate trip
MLAWULA NATURE RESERVE north of Orion Piggs Peak Hotel & Casino.
This tranquil reserve (%416 1151; At Peak Craft Centre youll find Ethnic Bound
through scenic country with glimpses of the flat dogs (crocodiles) sunning on the riverbanks.
.sz; adult/child US$3.50/1.70; h6am-6pm), where the (%437 3099;, Likhweti
Swazi Trails (%416 2180; offers a full-day trip (US$84 per person, minimum
lowveld plains meet the Lebombo Mountains, Kraft (%437 3127) and Tintsaba Crafts (%437
two) including lunch and all equipment. Trips run from the Ezulwini Valley (see p1044).
boasts antelope species and hyenas, rewarding 1260; There are also numer-
bird-watching, and the odd crocodile. You can ous craft vendors set up along the road up
hire fishing rods for US$3 and bring your own from Mbabane.
past backpackers are anything to go by, the You cant visit or stay in the reserve without mountain bike. Check the status of bilharzia An interesting detour from Piggs Peak is to
new site should also be one of the best options booking in advance, and even then you cant (p1136) and watch out for ticks. wind your way 20km through scenic planta-
around. It offers activities, including a day drive in alone; youll be met at Phuzumoya at a Theres tented accommodation at Siphiso tion country to the ghost village of Bulembu, a
tour of Swaziland (230R). specified pick-up time, usually 10am or 4pm. camping ground (camp sites per person US$8.50) and Sara former asbestos mining town. Its a true-life
Tums George Hotel (%505 8991;; cnr While day tours can be arranged, its ideal to Camp (s/d US$21). Mapelepele Cottage (accommodates time warp; thousands of deserted corrugated-
Ngwane & du Toit Sts; s/d incl breakfast from US$85/110; stay for at least one night this is possibly 4 people US$70) is self-catering. Book accommo- iron houses and many Art Deco buildings
as) is Manzinis newest, fanciest and your best chance in Africa of meeting a black dation through the National Trust Commission nestle on a pretty hilly landscape. Warning:
priciest hotel. rhino in the wild. (%416 1151/78; at the Mantenga asbestos (chrysotile) dumps exist around the
For food, takeaways abound in Bhunu Mall You can bunk down at Stone Camp (all-inclusive Reserve office. village.
and Ngwane St or, for something more sub- s/d with full board US$165/285), reminiscent of a 19th-
stantial and some OK coffee, try Fontana di century hunting camp, with accommodation
Trevi Pizzeria (%505 3608; the Hub, Villiers St; breakfast/ in rustically luxurious stone and thatch cot- RHINO WARS
pizza from US$3/4; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner). tages surrounded by bush. The price includes In 1965 white rhino were re-established in the kingdom after an absence of 70 years. That
A nonshared taxi to Matsapha airport costs wildlife drives, walking safaris, park entry and was the easy part. Since then there has been an ongoing battle to protect them from poach-
around US$8. The main bus and minibus meals, and is good value compared to many of ers. At the forefront of this battle has been Ted Reilly and a band of dedicated hand-picked
taxi park is at the northern end of Louw St. the private reserves near Kruger National Park rangers.
Buses run up the Ezulwini Valley to Mbabane in South Africa. Reservations are through the This defence wasnt easy, especially as the poachers had received hefty financial backing
for US$1.10 (35 minutes). Minibus taxis to Royal Swazi Big Game Parks office (www.biggameparks from crime syndicates supplying rhino horn to the lucrative Asian market. Poaching escalated
Mozambique leave from the car park next to .org; %528 3943/4). in the late 1980s, and there were determined efforts to change rhino-poaching laws in Swazi-
the old KFC. Most long-distance minibus For day-trippers, the reserve organises a land. Rhinos were dehorned and confined to enclosures for their own protection. After Hlane
taxis (to South Africa, including Durban and couple of good-value safaris (see above). Royal National Park was attacked in January 1992 by poachers with AK47s, the rangers armed
Joburg, and Maputo in Mozambique) leave themselves. With the rhinos dehorned at Hlane, the poachers shifted to Mkhaya Game Reserve.
early in the morning. HLANE ROYAL NATIONAL PARK The battle commenced.
In the northeast near the former royal hunting In April 1992 there was a shoot-out between rangers and poachers at Mkhaya, and some
MKHAYA GAME RESERVE grounds, Hlane Royal National Park (%528 3943/4; poachers were captured. A follow-up operation lead to another shoot-out at Big Bend in which
This top-notch reserve (%528 3943; www.biggame; admission US$3.50; h6am-6pm) two poachers were killed while selling their freshly poached horns. While the Swazi courts de- off the ManziniBig Bend road near offers wonderfully low-key wildlife watching. liberated over action against the rangers relating to this incident, another rhino, the majestic
the hamlet of Phuzumoya was established There are white rhinos and many antelope bull Mthondvo, was killed for horn in December 1992. The young king, Mswati III, intervened
in 1979 to save the pure Nguni breed of cattle species. Elephants and lions have been re- on behalf of Reillys rangers, and the poaching of rhinos came to a halt. The rangers, however,
from extinction. Its focus expanded to an- introduced. There are guided walking trails still wait with their rifles at the ready. You can help: your presence at any one of the big wildlife
telopes, tsessebe, elephants, and white and (US$5 per person), two-hour wildlife day parks assists in rhino conservation.
black rhinos. Mkhaya takes its name from the drives (US$20 per person, minimum two), a In 1996 the Taiwanese government donated money to purchase six black rhinos; a gesture
mkhaya (or knobthorn) tree valued for their cultural village tour with dance performances of good faith that was welcomed with open arms. The black rhinos, which were relocated from
beer-brewing properties, and for the insect (US$6.20 per person, minimum four) and parks in KwaZulu-Natal, are breeding well.
and birdlife they support. mountain-bike hire (US$9 per hour).
1048 S W A Z I L A N D D I R E C T O R Y A c c o m m o d a t i o n Book accommodation online at S W A Z I L A N D D I R E C T O R Y Fe s t i v a l s & E v e n t s 1049

Sleeping braai (barbecue) area, or along the overnight USA (%404 6441;; 2350 INTERNET ACCESS
Jabula Guest House (%437 1052; trails (US$6; no facilities). There are also self- Mbabane Pl, Mbabane; h8.30am-12.30pm Mon & Thu, Internet facilities are in Mbabane and a cou-
/jabulaguesthouse; s/d US$31/52; s) The best B&B catering wooden cabins (per person US$32, children except for emergency services) ple of places in the Ezulwini and Malkerns
in Piggs Peak with small, neat rooms in a half-price), for six persons. Book through Swazi Valleys.
residential setting turn right at the Piggs Trails (%416 2180; or with the See p1050 for details on getting visas for on-
Peak Clinic sign and then take the first right National Trust Commission (%416 1151/78; www.sntc ward travel. MAPS
again.; Mantenga Reserve), both in Ezulwini Valley. Topographical maps (1:50,000) are available
Phophonyane Lodge & Nature Reserve (%437 The entrance gate for Malolotja is about FESTIVALS & EVENTS from the Surveyor-Generals office at the Min-
1319;; tents US$68-97, s/d cottages 35km northwest of Mbabane, along the Piggs Colourful ceremonies (and traditional dress, istry of Public Works (%404 6267; Mhlambanyatsi Rd,
with breakfast from US$97/135) This stunning hide- Peak road (MR1); minibus taxis to/from which is still commonly worn) underline the Mbabane). The Swaziland Tourism Authority
away in a nature reserve of lush indigenous Mbabane will drop you here. Swazis unique identity. has recently printed hiking maps of most of
forest on the Phophonyane River is one Incwala ceremony Held sometime between late Decem- the popular hiking spots, including Shewula,

of the best places to stay in Swaziland. Ring ber and early January. Swazilands most sacred ceremony, Mlawula, Sibebe, Mlilwane, Mantenga, Ma-
ahead for directions (you can usually arrange
to be collected from Piggs Peak). Bring the
SWAZILAND DIRECTORY celebrating the New Year and the first fruits of the harvest
in rituals of thanksgiving, prayer, atonement and rever-
hamba, Ngwempisi and Malalotja.

mosquito repellent! ACCOMMODATION ence for the king. As part of the festivities the king grants MEDIA
Many of the countrys hotels are geared to- his people the right to consume his harvest, and rains are There are two English-language daily news-
Getting There & Away wards South African tourists and are pricey, expected to follow the ceremony. papers: the Times of Swaziland and the Swazi
Roads in the northwest of the country are but there are some good B&B-style options. Umhlanga (Reed Dance) A great spectacle in August Observer. The former is an independent, and
mainly dirt, but theyre in reasonable condi- Nearly all designated camp sites in Swaziland or September, performed by unmarried girls who collect frequently courts the wrath of government
tion. The minibus taxi stand is next to the are in national parks and reserves. If you camp reeds for the repair and maintenance of the royal palace. It and royalty, the latter is owned by the nation
market at the top end of the main street, with in rural areas always ask permission from is something like a week-long debutante ball for marriage- and toes a conservative line.
several vehicles daily to Mbabane (US$2, one local people. able young Swazi women and a showcase of potential
hour). wives for the king. On the sixth day they perform the reed MONEY
For Bulembu, youll need your own wheels ACTIVITIES dance and carry their reeds to the queen mother. Prin- The unit of currency is the lilangeni; the plural
this road can be boggy when wet. Swazilands wildlife reserves offer some ex- cesses wear red feathers in their hair. is emalangeni (E). It is tied in value to the
cellent walking and mountain biking. In the South African rand. Rands are accepted every-
MALOLOTJA NATURE RESERVE rainy season, white-water rafting is optimal The venue for both festivals is near Lobamba where and theres no need to change them.
A large piece of wilderness in the hilly north- (see p1046). in the Ezulwini Valley. Ask at the tourist office Emalangeni are difficult to change for other
west of this tiny country, this nature reserve in Mbabane for exact dates. currencies outside Swaziland.
(% 416 1151, 442 4241;; adult/child EMBASSIES & CONSULATES Photography is not permitted at the In- Only a few ATMs accept international
US$3/1.70; h6am-6pm) is both rugged and largely Swaziland Embassies & Consulates cwala but is at the Umhlanga dance. credit or debit cards. The most convenient
unspoiled. In countries without Swazi representation, are at Standard Bank in Swazi Mall, Mbabane
Its jumping with antelope species, more contact the UK representative: HEALTH and inside the Royal Swazi Hotels casino.
than 280 species of bird, and boasts wild- UK (%020-7630 6611;; 20 Malaria is a risk in the northeast near Mozam- Nedbank and First National change cash
flowers and rare plants. The Komati River cuts Buckingham Gate, London SW1E 6LB) bique; the threat is highest from November and travellers cheques. Banking hours are gen-
a gorge through the park and continues east USA (%202-234 5002; 1712 New Hampshire Ave, NW, to April, although there have been serious erally from 8.30am to 2.30pm weekdays, and
in a series of falls and rapids until it meets Washington DC, 20009) eradication programs in recent years (using until 11am Saturday. Most banks ask to see
the lowveld. DDT). Swimming in still waters is risky the receipt of purchase when cashing travel-
The reserve has one of the worlds oldest Embassies & Consulates in Swaziland because of bilharzia (for more information lers cheques.
known mines, where haematite and specularite Diplomatic representation in Swaziland: on these potentially deadly diseases, see the
were mined for cosmetic and ritual uses from Mozambique (%404 3700; Princess Dr, Mbabane) Health chapter, p1130). Crocodiles are present TELEPHONE
41,000 BC. You can visit the mine, but you South Africa (%404 4651; The Mall, PO Box 2507, in some places. To call Swaziland from South Africa dial the
must be accompanied by a ranger. Mbabane) prefix 09-268. To call overseas from Swazi-
Hiking trails range from short day walks to HOLIDAYS land, use the code 00. The best way to make
a week-long jaunt, extending from Ngwenya As well as religious holidays listed in the Af- international calls is with phone cards (US$2
in the south to the Mgwayiza Range in the PRACTICALITIES rica Directory chapter (p1106), the principal to US$9) from post offices and shops.
north. For the extended trails, you must ob-  The Times (, and Swazi public holidays in Swaziland are:
tain a permit (US$0.80) and a map from the Observer are the countrys English- New Years Day 1 January TOURIST INFORMATION
reserve office. Bring all your own food and a language daily newspapers. King Mswati IIIs Birthday 19 April Swazilands main tourist information is in
camp stove as fires are not permitted outside National Flag Day 25 April Mbabane. The websites of Swazi National Trust
 Electrical plugs have three large round
the base camp. King Sobhuza IIs Birthday 22 July ( and Royal Swazi Big Game Parks
pins as used in South Africa.
Accommodation consists of camping, ei- Umhlanga (Reed Dance Day) August/September ( offer useful parks infor-
ther at the well-equipped (but infrequently  Swaziland uses the metric system. Somhlolo (Independence Day) 6 September mation. The privately run Swazi Trails (%/fax 416
used) main site (US$9), with ablutions and Incwala Day December/January 2180;; Mantenga Craft Centre, Ezulwini
Lonely Planet Publications
1050 T R A N S P O R T I N S W A Z I L A N D G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y 1051

Valley, Swaziland) also has tourist information in

its office. DEPARTURE TAX
A US$7 departure tax is levied at Matsapha
VISAS International Airport.
Most people dont need a visa to visit Swazi-
land. If you dont need a visa to enter South
Africa, you wont need one for Swaziland. (Mozambique). Minibuses depart Maputo
Anyone staying for more than 60 days must daily in the morning for the Namaacha
apply for a temporary residence permit from Lomahasha border (US$2, 1 hours) with
the Chief Immigration Officer (%404 2941; PO Box some continuing on to Manzini (US$4.50,
372, Mbabane) whose offices are in the Ministry 3 hours). Minibus taxis operate daily from
of Home Affairs. Manzini to Maputo (US$10, 2 hours).

Visas for Onward Travel South Africa
Visas for Mozambique are available at the The main border crossings with South Africa
borders but its cheaper to arrange them in are: JosefsdalBulembu (open 8am to 4pm);
advance at the Mozambiquan High Commission OshoekNgwenya (open 7am to 10pm);
(%404 3700; Princess Dr, Mbabane) or Nelspruit EmahlathiniSicunusa (open 8am to 6pm);
(South Africa). Allow 24 hours. Mahamba (open 7am to 10pm); and Golela
Lavumisa (open 7am to 10pm).
The Baz Bus (%South Africa 021-439 2323; www.baz
TRANSPORT IN runs from Joburg/Pretoria to Durban
via Mbabane and Manzini three times a week,
SWAZILAND returning direct to Joburg/Pretoria on alter-
nate days.
GETTING THERE & AWAY Minibus taxis run daily between Joburg
Air (Park Station), Mbabane and Manzini (US$20,
Swazilands main airport is Matsapha Interna- five to six hours) and Manzini and Durban
tional Airport, southwest of Manzini. (Sched- (US$21, six hours). On many routes, youll
ules and tickets often refer to the airport as change minibuses at the border. Most long-
Manzini.) Swaziland Airlink (%518 6155/92; www distance taxis leave early in the morning. flies daily between Swaziland
and Johannesburg (US$127 one way). Swazi GETTING AROUND
Express Airways (%518 6840; Bus & Minibus Taxi
flies four times a week to Durban (US$63 to There are a few infrequent (but cheap) domes-
US$175) and twice a week to Maputo (US$21 tic buses, most of which begin and terminate
to US$63) and Vilanculos (US$21 to US$197) at the main stop in the centre of Mbabane.
in Mozambique. Generally youll find minibus taxis are the
best public transport, although they often run
Land shorter routes. There are also nonshared (pri-
BUS & MINIBUS TAXI vate hire) taxis in some of the larger towns.
Generally speaking, Manzini has the main
international transport rank for transport Hitching
to Joburg, Durban and Mozambique. Less Hitching is never entirely safe in any country,
frequent departures are in Mbabane for the and we dont recommend it. But in some parts
northern destinations of Gauteng and Mpu- of Africa there is often simply no other op-
malanga (South Africa). tion to grabbing lifts on trucks, 4WDs, lorries
or whatever vehicle happens to come down
Mozambique the road first. Travellers who decide to hitch
The main border crossing between Swaziland should understand that they are taking a small Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
and Mozambique is at LomahashaNamaacha but potentially serious risk. restricted. In return, we think its fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
(open 7am to 8pm). The border crossing be- Hitching is easier here than in South Africa,
tween Mhlumeni and Gobahas is open 7am to as the skin colour of the driver and hitchhiker
only. In other words, please dont upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
6pm. Inquire at the tourist office in Mbabane arent factors in the decision to offer a lift. You everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
about bus services from Mbabane to Maputo will, however, have to wait a long time. the above - Do the right thing with our content.

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