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SOUTH AFRICA 986 S O U T H A F R I C A H i g h l i g h t s 987

South Africa
Cape Town (p993) Marvel at the citys ma- HOW MUCH?

jestic setting and take a tipple tour of the  Bottle of wine US$9
areas wineries.
Kruger National Park (p1026) Stay in a re-  Car hire per day US$40

mote bushveld camp and fall asleep to  1k of mangoes US$0.80
the sounds of grunting hippos.  Kruger National Park entry US$16
 Drakensberg Mountains (p1013) Hike the
Its no wonder that South Africa draws more visitors than anywhere else in sub-Saharan peaks of Royal Natal National Parks  Surfboard US$200
Africa. World-class wildlife-watching, cosmopolitan cities, stunning natural panoramas and magnificent Amphitheatre.
vibrant cultures make the country appealing to almost every taste and budget. Geographi-  Wild Coast (p1005) Bum around the spec- LONELY PLANET INDEX
cally, its extremes include the arid semidesert of the Karoo, the snowcapped peaks of the tacular beaches, hidden waterfalls and
isolated reserves.  1L petrol US$0.72
Drakensberg Range, the lush subtropical coast of KwaZulu-Natal and the fertile temperate
 Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park (p1028) Be-  1L water US$0.90
valleys of Western Cape. Within the space of a day, you can journey from vineyard-clad come hypnotised by the vast and beauti-  Bottle of beer US$1
hillsides in the Western Cape to the vast open spaces of the Kalahari; from Cape Towns ful expanses of the Kalahari.
 Souvenir T-shirt US$8
waterfront chic to isolated Zulu villages; from elephant-spotting in Kruger National Park to
the sublime seascapes of the coast. CLIMATE & WHEN TO GO  Roasted mealie US$0.30
South Africa has been favoured by nature
While its easy to focus on the glitz and developed infrastructure, youll only get below with one of the most temperate climates on
the African continent, and can be visited com- Kruger, head south into KwaZulu-Natal,
the surface by seeking out the countrys other face most visible in the sprawling town-
fortably any time. Winter (June to September) where the dramatic valleys and peaks of
ships where far too many people live stalked by the shadows of hunger, poverty and one is cooler and drier, and ideal for hiking and the Drakensberg Mountains and Royal
of the highest HIV/AIDS infection rates in the world. Behind its incredible natural beauty, outdoor pursuits. Because vegetation is less Natal National Park (p1014) provide an
South Africa is the stage for the daily drama of one of the worlds greatest experiments in dense, and thirsty animals congregate around endless array of excellent hikes. Head up
racial harmony. The intensity of this drama surrounds you wherever you go, and is likely to water sources, winter is also the best time for Sani Pass (p1015) to the Lesotho border
wildlife-watching. for breathtaking views before returning to
be one of the most fascinating and challenging aspects of your travels. Summer (late November to March) brings the throbbing heart of the country to get a
rain, mists and in the lowveld some un- taste of township life in Soweto (p1018).
comfortably hot days. Along the Indian Ocean  One Month After a few days in Cape Town
FAST FACTS coast, conditions are sultry and tropical, with (p993) and a trip to the top of Table
 Area 1,233,404 sq km high humidity. Mountain (p996), tear yourself away from
More of a consideration than weather are this wonderful city and head to the fertile
 ATMs Found in most cities and large towns
school holidays. From mid-December to Janu- valleys of the Winelands, with a night
 Borders Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe, ary, waves of vacation-hungry South Africans or two in Stellenbosch (p1001) and then
Mozambique, Swaziland, Lesotho stream out of the cities, with visitors from via the scenic Route 62 through the Lit-
 Budget US$25 to US$50 a day Europe and North America adding to the tle Karoo to Oudtshoorn (p1002), South
crush. The absolute peak is from Christmas Africas ostrich capital. Make your way
 Capital Pretoria (administrative), Bloemfon-
to mid-January, followed by Easter. Accom- south, joining the N2 along the Garden
tein (judicial) and Cape Town (legislative)
modation in tourist areas and national parks Route, near Knysna (p1002), with its syl-
 Languages 11 (English, Afrikaans, Ndebele, is heavily booked, and prices can increase by van setting, and Plettenberg Bay (p1003),
Sepedi, Setswana, Sotho, Swati, Tshivenda, Xhosa, more than double. a relaxed beachside resort town. Be sure
Xitsonga, and Zulu) Spring (mid-September to November) and to stop at Tsitsikamma Coastal National
 Money Rand; US$1 = R7.4 autumn (April and May) are ideal almost Park (p1003) along the coast. Move east-
everywhere. Spring is also the best time to wards through the striking Wild Coast
 Population 46.9 million
see vast expanses of Northern Cape carpeted (p1005), before spending a day or so on
 Seasons Cape Town: cold & wet (May to August); sunny & warm with wildflowers. the beach in Durban (p1007). Head north
(September to May); Durban & Johannesburg: dry (May to into the heart of Zululand (p1013) or the
September); wet (October to April) ITINERARIES Drakensberg (p1013) or continue north
 Telephone Country code %27; international access %09  Two Weeks Using Johannesburg (p1015) as for as much time as possible enjoying
 Time GMT/UTC + 2
a gateway, head east to Kruger National the parks, including the Greater St Lucia
Park (p1026), South Africas most con- Wetland Park (p1012) and Hluhluwe-
 Visa Free, 90-day entry permits issued on arrival to citizens of most Commonwealth countries venient safari showpiece. The teeming Imfolozi Park (p1012) before returning
(including Australia and the UK), most Western European countries, Japan and the USA wildlife here will undoubtedly hold you to Durban or making your way to Johan-
captivated for at least several days. From nesburg for the flight home.
SOUTH AFRICA 988 S O U T H A F R I C A S O U T H A F R I C A H i s t o r y 989

HISTORY The British imperialist Cecil Rhodes en-
120 miles
200 km

Transfrontier Park
The earliest recorded inhabitants of this area couraged a rebellion among the heavily taxed

WA Wilderness Area
NR Nature Reserve


NP National Park
of Africa were the San (Bushmen) and the but nonvoting English-speaking miners in

closely related Khoikhoi (Hottentots). The the Transvaal, with a view to destabilising

next arrivals were Bantu-speaking tribes who, the Boer republics and encouraging British

by the 11th century, had settled the northeast intervention. The resulting tensions led to



and the east coast and, by the 15th century, the 18991902 Anglo-Boer War.

Greater St Lucia Wetland Park

most of the eastern half of South Africa. The war ended with the defeat of the Boer



These tribes were pastoral but had trade links republics and the imposition of British rule


Hluhluwe-Umfolozi NP

throughout the region. They were Iron Age over the whole country. Britain had pursued

peoples, and the smelting techniques of some a scorched-earth policy to combat Boer guer-

tribes were not surpassed in Europe until the rillas, destroying homes, crops and livestock.

Industrial Revolution. During this time more than 26,000 Afrikaner


Richards Bay
The Dutch East India Company established women and children died in the worlds first






Riv the first European settlement in South Africa concentration camps.


po at the Cape of Good Hope in 1652. The set-


Port Shepstone
Independence & Apartheid


tlers developed a close-knit community with



Ladysmith Ulundi

Mkambati NR
their own dialect (Afrikaans) and Calvinist In 1910 the Union of South Africa was created,



Blyde River
Canyon NR


sect (the Dutch Reformed Church). Slaves which gave political control to the whites. In-


Piet Retief



were imported from other parts of Africa and evitably, this prompted black resistance in the

Hluleka NR
Ficksburg Royal ra Bergville

Coffee Bay
(Louis Trichardt)

Southeast Asia. form of strikes, and political organisations




Dwesa NR

Over the next 150 years, the colonists were formed. Despite the moderate tone of
Ladybrand Giant's s



n ts R
Natal NP en
Ellisras (Polokwane)

Martin's Drift


King William's Town


spread east, coming into violent contact with these early resistance groups, the government



East London

Bantu tribes. In 1779 the eastward expansion reacted by intensifying repression.
Tlokweng Gate-Kopfontein




Fort Hogsback iver

of the Boers (Dutch-Afrikaner farmers) was The Afrikaner National Party won the
Virginia Bethlehem

Port Alfred
Sun City


temporarily halted by the Xhosa in the first election in 1948. It went even further in ex-



Bantu War. cluding nonwhites from having any political






Port Elizabeth
Further Boer expansion was hastened after or economic power, and the security forces

n R



Aliwal North

the British annexed the Cape in 1806. The brutally enforced its laws. Violence was a rou-

Cape St Francis


abolition of slavery in 1834 was regarded by tine method of reaction to any opposition

Elephant NP


the Boers as an intolerable interference in or protest. The suppression of black resist-



Somerset East


Tsitsikamma Uitenhage
Zebra NP



their affairs, and led to migration across the ance ranged from the Sharpeville massacre
R i



De Aar

Va a
Central Kalahari

Orange River two years later. This became of 1960 and the shooting of school children

Knysna Plettenberg


Coastal NP

known as the Great Trek. in Soweto in 1976, to the forcible evacuation


Hotazel N





Pressure on the Bantu from both the Boers and bulldozing of squatter settlements and the

and the British caused political and social systematic torture even murder of political

changes among the tribes of the Natal area, activists, such as Steve Biko.

2 Mossel


resulting in the rise of the Zulu king, Shaka, in One of the most important organisations
Beaufort West

De Hoop Bay



the early 19th century. His policy of total war to oppose the racist legislation was the Afri-
Stellenbosch Swellendam N


on neighbouring tribes caused immense suf- can National Congress (ANC). As it became

Cape Agulhas
Bredasdorp NR


fering and mass migration in a period known obvious that the white rulers were unwilling

as the difaqane (the scattering). to undertake even the most cosmetic reforms,



The Boers came into this chaos in search of guerrilla warfare became the preferred option


new lands, and the British were not far behind for the ANC. In the early 1960s, many ANC


Good Hope False

ants them. The Zulu were eventually defeated, but leaders were arrested, charged with treason

Orange River


relations between the Boers and the British and imprisoned for long periods; the most

Cape of

remained tense particularly after the forma- famous of those was Nelson Mandela.

St Helena


tion of the Boer republics of the Free State and The system of apartheid was entrenched


the Transvaal. even further in the early 1970s by the creation



Diamonds were discovered in 1867 at Kim- of the so-called Black homelands of Transkei,
McDougall's Bay


berley, followed by the discovery of gold in Ciskei, Bophuthatswana and Venda. These

1886 on the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg were, in theory, independent countries. By


(Joburg). The Boer republics were flooded creating the homelands, all blacks within
with British capital and immigrants, which white-designated South Africa were deemed
created resentment among Boer farmers. foreign guest-workers and as such were
SOUTH AFRICA 990 S O U T H A F R I C A H i s t o r y S O U T H A F R I C A C u l t u re 991

without political rights. Any black person mal election. Issues such as economics and Perhaps the biggest attention grabber in saw almost daily brutality and uncertainty
without a residence pass could be deported competence were raised and debated. South Africas ongoing struggle to define it- during its formative years is now coming of
to a homeland. There was some speculation that the ANC self as a nation has been Freedom Park a age. Although the formal racial divisions of
Meanwhile, South Africa was becoming an vote might drop with the retirement of Nelson multimillion dollar venture on the outskirts apartheid have dissolved, shadows and old
isolated case in the face of successful liberation Mandela. However, the ANCs vote increased of Pretoria that is intended to give a sweeping ways of interacting remain, and suspicions
struggles in Angola, Mozambique and Zimba- to the point where the party came within one overview of South African history. When fin- and distrust still run high.
bwe, which brought Marxist-leaning govern- seat of the two-thirds majority that would ished, it will span the millennia from human- Many middle-class and wealthy families
ments into power. As a result, a war psychosis allow it to alter the constitution. The National kinds earliest beginnings up to the present, live in heavily secured homes and spend their
came to dominate government thinking, and Party lost two-thirds of its seats, losing its including a memorial to apartheid-era leisure time in equally fortified shopping cen-
resulted in the invasion of southern Angola official opposition status to the Democratic freedom fighters. The park, which has been tres. Guards patrol the walkways and shops to
by South African armed forces. The South Af- Party. Thabo Mbeki, who took over leadership lauded by President Mbeki as the countrys keep criminals at bay, theres still a lingering
rican Government also gave encouragement of the ANC from Nelson Mandela, became most important national monument, is set di- sense of fear and loss connected with the pass-
to counter-revolutionary guerrilla groups in president in the 1999 elections. rectly opposite the Voortrekker Monument ing of the old regime, and conversations are
both Mozambique and Angola, and refused While Mbeki is viewed with far less affec- for years an icon for most Afrikaners and a peppered with gloomy predictions about the
to enter into genuine negotiations for the in- tion by the ANC grass-roots than the beloved despised symbol of colonial-era injustices for government and the future.
dependence of Namibia. Madiba (Mandela), he has proven himself many other South Africans. Life is very different for the millions of
The international community finally began a shrewd politician, maintaining his politi- Whats the next step? While almost all South Africans who are still living in poverty.
to oppose the apartheid regime, and the UN cal pre-eminence by isolating or co-opting South Africans agree that things are better Tiny matchbox houses are home to large ex-
imposed economic and political sanctions. opposition parties. The 2004 national elec- than before, no-one has quite been able to tended families, clean drinking water remains
The government made some concessions, tions were won decisively by the ANC with agree on which way forward will best balance a luxury in some areas, and health facilities are
including the establishment of a farcical new 70% of the votes, with Mbeki at the helm, out the diversity that is the countrys greatest not uniformly available. Yet township life is
parliament of whites, coloureds (people of and today continues its dominance in daily asset, as well as its biggest challenge. There has vibrant and informal. People gather on street
mixed race) and Indians but no blacks. political life. been talk of building a road joining Freedom corners and in local bars known as shebeens.
The reforms did nothing to ease sanctions. Yet it has not been all clear sailing. In the Park and the Voortrekker Monument. If this Weddings are big events, and frequently spill
After the 1989 elections the new president, early days of his presidency, Mbekis effective road ultimately comes to be seen by those on onto the streets with plenty of dancing. Un-
FW de Klerk, instituted a program that was denial of the AIDS crisis invited global criticism, all sides as a symbol of a united path into the fortunately, funerals are becoming one of the
aimed not only at dismantling the apartheid and his conspicuous failure to condemn the future, then it will have truly captured the most common gatherings in South Africa,
system, but also at introducing democracy. forced reclamation of white-owned farms in emerging spirit of the new South Africa and and on weekends, cemeteries are routinely
The release of political prisoners on 11 Feb- neighbouring Zimbabwe unnerved both South the country will be well on its way to rebuild- crowded with mourners.
ruary 1990 (including Nelson Mandela), the African landowners and foreign investors. ing itself as a rainbow nation. While crime continues to grab headlines
repeal of the Group Areas Act (which set up and undermine South Africas reputation as
the homelands), and the signing of a peace South Africa Today CULTURE a tourism destination, its important to keep
accord with the ANC and other opposition In the coming years in addition to choosing a More than a decade has passed since South it in perspective. The slowly and often fitfully
groups all opened the way for hard-fought successor for Mbeki, who has announced that Africas first democratic elections, and the emerging new South Africa is a unique and
negotiations on the path to majority rule. he will step down in 2009 attention is likely country is still finding its way. While the refreshing place to visit, and one of the most
to focus overwhelmingly on crime, economic streets pulsate with the same determination inspiring and hope-filled places that youll
The Post-Apartheid Era inequality, overhauling the education system and optimism that fuelled the liberation strug- find anywhere on the continent.
The countrys first democratic elections and, especially, AIDS. With an estimated gle, the beat is tempered by the sobering social
took place in 1994, and across the country 4.5 million South Africans affected more realities that are the legacy of apartheids long PEOPLE
at midnight on 2627 April, Die Stem (the than in any other country in the world years of oppression and bloodshed. Freedom During the apartheid era, the government at-
old national anthem) was sung and the old this scourge threatens to eclipse all of South also has brought with it a whole new set of tempted to categorise everyone into one of
flag was lowered. A new rainbow flag was Africas other problems. challenges. four major groups easily enough said, per-
raised and the new anthem, Nkosi Sikelele In many ways the real work of nation build- Unemployment, crime and HIV/AIDS haps, but disastrous to implement. The clas-
Afrika (God Bless Africa), was sung. In the ing is only now beginning. While the political the leading cause of death in South Africa sifications as African (at various times also
past people had been jailed for singing this violence that was threatening to engulf the are the top concerns of most South Africans called native and Bantu, and sometimes now
beautiful anthem. country in the early 1990s has for the most today, and the nation is fast becoming a so- also black), coloured, Asian or white were
In the first democratic election in the coun- part disappeared, racial and cultural divisions ciety divided by class rather than colour. The often arbitrary and highly contentious. They
trys history, the ANC won 62.7% of the vote; remain entrenched. Monuments, museums gap between rich and poor is vast one of the were used to regulate where and how people
66.7% would have enabled it to overrule the and other cultural heritage sites giving trib- highest in the world, according to World Bank could live and work, and became the basis for
interim constitution. The National Party won ute to black South Africans and other previ- statistics. Manicured suburbs rub shoulders institutionalised inequality and intolerance.
20.4% of the vote, enough to guarantee it rep- ously excluded groups have been springing with squalid townships where clean drink- Today, these times are slowly fading into
resentation in cabinet. Nelson Mandela was up across the country and filling a long vacant ing water is a scarce commodity, and pala- history, although now discrimination based
made president of the new South Africa. gap. Yet many have served to re-spark old ten- tial residences overlook cramped tin-roofed on wealth is threatening to replace racial dis-
In 1999, after five years of learning about sions, and debate continues on all sides about shanties. Violent crime has stabilised at un- crimination. Yet the apartheid-era classifica-
democracy, the country voted in a more nor- which version of history is the real one. acceptably high levels, and a generation that tion terms continue to be used.
SOUTH AFRICA 992 S O U T H A F R I C A E n v i r o n m e n t C A P E T O W N O r i e n t a t i o n 993

Most of the coloured population lives The best time for wildlife-watching is the Wildlife (%033-845 1000; Sev- ORIENTATION
in Northern and Western Cape Provinces. cooler, dry winter (June to September) when eral other provinces also have conservation Cape Towns commercial centre known
Cape Muslims are South Africans of long foliage is less dense, and animals congregate at bodies that oversee smaller conservation areas as the City Bowl lies to the north of Table
standing. Although many were brought to waterholes, making spotting easier. Summer within their boundaries. Other useful contacts Mountain and to the east of Signal Hill. The
the early Cape Colony as slaves, others were (late November to March) is rainy and hot, include Cape Nature Conservation (%021-426 0723; inner-city suburbs of Gardens, Oranjezicht
political prisoners from the Dutch East Indies. with the animals more widely dispersed and and the Eastern Cape Tourism and Tamboerskloof are all within walking
Most South Africans of Indian descent live in often difficult to see. However, the landscape Board (%043-701 9600; distance of the City Bowl. Nearby youll also
KwaZulu-Natal. Limpopo, Mpumalanga and turns beautiful shades of green around this All South African national parks charge find Signal Hill, Green Point and Sea Point,
the Free State are the Afrikaner heartlands. time, and birdlife is abundant. a daily entry (conservation) fee though some of the other densely populated seaside
People of British descent are concentrated South Africa hosts over 800 bird species, amounts vary. One way to save is to consider suburbs.
in KwaZulu-Natal and Western and Eastern including the worlds largest bird (the os- purchasing a Wild Card from SAN Parks. Cape Town sprawls quite a distance to
Cape Provinces. trich), its heaviest flying bird (Kori bustard), One version of the card gives foreign tourists the northeast (this is where youll find the
The Homelands no longer have any politi- and vividly coloured sunbirds and flamin- 10 days entry into any one park for US$107 beachside district of Bloubergstrand and the
cal meaning and were never realistic indica- gos. Bird-watching is good year-round, with (US$188 per couple, US$241 per family). If enormous Canal Walk Shopping Centre). To
tors of the areas cultural diversity, however spring (August to November) and summer youre planning at least five days in Kruger the south, skirting the eastern flank of the
its still useful to have some idea of where the the best. National Park, its worth buying. mountains and running down to Muizenberg
Homelands were and who lived (and still live) South Africa is the worlds third-most In addition to its national parks, South at False Bay, are leafy and increasingly rich
in them. Zulus are the largest group (seven biologically diverse country. Its also one of Africa is also party to several transfrontier suburbs, including Observatory, Newlands
million), followed by the Xhosa (six million) Africas most urbanised, with approximately parks joining conservation areas across in- and Constantia.
and the various Northern Sotho peoples, most 60% of the population living in towns and ternational borders, and private wildlife re- On the Atlantic Coast, exclusive Clifton
of whom are Tswana. The smallest group are cities. Major challenges for the government serves also abound. However, in total, just and Camps Bay are accessible by coastal road
the Venda (500,000). include managing increasing urbanisation under 7% of South African land has been from Sea Point or through Kloof Nek, the pass
and population growth, while protecting the given protected status. The government has between Table Mountain and Lions Head.
ENVIRONMENT environment. The picture is complicated by started teaming up with private landowners to Camps Bay is a 10-minute drive from the city
South Africa spreads over 1,233,404 sq km a distorted rural-urban settlement pattern bring private conservation land under govern- centre and can easily be reached by public
five times the size of the UK at the tip of the a grim legacy of the apartheid era with huge ment protection, with the goal of ultimately transport.
African continent. On three sides, its edged population concentrations in townships increasing the total amount of conservation
by a windswept and stunningly beautiful that generally lack adequate utilities and land to over 10%. INFORMATION
coastline, winding down the Atlantic seaboard infrastructure. Bookshops
in the west, and up into the warmer Indian
Ocean waters to the east.
Much of the country consists of a vast pla-
Land degradation is one of the most serious
problems, with about one-fourth of South
Africas land considered to be severely de-
CAPE TOWN The main mass-market bookshop and news-
agent is CNA, with numerous branches
around the city.
teau averaging 1500m in height, and known graded. In former homeland areas, years of %021 / pop 3,140,600 Clarkes Bookshop (%423 5739; www.clarkesbooks
as the highveld. To the east is a narrow coastal overgrazing and overcropping have resulted in The Mother City occupies one of the worlds; 211 Long St, City Bowl)
plain (the lowveld), while to the northwest is massive soil depletion. This, plus poor overall most stunning locations, with an iconic moun- Exclusive Books Waterfront (%419 0905; Victoria
the low-lying Kalahari basin. The dramatic conditions, is pushing people to the cities, tain slap-bang in its centre. As beautiful as the Wharf ); Cavendish Sq Mall (Claremont)
Drakensberg Escarpment marks the point increasing urban pressures even further. surrounding beaches and vineyards can be, as Lifestyles on Kloof (50 Kloof St Gardens)
where the highveld plummets down towards Water is another issue. South Africa re- cosmopolitan and lively as its cultural scene,
the eastern lowlands. ceives an average of only 500mm of rainfall its the rugged wilderness of Table Mountain, Internet Access
South Africa is home to one of the most annually, and droughts are common. To meet coated in a unique flora, that is the focus of Cape Town is one of the most wired cities in
magnificent groupings of wildlife anywhere demand, all major South African rivers have attention. The citys multi-ethnic population Africa. Most hotels and hostels have internet
on the planet. It boasts the worlds largest been dammed or modified. While this has is proof of South Africas rainbow nation facilities and youll seldom have to hunt far for
land mammal (the African elephant), as well improved water supplies to many areas, it has and a visual record of the citys tumultuous, an internet caf. Rates are pretty uniform, at
as the second largest (white rhino) and the also disrupted local ecosystems and caused recorded history of over 350 years. US$1.40 per hour. A handy central one, open
third largest (hippopotamus). Its also home increased silting. Its a place of extremes, with the wealth of 24 hours, is Catwalk TV (%423 8999; www.catwalk
to the tallest (giraffe), the fastest (cheetah) Camps Bay and Constantia side by side with; 16 Burg St, City Bowl).
and the smallest (pygmy shrew). You prob- National Parks & Reserves the poverty of townships such as Khayelitsa.
ably have a better chance of seeing the Big South Africa has close to 600 national parks Even in the townships and the deprived areas Medical Services
Five the black rhino, Cape buffalo, elephant, and reserves, collectively boasting spectacular of the city home to the vast majority of Christian Barnard Memorial Hospital (%480
leopard and lion in South Africa than any- scenery, impressive fauna and flora, excellent Capetonians there are huge differences in 6111;; 181 Longmarket St, City Bowl)
where else. Theres also the opportunity to see facilities and reasonable prices. The majority lifestyle, and many great examples of civic Groote Schuur Hospital (%404 9111; capegateway
a lesser-known Little Five the rhinoceros of the larger wildlife parks are under the juris- pride and optimism to balance the shocking; Main Rd, Observatory)
beetle, buffalo weaver, elephant shrew, leop- diction of the South African National (SAN) Parks crime and HIV/AIDS statistics. Discovering SAA-Netcare Travel Clinic (%419 3172; 11th fl,
ard tortoise and ant lion if youre looking Board (%012-428 9111;, except for the citys true diversity and spirit is all part of Picbal Arcade, 58 Strand St, City Bowl; h8am-5pm Mon-
for a challenge. those in KwaZulu-Natal, which are run by KZN getting the most out of a visit here. Fri, 9am-1pm Sat)

SOUTH AFRICA 994 C A P E T O W N C a p e T o w n C A P E T O W N 995

1 km
0.5 miles
To Robben

Island (10km)
Mouille Be
h Waterfront
American Express................................1 E1

Green 11
American Express................................2 F2

Point 26
1 Botswanan Consulate.........................3 E2 ATLANTIC 54 1
British Consulate..............................(see 3) OCEAN Rocklands
M Rd 24
Canadian Consulate............................4 E2 Beach 6 ood 1
Western Blvd 6
Cape Town Tourism............................5 E2 r tsw
M 33 Three PoForeshore Table
Cape Town Tourism............................6 E1 44

6 Anchor
Catwalk TV.........................................7 E2 Rd 18 Bay High Leve 35 Bay
Christian Barnard Memorial Hospital...8 E2 l Rd M

Clarke's Bookshop..............................9 F4



Dutch Consulate...............................10 E2
Exclusive Books.................................11 E1


M Paarden


Exclusive Books................................12 H6 2

l R
6 Eiland
French Consulate..............................13 F5 Sea Schotsche 55


Point Dr

General Post Office...........................14 E2 Kloof M
Waterkant 62 ne

2 German Consulate............................15 F5 ari 2

Queens 10 M

Groote Schuur Hospital.................... 16 H4 2
Beach Rd Bo- 3 Foreshore Blvd
Lifestyles on Kloof.............................17 E3 ch Kaap 47 19 Bay
ea Rd Table


Mozambican Consulate....................(see 5) Sea Point B nt 5 M N
ge City Bowl Table Bay B 1


Rennies Travel..................................18 D1 Re 8 7 60 lvd

Cape Town

Q d
Fresnaye 4 N

SAA-Netcare Travel Clinic.................19 E2

34 Train Station 1


Saunders s Fre 41

h St
sna 32 14 59 R102

St t

ng S


Lo oop
Camps Bay Beach.............................20 C4 53 Castle of Rd
M e New Market St rekker
Good Hope Voort

Clifton Beaches................................21 C3 6 29 R102 Albe
27 rt Rd

District Six Museum..........................22 E3 Tamboerskloof See Enlargement

Bantry M


Lower Cableway Station.................. 23 D4 17 22 60 4 Victo Albe
rt R

Durham Ave
Nelson Mandela Gateway.................24 E1 N ri a R d

2 d M


Upper Cableway Station..................25 D5 M

66 Woodstock

3 M 3

Waterfront Boat Company................26 E1

59 56 Eastern


Bl Malta
28 vd Observatory


Victori a Rd

Rd Zonnebloem


21 4
Clifton of M

African Villa..................................... 27 D3 Lion's
Head Klo 3 M

Upper Orange St
Ashanti Lodge..................................28 E3 43 De Waal De W 4
(669m) aal D Salt River
Backpack..........................................29 E3 M

Park r

62 N

Big Blue............................................30 E2 Rd

2 on
Camps Bay Retreat...........................31 C4 Stati

Cape Diamond Hotel........................32 E2 M K
of Gardens
Cape Town Backpackers Sea Point...33 D1 To Club Galaxy (5km);

Ne West End (5km);
Daddy Long Legs..............................34 E2 k Cape Town International
House on the Hill..............................35 E1 Kloof Rd Airport (15km)
Inn Long Street.................................36 E5 Mocke
Long St Backpackers.........................37 F4 Way
Reservoir 0 100 m lers
4 31 Bridle
Rd 57 Sett 4
St Paul's B&B Guest House...............38 E4





20 58

23 37

95 Keerom........................................39 F5


Mount9 M

King's Blockhouse

Africa Caf.....................................(see 47) 3



Aubergine.........................................40 E3 42 52
Whale Rosebank

Caf African Image...........................41 E2



Madame Zingara & Cara Lazuli.........42 E4 Devil's Rhodes Memorial

36 Peak

Manna Epicure.................................43 D3 Camps Bay 46 (1000m) Wo
One.Waterfront...............................44 E1 45 olsack
Table Dr

Royale Eatery....................................45 F5

Mountain 50 39


25 Groote
Royale Eatery....................................46 F5 (1073m)





Savoy Cabbage.................................47 E2 y

Ba Estate

Wakame..........................................48 D1

5 Bakoven s 5



DRINKING Table Mountain Company Princess
Alba Lounge.....................................49 E1 M National Park Gardens
62 Anne Rondebosch
Marvel..............................................50 E5 Ka 13 Interchange
ste (1077m) Eastern Newlands
Nose Wine Bar..................................51 E2 elp Table
oo State
Orchard Bank...................................52 F4 rt Forest Newlands Rondebosch
Relish................................................53 E3 Reservoir

Maclear's e

ENTERTAINMENT Waaikoppie Beacon n
Green Dolphin...................................54 E1 Oudekraal (932m) (1088m) io
Un Av
Marimba...........................................55 F2 Orion's M Newlands Rugby Stadium

Back Cave 3
Mercury Live.....................................56 F3

Table M

Snap.................................................57 F4 s 33

v Newlands Cricket Ground
Zula Sound Bar.................................58 F4 e
6 l 6


t Newlands M


Woodhead nds 4 Newlands

Reservoir M

o Peak

Golden Acre Terminal.......................59 F2 Hely- 57


Homeland Shuttle & Tours................60 E5 Hutchinson

Cecilia Rd Claremont

To Llandudno (5km); Sandy Bay (6km); Reservoir ea

Plantation ot
Hout Bay (10km); Kommetjie (20km) Prote Pr
To Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens (2km) 12 Claremont
SOUTH AFRICA 996 C A P E T O W N D a n g e r s & A n n o y a n c e s C A P E T O W N S i g h t & A c t i v i t i e s 997

Money which runs every 10/20 minutes in high/low Tours depart from the Nelson Mandela Gate- precinct offers masses of shops, restaurants,
Money can be changed at the airport, most season. way (admission free; h9am-8.30pm) beside the Clock bars, cinemas and other attractions, including
commercial banks and at Cape Town Tour- The views from the revolving cable car and Tower at the Waterfront. Even if you dont cruises of the harbour (p998). Its success is
ism (below). Rennies Travel (%021-439 7529; www on the summit are phenomenal. The Cable- plan a visit to the island, its worth dropping partly due to the fact that it remains a work-; 182 Main Rd), the local agent for way doesnt operate when its dangerously by the museum here. Make bookings at the ing harbour still used by tugs, harbour vessels
Thomas Cook, has foreign-exchange offices. windy, and theres little point going up if you Nelson Mandela Gateway departure point or of various kinds, and fishing boats; there are
There are ATMs all over town. are simply going to be wrapped in the cloud at Cape Town Tourism (see opposite) in the always seals splashing around or lazing near
American Express City Bowl (%425 7991; Thibault Sq); known as the tablecloth. The best visibility city. At holiday times all tours can be booked the docks.
Waterfront (%419 3917; V&A Hotel Mall, Waterfront) and conditions are likely to be first thing in up for days.
the morning or in the evening. Atlantic Coast
Post Hikers can take advantage of over 300 City Bowl Cape Towns Atlantic Coast is all about spec-
General post office (%464 1700; Parliament St, City routes up and down, but bear in mind that The commercial heart of Cape Town, City tacular scenery and soft-sand beaches. Strong
Bowl; h8am-4.30pm Mon-Fri, 8am-noon Sat) the mountain is over 1000m high, conditions Bowl is squeezed between Table Mountain, winds can be a downer, and although its pos-
can become treacherous quickly and its easy Signal Hill and the harbour. Immediately to sible to shelter from the summer southeaster-
Tourist Information to get lost. Unprepared and foolhardy hikers the west is the Bo-Kaap and the Waterkant, lies at some of the beaches, the water at them
The well-run Cape Town Tourism (www.tourism die here every year. In 2005 Table Mountain and to the east Zonnebloem (once known as all flowing straight from the Antarctic is City Centre (%487 6800; cnr Castle & Burg Sts, National Park launched the first of its planned District Six). freezing.
City Bowl; h8am-6pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-2pm Sat, 9am-1pm suite of three Hoerikwaggo Trails (www.hoerikwaggo
Sun Oct-Mar, 8am-5.30pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-1pm Sat, 9am-1pm designed to allow visitors, for the first DISTRICT SIX MUSEUM CLIFTON BEACHES
Sun Apr-Sep); Waterfront (%405 4500; Clock Tower Centre; time, to sleep on the mountain, and eventu- If you see only one museum in Cape Town, Giant granite boulders split the four linked
h9am-9pm) can book accommodation, tours ally to hike 80km or so from the City Bowl make it the District Six Museum (%466 7200; www beaches at Clifton, which is accessible by steps
and rental cars. At the City Centre branch to Cape Point.; 25A Buitenkant St; adult/child US$2/1.30; from Victoria Rd. Almost always sheltered
you can also get advice on Cape Nature Conserva- If you dont have your own transport, rikkis h9am-3pm Mon, 9am-4pm Tue-Sat). This emotion- from the wind, these are Cape Towns top
tion Parks (%426 0723) and the National Parks & (see p1001) will drop you at the cable car from ally moving museum is as much for the people sunbathing spots. Local lore has it that No
Reserves (%423 8005). Theres also an internet the city centre for US$2; a nonshared taxi will of the now-vanished District Six as it is about 1 and No 2 beaches are for models and con-
caf and a foreign-exchange booth. cost around US$7. them. Displays include a floor map of District firmed narcissists, No 3 is the gay beach, and
Six on which former residents have labelled No 4 is for families.
DANGERS & ANNOYANCES Robben Island & Nelson Mandela where their demolished homes and features
Cape Town remains one of the most relaxed Gateway of their neighbourhood once stood. CAMPS BAY BEACH
cities in Africa, which can instil a false sense Prisoners were incarcerated on Robben Island You can also arrange a walking tour (%466 With the spectacular Twelve Apostles of Table
of security. Paranoia is not required, but com- (% 413 4220;; adult/child 7208; per person US$7, 10 people minimum) of the old Mountain as a backdrop, and soft white sand,
mon sense is. There is tremendous poverty on US$20/10; hourly ferries 9am-3pm year-round, plus sunset District Six. Camps Bay is one of the citys most popular
the peninsula and the informal redistribution tour 5pm Dec & Jan) from the early days of the beaches. Its within a 15-minute drive of the
of wealth is reasonably common. The town- VOC right up until 1996. Now a museum LONG ST city centre, so it can get crowded, particularly
ships on the Cape Flats have an appalling and Unesco World Heritage Site, it is one of Whether you come to browse the antique on weekends. The beach is often windy, and
crime rate and unless you have a trustworthy the most popular destinations in all of Cape shops, second-hand bookshops, or the street- the water is decidedly on the cool side.
guide or are on a tour they are not places for Town. wear boutiques, or to party at the host of bars
a casual stroll. While we heartily recommend going to and clubs that crank up at night, a stroll along LLANDUDNO & SANDY BAY BEACHES
Swimming at any of the Cape beaches is Robben Island, a visit here is not without its Long St is an essential element of a Cape Town The surfing at Llandudno on the beach breaks
potentially hazardous, especially for those drawbacks. Most likely you will have to en- visit. The most attractive section, lined with (mostly rights) is best at high tide with a small
inexperienced in surf. Check for warning dure crowds and being hustled around on a Victorian-era buildings with lovely wrought- swell and a southeasterly wind.
signs about rips and rocks and only swim in guided tour that at a maximum of two hours iron balconies, runs from the junction at Nearby is Sandy Bay, Cape Towns nudist
patrolled areas. on the island (plus a 30 minute boat ride in Buitensingle St north to around the Strand. beach and gay stamping ground. Its a par-
both directions) is woefully short. ticularly beautiful stretch of sand and theres
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES The standard tours include a walk through Green Point & Waterfront no pressure to take your clothes off if you
Table Mountain National Park the old prison, as well as a 45-minute bus Cape Towns prime Atlantic Coast suburbs dont want to.
Covering some three quarters of the penin- ride around the island with commentary on start at the Waterfront, from where youll
sula, Table Mountain National Park ( the various places of note. If youre lucky, depart for Robben Island (opposite). Near Southern Suburbs
stretches from flat-topped Table Mountain youll have about 10 minutes to wander here youll also find Green Point, which has Heading west around Table Mountain and
to Cape Point. For the vast majority of visi- around on your own. We recommend head- lately seen the development of a shopping and Devils Peak will bring you to the Southern
tors the main attraction is the 1086m-high ing straight to the prisons A-section to view dining complex. Suburbs, beginning with the bohemian, edgy
mountain itself, the top of which can easily the remarkable and very moving exhibition areas of Woodstock and Observatory, and
be accessed by the Cableway (%424 5148; www Cell Stories. In each of 40 isolation cells is VICTORIA & ALBERT WATERFRONT moving through to Rondebosch, Newlands; adult one-way/return US$8/16, child an artefact and story from a former political Commonly referred to as just the Waterfront and wealthy Constantia, home to South Afri-
US$4/6; h8.30am-7pm Feb-Nov, 8am-10pm Dec & Jan), prisoner. ( this tourist-orientated cas oldest vineyards and wine estates.
SOUTH AFRICA 998 C A P E T O W N S l e e p i n g Book accommodation online at Book accommodation online at C A P E T O W N E a t i n g 999

KIRSTENBOSCH BOTANICAL GARDENS and theres a vine-shaded courtyard where Atlantic Coast Madame Zingara & Cara Lazuli (%426 2458; 192
Location and unique flora combine to make you can relax. Big Blue (%439 0807; www.bigbluebackpackers.hostel Loop St; mains US$9; h7-11pm Mon-Sat) Every night is
Cape Towns botanical gardens (%799 8783, Sat Inn Long Street (%424 1660; innlongstreet@ataris .com; 7 Vesperdene Rd, Green Point; dm/s/d without bath- party night at this bohemian, crowd-pleasing
& Sun 761 4916;; Rhodes Dr, Newlands; adult/; 230 Long St; dm US$10, d with/without bathroom room US$11/30/36, d with bathroom US$43; is) This restaurant. Unless youre a committed carni-
child US$3.40/0.70; h8am-7pm Sep-Mar, 8am-6pm Apr- US$39/32) Theres a calm vibe at this backpack- brightly painted hostel remains a leading light vore wed advise against its infamous whopper
Aug) among the most beautiful in the world. ers despite it being in the thick of Long St. of the Capetonian backpacking scene come stack of beef fillets doused in chilli-chocolate
The 36-hectare landscaped section seems to Theres a wrap-around balcony that all rooms and enjoy its grand hallway, zen garden and sauce. Magic tricks, tarot-card readings, belly
merge almost imperceptibly with the 492 hec- access, and a recent paint job and funky lights friendly atmosphere. dancing and dressing up in silly hats is all
tares of fynbos (fine bush) vegetation cloaking give it some style. Cape Town Backpackers Sea Point (%426 0200; part of the fun.
the mountain slopes. Cape Diamond Hotel (%461 2519; www.capediamond; 1 Rocklands Rd; dm/d Savoy Cabbage (%424 2626; 101 Hout St; mains
The gardens are at their best between mid-; cnr Longmarket & Parliament Sts; s/d from US$12/54; is) Easily the best budget option US$9.50-12) The standard bearer of the citys
August and mid-October. The Sunday after- US$50/71; pi) A great-value new hotel that in Sea Point, steps away from the sea front. contemporary dining scene remains a great
noon concerts are a Cape Town institution. has kept features of its Art Deco building such Theres a six-bed dorm and three en-suite place for inventive cooking, including the
as the wood-panelled floors. Theres a rooftop double rooms with giant rain showers, as well chance to try local game meats such as zebra
Cruises Jacuzzi with a view to Table Mountain. Break- as a spacious communal kitchen. and wildebeest.
If only to take in the panoramic view of Table fast and parking are extra. House on the Hill (%439 3122; www.houseonthe Africa Caf (%422 0221;; 108
Mountain from the water, a cruise into Table De Waterkant House (%021-409 2500;; 25 Leinster Rd, Green Point; d/tr US$35/52, without Shortmarket St; set banquet US$20; h6.30pm-11pm) A
Bay should not be missed. Waterfront Boat Com-; cnr Napier & Waterkant Sts, Waterkant; s/d bathroom US$35/42) This self-catering house is a Cape Town institution, the Africa Caf is best
pany (%418 5806;; Shop 7, US$63/97; is) A pleasant B&B in the heart fine alternative to the bigger hostels. Book known for its set feast comprising some 15
Quay 5, Waterfront) offers a variety of cruises, in- of the gay village, with a plunge pool and ahead for the five rooms pleasantly furnished dishes from across the continent. The dcor
cluding the highly recommended 1-hour rooms with glossy magazine-style furnishings. in African style. and friendly staff who dance and sing through
sunset cruises (US$24). Theres also a wide range of apartments in the Camps Bay Retreat (%437 0485; www.campsbay the restaurant are equally fantastic.
area kicking off at single/double US$90/100,; 7 Chilworth Rd, The Glen; s/d from US$160/203;
Surfing as well as their popular budget-level crash pais) This is a splendid option with Gardens & Around
The Cape Peninsula has plenty of fantastic pads (single/double US$38/54). a choice of 16 rooms in either the main house Kloof St offers the best dining selection in
surfing possibilities, from gentle shore breaks Daddy Long Legs (%422 3074; www.daddylonglegs or the contemporary Deck House, reached Gardens.
ideal for beginners to 3m-plus monsters for; 134 Long Street; r US$100; i) This boutique by a rope bridge over a ravine. Theres also a Aubergine (%465 4129;; 39
experts only. In general, the best surf is along hotel/art installation is what you get when art- couple of decent, self-catering rooms (US$51 Barnet St, Gardens; mains US$9-17; h7pm-10pm Mon-Sat,
the Atlantic side. Water temperatures as low ists are given free rein to design the boudoirs per person) next to the tennis court. noon-3pm Thu) Its all about the world-class food
as 8C mean a steamer wet suit and booties of their dreams. Theres nowhere to put your here. Innovative dishes, such as warthog con-
are required. luggage hey these are artists not hoteliers! EATING fit or salmon-trout ice cream are on the la
Kommetjie, pronounced Kommi-kee, is the but a stay here is anything but boring. City Bowl carte menu.
Capes surf mecca, offering an assortment of Long St has many great places to eat, plus Manna Epicure (%426 2413; 151 Kloof St, Tambo-
reefs that hold a very big swell. Gardens & Around fantastic street life. Head to the Bo-Kaap to erskloof; h8am-7pm Tue-Sat, 8am-3pm Sun) Join the
Backpack (%423 4530;; 74 sample authentic Cape Malay dishes in un- style set for deliciously simple breakfast or
SLEEPING New Church St, Tamboerskloof; dm/s/d without bathroom pretentious surroundings. lunch at this trendy caf, or come for late-
Remember, location is everything here. Dur- US$12/34/41, s/d with bathroom US$40/48; pis) Caf African Image (%426 1857; 48 Church St; mains afternoon cocktails and tapas on their street-
ing school holidays from mid-December to Cape Towns longest-running backpackers US$4-6; h8am-6pm Mon-Fri, 8am-3pm Sat) Easily Cape front veranda.
the end of January, and at Easter, prices can remains a relaxed and comfortable place with Towns most colourful caf, sporting groovy
double and many places are fully booked. Un- something for everyone, be it a lively time African-print cushions and tablecloths. Sam- Green Point & Waterfront
less otherwise mentioned, rates also include at their Thursday-night African drumming ple Tanzanian fish curry, African village stew The Waterfronts plethora of restaurants and
breakfast. Parking is often an extra US$3.40 sessions or just chilling out in their chic en- or a range of healthy salads. cafs have nice ocean views although its es-
to US$5.50 per day. suite rooms. 95 Keerom (%422 0765; 95 Keerom St; mains US$7- sentially a giant tourist trap. Better value and
Ashanti Lodge (%423 8721;; 11 13; h12.30-2pm Mon-Fri, 7pm-11pm Mon-Sat) Book- a less touristy dining experience are avail-
City Bowl & Around Hof St, Gardens; camp site US$7, dm/d with shared bathroom ings are essential for this super-stylish Italian able a short walk away in Green Point and
Long St Backpackers (%423 0615; www.longstreetback US$12/34; guesthouse d US$50; pis) One of Cape restaurant round the back of Rhodes House. Mouille Point.; 209 Long St; dm/s/d US$11/16/22) This one Towns premier party hostels, with much of Given the quality of food the prices are very Wakame (%433 2377;; cnr of Beach
remains the best of the Long St backpackers. the action focused on its lively bar and deck reasonable, particularly for the handmade Rd & Surrey Place, Moullie Point; mains US$9.50; hnoon-
In a block of 14 small flats, with four beds overlooking Table Mountain. pastas. 10pm) Tucking into Wakames salt-and-pep-
and a bathroom in each, accommodation is African Villa (%423 2164; Royale Eatery (%422 4536; 279 Long St; mains US$8; per squid or sushi platter, while gazing at the
arranged around a leafy, quiet courtyard. villa; 19 Carstens St, Tamboerskloof; s/d from US$86/108; hnoon-midnight Mon-Sat) Our favourite gourmet- glorious coastal view, is a wonderful way to
St Pauls B&B Guest House (%423 4420; stpaul@ is) Theres a sophisticated and colourful burger bar keeps growing, opening a cute pass an afternoon.; 182 Bree St; s/d US$20/34; p) A quiet African-zen look at this appealing guest- satellite branch around the corner on Vreden- One.Waterfront (%418 0520; Cape Grace Hotel, West
alternative to a backpackers. The simply fur- house, sheltering behind the faade of three burg Lane. For something different try the Big Quay, Waterfront; mains US$9.50-13) Its the daring
nished and spacious rooms have high ceilings, 19th-century terrace houses. Bird ostrich burger. combinations of ingredients that catch the
SOUTH AFRICA 1000 C A P E T O W N D r i n k i n g A R O U N D C A P E T O W N W i n e l a n d s 1001

eye on the menu, though some of the best dont like the band, theres always the DJ-bar the city and offer airport transfers for US$12 descend on its interesting museums, buzzing
dishes are those that keep it simple, such as Mercury Lounge below and the Shack bar per person. Expect to pay around US$27 for markets, quality hotels and varied eating and
the lovely fishcakes. next door. a nonshared taxi. nightlife options.
For local bus services, the main station is There are too many good wineries in the
DRINKING Nightclubs the Golden Acre Terminal (Grand Parade, City Bowl). Stellenbosch area to list all of them, so its
Marvel (%426 5880; 236 Long St, City Bowl; h1pm-4am The major nightclubs are concentrated in the From here Golden Arrow (%0800 656 463; www.gabs sometimes best to drive around and stop on a
Mon-Sat) Stuffed as a sardine can, Marvel is a City Bowl around Long St and in the Water- buses run, with most services stopping whim. We do, however, recommend a visit to
fantastic bar where cool kids of all colours kant. The big nights are Wednesday, Friday early in the evening. Buses are most useful for Blaauwklippen (%880 0133;;
rub shoulders (not to mention practically and Saturday. getting along the Atlantic Coast from the city tastings US$3.40; h9am-5pm Mon-Sat, 9am-4pm Sun), a
everything else). Club Galaxy (%637 9132; College Rd, Ryelands Estate, centre to Hout Bay. Minibus taxis cover most rustic 300-year-old estate. Easy Rider Wine Tours
Orchard Bank (; 229B Long St, Athlone; cover US$4) Long-time Cape Flats dance of the city with an informal network of routes, (%886 4651; 12 Market St) is a long-established
City Bowl) One of Long Sts more interesting venue where you can get down to R&B, hip- and are a cheap way of getting around. company offering good value for a full-day
and laid-back venues, with a roster of events hop and live bands with a black and coloured A cross between a taxi and a shared taxi trip at US$34, including lunch and all wine
including stand-up comedy. crowd. The equally legendary West End jazz are the tiny minivans or rikkis (%418 6713; www tastings.
Nose Wine Bar (%425 2200;; venue is next door.; h7am-7pm Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm Sat). They Lively and welcoming Stumble Inn (%887
Cape Quarter, Dixon St, Waterkant) First-class wine bar Snap (%083-940 3983; 6 Pepper St, City Bowl; cover can be booked or hailed on the street and 4049; 12 Market St; camp sites per person US$5.50, dm US$8,
where you can sip your way around 38 of the US$2.80) The Cape Flats comes to the city at this travel within a 5km radius of the city centre. d without bathroom US$20; is) is split over two
Capes best wines. It also serves excellent food urban African club with a welcoming, pre- A trip from the main train station to Camps old houses, one with a pool and the other with
and runs wine-tasting courses. dominantly black audience. Dance to music Bay is US$2. a pleasant garden. They also run Easy Rider
Relish (%422 3584; 70 New Church St, Tamboerskloof; from across Africa. Its worth considering taking a nonshared Wine Tours (above). De Oude Meul (%887 7085;
hnoon-2am Mon-Fri, 5pm-2am Sat & Sun) Youll get Zula Sound Bar (%424 2442; 194 Long St, City taxi late at night or if youre in a group. Rates; 10A Mill St; s/d incl break-
panoramic views of Table Mountain and Li- Bowl; cover US$2.80) Hosts an interesting range are about US$1.40 per km. Theres a taxi rank fast US$50/74; a), above an antique shop in the
ons Head from this trendy place with a wide of events including live bands, DJs and even at the Adderley St end of the Grand Parade centre of town, is very good and reasonable for
outdoor deck. The food is good and during open-mic poetry sessions. Their long balcony in the city. the price. The Wild Mushroom (%886 9880; 15 Ryn-
happy hour (6pm to 7pm) cocktails are only is the place to watch Long St go by. Metro commuter trains are a handy way eveld St; s/d incl breakfast US$60/105; a) is slap bang in
US$1.60. to get around, although there are few (or no) the middle of Stellenboschs trendy restaurant
Alba Lounge (%425 3385; 1st fl, Hildegards, Pierhead, GETTING THERE & AWAY trains after 6pm Monday to Friday and after zone and offers plush accommodation.
Waterfront) Easily the most stylish place for Cape Town International Airport (%937 1200; www noon on Saturday. For information contact De Volkskombuis (%887 2121; Aan de Wagenweg;
cocktails at the Waterfront. The view across is 20km east of the city centre, Cape Metro Rail (%0800 656 463; www.capemetrorail mains US$10; hlunch & dinner Mon-Sat, lunch Sun) is a
the harbour is seductive, the drinks inventive approximately 20 minutes drive depending local favourite specialising in traditional Cape
and theres a roaring fire in winter. on traffic. Malay cuisine and featuring a terrace with fine

Live Music
Apart from South African Airways (SAA; %0860
359 722; there are two budget air-
lines operating out of Cape Town:
AROUND CAPE TOWN mountain views. Moyo (%119 1100; Spier Estate,
Vlottenburg; buffet US$24; hlunch & dinner) is a lot of
fun, with roving musicians and dancers, and
Green Dolphin (%421 7471;; (%0861 585 852; and 1time (%0861 WINELANDS alfresco dining in tents and up in the trees in
Waterfront; cover US$3.40) Theres a consistently 345 345; All three fly to the major The Boland, stretching inland and upwards the middle of the Spier wine estate.
good line-up of artists at this upmarket jazz South African cities. For a list of international from Cape Town, isnt the only wine-growing Long-distance bus services charge high
venue and restaurant (serving decent food). airlines with offices serving Cape Town see region in South Africa, but its certainly the prices for the short sector to Cape Town and
Marimba (%418 3366;; Cape p1034. most famous. Its name means Upland, a do not take bookings. Youre better off using
Town Convention Centre, City Bowl; diners US$2.80, nondin- Greyhound, Intercape Mainliner, SA Road- reference to the dramatic mountain ranges Backpacker Bus (%447 4991;,
ers US$4) Yes, they do have a marimba band link and Translux bus lines operate out of that shoot up to over 1500m, on whose fer- which charges US$19 to US$30 one-way and
playing occasionally at this slick Afro-chic Cape Town. Their booking offices and main tile slopes the vineyards form a patchwork. will pick you up from where you are staying.
venue, as well as a packed schedule of other arrival and departure points are at the Mer- Lively student-town Stellenbosch offers the Metro trains run the 46km between Cape
jazz artists. The food is good and the music iman Sq end of Cape Town train station (City most activities. Town and Stellenbosch (1st/economy class
sets kick off at 8pm. Bowl). US$1.60/$.90, about one hour).
West End (%637 9132; Cine 400 Bldg, College Rd, All trains leave from the main Cape Town Stellenbosch
Ryelands Estate, Athlone; cover US$4; h8pm-late Fri &
Sat) Mainstream jazz is the name of the game
here. This is one of Cape Towns top ven-
train station. It can take a long time to get to
the front of the queue at the booking office (%449
4596; h7.30am-4.55pm Mon-Fri, 7.30-10.30am Sat).
%021 / pop 220,000
South Africas second-oldest European settle-
ment, established on the banks of the Eerste
ues, attracting a well-heeled clientele and top River in 1679, Stellenbosch wears many faces. The Garden Route is perhaps the most inter-
performers. GETTING AROUND At times its a rowdy joint for Stellenbosch nationally renowned South African destina-
Mercury Live (%465 2106;; 43 De Both Backpacker Bus (%447 4991, 82-119 9185; www University students, and at others its a stately tion after Cape Town and the Kruger National
Villiers St, Zonnebloem; cover US$2.80-5.50) Cape Towns and Homeland Shuttle & Tours monument to colonial architectural splen- Park, and with good reason. Within a few
premier rock venue plays host to top South (%426 0294, 083-265 6661;; 305 Long dour. But most times its just plain busy, as hundred kilometres, the range of topogra-
African bands and overseas visitors. If you St, City Bowl) pick up from accommodation in Capetonians, wine farm workers and tourists phy, vegetation, wildlife and outdoor activity
SOUTH AFRICA 1002 T H E G A R D E N R O U T E O u d t s h o o r n Book accommodation online at T H E G A R D E N R O U T E P l e t t e n b e r g B a y 1003

is breathtaking. Roughly encompassing the Sleeping & Eating Although regulated by SAN Parks (%382 2095; dm US$10, d with/without bathroom US$31/28). Theres
coastline from Mossel Bay in the west to just Oasis Shanti (%279 1163;; 3 Church; Long St, Thesens Island), Knysna La- a happening bar area with satellite TV, yet
beyond Plettenberg Bay in the east, it caters St; camp site per person US$4.70, dm US$8, d without bath- goon, covering 13 sq km, is not a national you can still find peace and quiet in the large
to all kinds of travellers and all manner of room from US$24; s) Friendly and well run, this park or wilderness area. Much is still privately grounds. Its just a hop to the beach at Abalone
budgets. recently refurbished hostel is in a large house owned, and the lagoon is used by industry and Beach House (%535 9602;; 50
You can hike in old-growth forests, bike with a spacious barbecue and swimming-pool for recreation. The best way to appreciate the Ifafi Properties, Keurboomstrand; d without bathroom US$24;
through wildlife reserves, commune with area, and shady camping spots. lagoon is to take a cruise on the MV John Benn i). Surf and boogie boards can be hired
monkeys, chill-out on superb white beaches Backpackers Paradise (%272 3436; www.backpack (%382 1697;; Waterfront; adult/child (US$1.40). Its about 6km east of Plett.
and canoe in lagoons. The towns most com-; 148 Baron van Rheede St; camp site per US$11/4.70, with lunch US$34/15; hdeparts 10am, 11.30am Cornuti Al Mare (%533 1277; 1 Perestrella St; mains
monly used as bases are Knysna and Plet- person US$5.50, dm US$9, r from US$24, d US$34; is) & 12.30pm) or ask at the Heads Adventure Centre US$7-9.50; hlunch & dinner) is a stylishly decked-
tenberg Bay. In a large old house, this excellent hostel has (%384 0831; the Heads) for water activities. Snor- out Italian oyster bar with hearty pizzas and
Places are described west to east. Most a separate dorm-bed annexe and free ostrich- kelling equipment can be rented for US$12. refreshing cocktails served on a sun terrace.
travellers visit Oudtshoorn while traversing egg breakfasts. Theres an adventure centre Youll find mainly dorm beds at Knysna
the Garden Route so, although this town is attached. Backpackers (%382 2554;; 42 TSITSIKAMMA COASTAL
technically in the little Karoo, weve included Oakdene Guesthouse (%272 3018; www.oakdene Queen St; dm US$9.50, d without bathroom from US$24), a NATIONAL PARK
it in this section.; 99 Baron van Rheede St; s/d US$53/84; as) El- large and relaxing Victorian house on the hill This park (adult/child US$11/6) protects 82km
egant cottage furniture, wooden floors, ostrich a few blocks up from the main street. High- of coast between Plettenberg Bay and Hu-
OUDTSHOORN eggs, and high-quality linens make each room field Backpackers (%382 6266; www.highfieldbackpackers mansdorp, including the area 5km out to sea.
%044 / pop 85,000 special. The lush gardens and excellent pool; 2 Graham St; dm US$9.50, d with/without bathroom Located at the foot of the Tsitsikamma Range
That it bills itself as the ostrich capital of add to the charm. from US$34/27) feels more like a B&B and has and cut by rivers that have carved deep ravines
the world is no overstatement. These birds Jemimas (%272 0808; 94 Baron van Rheede St; mains attractive doubles. The most imaginatively into the ancient forests, its a spectacular area
have been bred hereabouts since the 1870s, from US$7; hdinner Mon-Sun, dinner Fri) Jemimas de- designed guesthouse in Knysa is Inyathi Guest to walk through. Several short day walks give
and at the turn of the 20th century fortunes lights both the palate and the eyes, but its the Lodges (%382 7768;; 52 Main St; s/d you a taste of the coastline.
were made from the fashion for ostrich food that ultimately takes centre stage. The from US$59/77) with accommodation in uniquely The main information centre for the na-
feathers. Oudtshoorn boomed, and the so- Cape Malay dishes are legendary. decorated timber lodges some with Victorian tional park is Storms River Mouth Rest Camp,
called feather barons built the grand houses De Fijne Keuken (%272 6403; 114 Baron van Rheede bathtubs, others with stained-glass windows. 68km from Plettenberg Bay and 8km from the
that lend the town its distinct atmosphere St; mains US$7-9.50; hlunch & dinner) Theres loads of Knysna Oyster Company (%382 6941; www.mbendi N2. The park gate is 6km from the N2. Its
today. outdoor seating at this funky restaurant and the; Thesens Island; mains from US$5.50; hlunch 2km from the gate to the main camp, which
The town still turns a pretty penny from varied menu includes ostrich cooked every way & dinner) grows its own oysters out in the la- is open 24 hours.
breeding the birds for meat and leather, and imaginable, and a large selection of pastas. goon; you can take a tour of the processing The 42km Otter Trail (per person US$70) is one
the ostriches also pay their way with tour- plant and have an oyster tasting at its restau- of the most acclaimed hikes in South Africa,
ists you can buy ostrich eggs, feathers and Getting There & Around rant afterwards. Despite its shopping-centre hugging the coastline from Storms River
biltong all over town but more importantly Intercape (%0861-287 287; has a setting, De Oude Fabriek (%382 5723; cnr Main & Mouth to Natures Valley. The walk, which
Oudtshoorn is a great base for exploring the service to Joburg (US$43, 14 hours, daily). Gray Sts; mains US$6-11; hlunch & dinner) is a con- lasts five days and four nights, involves ford-
different environments of the Garden Route Otherwise you can take a Translux bus (%021- vivial spot to sample game meat, crocodile ing a number of rivers, and gives access to
and the Karoo; the latter is a desolate and 449 3333; to Mossel Bay (US$7, and Knysna oysters. some superb stretches of coast. Book the trail
harsh landscape dotted with eccentric little one hour, daily) and from there you can get to through SAN Parks (%012-426 5111). The trail is
towns. multiple destinations (see opposite). PLETTENBERG BAY usually booked up one year ahead. There are
The Baz Bus stops at George, from where %044 / pop 34,000 often cancellations, however, so its always
Sights & Activities you can arrange a transfer to Oudtshoorn with Plettenberg Bay, or Plett as its more com- worth trying.
On Grant McIlraths (the so-called Meer- Backpackers Paradise (US$4.70). monly known, is a resort town through and Storms River Mouth Rest Camp (%012-428 9111;
kat Man of Oudtshoorn) meerkat experience Every Saturday the Southern Cross train through, with mountains, white sand and; camp site/forest hut/family cottages
(%272 3077;; minimum donation leaves for Cape Town at 5pm. crystal-blue water making it one of the coun- US$19/31/99) offers forest huts, chalets, cottages
US$40; hsunset & sunrise), at a natural burrow a trys top local tourist spots. As a result, things and oceanettes; all except the forest huts are
few kilometres west of town, you will get to see KNYSA can get very busy and somewhat overpriced, equipped with kitchens, bedding and bath-
up close how these curious, highly intelligent %044 / pop 54,000 but the town retains a relaxed, friendly atmos- rooms. Another good option is Tsitsikamma
creatures communicate and live. Perched on the edge of a serene lagoon and phere and does have good-value hostels. Falls Adventure Park (%280 3770; www.tsitsikamma
If youre going to one of the ostrich farms surrounded by forests, Knysnas (pronounced Those wanting to try surfing can take a; Witelsbos; s/d incl breakfast from US$24/49),
north of town or to the Cango Caves, carry ny-znah) sylvan setting, gay-friendly vibe, lesson through the International Surf School a family-run guesthouse about halfway be-
on driving and take the Swartberg Pass all good places to stay, eat and drink, and wide (%082-636 8431; for 3hr US$40), which caters to tween Natures Valley and Jeffreys Bay, and
the way to Prince Albert, then return to range of activities, mean it has plenty going all levels of surfers. It doesnt have an office, near a beautiful waterfall.
Oudtshoorn via the Meiringspoort Pass. Both for it. But if youre after something quiet and so just phone. Greyhound, Intercape and Translux buses
are engineering masterpieces, and halfway undeveloped, you should look elsewhere, par- Our choice for best budget option in town run along the N2 between Cape Town and
down the latter is a waterfall and small visi- ticularly in high season, when the number of is the spotless and spacious Nothando Backpack- Port Elizabeth, from where its an 8km walk
tor centre. visitors swells. ers Hostel (%533 0220;; 5 Wilder St; to Storms River Mouth.
SOUTH AFRICA 1004 S U N S H I N E C OA S T J e f f re y s B a y T R A N S K E I A N D T H E W I L D C OA S T 1005

STORMS RIVER overtaking surfing as the main leisure activ- the family-run Chapman Hotel (%584 0678; www EAST LONDON
%042 ity, but so far the local board-waxing vibe has; 1 Lady Bea Cres, Brookes Hill, Summerstrand; %043 / pop 980,000
Storms River is an odd little hamlet with been retained. s/d incl breakfast US$62/74; ais) overlooking The countrys only river port, with a good
tree-shaded lanes, a few places to stay and The most popular backpackers in town is the sea south of the city centre, is an upmar- surf beach and a spectacular bay that curves
an outdoor centre. From the N2 the Storms Island Vibe (%293 1625;; 10 Dageraad St; ket choice with great views. round to huge sand hills, East London is one
River signpost points to this village that lies camp site/dm/d US$5.50/9.50/24), a couple of kilome- Most of Port Elizabeths best cafs are in of the few cities in the world that is equally
outside the national park. The turn-off is 4km tres south of the city centre. The new beauti- the Boardwalk Casino Complex in Sum- populous and dour. Unless youre a surfer (or
east of the turn-off to the national park, and fully decorated beach house has double rooms merstrand, at the far end of Beach Rd. The a shark), there isnt really much to keep you
is signed as Storms River Mouth (or Storm- (US$34) only and a separate kitchen. Lazee atmosphere is a bit artificial, but here you can here, though it can be a good base for mov-
sriviermond in Afrikaans). Bay (%296 2012;; 25 Mimosa at least sip a cappuccino in peace away from ing on to holiday spots along the Sunshine
Most activities on offer are organised by St; d incl breakfast US$40; s), one of J-Bays best the plastic fast-food joints of the beachfront, or Wild Coast.
Storms River Adventures (%281 1836; www.storms guesthouses, up on a hill above Da Gama Rd, though Mauros (%582 2700; MacArthur Leisure Centre, With the beach just metres away, the surfs; Darnell St, Storms River). These include a is memorable for its funky dcor and great sea Beach Rd; mains US$7-11; hlunch & dinner Mon-Sat, lunch always up at lively Sugarshack Backpackers (%722
tree-canopy slide (US$53) and an overnight views, while Supertubes Guesthouse (%293 2957; Sun), a California-style trendy bistro is some- 8240;; Eastern Esplanade, Eastern
bush experience (all equipment provided); 10/1.60 Pepper St; s/d incl breakfast thing of an anomaly. Beach; camp site/dm/d without bathroom US$4.70/9/22;
at the Konga Bush Eco-Camp (US$47). The US$47/67, s/d luxury rooms US$70/108; as) is right in There are daily flights to Joburg, Durban i). Activities on offer include cliff-jumping
worlds highest bungee jump (216m) is at the prime surfing spot and provides luxurious and Cape Town on a number of airlines. (US$3.40) and surf lessons (US$10). Niki Nana
the Bloukrans River Bridge (%281 1458; www.facead accommodation. Port Elizabeth has regular bus connections Backpackers (%722 8509;; 4 Hillview; per jump US$78), 21km west of Storms Die Walskipper (%082-110 9478; Marina Martinique; to the major South African cities including Rd; camp site/dm/d without bathroom US$6/9/22; s) is
River. seafood platters US$16; hlunch & dinner Tue-Sat, lunch Cape Town (US$24, 12 hours), Durban a small but comfortable backpackers with a
If youre after a post-bungee rest try Tube Sun), specialising in seafood, and crocodile and (US$38, 15 hours) and East London (US$17, large swimming pool. White House (%740 0344;
n Axe (%281 1757;; cnr Dar- ostrich steaks, is just metres from the lapping five hours). The Baz Bus (%021-439 2323) runs; 10 Whitthaus St, Gonubie; s/
nell & Saffron Sts; camp site US$7, dm/d without bathroom sea at the Marina Martinique beach. Tapas Lapa from Port Elizabeth to Durban; its US$97 d incl breakfast US$40/53; s) is a stylish guesthouse
US$9.50/27; i). Another option is Ploughmans Seaside (%292 0119; Marina Martinique; mains US$7-11; for a one-way, hop-on, hop-off ticket. J-Bay with glass windows for panoramic views of
Rest (%281 1726;; 31 Formosa hdinner) is just across the car park from the Sunshine Express (%293 2221) minibus taxis run cliffs and sea.
St; s/d incl breakfast US$28/53), a friendly B&B. seashore, so the sand on the floor has to be between Jeffreys Bay, Port Elizabeth and The elegant Strandloper Caf (%735 4570; 95
The Baz Bus (%021-439 2323) stops at Storms shovelled in! Meals feature decent seafood, other coastal areas. Old Transkei Rd; mains US$8-12; hdinner Mon-Sat) spe-
River, but theres no other public transport and theres a bar next door. cialises in seafood. A perfect cross-section of
to the village. The Baz Bus (%021-439 2323) stops daily at HOGSBACK East London life frequents Smokey Swallows
hostels in both directions. A fare from Jeffreys %045 / pop 1500 (%727 1349; Devereux Ave; mains US$8-13; hlunch &

SUNSHINE COAST Bay to Cape Town costs US$51 and takes 12

hours. The Sunshine Express (%293 2221) runs
door-to-door between Port Elizabeth and Jef-
Located, improbably, 1300m up in the beauti-
ful Amathole Mountains, about 100km north-
west of Bhisho, the small village of Hogsback
dinner), which has frequent live jazz acts.
South African Airways flies from East Lon-
don daily to Port Elizabeth (US$103), Durban
This stretch of shoreline between the Garden freys Bay (US$1.40, one hour). has enjoyed a recent renaissance. Its English (around US$150) and Cape Town (around
Route and the Wild Coast is known as the climate (four distinctive seasons), organic US$250).
Sunshine Coast, and is best known for the PORT ELIZABETH food, and mind-boggling views of mountains Translux, Greyhound and SA Connection
surfing mecca of Jeffreys Bay. We have also %041 / pop 1.5 million and forested valleys in all directions, make it have daily buses to Port Elizabeth (US$25,
included the mystical mountain hamlet of Port Elizabeth, the Eastern Capes biggest an eco-destination par excellence. four hours), Durban (US$26, 10 hours), Cape
Hogsback in this section because, although its town and its major transport hub, is known There are some great walks, bike rides and Town (US$40, 15 hours) and Joburg/Pretoria
not actually on the coastline, its often visited by South Africans as PE and by locals as the drives in the area. Be prepared for rain at any (US$38, 14 hours). The Baz Bus (%021-439 2323)
from East London. friendly city, though many consider it no time, and in winter for temperatures that can runs through here on its way between Port
more than a charmless, convenient place to drop to 1C. Elizabeth and Durban.
JEFFREYS BAY stop for a rest and stock up on supplies be- Away with the Fairies (%962 1031; hogsback1@iafrica.
%042 / pop 25,000
A far cry from its origins as a sleepy seaside
fore moving onward. It does, however, offer
some of the Eastern Capes best bathing and
com; Hydrangea Lane; camp site/dm/d without bathroom
US$5.50/9.50/23; s) is a majestic little getaway TRANSKEI AND THE
town frequented by young families, J-Bay
takes its place as one of the worlds top surf-
ing destinations. Boardies from all around
surfing beaches.
Lungile Backpackers (%582 2042; lungile@netactive; 12 La Roche Dr, Humewood; camp site/dm/tw/d
with a superb view of Hogsback Ridge.
Another option is the Edge (%962 1159;; Bluff End; self-catering cot-
the planet flock here to ride waves such as without bathroom US$5.50/9/22/24; is ), Port tages from US$47; i), a collection of 12 stun- With its green rolling hills, rugged cliffs
the famous Supertubes, once described as the Elizabeths most popular backpackers, is con- ningly decorated cottages strung out along plunging into the sea, remote coves shelter-
most perfect wave in the world. June to Sep- tained in an airy Swiss-style home minutes the mountains edge. ing sandy beaches, and a history of shipwrecks
tember are the best months for experienced from the beachfront. The Bay Hotel (%585 The easiest way to get to Hogsback without and stranded sailors, the aptly named Wild
surfers, but novices can learn year-round. 1558;; 7 Lutman St; s/d incl breakfast a car is by shuttle bus from the Sugarshack Coast is a place for adventure and intrigue.
Development is raging at a furious pace, with US$34/51) feels more like a B&B than a hotel, Backpackers (right) in East London or Buc- Stretching for 350km from East London to
shopping in the myriad clothing stores almost with reasonable rates for elegant rooms, and caneers Backpackers (p1006) in Cintsa. Port Edward, its coast is dotted with tiny
SOUTH AFRICA 1006 T R A N S K E I A N D T H E W I L D C OA S T C i n t s a ( C h i n t s a ) K W A Z U LU - N ATA L D u r b a n 1007

Xhosa settlements and the occasional holiday 439 2323) at the Shell Ultra City, 4km south of Most backpacker places will pick you up Internet caf (%202 7733; Musgrave Centre, Photo-
resort or backpacker hostel. Mthatha. from the Shell Ultra City, 4km south of Mth- world, Shop 323; per hr US$4.50; h9am-6pm)
You may hear some people refer to the area atha (where the Baz Bus stops) for around
as the Transkei, which was the name of the Around Coffee Bay US$6, but its essential to book ahead. There MEDICAL SERVICES
apartheid-era homeland that once covered There are a number of hotels and resorts along are also regular minibus taxis to Port St Johns Entabeni Hospital (%031-204 1200, 24hr trauma
this part of the country. The name Transkei, the stretch of coast from the Great Kei River from there (US$4, two hours) that drop you centre 031-204 1377; 148 South Ridge Rd, Berea) The
however, stills bears the stigma of an area once to Coffee Bay including the now legendary at the roundabout. trauma centre charges US$80 per consultation.
feared for its crime rate and its extreme pov- Bulungula Backpackers (%047-577 8900, 083-391 5525; Travel Doctor (%031-360 1122; durban@traveldoctor
erty, so locals prefer the term Wild Coast.

CINTSA (CHINTSA); camp site per person/dm/d without bath-
room US$4/8/21; i). Renowned for its stunning
location, community-based activities and eco-
KWAZULU-NATAL; International Convention Centre, 45 Ordnance Rd;
h8am-4pm Mon-Fri, to noon Sat) For travel-related
%043 / pop 2000 friendly ethos, Bulungula is 40% owned by the Rough and ready, smart and sophisticated,
Heading up the N2, the sea spray starts to hit local Xhosa community, who run all the tours rural and rustic, KwaZulu-Natal is as eclectic MONEY
your face at an unspoilt stretch of white-sand including horse-riding, hiking and canoeing as its cultures, people and landscapes. It has There are banks with ATMs and change facili-
beach called Cintsa, 38km from East London. trips. Guests are invited to help with commu- its metropolitan heart in the port of Durban ties across the city. These include Standard
Cintsa comprises two small, pretty villages, nity activities, including farming and teaching and its nearby historic capital, Pietermaritz- Bank, FNB and Nedbank.
Cintsa East and Cintsa West. Its definitely projects. Theres an overall mellow vibe about burg. The beaches along this coast attract local American Express Central Durban (%301 5541; 11th
the best place on this part of the coast to hang the place, but it does get raucous when a beach holiday-makers, and to the north is Zululand, fl, Nedbank Bldg, Durban Club Place; h8.30am-4.30pm
out for a few days (or weeks). party is organised. Xhosa-style rondavels home to some Africas most evocative tra- Mon-Fri, 9-11am Sat); Musgrave Centre (%202 8733; FNB
Something of a rarity, Buccaneers Backpack- painted in creative, sometimes psychedelic, ditional settlements and cultural sites. The House, 151 Musgrave Rd, Musgrave)
ers (%734 3012, 734 3749;; Cintsa West; colour schemes serve as guest quarters. region also boasts alluring national parks and Rennies Bank Central Durban (%305 5722; grd fl,
camp site/dm/d US$6/10/24; is) or Bucks is a Reaching this little slice of paradise requires isolated, wild coastal reserves. The provinces 333 Smith St); Musgrave Centre (%202 7833; Shop 311,
sort of all-inclusive holiday resort for back- some effort. (If you can get here on local trans- border in the far west, the heritage-listed Level 3, Musgrave Centre; h8.30am-4.30pm Mon-Fri,
packers offering every imaginable outdoor port you get to stay the first night free theres a uKhahlamba-Drakensberg mountain range, 8.30-11.30am Sat)
activity through the excellent African Heart- challenge!). Bulungula is 4km north of the Xora features awesome peaks, unforgettable vistas
land Tours based here. The dorm rooms are river mouth and around two hours drive from and excellent hiking opportunities. TOURIST INFORMATION
comfortable, and safari tents (US$20) and Coffee Bay. If you are coming in your own car Durban Africa Tourist Junction (%304 4934; www
cottages (US$38) are also available. its essential to contact Bulungula in advance to DURBAN; 1st fl, Tourist Junction); airport
get directions. Pick-ups can also be arranged. %031 / pop 3.5 million (%408 1000; arrivals hall; h7am-9pm); Marine Pde
COFFEE BAY Stretching along a swathe of butter-yellow (%332 2595; next to Joe Kools; h8am-5pm Mon-Fri,
%047 / pop 600 PORT ST JOHNS sand, South Africas third-largest city offers 8am-4pm Sat & Sun); uShaka Marine World (%337 8099;
These days, this once-remote hamlet is a back- %047 / pop 2100 a lively, if slightly tacky, prepackaged seaside h9am-6pm).
packers mecca, with two busy hostels and a The deliciously laid-back Port St Johns is holiday. The beachfront, with its multi-km KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Authority Information
couple of more upmarket hotels in the village a magnet for hippy types, both young and stretch of high-rise hotels and snack bars, re- Office (%366 7516/7;; grd fl, Tourist
centre. Coffee Bay itself is a fairly scruffy place, old. This idyllic little town on the coast at the mains a city trademark, and the city centre, Junction)
but the surrounding scenery is dramatic, with mouth of the Umzimvubu River has tropical peppered with some grandiose colonial build- Tourist Junction (%304 4934; 160 Pine St, cnr Sol-
a beautiful kilometre-long beach set in front vegetation, dramatic cliffs, great beaches, no ings and fascinating Art Deco architecture, diers Way; h8am-4.30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-2pm Sat) The
of towering cliffs. traffic jams and absolutely no stress. Many throbs to a distinctly African beat. Home to main tourist information centre is in the old train station.
The more hippified of the two backpackers travellers succumb to the famous Pondo the largest concentration of people of Indian
in Coffee Bay is Bomvu Paradise (%575 2073; www Fever and stay for months. descent in the country, Durban also boasts the Sights; camp site/dm/d without bathroom Four kilometres from the town centre, sights, sounds and scents of the subcontinent. If you dip into the citys summer surf and sun,
US$4/9/22), which offers yoga instruction, or- Amapondo Backpackers (%564 1344, 083-315 3103; While the beachfront is still a favourite spot, you have a playground of more than 6km of
ganic meals and drum sessions. The dorms; Second Beach Rd; camp site/dm/d with- many visitors, wary of the citys increasing warm-water beaches (protected by the requi-
and rooms are comfortable and funky, and the out bathroom US$6/10/24) is a beautiful and peaceful reputation for crime, base themselves in the site shark nets). The Golden Mile Beaches
staff efficient and friendly. Coffee Shack (%575 hostel with a great view of an idyllic beach. suburbs, which are chock-a-block with ac- run from Blue Lagoon (at the mouth of the
2048;; camp site/dm/d without bath- Island Backpackers Lodge (%564 1958; www.the commodation, shopping malls, funky bars Umgeni River) to uShaka Marine World (%368
room US$5.50/9.50/27; i), just across the road from; 4 Berea Rd; dm/d/tr without bathroom and stylish eateries. 6675;; Addington Beach, the
Bomvu, has a definite party vibe. Ocean View US$9.50/24/30; is), which comes alive at night Point; WetnWild adult/child/senior US$8/6/6, Sea World
Hotel (%575 2005;; s/d with half as a popular Israeli restaurant (dishes US$4.70 Information US$11/7.50/10; h9am-6pm high season, 10am-5pm low
board and sea views US$55/81, without sea views US$47/70; to US$7), also has laundry service, movies, INTERNET ACCESS season) on the Point. But Durbans beachfront
ais) has good-quality, bungalow-style book swap and a splash pool. Each room is Most hostels offer internet access. Other op- aint for everyone. To some, its smorgasbord
rooms, with a deck overlooking the ocean. beautifully decorated with scented candles tions include the following: of bars and restaurants and hectic holiday
A minibus taxi from Mthatha to Coffee and fluffy towels at Gwyneths Barn & Ekuphum- Internet caf (%305 6998; 1st fl, Workshop, Aliwal St; atmosphere are garish and tacky.
Bay costs US$3 and takes one hour. The leni (%/fax 564 1506; off Pussfoot Lane, First Beach; d with- per hr US$3.40; h8.30am-7pm Mon-Fri, 8.30am-6pm Out on the Victoria Embankment, the BAT
backpacker hostels meet the Baz Bus (%021- out bathroom US$30, 2-bedroom cottage US$47-59). Sat & Sun) In the city centre. Centre (Maritime Pl) is a colourful, bohemian, arts

SOUTH AFRICA 1008 K W A Z U LU - N ATA L D u r b a n Book accommodation online at K W A Z U LU - N ATA L D u r b a n 1009

400 m
0.2 miles
centre housing upmarket art-and-craft shops,
Royal Durban
artists studios, occasional live music, and a
A B C To Greyville D E F

Golf Course
(1.5km) bar-restaurant, all cut through with a lively


Sol Harris Cres

To Umhlanga
15 To La Bordello (400m); A Gruta
trans-Africa theme.

Snell Pde
(1km); Butcher Boys (1km); Rocks (20km); Bay of Plenty
North Coast Beach
Gibela Backpackers Lodge (1km)
Dominating the city centre is the opulent

Madeline Grove B&B (1.2km) M

1910 Edwardian neo-baroque City Hall (%311

Morningside (1.5km); Zeta Bar Durban 4

ell R
1 St 1

(1.5km); Cat Man Du (2km); Train


Billy the Bum's (2.5km)
2137; Smith St). In front of the hall is Francis




Somtseu St
Farewell Sq. Upstairs is the Art Gallery (%311


M Somtseu Rd



i R

Botanic 12 Pier



2264; City Hall; admission free; h8.30am-4pm Mon-Sat,



lor Cres



11am-4pm Sun) an outstanding collection of con-

temporary South African works, especially



Da OCEAN Zulu arts and crafts.

rt ne Park

Brickhill Rd
ll Cres

The big Juma Mosque (%306 0026; cnr Queen

Albert Pavilio
Tce Bay of Plenty

Carlisle St Pier
& Grey Sts; h9am-4pm Mon-Fri, 9am-11am Sat) is the

Umgeni R
2 St 2 largest in the southern hemisphere; call ahead



for a guided tour.


To Cafe 1999 (1.3km); St North Beach


e Pde
Old Fort Rd
Musgrave Centre (1.3km); 12
At the western end of Victoria St, Victoria St

Fountain La 18

Nomads Backpackers (1.3km);
Temple of Understanding (11km) North Beach
Market (%306 4021; Victoria St; h6am-6pm Mon-Sat,

Alice St Pier
utch R Leopold St 6am-4pm Sun) offers a typically rip-roaring, sub-

Old D Ordnance Rd


l R

To Pinetown (8km) (N3); Rainbow continental shopping experience, with more

Restaurant & Jazz Club (8km); 13
Morrison St
Cross St

Pietermaritzburg (78km) (N3)
Prince Edward than 160 stalls selling wares from across Asia.



Russell St


Dairy Beach

ate Rd International
Convention St Victoria Its the main tourist attraction in the area, but

e Pde
Grey St

St Hunter Dairy Beach

Victoria Durban Centre Park
17 Pier
watch your wallet. Most Muslim shops close




t R

3 Centre 3 between noon and 2pm on Friday.


Berea Train Milne





Station St

Rd Queen Sea View St Pier

Situated 8km west of Durban is the Temple




ce Pine St
Commercial Rd


n Ke

of Understanding (%403 3328; Bhaktieedanta Sami Rd;

ar St

ick Ave

Commercial Rd sn Palmer

Cemetery Pine St Medwood Wedge

h10am-1pm & 4-8pm), the biggest Hare Krishna

St Pier

4 Gardens


temple in the southern hemisphere. Follow



Lne St
Mark Lane

3 Smith the N3 towards Pietermaritzburg and then


Ber St 8


Rd a West Brighton

Cato Gull St branch off to the N2 south. Take the Chats-

Roy Rd

Smith Square

Creek St

Kitchener Thistle
St Fisher St Lne Grenville worth turn-off and turn right towards the
Fenton St

Mills Lne

Smith 1 7 Shamroc

Salmon St

centre of Chatsworth.



Pickering Lne


Rochester St Stur

4 4

St St
St Georges Winder Trafalgar St
Rutherford St Sleeping

Victoria Embankment Bay Tce


St South

St Andrews Beach Despite what you think when you see the

ine T

hotel-lined beachfront promenade, most of

t 16 nic R
d Durbans good-value accommodation is in the
en Maso Addington
To Durban International
western and northwestern suburbs.

Airport (18km); n km Beach

South Coast Beaches
Em 10 Nomads Backpackers (%202 9709;

Albert Park ct; 70 Essenwood Rd, Berea; dm US$8, d with/

Natal Bay
without bathroom US$27/22; pis) An organised

5 5 and neat, yet relaxed kind of joint, and one
that likes to party. Youre also only a jump
away from the cinemas and cappuccino bars
of the Musgrave Centre.

ll S
Gibela Backpackers Lodge (%303 6291; www
INFORMATION Art Gallery.................................(see 8) New Cafe Fish............................16 C5; 119 Ninth Ave, Morningside; dm/s/d with shared
American Express.........................1 C4 BAT Centre..............................(see 19) Trans-Africa Express.................(see 19) Po
Durban Africa............................(see 6) City Hall.......................................8 C4
t bathroom & breakfast US$12/24/34; pi) Housed in
a stylish terracotta-coloured 1950s building

Internet Caf................................2 C3 Juma Mosque...............................9 B3 DRINKING
KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Authority uShaka Marine World.................10 F5 Cool Runnings............................17 E3 To Famous Fish Co (500m)
Information Office.................(see 6) Victoria St Market......................11 B3 Joe Kool's...................................18 F2 with a Tuscan feel, this place has tasteful
6 Lesotho Consulate.......................3 C4 6 ethnic dcor and a friendly feel in a secure
Mozambican Consulate................4 C3 SLEEPING ENTERTAINMENT
Rennies Bank...............................5 C4 City Lodge..................................12 E2 BAT Centre................................19 D4 location.
Tourist Junction...........................6 C3 Parade Hotel...............................13 F3 Parade Hotel (%337 4565;;
UK Consulate...............................7 C4 Protea Hotel Edward Durban......14 F3 TRANSPORT
US Consulate.............................(see 5) Royal Hotel................................15 C4 Baz Bus......................................(see 6) 191 Marine Pde; s/d incl breakfast US$44/59; a) The Pa-
rade Hotel is a bit old, with a slightly dowdy
SOUTH AFRICA 1010 K W A Z U LU - N ATA L D u r b a n Book accommodation online at K W A Z U LU - N ATA L A r o u n d D u r b a n 1011

array of 1970s salesroom furniture and saggy tucker in bar-like surrounds. Carnivores might Rainbow Restaurant & Jazz Club (%702 9161; A taxi between the beach and Florida Rd,
mattresses, but its charming Art Deco dining like the kudu fillet in red wine (US$11). 23 Stanfield Lane) In Pinetown, 8km west of the Morningside costs about US$4.
room resembles a 1950s ballroom. A Gruta (%312 8675; 200C Florida Rd; mains US$6-18; centre, Rainbow is considered the centre of
Madeline Grove Bed & Breakfast (%303 5425; hlunch & dinner; a) If youre not heading on the jazz scene, and is still the preferred local AROUND DURBAN; 116 Madeline Rd, Morningside; s/d to Mozambique (or Portugal for that matter), haunt. The South Coast is a 160km-long string of sea-
incl breakfast US$40/61; ps) This large man- this is a great place to sample the flavours of side resorts and suburbs running from Dur-
sion is configured into various comfortable Iberia. Getting There & Away ban to Port Edward, near the Eastern Cape
self-contained apartments, both upstairs and Cafe 1999 (%202 3406; Silvervause Centre, Silverton Rd, Durban International Airport is off the N2, border. Theres a bit of a Ground Hog Day
down. The separate poolside room is popular Berea; mains US$6-13; hlunch & dinner) This buzzing 18km south of the city. Several airlines link feel about the mass of shoulder-to-shoulder
among water babies. restaurant serves creative fusion food that Durban with South Africas main centres. getaways along the N2 and Rte 102, albeit
La Bordello (%309 6019; www.beanbagbohemia comes in bitparts titbit and bigbit. Try The popular and useful Baz Bus (%304 9099; a pleasant one. The region is a surfers and; 47/49 Campbell Ave, Morningside; s/d US$54/81;i) the crispy roast duck on vanilla-seed risotto; 1st fl, Tourist Junction; h8.30am-4.30pm divers delight (the latter because of the Ali-
A former house of ill-repute, nowadays La (US$7). Mon-Fri, 8.30am-noon Sat) has an office next to Dur- wal Shoal), and in summer there aint much
Bordello does good trade with the beautiful Butcher Boys (%312 8248; 170 Florida Rd; mains US$8- ban Africa. room to swing a brolly. The stunning Oribi
people who enjoy its plush Moroccan inte- 12; hlunch & dinner; a) A stylish joint serving Long-distance buses leave from the bus Gorge Nature Reserve (%039-679 1644; www.kzn
riors, aroma oils and breakfast in its small steak as you like it, Butcher Boys is popular stations near the Durban train station. Its; admission US$1.40, camp site US$4, 2-bed hut
fountain court. with business people and the it market. safest to enter from NMR Ave, not Umgeni US$15; h6am-6pm), close to Port Shepstone, the
City Lodge (%332 1447;; cnr Brick- New Cafe Fish (%305 5062; 31 Yacht Mole, Victoria Rd. All of the major companies have daily South Coasts industrial administrative centre,
hill & Old Fort Rds; s/d US$75/93; pa) This secure Embankment; mains US$6-27; hlunch & dinner) Look- departures to Joburg (US$26 to US$30, eight provides beautiful forest walks, eating and
place offers motel styling and slick service, ing like an upside-down ship, this uniquely hours), Cape Town (US$63, 22 to 27 hours), accommodation options. Nearby Margate is
though little charm. designed restaurant serves seafood dishes as Port Elizabeth (US$44, 15 hours) and Pieter- the claustrophobic holiday hub.
Protea Hotel Edward Durban (%337 3681; www.protea appealing as its views. maritzburg (US$12, one hour), among other The stretch of coast from Umhlanga Rocks; 149 Marine Pde; s/d US$112/125; Famous Fish Co (%368 1060; Kings Battery, the Point; destinations. Buses also run to Gaborone (via north to the Tugela River is a profusion of
pais) King of the seafront hotels, this mains US$10-26; hlunch & dinner; a) This reliable Joburg; US$47, 15 hours) and Maputo (via upmarket timeshare apartments and retire-
is classic and comfortable, with fresh-polish fish restaurant is something of a Durban in- Joburg; US$31, 15 hours). ment villages, with some pleasant beaches.
smells and full-on dcor with piped music stitution, with a dreamy view of the sea and Some long-distance minibus taxis running The section from Zimbali, slightly north of
to match. cargo ships. mainly to the south coast and the Wild Coast Umhlanga, to the Tugela is known as the Dol-
Royal Hotel (%333 6000;; 267 region of Eastern Cape leave from around the phin Coast because of the bottlenose dolphins
Smith St; s/d incl breakfast US$220/292; pai) This Drinking Berea train station. To Joburg it costs US$18. that favour the area. The North Coast is home
five-star institution overlooking City Hall is The best options are found in the suburbs. The areas in and around the minibus taxis to a fascinating mix of peoples: descendants of
one of the citys most historical and swankiest Zeta Bar (%312 9436; 258 Florida Rd) Voluptuous ranks are unsafe and extreme care should be former colonialists, Indians, French Mauritian
offerings. It has hosted royalty and Nelson red-plush seats combined with curvy soft lines taken if entering them. sugar-cane growers and indentured labourers
Mandela. provide the backdrop for this lounge lizards Durban train station (%0860-008 888) is huge. from the Indian subcontinent, plus colourful
favourite. Use the NMR Ave entrance, 1st level. Even Zulu cultures.
Eating Billy the Bums (%303 1988; 504 Windermere Rd, hardy travellers report feeling unsafe on the
Takeaway places around Victoria St Market Morningside) Attracting a crowd of Durbans local inner-city and suburban trains. Long- PIETERMARITZBURG
(p1009) have good Indian snacks including upwardly mobile, this suburban cocktail bar distance services are another matter they %033 / pop 457,000
bunny chow, which is a half or quarter loaf is reliably raucous. are efficient and arranged into separate male Billed as the heritage city, and KZNs admin-
of bread hollowed out and filled with curry Cool Runnings (%368 5604; 49 Milne St) This and female sleeper compartments for Joburg istrative and legislative capital (previously
stew. (in)famous place has a truly Rasta bohe- (1st/2nd class US$34/22, 12 hours). shared with Ulundi), Pietermaritzburgs (usu-
While the beachfront is chock-a-block with mian feel. Come late as it fills up after 11pm ally known as PMB) grand historic build-
cheap and cheerful diners, youll be hard- and catch a cab this is not an area to walk Getting Around ings hark back to an age of pith helmets and
pressed to find much more than the usual around. The Airport Shuttle Bus (%465 1660) departs the midday martinis. By day, the city is vibrant:
spread of burgers, pizza and candy floss. Joe Kools (%332 9697; Lower Marine Pde, North Beach) airport regularly to the beach and city centres its large Zulu community sets a colourful
Several of the beachfront hotels house some This venerable nightspot cooks up a cocktail major hotels (US$4). Some hostels run their flavour and the Indian community brings
passable restaurants. of cold beer, big-screen TV, dance music and own taxi shuttle services. echoes of the subcontinent to its busy streets.
Trans-Africa Express (%332 0804; 1st fl, BAT Centre, feisty crowds. Sunday night is party night. The main bus terminal and information A large student population adds to the citys
Victoria Embankment; mains US$3.80-13; hlunch & din- centre for inner-city and metropolitan buses vitality.
ner) Upstairs at the BAT Centre, with terrace Entertainment is on Commercial Rd. Pietermaritzburg is where you need to book
views over the docks, this restaurant serves BAT Centre (%332 0451;; 45 Durban Transport (%309 5942) runs the bus most of the accommodation and walks for
taste-tempting meals from Madagascar to Maritime Pl, Victoria Embankment) One of Durbans services Mynah and Aqualine. Mynah covers KwaZulu-Natal Parks. The KZN Wildlife Head-
Morocco. more interesting haunts, this venue features most of the beachfront and central residential quarters (%845 1000;; Queen
Cat Man Du (%312 7893; 411 Windermere Rd; mains everything from DJs on Friday and Sunday areas. Trips cost around US$0.40. The larger Elizabeth Park, Duncan McKenzie Dr; h8am-5pm Mon-Fri,
US$4-13; hlunch & dinner) This groovy diner-cum- evenings, regular drum circles, and top-flight Aqualine buses run through the outer-lying 8am-noon Sat) is a long way northwest of the
cocktail-bar serves international fusion-style jazz musicians. Durban metropolitan area. town centre.
SOUTH AFRICA 1012 K W A Z U LU - N ATA L K w a z u l u - N a t a l R e s e r v e s Book accommodation online at T H E D R A K E N S B E R G 1013

Sleeping & Eating (%in Durban 031-304 9099; travels In St Lucia Estuary itself, you can camp at rural, rough-and-tumble atmosphere, but the
Umphiti Backpackers (%394 3490; umphiti@mweb between Durban and Pietermaritzburg twice three sites run by KZN Wildlife (%033-845 1000, suburbs are leafy and quiet. It is well placed; 317 Bulwer St; dm US$10, d from US$23; s) The a week. 590 1340;; Pelican St) for around for exploring the wider region, and there are
many wagging tails reflect the warm welcome US$7 per person. many decent attractions and accommodation
at this friendly, if a little dog-eared, bohemian KWAZULU-NATAL RESERVES Occupying a series of sprawling buildings, options on offer. The George Hotel & Zululand
place. It offers a wealth of information and HluhluweImfolozi Park the rooms at BiBs International Backpackers Backpackers (%035-474 4919;; 38 Main
activities. %035 (%590 1056;; 310 MacKenzie St; camp St; s/d incl breakfast US$33/47; is) oozes colonial-
Prince Alfred Street Backpackers (%345 7045; These magnificent twin reserves (%550 8476; site US$6, dm/d without bathroom US$9.50/20, d US$27; era pretensions. The separate backpackers (camp; 312 Prince Alfred St; s/d US$11/23) This; adult/child US$9.50/4.70; h5am-7pm pis) are tarnished, but the atmosphere site US$7, dm/s/d without bathroom US$10/18/24) is hung-
bright place, with multicoloured mosquito- Nov-Feb, 6am-6pm Mar-Oct), dominated by wood- makes up for it. Santa Lucia Guest House (%590 over, but the Georges microbrewery and 101
net extravaganzas and ethnic adornments, is land savannah and flood plains, are good 1151;; 30 Pelican St; s/d incl breakfast activities are also on tap.
one of the most stylish renovated backpack- places to spot the Big Five. Travel to the US$39/78; as) is a highly acclaimed B&B with Minibus taxis connect to Empangeni,
ers around, and handy to the centre. northern reaches of the park, and forests full friendly and hospitable owners. (US$4, one hour), Gingindlovu (US$0.90)
Duvet & Crumpets (%394 4133; www.duvetandcrum of mist, grassy hills and peaceful rivers will The Baz Bus (%in Durban 031-304 9099; www.bazbus and Melmoth (US$2.80, 45 minutes), the best; 1 Freelands Pl; s/d US$27/40; s) Set in a entrance you. .com) drops backpackers several times a week. place to catch taxis deeper into Zululand.
quiet, leafy location, this place offers a com- One of Imfolozis main attractions is its ex-
bination of unpretentious, clean rooms and
self-catering units.
Torwood Lodge (%390 1072;;
tensive trail system in a special 24,000-hectare
wilderness area (note: these are seasonal). The
Base Trail (3 nights/4 days US$363) is, as the name
Sodwana Bay
Spectacular Sodwana Bay, a sheltered recess at
tw US$57; s) With a quaint rural setting and a suggests, at a base camp. On the Primitive Trail the very northern tip of the Greater St Lucia The tabletop peaks of the uKhahlamba-
landscaped rock pool, this excellent out-of- (4 nights/5 days US$240), you carry equipment, help Wetland Park, isnt a whole lot more than Drakensberg range, which form the bound-
town option is great for those seeking city prepare the food (provided), and hikers must sand, sea and silence. And thats its appeal. ary between South Africa and the mountain
days and rustic nights. sit up in 1-hour watches during the night. The spread-out village of Sodwana Bay is also kingdom of Lesotho, offer some of the coun-
Els Amics (%345 6524; 380 Longmarket St; mains The signature resort on the Hluhluwe side, here, but the two nearby parks Sodwana Bay trys most awe-inspiring landscapes. This vast
US$5.50-13; hlunch & dinner Tue-Fri, dinner Sat) The with stupendous views, is Hilltop Camp (%562 National Park (%571 0051;; adult/ 243,000-hectare sweep of basalt summits and
citys fine-dining option is in a cosy Vic- 0848; rest hut/chalet per person US$31/63, 2-bed unit with child US$2.80/2; h6am-6pm) and Ozabeni provide buttresses are so recognisably South African
torian house with a series of rooms and a full board per person US$63). Try one of the smaller most of the highlights. This little slice of para- that theyve become tourist-brochure clichs.
classy Spanish-influenced menu. Bookings and more sedate accommodation centres in dise offers stunning coastal scenery, guided If any landscape lives up to its airbrushed,
are essential. Imfolozi for more peace and quiet. Morning walking trails, serious deep-sea game fishing publicity-shot alter ego, it is the jagged, green
Afro Cafe 94 (%345 0773; 266 Prince Alfred St; mains and night wildlife drives (US$20 per person) and scuba diving. sweep of the Drakensberg.
US$3.40-11; hlunch & dinner) Carnivores can get from here are very popular. KZN Wildlife (%033-845 1000;; The Drakensberg (or the Berg, as its often
their mouths around world African cuisine: The main entrance to Hluhluwe, at Memor- Ozabeni camp sites per person US$4, Sodwana Bay National called) is usually divided into three sections,
from Hluhluwe impala salad to springbok loin ial Gate, is 15km west of the N2, about 50km Park camp sites/5-bed cabins per person US$19/30) offers although the distinctions arent strict.
and Cuban oxtail. northwest of Mtubatuba. Petrol is available at camping at Ozabeni, and hundreds of camp The northern Drakensberg runs from the
Mpila Camp in the park. sites and cabins at Sodwana Bay National Golden Gate Highlands National Park to the
Getting There & Away Park. Coral Divers (%571 0290; coraldivers@mweb Royal Natal National Park. Harrismith and
Pietermaritzburg airport, also known as the Greater St Lucia Wetland Park; Sodwana Bay National Park; s/d without bathroom from Bergville are sizeable towns in this area.
Oribi airport, is 6km southeast of the city %035 US$25/40; is) is a factory-style operation, The central Drakensbergs main feature
and private taxis are available. SAAirlink (%386 The Greater St Lucia Wetland Park, a Unesco nevertheless it has cabins in a lovely setting, is Giants Castle Game Reserve, the larg-
92861), with an office at the airport, flies to World Heritage Site, stretches for 280 glorious satellite TV, a pool and a bar. est national park in the area. Northwest of
Joburg daily (US$114). kilometres, from the Mozambican border near Minibus taxis run from the N2 up to the Giants Castle is the Cathedral Peak wilder-
Bus companies Greyhound, Translux, SA Kosi Bay in the north of Maputaland, to Mape- small town of Jozini. From there to Sodwana ness area. The towns of Bergville, Estcourt
Roadlink, Luxliner and Intercape offer simi- lane (Maphelana) at the southern end of Lake St Bay you shouldnt have trouble finding taxi and Winterton are all adjacent to the central
lar prices depending on the level of onboard Lucia. With the Indian Ocean on one side, and transport. Drakensberg.
services. Destinations offered include Joburg a series of lakes on the other (including Lake St The southern Drakensberg runs down to
(US$17 to US$27, six to seven hours), Cape Lucia), the 328,000-hectare area offers every- ZULULAND the Transkei. This area is less developed than
Town (US$54, 22 hours), Pretoria (US$26, thing from offshore reefs and beaches, to lakes, Dominated by the Zulu tribal group, the re- the others, but is no less spectacular. Theres a
seven to eight hours), Port Elizabeth (US$42, wetlands, woodlands and coastal forests. gion offers a fascinating historical and con- huge wilderness area, and the Sani Pass route
15 hours) and Durban (US$7 to US$24, 1 Most hostels rent snorkelling equipment temporary insight into one of the countrys into southern Lesotho.
hours). and can organise tours through one of the most enigmatic, and best-known, cultures. Theres no single road linking all the main
Cheetah Coaches (%342 4444) runs daily many tour operators that have offices based Intense poverty and all the social problems areas of interest so youre better off selecting
(US$8) between Durban, Pietermaritzburg in St Lucia Estuary, the parks main resort that come with it are still commonplace. one (or a few only) places rather than spend-
and Durban International Airport. Sani Pass town. Birding, boat tours, canoeing, hiking, Situated around a beautiful indigenous for- ing most of your time behind a wheel in search
Carriers (%701 1017; runs buses up horse riding, turtle tours, whale-watching, est and surrounded by green rolling hills, the of sights. In general, you must book all KZN
into the southern Drakensberg. The Baz Bus and wildlife drives can all be arranged. town of Eshowe (population 14,700) has a Wildlife accommodation (except camping) in
SOUTH AFRICA 1014 T H E D R A K E N S B E R G R o y a l N a t a l N a t i o n a l Pa r k G AU T E N G J o h a n n e s b u r g 1015

advance through either the Pietermaritzburg able two-bed chalets. There are also several SOUTHERN DRAKENSBERG 10% of the GDP of the whole of Africa. The
or Durban KZN Wildlife branches. There are places outside the park, including Amphitheatre WILDERNESS AREAS laid-back, friendly atmosphere of Pretoria,
also several local information offices: Backpackers (%438 6106; amphibackpackers@worldonline Best accessed from the pleasant towns of Hi- the countrys administrative capital, belies a
Central Drakensberg Information Centre (%036-; camp site US$5.50, dm/d US$10/22), 21km north meville and Underberg, the southern Berg turbulent past. Fifty or so kilometres down
488 1207;; Thokozisa; h9am-6pm) of Bergville. boasts one of the regions highlights: the jour- the M1 motorway away is Johannesburg, the
Based in the Thokozisa complex, 13km outside Winterton ney up to Lesotho over the Sani Pass. It is also provincial capital and third-largest city on
on Rte 600, this private enterprise is extremely helpful. CENTRAL BERG renowned as a serious hiking area, and as well the continent. Sprawling and booming, its
Okhahlamba Drakensberg Tourism (%036-448 %036 as some great walks, including the fabulous a strange conurbation of opulent suburbs set
1557;; Tatham Rd, Bergville; Crowned with some of the Drakensbergs Giants Cup Trail, the region also offers a alongside some of the countrys starkest urban
h9am-4.30pm Mon-Fri, 9am-1pm Sat) Covers the most formidable peaks Giants Castle Peak smorgasbord of wilderness areas. poverty.
northern and central Drakensberg. (3312m), the Monks Cowl (3234m) and The Mkhomazi Nature Reserve (%033-266 6444;
Southern Drakensberg Escape Tourism Centre Champagne Castle (3377m) are found here; adult/child US$2.80/1.40; h6am- JOHANNESBURG
(%033-701 1471;; Clocktower the central Berg is a big hit with climbers. But 6pm) is one of the few places where you can %011 / pop 5.7 million
Centre, Old Main Rd, Underberg; h9am-4.30pm Mon- with dramatic scenery aplenty, this beauti- hike for days without seeing anyone else. Joburg, or Jozi as its more commonly
Fri, 9am-12.30pm Sat) Covers the southern region from ful region is just as popular with those who The park office of Garden Castle (%033-701 known, is without a doubt the great big beat-
Underberg, Himeville and Sani Pass. prefer to admire their mountains from a safe 1823;; adult/child US$2.80/1.40; camp ing heart of South Africa, and has long played
distance. site per person US$5.50, hut per person US$8; h6am-6pm) a Jekyll-and-Hyde role in the global con-
ROYAL NATAL NATIONAL PARK A beautifully photogenic area in the shadow is 30km west of Underberg carry along the sciousness. Often the stage on which the epic
%036 of the ramparts of Cathedral Peak, the Cathe- road past Khotso Horse Trails. This reserve of this extraordinary nation has been played
Spanning out from some of the ranges lofti- dral Peak Nature Reserve (%488 8000; www.kznwild incorporates beautiful Bushmans Nek Valley, out, the colossus of Joburg with all its thrills
est summits, the 8000-hectare Royal Natal Park; adult/child US$3.40/1.80; h6am-6pm) includes dominated by the 3051m Rhino Peak. and foibles is today a fascinating, multitu-
(%438 6310;; adult/child US$3.40/2; the Bell (2930m), the Horns (3005m) and The drive up the Sani Pass is a trip to the dinous city, where all the ups and downs of
h5am-7pm) has a presence that far outstrips Cleft Peak (3261m). Cathedral Peak is a long roof of South Africa: a spectacular ride around 21st-century South Africa can be witnessed
its relatively meagre size, with many of the days climb (10km, seven hours return). hairpin bends into the clouds to the kingdom in three, multicolour dimensions.
surrounding peaks rising as high into the The park office (%488 8000;, of Lesotho. At 2865m, this is the highest pass In the past, the citys darker personality
air as the park stretches across. With some in Didima Camp, sells permits for the scenic in the country, and the vistas (on a clear day!) proved the most enduring. The Joburg of the
of the Drakensbergs most dramatic and ac- drive (4WD only) up Mikes Pass (per person/ are magical. There are hikes in almost every newsflash was a city where fear and loathing
cessible scenery, the park is crowned by the vehicle US$2/4.70) and arranges guides. direction, and inexpensive horse rides are reigned supreme; a city where spiralling gun
sublime Amphitheatre, an 8km wall of cliff Monks Cowl Nature Reserve (%468 1103; www available. Amazingly, this is also the only road crime and poverty had manifested itself in a
and canyon equally spectacular from below; adult/child US$2.80/1.40; h6am-6pm) link between Lesotho and KwaZulu-Natal. society where one half of the population stag-
or from up on high. Looming up behind is is another stunning slice of the Drakensberg You need a passport to cross into Lesotho. nated, while the other looked on impassively
Mont-aux-Sources (3282m), so called because range; within Monks Cowl are the two peaks The border is open daily from 8am to 4pm through coils of razor wire.
the Tugela, Elands and Western Khubedu Monks Cowl and Champagne Castle. The on the South African side (until 5pm on the As ever, there is an element of truth to the
Rivers rise here; the last eventually becomes park office (%468 1103; camp site per person US$9.50) Lesotho side). stereotypes. Joburg does bear scars of South
the Orange River and flows all the way to is 3km beyond Champagne Castle Hotel. The At the bottom of the pass you can sleep Africas turbulent 20th century, and many will
the Atlantic. office takes bookings for camping and over- at the Sani Lodge (%033-702 0330; www.sani-lodge take time to heal. Stark inequalities persist, but
The parks visitors centre (h8am-12.30pm & night hiking (US$4 per person).; camp site US$6; dm/d without bathroom US$9/11, 2-bed armed with a new self-confidence ironically
2-4.30pm) is about 1km in from the main gate. The Inkosana Lodge (%468 1202; www.inkosana rondavel US$30), which besides accommodation most pronounced in the infamous township
Theres also a shop selling basic provisions.; dm/d without bathroom US$11/34, thatched rondavels offers a range of fabulous tours and activities of Soweto Africas giant hub is beginning
Fuel is available in the park. with/without bathroom US$25/17; s), one of the best and insider tips about the region through its to introduce itself to a healthier diet of urban
Except for the Amphitheatre-to-Cathedral backpackers in KZN, boasts an indigenous tour company. renewal and social regeneration.
(62km, four to five days) and the Mont-aux- garden and clean rooms, and heaps of activi- Without doubt, the Giants Cup Trail (68km,
Sources (20km, 10 hours) hikes, most of the ties and walks are on offer. five days and five nights), running from Sani Orientation
25-odd walks in Royal Natal are day walks. Rising up to Injasuti Dome (3409m), South Pass to Bushmans Nek, is one of the nations Johannesburg International Airport (JIA) is
The park has become a mecca for climbers. Africas highest peak, Giants Castle Game Reserve great walks. Early booking through KZN Wildlife 25km northeast of the city centre. The large
You must apply for a permit from the KZN (%033-845 1000, 353 3718;; adult/child (%in Pietermaritzburg 033-845 1000) is advisable. city centre, laid out on a straightforward grid,
Wildlife office. US$3.40/1.80; h5am-7pm) is one of the Drakens- is dominated by office blocks; after shops close,
If you plan to camp on the mountain, you
should book with the QwaQwa tourist officer
(%058-713 4415). Otherwise theres a basic hut
bergs loftiest even its lowest point sits at
1300m above sea level. Its a rugged, remote and
popular destination, with huge forest reserves
GAUTENG it becomes a virtual ghost town. Redevelop-
ment of the Newtown cultural precinct at the
northwestern edge of the city is at the core of
on the escarpment near Tugela Falls. An over- to the north and south, and Lesothos barren Fast, bustling and a cabaret of contradictions, an effort to clean up central Joburg. North of
night hiking permit costs US$4. plateau over the escarpment to the west. Gauteng (pronounced how-teng) covers just the centre, a steep ridge runs westeast from
Thendele (%033-845 1000; chalet per person US$43- There are several accommodation centres 1.5% of the countrys land surface, yet ac- Braamfontein across to the dangerous suburb
47), the parks main camp has a variety of inside the reserve, as well as trail huts and counts for 34% of its gross domestic product of Hillbrow. To the northeast of the centre is
accommodation, including some reason- caves for hikers. (GDP) and, perhaps more extraordinarily, the equally dangerous Yeoville.
SOUTH AFRICA 1016 G AU T E N G J o h a n n e s b u r g G AU T E N G J o h a n n e s b u r g 1017

4 km
2 miles
The northern suburbs of big houses and big Joburg Tourism Company (Map p1016; %214 0700;
fences are predominantly white, middle- and; grd fl, Grosvenor Cnr, 195 Jan
A B C 1 D upper-class, and where most travellers stay. Smuts Ave, Parktown North; h8am-5pm Mon-Fri) A
Craigavon INFORMATION EATING Sterile shopping malls form the centre of most private endeavour; covers the city of Joburg.
American Express.....................(see 30) Chaplin's .................................. 17 D6
12 French Consulate.........................1 B4 Melville Grill.............................. 18 D6 social life. The inner-suburban restaurant en- SA Tourism (Map p1016; %895 3000; fax 895 3001; 12
Witkoppen Rd Jo'burg Tourism Company...........2 B4 Moyo's......................................19 C4 claves of Melville, Greenside, Parkhurst and Protea Rd, Sandton; h8am-5pm Mon-Fri)
Johannesburg General Hospital....3 B5 Moyo's.......................................20 B4
Mozambican Consulate................4 B4 Soi............................................. 21 D6 Norwood make a refreshing change.
Minor Roads
Not Depicted
Out of Print Books....................... 5 D6
Rennies Travel..........................(see 30)
Soulsa........................................ 22 D6 The black townships ring the city and Dangers & Annoyances
Main Rd SA Tourism...................................
N 6 B3 DRINKING present a stark contrast to the northern sub- Pay careful attention to your personal secu-
US Consulate............................... 7 B4 Berlin Bar................................... 23 D6
Cool Runnings...........................24 A5
urbs. Conditions within them range from rity in Joburg. Daylight muggings in the city
SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Mo Caf....................................25 C4 the stereotypically suburban to the appalling. centre and other inner suburbs, notably Hill-
N Apartheid Museum...................... 8 A6 Ratz Bar.....................................26 D6
Sundeck Bar...............................27 C4
The main township is Soweto (p1018), but brow, are not uncommon and you must be
or SLEEPING Tokyo Star................................. 28 D6 other big townships surround the city in all constantly on your guard. Youd be crazy to

Rd Backpackers Ritz...........................9 B4

directions. walk around central Joburg at night if you


Su House..........................10 B3 ENTERTAINMENT

2 N
arrive after dark and dont have a car, catch a
am N

Diamond mmDigger's Lodge...........11 C5 206 Live.....................................29 C5




Inchanga Ranch Resort...............12 A1

Information taxi to your final destination.



Pension Idube............................13 A5 SHOPPING

Quartermain Hotel.....................14
Rd B3 Sandton City Shopping Centre...30 B3 EMERGENCY Crime is a big problem, but it is important


Randburg Sleek Backpackers......................15 A3

AIDS line (%0800-012 322) to put things in perspective: remember that

To Pretoria (40km)
Pe Thulani Lodge........................... 16 D6


Rd Fire (%10111) most travellers come and go without incident

Morningside oro
Rape Crisis Line (%116 1888)

n Byp
and that much of the crime afflicts parts of the

14 Ma Modderfontein


ain R

nd d
Bo Sou
th R SA Police Headquarters (Map p1019; %10111; Main Rd) city you would have little reason to stray into.


Sandown ria M
Parkmore Its when using ATMs that youre most vulner-


yst INTERNET ACCESS able. Seek local advice, listen to it and remain

3 30 Dr
rd Dr

Rab Most hostels and hotels have internet facili- aware of whats going on around you.

ie 15 Alexandra
St Sandton

ties, charging anything from US$2.80 to US$8



Conra 6 Dr Rd
d Dr
Lon Rembrandt per hour. Alternatively, most Joburg malls Sights & Activities


Kath M

1 Crystal and suburbs have an internet caf, and wi-fi CITY CENTRE & NEWTON
Illovo hotspots are popping up everywhere. Out of The area retains its edgy atmosphere, but re-


Park Melrose Kew

Park North
r N
Print Books (Map p1016; %482 6026; 78 4th Ave, Melville; generation projects in Newtown to the south
rd Rd

tt D 3
per min US$0.10; h10am-9pm), in the centre of and university-oriented Braamfontein to the

t West 9 4 Corle
Av Bom 19

3r e Parkhurst
Rd Melville, is pricey but open later than most. north are gradually helping to boost confi-

Linden d
Av Dunkeld
dence once more in the heart of the city.
4 2

Rd Ave
7th Ave St R MEDICAL SERVICES To get an overview of the hub of Joburg,


Rosebank e Rd 25
ov Johannesburg General Hospital (Map p1016; take the lift to the Top of Africa (Map p1019; %308


%011-488 4911; M1/Jubilee Rd, Parktown) Joburgs 1331; 50th fl, Carlton Centre, 152 Commissioner St; adult/child



Park 20

11th Ave Ivy Rd

US$1.40/1; h9am-7pm). From the quiet remote-

main public hospital.


Greenside Saxonwold 7 27 To Johannesburg

og A


Norwood International
ness of the observation deck, the sprawling

25 Grove Airport


e 29
MONEY city seems positively serene.
1st Ave
See Enlargement 3 a
There are banks with ATMs and change fa- Today, Newtown is at the centre of efforts
th Observatory
24 Melville Parktown Bo Lake cilities at every commercial centre. American to rejuvenate the downtown area. Surrounded
1st Ave Lou tory Ave Express and Rennies Travel (an agent for Tho- by museums and cafs, Newtowns cultural
13 Rockey St Observa
5 Berea
Yeoville mas Cook) have branches at the airport and precinct, which occupies the newly brushed-
Hillbrow R
Auckland Newtown Bez 24 in major malls. up Mary Fitzgerald Sq (named after South Afri-
nd Park Braamfontein Valley
Coronationville ve H
Smit St St
cas first female trade unionist; Map p1019),
Ave Kensington onia
St Park
Doris St
ener Syd POST is a good place to start a tour.
Troyeville Kitch
Bree St
11 Jules St
Main Post Office (Map p1019; %0800 110 226; Jeppe The nearby Market Theatre complex (p1020),
Ma Roberts Av
Main Rd
Jeppestown 4th A 22St
St; h8.30am-4.30pm Mon-Fri, to noon Sat) with its shows, bars and restaurants, is an
h St

Ree See Central Johannesburg ve

f R
d Map (p1019) 28 5 excellent place to while away a few hours be-


26 TOURIST INFORMATION tween museum visits.
Nasrec Rd




16 2 Gauteng Tourism Authority (Map p1019; %639


3rd A 18


Eastern B

1600;; 1 Central Place, cnr Jeppe & CONSTITUTION HILL

Henry Nxumalo St, Newtown; h8am-5pm Mon-Fri)

rg Inspiring, impressive Constitution Hill (Map p1019;
Soweto Rd 23
8 Wemmer
Pan 2nd 0 200 m
The tourist bodys glistening new headquarters are in the %381 3100;; Kotze St; adult/child
To Bloemfontein (425km);
To Soweto (5km)
Kimberley (457km); To Durban
Ave 0 0.1 miles middle of the Newtown Cultural Precinct. Staff members US$2.80/1.40; h9am-5pm Wed-Mon) is slowly becom-
Cape Town (1395km) (588km)
are eager but woefully undertrained. ing one of the citys if not the countrys chief
SOUTH AFRICA 1018 G AU T E N G J o h a n n e s b u r g Book accommodation online at G AU T E N G J o h a n n e s b u r g 1019

tourist attractions. Built within the ramparts Backpackers Ritz (Map p1016; %325 7125; www.back CENTRAL JOHANNESBURG 0
500 m
0.3 miles
of the Old Fort, which dates from 1892 and was; 1A North Rd, Dunkeld West; dm/s/d without
bathroom US$11/24/35; pis) Certainly not The A B C D

once a notorious prison, the development
focuses on South Africas new Constitutional Ritz, this backpackers is in a characterful old INFORMATION EATING TRANSPORT
Court, itself is a very real symbol of the chang- mansion a safe hop-and-a-skip from Hyde Park Botswanan Consulate....................1
Gauteng Tourism Authority.........2
Gramadoela's...........................(see 15)
Guildhall Bar & Restaurant.........10 B5
Long-Distance Buses Booking
Offices...................................16 C3
ing South Africa, with cases heard in all 11 Mall, and plenty of bars and restaurants. 1 Main Post Office..........................3 C4 Kapitan's....................................11 B5 Metrobus Terminal....................17 C5
official languages. Inchanga Ranch Resort (%708 2505; www.inchanga SA Police Headquarters................4
Swazi Consulate...........................5
Moyo's....................................(see 15) Minibus Taxis to Bulawayo,
Zimbabwe..............................18 C3; 51 Inchanga Rd, Craigavon; camp site US$5.50, Zimbabwean Consulate................6 B5 DRINKING Minibus Taxis to Durban............19 C4
SOUTHERN SUBURBS dm/s/d US$10/27/34, cabins from US$20; pis) A Horror Caf................................12 A5 Minibus Taxis to Lesotho,

SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES Bloemfontein, Kroonstad &
The Apartheid Museum (Map p1016; %309 4700; wonderful country retreat just minutes from Constitution Hill...........................7 C2 ENTERTAINMENT Ficksburg...............................20 D4
Mary Fitzgerald Sq.......................8 A4 Carfax........................................13 B4 Minibus Taxis to Pretoria...........21 C4; cnr Gold Reef Rd & Northern the shops and casino of Montecasino. Accom- Top of Africa............................... 9 D5 Kippie's Jazz International..........14 A4 Minibus Taxis to Upington,
To Northern
Parkway; adult/child US$3.40/1.60; h10am-5pm Tue-Sun) modation is in cute private A-frame huts with Suburbs & Market Theatre..........................15 A4 Kimberley & Cape Town........22 C3
M1 (750m) Taxis to Rosebank & Sandton.... 23 C4
remains one of South Africas most evocative animal-print linens. To M1 (2km)
Taxis to Soweto......................... 24 D4
museums, using film, text, audio and live ac- Pension Idube (%482 4055;; 11 Wal-
counts to provide a colourful insight into the ton Ave, Auckland Park; d with/without bathroom incl breakfast 2 Pretoria St

architecture, implementation and eventual US$45/36; ps) This positively unpretentious Entrance Kotze St
Hoofd St
unravelling of the apartheid system. place bedecked in zebra motifs cant be beaten Esselen St

Loveday St


Ameshoff St Hillbrow
for its combination of comfort, price and University of the

South African
Witwatersrand Kapteijn St

SOWETO location. Stiemens St


Edith Cave
for Medical

Home to about 3.5 million people, Soweto is Craighall House (Map p1016; %326 0326; craighall Research


Hospital St
s St

Klein St
one of the most infamous ghettos in the world,; 10 Alexandra Ave, Craighall; s/d incl break- Jorissen St Braamfontein Pietersen St

ll St
Biccard St

and a tour must not be missed. Soweto has fast US$40/67; ps) Well located, more or less

Banket St
Melle St

Claim St

Quartz St
De Beer

Twist St
Bertha St
De Korte St

Station St
had a face-lift in recent years, and some of its halfway between Rosebank and Sandton, this

Henri St
Juta St Smit St
suburbs are looking downright affluent. Oth- guesthouse has neatly designed rooms each 3

Wolmarans 18 Joubert Leyds St
ers remain as sad as any other ghetto in the with private entrance and patio, a beautiful Park

Nugget St
Smit St Quee
n Eli
z abe Bok St
developing world cardboard and tin shacks garden and swimming pool. th
D Leyds St

r Koch St

with no plumbing. It might seem odd, even Thulani Lodge (%482 1106;; 85 16

Hancock St
voyeuristic, to treat these places as a tourist Third Ave; s/d incl breakfast US$54/67; ps) Despite its


Park 20
Noord St

attraction, but to get any kind of appreciation top location just metres from Melvilles night- Station 19 21


King Georg

De Villiers
for South African reality, you have to visit life, Thulani manages to offer peace and quiet


Klein St
23 24
them. Its also another way of supporting in a series of small, neat rooms clustered inti- De Villiers
St Plein St

local, black-owned businesses directly. The mately around a sparkling swimming pool.

e St
Plein St Bree St

s St
Harrison St
new, impressive Soweto Tourism and Information Quatermain Hotel (%290 0900; www.quatermain 4 Pim St
13 Bree St Jeppe St
Centre (%945 3111; Walter Sisulu Sq, Kliptown; h8am-; 137 West Rd South, Morningside; s/d incl breakfast 14
Bree St
15 Jeppe St Kerk St
5pm Mon-Fri) is testament to a growing tourism US$103/143; pas) This is one of Joburgs

Von Brand

Smal St Ma

Joubert St

Eloff St
Rissik St
Jeppe St Pritchard St

policy here and a first for any township. It best options, with stylish fittings, excellent 8 Market

Sauer St
Kerk St

Von Weil
provides information, and an accommodation service and a great location near the glitz of President


l S

is St

and tour booking service. Dozens of com- Sandton. Its award-winning restaurant, The 12



ligh St

Gold St
Mooi St

Polly St
Troye St
panies provide tours including Imbizo Tours Courier, is another huge bonus. St
President Library

West St

Delvers St
Market St
(%838 2667; per person R310). Square

Kort St

Kruis St

Becker St
er St Carlton
Eating 10 Commission Centre 9

out St
Main 4 Fox St Main St
Sleeping Unfortunately for those without cars, most 5

Ferreira St
Diamond Diggers Lodge (Map p1016; %624 1676; www of the best places are scattered around the 17 Marshall St
Main St; 36 Doris St, Kensington; dm/d without bath- northern suburbs. The suburb of Norwood Marshall St
room US$9.50/24; p) An excellent backpackers, has an enclave of restaurants that has grown 6
with every imaginable amenity, including a and matured into an east Joburg version of
Jacuzzi, sauna, a big-screen home cinema and Melvilles 7th St. There are more than 20 bars,
a pub for post-tour frolics. restaurants and cafs along Grant Ave. Kapitans (Map p1019; %834 8048; 11A Kort St; mains curios and character, this gay-friendly New-
Sleek Backpackers (% 787 8070; www.sleek US$4-8; hlunch & dinner) Kapitans is one of the town classic in the Market Theatre complex; 477 Jan Smuts Ave, Randburg; dm/s/d with- CITY CENTRE & NEWTOWN few places in town where youll see young whips up a mean mix of African and Asian
out bathroom US$11/14/27; pis) This converted Guildhall Bar & Restaurant (Map p1019; %833 1770; lions drinking with hepcats, and grizzly city cuisine.
house is now a small hostel run with a per- 88 Market St; mains US$4.70-7; hlunch & dinner) Estab- stalwarts groaning about how its all gone to Moyos (Map p1019; %838 1715; Bree St; www.moyo
sonal touch. Dorms and doubles are basic but lished in 1888, you can while away the day in the dogs.; mains US$7-13; hlunch & dinner); Oozing chi-chi
clean. Its in a handy location, about halfway the pub below, or sit on the balcony and watch Gramadoelas (Map p1019; %838 6960; Bree St, New- African charm, this busy chain offers an inno-
between the city centre and Fourways. the city pass you by over a pie and chips. town; mains US$5.50-12; hlunch & dinner; a) Full of vative menu of contemporary African eats.
SOUTH AFRICA 1020 G AU T E N G J o h a n n e s b u r g G AU T E N G P re t o r i a 1021

MELVILLE is no surprise that this franchise of Jamaican- BUS Metropolitan Bus Services (Metrobus; Map p1019;
Soulsa (%482 5572; 16 7th St; mains US$4.70-12; hlunch style bars is popular. A number of international bus services leave %375 5555;; Gandhi Sq) runs services
& dinner; a) Funky dcor, differing day and Joburg from the Park Station complex (Map covering 108 routes in the Greater Joburg
night menus featuring fusion South African NORWOOD p1019) for Mozambique, Lesotho, Botswana, area. Fares work on a zone system, rang-
cooking, and outdoor sofas have made Soulsa Sundeck Bar (%728 2279; 72 Grant Ave) The upstairs Namibia, Swaziland and Zimbabwe. ing from zone one (US$0.50) to zone eight
a Melville favourite. Breakfast is served on terrace bar at this place is the perfect spot to The main long-distance bus lines (national (US$1.40).
weekends. sip a cocktail and watch Norwood drift by. and international) also depart from and arrive If you do take a minibus taxi into central
Soi (%726 5775; cnr 7th St & 3rd Ave; mains US$6-12; Mo Caf (%728 8256; Grant Ave) This camp, at the Park Station transit centre, in the north- Joburg, be sure to get off before it reaches the
hlunch & dinner; a) The Thai and Vietnamese retro-style affair offers beautiful people and west corner of the site, where you will also find end of the route and avoid the taxi rank its
food is fresh and zesty, and theres a bar full lashings of orange dcor. Theres a full food their respective booking offices. a mugging zone. US$0.70 will get you around
of beautiful people attached. menu for late-night munchies. Translux, City to City, Greyhound, SA the inner suburbs and the city centre, and
Melville Grill (%727 2812; cnr 7th St & 3rd Ave; mains Roadlink, Greyhound and Intercape serv- US$1.20 will get you almost anywhere.
US$7-16; hlunch & dinner; a) The only place for Entertainment ice major and minor destinations. With Taxis operate meters if they work. Its wise
a hardcore meat feast, this upmarket steak- LIVE MUSIC & NIGHTCLUBS the exception of City to City buses, which to ask a local the likely price and agree on a fare
house serves sublime aged cuts in modern Carfax (Map p1019; %834 9187; 39 Pim St, Newtown; ad- commence in Joburg, all services that are at the outset. From the taxi rank at Park Sta-
surrounds. mission US$9.50) This industrial space symbolises not heading north commence in Pretoria at tion to Rosebank should cost around US$10.
Chaplins (%482 4657; 85 4th Ave; mains US$11-15; integrated Joburg and is one of the hottest the Pretoria station. Some sample fares are There has been a very serious problem with
hlunch & dinner; a) This twee little bistro, club tickets in town, with weekend DJs and a Cape Town (US$51 to US$63, 19 hours), Dur- violent crime on the metro system, mostly on
a veteran of the neighbourhood, whips up house-oriented music scene. ban (US$17 to US$28, eight hours), Nelspruit those lines connecting with black townships.
some legendary food. European meat and fish Kippies Jazz International (Map p1019; %833 3316; (US$11 to US$25, five hours), East London The JoburgPretoria metro line should also
dishes predominate.; Bree St, Newtown; admission US$7) Kip- (US$43, 15 hours) via Bloemfontein (US$20, be avoided.
pies is a must do in Joburg as its one of the seven hours), and Plettenberg Bay (US$42,
Drinking best places to see South African jazz talent. 18 hours). PRETORIA
Much of the nightlife is in the northern suburbs, Gigs kick off on Friday and Saturday nights Baz Bus (%021-439 2323; now %012 / pop 1.65 million
particularly around Melville, Norwood and at around 9.30pm. services backpackers from Joburg. At once the Afrikaner Jerusalem, former
Rosebank. The area around the cultural precinct 206 Live (Map p1016; %728 5333; 206 Louis Botha Ave, headquarters of the apartheid state, and site of
in Newtown also has a few decent places. Orange Grove) Garage, ragga, drum n bass and MINIBUS TAXI the presidential inauguration of Nelson Man-
rock tracks keep the feet tapping here. Next The majority of minibus taxis already use the dela, the pretty, laid-back city of Pretoria the
CITY CENTRE & NEWTOWN door, 208 keeps the flag flying over the local new road-transport interchange in Park Sta- administrative capital carries a remarkable
Horror Caf (Map p1019; %838 6735; 5 Becker St, New- hip-hop crowd. tion over the train tracks between the Metro amount of history for its age. Ironically, the
town) The neon-green dcor is indeed a hor- Concourse and Wanderers St. Because of the city that for so long was a byword for white
ror, but this place is never short of action. THEATRES risk of mugging, it is not a good idea to go domination is now home to Thabo Mbeki, the
Thursdays is reggae night, while Saturday is Market Theatre (Map p1019; %832 1641; www.mar searching for a taxi while you have your lug- liberated countrys black president.
gay and lesbian night.; Bree St) is the most important gage with you. Its just 50km from Joburg, and is expected
Guildhall Bar & Restaurant (Map p1019; %833 venue for live theatre in Joburg. There are You can also find minibus taxis going in within 15 years to form part of a megalopolis
1770; 88 Market St) A great place to soak up some three live-theatre venues here the Main, the direction of Kimberley, Cape Town and of 20 million people. Yet Pretoria moves at
history while stoking the fires with a pint or Laager and Barney Simon Theatres as well Upington on Wanderers St near Leyds St; a slower pace than its giant neighbour and
two of lager. Theres an upstairs terrace for as galleries, a caf and the excellent Kippies Bulawayo taxis at the northern end of King remains Afrikaans culturally. Military and
people-watching. Jazz International (above). George St; Pretoria taxis on Noord St; Le- educational institutions associated with the
sotho, Bloemfontein (and other Free State capital remain, while the tens of thousands
MELVILLE Getting There & Away destinations) on Noord St, east of Joubert of university students drive Pretorias vibrant
Berlin Bar (%482 9345; 6 7th St) With an ultra- AIR Park; and Durban taxis near the corner of nightlife.
cool design, and Joburgs most tortured art- South Africas major international and do- Wanderers and Noord Sts.
ists lounging on its retro furniture, this was mestic airport is Johannesburg International Information
definitely Melvilles hippest hangout when we Airport (JIA; %921 6262; For more Getting Around INTERNET ACCESS
swung through town. information, including international flight JIA is located about 25km east of central Jo- Most hostels and hotels offer internet facilities,
Ratz Bar (%726 2019; 9B 7th St) This cosy place connections, see p1034. hannesburg in Kempton Park. Between 5am but cheaper alternatives are available. Odyssey
is only for over-24s. Try one of their tasty and All regular flights to national and regional and 10pm, buses run every half hour between Internet Cafe (%362 2467; Hatfield Galleries, Burnett St;
well-priced cocktails (US$2.40). destinations can be booked through SAA, JIA and Park Station (US$11, 45 minutes). per 30 min US$2; h9am-11pm) is a good bet.
Tokyo Star (%834 9187; 78 4th Ave) Anime chic which also has offices in the domestic and The area immediately around Park Station
and loads of plastic characterise this trendy, international terminals of JIA. is confusing and known for muggings. The MEDICAL SERVICES
noisy Tokyo-style bar. Asian snacks such as Smaller budget airlines, including Comair, Airport Link (%884 3957) is a reputable airport Hatfield Clinic (%012-362 7180; 454 Hilda St) A well-
tempura (US$3) are served. Kulula, 1Time and Nationwide, also link shuttle. Taxis are expensive at around US$43 known suburban clinic.
Cool Runnings (Map p1016; %482 4786; 27A 4th Ave) Joburg with major destinations and often one way to the northern suburbs. Most hostels Pretoria Academic Hospital (%011-354 1000; Dr
Reggae is a perennial favourite in Joburg, so it have much cheaper fares. will collect you from the airport. Savage Rd) The place to head for in a medical emergency.
SOUTH AFRICA 1022 G AU T E N G P re t o r i a G AU T E N G P re t o r i a 1023

0 500 m
PRETORIA 0 0.3 miles


INFORMATION Tourist Information Centre........ 18 A4 EATING

Australian Embassy.......................1 F4 UK High Commission.................19 H3 Africa Traditional Pub & Grill..... 29 G4
Botswanan High Commission.......2 H3 US Embassy................................20 F4 Caf Riche.................................30 A4
1 1
Canadian High Commission......... 3 G4 Zimbabwean High Commission..21 E3 Jose's......................................... 31 G3
Dutch Embassy.............................4 F4 Kariba Restaurant......................32 A4
M French Embassy............................5 F3 SIGHTS & ACTIVITIES
8 Flowers St German Embassy..........................6 E3 Church Square...........................22 B4 DRINKING



Hatfield Post Office..................... 7 Cool Runnings........................... 33 G4

H4 National Zoological Gardens.......23 B3


Irish Embassy...............................8 H3 Paul Kruger House Museum......24 A4
Lesotho Embassy..........................9 B4 TRANSPORT
Main Post Office........................10 A4 SLEEPING Bus Terminus..............................34 B4
Mozambican High Commission..11 D3 Chancellor's Court......................25 F4 Long-distance Minibus Taxis......35 B5
Namibian Embassy......................12 E3 Diplomat Guesthouse.................26 F4 Pretoria Airport Shuttle Stop.......36 B4
Nedbank....................................13 G4 North South Backpackers...........27 H4 Taxi Rank...................................37 B4
New Zealand Embassy...............14 G4 That's It......................................28 F4 Taxi Rank...................................38 B4
Annie Betha Odyssey Internet Cafe............... 15 G4
ge Rd
2 Dr Sava South African National Parks M Soutpansberg Rd 2

Head Office............................16 C6
Swazi Embassy...........................17 E3

Russel St

g Rd
ansber Tom Jenkin
s St
Soutp Meintjiesdrif

Hamilton St
Beatrix St
R101 Meintjieskop

Belle Ombre

Train Station e Washingto 2 Doreen St

org n



Boom St

Union Amos St

Entrance 17
Buildings Governmen

Frances St
t Ave
3 Bloed St Edmond St 3

To North-West George Rd


Eastwood St
N 11 5 k

Prinsloo St

East St
Du Toit St

4 21
Van der Walt


Struben St Merton Ave Harcourt Ave Al
Andries St

Paul Kruger St
Schubart St

Potgieter St

N 6 Thomas Av R104
Proes St 4 Vermeulen St Church St 31

Festival St

To Limpopo via N1(50km);

Hill St

Orient St
Johannesburg (53km);

Church St Pretorius St 4 Springbok

Vermeulen St JG Strijdom Mpumalanga via N4 (73km)

Beckett St

Wessels St
34 Square 1
24 20
Bosman St

38 Venning Park N
22 Church N Pretorius St Rose Garden Schoeman St 4 14
Church St 4

Grosvenor St
Hilda St
30 Square Hartbeespruit Arcadia St
18 37 Train Station 27
Pretorius St N Schoeman St Arcadia St

Farenden St

4 3 To 1322 Backpackers 4
4 International (400m)
Volkstem St Park St Arcadia 4

Duncan St

Rissik Train
Schoeman St
Greef St

Park St Station 13 15
Pretoria Burnett St
Central 25
Skinner St 7 Belgrave

Minni St
Skinner St 36 28 Square
Clydesdale 33
29 Prospect St

Glyn St
St Hatfield

r Loftus
Visagie St he Versfeld Square
ec South St


Ess Br Stadium




Paul Kruger St

Burgers n S

Minnaar St


Kot University

St Loftus Versfeld


St nd Train Station of Pretoria



Sunnyside Bo Duxb

ury St
d M



5 Jacob Mar St 5



Rivier St


Brink Lynnwood Rd

Vos St

Scheiding St


Melville St
Ris Jorissen

ela Blvd


Bosman Street 35 St Reitz St

Train Station

1928 Building Buses St Reitz St

Nelson M


Station Berea St
il w


Mears Devenish Street Murr


Train Station Walker Street ay S




Berea St Train Station

an St



Leyds St







6 6


N Mara
R101 14 is St

To Oppikoppi Bar (400m); To Johannesburg Charl
International es S
Voortrekker Monument & To Cynthia's Indigo Moon (500m); t
Museum (400m) Airport (46km) American Express (700m)
SOUTH AFRICA 1024 G AU T E N G P re t o r i a Book accommodation online at G AU T E N G S u n C i t y 1025

MONEY Anglo-Boer War) looks disapprovingly at of- ommendations in the city centre, due to safety (US$4). Because of high incidents of crime, we
There are banks with ATMs and change facili- fice workers lounging on the grass. A short considerations. dont recommend taking the metro between
ties across town: walk from Church Square on Church St, Kariba Restaurant (%326 5654; 1 Parliament St; mains Pretoria and Joburg.
American Express (%346 2599; Brooklyn Mall; Krugers former residence has been turned into US$2.80-5.50; hbreakfast & lunch Mon-Sat) Based in the Baz Bus (Cape Town %021-439 2323;
h9am-5pm) the Paul Kruger House Museum (%326 9172; 60 Church beautiful former Capitol Theatre, this efficient will pick up and drop off at Pretoria hostels.
Nedbank (cnr Burnett & Festival Sts) Next to Hatfield St; adult/child US$1.40/0.70; h8am-4.30pm Mon-Fri). restaurant is a lunchtime favourite with local Long-distance minibus taxis leave from
Galleries. About 1km north of the city centre are the business types, thanks largely to its selection near the railway and bus stations just off Sc-
National Zoological Gardens (%328 3265; cnr Paul of hearty West and South African dishes. heidling St.
POST Kruger & Boom Sts; adult/child US$4.70/3; h8am-6pm). Caf Riche (%328 3173; 2 Church St; mains US$4-8;
Main Post Office (cnr Church St & Church Sq; h8am- Its an impressive and pleasant enough spot hlunch & dinner) This is one of Pretorias more Getting Around
4.30pm Mon-Fri, to noon Sat) to while away an afternoon, however the high- historic eateries, enjoying a choice spot right Get You There (%346 3175) operates shuttle buses
light is probably the cable car that runs up to in the heart of the citys Church Sq. between JIA and Pretoria, day and night about
TOURIST INFORMATION the top of a hill that overlooks the city. Africa Traditional Pub & Grill (%362 1604; cnr every hour, charging US$13 to/from hostels
The Tourist Information Centre (%358 1430; www Prospect & Hilda Sts; mains US$5.50; hlunch & dinner) and hotels. If you call ahead, most hostels, and; Old Nederlandsche Bank Bldg, Church Sq; Sleeping An outdoor deck, good food and traditional many hotels, offer free pick-up.
h7.30am-4pm Mon-Fri) is fairly useless. Hatfield has developed into something of a African rhythms make this one of the more Theres an extensive network of local buses.
The national head office of South African backpackers ghetto, and along with Brooklyn upbeat, laid-back options in distinctly bour- Fares range from US$0.70 to US$0.90, de-
National Parks (%428 9111;; 643 Leyds and New Muckleneuk it is the best place to geois Hatfield. pending on the distance.
St, New Muckleneuk; hoffices 8am-4pm Mon-Fri, 8am-noon start looking for midrange B&B options. Joses (%430 7778; 235 Hilda St; mains US$8; hlunch There are taxi ranks on the corner of
Sat, call centre 7.30am-5pm Mon-Fri, 8am-2pm Sat) is the 1322 Backpackers International (%362 3905; & dinner) Platters of delicious Mediterranean Church and Van der Walt Sts, and on the
place for all your wildlife-reserve bookings; 1322 Arcadia St, Hatfield; camp foods mean youll understand why this corner of Pretorius and Paul Kruger Sts.
and enquiries. site/dm/s/d US$6/9/13/16; ps) A friendly hostel quality eatery is a local favourite. When its
cleverly designed to mimic log-cabin accom- plate-breaking night (Fridays and Saturdays), SUN CITY
Dangers & Annoyances modation despite its suburban setting. Dorm youll understand why theres so much out- %014
Pretoria is certainly safer and more relaxed beds are made of chunky wood and have their door seating. Welcome to Sin City, South African style.
than Joburg. That said, crime is a problem, own night lights. Cynthias Indigo Moon (%346 8926; 283 Dey St; mains At Sun City (%557 1000;; admission
particularly in the city centre and Sunnyside, North South Backpackers (%362 0989; info@north US$7-20; hlunch & dinner) A lot of cows laid down US$8), the legendary creation of entrepreneur
with restaurants and other businesses moving; 355 Glyn St, Hatfield; camp site/dm their lives to make this menu possible, but the Sol Kerzer, Disneyland collides with ancient
to the safer Hatfield and Brooklyn areas. US$6/11, s/d without bathroom US$18/24; pis) steak is fabulous, the seafood sublime and the Egypt in a demented attempt to look like
The square roughly formed by Vermeulen, This hostel is within easy walking distance atmosphere cosy and stylish. Vegas. Filled with gilded statues of lions and
Du Toit, Boom and Schubert Sts has a bad of the high life of Burnett St, but has a tire- monkeys, acres of artificial beaches, explod-
reputation. lessly convivial buzz of its own. Trimmings Drinking ing volcanos and hundreds upon hundreds
include tasty dinners, a savvy travel agency There are several bars and nightspots in of clinking slot machines, theres no ques-
Sights & Activities and a pleasant garden. trendy Hatfield, catering for all types. Bur- tion this gambling-centric resort is almost
The looming Voortrekker Monument & Museum Thats It (%344 3404;; 5 Brecher nett St offers a high density of bars, eateries grotesquely gaudy, yet a visit here can also be
(%323 0682; Eeufees Rd; adult/child US$3.40/1.40, vehicle St, Clydesdale; s/d incl breakfast US$42/55; pas) and clubs, all cut through with lashings of pretty damn fun. Started as an apartheid-era
US$1.40; h8am-6pm) is hallowed turf for many Located near the corner of Farenden St, this backpacker bravado and student shenani- haven for wealthy whites, these days one of the
Afrikaners. Built between 1938 and 1949 to pleasant guesthouse in a leafy suburb has gans. Reggae rules the roost at Cool Runnings great things about Sun City is the large mix of
commemorate the Battle of Blood River on good-sized rooms. (%362 0100; 1075 Burnett St), a perennially popular people who flock here at weekends.
16 December 1838, during which 470 Boers, Chancellors Court (%344 1404; www.chancellors drinking haunt. Oppikoppi Bar (%082-499 7668), The best part of Sun City is undeniably Lost
under the command of Andries Pretorius,; 797 Park St, Clydesdale; s/d US$47/54; pas) on Magasyn Hill (opposite the Voortrekker City, which is entered over a bridge flanked by
defeated approximately 12,000 Zulus, it re- A well-located, reader-recommended guest- Monument), is one of the best-located pubs life-sized fake elephants, and basically consists
mains a powerful symbol of the White tribe house with spacious (if slighty old-fashioned) in Pretoria. The views over the city are great, of Valley of the Waves, a pool with a large-scale
of Africa and their historical relationship to rooms. This is a good option for groups or particularly at sunset. wave-making machine, a sandy beach, numer-
South Africa. families. ous water slides and other amusement-park
The monument is 3km south of the city. It Diplomat Guesthouse (%344 3131; www.thediplo Getting There & Away rides. Its cheesy, but fun.
is possible to catch the Voortrekkerhoogte or; 822 Arcadia St, Arcadia; s/d incl breakfast US$78/103; Most interprovincial and international bus Of course if youve got the cash to splash
Valhalla bus from Kruger St near the corner of pais) An early-20th-century home services commence in Pretoria, unless they out, this place also boasts one of the worlds
Church Sq. Ask the driver to let you off at the and its beautiful garden are the setting for this are heading north. Translux, Greyhound and most luxurious hotels, but if the Sun City ho-
entrance road to the monument, from where immaculately designed four-star guesthouse, Intercape fares from Pretoria are identical to tels are too expensive (and you have your own
its a 10-minute walk uphill. filled with impressive-looking furniture. those from Joburg (see p1021). If you only transport), consider staying at Pilanesberg
Church Square is the heart of Pretoria and is want to go between the two cities, it will cost National Park or the town of Rustenburg and
surrounded by imposing public buildings. In Eating about US$6. Minibus taxis leave from the making the complex a day trip only.
the centre, a statue of Paul Kruger (president Most people head to Hatfield, Brooklyn and main terminal by the train station and travel Tiny Pilanesberg Airport is about 9km east
of the Boer republics during the 18991902 New Muckleneuk. There are few eating rec- to a host of destinations including Joburg of the Sun City complex. SAAirlink (%978 1111;
SOUTH AFRICA 1026 M P U MA L A N G A K r u g e r N a t i o n a l Pa r k Book accommodation online at M P U MA L A N G A N e l s p r u i t 1027

SOUTH AFRICA operates flights six times a Muckleneuk, Pretoria) or through tourism offices in For those with tents or caravans, camping popular, Funky Monkey Backpackers (%083-310
week from Joburg (US$70) and three times Nelspruit, Cape Town and Durban. Except in (camp sites for one to two people US$14) is 4755;; 102 Van Wijk St; camp site per
a week from Cape Town (US$140). the high season and weekends, bookings are available at many rest camps. person US$5.50, dm US$9.50, s/d without bathroom US$18/24;
From Joburg its a two-hour drive. advisable but not essential. There are also five bushveld camps (smaller, is) is a well-run place in a spacious house.
Day or overnight entry to the park costs more remote clusters of self-catering cottages A slightly more upscale option is Old Vic Travel-

MPUMALANGA US$16/8 for adults/children. Bicycles and

motorcycles are not permitted to enter the
park. During school holidays you can stay in
without shops or restaurants) and two bush
lodges, which are set in the middle of the wil-
derness, and must be booked in their entirety
lers Inn (%744 0993;; 12 Impala
St; dm US$12, d with/without bathroom US$40/34, 4-person
self-catering cottages US$57; is), whcih has self-
Unassuming Mpumalanga (Place of the Ris- the park for a maximum of 10 days, and at any by a single group. Prices range from US$106 catering facilities or meals on request, and
ing Sun) adheres to a quieter pace of life. This one rest camp for five days (10 days if youre to US$120 for four people. tents for rent.
inland province, South Africas smallest, is camping). Opening times for the ten entry At the opposite end of the spectrum, theres Keg & Jock (%755 4969; Ferriera St; mains from US$4;
where the plateaus of the highveld begin their gates vary slightly with the season. very luxurious accommodation in many of the hlunch & dinner) is a lively place with good pub
spectacular tumble onto the lowveld plains at private reserves bordering Kruger to the west. food and a streetside patio. Theres live music
the dramatic Drakensberg Escarpment. Many Activities Another possibility is to stay outside the park on Wednesday and Friday nights.
travellers zip through on their way to Kruger Although its possible to get a sense for Kruger in Hazyview and Nelspruit. Nelspruit is well served by buses and mini-
National Park, but its well worth setting aside in a day, the park merits at least four to five bus taxis from Joburg, and even has a small
a few days to explore the historic towns, roar- days, and ideally at least a week. There are Getting There & Around international airport. City Bug (%741 4114; www
ing waterfalls and some of the best hiking four short drives, all averaging about four Several domestic airlines link Joburg operates a weekly shuttle to Dur-
trails in South Africa. hours, and costing US$62 per vehicle plus (US$160, one hour), Cape Town (US$300, 2 ban (US$51 one-way), and a three-times-daily
a US$14 refundable deposit. Better than the hours) and Durban (US$190, 1 hours) with shuttle between Nelspruit and Johannesburg
KRUGER NATIONAL PARK drives are guided morning and afternoon bush Mpumalanga Kruger International Airport International Airport (US$24 per person).
Try to imagine a national park the size of walks (morning/afternoon per person US$30/24), which (MKIA) near Nelspruit (for Numbi, Malelane
Israel, with huge tracts of acacia, sycamore are possible at all the larger camps. Krugers and Crocodile Bridge Gates), and with Kruger BLYDE RIVER CANYON
figs and bushwillow interrupted by open wilderness walking trails are done in small Park Gateway Airport in Phalaborwa (2km The Blyde Rivers spectacular canyon is nearly
savannah, rushing rivers and the occasional groups (maximum eight people), and guided from Phalaborwa Gate). 30km long and one of South Africas most im-
rocky bluff. Now fill it with lions, leopards, el- by highly knowledgeable, armed guides. The Nelspruit is the most convenient large town pressive natural features. Much of it is rimmed
ephants, Cape buffaloes and black rhinos (the walks are not particularly strenuous, covering near Kruger, and is well served by buses and by the 26,000-hectare Blyde River Canyon Nature
Big Five), plus cheetahs, giraffes, hippos and about 20km per day at a modest pace. Most minibus taxis to and from Joburg. Numbi Reserve (admission per person US$2.80), which snakes
many species of smaller animals, and youll wilderness trail walks last two days and three Gate is about 50km away, and Malelane Gate north from Graskop, following the escarpment
start to have some notion of what its like to nights, and cost US$340 per person, includ- about 65km away. Phalaborwa, in the north and meeting the Blyde River as it carves its way
visit Kruger National Park. ing food, equipment and accommodation in on the edge of Kruger, is the gateway for down to the lowveld. Most visitors drive along
The park has an extensive network of sealed rustic, pleasant huts. The walks should be northern Kruger. the edge of the canyon, with stops at the many
roads and comfortable camps, but if you pre- booked well in advance. Most visitors drive themselves around the wonderful viewpoints, but if you have the time,
fer to keep it rough, there are also 4WD tracks, park, and this is the best way to experience its well worth exploring on foot.
and mountain bike and hiking trails. Even Sleeping & Eating Kruger. Avis (%013-735 5651; has Heading north from Graskop, look for Gods
when you stick to the tarmac, the sounds and Most visitors stay in one of the parks 12 a branch at Skukuza, and there is car rental Window and Wonder View two viewpoints with
scents of the bush are never more than a few rest camps. These offer camping, plus a from the Nelspruit, Hoedspruit and Phal- amazing vistas and batteries of souvenir sell-
metres away. range of huts, bungalows and cottages and aborwa airports. ers. At Gods Window take the trail up to
Additionally, as long as you avoid week- several other styles of accommodation, as the rainforest (300 steps). The Blyde River
ends and school holidays, or stick to areas well as shops, restaurants and other facili- NELSPRUIT Canyon starts north of here, near Bourkes Luck
north of Phalaborwa Gate and along gravel ties. Several of the rest camps have set up %013 / pop 235,000 Potholes. These bizarre cylindrical holes were
roads, its easy to travel for an hour or more satellite camps, which are set some distance Nelspruit, Mpumalangas largest town and carved into the rock by whirlpools near the
without seeing another vehicle. away, and are much more rustic, without any provincial capital, sprawls along the Croco- confluence of the Blyde and Treuer Rivers.
Southern Kruger is the most popular sec- facilities. dile River Valley in the steamy, subtropical The Aventura Resort Swadini (%015-795 5141;
tion of the park, with the highest animal con- Huts (two people around US$32 to US$39) lowveld. There are some good, affordable ac-; camp site US$8, plus per person US$4,
centrations and the easiest access. Kruger is are the cheapest option, with shared ablutions commodation options and plenty of restau- 6-person self-catering chalet US$70; as) is located
at its best in the far north. Here, although and communal cooking facilities; bungalows rants, making it a good place to sort out your at the northern end of the reserve along the
animal concentrations are somewhat lower, (two people around US$64 to US$72) range stuff while you consider the next direction Blyde River, and can organise hiking, white-
the bush setting and wilderness atmosphere from simple to luxurious; cottages (up to four of your plunge. water rafting, abseiling and more.
are all-enveloping. people about US$121) are the next step up in Nelspruit Backpackers (%741 2237; nelback@hotmail
both comfort and price. .com; 9 Andries Pretorius St; camp site per person US$5.50, GRASKOP
Information Some camps also offer the option of staying dm US$9.50, s/d without bathroom US$18/24; s) com- %013 / pop 2000 / elevation 1450m
Accommodation can be booked through South in safari tents (two people about US$32), all bines service, comfort and location, and its A useful base to explore the dramatic Blyde
African National (SAN) Parks central reservations of which are furnished, and have a refrigera- travel wing can organise itineraries in the area. River Canyon, the quiet town of Graskop is
office (%012-428 9111;; 643 Leyds St, tor and fan. A little far from town, though nevertheless slowly emerging as a tourist destination. The
SOUTH AFRICA 1028 N O R T H E R N C A P E K g a l a g a d i T r a n s f r o n t i e r Pa r k Book accommodation online at F R E E S TAT E B l o e m f o n t e i n 1029

nearby views over the edge of the Drakensberg Inside the park there are three rest camps Annies Cottage (%712 1451; annie@springbokinfo Sleeping & Eating
Escarpment are hard to beat. and six luxury wilderness camps. All can .com; 4 King St; s/d from US$25/50; s) has 10 lovely Naval Hill Backpackers (%430 7266; www.navalhill
Green Castle Backpackers (%767 1761; http:// be booked through the South African National rooms and a quaint pool and garden area.; Delville St; dm/d US$11/24; pi) This; 63 Eeufees St; camp site per (SAN) Parks Board (%012-428 9111; www.sanparks Cat Nap (%718 1905; Voortrekker St; dm US$11, r from is an bercool looking hostel with funky in-
person US$5.50, dm US$8, s/d US$20/27, without bathroom .org; 643 Leyds St, Muckleneuk, Pretoria). All rest camps US$40; a), a spacious old home, has a good dustrial dcor. Unfortunately, some travel-
US$16/22) has a very communal feel and back- have camp sites (per 2 people US$15, extra person US$5) vibe, and backpackers can shack up in dorm lers report less than gracious treatment by
packer vibe, and can arrange great-value without electricity and with shared ablutions beds in the barn. management.
safaris to Kruger National Park. Another op- facilities. The camps also have a range of huts, BJs (%718 2270; cnr Van der Stel & Hospital Sts; mains Ansu Guesthouse (%436 4654; www.ansuguesthouse
tion is Autumn Breath (%767 1866, 082-877 2811; bungalows and cottages. The six wilderness US$4.70-7; hlunch & dinner) is a classy basement .com; 80 Waverley Rd; s/d US$30/35; ps) The three; Louis Trichardt St; s/d incl break- camps, though much more expensive, give joint with a cellar vibe, serving tasty steaks. modern rooms here are light and airy, done
fast from US$28/49), a quaint B&B with a charming you the opportunity to really get off the beaten Intercape has buses to Cape Town (US$28, up in earthy colours and open onto a leafy
restaurant downstairs. path. 7 hours, twice weekly) that leave from op- garden area where theres a gazebo by the
The minibus taxi stand (Main St) is at the The drive from Upington to Twee Rivieren posite the Springbok Lodge near the kopje. pool.
southern end of town, with daily morning gate is 250km, with about 60km on dirt Buses leave for Windhoek (Namibia; US$44, Hobbit Boutique Hotel (%447 0663; www.hobbit
departures. roads. 12 hours, four times weekly). VIP Taxis (%111; 19 President Steyn Ave; s/d incl breakfast US$80/108;
8780) operates a taxi from Springbok to Uping- pais) The charming, old-world Hob-


%054 / pop 53,000
ton (US$11, four hours, Monday to Friday). bit is the winner of numerous awards; the
bedrooms are cottage-style and there are great

Covering nearly a third of the country, the vast

and sparsely populated Northern Cape surely
On the banks of the Senqu (Orange) River,
orderly and prosperous Upington is a good
place to catch your breath on either end of a
FREE STATE views from the outdoor patio.
Barbas Caf (%430 2542; 16 2nd Ave; hbreakfast,
lunch & dinner Mon-Sat) Barbas is recommended
is South Africas last great frontier. This is a long Kalahari slog. Wide boulevards slightly This is a place where farmers in floppy hats and by locals and rightly so: the Greek speciali-
land of stark contrasts, where the red sands of cluttered with supermarkets and chain stores overalls drive rusty bakkies full of sheep over ties, including chicken souvlaki (US$5), are
the Kalahari tumble into the inky waters of the line the centre of town, but step onto one of the bumpy roads; where giant fields of sunflowers delicious.
Atlantic Coast, and the Karoos desolate land- side streets and youll enter a world where lazy languish by brightly painted Sotho houses. Its Jazz Time Caf (%430 5727; Waterfront; mains
scape collides with the sun-scorched lunar river views and endless rows of trees create a true that Free State doesnt hold any trump US$2.80-5; hlunch & dinner) This hip eatery has
landscape of Namaqualand. Lions stalk prey calm and quiet atmosphere, perfect for an af- cards when it comes to South Africas not-to- an interesting menu, cocktails and jazz recitals
across crimson plains in remote Kgalagadi ternoon stroll (if the heat is not too stifling). be-missed attractions. In this staunchly Afri- in the evenings.
Transfrontier Park at dawn; in the evening, Eiland Holiday Resort (%334 0286; tourism@ kaans region the line between the colours is
big orange-ball sunsets made for Hollywood; camp site US$8, r from US$20; s), the stark, and dreams of an Afrikaner Arcadia live Drinking & Entertainment
movies steal the show. towns cheapest option, offers a range of huts, on. While theres no question that Free State As a university town, Bloemfontein has a good
bungalows and shaded camping spots on tran- has a long way to travel on the road to racial range of places to drink, party and listen to
KGALAGADI TRANSFRONTIER PARK quil grounds adjacent to the eastern bank of harmony, even in the smallest rural villages, live music. The corners of 2nd Ave and Kel-
If you have the means (namely a vehicle), a the river. Right on the river with small but the once-impenetrable barrier between black lner St, and Zastron St and Nelson Mandela
visit to the other-worldly Kgalagadi Transfron- comfortable rooms is the Affinity Guesthouse and white is beginning to break apart. Ave bustle with revellers in the evening and
tier Park (%054-561 0021;; adult/child (%054-331 2101;; 4 Budler compete for the nightlife scene with the Wa-
US$16/8) is more than worth the effort it takes St; s/d US$38/51; as). BLOEMFONTEIN terfront. Mystic Boer (%430 2206; 84 Kellner St) is
to get there. The scenery in this magical place SAAirlink (%838 3337; flies %051 / pop 480,499 Bloems most popular pub and live-music
is phenomenal. Proclaimed a national park in to/from Joburg (US$260, daily) and to/from As the provincial capital of the Free State, venue. Pizza and burgers provide the fuel.
April 1999, Kgalagadi is the result of a merger Cape Town (US$260, Sunday to Friday). and South Africas judicial capital, tourism in
between the former Kalahari-Gemsbok Na- Buses run to Joburg and Pretoria (US$35, 10 Bloem (as the locals call it) is generally busi- Getting There & Away
tional Park in South Africa and the Mabuase- hours, daily), Windhoek (Namibia; US$34, ness oriented. But its also a university town, Both SAAirlink (%433 3225) and Nationwide Air-
hube-Gemsbok National Park in Botswana, 12 hours, four times weekly) and Cape Town so when schools in session, nightlife is raging. lines (%011 344 7200; con-
making it one of the largest protected wilder- (US$30, 10 hours, four times weekly). Theres no real reason to go out of your way to nect Bloemfontein with Cape Town (US$160)
ness areas in Africa. visit Bloem, although it has a few interesting and Joburg (US$135), in addition to other
Visitors are restricted to four gravel/sand SPRINGBOK sights if you are in the neighbourhood. destinations.
roads. Make sure to take one of the roads %027 / pop 10,400 Commemorating the 26,000 women and Translux and Greyhound run daily buses
linking the rivers for unobstructed views of Springbok lounges in a valley surrounded by children who died in British concentration to Durban (US$20 to US$31, nine hours),
the empty expanses of the Kalahari. Visitors harsh rocky hills that explode with colour in camps during the 18991902 Anglo-Boer Joburg/Pretoria (US$20 to US$27, five hours),
must remain in their cars, except at a small flower season. Outside of flower season theres War, the National Womens Memorial depicts a East London (US$24, seven hours), Knysna
number of designated picnic spots. little to see or do, although the towns remote- bearded Afrikaner, setting off on his pony (US$36, 12 hours) and Cape Town (US$43 to
The best time to visit is in June and July, ness is alluring. The air always feels fresh, the to fight the British, bidding a last farewell to US$48, 10 hours).
when the days are coolest (below freezing at desolate landscape is endearing, and if you his wife and baby, who are to perish in one of Big Sky Buses ( runs to
night) and the animals have been drawn to step outside at night it will be thoroughly the camps. Its a powerful image and one still Maseru in Lesotho (US$4.70, three hours)
the bores along the dry river beds. still and quiet. buried in the psyche of many Afrikaners. twice daily Monday to Friday.
SOUTH AFRICA 1030 S O U T H A F R I C A D I R E C T O R Y A c c o m m o d a t i o n S O U T H A F R I C A D I R E C T O R Y A c t i v i t i e s 1031

KIMBERLEY There are regular flights to Joburg and There are significant seasonal price vari- KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation (KZN Wildlife;
%053 / pop 166,000 Cape Town on SA Express and SAAirlink. ations, with rates rising steeply during the %033-845 1000; controls most
An old diamond town with a chequered past, Translux, Greyhound and Intercape all have December/January school break, and again trails in KwaZulu-Natal. Elsewhere, most
Kimberly is also the capital of the Northern similar fares and routes: Joburg/Pretoria around Easter, when room prices often double trails are administered by the SAN Parks Board
Cape and definitely worth a few days pause. (US$19, seven hours, daily) and Cape Town and minimum stays are imposed. Advance (%012-428 9111; or the various
Step inside one of the atmospheric old pubs (US$31, 10 hours, daily). Minibuses service bookings are essential during these times. Forest Region authorities. To find out about
with their dark smoky interiors and youll feel these and more local destinations. Conversely, you can get some excellent deals local hiking clubs, contact Hiking South Africa
youve been transported back to the rough- during the winter low season, which is also (%083-535 4538;
and-ready diamond heyday of the late 1800s.
The Big Hole, the area surrounding the SOUTH AFRICA the best time for wildlife-watching.
Be aware that minimum charges apply at Surfing
largest manually dug hole in the world, was
undergoing renovations worth US$4 million
when we stopped by. When completed, the
DIRECTORY many of the accommodation options with
the national parks and at other private parks
and lodges.
Most surfers will have heard of Jeffreys Bay,
but South Africa offers myriad alternatives,
particularly along the Eastern Cape coast
touristy complex, dubbed the Big Hole Project ACCOMMODATION from Port Alfred northwards. The best time
(%833 1557; West Circular Rd), will include numer- Whatever your budget, youll generally find ACTIVITIES of the year for surfing the southern and east-
ous hotels, restaurants, shops, a cinema and high standards, often for significantly less Thanks to South Africas diverse terrain and ern coasts is autumn and early winter (from
a giant diamond display. As for the Big Hole than you would pay for the equivalent in Eu- favourable climate, almost anything is possi- about April to July).
itself, youll be able to view it through a glass- rope, Australasia or North America. ble from ostrich riding to the worlds highest For more information check out Wavescape
enclosed complex with interactive displays At the budget level, the main options avail- bungee jump, to more standard activities like ( and Zig Zag (,
and underground experiences. The complex able to travellers are camping, backpackers canoeing, kayaking, rafting, mountain biking, South Africas main surf magazine.
will also incorporate the already excellent Kim- hostels and self-catering cottages. The main rock climbing, whale-watching and wildlife-
berly Mine Museum, set up as a reconstruction caveat with places in this price category is viewing. Good facilities and instruction mean DANGERS & ANNOYANCES
of Kimberley in the 1880s. that there arent enough of them; away from that most activities are accessible for anyone, Crime is the national obsession and, apart
It doesnt have much atmosphere and the tourist areas, sometimes your only budget whatever their experience level. from car accidents, its the major risk that
rooms are tiny, but Stay-A-Day (%832 7239; 72 option is camping. youll face in South Africa. However, try to
Lawson St; s/d from US$15/24) is sparkling clean and Midrange accommodation is particularly Diving keep things in perspective, and remember that
youll feel good knowing profits go towards good value, especially for B&Bs. Expect a pri- To the west, the main dive sites are around the despite the statistics and newspaper headlines,
an orphaned childrens home. Most rooms vate or semi-private bathroom and a clean, Cape Peninsula, known for its many wrecks the majority of travellers visit the country
share bathrooms. The Savoy Hotel (%832 6211; comfortable room. Self-catering accommoda- and giant kelp forests. To the east, the main without incident.
15 Old De Beers Rd; r from US$40) is an old-fashioned tion at national parks usually priced in the area is the KwaZulu-Natal north coast where The risks are highest in Joburg, followed by
place with cosy well-loved rooms. Charming budget to midrange category also tends to particularly around Sodwana Bay there are some township areas and other urban centres.
Edgerton House (%831 1150; 5 Edgerton Rd; r US$135; be very good value. beautiful coral reefs and the chance to see dol- Daylight muggings are common in certain
as) has exquisite furniture, African hos- At the top end, South Africa boasts some of phins and sometimes whale sharks. There are sections of Joburg, and the citys metro train
pitality and a tea garden. the best wildlife lodges in the region, as well as several sites off the Eastern Cape coast near system has had a problem with violent crime.
Step back into Kimberleys mining heyday classic guesthouses and several superb hotels. Port Elizabeth, and many resort towns along In Joburg, and to a lesser extent in the other
at Star of the West Hotel (%832 6463; North Circular Places at this level offer all the amenities you the Garden Route have diving schools. big cities, carjacking is a problem. The car-
Rd; mains US$4.70; hbreakfast, lunch & dinner), an at- would expect for prices that are similar to, The best time to dive the KwaZulu-Natal jackers are almost always armed, and people
mospheric city staple that serves up hearty or slightly less than, those you would pay in shoreline is from May to September, when have been killed for their cars. Stay alert, keep
pub grub. Europe or North America. visibility tends to be highest. In the west, along windows wound up and doors locked at night,
the Atlantic seaboard, the water is cold year- and keep your taste in cars modest. If youre
round, but is at its most diveable, with many stopped at a red light and notice anything sus-
PRACTICALITIES days of high visibility, between November and picious, its standard practice to check that the
 South Africa uses the metric system for weights and measures. January/February. Strong currents and often junction is clear, and run the light.
windy conditions mean that advanced divers
 Access electricity (220-250V AC, 50Hz) with a three-pin adaptor (round pins, though South
Africa has its own unique version); theyre easy enough to find check in camping supply
can find challenges all along the coast. EMBASSIES & CONSULATES
stores. South African Embassies & Consulates
Hiking Diplomatic representations abroad include
 Best weekly: Mail & Guardian. Best daily: the Sowetan. Others to look for: the Sunday Independ-
South Africa is wonderful for hiking, with an the following. For a full listing see www.dfa
ent; the Sunday Times; the Johannesburg Star; and Business Day. Check out Getaway magazine
excellent system of well-marked trails varied
for travel news.
enough to suit any ability. Some trails have ac- Australia (%02-6273 2424;; Rhodes
 Tune the TV to SABC for the news (SABC3 is mostly English). E-TV has a more independent commodation from camping to simple huts Pl, Yarralumla, Canberra ACT 2600)
viewpoint. M-Net has movies and sports. with electricity and running water and all Botswana (%390 4800;; 29
 SABC radio comes in 11 languages. BBCs World Service is available on short wave, medium must be booked well in advance. Many have Queens Rd, Gaborone)
wave and (in and near Lesotho) FM. limits as to how many hikers can be on them Canada (%613-744 0330; www.southafrica-canada
at any one time. .com; 15 Sussex Dr, Ottawa, Ontario K1M 1M8)
SOUTH AFRICA 1032 S O U T H A F R I C A D I R E C T O R Y E m b a s s i e s & C o n s u l a t e s S O U T H A F R I C A D I R E C T O R Y H o l i d a y s 1033

France (%01 53 59 23 23;; 59 Quai Muckleneuk); Consulate in Cape Town (Map pp994-5; HOLIDAYS vate phone centres where you can pay cash
dOrsay, 75343 Paris, Cedex 07) %021-423 1575; 2 Dean St); Consulate in Joburg (Map New Years Day 1 January for your call, but at double the rate of public
Germany (%030-22 0730;; p1016; %011-778 5600; 3rd fl, Standard Bank Bldg, 191 Human Rights Day 21 March phones. International calls are cheaper after
Tiergartenstrasse 18, Berlin 10785) Jan Smuts Ave, Rosebank) Good Friday March/April 8pm on weekdays, and between 8pm Friday
Ireland (%01-661 5553;; Germany Embassy in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; %012-427 Easter Sunday March/April and 8am Monday. For reverse-charge calls,
2nd fl, Alexandra House, Earlsfort Centre, Earlsfort Tce, 8977; 180 Blackwood St; germanembassypretoria@gonet Easter Monday March/April dial %0-120.
Dublin 2); Consulate in Cape Town (Map pp994-5; %021-405 Family Day 17 April The mobile-phone network covers most of
Israel (%03-525 2566;; 16th fl, Top 3000; 19th fl, Safmarine House, 22 Riebeeck St) Constitution or Freedom Day 27 April the country, and the network operates on the
Tower, 50 Dizengoff St, 64332, Tel Aviv) Ireland Embassy in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; %012-342 Workers Day 1 May GSM digital system.
Kenya (%020-282 7100;; 5062; 1st fl, Southern Life Plaza, 1059 Schoeman St); Youth Day 16 June
Roshanmaer Place, Lenana Rd, Nairobi) Consulate in Cape Town (%021-423 0431; 54 Keerom St, Womens Day 9 August TOURIST INFORMATION
Malawi (%01-773 722;; 3rd fl, City Bowl) Heritage Day 24 September The main government tourism organisation is
Kangombe House, Robert Mugabe Cres, Lilongwe) Lesotho High Commission in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; Day of Reconciliation 16 December South African Tourism (%011-895 3000, 083-123 6789;
Mozambique (%01-490059, 491614; sahc@tropical %012-460 7648; 391 Anderson St, Menlo Park) Consulate Christmas Day 25 December, which has a helpful website; Avenida Eduardo Mondlane 41, Maputo) in Joburg (%011-339 3653; 76 Juta St, Indent House, Day of Goodwill 26 December with news of upcoming events and various
Namibia (%061-205 7111; Braamfontein) Consulate in Durban (%031-307 2168; 2nd links.
na; RSA House, cnr Jan Jonker St & Nelson Mandela Ave, fl, Westguard House, cnr West & Gardiner Sts) INTERNET ACCESS For more details on individual provinces,
Windhoek -1200) Mozambique High Commission in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; Internet access is widely available in South there are provincial tourism organisations, of
Netherlands (%70-392 4501;; %012-401 0300; 529 Edmond St, Arcadia); Consulate in Africa. Many hostels offer email facilities, and varying quality. In addition to these, almost
Wassenaarseweg 40, the Hague 2596 CJ) Joburg (Map p1016; %011-327 2938, 327 2944; 252 there are internet cafs in every major town. every town in the country has at least one
New Zealand Representation is accredited from Australia. Jeppe St); Consulate in Cape Town (Map pp994-5; %021- Costs average US$1.40 to US$4 per hour. tourist office. These are private entities, and
UK (%020-7451 7299;; 426 2944; 3rd fl, Castle Bldg, 45 Castle St); Consulate in Most top hotels have wireless access and/or rely on commissions for their existence.
South Africa House, Trafalgar Sq, London WC2N 5DP) Durban (Map pp1008-9; %031-304 0200; Room 520, broadband (for which they should be able to Provincial tourist offices include:
USA (%202-232 4400;; 3051 Mas- 320 West St); Consulate in Nelspruit (%013-753 2089; 43 provide the cable). Eastern Cape Tourism Board (%043-701 9600;
sachusetts Ave NW, Washington DC, 20008) Also consulates Brown St)
in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles. Namibia (Map pp1022-3; %012-481 9100; MONEY Free State Tourism Board (%051-447 1362; www
Zimbabwe (%04-753147;;; 197 Blackwood St, Arcadia, South Africas currency is the rand (R), which
7 Elcombe St, Belgravia, Harare) Pretoria) is divided into 100 cents. There is no black Gauteng Tourism Authority (%011-832 2780;
Netherlands Embassy in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; market. The coins are one, two, five, 10, 20
Embassies & Consulates in South Africa %012-344 3910;; 825 Arcadia and 50 cents, and R1, R2 and R5. The notes KwaZulu-Natal Tourism Authority (%031-366
Most countries have their main embassy in St); Consulate in Cape Town (Map pp994-5; %021-421 are R10, R20, R50, R100 and R200. There have 7500;
Pretoria, with an office or consulate in Cape 5660; 100 Strand St, City Bowl) been forgeries of the R200 note, and some Limpopo Tourism Board (%015-295 8262, 0860-730
Town (which becomes the official embassy New Zealand (Map pp1022-3; %012-342 8656; Block businesses are reluctant to accept them. 730;
during Cape Towns parliamentary sessions). C, Hatfield Gardens, Arcadia, Pretoria) The best currencies to bring are US dol- Mpumalanga Tourism Authority (%013-752 7001;
Some countries also maintain consulates in Swaziland High Commission in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; lars, euros or British pounds in a mixture
Joburg and in Durban. %012-344 1910; 715 Government Ave, Arcadia); Consu- of travellers cheques and cash, plus a Visa North-West Province Parks & Tourism Board
The following list includes some of the late in Joburg (Map p1019; %403 7372, 403 2036; 6th fl, or MasterCard for withdrawing money from (%018-397 1500, 018-293 1611; www.tourismnorth
more important embassies and consulates; Braamfontein Centre, 23 Jorissen St) ATMs.
most are open in the mornings only for visa UK High Commission in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; %012- There are ATMs in all cities in South Af- Northern Cape Tourism Authority (%053-832
services, usually between 9am and noon. 421 7500;; 255 Hill St, Arcadia); Consulate in rica, most of which give cash advances against 2657;
Australia (Map pp1022-3; %012-342 3740; www Cape Town (Map pp994-5; %021-425 3670; Southern Life cards belonging to the Cirrus network. Western Cape Tourism Board (%021-426 5639;; 292 Orient St, Arcadia, Pretoria) Centre, 8 Riebeeck St, City Bowl); Consulate in Durban (Map Credit cards are widely accepted in South
Botswana High Commission in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; pp1008-9; %031-305 3041; 22 Gardner St) Africa, especially MasterCard and Visa. Ned-
%012-430 9640; 24Amos St, Colbyn); Consulate in Cape USA Embassy in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; %012-431 4000; bank is an official Visa agent, and Standard TRAVELLERS WITH DISABILITIES
Town (Map pp994-5; %021-421 1045; 4th fl, Southern; 877 Pretorius St, Arcadia); Bank is a MasterCard agent both have South Africa is one of the best destinations on
Life Centre, 8 Riebeeck St, City Bowl); Consulate in Joburg Consulate in Cape Town (%021-421 4280; 4th fl, Broadway branches across the country. the continent for disabled travellers, with an
(Map p1019; %011-403 3748; 2nd fl, Future Bank Bldg, Industries Centre, Foreshore); Consulate in Joburg (Map ever-expanding network of facilities catering
122 De Korte St, Braamfontein) p1016; %011-646 6120; 1 River St, Killarney); Consulate TELEPHONE to those who are mobility impaired or blind.
Canada High Commission in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; in Durban (Map pp1008-9; %031-304 4737; 29th fl, South Africa has good telephone facilities. SAN Parks (%012-428 9111; has an
%012-422 3000;; Durban Bay House, 333 Smith St) Local calls are relatively inexpensive (about excellent and inspirational overview of ac-
1103 Arcadia St, Hatfield); Consulate in Cape Town (Map Zimbabwe High Commission in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; US$0.10 for three minutes), whereas domestic commodation and trail accessibility for the
pp994-5; %021-423 5240; 19th fl, Reserve Bank Bldg, 60 %012-342 5125; 798 Merton Ave, Arcadia); Consulate in long-distance calls (from about US$0.30 per mobility impaired at all its parks.
St Georges Mall, City Bowl) Cape Town (%021-461 4710; 55 Kuyper St, Zonnebloem); minute) and international calls (from US$0.90 Another helpful initial contact is the Na-
France Embassy in Pretoria (Map pp1022-3; %012-425 Consulate in Joburg (Map p1019; %011-838 2156; 17th fl, per minute to Europe) can be pricey. Phone- tional Council for Persons with Physical Disabilities in
1600;; 250 Melk St, New 20 Anderson St) cards are widely available. There are also pri- South Africa (%011-726 8040;
SOUTH AFRICA 1034 T R A N S P O R T I N S O U T H A F R I C A G e t t i n g T h e re & A w a y T R A N S P O R T I N S O U T H A F R I C A G e t t i n g A r o u n d 1035

VISAS as does Mpumalanga Kruger International Airport LESOTHO SWAZILAND
Visitors on holiday from most Common- (MQP; %013-753 7500; near Nel- Big Sky Coaches ( runs two The best connections are on the Baz Bus
wealth countries (including Australia and spruit and Kruger National Park. buses daily in each direction between Bloem- (%021-439 2323;, which runs
the UK), most Western European countries, South African Airways (SAA; airline code SA; %0861- fontein and Maseru Bridge (US$4.70, three from Joburg/Pretoria to Manzini via Nels-
Japan and the USA dont require visas. In- 359 722, 011-978 5313;; hub JIA) is the hours). Via minibus taxi, the quickest con- pruit, and between Durban and Manzini via
stead, youll be issued with a free entry permit national airline, with an excellent route net- nections are from Bloemfontein to Botshabelo the KwaZulu-Natal coast.
on arrival. These are valid for a stay of up to work and safety record. In addition to its in- (US$4, one hour), and then from there to Minibus taxis run daily between Joburg
90 days. ternational routes, it operates regional flights Maseru (US$2, 1 hours). There are also at (Park Station), Mbabane and Manzini
If you arent entitled to an entry permit, together with its subsidiaries South African least three buses weekly between Joburg and (US$0.90, four hours), between Manzini and
youll need to get a visa (also free) before you Airlink (SAAirlink; %011-978 5313; Maseru (six to seven hours). Durban (US$16, eight hours), and between
arrive. These arent issued at the borders, and and South African Express (%011-978 5577; www Other useful connections include a daily Manzini and Maputo (Mozambique; US$4.50,
must be obtained at a South African embassy minibus taxi between Mokhotlong (Lesotho) 2 hours).
or consulate. Allow up to several weeks for Some other international carriers flying and Underberg (South Africa) via Sani Pass;
processing. South Africa has consular rep- to/from Joburg (except as noted): and several taxis daily between Qachas Nek ZIMBABWE
resentation in most countries, with a partial Air France (AF; %0860-340 340; (Lesotho) and Matatiele (South Africa; about At the time of research, bus services between
listing given on p1031. The website of the Hub: Charles de Gaulle Airport, Paris. US$2, 45 minutes). Joburg and Zimbabwe were suspended, due
South African High Commission in London British Airways (BA; Joburg in part to fuel shortages.
( has an overview (%011-441 8600); Cape Town (%021-936 1200) Hub: MOZAMBIQUE
of visa requirements, and lists the nationalities Heathrow Airport, London. Also serves Cape Town. Several large luxury buses run daily between GETTING AROUND
that require visas. Cathay Pacific (CX; %011-700 8900; www.cathay Joburg/Pretoria and Maputo via Nelspruit AIR Hub: Hong Kong International Airport. and Komatipoort (US$20 to US$38, eight to In addition to being the international flag
Visas for Onward Travel Egyptair (MS; %011-312 2202, 011-880 4126/9; www nine hours). These include Greyhound, Inter- carrier, South African Airways (SAA; %0861-359
Visas for Namibia are not issued at the bor- Hub: Cairo International Airport. cape Mainliner, Panthera Azul and Translux. 722, 011-978 5313; is the main do-
der, though many nationalities dont require Emirates Airlines (EK; %011-883 8420; www.emir Panthera Azul connects Durban and Maputo mestic carrier, with an extensive and efficient
one. Visas for Zimbabwe and Mozambique Hub: Dubai International Airport. (US$31, 8 hours). route network to major cities. Its subsidiaries,
are available at the borders. (South African Kenya Airways (KQ; %011-881 9795, 011-571 8817; Alternatively, the Baz Bus (%021-439 2323; SAAirlink (%011-978 5313; and SA
nationals dont need a visa for Mozambique.) Hub: Jomo Kenyatta Interna- links Joburg/Pretoria, Nels- Express (%011-978 5577;, also
For Mozambique its cheaper to arrange your tional Airport, Nairobi. pruit and Durban with Manzini (Swaziland), service domestic routes.
visa in advance at the Mozambican High KLM (KL; %0860-247 474, 011-881 9696; from where you can get a minibus taxi to Domestic fares arent cheap. In addition to
Commission in Mbabane, or in Nelspruit. Hub: Schiphol Airport, Amsterdam. Also serves Cape Town. Maputo. SAA and its affiliates, airlines flying domesti-
Both issue express visas in 24 hours. Lufthansa (LH; %0861-842 538, 021-415 3506; www The daily (except Saturday) Komati train cally include the following:
If youll be arranging your visa in advance: Hub: Frankfurt International Airport. Also operated by Shosholoza Meyl (%0860-008 888, 1time (%0861-345345; No-frills
Zimbabwean visas take at least a week to issue serves Cape Town. 011-774 4555) links Joburg and Komatipoort flights linking Joburg with Cape Town, Durban and East
in South Africa; those for Namibia take two Qantas (QF; %011-441 8550; via Pretoria and Nelspruit (1st/2nd/3rd class London, George and Port Elizabeth, and Cape Town and
to three days; and those for Botswana take Hub: Kingsford Smith Airport, Sydney. from US$25/17/9, 13 to 14 hours). Once at East London. Also offers car rentals.
between four and 14 days. Nonexpress Mo- Singapore Airlines (SQ; Joburg Komatipoort, you can change to the Mozam- Comair (%0860-435 922, 011-921 0222; www.comair
zambique visas take one week. (%011-880 8560); Cape Town (%021-674 0601) Hub: bican train to Maputo (Mtc15,000, economy Operates British Airways flights within Africa, and
Singapore Changi Airport. Also serves Cape Town. class only, five hours), but its better to take a has flights linking Cape Town, Durban, Joburg and Port

TRANSPORT IN SOUTH Virgin Atlantic (VS; %011-340 3400; Hub: London. Also serves Cape Town.
minibus (US$3.50, 1 hours).
Visas for Mozambique are available at the
Elizabeth. (%0861-585 852; Oper-

borders. (South African nationals dont need a
visa for Mozambique.) Its cheaper to arrange
your visa in advance at the Mozambican High
ates no-frills flights linking Joburg, Cape Town, Durban,
George, Port Elizabeth and Mpumalanga. Also offers
airport transfer services and car rentals.
GETTING THERE & AWAY From Joburg/Pretoria, Intercape Mainliner Commission in Mbabane, or in Nelspruit. Nationwide Airlines (%0861 -737 737, 011-344
AIR (%0861 287 287, 021-380 4400; runs Both issue express visas in 24 hours. Nonex- 7200; Operates in partner-
The major air hub for South Africa, and for daily buses to Gaborone (US$20, six hours). press Mozambique visas take one week. ship with Virgin Atlantic, and has flights linking Joburg,
the entire surrounding region, is Johannesburg A cheaper, but less safe and less comfortable, Cape Town, Durban, George, Port Elizabeth, Sun City and
International Airport (JIA or JNB; %011-921 6262; www alternative is one of the minibuses that run NAMIBIA Nelspruit. Cape Town throughout the day between Joburg and Gabo- Intercape Mainliner ( runs four
International Airport (CPT; %021-937 1200; www rone (about US$1.40, six hours) via Mafikeng times weekly between Cape Town and Wind- BUS receives numerous direct flights (North-West Province). In Joburg, departures hoek via Upington (US$65, 20 hours). Its Buses in South Africa arent the deal that they
from Europe, and is becoming an increas- are from Park Station. To do the trip in stages, also possible to travel between Joburg and are in many other countries. However, to-
ingly important gateway. The smaller Durban take a City Link bus from Joburg to Mafikeng, Windhoek with Intercape Mainliner (US$83, gether with the less-appealing minibus taxis,
International Airport (DUR; %031-451 6758; www from where there are direct minibuses over the 25 hours) on these same days, with a change theyre the main form of public transport, handles several regional flights, border to Lobatse (1 hours). of buses in Upington. with a reliable and reasonably comfortable
Lonely Planet Publications
SOUTH AFRICA 1036 T R A N S P O R T I N S O U T H A F R I C A G e t t i n g A r o u n d T R A N S P O R T I N S O U T H A F R I C A G e t t i n g A r o u n d 1037

network linking all major cities. Note that Petrol costs around US$0.70 per litre, and MINIBUS TAXI safe, albeit slow, way to get around, and are
many long-distance services run through the must be paid for in cash. There is no self- Minibus taxis run almost everywhere within more comfortable than taking the bus.
night. service. An attendant will always fill up your cities, to the suburbs and to neighbouring On overnight journeys, 1st- and 2nd-class
A good alternative to standard bus lines is tank for you, clean your windows and ask if towns. They leave when full and, happily, full fares include a sleeping berth, but theres an
Baz Bus (%021-439 2323;, which the oil or water needs checking, and should be in South Africa isnt as full as it is in many additional charge for bedding hire. Alterna-
caters almost exclusively to backpackers and tipped between US$0.30 and US$0.70. Along neighbouring countries. Most accommodate tively, you can hire a private compartment
other travellers. It offers hop-on, hop-off fares main routes in South Africa there are plenty 14 to 16 people. Driving standards and vehi- (which sleeps four in 1st class and six in 2nd
and door-to-door service between Cape Town of petrol stations, many open 24 hours. cle conditions often leave a lot to be desired, class) or a coupe (which sleeps two in 1st class
and Joburg via the Northern Drakensberg, South Africa has a horrific road-accident and there are many accidents. There are also and three in 2nd class) these are a good way
Durban and the Garden Route. It also has a record, with the annual death toll around isolated outbreaks of gangster-style shoot-outs of travelling more securely. Meals are available
loop service from Durban via Zululand and 10,000 (although some estimates place it at between the various companies competing for in the dining car.
Swaziland to Joburg, passing close by Kruger over 15,000). The N1 between Cape Town and business. Although things have settled down Tickets must be booked at least 24 hours in
National Park. Point-to-point fares are more Beaufort West is considered to be the most in recent years, minibuses in some areas and advance (you can book up to three months in
expensive than on the other major bus lines, dangerous stretch of road in the country. The on some routes are still considered highly advance). Bookings for anywhere in the coun-
but can work out to be more economical if main hazards are your fellow drivers, though unsafe, and reports of muggings and other try can be done at any individual station, or
you take advantage of the hop-on/hop-off animals and pedestrians on the roads are an- incidents remain a regular feature. Always through the Shosholoza Meyl Reservations Centre
feature. other hazard, especially in rural areas. ask for local advice on lines and areas to avoid (%0860-008 888, 011-774 4555).
Along with the main long-distance bus before using minibus taxis as transport. Sample 1st-/2nd-/economy-class fares in-
operator Translux (%011-774 3333, 0861-589 282; HIRE clude: JoburgDurban (US$34/22/13), Cape, Greyhound (%083-915 -1200; www Car rental is relatively inexpensive in South TRAIN TownPretoria (US$70/47/31), JoburgPort, Intercape Mainliner (%0861-287 Africa. Rates start at about US$40 per day, South Africas Shosholoza Meyl passenger Elizabeth (US$49/33/20). Return fares are
287, 021-380 4400; and SA Roadlink including insurance and 200km free per day. trains are run by Spoornet (%011-773 2944; www double the one-way fares. Its possible to put
(%011-333 2223; have services Rental of a 4WD starts at about US$60. For, and offer regular services con- a vehicle on board the Trans Karoo for an
connecting most of the major cities. In part- cheaper rates and unlimited mileage deals, its necting major cities. These are a good and extra US$180.
nership with Translux, City to City (%011-774 best to book and prepay through your agent at
3333, 0861-589 282; has taken over home before coming to South Africa.
the routes that once carried people from the Around About Cars (%0860 422 0422; www.around
homelands to and from the big cities during
the apartheid regime. Avis (%0861-113 748, 011-923 3660;
Prices rise during school holidays; all lines Budget (%0861-016 622, 011-398 0123; www.budget
offer student and senior-citizen discounts,
and Intercape has backpacker discounts. Also Europcar (%0800-011 344, 011-574 4457; www.europ
inquire about travel passes if youll be taking
several bus journeys, and always check with Hertz (%021-935 4800, 011-312 9700; www.hertz
the bus companies to see if they are running
any specials, which can sometimes save you
up to 40%. Local car-rental companies are usually less
For the main lines, reservations should be expensive, though they tend to come and
made at least 24 hours in advance (72 hours go. Several are listed below, all with agents
in advance for Intercape Mainliner, and as in major cities. Also check with backpacker
much in advance as possible for travel during hostels; many can arrange better deals, from
peak periods). Its sometimes possible to get around US$25 per day or less.
a seat at the last minute, but this shouldnt Imperial (%0861-131 000, 011-574 1000; www.impe
be counted on.
Tempest (%0860-031 666, 011-396 1080; www.temp
South Africa is ideal for driving, and away
from the main bus and train routes, having LOCAL TRANSPORT
your own wheels is the best way to get around. BUS
If youre in a group, its also often the most Cape Town, Joburg, Pretoria and several Lonely Planet Publications. To make it easier for you to use, access to this chapter is not digitally
economical. Most major roads are in excellent other urban areas have city bus systems. Fares restricted. In return, we think its fair to ask you to use it for personal, non-commercial purposes
condition, and off the main routes there are are cheap, and routes, which are signposted,
interesting back roads to explore. Driving is are extensive. However, services usually stop
only. In other words, please dont upload this chapter to a peer-to-peer site, mass email it to
on the left-hand side of the road, as in the UK, running early in the evening, and there arent everyone you know, or resell it. See the terms and conditions on our site for a longer way of saying
Japan and Australia. many buses on weekends. the above - Do the right thing with our content.

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