Curriculum Roberto Vainrub

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Roberto Vainrub

IESA's Center for Entrepreneurship


Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello (UCAB)
Caracas, Venezuela
PhD in Engineering, Summa cum Laude. First one to
graduate from a group of professors with over 10 years of
experience and tenure. Dissertation topic: Exportaciones: Un
Enfoque Competitivo (Exports: A Competitive Approach).
October 26, 1998.

Stanford University
Palo Alto, California
MSc Master of Science in Industrial Engineering.
Department of Industrial Engineering and Engineering
Honorary Alumni of the Department of Management
Science and Engineering. Stanford University. August 15, 2003.

Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello (UCAB)
Caracas, Venezuela
Professional Industrial Engineer (a 5-year program).
Graduated 2nd in a class of approximately 400 that started in

Academic experience

1997 present. Instituto de Estudios Superiores de

Administracin (IESA) Caracas, Venezuela
IESA is the leading graduate business school in Venezuela and the only
one in the country with international accreditations from the Association
to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB), the Association of
MBAs (AMBA) and the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS)

Academic activities (IESA)

Professor of Entrepreneurship

Dec 2006 - present Adjunct Professor- Category IV (category

IV is the highest ranking conferred by IESA to an
Adjunct/Clinical Professor)

2002 - 2006 Adjunct Professor

1997 - 2002 Guest Professor

Courses taught at IESA

Iniciativa Empresarial (Entrepreneurship). 2000 through 2011.
Polticas Gerenciales (Management Policy). 2003 - 2004.
IESA Programa Avanzado de Gerencia (PAG)
The PAG (Advanced Management Program) is a 10-month
program for executives with more than 10 years of professional
Iniciativa Empresarial (Entrepreneurship). PAG XXI - PAG
XLII. 2000 - 2011.
Entorno Internacional (International Environment). PAG XVII-
XXI 1999 - 2000.

IESA Executive Programs and Courses

Programa Ejecutivo Internacional 2009 (International

Executive Program 2009). April June 2009.
Innovacin y Empresa (Innovation and Enterprise). Executive
Program. April, 2007.
Invirtiendo en Nuevos Negocios (Investing in New Ventures).
Course developed by Roberto Vainrub and Lorenzo Lara. May
Programa para Abogados (Program for Lawyers). 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010.
Desarrollo Gerencial (Managerial Development). Program for
Entrepreneurs. 4 programs, 2005-2007.
Cmo Iniciar Tu Negocio Propio (How to Start Your Own
Business). Course developed by Roberto Vainrub, and later
continued by other professors from the Center for Managerial
Development. March 2003.
Iniciativa Empresarial (Entrepreneurship). 94th Management
Program for Engineers. January 2003.
Programa de Gerencia de Industria y Comercio (Management
Program for Industry and Commerce). June 1999.

4to. Programa de Gerencia de Negocios Internacionales (4th

International Business Management Program. May - June
Desarrollo Gerencial (Managerial Development). Development
Program for Young Professionals. May 1999.
3er Programa de Comercializacin Internacional (3rd
International Commercialization Program). May - June 1998.

IESA Research Seminars

Estrategias usadas por emprendedores para sobrevivir

(Survival strategies used by entrepreneurs). May 2009.

Administrative activities (IESA)

Oct 2008 Present: Member of the Founding Committee

of the Management School of Panama of the Instituto de
Estudios Superiores de Administracin IESA (Institute of
Graduate Studies in Administration). Ciudad del Saber,
Panama. (October 16, 2008)
June 2007 Present: Founding member of Fundacin
IESA Panam (IESA Panama Foundation) and IESA
Internacional (IESA International).
2004 Present: Director of Fundacin IESA and IESA
2007 Present: Board of Directors - Member (appointed
Jan 25, 2007- Present). The Board is the highest authority of
the institute
Jan 2004 - Jan 2008: Vice-President and interim President
July 2007- Jan 2008:
o Member of the Executive Committee
o Coordinator of the Compensation Committee
o Member of the Marketing and Strategy Committee
o Delegate as external council of AVE Asociacin
Venezolana de Ejecutivos. (Venezuelan Association of
2002 Founder and First Coordinator of IESAs
Entrepreneurship Center.

During the second quarter of 2002, proposed the seed idea

and launched the leading academic and research
Entrepreneurship Center in Venezuela. The Center is the
representative of Venezuela at the Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor (GEM), a 30+ country network researching
entrepreneurial activity around the world and of, STEP, a
Babson College project to research entrepreneurship in family

1982 2003 Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello (UCAB),

Caracas, Venezuela

2000-2003 Profesor Titular (Full Tenured Professor). School of


1997-2000 Profesor Asociado (Associate Professor)

1992-1997 Profesor Agregado (Adjunct Professor)

1986-1992 Profesor Asistente (Assistant Professor)

1982-1986 Profesor Instructor (Instructor Professor)

1976-1978 Preparador. (Teaching Assistant for Calculus II with

grading responsibilities, for 6 semesters, and
Trigonometry Professor, as an undergraduate
student in the Industrial Engineering Program).

Also several Administrative responsibilities, such as

Substitute Member of the Industrial Engineering School Council
(January 1996 and February 1994); Internship Coordinator for
Industrial Engineering students (1990-1985); Representative of the
Dean at the Faculty Council and Member of the Advisory Council for
the creation of a new business school at UCAB.
(As a student in 1978 I was president of the student council of
UCABs Engineering Faculty representing more than 1,500 students)
Courses taught at UCAB
Gerencia Industrial (Industrial Management). 1982 through
Cmo Disear un Plan de Negocio (How to Write a Business
Plan). November, 2002.
Other courses: Mercadeo Industrial, Teora Gerencial
(Industrial Marketing, Management Theory).

Fall 2002 & 2003

Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, USA
Guest Professor.

Courses taught at Rochester Institute of Technology

Advanced Topics in New Products Development (0303-781),
for two quarters, for the Master of Science in Product
Development Program.
Management Theory and Practice (Undergraduate course
0303-481), in the Department of Industrial and Systems


Lecturer at Florida International University (FIU);
Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV).

Was sponsored by IESA to attend to the Colloquium on:

Participant-centered Learning at Harvard Business School.
Cambridge, USA. July 26 August 3, 2007. The attendance to
this program is by invitation only, granted through academic
Professional experience

1998 - present The ActiValores Group, Caracas, Venezuela

Financial group with the leading brokerage house in Venezuela,

asset management, corporate finance, proprietary mutual funds, a
proprietary REIT and other financial products.

Executive Director and partner of the financial group.

Responsible for asset management activities (AV Asset
Management). Created and manage several products such as
AV Hedge Fund LTD, AV Commodities Fund LTD. Coordinate
asset management activities as Financial intermediaries
(FIMs) with UBS and Banco Santander
Director of ActiBienes (a RIET investing in Venezuelan real
estate assets)
Coordinator of the distribution activity (1998-2005).

2005-present Mercantil Servicios Financieros C. A. (MSF),

Caracas, Venezuela
MSF is the largest financial institution in Venezuela (with over
USD 18 Billions in assets). Owner of Banco Mercantil, Seguros
Mercantil Merinvest and Mercantil Commerce Bank (One of the top 15
Banks in Florida). MSF got the #1617 position on the Forbes 2007
Global Banking Institutions.

Director of Mercantil Commercebank Florida Bancorp Inc

2009 - present
Board Director- Mercantil Servicios Financieros 2005 -
Director of Mercantil Banco Universal C. A. 2005 present
Director of Mercantil Commerce Bank Holding Corporation
(CHC) 2008 - present
Director of Mercantil Commerce Bank Voting Trust 2008 -
Member of the Risk Committee of Mercantil Servicios
Financieros and Mercantil Banco Universal 2008 - present
Member of the Auditing Committee of Mercantil Servicios
Financieros 2005 2008 2011
Member of the Auditing Committee of Mercantil Banco
Universal 2011
Member of the Risk Committee of Mercantil Commerce Bank
Holding Corporation (CHC) 2008 - present
Member of the Capital Markets Committee of MSF. (This is a
publicly traded stock on the Caracas Stock Exchange joined
with an ADR program from the NY Stock Exchange).
Member of the Ad-Hoc Committee of Strategic Planning.

2005-present Rattan Hypermarket CA, Nueva Esparta,

Pioneer enterprise in commercialization in Venezuela under the
hypermarket model.
Director and partner

2009-present Farmatodo CA, Caracas, Venezuela

The largest Venezuelan chain of pharmacies with international
presence (among the 3 largest in LATAM) and one of Venezuelas
largest corporations with sales of over US$1Billion per year
Senior Adviser, March 2011 - present
President of the Audit and Risk Committee, 2009 - present
Director, 2009- March 2011

2004 - Jan 2008 Classified Media Group (CMG)

CMG is a virtual market for classified ads of new and used cars-,, and real estate- CMG is among the most successful internet ventures
in Venezuela (with operations in several countries: Venezuela,
Colombia, Spain, Costa Rica, Panama and USA). (For more
information, please visit: and
Successfully sold to in Jan 2008

Board Director and partner of CMG

1997-2003 Prosperar Savings and Loan Group (E.A.P.),

Caracas, Venezuela
A small but successful Savings & Loans Institution that was
subsequently sold to Central Entidad de Ahorro y Prstamo in 2003.


1982-1997 The Frigilux Group, Caracas, Venezuela

Industrial conglomerate that manufactured appliances,
commercial refrigeration, air conditioning and consumer electronic
devices (1600 workers)
Executive Vice-President and partner
Successfully restructured pending debt from the 1983
currency exchange control.
Managed the consumer electronics division, where the
first videocassette in Venezuela was produced (joint
venture with 3M).
Set up the first manufacturing facility in Venezuela for
VCR (Video Cassette Recorder) (joint venture with Sony)
and for the TV (television) sets assembly in Venezuela
with NEC technology.
Coordinated exports to 30 countries.
Won the Venezuela Exportadora Award (Venezuela
Exporter) in 1995, a major national recognition granted
once a year by the Foreign Trade Institute and DHL to one
specific company for promoting export activities and
recognize the initiative of national companies that do
honor the name of Venezuela (free translation)
Sold his shares in 1997.
1978-1979 Procter & Gamble, Caracas, Venezuela
Brand assistant for Camay. Marketing Department.
Performing advertising and promotional activities and
reporting to the Marketing Manager.
Brand assistant for Crest. Marketing Department. Carried out
promotional work reporting to the Brand Manager.

Publications: Books
Vainrub, Roberto and Rodrguez, Aramis. Entrepreneurship in
Venezuela. The Future of Entrepreneurship in Latin America.
Palgrave Macmillan Editor. (January 2012) Compiler Autor.
Signed a contract with Pearson (Prentice Hall Textbooks
subsidiary) to publish the book Gua para Emprendedores
(Guide for Enrtrepreneurs) to be distributed in Latin-American
Penfold, Michael and Vainrub, Roberto. Las Empresas
Venezolanas: Volar Alto Bajo la Turbulencia (Venezuelan
Enterprises: to fly high under the turbulence) Compiler Autor.
Convertir sueos en realidades: Una Gua Para Emprendedores
(Turning Dreams into Realities: a Guide for Entrepreneurs).
Ediciones IESA. First - 2003, second - 2004, third - 2005 and
fourth -2006 editions plus 3 re-impressions of the fourth edition.
Caracas. (One of Ediciones IESA best sellers).
Chapter 20: Increasing Access to Seed-Stage Financing in
Venezuela. Angel Investing in Latin America. Batten Institute at
the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.
University of Virginia. Darden Business Publishing. Virginia,
Vergara, Felipe and Roberto Vainrub. Chapter 18: The Andean
Region: An Overview of the Investment and Business
Environment. Angel Investing in Latin America. Batten Institute at
the Darden Graduate School of Business Administration.
University of Virginia. Darden Business Publishing. Virginia, 2005
Nacimiento de una Empresa (An Enterprise Is Born). Ediciones
UCAB. Caracas, 1996.
Fergie, Jorge (Senior Mc Kinsey & Co. Partner) and Vainrub,
Roberto. Industrial Management. Ediciones UNA (Universidad
Nacional Abierta). Caracas, 1984. (Reprints 1986 and 1988)
Other Publications (Extremely limited editions)
Iniciativa Empresarial (Entrepreneurship). Ediciones UCAB.
Caracas, 2002.
Exportaciones: Un Enfoque Competitivo (Exports: A
Competitive Approach). Ediciones UCAB. Caracas, 1998.
Manual del Exportador Industrial (The Industrial Exporter
Manual). CAIBE. Caracas, 1994.
Notas en Mercadeo (Marketing Notes). Edicones UCAB.
Caracas, 1989.

Publications: Case studies

Fast Cash: The B Plan. IESA. Caracas, September 2007.
Sinflash- from dot com to media group. IESA. Caracas, August
Vainrub, Roberto and Arams Rodrguez (research assistant).
SPI Abogados: el reto de reinventar una firma de abogados (SPI
Law Firm: The challenge of reinvent a law firm). IESA. Caracas,
August 2006.
Vainrub, Roberto and Arvalo, Gastn (research assistant)
Juan Chichero: the rescue of an old tradition. IESA. Caracas,
August 2005. Case in English/Spanish versions.
Tony Romas Express: The Creation of a New Fast Food
Concept. IESA. Caracas, August 2004. Case in
English/Spanish versions, includes video. IESA. Caracas, May 2004.

Papers and other publications

Business Venezuela.
Penfold, Michael and Vainrub, Roberto. Special
Analysis: How do Venezuelan companies face adversity?
Caracas, December 2008 - January 2009. pp. 38-44
Harvard Business Review (Latin America Edition).
Penfold, Michael and Vainrub, Roberto. Prosperar en un
mercado voltil: estrategias exitosas de empresas venezolanas
(Prosper in a volatile market: successful strategies of venezuelan
companies). Santiago - Chile, October 2008.

Debates IESA

Vainrub, Roberto and Rodrguez, Arams. SPI: La reinvencin

de una firma de abogados. (SPI: The reinvention of a law
firm). Article. Volume XV. Number 1. Caracas, JanuaryMarch
2010. pp. 78-82
Fast Cash: ejecutar el Plan B. (Fast Cash: to execute the B
Plan). Article. Volume XV. Number 4. Caracas, October
December 2010. pp. 78-82
Penfold, Michael; Vainrub, Roberto and Dohnert, Silvia. Volar
alto: cmo enfrentan las empresas venezolanas la
adversidad? Articulo. (To fly high: How do Venezuelan
companies face adversity?) Article. Volume XIV. Number 3.
Caracas, JulySeptember 2009. pp. 14-19
Qu pas? La crisis financiera de Estados Unidos de
Octubre 2008. Articulo especial. (What happened? The
financial crisis in USA in October 2008) Special article.
Volume XIII. Number 4. OctoberDecember 2008. pp. 54-55
Vainrub, Roberto and Rodrguez, Arams. Muchos
emprendedores: ms desarrollo? (Many entrepreneurs: more
development?). Volume XIII. Number 4. Caracas, October
December 2008. pp. 82-87
Vainrub, Roberto and Arvalo, Gastn. Convertir
una crisis en oportunidad. Experiencias. (Tu To
transform a crisis into an opportunity). Experiences. Volume
XIII. Nmero 1. January-March 2008.
Sinflash: de Punto Com a Media Group (Sinflash: from Dot
Com To Media Group). Volume XII. Number 4. Caracas,
October-December 2007. pp. 92-98.
Se busca Inversionista Angel. (Looking for a Angel Investor).
Volume XII. Number 2. Caracas, 2007.
Rodrguez, Arams and Vainrub, Roberto. Empresas
Familiares: Sinergia o Desastre? (Family Businesses:
Synergy or Disaster?) Volume XI. Number 3. Caracas, July-
September 2006.
Espritu emprendedor busca ambiente propicio.
(Entrepreneurship spirit in search for a proper environment).
Volume XI. Number 1. Caracas, January-March 2006.
Arvalo, Gastn and Vainrub, Roberto. La Reinvencin
Nacional de una Franquicia Internacional (The National
Reinvention of an International Franchise). Volume X. Number
2. Caracas, January-March 2005.
Cmo es el Emprendedor Venezolano? (How is the
Venezuelan Entrepreneur?). Volume X. Number 1. Caracas,
October-December 2004.
El Emprendedor: sus Atributos y Dilemas (The Entrepreneur:
His Attributes and Dilemmas). Volume IX. Number 1. Caracas,
October-December 2003.
Cuidado con las Franquicias! (Be careful about Franchises!)
Volume VIII. Number 1. Caracas, July-September 2002.
Cmo se hace un plan de negocios (How to write a Business
Plan). Volume VII, Numbers 2 and 3. Caracas, March 2002
and October 2001.

Also: Coordinated (Editor) most of the articles that were

published in Debates IESA, Volume I, Number 1, October-
December 2003.


La cultura Emprendedora en Venezuela (Entrepreneurship

culture in Venezuela) Global Entrepreneurship Monitor
Executive Report- Venezuela 2009-2010. An IESA/GEM
publication. pp-48.
The corporate entrepreneur and the challenges for the future.
Business Venezuela BV 282. Caracas. April 2007. pp. 4-5
tica y Gobierno Corporativo en las Empresas
Latinoamericanas (Ethics and Corporate Governance in Latin
American Companies). Conciencia Activa. Number 7.
Caracas, January 2005.
Arvalo, Gastn and Vainrub, Roberto. Global
Entrepreneurship Monitor - Venezuela 2003. An IESA/GEM
publication. May 2004.
Arvalo, Gastn and Vainrub, Roberto. Informative Bulletin. 10
numbers. Entrepreneurship Center. IESA. Caracas, May-
December 2004.
Santibez, David and Vainrub, Roberto. Flujo de Caja
Descontado (Discounted Cash Flow). Tekhne Engineering
Magazine, No. 6. UCAB. Caracas, 2003
Vainrub, Roberto and James B. Taylor, Andrs Carrano.
Strategic Global Alliances in Engineering Education. Ninth
International Conference on Industry, Engineering and
Management Systems (IEMS). Cocoa Beach, FL. March 17-
19, 2003. www.uwf.ed/iems.
Conversaciones sobre Entrepreneurship, Parte I
(Conversations about Entrepreneurship, Part I). Slo
Franquicias, No. 0. Caracas, September 2001.
Conversaciones sobre Iniciativa Empresarial, Parte II
(Conversations about Entrepreneurship, Part II). Slo
Franquicias. No. 1. Caracas, October 2001.
Uso de las Teoras de Verdad para la Validacin de un
Modelo Heurstico (Use of Truth Theories for the Validation of
an Heuristic Model). Tekhne Engineering Magazine. No. 4.
UCAB. Caracas, 2000.
Conferences, lectures, presentations and

International (recent, selected)

The College of William & Mary - Lectures Virginia, USA. March

16-18, 2011.
Entrepreneurship. MIB Spring 2010 Seminars. Florida
International University (FIU). Florida, USA. Spring 2010.
International Management Course. Distinguished guest lecturer.
Department of Management & International Business (MIB).
Florida International University (FIU). Florida, USA. Fall 2010.
Controlling downside risk while seeking alpha. Workshop. The
Americas Families in Business Conference. Organized by
Camped Conferences. Florida, USA. September 27, 2010
Venezuelan American Association of the US - Entrepreneurship
in Venezuela. Keynote speaker. Nov 7, 2007. Rockefeller Center,
New York City.
BABSON SEE in Venezuela: Symposium for Entrepreneurship
Educators organized by Babson University. Key-note lecturer
with professors Jeff Timmons, Dennis Ceru and Walter Esquivel
for professors of 6 Latin-American countries. Caracas,
Venezuela. October 5, 2007.
Shaping the Business Environment through Innovative Policies
(Small Business). The Americas Competitiveness Forum
(Promoting Prosperity and Economic Opportunity). Invited by the
US Department of Commerce. Atlanta Georgia. June 12, 2007.
Post Election Venezuela: What Does The Future Bring For
Commerce? (Panelist). Global Intelligence Briefing on the effect
of the Venezuelan Presidential Election on U.S. Business.
Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce. Coral Gables, FL.
January 24, 2007.
IX Harvard Business School (HBS) Latin American Business
Conference. (Panelist, Entrepreneurship Session). Harvard
University. Boston, MA. January 20, 2007.
Empresas Familiares (Family Enterprises). STEP Project for
family enterprising. Workshop. Latin American Training and
Meetings. The Babson Global STEP Project. Adolfo Ibaez
School of Management. Miami, Florida. October 16-17, 2006.
Strategic Business Plans. (Conference/Lecture). Instituto para la
Competitividad de Empresas PyMes. ICEP. (Institute for the
Competitiveness of Small and Medium Size Businesses) USAID
from the American People. Florida International University.
Miami, Fl. June 6, 2006.
Case Study: Tony Romas Express: The Creation of a New Fast
Food Concept (Presentation). BALAS (The Business Association
of Latin American Studies). Lima, Peru. May 10-13, 2006.
Angel Investing and Entrepreneurship in Latin America. (Keynote
speaker) The Fuqua School of Business. Duke University. North
Carolina. February 27, 2006
Managing Under Adversity: How Small and Medium Size Firms
survive in Venezuela today. Kauffman Lecture Series (Spectrum
Series). Florida International University. Miami, Florida. February
3, 2005. (This lecture was delivered as well at the Venezuelan-
American Chamber of Commerce in Miami).
Strategic Alliances and Global Operations (Lecture, Graduate
Seminar Series). Rochester Institute of Technology. Rochester,
New York. October 2, 2003.
Carrano, Andrs; Taylor, James B. and Vainrub, Roberto.
Strategic Alliances in Engineering Education. Ninth International
Conference on Industry, Engineering and Management Systems
(IEMS). Cocoa Beach, Florida. March 17-19, 2003.
Globalization - an Industrialist Perspective (Seminar for honors
students and faculty). Rochester Institute of Technology.
Rochester, New York. November 5, 2002.

National (recent, selected)

Emprendimiento Corporativo (Corporative Entrepreneurship)

Procter & Gamble Forum. Keynote speaker. Caracas, October
Estrategias Exitosas en Tiempos Turbulentos: triunfar en la
incertidumbre a la venezolana. Foro debates IESA. (Successful
Strategies in Turbulent Times: to prevail under the Venezuelan
uncertainty). Keynote Speaker. IESA. Caracas, November 2009.
Estrategias Exitosas en Tiempos Turbulentos: El Caso
Venezuela (Successful Strategies in Turbulent Times).
Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello UCAB. Caracas, June 2009.
Estrategias Exitosas en Tiempos Turbulentos: El Caso
Venezuela (Successful Strategies in Turbulent Times). Annual
Seminar. Grupo Jirahara XXII. Hotel Jirahara, Barquisimeto.
Venezuela. May 1, 2009.
Estrategias Exitosas en Tiempos Turbulentos: El Caso
Venezuela (Successful Strategies in Turbulent Times). Keynote
Speaker. XXXIX Annual Consecomercio Assembly .
Consecomercio is Venezuelas central Chamber of Commerce.
Cuman, Venezuela. April 25, 2009.
Panel de Iniciativa Empresarial (Panel of Entrepreneurship).
Dialogs El Librero (The Bookseller). IESA. Caracas. November
12, 2008.
Crisis Financiera Mundial Cmo nos afecta? (World Financial
Crisis: How does it affect us?) Conference. Avod (Labour
Solutions). Vaad Hakeilot. Venezuelan Jewish Council. Jewish
Community of Venezuela. Caracas. October 29, 2008.
Crisis Financiera en EEUU: su impacto en Venezuela (Financial
Crisis in USA: Impact on Venezuela, panelist together with four
other professors). IESA. Caracas, October 22, 2008.
Crisis Financiera 2008 (2008 Financial Crisis). Keynote speaker.
Hebraica Club. Caracas. October, 2008.
Las Perspectivas Econmicas en el Sector Salud en Tiempos de
Crisis (Economic Perspectives of the Health Sector in Times of
Crisis). Conference. XIII Workshop seminar conference meeting
(jornadas) HCC 2008. Innovation and Excellence Scientific
Seminars. Medical Society of the Hospital de Clinicas Caracas
(HCC). Caracas. September 18 y 19, 2008.
III Seminario Interno de Investigacin IESA 2008 (III Internal
Investigation Seminar IESA 2008). IESA. Caracas, April 4-5,
IESA: Pymes: Nuevos retos, grandes oportunidades (IESA:
Small and Medium size companies: new challenges, big
opportunities). Keynote speaker. IESA-Conapri. Consejo
Nacional de Promocin de Inversiones CONAPRI. (Council on
National Promotion of Investment in Venezuela). Caracas. March
11, 2008.
Finanzas del siglo XXI: Hacia dnde va Venezuela? (Finance in
the XXI Century: Where is Venezuela heading?) XII Congreso
Venezolano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas. Instituto Venezolano de
Ejecutivos en Finanzas. (XII Venezuelan Congress o meeting of
Financial Executives). (Venezuelan Institute of Financial
Executives). Caracas. June, 27-28, 2007.
El emprendimiento en Venezuela en tiempos turbulentos: pasado
y presente (Entrepreneurship in Venezuela in turbulent times:
past and present). Annual Seminar. Grupo Jirahara XX. Hotel
Barquisimeto Hilton Internacional. Barquisimeto, Venezuela. April
28, 2007.
Fernndez, Federico and Vainrub, Roberto. Perspectivas de
emprendimiento: El Caso Venezuela (Entrepreneurship
perspectives: The Venezuela Case). Investigative Seminar.
IESA. Caracas. March 15, 2007.
Camino hacia la transformacin productiva en Amrica Latina.
(Road to the productive transformation in Latin America).
Presentacin RED: Emprendimiento en Venezuela (RED
Presentation: Entrepreneurship in Venezuela). Corporacin
Andina de Fomento (CAF) (Andean Corporation for
Development). Auditorium Antonio Jos de Sucre. Caracas,
February 28, 2007.
Convertir Sueos en Realidades: una Gua para
Emprendedores. Presentacin del libro. (Turning Dreams into
Realities: a Guide for Entrepreneurs). Book presentation. Saln
del Libro. (Annual Publishing Convention). Universidad
Metropolitana (UNIMET). Caracas. February, 2007.
Iniciativa Empresarial en Venezuela (Entrepreneurship in
Venezuela). Lets Talk About the Programa Avanzado de
Gerencia PAG (Advanced Management Program). Extraordinary
informative session about the PAG. IESA. Caracas. August 23,
Emprendedores en Venezuela (Entrepreneurs in Venezuela). XI
Industrial Engineering Workshop. UCAB. Caracas. June 1-3,
Fernndez, Federico and Vainrub, Roberto. GEM Venezuela
2005: nivel y caractersticas principales de la actividad
emprendedora en el pas. (GEM Venezuela 2005: Level and
basic characteristics of the entrepreneur activity in the country).
Presentation. IESA. Caracas. December 3, 2005.
El Emprendedor Venezolano (The Venezuelan Entrepreneur).
After office talks. (Awarded winner as speaker of the year).
Asociacin de Jovenes Empresarios AJE. (Association of Young
Business People). Caracas. November 3, 2005.
Cmo es el Emprendedor Venezolano? (How is the Venezuelan
Entrepreneur?) Keynote Speaker. Annual Dinner Meeting of the
Venezuelan Association of Stanford University Alumni. Caracas.
July 20, 2005.
Nuevas Formas de Hacer Negocios (New Ways to Do Business).
Management Encounters (Dedicated to Entrepreneurship). IESA.
Caracas. XVI 1997, XVII 1999, XVIII 2001 and XIX 2004.
Yo tambin quiero mi techo (I want my roof-house- too). Forum.
(Moderator). Direccin de Cultura, Universidad Central de
Venezuela (UCV). (Culture Directors Office, Central University of
Venezuela UCV), Fundacin Vivienda Popular and Fundacin
Conciencia Activa (ONG). (Popular Housing Foundation and
Active Conscience Foundation (NGO). Caracas, April 14th, 2005.
La Experiencia del Ftbol Venezolano: El Espritu Emprendedor
(The Venezuelan Soccer Experience: the Entrepreneur Spirit).
AseMaster (IESAs alumni association) Annual Meeting: The
Venezuelan Soccer Team from Three Perspectives. IESA.
Caracas. November 12, 2004.
Termmetro del Empresariado (Assessing the Pulse of the
Business Environment). Presentation of Global Entrepreneurship
Monitor GEM. (Andean Development Corporation CAF) CAF
Program for Competitiveness (Andean Program for
Competitiveness). Caracas. October 19, 2004
Cmo es el Emprendedor Venezolano? (How is the Venezuelan
Entrepreneur?) Keynote Speaker. Franchise Show. Hotel
Marriott. Caracas. August, 2004.
Discurso de Apertura para la Inauguracin de la Ctedra
Fundacional de Iniciativa Empresarial Mauricio y Esther Vainrub
(Speech at the inauguration of the Mauricio and Esther Vainrub
Foundational Professorship for Entrepreneurship), also
sponsored by Dr. Roberto Vainrub. UCAB. Caracas, July 20,
First Exposition on Employment, Training and Business.
ProTALENTO. Speaker/lecturer. Universidad Metropolitana.
Caracas, July 17, 2004.
Cmo es un Emprendedor Corporativo? (How is the Corporate
Entrepreneur?). Presenter and Speaker. XIX Management
Encounter integrally dedicated to Entrepreneurship. IESA.
Caracas. June 16, 2004.
Estableciendo Actividades de Iniciativa Empresarial. Venezuela
si compite: Una Agenda por la Competitividad (Establishing
Entrepreneurial Activities. Venezuela does Compete: An Agenda
for Competition). Consejo Nacional de Promocin de Inversiones
CONAPRI. (Council on National Promotion of Investment in
Venezuela). Caracas. June 9, 2004.
Capital de Riesgo: Cmo Obtener Inversion para Mi Proyecto?
(Venture Capital: How to Get Investment for My Project?). Avod,
(Labour Solutions). Vaad Hakeilot. Venezuelan Jewish Council.
Jewish Community of Venezuela. Caracas. June 8, 2004.
Presentacin del Monitor Global de Iniciativa Empresarial
(Presentation of Global Entrepreneurship Monitor).
Speaker/lecturer. Corporacin Andina de Fomento CAF (Andean
Development Corporation). Program for Competitiveness.
Caracas, May 2004.
Iniciativa Empresarial: Estrategias para Promover el Espritu
Emprendedor (Entrepreneurship: Strategies for Encouraging
Entrepreneurial Spirit). Keynote Speaker. First I Administration
Week. Universidad Montevila. Caracas. May 25-26, 2004.
Capacidad emprendedora y el servicio de atencin al
emprendedor (Entrepreneurial capacity and the entrepreneur
service attention)). Round Table. Speaker. IV Congress of
Research and Intellectual Creation. Universidad Metropolitana.
Caracas. May 17-20, 2004.
GEM Presentation to the Extenal Directors. Cmara Venezolana
de Alimentos CAVIDEA. (Venezuelan Food Chamber). Caracas.
May 11, 2004.
El Emprendedor Venezolano (The Venezuelan Entrepreneur).
Asociacin de Jvenes Empresarios AJE. (Association of Young
Business People). Caracas. April 2004.
Presentation to the Evaluation Committee of AACSB (Association
to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) for IESA
Accreditation. Caracas. February 10, 2004.
El Colegio: Pas o pas por mi (The School: Did I Pass or did it
Pass Me By?). KERN Museum. Unin Israelita de Caracas.
(Israeli Union of Caracas). Caracas. December 14, 2003.
Reinventando la Compaa o Iniciativa en Venezuela
(Reinventing the Company or the Iniciative in Venezuela).
Seminar, annual lunch. Keynote Speaker. Fedecmaras
(Federation of Chambers and Associations of Commerce and
Production). Caracas. December 10, 2003.
Cmo se Disea un Plan de Negocios? (How to write a
Business Plan?). Course facilitator. Entrepreneurs Program.
Organizacin de Bienestar Estudiantil (Organization for the
Student Wellbeing). Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV).
(Central University of Venezuela). Caracas. November 22, 2002.
Los Emprendedores Universitarios: Retos y Oportunidades
Actuales (University Entrepreneur: Current Challenges and
Opportunities). Forum speaker. Entrepreneurs Program.
Organizacin de Bienestar Estudiantil OBE. (Organization for the
Student Wellbeing). Universidad Central de Venezuela UCV.
(Central University of Venezuela). Caracas, November 19, 2003.
Primera Promocin de la Maestra en Finanzasdel IESA (First
promotion of Master in Finance of IESA). Keynote speaker.
IESA. Caracas, July 3, 2002.
Iniciativa Empresarial y Cmo se Disea el Plan de Negocios.
(Entrepreneurship and How to write a Business Plan).
Entrepreneurship Program. Organizacin de Bienestar
Estudiantil OBE. (Organization for the Student Wellbeing).
Universidad Central de Venezuela UCV. (Central University of
Venezuela). Caracas. June 3, 2002.
Cmo ser emprendedor? (How to be an Entrepreneur?) XVI
Management Conference. Theme: New Ways of Doing
Business. IESA. Caracas. July 3, 2001.

Interviews, critiques, special mentions and

quotations (recent, selected)
Talk Show Program: Primera pgina. TV Interview. Globovisin.
Caracas. May 02, 2011.
Emprendimiento en Venezuela, historia y cultura
(Entrepreneurship in Venezuela, history and culture) Article. El
Mundo. Caracas, 18 November 2010.
Venezuela, un pas de emprendedores. (Venezuela, a country of
entrepreneurs). Quotation in the El Universal newspaper article,
Section 2, pp. 1 of September 21st, 2010. Caracas.
Cmo resistir en un entorno hostil (How to stand firm in a hostile
environment) Revista El Librero (The Bookseller
Magazine).Year 3. Number 40. Caracas, June 2010. pp. 28-29.
Talk Show Program: Primera Pgina. TV Interview. Globovisin.
Caracas. November 9, 2009.
Qu crisis? La ptica emprendedora (Crisis? The
entrepreneur approach) Article. El Mundo. Caracas, 26 August
2009. pp 22.
Cmo confrontan las empresas venezolanas la adversidad?
(How do Venezuelan enterprises confront or face adversity?
Special Analysis. Quotation Fundamental Guide to overcome
turbulence. Quotations. Business Venezuela. Caracas. Dec
2008/Jan 2009 pp. 46-49.
Informe de Gestin 2007-2008 IESA (Management Report 2007-
2008 IESA) Caracas. pp. 29, 34, 46, 47.
Avod inicia ciclo de charlas de actualidad: Crisis Financiera
Mundial Cmo nos afecta? (Avod starts a program of
conferences on current events: World Financial Crisis: How does
it affect us?). Conference. Nuevo Mundo Israelita (Venezuelan
Jewish Community Newspaper). Caracas. November 14-21,
Las libreras deben modernizarse como hicieron otros negocios
masivos (Bookstores must modernize as other large business
did). Interview by Sergio Dahbar. Revista El Librero (The
Bookseller Magazine).Year 2. Number 22. Caracas, September
2008. pp. 42-43.
La academia puede fomentar la cultura emprendedora. (The
Academy may encourage the entrepreneurship culture).
Interview. Revista El Librero. (The Bookseller Magazine). Year
2. Number 22. September 2008. pp. 42-43.
Quotation in the El Nacional newspaper article, U Section, pp. 5
of May 20th, 2008.Caracas.
Cinco Dcadas. Egresados, Visiones. Entrevista. (Five Decades,
Alumni, Visions. Interview) Gaceta Ucabista 2007. Direccin de
Prensa. (UCAB Gazette 2007. Press Direction Office)
Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello. Caracas. December 2007.
Academia y Empresa se acercan ms. (Academy and Business
get closer). Caracas. November 4, 2007.
Finanzas del Siglo XXI: Hacia dnde va Venezuela? (Finances
in the XXI Century: Where is Venezuela heading?) XII Congreso
Venezolano de Ejecutivos de Finanzas. (XII Venezuelan
Congress o meeting of Financial Executives). Conference.
Instituto Venezolano de Ejecutivos en Finanzas. (Venezuelan
Institute of Financial Executives). El Nacional. Caracas. June,
20, 2007.
Miembros de la Kehil participan en el Foro de Competitividad de
las Americas (Members of the Community participate in The
Americas Competitiveness Forum). Nuevo Mundo Israelita
(Venezuelan Jewish Community Newspaper). Caracas, June 11-
18, 2007.
Avod otorg premio del Primer Concurso de Emprendedores.
Roberto Vainrub, Presidente del Jurado Evaluador (Avod
granted the award of the First Entrepreneurs Contest. Roberto
Vainrub, Jury President of the Evaluation Panel). Nuevo Mundo
Israelita (Venezuelan Jewish Community Newspaper). Caracas,
21-5 4-6, 2007.
Los Financistas tambin son Emprendedores (Venture
Capitalists are Entrepreneurs too). Entrevista. (Interview). Diario
Tal Cual. (Daily Newsapaper Tal Cual). Caracas. April, 2, 2007.
Venezuelan Contradictions. Quotation. The Miami Herald.
Florida, USA. February 5, 2007.
Iniciativa Empresarial en Venezuela. (Entrepreneurship in
Venezuela). Conference. Reporte Economa y Desarrollo (RED)
2006: Camino a la Transformacin Productiva en Amrica Latina.
(Economy and Development Report 2006: Road to the
Productive Transformation in Latin America). Corporacin Andina
de Fomento (CAF) (Andean Corporation for Development).
Boletn Informativo 24. Centro de Emprendedores IESA.
Caracas, February 2007.
Venezuela: Boom or Bust? Hugo Chavezs radical policies create
winners and loosers. Quotation. By Chronicle staff. Latin
Business Chronicle. January 30, 2007.
IX Latin America Conference, evento organizado por la
Universidad de Havard contar con la participacin de Roberto
Vainrub (IX Latin America Conference, event organized by
Harvard University will count with the participation of Roberto
Vainrub). Boletn Informativo del Centro de Emprendedores.
IESA. (Informative Bulletin of the Entrepreneurship Center.
IESA) November-December. Caracas, 2006.
Roberto Vainrub, miembro del Jurado Evaluador (Member of the
Jury). Benek Jelinowski Award 2006 (First edition). Nuevo
Mundo Israelita (Venezuelan Jewish Community Newspaper).
Caracas. March 27 - April 3, 2006.
Israel, para cerrar con broche de oro otra edicin del PAG,
Programa Avanzado de Gerencia IESA. (Israel for a perfect
finale for another edition of the PAG, Advanced Management
Program IESA) (Idea promoter of the visit to Israel). Social
review. El Universal. Caracas. February 1, 2006.
Grupo del IESA viajar a Israel (Group of the IESA will travel to
Israel). Nuevo Mundo Israelita (Venezuelan Jewish Community
Newspaper). Caracas. January 30 - February 6, 2006.
Various: Boletn Informativo. (News Bulletin). Entrepreneurship
Center. IESA. Caracas.
Estudiantes del Master del IESA finalistas en Concurso de
Planes de Negocio de la Universidad de Florida (Students of the
Master of IESA finalists in contest of business plans of the
University of Florida). Learning centered in the participant: giving
life to the theory. Thematic Centers. Investigation in vanguard
subjects: Entrepreneurship. IESA Special Supplement.
Caracas, 2005.
De Cara al xito. La prosperidad posible (Facing Success. The
possible prosperity). Foro. (Forum). Guest speaker for the
opening of the forum. Fundacin Conciencia Activa ONG. (Active
Conscience Foundation NGO). Cadena Capriles. Caracas.
November 22, 2005.
Yo quiero mi negocio (I want my own business). Review.
Finanzas en Familia. (Finances in Family) Sunday issue N
1851. Cadena Capriles. Caracas. November 13, 2005.
Dcimo aniversario Revista Debates IESA (Tenth Anniversary of
Debates IESA Magazine). Social review. El Universal. Caracas.
November 1, 2005.
Empresas venezolanas deben adaptarse para sobrevivir.
(Venezuelan companies must adapt in order to survive).
Venezuela Business. BV 268. Caracas. October 2005.
Recognition to Dr. Roberto Vainrub from the Director/Editor of
Descifrado en la Calle. (Deciphered in the Street) Descifrado en
la calle. Special edition, dedicated to all time top entrepreneurs
of the country. Caracas. August 11, 2005.
La oportunidad hace al emprendedor (The Opportunity makes
the entrepreneur), by Elizabeth Araujo. Interview. Descifrado en
la Calle. Special edition, dedicated to all time top entrepreneurs
of the country. Caracas. August 11, 2005. pp.44
Medalla de Honor en su primera clase (Medal of Honor in its First
Class. For 20 or more years of academic services in the
Institution). Engineering School, Engineering Faculty. UCAB. El
Ucabista y El Ucabista web (UCAB newspaper and website).
Caracas. August 1, 2005
Haga realidad su proyecto de negocios (Make your business
project a reality), by David Rodriguez Andara. Book review:
Convertir Sueos en Realidades: una Gua para
Emprendedores (Making Dreams a Reality: A Guide for
Entrepreneurs). Dinero Magazine. (Money Magazine). Caracas.
June 2005. pp.31
Convertir Sueos en Realidades: una Gua para
Emprendedores (Turning Dreams into Realities: A Guide for
Entrepreneurs) Book review. Lecturas que ayudan (Readings
That Help). Gerente Magazine. (Manager Magazine). Caracas,
June 2005. pp. 94
Triunfex, Modelo de Empresa Social (Triunfex. Social Enterprise
Model) Quotation. Gerente Magazine (Manager Magazine). N
213. Caracas, June 2005.
Exitosos a los 30 (Successful at 30). Extensive quotation.
Gerente Magazine. (Manager Magazine). Caracas, April 2005.
Las Nuevas Empresas Familiares (The New Family Businesses).
Quotation. Gerente Magazine. (Manager Magazine). Caracas.
April 2005. pp. 22.
En la Vice-Presidencia (In the Vice-Presidency). News.
Conexin IESA. (IESA Conection). Caracas. April 5, 2005.
Estudiantes del Master del IESA finalistas en Concurso de
Planes de Negocios de la Universidad de Florida (IESA Master
Students finalists in contest of business plans of the University of
Florida). Radio Interview. Caracas. March 31,
Mujeres poderosas (Powerful Women). Quotation. Gerente
Magazine. (Manager Magazine) Caracas, March 2005. pp. 36.
Talk Show Program: Golpe a Golpe. Radio Interview by Roberto
Giusti and Fausto Mas. Radio Caracas Radio (RCR). Caracas,
February 15, 2005
La perversion del autoritarismo perme a empresas
latinoamericanas (The perversion of authoritarianism permeated
to Latin American companies), by Andrs Rojas Jimnez.
Interview. El Nacional. Caracas. January 31, 2005. pp. A-6.
Negocios Digitales extiende operaciones con Genrgica
(Negocios Digitales extends operations with Genrgica).
Contenido Inteligente. (Intelligent Contents). Caracas.
December 7, 2004.
Tony Romas Express: La Creacin de un Nuevo Concepto de
Comida Rpida (Tony Romas Express: the Creation of a New
Fast Food Concept) teaching case elaborated by Roberto
Vainrub and Gastn Arvalo. Won the First Teaching Cases
Contest of IESA 2003-2004. Investigar. Conexin IESA. (To
Investigate. IESA Conection IESA). Caracas. November 30.
Venezolanos dan clases de cmo hacer negocios (Venezuelans
teach classes on how to do business), by Yngrid Yohanna Rojas.
Special mention: Case Study: Tony Romas Express. El
Universal. Caracas. November 17, 2004. pp. 1-20.
Tony Romas Express: La Creacin de un Nuevo Concepto de
Comida Rpida (Tony Romas Express: the Creation of a New
Fast Food Concept) teaching case elaborated by Roberto
Vainrub and Gastn Arvalo. Won the First Teaching Cases
Contest of IESA 2003-2004. November 4,
Vainrub presente en su alma mater (Vainrub present at his alma
mater). El Ucabista. Caracas, October 2004.
Las historias reales de empresas son materia de clase en el
IESA. Casos Venezolanos (The real stories of companies are
teaching material at IESA. Venezuelan cases), by Mireya
Tabuas. El Nacional. Caracas. October 25, 2004.
Jvenes emprendedores buscan socios financieros con apoyo
del IESA (Young Entrepreneurs in search of Financial Partners
with Support from IESA), by Mirelis Morales Tovar. Extensive
quotation. El Nacional. Caracas, September 30, 2004. pp. A-15.
Hacen falta 100.000 empresas (100.000 Companies are
needed). Interview. Gerente Magazine. (Manager Magazine).
Caracas, June 2004. pp. 72.
Pas de emprendedores (Country of entrepreneurs). Interview.
Revista Dinero. (Money Magazine) N 186. Ao 15. Grupo
Editorial Producto. Caracas, June 2004. pp. 56-58
La necesidad genera empresas (Necessity Generates
Businesses), by Ramn Sahmkow. Interview. Diario Tal Cual.
(Daily Newspaper Tal Cual). Caracas, May 31, 2004. pp. 7.
Convertir Sueos en Realidades: Una Gua para Emprendedores
por Roberto Vainrub. (Turning Dreams into Realities: A Guide for
Entrepreneurs by Roberto Vainrub). Book review. Revision by
Jorge Alsina, Project Charter. Caracas, May 27, 2004.
Venezuela: El Segundo Pas Ms Emprendedor del Mundo
(Venezuela: The Second Most Entrerprising Country in the
World). Review. Ultimas Noticias. (Latest News Newspaper).
Caracas. May 26, 2004.
Venezuela: El Segundo Pas ms Emprendedor del Mundo
(Venezuela, The Second Most Entreprising Country in the
World), by Mara del V. Fernndez. TV Interview. Televen.
Caracas, May 19, 2004.
El venezolano el Segundo Individuo Ms Emprendedor (The
Venezuelan, Second Most Entreprising Individual), by Lus
Guerra Fortique. Interview. El Globo. (The Globe Newspaper).
Caracas. May 19, 2004. pp. 15.
Survival of the Fittest: What Should a Brokerage House Do to
Survive? Interview by Alice M. Chacn. Daily Journal. (Caracas
english newspaper). Caracas. March 26, 2004. pp. 19.
Talk Show Program: Entre Noticias. TV Interview by Nataly Salas
Guaitero. Globovisin. Caracas. February 16, 2004
Iniciativa empresarial para fortalecer nuestra economa
(Entrepreneurship to strengthen our economy). Investigar.
Conexin IESA. (To investigate. IESA Conection). Caracas,
Twelfth Edition IESA and the Mercantil Bank presented the new
IESA initiative: the Entrepreneurship Center. Conexin IESA.
(IESA Conection). Caracas, 2003.
Roberto Vainrub publica gua para nuevos emprendedores
(Roberto Vainrub publishes a guide for new entrepreneurs).
Book review: Convertir Sueos en Realidades: Una Gua para
Emprendedores (Making Dreams a Reality: A Guide for
Entrepreneurs). Nuevo Mundo Israelita. (Venezuelan Jewish
Community Newspaper). Caracas. November 10-17, 2003. pp. 4.
Centro de Emprendedores IESA-Mercantil (Entrepreneurship
Center IESA/Mercantil). Special Report. Invest Venezuela. Ao
8. N 37. Caracas. November 3, 2003.
Emprendedores del IESA (IESA Entrepreneurs). Social review.
El Nacional. Caracas. October 31, 2003.
IESA y Banco Mercantil presentaron el nuevo Centro de
Emprendedores (IESA and Mercantil Bank presented the new
Entrepreneurship Center). TV. Caracas. October
24, 2003.
IESA y Mercantil Inauguran Centro de Emprendedores (IESA
and Mercantil Inaugurate the Entrepreneurship Center), by
Norberto J. Mndez. Interview. El Nacional. Caracas. October
15, 2003. pp. A-8.
Presentation of the book: Convertir sueos en realidades: Una
Gua Para Emprendedores (Turning Dreams into Realities: A
Guide for Entrepreneurs) and launch of the Entrepreneurship
Center. IESA. Caracas. October 15, 2003.
Manual Para Realizar Sueos (Manual for Making Dreams Come
True), by Eduardo Camel Anderson. Book critique: Making
Dreams a Reality: A Guide for Entrepreneurs. El Universal.
Caracas, October 15, 2003. pp. 2-14.
Lanzamiento acadmico este mircoles 15 de Octubre. IESA
presenta el nuevo Centro de Emprendedores (Academic launch
this Wednesday October 15th. IESA presents the new
Entrepreneurship Center). Gerencia de Comunicaciones
Integradas. (Integrated Communications Management). IESA.
Caracas, October 15, 2003.
Radio Interview with El Bravo. Unin Radio. Caracas. October
14, 2003.
TV Interview with Alba Cecilia Mujica. Globovisin. Caracas.
October 13, 2003
Iniciativa Empresarial para Fortalecer Nuestra Economa
(Entrepreneurship to Strengthen Our Economy), by Roxanys
Paredes Rivas. Special mention, extensive quotation. Venezuela
Competitiva. (Competitive Venezuela). Caracas. March 14,
2003. pp. 8.
Roberto Vainrub orador de orden en el IESA (Roberto Vainrub
honorary speaker at IESA).Nuevo Mundo Israelita (Venezuelan
Jewish Community Newspaper). Caracas. August 5-12, 2002.
ramos felices y no lo sabamos (We were happy and we didnt
know it), by Hugo J. Fara. Quote. El Nacional. Caracas. July 28,

Selected printed media collaboration (recent)

Columnist at El Nacional, the most influential daily newspaper
in Venezuela and Member of Diarios de Amrica (2005-2006).

Incertidumbre (Uncertainty). El Nacional. Caracas. January 3,

Inversionistas ngeles (Angel investors). El Nacional. Caracas.
December 6, 2005.
El emprendedor corporativo (The corporate entrepreneur). El
Nacional. Caracas. November 1, 2005.
Qu es una familia rica? (Whats a rich family?) El Nacional.
Caracas. October 4, 2005.
Riesgo Venezuela = 4.0% (Venezuelan Risk = 4.0%). El
Nacional. Caracas. September 6, 2005.
IESA sube tres peldaos (IESA climbs three steps). El Nacional.
Caracas. August 25, 2005.
El Sapo del Saln (The Classroom Whistle Blower). El Nacional.
Caracas. August 2. 2005.
El Centro de Emprendedores del IESA (IESA Entrepreneurship
Center). El Nacional. Caracas. July 5, 2005.
Venezolana Emprendedora (Venezuelan Entrepreneurial
Women). El Nacional. Caracas. June 21, 2005.
Cambio (Change). El Nacional. Caracas. May 24, 2005.
Somos un Pas Rico? (Are We a Rich Country?) El Nacional.
Caracas. April 26, 2005.
Sobrevivir a los fundadores: el reto de las empresas familiares
(Surviving the Founders: The Challenge of the Family Business).
El Nacional. Caracas. March 29, 2005.
Planificar, S, pero Para Actuar (Planning,Yes, but in Order to
Act). El Nacional. Caracas. March 1, 2005.

Honors, recognitions and awards (Last seven

Writer of the Prologue of the book: Venezuelan
Entrepreneurs (How they turned their dreams into realities)
by Federico Fernandez and Rebeca Vidal. IESA. Caracas. April
Recognition and appreciation for the support to the
Directors Council of IESA, as well as the collaboration for
scholarships and IESA Panama from Gustavo Roosen,
President of IESAs Directors Council and Francisco Sananez,
President of IESA. Caracas. January 29, 2009.
Recognition from the Fundacin de Estudios Avanzados de
Gerencia. IESA (Foundation for Advanced Studies in
Management. IESA) for the support for the launching of the
academic institution. Ciudad del Saber. Panama City. Panama.
February 14, 2008.
Winner of the Fourth Contest of Teaching Cases IESA 2006-
2007. Case presented: Fast Cash: El Plan B (Fast Cash: The
B Plan). IESA. Caracas, September 2007 (Contest February
2008) (International Jury)
Special recognition from the organizing committee of the
XIV ATEMPO Festival (International Music Festival). Caracas,
July 11-14, 2007.
Recognition for the participation as panelist on the Shaping
the Business Envinronment through Innovative Policies.
Panel. The First-ever Americas Competitiveness Forum (ACF).
Atlanta, Georgia. June 11-12, 2007.
Recognition from the Greater Miami Chamber of
Commerces International Business Development Group for
his presentation and participation in the Global Business
Intelligence briefing Post Election Venezuela. What does the
future hold for commerce? Miami, Florida. January 31, 2007
Finalist of the Third Contest of Teaching Cases IESA 2005-
2006. Case presented: De punto com a media
group ( From dot com to media group). IESA.
Caracas. August, 2006. (The sole IESA professor to rank among
the top finalist in the three editions of this contest).
Finalist, along with Gastn Arvalo, of the Second Contest
of Teaching Cases IESA 2004-2005. Case presented: Juan
Chichero, el Rescate de una Vieja Tradicin (Juan Chichero:
Rescuing an Old Tradition). IESA. Caracas, December 8, 2005.
Mejor Ponente del ao (Best Speaker of the year). After
Office. Asociacin de Jvenes Empresarios (AJE). (Association
of Young Business People). Caracas. December 7, 2005.
Recognition from Asociacin de Jvenes Empresarios
(AJE). (Association of Young Business People) as a tireless
promoter of entrepreneurial culture in Venezuela, who dedicates
every day to make dreams come true. Caracas, November 3,
Winner, along with Gastn Arvalo, of the First Contest of
Teaching Cases IESA 2003-2004. Case presented: Tony
Romas Express: La Creacin de un Nuevo Concepto de Comida
Rpida (Tony Romas Express: The Creation of a New Fast
Food Concept). Caracas. October 19, 2004. (The Jury of the
contest was composed by Michael Chu of Harvard Business
School HBS, Gustavo Herrero of HBS y by IESAs President
Jonathan Coles)
Recognition from the Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello
UCAB for the Creation of the Foundational Professorship for
Entrepreneurship Mauricio and Esther Vainrub. UCAB.
Caracas, July, 2004.
First Class Medal of Honor: Gold Medal. (Medal of Honor in its
First Class: for 20 or more years of academic service in the
Institution) Universidad Catlica Andrs Bello, Engineering
Faculty. UCAB. Caracas, February 12, 2004.
Considered as the best and most influential professor, was
honored by UCAB students in 8 occasions as Mentor for
Industrial Engineer graduating classes. UCAB. Caracas.
UCAB Engineering School Nominee for the Procter &
Gamble Award for Teaching Excellence. Caracas, 2002.
Commencement Speech at the First IESAs Finance Masters
Class, Caracas, July 3, 2002.

Panel and academic jury participation

November 2010. Member of the Jury. Semana Global del
Emprendimiento: Lanzamiento Empresarial. (Global week of
entrepreneurship: Entrepreneurship Lauching)
CentrodeEmprendedores. IESA. Caracas.
April, 2010. Member of the Evaluation Panel who awarded
the second edition of the Benek Jelinowski Award. A
recognition for the labor of Community Professionals. Vaad
Hakehilot. Comunidad Juda de Venezuela. (Jewish Community
of Venezuela). Caracas.
2003-present. Member of the Evaluation Panel for the IDEAS
contest held in Caracas, Venezuela. (IDEAS is an initiative that
supports the creation of new businesses in Venezuela and offers
education and training for future business people, creating a
positive impact in the country and promoting business
opportunities, by being open to new initiatives). Caracas.
1982-present: Tutor and Member of the Evaluation Panel for
more than 100 undergraduate, graduate and PhD thesis
(UCAB, Universidad Simn Bolvar, Universidad Central de
Venezuela, Universidad Metropolitana and IESA students) and
for several professor tenure thesis at UCAB. (See appendix)
April 2, 2009. Miembro del Comit de Ingreso y Clasificacin del
Profesor Nivario Rancel (Member of the Admission and
Classification Committee for Profesor Nivario Rancel). IESA.
February 2009. Journal of Business Research Management.
December 2008. Annual Conference 2009. BALAS (The
Business Association of Latin American Studies). Jury/Arbitrator
2008. Member of the Search Committee for Academic
Authorities of IESA
2008. Reviewer of two papers to be accepted to the Annual
BALAS Conference. BALAS (The Business Association of Latin
American Studies).
2008. Electoral Council. Unin Israelita de Caracas (Israeli
Union of Caracas- Caracas Jewish Comunity). Caracas.
May 2007. Jury President. First Entrepreneurs Contest. Avod
(Labour Solutions). Vaad Hakehilot Meeting. (Vaad Hakeilot is
the Venezuelan Jewish Council. Jewish Community of
Venezuela). Caracas.
2007. Jury President. Entrepreneurship and Business Plans
Contest. Avod (Labour Solutions). Vaad Hakeilot. Venezuelan
Jewish Council. Jewish Community of Venezuela. Caracas
March 21, 2006. Member of the Evaluation Panel who
awarded the first edition of the Benek Jelinowski Award. A
recognition for the labor of Community Professionals. Vaad
Hakehilot. Comunidad Juda de Venezuela. (Jewish Community
of Venezuela). Caracas.
March 20, 2005. Member of the Electoral Commission. Unin
Israelita de Caracas (Israeli Union of Caracas). Caracas.
March 18, 2005. Member of the Electoral Commission.
Asociacin de Jvenes Empresarios (AJE) (Association of Young
Business People). Caracas.
2003. Guest professor for the assessment of a project for a
joint program IESA/Universidad Metropolitana (UNIMET), to
develop UNIMET project To honor their graduates for their
entrepreneurial capability. Caracas.
2002-2003. Panel President for the Teaching Excellence
Award for the Fundacin del Sistema de Educacin de la
Comunidad FUNDASEC (Foundation for the Community
Education System). First (2002) and second (2003) editions.
Comunidad Judia de Caracas. (Jewish Community of Caracas).
January 22, 2001. Qualifying jury member for UCAB Academic
Staff Research Challenge or Work. Engineering Faculty. UCAB.

Board and committee memberships and

Member of the Board of the Miami Symphony Orchestra (MISO).
April 2011 present.
Senior Adviser: FARMATODO. March 2011 present.
Member of the Nominations Committee at IESA 2010-present
Director of the Board: FARMATODO. 2009 March 2011. The
largest Venezuelan chain of pharmacies with international
presence and one of Venezuelas largest corporations with sales
of over US $1 Billion per year.
President of the Audit and Risk Committee at FARMATODO. 2009
Member of the Search Committee for new academic authorities
at IESA. 2008.
Vice President IESA. Caracas, December 2004 2008.
Director and Founding Member of IESA Foundation Panam.
2008 - present
Member of the Directors Council of IESA. 2007-2010.
Member of the Board of Directors (First Vice-President). Espacio
Anna Frank (Anna Frank Space). Non profit Cultural Foundation
for the promotion of tolerance and social responsibility. Caracas,
June 2006 present.
Director of the Board of Mercantil Servicios Financieros, C.A.
(MSF) 2005 - 2008, 2008 - 2011. Director of Mercantil, Banco
Universal C.A. 2005 - 2008, 2008 - 2011. Director of Mercantil
Commerce Bank Holding Corporation (CHC) 2008 - 2011.
Director of Mercantil Commerce Bank Voting Trust 2008 -
present. Director of Mercantil Commercebank Florida Bancorp
Inc. Member of the Risk Committee of Mercantil Servicios
Financieros, Mercantil Banco Universal (Former member of the
Auditing Committee of both institutions). Member of the Capital
Markets Committee of MSF (This is a publicly traded stock on the
Caracas Stock Exchange joined with an ADR program from the
NY Stock Exchange) June 2006 - present. Member of the Ad-
Hoc Committee of Strategic Planning. Member of the Risk
Committee of Mercantil Commerce Bank Holding Corporation
(CHC) 2008 - 2011. Board Director of Mercantil Commerce Bank
since March 2008.
Member of the Advisory Council. Asociacin Venezolana de
Ejecutivos AVE (Venezuelan Association of Executives).
Caracas. June 26, 2006.
Member of the Electoral Commission. Asociacin Jvenes
Empresarios de Venezuela AJE (Association of Young Business
people of Venezuela). Caracas. March 18, 2005.
Sub-secretary of the Electoral Committee. Unin Israelita de
Caracas. (Israeli Union of Caracas). Caracas. March 13, 2005.
Member of the Support Committee. Fundacin Conciencia Activa
ONG (Active Conscience Foundation NOG). March 2004-
Director of IESA Foundation. (A non-for-profit organization
founded to give support to IESAs activities). Caracas, 2004-
Member of the Board of Directors of EDUCREDITO (Non-profit
organization for educational formation support). Caracas, 2002-
President of the Teaching Excellence Award Committee for the
Fundacin del Sistema de Educacin de la Comunidad
FUNDASEC (Foundation for the Community Education System).
Hebraica High School. Comunidad Juda de Caracas (Jewish
Community of Caracas) to honoring teaching excellence.
Caracas. 2002-2003.
Member of IESA Marketing Committee. Caracas, 2000-2003.
Vice-President of the Asociacin de Fabricantes de Equipos
Electrnicos (Association of Electronic Equipment
Manufacturers). Caracas, 1996-1998
Member of the Arbitration and Conciliation Commission. Unin
Israelita de Cracas. (Israeli Union of Caracas). Caracas, 1998-
2001. 110 cases attended.
Member of the Board of UCAB Engineering Faculty as substitute
for the Dean. Caracas 1997 1998.
President of the Asociacin de Fabricantes de Aire
Acondicionado y Equipos Comerciales de Refrigeracin.
(Venezuelan Association of Air Conditioning and Commercial
Refrigeration Equipment Manufacturers). Caracas, 3 terms.
Member of the American Management Association. Caracas.
November 1981.
Board Director of the Asociacin Venezolana de Ingenieros
Industriales (Venezuelan Association of Industrial Engineers).
Caracas, 1979-1980.
Member of the Instituto Americano de Ingenieros Industriales
(American Institute of Industrial Engineers) (No 544011-5).
Caracas. January 31, 1979.
President of the Centro de Estudiantes de la Escuela de
Ingenieria (School of Engineering Students Center). Universidad
Catlica Andrs Bello UCAB. Caracas, 1977-78.
Student Representative to the Junta Directiva de la Facultad de
Ingenieria de la UCAB (Board of Directors of the Faculty of
Engineering UCAB). Caracas, 1977-1978.
Professional Engineer registered in Venezuela since 1979.
Asociacin de Ingeniera Venezolana (Venezuelan Engineering
Association) License No 24257. Caracas.
Member of the Stanford University Alumni Association. Since
Member of the Cmara Venezolano Americana de Comercio e
Industria (Venezuelan American Chamber of Commerce and
Industry VENAMCHAM). Since 1983.
Member of Unin Israelita de Caracas. (Israeli Union of
APPENDIX (Thesis evaluated, selected)
Member of the Evaluation Panel for the PhD Dissertation
at Universidad Simn Bolvar:
June 2009. Optimizacin de la obtencin de concentrados
proteicos de Vigna unguiculata, cruda y bioprocesada y su
factibilidad tcnico financiera. (Optimization of the process to
obtain proteins concentrates of Vigna unguiculata, crude and
bio processed and its financial and technical feasibility). Luis
Manuel Cacho-Sousa Chapat. Caracas.

Member of the Evaluation Panel for Universidad

Metropolitana students thesis, such as:
February 2009. Creacin de un modelo de zonificacin y
ubicacin de reas para el sistema de franquicia Perfumes
Factory de Venezuela (Creation of a zonification and location
of areas model for the franchise system Perfumes Factory of
Venezuela). Alfonso Mendoza. Caracas.

Member of the Evaluation Panel for the MBA of the

Universidad Simn Bolvar graduate students thesis, such as:
February 2007. Conversin de Pyme de equipos industriales a
franquicias en Venezuela. (Conversion of industrial equipment
small and medium sized businesses into franchises in
Venezuela). Isaac Messingher. Caracas.

Tutor and member of the Evaluation Panel for the MBA

IESA graduate students thesis, such as:
January 2011. Creacin de una cultura de emprendedores
innovadores en las universidades venezolanas. (Creation of an
entrepreneurs innovating culture in Venezuelan universities).
Josmar Gmez Inojosa and Omar Arturo Blanco Prez.
December, 2009. Anlisis de Factibilidad de Mercado y
Financiera Posada Tintara. ( Marketing and Financial
Feasibility Analysis Tintara Inn) Maxime Ren Acquatella
Mikuski. Caracas.
December, 2009. Propuesta para la reduccin de los tiempos
de conformacin legal de una empresa en Venezuela.
(Proposal for the reduction of the red tape involved in the
creation of a company in Venezuela) Gabriel Antonio Nuez
December 2008. Estudio de Mercado para la Creacin de una
Empresa que ofrezca a las Pymes del Sector Farmaceutico un
Servicio de Base de Datos (Market Research for the Creation
of a Company that will offer the Pharmaceuthical Sector Small
and Medium Sized Enterprises a Data Base Service). Anne
Marie Len Porras and Luis Alfredo Rosales Mendoza.
April 2008. Estructura de Capital Heurstico y Alternativas de
Financiamiento en el Mercado de Capitales para Empresas de
tamao mediano en Venezuela (Heuristical Capital Structure
and Financing Alternatives in the Capital Market for medium
sized enterprises in Venezuela). Carlos Ignacio Molina
Manzano. Caracas.
April 2008. Qualitative study of the opportunity evaluation
criteria used by European immigrants in Venezuela between
1950 and 1970) Diaz Parra and Garca Aliendes. Caracas.
September 2007. Business Plan: Petit Gourmet. Diego
Alvarez and Manuel Anzola. Caracas.
March 2006. Aplicacin de los conceptos de Iniciativa
Empresarial Corporativa en un Despacho de Abogados
(Applying Corporate Entrepreneurship concepts in a Law Firm).
Marta E. David P. and Nelly Parra de Matheus. Caracas.
June 2004. Promocin de Nuevas Iniciativas de Negocios en
el Municipio Baruta (Promotion of New Business Initiatives in
the Municipality of Baruta). Cruz Mario Zambrano and Melissa
Marchand. Caracas.
June 2004. Estrategia de Internacionalizacin de Directa
Consultores C.A.: Evaluacin de su Capacidad y Seleccin de
Mercados (Internationalization Strategy of Directa Consultores
C.A.: Assessment of Capacity and Market Selection). Mara
Esther Barreiro Rincn and Roberto Singler Waisberg. Caracas.
August 2002. Estudio del Mercado de Apoyo a Pymes y
Propuesta de un Plan de Negocio: Micro Capital (Market
Research: Support to Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and
Business Plan Proposal: Micro Capital). Ito Tamayo. Caracas.

Member of the Evaluation Panel for Engineering PhD

UCAB graduate students thesis, such as:
December 2006. Determinacin de los factores primordiales
que amortiguan el efecto latigazo, asociado a las cadenas de
suministro en Venezuela. (Determination of priority factors that
cushion the distortion effect, associated with supply chain in
Venezuela). Henry Gasparin T. Caracas.
Member of the Evaluation Panel for UCAB undergraduate
Industrial Engineering students thesis, such as:
October 2007. Lineamientos Generales para desarrollar un
modelo de gestin de empresas intermedias del estado
venezolano (General guidelines for the development of
intermediate venezuelan government companies). Jemyl Elias
Verenzuela. Caracas.
October 2005. Estudio Tcnico-Econmico para el desarrollo
de una planta envasadora de agua mineral (Technical and
Economical Assesment for the development of a mineral water
filling facility). Juan Jos Marcano Rincn. Caracas.
May 2000. Bases para el modelo de franquicias en Venezuela
desde la ptica del empresario que desee franquiciar y el
emprendedor que quiera desarrollar una franquicia. (Basis for
the franchise model in Venezuela from the promoters point of
view who wishes to franchise and the entrepeneur who wants to
develop a franchise). Jorge Arredondo and Dante Di Edigio.
February 2000. Aumento de la productividad en una lnea de
fabricacin de cpsulas para la industria farmacutica,
haciendo nfasis en variables directamente relacionadas con el
proceso. (Productivity increase for a capsule manufacturing
line for the pharmaceutical industry, with emphasis on variables
directly related with the process). Blanca S. Antor and Sara A.
Cisneros. Caracas.
May 1999. Diseo y desarrollo de la metodologa a
implementar para la asociacin estratgica de tres empresas
pertenecientes a la rama de las telecomunicaciones y
computacin. (Design and development of the methodology for
the strategic alliance of three companies from
telecommunication and information technologies areas). Jeffry
Carreo. Caracas.
June 1998. Propuesta de mejoramiento para obtener una
mayor calidad durante la prueba de fuga y proceso de pintado
de la colmena del condensador para aire acondicionado de
vehculos. (Improvement proposal to gain better quality during
a leak test and painting process of the condenser coil for
automobile air conditioning system). Diego Buzzi and Roberto
Franzius. Caracas.
December 1997. Definicin y rediseo de los procesos
utilizados en la funcin desarrollo urbano de la industria
petrolera nacional. (Definition and redesign of the process
used for urban development in the national oil industry). Paula
Mndez and Katiuska Vegas. Caracas.
June 1997. Modelo Estratgico para la definicin y
permanente evaluacin del perfil del Ingeniero Industrial de la
UCAB dentro de un marco de competitividad. (Strategic Model
for the definition and continuous evaluation of the Industrial
Engineer profile in UCAB within a competitive environment).
Pedro Guevara and Francisco Yannuzzo. Caracas.
June 1996. Algoritmos de optimizacin para la asignacin de
recursos en el mantenimiento del sistema contra incendios en
una industria petrolera - caso Lagoven - e ndices de
mantenimiento. (Optimization algorithm for budget allocation in
a fire extinguisher system maintenance for the oil industry -
Lagoven case - and maintenance indexes). Werner Corrales
and Giusseppe Russo. Caracas.
May 1996. Estudio de alternativas para abastecer el mercado
nacional de azcar en empaque al detal. (Alternatives
assessment to supply national sugar market retail packaging).
Abelardo Riera. Caracas.
October 1995. Pronstico de ventas y su importancia en la
planificacin estratgica, en una industria de pinturas. (Sales
forecast and its importance for strategic planning in a painting
industry). Alejandro Hernndez and Hildebrando Saavedra.
October 1995. Establecimiento de un procedimiento de
anlisis de variables para la apertura de tiendas de pintura.
(Establishment of a variable analysis procedure to assess the
launch of painting stores) Jorge Conrado and Francisco Vargas.
May 1994. Diseo de sistema de exportaciones para una
empresa de productos alimenticios, que permita mejorar niveles
actuales de atencin al cliente. (Design of an export system for
a food products company that would improve customer service
ratings). Rafael Arbola and Mara Bracho. Caracas.
October 1991. Disminucin del desperdicio y reproceso de la
merma en la fabricacin de jabones de tocador. (Decrease of
waste and re-process during soap bar manufacturing). Jimmy
Torres. Caracas.
October 1991. Diseo e implantacin de un sistema de
distribucin para productos de panadera y pastelera a nivel
industrial en el rea metropolitana de Caracas. (Design and
implementation of a distribution system for bakery and pastry
products at industrial level in the Caracas metropolitan area).
Francisco Rodrguez and Jos Socas. Caracas.
April 1991. Diseo y Puesta en marcha de un sistema para
mejorar la efectividad del cuerpo de ventas de una empresa
generadora de productos de consumo masivo. (Design and
implementation of a system to improve sales force productivity
for a mass consumption products business). Cesar Prez and
Harold Wulff. Caracas.
October 1990. Estudio de la influencia del concepto de
rentabilidad en la toma de decisiones gerenciales durante la
fase de ejecucin de un proyecto. (Assessment of the
influence of the concept of profitability in the management
decision making during the execution phase of a project). Mara
Corina Machado and Andrea Nio. Caracas.
April 1987. Estudio del sistema de produccin de un taller de
confeccin textil para su optimizacin. (Assessment of the
production system of a textile workshop to enhance its
optimization). Ramn Magual and Gabriel Zalzman. Caracas.
March 1987. Reestructuracin de una empresa
cosmetolgica. (Re-structure of a cosmetics firm). Roberto
Lorenzo. Caracas.
October 1986. Sistema de produccin para una industria
fabricante de tintas para las artes graficas. (Production system
for a graphic arts ink manufacturer). Ben Lapscher. Caracas.
January 1986. Sistema para medidas de productividad.
(Productivity measure system). Dimitri Aivasovsky. Caracas.
July 1985. Proyecto para la elaboracin de envases plsticos
para cierto tipo de cosmticos. (Project for the manufacture of
plastic containers for a specific type of cosmetics products).
Edgar Michelangeli and Miguel Maury. Caracas
May 1984. Estudio de los componentes y bsqueda de la
optimizacin de una lnea de produccin de galletas.
(Assessment of the components and search to optimize a
cookies production line). Ricardo Sans and Antonio
Santamara. Caracas.

Member of the Evaluation Panel for UCAB professors

tenure thesis, such as:
July 2009. Determinacin de las ecuaciones asociadas a los
factores primordiales que amortiguan el efecto latigazo,
asociado a las cadenas de suministro, en Venezuela
(Determination of the equations associated to the priority factors
that cushion the backlash effect, associated to the supply
chains, in Venezuela). Professor Henry Gasparin. Opting for the
position of Associate Professor. School of Industrial
Engineering. Engineering Faculty. UCAB, Caracas.
March 2004. Gua para las clases de Administracin de
Empresas basada en la Teora de la Organizacin Armnica
(Guide for the Business Administration courses based on the
Harmonic Organization Theory). Professor John Augusto Nouel.
Opting for the position of Adjunct Professor. School of Industrial
Engineering. Engineering Faculty. UCAB, Caracas.
May 2003. Estructura de Polticas y Guas para la Implantacin
de la Gerencia de Proyectos (Policies and Guidelines Structure
for the Establishment of the Projects Management Unit).
Professor Fernando Puerta. Opting for the position of Full
Tenured Professor. School of Industrial Engineering.
Engineering Faculty, UCAB. Caracas.
March 2002. Estudio de Franquiciabilidad del Servicio de
Remanufactura de Mdulos de Copiado (Assessment of the
Franchise Feasibility of the Service of Remanufacturing
Copying Modules). Professor Leopoldo Napolitano. Opting for
the position of Assistant Professor. School of Industrial
Engineering. Engineering Faculty, UCAB. Caracas.
March 1994. Propuesta terica de un metamodelo situacional
para la toma de decisiones (Theoretical proposal for a
situational metamodel for decision making) Professor Carmen
Riverol Opting for the position of Assistant Professor. School of
Industrial Engineering. Engineering Faculty. UCAB, Caracas.

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