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Telling Your Story

Please interview the person sitting next to you. Feel free to add or skip any questions that
you want. Take turns talking, jot down some notes, and prepare to introduce your partner to
our class. Lets begin!
1. Whats your full name? How do you spell that?
2. Who chose (selected) your name? Why?
3. Where were you born? Were you the first child? Second? Fifth?
4. Do you have any older brothers? Sisters? Younger siblings (brother and sister)?
5. Where did you grow up? Is that a city, village, or suburb?
6. How would you describe yourself? Why?
7. Do you have a favorite color? Number? Season? Why?
8. What kind of music do you listen to? Do you have a favorite singer? Group?
9. Whats your favorite radio station or television channel? Why?
10. Can you recommend any movies to rent or see? Why do you like those films?
11. What do you like to do outside? Why?
12. Where do you walk, hike, jog (trotar), or bike on the weekends?
13. Whats your favorite sport? Why?
14. How do you like to spend your free time? What interests you?
15. Do you have a hobby? How long have you enjoyed it?
16. How long have you studied English? Where?
17. Where do you usually speak English? Who do you usually talk with?
18. What makes you smile? Where do you feel most comfortable?
19. What are some things that might (maybe) cause you to frown (make a sad gesture - )?
20. How do you express enthusiasm?
21. What are your goals for this year? Why? Whats your plan?
22. How would your friends describe you?
23. What are three things that you appreciate about life?
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Which quotation is your favorite? Why?
1. I never met a man I didnt like.Will Rogers (18791935), American humorist
2. I am free of all prejudices (prejucio). I hate every one equally.W. C. Fields (1880
1946), comedian
4. Hes the sort of (kind of) guy (person) if you say, Hi ya, Clark, how are you? hes
stuck for (no te safas) an answer.Ava Gardner, film star, describing her ex-lover, the
film star Clark Gable.
6. Dont tell your friends about your indigestion. How are you is a greeting, not a
question.Arthur Guiterman (18711943), American poet
10. There is no such (tal) thing as conversation. It is an illusion. There are interesting
monologues, thats all.Rebecca West (18921983), English writer
11. I am simple, complex, generous, selfish (egoista), unattractive, beautiful, lazy (flojo)
and driven (movido).Barbara Streisand (1942), American singer, actress, director,
13. Never let your fear (temor) of striking out (rechazo) get in your way (se interponga en
tu camino).Babe Ruth (18951948), American baseball legend
14. It was impossible to get a conversation going (hacer que la conversacin fluya);
everybody was talking too much.Yogi Berra (1925) legendary baseball

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