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Emperor of Qin
For enslaving your husbands,
brothers, fathers, and sons, forcing
them to build a wall. They built
through blazing heat and freezing
cold, through mountains and
swamps. These men got nothing in
return but death and illness. The
reason your loved ones never came
back is because of the so-called
Emperor of Qin!

He burned the CONFUCIAN

books our forefathers wrote.
Then only books on medicine,
farming, and the history of the
Qin kingdom escaped
And why did he do this? Because
Confucian scholars criticized
He killed the Confucian scholars
in order to end the opposition.
The ones who wouldnt part with
their books were tattooed and
enslaved. If you were to speak of
the ancient teachings you would
be executed. Scholars would be
buried alive!
The emperor used harsh
legalism punishments. He
killed traitors, who planned to
take his life. But he also
mercilessly killed their
families, even the innocent
children. He exiled his own
mother out of suspicion she
was plotting to overthrow him.
He enslaved his son because
the son objected to his
fathers rule!
This man who so greatly
strived for immortality had no
consideration for the tens of
thousands of people he killed.
He is a danger to our society
and is wanted, dead or alive.

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