INFP Healer Oddly Developed Types

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Home INFP Healer

INFP Healer INFP Healer

INFPs in Love
A Few Caveats
INFPs at Work

INFPs at School
Please bear in mind that none of this has to be a stereotype that rules your life. You're a unique
individual with a unique background, and this description is simply a generalization based on
INFP Stress
statistics and averages. Don't take what you read here as limitations, but as an invitation to
INFP Parenthood
grow outside your core strengths. And especially don't use this description as an excuse.
INFP Leadership
You're better than that! :) Besides, why box yourself in? Type is a starting point, not an ending
INFPs at Play place. Enjoy it and then grow from it.
INFP Appearance

INFP Type Dynamics and Cognitive General

Functions (Or Not)
INFPs make up:
INFP Comics
3.89% of the American population (sample size 9,320; Myers & McCaulley, 1985)
Famous INFPs
3.2% of the UK population* (sample size 1,634; Kendall & McHenry, 1998)
Links and Books of Interest
3.23% of the Australian population (sample size 3,373; Macdaid, McCaulley, & Kainz,
Citations 1986)
4.2% of the New Zealand population (sample size 993; Bathurst, 1995)
3.6% of the Singapore population (sample size 1,733; Lim, 1994)

*Be chary about comparing the UK estimate with the others. There's a long explanation.

INFPs are quiet, sensitive people who enjoy meditating upon connections and meanings in the
universe around them. Lost in dreams, fantasies and ideals, they may seem distant at first, but
are in fact one of the warmest and kindest of all types--once you get get to know them, of

One type practitioner has suggested that INFPs are the least likely to stand up for themselves;
their gentle nature and their dislike for negative emotions mean that they avoid conflict even at
their own expense. But the same practitioner noted that INFPs can be more willing to stand up
for themselves if they see that someone else will be hurt if they do not (add citation).

Since INFPs tend to hide their feelings, an offender may not realize that they have saddened or
angered them. Tieger has suggested that these sorts of unaired griefs may lead to resentment
that will eventually cause an INFP to cut a person out of their life without explanation. INFPs
don't wear their feelings on their sleeves, but since those feelings are so tender they are more
apt to be hurt than people think. A word or act that another type might brush off can be
damaging to a soft-hearted INFP. By the same token, criticism should be approached with
particular gentleness and consideration. If possible, the emphasis should be placed upon how
oneself or others are being hurt by the INFP's behavior rather than on the negative
actions/qualities that are causing issues.

INFPs have a strong independent streak, which one might not guess from their desire for
harmony. In fact, the top values that INFPs chose were "Home/family," then "Autonomy," then
"Health," then "Friendships," then "Financial security" (Myers, McCaulley, Quenk & Hammer,
1998). (Money usually tends to fall near the end of INFP lists.) INFPs were also among the top
types for "Autonomy" and "Creativity." Whatever an INFP does--whether work or play--it must
have personal meaning for them and should bring a little more light to the world. And doing it
independently is a big plus too.

INFPs, like all NFs, have a strong sense of metaphor. This may lead to the anthromorphization
of animals or inanimate objects. For example, they may see a fly sitting on the glass and
wonder what it is thinking, then come up with a meaningful story about how it feels to be
separated from everything you desire by an invisible wall. Or an INFP may feel sorry for an
inanimate object, i.e. they may feel secretly feel bad for an old bottle of shampoo that is being
heartlessly replaced by the new bottle they just bought. The metaphorical abilities of the INFPs
cause them to see things as alive and possessing feelings--not that they actually believe this,
but they cannot help but imagine it. (One wonders how they feel about eating animal
crackers.) In fairy tales one often hears of a woman who takes pity on the ants, cat, etc, only to
find out that the creature is intelligent and grateful. The stories that INFPs create in their hearts
are somewhat similar, though modernism has taken the pleasure out of getting a reward for
one's deeds of kindness.

Tieger believed that the INFPs were the most idealistic type. Keirsey suggested that many
INFPs will take on a cause and crusade for it, or go on a quest to bring good to others. For
example, Isabel Myers spent many years advocating the Myers-Briggs type inventory test as a
way for people to understand themselves and each other. The webpage you are reading right
now came about as a direct result of an INFP's dedication to helping the world.

INFPs have a set of inner values that they adhere to without compromise. People who attempt
to coerce INFPs in this area may be surprised to find that instead of kicking a soft, yielding
pillow, their foot has impacted an immovable block of granite.

In areas other than personal values, INFPs are Perceivers to the core--messy, flexible,
adaptable, open-minded and bound to neither timetables nor plans. Comfortable with
improvising on the fly, INFPs deal well with the unexpected.

INFPs in Love
INFPs at Work
INFPs at School
INFP Stress
INFP Parenthood
INFP Leadership
INFPs at Play
INFP Appearance
INFP Type Dynamics and Cognitive Functions (Or Not)
INFP Comics
Famous INFPs
Links and Books of Interest

INFPs in Love

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