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Cherished Myths

ets start with two quick embarking on an ocean voyage without tions in the hallways of academia and

L questions: a compass. We would need to question

the distinction between inputs and out-
puts as well as the notion of causality,
industry. Lets air a few in public:
We know that we can algebraical-
ly invert any transfer function,
1) Is G(s) = 1/(s + 1) controllable? not to mention the meaning of state but state-space models ban
2) In f = ma, which signal is the and the role of initial conditions. We improper transfer functions like
input, f or a? might as well forget the ship, too. an exclusive country club. Is s
Weve all learned from books and such an embarrassment that we
The first question is a trick ques- classes that the major advance in the must bar it from membership?
tion, which is often used for oral pre- intellectual underpinnings of sys- What happens when we connect
lim exams. The astute student is quick tems and control theory was the two transfer functions together
to point out that the ques- by feedback, like two
tion is meaningless, since snakes eating each
controllability is not a prop- others tails, so that
erty of a system but rather is there is no longer
a property of a realization of either an input or an
a system. output? Does such a
The second question system cease to be a
might cause some hesita- system?
tion. The equation f = ma Our books dismiss
suggests that a is the input pole-zero cancellation
and f is the output, with the faster than you can say
transfer function G(s) = m. nonminimal realiza-
However, since were used tion, but we rarely
to imagining that the mass dwell on the question
moves in response to a of what happens to the
force, were tempted to poor canceled souls.
write a = (1/m) f , which has Do they simply vanish
the transfer function like the initial condi-
G(s) = 1/m. Unfortunately, tion terms that we
physics doesnt tell us Jan Willems bicycling in Middelheim Park in Antwerp. In the back- usually ignore?
whether f or a is the input. ground is Henry Moore's King and Queen. Consider a mechanical
Those are systems concepts, system modeled in
not part of physics. transition 50 years ago from input- terms of positions and velocities.
In the world of systems and control, output (frequency-domain) models But suppose that were interested
we love block diagrams with their to state-space (time-domain) models. in what the energy is doing as it
arrows showing us unambiguously This transition was satisfying and flows around the system, rather
what causes what. The causality that useful since state-space models than the mass positions and
these diagrams suggest represents a allow us to connect frequency- velocities. Is it possible to con-
kind of logical order to the world. To domain concepts to physical models struct a state space model whose
relinquish these indicators simply and their states. states are the energy flows, that
because we can reassign inputs and Despite this paradise, a few gnaw- is, the quantities we care about?
outputs would be as unsettling as ing doubts remain. These doubts are Economists and physicists use
rarely mentioned in public but rather time-series models extensively.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MCS.2007.909484 are relegated to whispered conversa- These models have no explicit


state. Should we Along the same lines, view of the importance of modeling, it
be bothered that Jan Willemss feature will not be the last. Future articles in
state-space models article in the present this series are under development.
have not been issue of IEEE Control This issue also includes a comple-
embraced by these Systems Magazine com- mentary article by Harish Palan-
fields? Must we plements the bond thandalam-Madapusi, Ravinder
race to construct a graph article of the April Venugopal, and myself on dimensions.
state only issue as the second Dimensions provide the link between
because x = Ax installment of our series math and physics. We know intuitively
demands it? on modeling. In a sub- how to work with dimensions, so I
What can we do stantial article on behav- wouldnt claim that there are any real
about nonlinear ioral modeling, which is surprises. But, if youve ever wondered
systems, where it the sole feature in the what the dimensions of an eigenvalue
is often difficult or present issue, Jans objec- are (to make sure youve correctly com-
unnatural to separate an tive is to get to the bottom of what it puted the numbers) or youre curious
input from an output? Is means to model a system by question- about what a forcian and a timian
the Sun truly the input to the ing many of the tenets of state-space are, then this article is for you.
magnetosphere as in the Octo- models and by exploring a broad range In addition to Ted Djaferiss last
ber issue of this magazine? Or of modeling issues. These issues include Presidents Message and the 25
can we accept the fact that the many that we fret about privately but Years Ago column, this issue brings
magnetic field of the Sun is so rarely acknowledge in public. you an Applications of Control article
coupled to the dynamics of the Jan has been developing the theory about pressure sensing in tires by
magnetosphere that any artifi- of behavioral modeling for the last two Sakaranarayanan Velupillai and IEEE
cial distinction between inputs decades. The literature that his work has Control Systems Magazine Corresponding
and outputs is vastly nave? inspired is massive; one of his IEEE Editor Levent Guvenc. The ever-popu-
We could discuss all of these issues Transactions on Automatic Control papers lar People in Control column features
at length at the upcoming CDC in is cited more than 500 times. In this IEEE Control Systems Society (CSS)
New Orleans. In heated debate, many work, Jan cuts to the heart of what a members at all levels, including the 2008
of us would argue that these ques- model is. He places state-space models CSS president David Castan.
tions are nonissues. Viewed properly, in a larger context, which reveals the In this issue, Maria Elena Valcher
each question can be resolved by strengths and weaknesses of these mod- reports on member activities as she
appropriate interpretation of state els. He provides a deeper, broader, and completes two years of service to CSS.
space models. Perhaps. Or perhaps more intuitive definition of controllabili- The Experts in Control column is
some doubt would persist to the effect ty, which, remarkably, makes the trick doing well, with two questions
that these questions are more than question I asked above meaningful. He answered in this issue. Andrew Alleyne
word games, and there is something provides new insights into the meaning explains why hydraulics is such an
about state-space modeling that of feedback, and he shows how to carry important technology, and Kent Lund-
doesnt quite capture all of our con- out a programme of modeling that is berg settles, once and for all, the ques-
cerns. Most of us would shrug off systematic and automatable. tion of whether Nyquist and root locus
these concerns; we have work to do Behavioral modeling does not elim- plots can cross themselves. We also
and cannot dwell on fussy points that inate input-output models; in many have a coda to the June Classical Con-
can be explained away if need be. But cases input-output models are without trol Revisited article, where Chris Bis-
others might not be willing to accept doubt the right model to use. Rather, sell relates a 1994 interview with
strained explanations. It takes guts to behavioral modeling shows us that German control pioneer Hans Sartorius.
question the status quo. input-output models are often unnec- Since the current issue wraps up
In the April 2007 issue of this maga- essary, frequently inconvenient, and 2007, this is an ideal time to remind you
zine, Peter Gawthrop and Geraint sometimes dont exist. To appreciate to renew or begin your CSS member-
Bevan inaugurated a series of feature and use behavioral models we dont ship. The IEEE Control Systems Society
articles aimed at examining modeling need to unlearn what we know; we is your professional organization, just as
issues in systems and control. Their arti- merely need to recognize the confine- IEEE Control Systems Magazine is your
cle suggested that block diagrams fail to ments of the last half century and be magazine. All 9,000+ of us can make
capture certain aspects of systems. open to a broader concept of modeling. 2008 the best CSS year yet. See you in
Instead, they advocate bond graphs, This issue of IEEE Control Systems New Orleans, and happy new year.
which dont fit in with the tidiness of Magazine is the first issue in its history Dennis S. Bernstein
Simulinks input-output diagrams. to have a single extended feature. In


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