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KotOR/KotOR2 Savegame Editor v3.3.

Version Notes:
0.1 - Jan 26, 2004 Browser only
0.2.2a - Feb 5, 2004 First release of editor.
0.3.2a - Feb 5, 2004 Major bug fix regarding the repacking of GFF/ERF files
0.3.3a - Feb 7, 2004 Added scalability for different resolutions
0.3.4a - Feb 8, 2004 Fixed bug that prevented adding more than once force
power at a time.
0.4.0a - Feb 8, 2004 Added ability to change classes
0.4.1a - Feb 8, 2004 Bug fix: switching back and forth between Jedi classes
0.4.2dbg - Feb 9, 2004 Debugging version -- outputs information to kse.log
file. File is appended only so it will grow as this
version is used.
0.4.3dbg - Feb 9, 2004 Deeper diagnostics added, some small code modifications
0.4.4dbg - Feb 9, 2004 Found a bug that affects game repacking for new
characters on Endar Spire. Fixed.
0.5.1dbg - Feb 14, 2004 Changed method of creating tempfiles in the hopes of
being more XP compliant. Patched error in repacking
ERF file where module did not truncate correctly.
Updated size of module in ERF key entry correctly.
Logging now dependent on existence of KSE.log file.
0.5.2dbg - Feb 15, 2004 Replaced all instances of 'seek' with 'sysseek' in
ERF/GFF modules.
0.5.3dbg - Feb 15, 2004 Fixed "First Feat/Power" bug
0.6.0b - Feb 16, 2004 Removed extraneous feats and powers that cause more
trouble than they're worth. Beta release.
1.0.0a - Feb 22, 2004 Added ability to modify NPCs (alpha)
1.0.1a - Feb 22, 2004 Turned on the ability to add feats for NPCs.
1.0.2 - Feb 28, 2004 Added checkbox to turn on/off extraneous feats/powers
1.0.3 - Feb 29, 2004 Fixed bug in previous version that prevented feat/power
from being shown
1.0.4 - Feb 29, 2004 Cosmetics. Added multiple selectablity to Feats and
Powers lists.
1.0.5 - Feb 29, 2004 Added ability to change PC and NPC class levels
1.1.0 - Mar 1, 2004 Enhanced Feats/Powers List to show current feats/powers
in a different color. Added a Remove button to bottom
of list, allowing for multiple removes.
1.2.0 - Mar 6, 2004 Added ability to change Global Booleans and Global
1.2.2 - Mar 7, 2004 Added ability to change Gender of PC
1.3.0 - Mar 11, 2004 Added ability to add and remove character classes to
PCs/NPCs. You can now give your NPCs a sex change too.
Added Min1HP field so you can make your PC or NPC
Immortal. Added some mouse wheel support for Windows XP
and small other cosmetics.
1.3.1 - Mar 12, 2004 Fixed bug that disallowed Force Power Addition after
Jedi class addition on NPC.
1.3.2 - Mar 12, 2004 Fixed bug that disallowed Force Power removal after
Jedi Class addition on NPC.
1.3.3 - Mar 16, 2004 Fixed bug that caused program to close near Jedi
Enclave for some players
1.4.0 - Mar 29. 2004 Now reads from any spells.2da file in Override directory
1.4.1 - Mar 30, 2004 Minor changes to log file

2.0.0 - Jun 15, 2004 Complete re-write to make use of new GFF/ERF functions
added appearance and name change for NPC
2.0.1 - Jun 17, 2004 Added Inventory widgets
2.0.2 - Jun 17, 2004 Added Portraits for NPC, changed Inventory list to TList
read items from override
2.0.3 - Jun 17, 2004 Added ability to read from override appearance/portraits
2.0.4 - Jun 17, 2004 Updated TwoDA module to not return blank, fixed bugs with
position, orientation in inventory editing
2.0.5 - Jun 19, 2004 Fixed bugs regarding BodyVariation, TextureVar in inventory
2.0.6 - Jun 21, 2004 Added error handling (Tk::Error) and fixed AREANAME bug
2.0.7 - Jun 23, 2004 Made reading of custom .uti files more robust.
2.0.8 - Aug 12, 2004 (by Darth333) added Soundset manipulation capability
2.1.0 - Sep 1, 2004 Added ability to copy inventory from one savegame to
by right clicking on the root node of the savegame
2.1.1 - Sep 1, 2004 Extended inventory copy ability to work when Inventory node
2.2.0 - Dec 18, 2004 KSE now generates .sig files into the savegame folder,
allowing Xbox users to modify their savegames (somewhat
3.0.4 - Feb 12, 2005 Initial support for KotOR2: TSL savegames added
3.0.5 - Feb 13, 2005 Added ability to right click the Game Version nodes to
manually set the
installation path. This is should make Xbox editing
3.0.6 - Feb 13, 2005 Added Influence under NPC nodes for TSL
3.0.7 - Feb 15, 2005 Fixed Xbox data folder name (should be dataxbox)
3.0.8 - Feb 15, 2005 Added required Upgrade fields for Inventory addition for
3.0.9 - Feb 15, 2005 Fixed influence bug
3.0.10 - Feb 20, 2005 Fixed KotOR1 class bug
3.0.11 - Feb 20, 2005 Changed button toggles on inventory stacking to a textbox.
Removed widgets if Apply button clicked with stack of 0
3.0.11s - Feb 21, 2005 (stealth release) Implemented more robust reading of 2da
3.2.0 - Feb 22, 2005 Fixed (Disciple -> Bao Dur) and (Hanharr -> Atton) editing
3.2.1 - Feb 23, 2005 Changed Feats and Powers to display as they do in-game.
'Short' lists for TSL powers and feats will display when
'Show All' checkbox is unchecked
3.2.2 - Feb 25, 2005 Fixed bug where 'short list' of TSL powers was not
or adding powers correctly.
3.2.3 - Feb 26, 2005 Better handling of 2da<->TLK file errors
3.2.4 - Feb 27, 2005 Obscure 2DA bug fix where feat.2da extracted with KT and
placed in
the TSL override would not read correctly
3.2.5 - Mar 6, 2005 Enabled changing of PC's name to work correctly for TSL
3.2.6 - Mar 10, 2005 Enabled changing of PC's name to work correctly for TSL
3.2.7 - Mar 23, 2005 Added Components and Chemicals to TSL savegame tree
3.2.8 - Mar 31, 2005 Added ability to see portraits from portraits list
3.2.9 - Apr 1, 2005 Added ability to see items from Inventory master list
3.2.10 - Apr 2, 2005 Added ability to read .tga files from override
Fixed bug where baseitems.2da not being read correctly for
3.2.11 - Apr 3, 2005 Fixed bug where override .uti files were not getting their
icons displayed
Stopped logging of feats in kse.log
3.2.12 - Apr 3, 2005 Added ability to see powers' and feats' icons
3.3.0 - Apr 8, 2005 Added Quest editing (Journal Entries)
3.3.1 - Apr 9, 2005 Fixed bug where not all journal entries possessed were
being highlighted blue
Fixed bug where customized global.jrl files (with localized
weren't displaying properly
Added ability to edit Current Party
3.3.2 - Apr 16, 2005 Fixed a very long standing bug that prevented some Global
Numerics from displaying
Made Quests node start in collapsed position
.sig file creation is now dependent on the
pre-existence of a .sig file in the savegame folder
3.3.3 - Sep 10, 2005 X-box users no longer need to supply chitin.key or .bif
to perform savegame editing.

3.3.4 - 3/28/13 New version by Fair Strides to add functionality for The
Jedi Masters(TJM), made by Trex at LF.
This will hopefully remove the need swap out the paths between
TSL and TJM.
- Fair Strides also made it possible to refresh your saved games
without having
to restart KSE. Hopefully, this can be done while the game is
- Fair Strides also implemented a scrolling method similar to one
used by Notepad.
It works for the appearance, portrait, soundset, feat, power,
journal, and inventory.
- 9/1/2013--
11/5/2013 - Fair Strides added the use of the Enter/Return key for all
text widgets and the journal entries.
- Fair Strides also added an entry box when adding items to the
inventory, to add to the stack,
instead of being stuck with one of the added item.
- Fair Strides fixed, restored, and enhanced the add/subtract
feature when editing the stack size
for inventory items.
3.3.5 - 1/3/2015 - Fixed issues with Journal data not appearing properly.
- Fixed issues from 3.3.4, hopefully.
- Added ability to edit currently equipped items. # SEE
3.3.6 - 7/30/2015 - Added support for KotOR 2's Steam Updates' Cloud Saves
- Added support for a .ini file to save settings.
- Added an auto-updater (courtesy of Pazuzu156).

KotOR Savegame Editor is a Perl/Tk application used in the editing of
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic savegame files.

The following fields are currently editable:

- Savegame name
- Player name
- NPC Name
- Appearance (player and party)
- Portrait (player and party)
- Attributes
- Skill Ranks
- Equipment (player and party)***
- Feats (add/remove)**
- Powers (add/remove)**
- Cheats Used flag
- Hit Points (current and max*)
- Force Points (current and max*)
- Experience Points (player and party)
- Good/Evil rating
- Credits
- Time played
- Class (see notes below)**
- Levels
- Current Party
- NPCs
- Global Booleans
- Global Numerics
- Gender
- Min1HP
- Inventory**
- Influence (TSL only)
- Chemicals (TSL only)
- Components (TSL only)
- Quests

*=Note: Max Hit Points and Max Force Points, while editable appear to be calculated
at the time the savegame is loaded. Therefore while these fields are editable, the
game will change the values back to what it calculates as correct. It is therefore
better to change your Wis/Cha and Con to affect your MFP and MHP.

** Not supported on Xbox Saves, will cause "Damaged Savegame" message.

*** See special section for detailed instructions

Before Using KSE

Before using KSE, it recommended that you make a backup of your 'saves'
directory, just in case.

For KotOR1, it is also recommended that you download the KSE Fixed Cutscene Files
and place them into your override folder.

Available at,
a direct link is

An alternate link:

If there is a problem with the updater, please PM Pazuzu156 at this link:

Intro to KSE
KSE is a stand-alone executable that can be located anywhere on your
hard drive. Upon launch, it attempts to locate the KotOR and TSL installation
directories based upon its registry entry. If an installation directory is
not located in this manner, a BrowseForFolder dialog is displayed and KSE will
look for the presence of swkotor.exe (for KotOR1) or swkotor2.exe (for KotOR2)
in that directory. Savegames are assumed to be in a folder called 'saves' under
the installation directory. Each savegame file ('savegame.sav') is assumed to
be in its own subfolder along with 'partytable.res', 'savenfo.res', and
'GLOBALVARS.res' files. These assumptions are all based upon a normal
installation, so if you haven't moved files around you're fine.

Manually specifying the game installation path (Xbox users take heed)
You can manually specify the installation path for KotOR or TSL by right clicking
the node that says "Knights of the Old Republic" or "The Sith Lords". A popup
menu will appear next to your cursor. Choose 'Change Installation Path' and you
will be prompted to browse for the installation folder. The tree will be updated
automatically if savegames are found. Note that KSE expects the following files
file structure:

\saves\(various save folders)\savegame.sav
\saves\(various save folders)\savenfo.res
\saves\(various save folders)\globalvars.res
\saves\(various save folders)\partytable.res
\texturepacks\swpc_tex_gui.erf [OPTIONAL - for item/spell/portrait picture
\override\(.2da files or .uti files) [OPTIONAL]

(As of v3.3.3, the chitin.key and various .bif files are not required)

Note for Xbox users: Sig files
Sig files are signatures that tell the Xbox that the savegame is legitimate. There
7 .sig files that are required for a legitimate Xbox savegame:

KSE can create the first 6 of them. The SAVE_HEADER.sig cannot be recreated by KSE
this time. Therefore Xbox users will need to preserve their original
and cross their fingers that it their KSE-edited game will accept that .sig file.

KSE began generating .sig files automatically as of v2.2.0. As of v3.3.2, KSE will

now only generate .sig files if a .sig file exists in your \saves\(whatever)
If you haven't copied over the .sig files from your Xbox with savegame.sav file,
can create a dummy file with a .sig extension in that savegame folder and that will
enough for KSE to know that you want to generate .sig files when you edit your
Using KSE
Upon detection of the above folder/files, KSE will layout each savegame in
a treeview window. Click on the [+] and [-] buttons to open/close. When
selecting a savegame for the first time, there is a couple seconds of
delay as the file information is loaded into memory, so don't panic.
Highlighting different items in the treeview will bring up editing options
in the pane to the right of the treeview window.

In the editing pane, there are will usually be two buttons at the
bottom labeled as 'Apply' and 'Commit Changes'. The Apply button will
update the treeview and apply changes in memory. Commit Changes will
write the changes in memory to the actual files. Most changes require the
savegame.sav file to be re-written which takes a little while. You will
receive a message indicating success in editing the savegame. Note: you don't
have to Commit Changes until you're done Applying changes to memory; however,
if you are editing multiple savegames, you will need to Commit Changes for
each savegame.

Feats and powers have a different appearance in the editing pane. If

the 'Feats' group or 'Force Powers' group is selected, the editing pane
will contain a listbox of all available Feats or Powers to choose from.
Instead of an Apply button, there is an 'Add Feat' or 'Add Power' button.
If you already have the feat/power, this button does nothing. If not, the
treeview will be updated and the changes will be Applied to memory.

If a particular feat/power is selected from the treeview, you will have the
option to Remove it using the editing pane. There's no need to edit
feats/powers -- you have to Remove the old one and Add the new one.

Override Folder: Subdirectories NOT supported
Although TSL supports subdirectories in the Override folder, KSE does not. Too
there are two or more files that are named the same and KSE would have to make some
arbritrary decision as to which one to use. Inevitably this will generate bug
because the end-user expected the other file to be used by KSE. So to save us both
grief, if you wish to add custom items to your inventory or use some custom 2da
you will need to make sure that you copy those custom files into your override root
perform your KSE edits, then remove them. (Note that KotOR also does not recognize

Notes About Feats and Powers
As of version 1.0.2, a checkbox has been added which allows you to turn on and
off the 'extra' feats and powers that aren't normally accessible during level
ups. These are for experimentation and modding purposes. Please don't email me
if you crash the game after adding one of these weird feats/powers. However, if
you discover a use for one, please post your finding to an appropriate forum so
others may learn from your tweaking.
Reminder: No Safety Net!
It should be noted that there isn't much in the way of safety nets built
into this program. You can attempt for example to specify a negative
number of experience points or apply other crazy settings which KotOR may
or may not understand. I guess that's half the fun, but consider yourself
warned. If you're really attached to your savegame, MAKE A BACKUP FIRST.

Notes regarding Class-changing/Adding/Removing
As of version 0.4.0a, KSE provides the ability to change a character class. This
makes for very interesting possiblities, including playing as a Droid or as a
non-Jedi class combination. It also allows the player to change their initial
class into a Jedi class. There are a couple things to consider when changing

- In TSL, don't choose the "Bounty Hunter (CUT!)" class unless you're
asking for trouble

- Do not make a multi-classed character the same class in both classes.

KotOR doesn't seem to like that.

- Before changing your class into a droid, you may want to unequip all
items first. I've had the game hang during loading when I didn't do this.

- The droid classes grant you Feats like Logic Upgrade but you won't see
the icon for them in your Feats screen. Also, KotOR doesn't let you equip droid
armor/weapons/implants. That's too bad. :-(

- (For KotOR1) If you make your early single-class character a Jedi class, you'll

probably also want to grant him/her the Feat: Force Sensitive to give you an
extra 40 points, otherwise you won't be able to do much in the way of force
powers until you level up. Also, you won't be able to get any Force Points
until you level up once.

As of version 1.3.0, KSE allows you to add and remove classes to your PC and
NPCs. It is known that the games won't recognize more than 2
classes. I wouldn't recommend removing all
your classes either. Then you'd just be a couch potato and you don't need a
game for that. :-)

Notes regarding changing levels
As of version 1.0.5, you now have the ability to directly change your PC and NPC
class levels. Adding additional levels will affect your Hit Points and your Max
Hit Points and maybe some other secondary attributes. The amount of experience
points needed to further level up will also increase accordingly. You can level
up past level cap (20 for KotOR, 50 for TSL), though it doesn't do much in terms of

Leveling down will subtract previously gained powers/feats/skills and maybe

attributes that you received from leveling up. The game stores all the
information about what level you were when you gained your abilities. So if you
level down, it forgets you had those abilities.

For the normal player, I can't think of much use for changing your level. For
modders, changing levels may hold more importance.

Notes about changing equipment
As of version 3.3.5, you can change the equipment that the Player or Party Members
are currently wearing. This does have a few sticky spots that you might want to be
aware of, such as:

- The character must be able to equip the item in the first place, otherwise the
game unequips it on loading.*
- As a follow-up, the same applies to equipping weapons. IE: don't equip a two-
weapon and a one-handed in the same set-up.
- To equip an item on an NPC, you will first have to change a piece of their
such as an attribute.** This is due to an unknown bug to be fixed in the next
- I have not tested how the game likes having a ranged and melee weapon set-up,
but I
wouldn't hold my breath.

*; The one exception found during testing was in equipping a droid piece on the
head... :?
**: This doesn't mean you have to make the attribute higher or lower, just hitting
on the current value works.

Known Bugs
Inventory Hiccup
If an item is added to your inventory and it has the same Tag as another item, KSE
will generate an error.

Getting Stuck During Vision Sequence (KotOR1)

Symptom: After leaving the Endar Spire or Leaving Taris, you run into a sequence
where you should be seeing a "dream" cutscene but instead you're locked up in a
room with a "CutStart" object that doesn't do anything.

Cause: You have NOT placed the modified .dlg files into your override directory
and you have changed your character to a Jedi/Minion/Droid class or you have
changed your Gender to something other than Male or Female.

Fix: Download the KSE Fixed Cutscene Files (available from )
and place the .dlg files into your Override folder.

After changing appearance to look like (an NPC), the real NPC has no head!
Symptom: You change appearance to look like one of your party NPCs and all is well
until you attempt to enter a new area with that NPC. Then the NPC loses its head!
Cause: SW:KotOR doesn't like two unique characters appearing together.

Fix: From T7Nowhere's post on Holowan Labs--

I know how to fix the head problem, but it will take a bit of work.

The thing about it. Bioware set it up so that you can't encounter an npc with your
head, so in appearance.2da there is a normalhead and backup head columns.

SO in order for and npc not to loose there head that npc would need an backup head.
As Juhani is a unique npc she doen not have a backup and when you transition from
one area to another the game checks appearance.2da(I suspect) and sinse your
character comes first the game will give you juhani's head and she looses hers.

There is a way to remedy this and it is simple open up appearance.2da with KT (if
you have that file in override then open that appeance.2da) go to row 8 which is
Party_NPC_Juhani and scroll ove until you see columns "normalhead" & "backuphead"
and simple type 5 in the backuphead column save the file back to override. And now
you and Juhani can be twins. if you would like juhani to have a different head when

you take hers then simply open heads.2da to find an appropriate female head (or
male. what ever make you happy) and type that number in the backuphead column and
save appearance to override.

Don't worry this is very simple to do.

- tk102

Equipment Section
Due to an unknown bug, the Equipment branch might become unusable.

The only fix is to restart KSE.

Please report bugs to

11/7/13 - In addition, please report bugs to Thank you. -

Fair Strides.

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