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A FIRST GREEK COURSE BY W. H. D. ROUSE, Litt.D. HEAD-MASTER OF THE PERSE GRAMMAR SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE V LONDON BLACKIE & SON, LIMITED, 50 OLD BAILEY, E.C, GLASGOW AND BOMBAY By W. H. D. ROUSE, Lirr.D. A First Greek Course. Introducing beginners to Greek Authors in their first year. 25. 6d, net. A Greek Reader. For use along with Rouse’s First Greek Course, or any Beginner’s Book of Greek. 25, 6d, net. A Greek Boy at Home. An original Greek story specially written for use with Rouse’s First Greek Course, With Vocabulary in pocket of cover. 3s, 6d. net, By W.H. D. ROUSE, Litt.D., & J. H. WILLIAMS, M.A, Damon, A MANuaL oF GREEX IaMBIC CoMPOSITION, 2s, 6d. net. BLACKIE & SON, Lrv,, LONDON, GLASGOW, BOMBAY PREFACE Tuts book has been compiled as part of a reformed school curriculum. The principles of this reform cannot be discussed here; it must be enough to say, that Greek finds a place, not at the beginning, but towards the end of the school course, being begun in the Fourth Form (average age 144 to 15). At this stage the boy’s mind is more mature, and having been carefully trained by means of French and Latin, he is able to make rapid progress. Two terms (or less) are enough to work through.this book ; and in the third term an easy author may be begun, the grammar being revised along with the author. For the convenience of teachers, a Companion Reader has been compiled, which includes a number of stories, each com- plete in itself. It is quite possible that the book may be found suitable for those who begin Greek earlier, but their progress will of course be slower the earlier they begin. As regards the method of use, I assume that the master will do as much as possible wva voce. Specimens of this method are given here and there, but it is not intended that they be kept to slavishly: they are specimens only. The essence of any such method is, that it be fresh and spontaneous; and the master must be ready to use his material in conversation on the spur of the moment. But conversation is not meant to take the place of construing and writing. All three must go on iii iv A FIRST GREEK COURSE side by side: construing, not to teach English (which is taught separately), but to make sure that the meaning of the Greek is understood ; writing, to give accuracy, and to fix new facts in the mind ; conversation, as a means of practice. The place of conversation is to make the boys quick; to give them continued drill in using their material with slight but definite changes (J for you, am for are, etc.); and, not least, to bring the Greek into close connection with their lives. We use a great deal of conversation which is not hinted. at here, carrying on -much of the business of the class-room in Greek. There are a few novelties in the arrangement which will, I hope, prove to be useful. With the very alphabet we are able to begin with a piece of genuine Greek literature, quotation from Kallias’s Grammatike Theoria (Athenaeus, p. 454): for this idea I have to thank Prof. J. E. B. Mayor, who has taken the liveliest interest in our experiment. I have used one or two liberties with the text, which I hope the author's ghost will forgive, in consideration of the wide advertisement I have given to his work. The declensions are begun with the Adjective, which, being like the Latin onus, is easily remembered, and thus the chief forms of two declensions are mastered at once. Similarly, the participle dv gives the type for a large number of adjectival and nominal forms. For the rest, I have been guided by expediency, placing first the forms which are most wanted. A scientific order is not necessary in learning ; once learnt, the matter can easily be revised in a scientific order by aid of the Compendium (p. 89). Those who have not tried may think that too much is given in each exercise, but this will not be found to be true. At 14 or 15 a boy who has learnt Latin grammar thoroughly can get over Greek at a great pace. It is not intended that a whole exercise shou!d be always done at each lesson; each master must decide for PREFACE v himself how much he can get through. It is easy to divide them, The book was first used in manuscript for a year; then printed and used for a year in proof; finally, with many altera- tions which use suggested, it was reprinted and used for a third year. I think, therefore, that I may safely call it a practical book. My thanks are due to my friend and fellow- worker, Mr. W. H., S. Jones, for his criticisms and suggestions, most of which are embodied in it. I thank also the publisher most sincerely for allowing me to keep the book in type so long. The reading extracts are all taken from Greek authors; it may be left as a pleasant exercise for those who, use the book, to find out where they come from, A certain amount of compression or alteration has sometimes been necessary, and a few un-Attic constructions and words have been changed, for which changes I make no apology. The conversations are invented. Tam confident that a fair trial of the method assumed in this book, combined, of course, with a reorganised curriculum, will show that those who attack the study of Greek are under a misapprehension, I am quite ready to admit that classical education, as it is understood in this country, is a failure. There are, indeed, some boys whom nothing can spoil; there are many clever boys who learn a great deal, and who at 19 are chock-full of information, These do not suffer so much as might be expected, But as an education it is a failure; because it does not teach even these clever boys to use their intelligence as they could be taught to do, and because it makes the average boy dull, unintelligent, and a hater of all intellectual exercise. It does not follow, however, that the failure is due to'the subject. That the adversary may not twist vi A FIRST GREEK COURSE my words to suit his own purpose, I add, that the modern sub- stitutes for classics do not seem to me to be any better: all our schools are spoilt by the same faults of cram, early specialising, and mercenary aims, Greek, however, can be learnt with profit and enjoyment by the average boy, so that in less than a year he can read the Agology of Socrates ; and all that is paid for that result is one lesson of three-quarters of an hour a day. That is not a heavy price to pay for the key to the finest instrument of human speech, and it does not involve neglect- ing anything. On the contrary: along with it the boy may thoroughly study his own tongue, may learn to use it and to understand and enjoy English literature, may win a serviceable knowledge of French and Latin, may have the usual drill in mathematics, and may do a very fair amount of natural science. W. H. D, ROUSE. NOTE TO THIRD EDITION In the third edition a.few minor corrections have been made, and the list of Parts of Common Irregular Verbs has been considerably extended. W. H. D. ROUSE. February, 1916. cuap. I, IL IIL, Iv. 1” VIL VIL. VIL IX. CONTENTS PREFACE . . . . . The Alphabet . . . . . . Exercise I, Adjectives of Three Endings; Article and Relative; Present Ind. Act. of Verbs . . Exercise Il. : . . Pronouns ; Present of ‘to be’; Comparison Exercise III, . . . . . . Personal, Interrogative, and Reflexive Pronouns ; Some Numerals; Accent . . 7 Exercise IV. . . . . . Augmented Tenses. Exercise V.. . Future and Weak Aorist Exercise VI. . Masculines of First Declension ; xpucois, iAews : Imperfect Active of Contracted Verbs . Exercise VII, . . . . Third Declension ; oy and Participles with similar Nouns; Imperative, Subjunctive, and Optative Active . . . . . * Exercise VII. . . . Verbs in -ys Present Indicative Active; Com- pounds of these Verbs. , . Exercise IX. . . : : . PAGE iii 13 17 18 2r 23 29 33 34 37 viii A FIRST GREEK COURSE CHAP. PAGE X. Voices: Middle and Passive, Present and Imperfect 38 Exercise X.. : . . ~~ 4a XI. Present and Weak Aorist of other Moods, Miaate and Passive; oda, yévos, dyes, Zwxpdrns 42 Exercise XI. . . . . . . © 45 XII. Future Middle and Passive; Vowel Stemsintandy 46 Exercise XII. . . . . . 48 XIII. eizé; Aorist Passive and other Aorists in -yv + 50 Exercise XIII. . . . . . 52 XIV. Perfect Active and Reduplication : 53 Third Declension, other Stems and Irregulars 55 Exercise XIV. . . . . . 55, 59 XV. Perfect Middle and Passive; warjp, efuc . 61 Exercise XV. ' . . . . » 64 XVI, Consonantal Verb Stems; Verbs in -us, Imperfect Indicative and other Moods ; BaccAcds, péyas. 66 Exercise XVI. . . . . . 72 XVII. ofa; Verbs in-vys. . . + oe 7B Exercise XVII. 76 XVIII. Liquid and Nasal Verb Stems ; ; iis ; Second "Type of Comparison . . . 78 Exercise XVIII. . . . XIX. Dental Verb Stems ; Subjunctive and Optative of Contracted, Verb Stems; rdAas . Exercise XIX. . XX. . . . . . . . Exercise XX. . . . . COMPENDIUM OF GRAMMAR. . .e SumMMARY OF SYNTAX RULES . . : ACCENT soe ee GREEK-ENGLISH VOCABULARY . «7 ENGLISH-GREEK VOCABULARY. (B 604) : . 80, 82 84 86 87 88 89 154 156 157 168 1—THE ALPHABET Tue names Epsilon (), Omicron (0), Hypsilon (v), and Omega () are late, and were not used by the Greeks of the classical age, Epo PS “@® ZN DearoMasA MUHROMAEPA @ & (as in German|é@ada | alpha hat), % (as ah) . B Bara | beta ¥ ig (as in good)! yappa | gamma 8 d dra | delta e€ e (as in wet) él ei (pron. as. two . - short’ sounds .| combined, éy) ¢ dz Ghra | z8ta (pron, dzéta) ” € (as in French “ee, | jira gta German See) 6 th? Ojra | théta t i (as in French Ze, |i@ra | idta tit) « k canna | kappa By 1 AduPSa lambda B& m po mo v n vy. ni & x . fi xi ° o (as in pot) ob ou T P ai pi p ror th pa rho ° saat} s (as in sing, ass) {enue ‘ } sigma.(san) T t . rad tau v a (as Frenchz) |6 ii $ [ph ft gi | phi x ch!(asin Scotch /och)| xi chi + ps bi psi o "5 (as awe) & 6 1 See next page for Notes on Pronunciation, (604) 1 2 A FIRST GREEK COURSE Notzs ON PRONUNCIATION.—y before ¥, x, & is sounded ng, The aspirates 0, ¢, x were pronounced as two distinct sounds com- bined: as in axthill, uphold, lackhose. @ is still so pronounced in the island of Astypalaea. They may, however, be pronounced like the English th, f, ch, if the true sounds are found to be too difficult. In groups of consonants where the aspiration could not well be pronounced, it was probably sounded before the following vowel (as in modern Bengalee) : thus dy@pwwos = dyrpivros. v(=Fr, u) should not be sounded 00, or it is confused with ov, Quantity must be strictly observed. The voice should be prolonged on a long vowel twice as long as on a short vowel (like crotchet and quaver), This should be caxefully practised while time is beaten as in music, This has nothing to do with accent, or with stress, DOUBLE CONSONANTS are pronounced by dwelling upon the sound: as in English 1b-boat, black-cat, midday, full-liberly, home-made, ten-nights, stop-press, fur-rug, this-sort, that-time, DiPHTHONGS: a: pronounced as in aisle a ot UL av ev nu ov as two short sounds together, & as of in foil as French oui as-ow in cow as two short sounds together, 27 as i as go in fool The so-called improper diphthongs, in which a long @ 7 w is followed by 4, were written a+ 7¢ w:, and pronounced as written, In modern books they are generally written ¢ 9 ¢, with ‘iota subscript,’ and pronounced 4 » w simply. ' Breatwies.—A vowel at the beginning of a word has the ‘rough’ breathing’ if aspirated, the ‘smooth breathing’ if not. The rough breathing was originally represented by H (afterwards used as a vowel), but in quick writing-hand this came to be written like a comma reversed (‘) over the vowel; the smooth breathing was then written (’). Thus 4¢a ‘alpha,’ és ‘hés,’ The rough breathing is always written over initial p: as £0. The stops are (,) comma, (°) colon, (.) full stop, (;) question mark, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 3 The consonants are thus classified (the table should be learnt by heart) — Breathed (or Voiced | Aspirate Unvoited) Mures K y_|_ x | Guttural (throat sounds) 7 | 8 — @ | Dental (tooth sounds) a | B | $ _ | Labial (lip sounds) N.B.—There are two membranes in the throat called vocal cords, If these are tightened when the air comes up from the lungs, the sound is called Voiced, if they are slack it is called Breathed. When tightened the cords can be felt to vibrate by placing a finger upon the throat. p Liquips # vy NASALS o SIBILANT ¢é U double letters (= ds, ks or gs, ps) Accent.—Every Greek word, except a few, has an accent, which originally marked the raising of the tone of voice, not stress as in English. It is possible with careful practice from the first, to raise the tone on these syllables (as little stress as possible being used) and to observe quantity at the same time. Genera RuLe.—The acute accent (’) must fall on one of the last three syllables, If the last have a long vowel, on one of the last two. On final syllables, except last in a sentence, the acute accent is written as grave (*). The circumflex (") denotes a raising and lowering of tone on one vowel, as in certain English when the expression of surprise is intended (2d /). It must fall on one of the last two syllables, and it cannot stand before a long vowel or diphthong. It can only stand on a long vowel or diphthong, as it implies contraction. A few words are only used in combination with others which go before them. These have no accent, and are called enclitics, They generally throw their accent back upon the last syllable of the word before. A few other words, standing first in a phrase, have no accent; these are called proclitics (as ei ‘if, eis ‘into,’ év ‘in’). 4 A FIRST GREEK COURSE N.B.—Interrogatives always have the accent. Indefinites are enclitic, and generally have none. EXERCISE On the Alphabet (To be learnt by heart) gor’ dda, Pijra, ydppa, Sédra, Kad rd el,! tir’, Fra, 07’, ira, Kdrwa, AduPda, pd, vd, Ei, 7d 0d, wi, pd, To ciypa, Tad, 7d 9, gi xe re? Kar pi wat rd b, Bara Gdpa = Ba Bijra od ~—-Bo Birra et Be Bara 3 Buy Bira tyra Bn Bita &® ~§=Bo Bijra idra Bu So Bara ahha ita Bar Birra = lta = Bet, ete. Make a similar exercise with the other consonants. These should be read aloud, and then written with accents, I od ‘not’ (before vowels unaspirated ods and aspirated ody), the negative of plain denial (categorical negative). #4 ‘not,’ used in prohibitions, conditions, and abstract ideas. Thus used alone, 03 would mean ‘no,’ and ju} ‘don’t.’ N.B.—The following table is not to be learnt, but for reference as required. 1 kal ‘and,’ 76 ‘the,’ neuter article. See p. 5 below. 3 re ‘both’ (like gue). A FIRST GREEK COURSE on Contin | Cina | Relative Indefinite who tis boris bs Tus, some one where Tod Ocrov od qrov, some where whence mobév | 6rdbev | 80ev | wdGev, some-whence whither Tot drat of rot, some-whither when aéte | Ordre | bre moré, some time how TOS bres as ws, somehow how great| mdcos | dmdcos | bcos | arocds, some size évOdde, here éxet, there kai, and evbévde, hence éxeifev, thence adr, but Sedpo, hither éxeice, thither ®, O ed, well vov, NOW ei, if kaxés, badly ore, then érret, since dpa, -ne (the question mark, placed first in a clause). dp’ ob, nonne There are three numbers: Singular, Dual,! and Plural. xandos, ‘beautiful’ M. F. N. Sing. N. «adds Kan} Kano Vi Kang Kan} Kadov A. Kkadov Kani Kandov G. Karod Kans Karod D. Karp Kany Kare Dual N.V.A. «ard Kana Kare G.D. Karoly Karaiv —kadoiv Plu. N.V. xandot Karat Kana A. Karots adds Kand G. xad@v Kadn@v KONOV D. karois kadais —kadols Compare the Latin adjective donus, dona, bonum. 1 The dual is used when we speak of a pair of things, or of two things closely connected. 6 A FIRST GREEK COURSE Nouns are declined in the same way. Those in -7 belong to the first declension, in -os and -ov to the second, as in Latin. ARTICLE 8s, ‘who’ (rel.) Sing N. 6 4 76 és i 6 A. roy tip 0 6i tw 6 G. rod Ths Tod ov is ob Do Th oe 6 gg ¢ , ’ Dual US ey all genders oy all genders Plu. N. of a td ot a& A. robs tds td ols as a G. trav trav Tov dv dv ay D. tots tats ols ols als ols The article was originally a demonstrative, and it keeps this sense in certain phrases: as 6 pév ‘this,’ 6 8€ ‘that’ (which are used as conjunctional pronouns to introduce a clause), or when prefixed to an adverb or adverbial phrase, as of rére ‘those who lived then,’ THE VERB: PRESENT INDIC, ACT. (2) | @ © (2) S. 1. \8-w, I loose} aa-&, I do} dp-&, I see] 8r-d, I make 2. Md-eus trot-eis | op-ds Snr-ots. clear 3. Adee Tote ép-a Syr-08 “Du. 2. d#-erov tot-eiroy |dp-Grov | 8yA-obrov 3. M-erov mov-eitoy |dp-&rov | 8nd-odTov Pl. 1. Ad-opev mot-oduev |dp-Opnev | SnA-odpev 2. Were mot-eire | dp-are Snd-obTe 3.Av-ovau(v) | ou-oba0(v)| 6p-Bau(v) |SyAr-odau(v) The 3rd plur. -v is used before vowels. The first (Avw) is the ordinary form ; the other three are con- tracted. The erjlings are the same in all. In (4) the stem A FIRST GREEK COURSE 3 ends in -e, which contracts with the endings zo-w, rou: mouerov, movetrov, powers all endings except -o. vowels found in the contractions. SnAdopev, Snrodpev, etc, Exercise.—Conjugate the above and other verbs, along with pronouns, as: éy® Avw, od Aves, etc. ; or yd Adw oe, etc.4 Verbs dxobw, hear (cp. acoustics) . daro-Ovyjoxw, die Brera, see ypddw, write (cp. graphic, telegraph) 8nAG (-o-), declare, make plain &w, have; with adverbs, used of a state, as & exw, T am well Aéyw, speak Avw, loose, undo, annul pavOdve, learn (cp.” mathematics) 5p@ (-a-), see tov (-€-), do, make PAG (-e-), love govd (-e), speak, (cp. telephone) éori(v), is (cp. est) 1 After ¢, t, or p, & takes the place of 7. VOCABULARY Nouns dxoh, 7}, hearing GvOpwiros, 6, human being BiBXrov, 76, book (cp. Bible) SiSdeKadros, 4, teacher Oeds, 6, 1), god xddapos, 6, pen petaBody, }, change dpOarpds, 6, eye watSlov, 76, child tox, %, fortune pwrn, , voice tb ADJECTIVES dyads, good GAdXos, GAAY, AAO, other Svotnvos, miserable xaxés, bad kaos, fine, beauti- ful, noble In (¢) the stem ends in -a, which over- Thus @ and o are the only In (@) the stem ends in -o: véos, véd, véov, young? és, who, which, (7e- lative) roAvs, much? 7600s, how large? (p/. how many ?) motos, told, trotov, of what kind ? ti (newt, of ris), what? tupdds, blind ADVERBS, CONJUNCTIONS, AND PARTICLES et, if eb, well kal, and, also, both (like ez) kax@s, badly’ rds, how? te, both (put after tts word) ;° cp. Lat. que rou, enclitic, indeed This is called & pure, 3 odds, ‘much,’ declines like dya0és, except in the nom. and acc, masc, and neut. N, odds woh Trond A, wohty mohNiy OAS G. mohhod “rods 8 Adjectives in -os make adverbs itmas, moAnod, etc. 4 For declension of pronouns see p. 13. 8 t, &-FIRst GREEK COURSE 3. Syntax Rue, 1.—The instrument is expressed by the dative case (= Latin ablative). READING LESSON tuprov te Kal Stornvov éotw 4 toyn. 7d vijs téyns’ Tor peTaBodas modAas eeu. bv of Geol pirodow daroOvycKe véos. dvOpwmos yer dxonv nal dxover. GvOpwrros exer dpOarpors Kal Brérer dvOpwmos exe Gavi wal réyeu, eyouev BiSMtov Kal pavOdvoper. éxouev nddapov kat ypddoper, Translate these, pointing out subject, predicate, and object. The first three are in verse, and should be learnt by heart. SVAN EYY CONVERSATION LESSON (with books open) 1, motév dorw 4 Toyn; Tupddv re Kal Svornvdv cor 4 roxy, Th dort Sdornvov; 4 Toyn SvornVdV dor. ti exer Tuyns peTaBords wodAds exer 7} toxn, th exer petaBodds; 4 Tbyn exer peraBords. mocas petaBords ; odds. (Using the Vocabulary) . 2, th eyes, & maior; dxonv éyo, & SiSdoxare, kat tt moves axon; dxoio. Tas dxovers, @ Taidiov; ed dxovo, Kakds dxovw. e¢ ed dxovers, Tolay dKony yews; el eD dxotw, xadjy exw adxojv. eb KaKds dxovels, etc. So with wv, dPOaruds, BiBrtov, nddapos: eg. ti Gro eyes; “doviv exo, etc. 1 «That which belongs to fortune.’ The article when prefixed to a genitive has its old sense of demonstrative ‘that.’ (Cp. p. 6 above.) A FIRST GREEK COURSE 9 The same in dual, singling out two persons ; and in plural, as— yy > , ry ° , ¥ Tl EXETOV, @ traslo ; TL EXETE, @ Tradia ; eXOMEV BiBXa, etc. The teacher may devise other varieties for himself. The Conversation Lesson is to be said wholly in Greek, and the book to be closed on revision. 3. THEME : to be written— (a) A man’s senses, and what he does with them, (8) A boy’s book and pen, and what he does with them, Ill . obTos, ‘this’ M. F. N. Sing. N. odros attn TodTO A. robrov Tavrny TOUTO G. rodrov Tavrns ToUTOU D. rodre rabtn ToUT@ Dual N.A. rodro all genders G.D, rodrow 8 Plur. NN. obros aUTaL TabdTa A, rodrous Tabras Tatra G. rovtwv TovTav ToUT@V D, rovrow Tavrals Tovrous N.B.—The nominative sing. and pl. has been influenced in form by the article, Another word for ‘this’ is 68, 75, 7d8e, declined like the article with -8¢ affixed, +4 is used instead of -7 after ¢, «, or p (see p. 7, note 1), as:— 10 A FIRST GREEK COURSE Ppa Oipav Odpas, ete. oixla oikiay oixias, etc. The Present Infinitive is formed from the verb stem by add- ing -ev. With contracted stems this becomes -eiv, -@v, -otv — Av-ev roveiv dp-av &y-Aodv PRESENT TENSE OF elvat, ‘to be’ Sing. 1. eipé Plur. 1. dope 2. eb Dual 2. éorov 2. éoré 3. éori(v) 3. dorov 3. eloi(v) All these forms, but ¢é, are enclitic, except when emphatic in sense; in which case they are put first, and the accent of the 3rd person sing, is éoruv. CoMPARISON OF ADJECTIVES.—Change -os to -drepos -dratos when the syllable before -os contains a long vowel or ends in two consonants, -drepos -Wraros if it has a short vowel followed by one consonant :-— pixpds pix pdrepos pixpétatos arixpds mlxpdrepos wikpdtaros but gopds copdrepos | copdraros Adverbs are formed from adjectives in -os by changing the ending of the genitive singular masculine to -ws: xaAds, gen. xadod, ady. xadds, Comparative adverbs use the neuter singular of the adjective, superlative adverbs the neuter plural : gopis, copdrepov, copwrara, Syntax RuLE, 2.—A neuter plural subj. has verb in sing. Syntax Rutz, 3.—Demonstrative pronouns need the article to be used with their noun: obros 6 dvOpwros or 6 dvOpurros oSros ‘this man,’ A FIRST GREEK COURSE ir Syntax RuLE, 4.—The article may also be used with the infinitive mood, and with any adverbial expression, as :— 7 Aéyew ‘saying, rod Aéyew ‘of saying,’ of wéAae ‘the ancients,’ 6 év rp oé«ég ‘the man in the house. Nouns SdxrvdAos, finger Sévdpoy, tree Sidpos, stool, chair Swpdriov, room pa, seat GeAxTi}piov, charm Ovpa, door tapos (f), physician «iiros, garden xAfvy, lounge, couch (cp. recline) Adxavov, herb,vege- table | Aédyos, word, speech (cp, dialogue, pro- logue) VOCABULARY Atay, grief oixid, house méragos, hat 7, something dppaxor, physic, remedy (cp. phar- macy) oxy, soul, life ADJECTIVES AND NUMERALS duo, dvoiv, two déca, ten mévte, five GAAos, other dorefos, nice READING LESSON éxagTos, each, every motos, of what kind? paxpos, long pixpds, small pévos, alone orpoyytdos, round xpyoyzos, useful CONJUNCTIONS AND PARTICLES dpa, interrogative particle 84, but (stands secona) i). 7}, either. , or éxrés, outside évrés, inside I, Warns latpés eotw dvOpwrows Aoyos* spuxiis yap obros pdvos exer Oedernpia + Aéyouor 8 adrov of wddar copdtaror doreloy elvar pdppaxov Kal ypiorpov. 2. olxtav éyouev xadjy, evtds 8 ict dSippor te kal Krivar Kal Spar Grrat, cal Swpudtia Séxa, Kal whymov exopev, évtds 8 earl dévbpa cal Adxava. 3. of avOparra eyovow Exactos S00 dPOarpw, Kal Séxa Saxrdrous, éxovor 8& Hori Kal dxory Kal vodv. 2 3é ‘but’ stands second in the sentence. 12 A FIRST GREEK COURSE CONVERSATION LESSON I, rt dors Admns latpis avOpdmos ; Rdyos eorly avOporos dAvTns tatpos. ives (gen.) éorly tarpos Royos; vmns larpos dors Adyos. iow (dat. pl.) larpés dott wns Adyos; avOpdmois AUIS éoTe Abyos latpos, rh exer; ~puyiis exer Oederypra. rlvos Oederipia ; puyijs. obtos povos } Kad GAdos; pdvos obros. Tl déyouow adrov elvat of copdrara ; dorelov elvar ddppakov déyovow. Totov pappaxov; daretov ddppaxoy nal xpjorpov. 2, & maior, ap eyes oixiav; eyo oilxiav, & Siddoxare. Kal roiav eyes olxiav; Kadi exw oixlar. tt 8 évtos éorw; Sidpou 7° evtds clot nab Kdivar wal Spa. gore 8 addo te; kipds dors, wal ever Aadyava wal dév8pa, 3. Te eyes AvOpwmos & (with which) Adyes; pavyv éyet. mocous Saxrdrous éxet, técous dPOarpous, etc. moiov ti dorw 6 dpOarpos; aorpoyytros dor, Kal SaxTdos ; paxpds. 4. Complete the following in as many ways as you can :— 4 oixla éoTl.. Td dpOarud éordv ... ta dévdpa éoti... So with Ovpa, wéracos, rradiov, por}, etc. Or: paxpos éoTw ... xpnoiun dori... Kadov eoTr ss. THEME—The Medicine for Grief. My House and Garden. A FIRST GREEK COURSE 13 IV PERSONAL PRONOUNS First Person Second Person Sing, N. eyo, I av, thou A. éyé, pe oé, oe G. éyod, pov go, cou D. epol, pou gol, coe Dual N\A. vo oho G.D. vey opov Plur. oN. jyels bpeis A. jypas bas G. judy dpav DD. jyiv oply The forms épé, ¢uod, enol, vé, vob, cof are emphatic. avros, ‘self’ mM, F, N N. adros abrn aio A. abrév avriy abo G. adrod aris avrod, etc., like adds. The oblique cases of this are used for the Third Personal Pronoun, as: Mw airév ‘I loose him’; with the article it means ‘the same’— ‘ , > A 6 abrds, 4 adty, Td adro, or abrds, alr}, tadTd(v) INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN tis, “who, ‘what’ Sing, N. ris ord Dual rive Plur. tives Tia A. tiva ti tivas tiva G. — rlvos 1 tive tivow D. thu riav) 14 A FIRST GREEK COURSE The same forms, accented on the last syllable, or without accent, are used for the indefinite ‘some,’ ‘any’; except that the neuter plural is érra or twa, CARDINALS els, ‘one’ M, & N Sing. N. els pla & A. &a play & G. vos pads év0s- D et pe évt 8v0, ‘two.’ tpeis, ‘three’ MPN, MF. N. N.V.A. 8v0 N.V.A. pels tpla G.D. dvoiv G. Tpiav D. tpiol(v) rértapes, ‘four MF. N. N.V. rérrapes rértapa A. rérrapas rérrapa G.. Tertdpav D. rérrapov) The other numbers up to a hundred are indeclinable. Some feminines end in nom. -@: they are declined with those in -» except in the nom. and acc. singular :— NV. yAa@rra, tongue A. yhérrav G. yAwrrns D. yherry, etc. like cay A FIRST GREEK COURSE 15 The Reflexive Pronoun is made by adding airév, ‘self,’ etc., to the personal, thus :— Sing. A. G. D. Plur. A. Sing, A. Plur. A. Sing. A. Plur. A. G. D. First Person M. fF. éuaurov cuauTny éuavTod epautis éuavT@ euauth jas avdrovs, etc. (separate) Second Person MM, fF ceavrov (or cavrdv) ceauTiy (cavrnv), etc, buds adbrovs, etc. Third Person M. F N. éavrov éaurqv éavrd(v), etc. éavtods éautds éautd éavtav éavrdv éauréy éavrois éavtais © éavrois These forms may all be contracted: atrév, atrovs, etc. Distinguish atrqy reflexive from abriy ‘self.’ The oblique cases of the 3rd pers, pron. following are also used with or without avrovs for the 3rd pers. reflex. plural :— MF. N. ogeis A. odds G. ohdv D, oduci(v) 16 A FIRST GREEK COURSE GENERAL RULES OF ACCENT (see p. 3) Accent in Verss.—The accent goes back as far as possible. Accent In Nouns AND ADJECTIVES.—The accent remains on the same syllable as in the nominative, unless a general rule forbids. last (as yAGrra, but yAwrrav), Nore.—With an acute on the final, as furdv, the accent in the first two declensions becomes circumflex in gen, and dat., because these cases are contracted: gurod, purg. But the gen, plur. of -a stems is circumflexed on the SPECIAL RULE FoR ACCENTS,—-ot and -at final, although diphthongs, and therefore long, are treated as short for the pur- poses of accent (except in the optative mood, for which see below, p. 31). Vers tpdttw, do tpépw, feed, rear, nourish Nouns dropia, difficulty épBbAn, boot ‘yewpyés, farmer (cp, George) elpyjvn, peace épyov, work eds, god ipdriov, cloak vods, mind xepady, head mediov, plain érpa, rock petrify) méAepos, war (cp. polemics) (cp. VOCABULARY pvrdv, plant xAaiva, cloak, over- all Gpos, shoulder + ADJECTIVES eAcdOepos, free Aevkés, white Xphoysos, useful xpnorrés, good, honest PARTICLES, PREPOSITIONS, AND ADVERBS del, always stand second in the Sentence dpa, then oty, there- fore ye, particle of em- phasis added to pronouns, as tywye 8é, and, but oH, indeed pev . . 82 on the one hand .. on the other hand, of two contrasted things: they stand after the words contrasted ey (dat.), in; kdv= kat év éri (gen.), upon padurra, especially, very much padurrd ye, yes, cers tainly A FIRST GREEK COURSE V7 READING LESSON 3, nav’ rais dropias 20 6 xpnords xpiotpyos, 2, Ta xpnota mpdrrew epyou Ear’ édevOépov. 3. 6 vods yap td dotlv év éxdore Oeds, 4, del pév elpiivn yewpyov Kav mérpais A - ' a ; - Tpéper KAAS, TrOrEWos 88 Kay ediy KaKds, These verses should be learnt by heart. CONVERSATION LESSON (to be answered by the pupil) Carefully note the order of words in question and answer, 1, mote dotly 6 xpnotds xphoyos; Ti eat ev dropiais 6 xpnorés; tis dott xpryoysos ev arropias; th épyov éorly édevOépov; tives epyov ort 7d mparrew ta xpnord; th mpdrrew epyov early édev- Oépov; ris éore Beds ev piv; ti Karas tpéper tov ryeopyov ; tiva Karos rpéper ; Tl KaKOS; Tod; 2. mola éatly 4 olxia cov; puxpd éorw 4 olkia pov. puxpdv dpa exes olklavy, pddiotd ye, & Sidd. oKane, piKpdr. . On the same model: mojo ro dpOarpo éorov ; moto. 8¢ of Sdetudor; amotd ore? rd dév8pa ; 3. gore poos Krivy Kad} Toia S& Gol; KaK? Ewouye. mévre exw byd* od 88 wécas; Seka eywrye, Also éorov pou kaxm Te bfOarpd*> roiw 88 coi ; euol pdv paxpol of Sdxtvrcs+ col 88 soto ; 1 kal+év=xdv. This contraction, or crass as it is called, is often used with certain common particles and the conjunction kal, 3 Two words forming a group are often run together in speaking ; when a short final vowel, or sometimes a short initial vowel, is cut off (elided), Thus rodr’ éorw, mola or, like 'Who’s he?? (3 604) ¢ 18 A FIRST GREEK COURSE 4. rh dépes érl rdv duov; xraivav dépw emt tov dpov. ola &é cor xXdaiva; Reve Enovye 7 xraiva, So also ré gépers el rijs Keparis ; 5. th ore oor &v TS uyrp; dév8pa eor’ ev TH KNTO. kal ti Gddo; dita éorl Kal Adyava. moia 8); Kal pixpd cal paxpd, So ti éorw & rh olxig, TO Sapatio ; THEME.—What a man has in his house, in his garden, on his person. To be done in all persons and numbers ; 1, thou, he, we, you, they. Vv Tue AvcMENT.—The Historic tenses are Imperfect, Aorist (preterite), and Pluperfect. The Imperfect is formed from the Present Stem Aorist » » (1) Future Stem (called First Aorist, Weak Aorist, or a-Aorist) (2) Simplest Verb Stem (called Second Aorist, Strong Aorist, or ov-Aorist) Pluperfect » » Perfect Stem They are formed by prefixing the Augment. When the stem begins with a consonant, the Augment is the syllable @ (called Syllabic Augment). When it begins with a vowel, that vowel is lengthened (Temporal Augment). A long vowel remains unchanged. W.8.—The Augment is only used in the Indicative Mood, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 19 RULES FOR CHANGE OF VOWEL UNDER THE AUGMENT.— a becomes 7 v becomes v € n a 7 ° o ou © ‘ t eu nu There are two forms of Aorist; the First or Weak Aorist will be reserved for a later chapter, but the Second or Strong Aorist has the same endings as the imperfect. The verbs which take a strong aorist have generally a lengthened stem in the present tense: AapBdvw ‘I take,’ Imperf. éAduBavov, Aor, éAaBov. In contracted verbs, the Imperfect personal endings con- tract with the stem. These verbs form no ov-Aorist. IMPERFECT TENSE dd-w dxov-@ eli [am Sing. 1. &)v-ov HKov-ov iy or # 2. &do-es Hov-es joba 3. &dw-e(v) Hjxov-e(v) ty Dual 2. é-dd-erov qycob-eTov Frov 3. &do-ergv jKou-érny arny Plur, 1. é-Ad-opev KOv-opeEer aypev 14 yy > 2, é-dv-eTe KOU-ETE are v= » . 3. €-AU-ov NKOU-O joav NV.B,—1st sing, and 3rd plur. are the same form: the 3rd plur. originally had a final -r (éAvovr) like Latin amanz, etc, STRONG AORIST AapBdve, stem AaB Sing. 1. &AaB-ov Dual Plur, ¢-AdB-opev 2. &-daB-es é-aB-erov é-daB-ere 3. &-raB-e(v) @-AaB-erny &AaB-or | 20 A FIRST GREEK COURSE To form strong aorist infinitive: drop the augment and change -ov to -eiv (always circumflexed): éAaBov, AaBeiv, VOCABULARY VERBS pva, mina, a weight, PARTICLES eferd{w, examine orasum of money ed, lye, if edn, said he (100 drachmae, val yes keAetw, bid about £4) 0886, not even; ofS wéracos, hat ? 336 1 or Nouns firos, friend vss Ones ue agca, worth, value ,nor BodAos, slave ovxody, then Bpayps, drachma ApJEcTives’ mov, doubtless, I (silver coin about i dios, worth, worthy suppose (enclitic) as large as a. franc) | | Exavros, each Speuvatov, halt mina | dmdcos, see Z. 5 EXERCISE 1. Fortin and conjugate the Imperfect from the following verbs :— Aéyo, Tpéha, Avo, pavOdve, Ovyydve ‘touch, ruyyava ‘chance,’ «retve ‘kill,’ Brew ‘see, édraifeo ‘hope, deidw ‘sing, aloyive ‘disgrace, Ovjoxe ‘die’; , Strong aorist from tuyydve (stem Tuy), Ovyydve (stem Ory), «relvo (stem «rav), pavOdve (stem pad), Ovyoxw (stem Bay). : 2, Express in the past tense the sentences of Reading Lesson iv. 1-4. 3. Express in the past tense, and in different persons and numbers to be chosen by the teacher :— $épw tov méracov éml ris xeparfs. pavOdva ra xpnora év TG BiBrio. Myo Tobro elvas Kadov wns ddpyaxov. ypddw Exacta év TH iPro. dxobw xpnota Th dxof. edmila ypioov elvar tov xpnotév. Brérw rots dpOarpols éxaoTa, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 2r READING LESSON 1. Heovca! 8€ more wal GAdov adbtod Adyov, 6 éxddevoev 6 Loxpatns Exactov eFerdtew éavrov, drdcov trois pirows dkwos dot, ap’, en, ciolv dkiar diror, Gorep SovrAwv; trav yap Sothkwy 6 pév ov Svoiv pair, akids eotw, 6 88 révte prdv, 0 8€ Kal Séxa, 6 8 088’ jysuvatov, Nai, pn 0 "Avricbévns. odxoiv, épn 6 Loxpdrys, eb ye tadr’ éott roadra, Karas ever? ekerdtew éavrov exacrov avOpwrov, mocov dpa éorl rots pirow dts. 2. Socrates tells the story. 3. Antisthenes tells story. VI FUTURE AND FIRST OR WEAK AORIST (a-AORIST) The Future stem is formed from the present by adding -o- ; the endings are the same in both tenses. Sing. 1. \W-c-w BrOp-w (== Brer-o-w) 2. NS-o-e08 Bréeyp-eus 3. Ad-o-e Bréryp-et, etc. Dual 2. Ad-c-erov 3. Mb-c-erov Infin, \é-o-ev Plur, 1. Ad-c-opev Bre-ew 2. db-o-ere 3. WW-c-over(v) The Aorist is used of simple or momentary action in the past (preterite). The First or Weak Aorist (a-dorist) is formed ‘from the future stem by prefixing the augment and adding the proper endings. The characteristic vowel of the endings is a, which is found in all except the 3rd singular. 1 Aorist of dxodw 5 see p. 22. * The adverb with éxw expresses a state: ahs Exe ‘it is well.” 22 Sing. 1. A FIRST GREEK COURSE é.\0-o-a 2, &dd-o-as 3 Dual 2. &-d-o-€(v) 2 é-A0-o-aTov 3. @-Ad-c-aTny Plur. r. Z é-dU- o-apev 2, é-db-o-aTe 3. &-di-c-ay , é-Brep-a &-Brep-as, ete. Infin. \d-c-ae Brp-as From contracted verbs these tenses are formed by lengthenin g the stem-character as follows :—a to 7, € to 7, 0 too, Tupi, Tyo, eripnra: Tord, ToUjow, éroinoa: 8nAG, Sydow, if woa, EXERCISE.— Form Fut. and Aor. from eyo, Aeltro, mavo, apy, méuaro, KAO, ypapo, TaTT® (stem tay). VERBS dpurré (-a-), breakfast, éAatvw, ride, drive éAxo, draw, pull Oavpdtw, wonder Ocparredw, tend, care kAjo, shut 6pa (-a-), see mratvw, check Tréurw, send rdttw, fix, arrange (cp. ¢actics) tixpw, produce, bring forth dedyo, flee PREPOSITIONS eis, és, into ace, T ps, tows ards, for dré, from ék, é€, out of, Ser, VOCABULARY Nouns dy yeAos, messenger (cp. angel) dyopd, market-place aderpés, brother Gpaga, cart, carriage iaeon harm Siajxn, will Sin, lawsuit, justice (vyov, yoke Gaara, sea tmros, horse KAnpovdpos, heir xdpn, village oxodaotixés, & scholar, pedant xpévos, time (cp, chronic) gov, egg ADJECTIVES exeivos, éxelvn, exeivo, that xowvés, common to all (= communis) Spovos, like prddpyupos, miserly ADVERBS adptov, to-morrow &x0és, x Oés, yesterday 78éws, pleasantly pdda, very (much) oixot, at home otxoGev, from‘home otkade, homewards otrws, so Tipepov, to-day ds, as, how 3 ‘ A FIRST GREEK COURSE 23 Syntax RULE, 5.—Generally speaking, motion towards is expressed by the accusative ; motion from is expressed by the genitive ; rest at is expressed by the dative ; and prepositions with these meanings take these cases. In prose the cases should not be used alone but with their proper prepositions, (éri, with genitive for ‘motion,’ or ‘rest,’ is an exception ; see p. 16.) READING EXERCISE I. 6 Kowds latpds oe Oeparetoes xpdvos. ay > yey? ene 2. ey pev nplornoa Kal pdr Hdéws. a yy A . ey Te Kab ob tadrov Ekopev Luyov. Sten Sienv erixre xat Bran BraBnv. axoracrixds adehpors bio dpd+ eatpater d¢ Tus as Sport elow: 6 8 Erekev, ody obTws bpouds éorw otros exelvp, as exeivos TodTe. 6. girdpyupds tis SiaOqnny eyparre, Kal éavTdv Kdnpovoyov erage. way CONVERSATION EXERCISE 1. The usual questions should be made from the above sentences. Nos. 1 to 4 should be learnt by heart. 2. (Pay attention to the order of words and re- sulting emphasis.) (a) méprbw aryyerov. wobev; olkobev. mot; és riv Kéopnv. wore; aipiov. ti mpdtes dpa; méunpo dyyerov adpiov olxobev és thy Kdpnv. mote; adptov Tréppa aryyedov olxobev és thy Kdunv. wot dy; és Thy Kdunv aprov mémpw ayyedov. weer; olkoBev és THY Kopny dyyedov méurbw aipiov, tiva téurers ; ayyerov és Thy Kdpunv olxobey aipsor. In the following, complete sentences should be ex- acted for answers, and may be used for the questions :— (OY Sepa radiov. moder; olxoer, wot; és a4 A FIRST GREEK COURSE thy dyopdy. wore; exOés. th empakev; epepé pot gd. wooa; Séxa. th eroincas; jplotnca. © The same with réyrpers, ereua, eméurpaper, or other forms, Similar treatment should be used with the follow- ing — 3. dadve tarmov viv éx ris KoOpns Tpos Thy OddaTTav. 4. kdnov rote Thy Ovpav Thy ev TH oixia. 5. jratvopey tods trmous amd rhs dyopas éybés. 6. Greuds ror’ dryyédovs dd ris Oadarrns oixade, THEME.—A carriage and pair runs away into the sea, A messenger returns to the village, and tells all to the people in the market-place. Vil Masculines of the first or o-declension add -s for nom. sing. and make gen. sing. in -ov like the second ; otherwise are like the feminines. The vowel is a when it follows « 4 or p (called @ pure); otherwise 7. Note the three vocatives, Stem vedmd (m.) sodira (m.) Kappa (m.) Sing. N. vedvias, youth ontrys, citizen Xappldys V. vedvia © monita Xappldy © A. vedviay montrny Xappidyy G. vedviov montrov Xappidou D. vedvig mortry Xapyidn Dual N.V.A. veavia montra G.D. veaplay montraw Plur, = N.V. veaviar monirat Dual or "A vedvias moniras '~ plural, if G. veanav wontTov used, like D. vedviais montrais the others, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 25 Before going on, decline throughout: xpirqs, rowntis, Ilépons, orpatiotys, taplds, Bopéas ‘north wind, Nixias. For meanings see Vocabulary. A few contracted stems are found in the first and second declensions. Their endings may be seen from the adjective given below. Notice the N.V.A. neuter plural. Examples are :— yi}, earth mobs, voyage *AOnva, Athena ‘Epps, Hermes vots, mind écroiv, bone xpioods, ‘golden’ M. £ N. Sing. NV. ypicois pio} xpdcoby A. xpicobv xpiony xpicoby G. xpiood xpiohs xpicod D. xpice xpion pice Dual N.V.A. ypiod xpied, xpicd G.D. ypicoiv xpioaiy xpiooiv Plu. = N.V. xpicot xpicai xpicd . A. xpicots xpicas xpiod G. xpiody xpucdy xpiody D. xpicois xpt oats xpicois There are also a few nouns and adjectives, some of them very common, with stems in -ew. The cases may be formed by adding to this stem -s, -v, or iota (which is always subscript) wherever they occur in the other tables: the neuter plural is the only exception. tdews, ‘ propitious’ MF. ™. MPN. MF ON, Sing. N.V. ttews treo» Dual trew Plur.frep rea A. thewy § Dreov Drew ‘rews trea G. Drew Dreqy Dreov D. rep Trew tre@s So veds ‘temple’; «ds ‘people.’ 26 A FIRST GREEK COURSE The three contracted verb-stems form their iiperfects as follows :— Tipe ay a-stent Sing. 1. é-tip-ov 2. é-thu-ds 3. é-atp-d ‘Dual 2. é-tip-Grov 3. é-rip-dtnv Plur. 1. é-rip-Opev 2. “é-Tip-Gre 3. é-ttp-ov Troe «stem é-troi-ovy é-mol-eus é-trol-@ é-rrot-elrov é-mrov-elrny é-trol-od ev é-rrot-etre é-troi-ouv bro o-stem é-89A-ouv ee é-89A-0ug é-d7-0v é-8yA-od Tov é-dnd-ovT HY é-Sd-odpev e-dyA-obre é-d7)\-ouv NV.B.—In contracted verbs the endings are the same as in vw; and if the pupil forgets any form he can easily make it by coupling those endings with the verb-stem, and con- tracting according to the following rules :— ate a+n ate aty ato at of becomes w ato a+or becomes @ «+¢ becomes « €+o0 becomes ov } becomes & } becomes ¢ €+long vowel or diphthong is absorbed into it. o+e o+ov o+7 o+o ofe o+or o+o } becomes ov } becomes w o+7 } becomes os In contracted forms of a-verbs the only vowels used are aand o, Syntax Rugs ror REPORTED SPEECH, 6. The accusative and infinitive may be used, generally as in Latin; but the nominative is used if the word refer to the subject of the main verb. 4. Or the finite construction may be kept, introduced by A FIRST GREEK COURSE 27 ore (or ds). In this case, the tense of the direct speech always must be kept, and the mood may be kept. Thus: Direct— ciut, Indirect—heyw dre ciwi, A€yer bre eoriv, EXeyov dre etpi, For change of mood, see below, p. 153. eheyev dru éoti, etc. VERBS dyw, lead épaprdve, err ; aor. Hpaprov ‘yeAG (-o+), laugh SovAetw, serve, be a slave épwr@ (-a-), ask KaAG (-€-), call kededw, bid kptve, judge vopitw, think Tow (-€-), do moredw, believe XwpG (-¢-), hold, con- tain ADVERBS AND PARTICLES, ETC. ydp, for second) Sia (acc.),on account of 8Gev, whence Oru, that (conjunction) obrws, thus ampés (acc.), towards, for (stands VOCABULARY Nouns ?AB8nptrys, a man of Abdera aSeAgds, -7, brother, sister dpy ta, sloth, idleness Pedacivos, the Laugher . ‘ypapparcxds, pedant, student SoBA0s, slave, servant €Xauov, oil éXcvOepia, freedom, generosity Iv8és, Indian kpirys, judge (cp. critic) AjxvOos, %, a little flask Av85s, Lydian paprépioy, evidence (cp. martyr) ofvos, wine ours, poet Tlépoys, Persian otpatid, orpards, army otparusrys, soldier taplds, steward gpirocapid, philo- sophy Xpnparurpds, money- making ADJECTIVES jddixos (a. fr), aS- kov (7.), unjust, wicked ! dpdédrepos, both dydpeios, brave dpyds (mf), apydv (1.), idle, useless SeAds, cowardly Seuvds, terrible, clever Sixacos, just, upright ehetOepos, generous, free épyacrixés, energetic, hard-working éoAds, good, honest 8cos rel., (as much) as evraxdrvaos, hold- ing 2} pints movnpds, knavish, bad Liddveos, a man of Sidon torobros (with otros), so much NuMERALS elxoowy, twenty éxaTov, @ hundred, xéAvor, a thousand inde- clinable pdpeor, ten thousand 1 Compound adjectives have two terminations only, 38 A FIRST GREEK COURSE READING LESSON I, Zedavi0s ypapyparixds Apdra tov &iddoxadov* wg i ; Pi a 8 ye q wevtakotuAOS AnKUYOs Tdocoy Nope 5 6 88 elev: “olvov déyers Edawoy ;” ' 2, of "ABSnpiras éxadouv tov Anpoxpitov Prdo- ji ar yoy ft , ¥ ) copiay. éyéka 88 del 6 Anpoxpitos, Sev xal Teracivoy airov éxddovy of modtrat. 3. Swxparns edeyev btu ) dpyla aderpy ote Tis erevOepias, kal paptupioy édeyev dvSpeotdrovs Kal erevdepwrdtovs ‘Ivdods xal Wlépoas, dydorépous 88 mpos xpnpaticpov dpyordrous elvar: Avbdovs 88 épyactixwrarous, Sovrevew Oé, CONVERSATION 1, Questions and answers on the above at the master’s discretion, The persons and numbers should be changed. Dialogues may then be formed with the words of the Vocabulary on the following Models, 2. tis eb ob; otpatubrns eipl. solos 88 otpatid- os eb; avSpetds eiut otpatidrns. So with raplas, dodXos, etc., each having a suitable adjective. 3. tls dotw obros; otros pay otpari@rns, eyo 8 otparnyos. ti 8€ cor rout 6 otpatiTns; soa eyo Kedev@ Tod 6 otpari@rys. So with taplas, SobAos,, and Sovrevw, Tapievo, etc, 4. th émoies viv 84; éyédrov. Sia ri eyédas; ore éxddouv pe TeXacivev. Vary persons and numbers. 5. dpa Sovredes; Sovredo. rive dy Sovdeveis; 7H Scométy S0vrevw. So in Imperfect, and different numbers and persons. 6. dpa orparos éotw obtos; éorw. mocwy 88 otpatwrav ; Séka otpatiwrdr. tl réyeus, Gp’ ody A FIRST GREEK COURSE 29 fuapres; Huaprov &4° Kal yap dots xiMwv otpatiuwtov 6 otpards. ed déyers viv: obtws Kal eyo evopstor. So with éxarév, pupior, wévte, elxoow. 7, Combine the following sentences 4 with B at discretion :-— A, réyo, Aéyeis, Aéyer, etc. -Edeyov, ereyes, etc. B. S0trbs eorw epyacrixds, S00d05 Hy epyactiKds, 6 Kpiris ed Kpiver, Td Edatov Fv Kadov, 6 "Ivdds mucrever TH Tlépoy, ete. 8. 5 momThs reyes Bre Seuds eat.’ tis Reyes - ‘ eae) a My. fy , TodTo; 0 ToinTHns Ayer TOUTO, GAAA Ti Eyer; OTL Sewvos dors éyer. So: of xpiral dpdaw bre Kaxds xpivers ov. of modtras @deyor ory aya éorov tw avOparra. ‘ . ” yo aoe ne 6 otparnyds ereyev btt ovK eat dvdSpeios 6 SodXos. To mavdiov edreyev dru éyédra, * . } 1 a? oe > 9. oftor of veavias Seca pev eiow, eixor 8 x , , éyovow dp0arpovs. So with oixéar—Ovpas, madia—Sovrous, Kdpar— keparatl, worirai—Edpakar, KByar—dryopai. THEME.—An army: its numbers, their servants and friends, their characters, what each does and where he lives, VIII THIRD DECLENSION The third declension in Greek contains chiefly consonant stems. One class of these are stems in -ovr-, which we take first because the masculine and neuter of certain participles 1 In revision, dewds elvar may be substituted, and the law of nominative attraction may be explained, See Syntax Rule 6, p, 26, 30 A FIRST GREEK COURSE belong to it. The feminine is of the first declension (type yAGrra, p. 14). FRoM ety, ‘I am’ Sing. N.V. oy, being otca bv A. évta odvoay ov G. évtos ovens bvros D. épre oven _ Ovte Dual N.V.A. dv7e ovoa évre G.D, ovrow ovcaw dvrow Plur. N.V. évres * odoat bvta, A. évras obo as évTa G. bvtoy ovody ovrav D. deny) ovoaits otoi(v) Compare Lat. amans, amantem, etc. The participles which belong to this class are :— Pres. Part. Act. of the verbs already given. Fut. Part, Act. Aor. Act. (Second or Strong Aorist). These may be declined by adding the above as endings to the stem thus :— db-wv Aé-ovoa Aé-ov Aio-wv Abo-ovea Ato-ov AaB-dv AaB-otoa AaB-dy (note the accent) N.B.—The dat. plur. m. and n. of the Pres, Part. Act, has the same form as the 3rd plur, pres. indic. act, (Avovory), The participles of contracted stems-are ;— (2) (©) (0) TipGv TySoa TYWGY Tovdy Tovodca ToLody SyAdy dyotoa SnAoby TypGrTos, etc, Trowbvros, etc, SyAobvros, etc, A FIRST GREEK COURSE br The 1st (weak) or a-aorist participle is declined with a in the endings, but otherwise in the same way :— N. Awo-as io-aoa o-av G. déo-avtos Mwo-dons Ado-avTos, etc. Nouns of the -vr stem have sometimes a special vocative form, but are otherwise like the participles :— Sing, N. réoy, lion yiyas, giant V. (Aor) (yiyav) A. éovra, ete. » ylyavra, etc, Plur. =D. réover(v) yiyaou(v) The adjective ras raca rv ‘all’ is declined like Atoas. For pédds and adds see p. 85. PRESENT AND STRONG AORIST TENSES Imperative — Subjunctive Optative Sing. -1. W-w DB-oupe 2. No-€ dd-ns A¥-o18 3. Aw-érw o-n AW. ov Dual 2. dé-erov Ad-nrov dv-ovroy 3. dd-éTav Av-nrov Aub-olrnv Plur. 1. Dv-wpev d-oupev 2, MW-ere dd-nTe WW-oure | 3. Ad-dvT@V AW-wou(v) dd-ovev Compare the Latin forms /ege, legito, legite, legunto, So AaPE1 AaPérw ; AdBw AGBys ; AEBoyu AGBors. The First or Weak Aorist .(a-Aorist) has endings like the present in the Subjunctive; in the other moods it shows the characteristic vowel «, and the ending in 2nd sing. of the imperative is peculiar (-ov). 1 Only five verbs have this accent: elwé, €d0é, evpé, i5¢, Na BE; the rest Bare, ete, 32 A FIRST GREEK COURSE First AORIST Imperative Subjunctive Optative Sing. 1. MWo-w AWo-arps 2. Mo-ov Abo-ns Aio-ats, Mo-evas 3. Ado-dtw io-n Mio-at, bo-eve Dual 2. We-arov ddo-nrov AWo-avroy 3. Mo-droy — AWa-nTov No-airny Plur. 1. Nio-wpev Wo-atpev 2. Wo-are Ato-nre Mo-auTe - fe 4 3. We-dvTov Avo-wor(v) AWo-avev, Wo-erav Syntax Ruiz, 8.—The Absolute Case in Greek is the genitive: as éuol Aéyovros ‘as I-was speaking.’ Syntax RULE, 9.—Purpose is expressed by iva, ds, or érws with subjunctive; or in historic sequence, either subjunctive or optative. The optative in the latter case is less vivid; and the subjunctive is lawful. Syntax RULE, 10.—The Of/ative is used :— (1) to express a wish (negative 7), alone or with « ydp, elOe: Aéyoupt, ef yap Aéyouwe ‘O that I might speak!’ pi yévouro ‘may it not be.’ (2) with ef to express a remote condition (negative pj): «i Aéyouwe ‘if I should say,’ (3) with ay to express a remote Aypothetical statement (negative ot): Aéyouus dv ‘I would or should say.’ Syntax RuLE, 11.—General Expressions are made by add- ing éy to any relative word : as ds ‘who,’ ds dv ‘whoever’; so Sray ‘whenever,’ ééy ‘if ever.’ These take the subjunctive. In historic sequence they may remain unchanged; or they drop 4v, and the verb becomes optative, Thus édv Atvouper, ef Atoarer, , A FIRST GREEK COURSE EXERCISE—Tenses should be jugated from the verbs already vocabularies, VOCABULARY VERBS Nouns dyopd{w, buy ; fut. | detypa, newt, speci- -dow men (for decl. &£1G (-0-), ask, claim dpere (-€-), neglect d-avrd (-a-), meet dn-Bavov, aorist of drobvijoxw, die dzro-5n2G, am abroad ér-av-eXOdv, aor. part. of éravépxo- pot, eravpdOov, return HrOov, aor. of ep- Xopas, come tro. (-€-), do mod (-e), sell mrapa-hapBdvw, re- ceive, find , 50 p 43) érurtoAy, letter éraipos, companion, comrade érav, gen. pl. of eros, a year (m.), (see iarpés, physician atAobros, wealth For the prepositions see Vocabulary to No, IX. p. 37. 33 formed and con- given in earlier ADJECTIVES éxdrepos, each of two, either (Lat, utergue) p&pos, foolish mevre-Kai-Sexa, fifteen tpudkovra, thirty rowdres, — ro.atbrn, rovotro(v), such rupads, blind ADVERBS adv, if (subj) ta (=x?) in order that, with subj. or opt, kabdzep, like as (= kad + & + mep) pa, by (in oaths), with ace, re, when (re/.) AUGMENT In ComPounD Verzs.—Compound verbs augment the simple verb, and prefix the preposition, eliding its final vowel if any (except rept): as da-avrd, dr-jyryoa; daro-ByjoKw, dx-@avov ; but mepr-arpd, mept-povy. READING LESSON 1, Syoraorin® éraipos daroSnudv eypapev ém- oro, ta ait@ BuBria ayopdon. 6 8 dperrjoas, kal éravedOovte adtd amavrijcas, elrev, “4 mepl tov BiBrbov ériotor}, Av eyparbas, ov« HrOev.” z a” 2 tL 3. ae Qaey Z 2. SxoracrinGs tis dravtycas elrev> “ dv erddnods (8 604) D 34 A FIRST GREEK COURSE por Sotrov, dméBavev.” “ud rods eos,” en, “map? éuol bre Hv, ovdey tovodroy émoincev.” 3. Lyoraorund arodnpobyTe didos ddeyer’ “akia ce Sto Sodrous ayopdoar por, Exdrepov mevrexaideca an faye ted ; yt a; érdy.” 6 88 elev “ dy rovodrous py M4 Bo, ayopdow cot &a tpidKovta érav.” ‘ a gn D > , 4. 6 mrodros juds, xabdmrep iatpds Kaxds, mdvras Brérovtas TapadaBav tuddods move. 5. Lyokacrixds olkiay tadrdv MOov an’ adris et Sedypa mepsepeper. CONVERSATION LESSON I. mods tis fv 6 Syoracrixds; papos Fv. tis eypawvev mpos abrov éricrodny ; éraipos. tva ti mrouy ; va dyopdon BiBdia. Gp’ iyopace td BiBMa; odx, ON Huedycev. emaveNBovros 58 ératpou ti elev; Ste ovn HrOev % erator}. 2. tis dr éBaven ; tL émoincey 6 S00d09; Tlvos Sodros ; rt elev 6 Exoraorends 5 3- drro8qnobvros avrod th nglov 6 didos ; abacus SovrAous ; wocwv erav; ri elev 6 Lyoracrinds ; ; dpa robr’ HElov; odK, GAN Gddo TL. Gp’ ob« eore TadTdv; ove dort, addo pev yap Soddos tpidKovra érdv, GAO 82 840 S0idou Exdtepos mevtexaideca érdv. 4. motds éori 6 TodT0s ; Th Tovel ; solos mapa- NaRev ; tivas ; Ix VERBS IN -ps A few common verbs are conjugated in some tenses in a very different way from those we have had, The 1st sing. A FIRST GREEK COURSE 35 ends in -ps, the present stem. stem oT, Sing. 1. formu, I place 2. torns 3. lorno(v) Dual 2. torarov 3. toratov ur. 1. lorapev Plur. 1. forape 2. lorate 3. baraou(v) Inf. Pres, fordvae Part. Pres. iotds, fotdca, tardy (likerdeoas) D. Pl. foréow(y), tord- caus The first three given below are reduplicated in stem Oe rlOnpt, I place, put ttOns tiOnov) 7iOerov 1 7lOerov rlOewev ridere riOéaou(v) riBévar Tiels, TWWcioa, TiOev ridevra, Tica, r0er, etc, ribeioi(v), TWWeicars gp, ‘I say,’ dys dyotv) hardy hardv paper pare paci(y), stem So Sing. 1. Sap, I give 2. 88a 3. Si8ecr(v) Dual 2. ory 3. Sorov Plur. 1. 8i8opev 2. diSore 3. &ddaox(v) Infin. Pres, Sidovae Part. Pres, D, Pl. S:80ds, SSodca, SidSdv S8dvra, Si80dcav, Si5dv SiS0d0u(v), SiSovoais sem & ” ont, I send ¢ a inau(v) ¢ ceTov « teTov tepev i tere un taow(y) ty tévar boy Sim ky téls, tetoa, vév tévtos, etc. iciot(v), telraus 36 A FIRST GREEK COURSE Like 8:8ovs is declined : 68ovs ‘tooth,’ 66svra, d. pl. d8obeu(v), Compare dens, dentem. Like iords is declined: yéyés (voc, sometimes y/yav), ylyavra, d. pl. yéyaouv. N.B.—Verbs in -ps add the endings directly to the stem ; verbs in.-w interpose a vowel o or € called the thematic vowel :— d-o-pev if dv-e-Te Thus the former are called Athematic Verbs, the latter Thematic Verbs. COMPOUNDS OF VERBS IN -y1, for reference dv-lornps, raise up | dva-riOnju, set up, Siornt, separate eg-lornpt, Set over xab-ioTnpt, place, setup. és fdBov k., throw into fear pcO-iornpt, remove mpo-iotnpt, set be- fore VERBS duadépw, differ, be superior eivat, to be (infin, of elpi) éxrep@ (-a-), Cross, go over éouxe(v), it seems éoBiw, eat ebpickw, find; aor, eBSpov: art, cbpav hang up (as offering) Sca-r/Onpt, distri- bute, separate ért-riOnt, place upon xara-riOnju, lay down mapa-Kata-riOnps, deposit VOCABULARY kdarrw, bite kedevw, bid otkG (-e-), dwell évopatw, fut, -dow, name mrew@ (-a-), I starve, hunger mAovrés (-e-), am rich Todd (-«-), sell bytaive, am healthy Xpy fo, want drro-diSwyt, give up, give away Sia-5iSwp1, — distri- bute émi-SiSwpt, — contri- bute pera-Si8wpu, give a share (gen, of thing) mapo-SiSwpt, hand over Nouns ’ AOfvat, Athens ’AOnvage, to Athens ? AOnvnGev, from A, ’AGnvno(v), at A. PApdiwy, acc. "Ap giova, Amphion pros, loaf atpa, breeze éXmis, hope 200s, Zethus A FIRST GREEK COURSE 676, Thebes Onpiov, beast Kexpomidns, son of Cecrops, Athenian kdpos, lad médov, ground oxdXov, drinking- song, ‘catch tylea, health ADJECTIVES dyvés, holy aioxpés, ugly, base wos, cheap dpurtos, best devrepos, second éxdv, exotica, éxdv, willing «Aeuvés, famous povortxds, musical, artistic dfb-rewvos, quick to hunger (reiva) 6p 06s, straight, right apiros, first Agoros, easiest ; adv. pore tpiros, third PREPOSITIONS dvd, up, along (acc.) dad, from (gen.) Std, on account of (ace.), through (gen) eis, és, into, to (ace.) ék, é, out of (gen.) 37 éri, upon (ger. or dat.), to (gen,), against (acc.) kard, down (ace. of motion to, gen. of motion from) perd, after (acc.), with (gen.), amongst (daz.) mapa, along, up to, within (acc.), from (gen.), beside (dat.) po, before (gen.) ADVERBS dei, ever ob, where (re/.) made, back again xdpat, on the ground READING LESSON I. 6 76 oxddov ebpav exeivos, Satis Hy, To pey iyiaiverv mpOtov as dpiotov dy af > a t 7 4. a @vopLacey 6p0as, Sedrepoy 8 ewan Kanov, tpitov 8& mroureiv, Todd’, pas, expyté rou: peta Thy bylevav yap 7d TAovTeiv Siadéper kados 8& Tewav dot aicxpdy Onpiov. ZiOov piv erOovd ayvov és @nBns wédov oixeiy Kerever: Kab yap akswrépous Torodow, as gore, TOdS dprous éxei* © 93 ger vay , 6 8 b€vrrewos: Tov 8¢ povorka@tarov wrewas "AOnvas exrepav ’Audiova 2. 38 A FIRST GREEK COURSE ob pdor’ del rewdor Kexpomidav xdpor 4 7 2 , / 1 KATTTOVTES aupas, éobiovres édmidas. NV.B.—These pieces should be learnt by heart. With the first may be read in revision the skolion referred to, p, 83 below. CONVERSATION 1. ti edpev exeivos; Th dvopdter mp&rov ds dpuorov bv; re 88 Sedrepov, ti tplrov; moldy te éoty 7d byatvey; olov S& To wRovTeiv; Totds oti Kados mewov; ete, 2. mot édOety Kedever tov ZiOovr iva ri woip; bia th; moh elow of dpro aki; ri 8 dkov ’AOjwnow ; ot édOeiv Kedever Tov “Apdiova, etc. 3. dp’ yews BiBrov; eyo 8} (showing it). 7é moves; Sidwpi cor adTdo, Kal eyo rapBdvw pév, SiSeps 8€ cor Tad. ed Trovets, & Siddoxare, Kab AapBdve éxov. Also in plural. 4. ap kes wéracov; eyo 84. rh 8 moveis; riOnue él rhs Keparjs. So with fudriov, dppos— tornms xdpa. These may be varied by making one describe what another does. THEME.—The best things in the world, 4 VOICES OF THE VERB There are three Voices—Active, Middle, and Passive. The Middle and Passive have the same endings in most tenses, but 1 Acc, plur. of ems (see p, 56). A FIRST GREEK COURSE 39 different in the Future and Aorist. Otherwise the Middle and Passive are to be distinguished by sense or construction. The Middle Voice means that an action is done for oneself. Very rarely it is used of reflexive actions (those done to one- self), as Aovopas ‘I wash myself,’ but generally the active with the reflexive pronoun is used for this. MIDDLE AND PASSIVE Present Imperfect Infin. Part. Si, 1. Ad-o-pae |e-d-d-pnv |d-€-cOat|Ad-d-pevos, -7, -ov 2, Wen, Ad-€4| é-AG-ov 3. erat | é-Ad-e-70 Du, 2. Ad-€-cOov | &-Ad-e-0 ov 3. M-e-0Bov | €-rd-é-c On Pl. 1. X0-d-peOa | €-Ad-0-peba 2. dd-e-c0e | €-rt-e-00e 3. Av-o-vrae | é-Av-o-vTo The First Aorist makes ¢-Ad-cd-pyy, é-Ab-cw, é-Ad-caro, etc. Note the 2nd sing. a-stems estems Present Imperfect Present Inperfect Tipapar ripen Trovodpat érrocovny Tipe eripa Ton, Tovel | errovod riparat eriparo Wotetrat érrovetro Tipaodov éripao ov troveta ov érroteic Oov ~ nm - 2 - TipacOov eripacOnv rroveia Bov érrovelo Onu 0 ee , tens Tipopeda éripapela, mrovotpeba | érrovovpeba tipacbe éripacbe trovelabe éroveiobe Tipevrar eripavro TowovvTa, | érolodyTo Infin, ripdobat mroveio Bat Part. riypdpevos Trovovpevos 40 o-stems Present Snrodpar Snro? SnrodTae SnrotoOov Snroda8ov SyrovpeOa Syrodabe Sndobvras Lufin. Bnrodobar Part. S)rovbpevos VOCABULARY VERBS xa6-tnut, let down aipw, raise, lift KaAG (-¢-), call, call dva-o7G (-a-), pull up| upon dva-xwpd (-€-), retire | kara-Aedzw, leave be- dro-cadedvw, ride at hind anchor kuprotpas (-0-), belly yéyvopan, aor, éyevd- out pay, become | rept-dyw, pull round 810-0, run about ! |e, sail} dod (-€-), fut. difw, TEX, Gpew, run seem, think Xaipw, rejoice éAxw, pull, draw eddnpé (-e-), utter words of good omen, pray fairly (sometimes to be silent) Nouns dyxipa, anchor dvaywy7, launching dvepnos, wind (cp. Lat. animus) A FIRST GREEK COURSE Imperfect édndovpny édndod édndobdTo ednrodcGor ednrovaOnv édnrovpcOa eSnrodebe edndodvTo yh, land dx, prayer OdAarra, sea OdpvBos, noise teriov, sail lords, mast kdAus, rope (see p. 91) kepaié, yardarm xuBepvirys, helms- man, pilot vatrys, sailor Sppos, anchorage mavaviopés, chanting of the paean, or solemn song; sailors’ chanty 1 everbs which are disyllables uncontracted, as mhéw, only contract those forms where two ¢’s come together: wAdw, mheis, hel, aheirov, wheirov, mréonev, metre, whéovor(v). The same is true of them when compounded; d:a-Géw etc. A FIRST GREEK COURSE 4t adotov, vessel ADVERBS kdtw, below mAoids, voyage aiel, det, always viv, now dyw, above as, dorep, as though ADJECTIVES éry, still, yet ds, prep. withace. to, aigvos, prosperous, |78y, already used of persons lucky eb0ds, straightway |0s, exclamatory re- Sporos, like kard puxpdy, little lative, how! ovpios, favourable by little ododspss, strong, {xara 71d mAoior, violent about the ship READING LESSON ¥ . - fm ny y 1, éxyatpov 76 mparov, opav thv Oddrartay, dytos Dong y > p egy ¥ * ev TO Opp@ €TL TOU wrolov, ws 8 eokev ouplos evar mpos dvaywyhy 6 dveuos, PopuBos jv evOds Kata 7d Trolov, Tav vavTdv SiabedvTwy, Tod KUBEpvijrou KEdev- ovtos, EXkonévwy Tay Kdrdwv? 1) Kepala Tepuyyero, TO loriov xableto, Td mdoiov drecddeve, Tas ayKipas dvéctrov, 6 Sppos Katedelrero* Tiyy yiv opdpev dad To} Wolov Kara puKpdy dvaywpodcay, Bamep adriy Tréoveayv, Tasancpos fv Kal edy7, Beods 8 exddov, ebpnpodvres alcwov tov tdody yevérBar' - 6 advepos petro apodpérepov, rd iatioy éxuprotto Kal érpexe Td Trotov 75n. \ 1 ay oy yn » le \ 2. 7d Reyowevov tobr’ éotl vov+ Tavw’ Kato, Ta kato 8 dve. 6. ty ah » er 3. ws alel tov Sporov dyes Beds ds Tov Spotor. Syntax RuLe, 12,—The adjective atrdés is used in the following way :— (a) Agreeing with a noun it means ‘self’; atrds Néyw ‘I say it myself’; xteivover tov évOpwrov arrrév ‘they kill the man Aimself’ (2) Reflexive in the compound éavrév, etc.: ards male éavrdv ‘he himself strikes Aimself’ (c) With article it means, ‘the (self) same’; 6 atrbs dvOpwros ‘the same man.’ _ 1 rdyw=rd dow aT 42 A FIRST GREEK COURSE Syntax RULE, 13.—Words meaning ‘like,’ or ‘the same,’ take the dative: obros éoriv 6 avrés éxeivp ‘this man is the same as that.’ CONVERSATION LESSON 1. Tell the story in the present tense, and in the plural. » - 2. The usual question and answer, varying tense and person, 3. Th Néyerar; 7a dvw Kdtwo elvar Aéyerat. Th y d\do; Ta Kdtw dvw elvat, Kal TodTo Aéyerar. dpa tabs éote Toor’ éxelvp ; 08 TadTd, aXN spotov. 4. tle dye; ris 8 dyerac; wot 8 dyer 6 Spous ; tore 8é; THEME.—The ship setting sail. XI PRESENT MIDDLE AND PASSIVE Imperative Subjunctive Optative Sing. 1. AW-wpat AG-obpny 2. dw-ov é- AW-ov0 3. Av-éo Ow MWe-nrat dé-ovro Dual 2, Av-eoBov W-noOov AW-ove Dov 3. rAd-bobav dd-noOov dd-olcOnv Plur. 1. wd-dpeBa, Av-olpeBa 2. dw-ecbe d-nobe rd-orrbe 3. dw-do Oa AW-wrras AW-owrTo The strong (second) aorist middle is conjugated in the same way — yevod —yéveopat yevolumy yevéoOar yevopevos Note accents in yevod and yevéorar, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 43 WEAK (FIRST) AORIST MIDDLE a- Aorist Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Sing. 1. é-Ado-dunv Wo-wpat 2. &dio-w Ndo-au Me-n, etc. 3. @-dvo-aTo Nio-acbo Dual 2. é-Avc-acOov ric-aobov Optative 3. &ddo-doOnv Ado-dcOwv rdo-aipny Plur. 1. é-Ado-dpeba Avo-auo, etc. 2. @Avo-acbe iéo-aobe 3. &2dio-avro Aio-do bev Infin. Part. MWeacba iodpevos NEUTER NOUNS IN -pa stem -par- Sing.N.V.A. cpa, body Dualedpare Plur. cpara G. odparos s copdrov D. copare ooparTow odpaciy) These are very common; many of them are the abstract nouns from verb stems, as paypa from mpdrrw, NEUTER NOUNS IN -os stem -€o~ Sing. N.V.A, — yévos, family, stock, race, kind G. yévous . dD. yee Dual N.V.A. yévee G.D. yevotv Plur. N.V.A, yévn G. yevdv D. yéveor(v) 44 A FIRST GREEK COURSE Adjectives compounded with es-stems are thus declined :— stem ebyevér~ MOF, N. Sing. N. edyevijs, noble evryevés Vi ebyevés edyevés A. ebyev} edyevés G. edyevods D. evryeved Dual N.V.A, edryeved G.D. ebyevoiv Plur. N.V.A. edyevels ebyev} G. evyevav D. ebyevért(v) These cases all end like yévos except N.V.A. sing., N. plur. masc The accents differ. Comparison :— edyevéer-Tepos edbyevéo-raros Proper names compounded with these stems are thus declined :— N. Zexparns V. wxpares (note accent) A. wxpdry (or Swxpdrny) G. Lexparous D. Swxpdre A common word tpujpys, ‘trireme,’ follows the same type (voc. tpefjpes or Tperpys). Syntax Rue, 14.—Besides the constructions given in Rule 9 (p. 32), purpose may also be expressed by és with the Future Participle (as éAeyev ds BAdyov ‘he spoke with a view to hurt’); or sometimes by éore with Infinitive. A FIRST GREEK COURSE ‘VERBS dxpdw, be in one’s ptime, be ripe dyed@ (-e-), disregard dmro-teivw, stretch, extend drro-rpvyG, see tpuyS drro-pépw, carry off, take away Baordéfw, lift, carry ‘yevdpevos, aor. part, of yiyvopas, yert- copa, eyevdpnv, become éy xéw, pour in éx-kabaipw, cleanse ép-BaddAw, put in er-elyo, pushon, press érv-oxevatw, prepare gprw, creep, go egrixorro, aor. opt, of epexvotpar, ep- iopat, eptxopyy, reach OAtBw, crush pede, impers, with dat, pers. and gen of thing, care for pera-SiSopu, share mapa-ckevdto, pre- pare VOCABULARY ward (-¢-), tread whékw, weave tpvy® (-a-), pluck fruit, take the vintage pépw, carry, bear Nouns dypés, field, country (cp. ager) aif, aiyds, goat dyreXos, 7, vine dppixos, basket yAcvxos, 76, must, new wine Sperdvy, sickle xurrés, ivy kMfjpa, 76, tendril, branch Aéo Bos, 4, Lesbos Anvés, %, wine-vat, treading-vat AiBos, stone Myos, %, agnus castus, withy olvos, wine vinum) émépéa, autumn, fruit (cp. 1 a miOos, wine-jar READING LESSON Vintage 45 morov, drink mpoBarov, sheep omapyava, Td, swad- dling-clothes orapud}, cluster, bunch, grapes ropa, cutting tpody, food tpdynros, vintage cpdos, 76, light opéedea, help ADJECTIVES adAjAovs — ( Ph.)y addyrw — (du.), each other éouvos, containing wine Enpds, dry peréwpos, high, up- lifted, raised mrahatés, old ramewvos, low ADVERBS, ETC, pr, just, lately 76n, already iva, in order that véxrwp, by night 1. Form the Imperative Subjunctive and Optative Middle of verbs in the Vocabulary. 46 A FIRST GREEK COURSE 2. 89 8 dmbpas dxpafotens nal émeiyovtos tod tpuyntod, was fv KxaTd rods dypovs év épyp: 6 ev Aqvods emecxevatev: 6 88 wiBous eEexdBarpevy 6 88 dppixous erdexev: Sueré rie Sperdvys puxpas és ctapurdav touny, Kal érépm MOov wa Orga rd &owa tov orapvddv, Kal GrAdkp Adyou Enpds wa trd gpdous vixrwp 7d yAedKos péporro, dpuedjoavtes oby kal 6 Addws kal % Xdbn rdv mpoBdtov Kad Trav aiydv, apédrevay GdrdAHdows peTadidSoaci. oO pev éBacratey év adppixous otadpvads, wal érdres tais Anvois éuBardy, Kal els rods widous epepe Tov olvor, 9 88 tpodyy mapecxetate Tots tpuydor, Kar évéxer morov adtois mpecBurepov olvoy, kal Tdv aymédwy Tas rarewvotépas ametpiya. taca yap} Kata tiv AéoBov dymedos Tatrew7, od peréwpos, kab Kato Ta KAipaTa drotelver, Eprovea domep xittos+ Kal maidiov dy ebixorro oradudis apts ex omapydvev yevouevor. Conversation Lesson on the above as usual, using active and passive constructions. XII FUTURE MIDDLE AND PASSIVE Middle Passive Sing, 1. Ad-comas dv-Ojoopas 2. MWeon, Moe Av-Ojon, -€ 3. AWeoeras Av-Onoeras Dual 2. Ad-cecBov Av-OnceoOov 3. WeoecBov Av-OjoecOov Plur, 1. Ad-copeda Av-Ojoopeba 2. AW-ceobe dv-Ojoeae 3. W-coptas dv-Ojoovras A FIRST GREEK COURSE 47 Optative, Infinitive, and Participle [but no Subj.] are formed in the same way as in the present :— MWoolpnv reecBas iodpevos . WOncoipny MOjoEr Aas AWOnedpevos Syntax RULE, 15.—The fut. opt. is never used except in Oblique to represent the Fut. Indic. of Recta in Historic Sequence. Thus: Avow:—éeyev bre Avoou, VOWEL STEMS IN ¢ AND v 4 wokts 6 whxus 5 ixOds Stem Tod stem ™HXv- stem ixOi-1 Sing. N, adds, city | rfyus, forearm, |i Ois, fish V. mdN miyyy cubit | iyOd A. woMw why iy Biv G. rorvews THXEOS lyOvbos D. more wHXEL iy Ove Du. N.V.A. dre 1HXEL ly Ove G.D. rongow mnxeow iyOvow Plur. N.V. onde mes iy Odes A. rode THES ly Ovas, ix O55 G. wéreov — | riyewv iy@bav D. wdrecr(v) | rnyeor(r) iy Obou(v) ty 04s is the commoner type of v-stem. So NEUTER Sing. dorv, dorews, ‘city, etc. | Sdepv, Sdxpvos, ‘tear’ Plur. adorn ddxpva Syntax Rute, 16.—Extent of time or space is denoted by the accusative ; point of time or space by the dative. Syntax RuLz, 17.—Acts or states which extend from the past into the present are expressed by the present tense: as ” 1 byobs has J in disyllabic cases, ¥ in others, 48 8éka rn vord ‘I have been ill for ten years.’ decem annos laboro, VERBS. dv-épopat, ask dvonraivw, be sense- less, foolish yeyvopat, yevijoropat, éyevopny, become Sia-pOeipu, perf. Sie pOopa, destroy Spo (-a-), do Gu, sacrifice vouitw, think 6pG (-a-), see kat-éxo, restrain &evitw, entertain (as guest) from §évos muvOdvopnat, — mev- copat, ervOduny, ask, learn ody-e, be with tapdrrw, confuse, disturb tro-kpovte, object, in- terrupt, break in ‘VOCABULARY Nouns dBovdia, foolishness dpurroxparia, aristo- cracy yur}, —-yuvaukds, woman = (zrveg. noun. See p. 57) | Snpoxparia, demo- cracy edcvOgpia, Ta, a sacrificein thanks- giving for freedom xbxAos, circle évos, stranger, guest *Odvpaia, Olympia ' dvopa, 76, name |aréXus, city oKnvy, stage Pépos, tribute xpévos, time xopiov, place READING LESSON A FIRST GREEK COURSE So in Latin: ADJECTIVES eAcdOepos, free érepos, one or other of two Gewprxds, connected with a Gewpia or public show mavrodarés; from all sources, of all kinds ovv-dras, all together (otv + das, @ strong form of was) ADVERBS atrixa, at once, for example «lév, well then, so be it (note theaspiration) éxet, there évOd8e, here évradOa, here érevra, then, next after ére, when (re/,) oyeddv, almost Taxa, perhaps 1, eyo 8 Bvopa 7d per’ Kab? éxdorqv aitixa ww, cuvdrracar 8 eiol mavtodara modes, ai vov dvonralvover Todd 78n xpovov. 1 The neuter article may be prefixed to any adverbial phrase, making the whole adverbial. 7) xa" éxdorny is contrasted with ovvdraca by the particles wév and 6, axdorqy. It is an adverbial phrase, meaning ‘one by one,’ the same as Kad’ A FIRST GREEK COURSE 49 py ‘ , ¥ + aay Tay dv tis broxpovoecey Srv mor’ évOdde viv clot xavépovto: map’ euod mevoerau.' 7d yoplov wey yap TOS éotl wav KiKro , , .2 gy 8 Sn Orvpria, ravdl® S& rv oxnvay éxet cxnvay dpav Oewpixiy vopitere. elév. ti ody évradOa Spadcw ai mores ; » 1.4 347 ; , erevbépy adixovto Odcoveai sore, ", me Rg ne Pi Ste Tov Popov eyévovT’® edevOepar oxedor. yo ee oy 1 $ kdrevt’ am’ éxelvns nuépas SiépOopev avdras Eevitouc’ ijpépay €& tjpépas > * pi oy , ABovrla xatéyovca roddy 8n xpévov. qwaixe® 8 aitas Sto tapdtreroy tive del cuvodcat+ Anpoxparia Oarépa® ye ay 7 bvop’ éoriv, GAN ’Apiotoxpatia Oarépg. EXERCISE 1, Conjugate the Moods of the Future Middle and Passive of tapdtra, troxpovw ; and of the Fut. Middle of ruvOdvopat, yiyvoua, Ovo. (Other verbs may be chosen from the earlier vocabularies.) 1 , a , , , 2. th. metoerar; eyo medooua. Ti dé revon; , ” aan Os oy = Ny mevoopar Stu tor eloly évOdde ai mores. mod bé os rea An by ui ye , gy ciciv ; évtadda ev Kixrm eioly ai mores. ti 88 xoptov dorw; “Odupriav elvar vopuite 87. ti Spdow é& ’Odupria; .. . bid ti Odcovew; ... ris Eevives aitds; tis tapdrre; ... ti Spd 4 ABovdia; etc, 1 Fut. of ruv@dvoyan 2.2 may be added for emphasis to all forms of the demonstrative pronouns, eliding a final -e: 88¢+2= 8%, 3 Aor. of ylyvopar. 4 Perfect of uapGelpw. © Dual of -yuvi (see p. 57). ® Any form of the article which ends in a vowel may contract with the & of Erepos, the compound being aspirated: 4 trepos=drepos, ) érépa= Grépa, 7d trepov=Odrepov. Forms with consonant ending of course cannot contract (rhv érépay for example), (2604) a 5° A FIRST GREEK COURSE XII ely, ‘I am’ Imperative. Subjunctive Optative Sing. 1, a elny 2. tot as eins 3. goto a eln Dual 2. éerov yrov elrov 3. éotav Syrov elrny Plur. 1. dpev elpev 2. tore re elte 3. éorey dou(v) elev AORIST PASSIVE Indicative Imperative Subjunctive Optative Sing. 1, é-Av-On-v Av-00 Av-Geinv 2. €Av-On-s —-U-On-Ts?—v-O9-5 Av-Belns 3. &Av-On Av-On-T@ —- v-O9 Av-Bein Dual 2. é-Ad-On-rov Av-On-Tov v-OF-Tov —v-Oeirov 3. &-Av-On-ryv Av-O7-Toav rv-Of-Tov —-v-Oebrnv Plur, 1. &Av-6n-pev Av-Od-pev Av-Oelipev 2. &dU-On-re -On-tTe = v-OF-TE ~—v-Oeeire 3. €-Av-On-cav Av-Gé-vr@v dwv-00-c(v) Av-Oelev Infinitive Participle dv-O7}-vae Av-Oels, -eloa, -&v NV.B.—The endings of the Aorist Passive are not like the passive endings of the present stem. The endings of the 1 The original ending was -6:, as in £40, yd6:; but it became -r by dissimilation, to avoid the double aspirate -6-0, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 51 Subjunctive and Optative are the same as the whole forms of the Subjunctive and Optative of the verb ¢o de, with 6 pre- fixed, and may be easily remembered by them. NV.B.— Contracted stems lengthen the stem-character (making 1, 9, ©) :— é-rypi}-Onv é-roin-Onv é-dovde-Onv The strong aorist forms drop the @ of the ending, but are otherwise the same: as from xérrw—é-xér-nv, Kdr-7 61, Kor-G, xor-elny, Komr-fjvat, Kom-cis. Exactly similar are a number of active strong aorists of which an example or two may be given :— Balvw: &By-v, 7-0, BS, Baty, Bh-var, Bas Baow Bay (with « for ¢ all through) ; yryvéokw: Fyva-v, yvO-0, yd, yvoiny, yvd-var, yvots yvotra yvév (with o for ¢ all through) ; didpdoxw (defective): &pa-v, dp, Spainy (with a) ; bw (defective): &do-v, fiw, Syntax Rutz, 18,—Compound negatives following a simple negative strengthen it, as:—ody dpg oddels odderdmore ‘no one ever sees at all.’ (The simple negative must be separated from the rest.) If the order be reversed, two negatives cancel, as :— ovdels o8x Spg ‘no one fails to see,’ Syntax RULE, 19.—Verbs implying knowledge or perception take a participle in the predicate instead of an infinitive: ofa év ‘I know that I am,’ of o” évra ‘I know that you are.’ Such are: aic@dvopat ‘perceive,’ dxotw ‘hear,’ ebpicxw ‘find,’ pavOdve ‘learn,’ péuynpar ‘remember,’ ofSa ‘know,’ pa ‘see.’ VOCABULARY VERBS pa, recognise, | be able (con dro-Oyjoxw, -Bavod- learn to know jugated Suvp, 1, dr-eOavoy, die | diSwpn, Siow, xa, Sivarar, efc., like Bodtropat, Bovdjoo- | (Sbs, 83, Soimy, riOepar, but with pat, wish Sodvat, Sous), give the root -a all yryvdoxo, —yvdoo- | Sévapar, duvropas, through) 52 émitipé (-a-), blame ebpiona, ebpice, find! Oeparredw, tend, at- tend kata-helrw, leave (relo, éXurov, pass, édirnv or édcibOny) AadG (-e-), chatter voo (-e-), be ill TdoXw, Teiropan, Gradoy, suffer, ex- perience teiOw, reiow, eBoy, persuade tvo, wtopat, Exrov, drink tAovra (-e-), be rich mpoc-ayopetw, ad- dress ora (-€-), feed oup-TedG (-€-), feel talk, with, sympathise ovv-rdtropat, — bar- gain, make a com- pact bytaivw, be well puvd, speak Nouns évdxAnots, annoy- ance émijpeta, insult larpés, physician lepefov, victim kaupés, right time, nick of time AiOos, stone pio O0s, pay, reward picos, 76, hate, hate- ful thing NwBy, Niobe ovotd, property mpéypa, 76, thing ; in pl. sometimes trouble A FIRST GREEK COURSE ovpdopéd, misfortune cxodacrikés, pedant, student tpudy, luxury pOdvos, hate, envy ADJECTIVES pupiot, ten thousand upto, countless ovdeis, ovdeula, ovder, none (ovdé + eis) Apverss, Etc, érevra, then b0ibs, straightway pd, particle used in oaths, by (acc.) ovderumore, never Srav = dre + av trd (gen), by, by reason of READING EXERCISE 1. del 7d wAoureiy cuuhopas moras exer, POovoy 7 emnperdv te Kal ploos odd, , i , 3 , , mpdypata 58 Toda Kdvoydjoers puplas* recta pera trait’ edOds ebpeOn Oavev, Grows kataretpas eis tpupyy thy ovoiay. 2. MOov yevécbar riv NwdBnv, pa tods Beods, aay raw yey in , oveé mor éretcOnv, oddé vdv recOycopat ds Todt’ éyéver’ avOpwros: bd 88 tov KaKdv vay a pi yo gy ovdey Aadfjoar Suvapévn mpds oddéva, mpoonyopevOn, Sia 7d wh pwvelv, MO0s. 1 Aor, of Ovpoxw. See Syntax Rule, 19. A FIRST GREEK COURSE 53 3. orpariéra, Koix dvOpwre, Kal ovrovpeve domep iepeiov, ty brav 4 Kaspds, tubs." 4. é« Tod wadelv yiry=woone cal Td cvpmrabeiv: kal col yap Gddos cuprabjcerar Traber. Lyoraorixds vooav ouverdfaro oO ‘arp, ee BeparrevBel, mua dev Sacew? ds obv olvov mivovts abr@ éretipa 4 yur}, “ Botrer 8¢ ot,” eb, “ byiaivovta pe TH latp@ Sodvar® roy pucOov”; EXERCISE 1, Conjugate the tenses of the Aorist and Future Passive from émiripd, Oeparrevo, meiOw, TrovTd, oid, TAaTTO, Hove. 2, Conversation upon the reading lesson, eg. te exer 7d Rovrely 5 Th ylyveras Oavdyros Tod mrovolov ; tin xatadeinper tiv obolar ; mpos ti; Th cuverdtaro 6 Syoracrixds 3... Wolds Ts or 6 oTparusrns ; XIV PERFECT TENSE: REDUPLICATION Reduplication has three forms :— (x) If the stems begin with a consonant (except p), followed by a vowel or by A, p, ¥, p (liquids and nasals), préfix the first consonant with «, adding the proper endings. W-w Aé-Av-Ka, Opad-co 7é-Opav-Ka, N.B.—Aspirates (x, 9, ) are reduplicated by their unvoiced sotnds, x, tT, 7 . 1 Aor. Pass. of @w, éridny for é0vAqv to avoid the double aspirate, ® Fut, Infin, of ddwps 8 Aor. Infin, of didwps. 84 A FIRST GREEK COURSE (2) If the stem begins with two or more consonants (except as above), or with a double consonant (6 é ¥), or with p, prefix é (doubling the p). aral-@ é-1ral-Ka apat-o é-rpav-na, ptr-ro é-ppida (3) If the stem begins with a vowel, augment as for the imperfect :— ayyer-ro Hyyer-Ka, ACTIVE SUBJUNCTIVE Perfect Pluperfect Sing 1. Aé-Av-Ka é-e-Av-9 2. dé-Av-Ka-s é-De-AU-nq-S , 3. Né-Av-Ke(v) |e rerd-xe(n) Nedbxcous, -048, et. Dual 2. Ae-Av-a-rov | é-he-AU-Kel-Tov| INFINITIVE 3. Ne-Ad-Ka-Tov | é-he-du-Kel-ryY AerAUKW, ~Kns, ete, OPTATIVE DeruKdvar Plur. 1. Xe-Av-xa-pev | é-he-N-Kel-pev 2. Ae-AU-Ka-Te | é-Ae-AU-KEL-TE 3. Ne-AV-Kaor(y) | é-Ae-Ad-KE-cay | NeAUKWS Kee ay Contracted verbs lengthen the stem-character as for future and aorist (a-stems and «stems have 7, o-stems ) :— PARTICIPLE Te-Thun-Ka We-1oin-Ka Se-SovA@-Ka There are two Perfects, as two Aorists: one, called the Strong or Second Perfect, being formed straight from the Strong Root. Very few verbs have both, and when they do, the two usually differ in meaning: the strong perfect being intransitive. . Example -— rybyvopas: yéyov-a, yéyovas, etc. yeyovdou(v) A FIRST GREEK COURSE 55 PERFECT PARTICIPLE ACTIVE stem AedAvKor AeAvuia. AedvKot M. F Nz Sing. N. redrueds edvevia DeduKds A. AeAvKoTa eAvKViaY AedvKdS G. AedvKdTos DervKuids AervKOTOS D. AedvKdre Derdvavia AeduKore Dual N.A. eduxdre Deduavia AeduKore G.D. AedAveorow ReAuaviawy —-»NeKOTOW Plur. oN. eruxdres DervKvEaL AeduKora A. AeduKdTas Aeducvias AeAuKOTa G. NedvKoTwy erveuidy —- Ae vKOTOY D. Aeduxdor(y) AeAvKviais —»eA KOGA) The principal parts of a Verb are: Present, Future, Aorist, and Perfect—Ato, Atcw, édioa, AéAvKa. The paradigm of a given tense consists of the first form of each mood in the conjugate scheme, as: éAuca Aboor Atow Atoayu Aioas Adoas. These are also called Cognate Forms. EXERCISE Form and conjugate the Perfect from :— avo, check |rropeve, transport |ravdevo, instruct xedebo, bid muoteva, believe |ixetevw, beseech «djo, shut —_ | kwdAdw, hinder otepave (-0-), crown O8m, sacrifice | puted, plant arep@ (-e-), deprive 86 FIRST GREEK COURSE STEMS IN -v: THIRD DECLENSION Some of these stems have a long vowel throughout, some a short vowel. stem ehhnv stem Arpev Sing. N.V. “EdAqy, Greek 6 Auprv, harbour A. “EXAnva Aepéva G. “EXAqvos Atpévos D. “EAqv Dupéve Dual N.V.A. “EdAnve péve G.D. ‘EAdjvow Mpévow Plur. N,V. °EXAqves Aupéves A. "Edqvas Atpévas G. ‘EAAjvev _ Aopévev D. “EAdqoi(v) Aepéor(v) So Serpis ‘dolphin,’ SeAdivos, d. pl. Sedpior(v). Similarly these stems in -wy- and -oy- :— Dewpoov ‘meadow, Aeipdvos, Neewaor(y). yecr@v ‘neighbour,’ yevrovos, yevtdor(y). OTHER STEMS OF THE THIRD DECLENSION The declension of other stems is similar; the genitive case will show whether the vowel be long or short. Thus :— 6 Op ‘beast, Onpos, Onpai(v)—(p-stem), 6 pirop ‘orator, prropos, pyropat(v)—(p-stem). 6 ads ‘salt, adds, ddoi(v)—(the only A-stem). 6, al€ ‘ goat) aiyos, ai€i(v)—(guttural stem). 6 yih ‘vulture,’ yirds, yixpi(v)—(labial stem). 6, duyds ‘fugitive, duyddos, puydou(v)—(dental stem). 6 Ons ‘serf, Onrds, Onoi(v)—(dental stem). Like this are declined all the abstract nouns in -rns formed from adjectives: as 9 ypyorérys ‘honesty, ypnorérytos. A FIRST GREEK COURSE 57 IRREGULAR NouNS (THIRD DECLENSION) N. Zeds, cp, liip-piter (for Iovs-) V. Zed A. Ala G. Avos D. Ad 1) vats, ‘ship’: 7 ypads, ‘old woman’ | 7) yur}, “woman? stem vav Stem ypav stent yuvatk Sing. N. vais ypaids yur” V. vad ypad ryovat A. vaiy ypaty yuvaixa G. veds ypaos ryuvarkos D. nt pat ryuvarxt Du.N.V.A. vije ypae yuvaixe G.D. veoiy ypaoiv yuvatKxoiy Plur, N.V. vijes ypaes yuvaixes A. vats ypais yuvaixas G. ved ypaay yuvarkav D. vavoi(y) | ypavai(y) yovarti(v) Bods, ‘ox,’ ‘cow’ stem Bov Sing. N. Bots Dual Plur. Boes V. Bod Boe Boes A. Body Bods G. Boos n Body D. Bot Booty Bovoi(v) ‘SpeciaL Rute ror AcceNTS—In monosyllables of the third declension, the final is accented in gen. and dat. cases. Syntax RULE, 20.—Zhe Gnomic Aorist. The aorist tense is used to express habit or general rule. 58 VERBS iu (deiSw), dow, toe, sing, | crow dxotw, axobropat, Fxoura, axjKoa, hear dva-pépw, uplift dpa (-0-), dpdow, poo, plough Bow (-o-), Boyow, éBonoa, cry out Séxonar, SéFoprar, SeEduny, receive Sox@ (-e-), 86£w, Boga, deSdxnxa, think, seem (Soxei, impers. it seems good) Ss, 2nd sing. im- perat, aor, act. of SiSope Sp3_ (-o-), Spdow, paca, Sépaxa, do elwOa (perf. with pres. meaning), be wont or used éxito, aor. e&-é weooy, fall out, be cast oy sent ashore éretyo, urge (impf. arevyov); — érrel- youat, hasten pert, row foi, Bonar, epa- yor, ei 80Ka, eat rs (a), ~How, efc., overcome ‘VOCABULARY kat-optrrw, -opvéw, etc., dig down, bury, plant kh@ (-a-), KAdow, éxAaga, pluck, break off AapBdvw, Ajpopar,. ZaBor, edna, take expe (-a-), winnow vépu, tend (cattle, etc.) ol8a (oleGa, of8e), know bpG_(-a-), Spopar, elSov, Edpaxa, dPOnv, see méo, Actoopa, érhevoa, m)evka, sail cvpi(w, whistle, play on pipes Tpepw, Ope, EOpepa, térpoda, feed, rear trep-Bad)w, surpass bdxeipar, liebeneath Pbeyyopar, pbey- fopa, utter a voice or sound 7 we- Nouns dyn, herd atOpia, fine weather aig, alyds, goat ddextptwv, —-ovos, cock, fowl dpéXea, careless- ness, disregard avepos, wind dopa, song, chanty ‘A FIRST GREEK CoURSH atddyv, 6, a hollow Boitdiov, ox, cow, dimin. of Bods Bovkddos, herdsman yaAyjvy, calm yelroy, -ovos (5, 4), neighbour yur}, —-yuvauxds, woman Spaxya, drachma Sdpoy, gift (eByos, 76, pair 4X, sound kacpés, right time kdparos, toil keAevorys, coxswain, boatswain kin, oar pdprus, witness marty?) Mipnrys, imitator vadrys, sailor Spyavoy, instrument wédtov, plain mpoBarov, sheep giros, corn tpdyos, he-goat padprupos, (cp. purov, plant xopés, body of dancers or singers 854, song ADVERBS éppwpévos, strongly ev @ (xpévg), while i8ia, separately Spopdvus, mony in har- A FIRST GREEK COURSE 59 ADJECTIVES vaurixos, adj, of |rorotros, roratrn, dpepmros, -ov, blame- vavrns Torovro(v), so less véos, young, fresh | great, (so many) S8arrdotos, double —_|olos, as; ofds re, able | rpuryiduou, 3000 koiAos, hollow (with infin.) | (rpis, ‘thrice ’) Aounés, left, remain- | revTHKovra, fifty ;p~adAos, miserable, ing cadys, clear | contemptible READING LESSON Sailors’ Chanties >Eobievtrav &§ aitdv vads a6 Tapamdéovca. dvepos pev ode tv, yadjvn 8 fv Kal epérrew eSdxes: kal jperrov éppwpévas: areiyovto yap. olov ov ela@Oacr vairar Spdv &> Kaydrov apyédevav, totro xaxeivor Spavtes Tas Kamas avépepov. els pedv adrois KédevoThs vautixds Wdev dds, of S& Aowrrol, Sorep xopés, suopwvas Kata Kaipoy ris éxelvov dwvijs éBowor. ev & 88 tadra érparrov, Todd) pev 7KovETO Bo, capi 8 eEémumrev eis thy yy ta Tov KEedevoTaev dopata, kotdos yap To Tedig atdav tmoxeipevos, kal thy jyny els abrov ws bpyavov Seyopevos, mavTov tov pbeyyopeveav papntny poviy drodidwou, i8ia pev Tov Koray Thy Hiv, ia S& THY Paviy Tdv vavTdv. A Proposal of Marriage uot Sbs Xdoqv yuvaica. eyd kab cupifew olda Kadas, Kal Krav dwmedov, cal puta Kxaroptrrew: olda kad yi dpodv, kal Muxpuioat mpos dvewov. ayédrqv F bros vépw pdptus KAbq: wevrjxovt’ alyas wapadaBav 1 See 6p in Vocab. 60 A FIRST GREEK CoURSE Sirdacious werroinna: EOpeya Kal tpdyous peyddous kal Kadovs. Kab véos epb Kal yeltov tpiv dpepurmros. tocottoy 8& rods dAdous brepBadrwv odSe SwHpors arrnOncopar. éxelvor Sécovew alyas cal mpoBata Kal ~ ’ os ar es , febyos gatrdov Boidiov, Kal cirov ot8 ddextptovas oldv te Opéyas map vod 8 aide ai tproxtdcar Spaxpat. CONVERSATION as usual on the above pieces. Suggestions: oios jv 6 odbpavds; alOpia df ap’ dvenos Hv; th épatvero; more; mas éropedero; Tt éroiovv of vadtar; bia ti; mas Heovoey 6 Addus ; yg ' ao , . ” rl olde Bovxdros; rh eyes; Ti Ente; mocous alyas eyes tt Secer ; mpos tt; The Weather An exercise may here be made on the weather with the following materials :— ovdpaves ‘sky, ‘climate, dnp ‘air’ ai@pia ‘clear weather,’ vePéAn ‘cloud’ (adj. veperddns), dutyry ‘ mist.’ dorparte, dotpdpw, jotpaya ‘lighten, sudst. dotpar7. Bpovré (-a-), Bpovricw, éBpévtnca ‘thunder, subst, Bpovrn. vipa, virper, Gupe(v) ‘it snows, subst. vderds, roby. vo, vow, boa ‘rain? subst. Seros. Adparer HPruvos Heyer cedjvy. Thuepov ‘to-day, xOés or eyOés ‘yesterday, aijpiov ‘to-morrow,’ A FIRST GREEK COURSE 61 vires ‘this year, épvor(v) ‘last year, mporépvor(v) “the year before last, és véwra ‘next year.’ ‘Ago’: compare tpitov #8n éros ‘two years ago.’ ‘After’: perd ¢ ace. XV MIDDLE AND PASSIVE PERFECT STEM INDICATIVE Perfect Pluperfect Imperative Sing. 1. Aé-Av-pae é-de-A0-peqy 2. é-Av-cat é-Aé-Av-o0 E-Av-co 3. Aé-u-Tae é-Né-Av-TO Ae-rAv-o bo Dual 2, Aé-Av-cov —&-é-Av-o Dov Aé-Av-cBov 3. Né-Av-cOov —-é-Ag-Ad-c Any —e-D-o Boy Plur, 1, Ae-rAv-peOa —e-Ae-Ad-peOa 2. Aé-Av-obe é-ré-dv-obe Aé-Av-o Oe 3. A€-Dv-vTas é-NE-dv-vTO Ae-Av-obwv Infinitive Participle Ne-rd-o Bae De-Au-pevos (note accent) (note accent) The subj. and opt., if wanted, are formed by combining the participle with the subj, and opt. of eiyé ‘to be’ :— Dedrupevos & edupévos How, NAvpEvos elny, etc. Some verbs form a future perfect from this stem: AcAtoopar ‘I shall have loosed for myself’ or ‘I shall have been loosed,’ conjugated like Adcopar. Contracted stems have the same endings: rerfun-ya,, reroin-par, SBotw-pa, 62 A FIRST GREEK COURSE THIRD DECLENSION: SOME IRREGULAR NOUNS 6 rarip, ‘father’ 6 dvjp, ‘man’ stem warep, TaTp stem dvep, av8p Sing. N. warijp avip Vi warep dvep A. arépa dvbpa G. matpés dv8pos D. rarpi avdpt Dual N.V.A. warépe dvbpe G.D. warépow avdpoiv Plur. N.V. rarépes avSpes A. marépas av8pas G. rarépov avdpav D. matpdou(v) avSpaci(v) Like rarjp are declined pxjrnp ‘ mother,’ Ovyarip ‘daughter,’ yaorjp ‘stomach.’ These accent oxytone in the gen. and dat. singular ; dvjp in all numbers like the monosyllables. THE IRREGULAR VERBS efi ‘BE’ AND efpe ‘Go.’ The conjugation of «iyi ‘be’ has already been given, except the future : ~rouar, gon, Zrtat, ececbov, ececbor, éadpeba, évecbe, écovrar. Opt. écolunv, gcoro, etc. elu is used in a future sense; for the present tense use épyouar, Future Imperfect Imperative Sing. 1, el-ps jee 2. j-eada U-0e 3. l-oulv) —-j-ee(v) treo Dual 2. t-roy q-Tov U-roy 3. t-rov get ny i-rov Plur. 1. i-pev a pev 2, tre Wr Te tre 3. Ldowv) — f-cav, p-ecay 1-d-vTay A FIRST GREEK COURSE 63 Subjunctive Optative Infinitive Sing. 1. t-o Toop b-évau 2. begs tous 3. en V06 Participle Dual 2. ?-nTov t-ourov t-dy, t-obca, i-dv 3. U-nroy j-otrny Plur, 1. t-opev 2. i-nre t-oure 3. twor(v) —t-ovev EXERCISE.—Form and conjugate the perfect passive tenses of: mavw, check mopeva, transport | aioreve, trust maideto, teach | xedevw, bid xorg, hinder KAj@, shut 68a, sacrifice guteva, plant txerevo, pray Syntax Rute, 21 (cp. 19).—The participle, used to com- plete the sense with verbs of knowing and feeling, is also used with tuyxdvw ‘I chance,’ cvdivedw ‘I happen,’ tatw ‘I check,’ mravopat ‘I cease,’ AavOdvw ‘I escape notice’ (fal/o), pOdve, ‘1 anticipate,’ ebpicxw ‘I find’: as érvxov dy ‘I chanced to be,’ édabev i8év ‘he saw it unobserved,’ #Odve. éXMOdv ‘he comes in first,’ like ofa dv ‘I know that I am.’ Syntax Ruve, 22.—Verbs of hindering, forbidding, and the like, generally take pj with the dependent infinitive, as: dmetrov pH eXOeiv ‘1 told him come.’ VOCABULARY VERBS drro-Xwpis (-€-), retire éprdgo, dprdow, ayxo, dyfw, throttle |@rroua:, dona, praca, seize dr-ayopetw, -w, wydpav, touch grrw, géw, éa, aretrov, forbid (gen.) | rush drro-Snpd (-«), be |dpurrd (-a-), break- iOn, aor. pass, away or abroad fast of apinue 64 dd-epévos, perf. part. pass. of ddinus, let go ad-aipw (-e-), carry off; alpa, atpjow, ethov, 1}pnKe BodtrAopar, Bovdy- copat, wish yeopyS (-e), farm yiyvopar, yevijropar, eyevopny, yeyevn- pat or yéyova, become SiarrGpas (-a-), dwell (from — Stara, ‘daily life,’ cf. diet) Sia-pesyw, flee in different directions b-erav, 3rd pi. aor. indic. act. of Sia-r1 Ons, treat eBdov, aor. of dpi, ‘see’ ex-fépa, ex-popO(e-), carry out érr-evo-EpXopiat, Come in upon ér-av-ykw, — return, come back ér-eo-rd3 — (-a-), leap in upon ér-éXw, aor. ere Xov, stop, éntrans. év-reBepevos, aor. part, mid. of év-r/Onys, put in kato-BdéAAw, throw down xata-AapBdve, find, catch xata-helrw, leave xa6-opG, catchsight of matw, check. av- opat, cease (with part) ive, drink oik6 (-e-), dwell rinrw, strike Tvyxdvw, happen Nouns dpux7}, tear, scratch avy, courtyard | Bpaxtov, 6, upperarm ypads, old woman Oepdratva, — maid- servant Oipa, door immd8popos, —race- course kaprés, wrist xéAzros, bosom kijros, garden kpavyy, din kvpBtov cup READING LESSON A FIRST GREEK COURSE petpdx.oy, boy oikérns, servant oixoupés, keeping in- doors, guardian mpyos, tower movypid, wickedness ckedos, 76, article, utensil tirOy, nurse tpdxndAos, neck xelp, th Xetpds (or xepés), dat. pi. xepot(r), hand, arm. Xwpioy, place, farm ADJECTIVES éhebOepos, free ebvous (1, .), friendly murs, faithful mpéeo Bus, old mparos, first trédouros, left over, remaining Spaipos, bloodshot, bruised Prepositions, Erc, ék, & gen. out of, away, from, since éus, until obx drws, so far from mpos, dat. besides ovy, dat. with td, gen, by (agent) Tewpyad pev mpos TO trrrodpoum, wal oikd évradd’ éx perpaxtov. 6 oby eddnpos kal Evepyos 6 adeApds an > 1 > y ~ yy avdtod, eiaedOovtes els TO Xwplov, TWPWTOV fev ETL ye 5 TOUS olKéTas ngav. as 88 obrov Siapedyovow adtovs, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 65 kal Gddos dddn drexwpycer, eAOdvres eis THY oixiav kat cataBarovres tiv Odpay Thy els Tov KHrov pépovaar, war émévoeNOovres él tiv yuvaikd pou nab Ta macdia, éEepopjcavro boa ert trddourd pou Hv oxen ev TH oixig. mpos 8€ Todos, Ervyev H yuvi} pou pera Tov maidav apiataca év TH aby. Kal per abris ritOy ris dun yeyevnpévn mpecButépa, avOpamos ebyous Kal moth, Kal ademdvn edrevOépa tnd rod watpos Tod eno. avv@ance S8 advdpi, ered) ddeiOn erevOépa: as 8 obtos dréOave, cal atitn ypats jv, kal od« tw abriy 6 Opéyav, éravijxey ath as cue. ev db 8 yd dreSipour, Th yuvaixt Bovrouéery Fv rovadrny olxoupoy per’ abris pe katamreiv. dpiorovroy 8 év TH addy, as ereonndacw odto, Kal KxatadrauBavovew adtas, kal ijprafov td cxevyn, ai perv arrat Oepdrraivas (ev 7 wipyp yap hoav, obmep Siartdvrar) os ieovoav Ths Kpavyiis, Kxjovor tov mupyov, Kal évradda pev ove elonrOov, Ta S88 ex THs AdAnS olxias eképepov oxetn, dmayopevotens ris yuvatkds pa) drrecOas adtdv+ of & odx Gras éméoxov, GAdd Kal ris ritOns Td kupBlov NaBodons, é& ob erie, kab evOeuévys els tov KoMrov, wa pr odroe AdBosev, errerdh elSev doy dvras adtovs, xaTiSdvres adtiy otra S:é0ecay aparpovpevor 7d KupBiov Bedpnuos Kat Evepyos dderdds adbrod obtoct, dere Uparpor perv ‘oi Bpaxioves kal of kaprol Tov xetpdv auris eyévovto, duvyas Sé &v TO Tpayirp elyey dyxouévn* els tobto 8 FAOov rovnpias, date, ws adeidovro 7d KupBlov éx Tod KddAToU adThs, ovK éravcavro dyyovres Kal Tomtovres THY Yypady. CONVERSATION Questions and answers on the story. It may be then told as by the old woman, or by Theophemus, or by a servant; in the past tense also. (8 604) F 66 A FIRST GREEK COURSE With this and the last exercise a THEME may be composed : Country Life in Greece, XVI CONSONANTAL VERB-STEMS Hitherto we have had to do chiefly with verbs which add their endings to vowel-stems; when the stems end in a consonant there is generally an assimilation of the two to each other. The rule is, that Breathed and Voiced Sounds must not come together; and that an aspirate makes both these kinds like itself. Thus we have :— Aéy-o Aex-rds eréx-Onv BraB-n Brar-Te éBrag-Onv bx-7e — dy-Soos ém-td — EB-Bopos Before p.:— Ard8-n BEBRay- paw TT-Te rétup-pat TEK-@ mémey- pat Dentals are dropped before « and s:— 70- : mel0-w Tel-ow mérret- Ka, Before other consonants they become s (by dissimilation) :— mO- i Tig-T65 éreta-Onv mémevo-par Nasals are assimilated partially to labials and gutturals, wholly to liquids :— éu-Badrw éy-Kar® ovr-rAapBavor oup-parto Gutturals +s become £:— Aéy-@ déEo, mrék-w mréEw, Bpéxy-w ApéEw A FIRST GREEK COURSE 67 Labials +s become y :— BraB- Pardo, tpém-0 Tpépo Trregularities exist, which must be learnt as they come. Nasal and liquid stems, as those in -¢, have special rules. Perrecr Active.—Guttural ! and labial stems often aspirate the stem final in the perfect. The following will show the types :— ACTIVE Present Future Perfect TrEK-w mreEw wé-TEY-aL Brdr-ro Brdabo Bé-Brad-a tptB-o tptva ré-Tpip-a ret0-w Telow mé-Tet-Ka mparto mpakw (older rpdocw) PASSIVE Aorist (Weak) Perfect Lafinitive é-mréx-Onv Té-Tey- pa me-théy-Oat é-Brdg-Onv Bé-Prap-pae Be-Bragp-Oar é-rpth-Onv ré-tTpip-pat re-rpid-Oar é-mreia-Onv mé-TELo- at te-mreia-Oae é-mpdy-Onv —Tré-rpary-par mre-mpay-Bas NVote—The 3rd pl. perf. and pluperf. passive of consonantal stems are formed by adding 2, \ a fo) émt tov Tldva wal thy miruv, elt’ émd riv 8pbv, bd dy Kabifovtes ras dyédas .evepov. avetnrnoay 8e ¥ LOL n \ , Logs ye dv0n eOérovres orepavdcar tors Oeods: ta 8 apts 6 Zépupos tpépov cal 6 Hrvos Oepyaivay eEfyev' Sus 82 ebpéOn wal ta wal vdpxiccos Kal boa Hpos mpota 1 y , ye Ae yan yiyverar. 1% pev Xdon kat 6 Addus am’ aiydv -xab am’ oldv érwov yadda véovs amnpEavto Kal cdpuyyos, domep tas andovas és tiv povorxny épebifovtes: ai 8 dtrepOéyyovto ev tals AOxpais, domep dvapspvy- oxopevar Ths Bdis ee paxpas cLwmijs, II Nuyupdv dvtpov ty, mérpa peyddrn, ta evdoev Koikn, Ta Ewbev mepupepys: evfv 88 dydryata tov Nuppdv abtdv riOwa, dv rddes dvvmd8yror, yelpes els Gpous yupvat, Kopar pexpl Tov abyévov dedupévat, Saya wept ryv ily, pediaua mepl tiv dppiv, 7d nav oxhpa xopela Fv opyoupévor, ex 88 Ths myyhs Bop dvaPrvfov Epper, dare wal Neywdy mévy Kadds tw mpd rod avrpov, Todds ‘Kal padraxijs moas brs ris voridos tpepopévns. avéxewro S& kab yavrol Kab atdol kab ovpuyyes Kal Kadapot, mpecButépoy cov pévev dvabjpara, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 73 CONVERSATION Question and answer on the above extracts. An exercise may be made on the same lines as in Ex. XIV., describing the natural conditions of spring- time; after it has been done in class it should be written as a THEME: See also Ex, IV, XVII The verb ol8a ‘I know’ is perfect in form but present in meaning (like cognovz). Present Perfect Past Imperative Sing. 1. old-a 780 2. ola-Oa neno-0a — ta-O4 3, of8-e(v) 778-eu(v) io-te@ Dual 2. tc-rov qo-Tov to-Tov 3. lo-Tov qo-Tyy to-rov Plur. 1. to-pev qio-pev 2. le-Te qo-Te to-re 3. le-doulv) — foav io-tav Subjunctive Optative Infinitive Sing. 1. €8-& eiS-einy eld. évat 2. €id-9s eid-elns 3. eld-7 «id-ein Participle Dual 2. &f8-9-rov —ei8-e? tov eid-as, el5-via, 18-05 3. etd-f-rov —eid-elrqv Plur, 1. ef8-@-pev —et8-eZwev 2. €id-F-Te ei8-cire 3. €1d-0-c1(v) id-efey Future: eioopat, ion... eloovras 14 A FIRST GREEK COURSE NV.B.—Dental before dental becomes o ; hence ofa, irre, aul ‘Tsay. For pres. and imperf. see p. 139.” Imperative: babi, pd-tTo ... da-vrav Subjunctive: $d, dis... paoi(v) Optative: dainv, pains... hater IRREGULAR CONTRACTIONS IN A few common contracted verbs in -éw conjugate with 7 wherever the others have @: as @, Gis, oo ‘live,’ mew *T am hungry,’ 5G ‘I thirst,’ xpGpar, xpy, xpyrae ‘use’ (dat.). VERBS IN -pupue A: few Verbs end in -vizs. These are conjugated thus :— Pres. Setxvijps, -vis, -viouv), -vutov, -vupev, -vute, -vbaou(r), The suffix -vi- runs through the present system. Imperf. éSeleviv, -vis, -vt, -vutov . . . edetxvucay. Imper. Seixvi, -vdT@. Subj. Sevxvdw, -ns, etc. Opt. Serxvdouzs, Infin. Secxvivas, Part. Servis. : Syntax Rug, 24.—As has been explained (Rule p. 32), general expressions are made by adding dy to a relative, and putting the verb in the subjunctive mood. In historic sequence the dv may be dropped, the verb becoming optative. Thus the expression for indefiniteness in the past (indefinite. time, place, number, etc.) is a Relative with the Optative. el yévorro = ‘if ever it happened’ (pres. or fut, év yévyrar). boris EXBor = ‘whoever came’ (pres. or fut. ds dv éAOy). 6rd’ io. = ‘whenever he saw’ (pres. or fut. dérav dy). A FIRST GREEK COURSE 75 Syntax RuLg, 25.—dere is either conjunction or adverb. As an adverb, it is followed by infinitive ; as a conjunction, it does not affect the construction. Thus :— otrws Kahds jv dore Oavpdtew mdvras ‘he was so beautiful that all admired him’ (natural result). otras Kadds Fv Gore mavres COaiuafoy ‘he was so beauti- ful that all admired him’ (fact). The infinite is used when the result is natural or to be expected. 2 VERBS dv-drrw, kindle dvarrds, aor, part. act. of dy-iornps, ‘rising? dy-olyvipe, -olfw, dvega, open snoo bine a Be ‘Bevo, dréo Bera, -) how, enjoy life, be merry xa-ifw, sit down, or make to sit peat, peAjores, euedn- oe(v), it is a care (dat. of person, gen. of thing) Spptto, aor. dppura, bring to anchor map-éxw, provide whéw, sail tovrd (-e-), be rich bytaive, be in good health Nouns idyKuorpov, hook |dypa, chase, hunt adcos, 75, grove of trees apros, loaf of bread Bpéxos, noose Sixrvoy, net kédapos, rod viv, 6, 9, dog; kbva, Kvvos, etc, kd, oar Aayas, hare Aivos, string Aovrpédy, bath varta, duck vovs, mind 6BoAés, a small silver coin oiknors, 4, dwelling olvos, wine Spvts, prides, 6, 7}, bird mrapddeuros, , park mapadia, beach oréyn, roof orOos, 76, breast réplis, 7, enjoyment G 82 A FIRST GREEK COURSE réxyn, art Sebrepos, second (cp. | ADVERBS AND PRE- tpamefa, table Deuteronomy) POSITIONS Perv, ppevds, mind | ev-Aipevos, -ov, with | dyd, up (acc.) uy, bodily nature, good harbours xard, along (acc), stature, growth Ovyrés, mortal down from (ge7.) gious, }, nature Aerrés, light perd, after (acc.), with dpa, season per-orwpivds, of - (gen, autumn srapd,along (acc.), from mheiwy, -ov, more (gen.), beside (dat.) motos, rich mepi, round, about ADJECTIVES TporKwmos, -ov, at (ace, gen., dat.) . . the oars awd, again, back dy pros, wild réraptos, fourth | org, sometimes dSoXos, -ov, sincere, | rpiros, third ’ honest Xetpépros (7. f.), -ov dpurtos, best (n.),stormy, wintry dopads, -&, safe | pidos, friendly A PLEASURE TRIP Néou ties mrovoror, vadv puxpdv. xaberxtoavres kal oixéras mpooxdmovs xabicavtes, rods dypods mepiemrcov Tods mapabadarrious. evAluevds Te yap 1) TapaMia Kab olejceciy joxnpdvy Toddais, Kal hovtpa ouvert, kal rrapdSewos Kal ddan’ Ta piv picews epya, ra 8 dvOpaymav réyyn? wdvta eon Pijoae Kand, mapaméovres oby Kat mpocoppitoperot, Kaxov ney érolouy ovdév, répypers 88 moddas elyov, more pav dyxiorpows Kadduov danprnnévos ex AMvov ewrod iyOds Gdetovtes, mote 8& Kvol Kal SieTdois Aayds AapBdvorres. al 8) Kal dpvidwy dypas euédqoev abrois, Kal EtaBov Bpdyous xfvas dyplovs kal virras: Soo 4 tépyus abrois Kab tparétns dpédevay wapetyer’ et 8é twos mpoéer, mapa tov év toils dypots éddy- Bavov, mreiovs ris akias dBorods KxataBdddovres. &ee 58 povov dprov kab olvoy gal otéyns: ob yap A FIRST GREEK COURSE 83 doares édoxer petorwpwis dpas evertdans évOadat- revews Bote Kal Thy vady dvetheov ert Thy yy, vinta xetpéprov SeSouxdres. CONVERSATION After the usual question and answer an exercise may. be made up in class on a Day in the Country, or a Picnic, or a Hunt; to be written out afterwards as home work. The coinage may also be taught by the following phrases : TO ev tddavtov eye éEjxovra pds, y 58 pra Spaxpas éxardv, 4 58 Spayyty dBorods &€. UESTIONS :—rocrop pépos €oTe Spa nS oO dBoros XE SKOLIA (convivial songs) I lO’ é&fy drrotos tis fv exacros, on hoy . 7d otnOos Siedov7’, erevta Tov vodv éoiSovra, KrjoavTa way, avSpa pirov vouifew ador.o pert. II byraivew pv aprotov dvdp) bvyrd, Sedrepov 8 puny Kaddv yevecdas, vy 4 mya 7d tplrov 88 Trovtelvy adddws, nes can yn ae kal 73 rétaptov jBav peta Tdv dior, 84 A FIRST GREEK COURSE XIX DentaL Vere Stems.—Verbs in -d{o and -éfm drop the dental before o or «, and it becomes o before 6 or p. dpdto, ppdow, éppaca, méppaxa, éppdcOny, wéppacpar, Verbs in -ifw form the future -6 (contracted), conjugated like gavd voulfo, void (vopoiny, voxietv, voxidy), but évduuca, etc. Contractep Vers Stems,—The subjunctive and optative are thus formed — ACTIVE al ey: Tope, Tepes, | tipd, like indicative "| Opt. Tinany, Tyu@ys, etc, TYyu@er ¢ Tod, Tons, Top, etc. Tovoinv, Totoins, etc. of oT Syrois, Sndot, SyAGrov, etc., with o °| Sproiny, Sndoins, ete. MIDDLE AND PASSIVE a Tiydpat, Toa, like indicative TY@pNY, ToGo, etc, ef TUOuat, Troup, etc. "| qrovoluny, qototo, etc. of Mauer, Sydoi, Snrdras, etc., with °| Sprotuny, SyAoio, etc, A FIRST GREEK COURSE 85 rddas ‘wretched’ and pédas ‘black’ are thus declined :— M. F N. Sing. N.V. rdrds Tahawva Tadav A. Taday Tddawav Tddav G. TéXavos Taraivns Tadavos D. tarda Taraivy Tdhave Dual. N.V.A. rdAave Taraiva Tadave G.D, rardavow Tanatvasy Taddvow Plur. NV. radaves Tahatvat tTédava A. rédavas Tadaivas Tédava G. raddvov Tarawor Taddvev D. raraci(v) Taraivass Tadact(y) Comparison: rdAas, raddvrepos, taddvtatos EXERCISE—(1) Conjugate the future act. and mid. of couife ‘carry, ‘convey,’ ¢porrife ‘think,’ (2) Conjugate the subjunctive and optative present act. and mid. of any verbs taken from the vocabularies. Syntax RULE, 27.—Verbs of saying which imply feeling of any kind tend to take p7} as their negative when an infinitive follows, Otherwise the negative of the Recta remains. Verbs of swearing always have ju) as the negative of the thing sworn. Syntax Rutz, 28.—A verbal notion may be paraphrased by the verbal noun with rototyar: as Adyous movodjiar= eyo. [The active +o, if uséd, has always a different sense.] ‘VOCABULARY VERBS £0 (-0-), claim aor. mid. per- dye, lead away as | da-erOlw, eat away ished, -AwAa sir. prisoner dr-dddGps, — -oAG, perf T am un dix (-e), do wrong -WAera, -ohdAexa, | done airv@pat(-a-),accuse | destroy: -wAdsunv 86 > Bracrdve, Bda- onjow, —Bdacrov, grow bw, Sjow, yoo, bind Sia-Keipar,-Keloopar, be situated, be in any condition (with adverbs), subj. Kéo- pat, opt. Keoiuny ri-Sakpto, weep also éoOiw, eat: Eonar, ey 5oxa, payor Op (-a-), hunt kata-Béoxw, cause to feed (mid, feed) xata-Sudkw, pursue kata-kXG (-a-), break off xuta-ppovd — (-«), despise (ger.) Kar-yyopo (-e), accuse (gen.) Sprit, — dpodpar, Gpooa, bpipoxa, FIRST GREEK COURSE rradevw, train mdperps, be present TpEXe, Spapotpar, payor, dedpd~ Ka, run bAakré (-e-), bark tr-dyopat, attract “instruct, Nouns dkrh, shore Bovkédos, herdsman Sixacortvy, justice Sixarrys, judge Onpa, hunt Ovpov, thyme kijros, garden kXéos, TO, renown xépapos, %, arbutus kovyyéerys, — hunts- man kbwv, kuvds, 6,4, dog Kopijrns, villager dbyos, 4, withy, agnus castus swear (by, acc.) Adxos, wolf( = /upus) A Rustic TRIAL vadrys, sailor olxros, pity Spos, 76, hill mdny}, blow mvevpa, 76, wind Xeyudy, -Gvos, storm, winter Ydppos, %, sand ADJECTIVES dypoixos, rustic MuriAnvatos, Myti- lenean mepittds, excessive, very great wovnpés, bad cadis, -és, clear obvropos, -ov, brief xAwpés, green ADVERBS, ETC, «either... or ovdé, neither, nor, not even G8, here, thus » qe Aixacriy Kabifover Piryrav tov Bovodov' mpeo- Biratos yap fy tév mapovtav Kal Kdéos elyev ev rols Kopntass Sexaroodyns tepiTThS. yopouv of MutiAnvaio cabh wad obvtoua els todrous Tovds dypods Onpacas eOédovres. mpartor 88 Kary- “HN Oopev Thy yey oby vaty Ayo yhopd SHoavtes, él Tis axTis Kate A FIRST GREEK COURSE 87 Maropev: adtod 8& pera rdv Kuvdv Ojpav errovodpcba. év tovT@ mpos Thy OddaTrav ai alyes Tovrov KaTEd- Gotea, Tv TE Avyov catecbiovet, Kal Th vaby dmonvovew. av0 dv akvodpev dyesy todrov ovnpov y 1 » ry , L . oF dvra Bovxddov, bs él ris Oadrdrrns véues Tas alyas ds vadtns.” tocadra of Muridnvator karnyopycav. 6 S& Addus Siécecto dv Kaxds bd Tov wAnyav, XAdnv 8 opav n ‘Dos mapodcav, mdvrav Kateppover, cat @8 elmev: “'Eyo véuw tas alyas Karas. ovbdéror’ yridcato Kopiyrns odd els, &s 4 KArov twos al— eu KateBooKycato 7} y , L * > oy duredov Bracrdvovcay Katékrdacev' odTa 8 ict Kuvnyéras movnpol Kal xivas exover Kands meraidev- pévous, olrwves tpéyovres Kal dhaxrodvres KaTedio€ay > 2 a 2a \ a , 2, A ft abdtas é« trav épdv kal trav medioy él tiv Oddarray, Gomep Ko. adv aréparyov" Tiy Abyov' od yap * , , pee » po 59 elyov ev ~Wappm woay 7) Kopxapoy 7) Ovpov, adr ar@rero 4} vads brd Tod mvevparos Kal Ths OadatTys. radra yemdvos, odx alydv, Epya orw.” , iy ae ye rovrows émeddxpucev 6 Addu, Kal eis olerov brnydyeto rods dyporxols Todty: dal 6 Diryras 6 Sinacrys @pyve Tava nat Niggas pdtv aduciv Addu, XX . Learn the Middle and Passive of the verbs in -ys. The Grammar should then be revised from the tables at the end of the book, whilst the pieces in the accompanying Reader are being read day by day. 1 See éodlw, 88 A FIRST GREEK COURSE READING LESSON-—WINTER Tiyverae 82 yerwdv Aadvids kal Kron rod rodguov mixporepos. ekaiduns yap tepemecodou yudy Tod) Tacas wey aréwdgoe Tas dd0vs, mdvtas 88 Katékdyoe rovs yewpyots. AdBpot pev of yelwappor Karéppeor, émemnyer 58 xpdotaddos: Ta S&8pa wip ty xLdvos, hoy} waoa adarvhs tv whyv wept wyyds rou Kal pedvpara, obt dyédnv és vomiy Fyev ovdels, odt” adtos mpotBawe tov Oupdv, GdrdgA Tip KaboayTes péya rep @dds drextpvdver, of pev dAvov ~rtpepor, of 8 alyav tpixas expexov, of 8& mayiSas dpvidov npyaovto, tore Body emi parvais ppovtis jv dxupov écbiévtor, aiydv «al mpoBatav ev roils onxols pud- Aadas, bdv év trois oupecis Baddvovs. rH 8 Xréy del cuviy % patnp, spd te Ealve SiSdoxovea rat arpdkrous atpépew, COMPENDIUM OF GRAMMAR THE ARTICLE M, A Nn. Sing N. 6 } 16 AL tov Thy 76 G. rod ris rob D. TT) ™m Tm] Dual N.A. 7d GD. rotv for all genders Plur. N. of ai 7a A. ‘rots ras 1a G. trav tov tov Dz. rois ras trois First oR a-DECLENSION (1) Feminines stem — pided, ‘friendship’ | xwpé, ‘land’ |ry44, ‘honour’ | yAwrra, ‘tongue’ Sing. N.V. didla xXopa Typ} yhorre A. gidlay xapav Tysy yAGrrév G, gudias Xepas Tupajs yhurrys D. gerdig xepe Tey yrurry Dual N.V.A. didi xXGpa Typ yharra G.D. gidéaw xXepaw | tipaiv yAurraw Plur. N.V. dudlae X@par Tyal yAGrras A. pidtas xépas Tysds yAorras G. didiav Xopov | tysdy yAwrrav D, didtas xepars | rysais yharrais 89 90 A FIRST GREEK COURSE (2) Masculines stem veda, m. ‘youth’ j wodira, m. ‘citizen’ Xapuidy Sing. N. veavias moXlrns Xappidys Ve veavia toXira, Xappidy A. veaviay rohirny Xappisny G. veaviov woXtrov Xappidov D. veavig wohiry Xapyisp Dual N.V.A. veavia moira : G.D. veaviow moXtrawv Dual and Plur. N.V. veavéac moXtras plural, if A. veavias mohiras wanted, like G. veanv modirv the others, D. veaviaus aroXtraus SECOND OR o-DECLENSION stem vouo, Mi, Sing. N. Vv. A G. D. Dual N.V.A, G.D.- Plur. NV. A. G D. vdpos ; vope vopov ; vdpou vopup vopnw vopouw vopot vopous vo pov vopous ‘law? Swpo, n, ‘gift’ Sdpov 83pov Sapov 8Bpov Sépp Sdépw Sdpow Sapa, Sapa. Sdépwv Sépous A FIRST GREEK COURSE stem Sing. N. stemt Sing. N.V. A G. Dz Dual N.V.A. G.D. Plur. N.Y. A. G. D. Contracted Nouns vow vdou véous vowy vdous kadw, ‘cable’ voty vot vois vay vois Kddws kdhov kao Kady kd kddov Kado Kd dos kdhov Kddos bere0, ‘bone? doréov doréov éoréov doréov doréy éoréw doréouw éoréa, boréa doréwy borréors soroiy darotv doroty dorrod borg bord dorroiy bora bore, oordy dorois dvwyew, ‘upper room dvdyewv 3 dvebyewv dvdyew dywyep dvdyew dvdsyepv dvdyew dvdyew dveiyewv dvayeps 92 Table of Endings M. and F, Sing. N. | s or lengthened stem V. | Asnom., or stem with- out strengthening A. | a in consonant stems | yin vowel stems G. | os Di) Dual N.V.A. | ¢ G.D. | ow Plur. NV. | es A. | as G. jo D. | ox(v) Vowel Stems stem mom, ‘city’ | mnxu, ‘forearm’ | Sing. N. a) rods | 6 whxus Ve rode whxy A. rédw whXyy GG. redews TAXES D, rode THXEL Dual N.V.A. rode wiHxet G.D. —-rodéow axéowv Plu. N.V. rdAes mHXes A. wédes wHXELs GG. réAewv wHXewv D. — rddco(v) | whxeor{v) A FIRST GREEK COURSE TuirD DECLENSION N No ending No ending No ending os & € ow a a ou) ty@v, ‘fish’ 5 ixbis ixO¥, ix Obs N68 ix Biv iy Ovos ix Ove tx Ode iy tow iy Obes ix Obs iy Odor ixOtou(v) Neuters stem Saxpy, ‘tear’ Sing. N.V.A. 7d Sdéxpu G. Sdxpvos Dz Sdxpvi Dual N.V.A. Sdxpve G.D. Saxptouw Plur. N.V.A. Sdxpva G. Saxptwv D. Sdxpuor(v) Diphthongal stem Baovev, ‘king’ Sing. N. 6 Baotred’s 6, Vi. Baotred A. Baorrea G. Bacrdéws D. — Baorre? Dual N.V.A. — Baosret G.D. BacrAéow Plu. N.V. = Baowdijs A. — Barrdéas G. BarsAéwv D. = Barthebor{v) Consonantal Stems—(1) Gutturals A FIRST GREEK COURSE 93 dary, ‘city’ 7 dor dorrews doret (ei) doret (ee) aoréow don (ea) i dorewy | doreot(v) Stems Bou, !ox? | ypav, ‘old woman Bots | 4} ypats Bot | ypab Botv | ypatv Boss | ypads Bot | ypat Bee | -ypae Booty ‘ypaoiv Bos | -ypies Bots | — ypaiis Bodv | -ypadv Rover); -ypavoi(v) stem guddx, ‘guard’ aly, ‘goat’ Sing. N.V. 6 ptdag 6, atk A pidaka atya G. pidaxos alyds D. pidake aiyt Dual N.V.A. — pvAaxe atye G.D. puddkow alyoty Plur. N.V. — ptdaxes alyes A. vAaxas alyas G. puddKov aiyov D. prraki(r) aigi(y) év¥y, ‘nail’ 5 dvv€ Svuxa dvuxos Svvxe Svuxe dvixow dvuxes Svvxas a 1 évbyov | bvue(v)

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