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From Nayl Awtar:

The Verdict on Music.

As far as the following adths:

There will be from my nation a people who makes lawful; fornication, wearing of silk,
drinking wine and instruments of distraction.[i]

) :

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There will be a people in my nation who will drink wine and call it other than what it is
and play instruments on their heads and have singing women. Allh will have the earth
to swallow them and make some apes and swine. [ii]


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Amad recorded from the servant of Ibn Umar in his Musnad , that Ibn Umar heard
sound of a flute from a herdsman. Then he put his fingers in his hearts and left of his
journey on the road and said to Nf, Did you hear that? And I said yes. He proceed in
this manner until I said, No I cannot hear it. Then he put his hands down and
continued his travel on the road and said, I saw the Messenger of Allh do this when
he heard the flute of a herdsman.

Allh has forbidden wine, gambling. Everything that intoxicates is forbidden[iii]

Some of the Scholars takes the position that all are weak, even to the point that
Ibn azm who said:

All of these adths are fabricated

And he proclaimed that the traditions from Ab mr or Ab Mlik al-Ashr

are cut-off, and others agree on its grade of weakness. There is a difference of
opinion whether singing with or without an instrument is among of instruments
of distraction. The group that goes with its prohibition based their proofs of the
adths mentioned. But the the people of Mednah [iv] and congregation among
the f, takes the opinion in the legitimization of auditions even if it is with the
`d or the reed (flute). Al-Ustdh Ab Mansr al-Baghdd ash-Shf in his
composition in auditions that abd-Allh bin Jfar that he didnt see any fault in
musical auditions. He used to compose melodies for his slave-girls and they
performed it on his guitar. And this was in the time of Amr al-Mu`minn Al bin
Ab lib . He also related the same about Qdh Shr Sad bin al-Musayyab,
A` bin Ab Rabb az-Zahr ash-Shb.

Al-fi Ab Muammad bin azm said in his treatise on auditions with his
transmission linked to Ibn Sirn:

There was a man who came to Madnah with slave-girls and he came to abd-Allh bin
Umar and among the slave-girls were playing instrument. Then a man came to look to
by but didnt want either of them. Then he said, `Go forth to a man who is most likely to
purchase this. And he said, And who is this? He said, `Abd-Allh bin Jafar. ` So he
showed them to him and said to a slave girl, Play the d! She played it, sang and he
bought it.

Al-Allmah al-Adb Ab Umar al-Andalus in the al-Aqd, related that abd-

Allh bin Umar entered upon ibn Jafar and found a slave-girl with him
with an d in her lap. Then he said to ibn Umar , Do you see any fault in this?
He said, there is no harm with this.

Al-Mward related that Muawyyah and Amr bin al- used to listen to the
ud with Jafar.
The following Mlik scholars reported its legitimization:

a. Ibn as-Samn from wus

b. Ibn Qutaybah who wrote al-Imta, reported it from the Qdh of Madnah,
Sad bin Ibrhm bin abd-Ramn az-Zahr. And he was a Tb.
c. Ab Yala` al-Khall in the al-Irshd, from the Muft of Madnah abd-Azz
bin Salmah al-Majshn.
d. Ar-Ryn related from al-Qaffl that the school of Mlik bin Anas of
the permission of singing recitals.
e. Al-Ustdh Ab Manr and al-Farn related from Mlik the
permissibility of the d.
f. Ab lib al-Mak in Qt al-Qulb, from Shubah that he listened to the
drum in the house of the renowned traditionalist al-Manhl bin Amr.
g. Ab al-Fadhl bin hir related in his composition about music sessions
that there is not dispute between the People of Madnah in the
permissibility of the d.
h. Ibn an-Nawa said in al-Umdah, Ibn hir said, It is by the censuses by the
People of Madnah (of its permissibility) and the hir School follows it

Al-Mrwad related the permissibility among some scholars of the Shf school

1. Ab al-Fadhl bin ahir related it from Ab Ishq as-Shayrz

2. al-Aswa in al-Muhimmt related it from ar-Rwyn and ad-Mward
3. An-Nawa related it from al-Ustdh Ab Manr
4. Ibn al-Muqallib related it in the Umdah, from Ibn hir.
5. al-Adfuwa related it from ash-Shaykh Izz ad-Dn abd-Salm
6. Ibn Qutaybah in the al-Imta, related it from Ab Bakr bin al-Arab
With all the mentioned, al-Adfuwa concluded its permissibility. They all together
declared the legitimization of auditions with instruments.

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