ASCE Design of Large Steam Turbine Generator Foundations PDF

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Mr, Loe Mare G. Wolman 178 Clafin St Belmont, MA 02178 SEPT 1990 DESIGN OF LARGE STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS Prepared by the Task Committee on Turbine Foundations of the Fossil Power Committee and the Nuclear Energy Committee of the Eneray Division of the ‘American Society of Civil Engineers February 1967 Published by the ‘American Sociely of Civil Engineers 348 Eost 47th Street Now York, New York 10017-2308 ABSTRACT ‘This reports aque or eninaors who aro responsibo forthe design and analy of large tine gonerotor foundations. A Sesetption atthe venous eomponstts of urene-generaiot {upment is presented Load cases tht must be conadored {or analysis and design of the foundation are discussed ‘Guidelines are powded for estabiehng ial overal founda: {ondmensong, ard or ectaching he inal sizes fine ‘ransvoree and longitudinal grcorebivmns and founcaton {Pat evelopment el bom sta ad Syma sya odes {orthe trons foundation incuing Ne mat and supporting sl, Is clnoed. A corm vn one varios sofecson Shera izes are ond cates be cna rea Sing deectons. Design criteria for tre component fourdaton are reviewed. A genaral dsoussion of soe! four. Cations presenod Ths coept of sping: mourled machine fcundaters and ta dota ae reviewed” Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Design of lage steam turbine-generator foundations. Eazy nr rapry ‘ "tupbogotestore—Fourdatons Design and consruc- ven Arean Sosy of Sennen tok Conmiino Terbine Founsavors Ties rBsba7 eer sess'97 erse49 ISan o-erese sora ‘The Society is not responsibl lor any statements made or pinion expressed nts publications. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retieal system or tans, in an form or by any means, 30 ay 1 < flfy «3.0 a2 Low-tuned foundation: Conventional foundation: wheret yy = running speed of machine (cycles/second), and fy. = fundamental vertical trequency of the foundation, assuming its base fixed (cycles/second). When the ratio fyp/fp is loss than 0.7, the foundation is referred to os high tuned. ‘Because high-{unb& foundations are extremely massive and stiff, they are ‘uneconomical and are seldom used. It Is appropriate to make several general comments about the low-tuned foundation concept. Ir is generally not feasible to achieve as low a tuning with U.S. foundations scan be achieved in other countries. Its typical American practice to support the condenser rigidly at its base and provide an exparsion joint at the turbine condenser interface. This arrangement causer the ceck to be subjected to the {ull condenser vacuum load. Since this load is applied after the shalt has been aligned, the foundation columns must be relatively large to satisty the manufacturers deflection criteria, Alternatively, other countries utilize a scheme where the condenser neck is Figidly connected’ to the turbine, thereby eliminating the vacuum load on the ‘deck. This scheme permits the Use of much more slender colurans than can be utlized for US. installations. Since the conventional foundation is alo low-tned, tis report dots oot stearate between the lovctinel and Camel ounton cept sept lor few of the land cues presented ly Chapter 3 Ths esses fenetal proportion of the arent Converionlfeutenons have evo et Ee"very early musi foundtong wich were ese Sd Boeke ot Cencrte with cutouts fr the equa ard ping ote igper oom today, ution ae ementalapte- ames atecles, Fes evseion the Bipual aacierties ae fearon Ms ore vey oy sect at Period of 30 year Fortec he dig criteria tet have toed aevelope oy the Fanulactre hve also evaned ore tas same io tae ee Ee mica! inrature, “The criteria have remained cmprical the United Stee tose thee have been few attempts to perform detaled machine foes) yam aralyes an cctlate hese arly withthe eased espe ot Sprig i {ERATOR FOUNDATIONS. 4 STEAM TURBINE The Committee believes, then, that the low-tuned foundation concept represents an extrapolation from both past and present practice, and therefore treats the concept conservatively in some parts of the report. This Is not intended to imply that the Committee questions the ability of the low-tuned foundation to perform adequately; in Elrope, the lew-tuned concept has been lised succesefully since 1936, More experience Is required in the United States before the same degree of configence will exist in the low-tuned concept as In the conventional type foundation. Finally, this report is intended as a guide to the engineers who are responsible for the design and analysis of large turbine-genecator foundations. The responsibility. for sutistying the manufacturer’ criteria for 2. particular iatallaion i left <0 the responsible engineer. This repert Is not intended £0 Supplement or supersede any manufacturer's criteria Chapter 2 “Turbine-Gonerator Equipment The main components af a turbine-generater are the high-y intermediate and low-pressure turbine sections, and the generator, exciter, and condense! (See Figure | for the campanents of & typical turhine-penerator.) Turbines are classified as tandem-compound er cross-compound units. In tandem-compound units, one or more turbine sections are connected ulong a single shaft to the generacor. In crass-compourd unity high- and low-pressure sections are mounted on separate shafts, with an independent generator for cach shaft, In most cases, each shaft rotates ata different speed, A turbine section may be classified as sngle-flow, dovble-low, 9 opps flow. Ia singie-flow section, the steam expands along a angie axial rection, A doubletiow section contains two 3ymmetticalstea path steam enters te enter of the section and expands in Opposite axial directions, An oppose: flow Section Is similar to a couble-tiow In tat the seam expancs in opposite axl rections; howevery the staging ls "0% symmetrical Ii multiple-section design, the steam expands through a high-pressure section and may or may not return to the scam generator for reheating. The steam then expands through the remaining sections, eventually exhausting to the condenser. * pene e nee Re fiat TT a TT iad low-pressure Lowe igh-prescu Figure |. Components of a Typical Turbine-Generator Set 6 STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS ‘The turbine shafts are connected to each other and to the generator rotor shaft by solid or shrunk-on couplings. Rotor field coils wound on the generator fotor are energized by an exciter, which is Connected beyond the generator by a shaft thar is smaller and more flekible than tat of the turbine. Some generator detigns use an excitation system that coes not require an additional shaft The generator rotor rotates within the stator, a ciecular frame that has armature foils arranged. in slots in ite inner circumference. AN alternating electric Current is induced in the armature by the rotating electromagnetic. field produced by the rotor. The resistance, to the flow of current in the external Circuit requires the application of force to keep the electromagnetic field (and hence the rotor) moving. This force ts proviced by the steam expanding through ‘the turbine sections, and is transmitted through the couplings to the generator. Operating speeds of turbine-generator machines presently used inthe United States are generally 1800 r/min for nuclear units and 3600 ¢/min. for fossil tunits. A governor Is provided to control machine speed and turbine output to Ineet system requirements, During startup, the torbine speed may be held Constant at values below the running speed to prewarm the rotor and to check the clearances between the rotor and the stationary components. Turbine-generator shafts are supported on bearings between turbine sections. Some designs use two bearings per rotor, one at each end, while other designs use a single bearing between furbine sections. On some machines, the bearings are supported within the turbine-generator casing; on other machines, the bearings are supported of the transverse beams independent of the casings. Each shaft is carefully aligned and balanced to ensure low-vibration operation. Misalignment of the shafts may result in secious vibration problems and the initiation of eracks in couplings and other rotating parts. The low-pressure turbine exhaust nozzle is connected to the condenser. ‘The function of the condenser is ta condense the turbine exhaust steam which is then returned to the steam supply system in the form of condensate. A vacuum |s formed inside the condensers due to the volume feduction occurring as the Steam changes from the vapor to the liquid state, Condensers are cooled by Circulating watery which passes through the condenser shell in thin-wall tubes to fenhance heat transfer without contacting or mixing with the condensate. The turbine, generator, exciter, and governor are mounted on manufacturer -supplied soleplates, which are grouted and bolted to the foundation in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. The curbine-generator is designed to slide on these soleplates to relieve stress due to thermal expansion nd contraction, Transverse and axial guides or keys are provided to prevent imisaligement of the shaft due fo this thermal movement. ‘On most modern machines, a system that measures the magnitude of the shaft Vibrations is installed. Typical information that can be obtained is shown in Figure 2. Trip limits are established for each machine, Should any of the shaft vibrations exceed this value, the unit will trip to prevent damage to the Imachine, Generally, the value of the limiting. absolute rotor displacement is in the neighbornoad of 10. mils peak-to-peak. On other machines, the relative ‘mation between the rotor and the bearings is measured. In this case, the limiting relative rotor displacement is n the range of 3 to 3 mils peak-to-peak. ‘The design and configuration of foundations for turbine-generators. are based primarily on the data and criteria supplied by the manufacturers of the ‘TURBINE GENERATOR EQUIPMENT caine i on ce ving si bathe ii locations and design forces, condenser foot loadings and movement: ms 2 BS ek Som oWa see hp Figure 2, Example of Turbine-Genevator Shaft Vibration Readout Chapter 3 Intraduction ‘The turbine-generator foundation must be designed to withstand all the forces that may be imposed on it during the service life of the plant. Actual loading on the turbine foundation may vary from machine to machine however, the type of loads acting on the turbine foundation may generally be detined a3 follows. Dead Load Foundation Dead Load (DF) The foundation dead load includes the self-welght of all members of the foundation. Machine Dead Load (D8) The component weight of the turbine-generator is considered the machine dead load. The turbine manufacturer provides this load as soleplste and Standard-piate joads en the manufacturers loading table. Dead Load from Other Equipment and Piping on the Foundation (DE) ‘The foundation may support other assemblies, such as turbine stop and ‘control valves, interceptor valve, boller feed pump, main steamline hangers, fc. Adgitional dead loads from these assemblies, which are not included in the Subsection on machine dead load, must be considered. For the dead load of the Cendenser, refer to the subsection on condenser dead load. Live Load (LL) The live load includes the Joads that vary in intensity andjor occurrence, The live lose {rom galleries and floor slabs supported by the turbine foundation should be a minimum of 200 pst (10 kPa) cr as required by any local code re~ ‘quirements, Maintenance loads, such as laydown loads, are also Considered a live tad. (Condenser Load ‘The type of connection between the turbine and the condenser and the method of supporting the condenser at its base determine the marier in which the condenser load is transmitted to the foundation. Two common methods of supporting the condenser (see Figure 3) are as follows. Loans The bottom of the condenser is mounted on right supports, and an expansion pont i placed between the condenser and the turbine exhaust foezle 10 Felleve ternal forces and vacation in the condense lad. '¢ The bottom of the condenser is mounted on springs, while the top is ‘connected rigidly to the turbine exhaust nozzle.” The springs can be adjusted to transfer specitied maximum and minimum loads 10 the turbine exhalst nozzle. They can also be adjusted to componsate for load eccentricty, such 15 from the circulating water pressure load. Turbine Foundation ‘oeame — theteny Exgantion "om Springs — et Condenser aay soprote, Condens ia mounted on, Detweon condenser and tatine sentiynater sepectiog ‘sihmuet nome sminimum/madensm force Figure 3. Major Methods of Supporting Condenser ‘Condenser Dead Load (CD) ‘When the bottom of the condenser is mounted on rigid supports, the entire dead weight of the condenser is transmitted tothe mat of the turbine foundation. When the condenser is welded to the exhaust nozale and supported on ‘springs, the proportion of the condenser dead load distributed between the deck Tevel and the mat level depends upon the stiffness and intial setting of the Spires "supporting, the condever" the lasing generally provided by the turbine andor condenser manulacturer. ‘Condenser Vacuum Load (CV) When an expansion joint is provided between the condenser and the turbine exhaust nozzle, the difference betwoen the atmospheric pressure on the casing fof the turbine and the vacuum pressure inside the condenser results ina force of the turbine. This vacuum load can be as large a3 several times the weight of the condenser. Typically, one condenser ‘unit is provided for each low-pressure turbine, and its vacuum load is transmicted to the foundation thraugh the turbine 0 STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS soleplates, The exact distribution of this loading is provided by the turbine manulacturer. For the case where the condenser is rigidly attached to the turbine exhaust razzie, no vaclaim load is transmitted to the deck. Normal Torque Load (QN) ‘The steam forces in each turbine section impose a torque on the stationary casings in the opposite direction from the rotation of the rotor, The normal ‘Sperational torque on the generator stator is in the same direction as the Fotation of the rotor. The Magnitude of the torque depends on the rotational {peed and the power output of the turbine section. The turbine manufacturer Tbulates specific torque loads on the mechanical outline drawing as equivalent ‘ertical loads on the saleplates. ‘Thermal Loading Machine Expansion-Contraction (TM) Changing temperatures of the turbine and generator cause expansions and contractions, forcing the various parts to slide. As the machine heats up, the tentite shaft expands. However, it does not impart any loading on the foundation, Since the entire shaft system is fixed longitudinally by a single thrust bearing, land the shaft slides freely across the well-lubricated journal bearings. Unlike the expansion of the shaft, itis the heat buildup in the casings that Jmposes. the ‘thermal loading onthe foundation. The. high-pressure and imtermediate-pressure turbine casings are supported on soleplates located on the top of the transverte beams. The low-pressure turbine casings, the generator ‘Casings and the exciter are supported on the soleplates of the longitudinal and transverse beams. An example of where the casing is anchored to the foundation Inthe longitudinal and transverse directions is shown in Figures & and 5. During ‘the thermal transient, the casing expands {rom the anchor points, thus producing the {rictional loads, ‘These thermal toads do not impose a het resultant force on fhe foundation, since the forces on any soleplate are balanced by equal and ‘opposite orces’on the anchors or on other soleplates- ‘The calculation of the exact magnitude of the thermal loading is very sifticult, as it depends on a number of factors, such as the distance between ‘anchor points, the condition of the sliding surface, and the magnitude of the ‘Vertical load tn each soleplate, However, the following method, which utilizes Simplifying assumptions, may be used in eu of a rigorous analysis. ‘The total thermal loading is a vectorial sum of the longitudinal expansion loads parallel fo the shaft axis and the transverse expansion loads perpendicular to the'shatt.axis (ie, vectorial sum of the loads indicated in Figures # and 9). ‘The magnitude of the thermal loading under any soleplate may be calculated byt Force = (Coefficient of friction) (Sum of machine oy ‘dead load, condenser load acting through Soleplatey normal torque load, and piping lox) Loans u i ansion) (Startup condition) {Fieneveres losding fe reversed tor machine contraction) (Shutdown conditon) Senet essere rection “Types! location a which turbine easing ie anchored In the tansve ‘Traneverte force = Coefficient of friction x Machine DL on solplate Figure 6. Turbine-Generator Plan at Operating Flooe (Transverse) “Thermal Leasing {Longtudta fosding due to machine expansion) (Startup condition {conBitaial leading e evarsedTor'mateine Conrechon) (Shutdown condition) intormactate: pressure turbine ressure Glow-pressure turines «Generator G Exciter Ul rypea! hich turbine cesng ie anchored in the longitudinal direction Longitudinal force = Cosicient of fietion x Machine OL on aalapate Figure 5. Turbine-Generator Plan at Operating Floor (Longitudinal) ‘STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS ‘The coefficient of friction varies from 0.2 to 0.5._The turbine manufacturer ‘must be contacted for the actual coefficient to be used. During the startup condition, the direction of the transverse expansion loads acting on the deck will be outwaré {rom the centerline of the turbine, while ‘during the shutdown condition the loads will act toward the Centerline of the turbine. “In the case of the longitudinal expansion loads, an approximation rhay bbe made a3 to the direction of forces on the soleplate, ané any unbalanced fortes between the two adjacent anchorages which prevent longitudinal movement of he turbine may be applied as a concentrated load at the anchorage points, In ‘order 19 obtain the worst possible friction load, any upward torque and. piping forces that would reduce friction should be neglected. ‘The turbine manufacturer should be consulted about the above approach to thermal load calculations, Often, the macufacturer will provide an estimate of the thermal loading at anchorage points. ‘Theemall Gradient in Foundation Due to Operation (TF) The stresses and detlections caused by the thecmal gradient within the foundation due to the elevated temperatures of surfaces neat the equipment tre severally not‘copsdered in esgn. The ational deflections de t0 thera Expansion "ot “the foundation may. be signiticanty. however, guantiaive valuations of these deflections are not madee The expected thermal deflection At various bearings is estimated by the manufacturer, based on past field ‘measurements on existing units. The machine erector then compensates for the expected deflections during Initial alignment. Successful past performance of tubine-generator foundations provides ample justification “for. such an approach. "It should, however, be noted that much of the U.S. experience on {thermal expansion is based on the convertinal conerete foundation, and caution is necessary when low-tuned concrete or steel foundation are used. ‘For these ‘ypes of foundations it may be. prudent to determine the thermal expansions Geflections should be measured during. the preoperational testing and thes ‘compensated for in subsequent aligament operation, if necessary. The stresses and deflections due to thermal expansion of the foundation due 10 any environmental effects present should be considered in designe Applicable situations include, but are not limited to, the following. ‘© Outdoor units in which there isa large temperature change between day and night or between seasons, {© Quedoor units in which @ temperature differential exists asa result of the sun shining on only one side or part of the foundation. |¢ Indoor units in which there are temperature gradients on the foundation resulting {rom cold or het air blowing over parts of the foundation. Loading Due to Shrinkage and Creep (SC) In reinforced concrete foundations, the time-dependent deflection at ‘bearing locations due to creep and shrinkage can be two or more times as great ‘the elastic deformation upen application of the losd. However, these additional deflections are generally not considered in the design for the following Loans 1B © For a typical foundation, the initial machine alignment may occur 2 to 3 years after foundation construction, By this time, most of the basic creep dnd shrinkage have taken place. Also, the rate of creep and shrinkage ‘deformation at the time of alignment are well below the initial rate as shows in Table 1; with a 3- to 3-year period between successive shaft alignments, the incremental values are insignificant, '¢ The foundation proportions are such that regardless of the absolute values of the deflections, the differential deflections between bearings are small. Successful past performance of turbine-senerator foundations provides ample validity 10 the above arguments. It should be noted, however, that much ‘of the experience in the United States is based on the conventianal cencrele foundation, and caution is necessary when low-tuned concrete foundations are sed. Table 1 Incremental Creep and Shrinkage Deformation ‘asa Ratio of Various Base Values Years ao 3 10075196208 Gs 2h : Loo 2 kta Lar : + 10006 tea . = = 00 oe oar 3 ee ee . 5 2 - 90 has 5 ne - - - 100 Piping and Valve Reactions (Excluding DL) (TP) Pipe forces result from cold springing, fluid dynamics, selsmic forces, and thermal expansion. Pipe forces are applied at the following locations. Turbine Casing Pipe Forces Piping connected to the turbine casing may be cold sprung into position <0 that when ‘high-temperature steam heats the system, the stresses will be relieved. Loads created by the connections should be investigated to determine if they are significant. This may be accomplished ty applying, the maximuth Permissible forces and moments that the turbine ‘manufacturer specifies. 4 STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS ‘Maximum allowable loads are specified by the wwrbine-genecator manufacturer 10 Prevent distortion and/or overturning of the turbine components. "The turbine ‘Casing may be assumed to be rigid and the forces then calevlated at the support points on the foundation. The types of piping that generate most of the loads © main steam inlet piping, ‘© reheat steam piping (hot and cold), and © extraction steam piping. Pipe Loading from Equipment Attached to the Foundation The foundation may support such assemblies as the turbine or control valves, Jnterceptor valve, turbine steam chest, etc. Positioning and aligning piping for this equipment creates initial erection forces. The turbine manulacturers piping 's then fitted and welded, and the assembly is anchored to the foundations The remainder of the steam inlet pipes are then welded to the assembly inlet connec tions. Ditlerent forces are created due to thermal expansion during operation, Erection forces and static and dynamic operating forces should be investigated to determine if they are significant. The loading due to quick closing of the stop valve attached to the foundation is usualy significant, ‘The, turbine-generator manufacturer's piping forces are used whenever specitied. These foads are the maximum allowable loads on the soleplates. The direction and point of application of these loads are given, However, f actual loads are knowin, they should be used. Actual forces would include the turbine- everator manufacturer's computed loads plus the purchaser's computed loads ‘The actual load cannot exceed the maximum load specified by the tuebine: generator manufacturer. I the turbine manufacturer does ot supply piping forces at the solelates the designer should obtain the turbine manufacturer's maximum allowable loctes A the pipe connections and then calculate forces st support points 10 determine if they ate significant. ‘These loacs may be used during hot or cold conditions. ‘Normal Machine Unbalance Load (NB) It is theoretically possible to balance the turbine-generator rotor to sliminae unbalance forces during rotations in practice, however, some unbalance Will always exist. ts magnitude depends on factors determined by design, ‘manufacturing, installation, and maintenance procedures. These actors may. include an axis of rotation which does not pass through the center of mass of the ‘rotor, deflection of the shaft due to ‘gravity, uneven thermal. expansion, misalignment during installation, and/or corrosion or wear of moving partsy The ‘Sumulative effect of these factors is the presence of unbalance forces that are synchronous with the shaft rotational speed. These ferces are transmitted t0 the foundation through the shaft bearingse The effect of the normal machine unbalance loads on the turbine-generator foundation can be evaluated by a dynamic analysis or by a pseucedynatnic ‘analysis. Dynamic analysis is recommended for low-tuned foundations whereas Pseudocynamic. analysis has been’ the industry practice fer" conventional foundations. The normal machine unbalance load ts specified as a dynamic Loans Is forcing function wien a dynamic analysis of the foundation is to be performed and its specified asa pseudodynaric lead when sate araiyae pesto ae Dynamic Forcing Function For the purpose of defining the normal machine unbalance dynamic load, the turbine-generater rotor can be approximated by a multiply sopported abets wich 4 rotating dise corresponding to each of the turbine stages and the genersion ot Shown in Figure 6, The forcing function F(t) correspon to each of the tirbine stages or the generator ist | Feeyemy sin cars a) oa My = the mass of the rotating mass is ‘24; a measure of the balance quality grade of the rater; © = the ‘rotating mass eccentricity, which equals the distance between the axis of rotation and the mass center of the 1 rotating mass (Gee Figure 7 = the machine design operating speed in radians/seconds 2 = the rotational speed in radians/second for which the unbalance force is being computed; and = the relative phase angle of the unbalance for rotating mass i FO) = Myege? FO) = yogu2 Figure 6. Unbalance Forces Along Shaft with Multiple Supports 6 STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS ilar ‘a Center of rotation <— rotating mass = Mt Figure 7. Rotating Eccentric Mass For tuebine-generator sets, the balance quality grade per 150 1940 (18) is 2,5." This corresponds to a G value of 0.1 injs (2.9 mm/s). The relative phase angle =; of the unbalance forcing function corresponding to each stage of the Turbine ‘and generator is candor ard therefore uninown at the design stage} however, its random nature should be considered in the determination of the Probable maximum response of the turbine-fourdation system due to the formal machine unbalance. ‘The 0.1 in/s (2.5 mm/s) G value corresponds to a minimum operating ‘unbalance, and the actual operating unbalance is likely to be larger. The design unbalance should be specified by the turbine-generator manufacturer. Based on discussions presented later in this chapter, a G value of 0.20 in/s (3 mm/s) may be used when the manufacturer's information is not available. For the design Unbalance, the maximum bearing cap deflection should be limited to the limit (10 mils peak-to-peak) for machine speeds from 20% to 120% of operat speed, Pseudodynamic Load ‘The normal machine unbalance forcing function is a dynamic laa¢s however, for conventional foundations, the effects on the foundation response are {generally evaluated using a static analysis and pseudedynamic loads. ‘The magnitudes of these pseudodynamic loads based on past practice can be summarized a8 follows. LOADS ” '¢ Vertical pseudodynamic downward loads on the foundation soleplates with the following magnituce! 25% of DM for 1800 r/min machines, and 30% of DM for 3600 r/min machines, ‘where DM is the turbine-generator machine dead load. ‘© Transverse horizontal pseudodynamic loads equal in magnitude to 30% of the turbine-generator machine dead load supported by each pier, applied at the shaft centerline elevation in the direction perpendicular ta the shat axis ‘© Longitudinal horizontal pseudodynamic loads equal in magnitude to 50% of the turbine-generator machine dead load supported Sy wach pier, applied at the shaft centerline elevation in the direction pacalel to the shat? axis Correlation of Dynamic and Psewdodynamic Loads In the past, the effect of normal machine unbalance has been considered using, ‘the pseudodynamic loads’ described in the previous subsection, These. seutdodynaimic loads can be compared to those obtained uiing the dynamic loads ‘defined earlier to provide a benchmark for the design G value, “Tae magnitudes of the pseudodynamic loads can be computed based on the ynamic load mognitade andthe dyram loa factor (LP). Fhe poeudodye tone forthe ayonmic tnd defined by Equation 32 2 F state (Our) MS oo DLE is defined as the ratio ofthe dynamic response to the static response as aves oF = L ow [0-7 + ea)” where © = angular velocity (rad/s) of the rotor for which the DLF is being computed, f,. = critical natural trequency (or frequencies) of the rotor foundation system, and © = critical damping ratio (usually 0.02 for concrete foundations) Table 2 presents the maximum pseudodynamic load for a G value of Out in/s (2.5 mm/s) for 3600-r/min and 1800-r/min machines at machine operating epeed 4nd at rotor critical and foundation critical speeds. For a 3600-r/min mackine, the compused maximum pseucodynamic load is 0.204 DM, compared to 0.3 DM Used in Conventional design. Fer 1800:r/min machines, the computed maximum 6 STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS Table 2 Unbalance Pseudodynamic ‘or G = O.L ings (2.5 mm/s) Psoudodynamic Load Machine Speed Horizontal Vertical 3600-r/min Machines Operating speed 3600 r/min o0lzDM 0.012 DM. (@ Shaft critical speed 2800 r/min 0.204 0M 0.240 DM @ Foundation critical speed O22DM 0.244 DM We 1200 ¢/min Y= 2400 ¢/min 1800-r/min Machines @ Operating speed 1200 e/min 0.0060M 9.183 DM @ shaft critical speed 1200 r/min 0.220M —0.1220M @ Foundation critical speed Duz2DM —o.183 DM. Hs 1200 efmin V = 4800 f/min Note: DM + Dead weight of the turbine-generator components. ppseudodynamic load in the horizontal direction is 0.122 DM compared to 0.3 DM. lised in conventional design. In the vertical direction, the computed maximum Pseudodynamic force is 0.183 DM compared to 0.23 DM used in conventional Aesign. "For these calculations, it was assumed that the roter weight Is 13% of the total machine weight (O80. Based on the above, a design G value of 0.2 infs (3 mm/s) for dynamic ‘alysis Would lead to results consistent with past practice, Seismic Load (EE) “The forces calculated in accordance with the Uniform Building Code (UBC) (17) provide minimum standards for” design “criteria to make structures cearthquake resistive. The lateral forces are applied separately to the foundation in the longitudinal and transverse direction. The UBC gives the total lateral seismic force v= zICskw oo wheres Z = a numerical coefficient dependent upon the seismic zone and ‘determined trom appropriate zone maps in the UBC. Loaps 9 T= the importance factory which is assigned a value which varies from 10 10 1. C= a numerical factor colated to the amplification factor of the Structure, The value of C need not exceed 0,12, 5. = a numerical factor to account for soil-sructure interaction effects. It need not exceed 1.5. Moreover, the product. CS need not exceed 0.14. To minimize detalles analyses use CS = 8, = the building coefficient, which is assigned a value of 10. ‘The seismic excitation can also be specified in terms of ground response spectra if a dynamic analysis is performed to determine the seismic response Gonorator Emergency Torque (QE) Of all the short-circuit faults that can eceur, a line-to-line short circuit at the generator terminals causes the mase severe loading of the turbine-generator foundstion. "Such a fault occurs when any two of the three generator phase terminals are shorted, ‘The calculation of the maximum generato® airgap torque during symmetrical (three-phase) and unsymmetrical (lne-to-line an tine-to- ground) terminal short circults is normally performed assuming no” elecie\cal damping in order to obtain the greatest possible forces that can be transmitted to the foundation under different fault conditions. The resulte show that the ‘maximum torque resulting from a line-to-ine short circuit is about 25% greater than that caused by a single terminal-to-pround fault and roughly 30% higher than that associated with a symmetrical three-phase fault at the terminals of the same generator. ‘The loading due to generator short circuits is generally provided as either a forcing function or as equivalent statie forces, The use of equivalent. static loads for the maximum short-circuit torque sesumes that. the foundation is infinitely rigid and consequently must directly absorb the full impact of the Severe shock forces. "Since this assumption may result in overdesigning. the foundation, the more realistic approach af a dynamic analysis on the basis of the short-circuit torque time function is generally preferred. Forcing Function ‘The synchronous-machine equation, which describes the aic-gap torque from the instant a line-to-line short circuit begins, is shown at the top of Figure 8 as 3 ‘raphical representation of the three constituent elementst the 60- and 120-H2 ‘oscillating torque components ang. the unipolar torque components Each {everator design is characterized by different coefficient valucs tay By and ©) ‘The generator supplier will provide data about these coefficients, The resultant alternating torque, depicted as a trace in the lower halt of Figure 8 is 3 summation of the three components, It attains its peak value (Tye-ma,) when ‘the angular rotation of the rotor equals approximately 2.1 radians, whch accurs about 3.5 msafter the incidence of the faut. 2» STEAM TURBINE.GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS a 2-2: sinzut ore 0.0280, 0333 “Tie (200) 0-H oncitng torque 120-He oscilating torque a = Urisor orci Resutant sioap Torque empitods, <— Tae. ee) ‘Time (see) Tec. Ae A: sinwt -~B-0 1: sinzut+ cre 1 Figure 8. Ait-Gap Torque Due To Generator Short Circuit Loas a4 In view of the very severe transient nature of the maximum short-circuit foading of the foundation in the vicinity of the generator, the foundation designer should perform an appropelate dynamic analysis of this abnormal load Equivalent Static Forces Tutbine-generator suppliers can also express the short-circuit loading as equivalent static forces that act vertically at the soleplate locations where the generator is mounted on the foundation. Such foundation loads are derived from the same terminal-to-terminal. short-cut torque equation by. correctly allocating the peak value (Ty,¢ jyqy) to the individual soleplate pairs sod dividing ‘these parts of the total torque by the corresponding operative moment arms. Load Due To Out-of-Phase Synchronization (MS) Outof-phase synchronization means that the wave form of the voltage being produced by the generator does not have the same time relationship with the System voltage phaser at the instant the generator is connected f0 the system. Faulty synchronization an impese severe alternating forces on the foundation in the vicinity of the generator. The Maximum air-gap torque resulting from worst-case. malsynchronization (120 electrical degrees out of Phase) is @ function not only of the generator design parameters, Dut also o! the ‘characteristics of the electrical transmission system to which the generator |S connected. I the sum of the main stepup transformer reactance and the system reactance equals the subtransient reactance of the generator, the 120° ovt-ol- phase synchronization causes a shock focce on the founaation reughly equivalent fo the maximum line-to-line short-circuit torque (Ty.emay)e nr tHe case of 3 relatively small transformer reactance and strong Sjetem, the worst-case ‘malsynchronization aif-gap torque can lie in the range of 10% to 35% greater than the Ty may value. Even if the system and (ranslormer reactants are both considered to be zero (en, the generator is connected directly to an infinitely strong system), the theoretical maximum malsynchronization targue is ‘only about double the Ts.cmay s#plitude, ‘The turbine manufacturer will specify the magnitude of this loading in the form of a forcing function or equivalent static forces shoulé he desire to have any part of the foundation designed for this loading. However, generators ars ‘not designed for any electrical ditrbances chat are more severe than terminal short citcults, Due fo the extremely low probability of faulty synchronization ‘curring with a sufficiently large angular discrepancy between the generator land system voltage phasers to result in an alr-gap torque peak which exceeds the T, cama Yale, tis an acceptable practice not to consider the exceptional cas= cof 70st" malsynchronization as a eriterion for foundation design. This assumes that the effects of worst-case out-of-phase synchronization can be covere¢ by ‘the overall foundation design margins, 2 ‘STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS ‘Load Due To Bowed Rotor (AB) [A bowed rotor can impose large dynamic forces on the turhine-generator foundation. The bowed condition of the Foter will create unbalance forces which fare transmitted through the machine bearings to the soleplates. The magnitude ff the forces will vary with the square of the speed, the weight of the rotor, and the ammount of eccenteicity in the rotor. A bowed rotor can occur in any turbine section and can be the result of the following conditions: ‘6 unusually severe packing rub, ‘¢ water incuction, and ‘© failure to put th rotor on a turning gear when the machine is shut down. ‘The frst condition will cause a differential temperature in the rotor, which will ealse the rotor te bend, resulting in the unbalance. ‘The second condition, water induction, can occur when a. slug of water centers the turbine, causing & differential temperature and bending of the rotor Shaft ‘The thie condition can be caused by improper operation oF system failure lang not placing, the rotor on turning gear operatien while coling down. ‘The largest bowed rotor response occurs at the frst critical speed for the rotor. "The length of time that it takes for the turbine rotor to pass through the Critical speed 16 a rolatively short period while going on line. However, the time is much longer when the machine’ ts being taken off line and the rotor cousts through the Fesonant speed. ‘The probability of a bowed rotor is difficult to estimate; however it is likely that some degree of bowing will occur during the life of the unit 'Since this Isa condition that usually requires turbine-generator shutdown, ic will exist only for the time required for the rotor to coast down to rest. Therefore, itis Sulficient to assure that stresses in the foundation are low enough to preclude any permanent damage to the structure during the coastdown period. ‘The magnitude and location of the forces due to a bowed rotor are supplied by the manufacturer of the turbine in question and will of necessity be based on the particular assumptions made by that manufacturer. ‘The forces due to a bowed rotor can be calculated with a relationship similar to that for an unbalanced rotor as follows: F = Mea? stn ut oo) wheres F = force due 1 bowed rotor, Loaps anc Figure 9, Load Due To a Missing Rotor Blade m STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS M = mass of ator, © = assumed rotor eccentricity, and = critical circular frequency of the shaft or foundation. ‘The loading will be provided in the form of a sinusoidal forcing function for the dynamic analysis or equivalent static loads for a simplified analysis of the foundation. Some turbine manufacturers assume that a bowed rotor is the worst case of turbine emergency for the high- and intermediate-pressure sections. Other turbine manufacturers assume that the loss of turbine blade (ete next sector) 8 the worst turbine emergency and do not consider a bowed rotor emergency load In their summation of loads lor the tursine. Load Due To a Missing Rotor Blade (AM) A turbine rotor must be balanced dynamically within practical limits in order to ensure satisfactory turbine operation and Cause no adverse effects on the turbine equipment and/or foundation.. However, 2 moce severe unbalance can ‘ccur while the unit is in operation. This emergency unbalance coneition is predicated on the unlikely event that a last-row Blade in a low-preswure rotor breaks loose from the rator. ‘The loss of this blade, which can range in size from ‘beut 20 inches (500 mm) to aver 80 inches (1000'mm) in length, could cause 8 Significant unbalance in the rotor; consequently, a large dynamic force would be Imposed “onthe rotor/bearing/foundation system. The ‘magnitude of this Unbolance is a function of the blade weight, it center of gravity with respect to {he roter, and the rotational speed of the rotor. This force is transferred to the foundation through the rotor bearing system. Refer to Figure 9, As thls condition can be postulated to occur in any of the several rows of last-row blades, a separate analysis should be made with a single unbalance fequvalent to. the oss of one. lastsrow’ blade applied to the. mass. point Corresponding to each of the last-blade rows in each low pressure turbine, Since this isan emergency condition that will require turbine-generatorshutdowny I will exist only for the time required for the totor te coast’ down to est. Therefore, itis sufficient to assure that the stresses in the foundation are low enough fo preclude any permanent camage tthe structure during the coastdown periow. ‘The magnitude and location of the forces due to the loss or breakage of a last-row blade are sipplied by the turbine manilacturer. The loading is proviced in the form of a sinusoidal foreing function for dynamic analysis of equivalent static loads for simplified analysis ot the foundation. Chapter + Foundation Geometry This chapter presents a description of and criteria far the layout and initial sizing of conventional concrete turbine-generator foundation including. the ‘overall foundation, operating deck, columns mat, and intermediate plavfor'. ‘Also presented are the resuits of a nationwide survey of turbine. (eundation esigns. ‘Overall Foundation Propoctions ‘The turbine foundation is located within the malin surbine building, which houses other equipment and piping necessary Yor power generation, The deck is kept structurally isolated from the surrounding Building by a gap of | inch (25 mm) or more at all levels the gap may be filled with a compressible material at the floor levels. This isolation is intended to prevent the transier of machine and deck vibrations to the adjoining structure. The turbine-generator foundation is constructed af monolithic reinforced cconcrete consisting of a foundation mat, columns, and the ‘deck. Partial mezzanine Floors and cross-walls adjacent 10 the condenser shells may also be provided, if required. Except for cross-compound units, the founation Is formally’ symmetrical with respect to the vertical plane passing through the longitudinal axis of the machine. The conventional foundation texcludirg the ‘mat) normally weighs three to five times the weight of the machine tt supports. Figures 10 through 12 show a general layout of a typical large turbine generator foundation. GE ccter ¢ Generator € Intormesiate-pressure turbine ehh ttt i Figure 10. Operating Floor Plan - Turbine-Generator Foundation 2s 6 \STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS Figure L1., Longitudinal Section - Turbine-Cenerator Foundation = ‘Seaion at genera ‘Seetion at low-pressure Section at high-pressure Serine “urine Figure 12, Transverse Sections - Turbine-Generator Foundation ‘The overall physical dimensions of @ turbine foundation, conventional or low-tuned, are." determined by the turbine-generator "and condenser Configuration. The plan dimensions are governed by the length and width of the turbine-generator, while the height of the foundation is governed by the overall Condenser height (including exhaust neck, shel, and hotwel) plus the thickness of the top concrete deck, as well as the elevation of the operating floor in relation {to the elevation of the foundation mat. As with any other type of structure, initial sizing of the members is required before any static or dynamic analysis Is performed to satisty the strength, igidity, and frequency ‘criteria, Certain empirical cules that have been established based on past experience play an important role in initial layout and Preliminary design. The various member stiffness ratios specified in the Steceeding dlscustion are based on such empirical rules. FOUNDATION GEOMETRY Operating Deck Proportions “The top horizontal frame of the foundation, called the deck, supports the turbine-generator unit. This deck is composed of reinforced concrete beams Which are both parallel and perpendicular to the shaft of the machine oigivadinal and transverse bear). The layout of the deck is the frst step in the foundation design. The plan shows the width and fotal length of the eck. The dimensions of the clear ‘Openings shown on this layout for the turbine sections and the generator orrespond exactly to. the opening dimensions given on the manulacturer's tnachine outline drawings. The. seleplates, 2 shown on the manufacturer's ‘drawings, are then located on the top deck plan. The overall length of the foundation is determined by provicing an appropriate edge distance beween the ‘end of the soleplate and the edge of the concrete at the ends of the deck. ‘The width of the deck is determined by the width of the openings and the ‘width of ‘the longitudinal beams. The opening for the turbine exhaust is wider than the opening for the generator at the other end of the foundation. The wich Of the foundation at the generator end may theeefore be proportionately reduced {or economy and to. achieve. a reasonable width-te-depth ratio’ for. the longitudinal generator beam, ‘The (Fasition for width reduction can either be abrupt or tapered at 43". The clear span of the longitudinal beams supporting the turbine is determined by the size of the condensers. The ratio of Clear span to the depth of the turbine girders ncemally ranges from 1.3 to 3.0. The depth-to-width ratio of the girders generally ranges from I.0 to 30, Alternatively, a uniform thickness for the entite operating deck may be provided. The beam width, in this casey is tstablished such that the beam cross section hes Sufficient rigisity and strength land provides the required clearances and opening’. ‘The generator is supported by soleplates located on longitudinal beams, The clear span-to-depth ratio of these beams is approximately 3 to $. The top slab fequiced at the generator end to support the exciter i= fram ' feet to 3 feet (.2 to.3 meters) thick, In accordance with the manufacturer's deawings, embedded pipe sleeves for the il pipes to pass through and embedded plates to resist frictional forces are Iocated in the operating ceck. Vertical dimensions {rom the centerline of the shaft to the machine baseline land the turbine exaust-condenser conection are given oa the machine outline Grawings supplied by the manufacturer. This information, along with the ‘condenser tube bundle dimensions andy if required, the arrangement of feedwater heaters in the condenser neck, allow the foundation height and turbine buling floor elevations to be determined. The baseline of the machine is kept either at the operating deck elevation or lightly higher to provide © drainage slope in the top deck without interfering with the lagging. ‘The concrete for the foundation deck is placed 2 to # inches (30 to 100 mm) below the final elevation inorder to provide a finish floor of concrete to obtain & better appearance for the deck, The thickness of the machine soleplates ane their relative elevation with respect co the machine baseline are given on the machine outline drawings. The elevation of the foundation deck concrete in the STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS Table 3 ‘Operating Deck Proportions Ratio of Clear ‘ose beam Lacation Tage ASRS Longitudinal beam supporting LAK tO433 2.78 onginiinal test supporting, 18010420247 loutpresiretrbines Longituginal Beam supporting 0.91 t0.X78 L7 Interneiatepremure bins Longiusina! beam supporting 03000292176 ighrpresmiretabines Transverse beam supporting OAT 10461 23, gererator/ositor (one ate) Transverse beam baiveen 4340 2881.4 sesorator and low presare Tranaverse beam between vo 04940353 1.83 toe pressure turbines prenure and intermediate: prsenice turbines Transverse eam between O7B 104.76 2.06 ighcpresure or low-pressure sn igh presere tebues ‘Transverse beam sipocting 3093.67 2.69 hipepressure tbe Ratio of ‘am ee 209 191.73 4s 10.250 05 t0 2.30 a0 06.6 0. 947 17 aa sa 2a zat Note Foe St ite! FOUNDATION GEOMETRY Table Column Proportions ho area te) (Colurn Lacation “Site hes Column supporting gereratorfexciter 0.08 101.59 023, (era ram Column between generator and ow: presare tube o0t0082 0.29 (Colma beeen two lowpresure webines awe 04 Column between low-pressure and termedate-presre tubires aiswiss 04s Cohera between intermediate-pressre Sndhiggressure or lowpresae and igeprestire turbines doe teas 038 Sol seperti engine INO Oae ‘abit onty ond ae Allcohains 00619 159928 utiply above rie by 3.28 » Ratna ‘otal Legs (a di Eo coat toaceatiet me Rage fuss 998 e20%0419 oa (2610120 04a castes oe aarrise 058 e391 wise apt owes 037 0 ‘STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS area where the soleplates are located can therefore be determined with Sppropriate provisions for grout under the plates (see Chapter 7). ‘Column Proportions Columns can be located from the top deck plan by following the simple rules listed heres Column sizes are kept within the width of the beams to avold protruding into the opening areas. © As far as practical, compressive stresses and elastic shortening. are kept ‘ifort in Ail calumns to help maintain the shaft alignment. ‘© Columns are normally placed between each section of the turbine 16 At the generator endy the columns are located as close to each other 9s possible under the generator in order to minimize the girder span length. To Recep the columns a reasonable size, a deep cantilever off the top deck {rom the last column se¢ may be provided 10 support the exciter (see Figure 11). Alternatively, columns may be placed at the extreme exciter end, with an additional column placed between the exciter column and the column’ between the generator and the low-pressure turbine section. Foundation Mat Proportions Standard practice and proven performance dictate that the columns be supported on a raat, The foundation must be sufficiently rigid to preserve the Shar alignments it should also be ‘able to transmit accident loads to the Subgrade without exceeding the allowable bearing capacity of the soil. Dowels for the walls and columns should be accommedated in the mat thickness. Normaliyy 5- 0 6-foot-thick (I.9- to L.8-metec-thick) mats are provided for Smaller unites for larger units, thicknesses up to 8 or 9 feet (2.4 to 2.7 meters) may be provided. Several proven rules of thumb can be used to estimate a foundation mat thickness that will provige the desired results, For mats on soil piles, or drilled piers the following rules apply. The ratio of the mat bending stiffness to the column bending stiffness in the transverse direction should be at least two. Uf the ratio is less than way it [cannot be assumed that the column ends are fixed. 12 The mat thickness should nat be tess than 0.07L*/3, in which L equals the aNerage of two acjacent clear spans (14). For mats with piles or erilled piers Clustered around columns, this Tule is not applicable. This thickness criterion Sddresses ‘the problem ‘of differential settlement in the mat due to fonuniform soil pressure.” The above equation will result in a-mat with a Figldity that justifies a uniform sail loading distribution. fe The mass of the mat should be at Jeast equal to the mass of the operating eck plus the turbine-generator. In the past, this criterion has resulted in foundations which are stable, and it indirectly gives the mat sufficient ‘ipidity t0 cause uniform soll pressure. FOUNDATION GEOMETRY u Although the above rules of thumb are empirical, they nonetheless offer designer an inital valve forthe mat thickness ts recommended tha at least one of the criteria listed above be baisiee unless a more detailed analysis or cesign i dertaten. Determining which cite, or how many are to be Satlted is left to the judgment of the designer. The final Getermiration of mat thickness will depend on the design moments and forces. “ Intermediate Platform Proportions sae putrns nay be vies profeabiy a the se ve as ne turbine building mezzanine looe, beneath she highepressire Lrbine and the Aenerater, Those platforns are preteraby of concrete eraming. inthis case the Eonerete beams are normally 3\t0 4 teet (0 to 1.2 meters} deopy with a‘slab {hicwress approximately one-hal the bear) depth. Whether framed with steel oF Concrete, the fembers should Be checked t9 entire that no Fesonance OCCUs at Sperating speed. Foundation Proportions Survey The data relating to turinegererator foundation member sizes fr 63 xsting plants designed by Il USearchtectengineerng ine were colected fired fost sae ofthe at fn propria laced pearly the United States, ranged in capaci) tron {D'375 MW snd irelased norm mucin and oss pants nn HO” PH The anigsis of the data revealed 3 wide seater in member sizes a Proportions. The results of the analysis are summarized here. ee al Mat Thickness ‘There was no relation between the mat thickness and the capacity ofthe plant "The mat thickness varied from > to I? feet (U3 to 37 meters trespective ofthe plant generating capacity. Ratio of Foundation Weight to Machine Weight The ratio of the weight of the turbine-generator foundation (excluding the imap tothe weigh of tne machine raged tins low of 284 to sgh with an average ratio of 4.03. ad Meee ‘Operating Deck Proportions ‘There was a wide scatter of data for the operating deck proportions. The sange and average ofthe tates of clear spanco-depth ane tepthto-wiath for thellongtudral and transverse beams ofthe epersting duck ae listed in Table 3. Column Proportions ‘The range and average of the ratio of the unsupported column length to the column cross-sectional afea and the rato of the foal length (tap of the rot Ts bottom of the operating deck) tothe column aren ave listed in Table 4. Chapter 5 Analysis Techniques, urbne-generators are subjected to various load, some static, some result- ing am “yc opin ar ters resting am age and hrm of analysis is to determine whether tobanaion td contraction. The purpose of sneer 8 rapesed foundation wll pecorm satatactoily under the application 0 [hale “two critecn muntbe sated (i) detection criteria, and @) strength criteria. Deflection criteria must be satisfied to ensure that the turbine- {enerator alfgwment willbe maintained: Strength criteria must be met to ensure {hat the foundation wil not experience a structural fllue, Recommended procedures for the static and dynamic analyses including the soit-siructure interaction effects for the turbine foundation superstructure and base maty are presented in the following sections. Recommended Analysis for Various Loadi analyse that stoul be performed depends on wheter the lad ig, tater eaice onary ome ar eds can be acne tue by means fa puewsodynaric analy, tn which an exulvaent static iSad ie aplieg iv place of the actual dame Toad.” Some connderotions that tietate wether eyudyromie analy or am acta ajramic arly pe fein are the, ye of funtion isd ané te request he ute. uiwator manufacturer A pseudodynamic analysis generally suficient for 3 Ecfventsnel foundation, A fowstuned foundation usualy cequtes that dynamic Stalaes be performs lone (see Chapter 3 tor ‘The following classification of analysis type by 1oaé (see definitions af these loads) Is Intended to serve only as a guide. Those are general ‘recommendations, and analyses other than those recommended should be per~ formed if special Considerations warrant. Loads for Which a Static Analysis Is Recommended © Dead joad fs Live toad ‘© Condenser toad ‘© Normal torque load ‘© Thermal loading due to machine expansion/eontraction ‘© Piping loading 2 ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES » ‘Loads for Which a Pseudodynamic Analysis Is Recommended '* Normal machine unbalance load for machines mounted on conventional Toundations| 4 Selamic loading based on Uniform Building Code or ANSI requirements Loads for Which « Dynamic or Pseudodynamic Analysis Is Acceptable Loading due to generator short circuits © Loading ue 10 out-of-phase synctronization Loading ve to bowed cotor ‘© Loading die to missing rotor blade Loads for Which a Dynamic Analysis Is Recommended © Normal machine ucbalance lead for machines mounted on tow-tuned foundations Seismic loading based on the response spectrum method ‘Simplified Analysis ‘The primary objective of the simplified analysis s to determine the approxi- mate stresses and deflections that are created in the loundation aupersttecsuce 35a result of the applied loads, These models are recommended only to deter. imine the preliminary member sizes of the foundation superstructure, Once these Breliminary sizes are determined, a detailed static and dynamic analisisy az nut. {ined inthe next two sections af this chapter, should be performed: The simplified models of the superstructure are shown in Figures. 13 fand It. The superstructure is reduced to two different sets of plane frames. ‘The first plane frame is shown in Figure 13 and represents the side view of the foundation, in which all vertical loads and all horizontal loads parallel to the axis of the turbine are applied. The columns are restrained trom translation and fotation at their base. The second set of plane frames is shown in Figure 1 and fepresents the transverse benis. Each frame is analyzed as though it were acting independently. The loads applied to each frame reflect the actual loads acting (on the transverse bent, The stresses and deflections resulting from the loading imposed on these Simplitied models can be determined feom a computer solution of the (ames or the solution can be determined using published solutions to frame structures 96 sven in References 23 and 26. The simplified models yield results which are not exact and not necessarily ‘conservative because they do not account for the effects of mat Heubily and the interaction between adjacent bents and between the mat and soil, th add tion, the simplified models should only be used to compute the response Ge to Static or pseudodynamic loads. Dynamic analysis based on these models ix not recommended because the models can only be used to estimate the fundementat Iatural frequencies of the foundation. Al turbine foundations have participating u STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS Serene Figure 13, Simplified Model - Longitudinal Dieeetion Figure 14, Simplified Model - Transverse Direction ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES % higher mode frequencies at or near the operating sped; therefore, 4 frequency ‘check, in itself, does not ensure the adequacy of the founcation. Detailed Static Analysis ‘The detailed static analysis should be performed after a preliminary analysis has been completed. This subsection describes the modeling methods, spec ai Considerations for modeling, and the computer programs used to perfor! the detailed static analysis. Modeling Methods ‘There are two acceptable methods to model the foundation superstructure and the mats {nthe first’ method, the deck and columns are modeled so that the columns are fixed at their base (as shown in Figure 5}. The loads are applies to the model of ‘ihe superstructure to determine the foundation response. The ‘computed reactions at the base of the columns are then used as input forces Om the model of the mat. In the second method, the deck, columns, and mat are inearperated into a single model as shown in Figure 16, "This procedure yields results for the entire foundation n one analysis. The first_ method is most commonly used and is cecammended for the detailed static analysis. However, the second snethod will generally lead to smaller member forces but larger ceflections. It is also more accurate. For elther of the two methods descrised above, the turbine foundation is modeled as a three-dimensional space frame in which the columas and beams are modeled using, three-dimensional beam elements. Such a model is shown In Figures 15 and 16. Shear walls within the superstructure are modeled using plate-berding and membrane elements. ‘The base mat, if modeled, is modeled with plate-bending elements. The nodes of the mat lie in a horizental plane at the middle surtace of the mats The Interaction between the mat and sell is modeled as a series of horizontal and vertical springs which Connect the nodes to fixed supports. References 10, Ily and 31 illusrate the formulation of these models. The soil-structure interaction effects are discussed later in this chapter. ‘The turbine and generator are not included as part of the static analysis ‘model, The weight of the machine isan external lone acting on the soleplates at ‘the point where the machine interfaces with the foundations Special Modeling Considerations. Because of the small longth-to-depth catios of the members of a turbine foundation, a number of factors must be considered when creating the computer model of the foundation. ‘The shear deflections of the girder elements shauld be included in the analysis. x6 ‘STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS Figure L5. Three-Dimensional Computer Model of Foundation Superstructure Figure 16. Theee-Dimensional Combined Model of Foundation Superstructure and Mat 3 ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES ” The effective length of the girders should be the clear-span distance rather than the length between nodal positions. This can be accomplished by con- sidering the part of the girder Between the nodal point and the start of the Clear span to be a rigid link Figure 17). Similarly, the base of the columns should be rigid between the center and top surface of the base mat if the base of the columns is modeled at the midplane of the mar Fig ink Figure 17. Modeling of a Member Connection ‘The loads that the machine applies to the foundation are transmitted to the deck through the soleplates.” The soleplates are not generally atthe Centerline of the beams. Therefore, it is necessary to specity the loads in sucha way that the torsion introduced into the system 19 taken into account. This may be accomplished by specifying a load acting at the gitder Genterline with an accompanying moment as shown in. Figure If: Alternatively, a node can be added at the point of application of lead and Tigid links specified between the nade anid the actual centerline of the ‘irder, as shown in Figure 19. For concrete foundations, the moment of inertia of the girders should be that of the uncracked concrete section because of the very low stress levels usually present in-a turbine foundation, This assumption will yield resuite Mforces, moments, and deflections) which are theoretically closer to the ‘actual behavior of the foundation than if a cracked section were assume. IK the calculated stresses. are higher than those compatible ‘with an ncracked section, the analysis could be repeated ining, the effective ‘moment of inertia 8s specified in the ACI Code 38 STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS tan Pag Solopiate Solepiate Figure 18. Modeling of a Load Applied To a Soleplate [ Soleplate — owe Figure 19, Modeling of a Load Applied To a Soleplate ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES » J It is recommended that nodes should be located in the deck model as follows: ‘¢ At the junction of two or more besim members, ‘© At intermediate points along the length of the beam where loads are to be applied, if the computer program used requires forces and moments 0 bbe applied at the nodes rather than at points along the span of the bears elements. An example of such points is the soleplate locations where the turbine and generator interface with the foundation. f¢Ateach generator and turbine bearing location. The results (lisplacements, forces, etc.) should be calculated at enough points along the length of the beams so that the shear and bending diagram fan be constructed. If the program used requires that a node be specified for each point where the results are to be calculated, It is desirable 19 speclly nodes at regular intervals along the bean. If the programy can Calculate the results at points between nodes, the intermediate nodes between junction points are not necessary for a static analysis. + Enough elements should be used in the base mat model so that 2 fair estimate of the mat stiiness f obtained. A node should be placed at each Column and an additional node between columns in both the transverse and longitudinal sirectices. Concrete strength increases with time. As this occurs, the modulus of elasticity also increases. {tis recommended that a valve of E be used that Fepresents the modulus at the time the machine goes into service. The ‘modulus of concrete is given in Reference & a5 = 57,000 ¢Fe)/2 115,000 (F2)¥4) on where: E = modulus of elasticity of concrete in pst (kg/cm?) and ‘fe = compressive strength of concrete in psi (ka/cm?). ‘Computer Programs and Results Many computer programs are available that can be used for linear static ‘analysis of a turbine foundation. Some commonly used programs are STRUDL (Gi), NASTRAN G3), ANSYS (8), SAP G0), and STARDYNE G3). The peincipal requirement for Such a program is that it have the capability to analyze a theee- Gimersional space frame and that it have plate-bendifg elements to model the base mat and ary shear walls inthe foundation. In addition, the prograr™ selected should have a. wide variety of loadings that can be applied to. the foundations and it should be able to include the special modeling Considerations Of the bears as described earlier. 40 ‘STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS Regardless of the program selected, the deflection of the nodal points in the foundation and base mat, the forces and moments acting on specified crass sec tions of each girder, and the force distribution in the plate-bending elements should be computed as part of the detailed static analysis Dyeamic Analyst The objective of a dynamic analysis Is to determine if a turbine foundation will perform satisfactorily when subjected to dynamic loads, i.e. loads that vary with time, This section describes the recommended modeling’ procedures, the ‘methods of analysis, and the procedures to maximize the dynamic response. Models for Dynamic Analysis ‘The dynamic analysis of the turbine foundation requires @ model of the ‘superstructure that is composed of beam and plate elements similar to those required for the detailed ‘static anaiysis. ~The turbine foundation mat, if ‘modeled, is composed of plate-dending elements. The interaction betweat the ‘mat and soil is modeled”as a series of horizontal and vertical speings that ‘connect the mat nodes to fixed supports. Recommendations on the sol spring ‘modeling are presanted later in this cnapter. ‘The dynamic model should not be created independently of the statié model, but should be created from the static model by Incorporating the following! Enough nodes should be specitied along the length of the beams and columns $0 that al of the modes that have a natural frequency goal toot less than the operating speed of the machine will be catetletee, The lower tocer of ite foundation, which involve deflection of the top deck as unity are not atfected significantly by the number of nodes song the engin ‘of the beams. However, the higher modes, hich involve eifferental deflection of the top decky are affected by the distribution of the nodes. It ot modeled ‘ith enough nodes, these modes maybe entirely mised leading to incre The recommended minimum number of nodes; ny t9 be placed along the length of a span is given by the larger of the foliowing two valuest va L(t 2) net va (th) 0-2 2 bee f& 1G ow whores E » the modulus of elasticity, IMs the mass per uni length L = the'span, the operating speed of the machine in radians per second, ANALYSIS ‘TECHNIQUES 4 ‘A= the cross-sectional area of the member, and 11+ the moment of inectia for weak axis bending of the member. ‘The above expressions are derived trom the expressions for the bending and axial frequencies of a simply supported beam (37) and are based on the ‘otion that if the nth natural frequency of the Beam is at of helow operating Speed, at least n midspan nodes will Be needed to caleilate n modes using the discrete model. ‘The nodal masses can be computed elther by the lumped-mass appreach oF by the consistent mass method. In the lumped-mass approach, the masses of the beam elements are lumped at the nodes at wach end of the beam elements. This leads to a diagonal ‘mass matrix for the structure. The consistent mass appraach accounts for the distributed mass and the variation of deflection along the length of the beam. The mass matrix is nondiagonal, or full. For the same amber of nodes, the use of the consistent mass matrix will yield natural frequencies Which ace theoretically more accurate than those computed from the Jumped-mass approach (9), even though the cifference may be minor for mote practical problems, For the dynamic analysis, Young's modulus can be computed using Equation S"1. "The compressive strength sould represent the mean strength at the dime the machine goes into service. Ths is sitferent than that for state analysis, where it vas cecommended that the lower estimate of the Cam= pressive strength be used when the machine goes into service s0 that calc Fated sefiectons resting trom static loads Would be equal Toor larger than ‘he actual defietions. This practice wil not necessarily lead to a conserva Live calculation of the daplacemants resulting irom dynamic loads Decause ‘change in the moguls of elatiity changes the natural feequoncter of the {eunation, which in tuen may eause an inetease or decresee in the response of the structure. ‘The value of the modulus under dynamic loads is slightly larger than that compute using Equation 9-1. Reference 6 presents the empirical relation Ship by which the dynamic modulus of ‘elasticity can be. calculated. However, Equation 5-1 is recommended because the steuctural stiftness i. function ‘of El, whore fis the modulus of elasticity and [1s the moment of inertia, The moment of inertia used is that of the uncracked section. AS some ‘cracking may occur, the se of an uneracked section moment of inertia overestimates the stiffness. The use of a slightly lower Voung!s ‘modulus compensates fr this. ItLis recommended that 2% of critical damping for concrete elements and 185 of critical damping for steel elements be used for aynamie analysis for ‘operating loads. The lower than normal damping values reflect the fact that Turbine foundations are, in general, stressed. to rather low levels uncer operating loads. A 736 damping lor reinforced concrete elements may be Used for emergency loads or when foundation elements are stressed to Over 5006 of their utimate capacity. The dynamic model of the turbine foundation should include the machine. Omission of ‘the machine would introduce ‘considerable error in the 2 [STEAM TURBINE: GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS ccaleulated response of the foundation. There are two acceptable methods of modeling the machine on the foundation. ‘The first method of modeling the machine is to reduce it toa series of mass points jumped with the foundation model, These point masses are etermined ‘rom the dead weight soleplate loading given by the turbine ‘manufacturer. An example case, presented in Reference Il, illustrates Uns ‘ethod of modeling. In this method, the dynamic interaction between the ‘achine and the foundation ic not taken into account, causing incorrect Computation of the higher modes that involve relative displacement of the hedes on the top deck of the foundation. Therefore, the response of the foundation resulting {rem these moses could be erroneous. The second and more accurate method of modeling the turbine-generator includes dynamic model of the machine as well as the foundation (ly 7) This involves modeling the shaft as a lumped mass-beam system, modeling the bearing el film as spring elements with specified stifthess and damping characteristics, and modeling the Bearing pedestals as spring-mass systems. The stiffness and mass distribution of the turbine shell should also be incorporated. if available trom the turbine. manufacturer. this Information is unavailable, the feundation engineer has ne rational means of modeling the shell; in this event, the sual procedure is to lump the mass of the turbine. shell with the foundation model based on the ‘dead weight soleplate loading given by the manulacturer. 6 The effect of the foundation mat on the dynamic analysis of the super~ structure depends on the type of dynamic load being considered. If the dynamic load is a high-frequency force such as a rotating unbalance, the ‘elfect of the base mat is small, that is the base mat acts asa fixed base for the foundation. Therefore, the foundation may be adequately analyzed Sy using a model where the columns are assumed to be fixed at the mat (50 transiavion and no rotation) ‘On the other hand, if an exciting force such as an earthquake excites some fof the foundation's lower modes, itis generally necessary to use a combined ‘mat (crude model if necessary) and foundation model so. that the mat flexibility and soil-structure interaction may be taken Inco account. A discussion of the soll-structure interaction effects is presented later ths Chapter. "A discussion of the effect of the base mat on the results of @ ‘dynamic analysis is given in References 12, 1s, and 26. Method of Analysis Once the model has been created, It is necessary to perform a dynamic analysis to determine the displacement of the bearing locations and the axial forces, bending moments; shear forces, and torsional moments induced in the beams’ and columns of the foundation. These quantities are necessary to ensure that the foundation will meet the specitied deflection and steength eriteria. The two methods that are generally used for dynamic analysis of turbine foundations are the modal analysis method and the complex frequency response method (21). The modal analysis is appropriate when the damping and stiffness of the ‘machine/foundation(soil system can be approximated as frequency independent, ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 8 If this is not the case, the natural frequencies and mode shapes must be Computed for each forcing function frequency, leading to an unecenomical Solution. When the damping and stiffness cannot be approximated as frequency Independent, the complex frequeney response method ig used. This method 1s, feneral and is economical even when the damping and stiffness are not frequency ependent. A detailed description of the two metheds is given in References 13 and 33. Because of the specialized ature of the turbine foundation dynamic analysis, the following factors must be included in the analysis. Range of Loading Frequencies - The dynamic response of the turbine foundation is of particular interest at the operating speed of the machine, However, it is also of interest for all speeds of the machine, from 20% to 1208 of the operating speed, because the machine will operate at a range of speeds uring Startup and stutdown, Thus. It is desirable te construct a. trequency response curve as shown in Figure 20 for design quantities, e.g dsplacements, Phasing of Unbalance Forces ~ A design value of the unbalance fores arising from the roter is specified by the turbine manufacturer at each bearing of the turbine-generator set, and the unbalance force acts simultaneously at mere than ‘ote bearing. The unbalance forces should be arranged to yield the most probable maximurn Fesponse, as illustrated in Figure 6. Im general, the arrangement of unbalance forces that causes. maximum bearing ‘displacement will not be the same as the arrangement that cauces ‘maximum bearing reactions. Also, the assumption that all the unbalance Tocces are in phase or aligned may not lead to a maximum displacement. Appia of genes auany (Gress, displacement Speed of machine (in) Figure 20. Response Spectrum for Loads Applied To Foundation “4 ‘STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS ‘One method that can be used to compute the maximum displacements and forces sto analyze for the wnbalance farce at each bearing bf the turbines segue He rire ange 2 208 oe che operating Sheed. An upper limit of the response foreach Irequeny of tne unbalance force Sits a of te vaoes am cock fad cecing sores a ee ‘maximum response for each lrequency of te unbalance force Is the sare toot Sr the sum of te squares of the vals Tor each loading acting soparaiely. This ‘ethod allows the engineer to reste a pot simliar to that shown Fige 2 that will repesent tie maximum valve of the desired responce quamtey 38-8 ftnction of force frequency. ‘An alternate procedure, which can be used in conjunction with the modal spat prevented in Refrence [3 This method emis tht sever mode shapes of those modes near the operating speed be used to orient the unbalance forces for maximum displacement, However, this procedire cannot be employed when the complex: Impedance method is used because the mode shapes are hat known. Base Mat Analysis Procedures A combined superstructure and mat model, in which the mat has enous rpodes to adequately describe the stresses in the mat, yields results {or both tf {oundetien and the base mat desigh, making a separate analysis for the mat lunnecessary. However, when the mat is not included in the turbine foundation ‘model, or when only crude mat model is included as part of the turbine foundation model, a separate analysis 1s necessary to compute the base mat design forces. For this analysis, the base mat is modeled by plate-bending elements and the soll or pile supports as spring elements. The design moments and shears for the base mat are computed by imposing tie maximum column ceactlors and by performing sic annlpa or two-step analysis, the dynamic apd static load reactions are applied as loads on the mat model. As stated earlier in this chapter, the two-step procedure is most ‘commonly used. Soll-Structure Interaction Effects Th per pring mi acs san rani ee ot a ge Sar ee ed er cae Sateen pt ete, ates ace Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Static Response Soll-structure interaction is central to the geotechnical aspects of founda~ tion design, such as sizing the mat, checking total settlement, etc. However, solkstructure interaction for static loads is not important in the structural ‘analysis and design of the deck and columns for the follow ing reason ‘The machine alignment is affected only by differential displacements of the ‘beatings, not by overall rigid Bady translation or rotation of the foundation deck, IF conventional designs, the foundation members are sized to provide 8 rigid frame, chus minimiging the differential displacements resultirg (rom soilstructure interaction eltects. ANALYSIS TECHNIQUES 48 ‘Since the alignment is performed after the machine and foundation dead load have been active for some time, the majority of the soll-strictore Interaction effects due to machine and foundation dead loags occur pric to the initial alignment and thus do not affect. the machine upeeation, Realignment performed periodically "as ‘part of “routine maintenuie ‘accommodates any additional modest long-term soll-structurs interaceone 3 The ‘condenser vacuum loading ahd the thermal loadings are selt- {equtibrating within the foundation and thus their analysis is nat affctes by soil-structure interaction effects, 44 The foundation mat system for conventional designs is very rigid, thus minimizing itterential displacements ue to. sof-suctue ineractien eifects, ‘th adition, the foundation is generally capable of accommansiog moderate magnitudes of dliterential Geplacements by fedawelerea of member forces by inelastic ection Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on Dynamic Response Soilstructure interaction is known to have a significant effect on the fundamental modes of turbine foundations (12), However, 24 the frequency of the exciting force increases, the dynamic response appears to become less sensitive to soll-structure interaction. Thus, the importance of soll-structare interaction for a given load condition depends on the extent 10 which the lower ‘modes participate.n the response. inter %,2tlowing paragraphs discuss the significance of soilstructure interaction effects for periodic and nonperiodie forces. Berinfic Forces - The priccipal periodic forces acting on a turbine foundation ‘est from four” imbalance: Whether esccated aia) ene Speraing conditions or occurring asthe result of an emergency fuchns here Blade) the forcing function is siaoial, having a frequeseh nee ta hea ‘ypkcal large turbine foundations, he fundamental equencler se eters 12, 3y and 32) 30 the corresponding odes garetts ical fo the genes Consent ern fudnsh vibration amplitodes af the operating speed ‘ypicaly CANIN lite seta soilestructureimersetion 0, 31, ane 32, During startup or shutdown, of course, the rotor speed must pas throu the lower modes so these modes will dominave the response at these feces, {vss the low-trequency response is affected by the flexiblty of the saseecae {2).” For designing the foundation, however, the low-frequency roma feof Iitle importance because: the imbalance fore amplitudes are much es than atthe operating speed ane are thus not critical for designs and mas ‘the limits of vibeation amplitude for acceptable performance (11) are greater ‘han those atthe operating speed.” Sos" Ptable es * Nonpriodic Forces - This category incites short-circuit torque and ssc leads, “ecaise ofthe high irequary and sort duran at sey nein ‘he lower medes will ot partilpate significantly inthe respons se he Gane 6 ‘STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS of soll-structure interaction is negligible. On the other hand, the frequency ‘content of typical seismic excitation is such that substantial if not predominant, Participation of the fundamental modes may be expected, Consequently, soil Structure interaction will significantly affect the selemic respense of a turbine {oundation. Recommended Procedures Based on the above considerations, it can be concluded that, except for seismic excitation, soil-structure interaction generally does not have a major limpact on the design of the turbine foundation superstructure. Consequently, the following procedures are suggested fer static and dyoamic analysis. Static Analysis - It is acceptable to medel the deck and columns with the columns assumed fixed at the top of the mat. The mat is then. analyzed Separately, treating the fixed-end reactions from the columns as external loads, However, since the Introduction of mat flexibility could result in some recuetion| of the member forces in the superstructure, the analyst may wish to use a com bined model in which the mat is discretized with finite elements. In this ease, a linear distribution of subgrade (or pile) reaction ordinarily will be sufficiently accurate to account for seilstructure interaction because of the rigidity of the mat. (The rigidity criteria in Reference 2 may be consulted to verify the validity of this approach.) Dynamic Analysis - For a turbine foundation whose design is not governed by selsinie loads of foe which the response to harmonic excitation at frequencies Well below the operating speed Is not desired, a fixed-base model is adequat otherwise, soil-structure interaction should be included. In the latter case, for Feasonably homogeneous deposits, the soll may be modeled with lumpedsparaen- fer springs and dampers or zero-frequency Impedance functions (modified, a3 necessary, to account for bedrock at shallow depth). ‘The mat may be modeled as 1 rigid Block er may be ciscretized with finite elements (the latter method provides a better representation of the mat, but difficulties arise In specifying Suivalent distributed soil springs). For this reason, or when the soll depost IS highly renuniform, the analyst may elect to model the soll using a mote elabo- rate procedure, such as finite element or impedance matrix techniques. Chapter 6 Deflections Introduction Turbine-gonerator foundation designers have used foundation design criteria that are based on the static deflections of the foundation uncer a specifically Identified set ot loading conditions. In the design of turbine foundations, deflections are first and foremest a functional requirement. The turbine. Benerator manufacturers have many reasons. limit. the deflection ofthe furbine foundation io acceptable limits. A typical shaft is supported by a number of bearings. Excessive difterential deflections between adjacent bearings can induce large siresses in the shaft, In addition to large shaft stresses, differential deflection between adjacent bearings may result in overloading some of the bearings while other bearings may be underloaded. Since each bearing is specifically designed for a range of minimum and maximum loads 20 optimize the bearing performance, turbipe manufacturers recommend that the integrity of the bearings not be jeopardized by overloading. or underleading any bearing beyond its acceptable margin of satety. Finally, forall normal operating conditions, the minimum running clearances between the stationary and rotating elements of the machine must be maintained In the turbine interstage and shalt land steam seals and in the generator hhyérogen seals. ‘One way to achieve stnooth operation of 2 machine is t9 limit the total deflection, and in tun the differential deflection, of various structural components of the turbine foundation. In order to achieve this desired objective, the turbine manufacturers have sed Various methods of speeitying the deflection limits of turbine foundations History of Deflection Criter Originally, when the units produced less than 10,000 KW, turbine-generator foundations were designed to standards established by the foundation designers. ‘These early foundations were designed conservatively, since no deflection limits ‘were given by the turbine-generator manufacturers. The loading, usually {urbine-generator weight and condenser loads, was provided by the equipment ippliers. [A number of these foundations, each of which had a proven history of satisfactory. turbine-generator operation, were reviewed. " Dellection’ at selected paints were calculated and compiled, From this data some general ‘conclusions about the deflections of the turbine-generater foundations were 8 ‘STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS reached; that is, experience indicated that foundations designed to within these established" deflection limits would result in satisfactory per formance, However, a8 the machines became larger, it became extremely difficult for the foundation designer to meet these deflection criteria. A brief review of various methods of specifying deflection limits with the advantages and disadvantages of each {ollows, Absolute Deflection Criteria Past experience has shows that limiting the absolute deflection of various foundation components to within acceptable limits will enaure that the turbine~ fenerator will run smoothly. An example of an absolute deflection criterion is, that the total allowable vertical elastic shortening of the columns under a given loading is limited to 0.020 ineh (0.3 mm. ‘The advancages of using this type of criteria are that the resulting design will be both safe and conservative and the turbine-generator units will operate satisfactorily. Also, the foundation designer can complete the design without Fesocting. 10 numerous interaction ‘calculations that equite. kyput from the furbine-generator manufacturer. The main disadvantage is that the resulting design requires massive piers, which eliminates valuable room under the deck for biping and equipment ard increases the cost of the foundation. In addition, the fationale for the governing loading isnot always clear or easy t0 follow. Radius of Curvature Criteria The concept of defining, the deflection tolerances by a shaft radius of ‘curvature has been used in the past by some turbine manufacturers. and foundation designers. The radius of curvature is defined as the radivy of the Circle determined by any three points that lie in a plane in-space. This criterion generally requires. that radius of curvature be checked at each set of three Adjacent transverse girders for both the vertical and transverse directions. The Acceptable limits of vertical and transverse radii that describe the shatt Curvature caused. by loadings (except dynamic loading) subsequent to init alignment vary from one machine to anothers however, one general criterion that fas been widely used 1s 75 miles (120 km) for an 1800-r/min machine and 150 miles (240 kr) for a 3600-r/min machine. ‘The advantage of this criterion is that It is generally easier to meet than the absolute deflection criterion, since the radius ef curvature criterion considers the differential deflection between adjacent beams or bearing supports rather than a total deflection. The disadvantage of this concept is that an acceptable radius of curvature Value in a range of 79 to 150 miles 120 to 240 km) results in 4 conservative design that forces the foundation designer to provide a stiff deck Similae to one dasigned by the absolute deflection eriterion. As a consequence, the criterion Is difficult to meet for large foundations. Influence Coefficient Approach In order to more accurately determine the effects of displacement of the foundation under operating Joads, saveral turbine manufacturers have developed deflection criteria that utilize’ the influence coefficient approach, These DEFLECTIONS ° criteria define the amount of misalignment that turbine-generator rotoc system can withstand without imposing unacceprable loads on the rotor beac ings or unacceptable bending stresses in the rotor system. The foundation designer can calculate the deflections that may result from various londs that are applied to the foundation after the. inal tsbine ligament. He can then tae the intucnce coefficients provided by the erbines eerie, manufacture ‘fata specie ito” dctermite wheter the loundation response is likely to adversely affect the turine-generater operation ‘oF reliability. * a ‘An infiuence coefficient as used here isthe factor by which a detection is smultipied in oer to obtain the response at specific Ieeatons The faspona imay be the lad a 2 bearing apport oi the Seg sre inthe shay o 3 ‘normalized general force. These fesponses are compated against giver set of Allowabies(Iinimum and/or maximum bearing loady maximum stress eke) naire that the deflection ofthe foundation docs hot adversely affect the operation and relist ofthe machine. _ ABT E Se lerdainsony pevelemcing mansoni Free eer REN ee ree repro Stn face apr hae Hapoel ae a atari seers ty state nas, ge SOILS es ae Tot (ition ata gan repemect een ek Br meen eae nes a oar Prat ey erat Tere ri cote epmereae an Se cueanst ag of ns ate oh aris Scenes Ry = Ral eCyyy + Cay + Cary wo \wheret Rg! = the intial response at Location 2, Cy = the change in response at Location 2 per unit of vertical + "deflection of Location y and Yj = the vertical deflection of Location i from the initia position. Note that this response may be deflection, beam hending or shearing stress, Support reactions, beam member forces (moment, shear) etes depending onthe quantity of interest, ‘Note also that the position af the point of terest as well a the required response determine the sign of the quantity, C, A specific example of the influence coefficient approach for turbine- ‘enerator foundation design follows. Figure 22 shows a simplified line deawing Of the first two casings of a turbine-generator with a shaft system supported be 0 STEAM TURBINE-GENERATOR FOUNDATIONS Figure 21. Propped Cantilever Beam four bearings, The rotors are precisely aligned with one another in the cold "Natural Frequencies of a Turbine Foundation," Structural Design of Nuclear Plant Facilities, Vol ly ASCE, New Yor New Yon 1975 pe SIPS Srinivasull, Py and’ Lakeshamanany Nop Dysamic Response of Turbo Generator Pedestals;" presented at the” April 24-28, 19/8, ASCE Spring Convention and Exhibit, held at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania (Preprint 3169). STARDYNE computer program, "Structural Analysis System," Mechanics Research Inc., Las Angeles, California. STRUDL computer program, "Structural Design Language," Massachusests institute of Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Timoshenko, S. Py Young, D, Huy and Weaver, Way It Vibration Problems In Engineering, bth ed, Wiley Publishing Cow, New York, NeW York, 197%. = — 36. REFERENCES 7 Trombil, Gu, "Spring-Mounted Foundations for Tuchosets," paper presented 41967 Fall Canadian Power Conference, held at Eamonton, Canada. Volterray Ex and Zachmanaglov, £., Dynamics ef Vibrations, Merril Books, Ine, Columbus, Oni, 1965.

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